Dear Suzaku Seishi,
WELCOME BACK EVERYONE!!!!!!!! *throws confetti everywhere and on everyone* XD *hugs all the suzaku seishi*
Dear Neko,
Arigato! It's great to be back!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Nihao, minna-san! *yearbook pops out of no where* could you all please sign my yearbook for me? Arigatou! Are there any Fushigi Yuugi games in Japan?
Kacyn(AKA Piccolo)
Dear Kacyn,
As far as we know there are no Fushigi Yuugi games anywhere. Of course we'll sign your yearbook. *They take the yearbook and start signing it.*
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I was Just wonderin, First, would you be by older brothers and sisters, cause my parents are almost always away on trips, so mesa feels lonely!!!
Second, Do any of you at any time feel like beating the daylight out of any other seishi, and if so, who?? *hugs each one and gives them all candy* well mesa gots to go! hope you can answer my questions!!!^_^
Chibi Tasuki-Chan
Dear Chibi Tasuki-Chan,
Sure we'll be your big brothers if you like. Aside from Tamahome and Tasuki, the rest of us have no desire to beat the daylights out of each other.
Dear Tasuki,
is it REKKA shinen! or LEKKA shinen?
people seem to use both, and i'd like to know which one is correct.
Dear Jashi,
It's REKKA as there ain't no "L" in Japanese. But we let ya'll slide on th' "L" an' use LEKKA.
Dear Tasuki,
*POUNCE!* Hai, hai! I've looked at them, and mine, which consists mostly of RK cosplay and some pointless, strange, or insane pictures, can be found at ^.~
Dear One-chan,
Cool pictures! Ya' guys looked great!
Dear Nuriko,
Konnichiwa!!!!!! *hugs her onisan* I've broken up from college! My first year is over!!!!! Yeahy! How have you been? It's been a while, I hope you're keeping well. I did my last choir concert of the term on Tuesday, it was really sad, because two of my really good friends have left choir now to go to University. One's going to all the way to Oxford and the other to Edinburgh. She had just done her singing diploma the afternoon before the concert and she hasn't even got her A Level results yet, she's just gone 18 and already has a license to teach singing! She sang Queen of the Night Aria by Mozart in the concert. Have you heard it, it's got top F's in it, but then she does have a 4 and a half octave range!
Would you like to see our choir site? It's here On the picture I'm on the second row, second from your right!
I'm going to London next week for my sister's graduation and I have an appointment with The Trinity College of Music. It's where I really wanna go to do a performance degree
I'll bring you a present back when I go!!!!! I love your singing voice, I think you have really beautiful songs!
I've just got a kitten and I've named him Faure! He's really cute, would you please ask Mitsukake if Faure could be friends with Tama? Thank you ^_^ I hope you're well.
Lots of Love
Jennifer xxxxxxx
Dear Jennifer,
Nice picture of everyone! I'm sure Mitsukake would love for Tama-neko to have a playmate. I'm glad things are going so well for you. You should get in touch with Kelli-chan! She is an Opera Major and has performed as the Queen of the Night at her opera school. You two would probably get on well. If you want to get in contact with her let me know! *Gives her a hug*
Dear Tasuki,
Hey me again! You know Curious? Anyhoo, No, my friend Barbara is not at all a crazed fan girl. She is very shy but when she gets the chance she does speak her mind. Hey I heard that you were a shy guy yourself which I find VERY hard to believe. Is that true? Talk to you later!
A curious fan
Dear curious,
I don't think I'm shy! I'm glad yer friend ain't no crazed rabid fangirl!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey, It's me Curious! I would like to thank you for answering my questions (which I know some of them were probably strange). Thanx again! I LUV YOU ALL!! * blowing kisses and waving to everyone* Oh, tell Miaka I said hi!
Dear Curious,
You're very welcome! We'll give Miaka your regards.
Dear Hotohori,
Hello Hotohori! *bows* It's a nice day today and I was a bit bored so I decided to write to you. * thinking of a nice conversation* Hey I'm going camping tomorrow with my twin sister, my mom and her boyfriend ( my parents are devorced) * shaking away bad memories* sometimes I cry about that. Anyways, we are going to Big Bear - not my favorite place in the world- but it will be fun anyways. Sorry I couldn't make up a better conversation. Thanks for listening. stay beautiful and I'll talk some more when I get back!
p.s. Thanx for the advice. I'll make sure to take more care while I'm on the internet! * arming myself with a sword and my dog at my side*
Dear Curious,
Have fun on your camping trip. I'm sure Big Bear is lovely this time of year.
Dear Tamahome,
okay *a disturbed look on my face* i saw a disturbing picture on the internet of Nakago kissing YOU! i don't mean to bring up bad memories but i have to ask, what was going through your mind as he did this? *shudder* i'm so sorry that happened to you.
the other curious fan
Dear other,
"EW!!! GROSS!!" That was going through my mind as well as, "I'm going to KILL him!!"
Dear Hotohori,
hi.*pause and sighs sadly* why is it that in all your pictures you look so sad? it makes me sad to look at you. i don't know if your really sad or if you just look that can a man as beautiful as you look so sad.when i'm sad my oldest sister says to me "no sadness" and gives me a hug. so no sadness *gives hotohori a big hug*
the other curious fan
Dear other,
*Looks at her and smiles* Arigato for your kindness. *Hugs her back.*
Dear Mitsukake,
*glomps* Heyoo!!! I haven't written in a while.... how are you? I'm bored out of my mind, and with summer classes, things aren't much better now than they are during the school year. *sighs, turns into a kitten, and looks up at him*
Dear Ayame,
I'm fine thanks. *Picks up kitten and places her next to Tama-neko. Pets them both.* I hope you don't mind playing with Tama-neko.
