Dear Hotohori,
i already told you that my brother and friend are going out. i took your advice and slightly hinted my feelings about that to them. a few days later, i got sick of hinting it to them and i told my friend exactly how i felt. we got along fine for a few moments after that, but then my brother gave her something and she showed me(its a fairly private thing). then we got into a big fight and now were not even talking to eachother. i know that my brothher has always hated me, but i never thought that he had it in him to make me loose one of my friends. what should i say or do?
Dear Jamie,
What did you fight over? Have you tried apologizing to her?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Konnichi wa! I decided to show you the emoticons I worked out for you all, will you please tell me what you think?
Chiriko: |
( | ) (^_^) |
Tamahome: |
(VV^)><><><><><>|< |
Chichiri: |
||| (^_#)------<
Nuriko: |
(^_\)XXXXXXXX< |
Mitsukake: |
^^^ [*_*] |
Hotohori: |
|(^_^)| |
Miaka: |
O(^_^)O | | |
Tasuki: |
haven't come up with one. |
Tama-neko: |
>^(*_*)^< |
Tada! Please tell me what you think!
Dear Baka-chan,
Very clever!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi, I didn't quite know who to ask, but, how would a person be able to get over being extreamly shy? Shyness is killing me. The man in our backyard does weird things, and even though my dad tells me to tell him to stop, I can't. I'm up all night hearing him outside doing stuff, he's been in jail before for cooking. Cops found enough stuff at the neighbor's house to take out theirs, an' bout half of the houses on either side(not good since we live right next door). He brings the strangest looking people into our yard, some look like they're still in school. And we've heard that he did something to some young girl oncem and that he's a mollester(sp?). And I don't know if I'm being paranoid or something, but I keep smelling strange fumes coming from I don't know where. My dad doesn't seem to smell them though, I dunno, kinda reminds me of trees in a way, but I dunno. And just a few minutes ago, the guy was in the back, I don't know what he's doing, but it sounded like he was getting everything glass he could find, and then breaking it. I just want my house back. I feel like as if he's taken over the house and he's watching everything in it. And I can't even do anything about it 'cause I can't work up the nerve to tell anyone anything!
Please help me?
Oh, and what'd you think of the sequential stories?
Dear Fallon,
You don't sound shy, you sound terrified of your neighbor and his questionable activites. Have either you or your father contacted the police to report these suspicious activities? If not, one of you, preferably your father, should.
We enjoyed the stories, arigato. Did you get CnA's email? She's backed them up for you in case anyone ever deletes them out of your account. Good luck!
Dear Nuriko,
*hugs Ryu back* Ai shiteru..
Now lets eat this fish ne? *unpacks the dishes and the ohashi* Did you find the wild veggies by those trees over there? My Itoshii a chef of the wilderness.
*picks up a few small fillets of the catfish with the thick part of her ohashi and puts them on her plate* hmm light and thin cut :) *eats a fillet* YUMMMM.. where did you get the lemon from?? *eats more of the fish*
Dear Doc-sama,
*Smiles* A grteat chef never reveals his secrets! {Raided the Imperial kitchens} I'm glad you like it.
Dear Chichiri,
Um, I know you don't like talking about your deceased friend, so I'll try and make this quick. I know you were betrayed, and I'm feeling the same way. See, there are these girls in my class who constantly torture me, and I try to be polite to them. But, they insist on rolling their eyes at me and talking about me behind (and in front) of me. So, I don't know how to deal with this without crying myself to sleep every night. Any advice? You were the first person I could think of who could help me. Thanks, Chichiri!!
need someone to talk to
Dear need someone,
Well, to begin with, these girls are not your friends, no da! I would ignore their malicious, juvenile remarks and find better people to hang out with, no da.
Dear Mitsukake,
Aniki! *hugs him* *works* grr... I'm writing a songfic to the adema song "Speculum" and I'm having trouble with's about nuriko's death, from chiriko and tasuki's point of view...and there's something wrong with it, and i can't tell what! *works furiously* where can i get fanfiction help other than the suzaku seishi fanfiction review??
Dear Jashi,
Gomen as I don't write fanfiction, I really don't know if any sites that could help you. Have you tried doing a search for "fanfiction help" or going to and seeing if they coud help? Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Hotohori,
Houki growls at her Sai's lofty opinion of himself. "You're getting as annoying as Tamahome and Miaka chanting each others name.." Houki picks up a pillow and whacks him in the head several times with it. " Such an egotistical male.." *whack* " I love you dearly, but you are so aggravating at times.." Houki puts the pillow back and walks off.
Dear Houki,
*Smiles and laughs*
Dear Nuriko,
Moo e.e Heya e.e How are you doing? *ish hyper and when she is hyper she says moo, bark, quack, and e.e* e.e ehehehahaha *and also laughs uncontrolably* e.e eheheheheahahehehahaohohohehehahaha e.e Yesh im wierd e.e moooo e.e bleh how was ur summer so far? @.@ Mine was good, on the computer all day, talking to my friends on msn e.e ehehe ^.^ im almost out of soda o.o NOOOOOOO e.e *gets more soda* YAY!! e.e *gives Nuriko abunch of flowers and stuff* e.e Wheee hope u like them @.@ Cya sooooon!!! e.e Moooooo~! e.e
The Hyper Kisato-Chan e.e
Dear Kisato-Chan,
Arigato for the flowers! I'm glad you're having fun!
Dear Nuriko,
Yhea i have tryed every thing. talking to her, asking the coaches to talk to her, ever ignoring her. Well the thing that bothers me is that every time she does something wrong she reams me and that she always threatens people if we don't do something or aren't loud enough. Oh yhea and there is also the fact that she thinks that she knows everything about every position so she trys to tell people, like me, how to do our jobs.
Dear Filia_Nile,
She sounds like a bully. Have you tried just verbally standing up to her? You know, like when she yells at you for her mistakes, you tell her it's her fault and to stop blaming others for what she did wrong. Good luck!
Dear Chichiri,
Hi, no da! I'm planning to cosplay as you for Otakon this Saturday, no da! Either way, I need to know- how do you get your bangs to stay up constantly, no da? Also, can you see well through that mask, no da? Peace and Love na no da! ^_^
Dear Kouran-chan,
My bangs grow like that naturally, no da. You may want to use super-hold gel and/or hairspray, no da. Yes I can see through my mask.
Dear Tamahome,
If I asked you a question and you didn't really give me an answer, will I still have to pay the fine?
Oh yeah, since this isn't a question(freebie!), I wish you luck with Miaka's cooking. Get that tummy of steel!
