Dear Tasuki,
Ah Tasuki! I havent talked to you in along time x.x How ya been these days? ^^ *Gives him some sake* for the summers. Hows your summer goin' so far? I hope good! Mines going great cept i got really bad sun burn on my back v.v Poor me v.v Well my friend Rinoa-chan wants to get on the computer so i gots ta go! ^-^ Cya Tasuki-san! *hugs tasuki* Bye!
Dear Kisato-Chan,
Sorry 'bout yer sunburn. Mitsukake says to put aloe on it. I'm doin' ok. Summer is gettin' busy wit' picnics an' AX comin' up!
Dear Tasuki,
*Hugs him tightly and kisses him* Hi Tasuki Wasuki! How are you? I'm ok. We just took are math test and I'm so worried if I passed it or failed it. *Flops down on the ground* Everythings counting on if I passed it, do I go on to the next grade level, evrything and I'm so nervous I"ve been pacing about my room! I swear I have a giant hole in the rug from where I pace! *Grabs him and pulls him close to her face* And you want to know how they let you know if you pass or fail? I'll tell you... THEY MAIL IT TO YOU! THAT'S HOW! *Let's go* I think I need a drink... this is to much...
Your Psycho Lucy @_@ I smell donuts...
Dear Psycho,
Good luck on yer test! An' stop callin' me that!!
Dear Tasuki,
LOL, 'course ya are! He can't shoot fire, and you've got the coolest songs!!(he doesn't even have any!) Also yer hair is much mor interesting^-^
Oh, and I still think you've got a bit of a "thing" for Miaka!~_^
Dear Fallon,
I do not! >.<
Dear Nuriko,
Arigatou Nuriko:)
While I'm here... Know any ways to either get rid of or hide flushing? *pinches her cheeks* I get kinda tired of people asking every year about 'em... They make it look like I just got smacked--hard. And also, they burn when ever it's hot^^;
Dear Fallon,
Have you considered seeing a dermatologist? That way it can be determined if your rosy cheeks are caused by something more than a good blood supply.
Dear Chichiri,
Okay, Ive been listening to(and feading the translations for) the Sequential Stories(or whatever their called), and was just wondering...
1)Did you fall on Tasuki on purpose or was it as you said?^^;
2)What happened after the baseball game was over?
3)What was Nuriko's new name?^^
Or do you have no idea what I'm talking about?^^;;;
Dear Fallon,
I know what you are talking about, but I haven't listened to them, no da. Gomen.
Dear Mitsukake,
You are not boring......WHY DOES EVERYONE SAY YOU ARE BORING WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYY????!!!!! *huggles him and explodes*
Dear Irhus-sama,
*Sweatdrops* Arigato. I believe it is because I do not say much.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Do you like chickens?
The pixies
Dear pixies,
They are a good source of low-fat protein.
Dear Tasuki,
Hey ya there! Well me and my bud were wondering if you would be interested in bringing some strippers and sake? We could party all night and have fun all day in the sun! I mean it would be cool and nothing bad or illegal would happen just some innocent fun you know. Well the party is tonight and the rest of the week bring what you can and tell Tamahome about it as well! Thanks mucho Babes and see ya around.
party girls
Dear party girls,
No! Besides, what would girls want wit' strippers?
Dear Tasuki,
Hi-ya! Ok, you asked me what you had to do in my horde. Absolutely nothing! I will just worship and drool over you and give you whatever your heart desires. Simple, ne? Oh, there's also bragging rights. I get to brag to all my friends (and enemies) that you are in my horde.
I hope you say yes!
Melyn Tenshi, the Otaku.
Dear Melyn Tenshi,
Lemme think 'bout it, ok?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
YAY!! I just got back from camp in Florida. It was fun. I got really tan. Summer here is hot! The south is like 90 degrees every day. I broke my pinky toe the other day. And it hurts. Let's see what else is going on that I can tell you about. Ummm....I don't know. It's been a somewhat quite summer-which is good. Well gotta jet. Oh yeah, happy belated Father's Day.
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
Mitsukake says to try to stay off your feet until your toe heals. We're glad you had a great time at camp! Arigato!
Dear Tasuki,
Has anyone ever told you that you and Wufei from Gundam Wing are really alike? Well you are. I mean, Wufei doesn't like women very much(at least I think, I can't really tell) and you don't like women very much, which makes me sad :( but anyway, you're both Chinese too. I think you two would get along just fine. *shrugs* But that's just me.
Another thing is that, even though my friends say that 'Flame of Friendship' was a horrible episode, I loved it. Possibly my favorite episode ever. Maybe it's just because I think that you and Miaka would make an awsome couple..Okay, my mind has been corupted by fanfic writers, but I just needed a break from the usual Tamahome and Miaka love story...heh, heh, don't tell Tamahome this, but I don't like him very much...
Anyway, I hope we can be gooooood friends and drink sake together, because I like it lots o lots! Bandits rule! Oh yeah, my alter-ego george says hi.
Dear Chibi_Tasuki_Lover,
Wufei is a cool character! Thanks! Sure we can be friends. Hi to George!
Dear Mitsukake,
Mitsukake-san is my wife alright?Did she give birth to the babies?Please tell me she's alright!
Dear Rokou,
She's fine but she's still in labor. Come with me, please.
Dear Chichiri,
Yay^_^ *walks over to the fish in the basket* hewwo fissy wat is our name? *fish stops floping and looks at her* reawwy?I never ment a fissy named Ryu betfer my nam is Taki^_^ glad to meet you^_^ *walks over to Chichiri* are we donna tatch more fissies or just eat Ryu? ^_^ *stands looking at him with a huge smile on her face*
Dear Taki,
It depends on how hungry we are, no da. I was thinking of catching a second one after we eat the first if we're still hungry. *Takes fish away to clean it.*
Dear Tasuki,
I've been readin' Fanfics about you an' lots a people think you should hook up wi' Chichiri. I mean all the Susaku Seshi are mached up. Miaka and Tamahome, Hotohori and Nuriko, Mitsuke and Churiko(father/son kinda thing), and Tasuki and Chichiri... if ya' dont like Gals y not pair up with Chiri? (well i think its a good idea....)
