Dear Tamahome,
I'm sorry I forgot Miaka's birthday, tell her Happy Birthday for me please. I have some chocolate cupcakes. For her and you to enjoy! Sorry for the belated birthday wish. Oh and two gold ryu for you to.
Dear Sakie-chan,
Arigato for the nice gift and wishes. Arigato for the okane, too!
Dear Tasuki,
Hello, uh I've noticed your one of the handsomest guys in FY. I also noticed all the girls being obsessed, and over doing it. And I know you don't like them jumping all over you. So uh I won't do the huggie thing to you. Uh how about some sake instead, to say you'll always be a favorite of mine? I figured that would be the safest way to show appreciation to one of my favorite FY guys. Anyway enjoy! *Hands over sake* to Tasuki.
Dear Sakie-chan,
*Grins* Cool! Thanks!
Dear Chiriko,
Which profession would you like to have. Doctor, lawyer, or something else, and what would it be?
Dear Sakie-chan,
I would like to be either a teacher or a political advisor.
Dear Hotohori,
What does Seishuku mean?
Dear Sakie-chan,
It means constellation.
Dear Chichiri,
In your travels, where's the most interesting place you've been to?
Dear Sakie-chan,
The Miko's world, no da!
Dear Mitsukake,
How did you meet Tama-neko, and how old is he?
Dear Sakie-chan,
He found me after Shoka passed away. He is about a year old I would guess.
Dear Nuriko,
Out of all the outfits you wore which is your favorite?
Dear Sakie-chan,
I liked my modern clothes the best!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
i am fighting with my dad way too much. he deleted all my writings on the computer that i worked really really hard on(some were Fy fanfics) and i can't take it anymore. and my mother is not even trying to help. i mean.. my god, sometimes i would just get through the day knowing that i could work on my poems or stories when i got home. but now they are all gone. please help before i get deppressed.
Dear Shin,
Perhaps you can start over and either print them out, save them to a floppy or cd or just write them by hand. You also may want to try to get along better with your father. *Gives her a hug.* Good luck!
Dear Tamahome,
Tamahome....girl B is really hacked off! She tried to run over girl A yesterday!!!! This is getting out of hand! And it won't do any good calling the cops because her dad owns the cops...I need to find a new name and a good hotel know any?
Dear Satoshi,
Gomen, no, not really …
Dear Tasuki,
**growls back** Quit stealin' mine and I'll quit wastin' good sake! **grabs mug back** No one touches my mug... **looks threatening** NO ONE.
Kokkei (who will join the bandits if it's the last thing she does)
Dear Kokkei,
*Looks at her, looks at the mug… touches it and starts laughing…*
Dear Chichiri,
WWWWEEEEE i'm HIGH off SUGAR! i know it's not good fer meh but... it is sho GGGOOOOODD @0@ heheh! chichiri, yer smart, your Sexy, yer ALMOST perfect! Then Why is a Gurl lyke meh tend ta lyke tasuki and subi? Sure i had My OBSESSIVE chiri phase... but... iunno what happened ta it... o well your still one of the coolest!! *Hugges Chichiri* where'd u get your kesa and kasa? Can i have your's? PUHHLEEEAAASSSSEE??? oh yea! *hold a chiri ufo doll* it's 4 u! That's it tho i didn't make much sense...
Yumik0-Chan aka Yumi-chan
Dear Yumi-chan,
Arigato, no da. Ano … *Hands her replicas of his kasa and kesa.* I hope these will do, no da.
Dear Mitsukake,
Hi! close friend(almost like my sworn bother or something) got in a fight with a member of this gang over some family issue and... now he's been kidnapped by the whole gang. And I have no idea of how they might be treating him.
I guess I came to you because I needed to let it out to SOMEONE, and I figured you'd understand my pain since you've lost someone close to you as well. Also, I consider you the maturest of the seishi.
Dear Li,
*Gives her a hug.* Has anyone contacted the police about this? Is anyone trying to locate him?
Dear Tasuki,
Hey do you know who ceres is or Aya? Do you think that someday you and Tamahome will forgive each other? Another thing, who is your most favrite preson? ^-^
your friend,Neko chan
Dear Neko chan,
I seen th' anime, so I know who they are. Fergive each other? Fer what? My favorite person? That's a weird question! I guess my best friend Kouji.
Dear Tamahome,
I just love hereing and watching you and Tasuki fight!!!! ^ -~ You two really act like brothers!! Now really who's better? and if you two fought who would win? ^-^
your friend Neko chan
Dear Neko chan,
Actually, wee're fairly well matched. I just have more style. *Grins*
Dear Nuriko,
Hi Nuriko, only one more exam to go!!!!! I've only got Theatre Studies to do next month. I'm so glad that I've got the rest over, especially english language. I think they've gone quite well.
I've had a lovely day today, it's been really hot and I arranged to meet my friend in Durham, we were going to evensong at Durham Cathedral. We wanted to hear the choristors because they're amazing. It's really fun to see the age range and the young boys getting such high notes! They can get higher than me hehe. I've nearly got a 3 octave range so I'm trying to get a bit higher and lower each way. I can get a top C and a bottom D, pretty low huh?
My friend and I both sing in the same choir and he in another one too. He's even sang with Lesley Garret and also his choir will be singing with Barry Manilow when he visits Newcastle! Have you heard Lesley Garrett? I saw her in concert once and she's so amazing!
The choristers were singing Exsultate Deo and it's so beautiful so we had to go and listen. We're going to go to the Queen's Jubilee service tomorrow at Durham Cathedral, when they will be performing Zadok the Priest by Handel. I've sang it once in Durham Cathedral before for our Millenium Reunion Concert and his choir is performing at Durham Cathedral next month!
Wow! I really went on about singing didn't I? Sorry, I just love it so much! I need to improve my sight reading though because it's nothing to shout about lol. One of my other friends has perfect pitch, I wish I did :(
Anyways, how are you? Well I hope! It's hard to believe that this year of college is nearly over and come September I'll be in upper sixth and nearly 18! oooooooooh one more question if you don't mind. Have you ever heard of the composer John Rutter, he's my favourite choral composer and I was wondering if you liked him. He's great! Anyways enough of my mad banter!