Dear Nuriko,
I'm looking for some tips on how you can fight and keep your hair still look perfect?
Perunga girl
Dear Perunga girl,
I can do it because I am an anime character. You should not be fighting.
Dear Nuriko,
it's tamasa my friend is a girl and by twin is a boy so there is no way that my brother will ever fall in love with my friend (and remember my brother is gay and likes my boy friend) what do i do
Dear tamasa,
Does your friend know about your brother? If not, and your brother agrees to it, you might want to clue her in so she doesn't get hurt. As long as your boyfriend doesn't like your brother that way, I wouldn't worry.
Dear Mitsukake,
;-; Hi. It's been a long time since I wrote to you, and this letter -will- be filled with extreme pain. Mosty from the fact that I feel like a microwave/lab rat who's missing it's right arm and just walked through a landmine field, hiting every one.
It's nice talking to you again, though while we didn't, I began to become crazed and offered my half of you to Ayame. She refused. She's cool, isn't she? ^_^ However, I must warn you that a full blown Auron (FFX) obsession is coming on, so if I neglect you for a while, it's because I'm begging my brother to let me play it (FFX). It's a really neat game, home to The Second and Third Female Characters Ash has liked. I mean, I even like the heroine. That's never happened before. Also, Star Ocean: The Second Story is cool too, homt to The First.
Now. I feel like a microwave because I got my braces on. Again. And they HURT. They do not hurt. They HURT. A LOT. Extremely painful. And I hate them.
If I decide to make a doll out of you, then what do you want to wear? ^^
IraMirado, AKA Ouchgirl.
Dear IraMirado,
I'm sorry you're in pain. I know what you mean about FFX. We found it quite engrossing as well. I would think a smaller version of what I normally wear would be good doll clothes.
Dear Tasuki,
(comes back) I am NEVER doing that again...saa, don't ask about Relena, she'll tell you in good time when she feels like it. More sake? (pulls out a couple dozen more bottles and begins drinking again)
Dear Selphi,
Thanks! *Grabs a bunch of bottles and joins her.*
Dear Chichiri,
Why? Because my mom's Korean, no da. -.- I think that's all that needs to be said.
Dear Amy-sama,
Ah, I guess she is a bit old fashioned about such things, no da. But I understand.
Dear Nuriko,
*sniffs* I went out to lunch with her at the end of the school year, cause I wanted to do something special just us alone..... but it's so different to be around her now. Outwardly she acts like her but there are just little things about her speech and the way she carries herself....
She gives off this just tragic air every time I talk to her and it makes me want to cry. I don't expect her to ever be the same, but at the same time I want her to be.
I should tell you what happened to her - right before Christmas her youngest son was killed in a car accident on his way to Ottawa to finish his exams for university. He skidded off the road on a patch of ice, almost collided with another vehicle. He was dead by the time they got him to the hospital.
She was so devastated. The first week, when his wake and everything was going on, she was in this deep denial and I thought - maybe she's okay. And then she came back to teach again after Christmas holidays and broke down crying in the first class she taught.
I never know what to do for her. When I'm near her I smile and be friendly and I love her like I always do but she's not the same person anymore. It's nothing specfic that's changed that I could put my finger on...all I can think these days is that my entire world went wrong when the principal showed up to my first class that morning and told us Brian was dead...
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
It sounds as if she is still grieving over her son. You must remember people grieve differently and there is no set time period for grieving. Be kind to her and let her know you share her sorrow and loss and that you are there for her if she needs you. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
Bah @.@ My summer..was..crazy o.o Me and ma' family went to hershy park (I live in pennsylvania x.x)And ma' Dad and I went on almost all the rollercoasters there. Though most of them sucked o.o I went on..The super duper looper..that sucked x.x And the side winder Which was a Really Cool rollercoaster..ummm i think the comet, wild cat, and The Great Bear. I went On The Great Bear 3 times o.o I luv that ride... @.@ Hehe and lets see...I went to this one place and got some sushi..Yummmmm ^-^ Hehe so anyways How was your Summer so far?!? You guys were gone for along my opinion that is x.x Well i think i remember the question you asked before u all left and i think it was: "Are you old enough to drink" or sumthin o.o And Yesh I am! but i dont drink beer o.o Beer ish icky @.@ i only drink sake...When i can ^.^ *blinks* and ma' sister says "hello Tasuki". o.o I think u'd know her. shes Sikora ^^ Well i must be going now o.o we are makeing movies...Comedy @.@ tis very VERY wierd x.X bleh yes..yes we are strange ppl o.o lol Well Cya Soon Tasuki! ^^ ^-^
Dear Kisato-Chan,
So far our summer has been a very busy one! We had AX, an outta town guest, and now we got an anime day comin' up.
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki Kun, You are soooooo cute!! All of my friends say you are so ugly, so I punched the living daylight outta em'! hehe!
Chibi Tasuki: *smile* yeah I gets to see yous!!!
Hold on a moment! *loud crash sounds in the back* LEKKA SHINNEN! *more crashes* There we go, just had to beat the living daylight outta my bro. Have you ever at one point though of beating the living daylight outta Chichiri?? *pours some sake* I mean I know he pisses you off, so i'd be thinking that you would want to.
Chibi Tasuki: *hugs tasuki* ^_^
well that's all fer now! *gives tasuki a big hug and gives him lots of candy*
Dear Winter,
NO! Never! I learned early ya' don't mess wit' th' monk! Thanks fer th' candy!