Dear Tatsuchan,
Except for Tamahome and Miaka NONE of the Seishi are paired up! Ya' been readin' too many yaoi fanfics!!! >.<
Dear Tasuki,
Hey Tasuki-kun! So did ya hear about the news that happened around my house from CnA-chan? ^^;;; it was so so...what's the word I'm looking for? ...COOL!! man you really should've been there. We had cops and everything! heehee. It was like watching America's Most Wanted,except it was in our backyard. But anyways,they caught the guy about a block away from us. But still it was so cool!! hehe.
Oh yeah guess what? Did ya' hear that I asked out Satoshi? ^-^ he said yes,but since he's busy all this month he won't be able to go out on a date with me until I guess next month? O.o;; Anyways,I got to finally talk to him on saturday night,and it was cool! We actually said more then hi how are you? And I think it could've been because Rose was always on the other line,and he was too shy to talk to me with her being on the other end. Whaddya think? Anyways,he asked me what was I majoring in,and I told him FBI,and he nearly fell off his seat when he was talking to me XD. heehee you could literatelly hear his mouth dropping to the floor. And then when I said that I wanted to work in the building he did like a sigh of relief,but it was kinda silent but I knew he did it! heehee. It's quite weird I think,Rose and Yuki connected pretty well,and they're buds,and Satoshi and I connected REALLY well,and we're buds,and if everything goes well,maybe more then buds,but I dunno,I'm kinda hoping,but not to the point where I'm going to get my hopes up,but I think something's going to happen whaddya think? ^^;;; Well,I should probably stop buggin ya and let you get to your letters. ^^
Dear Shukumei,
I heard! Glad yer alright! Ya' never know! Does Rose know that Yuki already has a girlfriend? Good luck!
Dear Hotohori,
*gasps* When is your birthday again?? yeesh! It seems like I'm forgetting everyone's birthday nowadays ;___; . Aiyah,I used to be so good with keeping up on your birthdays when I first got this one card that had information about it,but now it's like faded away ;___; Well,if I read that letter correctly your birthday is today? Or when is it? And what would you like for your birthday? ^__^;;;
Dear Shukumei,
My birthday was in April. Whatever gift I am given is fine with me.
Dear Tamahome,
Oniisan! *hugs him,and pays him 1400 gold ryou,(if there is such an amount?)since she hasn't written to him in a long time*. How're you? What have you've been up too? Well,I would like to make a comment if I may? I don't know why everyone's picking on Miaka-san like this! I mean she's sweet,she's funny,caring etc. And she's not that bad looking! But why do people have to be mean to her oniisan? I don't get it. I think you made a wise descision on staying with Miaka-san.^_^.
Anyways,I just have ONE teeny little question to ask and please don't get mad at me ;_; what does Obake-chan mean? Does it mean little ghost? Or does it mean something else? Okay I have two questions to ask you,WHO is your voice over actor? O.o;; I'm just curious. Well,I think that's about it. *gives him a hug* Oh yeah tell Keisuke-chan I said hi okay? ^-^ and ask him how he's doing and all that fun stuff k?
Dear Shukumei,
I think I made the right choice with Miaka, too! Obake-chan means little ghost/monster. My Japanese Seiyuu is Midorikawa Hikaru. I'll give Keisuke your regards.
Dear Hotohori,
Most definitely! Music school at that. It's a big university, so...a bit intimidating. Have you any advice for incoming freshmen? :)
Dear Hoshi,
Be careful what you eat! College food can be very fattening and a lot of college freshman gain 10-20 pounds their first year. Other than that, get enough sleep and have a great time!
Dear Chichiri,
Did you ever notice that in the manga version of Fushigi Yugi, the eye your scar was on and the direction of your hair kept changing? I think the scar is on your left eye and your hair points to the left.(i think) yeah.
anyway, I really like fushigi yugi. but i don't know anyone else who does:(
my best friend likes anime, but she dislikes FY because of Miaka. (no offense).
Dear Ni,
The translated version is flipped, no da. It was my left eye that was hurt, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
Would you ever fall in love again? If you found someone you really liked?
This might sound insensitive, so gomen nasai ahead of time. I'm not trying to be mean. You might still love Kouran, but could you love someone else that way too? Because if you did, you might make yourself happy (not to say you're sad) and you could make someone else very happy too.
Dear Aisho,
I suppose anything can happen, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
**shows Tasuki her leg** there's a bruise... but I think I'm okay. **beaming smile** Just help me up, ne Gen-chan? But I'm not chasing you around anymore! I'll just have to beat at your own game... drinking! Bwahahahaha!!!
Dear Kokkei,
OK, yer on!
Dear Chiriko,
THIS IS THE IMPORTANT ONE! *giggles* kay well anyways i may be moving... *sniffles* and i was wondering......well maybe could me and you go to Borders? *dosent wanna leave without saying goodbye to her ototo-chan* then now that i asked that can you sign my yearbook? ^^;
Dear Sam,
Sure! Of course I'll go with you and I'll sign your yearbook, too.
Dear Nuriko,
*blinks* this coming from a man who just tosses fish up on shore? And by the way, how did you ever learn of Xena? Watching TV during your seishi meetings again? *smirks and blows him a kiss*
I'm going after a big fish, if we preserve it properly we'll be able to eat for days on it. *walks into the water and dives under*
Dear Doc-sama,
Ah, there she goes my lovely Sheena of the Jungle … *Smiles and laughs*
Dear Tasuki,
Even though I love Chichiri I also like you 2 so don't feel bad. I think the reason why women annoy you is because you haven't met the right one yet and don't tell me Miaka is the right one because she has Taka ( Tama).
Well anyway I was wondering if u and I could be pals and if I could stay at Mount Reikaku cause I like Kouji to and I think the two of you are hilarious when you get together and dance.
Dear Chibi_chichiri_lover,
Sure we can be friends! Ya' can stay but ya' gotta earn yer keep! *Looks at the filthy bandit hideout.* Ya' can start wit' cleanin' th' place up.
