Dear Hotohori,
Okay! You know you're beautiful and I know you're beautiful and the whole dang world knows you're beautiful but... Do you have to have such an ego?
An ego really doesn't flatter you.
Megami-chan: But he's still beautiful! *hugs her hotohori plushie*
Ecchi-chan: I didn't deny that Megami! *hugs her Tasuki plushie*
Dear Ecchi-chan,
An ego?? *Sweatdrops*
Dear Chichiri,
*shrugs* I dunno his name. I just now he has blue hair 'cause Momma said so before she went away. *glomps him*
Dear Kiokuryoku,
Hmmm … did she ever mention a scar, no da?
Dear Nuriko,
*taps his shoulder* Scuse me. Have you seen a woman with silver white hair and an eyepatch yelling single word sentences and kicking people come through here? She says 'rage' alot and answers to Fuujin?
Dear Seifer,
Yes I have. You may want to talk to Tasuki. I think he was her latest victim.
Dear Chichiri,
Do you love me?
Dear Erin,
Nani? I don't even know you, no da.
Dear Chiriko,
*turns neko and leaps on chiriko's head* someone told me you like tamahomes sister gyokoruan is that true? *looks at him cutely* why are you so against me getting married? *starts to cry*
Inu-Yasha: depression is striking hard... - -;;;;;;
Samantha and Inu-Yasha
Dear Samantha and Inu-Yasha,
No. I suppose it's because I care and don't want to see you rushing into something that is so important.
Dear Tamahome,
no, i mean the thing your holding not what hes holding. like he would want to beat you with anything else, teehee. My friend and i were just watching the part of Eikou Den that i downloaded. Personally i think real player is like Nakago and is planning to torment us because it wont let us watch the end! She cryed at your wedding, k one more usueless question, how do i find out if my dvd player is a code 2 or not the handbook is annoying and has to many big words that i dont understand.
Dear Tana,
I don't know, maybe it was a shovel. Basically, if the DVD player was made and purchased in the US it's Region 1. DVD players purchased in Japan and the UK are Region 2. You can also check the back of the DVD player for a globe sticker with a number on it.
Dear Hotohori,
I really wish you were here now, so that I could at least give you some kind of a hug. You see, lately I've been wondering whether or not there's really such a thing as "love", or whether or not it's just some game that humans made up, in order to make rules about when to have sex and whatnot. I've been burnt, you see, by too many bad relationships, and I've basically given up--on everyone but you. I keep thinking that, if I knew you in person, love might not be such an illusion.
But do you believe in love? Can you honestly say that you were *truly* in love with Miaka? And what did you feel toward Houki? Give me some sort of hope...
~Kurai no Tenshi
Dear Kurai no Tenshi,
I do believe in love. With Miaka, I was in love with the idea of the Miko rescuing me from my lonely life. With Houki, I was truly in love with her. You can submit fanart to the admin address on the default peeji.
Dear Tasuki,
Argh! Get offa me! **pushes Tasuki off** **in taunting voice** Ne, Gen-chan... how's about a swimming contest? Bwahahaha!!! Okay, fine... we'll settle this the easy way. **bonks Tasuki on the head, knocking him out, drinks 5 mugs of sake and sits at a table... waiting for him to wake up** This better not take all day!
Kokkei **grin**
Dear Kokkei,
*Lays there unconscious with a huge lump on his head…*
Dear Chiriko,
This question might be kind of confusing so just bare with me. Ahem. In the Universe of the Four Gods, is there some sort of ongoing pattern of Seishi being born and reborn? Are Genbu, Byakko, Suzaku and Seiryuu Seishi born/reborn continually or only in times of crisis in their respective countries? When each Seishi is reborn, do they have the same appearance and powers or only the same symbol on their bodies? Is there only one Miko for each Beast God or are there multiple Mikos throughout the time line?
Dear Inami,
There seems to be only one Miko per Beast God. The Seishi are reborn into different lives and bodies. They do seem to only appear in a crisis.
Dear Hotohori,
I am fried! but you liked my story! waiiiii! cool huh? well i thought that i would give houki a little credit and the result is a jedi warrior. *lol*
anyway! thanks for all that you have done for me! i am going to a faraway place(dont worry, not khonan) so wont come near the comp. for another week. i'll miss ya! and i read a letter about a girl giving you a new crown, a.k.a a piccle jar, i laughed till i could laugh no further.