Take Care *Hugs her Onisan* Lots of Love
Jennifer xxxxxxx
Dear Jennifer,
Wow! That's one heck of a range! Aside from Barry Manilow, I've never heard of the others. Gomen. Good luck on your last exam! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
Would ya ever full fill the fangirl'z dream of the Chiri and tasuki coupling? and if ya say no then should i ask about koji *laffes psychoticly and steeals tasuki's tessen* REKKA SHInEN!!!!!!!*tasuki gets fried from hys own tessen and stands in shock while Yumi runs far far away with the tessen*
Dear Yumi-Chan,
NO! *Looks at her* How many times do I gotta tell ya' guys that th' tessen only works fer me! *Grabs it back from her.*
Dear Tamahome,
Your Welcome! ^^ uh oh..She's coming...AH got to go bye! *rushes out the door to stop sam from comeing in the room*
Dear Kisato-Chan,
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I have a big problem... *Deep breath..* Okay. Earlier this year my best friend was sent to the Behavorial(excuse spelling *cough*) Hospital for slashing her wrists/and other numberous suicde attempts. I've consulting you guys about this before. She wasn't allowed back in the school district, and still isn't. So basically, I've lost all contact with her. She bugs my friends all the time about how I never call her. I have no clue how to reach her! First she's at her 18 year old boyfriends house(she's 13), then her mom's friend, then home(with grandparents-who kicked her out for doing meth). Bet you're really confused now!! Well, anyway. She got pregnant months later. Just a month ago, had a miscarriage. Now the problem is; she thinks I'm spreading rumors. The first rumor to go around is that she's pregnant. I cleared that up. Then she had an abortion. Then sent to Juvie. And there's worse. But, what bugs me is she takes it out on me! I never said anything!!!!! She always thinks I do this, I do that. She asked me which one of my "fishies" told so and so about her being pregnant. I just don't know what to do! Stay friends with her and try to convince her or just look away? While she's been gone I've met better people to be around, and I know she's jealous. During the months she's been gone, I've learned to live without her. Is something this messed up good to be around? Drugs, sex, frequent visits to the hospital?(Think today.) I don't know what to do! She's been like this for two years! Please write back.. I need so much help...
Dear Faith,
Can you talk to her and ask her why she is treating you so poorly? Let her know that she is hurting you and if she wants to retain you as her friend, she needs to stop taking her anger and hurt out on you. *Gives her a hug.* Good luck!
Dear Hotohori,
If Lynleigh can go, I will attend...unless I am to swamped w/ studying for finals...blah...x.x...^_^ but it will be gr8 to see you again
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley Chan,
We hope you both can make it.
Dear Tamahome,
:points at you....laughs again...hugs: I'm sorry Tamahome...^_^ Tasuki Papa paid me to flame you...really...
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley Chan,
Paid you?? I doubt that! He's never paid for anything in his life!
Dear Tasuki,
*runs in* *shoves two bottles of sake in Tasuki's hands* WHHHEEEE!!!!!!!!!! *clings to Tasuki's leg* You know what? There used to be three, but I drank one, and it's very bad! X.x Oh well, hope you like the rest! ^_^
A sleep deprived Neko
Dear Neko,
'Course I do! Thanks!
Dear Tasuki,
One slight problem about trying to call the store.....I dunno their phone number -.-. I was thinking maybe I could 411 and try that but Rose clued me in that they might not have it..and I'm thinking that too. Ah well,I kinda have this feeling it's a family either I'll try again on this street called Grand(where they're setting up new stores)or I'll just have to go through an agency like my friend Melinda did. I just really need the money BADLY...Anyways,I'm gonna go eat now...Ja ne!
Dear Shukumei,
Well, if ya' know th' name of th' store ya' can get th' number. Either way, good luck!
Dear Chichiri,
*walks in crying* I'm so sorry! I'm so late on telling you happy birthday! *sobs* *clings to Chichiri's sleve* I'm sorry! Happy birthday! Here. *gives Chichiri a kesa* I made it myself. I'm so sorry! *hugs* *cries*
Dear Neko,
Arigato! Please con't cry, no da! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Chiriko,
I don't understand how this works, so I'll tell you the problem.
Take a 3-digit number and subtract its reverse. Then, take the result and add its reverse. Why is the answer always 1089, no matter what the original number?
I know that the answer cannot be 1089 or -1089 if you begin with a 3-digit number with the same numbers, like 666, but I still don't get it.
ChibInuchan no Miko
P.S. Today's my birthday!! ^^
Dear Nuriko,
Hi! I have a problem that is kind of like yours (if you want to call it a problem). Girls and some guys at my school keep calling me a guy. That sounds a bit stupid, I know. But they keep making these sexual comments that are grating on my last, very short nerve. I am a girl!! I can't help it if I don't like to do somethings girls are *supposed* to do. Sometimes I think guys are better friends than girls. I used to ignore them, but now I can't take it anymore(I mean... some of the things these people say are just..wrong!). What do I do? Domo arigato.
Dear Shin,
Well, that sounds like harrassment to me! Have you tried talking to these people and asking them to knock it off? If you have and that didn't work, your next step should be to talk to your parents and have them speak to the school authorities on your behalf. Hopefully, that will put an end to it. Good luck! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
TASUKI!!!!!!!!!!*hurls herself at him and starts to cry* horrible...we were without the Internet for more than a week! *Brightens up* But that's all better now. I'm online and all's well. And, the Aoshi UFO catcher I ordered for my friend arrived today, from Singapore. Now she just has to have her party. Problem is, whenever we set a date, someone's busy that day. Any suggestions? She hasn't had a birthday party in three years, and she HAS to have one this year, before school gets out.
Dear Meikumo,
Well, ya' gotta do what ya' gotta do. Have th' party an' those who can make it will come! Ya' can't accommodate th' whole *(^%$#@ world!
Dear Chichiri,
Hi. Alicia also wants to ask you something ^^; Prepare yourself.
"Do you realize that the prefix 'chichi' in your name means 'breasts'"?
^^; I warned you.
Ira Mirado (Don't you try, either. *uses the Mitsukake shield*)
Dear Ira,
Actually the kanji for the "chichi" in my name means "well", no da. The "chichi" you are referring to is a different kanji, no da.
Dear Hotohori,
Hi. My very good friend Alicia wants to know..
"Do you realize how many 'ho's you have? (In your name)"
Please don't kill her. She's my friend! *uses Mitsukake for a shield*
Ira Mirado (Back! Back, I say!)
Dear Ira,
I'd say I have 2 of them. As in, HOtoHOri. Your point?
Dear Chiriko,
*comes in and sighs* i hope you come back in the chat soon you were the only one who talked to me! ;.; i feel lonely and tired *lack of sleep on my part for some reason* anywho im like 50% done with my fanfic i was talking about! ^^ do you think when im done if you could read it please?
Samantha (call me Sam ok)
Dear Sam,
Sure I'll read it. I'll do my best to get back to the chatroom, but I don't kow when I will be there. Now get some sleep!
Dear Nuriko,'t see my crazy twin sister, have you? She about ye tall, twelve years old, and has short hair? Um, if you do, I'm not here. ^_^
Dear Riley,
Is her name Relena?
Dear Tasuki,
Whatever. Let's just drop the subject, 'kay? (pulls out a dozen more bottle of sake) Hehehe... (starts gulping them down at an accelerated rate)
Dear Selphi,
Fine wit' me! *Grabs some sake and starts chugging.*
Dear Chichiri,
Tell CnA to hunt around in her LA Times Calender section, there are TWO FOR ONE coupons for the Renaissaunce Pleasure Faire!! Those are VEWY VEWY GOOD =D OH! And tell her to go see the Poxy Boggards on the NC-17 stage >=D She'll love 'em trust me XD
Dear Jean,
I will, no da! Will you and Rey-Rey be coming over for Anime Day on June 8th? You're both invited, no da!
