Dear Suzaku Seishi,
^___^ Do ya love me? Of course ya do? :hands them a yearbook: will you all sign my yearbook? -bats eyelashes-
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley Chan,
We did already!
Chiriko - Study hard!
Tamahome - Get a good job and make lots of okane!
Chichiri - Enjoy your summer, no da.
Hotohori - Stay sweet!
Mitsukake - Take care of yourself.
Tasuki - Where's th' *^%$+#@ sake??
Nuriko - Be good!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
*shrugs* Meh. My friends are all fighting because they think that they can have these little interludes of 'no strings attatched' physical relationships. Now they're all angry.
As I put it - Nothing you do with the people you see everyday is no strings attatched.
I've basically walked out of the situation because it is depressing and frustrating. It's still horrible to see them fight though. *looks all sad*
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
I'm sorry yer friends ain't happy, but they brought it on themselves. I hope ya' start feelin' better.
Dear Tasuki,
A confused Neko
Dear Neko,
*Smirks* OK. Take my hand while I do it. LEKKA SHIENEN!!!! *Toasts Tamahome…*
Dear Chichiri,
Umm... so ut we do now? *looks a Chichiri then back at the water and then back again* *scratches head* en we donna tach somfin? mabe dee fissy dot wanna be eaten white now? *leans toward the water and wispers* wittle fissies tome out and pway... *a small blue fish comes out and stares at here and she stares back*
Dear Taki,
We keep fishing until we catch something, no da. It takes time and you must have patience.
Dear Chiriko,
Hiya^^ Things have been going unbelievablly well in my life lately! The year started off so sucky >.< Well I had tried out for this EXTREMELY COMPETITIVE high school. i had to take 3 different entrance exams and interviews! As luck would have it i got in! Out of 150 kids i was one of 5 people who were excepted! SUGOI! I didn't think I was THAT smart! School ended last week and i left with a million different awards: Outstandind Artist, Year book Editor, Science Olympiad Champion, History student of the Year, 1st Place for the History Fair, 3rd for a science competition, and I ranked 16th in the state for the national french exam! Funny thing is that I don't do anything with sports or community service and I still graduate with honors and I get into this HUGE high school. The funny thing is that I usually bet A's and B's and I didn't really try and i still got everything I want! I have an uncanny feeling that this lucky streak may soon end! EEK! Do you ever have this problem?
Dear GirlGenChan,
Not really! Congratulations on all your wonderful achievements!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I'm kinda haveing love life trobles... ok, let meh begin...uhh... There is this guy i'm madly in love with...this...guy...that... i... call... subo...shi... i need serious advice since that i want to tell him, tho he already noes, he's smart and cute and energetic too and he is hyper just like suboshi hence the nickname... but... i don't have the courage..unlike miaka which just bluted it out too Tama-kins... unlike other people i kinda want different advice..meaning it would help me more if you all took the actul matter of thinking on what you would do... well besides tasu-Chan if he wants but if he isn't going too *glomps tasu-chan* i'll just hangout here!
Dear Yumik0-chan,
Take it slow and get to know him and let him get to know you. Or you could ask him out on a date as friends. Good luck!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hello! I have a very intereseting question. Or at least I find it interesing. Okay, here it is... Why do Tasuki and Tamahome fight all the time? I'm curious because I've always heard it was because they were best friends but I think it might be something else.
I have another question as well. How do the rest of you feel about it? I'm sure you guys find it rather embarassing but how do you guys really feel about it? It makes me think...
Oh and Tamahome, how do you feel about Amiboshi liking Miaka? Okay I'm done with the questions. Thanks for listening to my questions and have a nice day.
By the way, Tamahome, Nuriko you guys totally rock. So do you Tasuki. But I do like the rest of you as well, so don't hate me!
Brene Hime
Dear Brene Hime,
They fight because once under the influence of an evil drug Tamahome nearly beat him to death. We're used to it. Tamahome is ok with Amiboshi as he has saved Miaka's life on a couple of occasions.
Dear Chiriko,
Hello. I was wondering how do you feel towards the guy that tried to pose as you? Also do you like horses? Cause I have seven extra's and I need to get them good homes...
Anika Kou Tsukino
Dear Anika Kou Tsukino,
We all had a part to play and Amiboshi played his. I bear him no ill will. I do like horses.
Dear Chichiri,
Hello Chichiri. I have a present for you. *holds up an adorable calico kitten*
Its for the birthday's I missed plus the presents I left for all of you is money and paintings if you wanted to know. Later on I'll put them on the site. If possible.
My one friend Kacyn has a huge crush on you. Of course she's really pretty and everything. Unlike me *sweatdrop*.
So how do you say hello and goodbye in chinese and japanese?
Anika Kou Tsukino
Dear Anika Kou Tsukino,
Arigato, no da! Chinese - Phone hello - Wei-wei and regular hello is nihao. Goodbye is tsaichen.
In Japanese it is Moshi-moshi for phone hello and depending on the time of day hello could be; ohayo gozaimasu (morning), konnichiwa (after 10am until early evening) or konnbanwa (for the nighttime). Goodbye is generally sayonara, no da.
Dear Hotohori,
Hello. I was wondering how did you become so beau... err... fetching? Were you born like that an improved or what?
Anika Kou Tsukino
Dear Anika Kou Tsukino,
Arigato for your kind words. I was just born this way.
Dear Nuriko,
I was wondering what do you think I should dye my hair. It is brown with blonde streaks so the blonde is the only thing really gonna be dyed. My eyes are hazel if that helps you any. Also I'm looking for an out of this world look. I liked the red (it was brighter then Tasuki's red '^-^), but I wanna try some thing different.
Anika Kou Tsukino
Dear Anika Kou Tsukino,
What's your complexion like? Pale, dark, in-between?