Dear anya,
Have a safe and pleasant trip! I'm glad I was able to amuse you.
Dear Chichiri,
*thinks a moment* weally.....I member momma had a.......Bwack hair wike mine..and um....pappa had um.....bue it was bwack or maybe bofth? I not sure...I don't member much sept I was wet from da water in da wiver......*thinks a moment* ep dats de wast ting I member. But I sill wanna go fisin' wifth ou. So I fowow and ou lead de way ok! *looks up at him smiling and still haolding his hand*
Dear Taki,
OK, no da. You don't know your parent's names, no da?
Dear Nuriko,
*Sit's there crying* Oh Nuriko! I'm so sorry it took me so long to write to you but I had a horrible time at the prom! I got all dressed up, had my Aunt drive me to the school and I was sitting there waiting for him, like 5 hours into the dance I walked outside and saw him talking to his friends and he had his arm around another girl! When I went to school the next day everyone was ahispering behind me, thinking I couldn't hear thenm and I avoided him and my friend, I feel dirty and ashamed, I mean we didn't do anything, but it's because I liked him so much. I hate myself so much!
Dear LoneWolf,
*Gives her a hug.* You shouldn't hate yourself! It's not your fault he's a jerk. What he did to you was unforgivable. But it was NOT your fault! Unfortunately, men can be morons, but just remember, you're better than that and you should never hate yourself for someone else's stupidity!
Dear Tasuki,
RAGE! *kicks Tasuki*
Dear Fuujin,
What th' *)^% was THAT all about????
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki-kun guess what? I called the college,to ask them about arranged classes,and they told me and guess what? I could go in ANYTIME so that means,I can go to Chinatown with my friend =D wai! Heehee,I can't wait I wanna see if this one store has these movies Mukashi no otoko and Meteor Garden I think they will have Meteor Garden but I'm not sure about Mukashi No Otoko. Mukashi No Otoko is the show that actually got me to want to study Japanese ^___^. Have you've seen any of those shows? Well,I should probably go now,Oh yeah guess what? when I get my room friend Rose is going to do a mural of you for me ^^ since she did a mural of Ranma on her wall <.<;;; whacha think? Well uh...I should probably now...
Dear Shukumei,
I never saw either of those shows. Th' mural sounds cool!
Dear Nuriko,
Dear Nuri Baby how do i catch hold of your attented without making a fool out of myself and disgracing you holiness I cried when u died !_!
Dear DASH,
I'm sorry my passing saddened you. Get my attention? Ano … *Sweatdrops*
Dear Tasuki,
Hey Tasuki! ^^ How ya been lately? bleh im bored and i dont know what to do this early in the morning. hmmmm *gets out blue goo* ahh its all goooy o.o *gives him a bottle of red goo* ^^ Its fun to play with but it smells bad >.> Hehehe ^^ *also gives him a bottle of sake* hope u have fun with the goo! I did cause i was throwing it at my sister...We had a goo fight. It was very fun but we got goo everywhere o.o oh well ^^; Well cya later Tasuki! Hope u have fun with the goo..maybe throw it at someone. hehe Cya!
Dear Kisato-Chan,
Thanks fer th' sake! I think I'll go show Tamahome th' goo... heh-heh-heh...
Dear Chiriko,
^.^ I now have 189 paper cranes!! YAY!...Uh oh...ive never thought of what id do with um when i get to 1000 o.o *thinks* Ah oh well, Bye bye Chiriko! Have a great day! ^^
Dear Kisato-Chan,
That's great! Only 811 more to go! You could donate them to a childern's hospital or to a children's ward of a local hospital.
Dear Chichiri,
Heloo, opa-nim(big brother)! Long time no see! Anyway, I decide to give you you're birthday gifts in advance. Hope you don't mind. ^_^ 1 chocolate cake with white frosting and the words 'No da!' written on it in Japanese 2 mallets to hit Tasuki or Tamahome with if they do something stupid 20 cans of Fangirl-Be-Gone to ward off Fangirls with out-of-control hormones 50 bags of gold ryo 100 cans of Tamahome-Be-Gone to keep Tamahome away from said gift ^_^ 1 million spare masks, shakujo, kesa, and kasa 1 poster of Kouran in a pink bikini (don't ask) 30 bottles of hair gel and hair spray (pokes Chichiri's bangs) Well, there you go. Hope you enjoy them. Especially item number 7. (evil grin) Ja mata ne!
