Dear Tasuki,
Shun'u.....Have you seen Aidou lately?..... She's been gone for 2 days and I'm so worried. What if those evil bandits caught he and brainwashed her *starts to cry*
Your Very Concerned Mother
Dear Ma',
Don't worry ma' I'm sure she's fine. Aidou can take care of herself.
Dear Tasuki,
*waves cheerfully* ^^ Konnichiwa, Tasuki-san!! I'm so very glad to have finally finished off my book report. ...Mind you, it was done a while back, but I can't help but to still feel happy! So, how ya' been? Me, I've been...genki for no apparent reason. *sweatdrops* That, and I'm still trying to figure out why on earth I'm so cruel to my RPing character... Let me put it this way: She's gone through many hardships and wil go through quite some more. ^^;;;; That, and she prefers staying away from alcohol...since every time she gets drunk, she gets practically killed....Poor, poor her... Oh, and btw, if you are ever in the chatroom at the same time as I am, and that you hear something like "Obake-chaaaaaan!!" or "Heheheh...Little Ghost"...that will most likaly have been me, being random for about the...uhh...millionth time. ^^;; *looks at the length of her letter* Hmm..It's a tad longer than usual... ^^ Oh well! Before I forget...*drags in a rather large crate that reaches up to Tasuki's waist* *points to the top* Be sure to open it from here....It's filled with bottles of sake. Oh, and if anyone steals your tessen while I'm close by, I'll gladly get it back for you. After all, a favor for my favorite bandit is pleasure! ^^ Well, I'm runnig out of ideas for what to say so..Matta ne, Tasuki-san!!
Skriana the Shadow Dragon (Hai, chinese horoscope is the dragon...and I'm quite proud of that. ^^)
Dear Skriana,
Wow! Thanks fer alla th' sake! *Grins*
Dear Chichiri,
WAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!! I missed your birthday*sobs* I didn't mean to... I'm sooooooooooo SORRY!!!! please forgive me*crys* Well.....*snifle, snifle* here are my ... *snifle snifle*... presents for you *hands him a home made cake with pretty blue icing designs and a girl with black hair holding a victory sign* Sorry but under short notice as this *snifle* this is all I could do... I'll do better next year and I'll remember the date too *snifle snifle*
Saya AKK
Dear Saya AKK,
Don't worry about it, no da! Arigato for the nice presents!
Dear Tamahome,
*pops back over* Y-You mean... Tasuki loosing at strip poker is bad? I-I-I thought it was pretty good when Tasuki lost! ^^;;; *sweatdrop*
Dear Bon,
Not for Tasuki!
Dear Tamahome,
Uh, hey Tama. I have a problem...I kinda like this guy but another girl likes him...and he is also like one of my best friends! I really like him, but the girl that likes him is kinda getting violent. I don't want to have to fight her again. I just want to see the guy happy. What am I supposed to do?! *jumps on him and gives him a hug*
Dear Rei,
Well, you both need to keep in mind how he feels about the two of you. If he doesn't feel the same way it's all a moot point.
Have you ever asked him how he feels about her? You might want to consider that as an option. That way, you'll both know where you stand. Good luck! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Nuriko,
um, I am kind wondering are you gay?
kitty ^-^
Dear kitty,
No, I'm a crossdresser.
Dear Tamahome,
*runs around tearing his hair out* TAMAHOME!!!! I need help! Girl B won't leave me alone with girl A for a second! I have a feeling that girl B is doing something to girl A but girl A doesn't talk about it! *slaps himself* WHY?! Why is life so unfair?! All I want is girl A! Nothing else! *sits down and mopes* You are so lucky to get the love of your life...*falls over sulking*
Dear Satoshi,
Why not ask B to give you a break (it is in her best interest to be nice to you). Then get A alone with you so the two of you can talk.
Dear Chichiri,
*Both glomp him* Happy birthday!! ... Gomen about being a little late. ^^;
Umihebiza no Miko and ChibInu-chan no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko and ChibInu-chan no Miko,
Arigato for the birthday glomps, no da!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*~*~Okay, I'm coming up with these questions randomly so...they might be kinda crazy or wierd*~*~
Chichiri~ DID YOU KNOW THAT YOU ARE A SPICY MEATBALL AND A HOT MUG!O ya, and I made a spiffy smiley for you----> ^.# <----spifferifical huh?
Nuriko~I think you look real good with your shirt of and when you look like a man! What is your favourite colour?
Mitsukake~ My sister said the quietest are the wisest and sexiest~I guess I'm neither, on account of I talk too much...heh, do you agree with my sis?
Chiriko~ HA! Did you know that Chichiri and Nuriko put together and trunkated is YOUR NAME!? Yunno, the Chi from Chichiri and the Iko from Nuriko! SPIFFERIFICAL IF YA ASK ME!
Hotohori~ I think that long hair is a sign of purity and beauty! I'm gonna grow my hair long jus' like my gramma's is (she has hair down to her thighs) anyway, do you think that long hair is comming back for the teen generation? I do, my bro has long hair it's pretty spifferifical, he's hoping that by the end of summer it will be at the trunk of his neck!
~*~*Okay, anyway...I'm gonna shut up now. I'm jus' so happy though, 'cuz skool ends on the 24th and THAT'S TOMORROW! ::irk:: umm...BAI BAI!
Hakumei Katsu, otherwise known as Katsu,Little Katsu, or Katsu-chan
Dear Katsu-chan,
Tamahome: I'm fine, thanks!
Tasuki: I'm doin' ok. 'Che! Don't they all?
Chichiri: Kawaii, no da!
Nuriko: Purple. Arigato for the compliment!
Mitsukake: As for being the quietest, I agree. I don't know about the rest.
