Dear Tasuki,
(sweatdrops) What the $#@) was that? A very angry Relena. (drags the 12-year-old across) Never make a pyrokinetic angry...or at least one that makes buildings explode just by thinking it...
Dear Selphi,
Dear Nuriko,
(is dragged off by Selphi) Selphi! Let-me-go! (continues to be dragged off)
Dear Relena,
*Heaves a huge sigh of relief…*
Dear Chichiri,
:) Everyone's at lvl. 48! ...Except for Dias and Precis, but that can be overlooked. ^.^' I finally learned how to write Celine's name in Japanese, but I can't let my mom find out. She'll restrict my Internet privleges for a month. -.-
Dear Amy-sama,
Why would she do that, no da?
Dear Tasuki,
I strongly agree with you on that part,I need ALL the luck I can get,although I'm thinking of,backing away from it awhile,it's getting REALLY old,and it's to the point where I don't want to hang out with her,because of that. And to oniisan's question,I wasn't ranting,but thanks for letting me know. ^__^. I mean I'm not mad at her,but really wouldn't you think it get's annoying after awhile,the same thing over and over again? -_-;;;
Anyways, guess what happened at Borders today? @___@ Jennifer (Rose's sister) and I were food deprived x.x;; I can NOT believe how nutty I was acting XD.. It was funny...we went to the mill's for something,and we had lunch,but then we went to the montclair mall and did the anime blow out thingy,then we did a little pit stop at Borders -_-;; I tell ya,once Rose goes in she may never come out! But anyways,I finally got to read the manga Mars, which number 2 finally came out! Anywho,I got done with that,Jennifer reads Chicken soup for the soul or whatever that book is. And Rose has like 7-8 manga's! And she did NOT move out of that chair for anything,and Jennifer and I were bored stiff,and we were there for like 4-5 hours,and we were getting hungry,and so we acted nutty by making jokes and all that stuff,and Jennifer and I were like @__@ it's a good thing Satoshi's not here to see this,cause if he would say uh...buh...bye! *takes off running* XD. Well,I go to the restroom,and I come back seeing Jennifer taking my seat,I sit on the arm rest,and this one Irish dude,came by and read what my shirt said,I was like..that accent sounds familiar and at first I thought it was french,and then I was like OMG that's IRISH! so,then he comes back and Jennifer and I are still bored and acting nutty,so he stops in front of us,and tell's us this one bar joke which was kinda lame,and I don't remember what he said. But it was fun over there,and now we're going to hang out again! ^___^ heehee...I wish I was more outgoing like I was tonight. Anyways,I think that's about it,I think I bored ya to tears O.o;;
Dear Shukumei,
Sounds like yer havin' a fun summer. Chichiri no Aijin got to see her friends Monday night an' she got to say hi to Satoshi, too. She'll probably see him tonight so she'll tell 'im ya' said hi.
Dear Hotohori,
So then it's Oniisan's birthday? Drat,I knew I was forgetting someone's birthday ;___;....why oh why do I keep on forgetting your guy's birthday's? ;_________; I feel...I uh...uh..what do you call it?
Dear Shukumei,
"Forgetful"? Don't worry about it. I'm sure he'll understand.
Dear Tamahome,
*turns chibi,in hopes oniisan won't be mad at her,and hands him a present*Oniisan,please don't be mad at me for forgetting when your birthday is. ;___; *tears forms*. I hope you like the present,it's a PURE SILVER picture frame with you and Miaka-san,and your baby ^^;; please don't be mad at me ;___; I hope I'm not too late on saying Happy birthday ;___; *sniffs*.
Dear Shukumei,
It's great! Arigato! *Smiles and hugs her.*
Dear Tamahome,
Hello! What are you doin'? Anyway, I have a brother and sister that is totally annoying =(! But I want to make up...what am I going to do?
Dear Byakuren,
I'm answering letters. *Grins* Well if you had a fight, the first step in making up is to apologize.
Dear Tamahome,
*blink blink* I know this is an odd question... How cum no one loves Nakago? Me liketh him... *gives Tamahome 13 gold ryou and sweatdrops* By the gods, don't kill me for asking.
Dear Irhus-sama,
Soi does, but there's no accounting for taste. I don't know why. Perhaps because he's a manipulative, people using, SOB with delusions of god-hood?
Dear Tasuki,
Oh ho ho ho...Thanks for the permission. Of course, you don't have to swim if your wearing a Speedo...You could just be wearing it because you look nice in it...
Erinu no Rafusen
Dear Erinu no Rafusen,
Really? Ok, where do I change?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
meeep! my friend got me hooked on Savage Garden! sofar my favorite is "Carry On Dancing" and "Break me, Shake Me" XD. i also wonder what all of your favorite songs are...because me and my friend are maybie (probely not) making a music video (my favorite one was one for the Utena movie to the song "Castles In The Sky" by some person who's name i do not know ^^;; ). well other then that...i just want to say that i have a good friend now who i can glomp whenever i want to,though she hates it when i do that ^^;;. wish me luck in Highschool!
Hakura Mayabashi
Dear Hakura,
Good luck in high school! We tend to like J-Rock and J-Pop, but we've heard of Sonic Garden.
Dear Chichiri,
Hey Aniki! *huggles* Sorry I haven't written you in awhile. I'm in two RPGs and they've been keeping me busy, which is a good thing. Let's see. I know I wanted to tell ya something.
Oh yeah. One of my cousins is having a baby shower this weekend. We were invited but we're not going. The only reason we're not going (this is what we told the family), is that my mom has to work which is true enough. But as much as we love my cousin, we don't approve of the fact she's already having a child. She's on her second husband and she's only 19/20 years old! We did go to her first wedding, but we weren't invited to the second one.
*sighs* It seems like everytime things get peaceful in my life, trouble comes up again. But so far I've been doing good. This cousin thing really isn't trouble, it's just upsetting at what she's doing to herself and her family, and how her mom allows it. Oh well. As long as she's happy, ne?