Dear Mitsukake,
Mitsuake I was wondering if you have any fighting tips? I'm really into ninja style. Also I was wondering if you ever get sick?
Anika Kou Tsukino
Dear Anika Kou Tsukino,
I do and then I take better care of myself. Tamahome is a better person to ask for martial arts advice.
Dear Tasuki,
Yeah well that's your choice. How about just a friend?
*sits down and starts counting the money she stole*
Oh yeah and there should be a bottle of sake over there... Should be...
*Points to a rock then starts counting again*
One hundred thirty seven yen... Not bad... Yes it is I thought there was more... This is my worst steal ever...
So Tasuki? What was the worst amount or thing you ever stole? Mine would have to be a chicken I stole for dinner. It peeked at my hand and left me a scar.
Anika Kou Tsukino
Dear Anika Kou Tsukino,
I dunno … Friends is good.
Dear Hotohori,
Is it true tat u will have a wife?
Dear eLeMeMtZ,
I do, her name is Houki.
Dear Chichiri,
Heh, turns out she was joking. Oh, I'm getting Star Ocean 2 tomorrow or Tuesday! Isn't that great? I LOVE Celine! Her spells are awesome. Heh, I already made a wallpaper of her. (does a V sign) Yay! Chamomile tea! (sips in) This is great, but do you have some milk and sugar? I always put it in my tea.
Dear Amy-sama,
Hai! Dozo, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
Riley: AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!! Help! (runs)
Relena: I just wanna cut that braid off! Grrr... (nearby buildings start exploding)
Relena (and Riley)
Dear Relena (and Riley),
*Turns SD and runs for cover.*
Dear Tasuki,
I mean, in the OAV you said 'I care for Miaka like a little sister, but I'm a man and I can dirty as well' or something like that. (pulls out MORE sake and guzzles that down too)
Dear Selphi,
Men do nasty thins' they shouldn't! That's all I'm gonna say!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hello minna! ^^ Ive created a site! Called the BloodRed Rose Image Gallery. Im almost done with it so as soon as im done ill give u the site address. ^-^ i love making sites...i think i shall make another! well got to work on my site. Cya! ^^
Dear Kisato-Chan,
We look forward to it.
Dear Tamahome,
hi there isnt really much to say and well this realy isnt a question but hope u would take it.i made a site just yesterday and i want u to see it its still needs alot of woek but enjoy ^^.
Dear sikora-chan,
Nice site! Really fast, too!
Dear Chichiri,
Well, I'm glad the kitten is alright^^ I forgot to mention that the cat is a SHE..^^;; *sweatdrops*
Or well then.. about the children..
what will you name your children?^^ I'm kinda curious.. XD
By the way, you and me have something in common.. we have scars! XD (I've realized that long ago though..) But I have it on my elbow.. kinda large one :/
Or well, I hope I didn't bother you ^_^ Ja Ne, Chichiri-sama!
Dear Kuriichan,
I've never really thought about it so, I don't know, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
OI TASUKI! ^_^ A-kon was last week and I dressed as... Kouji! Yay! It was very sad though because I was dressed as him on Friday and there weren't ANY Tasuki cosplayers around.. But then I found one on Sunday! But anyways.. I know where you are coming from now about the whole hentai yaoi stuff.. We had a couple people ask us to take some.. "close" pictures. All fun though. Knock Knock.. Here is a link to the pics for you and everyone. ArigaTOUUUU!
Dear Emo-chan,
Cool! Thanks! Great Chichiri an'Lulu! Glad ya' hadda great time!
Although, I jus' now tried yer link an' it ain't workin'. What's up?
Dear Tasuki,
TASUKI!! How could you forget what Tamahome did to you???? I just wanted to know if you forgave him... :( ...Remeber book 5... how could you??? Hewas so mean!! *sniff... sniff... *
your still the coolest!!!
your friend,
Neko chan
Dear Neko chan,
Oh that! 'Course I remember! Why d'ya think I keep fryin' 'im?
Dear Chichiri,
Where in the world can I find sterling roses?!?
Dear Eleiso,
Any florist or nursery that deals in hybrid tea roses should carry them, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
*puts a black racer in his bed* A little souvenier from Georgia. Enjoy!
Miaka's evil twin
Dear Miaka's evil twin,
What th' *^%$ is that???? *Tosses snake out of bed and fries it.*
Dear Tamahome,
*attacks the cd case with a katana - then stands heaving as the system and game settle in ribbons to the floor*
*blinks* Oh cr*p... NONE OF THOSE WERE MINE! *grabs Tamahome* I need glue!!!! *gives him some money* Ack! Go buy me glue while I try to find all the pieces! I'll pay you later! *runs around like a chicken with it's head cut off trying to gather up little itty bitty peices of Playstation from the carpet with tweezers*
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
*Stands there looking amazed at all the destruction.*
Dear Chichiri,
*eyes light up* mr sir! kitty is right thewe! *trys to get him to come over to her*
Dear Lita,
*Starts to slowly and cautiously approach her.* Nyao?
Dear Tasuki,
Hi Tasuki did ya ever try to fry Hotohori instead? I don't know just curious.
Dear mo_mo6,
No! I ain't THAT stupid!
Dear Chichiri,
Hi Chichiri Your SOOOOO COOOL!!!! Did you know your such a bishounen?
Dear mo_mo6,
*Blushes* Arigato for your kind words, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
How ya been? Ur sis sent me over here to bug ya^.~ Don't you worry about me pinching and groping ya though hehe, unlike most Tasuki fans I have more self control. Well anyhow a got a little chattin' to do here. Well as it seems I think out of all the women in the world you and Rei Rei would have ended up together T.T sad news for us Tasuki lovers. Well anyhow I am cosplaying as Rei Rei for Otakon this year^^ but I having a hell of a time finding out the colors of her outfit. Oh well I think I'll just bull s*** a little. I look so much like Rei Rei I could be her double! Really!