Dear Chichiri,
Yo' zup man. I never written to any Anime chara before, but this problem is truly vexing me man. This is how it goes:
Should I apologize to my friends because of a compliment I said about one of them or not?
I mean, I feel like they are labeling me something Im not, and its put a real stop on our communication. Many people have told me to stop talking to them, but these chicks are awesome friends. I dont wanna lose their friendship. Im confused as to what step I should take. Hope you can help a brotha out. Thanks Chichiri
Confused Guy
P.S. You cool, No Da!
Dear Confused Guy,
I guess it depends on wat you said tothem as a compliment that they took wrong, no da. So, what did you say to them, no da?
Dear Chichiri,
Hi. Well, I was doing an assignment in school, and I chose you to study. Now, I have to make a box, with things to do with you in it. So far, I have a photo of Hikou (torn) a picture of the seishi, your mask, a picture of you and an account of your past. Can you help me with other things to add?
Baka no Miko
Dear Baka no Miko,
Let's see ... perhaps something on fishing, a bit of my kesa, my kasa (you can get them in your local Chinatown), and my Seishi symbol, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
D'AAAH! Fellas, it feels so good to write you. There's so much I have to tell you. It was most unfortunate that I did lose my pet ferret,Weasel, after ten wonderful years of fun. I miss him a great deal, but I also know that he didn't suffer long, and I have all the wonderful memories and pictures to share. Plus, my friends and family at home were there to support me. They're the best people in the whole world and I really don't know what I'd do without them.
On the flipside, I have officially been on full V-A, C-A, T-I-O-N for 4 days now, and it feels great. Plus, the last week of school was a free off because I was exempt from all my exams! Yay! I've got a really busy summer planned. I got an office again in my local FFA chapter and have to go to a leadership camp and the state convention. Then I have church camp where I get to see all my friends, including one who probably loves you guys as much as I do. She's an artist like I am, so it'll be good to see her again. While the internet is a great way to communicate long distance, it's no substitute for seeing people you're close to. That reminds me, I finally got my modem back online at home. It got fried during a thunderstorm and it took awhile to get it going again. My folks are getting a new computer too. This one is on the brink of being past the point of no return if you get my drift.
I'm getting back to my art again. Now that I don't have what seemed like 300 different people pulling me in different directions, I can finally draw again. Hopefully I can get inspired to send in some fan art of my fave boys. I've also notched up a new artistic medium: Watercolors. Thanks to my shortage of money though, I have to end up painting on cheap posterboard, not that it really bothers me. I never was one for expensive stuff. Like prismacolor pencils per se. I am not paying a dollar a pencil for a set of 50, much less a set of 120. If the Sanford company loves that name so much they can keep their pencils and I'll stick with the cheaper,yet still quality Crayolas. It doesn't bother me at all. Well off of that rant.
Well, got to go. Despite my busy summer, I will never be too busy to write ya'll. ::Hugs and kisses for all!:: Later
Dear Tigress,
Welcome back, no da! It's great to hear from you again! On condolences on the loss of your ferret. I'm sure he lived a very good life with you, no da.
You sound like you've been keeping very busy. Have fun, take care, and keep in touch, no da!
Dear Tamahome,
here i'll give u ur two golds later but for now do me this favor answer this question. what do u do when all these people are getting on u about something that happened in the past.and want do u do when someone messes with u at school .i just want to know ur answer because i know what i would do ok write back please and have a good day/night bye
Dear midnight,
The past is the past and cannot be changed. I'd tell them I'm sorry (if it was my fault) and that they have to get past it. What do you mean by "messing with you at school"? My answer would depend on the situation.
Dear Tasuki,
*huggles him* daddy's gonna teach me how to swim *fanged grin* he said that i will swim bettew than you... but i tolded him that i want to swim just as good as you cause... youw the bestest!
Dear Lita,
Nah, yer gonna learn to swim jus' like a lil' fish! Yer gonna be great!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey Guys I have a question. Do you guys miss me or not? I was grounded for my grades and can't get on the net. But NOW my grades are better I can write again!!! ^.^ Oh! Can I have a hug from everyone because of that?!?!
Dooms Day
Dear Dooms Day,
We wondered what happened to you! Welcome back! *They all give her a hug.*
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hello! I just wanted to say thank you very very much for answering my questions. It helped me get some ideas to solve my different problems. I guess I just want to say THANK YOU !!
Dear Jashi,
You're very welcome! We're glad we could help!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
Hello, I can't remember his name so could you tell me the name of that guy with the really long dark hair that you highly respect? Pleeeaaase^_^
Lovely Hyosumi, Nakki's little "angel"
Dear Hyosumi,
His name was Hakurou.
Dear Tasuki,
Heh! Ya couldn' resist meh cutsie charms!! **giggles** But whatta 'bout th' whole boyfriend thing??? I'm still boyfriendless. =\ **sits back in a chair in some tavern** It ain't fair if ya ask meh. Love stinks. All the guys I've ever gone out with were total jerks ter meh!!! Love ya nii-san!! **laughs again and joins some guys in a drinking contest**
Dear Angel-chan,
I'm sure ya'll find someone eventually.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I'm leaving today for A-KON^_^ I'm soooooooo excited^_^ I just can't wait well gotta go I'll type to you guys went I get back^_^
Dear Saya AKK,
Have fun and take care!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Chichiri: How do you get you bangs to be anti-gravitational? How do you teleport through you kasa?
Gen-chan: How much didi you pay for your earings? Did you enjoy being in drag?
Tama-kins:How much money do you make in a day? What are your siblings names from oldest to youngest?
Hoto-sama:How many mirrors do you own and carry with you? If you got a pimple what would you do if you didn't have Mitsukake to heal it?
Mits:What was you cats name before Mibaka named it? Can I have your purple hair band?
Nuri-chan:Will you marry me? I am all obsessed with you please???
Chiriko: How come your smart on and off?
Thats all for now Ja ne
Dear Suzuran,
Here's your answers!
Chichiri: It just grows that way. Magic, no da.
Tasuki: I stole 'em!! NO!
Tamahome: As much as I can! Chuei, Shunkei, Gyokuran, and Yurien
Hotohori: I own many and carry none. I'd seek Nuriko's advice.
Mitsukake: He had no name that I was aware of. Sure. *Hands his headband to her.*
Nuriko: Arigato for your kind offer, but I must regretfully decline.
Chiriko: My Seishi power isn't fully functional yet as I am still rather young.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Yo! I have questions I'd like all of you to answer.
1. Chocolate cake or white cake?
2. Do you prefer blond, brunette, or redhead?
3. What is your favorite sport?
4. What is your favorite flower?
5. Do you enjoy classical music?
6. Do you enjoy hard rock?
7. Whazzup?
Dear Irhus-sama,
Here are all your answers:
1. All - Chocholate
2. Hotohori, Tamahome, Nuriko - Brunette
Mitsukake - Blonde
Chiriko - I don't know.