Rose--Shukumei's Friend
Dear Rose,
Yes. Arigato, I'll need it.
Dear Tasuki,
*glomps him* NII-SAN!!! =^_^= How are ya??? I've been doing better lately! Didja miss me?? Huh huh huh?? *pokes his cheek and then pokes his chest* ^.^
Juuhachigou aka Angel-chan
Dear Angel-chan,
Sure did! I'm fine! So, what're ya' up to?
Dear Tamahome,
TAMAHOME!!! *walks up to him and sticks her hands on her hips glaring at him from beneath platinum blonde bangs with her icy blue eyes**gives him a big bag of gold* Here, I forgot when your birthday is! Gomen!! ;-;
Kaiho Tsutomu
Dear Kaiho Tsutomu,
Arigato! *Smiles* Don't worry about being late!
Dear Hotohori,
*sigh* Hello. *sighs again* I'm going to my dad's house for all of August so I won't be able to write to you for a while (my parents are devorced. I think I already told you that), and I'm kinda bummed about that. *eyes lighting up* Oh, well! I get to see my daddy! I'll write to you as soon as I get back okay and I'll tell you about everything. *kissing a picture of my dad* Bye for now!
Dear Guardian,
Have a great time with your father.
Dear Hotohori,
*Hugs* Arigatou for helping me.
Question:Where do you live?
Question 2:How many years old are U?
Question 3:How to say I like you in Japanese?
Yukino Yamazaki
Dear Yukino Yamazaki,
You're very welcome. I live in the Imperial Palace in Konan. I am 18. Watshi wa anata ga suki desu.
Dear Chiriko,
I thought Amiboshi was one of the seiru (or seishi) 8 or 7. Well I just wanted to state my question. Are Suboshi and Amiboshi Yaoi related? Or just close brothers?
Suboshi and Amiboshi fan
Dear Suboshi and Amiboshi fan,
They are twin brothers.
Dear Tamahome,
Hey Pen-pal I got a question. Have you (or any other seishi) gotten your wisdom teeth taken out? I'm about to go get it done in an hour. I've never been knocked out before, or had stitches. I'm not scared of anything about it except the needle. I hate needles. Well, wish me luck on not looking like a chipmunck afterward, like Doc-sama said I would. I'll bring you back a peanutbutter fudge milkshake..if I survive *weak grin*.
Dear XellossMetali,
We haven't but CnA has. You might want to soak some gauze pads in warm salt water, place them on the sockets where the teeth used to be, and the bite down on them. It's good for killing any germs in the area and it will speed up the healing of your gums. Take care.
Dear Tamahome,
*climbs down from her stilts and sits on them* Hmmm.... it wasn't that we never said we couldn't see other people - but it's just that he went behind my back about it. Didn't say a word about seeing anyone else, or wanting to go steady with them, until he accidentaly showed me a wrong entry in his online journal..... *sighs*
Thing is I'm honestly not that upset aobut it... I'm not very attatched to the guy and it really tended to make me uncomfortable, when he told me he loved me all the time...
I had a terminal view of our relationship - always thinking, how this is my FIRST real realtionship, it isn't going to work out. It'll fall apart and then maybe the next person will be the one....
I dunno... maybe it's my fault that he's wandering...
Dear Taiit,
I doubt it. Men do occasionally wander. Besides, you're young and if you want to see him as a friend you still can. Just chalk it up to experience and growing up.
Dear Tasuki,
I know of XenoGears, I'm a playstation freak so even if i never play the games I sure as h*ll have read about them! Well have her look out for me^^ I'll be dressed as you on Friday, and female Ranma on Saturday.
It a big relief that I don't gotta worry about you and Kouji jumping me in my sleep...then again...why would I NOT what that to happy? HAHA! I'm joking. Anyhow, I found a very disturbing picture on a yaoi site of YOU AND NAKA-BAKA! THAT'S WRONG! DOn't you worry, I'm not a supporter of you being in yaoi art of fics. I can handle just about any other character, except you and Chichiri. ::pat pat:: You guys were not meant for that stuff, I know you two are straight^.~ where would fangirls like me be if you were....well you get my drift.
Here's just a little question, I'm sure you may have been asked before: What IS your type of girl? Or guy for that matter? BAWAWA just kidding XD. And physical attributes you particuarly like about girls hm? Well that's about all my bitchin' and gabbin' for the moment ^.~ I'll be slipping you some more mail, even when I'm on vacation, its not hard to drug my family and sneak on their computer for a few minutes^^
Dear GirlGenChan,
I dunno. I guess someone who ain't nothin' like my sisters!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I have a question for all the seishi^^ If you were all reborn in this time, in the US, where would you be, what would you be doing, would you still look the same, and what age would you be? Or if you don't really know, what would you like to happen if you were in the present world, hm? I'm just surious since I'm in an RPG set in the future....I mean post-star trek time. So i was just wondering what's up if it were all in the present. Thanks ^-^
Dear GirlGenChan,
OK, we're all going to go for what we'd like to happen.
Tasuki: I'd still look like me an' be th' same age. I'd probably be th' head of my karate club.
Chichiri: I too would be the age I am now, no da. Perhaps I would not have the scar, but I would still look like me. I would be a graduate student of psychology, no da.
Mitsukake: I would also opt for my same age and appearance. I would like to be in Med school.
Tamahome: Miaka and I would still be together as a happily married couple that is expecting their first child. Oh wait! That's the 3rd OAV! But that is how I want things. *Smiles*
Hotohori: I would still look the same and be the same age. I think I would be a Political Science major.
Nuriko: I would be the same age and almost look the same except I would be female! And dating Hotohori… tee-hee…
Chiriko: I wouldn't mind being 16 and in high school.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
*laughs* Awwww, but you and Chichiri make such a cute couple!!!! *giggles again and sprays with water before disappearing*
Dear WaterMage,
Dear Nuriko,
*gets a look in her eye and whacks him in the butt with the mop* See if I drool over you again.
*pulls the bloody strands out of her nose and throws them into the fire* You don't deserve the complement, you, you male.
Dear Doc-sama,
*Smiles and hugs her.*
Dear Mitsukake,
but its more fun loud! then you can glare at them and go NANI! and have them think your insane!
Dear Tana,
Perhaps, but it's not nice to disturb others.
Dear Chichiri,
No, I don't need them! The dentist said I might want to consider getting them, but I didn't need them, thank L-sama. Happily, my dad's not going to make me get them either. :) Oh, well, anyway, do you know where I can find Rufus Shinra shrines?