Can I be a Reikaku bandit? Pleeeeeeaaase! I did 4 years of karate, 2 of fencing, a year of kick boxing as well as knowing a few painful pressure points hehe. I like beating people up too! I wouldn't be the best drinking partner since I don't drink, but I could start! Or I could be the designated driver hehe. I could fit in with all the bandits but I don't think they would appreciate the fact that there would be a girl who could take them on or the fact that they WILL NOT get laid.^^ So can I? Please? *puppy eyes*
Would it be to much to ask for a date Tasuki? Come on, I know ya don't like girls but ya would like me! I'm adorable, smart, funny and I can fight' unlike Miaka who is only good for cleaning out ur fridge hehe. Give me a chance Gen-Chan! *kisses*
Dear GirlGenChan,
I ain't one fer datin' an' I don't want no girlfriend! Ya' gotta be able to outdrink an' out brawl alla us to be a bandit.
Dear Tasuki,
Glad to hear Kouji still banditting! *sighs* I've actually been quite grumpy lately... *stops hopping and stands still, wind whistles* Meh...
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
What's up? Ya' were really happy before.
Dear Tasuki,
**gasp** You torched my hair? You TORCHED my hair??? I can't believe you torched my hair!!!! **slugs Tasuki** You're a butthead! And a baka! **puts on hat** There, alllll better! Now... **grabs ALOT more sake** Maybe if I'm completely drunk I won't hate you quite as much. **slams down 5 pints of sake** It isn't working... just I'll have to just beat you up s'more!
Dear Kokkei,
Heh-heh-heh… Gotta catch me first! *Takes off grinning.*
Dear Tamahome,
What is the name of your smallest brother?
Dear Rinake,
Dear Tasuki,
Okie! I have lots of wolf Pictures and Wolf toys and wolf clothes and wolf everything. I love wolves ^^ ill name them all Tasuki! ^-^ Is that ok with you? Hope so. ^-^ Bye bye
Dear Kisato-Chan,
I guess if ya' wanna, it's ok.
Dear Mitsukake,
*Hugs him* Hi Mitsukake, I noticed not many people write to you and I can't understand why, your a very intersting guy, or at least I think so. I'm writing to you because I plan on being a veternairan (please don't mind the spelling^_^) What I was wondering was which animal do you think is the best patient and which do you think is the worst and why?
Dear LoneWolf,
Cats seem to be good patients. It really depends on the animal's personality. Humans are generally the worst patients.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
^__^ :holds out yearbook: Will you all sign something nice in it? ^_^ Pwease? :wants to see something special from her faaaavorite bishies ever:
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley Chan,
Hai! *They all sign her yearbook.*
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
ahem...i am here to say that you owe me a birthday present because i have been a faithful fan since i last wrote and i stop by here more often. now i know this sounds selfish, but i got few party-guests (one of my friends from school) so i would love to get a gift from atleast one more person who is not a family member. now for questions:
1.What would your ideal pet be?
2. if you made a book, what would you call it and what would it be about? you belive in life after love?
4.Why do fools fall in love? (okay...i'll stop with questions from movies and songs) there a chance that we are living in a nightmare?
6. chunky or smooth? there hope for unlucky people like me?
8.Have i already had my perfect day and not have noticed it?
9. can i get a hug? i'm lonely lol
10. what kind of cake would you be if you were one?
11. are thise questions annoying? okay then,i'll stop
a pensive Hakura Mayabashi
Dear Hakura,
Here are all your answers!
Except for Tasuki we all like cats. He prefers wolves.
Tamahome: I'd call it "Money Makes the World Go 'Round" and it would be about okane!
Tasuki: I dunno! Ask obake-chan!
Chichiri: Well, we live in a book, no da!
Of course there is ALWAYS hope!
Hai! *They all hug her.*
A bit…
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I'm Anika Kou Tsukino. I was wondering if any of you have tips for me. Quick thing. I'm really ugly twenty pounds, I have natural fangs. I'm 15 and one of the few unspent girls in my school. I dress in boys clothes. I'm in to heavy metal, rock, hard rock, rap, and some pop + broadway. Everyone teases me twenty-four 7. Sorry for all the birthday's I've missed. Here are presents for each one of you especially made to your personality. *Lotta presents behind her* Hope you enjoy them. While I'm at it I have a few q's.
1. How old are all of you?
2. When were you all born?
3. If you could live one place in my worl where would it be?
4. What are your favorite colours?
Anika Kou Tsukino
Dear Anika Kou Tsukino,
Chiriko - 13; Tasuki and Tamahome - 17; Hotohori and Nuriko - 18; Mitsukake - 22; Chichiri - 24
We were born in the mind of Watase-sensei several years before she wrote about us, no da.
Tamahome - Tokyo; Chichiri - I prefer to wander, no da.; Tasuki - Las Vegas; Mitsukake - Hawaii; Nuriko - with Hotohori!; Hotohori - *Sweatdrops at Nuriko's answer…* Kyoto; Chiriko - Harvard or Yale.
Why Suzaku Red of course! Actually I'm not certain, so I tried asking them:
Tamahome: The color of money. O-ka-ne! *Sighs* Some things NEVER change.
Tasuki: Either fiery orange like his hair or anything the color of booze.
Hotohori: Any color that accentuates his natural beauty.
Chichiri: He won't say. It's just like him to be mysterious. But I bet it's blue!
Mitsukake: Favors shades of gold.
Chiriko: Too busy studying. Won't come out of his room.
And as for me: Purple or any color that highlights my beautiful hair!
Ariagto for the presents!