Chiriko: That's interesting….
Hotohori: It may be. Hairstyles do go in and out of fashion.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
which meaning of "seishi" are you using in this site?
Dear MiMi_StArR,
Seishi, as in Celestial Warrior, no da.
Dear Tamahome,
o.o My friend told me, that you said I was clumsy like Miaka! Is that true?
Dear Presea,
I never said that about you!
Dear Tasuki,
Now, did I say i was going to do anything? Your just assuming things... But wouldn't it be really funny if something did happen? Lets see... I could throw her down some stairs... WHOOPS! did I say that out loud! *evil demonic grin*
The Non-Plotting Psycho
Dear Dead Psycho,
Ya' know, yer startin' to annoy me … 'sides ya' better be able to duck fast! My sister's got a mean throwin' arm!
Dear Mitsukake,
*sucks on his thumb*
~Mama has those green things on her table too~
*grunts a few times*
Jiii Poo-pooo
*starts to take his diaper off*
Dear Sora,
*Sniffs the air … sniffs Sora … * EWWW…. *Changes his diaper.*
Dear Tasuki,
^___^ Tasuki Papa...sweet sweet Tasuki papa...:pulls over lowly bandit man in Tasuki's little click of bandit brothers: ^___^ Daddy, can I marry him? And have sake and bear his child and become a bandit? ^___^ Please?
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley Chan,
NO! Are ya' nuts? He ain't even a decent bandit!
Dear Chichiri,
Daaa Uncle Houjin Chan! ^_^ (yes your my uncle now mwahahahahahahahhaa) Happy birthday, ^_^ :gives you sake, and everything you've wanted for a long time: have a great birthday, I'll try and come down to visit ya'all soon...gotta see that last eposide *-*
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley Chan,
Arigato! See you soon, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
Ooopss.. I'm kinda late.. anyway, Happy B-Day! ^^
Anoo... I don't have any gifts to give you!!*eak!*.. Oh, wait.. I found a poor kitten.. perhaps you want to take care of it?
*puts a cute, black kitten on his shoulder* Now Tama-neko has a playmate!*lol*
Dear Kuriichan,
Kawaii koneko, arigato, no da!
Dear Chichiri,
Well,if I would've known that your birthday was today(or yesterday)I would've mailed you saying happy birthday ;_______;... Anyways,I also wanted to sing you happy birthday in Japanese but I dunno how! So uh...
TO YOU!!!!
^____^ *gives him some fish,and two tickets to Sea world!* weeeee you're gonna like Sea world! It's so much fun,it has a lot of fish,whales,dolphins,sting rays(at least I think they still have the sting rays)etc. It's so much fun there! ^_____^ I thought I would give you tickets to there cause I know you like fish,and well that's fish invested so uh..I hope you like it!! ^____^ sorry for the late birthday wishes Chichiri-kun ;___; pwease don't hate me?
Dear Shukumei,
I don't hate you, no da! Arigato for the nice present. Actually, there is no song in Japanese for birthdays, no da. You would just tell the person, "otanjoubi omedetou gozaimasu"!
Dear Tasuki,
Oi vey,Tasuki-kun can you do me a real big favor? Can you fry someone with your fan for me? Last night(05/22/02) was a real best friend Kendra,broke up with her boyfriend last friday and things haven't been going well for them. Carl(her boyfriend)said he just wants to be friends but doesn't want to start over/fresh,like she does. He wants to wait a year before he makes a committment with her. He told me on the phone that he wants to find new people and see if he's compatible with them before getting back with her. But he also said that Kendra has first priority over all the girls. I was like O.o;;; okay?
Well,the reason last night was a disaster was because they got to talking,(and I guess they weren't allowed to see each other,but they do anyways)she was trying to be nice to him,but he kept rubbing stuff in her face.
Well,he went a little too far,he basically called her a slut and made her cry! It was horrible..I mean I tried to be the person of reasoning or whatever you call it,but it's not going to work out if Carl's going to be such a...a...what do you call it? Anyways,he made her cry to the point where I made her happy again,by making fun of him and telling her she could do better then that. And that she deserves better(Well I made fun of him in a nice way),and if he does and says stuff to you to make you cry,he's not worth your time anymore.
I told her that she'll eventually get over him,it'll take some time but she will,and she could do so much better. So Tasuki-kun can you fry him please? He's such a jerk,almost as bad as Nakago..<.<; well the attitude problem that Nakago has is there and it's horrible! Noone should treat a girl like that right?????
Dear Shukumei,
Yer right! *Walks over to Carl, smacks him upside the head with his tessen and then moderately char-broils him.* That'll teach ya' to make girls cry bakayarou!
Dear Hotohori,
*smiles* That's nice. *picks up Ken* Say goodbye to Boushin Ken.
Ken: Bye Boushin lets pway wit each uder again someday!*waves*
Water Sprite: Bye!
Water Sprite and Ken-kun
Dear Water Sprite and Ken-kun,
Please feel free to bring him back again. *Smiles*
Dear Chichiri, <--- you aren't a gemini. you're a taurus/gemini. you were born on a cusp ^_^ I was curious about astrology and was doing research on it. Just decided to let you know. *huggles chichiri and looks dotingly upon her favourite seishi's face* Go to the linkie to find out what I'm blabbering about.
Dear obsessed,
Very interesting, no da. Arigato!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Why do Miko's have to be virgins?
Dear curious,
Because Taiitukun's no fun.
Dear Chiriko,
how long did the whole journey take place? Like from when miaka first showed up till Suzaku was summoned. how many days, weeks, month? and how many is that in our/miaka's time?
Dear Shampoo,
For her maybe a week or so. For us it was closer to 6 months or so.