Dear Amy-sama,
*Smiles* Arigato, no da! They are all very useful gifts, indeed!
Dear Chichiri,
It's okay, people do that all the time. Anyway, do you want to hear my 'story' or not? We could talk about something else...
Dear Karen,
if you wish, please continue no da.
Dear Mitsukake,
....No comments on the "I'm giving you myself, da ha ha" comment? Aww..
And YES, it IS you, I say!In fact, we have to make a map of a state park in field studies, and I named the city Mitsukakeville. I even drew a nifty Mitsukake statue in the center! ^^ And it has a biiiig wall around it, because I'm too lazy to draw all the buildings. And then there is Chichiri Farms, Tasuki Grasslands, Hotohori Indian Grounds.. Heh heh, thank yoooou Alicia!
I'm so happy! Happy, happy. Except the fact that today, my friend shoved his nail into the knuckle of my middle finger (no, I was NOT holding it up) and it really hurts! He took a big gash out of my finger! So, I told my mom and she's mad at him. Ever since he got a girlfriend, he's been treating me and Amy like dirt. One day, I'm gonna kick that little scrawny behind of his..
Sooo, how are you? ^_^
IraMirado, agent 077423
Dear IraMirado,
I'm fine. I'm sure it was an accident and that he diodn't mena to hurt you. Your "city" sounds interesting.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
If each of you guys could drive any car you wanted to here in the modern world, what would it be?
Toki no Boshi
Dear Toki no Boshi,
Here are your answers:
Chichiri: A blue Saturn, no da.
Tasuki: A red Ducati motorcycle!
Tamahome: An inexpensive car!
Chiriko: An Aston-Martin
Nuriko: A purple Ferrari
Mitsukake: A Volvo. They're very safe.
Hotohori: A red Jaguar
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tamahome,
....Why does Tasuki enjoy tormenting you so much? If it's because of that... incident with Nakago and Yui... THAT WASN'T YOUR FAULT!!! So, is he just being incredibly immature, or what?!?
Dear Ayame,
Tasuki immature? ... Of course he's immature! >.< I sometimes think that's his middle name!
Dear Nuriko,
*glomp* Thank you for the advice and the hug. It means a lot to me that you and the rest of the guys are always there for me. I know it means a lot to the rest of the people here too. Now my ex and I are friends (again), but he still looks at me, like he still likes me. Not that I mind of course, *grin*, but I want to get past the stage where this is awkward. Will there ever be a point where we get past the wierd feelings? I'm just wondering. Well gotta go. Talk to ya later!!!
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
You're very welcome! Well, either he'll decide he wants you back as his girlfriend, or you'll find someone new and you'll get past that awkward stage and have a very strong friendship. But you need to remember that everything takes time.
Dear Tasuki,
*you hear a loud honking and a huge semi drives up next to you* Hey bandit boy! *jumps out of the semi's large door* like that bottle? *walks around to the back and opens the large door* well feast your eyes on this *as you see the whole truck is filled with different types of liquor* yeah baby! *takes a bottle out of one of the crates* *opens the bottle and takes a sip* mmmmmmmmmmmm Mike's Hard Lemonade! Yummyness! wants some? I have plenty to go around. *smiles* and who says I don't have connections. well g2g
Love always,
your Bandit Girl
Dear Bandit Girl,
Thanks! This is good stuff! *Starts chugging ...*
Dear Chichiri,
Thank you so much for your advice about what I should do about my secret. Just a week after you answered me, my friend and I got into a heated discussion and I came out and told her. She was surprised and upset, but she didn't do what I thought she would; she didn't run away from me. It was hard on me, finally telling someone after so long, but it felt good, knowing that I wasn't in it alone anymore. Thank you so much Chichiri. *hands him a rose* This is for you. *bows*
Scarred Angel
Dear Scarred Angel,
You're very welcome! I'm glad I was able to help, no da. Arigato for the rose, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I just wanted to know what your favorite food and colors are. I thought I'd compare them w/ the Seiryuu Seishi (GOMEN! It was just a thought...) Arigatou 4 finding time to answer my letter! **glomps each of the seishi REALLY HARD!** Did I mention that my B-day ws held on May 10? Heheheh... ^_^;; ^_~
Kate and Camille
PS: (to Tasuki): can I borrow a few of those paper wolf talisman thingys?