Nuriko and the Seishi
Dear Mitsukake,
I'm so happy! ... AAH! Claude's battle cry! o.O Great. Now I'm some wussy guy with a longsword. Anyway, I finally own my Star Ocean 2 game thanks to God (read: my dad) and The Other Best Person In The World (read: Amy). And, don't worry: I'm sure you had some part in this (By the way, you gave me 2 more pennies and a nickel).
I've played nearly 8 or 9 hours, but I'm only at Mars. That's because 3 of those hours were spent leveling up, and about an hour was trying to find Herlie. I want Dias! But unfortunately, Claude has to tell me 'No. He's not coming with us.', so now he sucks. Oh well. At least he and Celine are level 21/22 and Rena is 20/21. And I think it's going to be extremely funny if Ashton is level 12 or something.. Heh heh. I'm doing good. How about you? ^_^
IraMirado, Queen of the Pointless Letters
Dear IraMirado,
That's ano... interesting. I'm glad you are enjoying your game.
Dear Chiriko,
Is it true that Kuruma Chidori is the result of a weird genetic experiment involving you and ChibiUsa? If so, how did this happen? Does this mean that either you or ChibiUsa have the blood of a celestial being?
Dear chibikt,
That isn't true and I really have no idea what or who you are talking about.
Dear Chichiri,
Me back^^ I was wondering all the time... What makes you happy and what makes you sad? (ok, maybe I know the sad one but I want to know more ^_^)
And there's one more thing I was wondering about also... IF you had the chance marry Kouran, would you like to have children with her? (kinda silly question, according to me.. *blushes*^^;;)
I had some ohter questions in my head bur I forgot all of them^^ Well, sayonara! oh, yeah, how's the kitten I gave you?^^
Dear Kuriichan,
Peace and tranquility make me happy. As does being with my friends, no da. War, hatred and stupidity sadden me, no da. Of course I would have loved for Kouran to bear my children, no da! The kitten is doing fine. He's gotten quite big, no da.
Dear Hotohori,
I am back from a small vacation to my native place in kerala. It was for a family reunion. I Wanna tell you all about it. *Yawn* i am a liiiiitle tired from the journey. We arrived there on 30th and went straight to our village, which is a 2-hour journey for the train station. As soon as we arrived there we had a quick bath. I went with my granny. *Grins* then there was a ceremony for this god of our family. Well our family was really huge that we occupied the entire village at one time. So, every body participates in the ceremony. They kill a cock and give it to the god. And then n the evening we give another prayer ceremony with all *yawn yawn yawn* sorry, where was I? Yes! The prayer ceremony with al the mantras and flowers and homas etc. then I stayed there till al these things got over. It took about the whole day for that to happen. The prayer got over by 2 in the morning. It started by 6in the evening of the previous day. Boy! I am glad it's over! Then I stayed with al my relatives and I taught their children a little Japanese that I knew and they were very happy. I know they were cause they kept saying "doumo arigato gozaimasu" when I was about to go to the station. That rounds it all up I guess! *Yawn* *falls asleep on Hotohori's shoulder and starts to cuddle arm and hugs his arm. * I love you! *Grin*
Dear anya,
Welcome back! We're glad you had a nice trip. Due to the worsening situation between India and Pakistan over Kashmir, we are very concerned for you and your family's safety. Are you in a safe area? Please let us know and stay in touch. Our thoughts are with you.
Dear Chichiri,
Hi!!! Gee, I was wondering... uhmm... this is embarrassing... uhmm *blushing*... could you give me tips on how to put up my hair like you do? It'ss soooooo kawaii!!! I'm a girl and I really want to copy your hairstyle. Please!!! Come on!! Please! Can you do it for little 'ol me? Thanks. ^-^
Dear IoMaiden,
I'm glad you like my hair, no da! Well, to start you will need to shave most of it off as I have what is similar to a crew cut, no da. Then, you would leave some long in the back and front for the bangs and ponytail. Now my bangs grow the way you see them, no da. For you you might need to gel them into place. However, I don't think this is a good hairstyle for a girl, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
How would I get rid of my pimples?
Lady L
Dear Lady L,
Try your best to keep your face oil-free. Have you tried using Stridex or Oxy-10? Both are good products. Also, make sure you cleanse your face daily.
Dear Chichiri,
*smiles* i will be vewy nice to kitty *sits on the ground and waits for Tama-neko to come out*
Dear Lita,
*Tama-neko peeps out at her... * Nyao?
Dear Tasuki,
*runs over and hugs him* mommy said im getting a baby bwothew or sistew! *grins*
Dear Lita,
NANI??? Aidou!!! Kouji!!! What th' H*LL is goin' on?????
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi, it's me again. Listen, I need your help. I'm having some love trouble. This guy I like and he likes me, he really broke my heart! He's going out with this girl who doesn't even like him! And the girl was my friend, and she stole my guy. Do you guys have anything helpful? I really like this guy. Just as much as Tasuki, Tamahome, Hotohori, Chi-Chiri, Chiriko, and Mitsukake. You guys are aweomse! Bye.
Dear Aisha,
Well, you may like him but if he really liked and respected you, he wouldn't have gone out with that other girl! And if she was a true friend, she wouldn't have gone out with a guy she knew you liked. I say drop these losers from your social circle! With friends like these you don't need enemies!
Dear Chiriko,
This proof has been up in my geometry class for a couple of weeks and it's been driving me insane. I think you'll find it very interesting:
Let a = b
a2 - b2 = ab - b2
(a + b)(a - b) = b(a - b)
(a + b)(a - b) b(a - b)
--------------- = ------------
a - b a - b
a + b = b
BUT! a = b, so...
b + b = b
2b = b
2b b
---- = ---
b b
2 = 1
.. Does that make ANY sense?!
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
Actually, no. Since the equation below:
(a + b)(a - b) b(a - b)
--------------- = ------------
a - b a - b
essentially has you dividing by zero and you cannot divide by zero. If you put numbers in the equation instead of letters you will see what I mean.