Dear Tasuki,
...I turned 21, bebii~! I'll have to show you and WMC-sama the keeki Mulan made for me too -- it had you over half of it, passed out from a little too much alcohol induced fun, and on the other half... it was covered with mini bottled spirits (the tiny cute shot ones).
*fang grin* 'oi, sorry I haven't kept in touch. Daigaku is hard...I spent half my summer on a train getting to an english class, isntead of sleeping. *grumps* how many harem women of yours do I hafta compete with *now*?! o_O
Dear Amy-chan,
WMC doesn't seem to visit anymore but we'll certainly send her your address. I wanna see th' keeki! Happy 21st birthday! *Toasts her with some sake and grins.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I'm getting the first tape of Fushigi Yuugi, (dub) and I'm really looking forward to seeing it! Unfortunately, *sniffle* I'll only get to meet three of you... *sniff, sniff* And since Alaska doesn't have a lot of Fushigi Yuugi (it's into the more "popular" anime, like Pokemon, Sailor Moon, and Dragon Ball Z), I don't know when I'll be meeting the rest. *sob*
But Nuriko-san, Hotohori-sama, and Tamahome-san, I'm looking forward to meeting you! And as for the rest...I hope to see you guys soon as well!
I'll be waiting! ^_^
Dear Rachael-chan,
We hope you enjoy our adventures. We did read your other letters and have done as you requested. However, to answer that question, we are all in agreement that that is utterly wrong. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Hotohori,
or should I say Emperor. I would just like to let you know that I find you completely hot. I even joined your fan club. I may even learn HTML to make a mini-shrine for you. What I really do not get is why you like Miaka so much. She obviously doesn't deserve you and is completely taken with Tamahome. Why did you even try to get her to like you? I mean, you did have her liking you for a while but that was only when Tamahome was being controled by Nakago. Then, after she got Tamahome back, she blew you off and went straight back to Tamahome without even giving you a "Thank you for Trying to Save Me from Tamahome When He was Turned Against Us" But, now that you have Houki, everything is OK. Obviously she Loves you unlike Miaka.
Kari A.K.A. Tama-neko
Dear Kari,
I was drawn to her because she is very sweet and unselfish. But I am very happy with Houki now.
Dear Tasuki,
Thanks, Tasuki-chan. I'm glad I can talk to you. *whispers* You're my favourite seishi, I love you! What colour Speedo would you like? I imagine that black would be the best selection, maybe that or a hot pink...
Erinu no Rafusen
Dear Erinu no Rafusen,
Chichiri no Aijin suggested red. But black's fine, too! Anythin' 'cept pink!
Dear Nuriko,
Have you heard Bowie's new one, 'Heathen'? It's great, reminds me of Aladdin Sane stuff. I'm glad he's going back to his old style. You have good taste in music. How about *glances 'round* Billy Idol?
Erinu no Rafusen
Dear Erinu no Rafusen,
I like his older stuff. "White Wedding" is one of my favorites.
Dear Tasuki,
Hey there, *jumps on Tasuki's back* can you give me a piggy back ride?
Winter: *runs up to tasuki and is crying* that man over there, he beat me up... *eye starts to turn black and blue*
Chibi Tasuki: ne ne ne, after you get done beating up that bad person with your Tessen, could you visit a site that I made?? Here is the Address:
Winter: *makes puppy dog eyes, so he can't refuse not to help her* please??
Winter and Chibi Tasuki
Dear Winter and Chibi Tasuki,
Nice site. But ya' really need to title yer peejis so people know what they're clickin' on. What man? Where?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
My best friend and I are incredibly close. We just spent three weeks at camp as roommates, and we still talk and try to see each other everyday. But we do get into really big fights. She thinks that we're becoming too close, like we're becoming the same person. She says maybe we should take some time off from each other, but I don't like not seeing or talking to her. Is she right, though?
Dear Meikumo,
Some breathing room is good in any relationship, no da. Perhaps you can try and limit your contact to once a week.
Dear Tasuki,
My aunt died last weekend of lung cancer..*hugs Tasuki tightly* I miss her.
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
*Holds her* I'm so sorry fer yer loss. Ya' can cry on my shoulder if ya' wanna.
Dear Tasuki,
Did you ever love Miaka? And I've read your diary entry on a different site, and Tamahome sounds like a jerk! Was he really that bad?
Dear Leah,
I don't know 'bout no diary, but I didn't love Miaka! She was jus' like lil' sister to me. Nah, Tamahome really ain;t THAT bad!
Dear Nuriko,
Ne ne ne, How would I get my hair to grow really long really fast? *looks over at chibi Tasuki*
Chibi Tasuki: *hides tessen* What? I didn't do anything to your hair Winter!
Winter: ... He burnt my hair, so I need my hair to grow again... grrrrrrrrr r! I'm Gonna blame this on Tasuki!
Dear Winter,
Gomen ne but hair only grows so fast. Nice copy of Tasuki's tessen! But I think yiu need to be more careful with it.
Dear Hotohori,
Hello, Curious again! *wink* I wanted to let you know that I'm changing my name. Instead of "Curious" I'm going to be using my nick name, Guardian. It may seem like a strange name but it actually came from a mysterious dream my twin sister had. In her dream I was a guardian of some sort of goddess. So my sister liked the dream so much that she gave me the nick name. By the way she might change her name too. She will probably use the nick name I gave her, Savior. She'll explain when she writes to you in a little bit. Well, bye for now.
p.s. Give your son a kiss for me okay, just because he is the cutest in the whole wide world ^.~
Dear Guardian,
I shall. Arigato for your kind words.
Dear Hotohori,
Hi! Who do u think is more beautiful? You, Houki or Miaka? Thx~! ^_^
Dear Boogie,
*Sweatdrops* That's a very difficult question … I would have to say that while Miaka is cute she is not beautiful. Houki is beautiful. In fact, she is almost as beautiful as me! So I guess that makes me more beautiful than either of them!
Dear Chichiri,
Hi Mr. Blue-Hair Man, I have a question for you. Daddy said he luvs Mummy's kitty-kat more than he does her...Why doesn't Daddy luv Mummy?
Dear Chibi-kid,
I don't know, no da. Perhaps you misunderstood him.
Dear Tasuki,
Hiya! *big grin* 'Member the sparkles? *holds up a big can of 'em* ^______^ So whatcha been up to?
Dear Kashke,
We've been busy wit' convention stuff an' outta town guests.