Tasuki - I hate women!
Chichiri - I'm not picky, no da!
3. Tasuki: Drinkin'!! *Chichiri whispers to him...* Whaddya' mean drinkin' AIN'T a sport?!?!?!? (*%#$#$#%^#)___$#$^*!!!!! HMPH! OK, boxin'! Is THAT better?
Tamahome: Karate
Hotohori: Fencing
Nuriko: Weight Lifting (Unhappy that shopping isn't considered a sport...)
Mitsukake: Soccer
Chiriko: Sumo Wrestling
Chichiri: Fishing, no da!
4. Hotohori - Orchids
Chichiri - Sterling roses
Chiriko - Chrysanthemums
Tamahome - Sakura
Tasuki - Red roses
Mitsukake - Mums
Nuriko - Plum blossoms
5. Yes, except Tasuki
6. All - yes.
7. Nothing much. Answering LOTS of questions.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Nuriko,
What is in you Nuriko Speacial? I wanna try it ^_^ You are straight at the end of series arent you?
Dear Akira,
It is a mixture of Chinese wine and Japanese sake. Kind of…
Dear Tamahome,
thanks for the help Tamahome. I'll try it *smiles*
kitty ^-^
Dear kitty,
You're welcome. *Smiles*
Dear Tasuki,
*looks at Tasuki-kun and sweatdrops* Why do I get the feeling yer gonna do something to embarrass me when you say "hi" to Satoshi? What do you have planned Tasuki-kun? You know what's really gonna suck a little bit? That Rose and I couldn't make it to the first party CnA-chan had invited me too,so we couldn't get to watch the First of the 2nd OVA's and if the Fourth one comes we're going to be like wondering huh? What's that? what happened? @__@ ah well maybe I can get One-chan to clue me in ^__~ . Anyways, I never heard from those people at the mall ;____;. I dunno if they have all the people they want or what...but I do know I have to keep looking -_- they're such baka's they don't know what they're missing!! Although I did get told by the store manager herself that she really liked me @___@.
Anyways about the site,yer right! What's not to like about it? It has YOU on it,and yer so kawaii,and sexy...and....<.<;;; better stop before Satoshi reads it ^_~. Well uh...I don't think I'll change my layout,I love my layout..why? Cause well I love ya Tasuki-kun ^__^..and yer my fave seishi(like you already didn't know that). Anyways,you wouldn't happen to know of some really good Hercules sites that has wallpaper in it would you? (Hercules as in Kevin Sorbo *.* ). If so would you let me know? Arigato!
Dear Shukumei,
I don't go to Hercules sites. Have ya' called that store an' asked 'em? Ya' might wanna do that. See ya' on th' 8th!
Dear Tasuki,
Woohoo! ^_^ was fry-tastic...^_^ thank you...:points and laughs at Tamahome: thats a real stress releiver
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley Chan,
*Grins* Glad ya' liked it!
Dear Hotohori,
;_; no...ep;_; AHHHH! -runs around in circles screaming at the top of her lungs- :deep breathes: okay I'll try and rmember I'll e-mail you a week before to see if its still on, or if their is any word on the video..because I realllllly am dying to see it, its gonna be great...and if I cant see it...I atleast gotta see the 'why is my cel phone working here' again. LOL ^_^ Huggles and kissies!
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley Chan,
Well, even if the DVD doesn't come in time an Anime Day is still planned for June 8th. I hope you will attend.
Dear Mitsukake,
What color are your eyes? I can't see clearly in the anime (they look gray/blackish) and in a picture that a friend has, your eyes look blue.
Dear April,
My eyes are dark brown.
Dear Chichiri,
*nods* Hai, how'd you know?? Kaasan also said I have 3 cousins, but 2 of 'em I haven't met. I met Aijou, an' Kaasan said she was that red bird's daughter, I think. *shrugs* I heard it was your birthday a few days ago. Otanjoubui omedeto gozaimasu! Wanna go fishing? *smiles*
Dear Kiokuryoku,
Arigato for the birthday wishes! Certainly! You can join Taki and me, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
during the ova you loved miaka right, even though you say you only see her as a sister, what spell (forgot the name of the bestfriend of chichiri)the bestfriend of chichiri gave you was to surface your emotions from deep inside, so deep inside you like her dont you (",) but you wouldnt like to interfere with the relationship of your friend, you are sooooooo sweet.
Dear mary,
I do not!!! *Frowns*
Dear Chiriko,
Wow you are good^_^ That was an easy one though... Care to try another?^_~
Saya AKK
Dear Saya AKK,
Ok. This isn't your homework is it?
Dear Chichiri,
ewwwww!^_^ dis is a petty pwace to fis^_^ I wuv dis pwace otay ou tan bat duh fisin pole and i wach^_^ i'm a wittle hundry.........*looks at her stomach* *growl* ep i am *looks at him and smiles* ^_____^ wow wook at all da lil fis^_^
Dear Taki,
If you're hungry then we shall catch some dinner, no da. *Smiles at her.*
Dear Hotohori,
Who are you? How did you get such long hair?
Dear Sakura,
I am the Emperor of Konan. I grew it.
Dear Chichiri,
hey chichiri, what kind of bait do you use to catch fish?
Dear someone,
Generally worms, no da.
Dear Chiriko,
Chiriko, could you tell me the best way to study, because I've tried every way and I'm still failing, please?
Very desprite, Lucy
P.S. I think you are so adorible! ^_^
Dear Lucy,
Arigato for the compliment!
You should be in a quiet, comfortable place that is well-lit and free of distractions. Study for 30 minutes, take a 10-minute break and then review what you have just studied. After you have finished reviewing, go on to the next study item. Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Tasuki,
*Hugs him tightly* Oh Tasuki Wasuki sorry I havn't written in awhile, you may have got a letter from my best friend Hyosume about you having competion with Shido Whido, but don't worry your still my lil' seishi and no one can take your place. ^_^ *Hugs tighter and kisses him* Oh Tasuki Wasuki on a serious and yet still strange matter I just got braces in and they hurt really bad and I was cussing them out this morning because I was trying to do something and couldn't, unless you wear braces it's hard to explain, but it was taking me some time and I got in and argument with my Grandma, and she, well to put it bluntly called me stupid, I know she didn't mean it but so many people call me that, my cousin, kids at school, at home kids call me that and I'm starting to believe them, I mean Tamahome is smarter then me, and it dosen't help that math is my worst subject and I'm failing it, and I studie so hard I stop doing things I like just to studie for and now I got exams and... *Starts crying* It's just to much from at home being compared to my cousi who's a snotty nosed genious brat, to kids at school making fun of me because I'm different to my own low self-esteem, oh Tasuki Wasuki what do I do?
A very depressed, confused Lucy
Dear Lucy,
Stop cryin', get a tutor fer yer math class, an' don't listen to th' bakas that call ya' stupid! Ya' ain't stupid!