Dear Nuriko,
Are cosmetics very useful to have beautiful skin? Or just water and soap?
Dear Li'An,
Soap and water is cheaper and just as good as most cleansers that are out there.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
What do you think will happen if your miko is smart, shy, quiet, physically fit and knows how to cook?
Dear Li'An,
She wouldn't be OUR miko!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Which would you prefer, the miko's world or your world?
Dear Li'An,
Tamahome - Miko's
The rest of the Seishi - Ours
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
If the seishis are given each a chance to have 3 wishes, like the miko, when Suzaku was summoned, what would it be?
Dear Li'An,
Tasuki - Lotsa sake! Rei-Rei back alive an' my old boss back alive.
Tamahome - Okane, okane, okane!
Chichiri - Kouran and Hikou back alive. A good fishing hole, no da.
Nuriko - To be a woman, Kourin back alive, and to marry Hotohori.
Mitsukake - Shoka back alive. Peace for Konan
Hotohori - To live long enough to see Boushin succeed me as Emperor. Peace for Konan.
Chiriko -Pass my test! Peace for Konan.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
**storms in, her face deathly pale and a large bruise on her cheek** THAT'S IT!! I HATE MEN!!! They're th' biggest jerks on this side of th' WORLD! Fer cryin' out loud...yah don't go around hittin' sweet innocent gals fer no reason!! **looks at her nii-san** How can yah STAND bein' around rude, selfish, jerks!?! I dun know HOW! I hate men!! I hate 'em, I really do!! **starts crying**
Dear Angel-chan,
*Gives her a hug.* Who did this to ya'?
Dear Tasuki,
**jumps up from table and tackles him** I said no one touches my mug! **doesn't have tessen, so she whips out a butane lighter and torches Tasuki's eyebrows** Ehehehehehehehe! You look funny with no eyebrows Gen-chan! So... where do we go from here? Can I join the bandits now?
Dear Kokkei,
No ya' can't! *Singes her hair.* An' how d'ya think yer gonna look wit'out hair?
Dear Tamahome,
hey oniichan! i got some money for you! *hands him some ryou* i made it by selling a camera that kinda didnt work but hey in Konan people dont know! but the camera does work which im kinda thinking i shouldnve sold but i wanted to help you! ^^
Dear Kiara,
Arigato! *Takes the money and smiles*
Dear Nuriko,
ok *looks to make sure nakago isnt around* ok well im Chiriko's sis *going by an alias name* well Nakago started to attack Chiriko's house and Byakko * went on ask the gods and asked him to be a warrior and he let me be one* let me be a warrior of his group and i used my power against Nakgo and he started chasing me and trying to kill me... i guess i shouldnt be here cause im just causing you trouble... *tears stream down her face*
Dear Kiara,
You're no trouble at all. Now dry your tears.
Dear Chiriko,
well i didnt really do anything but... he was trying to destroy your home but being that im a warrior of Byakko *byakko allowed me so* i had to step in i didnt want you to become an orphan! *tears come to her eyes* im sorry for causing you trouble... *tears stream down her face*
Dear Sam,
Arigato. Please don't cry, you're not causing me any trouble.
Dear Tasuki,
Thankyou! ^^ ahhh Summer vacation is Comeing! Just one more day!! Yippi!!! yumm *eats sunflower seeds* hmm these taste like...tuna o_o...Want some? *Hands him a bag* ive also got sake flavored jelly beans ^-^ *gives him two bags* Enjoy! so How ya been these days? Did anything new? hehe ^^. Oh yeah! Could ya tell Kouji i said Hey? Thx! ^-^ Well imma go now. Cya later Tasuki! Oh yeah i forgot something..I have a great white shark..(Stuffed animal) And id thought youd like the great white shark sooo I named it Tasuki-Sama! And what other animals do u like? Maybe i can name them Tasuki too! Or maybe Kouji!! Hehe Well Bye bye Cya Tasuki *Hugs goodbye*
Dear Kisato-Chan,
Thanks fer th' food. I'll give Kouji yer regards. I like wolves.
Dear Tasuki,
It's ok Tasuki..I know it maybe is good and bad being tough and rude..But I guess the people in my past made me like that... Anyway get my past away, I hate to talk about it. I got some sakes from the money I stole from those bandits..they was being such perverts at me(am a blonde short hair anicent half elf and half human girl from a anime fanfic) but I kick their a$$. *grins* Here... *gives him a few sakes* I being nice to cause you and two others guys are my only guy friends. *while he drinks his sake has half of an orange and sucks the juice of it with her eyes close then opens her eyes after she done* Oh am also going to try to do a ulimate picture gallery of the one and only you! It be a while to be seen but I hope to do it. Name two colors that you really like cause the colors be on the site for you.
Arigato Tasuki Hope you enjoy the sakes *smiles*
Guni Ryuuzaki
Dear Guni Ryuuzaki,
Thanks! I like black an' red.
Dear Tasuki,
Hmmmm,I wonder what's wrong with Yume-chan? I know I can't ask her personally through aim,or yahoo because she doesn't have either of them nor can I e-mail. I'm like starting to worry about her. I hope she's okay,and everything's okay at her home and stuff like that. Tasuki-kun,is there anything we can do to cheer her up? I mean I know we're like all friend's and stuff like that,but I don't know what to do in order to cheer Yume-chan up ;___;. Hmmm,maybe we can throw her a party? or something? ^^;;;
Dear Shukumei,
I s'ppose. This could jus' be something 'she needs to work through. I'm sure she knows her friends are here fer her.