(to Tamahome): always be happy w/ Miaka-chan!
(to Hotohori): your son is SO CUTE!
(to Nuriko): do you still cross-dress?^_^
**gets hit on the head w/ chair** Kate:Ow-ow-ow-owowowowww!
Camille: How many times do I have to tell you, NEVER EVER insult my most favorite bishonen in the universe!!!
Kate: I wasn't! I was just curious! **sighs** Gomen ne, Nuriko!
Camille: That's better!
Kate: **sweatdrops then mumbles** One of these days, one of these days... **normal voice** Hey! Get off that seat! I still have a letter to write!
Camille: **gets off the chair** Whatever!!
Kate: **more sweatdrops...** OK, where was I...oh yeah! Gomen 4 the wait! My so-called _friend_ here keeps interrupting me!
(to Chichiri): Advanced Happy Birthday!!! **hands him a brand-new kasa** It's not magical but I hope it'll do!
(to Chiriko): Can you give me a few study tips since school is about to start here in the Philippines!
(to Mitsukake): Belated Happy Birthday! **gives him a pack of healing herbs and of course, trout for Tama(-neko not -home!)
Ja ne! Take care!
Camille: Buh-bye, Nuriko-chan!
Kate: **sweatdrop** ... -.-;
Dear Kate and Camille,
Here is a list of everyone's favorite foods: Chichiri: Fish, no da!; Tamahome: Whopper with cheese; Tasuki: Steak! Char-grilled!; Nuriko: Fruit; Mitsukake: Vegatables and fruits; Chiriko: Green tea ice cream; Hotohori: Chocolate ice cream. Our favorite colors are: Chiriko: Green; Nuriko: Purple; Chichiri: Blue, no da.; Tamahome: Gold. The color of okane!; Tasuki: Flame red!;
Hotohori: Suzaku red; Mitsukake: Yellow
Arigato for your knd words. Chirko says to try to get a study group together, it might make thinbgs easier and you all can help each other.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
You've never had Starbursts OR Jolly Ranchers?!That's wierd...
^_^ Anyways, I was just wondering if any of you guys have had Starbucks before.Have you?I also wanted to know if you guys had to be turned into some type of fish/reptile what would you be?(what's with me and these questions?)What's your fave movie?Do any of you watch FRIENDS? ^_____^ Ross and Rachel's baby is being born tonight!!*shrieks with anticipation* Ja!!
Dear Kalypso,
We have! Chichiri no Aijin goes there a lot! We haven't watched Friends in awhile. We tend to like Martial Arts movies.
Tamahome - A goldfish
Chichiri - A blue beta, no da
Tasuki - A shark
Mitsukake - A chameleon
Nuriko - An angelfish
Hotohori - A komodo dragon
Chiriko - A seahorse
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
f you don't like girls, why do you like miaka?
Dear crystalmoon3,
She's like a lil' sister to me!
Dear Tasuki,
Ya know deep down i bet you really do love your sisters. I mean imagine if some odd person tryed to hurt one of them.
I bet you'd be so mad. Of course I would never do such a thing, since i'm such a nice person. *evil grin*
some random psyco whos not plotting evil....hehehe.....
Dear Dead man,
Looks p*ssed* Hurt ANY of 'em an' die!!
Dear Tamahome,
yo! i got a question....theres this weird picture of you and Tauski chibi fighting in a sandbox and my friend and i were a little confused on what you were holding she thinks it was an ice cream and i think its a shovel because no one in their right mind would eat ice cream in a sandbox with a construction worker hat. so uhhh....what do you think it is?
Dear Tana,
It's probably his tessen.
Dear Tasuki,
*brings her picture book over to him and holds it up* will you read to me? pwease?
Dear Lita,
OK, sure!
Tamahome: You know how to read???
Tasuki: Very funny Obake-chan ... >.<
*A brawl ensues ...*
Tasuki and Tamahome
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I am not really understanding the concept of this website. Is this some sort of RPG or what? I guess I am just out of the loop. Heh..
Dear Wendy,
People write us letters and we answer them. Some people do a bit of RPG'ing here, but that is not the purpose of this site.