Dear Chichiri,
*glomp!*grin* I finally got Kuro-neechan ta stay the night at my house. We watched The Mothman Prophecies with my ototo, and we freaked ourselves out. ^^; We stayed up alll night...We are very slap-happy peeps right now...^__________^
Dear Kashke,
I'm glad you both had a good time, no da.
Dear Tamahome,
*grin* Why is there a picture of you in a bikini in your gallery? Is there a joke behind it? What's the point? Does Tasuki tease you about it?
Dear Kashke,
*Sweatdrops* Because a fan drew it and Chichiri no Aijin posted it… YES! >.<;;;
Dear Nuriko,
*awed look* You have such long and pretty hair!!!! *is slap-happy and noticing everything as though fr the first time*
Dear Kashke,
*Waves hand in front of her face…* Are you ok?
Dear Mitsukake,
*Glomp!* You do no get enough love from your fans....I think it because they are so shy....*gives you a great big hug and a huge card signed by all Mitsu-fans* ^________^
Dear Kashke,
*Smiles and hugs her back* Arigato!
Dear Chiriko,
I just finished reading Archangel by Sharon Shinn. Veeery good book. ^_____^ Ever read it? If not, then I suggest ya do! ^______^
Dear Kashke,
I haven't, but I read the review of it on and it sounds interesting. Have you read the rest of the trilogy? Arigato!
Dear Tasuki,
*hugs Tasuki crying* oniisan... *cries*
Dear Kylie,
What's th' matter?
Dear Tamahome,
Hey pen-pal, Just thought I'd tell you how I'm doing. I went to A-kon and *is very proud of this* I made some friends! They're all in college and live far away from me, but we have e-mail and snail mail. Its was pure coincidence that I went as Marron and they went as Carrot, Chocolat, Tira, and Milphey. They imediatly adopted me and we spent the rest of A-kon together. I cant wait to go to college, they have proven that college is much better than high school. We're planning to enter the cosplay contest next year as the Sorcerer Hunters, though they are gonna cosplay as you guys next year and I'm going as Taikoubou from Houshin Engi. I just hope they dont find a Gateau by then or I'll be in trouble. *sweatdrop*. I got a job that I hate and I'm gonna quit before school starts. The only good thing about it is that I got a DVD player from it and I ordered Inu-Yasha on DVD. Other then that not much is going on. You need to come to the chat in your "spare time", I havent really been waiting for you there, I've been helping other people out there. I like solving other people's problems. Well, I'll c-ya later. ja.
sore wa himitsu desu! *jk*
Dear XellossMetali,
COOL! It sounds like things are going well for you. I'm really glad to hear that you made friends at A-kon.
Dear Tasuki,
Is it weird to be afraid to go into your senior year of high school? Cuz im kinda scared that im gonna loose all my friends by the end of the year and i have no clue what college im gonna go to or what I want to do at all... My ACT scores wernt really low or anything... and i didnt take the SAT but my score on the ACT for math without using a calculator was higher than what i scored on the thing to take Japanese... and I still can't take japanese cuz I would have to be able to find my own way up to the college and I cant drive yet... but there are other ways to learn japanese ^_^ so... I'm not being stupid for being afraid of next year am I?
Dear Tana,
Not really. It's kinda like unknown territory an' that kinda stuff usually scares people! Yer gonna be jus' fine.
Dear Tasuki,
Hey, Just thought I should tell ya, I saw Kouji at A-kon. He was missing ya real bad. Everyone was saying "look theres Tasuki!" and Kouji'd look around for ya. I did the bandit dance with him to make him feel better, which work, demo I was way ooc for being Marron *sweatdrop*. I can see why you like the bandit dance its very interesting to say the least! *fwaps Tasuki with a tessen (sp?)* Dont leave Kouji by himself next year. Its a very sad sight to see a lonely bandit.
Dear XellossMetali,
*LOL* I'll try not to but I was on th' other side of th' country at AX.
Dear Nuriko,
Wai-ness!! ^_____^ I'm sooooooo happyyyy!! That's cause I'm gonna get to work alongside young French-speaking artists from all over the country!!! (Ehe...That country being Canada. *beams proudly*)Oh, and there's also a fanart of mine I've been meaning to send in...well, the URL to it, anyway. ^^;;; So, here it is. ^^ Well, gotta run, and hope you enjoy the fanaaaart!! ^^ Ja ne Nuriko-saaan!! ^___^
Skriana the Shadow Dragon
Dear Skriana,
Arigato for the lovely picture! Have fun with your artists!
Dear Hotohori,
im very confused right now! im very far from home, and my best friend from school, my brother and his friend are are with me. My brother and friend are now a ''couple'' and im feeling in the dark about everything and as if im a third wheel all the time. i end up hanging out with my brother's friend and im almost sure we feel the same way. should i tell them how i feel, or should i just leave them alone?
Dear Jamie,
It sounds as if your friend and your brother are now a couple and are leaving you and his friend to fend for yourselves. You might to gently clue them in on how you feel. Hopefully, they will be considerate of those feelings.
Dear Hotohori,
Can you tell me how to face love problems.Cos I like someone in class and I do not know how to tell him.I can't think of a way to tell him. Question:Do still like Miaka?
Yukino Yamazaki
Dear Yukino Yamazaki,
You may want to get to know him as a friend first and see where things go from there. Miaka will always be special to me. Good luck!
Dear Chichiri,
::settles down beside him and just stares at the pond water for a moment before doing anything, her ears in that funny "I'm-annoyed-and-I-don't-care-if-the-whole-world-knows-it half pin::*sigh* Why is it that just as soon as I get back from a trip, everyone else has to go somewhere else? Why?! And without me, to boot! I happen to love going to Corpus Christi. ::pouts and makes her cast on the water:: Well, actually that wasn't my folks fault. They'd take me if they could, but the arrangements for the teacher's conference had to be made ahead of time and they could only get rooms for the three teachers going,(my stepdad being one of them) and my mom. Plus I have several cats to care for, not to mention a dog, a goat, two horses and two pigs. Normally, my mom stays with me, but this year, my stepdad is getting his 30-year pin and she want's to be there to see it (I don't blame her, I wanted to too). I wish they didn't have to go, though. I know I'm being a bit "shellfish", but I've been gone for over two weeks now, and I'd like to be home with family. Despite the fact that I will be having my brother and his wife, along with my stepsister and her fiance with me during the week, it's just not the same. It's not fair! ::sighs again:: I still want them to have a good time though. I'll be writing some other friends for support, too, but right now, I just kinda need a shoulder to lean on. Thanks for lending me an ear. :: smiles a half-smile. Her ears perk just a tiny bit as she leans on his shoulder a little and waits for a bite.::
Dear Tigress,
*Gives her a hug.* I know, life isn't fair, no da. But maybe they'll bring you back something nice from the trip, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
*rips off pieces of mop and sticks them up her nose*
It's either this or keep bleeding.