Dear Tasuki,
Thanx for my questions...just one thing do't Yell ALWAYS at me. I know you hate women so bad and you want to kill us with your bare me am a female... I do have a temper..but am trying to use it at you..cause your Tasuki amd your my only friend that I seem to believe as the most closer to me than Kurama (a female warrior that is my parther).. andmy real little brother, Aki and the group of females am stuck with ~_~()*imagines them for a second in their stupid goofy ways then makes a mean funny look* at least am the only one in there who's not scary to fight *mumbles that.. ><.. like you are with the Suzaku Seishi only there's only five females that am one of and two males that are our masters.
Ok Ok maybe your sick and tired of hearding about the anime fan fic where I am that I'll be making a site of it after yours.If you want to know more about me, the people am stuck with and read the episodes just tell me. But there are some spoilers in there, I have I believe two.
Sorry again I get carry away talking to someone that is my good friend..However I wanted to thanx you mainly for the questions..and some of things you answer is almost like me ^_^ *can't stand the color pink at all won't even wear alittle of it!* and I'll tell you when my wedsite ready.... *smiles* take care Tasuki and here *hands him another sake* I stole some guy's money and use his money to get you this...
One day we have to do spent time together.. just as friends..not lovers! Until we meet again Tasuki-kun ^_^
Guni Ryuuzaki
Dear Guni,
Get used to it. I yell at everybody! I don't wanna kill women!! They jus' annoy me.
Dear Tamahome,
Can you help me? I need help getting better fighting skills. *Hands a hundred ryou* Please
Anika Kou Tsukino
Dear Anika,
Well, practice is the best thing you can do. So, what form of martial Arts do you know?
Dear Nuriko,
Fairly tan.
Anika Kou Tsukino
Dear Anika,
I think you were asking what color to do you hair, right? Red or burgundy might be nice. Have you considered lightening it instead?
Dear Anika,
Interestin' site.
Dear Nuriko,
i have a twin that sounds, looks, and acts exactly like you. and he's gay any way my friend likes him. what do i do?
Dear tamasa,
Is your friend male or female? Does your twin like your friend?
Dear Chiriko,
how smart are you really
Dear tamasa,
Very! *Smiles*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
do you ever get anoyed of miaka and how much troble she gets in
Dear tamasa,
No, it's our duty as her Seishi to protect her.
Dear Tasuki,
otay! *smiles* will you hold me? *holds her arms out like she want him to pick her up* *huggles him then holds his hand*
Dear Lita,
OK. Hold on tight! LEKKA SHIENEN!!! *Lights grill* Pretty cool, ne? *Fanged grin*
Dear Mitsukake,
That evil child *points to Lita* stole your cat!
Dear Tana,
She isn't evil and she didn't steal Tama-neko.
Dear Chichiri,
Daa... I'm so glad I have someone to talk to. Even now that school is over, something more important has been on my mind. When I was in school, I guess I let my work be more important so I wouldn't have to think about it...... But lately, the memories have become a LOT more vivid. Argh, I don't really know if I can talk about it. But I trust you. Oh geez, I'll start from the beginning, and hopefully I'll be able to finish it. (I'm crying right now.) Anyway, I was at this pool party when I was about 7 or so. I went into the... bathroom to change into my bathing suit, and I don't even know who he was, but somebody's dad or something came in b/c I left the door open and... god, I can't even say it. I wasn't raped, but... the closest thing to it. And since I was too young to get that lecture about where people shouldn't touch you, I didn't know anything was wrong. Dammit, now I'm all crying and stuff, dammit. Everyday the memory gets more clear tho, and I don't know what to do. You're the very first person I've told in the whole world about this. And I want to thank you for listening. Another sad thing is, b/c of this incident, I can't have people touching me. it sends chills down my spine, and my family always makes fun of me when I tell them not to touch me, and they still do it, and it brings back that horrible stuff everytime they do it. I don't want to tell anyone about it b/c I don't want them to make a big deal out of it, I just want the horrible memories to go away. I don't really want people to feel sorry for me either, b/c up until about 2 years ago, I didn't really believe it actually happened, I just thought I was having strange daydreams. But now I remember it like it was freakin' yesterday! D*mmit.... *takes a deep breath* OMG thank you for listening. You're the only friend that I trust this to, alright? *hugs* thanks Chiri-chan
Dear Bosher,
*Takes his mask off* I'm so sorry that this happened to you. But the only way to make it all go away is to tell your family what happened and seek professional counseling. Only by facing these terrible memories and overcoming them, can you ultimately defeat them and get on with your life. I know it's hard, but you need to do this so you can heal. I'm here for you if you need me. *Gives her a hug and holds her.*
Dear Chichiri,
Chichiri's Shakujou has been done for so long now! And it's really getting up there in the traffic count! ^_^ it's at
And I finally got to finish my art site. At:
I haven't been drawing a lot, because I've been working on my own manga. called Falling Fate. It's about Angels.
I haven't been here for a long time, either, so I dropped in to say Hello!! and Ogenki desu ga? (I've got my Japanese 30 Final exam this monday...and then I'm all done my Japanese course.)
Oh! And Good News!!!! I'm 18 now, so I can go drinking with Tasuki!!!!! ^_^ anata ga daisuki de yo, Tasuki-sempai!!
Ja, Chichiri-sama! I can't wait to hear from you again!
Dear Kaori,
We've updated your listing on the links peeji, no da. Ganbatte on your nihongo no shiken, no da!
Dear Nuriko,
Wai! Nuriko! *glomps* I just wanted to say you are my favorite Fushigi Yuugi character, and I admire your attitude and beauty. And because I'm a major yaoi fangirl *sweatdrops and blushes*
Dear Yuuriko,
*Sweatdrops* Arigato for your kind compliment.
Dear Tamahome,
Oh my gosh is it June already? Time sure goes by fast. It's your birthday this month isn't it?