Dear Chichiri,
if you age slower than people from our world how come in fushigi yuugi the time is so different? like your time seem to go faster then our time. i'm confused
Dear confused,
Time is one thing. Physical aging and metabolism are another, no da.
Dear Chiriko,
What's Yu Watase's newest work and what do you think of it? What do you think of Ayashi No Ceres?
Dear Curious,
I believe it is Alice 19th. I haven't really read it yet, but on just paging through it, it seems to have something to do with Alice in Wonderland. We all really liked Ayashi no Ceres!
Dear Nuriko,
You turn straight right? after you cut off your hair?? thats weird that after you cut of your hair you all of a sudden become straight? or are you bi? do you like guys and girls? do you love hotohori or do you love Miaka or are you up for grabs?
Dear shampoo,
I would say I love them both as dear friends.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Who gets the most letters? who has the most fans? who is the most liked??
Dear shampoo,
Tasuki, Tasuki, Tasuki/Chichiri
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
What happens after Suzaku is summoned. Do you lose you powers or are they always with you? I'm not quiet sure what happens? and what happens after you die do you still have your powers or a little bit of it when you get reborn. And what happens in the OAV after its over? What happens to Chichiri and Tasuki? answer my question please!!
Dear Curious,
Gomen, that's a whole buncha spoilers an' we don't do spoilers! Yer jus' gonna hafta watch th' show.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
hey, i was wondering do you guys go to school? ever? you all seem very smart (except for Tasuki at times), but do you go to school, college, do you have jobs? how do you get your income??
Dear Shampoo,
Nuriko, Chiriko, and Hotohori were all formally educated. Tasuki is still a bandit, Chichiri still wanders, and I'm a basketball coach in a high school in Miaka's world.
Dear Tasuki,
*upends a bucket of sake over Tasuki's head and runs off*
Dear Ayame,
*Sputters* That was a waste of perfectly good sake! What th' *(^% was THAT alla 'bout???
Dear Tamahome,
*hugs Tamahome lightly* Tasuki has far too many fangirls for his own good. His ego needs to be deflated at times. I don't see why people like the drunken fool, and I'm assuming that you don't, either. ^^;;
Dear Ayame,
Actually, he isn't THAT bad … he's annoying but I don't dislike him.
Dear Hotohori,
I think he was talking about the counselors and advisors Sai'ai.
*enters through the gate to the sight of Boushin running around without a stitch of clothes on*
well the apple didn't fall far from the tree.. *Boushin does a cannonball into the water, making a good splash*
Sai'ai you can do what you want.. but I'm still wearing my swimming clothes..
*Boushin comes up for air* Papa!! Mama!! the water's warm :D
Houki and Boushin
Dear Houki and Boushin,
*Smiles and laughs* They aren't scary son, just a bit annoying at times. Well, he is still a child. Perhaps we should just let him enjoy himself. I too am wearing my smimmimg clothes. I hope you don't mind, they were a gift from Miaka. *Takes off his robes and is wearing a red Speedo.* Shall we?
Dear Nuriko,
of course, do you think any of the palace cooks have any camping experience ;) And I'm sure that with our unique skills, we won't starve out here. Itoshii have you decided if you want to camp or go to an inn for the night?
*takes another handful of gorp* all this girl scout training has come to some good use.. oooo.. I should ask Sei-kun if I could start some troops up. *_* of course I have lots to do already.
*notices a pond* did you want to stop and let the horses rest?
Dear Doc-sama,
Sure! We can camp here for the night if you don't mind.
Dear Chichiri,
Hey, opanim. Remember Kory? well, a couple of days ago, the dam broke and I started crying because he accidently pulled my hair and he didn't even seem to care. Ashley asked me what was wrong and I told her. Then everyone except Nicole blew up at Kory and roughed him up a bit. There is Justice in this world after all, huh?
Dear Amy,
Na, no da. I hope he has learned to treat you better in the future, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
Thank you, saa. It was very nice talking to you, saa! I hope we can talk again, saa! (teleports out) (Note: Adding 'Name-aa' at the end shows that you are friends with the person in Korea, so Karen goes 'saa' at the end of her sentences when she is friends with the person she is talking to.)
Dear Karen,
You're very welcome, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
No, because he's the same age as me and he doesn't have a gender. Like me. ^_^'
Dear Relena,
If neither of you have a gender, then how can one be male and one female?
Dear Tasuki,
Let me clarify: A neon is a very small fish that is very weak. And gets its tail bitten off a lot. Not unlike how your fights with Okane-chan end up.
Dear Selphi,
Only 'cos Miaka begged me not to kill 'im!
Dear Nuriko,
r u ever gonna get married??
li cha
Dear li cha,
Maybe, I really don't know.
Dear Chichiri,
how come u never die
No Name
Dear No Name,
I was never killed, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Have you guys played Devil May Cry yet? I really want to know what it's like before I go to rent it^_^
Saya AKK
Dear Saya AKK,
We've started. It's VERY bloody but interesting. There are missions that are like puzzles, with "first person shooter" action, that have to be solved to be completed and to get you to the next one. I'm sure that eventually it becomes a coherent story.
Dear Chichiri,
Um... no I donw't tink so... Um... *scraches head*... mamma was talkin' wifth papa and said um... um... um... Zan maysbe... or somtin wike dat... and wat did papa say was mamma's name... uh... er... um... Mai... I tink but i weawwy donw't know... I member dare was trwouble... and mamma true me in da wiver... and den... um... dats all i member... after we finis fisin would ou halp me find dem?