*uses the rest to clean up the drool*
Dear Doc-sama,
*Stands there laughing*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Yay Mesa Gets to have big brothers and sisters!! *jumps around and jumps on Tasuki's head* I'm gonna call yous tasu-kun!! tee hee hee!!
Chibi Tasuki
Dear Chibi Tasuki,
I been called worse … Tasuki
Dear Tasuki,
Good guess. I named him Genrou! ^^ Congrats to CnA!
Mika Kino
Dear Mika Kino,
She says thank you.
Dear Tasuki,
Weeeee,thanks for letting me know when the anime party is. Now I can tell my friend Nicole,when it is,so she'll be able to know whether or not she can come. Thanks for the congrats ^___^. Heehee. I really don't want to go to Mt. Sac because they're not reliable unlike Chaffey. Mt. Sac took me 4 times to finally get to my registration thingy. First time was like you can NOT register at this time and blah blah second time my dad calls,and he said he got a "please hold",so I call back a third time,and it said,that I'm not in the computer and then the fourth time I finally got through. I was like that's messed up. -_- Can you believe it 4 frickin times to get through the phone line on my registration time to register for classes,when Chaffey doesn't have one ounce of problem? Oi vey. The only reason why Rose wants to go to Mt. Sac is because of the asians there,and some of it is because of our friend's. But the majority is because of asians. So I guess since she's my ride I have to go where she goes -_-. Anyways,I got into the japanese class,so I guess that's all that matters although,sometimes whenever I try talking in Japanese Rose always goes " You have to say it in an accent" grrrrr...that really get's on my nerves sometimes but I don't show it cause she's my best friend and all and my twin so I don't like showing my other side towards her although I did once...<.<;;; anyways,when you speak Japanese do you really have to say it in an accent? I have trouble doing accents I can't do 'em. I mean yeah sure I can do irish,because I'm part irish,but I can't have an accent when I'm talking in Japanese so do you really have to have one? O.o;;; (is this confusing?). Well,I think I'm babbling now so I guess I'll be going now. Sorry that this isn't really a question Tasuki-kun
Dear Shukumei,
I ain't sure. I know Chichiri no Aijin's Japanese friends say when she speaks Japanese she sounds Japanese. So, I guess there's a kinda an accent. But ya' can't really fake it , ya' jus' gotta develop it over time.
Dear Tasuki,
**runs after him muttering obscenities** I'm gonna beat the daylights out of you, Gen-chan!!!! **Is weilding logs** Muahahaha!!! Aidou Jr, ne? How about THIS for Aidou???? **Throws log, hits Tasuki in the back of the head** Bwahahahaha!!!! Take that, baka!! I'll never give up on being a bandit... I'm too d*mned stubborn to give up! **Sits on the fallen Tasuki's chest... tickles nose with a feather** How bout you... do YOU give up? eh? **grin**
Dear Kokkei,
Never! *Flips her and takes off again.*
Dear Tasuki,
You know my friend H*llb*tchchuchu right? Well if she writes to ya please notify me!
Fallen Angel (SAS)
Dear Fallen Angel,
Sure! Why?
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki? Hon? ^^; I've been a crazed hentai fangirl for sometime now. Just recently I've become a crazed yaoi fangirl. But..I don't enjoy Fushigi Yugi yaoi as much as I love Kenshin and Weiss Kruez yaoi. *-* worries. ^^
Dear Keiko,
*Sweatdrops* Thank Suzaku fer small favors…
Dear Hotohori,
Hey! I'm back from Big Bear! It was ok but I got sun burned on my face. *holding my face to hide from the sun* But the fun part was the jet skiing! When my sister and I are on those things we are like speeding water demons. The part that sucks is that I can't drive them by myself until I'm sixteen (three more years). So my mom had to ride with us and my twin was driving. The water was choppy so when these two waves collided under us we went a good five feet above the water! Thanks to my twin's great driving skills we landed without tipping over! Well, I'm sure you've had enough listening to me tell you about my weekend so I'm going to go now. See ya!
p.s. When you hugged my sister she freaked out! She was jumping around the room screaming Hotohori hugged me! *L.O.L*
Dear Curious,
*Smiles* I'm glad I was able to make your sister happy and that the two of you had a good time.
Dear Chichiri,
Hey, it's me Curious. That's ok. I asked you a question about something that happened a while ago so I don't blame you for not remembering. I appologize if I put you through so much trouble. *bow*
Dear Curious,
Not a problem, no da. It really wasn't any trouble.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I need so help real bad. There is this girl on my softball team who really bothers me to the point of wanting to hurt her. What would any of you recomend???
Dear Filia_Nile,
Why does she bother you? Have you tried talking calmly to hr and asking her not to do whatever it is that is annoying you?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Heya Minna-San ^^ My last Site was getting abit on my nerves cause i couldnt add sum of the stuff i wanted to.. But i have a new site @.@ Its still called "Blood Red Rose" Tis bout anime! Of course >.> @.@ Well The link Ish ehehe i had to get yahoo in order to make a site from geocities...well atleast thats what ma' friend said @.@ hehe hope u all enjoy it! ^-^ Cyaz! ^.^
Dear Kisato-Chan,
Nice site! We'll add it to our Links Peeji.
Dear Tamahome,
*comes in on stilts and leans on you* Hey Tamahome! How's life as a Suzaku Seishi going?
Gotta question for you..... *gives two ryu* Should I break if off with this guy I'm dating seeing as he's seeing another girl and didn't tell me?
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
YES! He's a two-timing loser who doesn't deserve you.
Dear Tamahome,
awww.... well what are the chances of you being here in my world? I mean it would be cool wif there was a way for you to be here... but yeah its cool. So what have you been doing lately anything cool or unique? I've been playin music and hanging with friends alot. Which a fun and cool well write back and hope to talk to you soon buh byes!
with love,
sweet steph
Dear sweet steph,
We've been to Anime Expo in Long Beach and San Francisco, so far.
Dear Tasuki,
hey there buddy o pal how are you? So u see anyy good bar fights or fights in general? How are your sisters doing and most of all how are you? I was thnkin of sending you sake but i dont know your location and all... so that is a prob anyways me and my friend say hi and wanna say we love ya as a close friend nothing serious or mushy.well write back buh byes!
your two good pals
Dear pals,
Me an' my sisters are all doin' fne. I ain't seen many fights good or bad lately. Thanks fer askin'.