Dear Tasuki,
what is strip poker!?!what is strip poker!?!
6 year old jess
Dear jess,
It's a card game that yer too young to know 'bout!
Tamahome: It's also a game Tasuki stinks at!
Tasuki: I do not!
Tamahome: Yeah, right. I have 4 letters for you ... DTFC.
Tasuki: Shaddup! >.<;;;
Tasuki and Tamahome
Dear Chichiri,
Dear Eve,
*Sweatdrops* Daaaaaaa …
Dear Nuriko,
*hugs her Onisan tight* I haven't spoken to you for ages. How are you? I've had two of my exams so far and they went well, sociology was easy (I only revised an hour before my exam - naughty I know but I'm going to start doing some soon) and the general studies one isn't even looked at by Universities (Even though I'm going to drama school) I'm quite worried for my english exams though, it's so hard, I have to analyse transcripts and speech aaahhhhhh!
Tomorrow is the last day of college before study leave and the upper year leave. I'm very sad because one of my really good friends is leaving. Today he talked me into getting my belly button pierced so now both of us have silver hoops in our bellies. The bad thing is I haven't told my parents and they will hit the roof lol nevermind I'll just have to hide it. We both have matching silver earings of little treble clefs, he got one for the top of his ear and I have two in the bottom of each ear. We wanted them because we're both in the same choir and tomorrow we're going up the pubs to celebrate leaving, they'll be packed with students.
I've started getting lot's of prospectus' for Drama schools and I'm really liking the sound of one in Edinburgh, but I'm gonna audition for them all, even The Royal Acadmey of Dramatic Art, (RADA) which I'll never get into. Anyways I better be going, take care!
Love Jen xxxxxxx
Dear Jen,
Good luck on your tests and auditions! *Gives her a hug.* Mitsukake says to keep your bellybutton clean and disinfected so your piercing heals properly and doesn't get infected.
Dear Chichiri,
Hi! I was wondering when you first said your "na no da!" expression and how did you get that expression anyway, no da? Sorry I just couldn't help myself, no da! I think I got it from you, na no da! Oh yeah, do you still wear your mask until now? **glomps Chichiri briefly** Thanks for finding time to answer my questions! ^_^
Dear Kate,
I still wear my mask, no da. I don't really remember, it's just the way I've always spoken, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
What would you rather have? Army of Chickens or an Army of Cows?
Dear Kumade,
Army of Darkness!!
Dear Tasuki,
yay! you forgive me! *glomps* (noone has that signature yet do they?) Anyways,you sound like you had a fun weekend! ^___^ . Tuesday I went to go pay for my classes at the college I'm going's to dern expensive >.< 97.00 bucks for two classes and then on top of that 100+ something for books -_-...I'm going to go get the books this friday with Rose when she goes to sell her books. Then on saturday we get to meet CNA,one-chan and her friends! *Notes to them,be afraid be very afraid I have a camera now* >D...mwahahaha j/k...I do have a camera though and I want to take some pictures. Anyways,did you get anything in Chinatown and Lil Tokyo? A while back when my friends and I went to chinatown,we saw that they were like constructing Lil Tokyo or something like that..but we didn't know where it was friend wants to go to Chinatown again in June,but I'm not sure if I can go yet because of school. ;___; what should I do? I have to respond back to her letter,but I dunno what time my class will be at. e.e help me? well uhm...I should be going now. TTYL.
Dear Shukumei,
Nah, we didn't buy nothin' there. Tell her ya' won't know until ya' know yer schedule fer school.
Dear Hotohori,
I have my first fanfiction posted on this address
you will have to do the following to read my story.
1) first you will have to go to the justin column on the top. then you will ahve to choose fushigi yuugi from the category list at the upper right hand corner. then read my fic titled, "FOREVER YOURS" by ANYA.
got bored so ask you this question,
who was the first dude in space, was it yuuri gagarin or hotohorior anya or obi-wan-kenobi? love you!
Dear anya,
I have read it. It is a good start. How are you doing with the heat wave? The first man in space was Yuri Gagarin.
Dear Hotohori,
*blinks* ohh okay.. *spots Mama* Mama!!! Papa said he'll come swimming!!
Good, I have the swimming things and the picnic all packed. Boushin you carry the swimming clothes *hands him a small bag*, I'll carry the towels and such, and you my fine husband can carry the food..