Dear Taki,
Mai? I wonder if you are related to one of Tasuki's sisters, no da. Of course I will, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
I like this guy, but he's really mean to me sometimes. He lies, insults me, and is an overall baka, but I can't stop liking him. Even if he is a jerk, we're friends and I don't want to ruin that by asking him out. Should I?
Dear WAH!,
If he treats you so poorly why do you want to associate with him, no da? Until he stops being such a jerk I would not ask him out and if I were you, I'd rethink the friendship, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Ohayo! ^_^ Uhh... I don't think it would be such a good idea to inform our school officials... It's not that we're scared of them, or that we hate them, but they will -not- do anything but say 'Leave them alone...' and go on with their lives, never to speak to him again. I could always inform our DARE teacher... Ami and I have befriended him quite well. I know my reading teacher will do something... My Math/Science teacher will, but my Social Studies teacher hates me...
Dear Morgy~San,
Well, if he continues to bother you talk to one of the teachers you mentioned. Good luck!
Dear Hotohori,
Why do you wear your pretty long hair up with that hat thing? Are you supposed to wear it up in that cap/hat or do you choose to?
Dear Megami-chan,
It is a smaller version of my Imperial Crown. I wear it to conduct official business.
Dear Tamahome,
Hmmm... I suppose those are good reasons to love somebody... I still think you look cuter with Nuriko though! Hmm.. Or Yui,Or Tasuki, or Chichiri... Or basicly anybody! *glomps Tamahome* You look cute with anybody!
Dear Megami-chan,
Thanks, but I'll stick to Miaka.
Dear Tasuki,
I hate women now too. Just thought I'd say that.
Carrot Spikes
Dear Carrot Spikes,
Thanks! At least I ain't alone!
Dear Tamahome,
Hey, Tamahome. When you try to eat Miaka's food, does it ever bite back?
Carrot Spikes
Dear Carrot Spikes,
LOL no! She's gotten much better!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Where are you constellations? I've heard that chiriko and Nuriko's constellations are in Hydra, but I can't find them. From what pictures I have seen of their constellations, it seems that Nuriko's is located in the head of Hydra, while Chiriko's looks a bit like Crater, but I can't be sure. Please tell me what constellations yours are located in! Arigatou gozaimasu
Dear Chichiri,
*shakes head* Nuh-uh. She just said he could be a big snake thingy...or something like that. Why?? She said that my cousins' tousans could be other thingies too...she never said which was which though...
Dear Kiokuryoku,
Interesting, no da. But not much to go on …
Dear Tasuki,
**throws sake on Tasuki's face** Waaaaaaake uuuuuuup, Genrooooou!!!! Have you given up already? I guess that means you're gonna let me be a bandit, ne? ne ne? **grin** I'm already out-drinking you, being that you're on the floor unconscious and I'm enjoyin' toooons of sake!! Wooo!
Dear Kokkei,
I ain't givin' up! Ya' knocked me out ya' baka! Gimme that! *Grabs sake from her and starts chugging.*
Dear Tamahome,
As a matter of fact Shunu-kun could have read that book to Lita. The book had no words it was just pictures, so even a baka like him coulda made up a story.
Dear Aidou,
Gomen ma'am.
Dear Tasuki,
*putting stickers around the house* lets see...*comes to baka* hmmm.....*sticks it on his forehead* Lita-chan will know what the Kanji for baka is
Dear Aidou,
OI!! That ain't funny neechan! *Peels off sticker and sticks it on Tamahome's forehead.* LOL Now THAT'S funny!!
Dear Tasuki,
one of my friends is really in love with you. she used to be so sad everyday, until i handed her fushigi yugi. please write something to her. it would mean a lot to me.
neko chan
Dear neko chan,
I would but I dunno her name. Why don't ya' have her write in to me.
Dear Chiriko,
In the end, you've lost your virgin eyes.
The Giver
Dear Giver,
Nani? That statement makes no sense.
Dear Chichiri,
i am not a fan. but someone who dreams to be like you. do you think i have a chance?
neko chan
Dear neko chan,
It depends on what you mean by "be just like you", no da. Do you really want to be a one-eyed, wandering, blue haired monk, no da? You should really strive to be the best you that you can be.
Dear Nuriko,
*waves* Konnichiwa!! Umm...I kinda need some advice, here... See, there's this guy who's been hitting on me..and he doesn't seem to notice that I don't care. I really need a way to tell 'im...I tried a bit of a subtle approach, but he doesn't get the message...Maybe a more direct approach should do the trick? On a more bright side...I've been having lots of fun RPing at the Suzaku ShichiSeishi no Danwa no Heya!^^ Well, gtg now...Matta ne, Nuriko!!
Skriana the Shadow Dragon =^^=
Dear Skriana,
Have you tried saying to him, "I'm sorry, you're a nice guy but I'm really just not interested."? I'm glad you're having fun.
Dear Chichiri,
*enters the room with cake and presents* Happy birthday, Chichiri! Hope you're having lots of fun on this extra special day! You deserve it more than anything.
For my favorite azure-haired magician, I bring you these wonderful gifts! *presents a 5000 ryou gift certificate to "Baited Breath Fishing Supplies and Tackle"; peppermint-scented hand lotion/insect repellent/sunblock (SPF 30); a fireproof lock box for valuables; and a bonsai tree. I figure that you like to get gifts you can actually use, but at the same time, I thought you'd like something just to add for simple decoration. And bonsai plants don't really require that much water or maintenance (correct me if I'm wrong; I'm a "black thumb" when it comes to plants.)
And finally, I present this ever-so-fantastic birthday cake that the royal chefs made especially for you. *gestures to a triple-layer blueberry cheescake with whipped cream and blueberry sauce dribbled all over the top* Remind me to give the royal chefs something extra special to show my gratitude for all they've done.