Dear Chichiri,
Hey Chichiri! How are you? I was wondering, Do you ever feel like you want to beat Tasuki up? If you ever need my help getting Miaka outta trouble it'd be my pleasure to help!! Well gotta go!
P.s did you know that I am a Gemini?!^_^ Gemini's Rule!!
Dear Winter,
*Smiles* No, I've never wanted to beat Tasuki up, no da. But I have on more than one occasion smacked him upside the head, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
I wat her fer ou to finis cweanin da fissy den we tan go pic bewwies otay! *sits near the pond and looks at the water*
Dear Taki,
OK, no . *Starts cleaning, scaling, and filleting the fish.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Wow. Looks like it was a blast to be there. I would have loved to go. (Gomen if the above sentence isn't gramatically correct ^.^;;;) Ah well. I'll go to a con one of these days.
I'm happy. I get to play Yui in an FY RPG. I've been told I do a pretty good job. One of my friends saved a spot for me in the RPG so I joined. I felt honored, only the best of writers were allowed in-or so I was told by everybody there.
Well gotta jet. Just thought I should tell you guys those things. Oh yeah, I felt really stupid about asking about the pictures, because right after I finished writing the letter, I saw the link to the pictures. Oh well.
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
Don't worry about it. It was a lot of fun! We're already looking forward to AX03!
Dear Chichiri,
Some one who cares *sweatdrop*
Dear Some one who cares,
Dear Chichiri,
Wah! I'm so sad that I didn't say hi to you guys at AX! I was too busy buying soooo much stuff! Next year, I'll be sure to dress up tho, and then you can recognize me... tho I haven't decided who I'm going as yet... I have a few choices tho, either you, Hikou, Miroku, or maybe Kyou-kun! Hm... too many choices! As you can tell, I'm feeling a lot better now, thanx to AX! Anyway, I think I've rambled on enough now, but u be sure I'll find you guys next year if its the last thing i do no da!
Dear Bosher,
You were there and we missed you, no da? Chichiri no Aijin was dressed as me Thurs.- Sat. and then she was dressed as Lulu on Sun. Will you be at Ani-magic in Lancaster in October, no da?
Dear Chichiri,
where did you get the idea for the book "THE MYSTERIOUS PLAY" (I am a fan of you)
Dear Rachael,
I didn't write that book, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
thank you! i promise i wont be mean like your other sisters! someone told me that you and Koji werent friends when you first met is that true? and if you dont mind me asking how come you dont like milk? *dont have to answer that one if ya dont want to! ok i must go im helping Koji sweep floors! bye oniisan!
Dear Kylie,
That's true. My not likin' milk comes from a childhood trauma that involves my ma, her large chest an' me almost bein' smothered/crushed to death! *Sweatdrops*
Dear Tasuki,
^__^ yes I mean the green and black one o.o guys tried to pick me up and take me places but I was like uh nuuu lol -snuggles Tasuki papa- ^_^
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley Chan,
They what? They ain't s'pposed to do that to my musume! Buncha pervs… >.<
Dear Chichiri,
Hi! Sorry, I just started writing to you guys only a few days ago( you probably haven't gotten my first few letters to you guys). Anyways I was just talking to the Seiryuu Seishi and ( I know this was a long time ago), but around April 19-24 you had a conversation or something with Yui and I was wondering why Suboshi is so upset about it. What did you say? You don't have to answer that second question if you're not allowed to. I'll talk to you guys some more after I get the responses to my first letters. *sitting on the ground embarrased for asking a question about something that happened a long time ago* Bye ^.^
A curious fan
Dear curious,
I'm sorry. I don't remember that conversation, no da. I have checked our archives and can't find any letters from Yui-chan from those dats, no da.
Dear Tamahome,
your finally back from that vacation or where ever u where did u go?how was it,did u do anything,did u do anything fun? just wondering cause we couldnt write to u,there were other links there.oh and sorry for the wierd question i only have wierd questions the only ones i could think of
sikora chan @.@ ...>.>
Dear sikora chan,
We went to Anime Expo an' then had an out of town guest the week after AX. We took a lot of pictures at AX and had a lot of fun.
Dear Nuriko,
Rokou:What's taking so long?!*paces up and down the room*
Sara:*bursts through the door*Rokou!Minna-san!Come quick you're missing the miracle!
(They all go to the room where Water Sprite is delivering the babies)
Water Sprite:*holding both of her babies*Rokou I would like you to meet Ryuuen and Kourin.
Rokou:*takes Ryuuen and holds him*I'm...a father.*tears of joy appear in his eyes*
Touya no miko:Ya know,these babies look a lot like Nuriko and Kourin.
Cloud fairy:Now that I've taken a closer look.They really do.
Water Sprite:Nuriko-san would you like to hold one of the twins?
Dear Minna-san,
Hai! *Holds Kourin* Omedeto gozaimasu minna-san!
Dear Hotohori,
hey, it's me again. ya know the twin. there is one more question i would like to ask you. do you speak slang? ya know words like yo and dude. ah, forget it you probibly have no idea what i'm talking about.bye. wait one more thing oh, never mind you're just pretty is all and i can't get over how beautiful you are.
the other curious fan
Dear other,
No, I do not. That would most likely be Tasuki.