Papa carries food???
Boushin-chan.. even your Papa has to earn those muscles, they don't grow from simply ordering them to.
Honto Papa??
Houki and Boushin
Dear Houki and Boushin,
She's right Boushin. You too will have to earn your muscles someday. *Smiles and hefts the food.*
Dear Nuriko,
*grins* an onsen in the snow, sounds wonderful. Itoshii, I thought you had bad memories about Hokkan?
*picks a beeless flower off a tree and sticks it into her hair* and remember the rest of you is in our garden back at the palace.
*gets a very strange idea* are you planning something at Kokuzan??
Dear Doc-sama,
*Smiles* Maybe …
Dear Chichiri,
*a little 8 year-old girl blinks big kawaii eyes at him* You look kinda like 'tousan...He has blue hair too... *smiles* Are you one of 'tousan's friends that he tol' me about??
Dear Kiokuryoku,
I could be, no da. Who is your otousan, no da?
Dear Tasuki,
*grins* But what about hentai questions about you and somebody else?
Dear Anasia,
No! >.<
Dear Tasuki,
*sips some plum sake* Care for some? This stuff is good.
It's been a long day. A really long, slow, dull-@$$ day. *takes another sip* It gets so darn isolating in that area where I work. There are no windows, and one guy there is making me want to do my impersonation of you on him. UCK! *takes another sip, and reaches for another bottle*
*sips sake again* Ask yourself this question. How would you feel if *slurps some more sake* you had to spend eight hours of every working day behind a desk with no one really to talk to, feeling about as useful *hic**takes another sip* Help me out here! I can't find the f(&^* words. *swigs sake from the bottle*
Yes, I know that drinking from the bottle was pretty sick, but *hic* I just need to feel somewhat more useful there. I'm to f*&(* isolated...*cradles half-empty bottle* Funny. I almost never drink this much. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! *slurps from the bottle*
Well, guess it's bedtime...*gets up, staggers, and hits the floor hard* Itai. *reaches for bottle again, weakly* Hey, there's still some left...may I? *passes out*
Lady Shera, who usually doesn't drink this much
Dear Lady Shera,
*Lifts her up and places her on a bed.* 'Che! Can't hold yer liquor can ya'? Why don't ya' tell yer boss that ya' want more to do so ya' feel useful?
Dear Tasuki,
OI! THAT'S IT! **stands up, brushes self off** Don't know you're own strength, eh? **Runs and tackles Tasuki, knocking him to the floor and sits on his chest** How'd ya like that?? Don't even try getting up, Gen-chan... I'll just knock ya back down again. Now... you gonna let me join the bandits? **her own fanged grin** Bwahahaha!!!
Dear Kokkei,
Not yet! *Flips her over and pins her… *
Dear Chiriko,
It did get better! My friend got to come over and we had fun. Sorry no math problem today either. (I haven't had time to write one down for ya) I've been extra busy with my Biology. (I'm not that good in it) Well goota go I'll try to get you a Math prob. next time oky doky? *gives him hug* Bye *waves happly and leaves*
Saya AKK
Dear Saya AKK,
I'm glad it got better for you. Take care!
Dear Chichiri,
*blinks* nur-sama....dociko? who are dey? I want mamma and papa....Did ou tay fis? I wove fis^_^ wets go! *pulls on his hand* *stops* wits way?*looks up at him*
Dear Taki,
This way, no da! So, who are your parents? Do you know their names, no da?
Dear Hotohori,
How do you do that sparkly thing? Must be a super bishonen thing huh? Something you were born with maybe? ^.~
Dear Sakie-chan,
I guess it's just something I was born with.
Dear Nuriko,
Gen: Well, Kori-mama got pretty sick and grouchy a few days ago. She went to visit Auntie Orian and the bandits and Kimi-mama said something about her coming home 'trashed'.
Kensune: Kimi-mama seemed kinda mad about the bandits throwing trash at each other. We asked Kori-mama if there was any banana peels when she felt better and she said no and then took us FISHING!
Gen: *waves a hand at Kensune* Euch! It was boring. I kept having to be patient. So instead I made fun by myself!
Kensune: *glares at Gen* You pushed me in the lake and made my nice clothes all wet!