Anyway, it's time to celebrate. *lights candles on the cake* Again, a very happy birthday to you, Chichiri. *kisses him on the cheek* Don't forget to make a wish. Just so you know, however, that blueberry sauce on the cake can be kind of sticky. But enjoy nonetheless!
Lady Shera
Dear Lady Shera,
Domo arigato gozaimasu, no da! Thank you so much for all the wonderful presents and oishii cake, no da! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Where is the index peej? I can't find it.
Dear Shi-Shi,
It's the first peeji that comes up when you type in our URL.
Dear Chichiri,
Happy Birthday! ^.)) I have a question! Do you seishi get older anymore? I sure hope not, the OVA made you old enough. I just wanted to drop in and send my regards! Happy Birthday.
Dr. Lauryl
Dear Dr. Lauryl,
Arigato, no da. We do, but we seem to age slower than people from your world.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*pokes the seishi and sweatdrops* did you know that all of your symbols are in X/1999 the movie? ^^;
Dear Ayasama,
It doesn't surprise us. They are not uncommon symbols.
Dear Tamahome,
*blushes* Ah, um, well, my problem is about girls....okay. Let's call them girl A and girl B. I am madly in love with girl A, but girl B is in love with me. I hate girl B. Girl A hates girl B. Come to think of it...nobody likes girl B. Anyways....girl A totally can't see that I'm in love with her, no matter what hints I drop. Girl B is constantly trying to kill girl A...but girl A kicks her @$$ every time. But now I'm worried because girl B has a gun and girl A only has a sword. I want to have girl A but not p*ss off girl B more. What should I do?
Dear Satoshi,
GEEZ!! And I thought I had problems!! Maybe you and Girl A should get together and talk so you can tell her how you fell and see if she feels the same. If she does, I'd advise you both leave town. Good luck!
Dear Chichiri,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I've got a little present for you!
*gives him a Chichiri doll with black button eyes*
And I've got you something else!
*gives him a hamster with it's fur died blue*
Take good care fo him ^_^
Dear Kumade,
Arigato, no da! Although, I am afraid to ask how you managed to dye the poor hamster blue, no da. *Smiles*
Dear Chiriko,
Hi, I was wondering would you like me to be your girlfriend even though I'm alittle stupid
Dear Nadene,
I really don't want a girlfriend no matter what her intellect is. Can we just be friends?
Dear Chichiri,
Na no da! You probably dont remember me no da...but i cant get to this site readily anymore no da -_- Technically...i shouldnt be here now...but i had to say happy birthday! I dont really know what you i got you this *hands him a blue beta in a bowl with blue stones and a castle* I read in one of the letters you liked them. Well...i have to go....Bye.
Dear Lybra,
It's very pretty, no da. Arigato! Long time, no see! How have you been, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
So which one do you "hate" the most....hmmmm..... Its Aidou right? So, if some bad thing happened to her that I didn't cause in any way....*evil grin* You'd be pretty mad huh?
the same random psyco whos not plotting evil
Dear Dead Psycho,
Dear Hotohori,
Papa? How do you get those scary men to let you do anything?
Go ahead Sai-chan tell him. *pulls out the gate key and unlocks it* shall we? *takes Boushin out of Sai-chan's arms and places him on the ground*
Remember to put your Motko on before you jump in the water.
Hai Mama :D *dashes inside*
*hugs her husband's spare arm* Shall we?
Houki and Boushin
Dear Houki and Boushin,
The guards? They are here to protect us. You needn't fear them. *Smiles at Houki.* Ikemashou!
Dear Chichiri,
Happy birthday Chichiri!!! Here, I made this cake for you.*pulls out a cake with Chichiri's face on it*. I hope you enjoy it. I also got you a new kasa for when the other one gets old and torn. I hope you enjoy that too. Just for luck could you give me a kiss for your birthday? Arigatou, no da!
Kacyn Evanowicz(AKA Piccolo)
Dear Kacyn,
Arigato for the nice presents and the oishii cake, no da! *Gives her a kiss on the cheek.*
Dear Chichiri,
Happy Birthday na no da!!! *huggles him* I got you a brand-spanking new kasa, and a fishing pole no da!! I hope today is a very fun day for you, Chiri-chan. (Boy it's early) I just wanted to be one of the first to get my birthday wishes out to you no da! Please say a prayer for me b/c I'm going through a very bad and depressed time, about the only thing keeping me going is you Chichiri! Ho-hum, it's too early in the morning to think right now, so have a very very very happy birthday no da!!! *gives him 24 kisses* there ya go, *and adds another one* and one to grown on! Bai bai then!!!! Did I mention?... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! ^.#
Dear Bosher,
Arigato. Of course I will, no da. *Gives her a hug.* I'm here for you if you need me, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
Happy birthday! My last letter to you timed out ;_; Did I ever tell you that I think you're the handsomest seishi? *shoves hotohori away and grins*
Geez, I don't know what to say. Not the best conversationalist here. People have assumed me mute before. More than once. Erm, I'll get to the point:
What took you so long to notice you were a Suzaku seishi? According to shouryu den*flips pages*you only found out about your symbol when you were resting in Ou Kenmins house after a rather -umm- traumatic event. I mean, theres this symbol on your knee, its red, it glows, don't you think that you should notice something like that? o.O
*Glomps you* :D hope you clarify that.... byeeeeee.
Dear obsessed,
Arigato for your kind compliment, no da. Ano … perhaps I was just clueless, no da?
Dear Hotohori,
Hi! No offense but, why are you so narcisstic? That's all. Thank you.