Dear Hotohori,
HHIIIIEEE!!!! It's me again my mom was just wondering if writing to you or the other seishi was protected or safe. I kinda figure it would be, but my mom is concerned. And another thing about my mom is that she thinks that you're weird. I don't know why, but I think it has something to do with you hitting on Miaka. My mom thinks Miaka screams too much and is a little brat ( which I think so too sometimes) AH! Don't hate me please! I love you! Sorry for the dramatics but I really do like you and I don't want you to be mad at me *sniffle. sob.* By the way give a kiss to your wife and a hug to your son for be okay, you beautiful thing you!
A curious fan
Dear curious,
Well, we do not allow nor want anyione's personal information posted to this site. We try our best to police the message board as well as the chatroom. However, you are your own best protector on the Internet. If you use common sense and NEVER give out any of your personal information to anyone, you should remain safe. Also, NEVER make plans to go meet someone from a chatroom or the Internet alone! If you want to arrange a meeting your parents should know and accompany you. This is important minna! I believe it was just last week that another young girl was killed by some pervert she met online. We do not want to see this happen to our friends! Please use common sense and keep yourselves safe.
Dear Tasuki,
Dude... glad you're back... it kinda sucked around here without being able to beat you up and out-drink you. **grin** Soooo... do we go back to you letting me join the bandits are you going to keep being a baka and make me hurt you again? ne? ne ne ne?
By the way.. here... **hands Tasuki cool seashell necklace** Bought that for ya when I went on vacation in the Outer Banks. I thought it would look pretty awesome on ya.
Dear Kokkei,
Ya' ain't done either yet! Thanks fer th' necklace. Ya' can help clean up th' hideout an' be like a lil' sister if yer plannin' on givin' up on bein' a bandit. *Fanged grin*
Dear Tasuki,
are you single? You are very hott and i like the color of your hair and eyes and the taste of clothing that you have.
Dear Trin,
Yeah, I'm single. Thanks fer th' compliment!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Does Miaka always annoy you much does her eating habits get to you? If you wish if you can change your miko who would she be like?
Dear Trin,
Not at all. We don't want a different Miko.
Dear Tasuki,
IIT'S FANG BOOOOOY! *glomptackles* How you beeen? ^^ I've been peachy. Haven't written in like...forever. But oh well. Yea. How ya been? Aint been hittin on Kouji, now have youuuuu? *wiggles eyebrows and grins*
Dear Keiko,
No, I ain't been doin' THAT! >.< I'm doin' ok. How've ya' been?
Dear Nuriko,
What do you use to make your hair look so beautiful all the time?
Dear Sakie-chan,
*Smiles* I eat healthy, well-balanced meals and shampoo and condition my hair daily.
Dear Hotohori,
When is Boushin's birthday? Just the month is enough.
Dear Sakie-chan,
Dear Tamahome,
Hi! I'ts me, Richard. Do you still remember me? Too bad. Unfortunately, I developed an eye sickness called astigmatism. What should I do? I frequently remove my eyeglasses because I think I look old when I wear them.But my doctor instructs me to always wear it. What should I do?
*gives Tamahome a candy and 100000 yen*
Thanks a lot
Dear Richard,
Of course I remeber you! You should follow your doctor's instructions. Perhaps yiu can try a different style of frame that better suits your face.
Dear Tasuki,
I NEED A HUG!!! im thousands of miles away from home and i NEED a hug!!! can i have one? *smiles* PLEASE! ^-^
Dear Jamie,
Sure, why not? *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Nuriko,
Have you ever thought sometimes people underestimate you?
By the way I love your songs. You have a nice singing voice. They so rock!
Dear Sakie-chan,
Arigato for your kind words. I'm happy that you like my singing. I think they did when I was "Lady Kourin".
Dear Tasuki,
Do you have a favorite "american" football team? You look like a guy that might enjoy watching football. Have you ever seen it? I don't suppose people play the sport in Konan.
In some countries football is soccor. (So not to confuse you in case you've heard of both.)
Dear Sakie-chan,
Nah, I ain't interested in sports. Although, wit' alla th' brawlin' rugby might be interestin' ...
Dear Tasuki,
*POUNCE!* Ah, for it has been quite awhile since I've done that, I must remind you that I remain and POUNCE at random! OOOOOOOOOOHOHOHOHOHOHO!!!!!
What's up? =)
Dear One-chan,
We're recoverin' from AX. Didja see th' pics yet?
Dear Chichiri,
*tackleglompsnugglehuggle* CHIRI-CHAN!!!!!! I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!! *hughughguhughughughug* Wecome back Chiri! ^_^ *gives Chichiri a stuffed kitty* Welcome back gift! ^^
Dear Neko,
Arigato, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
TASUKI-KUN! *tackleglomphugglesnuggle* I missed you tasuki! *gives Tasuki a sake bottle* here, welcome back gift! ^^
Dear Neko,
Thanks fer th' sake! It's good to be back!
Dear Tamahome,
Hewwo Tama-kun! *gives Tamahome 10 gold ryou* Here! ^^ Welcome back gift!^^
Dear Neko,
Arigato! *Smiles*
Dear Hotohori,
Errrrrrr... *looks at Hotohori* I have no idea what to give you, your so rich you can get whatever you want! *thinks* >.< My brain! *gives Hotohori a stuffed doggie* I can't think of anything better, I'm so sorry! Welcome back anyways... *feels so... useless*
A very poor Neko
Dear Neko,
Arigato. You're not useless. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Why do so many of you resemble girls?