Dear Chiriko,
*crawls over and sits down*
Ji? ~play with me?~
*tugs on Chiriko-oji's robes*
~inside too much, need outside things~
*sucks his thumb*
Dear Sora,
Would you like some fresh air? *Picks him up and carries him outside to play.*
Dear Hotohori,
*Houki gives her husband a look over* I don't mind at all, but it's amazing how you can fit into that little thing. *winks* Then you won't mind this.. *opens her robes and shows her husband her golden string bikini* Aneki got it for me *grins*
*Boushin splashes them both* Are you two gonna swim or stare at each other all day?
Race you!! *sprints for the water and dives in*
Houki and Boushin
Dear Houki and Boushin,
*Smiles, sparkles, and follows her in.*
Dear Chiriko,
No it's not my homework cuz school is over^_^
Saya AKK
Dear Saya AKK,
That's good to know. *Smiles*
Dear Chichiri,
ou know da weird wady... se said er nam was Mai and se said da i wasn't ers da se onwy had one kid and da was her son Chen... *looks at her reflection in the pond* da water is so perdy *touches in* eww wook at da wipples^_^ when are we donna eat?
Dear Taki,
She is one of Tasuki's sisters, no da. We'll eat as soon as we catch something.
Dear Chichiri,
Do you just say no da all the time for no reason, or does it actualy mean something?
Moete No mIko
Dear Moete No mIko,
It's an emphasizer, no da. It basically means, "That's obvious".
Dear Tasuki,
(pulls out some more sake) Hey, Tasuki, I know you don't like Miaka in 'that way', but why did you try the OAV? I didn't quite understand the explanation. (guzzles sake down even faster)
Dear Selphi,
It was an evil spell that made me do thins' I'd NEVER do!
Dear Chichiri,
(chanting 'I hate my life') You know, sometimes life REALLY sucks. My best friends hates me because I'm doing better than her in Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons and it's both making me sad and p*ssing me off. I tell you, sometimes life goes down the drain more often than it goes up. Can I have some chamomile tea?
Dear Amy-sama,
I'm sorry you are having such a hard time with your friend, no da. Have you tried talking to her about it? *Hands her a cup of chamomile tea.*
Dear Nuriko,
Yes...I take it you saw her?
Dear Riley,
Hai, but I don't know where she went.
Dear Tasuki,
I have had a crush on you for a while now. I was wandering if you are single? Also when is your birthday?
Anika Kou Tsukino (The Dawning of the light of the moon)
Dear Anika Kou Tsukino,
I am but I don't want no girlfriend. My birthday is in April.
Dear Tasuki,
Hellooooo, it is I, once more. Anyway, who of the seishi do you consider your closest friend?
Hyosumi, Nakki's little "Angel"
Dear Hyosumi,
It's kinda a toss up between Tamahome an' Chichiri.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
It is I, again, meow. Hey,if there are four high evil over lord baddies in some animes,how come they are usually the for four gods? I always thought they were the ultimate good guys.
Hyosumi, Nakki's "Angel"
Dear Hyosumi,
Gods are Gods; they are neither good nor evil. They are what their worshippers and followers make of them.
Dear Tasuki,
Hi Tasuki Wasuki! *Hugs him tightly* I came to tell you I wrote a poem about you, *Stops and taps her chin* Well, techinacally it's not a poem you just take someone's name and, Oh hell! Let me just read it for ya, it's Tasuki.
Uncommenly drunk
Kind, yet crude
I hope you like it! I Love you!!!!!!!!11 *Hugs him and kisses him, then laughs like Naga* Opps, sorry. I just watched Naga and I think the laugh is cool! ^_^
You eternal love Lucy-sama
Dear Lucy-sama,
*Sweatdrops* Cute. Arigato.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hello, it is I, once again, AHHAHAHAHAHA! Anyway, if each of you guys had to choose a musical instrument which would you play?
Hyosumi, Nakki's little "angel"
Dear Hyosumi,
Here are your answers:
Chichiri: I would play the guitar, no da!
Chiriko: I would play the clarinet.
Nuriko: I would play the samisen.
Tasuki: I would play Taiko Drums.
Tamahome: I would play the bass.
Hotohori: I would play the piano.
Mitsukake: I would play the violin.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Nuriko,
*nods* Well, i've already got the filter working, perhaps we should boil it after it goes through?
*hangs the bag over the kettle so the water will drip into it*
Did you bring the tent or do we sleep under the stars? Hmm campfire in the starlight. quite romantic.
*starts gathering extra wood for Ryu's cooking fire* Planning on going fishing Itoshii? I do love it when you cook game.. ;D
Dear Doc-sama,
We have a tent. *Starts setting it up.* Fish? That sounds good to me, but let me finish the tent first. *Smiles*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Sorry all, we cant make it this weekend, Lynleigh has a date and I really need to study for finals :winks at Chirko: I am terribly sorry, but I'll see you all at AX ne
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley Chan,
No problem. We haven't received the fourth OAV DVD anyway. We'll let you know when we do. Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Chichiri,
*grabs the kesa and kasa* WaiWAi Arigato!!!!!! CCCCcooooolllll *Glomps chichiri's back and plays wif hys bangs* Kawaii!!!!! *tama-neko's head popps up from inside chiri's shirt and yumi pats tama on the head.*Ano i dun't really haf time ta go ta this syte that often but can ya and the suzaku shichi seishi e-mail meh replies? Gomen if this is a hassel... and while yer at it then pls check out mah syte! an id ya can't e-mail then i dun't mind... *takes off the smiling mask and pecks a small kiss on hys cheek and blushes* Arigato!
Dear Yumik0-Chan,
You're very welcome, no da! Gomen, we don't do personal emails. Interesting site, no da.
Dear Chiriko,
Honto ni? I never knew you sang those, too. *blinks* Were they released on Fushigi Yuugi albums or did your seiyuu sing them as other characters? Arigato for the info, though ^^ I'll have to look for them!