I have a present for you. It's a coin sorter. That way you won't get all your ryus mixed up. And to start off I've added two gold ryu into the machine. Anyway hope this machine will help keep your ryus organized. =)
Dear Sakie-chan,
Arigato for the cool present and okane!
Dear Hotohori,
Ummmmmmmmm....*sweatdrops* This is fer you. I hope ya like it! *hands him a tub of chocolate ice cream*
=^__^= Hug your son for me, K?
Dear Irhus-sama,
Arigato! I shall! *Smiles*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi everybody! Guess what, am out of school and soon to be a 8th grader!I passed all my finals(five that I know of)and,going to be 13 on July 14. Besides that, let me ask some questions..
1.If you had to, what color would you dye your hair other than the color you already have?
2.Coke or Brisk?
3.Chicken or Shrimp?
4.Did you miss me while I was gone?
5.Are there any anime cosplay near Maryland?
6.Who should I cosplay as?
7.Should I change my username to Wasuki?
8.Have you heard of Neopets?
9.Should I make a website about anime and anything related to anime?
10.Last, can I call one of you my boyfriend, if yes which one?
PS:Can I have a hug?
Dear Deserae,
Congratulations and happy early birthday! Here are some answers for you:
1) Black
2) Coke
3) Shrimp except for Tasuki. He wants steak.
4) Yes
5) There is Otakon the end of July.
6) Whoever you want to cosplay as.
7) Why? We know you are Deserae.
8) No
9) If you want to.
10) No, gomen.
*They all give her a hug*
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tamahome,
hihi this is sikora.i have 1 question in one pic i have i got from a website of manga pics its called sunparty do u know that one?cause i dont know anyway to send it to u but in that pic miaka is in your arms when u and everyone is standing in the water.well miaka is in your arms and she is blushing and u are looking at her stomach or sis said that Well Miaka just feel into tama's Arms and he got ..Nervis er i cant spell anyway and alittle shocked because she was half naked (only a swimsuit on =P) but im not sure can u try to answer this question soon?thanku
love sikora ^^ (lol)
Dear sikora,
I wasn't shocked at her bikini. I was just surprised she fell!
Dear Tasuki,
hihi hey do u know kisato.has she ever writen to u.i think she has because she has a big crush on u ^^ her sis sikora.just wanted to say hi and sorda warn u more about my sis plz type back im waiting for tamahome to type back 2 or 3 letters well cya
sikora sama
Dear sikora,
I think I've heard from her. Welcome to the peeji!
Dear Tasuki,
*Grabs Tasuki and does the bandit dance* I BEAT DISC ONE OF FF8!!! ALL HAIL ME!!! (and my friend Ryan cause he helped me alot)
I'm so proud. I've systematically spoiled the entire game for myself through bribery of Ryan and fanfic - but it just makes me really good in fights! *dances*
Aren't you proud of me? *bribes him to say yes with a bottle of Sake*
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
Sure! Congrats! Now beat th' rest of th' game! *Smiles and grabs sake.**
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
hey every one how do you get all your piccys up? i have a site of my own but i cant figure out how to get piccys up. can ya help me? *feels like an idiot*.ah i know who can make me feel better!*sits in front of tasuki waiting for him to do something stupid*well , hes normaly realy dumb.nuriko canmake him do some thing stupid so i dont feel like such an idiot? tomahome? hotahori? some one?!*slumps*oh..
a very little buddy
Dear little buddy,
How to post pictures? Do you need help with the HTML coding or with the FTP operation?
Dear Tasuki,
**sniffles miserably** Some stupid $%@#*&! guy at a bar who thought I was all cute an' "easy"! Boy did I prove 'IM wrong!...He tried ter jump me but I kneed him...thats when th' baka hit meh in the face! I knocked 'im out and ran like I've never ran behfore...**grumbles** I hate men...
Dear Angel-chan,
Ain't ya' too young to be hangin' out in bars? Yer lucky ya' got away from him!
Dear Tasuki,
ok, ok so you won't let me play rough. well isn't that what bandits do? ok i might as well beat you all by slipping something in your sake. wouldn't it be more humanitarium? i mean i can only imagine what a kick and the crotch could feel like *happy she's a girl*. Is there anything i could do to be a bandit? kouji would let me! i know he would!
Dear GirlGenChan,
Ya' gotta out drink an' out brawl alla us.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Oi! Nice ta write 'cha again! I believe I only missed one b-day. Gomen nasai Chiri-niisan!! ^^; *gives him a hug* I couldn't think of anything that hadn't already been it that okie? ^^;; Newho, Happy Father's Day, Nuri-niichan and Hoto-niisan!! Actually, Happy Father's Day ta everybody, they just got a reeaally good reason for it! Oh yea, I have a new kitten!!! She's so Kawaaiiii!!! ^^ Gonna name her Raine-chan cuz her fur kinda looks like a stormy night. *cuddles Raine to her chest and grins* ^___________^ Well, bye, have fun!
P.S. Tasuki, were you aware that you had a daughter?
Dear Kashke,
Yeah, it's a fanfic. Cute kitten ya' got there. Everyone says arigato fer yer birthday and Father's Day wishes. *Smiles*
Dear Hotohori,
Finals are ooooooover! ^^ I did really well, I think I might get away with a 4.0 as my GPA for the year. Sou da, choir final I sang "Dengon" for the class. *Blush* Which actually went very well. Afterwards I got a lot of questions about Japanese... and you. *Smiles shyly* Bottom line is, school is over! Summer vacatiooooon! ^^
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
I'm sure you sang it beautifully. *Smiles* Enjoy your vacation.
Dear Chichiri,
*hopping up and down* I passed! And I was so worried! I pulled up my grades within the last two weeks of school! I'm sooooo HAPPY!!! *hugs Chichiri* Aren't you happy? Here, have a cookie. *hands him a cookie* I have to go tell Amboshi! Would you pass the news to the guys? I don't have enough time right now. Ja! I'll write again sometime okay? *leaves*
Son Asia
Dear Son Asia,
Arigato for the cookie, no da! Omedeto gozaimasu on passing! I'll tell the others, no da.
