Dear Nuriko,
*knees Sekkei-chan and follows him*
this is a beautiful day to go for a ride.. *looks around at the city around them* it's been a long time since we've been outside the palace walls. Ryu-chan.. *rides up next to him* which direction will we be heading?
Dear Doc-sama,
We're heading north, towards Hakodate.
Dear Chichiri,
Heya chichiri! ^^ I wanted to give you an early**EARLY** b-day present.. >.> I might forget...i always forget o.o Oh well ^^ *gives him a chocolate cake with blue letters saying Happy B-day Chichiri No Da! And a Wishing machine* ^^; If u could please share the machine with the others. ^^ I think Everyone would love it! hehehe Happy Early Birthday Chichiri! Cya later ^^
Dear Kisato-Chan,
Arigato for the cake and the presents, no da! Of course I'll share, no da!
Dear Mitsukake,
Oniisan! Did you get to see the picture I drew of you? I actually had to draw another copy because I didn't like how the first one was coming out,so I drew another copy and this time I actually got to put Tama-neko in it! ^__^ I hope you liked it? Anyways,has anyone been bothering you lately? I see someone here has a big crush on ya! that's so cute...I read her letter,and it seems to me she's just a tad bit hyper don't you thinkso? Anyways,you handled that very well oniisan. *Gives him a kiss on his cheek*. ^^ well I gotta lot of stuff to do so I'll talk to you laters okay? *Gives him a hug,and feeds Tama-neko a trout* Tama-neko loves Trout right?
Dear Shukumei,
I did. Arigato! I checked and I'm able to see it in my Gallery. Perhaps you need to refresh your browser? Arigato for the fish for Tama-neko. It's one of his favorites.
Dear Tasuki,
WELCOME BACK!! *Smiles all wide like* Tasuki-kun I just wanna say I'm sorry for scarin ya like that...I didn't know that my hyperness could actually scare anyone @_@....forgive me? ^^; anyways,how was your weekend? Mine was good. I got to go visit my friend Rose's relatives again this weekend...and guess what? I'm part of their family now ^___^. Heehee the little kids that belong to the person who cut my hair,are calling me ate now which means older sister in Filipino. It's so cute how they say it. Heehee. Well,I should probably start watching FY again I'm getting really bored lately,and that's the only thing that actually keeps me from going insane @_@ j/k...but it does make me unbored o.o; well uhm...I think I better go now.
Dear Shukumei,
It's ok, I fergive ya'. My weekend was ok. We went to Chinatown an' to Lil' Tokyo. It was fun! Yer second family sounds nice!
Dear Mitsukake,
Happy Birthday I made an apple pie from scratch. Just for your birthday. *Hands over her pie with crust a bit lopsided* Sorry the crust is a little lopsided I made the crust from scratch to. But people tell me my pies taste good. Hope you like it. =) See ya later.
Dear Sakie-chan,
Domo arigato gozaimasu for the oishii apple pie. *Smiles*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*cough sniff sniff* Sorry. I'm sick and prom is this weekend and I got a major test tomorrow. This isn't right!
But there is good news. I get to run cross-country next year. Yay! my coach and I worked everything out. Sorta. I'm going to be a senior next year but I'm going to have to run JV meets next year until I can prove to her, that I'm going to pay more attention to running than I am about how I feel about the coach. At least I get to run next year.
Let's see. I'm getting a bit more sleep now. Which is good. The only bad thing is, I'm completly disillusioned by some things now.
Like kissing. I got my first real kiss last weekend on my boyfriends and mine anniversary. But now I'm sick! I got sick the day after he kissed him. I wasn't sick and neither was he. But now I don't know what to think about kissing. Oh well. I hope I get better before prom.
Well gotta jet. I got stuff to study for. See ya later.
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
Congratulations on getting to run! Don't give up on kissing! Odaijini!
Dear Chiriko,
Yay I have now 99 paper cranes ^.^ 1 more and i have 100!!! YAY!!! But...i still more to go to make 1000^^ But i wont give up! *makes a paper crane* Done now i have 100 ^.^ ^-^ *hugs Chiriko* Well got to go! Cya later!!
Dear Kisato-Chan,
Ganbatte kudasai! Only 900 more to go!
Dear Chichiri,
hi chichiri, all i'm asking is for someone to listen to mom got pregnate at the age of fourteen and i have two brothers i don't even know them...and everything in my life is going friends are all having troubles of there own but my one friend lenore is going through a lot, and now i don't know what to do she won't talk to me or even call, she ju st stays quiet listening to her if you have any advice for me i'd love to here it. * balls fists and sighs* U.U;;;
Luna moon
Dear Luna moon,
Have you spoken to her parents about her behavior, no da? She sounds depressed and could need professional help, no da. If you want, I'll listen to you. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Chichiri,
Ya i'm glad to he's a real sweet heart today i'm going to saint star's dad's and hang out then next weekend i'm going to c-chan's oh it's nice and rainy right now but on saterday it will be 69 F and sunday it will be 72!!!! *sigh* oh well the warmer it gets the more swimming i can do!!!! how have you been doing????