Dear Alecia,
You're welcome! They are my songs, but I'm not certain which Fushigi Yuugi album they are on. Gomen!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey! Ummmmmmm....I don't know what to say so expect random outbursts of stupid and pointless things...
Tasuki: why do you hate girls!?! (I AM a girl so I take offense!!) You're so cool and all but I'm like wondering about that. Power to pyromaniacs!
Nuriko:hey! gahh! rizu got me thinking about when you died! That was soo sad! Do you like pancakes? I like pancakes...and muffins, but that's another story.
Hotohori: How many people have mistaken you for a woman? Ooh! You remind me of this guy on Escaflowne, but you're way cuter!
Tamahome: was Mitsukake's cat named after you, or were you named after him?
LOL, I know that's practically impossible, but you both have a cute nickname! Feel special.. oh yeah, and you are like super-saiyan Tama when you got really mad at Suboshi! Go you!
Tama-neko: Rizu has a kitty named Merle. She's as cute as you are! I love that part when you are doing that play thing to tell Tamahome that Miaka was captured by Nakago. I wish Merle could do that!
Chichiri: howdy no da! i like you no da! hehe^^ **smoochies** dude, how do you get your bangs to stay up like that? That's gotta take a lotta gel!
Miaka: I know you like pancakes! And a lotta other stuff too! Ooh! Do you like cream puffs? Those things are the BEST and addictive too! Hehe I'm high on cream puffs! No not really.
Ok, I have to go now all. You are all awesome and I don't wanna leave, but I ran outta stuff to say! Ja ne!
Dear Risa-chan,
Tasuki: They always get me in trouble!
Nuriko: Yes, I do.
Hotohori: Quite a few! Do you mean Allen Scharzade?
Tamahome: He was named after me. >.<
Tama-neko: Nyao!
Chichiri: That's just how they grow, no da!
Tamahome for Miaka: It's food! Of course she likes it!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
*gives him a big kiss* I know you don't like girls but I can't seem to get over you *blushes*
kitty ^-^
Dear kitty,
Dear Mitsukake,
::SUPER HYPER ULTRA GLOMP:: MUAHAHAHAHA!!! Anikii! I betcha don't remember me cuz I haven't written in a year I think... oops o_O ah well ^^() neway how are you? I've been grounded for THREE MONTHS because I forgot to hand in two homeworks.... TWO!! >< Ah well... I only have a couple of more weeks left to my sentence. ^^() ::sigh:: I dun wanna face the stupid finals na no da...>< They're HARD and my math average is in the seventies. My math teacher is insane lol. She assigns these long @$$ tests that all but about three people fail to finish. And then she denies it when my mom called her ^^() I can't wait untill caaamp! away from the h*llhole that is my home! ^^v Ne ne... have you ever seen the anime gravitation? Cowboy Bebop? Hamutaro?? an if you could make an appearance on any show what would it beee? Do you guys listen to J-rock at all no da? ::huggles tama-neko:: ::stars laughing like naga and tama-neko gets scared away:: oopsie... ::starts tying bows in Mitsukake's hair cuz she is bored:: ne ne... have you ever noticed Onion Glace from Sorcerer hunters looks like you! He sure dun act like you tho X.x lol
Deranged questions: Can I shave Nuriko's hair? Can we dress Tasuki up like Tira? What was under the little pixly cencor thingies in the OVA omake anyway? Who wears short shorts??
Newho... ::starts singing:: I'm blue abadi abadai abadi abadai! ::windows shatter:: ummmmm.... I think I better go now X_x ::hugs and zooms out of there::
Dear Morphie-chan,
Of course we remember you! I'm sorry you were grounded. I have seen Cowboy BeBop and Hamtarou. I'd like to appear on Captain Tylor. In answer to your questions; NO!, NO!, my face, NANI???
Dear Nuriko,
nuriko! you gotta help me Nakago is chasing me cause im hiding Chiriko from him *long story ill have to tell you it when im in the clear* please can you hide me or make him go away?
Dear Kiara,
Certainly! Hide in here …
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Does anyone in the Suzaku Seven have a taste in foreign music so I can know if I'm not alone?
Dear Jashi,
Well, we all like J-Pop and J-Rock. Does that count?
Dear Chiriko,
ill get some sleep but can i stay with you please? i think Nakago is chasing me for some unknown reason? *yawns* geez im so freakin lonely... ;.;!
Dear Sam,
Sure you can. Did you upset him again?
Dear Tasuki,
What are your older sisters names? *starts laughing*
Dear Shin,
They are: Jiang, Li'an, Pa'liu, Mai, an' of course Aidou. What's so *(^%$#@ funny???
Dear Tasuki,
When are you coming home Genrou?
Dear Kouji,
Soon I guess…
Dear Tamahome,
Do you have any children?
A Curious Person
Dear Curious,
Dear Mitsukake,
I hope you do not think you are not loved. There are probably thousands of Mitsukake fans out there. I am a big fan of you, because one of my best friends is like you. Tall, strong, silent. That's a good thing because many of us say things we can never take back. You are silent because you think about what you say, and you probably don't regret many things you say, like I do. I wish I could be like you, but I have a need to speak out and be heard. But I am 5'4". ^_^
Dear Shin,
Arigato for your kind words.
Dear Tasuki,
^-^ Hey i just back from bowling. I got a strike! Yay and it was my first time to. Me and my friends had a great time. It was also very funny. we pretended the scores were are age and jamie was acting like and old grandma when her score got up to...i think 80 sumthing. It was funny. And we were having a burping contest and i won!!! Lol ^^ It was loud and...wierd sounding o.o Everyone started falling on the floor laughing. I had a great time. And we played in the arcade. Then we all went home. I got nailpolish....I dont really like nailpolish sooo Could you give this to one of your sisters? or maybe Nuriko?*Hands him in Blue Star creme NailPolish* I like the color. I think Nuriko or one of your sisters would love it ^^ Well got to go. *Gives him 20 bottles of sake* No such thing as too much sake ne? Hehe Cya Later tasuki!