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
LOL That's great!!!!
Dear Tasuki,
I have a challange for you i bet you that you cant say one nice thing about each of your sisters :p and your not allowed to use stupid things like shes nice or pretty cuz they dont count but if you can ill give you this 50 gallon jug thinngy of sake
Dear Tana,
I guess they're ok fer girls. Now gimme that sake! *Grabs jug and takes off…*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Do you believe that you have to be pretty to be loved? I mean, my boyfriend who I've been together with for a while, he left me because he said he found "someone who was more beautiful". I realize that this guy is a pathetic jerk, but still, this kinda thing hangs over you. I think your supposed to go for character and personality, and looks are a bonus...but do people really think that? Will some guy only go out with me in the future because I'm pretty, will he really care about my personality?
Anyway, thank you for listening to me.
Dear Jizai,
Only shallow people date others for their looks. You will find someone who truly cares for you as a person and not just as a "trophy". Anyone who would only date you for your looks and not for who you are, you really don't want to waste your time with anyway.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey! I haven't been here in a loooong time! Oh, and I have a REAL question too(how did that ever happen?)!
I was at my aunts house two days ago, just hanging out watching Fruits Basket. Then my cousin's dad comes over, pissed off... As he entered the house he hit the dog on it's face(his nose maybe), and went into the kitchen to get something to eat. Her father doesn't live there with her because her parents don't get along very well because he thinks she is trying to turn the kid against him and that everything she does is wrong.
He comes out of the kitchen with food and sits on the futon and starts eating. My aunt starts yelling at him, telling him no food unless it's in the kitchen. He gets p*ssed, and they get into this huge arguement right in front of the kid. The kid started to get scared because of the yelling and hid under the futon. I tried to take her away from the fighting, into another room or something, but when I did, he blew up at me! Saying I'm always butting in and stuff! My aunt finally got him to go in the other room with the food. He took the kid with him and was telling her nothing but bad things, and mostly about her mommy.
Next day he calls her, starts another huge arguement over the phone, and when ever my aunt was trying to make a point and he interrupts her, I find out it's about me! Apparently he hates my guts, he thinks I'm turning EVERYONE against him and that I am the cause of every problem. When I'm not around, my aunt is the cause.
That's how it is EVERY time he comes over. It doesn't matter how good a mood everyone in the house is before, but when he steps foot through that door, everyone's facial expressions change to hatred and anger. And it seems that when ever I go over there to visit he's always there "visiting his daughter." But all he's really doing is watching soccer or his Mexican(I'm not racist, just kinda mad) shows. He doesn't pay any attention to his daughter unless she's annoying him.
I really enjoy visiting with my aunt and the kid. My aunt's been more of a mother to me than my mom has, and it's always fun to watch the kid dancing to some of the most rediculous songs. But it seems that when ever I go over there or call them, he's there!
Could any of you help me out with this problem?
Dear Fallon,
He needs to seek professional anger management and psychological counseling!!
Lacking that, there is little you can do unless he is being physically abusive to you, your aunt, or the child. Mental abuse counts but would be harder to prove. I suggest you either discuss this with your school counselor or call the house before your go over and make sure he's not around. Gomen. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Hotohori,
Happy Fathers day Hotohori!^_^
What's Boushin going to do for you for Fathers day? Have fun!
Dear Fallon,
Arigato! We're going to have some quiet father-son time together.
Dear Tasuki,
Hey Tasuki! Have you ever seen Fruits Basket? Yes, this is another of Fallon's "you'r just like him!" things^^
I swear, you and Kyou are just alike! You talk alike, have problems with the opposite sex('cept for that one special someone), red hair, like to fight... a lot, cuss a lot, don't like it when girls cry, and bad at appologies... I could probrably come up with some more, but my brain's gone dead again.^^; 'Sides, I may be wrong on a couple of those, haven't seen Fushigi Yuugi in a loooong time:P
Dear Fallon,
Yeah, I seen Fruits basket. I've been told that before. But I'M cooler!
Dear Tasuki,
Konnichiwa Tasuki-chan! *smiles brightly and waves* I was just curious, I know you hate women because of your sisters an' I saw that Lina Inverse and you look a great deal alike (ie. Flame red hair, fangs, tempers, fire fetishes)an' I got to thinking... Is Lina Inverse your sister? If it is, that would explain a lot. Cause that'll also mean that Luna is your sister.
Melyn Tenshi, the Otaku
P.S. by any chance could I get you to join my horde of bishonen? I promise to feed you and give you all the booze in by parents liquor cabinet.
Dear Melyn,
She ain't my sister! Whadda I gotta do if I'm in this "horde" of yer's?
Dear Hotohori,
Hi! i love you Hori-chan! I was wondering why you where duck shoes and a box hat?
Melyn Tenshi, the Otaku
Dear Melyn,
My shoes and Imperial crown are worn on official occasions.
Dear Chiriko,
alright...*wipes her eyes* ok well my mom got in a small car accident and all my dad cared about was money and his car, now im may not be as bright as you but i do know when something like that happens you should at least make an attempt to ASK if there ok? wouldnt you? or maybe im just that stupid? *sighs* man how depressing... ;.;
Dear Sam,
Your father may have just been upset in general over what happened. I'm sure he too is worried about your mother. Is she ok? *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Chichiri,
Oh doody we tout a fissy! *watches as Chichiri pulls on the line to get the fish* ou want some halp?
Dear Taki,
I'm ok, no da. *Reels in a very large fish and tosses him in his basket.* I think it is dinnertime, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
**runs after Gen-chan** Hey!! You're not allowed to run away! You $*&@#)(#%**&@#$&!!!!! **Jumps, knocks into Gen-chan, sending them both falling to the ground** Itai... you made me hurt my leg. **holds leg tenderly** Gimme more sake... maybe it'll numb the pain!
Kokkei (who actually IS on crutches)
Dear Kokkei,
'Che! Now what did ya' do to yerself? Lemme see...