Dear Nuriko,
hai :)
*stops sekkei-chan and climbs off* The fish look healthy in the water..
Somebody around here has been using drinking water as a toilet, so we'll have to watch it. *takes off the saddle and wipes her down with some grass*
I'll fill up the filter bag with water from that pond, and come back to help you set up camp. *takes the gravity filter bag out of her saddlebags and fills it up at the pond*
Dear Doc-sama,
Perhaps we should boil it first? Neither of us needs to get sick on this trip.
Dear Hotohori,
I asked you this before, but you never answered...
I suppose this may seem trite, but what are your honest opinions on the concept of love? I've been having a lot of trouble dealing with the concept. Is it true? or is it just a rush of chemicals?
Okay, maybe that's the wrong question to ask... I think I know you're going to say, "Yes, It's very true!" but... I want an honest answer, not a sugar-candy one. Pleeeeez?
I adore you,
~Kurai No Tenshi
Dear Kurai No Tenshi,
I do believe that love is a wonderful thing regardless of whether it is chemical or mental in nature. I do believe that it is true. You can submit fanart to the admin address on our main peeji.
Dear Mitsukake,
Why do people think or say you're boring?
Dear EVD,
Because I'm so quiet.
Dear Tasuki,
I would like to know why you don't love a girl in such away.I know you have many lovers like me.I like to think I'm your biggest lover.
Dear Emily,
I don't want no girlfriends! Girls always get me in trouble!
Dear Tasuki,
*wanders about looking for Fuujin*
Fuujin... ? You here... ?
Dear Seifer,
Ya' mean that? *Points to a crying Fujin* She jus' kicked a chair an' she's been like this ever since.
Dear Tasuki,
*looks at Tasuki teary eyed, then starts to whimper* RAGE! *kicks over a chair and sits down on the floor sniffling*
Dear Fuujin,
Jus' what th' H*LL is yer *^%$+#* problem??
Dear Tamahome,
Will I ever get over you
Dear Theresa,
I'm sure you will as you get older.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi, My name is Hikaru Knight and I need to know if you may know when the seventh anime book to your series is coming out. My friend and I would really like ot know. Or if you may know when all of them are coming out, that would be a great help to us. Thanks in advance.
Hikaru Knight
Dear Hikaru Knight,
All the manga have been released in Japan. I don't know about the American release. You might want to try
Dear Tamahome,
Hello! Just wanted to tell you dat my sister is madly inlove with you..she has pictures all over her room of you, on her computer, and she keeps saying how cute you are and she is getting annoying...
She says; Sam: Kisato Guess what!!!
Kisato: what?...
Sam: I GOT MORE PICTURES OF TAMAHOME!!!! *faints at the sight of tamahome*
Kisato:...She's gone crazy...
SEE?? o_o So if she ever finds this site...Beware o.o She might use the name Sasami, sam, or Sikora. ^^Hehe just thought id warn you. Goodluck! Have a great Day tamahome *hugs tamahome goodnight* Night! ^^
Dear Kisato-Chan,
Arigato for the warning. *Smiles*
Dear Nuriko,
AUGH! *rushes in dancing happily* NURIKO!!! WAINESS!!!! Guess what happened to me this weekend at Anime North!!?!?!
I met the greatest guy in the whole wide world and figured out what love was!!!!!!
*is gleeful* I have been so confused for ages and now inside of a weekend everything makes sense because I just feel it and I don't even have to think about wether it's love or not I just know it is! *is happy and fainty*
The only problem is that he lives so far away. I'm in Ontario and he's in New York. I'm stuck in my hometown cause I can't drive yet and he's going to university and can't afford to come to Canada all the time... But I am still SO going to get to see him this summer!!!
*dances with glee* I'm so happy! Somebody hold me down!
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
WAI! WAI! I'm so happy for you!! *Gives her a hug.* Between you, One-chan, and Shukumei love certainly is in the air! *Grins*
Dear Tamahome,
I think you are so cute. You are also a sexy hotty! I look just like Miaka and I love all those cool kick moves you do. I know some of them and I made up my own. So you could ask me any time if you wanted any of them, just ask! You are one of the cutest guys on Fushigi Yuugi/ I think Tasuki, you, ChiChiri, Hotohori, Chiriko, Nuriko, Nagako, Amiboshi, and Suboshi, are really cute!!!!! LOVE YAH LOTS!!!!!!
Dear Aisha,
Arigato for your kind words.
Dear Tasuki,
I LUV U!!!!!!!!I know you don't like that, but its true. Your the hottest guy on the face of this universe! I've met soooo many people who think your cute, hot, sexy, and the hair is the best! Of course, that's what I say too! I love your harisenm I wish I had one. I have tons and tons of pictures of you in my room that are your best poses! I wish I could marry you! I'm not trying to make such a strong, handsome bandit like yourself to get so mad. LOVE YA LOTS!!!
Dear Aisha,
Thanks fer th' nice compliments! *Grins*
Dear Chichiri,
Uh, Chichiri I have another problem....but its not mine! *breathes a very small sigh a relief* Okay. I read the response you wrote to Miaka912 during sometime in January (??) about child abuse. My friend who I am vry close too was abused by her father and then her mother and hadn't told anyone until she told me earlier this year. Earlier this month, (she had been seeing a counselor) her counselor called her parents and the place you call when you know a child is being abused (the name escapes me.). If her parents EVER touch her in a harmful way again they both go to jail. But now, they both avoid her like she has the plague. Her dad never speaks to her, and her mother only when she has too. My friend was suicidal two months ago and I never want it to happen again, but I'm afraid this is almost as bad as when they were hitting her. Domo arigato,
Dear Jashi,
It is! It is emotional and mental abuse, no da! You should let her counselor know what is going on so she can be placed in a safe, caring environment, no da.
Dear Mitsukake,
in your bio it saids you've been alone all your life but in the oav you say you lost your family in a flood. which one is it?
Dear hanakimi,
My family was lost in the same flood as Chichiri's family.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hello! Maybe you recognize my name, maybe you don't, but that's okay. I've just written a few letters. I have a problem that maybe all you could all help me with. Okay. (sorry for writing to you all so much. i love fushigi yugi and its my FAVORITE anime/manga and i can't talk to profesionals, so...) I am a very smart person. Maybe I'm not smart; maybe I'm bright. I don't know. Well, people in my class kind of.. make fun of me for being smart. Yeah. No matter how stupid that sounds they do. They tell me to shut up and not talk because they "can't understand the big words" i use. and when I get maybe a bad grade in something, they make fun of me and all this cr*p. Maybe I have alot of problems. I know. But please do not think I'm weird or anything. Domo arigato, minna.
P.S. happy birthday, chichiri
Dear Jashi,
You keep right on being smart and don't let the others drag you down! You don't have the problem, they do. You can try helping them with their schoolwork and see if that lessens their teasing. Chichiri says, "Arigato for the birthday wishes, no da!"