Dear Anonymous,
I guess it is because some of us are bishounen, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
i have a serious problem. My friend(who you might know well) is kind of getting on my nerves lately. She says she see's and gets in trouble with her friends that i know don't even exist, and she tries to make herself sound better than i am. and she tries to make her life more dramatic than mine even though i'm suicidal and she's not. I don't care if she is or if you know she isn't. I'm seriously thinking of de-friending her but i like her as a friend when she's telling the truth. What do i do? do i tell her how i feel? do i tollerate it longer? or do i de-friend her?
please help!!!
Dear worried,
Why not have a serious talk with her and try to find out why she's acting so obnoxious. Good luck!
Dear Tasuki,
Ya know how your having trouble with fangirls? Well, maybe if you pretend you like them they'll stop harassing you so much. Seriously you "hate" girls but notice how many like you, where as Miroku form Inu-Yasha likes every girl he meets and the end up back handing him or some such like that. So maybe if you pretend to like girls you wont have so many who like you, did that make any sence?
Dear Tana,
zzzi guess, but I doubt it would work fer me. It's jus' not my style.
Dear Mitsukake,
Hiya Mits, I just put this kitty on my diaryland site and it looks just like Tama-neko. Only its all white, I named it Yuki and if you click on him he runs after the mouse when you move it. Its so cute ^_^ and when you want to to go away you click on it again and it runs to the top of the page. If it gets bored it scraces at the page and it takes naps and yawns and it sooo cute! Im gonna go play with it now ^_^ i bet it lonely, poor kitty.....I'll write again soon.
Dear Tana,
It sounds very cute.
Dear Nuriko,
I need some fashion tips on hair looks. if you know some please contact me.
Dear Perungagirl,
Gomen, but we don't do personal emails. What kind of tips are you looking for?
Dear Chichiri,
Is it true you used to have a feanca? If so what was her name?
Dear Perungagril,
Her name was Kouran, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Do you ever sumon Suzaku? Miaka what do you wish for?
Dear Perungagirl,
Gomen, but we don't give away spoilers.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey, I have a huge question to ask you guys. Ok, Miaka voluteered to be preistess right? So, if thats the case could anyone have been the preistess? And here is a question for Hotohori: If Miaka was not the preistess but someone else was, would you fall in love with that person? If any of these questions have offended any of you PLEASE let me know and I'll remember not to be such a jerk (if it sounds like I was being one). Thank you for your time. FUSHIGI YUUGI RULES!!!!!
A curious fan
Dear curious,
We suppose that is possible. However, I loved Miaka for who she was and not just because she was the Miko.
Dear Mitsukake,
Hi there. ^^
Dear Kuro,
Hi there yourself. *Smiles*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Howdy folks, I can't ask the Seiryuu (mainly nakago) about this, so, I thought I could ask you guys....
What would you think if I wrote a fic with Nakago making 'Potty-puff Girls' out of a canole(sp?), bubble bath, Ex-lax, and some cinnamon dental floss(the wax type)? Basically, their names are Snotty, Soapy, and Jack Squat.I know that it's really stupid, but my lil sis thought it was funny....Anyways, let me know what ya think of it, K? Ja ne.
Dear Kalypso,
Well I suppose it would depend on how well the story was written. However, the premise foes seem a bit odd...
Dear Tasuki,
*climbs onto his lap and hugs him* mine.....*giggles*
Dear Lita,
*Grins, sweatdrops, and gives her a hug.*
Dear Tamahome,
Hi hi Tamahome~! ^_^ i just want to ask if ur family never died, and Miaka couldn't stay in ur world. would u go to Miaka's world leaving ur family? Or staying and leaving Miaka? I know this is a very cruel question but i wanna know heh.
Dear Boogie,
I would make sure that my family was well taken care of and then I would join Miaka in her world.
Dear Hotohori,
why are you so handsome?and do you really love your wife?
Dear karin,
I was just born that way. Yes, I really do love Houki.
Dear Tasuki,
^_^ Papa :jumps in his lap: did CnA Chan tell you about the smutty dress I was wearing? man was it smutty o.o ^_^ how are you, didja miss me didja miss me? You better have missed me ^_^
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley Chan,
'Course I missed ya'! Ya' mean th' green an' black one?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Um...I'm kinda scared at the moment.
Let's start from the beginning. Alright, my friend took a personality disorder test online at This test did not ultimately mean you had the disorder, but she earned a 'very high' in four things, including borderline and shizoid(schizophrenia). I went and took this test. I ended up getting a 'high' in four things, including schizoid, and avoidant. I was freaked out just a little, because I only got a 'low' in one thing, but since this wasn't a test put out by a university or a medical company, I thought it was safe to say, ya know, this probably isn't true.
Now for the second part of the story. My friend, the one who took the personality disorder test, is We were talking, and she said, "i'm just so mad, I feel like i could go kill someone." But the thing is, she feels much better now, but she wants help. She wants to talk to a counselor, but we're not in school, her parents wouldn't pay for therapy, and if she did tell them, they'd send her to a mental institution.
So I'm looking online. I see an online depression screening test put out by the NEW YORK UNIVERSITY of PSYCHIATRY. I click it and say, I think i'll take it and give _____ the URL. I take the test, and when I'm all done, I get the dreaded answer:
"Your results have shown indication of depression. Please try to seek out psychiatric help." You might say this is scaring me. I mean, its a TEST from the NEW YORK UNIVERSITY OF PSYCHIATRY! I need help for ME and for my FRIEND. Please help me.
Dear Jashi,
Online mental tests have little meaning without a professional to back them up. You and your friend may wish to check out this site: and this site: . There are numbers there as well as links to places that may be able to help the both of you. Good luck!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
WELCOME BACK!!!!! *hugs them all*
Dear Kiara,
We're glad to be back! *They all hug her back.*
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
hello! *smiles* i cant thank you enough for your help! i have a couple of questions for you though!