Gen: *sticks out his tongue*
Kensune: But when we got home Kimi-mama was all relaxed. She gets un-frazzled when we go fishing!*grin*
Gen: So ya. They're good.
Kensune and Gen-chan
Dear Kensune and Gen-chan,
That's good to hear. Sounds like they're doing well.
Dear Hotohori,
*_* waaaaai Hotohori liked it. I figured you deserved it, not a lot of people suport you and Houki, so I decided I would ^_^ :kisses his cheek: Glad you enjoyed it, makes it all worthwhile.
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley Chan,
I'm glad that you're pleased. *Smiles*
Dear Chichiri,
*ok let's play this slowly befor I tell him how much I love him ok here we go alright* i..i..i..i.. did you know...i....the..RRRAA!!!!CHICHIRI I LOVE YOU SO MUCH THAT I WOULD KILL MY SELF IF YOU GOT HURT!!!!(OH SHUT DID I SAY THAT OUT LOUD) WEELLLL UMMMM BYE HEHEHE..
Dear ZIP,
*Blushes and sweatdrops* Ano … arigato, no da…
Dear Hotohori,
i want to know if there is some books of "Flower Comics" that i can by in the net, and if there is any of them translated, if there are , can you tell me?? please!!
I'm Portuguese so i want you to please forgive me if i don't write well.
Dear Bety,
Have you tried they carry translated versions of many manga including Fushigi Yuugi.
Dear Mitsukake,
Gomeeeeeeeen! We forgot to say happy birthday to you on time! *Both give him a big hug*
Umihebiza no Miko and ChibInu-chan no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko and ChibInu-chan no Miko,
Arigato! *Smiles and hugs them back.*
Dear Tasuki,
Oro, Hibana-chan, if you're cold, why don't you fan yourself with your tessen?
Dear Selphi,
Better yet, why don't I fan ya'! *Fanged grin*
Dear Chichiri,
Whatever. There aren't any psychiatrists in Lina's world (where I'm from), and besides, they're freaky.
Dear Karen,
Ah, gomen, no da.
Dear Mitsukake,
DAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! (throws a table at Mitsukake then leaves muttering "So he was intimate with Shoka and he's bums to the breeze!"
Dear Amy-sama,
I am not! I just don't think those are proper questions for a young lady to ask.
Dear Mitsukake,
I AM BACK! *roars*
And I missed you all. Well, actually, I only really missed you, but that's because I was focusing on Ephemeral Fantasia so much.
For you birthday, I'll give you MYSELF! HA HA HA! o.o; Just kidding. I'll give you whatever I have.. ^^; *gives him a home-cooked omelette, an earring, a pen, her dog, some creamers, and a roll of bandages* Next year, I'll get some better stuff! Although I personally think I would be the best present. Heh heh heh..
By the way, I have reason to believe you really DO exist in my world. Why? Because, for the past year I've had an obsession. I have pictures of you in my room on in my binder. And about 2 weeks ago a dime fell from my shower. I was convinced YOU sent that dime down. Then, magically, a penny dropped on my head in my Florida room ( a small room used for just sitting around and doing nothing). And the next day, another dime fell on my head in my room. All fell from the celing. Coincidence? I think not.
Wired IraMirado
Dear IraMirado,
Arigato for the birthday wishes and gifts. Money falling on your head? Sounds more like Tasuki is holding Tamahome upside down and shaking him!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Oii ^__^ Long time no see! Acutally, I'm writing this to you this because the URL of my website( doesn't work anymore(it's screwed up O_O;;).
So my new URL is:
I will someday change my URL.. sooner or later... I dunno XD
So how are you guys? All of you are happy and so on? ^^ BTW, I've updated lot's of new fanarts on my peeji ^.^ Have a nice day!
Dear Kuriichan,
We're fine and have added the link to our links peeji.
Dear Nuriko,
*comes in* NURIKO!!!! im getting married can you do my hair for me please?????*gives him puppy eyes* ill pay you!!!!
Dear Samantha,
Congratulations! Of course I'll do your hair! It will be my gift to you.
Dear Chiriko,
hey lil brother! *is getting married to kengo* im soo excited!!!!!! *hugs him* then ill be a part of your family! *has inu-yasha haniging aout with her* isnt he cute inu-yasha?*points to chiriko*
Inu-Yasha:... stop her sugar rush will ya kid?