Dear Tasuki,
Peace! I wanted to compliment you on your song, Setsunakutemo Zutto. Excuse my language, but you are d*mn good singing it. I think you are one of the coolest seishi, but I am not of the Drooling Over Tasuki Fanclub.
I don't really want to be either. Anyway, I just wanted to say you have a d*mn good singing voice and that my friend thinks you are very hot.
Dear Jashi,
Cool! Arigato fer th' compliment! Glad ya' liked th' song an' my singin'!
Dear Chichiri,
I have this problem with a scar I have. No offense to you or anything, because you have a scar, but this is kind of like your problem. Okay.
I had surgery when I was about three (?) and it was closed heart surgery. I was left with this huge scar across my back/shoulder. Now, I am completely grateful that this is the only price I had to pay because I would be dead right now if I hadn't had the operation. But, my scar is pretty big, if you want an exact measurement, six and a half inches along and about an inch wide. It's in a place where if I wear anything, like a swinsuit, for instance, you can see it. Whenever I wear these kind of things, people stare at it and ask if they can touch it (????) and other stuff. ACK!!! I hate it! Can you give me some advice (if there's anything I can do) bout this?? Domo arigato, Chichiri-san!
Dear Jashi,
Well, the people that say and do that are just plain rude, no da! Have you considered plastic surgery or dermabrasion to lessen it? You also might want to try a product called Derma Blend. It may help to hide it a bit, no da. Otherwise, I say be proud of your scar. It is a mark of your survival, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Hiya! you can have my last peach smoothie sucker *hands it to him* I'll even give you one for you little neice. Hehehe....i think you should give her a super sour lemonade one! but you could give her a strawberry smoothie one....Im sure your sister would be pretty mad if the sour one made her cry or something....cuz they are really sour. But wouldnt it be funny to give her a really sour one?
Dear Tana,
Not if it makes her cry! But I'll give it to her if she wants it.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
All right, I don't know why I'm asking you all for advice on something, but I am. I guess I need all the advice I can get on this particular situation, so here I go.
Situation: I love this girl, but she said, basically, I'm not her type. Yet...
A) She nicknamed me an anime character's name and then said that made her [the name of the character that is secretly in love with the character she nicknamed me after]. Then she gave me this look I couldn't read at all.
B) Our friends let us sit together or tell us "You two can sit together" all the time. (Is there something they know that I don't?)
C) She gives me looks that mean "affection".
D) She's always giving me long hugs.
E) She's always absolutely elated to see me.
What exactly is going on here? I'm confused; she tells me I'm not her type, then all those things that I listed happen, yet she goes chasing after other guys, but she never actually dates any of them. Can you help me, please? This girl is my heart, and I have not dated any other girls since I broke up with my last girlfriend because of her... I haven't even gone looking. I'm confused and practically tearing my f---ing hair out.
I've asked other people for advice, since I'm admittedly too nervous to come out and ask her whether she likes me or not flat out. She's one of my best friends, too, and if I ask her and she doesn't like me, it could bust up the friendship and I don't want that to happen. Plus, I haven't seen her for over 3 months and I'm scared that something happened while I was gone, and that I waited too long.
HELP! What should I do....? (I feel like I'm 14 and in high school again, getting worked up over a chick like this.)
Zak (a nickname...)
Dear Zak,
It certainly seems that she is enamored of you. On the other hand she could just be a total tease/flirt. Have you considered talking to the friends that are always pushing the two of you together? Not to ask their advice but to have them tell you what is REALLY going on. They may be your best bet for shedding some light on this. Good luck!
Dear Tasuki,
You ain't givin' up, eh? Fine! **pulls out her 40 oz mug** Filler up! Okay, Gen-chan. You think I'll ever give up? Ha! I dun think so!! And ya know what? **glares at Tasuki** I ain't a baka! **trips Tasuki, making him drop his sake and fall on his butt** Bwahahahahaha!!!! **props feet up on table, drinking sake, smiles sweetly** Oh, I'm sorry... were you standing there? **grin**
Dear Kokkei,
*Growls* Quit wastin' good sake! *Grabs her mug and downs it.*
Dear Chiriko,
Hi there^_^ I finally have a problem for you! ok here it goes......
What are the solutions to this equation?
a) x=-3 or x=-4
b) x=3 or x=4
c) x=-1 or x=-4
d) x=4 or x=-3
e) x=4 or x=-1
Well I hope you have as much fun at doing this as I did^_^V and remember no cheating ^_~ (not that you would ever would!or need to.....) Well gotta go have fun bai bai!
Saya AKK
Dear Saya AKK,
The answer is c.
Dear Tasuki,
ah Thats good! ^^ But i bet you know alot more anime then that hehe. Burrrr i just got back from swimming with my im cold...-.-; and i have water in my ears..very annoying. Oh well. *gets a blanket* ^^ Better. *Gives Tasuki lots of sake* For the summer, its getting really really hot an oven. heh well i must be going now! Cya later Tasuki. Have a great day ^-^
Dear Kisato-Chan,
*Grins* Thatnks fer th' sake! Be careful swimmin'!
Dear Tasuki,
You are soooooooooo cool!!!!!!! My friend and just loves you! I want know did your sisters ever do anything to you that made you hate girls?
Dear Maria,
H*LL yeah! They're th' whole reason I hate women!
Dear Tasuki,
Hello I am the friend of the one who calls you TASUKI WASUKI! Any way, she has discovered Tatsuhiko Shido from Nightwalker and I think YOU have some compitition.^-^
Lovely Hyosumi
Dear Hyosumi,
That's ok. She can call him cutesy names fer a change!
Dear Tamahome,
why are you always interested in money?I really want to know please tell me. *blushes* really likes tamahome.Alright lets see.. oh there is this guy (guy C) well he really likes me and i like him. (guyT) likes me and I like him but he kissed somebody else. But, he keeps looking for me. I really need help *looks at him* help!
Dear kitty,
I was very poor growing up. Perhaps the two of you should have a talk. Have you considered asking him out for a soda or some coffee?
Dear Tasuki,
why are you a drinker?
Dear Kitty,
I dunno… 'Cos I like it.
Dear Chiriko,
Um, hello chiriko*smiles* I have one question why was the chat closed? *bluses* I really don't get it.
Dear crystalmoon3,
There were technical problems with the chat that were beyond our control.
Dear Hotohori,
5/27/02 I forget if it is you or Mitsukake I share a Birthday with. My birthday is April 2. Oh well. I just feel very special to shar the same b-day as someone in my favorite movie(Rosswell being my favorite tv show). Oh well TTFN
Dear Akimaneko,
It is I you share a birthday with. *Smiles*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
5/27/02 Okey, none of you have favorite sites or even surf because you are too busy. I have looked at just about all the websites you list here and because of my screwed up account, it won't let me go to about 80%-90% of them. Oh well and thank you!*hands each of them 2 gold ryou and skips out*
Dear Akimaneko,
I'm sorry we couldn't be of more help. Arigato for the okane!