1. ok if your the only one who can use your fan how come that fat ugly guy can? *wasnt paying attention to the guy's name* your mom and dad let you be a bandit?
3. can i please be your little sister! *knows he hasd older ones* maybe you can boss me around!
thank you!
Dear Kylie,
Yer welcome! Eiken was able to use th' halisen NOT th' tessen. Not really, they kinda don't know. Sure ya' can be my imouto!
Dear Tamahome,
I know this is a very late birthday wish, but it doesn't seem fair to give the other seishi cake and presents and not you simply because your birthday was back in June. So to complete the cycle, I have come to give you what you've been waiting for all this time. Just a second, I'll go get them. *leaves room*
*returns with cake and presents* Since you were gone for awhile, I gave the royal chefs a break until you got back, so the cake is fresh. What do you think? *gestures to a big chocolate sponge cake with chocolate pudding filling and dark green mint frosting on top* As you requested, no alcohol in it at all.
As for your presents, I bring these fine gifts. *gives him 5000 ryou in cash, a Konan savings bond (tax-free, 15% annual interest), a coin sorter, and a set of free weights.* But that's not all. Miaka had this made for you. *hands over a rolled-up poster* I'm not sure what it is, but she said it involved her and a little bit of money. What do you suppose that means? Might want to open it later...
*Cough* Anyway, let me go ahead and put candles on the cake. *starts to put candles on the cake, but then notices big green handwriting on the top: "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, OBAKE-CHAN!!"* WHAT THE H**L??? THAT IS NOT MY WRITING!!! WHO DID THIS? Oh for crying out loud! Maybe the security in the kitchen should have been a little tighter. Sorry about that.
Well, happy birthday nevertheless. Enjoy your cake and presents. *puts candles on the cake and lights them.* Don't forget to make a wish.
Lady Shera
P.S. Does that writing on the cake look familiar to you at all?
Dear Lady Shera,
Arigato for the cake and wonderful presents! *Looks at Tasuki and grins* I didn't know you knew how to write! *Smushes some cake in Tasuki's face and takes off running.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
YAY! You guys are back^_^ yippy! *dances around* Did you guys have fun?
Saya AKK
Dear Saya,
Yes we did thanks for asking.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
just any of you like jrock? :D if so, which bands? oh..and if you guys had to cosplay a jrocker, who would you cosplay as and why? ^^ heh..sorry for asking so many questions. ^^;
take care!
kaoru c.
Dear kaoru c.,
We like several J-Rock bands. L'arc en Ciel, Dir en Grey, Shazna, Glay, and B'z to name a few. I don't think we'd cosplay as any of them. Except for Nuriko, who would do Shazna.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Welcome Back! Guess what?! I'm 17 now! I had my b-day on the 11th! And I also have a drivers permit! Which means I can drive as long as I have somebody over 21 in the next seat over. Oh well, one step closer to freedom. So are the pictures up yet?
Sorry if I seem somewhat hyper, I am. I've been doing nothing but staying in the house lately. The only places I've been going is to drivers ed and that doesn't help much to relive my boredom. Oh well. Well talk to ya later.
Remember one thing-"Sieze the Day!" I just got the Newsie's soundtrack! Love this thing! It's a Disney musical, which is wonderful. Everybody should watch it or listen to it, the songs are addicting. So is the movie. Oh well. I'm going now. *goes out dancing and singing to 'Sieze the Day'
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
Happy 17th birthday and congratulations on getting your learner's permit! The pictures are up.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
WAI WAI WAI WAI WAI WAI *huggles her onnisan's!* heehee. Welcome back!!! I missed you guys a lot. ;___;. Anyways,how was your vacation/break? I hope it was fun? Well,I've been doing a lot of stuff since you guys were shut down. Let me recap what happened....
1. our computer got stuck in safe mode so i had my friend come over and fix it. Well she made a mistake and got all proud and said she never makes mistakes on computers and blah blah we ended up getting into a fight. Well I kinda knew it was coming sooner or later. Anyways,she starts badmouthing me,my family and Satoshi ;___; she tell's me that I'm never gonna go on a date with him. I mean what kind of friend is that? Anyways,I wrote her a long e-mail telling her what I thought of her and her ways,and that I really don't want to be around someone like that so I basically told her the friendship is off because of what she said about Satoshi and I.
2. I've been hanging out with Rose a lot and we're planning on joining the Navy. However,my dad keeps telling me all the negatives to make me stay home. -_-. aiyah. Oh yeah sometimes I want to get away from my family they make me mad sometimes. Like this weekend,my dad and grandmother both told me that I have an attitude problem with the family all the time and no I do not have an attitude with the family. I may get it sometimes when I get really cranky but not all the time like they say I do. -_- Even my sister told me that I don't get an attitude all the time like they say I do. Anyways,back on the subject of Rose and I. We've been hanging out a lot lately,and we're hanging out at the mall's and stuff,and yesterday we went to Border's,and we saw our friend Andrea there so we spent like 3 hours talking to her. (My feet were hurting while we stood up for a bit). Anyways,then we go home and today we're going to go get our transcripts and transfer over to Mt. Sac cause they have the japanese class we want. ^__^.
Anyways,I think that's basically it. Oh yeah,I still need to hear from CnA-chan on whether or not Eiji called her back ^^;; heehee. I would like to see Satoshi again real soon. Well,I'm glad you guys are back *group huggles.* Oh yeah Yume-chan is back too wai wai wai ^_________^. heehee.