Dear Fuu,
*Looks up from his mirror … * Narcissistic? Me? Why would you say that? *Smiles*
Dear Chichiri,
Happy Birthday Chichiri! Look what I got you. *Pulls out a tiny kitten that looks a little like Tama-neko* Isn't he cute? Now when your off wondering you'll have a companion with you. *grins* That way you won't get lonely.
Dear Sakie-chan,
Kawaii koneko, no da! Arigato! *Hugs kitten*
Dear Chichiri,
OMG! Field day is on the 24th (Happy Birthday to you!!!!!!!!) My team is the Blue team (out of blue and silver). Blue! Lucky me! Our theme this "Scooby 'Blue'" I tried to convince them we should do wandering monks -- or something like that -- and when they looked at me like I was crazy. Clazz popularity has dropped, but my pals tease me about it and go "no da." This makes me happi! ^_________^
I'm absolutely terrified for thursday! We're performing "A Young Lady of Property" by Horton Foote (the play SUCKS - too boring - actually, you might like it) Anyway, I'm Aunt Gert **sudders at name** and I have mastered how to cry on cue. **starts sobbing to prove it** I'm writing "well" on my knee for good luck. So wish me luck. **smiles shyly** Okay?
Well, I should go now, to practice our cheer and my lines. **hugs Chichiri** Happy Early Birthday to You, no da! I'll write to you on the 24th! Me an all my other anime crazed pals are gonna throw you a party!
No Da!!!!
Dear Blue-fire,
Arigato, no da! Ganbatte kudasai on your play, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
*pulls out a small bag of gorp and munches on it*
would you like some? it's got rolled oats; dried fruits-cherries, raisins, apples and bananas; some nuts- peanuts, walnuts, and cashews; chocolate and peanut butter chips..
*offers him the bag*
Dear Doc-sama,
Domo! *Tries some* Oishii! Did you make this?
Dear Tasuki,
hey *drinking the second to last bottle from that truck full* well zat waz good suff*hic* mmmmmmm *drinks the rest of the bottle and looks at you* hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. well I got to return the truck soon. g2g
love alwways your bandit girl
Dear bandit girl,
*Hic* I shure did! Thanks …
Dear Tasuki,
Lol Be careful o.o I dont think he'll like that >.> Oh well Do what ya want ^^ Have fun! Here! *gives him 20 bottles of goo* Use it wisely ^^. throw it at other things or just throw the whole 20 bottles at someone. Like tamahome if you want >.> hehehe ^^ *Also gives him more sake* hmmm lemme find sumthing else like goo...*Looks around her room* Ah! here we go! *gives him some foam, Fluff, and a stress ball* hehe i have lots of stuff...zyraphoam and shaving cream and wipped cream and stuff. Its fun to throw at people too! *gives him some M and M's and Red Hot candy thingamabobbers* ^^ Well gtg Cya soon Tasuki. Have fun with all the foamy gooey sticky fluffy thingermabobbers lol Cya!
Dear Kisato-Chan,
Cool!! Thanks! OI!!! Obake-chan!!! Doko desuka???
Dear Mitsukake,
He -said- he didn't, but I know the truth! It's out there! And it lies in the fact that he's been a pain in the butt for such a long time.
..If you haven't picked it up yet, I want you to comment on the "I'm giving you myself, da ha ha" thing.
So tired. Must sleep.
Iramirado, too tired to capitalize or fend off the evil insect hordes.
Dear Iramirado,
Well, while "you" would be an interesting present, I'm not certain what I would do with such a gift.
Dear Chichiri,
my poor uncle works in the gaurd so he has to go to washington for a year to gaurd a powerplant from terrorists. The weather here i9s weirsd cloudy, rainy sunny windy hail all in one day sometimes(this was 4 weeks ago) now it's cloudy and sunny and rainy off andon. it's weird becuase it's what may here now mid may so I'm sitting on needles and pinswaiting for the weather well any who see ya
Dear Luna,
I'm sure he will be fine, no da. It was cloudy and rainy here as well, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
(twitch) AAAAAARRGGGGHHH!!! I swear, I will KILL Kory! Ever since him and Nicole started dating, he's been so high on that horse of his, you can't see him! And he's been pushing his luck and making fun of me and Ashley, you know? AND-I-JUST-WANT-TO-WRING-HIS-SCRAWNY-VERTICALLY CHALLENGED-NECK!!!! And also string him up on the flagpole by his spinal cord, run him over with a train, smash him with a bulldozer...the list goes on and on. Anyway, glad you liked my birthday presents. I'll get some more stuff next year.
Dear Amy-sama,
*Sweatdrops* Daaaaa… *Is thanking ALL the gods he ISN'T Kory!*
Dear Chichiri,
Well, you see, my father died, and my mother's been the market for a new boyfriend. She went through quite a few of them, before she finally found one that seemed to stick. Then, one day when I was 14, my mother left on business, and it was just me, my mother's boyfriend, and Selphi (visiting). I was practicing White Magic, and then my mother's boyfrined came into the room and...tried to...rape me...anyway, I started screaming, and Selphi came in and killed him by drinking his blood. You see, kappas and ningyous have fangs until a certain age. with kappas, it's 12, and with ningyous, it's 11. Selphi was 10 at the time, so she still have hers. And, well, that's what happened.
Dear Karen,
I'm sorry you went through that, no da. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tamahome,
Oniisan guess what?! Give up? I got to meet One-chan and CnA-chan this weekend! They're so cool! I also got to meet Satoshi,Yuya,and Yuuki as well and guess what? CnA-chan and One-chan both think that Satoshi likes me! ME!! I was like @_@ wow. That's a first. But when CnA-chan has the next party she was telling us about,I think I'm gonna tell Satoshi that I like him ^___^ of course I'll strike up a conversation first and then tell him(that is if I don't forget,no wait I can't forget,Rose will keep reminding me till I do tell him) heehee. What do you think? ^____^CnA-chan said that he wouldn't give my address/number to Yuya and Yuuki,she said that she told him it was for everyone,and she said he smiled and said no. So what do you think oniisan? ^_____^. Is there a possibility he does like me????