Dear Kisato-Chan,
Sure! Arigato! Congratulations on th' strike!
Dear Chichiri,
*sees Tama-neko* KITTY! *Tama runs and hides* Oh no! Kitty come back! *finds him* hi kitty *smiles* umm.....*looks around for someone* Mr. Sir kitty is hiding....can i pet him when he is all done hiding? pwease?
Dear Lita,
Of course, but you need to be gentle, no da.
Dear Hotohori,
My point is that she tried to make it sound VERY wrong. ^^;; And since she has to go away (;-;!) soon, I did not want you to kill her.
IraMirado (I can't make sense sometimes, huh?)
Dear IraMirado,
I would never do such a thing. Besides, I knew what she was doing. I just chose to ignore it.
Dear Tasuki,
*glomps his arm*
So... how's Kouji been lately? Haven't heard too much about him! He still doing that bandit thing?
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
He's doin' ok. Yeah, he's still a bandit. So, how ya' been?
Dear Tasuki,
Why are you so hot? And can I get fangs like yours?
Dear Danielle,
*Grins* I was jus' born that way! Ya' can get fangs but only if ya' grow 'em!
Dear Tasuki,
Can I ask you something and know you'll give me an honest answer?
(Anyway, have you ever had the feeling that you're uneeded? I mean, it has been troubling me for sometime now and I don't know why I can't get the thought out of my mind...
Am I just over reacting and making a big deal out of something as stupid as it probably sounds? Or am I just taking pity on myself?)
Dear Yume,TnM,
I guess I did when I first joined th' bandits. But, they finally accepted me an' I was ok. Why do you feel that way? Are ya' mebbe lookin' fer acceptance?
Dear Nuriko,
Did you really love Hotohori-sama or it is just some sort of 'infatuation'? Cheers!
Miiru Kamishiro
Dear Miiru Kamishiro,
A bit of both, I think.
Dear Chichiri,
GOMENASAIIIIIIII! We had forgotten your B-Day!!!! How old are you this 2002?
Miiru Kamishiro
Dear Miiru Kamishiro,
I'm 26, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
Hou was weird wady? She wook perrty but gave me funny wook@_@ *bents down to touch a fish in the pond* Ewwwwwww wittle fissy wissy *swims away* aww! tome back!
Dear Taki,
The weird lady, no da? *Looks confused…*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I am^_^ I'm at my friends sister/aunt's house and she allowed me a brief moment to type to you guys^_^ Well gotta go got go have more fun^_~
Saya AKK
Dear Saya AKK,
Hope you're having a good time! Tell us about it when you get back!
Dear Mitsukake,
How can I be a good doctor someday like you are? I have no powers or whatsover...
Dear Kasumi,
You need to go to a good medical school and study and work hard at it. Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Hotohori,
Do you love Empress Houki? Or when did you get married, do you still love Miaka?
Miiru Kamishiro
Dear Miiru Kamishiro,
I loved Houki when I married her and I still do.
Dear Tasuki,
*prods him with a bottle of plum wine and grins* Been awhile, ne, aniki? You musta missed me somethin' terrible. *pinches his cheeks lightly and snickers* Yeah right. Ya still gettin' yourself int' trouble with all th' girls? Seems like Ayame keeps buggin' th' cr*p outta yeh, ne? *laughs* Poor aniki ^^; So loved by th' world. What's goin' on in your happy drunken world, neee? Do anythin' interestin' as of late? Last day of school is Friday...I'm excited ^^; needs to get here sooner! De wa...write back soon. Family misses you, of course, and send their love. *grins and kisses his cheek, pinching his cheek again* Cute aniki.
Dear Alecia,
Stop wit' th' pinchin'! 'Che! I'm doin' fine. Been spendin' a lotta time in Chinatown an' Lil' Tokyo.
Dear Tasuki,
Hey I am Guni, I was a girl who gave you liquor for b-day.( There's a friend I know who likes drinking so am use to give him liquor). However I heard my best friend Bandit Girl told you alittle of me, she wanted to tell you alittle about me cause she believes I have alot of things in comment with you like the short temper, mean to others, (I can't help it ..It's too fun *grins*) I say I hate men even if you are one am talking too...>< ....Ok Ok I say I hate men but I just hate how some men act like peverts and talking crap with me how much they think am pretty. ...Sorry it's a past life thing that made me like this to men. I really want to fall in love with a man but not a fool!... Well any way I also have speed and is a great warrior...and well Bandit Girl and I came up with 454 things we have in comment.....I can't believe it..*puts head down with a sweatdrop*. However I like to know having all these things in comment good or bad? Bandit Girl would like me to be friends with someone who's alot like me and she thinks you'll be great and I agree to be.
Well anyway..I should be off.. Got to steal some money from a bush of idiots I see walking down the road. *grins evily* See ya and take care buddy I'll try to get another bottle of sake with the money I steal ..Don't worry i got money and how much I steal I won't be poor.
Guni Ryuuzaki
Dear Guni Ryuuzaki,
I dunno if bein' like me is a good or bad thin' fer a girl. But I'll still be yer friend.
Dear Chiriko,
Chiriko-saaan ^^ *pats his head and hands him a random plushy of Tasuki* What's it like being sooo adorable? And why didn't you sing another song after Akai Iitsutae? ^^; I love that song! It's so kawaii! You're voice is wonderful, they should have made a whole CD just for you...and shoot Nakago for singing. *grins and kisses his cheek* I'm off with a whoosh!
Kou Alecia
Dear Kou Alecia,
Arigato! Actually, I do sing two other songs besides Akai Iitsutae. They are: Ito Chiisaki Negai and P.S.: Ai tte Eien Desu ka.
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