Samantha: oh hes so funny!
Inu-Yasha ... *pats her head*
Samantha: bye lil brother!
Inu-Yasha: oh god here we go!
Samantha and Inu-Yasha
Dear Samantha and Inu-Yasha,
You're what? I still think you're a bit young for that.
Dear Hotohori,
Is there a law of nature that says teenagers will always be sleepy? *Leans against him and falls asleep* -.-
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
I think it is a law of nature that teenagers stay up late and don't get enough sleep. *Smiles and carries her to a couch.*
Dear Nuriko,
*Gen and Kensune beam*
Kensune: You remember! *hugs Nuriko's leg*
Gen: Do you remember us or just Kori-mama and Kimi-mama? Kori-mama says I've met you but I don't remember it! *also glomps Nuriko's leg*
Kensune and Gen-chan
Dear Kensune and Gen-chan,
Well you both were babies when I last saw you! I certainly remember your mothers. How are they doing?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
No offense against you guys or any guys on the site, but right now I kinda hate guys. Well not as much as I was yesterday.
*sighs* My boyfriend broke up with me. Reason: His feelings towards me were wavering and he didn't want to lead me on. At least he told me. And we're working on being friends, which needless to say is extremely weird. But I'm trying not to dislike him to the point of hatred.
Not that I could hate him, I have a hard time hating people. But it hurt. It really hurt. He made me really really happy. I was so upset yesterday that I took all the letters he wrote me and shredded them in a paper shredder. Now I wish I hadn't. Oh well. What's done is done, ne?
I had a great time at my prom though. Apparently I looked absolutey beautiful. Just thought you guys would like to know. Until next time.
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
*Gives her a hug.* I know it's hard but there will be other boyfriends. I admire the fact that he was upfront with you. Most of us wouldn't be.
Dear Tasuki,
AHA! Think you got me, didja! **drinks sake and makes a comeback, pinning Tasuki's arm to the table** Booyah! I win, you lose! Bring on the sake!!! Drinks are on Gen-chan! Bwahahaahaha!!!
Dear Kokkei,
Yeah, right. *Makes his comeback, pinning her arm for a second and then fillping her out of her seat.* Oops! Heh-heh-heh... guess I don't know my own strength. *Fanged grin*
Dear Chichiri,
If you had the chance to make a crayon that is the color of your hair, what would it be?
Dear Chichiri_babe,
The color of the wind, no da. That is how Watase-sensei describes it, no da.
Dear Ashley Chan,
Actually, I rather enjoyed it. Arigato. *Smiles and sparkles*
Dear Hotohori,
*hugs his Papa's neck*
Mama made me a special motko for swimming, are you going to wear your kuroneko? *blinks* Mama says she likes the kuroneko.
Ohh I found the swimming hole, for some strange reason it's all walled in, why is that Papa?
Dear Boushin,
That's for privacy. That way your admirers won't bother you. *Smiles*
Dear Nuriko,
I DID IT!! I finally did it....oh, yes, I'm so very, VERY proud of myself. Here it is - my ultimate tribute! ^^; I drew/colored the pictures and put it together myself... O.o here's a link:
What d'you think? ^^
Also, I got a letter back from NCSA (the art school I was trying to get into). They accepted me!! *dies of happiness* Only 22 of 68 applicants got in... ^^ I'll be going to live on campus, so I'll be leaving home (sure, it's only 20 minutes away, but stiiiiill...), and I'll be leaving all my friends about 2 years earlier than I would've had I stayed at my high school....but I'm so excited! Waaaai! ^^
Dear Kerri,
It's great! Arigato! Omedeto on being accepted! I KNEW you'd get in! We're all very happy for you! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Chichiri,
my friend drawed a nice picture of you How do I send it in?
Dear Tasuki,
hey honey I'v been waiting for you. how's about you come to my bed room .
Dear unknown,
I DON'T think so! >.< How 'bout ya' stop writin' sukebe letters?
Dear Chichiri,
can I ppppplllleeeeaaasssee be your fianceeppppllllleeeeeaaaasssee!!!!!! I'v been waiting for this day for a lloongg time by the way I would like my first kiss to be from you!! ^.^
Dear Eve,
Thank you for your kind offer, but I really do not wish to have another fiancée, no da. *Gives her a kiss on the forehead.*
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