Dear Chichiri,
I think it would explain PLENTY. Anyway, yeah, I think that was a little obvious that my friend was Ira Mirado. At least she stopped complaining, but my dentist suggested I might want to get braces as well. I'm not getting them, but not because of the pain. It's because my dad said I'd have to wax them a lot to keep them from cutting up my mouth at first. And I couldn't chew some things, like bubble gum. And I LOVE bubble gum. Oh, well.
Dear Amy-sama,
Well, if you need them perhaps you should get them and give up bubble gum for a while, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
I can sleep over?! REALLY! OH now I'm the happiest fangirl in the world! But I guess I will have to wait until I come back from vacation. Where am I going? Well in...::counting down:: 4 days I'm going to my first anime convention :Otakon, and I'm dressing as female Ranma and...YOU! Damn, your hair was soooooooo hard to do! I had to get a wig specially made! Doesn't that show ya that you're my favorite anime character? ::winks::
After the convention I will be taking a three week trip to New york to visit family. I'm sure you know what I will be going through...little ANNOYING cousins, aunts kissing me...nothing good comes of it >.< But then their is the thought of the shopping there! When I come back from vacation I should show you my cosplay pics^.~
So we are still on for a little sleep over right? Should I bring a weapon, in case Kouji tries anything? Or am I relativly safe? Well then again...would it be a BAD thing if Kouji did something? ::ecchi grin:: Maybe not^^ Or should I have to worry about YOU behaving yourself? ::lifts eyebrow::
Dear GirlGenChan,
Yer safe! Ya' don't gotta worry 'bout either of us. Ever seen or played XenoGears? Our friend Keli-chan will be at Otakon as one of th' characters. Ya' can't miss her! She's a 6 foot tall red head!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Do you guys realize that you are now into the FIFTH year that this site has been up!?!!?
*hugs them all* SUGOI!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! *throws confetti* Awesome Job all!!!!!!
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
Arigato! *They all give her a hug.*
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Chiriko,
I don't like being single. What do I do?
A person
Dear person,
Get out and meet people. Join a club, go to an art museum, but get out there and meet people. Good luck!
Dear Tasuki,
Well, I drew you a la Billy Idol. The resemblance is uncanny. Both two incredibly yummylicious man-things. ^-^In all seriousness, though!
I haven't gotten around to the Speedo pic yet, however. I'll jump on that soon. Would you like to see it? ^-^ I mean, when I finish it?
I guess I really need to talk to someone. For the past two years, I've had to deal with some horrible stuff. I...It hurts to discuss it, because it tore my life to pieces. Drawing helps me to alleviate my pain, and yet...sometimes, when I look into the eyes of my own characters, I see, reflected in their eyes, the insanity and fear that I know are in mine. How I wish, how I wish someone would crush me in their arms and hold me tight, feel the comforting sound of their heartbeat as I know I'm safe, I know I don't have to be afraid.
I have family support, but they treat me delicately, for fear that I would shatter into a thousand pieces. What they fail to understand is I am already shattered, now I need someone to help me put the pieces back together. I'm sorry, I just needed to get this out.
On a brighter note, I'm thinking about getting a hairstyle similair to yours, sans the bright orange goodness. ^-^ Would it look good on a girl?
Erinu no Rafusen
Dear Erinu no Rafusen,
'Course I wanna see th' pic when yer done! I think it's a kinda modified shag so I guess so. ya' know me an'th' others are here if ya' need us. Ya' gotta nice site, too!
Dear Nuriko,
What are your feelings on Freddy Mercury? How about David Bowie?
Erinu no Rafusen
Dear Erinu no Rafusen,
They are both excellent singers and entertainers.
Dear Tasuki,
Hey Tasuki, Where can I get a tessen like yours? It's so cool! Or hot... whichever works. And how do you get your hair to stay the way it does?
Dear Inukijo,
I don't think ya' can. Mine was as gift from Taiitsu-kun. I dunno, it jus' does.
Dear Nuriko,
When you were young did you work out a lot? How Did your little sister die?
Dear Perungagil,
No. She was run over by a horse drawn carriage.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
now would you happen to know where the link to chat went??? *smiles egarly*
Dear Jamie,
Yes, we are currently looking towards changing both the chat and the message board. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Mitsukake,
Hey!!! Are you sure that you're not boring?
Dear Me,
Yes … -_-;;;
Dear Mitsukake,
The people next door are scared of my Kenshin music.....stupid colsed minded people!
Dear Tana,
Perhaps you shouldn't play it so loud …
Dear Mitsukake,
Hello, Mitsukake! I hope you don't mind if I ask some questions. How old is your pet cat, Tama? When did you first met Tama? When did you first learned that you were one of the Suzaku Seishi? Thank you for taking time to read my questions.
Dear Cathy,
He's 2 years old now. Tama-neko found me after Shoka passed away. I discovered my abilities when I was a child.
Dear Tasuki,
awww! *hugs him* well i did meet yer sister Aidou and she started yellin at me for some unknown reason and trowin stuff at me! well i was wondering if you could show me you fire fan thingy?
Dear Kylie,
That sounds like her. Ya' mean my tessen? *Pulls out the tessen, aims it at Tamahome … * REKKA SHIENEN!! *Toasts Tamahome and puts it away.* There ya' go!
Dear Chichiri,
*watches him* Eww...wat is dat....? *pokes it's eye* Skwishy >.<
Dear Taki,
That's the fish's eye, no da. Don't worry; we won't be eating that part.
Dear Mitsukake,
heheh. thank you for your advice. i already knew this. my friend, shai, she says thanks alot too. i like it when i can tell people my problems when they have no idea who the heck i am. and then they give me helpful advice... i love this site... *gives him puppy dog eyes* will you be my aniki?
Dear Jashi,
You're very welcome. I'd be honored.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
can you please help? people have been booting me and my friends out of the chat...what can you do about this?
Dear anonymous,
Well, we turned off the boot function, but BeSeen may be slow to respond with the new settings. These are the same people that come here every year and harrass us. Unfortunately, they seem to have nothing better to do with their lives over the summer. We are looking into alternative solutions.
Dear Tasuki,
*looks at Tasuki with tears in her eyes* Tasuki-kun...*hugs him tightly to keep from crying*
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
What happened? Ya' can tell me. *Holds her*
Dear Tasuki,
HELLO TASKI How long have you known Miaka and everyone else? Do you (tell the truth) Like Miaka?Finally have ever seen Umi san ??????