Well gotta jet. I going to check on my RPGs. Until later!! *huggles* *limps out of room, singing Newsies songs* At least I'm keeping off my broken toe, like you guys told me to!!
A relaxed Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
She's way too young to be going through 2 husbands and a baby, no da! I wish her and her family the best of luck, no da!
Dear Hotohori,
You are beautiful, really really beautiful, just beautiful, beautiful, do you know how beautiful you are?
Quatre Rebabra Winner, no da.
Dear Quatre,
*Smiles and sparkles* Arigato.
Dear Nuriko,
*wakes up a while later to the smell of catfish cooking*
mmm smells good Ryu-chan *crawls out of the tent* Fish that size are too smart for fishing poles and lures.. *stretches* he put up one heck of a fight. *smiles at him* I was hungry what can I say. *grabs her saddle and sits on it* Never underestimate me love ;) So he's about done ne?
Dear Doc-sama,
In about 5 minutes. I hope you like it.
Dear Chiriko,
kay! you can be the ring bearer do you know anyone i Jouzen who could be a flower girl cause we really need one! ^^ i think we should go to borders lets see... how bout Friday coming up? and your mom's dinner is Monday! *sighs* im soooooo nervous! you have to come!!!! or ill make a bad impression!
Dear Sam,
You'll be fine! I don't know of anyone to be your flower girl, gomen. I'll see you Friday.
Dear Chichiri,
Auw that sucks:P Oh, if ya want I could send them to ya, or atleast the translations I found.
Dear Fallon,
Sure! Arigato, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
Auw, ya did too!:P
"If that were me, I'd never make her cry", I believe that's what you said. And I believe Hikou(?) was saying that the water strips people of their reasoning. And there was also that KISS! That was NOT mouth to mouth, as you claim, or you would not have made such a big deal about it in the anime!;P
Dear Fallon,
It was NOT a kiss!!! >.< It was artificial respiration!
Dear Chiriko,
Chiriko your so cuuuuute!!^_^ An' yer not a crybaby like Tasuki always says ^_^ I just had to say that^.^
Dear Fallon,
Arigato! *Smiles*
Dear Mitsukake,
Can you help me solve my problem? Sometimes, when I'm doing something, something happens to me. My eyes feel weird and I can't see properly. I see black spots in front of my eyes. And maybe it's psychological but I feel week when that happens and can't move or have to take support from something to keep myself standing. It's no big deal, it only happens for a few seconds, but I was wondering if you could still tell me why it happens.
Devina So
Dear Devina,
There are too many things that could cause that symptomology. I would suggest you speak to your family doctor and get a complete physical including a neurological exam right away.
Dear Tasuki,
ah and my dad and I tried Sake...though my dad said it tastes like sh*t o.o and i said it tastes GOOOOOD!!! hehe ^-^ no wonder u like it so much...*gives him some sake* ^-^ Cheers! *drinks some* =)hmmm this stuff rules...^__________^ and the other letter I would But it doesnt work v.v so i dunno what to do v_v oh well *gets out a cart full of Sake* Here ya go! ^-^ *drinks some* ahh...
Dear Kisato-Chan,
Thanks! Are ya' old enough to be drinkin'?
Dear Tasuki,
THAT WAS JUST MEAN! *takes out super soaker fulla milk and starts squirting him with it* HAHAHAHA!
Dear Tana,
An' that is jus' annoyin'!!
Dear Tasuki,
Konnichiwa!!!!!! I'm Aiko-chan and I really, really impress to your characteristics, your funny attitude. I'm here to ask you a question... When I was searching for your shrine.... I read some of your bios that you have sisters * I think *. Now.... my question goes is this.... "How many sisters do you have? Can you name them? and... How come you don't like girls but you look like a womanizer ?" * joking*.
That's only my questions. Hope you'll answer them if you have time.... I'll wait for your answer and be patient. Thank you. Take care.
Dear Aiko-chan,
I have 5 sisters… Jiang, Li'an, Pa'liu, mai, an' Aidou. *Fanged grin* Can't do nothin' 'bout my good looks!
Dear Nuriko,
*walks in* hi Nuri-chan! ^^ *hugs* I think you and Doc-sama make a perfect couple! ^^ so i wanna give you guy's these! *hands him 2 glass turtle doves* you give 1 to the person you love and you keep the other 1 then you guy's will always love 1 another! kinda like those dolls you gave Miaka! *actually remebered that* ^_~ c-ya im off! *hugs him* bye! ^_~
Dear Kiara,
They're lovely! Arigato! *Smiles* I think so, too!
Dear Tasuki,
hi I havent talked to you yet and I was just wondering if Koji dies in the OAV's because I dont think he does and shanea says he does and Im soooooo confused that I dont know what do I think now. I meen she could be right seeing as how she does own the OAV's and I have only seen them about 10 times each episode but..... I JUST DONT THINK HE DIES!!! HE IS TOO COOL TO DIE!!! *calms down* well thanks for your time, please answer back
Jennifer C.
p.s. my friend andrea says hi and that you are the coolest guy in the world.
Dear Jennifer,
She's talkin' 'bout th' first OAV. Tell yer friend I said hi and thanks! *Grins*
Dear Tasuki,
**glowers in a corner by herself** Well I ain't exactly been livin' th' best of lives. I live in th' orphanage where no one cares.
Dear Angel-chan,
I'm sorry to hear that. But I care!
Dear Chichiri,
**ends up on the floor crying** Well, I was only lookin' fer a friend of mine, I'm not in a relationship. But th' thing is...I went in there lookin' fer him 'coz he's like meh brother and before I know it these guys just start pawin' me an' such and then...Well....I hit them an' they hit me back an' then I was on the floor and the rest...I just dun wanna say, it's too horrible, but th' thing is, they said if I told anyone they would kill me an' they know I live at the orphanage an' I'm really really scared! I wanna tell Sister Kathleen, this real nice lady, what happened but I know she'll tell me to go to th' police and if those guys find out, then they'll kill me an' I'm scared! I dun wanna die but I just dun wanna let this go either!! What can I do???