Dear Chichiri,
I've just got to tell you that you are such the cutest thing! *^-^* My sister, however, believes that you have the exact same head-shape as Rasputin. It's kind of a coicindence, 'cause you're both monks (or he was one 'cause he's dead now). But I think your cute and sweet, and if I could have permission to glomp you, I would be very happy. *^-^*
I draw lots 'o pics of you and Tas-chan, 'cause you're both my favourite bishies! If you wanna check out my webpage, the URL is:
Yes, I know it's shameless self promotion, but what can I say?
I have a few questions, too, if you wouldn't mind answering them, of course.
1. What is your favourite colour?
2. Do you like strawberries?
3. How about cherries?
4. Do you ever open up your chakras?
5. What would be your favourite kind of dog? 'Cause I know you like kitties.
6. Can I play with your hair?
7. Where do you get awesome beads like that?
8. Which one, Metal or Techno?
9. Classical?
10. Can I send you a nice lil' kisu?
Thankies so much sweetling! Bai-bai for now!
Erinu no Rafusen
Dear Erinu no Rafusen,
I went to your site and alot of the links were broken, no da. Other than that, it was a nice site, no da.
Here are your answers:
1) Blue
2) Hai
3) Hai
4) That sounds rather painful no da! *Smiles*
5) I don't know. A small quiet one, no da.
6) Ano ... *Sweatdrops*
7) I made them, no da.
8) Neither, no da.
9) It's ok, no da.
10) If you insist...
Dear Tasuki,
If I drew you in a bikini, would you be angry? How about a speedo?
Erinu no Rafusen
Dear Erinu no Rafusen,
YES!!!! What's a Speedo?
Dear Nuriko,
My sis loves you to pieces. I can see why, your so utsukushii!! Your personality kicks too, luv.
Erinu no Rafusen
Dear Erinu no Rafusen,
Arigato! *Smiles*
Dear Mitsukake,
So what's new with you?
Erinu no Rafusen
Dear Erinu no Rafusen,
Very little. We are gearing up for AX02. And yourself?
Dear Nuriko,
*smiles* How about this, I'll do the fishing and you can cook it. ;)
*digs through her clothes, grabs her swimsuit and changes in the bushes* I know you've seen everything Itoshii, but this is for the kids sake.
*comes back out, grabs her hunting knife, and heads for the pond* Any particular breed or anything edible love?
Dear Doc-sama,
Anything edible. But I thought we'd do it Chichiri's way. Unless you really want to play "Xena the Fish Slayer"... *Smiles*
Dear Tasuki,
Uncle Shun'u....I wanna pway wif the tessen too....*gets all teary eyed* can I ? *cute teary eyed look* but I no want to fry Mr Tamahome Sir...
Dear Lita,
It only works fer me. Wanna hold my hand when I use it? I gotta light th' grill.
Dear Tasuki,
Can I borrow your Tessen? I promise i'll give it back. I want to fry my Nakago look-alike siser that annoys me so. PLEASE??? *Big eyes*
Dear Akira,
No! 'Sides it only works fer me.
Dear Nuriko,
Nuri-chan!!! Can I have one of your pretty braclets? Or maybe your pretty earings you tricked Miaka into finding so she would get all wet? And maybe one of your pretty outfits you wear? I AM OBSESSED WITH YOU!!! YOUR JUST SO PRETTY!!!
Dear Akira,
Hai! Arigato for the nice compliment! *Gives her a bangle bracelet.*
Dear Hotohori,
Could I join your emperial herem? If Nuri-chan could I think I should be able to right?
Dear Akira,
*Sweatdrops* I no longer have a harem as I am now married to Houki.
Dear Tamahome,
Did Miaka put you under some evil spell to make you fall in love with her? Just wondering because she is (in my ophinon) an annoying pig.
Dear Tamia,
No. I love her and will always love her.
Dear Hotohori,
Do you have any job openings at the palace? My position was eliminated at my work, and now I am between jobs again. It feels kind of wierd being out of work. Like the rug was ripped out from under my feet. Of course, this was a long-term temporary assignment, but it feels wierd because I've made a lot of friends at my job. I just hope we can keep in touch.
But don't worry, Hotohori-sama. I don't plan to stay between jobs for very long. I'm gonna do whatever I can to keep income coming in. Even if it's just a series of short-term assignments, that's better than not having work at all. And you can always learn new skills to add to a resume, no matter where you work.
On a brighter note, my niece celebrated her 10th birthday today. She is getting to be very tall, and she's very smart. We had pizza and fresh corn on the cob for dinner, as well as fruit salad, and for dessert, there was vanilla cake with this kind of frosting you unwrap. Great stuff.
Well, wish me luck in the job hunt. Let's hope it all goes well.
Lady Shera
P.S. I saved you some birthday cake. *hands him a plate of vanilla cake* I can also get pieces for Houki-sama and Boushin-sama if you want.
Dear Lady Shera,
Arigato for the birthday cake. I shall share it with Boushin and Houki. Good luck on the job hunting! *Gives her a hug*
Dear Tasuki,
Hey Guni again!
How ya been? I been working on my site of yours ad it going great! I'm almost done with it and it has red and black as the main colors just for you. Do you want to see when am done?
However I have alittle section there called the Fun Stuff that contains some fun things to read. There's one that I want to Interview you. If that ok? Don't worry I only want my interview in MY site only. But some the questions you may not like cause of the word women....*makes a sad face with her ears down* But can you really just answer them please? and I'll give you a sake. ....*stills has a sad face with her ears down looking at him*
These are the questions:
1)What's your favorite drink to be drinking?
2)What's ya favorite sport? If you do have one Will you want to be part of it or just watch it?
3)What's type of music do you enjoy?
4)What's ya favorite song you sang?
5)If you had to go to school, what would your favorite and least favorite subject be?
6)Red and Black is your favorite color, What would ya least favorite color be?
7)What's your favorite and least favorite food?
8)Which outfit thur out the series you believe to like the most?
9)What's your favorite Anime Show? (I know over 25 anime shows...yep alot ^^())
10) How many anime shows do you know and enjoy?