Dear Shukumei,
Chichiri no Aijin still hasn't heard from Eiji, but he's very busy working, no da. She did speak to her other friend Motohisa and he said the number hasn't changed, no da. As for joining the Navy, if you can take the harsh discipline and regimented style of living, then it might work for you, no da.
Dear Tamahome,
Hey how are you? So i was wondering if you would like to one day this week go to the beach with me? Nothing serious just hang,swim and catch a tan. And who knows catch up on each other lives lately cos we haven't been in touch for a while. You know? So how is Miaka doing, she getting better with her cooking? Maybe sometime soon you two can come over my house and we can have dinner toegther. What do you think? Well if you wanna you can bring Tasuki cos I have some sake that I dont need/want anymore. Well guess I'll close for now but write back okee dokee? Ttyl buh bye
Love your friend always,
~Sweet Steph~
Dear Steph,
If we could come to your world we would love to send time with you at the beach.
Dear Tamahome,
Happy (very belated) Birthday!!
ChibInuchan no Miko
Dear ChibInuchan no Miko,
Dear Mitsukake,
I had a weird dream with you in it a few nights ago. Gohan (from DBZ) was running down a street covered with these weird black wavy things on it. He was scared, but all of a sudden he had a vision of you, and you said everything was going to be alright,and he felt much better.
Dear Dreamer,
OK… that's interesting …
Dear Chichiri,
I have always thought of myself as a really happy outgoing person. But i just turned 18. And my Dad has pretty much told me you have a month to get out of the house. On top of that i just lost my job. Not only that but my car is in his name so he will be takeing it back. My grandmother said i could live with her but she is almost 70 and she already dose way way to much for me. What do you think you would do in my shoes Chichirisama?
Dear T.T.,
I would get a job, and if my father insisted on my leaving I would live with my Grandmother until I could support myself, no da.
Dear Tamahome,
Hey thier. I just asked Chichiri the same question that i going to ask you. But I think that you will have a diffrent answer. Chichiri is sometimes to outgoing to understand. But hes just so cool No Da! You are to though. I have always thought of myself as a really happy outgoing person. But i just turned 18. And my Dad has pretty much told me you have a month to get out of the house. On top of that i just lost my job. Not only that but my car is in his name so he will be takeing it back. My grandmother said i could live with her but she is almost 70 and she already dose way way to much for me. What do you think you would do in my shoes Tamahome?
Ps Hey is Taka a seishi or is he even part of you? Do you even like him? Eh just wanted to put some happyness in this letter!
Dear T.T,
Taka is my reincarnated self, so of course I like him. It seems to me that you may have to stay with your Grandmother until you are able to save up for your own place and be able to support yourself. What does your mother say about your father's attitude?
Dear Nuriko,
*sniffles and hugs* Everything's wrong with my math teacher! She's had a horrible year and she's not anything like herself anymore. She's changed so much in all these subtle ways and I feel like I want to smack her out of it..... *sniffs*
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
I'm sorry her year has been so bad. Perhaps instead of smacking her you could do something nice for her and make her feel better instead.
Dear Hotohori,
For a start I would like to say that I am in awe of your beauty! I love your serene attitude. It makes me wish I were more like you (although, I could never equal your serenity or beauty). Anyways, enough about that, I have a few questions to ask you and I hope I don't offend you in any way.
First off, do you love your wife, I mean do you truly love her or is Miaka still on your mind? And secondly, do you like Nuriko as a friend or do you two not ever get along? Thank you for your time and I hope you will allow me to write to you another time.
A curious fan
Dear curious,
Arigato for your kind words. Yes, I do love Houki and Nuriko and I are friends.
Dear Hotohori,
Where do i start? OH, why do you refer to yourself as "we" all the time? no offense, i think it's cool, but why do you do it? hey, why don't i mimic you for the rest of my letter, ok? "we" would like to ask you another question. did a girl who called herself "a curious fan" write you? If so, you may find it interesting that she is my twin. you may find this interesting because i heard that twins were/are (whatever) rare in ancient china. by the way i was joking about mimicing you. LOVE YA LOTS and got to go!
the other curious fan
Dear other,
Yes she did. I use what is called the "royal we'. Per Webster's Dictionary: We: Used instead of I by a sovereign in formal address to refer to himself or herself. Note: The plural style is also in use among kings and other sovereigns, and is said to have been begun by King John of England. Before that time, monarchs used the singular number in their edicts. The German and the French sovereigns followed the example of King John in a.d. 1200. I do so because I am the Emperor.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
While you were all gone my birthday passed away.... July 14 Oh well want some cake?
Dear Deserae,
Gomen nasai! Happy belated birthday! We hope it was a good one! Cake sounds good! Arigato!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
You are one bad @$$ guy! But that's cool. Anywhoo, it's not a question, but rather a request. No, not for me! But for my friend Barbara, who has a serious crush on you. She won't shut up about you! Could you just tell me what you think about this and I'll tell her what you said. This would make her VERY happy and make my life easier. Thank you so much!
A curious fan
Dear curious,
I dunno. Is she th' crazed, rabid, fangirl type?
Dear Nuriko,
Nuriko! Nuriko! I would just like to tell you that I love you (as a huge fan), and to tell you that I think you are the coolest cross-dresser I ever knew. You had my sister fooled! It was funny to see her face when she found out you were a guy. I have but one question to ask: do you still have a crush on Hotohori? Thanks for your time.
a curious fan
Dear curious,
Arigato for your kind words. I care for Hotohori as a dear friend.