Dear Angel-chan,
You need to let Sister Kathleen know what happened so they can be found and punished, no da. I'm sure she and the police will protect you. And from now on PLEASE stay out of bars, no da! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Mitsukake,
why does everyone think that you are not a good character. YOU ARE ONE OF THE COOLEST! I like you *gives you a big hug* I hope you have a great summer I have....dun dun dun....SUMMER SCHOOL. poor me, stupid finals >.< at least they are short sessions three hours a day per class for 10 days per session and I take 2 sessions that is 20 days in summer school 60 hours of my summer. well thanks for listening. my birthday was the 12 of june and I turned 16. yay only 3 dowm sides to my birthday my grand perents forgot it, I got a black eye and I fell down the basement stairs. but my friends made my birthday better (also my mom, dad, sister, and brother)so my biirthday turned out ok. your the best thanks for listening. * gives you a hug again*
Jennifer C.
Dear Jennifer C.,
Arigato for your kind words. Happy belated birthday and good luck in summer school.
Dear Hotohori,
why do you think your so bautiful imean your really ugly to me???
Dear Jack,
I'm sorry my looks are not pleasing to you. They are certainly pleasing to others.
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki your fangs make you you look sexy!!
Dear Gina,
Thanks! *Fanged grin*
Dear Nuriko,
you made me cry when you died
Dear sina,
Gomen ne! I'm sorry my passing made you cry.
Dear Tasuki,
tell koji he's my favorite and how come you dont like girls it hurts my feelings
little girl
Dear little girl,
I'll tell 'im! Girls always get me in trouble!
Dear Chiriko,
Can I come read a book wit you sometime, maybe? My best friend doesn't like to read at all, so whenever I write things I have to read them to her!! And I don't have anyone to read with over the summer, so.. you pick the book.
Dear Aisho,
Certainly! Reading is a great hobby!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Someone took my name!! I AM AISHO!!!!! Oh well. Nothing to freak about. BUT I AM AISHO! I don't need an identity crisis at the moment. But I am Aisho, the original book-lover and born and bred maseru, thank you!
the *original* Aisho
Dear *original* Aisho,
Please minna try not to borrow other people's names. Arigato!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
HHEEYYYY long time no see : ) ok I have an Astrological question to ask you. Do you think it is possible for a person to be like 2 diffrent signs. My b-day is on March 23 and that is in-between Aries and Pisces. Yes, I know that alot of the current horoscopes say that thats under Areis but feel like im both. ya I that's weird and they're probably the 2 most oppsite signs in the horoscope but ... sometimes I can be soo stubborn it's not funny and a real hothead and I just feel like exploding on someone. other times I'm just like really calm and nothing can get to me and I spend half of the day in a dream world and just zone out so bad to were I can't hear or see anything else thats around me. One moment I can have sooo much energy and just act wild and just can't sit still, the next moment I can be totally calm or just tired and have the urge to do nothing but sit and relax the rest of the day. Also my 2 fav colors are blue and red. I love fire and water.So which should I be???
Dear Kat,
You're on the cusp so it is possible to have traits from both signs. Why pick one over the other? Just be yourself.
Dear Chichiri,
are are are you my daddy cause mama found out all this info about you *curlsup in to a ball* and and sh she thinks it's you papa please tell me you are I love you papa and weve been waiting for you...
Dear chibineko,
Ano … gomen nasai, I'm not your father, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
I dont like boys there sssooo mmmeeeaann!*curls up in a ball and starts to cry* AAAHHH they pick on me they make fun of me they blam things on me and I dont like them *sniffles and crys even more* will you be my best friend because I want to commit sueiside really bad can you use your fire power ppppllllleessee my past is taribal I need someone to help me!!!!
little girl
Dear little girl,
Suicide ain;t th' answer! I'll be yer friend if ya' want me to be. But not because yer threatenin' to off yerself!
Dear Chichiri,
I think your sooooo adoriable when you go all chibi! It's just so cute, I wish you did it more often, but anyway, does it bother you that you never catch anything when you go fishing? I know it would drive me crazy! Though I don't have very far to go... But because you never catch anything I went out and caught this! *Hands him a large fish* I hope you like it no da! Oh and do you know where I can buy new fishing gear? *Holds up a broken fishing rod* It kinda broke. Heh heh heh.
Lone Wolf
Dear Lone Wolf,
Arigato, no da! Unless I am hungry, I don't care if I catch anything. I usually make my own poles, no da. Gomen.
Dear Mitsukake,
Rokou: Alright I'll come with you*they go into a room where Water Sprite is* Water Sprite are you okay?!
Water Sprite: I'm fine Rokou.You know Rokou I always wanted to be a mother.
Rokou: *smiles*And I always wanted to be a father of twin babies.
Water Sprite: You're in luck we're going to have twins.Mitsukake-san will you please bring Nuriko-san in here.
Water Sprite and Rokou
Dear Water Sprite and Rokou,
Of course! I think he might have some of your friends with him as well.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi!!! How are you? Since I no longer feel welcome in the chatroom, I'll talk to you!
Hotohori! How are you? **Huggle, Huggle** I'm swell! More than swell! Actually, I have a question. **Worried Look** I'm taking a kendo class, starting in a few weeks, and only men are in the class (All except one woman, I think). To add to my worries, I'm really young, and my OLDER BROTHER has agreed to be my sparring partner (In other words, I don't expect him to go easy on me). I'm kind of afraid of getting hurt, 'cause I have a low pain tolerance level. Any tips?
Tasuki... Oh, shoot! **Grop, Huggle** Will you be my onni-san? My aniki isn't that much of a big brother, and my house is otherwise dominated by my older sister and my mom, so... PLEASE?! I'll be good!