Ok these next few questions you may want to burn me with your tessen cause it about women but please say the truth...*sighs*
11) How come you say you hate women when you are friends with them? Is it because you hate how some women are more than just hate them? (All women are trouble even men..even me..~_~() cause of my big mouth and stubborn self but I do have a soft side to myself I just hate to use it to know why)
12)Do you ever want to fall in love with a women or just stay single forever?
13)If you did fall in love with a women what you want her to like?
Ok Ok am done with my questions ok now you can kill me for all the picking women questions..I can't help it
see ya later ...Oh here's your sake *hands him his sake and sighs*
Guni Ryuuzaki
Dear Guni,
Thanks fer th' sake! 'Course I wanna see th' site when yer done! Here's all yer answers:
1) Sake
2) Brawlin'! I'd be IN it of course!
3) J-Rock an' J-Pop
4) Meccha
5) I'd probably hate alla 'em 'cept fer P.E.
6) Pink!
7) My favorite is char grilled steak. I dunno ... natto?
8) Th' first one.
9) Besides Fushigi Yuugi? Koko wa Greenwood, Weiss Kreuz, Mosquiton, Dual ...
10) I've seen over 100 titles an' liked most of 'em!
11) I say it 'cos they ALWAYS get me in trouble!
12) Single ferever!
13) Th' opposite of my sister Aidou!
Dear Chiriko,
Hey I'm FINALLY OUT OF SCHOOOOOLLLLLLL!!!!! *dances around* Haahaa! Um... I'm guessing you're not happy? Um? O yea! I changed my name from Dooms Day to Domo!! I guess I should use my school nickname. What does Domo stand for? *Hugs him* See ya!! 'til da next time!!!
Dear Domo,
Domo means thank you. Enjoy your vacation!
Dear Tasuki,
Ano, what's the sound? (hears explosion) Ara... (looks) #@$(*)@#$(*()*)!!! RELENA-SAN! COOL IT! (runs off)
Dear Selphi,
What th' H*LL was that???
Dear Chichiri,
Yatta! Rena's at level 38, Claude's at level 37, Celine's at level 38, Ashton's at level 38, and Precis is...level 15. ^_^ I don't like Precis. I want Ashton/Celine ending! SHIMATTA! (begins beating the cr*p out of near by trees)
Dear Amy-sama,
Ganbatte, no da!
Dear Nuriko,
(pulls out a pair of scissors) HOLD STILL!!! (cuts his braid off)
Riley: NOOOOOOO!!! (starts crying)
Relena: (mutters under her breath) Babies... (tucks the braid into her pocket)
Relena (and Riley)
Dear Relena (and Riley),
*Keeps running from the Crazed Braid Cutter ...*
Dear Tasuki,
whats hentai?
Dear ?,
If ya' gotta ask, yer too young to know!
Dear Nuriko,
Rokou:Good evening Ryuuen.How was your day.The babies will be coming soon *sigh*Can't wait to be a father.
Water Sprite:*just walks in*Rokou I think its time.
Rokou:Oh,its time...TIME?!It can't be,its way too early!We still have about a month!
Water Sprite:I guess we were wrong.
Rokou:Okay I'll try to say calm.The babies are born everyday!We need go to the hospital,no its too far!I know Mitsukake-san can help us.MITSUKAKE-SAN!!!!*runs around the room frantically*
Water Sprite:*sweatdrops*Rokou...
Rokou and Water Sprite
Dear Rokou and Water Sprite,
I'll get him! Stay calm!
Dear Chichiri,
Houjun, I am sorry that I only write to you now. It took me some time before Lord Enma allowed me to use his computer. I really wanted to see you but unfotunately, I can't.
You've been doing very well, Houjun. Not only in your responsibilty as a ShichiSeishi, but as an common individual as well. I am proud of you. I've been watching you from heaven ever since I've died. You're growing old now, I think you deserve another. I am unworthy of you.
Don't worry, I will be forever with you. I will be in your tears, happiness and fears. It would be all like the same---only you can't see me. But I am sure you can feel me.
Before I go Houjun---no, I must call you with your destined named, Chichiri. Chichiri, I already talked to Hikou-kun. He haven't climb the stairway to heaven. He says he'll wait for you to climb it. You'll climb heaven's stairway together, isn't that sweet? My job is to look after you, Chichiri and to inform him on things that is happening around you. He also asked forgiveness to me. I forgave him, just like you did. We will make sure that everything would be okay when I see you again. Good bye for now Houjun. Kimi wo Aishiteru Eien ni.
Dear Kouran,
*Tears roll down his face ... * Arigato itoshii...
Dear Tasuki,
Why do you like Sake? I never tasted one. Does it taste good? And are you drinking other alcholic drinks besides sake? Also, does the other ShichiSeishi drink too?
Dear Mai,
It tastes good to me! Most of th' others like green tea an' Nuriko like his "Nuriko Specials".
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
why must you chose miaka to be a miko,besides,miaka is useless?
Dear tania,
She is the miko that Suzaku and the book chose. It is her destiny. And she's NOT useless, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
-fwaps her daddy- you cussed in my yearbook! That's it NO SAKE FOR A WEEK! :pours all his sake down the drain: And um...I think its only fair that just for that Tamahome should be able to flame YOU! ^_^ :grabs Tessen and hands it to Tama:
^_^ I love you daddy but its for your own good
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley Chan,
*Grabs his tessen back.* Gimme that! Ya' know I'm th' only one that can use it! *Flames Tamahome...* Heh-heh-heh... sorry Tamahome, I meant to do that! *Fanged grin*
Dear Sam,
I remember that picture! Ok, but I may not be there for awile. Gomen!
Dear Tamahome,
heehee! guess what big brother i said something that made Nakago mad! Nakkie-poo! *laughs* it's funny in some kinda way! ^^ hey i made more money too! *hands him the okane* here ya go! i sold some things from the miko's world you should try! you make a killing off of it! ^^ well c-ya! im off to make more money for you! ^^
Dear Kiara,
I have. Thanks for the okane! *Smiles*
Dear Mitsukake,
hewwo mwister! i twink your verwy cwool! in fwact your the cwoolest Sweishi! can i pway wifth Tama? i promwise to be nwice and nwot hwurt hwim!