Dear eyeofthewolf,
I guess I've known ever'one fer 'bout 10 years if yer goin' by th' 3rd OAV. Yeah, Miaka is ok. I ain't never seen Umi-san or Umi-chan.
Dear Tasuki,
Holy cr*p o.o U do have a BUSY summer so far X.x My summer has been swimming and drinking soda all day long @.@ and hanging out with friends of course and on the computer >.> Hehe well im very tired now so im off to bed @.@ But first *Gives him a 12 pack of sake* lol ^^ Well Cya later Tasuki. Have a great day! er..I mean Night @.@ Cya! *runs off to bed*
Dear Kisato-Chan,
Thanks fer th' sake!
Dear Tasuki,
Weeeeeeee!!!!!!! Tasuki-kun I'm so happy *grins widely.* heehee. Wanna know why? If ya don't too bad I'm gonna tell ya why anyways....I finally got to talk to Satoshi-kun ^_______^. It was a short period of time but still I got to talk to him!! ^___^ *does the bandit dance with someone.* Oh yeah I get to talk to him again next saturday as well. (he's the one who told me to call him next saturday). Also,I think we might be going out on our date in August sometime I guess on a sunday. ^______^ weeeeeeeee.
And now for the other thing that I'm happy about is....*drum roll* I got into the Japanese class!!!! Heehee. our teacher is Yuka-san. ^__^ I told Satoshi about it and he sounded happy ^___^. Anyways,the only bad thing about getting accepted into the Japanese class was that I had to wait till 10:30 pm to register my classes -_- aiyah. So here's what I'm taking so far Japanese 1 9-11:00 am. Tai-chi (forgot the times),and quite possibly meteorology(forgot the time too). I'm not really sure about Meteorology cause well it has absolutely nothing to do with FBI,but I need to see a counselor and stuff before I can take math classes OR english classes (hint still needs to take the assessentment test). Also,my best friend Nicole of all time (since we were 3 and 4) has a really nice(from what I'm hearing) boyfriend. This guy possibly sounds like he could be the one for her. She's all happy and stuff,more happy then she was with those other guy's she was with. Anyways,I'm very happy for her that she's going out with such a great guy. Also,she's turning Mormon(did I spell that right?)because he's Mormon and get this....she was telling me on the phone a couple of days ago...that her boyfriend acts like someone she knows and she couldn't place the friend,until she saw me and she goes "who does Michael remind me of? *pauses* JAMIE!!" and she tell's me "Can I never get away from you?" LOL. She's so cool I love her to death. Also,which I think this is really neat,whenever she has kids she's going to make me the godmother of them,and when I move to Japan,her and Michael are going to move with me ^____^. heehee. Isn't that great? Well,I think that's about it for now. Gomen nasai for the long letter. Oh yeah,we're (Margaret,Rose and I)are going to Chinatown on the 31st so if you CnA-chan and Cory can go that'll be great cause then you can meet Margaret. ^^;
Dear Shukumei,
Congrats on gettin' yer classes an' on finally gettin' ahold of Satoshi! CnA an' Cory both work so they won;t be able to go to Chinatown that day. An' on th' first she's goin' in fer eye surgery. But, on th' 10th they're havin' another Anime Day an' we all hope ya' an' yer buds can make it!
Dear Chichiri,
Well, not old-fashioned. It just...a family member of hers was killed by the Japanese a long, LONG, long time ago, so...
Anyway, why am I being so depressing, no da? I ask and I shall receive. My friend got braces, and any time I call her, she complains about the pain. At least her mother got her some Advil.
Suggestion: Do not drink Root Beer Float Soup (Root beer float in a bowl) at midnight. I have a stomachache now. Daa...and school starts in a couple of weeks, too! Summer vacation's too short, no da. Oh, well. Later!
Dear Amy-sama,
I'm very sorry for her loss. But that does explain a lot, no da. Is your friend Iramirado? She just got braces as well, no da. I hope you feel better soon.
Dear Chichiri,
AHAHA! I have a similiar hair cut to yours. ^^ Long bangs...but sadly...they do not defy gravity like yours does. *whimper* But...I'm planning to grow them up so I can be Saitou Hajime for Sakuracon. ^^ Ne. Did you know that you sort of look like Saitou-sama? Well, when he does stuff to Sano when you first see him in the begining of "Legend of Kyoto", its the smile. ^^ Like your mask does. And the hair. Even though his bangs are hanging down and yours defies gravity... And I'm rambling. Gomen! *glomps* Ja Chichiri-saaaaaan! ^^
Dear Keiko,
I'm sure you will make a great Saito, no da!
Dear Nuriko,
Hi! *hugs* I'm glad you liked the pic. I would love to talk to Kelli-chan, that's so great doing Opera!!!!!!!! I just bought a clarinet yesterday, hehe it's so fun! Not long before I go to London now and then I'm off to Canada in August, because my sister's fiance lives there. I'm not looking forward to the 10 hour flight though :( But I am glad Faure and Tama Neko can be friends. *hugs her Onisan* Take Care
Lots of Love
Jennifer xxxxxxx
Dear Jennifer,
Hsve fun on your trips! I'll contact Kelli for you and give her your email address. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi, what's a AX? Thx
Dear Boogie,
Gomen! AX stands for Anume Expo. It is the biggest anime convention on the West Coast.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Who ever got the idea of writing F.Y.? Who wrote it?
Dear Perugagirl,
That would be Watase Yu.
Dear Hotohori,
*Houki comes up out of the water tying her top on more securely*
There much better... now Saiai let's see what your crosstraining with your star brothers has come to. *looks at the food he's cooking*
*Boushin sits on a rock nearby* Papa? Can I take up Karate too? I watched while Tamahome-oji and Tasuki-oji were training you. It looks like fun. :)
Well my love, learning from your brothers have certainly changed you for the better. You've become more balanced recently itoshii.
Houki and Boushin
Dear Houki and Boushin,
Have I? I never realized I was unbalanced. *Smiles and sparkles* I'm sure that Tasuki and Tamahome would be happy to teach you Karate.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Welcome back!!! How was it??? The tracks are on again(I don't have anywhere else to put them, sorry!>.<)
E-mail: p-word: souma
I don't mind others having this information, as long as it's all not deleted, hehe. I'm sure that there are many who want this, but can't find it.
The translations are on two sites...
The site with 4-14, doesn't seem to be there anymore, and I don't know where else might have them.