Chichiri (Your name is fun to type!)**SD** HI!!! Can you teach me magic? I want to do magic... Heh heh, fire fire fire!!!!!!! Or to teleport. Teleporting is good, too.
Nuriko... Umm, you scare me sometimes. Don't worry though, I love you the rest! **Huggle** Anyways, it's only because you're prettier than most women I know.
To the rest of you (Chiriko, Mitsukake, Tamahome), hi! But, I really don't have anything to say to you.
Ja ne!
Shadow Wolf (Raurenu, if you want it short)
Dear Shadow Wolf,
Hotohori - Be careful and listen to and follow what your sensei tells you. You will build up your tolerance for pain.
Tasuki - Sure, why not?
Chichiri - If you were in my world I could, no da.
Nuriko - Arigato, I think …
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
~Hello~ How art thou? **Gets wacked on the head** Oi! Thanks, Erau! I'm not speakin' Old English anymore! Wahoo! Anyways, here're the questions!
1. If you had to kiss one of ya, which? (As in seishi. No Miaka and no no one!)
2. Did any of you have previous sexual relations with Nakago?
3. What is 267 to the 24th power?
4. What color socks am I wearing?
5. Are there any anime conventions near Rhode Island?
6. Will you all please take off your shirts?
7. Do you currently have any love interests? (You all do in my story!)
8. Ever heard of System of a Down? It sounds ike Fushigi Yuugi battle music at some points.
9. Do any of you use Mitsukake as a coat rack?
Bai bai!
PS: Can I give Tasuki a kiss? Come on, it's my 17th birthday! Please!
Dear Enia,
Here are your answers:
1. Nuriko - Hotohori! *The rest of the Seishi sweatdrop.*
2. NO!
3. 1.7229404720770952876545598552566e+58
4. White?
5. Check this site:
6. Ano… *They all blush and sweatdrop.*
7. The only lovers are Tamahome and Miaka.
8. No
9. Never!
Ok, but only on th' cheek.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tamahome,
I have a question. My friend wrote in her diary this message and im really worried about what it means. She wont tell anyone anything, but she brings up she has bruises and then i read the message and started to worry more.
"Why did you do this? I hate you. Why did you go in me? Why did you push it. Into me? Why did you do this to me? "Look at my face"! "Why are't you looking at me"! Because you scare me. Because you hurt me. I have bruises. Because of you. I can't sleep!"
what do you think it sounds like? And what would you do if some girl you know did the same thing? how would you help them?
worried friend
Dear worried friend,
It sounds like your friend may have been raped. I would make sure she seeks counseling! Here is a website you can refer her to: her parents should also be made aware of her diary entry so they can help her. Good luck!
Dear Nuriko,
Sara: Nuriko we heard that Water Sprite was gonna deliver the babies.
Touya no miko: We thought she still had a month.
Cloud Fairy: Is she alright?
Water Sprite's friends
Dear Water Sprite's friends,
She is. I'll bring her to you if you wish.
Dear Mitsukake,
I felt it was time for you to cry again. Yes, it is indeed another one of my letters..
In news, I have actually become a good sewing person, being able to make an Ashton Anchors doll, with pants, belt, and shirt. Yes, I know you must be wondering why him, and not you.. Well, you see, we may bond.. In some way I don't see, but Ashton and I have the same first part of our names! *cackles* However, I did not run around telling people my name was Ashton, or make a shrine to Ashton..
Which reminds me. I made a shrine for you. I even scanned a picture. Yay! Fushigi Yugi manga is becoming more common at Borders. Remember, kids: Manga + Borders = Bigger Shrine! Yay!
Lastly, I leave on vacation next week, for my birthday. You've been through two of my birthdays! And I think I was through two of yours.. Kind of like a married couple! ^^;;.. *thinks of it and dies* ^^
Dead IraMirado (Who's still obsessed.. Mitsukake all the way!)
Dear IraMirado,
Happy birthday and have fun on your vacation! Arigato for the shrine.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Wai!! Wai!! I'm so happy, my FY poems are being published on the net!! And maybe my fanfic too!! SUGOI!! Sorry, I just like to write alot, and its nice to be able to do this.
Dear Jashi,
Congratu;ations! We're all very proud of you!
Dear Tamahome,
Hello,and nice to meet ya! I have a stalker, yep. A stalker...can I stalk you? I know you would enjoy it, right? OH YEAH BABY! Can I be your miaka? I think you and miaka should be married forever. Hey, can you guys re-marry, and I'll be miaka this time? k, bye.
Dear Allie,
Ano, there's just one Miaka for me. Gomen.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
What is your least fave thing to do? Why? What is your fave thing to do? Why? Chow no da!
Klown Boy
Dear Klown Boy,
Tasuki - Drinkin' an' brawlin'
Chichiri - Fishing, no da
Hotohori - Being with my family
Nuriko - Being with Hotohori
Chiriko - Studying
Mitsukake - Healing others
Tamahome - Being with Miaka
Least Favorites:
Tasuki - Swimmin'!
Chichiri - Fighting, no da
Hotohori - Fighting wars and dying
Nuriko - Cleaning
Chiriko - Sports
Mitsukake - Cleaning Tama-neko's litter box
Tamahome - Being flash fried…
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
*starts to cry* *kisses him then runs to the bar runs back* here *gives tasuki a beer*
Dear kerinda-chan,
What was THAT alla 'bout? *Looks confused then shrugs* Thanks fer th' beer!
Dear Tasuki,
THANK GOD YOU DON'T DIE!!!! *runs to him and higs him tight;cries happy tears* I THOUGHT YOU AND KOUJI DIED!! I would've not liked that! My friends love you and they said if you died they would be very, very mad! But thank you don't! So how yah been? *hands him 18 bottles of sake* *drinks 8 of them* SAKE ROCKS! Anyways, how's y' buddy Kouji? I hope he's doing good! *hands him more sake* Come on, drink it! Sake is good fer yah! Well, I gotta go! By, my firey bandit! *gives him a hug, kisses him on the lips, and winks at him* Buh-bye!