Anyways,I wanted to ask my big brother about this,cause well you're family,and I don't think Tasuki is good at this? *hides behind oniisan while looking at Tasuki* Dun hurt me tasuki? ;___;. Anyways so whacha think? Heehee I'm so excited! Oh yeah Rose likes Yuya too she's also going to tell him heehee. Oh yeah next time CnA-chan,One-chan,Satoshi Yuya and Yuuki and you guys see us,we'll be slightly different cause we're going to be dying our hair...I'm going to be dying my hair back to it's original color(or somewhat close to it)and she's going to be bleaching her hair,so basically she'll have red hair the next time you see us ^___^. I guess we reall are twins. I mean that's what her family is calling us now heehee. Whenever someone asks who I am,they say oh that's Rose's Twin! heehee Well I should probably stop right here,cause I don't want to bore you anymore. Oh yeah one more thing,I got the urge to watch FY again for like the 100th time XD. Well ja ne oniisan *hugs him*.
Dear Shukumei,
Well, I think you should get to know him better before you declare your undying love for him. Take it slow, be friends first. What's the rush?
Dear Tasuki,
Why is it that your hair is orange? Why not blue or something else?
Dear Qara,
Why's yer hair th' color it is?
Dear Nuriko,
Hi Nuriko! I'm so scared for my english exam, I can do it, I just think I'll go blank in the exam. I'm not that worried for my other exams as I am for this one. I've revised for it but I don't think I'll be able to write enough for a 40 mark question on a stupid transcript of an interview or something like that. we have to write about grammatical freatures, Lexis and fluency features and stuff ahhhhh it's tomorrow!
My friends have a psychology exam today and one of them had been revising all week for it, she knows it really well. I didn't want her to get stressed out the night before and we've been told that it's not the best time to revise just before an exam so I took her out to the pubs last night hehe. We were dancing to Kylie and Prince lol.
Tell Mitsukake thanks for the advice about my belly button, I have some stuff to clean it with and I'll be able to change it within 6 weeks :)
Well I better go and revise Marxist and Functionalist views and the tripartite system for sociology :( I'm going into Durham later today to meet my bestfriend after her exam, then we're going to our Japanese lesson.
Anata Wa Genki Desu Ka Bai Bai *hugs and kisses her Onisan*
Jen xxxxxxx
Dear Jen,
Genki desu! Ganbatte kudasai on your exams! I'm sure you'll do well. *Gives her a hug.* I'll thank Mitsukake for you. Also, he said to remind you that you may need to rotate it so the scar tissue doesn't adhere to it as well.
Dear Tamahome,
Hi! I had wanted to write a letter on May 12th to wish Miaka a happy birthday but~u guys were busy so now I am late. Whatever, can u please wish Miaka a happy late birthday for me? Thanks.
Dear boogie,
I'd be happy to give her your birthday greetings! Arigato!
Dear Mitsukake,
I love your cat!! I like know nothing about you. Why don't you ever talk like the rest of the seishi?? Are you shy? Oh, please don't tell me that you've been in love with Miaka too. Why does practically EVERYONE fall in love with that girl?!
Dear Risa-chan,
I'm just quiet. I'm not in love with Miaka. Only Hotohori and Tamahome have that honor.
Dear Chichiri,
Hey, You are soo cool! I was wondering, when you have your mask on, it is like plastered to your face cuz you can do expressions with it on.
Dear Risa-chan,
No, it's a magical mask, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi minna-chan! Watashi wa Rizu! I JUST fount this site :)It's great! Hee. Yeah I have a couple of questions :)
Tamahome: Did you know you're my favorite anime guy? Feel special!! Hey! How the heck did you find the spirit to be all cheerful and stuff right after your whole family died?!?! I dont get it! I would be locked up in my room for like a year or somethin!
Nuriko:....Your cool and stuff but do you still cross dress? ...I hate to ask this but I really dont know much about make-up! Do you think you could give me some tips sometime? It was so SAD when you died! I cried ;_; but then I cry a lot so yeah .....
Chiriko: How is a small kid like you so SMART??!? Is it because of that wisdom mark on your foot or somthing? *Attemps to draw the wisdom sign on her left foot only to have it come out as something looking like an upside down tree..or something*
Tasuki: *Hee* I like fire sometimes too! :) I like to destroy past school projects with hair spray and a match. It makes this really cool flamethrower thing. ^.^ fun-ness! I kinda wanna know, why DO you always pester Tamahome?
Hotohori: Why are you so vain!?!? You're really awesome but you think too highly of yourself ( or at least i think so anyways... ).
Chichiri: Konban wa no da! Hee thats really funny that you say that all the time but what the heck does it mean??? Me and my friends always wonder. =3
Mitsukake: Why so serious? i htink you should lighten up a bit, but thats just me. I kinda feel sorry for you cause you don't get much attention. :( That's ok! *pats Mitsukake on the head* it's all good.
Anywho, I gots ta go! Bye-ness!
Dear Rizu-chan,
Tamahome: Arigato for your kind words. I had a duty to perform and I owed it to my family to fulfill my duty.
Nuriko: Sometimes … Of course I'll give you tips!
Chiriko: It is a combination of my natural intelligence and Suzaku's power.
Tasuki: Because it's fun!
Hotohori: I'm really not as vain as I seem.