Dear Aisho,
Arigato for your kind words. You can certainly play with him if he will let you. But you need to wait until Lita is done playing with him.
Dear Tasuki,
my name is Jenny and I think that you are very pretty and very funny and I was wondering if you would like to merry me and have to babies and live in a castle because my mommy said I could when I was old enough and I turned five and a half yesterday! I was very happy! Thank you.
Jenny Aogiri
P.S. I am not aloud to put my real last name so I will put the name my older sister uses.
Dear Jenny,
Ah ... no. But thanks fer th' compliment.
Dear Chichiri,
Hello. My name is Kourin, and I was wondering if you could clear this up for me because it has been bugging me for quite a while now. Did you kill your best friend or try and save him in the flood? In one movie it says you killed him, in another you tried to save him...
IT'S SO CONFUSING!!! Thank you for your time.
Dear Kourin,
I tried to save him, but was struck in the face by a jagged log. That is how I lost my eye, no da.
Dear Chiriko,
Please refrain from taking this the wrong way...
but what the h*ll do you do for a living?? Do you only study??? Can't you get, like, a free-pass thingie since you know the emperor and everything in whatever government thing you want to be in?? And, also, why do you want to be part of the government?? What do they DO??
Yours Truly,
Kourin (hopes to be Kourin Kou soon ^^)
Dear Kourin,
I'm 13 I don't have to do anything for a living. I want to help run the country and make it a better place for the people to live in. That's what government is supposed to do.
Dear Tasuki,
Ok,I'm sorry, and I know that you probably don't want anything to do with the question I'm about to ask, but I'm sorry, and this is a must know for me:
Are you gay or straight?
I'm sorry, but I just have to know this, because I've read fanfics of you and Miaka, then there's whole websites dedicated to (I'm sorry, Chichiri,) Tasuki/Chichiri yaoi, so, you see, I'm a bit confused as to your sexual prefrence, since you claim that you dislike girls, but have said nothing about disliking men. Now, this is a slightly scary thought for me, and so I was just wondering, and please answer honestly.
Also, please do me a favor and clear me up on the whole 'Rei-Rei' thing. I have the disability of not being able to read Japanese, and since I own your novel (which is pretty pointless) and my friends have told me that the girl in one of the pictures is 'Rei-Rei', I was just wondering if you could sum that up for me. Thank you, and I apologize for my persistance.
One more thing: Do I have your permission to have my last name as 'Kou'? I think that 'Kourin Kou' has a nice ring to it, don't you? It's not like I'm thinking about marriage or anything because I know that you are not interested in that right now, but I was just wondering if that would be alright. Thank you again.
Dear Kourin,
Yeah, ya' can be a Lou. Kinda like a lil' sister. I AM STRAIGHT! Women jus' annoy me an' get me in trouble alla th' time. Rei-Rei was th' lil' sister of some bad guy me an' Kouji had to take care of. I cared a lotta 'bout her.
Dear Nuriko,
hello. my friends'enjoys' male nudity, but hates yaoi. do you know of any mangas that have this?
Dear Kourin,
*Blushes and sweatdrops* Not really, but if you find any, let me know! *Grins*
Dear Tasuki,
Remember me? I asked if i could be a bandit you see. ANY YOU SAID NO?! I could out brawl you! I know I could. I good ol' kick in the nads will drop you bandits like flies. I don't think I could out drink you but if we were drinking green tea...well then I bet I could! Besides, don't you think you may need someone to pull your hair back when ur heavin' after a long night of drinking? I could be usefull^^ And I will take a rain check on that date Tasuki^.~ I am very stubborn as you can tell^^ hehe.
Dear GirlGenChan,
No dates! An' as fer joinin' us by doin' THAT, all ya'd do is p*ss us off!
Dear Chichiri,
*pets tama-neko then picks him up like hes a stuffed animal brings him over to Chichiri* i got the kitty ^_^ *pets him a couple more times*
Dear Lita,
Yes you do, no da. But you should carry him like this. *Shows her how to properly hold a cat.*
Dear Chiriko,
*sighs* hey.......*hugs him* what do you do if you dont like your dad anymore? *sits down and cries*
Dear Sam,
*Gives her a hug and dries her tears.* Now, tell me what happened.
Dear Tasuki,
What are your sisters' names??
Dear Shin,
*Sighs* Ya' need to either use our search engine in th' archive section or read th' response from a week or two ago. That's been asked an' answered a buncha times!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Do any of you like Dance Dance Revolution?? (just wondering)
Dear Jisei,
We prefer to watch people play it, rather than play it ourselves, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
Please Nuriko, this may sound stupid and all but I have a Q. My friends online, and the all mostly consist of teenage women, say I'm a bishie... but I don't believe it! Since 2nd grade (I'm going into 9th) I've worn glasses, until just recently I got contacts. ok, point is this, I was always told I was ugly when I was growing up by my peers and classmates. Now tho, my 'true' friends say I'm a bishounen. But I can't believe it, what do I do? I can't convince them I'm NOT a bishie, and they can't convince me I AM....
^^;; I KNOW I gotta sound really stupid and all, but its something thats been bugging me....arigatou for taking time to read my stupid letter.
Midori Saber
Dear Midori Saber,
It's very possible that your glasses just weren't flattering and now that you have contacts your natural good looks are shining through. You should graciously accept the compliments and work on rebuilding your self-esteem.
Dear Hotohori,
Hi! I graduated! ^_^ *Puts her cap and tassel on your head*
Dear Hoshi,
*Gives her a big hug.* Omedeto gozaimasu! Congratulations! I assume college is in your future?
Dear Chichiri,
otay i be pat... patei... i wait^_^ *lays on her back* Wook at da cwouds aren't day perdy... *closes eyes and hums lightly*
Dear Taki,
*Smiles as a fish tugs on his line.* DA!! I think dinner will be soon, no da!
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