Dear Aisha,
Ya' ain;t as glad as me that I don't die! Thanks fer th' sake!
Dear Tasuki,
Hai! *takes out her papper tessen* Lekka Shienen *waits for it to do something* ummm......i tink is broke...
Dear Lita,
Nah, it's jus' not a magic tessen like mine is.
Dear Mitsukake,
Hello Big Brother! When I wrote to everyone, and I asked "What color would you dye your hair" everybody said black. Well what color hair do you have then? >=)
Dear Deserae,
Here is your answer:
Tasuki - Reddish-orange
Chiriko - Pinkish brown
Nuriko - Purple
Tamahome - Black with teal highlights
Hotohori - Chestnut brown
Chichiri - Blue, no da
Mitsukake - Black
Dear Tasuki,
i know what would make you mad *throws a log at Lita and makes her start crying* HAHAHAHAHA! *runs off*
Non Plotting Psyco
Dear Dead Psycho,
OI!! What th' H*LL did ya' do that fer?!?!?!?!? *Frys psycho* That'll teach ya'! *Goes to quiet Lita.*
Dear Tasuki,
Ok, fine so you won't let me be a bandit...can I sleep over Mt. Reikaku some time^^? I can bring loads of sake and lots of video games! I could also bring a Tamahome dummy to beat up on! Wouldn't you like that?
Oh and here is something for a laugh. Three of my friends' boyfriends have a crush on me. AND I HATE MEN! But I don't hate you *puppy eyes*. Some guys just don't take a hint...tsk tsk.
Do you know what sucks? You can't play most import dvds on American dvd players! I had to order a japanese one so i could watch Battle Royle (which is supposed to be one of the most violent films ever made). You should watch it with me. I'll eve hold the puke bag for ya ^.~
Dear GirlGenChan,
I've heard 'bout "Battle Royale". Yeah I guess ya' can come over fer one night, but only one!
Dear Tamahome,
Well, there's just 8 days left before your birthday comes up. Do you have any ideas on how you want to celebrate? What kind of cake do you want? Do you like alcoholic or non-alcoholic cake? I just need to know how much security to have posted in the kitchen if the cake has alcohol in it. I think you know why...*envisions certain drunken fang-boy happily shoving cake in his face* Wait! Take a quick look around, in case someone's eavesdropping.
*hands him 500 ryou* Here's a little cash advance. Maybe you can use some of it to buy Miaka something as a belated birthday present. Would she like a cookbook? *sees sweatdrop* Then again, maybe some jewelry or dinner at a fancy restaurant would be better.
Well, let me know what you decide. I'll get the preparations for the cake underway. Enjoy your okane.
Lady Shera
P.S. *hears rustling sound* Who's hiding behind that curtain? *points to 6-foot tall lumpy mass behind big red curtain*
Dear Lady Shera,
Arigato for the okane! Non-alcoholic cake is fine. I really have no plans for my birthday. *Looks at Mitsukake hiding behind the curtain.* Pay no attention to the Seishi behind the curtain.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
hi i am a Singaporean fan of your adventures, the question i want ask is are there only seven suzaku seishis or will there be others to replace you after all you have pass on?
Dear KeN,
Welcome to our site, no da! We are the only Suzaku Seishi. I believe that when we pass we are reborn, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
hi! *jumps up and down*im gonna bea comic artist!*slums* im broke ANDcheap.. tas not gonna work to well is it? din think so....*steals sake and wonders off with it* heh heh
avery small boke and cheap chuchu
Dear chuchu,
OI!! Come back here wit' that!
Dear Mitsukake,
Hiya. Ok, here's some medical questions for ya. I broke my pinkky toe (ouch) and now everybody's been telling me to not put any pressure on it or to stay off my feet until it heels.
*1) How long will it be before my toe heals?
*2) Are there any exercises I can do to saty in shape while my toe is broken?
*3) I'm supposed to be running to get in shape for cross-country season to start, and it doesn't help that I have a broken toe.
My coach just invited the entire team to go running together on Saturday and then swim and then she also invited us to a race in two weeks. Will my toe be well enough in two weeks to run in that race? Just wondering.
Well thank ya. *huggles* Don't worry. You're not boring. Silent people aren't boring. They just like to keep to themselves. I was like that once. Just think you could be worse. I mean you could be one of those people that never shuts up and just keeps on talking for what seems like forever, and then you end up getting the title of 'Rambling Mistress.'
*looks at length of letter and sweatdrops* I'm shutting up now. :)
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
It may take several weeks. You can try using surgical tape to tape your pinky toe to the one next to it for stability. You really should be consulting your family doctor about the last 2 questions. Odaijini!
Dear Hotohori,
I think it is so sad when you die! When I saw my Fushigi Yuugi movie when you died, I CRIED! I was crying my eyes out! But anyways, I need your advice on something. First, I'm going to start to take Tai-Chi lessons because I want to learn how to use a sword. Do you have any good advice?
Dear Aisha,
I'm sorry that my passing saddened you. As for learning the art of sword fighting, you will need to practice everyday. Have you considered taking Kendo? It is the art of Japanese sword fighting.
Dear Chichiri,
* sits down and crys* what do you do when your grandperents forget your birhtday. Mine was the 12 of june and they didnt even call to say happy birthday. Do you think they forgot about me? I havent even seen them in over 3 months this is the second year they forgot in a row.(well they atleast remembered about a month after last year) they remembered my sisters birthday why cant they remember mine? Do they not remember I exist *crys more*
Jennifer C.
Dear Jennifer,
I think you need to call your grandparents, no da. Perhaps they can explain their actions. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
Thank you for making me a 'Kou'. Now, you say that women always get you into trouble. Define 'trouble', if you will.