Chichiri: No da is an emphasizer. It means, "that's obvious", no da.
Mitsukake: Arigato for you nice words. I guess I am a bit stoic.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Mitsukake,
*walks over to him and holds up her book* Will you read to me Mr. Sir? Uncle Shun'u is being not nice and fighting
Dear Lita,
*Smiles* Of course. *Starts reading to her.*
Dear Tasuki,
*stumbles into the room* Ewwwww. What the hell happened? The last thing I remember was fussing about something...guess it had to do with work. Yeah that's what it is. *rubs forehead* Itai. Why was I drinking that stuff anyway? Plum sake may taste sweet going down, but coming up is a different story.
Well, I guess the stress got to me last week. I hope I didn't drink all that crap in one setting. *picks up still half-full plum sake bottle* D*MN YOU!!! *throws sake bottle against the wall, smashing it*
Oh! Sorry about the mess. This is why I don't drink all that much. *stumbles over to the shattered sake bottle and starts picking up the pieces* Don't worry. After those strange dreams I had, I am never going to drink this much again. Ever.
Guess I'd better go find Mitsukake for this headache. Again, gomen for the mess. *stumbles toward the door* Ouch.
So this is what the morning after is like. It sucks.
Lady Shera
Dear Lady Shera,
Yeah, hangovers can be pretty nasty. I dunno why, but I jus' don't get 'em anymore… *Grins*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hewwo my beloved Seshi Wishi chans ^_^ ano I am watching fy again and I must ask...if you had to do it all over again, and Miaka had the choice to come in the book and just be your friends...become a pereminet resident of the book to over write all the rules, would you rather have her live there as your friend, or as your miko again
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley Chan,
She was here as both before, we don't see why she couldn't be again.
Dear Tamahome,
Your saying Tasuki's BAD at strip poker? *evil yet innocent grin* I for one know he is VERY GOOD at strip poker ^_~ Just for your little comment I'm not giving you any ryou! *runs away*
Innocent Lil Bon
Dear Innocent Lil Bon,
Then how come he always loses?
Dear Nuriko,
Hi, Nuriko-san! Remember me? Relena-chan? Of course, I'm not a '-chan' anymore...(glances at her twelve-year-old body) Oh, my. Anyway, has you seen my twin brother, Riley? He looks kind of like me, except he has long brown hair tied in a braid, and wears boys' clothes.
Dear Relena,
Welcome back! No I haven't. Are you sure you don't mean Duo?
Dear Tasuki,
Try and you've got the entire ningyou empire at your throat.
Neried 1: Don't you dare hurt Selphi-hime!
Neried 2: If you do, we'll freeze you and throw you into the ocean!
Selphi: (Sends them flying) Anyway, all it'd do is burn my clothes, and...well...that's not a very good thing to do. (sweatdrop) Hey, I know! FIREBALL! (Fireballs Tasuki and he's all dry) Yea! Oh, and I read the little reptile/fish thing...shouldn't you be a neon fish? (smirk)
Dear Selphi,
I prefer th' fightin' fish.
Dear Chichiri,
*pats his shoulder* Have you ever considered going incognito?
IraMirado, keeper of the Army of Darkness. (Die, Tasuki!)
Dear IraMirado,
Why, no da?
Dear Tamahome,
What do you want say to all those anti-tamahome fans out there?
Dear Sara,
Why me? Why not Tasuki???
Dear Hotohori,
I'm back!*sees Boushin and Ken playing a game of tag*Its nice to see the young prince to play with children of his own age isn't it?I'm hope Ken-kun wasn't too much trouble for you Hotohori-sama
Water Sprite
Dear Water Sprite,
Not at all! He's a delightful child!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi everyone! It's me, once again! There was this dance, last month, and my friend Ami was being followed by some crazed stalker guy. We were sitting on the stairs, (Ami, the Stalker and myself) and he said he sprained his ankle. We felt bad, so we started talking to him. He asked Ami-San to dance, and she politely reclined. So he got up and walked off, proving to us that his ankle was -not- sprained after all. He came back and told her that he requested 2 songs for her. Ami, now thinking this guy was crazy, motioned for me to get up and go back into the caf. Usagi's boyfriend (the two friends I had spoken of in another of my letters) was there. We told him about it, and he said he'd take care of it... When he went into the gym, where the actual dance was being held, he didn't come out for a while. (Ami, proving my friends are insane, thought the stalker killed him and hid his body in the ceiling...)We saw the stalker dude out where we were, and he was... dancing... with himself... It was quite weird... Now, every time the stalker guy sees one of us, he attempts to ask us to dance. He's scary, and he has... no personality, which is probably why we don't have boyfriends yet... All the ones with personality are taken... And all the attractive ones have no personality... We'd be better off going to a private school... The point of this was to ask -what- to do about the Crazed Stalker Dude!
Morgy~San, who seems to want to talk a lot lately...
Dear Morgy~San,
Well, you could politely decline his offer and if her persists complain to the school officials.
Dear Tasuki,
How do you feel about 'THTC' and the song "Fired up and Shooting Guts"? And what is up with the horrible note hit when someone sings 'sainou o ikashikire!' I think it was you. What happened? You usually sing so beautifully. Heart ni Kiraboshi Sakashitare is my fave. And what is up with the title.. I find it hard to believe that someone could shoot guts. That sounds anatomically impossible. JA NE!
Dear Emo-chan,
It's jus' a song title! An' it was sung th' way we was told to sing it.
Dear Tamahome,
Well this really is an easy question to answer. Why, Why, why in the Four Gods name do you love Miaka? *looks at a Miaka picture* WHY?
Dear Megami-chan,
Because she is sweet, kind, and unselfish.
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