Dear Chichiri,
*blinks gently at Taki* Ara ... not mine, Chichiri-san, gomen nasai ... My only child is my musuko, Chen.
Dear Mai,
Arigato, Mai-san. Sorry to bother you, no da.
Dear Chiriko,
hello little brother, *samantha comes in carrying a few things from chiriko's house* we found these scrolls in the attic of our house and they also have really old writing on them so we were wondering if you knew what they said? *hands them to him as sam sits totally exsausted*
Sam: geez you think your mom would wanna clen that out?
Kengo: heehee! very sorry Sam! ^^
Sam: anything for you guys! ^^*hugs both of them*
Kengo: we hope you know what they say! ^^
Sam and Kengo
Dear Sam and Kengo,
*Skims rapidly through them.* They seem to be historical scrolls. I would have to study them further to be able to tell you more than that.
Dear Mitsukake,
::waves:: HIIII MITSU! OW! ::got sunburned earlier because stupid Lilly-chan forgot to put sunscreen on her back:: What's your little symbol thingy? And guess what! I'm writing another fanfic that you're hosting! It's the Fushigi Yuugi Game Show Circuit!! ::grin:: Poor you. ::cough:: I DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING! Anyway...what do you do in your spare time? And what are your favorite books? I like Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings ^____^ Well, I have to go apply aloe gel to my daggone sunburn! Buh-bye!
Dear Lilly-chan,
My symbol can be translated as rare cart or healing. I tend to read mostly medical books. Odaijini!
Dear Tasuki,
HI!! I'm lookin' fer a boyfriend and I was wonderin' if any of yer bandit friends were interested? I can outdrink almost anyone!! ('cept you of course!) And I'm pretty strong for my size. Know anyone interested?? 'EH?? **cracks her knuckles** Well anyway what wouldja say to adopting me as yur imouto-chan? 'EH?? It'd be real fun!! And I wouldn' do 'nothing to hurt ya! Well?? I'm waitin fer th' answer!! **laughs**
Dear Angel-chan,
I guess ya' bein' my lil' sister is better n' havin' ya' run wild in th' streets. Sure! I'll adopt ya'!
Dear Tamahome,
Hello, how are you doing you know that I like your show on The Mysterious Play. And I hope that on your journey you'll be alright. Nothing to say so "Good Luck!"
Sakura Her
Dear Sakura Her,
Arigato! I'm glad you're enjoying our adventures.
Dear Hotohori,
Uncle Hooothoooori (Your my uncle now too ^___~) I have a question. Okay. At the end of FY when you are debating what the last wish should be, you said 'How about Miaka and I stay in this world' ^__^ nooow were you joking, or were you serious, because, if you were serious, why say that cause you have Houki, if you were joking, good joke, very funny ^_^ :kisses his cheek and combs his looong sexy hair:
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley Chan,
Of course I was only joking! *Smiles* CnA wanted me to let you know that June 8th is her next planned Anime Day. But, she doesn't know if she'll have part 4 by then as Animaxis hasn't shipped it yet. We hope you and Lynn can make it.
Dear Tasuki,
Waaai daddy looves me and wont let me marry *_* :huggles daddy: okay if I cant marry can obake chan? ^_^
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley Chan,
Sure! *Holds tessen with her, aims at Tamahome and yells, "LEKKA SHIENEN!!!!!"* Heh-heh-heh... th' kid asked an' I knew ya' wouldn't wanna hurt her feelins' by sayin' no... *Fanged grin*
Tamahome: *Stands there smouldering and coughing up smoke...*
Dear Tasuki,
weeeeee Tasuki!! Guess what? =D I'm getting more and more visitors to my website ^____^ friend that did the graphics asked me what I wanted for the new layout. I was like huh? Wha? What new layout? And he told me that most people usually re-do their layouts like several months after they opened. I was like...but...but..but I dun wanna change my layout! I love my layout ;____; . So he said okay o__o... And then I told him that my layout before it became you,was Whose Improv Is It Anyways?(Whose Line Is It Anyways?) had stayed up there for little more over then a year. And he's like o_O;;;...I mean what's wrong with having the same layout for a while? I mean I love the layout ;___;. I dun wanna take it off cause it's about YOU...;___;.
Anyways,if she's reading this Thank you SKriana the shadow Dragon for signing my guestbook =D..*hugs her* weeeee...Tasuki-kun everyone loves my website =).
Dear Shukumei,
Well, we ain't changed our layout in 4 years! Ya' know ya' go wit' whatever works. 'Course they like yer site! What's not to like 'bout it?
Dear Chichiri,
*tries to remeber more* I think...'Kaasan said the blue thing was called a dragon....or somethin like that....She said he got in a fight with a big red bird. That's about all I can think of. It help any??
Dear Kiokuryoku,
It sounds like the battle between Seiryuu and Suzaku, no da. Is your mother's name Yui, no da?
Dear Chichiri,
*sings* fis fis fis we donna tatch a fis^_^ Miter Chichiwi and me gonna tatch a fis!*stops and looks up at him* So dhere we donna go to tatch fis miter chichiwi? Miter Chichiwi i not have a fisin pole... tan i still fis? Are the fis gonna be hurt? Tan we put them back after we tatch dem so dey tan still be owr friends?
Dear Taki,
*Stops by a small pond* Right here is fine, no da. *Picks up a sturdy but light branch, adds some line and a hook.* Here's your pole. Of course we'll throw them back. That is unless you're hungry, no da. Be very careful with the hook. Ano... why don't you let me bait it and you watch, no da?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Weeeeee! Thank you so much Tasuki-kun for at least char broiling him XD. I showed my friend Kendra what you said and she started laughing. Anywho,I dunno who I should write this to,but I just wanted to let you guys know they're going to give it another chance. All thanks to me! =D and of course Tasuki heehee. Anyways,they told me they're going to give it another chance but only for a month,if it doesn't work out,they'll leave each other alone. Oh yeah,Carl and I aren't really good friend's yet,but we still talk to one another,but when Kendra and I were in the car,he had called her cell,and asked to speak to me,she gave me her cell,and he thanked me for putting up with the relationship problems,and for being there,and stuff like that. I was like o__o;; yw.. I didn't know what else to say! =D but they're back I won't have to be scared to go in Kendra's car anymore XD...when she get's p.o.ed she drives a little faster then the speed limit...and the other day when she was p.o.ed she was tailgating him and following him...I was like...where's chichiri's hat when I need it? ;___;.. Anyways,they're back together...
oooh yeah...I got a weblog or a diary now ^__^ it's That's my diary Kendra had done for me. It was her idea and she asked me if I wanted to be a hostee on her website =D more banners for me! Anyways,I still haven't received that call from that job I applied too ;___; I wonder what's keeping her? Anyways,when I get the phone call I'll let you guys know. Ooooh yeah Rose and I took pictures =D. was everyone's weekend? I hope it was good. What did you guys do?