Kourin Kou
Dear Kourin,
Like generally getting' me seriously injured or d*mn near killed.
Dear Tasuki,
G! R! Double E! N! LEAVES! ::Starts doing yatta dance:: ^^ anyway how are you tasukiii? ::gives you sake:: ne what's "dry" sake? There are two bottles of it that have been sitting in my fridge for half a year. ^^()why don't you like women anyway? lol. Oi. I'm goin to camp soon yay! ^^() everybody say...YATTA! ::steals your tessen for a moment:: Ne... is this thing iron? your hands ever get burned from using it? and why do you never fry anyone else on the teame sides tamahome...not that he doesn't deserve it ::gives tasuki the taco bell dog:: weee too much suuuugaaaar ::Grins:: If you don't like milk where do you get the calcium needed to grow strong bones!... where's YOUR milk moustache? XD well I've bothered you enough hee hee. ::yatta dances away::
Dear Morphie-chan,
*Sweatdrops at insane fangirl and takes tessen away from her.* I see someone's been watchin' "Waru-Waru Inu"… We couldn't get th' ASCII drawin' to work. Gomen!
Dear Nuriko,
*goes up to Nuriko and hugs him without warning, crying and sniffling*
I want my math teacher back! *sobs*
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
What happened to your math teacher?
Dear Mitsukake,
HIIIIIIII!!!!!!! You don't seem to get much attention... so now I'll pay attention to you! ^_______^ Don't you feel special?
::Taylor:: O.O DON'T LISTEN TO HER! SHE'S INSANE! SHE'LL-- ::cut off by a whack over the head with the Broom of Doom::
Ehehe... ignore Taylor-baka. Anyway, I'm thinking of doing a sequel to a fanfic that I wrote. It's a parody of Survivor. I did a part with the Byakko and Seiryuu Seishi in the Genbu Seishi's cave. (Subaru won, by the way.) I'm thinking of doing a Survivor with all the Mikos, and with you guys and the Genbu Seishi. ::cackles::
::Taylor regains consciousness:: SEE?! She's INSANE! She'll feed you with HER COOKING!
Shut up, Taylor! ::chases him off with the broom of doom:: I heard one of your songs. I thought it was very muchly spiffy. ^______________^ Anyway, it's... ::looks at calendar:: Only 18 more days until I go to summer camp! YAY! Also in the works... the Seiryuu Seishi as camp counselors. ^____^ Well, I'll catch ya later!
Sean-chan no Miko
Dear Sean-chan no Miko,
Good luck with your story ideas.
Dear Tasuki,
Hi Tasuki!! ^_____^ I think I made a cute fanged little emoticon thingymabob for you! ^vv^ Cute, isn't it? ::pats Tasuki the Emoticon on the head:: ^_^ Anyway... how's Kouji? You two have got to be tied with Nuriko for my favorite anime characters of all time. ^__________________^ Considering how much anime I like, that's a big compliment. What does Kouji's name mean? And another weird question...
If Jimmy cracked corn and nobody cares, why does he keep doing it? Furthermore, is corn even crackable? Is Jimmy just SO professional at cracking corn that he is able to hit the little corn kernels with a hammer and not get corn juice sprayed all over himself?
Here's my little screwy Dear Abby situation...
I don't really like children. In fact, I nearly hate them. Problem is, I always get screwed into babysitting them without being asked. They're well-behaved around their parents, but they're freaking DEMONS when they're around me. I don't want to stop babysitting because it's the only way I can make money. (If you're wondering why I don't mow grass or something, it's because I only have weeds and dirt in my yard. There is no grass to mow.) But I hate children. WHAT SHOULD I DO?!
::Taylor:: She's a head case, isn't she?
YAY! I am crazy! ::dances:: Do you think I'm unbalanced, Tasuki-san? ^_^
Kiseki (who has been hiding in her room from little kids all week)
Dear Kiseki,
It's iunterestin'. Kouji means "orphan". Well, ya' can find another job or ya' can jus' put up wit' it. Mebbe one of yer friends that also baby-sits can give ya' some tips. Good luck!
Dear Tamahome,
Hi^_^ Hey guess what! Our b-days are in the same month^_^ isn't that cool^_^ Mine is the 22nd and yours is the 28th...I'm not sure what I'm gonna do fer my birthday what about you? are you ganna have a party with all your freinds? I hope I can^_^ I want my best friend to come over but her great-grandmother has a b-day this weekend so we aren't sure if she will get to come...One of my other friends is staying with his dad so I won't get to see him either..bummer huh?^_^ Oh well at least i know they are there fer me in spirit! What should I give you fer a present? I know I'll make you a cake^_^ what kind do you want? (I love cooking by the way so you can ask fer any kind^_^)I like blueberry cheese cake the best but I can make other kinds too so just ask^_^
Saya AKK
Dear Saya AKK,
Chocolate cake is always good! Miaka and I will be spending my birthday with the Seishi. Arigato and Happy Birthday!
Dear Chichiri,
Otay...hey maybe I can go find berries or somfin? Would ou wike som berries? I wike blue ones^_^
Dear Taki,
I'd rather you not wander off alone, no da. If you wait, I will go with you.
Dear Chiriko,
Do you know of any help sites online for Geometry?
Ashley Chan
Dear Tasuki,
....May i borrow ur tessen? i wanna fry my sister..Sikora v.v even though it works only for u i could try o.O or do u have anything else i could use? She ish being evil...Evily sikora. OR maybe if u could...could ya fry her for me??? She ish being very mean to me v.v and she keeps punching my back...i dunno why..She knows i have sunburn dere! and its getting worse v.v poor me v.v oh the humanity v_v If ya where wondering Evil ish my new word..and so is ish. and also somethin else...oh yeah! since my sister is inlove with tamahome i now call her obake-Chan hahahahahehehehohohohoho o.o hehe plus i like the sound of to say Hehe Well i must goto bed now its..*looks at clock* 12...12:44..gah...i usually stay up later then this but im tired. Well Goodnight Tasuki-San! ^-^ *goes off to bed* ^-^
Ya friend who's gunna fry Sikora, Kisato-Chan
Ps: just to wait until Sikora wakes up...ehehehehehe
Dear Kisato-Chan,
Why not jus' tell yer ma' what she's doin'?