Dear Fallon,
Arigato Fallon-chan! Minna, Fallon has allowed us access to her Sequntial Story tracks. Please be respectful of this and don't abuse it.
Dear Hotohori,
This is anya saying hi to all you people out there. Me amd my family are all very safe. I am so very sorry for not replying earlier!School just started. We live in chennai so that should not be a problem!^__^. Hotohori! I have great news! My schools reopened on 17th and I met a girl whose name is Divya. she likes Curious Play. So, I am not alone! I am so happy. She likes Tamahome.I am in high school now! I feel great. So, how was your day? I know those ministers would have nagged you real bad! <=( I feel sorry for you! But your people depend on you! JA NE!
JA NE! MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU! (yes! still a jedi warrior!^-^;;)
anya (i am back!)
(P.S. I named Boushin Manigandan. It means one with a sweet voice. I have not heard him talk but I bet he is good in talking!^__^ and I joined the school choire. The master told me I had a good voice. Well I have not been studying music for 6 years for nothing! But I don't know anything about western music. I am a trained singer in carnatic music.I spotted your favorite flower-orchids in our local paper. they were ravishing! they are my second favorite flower now! sorry nothing to beat the sakura I am afraid! I took a quiz to know which eyes i have the best and fushigi yuugi was the second. the first was cardcaptor sakura ^__^.the anime person meant for me or some cr*p like that was *goes chibi and starts to dance with hotohori* you *blushes* the second guy was ruroni kenshin. I don't even know this guy!Exams are at my door.SO, wish me luck!
Dear anya,
Welcome back! I'm glad you and yor family are safe and well. Enjoy high school and ganbatte kudasai (good luck) on your exams!
Dear Chichiri,
Hey you! ^_^ Yeah, it's been a long time since I've talked to any of you... I know. Oh well, the chat today isn't even for me. Hehe, alright enough blabber. You know how close I am to my dearest of friend's Kaysi (or... maybe you don't... anyway) and it seems to be rolling around to her birthday once again. Would you mind giving her a hug and maybe a kiss? And... while yer at it... can ya ask Tasuki ta give me one too? ^-^ *hopeful look*
Dear Bon,
Sure no da! *Drags Tasuki over and they each give Kaysi a hug and a kiss on the cheek.* Happy birthday Kaysi, no da!
Dear Hotohori,
hiya! i bet i know what shampoo you use! herbal essences!!!! your commercial would go like this^_^
adviser:your majesty, we URGE you to finish your paperwork
hotohori:urge? URGE!?
(bunch of girls come in with herbal essences)
girls: he's got the urge
hotohori: i've got the urge!
well it would go something like that... ack! this wasn't a question..
Dear kippo,
*Smiles at the imagery* Well at least it wasn't a bunch of Nurikos...
Dear Nuriko,
i thought u stoped being gay...
Dear Me,
Well, I did stop cross-dressing and I do love Miaka. Of course I still adore Hotohori as well! I mean look at him! Who wouldn't?
Dear Tasuki,
Clean... the hideout?? CLEAN... the hideout?!?! **face turns red with rage** A LIL sister??? Do you know that I'm OLDER than you??? **breaks mug over Tasuki's head** Never beat you up, eh? How bout now? **grabs tessen and smacks him in the face with it** I don't clean my own bedroom, why would you think I'd clean up the hideout???? **knocks Tasuki over, gets some sake** I need a drink...
Dear Kokkei,
*Gets up grinning.* Yeah, ya' can be our lil' sister! I'll name ya' "Aidou, Jr."! *Starts laughing and runs for his life.*
Dear Tamahome,
Why are you so obsessed wiht money?
Dear Perungagirl,
I come from a very poor family. So, money is very important to me.
Dear Nuriko,
*looks at Jean's painting of Ryu and gets a nosebleed*
Ryu-chan you look yummy in this :)
*falls over into a puddle of her own drool*
Dear Doc-sama,
WOW!!! Great paintng Jean! *Hands Doc-sama a mop.*
Dear Tasuki,
Yea...right. 'Couuuurse ya haven't been flirtin with Kouuuuuji..*wink wink, nudge nudge* Nah. I'll leave ya beeeee. Yea. I'm fine. Peeeachy peach! *pats his head* WEE!!
Dear Keiko,
I ain't been doin' that! Didja' suddenly turn into one of them crazed hentai fangirls??
Dear Tasuki,
Is Tamahome a pest to you or do you get along good? also do you like money like Tamahome or do you like some thing eales?
Dear Perungagirl,
Well ever'body likes money, jus' not like Tamahome does! I like sake! He ain't a pest. I jus' fry 'im to keep 'im on his toes! *Fanged grin*
Dear Tamahome,
Which do you love more Yui, money, or Miaka?
Dear Perungagirl,
Money or Miaka ... money or Miaka ... Let me thinj about this one ... *Gets decked by Miaka* Oh yeah! Miaka!
Dear Chiriko,
((donno if you saw that mini-episode thing of the Bus Trip but)) Umm Couldn't you hold it in until you got to a toilet insead of making everyone barf? O_O'''
Dear Miary,
I had to throw up! Gomen nasai.
Dear Tasuki,
Tasu-kun! I'm finally back, you're finally back, my best friend is back from Nigeria (sp?) ... how'd CnA do on her exam stuff? I've got good news and bad news, and I'll tell it in chronological order. Basically, i finally got this horse, that mare I mentioned way back when, and a week after I got her, I went on a trip with some friends, came back and she was gone. To make a very longish story short, she attacked the barn owner and her friend, running one over. Apparently she had a nasty attitude, and was drugged to calm her down. She had even been banned from show rings because she was a "manaic horse." So naturally my parents ... got rid of her. You can imagine the shock. It would be like Miaka falling in love with Ashitare, you just can't picture it! So I went around for two whole months with this "horses suck, the world sucks" attitude. Severe depression and crap. I think I was on the verge of becoming a full fledge zombie when I found this one horse. He was four, and had been neglected until he was three. (the owner's mare got pregnant on accident, and she didn't even pay board for the foal, just left him out in the pasture.) So, I begrudingly began to ride him, work with him, all that cr*p. Owner comes up to me one day, and says he's mine.
So now I'm my normal freakish self again. ^^ I finally got my horse.^^ And he's so cool! I can say "Taka!" and he'll stick out his tongue! How perfect is that! And guess what I named him! Guess!
Mika Kino
Dear Mika Kino,
Welcome back! CnA passed her final. Sorry 'bout yer bad horse, but it sounds like everythin' worked out in th' end. I bet ya' either named him Bob or Tasuki.
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