Dear Shukumei,
We did a lotta bar-b-queuein'! It was great! I hope he treats her right form now on!. Good luck wit' th' job stuff. See ya' on th' 8th! I'll tell Satoshi that ya' said hi. Heh-heh-heh… *Fanged grin*
Dear Tasuki,
Oh, come on! The only reason you even put up a decent fight was because of your tessen! When you stopped using it, he totally kicked your butt! Don't worry, though. I still like ya. (pulls out two bottle of sake and holds one out to Tasuki) Sake? (starts drinking the other one)
Dear Selphi,
Sure! *Takes sake and downs it in one big gulp.* Yer wrong. He was usin' nunchucks an' I stopped fightin' back 'cos Miaka was beggin' me not to kill 'im. Heh! Even Nakago said we were pretty evenly matched!
Dear Nuriko,
Well, there is no 'male' or 'female'. We are simply referred to as male or female by our clothes to avoid confusion. So, you haven't seen him? Guess I'll have to look somewhere else. Let me know if you do, 'kay?
Dear Relena-san,
No, I haven't. But if I do, I shall let you know.
Dear Chichiri,
(envisioning Kory being pinned to a wall with the Million Swords of Hatred) DAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! ^_^ I'm on a Utena/Weiss Kruez kick, can you tell? Anyway, only 2 1/2 days 'til school is over! WOOOHOOO!!! THERE IS JUSTICE IN THIS WORLD!!! YATTA! ^______________^' On a calmer note, I'm writing a 'fic' with a friend on AIM. So far I've changed my physical age to 22 and her 26-year-old character keeps following me around. Also, two of our characters are being paired up. ^_^ Yay.
Dear Amy-sama,
I see Kory is still being a baka, na no da. Good luck with your fic, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Konichiwa minna! I wrote to you guys before but, I couldn't check back to see if you replied coz' my stupid baka of a cousin crashed my PC in a way I can't figure out. But enough about him and his moronic ways. I have a few questions for each of you guys, and a few good words too! ^_^
My 1st group o' questions are for Tama-chan:
1.)How old are your *kawaii* brothers n' sisters?
2.)How much do you really love Miaka?
3.)What is your fave food?
4.)How would you react if another guy that was really cute (but not as cute as you) came up to Miaka and kissed her full on the lips? (I think I already know, but I wanna know your reaction.)
My 2nd group o' questions are for Tasuki-chan:
1.)How did your sisters torment you? (I sooo wanna know.)
2.)Do you have a fear of anything?
3.)Would you sell your tessen if your life depended on it?
My 3rd group o' question is for Nuriko-san:
1.)How do you keep your hair so shiny?
2.)When is your b-day?
3.)Got any beauty tips for the skin? ^_^
My 4th group o' question is for Chiriko-chan?
1.)What is your I.Q.?
2.)Do you have a crush on Miaka?
3.)Can you help me w/ my math homework PLS????
My 5th group o' questions is for Hotohori-sama:
1.)What would your reaction be if you had a blemish? (I can jus see it comin)
2.)Is being an emperor very stressful?
3.)How come you never paid any attention to Nuriko-san before?
My last group o' questions is for Mitsukake-san: (I know that is the wrong spellin, gomen nasai!)
1.) How old were you when you first met ms. Shoka?
2.)What is your fave herbal medicine?
3.)How did you get Tama-neko?
That's all my questions for you guys! I do hope I didn't take too much of your time. I jus have to say you guys are the BEST!!! You really kick butt! NAKAGO SUXS! May your life force increase! (pretty lame line) Ja ne!
Dear Arian,
Here are all your answers:
Tamahome: Chuei is 11; Yurien is 4; Gyokuran is 6; and Shunkei is 8. I love Miaka with all my heart and soul. I like Whoppers with cheese! Depends on the guy and her reaction... let's not forget Tasuki and Nakago and what happened with them, Miaka, and me...
Tasuki: Beatin' me up an' tryin' to drown me fer starters! Nope! Nothin'! NEVER!!
Nuriko: I condition it daily and eat healthy foods. My birthday is March 10th. Daily washing is good, as is eating properly and medicating zits when you get them.
Chiriko: My IQ has never been measured. No I don't have a crush on Miaka. I can give occassional guidance but it is up to you to do your own homework.
Hotohori: After the initial shock wore off, have Mitsukake heal it. It can be stressful at times. Before what?
Mitsukake: I was in my teens. Aloe vera it is excellent for many things. Tama-neko found me after Shoka passed away.
Dear Chichiri,
Fwaaaaah! Happy Birthday!!!!!
**holds up a brand new bamboo fishing rod, with "no da" on the handle** I made it myself - and you have no idea how hard it is to find bamboo in New York...Maybe you'll have more luck with this rod! You have to tell me if you catch anything. **smiles**
Just to quickly change the subject - The play went great! I'm so happy! Back to you --
I've invited a few of my friends over, and we're partying to the seishi's songs (especially yours.) I've also made a lemon pound cake with a frosting "well" and "no da" on it in blue nad white. And I've saved a piece for you. I hope you like pound cake. Otanjoubi omedetou gozaimasu!!! ("Happy Birthday!")
Blue-fire (luv ya!)
Dear Blue-fire,
Arigato, no da! I'm glad your play went well.
Dear Chichiri,
When fishing on palace grounds, did you catch any fish?
Dear Whom,
Occasionally and then I'd throw them back, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Heya! Had fun wit da Goo? ^^ Hope so! So anyways how've ya been lately? My friends B-day is today and were having an Anime party! All about are Fav. anime Hehe ^^ like Rurouni Kenshin, Samurai X..that goes with Rurouni Kenshin kinda..its the ova. Fushigi Yuugi, Magic Knights Rayearth, Vampire Princess Miyu, Slayers, Final Fantasy, whats it called again...*thinks* hmmmmm oh yea! 3x3 eyes, Cowboy bebop, erm...Devil Hunter Yohko, Escaflowne no Kakyuu, Gundam Wing, Princess Mononoke, OutLaw Star, Please Save My Earth, Ranma =, Sonic Adventure2, Saber Marionette, Tenchi Muyo, Yuu Yuu Hakusho, Zoids, X, and TONS of others though it would take awhile to write and think of them all. hehe Do u know any of these anime? Of course you know Fushigi Yuugi (duh) and Final Fantasy. hehe Well i gotta get ready to goto bed soon. Goodnight Tasuki^^ *huggles Tasuki* Night!
Dear Kisato-Chan,
I know most of 'em! Rurouni Kenshin, Fushigi Yuugi, Magic Knights Rayearth, Vampire Princess Miyu, Slayers, Final Fantasy (th' games), 3x3 eyes, Cowboy Bebop, Escaflowne, Gundam Wing, Mononoke Hime, OutLaw Star, Please Save My Earth, Ranma 1/2, Saber Marionette ( J, J Again, an' R), Tenchi Muyo, Yuu Yuu Hakusho, an' X Th' Movie. Not bad, ne?
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