Dear Tasuki,
::Walks in, drunk! Gives Tasuki a toothy grin and holds out a bottle::
Dear Mal,
Thanks! *Drinks grog* Oishii! Got anymore?
Dear Hotohori,
::a small parcel wrapped up nicely get's delivered to Emperor-sama.::
::A note on it says, "Open it, you'll like the surprise! Trust me."::
Dear Mal,
*Opens package and stands back… *
Dear Nuriko,
YAY!!! Thankyou! I shall keep this forever ~.^ Oh! It was funny my sister was yelling at me like she always does and I swore her forehead started to glow blueish-green. And it's spooky cause she looks like Nakago. *Shudders* Nuri-chan you rule! You and Hotohori-sama are the best characters ever. I have a folder dedicated to the both of you.
Dear Akira,
Arigato! I'm glad you like it!
Dear Hotohori,
Well if I can not be a part of the harem can I take care of your horses? Oh and why do you wear that box on your head? What is it? Is it magical? And I love your songs.
Dear Akira,
If you wish. Do you have any experience caring for horses? The "box" is a smaller version of my Imperial crown. It is not magical. Arigato!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
i told one of my teacher that i drew a picture i found on some "Nature Factsheet" that had some bird of pray eating the innards of a rabbit.Two days since i told my teacher that i drew it, i heard that i had to go back to counsiling (wich my mom got me to quit in January). is this fair? it was on a factsheet that even little kids get, but they thought it was disturbing enough because it had no frilly hearts or other cute junk ><. anyway,should i explain to them that it is not as disturbing as things some of my brothers friends draw every day?
a "disturbed" Hakura Mayabashi
P.S: schools over so expect more from me every time i can ^_~
Dear Hakura,
I think so. Perhaps you should bring the fact sheet with you so you can show the counselor the original. Take care.
Dear Tasuki,
Gak! I can't believe you! You let my best friend(Chibi_Chichiri_Lover)(I helped with the name:) ) Live at Mt. Reikaku, but not me?! Ugh... Nevermind, if you won't let me live with the guys, then I'll go live with one of my muses(such as Hiead, Wufei, etc.). Oh, but I couldn't abandon you like that...This is a hard choice...Oh, well, I'll decide when the time comes.
oh, BTW, if K(Chibi_Chichiri_Lover) lives at the Mt., don't expect her to clean anything up, just a warning, my rooms messier than hers...
Dear Chibi_Tasuki_Lover,
She don't clean, she don't stay!
Dear Hotohori,
@__@;;; okay then,if your birthday is in april, than who's birthday is it now? *looks confused* aiyah,I need to sit down. x.x;
Dear Shukumei,
I believe it is Tamahome's birth month.
Dear Tasuki,
Well,of course I'm alright,although my little sis got scared,but I told her it's okay and everything else. ^-^. And yeah Rose does know that Yuki has a girlfriend,Rose and Yuki are buddies. Eh,I guess you could say close buddies? O.o;
Dear Shukumei,
That's good! Tamahome said to tell ya' he wasn't sure if ya' were rantin' or needed help wit' yer friend, but he don't know what to do 'bout her. She an' th' guy both sound a lil' nuts to me! Good luck! I think yer gonna need it!
Dear Chiriko,
Ok. I want to learn more about Konan and it's history. Um... can i borrow one of your books?
Dear Akira,
Certainly! *Hands her a book on Konan.*
Dear Tasuki,
Okay then... bring on the sake!!!! **waiter puts five mugs down in front of each** Let's go, Gen-chan! **slams her's down, calls for more** You really think you can beat me at this?? Ha! You should try being shoved into a jello shot competition! **fanged grin** Sake's nothing compared to those!
Dear Kokkei,
Nah, I KNOW I can beat ya'! *Has already finished his first and second rounds and is working on his 3rd.*
Dear Tamahome,
Ti-kwan-do... I think that's how you spell it
Anika Kou Tsukino.
Dear Anika,
Tae-kwon-do, eh? What level/belt are you? The best advice I can give you is to attend your classes regularly and practice, practice, practice! Good luck!
Dear Nuriko,
Thank you very much yeah I have but with my new glasses the darker hair color with red streaks looks good.
Anika Kou Tsukino.
Dear Anika,
Gomen, I didn't know about the glasses.
Dear Chichiri,
Thankies for answering all my questions! Such the sweetling, as usual. Personally cherries are better than strawberries. Maybe I feel this way because I'm allergic to the latter (Wah!). So if you had to choose between them, which would it be? I know it's a really stupid question, but I'm overly curious.
I checked my site and it didn't seem like any of the links were broken. Of course, I only checked the ones I assumed were broken. You mean link links (like going somewhere else) or page links? Uh-oh, I'm being obsessive compulsive. Gomen, kawaii-no-chan!!!
I've got to tell you that I'm 'seing' someone right now that in some strange way reminds me a lot of you and Yakumo (3x3 Eyes, ever seen it?)
^-^ Happiness abounds. Ya know, there is this really good CD called Nocturnal 2 by DJ Dreamy that is really awsome for techno. I've drawn a coupla ones of your sweetness to it, they came out pretty good too. ^-^
So, musically, you're not exactly out clubbin' or headbanging? Do you like koto and shakuhachi music? *sends a kisu and a huggle
Erinu no Rafusen
Dear Erinu no Rafusen,
I would choose strawberries, no da. I think the links I was referring to were for pictures, no da. I have seen 3x3 Eyes. I do prefer koto and shakuhachi over more modern music, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Generally, a Speedo is a very small, tight garment worn for swimming purposes. Your build suggests you would look quite good in one. So if I draw a pic, would you wanna see it, you fiery thing?