Dear Chichiri,
You are so nice!!! My friend and I just luv you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But we wanted to know why do you say No da when you speak? And why do you where a mask?
Dear Maria ,
I wear a mask to hide a scar, no da. I say "no da" because everyone in my village speaks that way, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Konnichiwa! Ogenkidesuka, anata tachi? Hope you're all fine... ^_^ I learned about your site through my classmate. Your site is great! ^_^
Well, I'm here to say/ask some stuff... (sorry if I posted here, I don't know how to post at the "You got questions, we got answers!" page/ forgive me.. ^^')
But first here is a question for all of you :
# Who's your seiyuu and what is the title of your theme
song? ^-^
#When is your birthday? ^-^
#And... can you all be my oniichan/aniki (or is it
anigi?)? I really like the way you give advice... and also since
I'm the only child... ^.^'
Tamahome!! Hi! *jumps up and hugs him; gives him 8 gold ryou* I hope the amount is okay... ^^' You know, you fight and look so cool... well, nothing so much to say... sorry.. ^^' but please accept the ryou.^^'
Hotohori-sama!! Konnichiwa! *bows down before him, then hugs him* ...You look so beautiful!!! ^-^ You know, you made me cry when you passed away.... *sniff* But I really admire your looks and sword fighting skills... WAIII!! ^_^
Nuriko-chan!! *hugs him and takes a look at his bracelets..* You know, I really like your looks and strength...
and you're so pretty!^-^ You know, I cried so much when you died...and everytime I hear your song I feel like crying because it's the song that was played when you died..*sniff*..
Chichiri!! *hugs him* (Your name is fun to type!) You look kawaii, especially in chibi. ^^' I really admire your magic... ^_^ Can you teach me how to teleport? So I can arrive at my school in no time, since my school is far from our house. Hehe.. ^-^
Tasuki!! *dances.. (sorry I don't know how to do the bandit dance...^^')* I like the your theme song...
*sings* "Hasashinai! Kenka batoru.. otokori hake!..." ^-^ *takes a deep breath* You know, you look so good with your fangs... hehe.. ^-^ Oh yeah, here, its a present.. *gives him a bottle of sake* Enjoy! ^-^
Mitsukake!! Hi! *hugs him* How good of you, healing people...^-^ Keep it up! ^-^ Sorry, nothing much to say... ^^'
Chiriko!! Hi! *hugs him* Do you have tips for me in Algebra? Since I'm just new in Algebra... ^^' You know,
actually, I'm now in second year highschool, and I should already know Algebra. But my old school didn't teach us Algebra in our first year.. (I'm a new student in a certain school ^^') so I'm a bit behind in our Algebra class, since my classmates
took it in their first year. I'm a bit worried... will you help me? ^^'
Well, that's all, Suzaku Seishi... I'm sorry if my letter is very long...... I hope you'll answer them if you have time.. ^-^ Take care!!! ^_^
Posted to the Message Board
Dear Posted,
Arigato for your kind words! Chiriko can give you some help but your best bet is to ask one of your classmates to tutor you so you can catch up. Ganbatte kudasai! Tasuki says arigato for the sake! And if you lived in our world Chichiri would be glad to teach you his magic, no da. Of course you can be our imouto.
Here are your answers:
Tasuki - Hayashi (Canna) Nobutoshi, 4/18, Heart ni KIRA hoshi saki kashitere!!
Tamahome - Midorikawa Hikaru - 6/8, Aitoiu na no tatakai ni
Chichiri - Seki Tomokazu, 5/21, Kachou kaze tsuki
Mitsukake - Ishii Kouji, 5/7, Hidarite no kioku
Nuriko - Sakamoto Chika, 3/10, Kaze no uta
Hotohori - Koyasu Takehito, 4/2, Sadame no hoshi
Chiriko - Kawakami Hiroko, 3/19, Akai denshou
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
hey its me sikora remember me
i bet tamahome and tauski do..well since there is no way i can ask u a question since my sis said u were on vacation (this long!who) im e-mailing u.i do have a guestion for all of u (its kinda very strange) well ill ask u here and when u get back. ok what do u think your perpouse in life is why do u think u are here now (sorry about spelling).
Dear sikora,
Our purpose and the reason the Seishi exist is to protect the Miko, no da. Past that, I would say it is to live a good life, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
*grins* I always enjoy your cooking itoshii :D
*comes over to his side, then hugs and kisses him*
Thank you love, for letting me be me.
Dear Doc-sama,
I wouldn't have you any other way! *Grins*
Dear Hotohori,
HORI-CHAAAAAN!! *glomptackles* *Huggles possessively* ^^ I missed you, welcome back! And thanks for stopping by the chat on my b-day. *Gives him a kiss on the cheek* *Then releases him 'cause she's a good little obsessed fangirl*
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
*Smiles and sparkles* You're very welcome! We're all glad to be back.
Dear Tasuki,
*looks at the milk soaked Tasuki* Jeez, even I'M not that mean! *blasts him with warm water and hands him a towel* At least now you're not covered in milk.... ^^;
Dear WaterMage,
Thanks … I think … *Drips on the floor…*
Dear Hotohori,
*Houki climbs out of the water to dry herself* Are you men about done with lunch?
Hai Mama!! *Boushin turns around and looks at her* ano.. Mama, I've been on solid food for a few years now..
*Houki turns a bright shade of red and goes back in looking for her top*
*Boushin sweatdrops* Papa are all girls like that?
Houki and Boushin
Dear Houki and Boushin,
*Laughs* No, just the exceptional ones.
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