^-^' Oh, I just couldn't help myself... *huggles and whatnot*
Erinu no Rafusen
Dear Erinu no Rafusen,
Ano… sure if ya' wanna… but I don't swim!
Dear Nuriko,
*comes up for air* itoshii found him!! *takes a deep breath, goes back under water, a few seconds later a huge catfish jumps out of the water, comes up for air again* Did you see him?? *takes another breath, dives back under, a fight is seen on the surface of the water, the water stills* *comes up for air, and swims to the shore* Dinner itoshii.. *throws the huge catfish at him, and climbs out of the water* Did you enjoy your laugh at me? *grins as he stares at the catfish* Thanks for putting up the tent love *kisses him, then goes inside the tent to change and take a short nap*
Dear Doc-sama,
*Looks at huge fish and stops laughing.* Well, looks like I have my work cut out for me! Arigato koishii! *Starts scaling, cleaning and filleting the fish.*
Dear Chichiri,
Thank u so much, Chichiri. I really appriciate you listening to me. I'm not sure if I'm ready to tell my family about it yet tho, b/c it's very hard to even talk about it. I think the only reason I could tell you was b/c I was just typing, not saying it outloud. *hugs him back* I'm feeling a lot better today for some reason tho. I don't know what I'd do without you seishi. (especially u) btw, (I'm sorry that I didn't send you a fanart for your birthday, but my e-mail hasn't been working. I'm sorry, I drew a very nice pic of you too, and I'll send it whenever I can.) K, well, I g2g, k? thanks a million times.
Dear Bosher,
I got the fanart, no da. It's very kawaii! Arigato! I know it's hard to tell your family but, at least your parents should know, so they can get you professional help to get past it, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
**glares at him evilly** I AIN'T TOO YOUNG!! I can be anywhere I want, whenever I want! **puts her hands on her hips** Whose ter say what I can and can't do?!?!? HMMMMMMM??????? **looks him in the eye** I am JUST fine on mah own. I always have been! **folds her arms across her chest** Fer cryin' out loud, I ain't had anyone ter tell me what I can and can't do for th' last 16 years! Why should I listen ter anyone now!? Hmph. **puts her hands on her hips again** Well I got ter go talk ta Chichiri-san!! Somethin' has come up and I need ter tell him so I know what ter do...Aishiteru nii-san. **hugs him, gives him a quick kiss on th' cheek, and runs off ter find Chichiri**
Dear Angel-chan,
16 yrs.?? Ya' ARE too young to be hangin' out in bars! I'm jus' tellin' ya' this fer yer own good! None of us wanna see ya' get hurt.
Dear Chichiri,
Chichiri-san, yer good at givin' advice, aren't ya?? I already told Tasuki, my nii-san, about the first part but th' second part is a little Well, I need some help with a huge problem. It was when I went ter th' bar. I was actually lookin fer someone but what I found wasn't what I was looking's left emotional and physical scars on meh. I need some help with this fer cryin' out loud...**takes a deep breath and tries not ter cry** I ain't told no one yet...But I wanna know could you help meh? Please?
Dear Angel-Chan,
Were you going to meet a friend there or just find someone to hook up with, no da? Bars are not always the best places to meet people for a meaningful relationship. Of course I will try to help, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Ok I'll used to it. I yell at everyone I know in my group too. *smiles* I'll tell ya when my site is done...I hope to finish it soon having a hard time with pics ><....stay yourself always Tasuki-kun *winks with a smile*
Guni Ryuuaki
Dear Guni,
OK. Good luck! I look forward to seein' it!
Dear Tasuki,
HEY! that was cheating! and i hope you hgave fun with the 50 gallons of milk! like im stupid enough to bring the sake :p i know your a bandit!
Dear Tana,
Milk??? *Checks jug and yep it's milk…* ACK!!! *Dumps jug on Tana* Milk bath!!! *Runs for his life…*
Dear Mitsukake,
She is so evil! look at her shes plotting! *points at Lita whos moving a string around and playing with Tama* I bet she'll be like Nakago!
Dear Tana,
She is not! Why do you say such terrible things?
Dear Mitsukake,
When will Wita Bwe Dwon Pwaying Wif Twama?
Dear Aisho,
I don't know but, I'm sure if you ask her nicely she'll let you play with Tama, too.
Dear Chiriko,
okay see now we gotta make a day to go silly! ^^ *looks at her calander* oh my i suppose to have dinner at your okaasans house before me and Kengo get married! PLEASE come to that cause im afraid of maikng oa wrong move infront of you mom! *sighs* post marrying stress i guess! ^^ oh thats right you gotta be in the wedding too! what would you like to be?
P.S.can ya tell im stressed??????
Dear Sam,
Sure, what day would you like it to be? How about the ring bearer?
Dear Tasuki,
HELLO, TASUKI!!!!! It's me again! Listen, I'm wondering, who kills you? If it's Nagako I will scream because YOU don't deserve to die!!!! WHY DID IT HAVE TO BE YOU?!?!?! *starts crying* Its not fair, your the greatest guy! I don't want you to die! By the way, how does Kouji die? Its probably Nagako. But anyways I DON'T WANT YOU TO DIE!! *starts crying;falls to the floor*
Dear Aisha,
No one kills me!! What th' H*LL are ya' talkin' 'bout??? An' Kouji ain't dead either!
Dear Tamahome,
I love the way you handle Miaka and how you take care of her. If she didnt have you, I would
Dear stephanie,
Thank you. *Smiles*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Ok sorry for not emailing you all in awhile x.x I was busy. ^^ Anyway my site address is ^-^ hope you like it! I still have to do some more work on it though! Well got to go!!! Cya minna-san!
Dear Kisato-Chan,
Nice site! Very cool!
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