Dear Luna^-^noda!!!,
I'm fine, no da.
Dear Chiriko,
*pokes him* uh chiriko i am at the age that i can get married ^^;;;;;;;;! anywho *huggles him* i gotta go see ya!
Dear Samantha,
Are you? You look a bit young to me
Dear Mitsukake,
Hey Mitsukake! I was looking at some old letter responses and I found this one:
Dear Mitsukake,
how come no one loves you?
Mitsukake, don't get sad! Get glad because:
AHHHHHHH Who ever said that was so wrong! I LOVE YOU MITSUKAKE!!!!! YES! IT'S TRUE! I LOVE YOU!!!!! FOR YOUR MY FAVORITE SEISHI, MY SEISHI!!! Lol my friends would say more obsessed, then love...BUT lets look past that!..heh..heh..ummm...wait.. why did I write you again?...OH YEAH!
*suddenly turns really shy, blushy, looks down and starts to shift foot back and forth on the floor* I was wondering.... if you'd go out with me....*loud again* PLEASE!!!!!!!!
*leans in and whispers to him* Oh btw, I'm usually not like this, just when I'm really really really nervous! And I'm nervous because if I could date ANYWAY in the whole world, reality or book, I'd date you! and onnnnnllllyyyy you!!!
And I think we'd get along because I'm really into medicine too... more colony time period though...ummmm I am kind of quiet... seriously I am... you should see me in spanish class... I don't move or speak... and I LOVE CATS *grabs cat named Xuxa and starts petting her* PREETTTTYYY KIIIITTTTYYYY *puts down cat*....ummmm I have black hair thats really long and curly (yes because everyone with the same hair color live in harmony *rolls eyes and thinks to herself...come one Mits! Think harder! Need- to- go- out- with him!*)
Oh! and I remember your birthday..HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!... GOMEN! I know I'm late... 2 days late, but I did celebrate it! I wore purple and yellow (so did Chiri!) and my friends had a party!- ...even though on that site you and me are dating already....*sweat drops* ummmm ok...
Later dayz!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!!! Call me!
Dear Mits,
If I were able to come to your world I would certainly spend time with you as a friend. Your page is great! We will be putting it in our links peeji! Arigato! If I were able to come to your world I would certainly spend time with you as a friend. Your page is great! We will be putting it in our links peeji! Arigato!
Dear Chiriko,
Hello! Boy oh boy I've had a tough week *smiles wearily* and it is only half over just my luck huh? I can't even think strait enough to ask you any math problems *giggles* that's a first for me but I just wanted to say "hi" and hope you have a better week then me *hugs him* well gotta get back to work but I'm talk to ya laters bye-bye
Saya AKK
Dear Saya AKK,
I hope it gets better for you! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Chichiri,
*a small girl walks in* p...papa *looks around for someone* weres papa....and mama *begins to cry*
5 year old Taki
Dear Taki,
Are you looking for Doc-sama and Nuriko, no da? They went on a short retreat and should be back soon. Would you like to help me fish, no da?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Do you guys watch Star Wars? (if so are you excited that Star Wars II attach of the clones is coming out?) and may the force be with you *bows and leaves*
Jedi Master Shakaku
Dear Jedi Master Shakaku,
Yes we've seen Star Wars and we're definitely looking forward to part 2!
Dear Hotohori,
*stands back up* As you wish I will stand before you my Ousama.
Admirer of Hotohori
Dear Admirer,
Arigato, please make yourself at home while you are here.
Dear Mitsukake,
AHHH!! I think I missed your B-day! *sobs* my mom "rearanged" my stuff and I can't find my b-day lists *shakes fists in frustration* But if I did sorry and if not yippy! I have only small things to ofer and I'm sorry I couldn't get you what you asked. *hands him a home made birthday cake decorated beautifully with a very tranquil blue and a small girl with black hair holding a victory sign* I hope you birthday was great (if I mised it) and I remember to have fun ^_^V
Saya AKK
Dear Saya AKK,
It was the 7th. Arigato for the lovely cake and wonderful birthday wishes. *Smiles*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
You guys are going to a-kon in Dallas right? I might be able to *crosses fingers* I hope well gotta go TTFN
Anime Lover 258SK
Dear Anime Lover 258SK,
Gomen, we aren't. But we will be at AX02 and Animagic.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
LOL its quite alright Tamahome, can I borrow your Cel so I can actually get a signal in CnA's house ^_^ I cant wait to see you guys next month! Love you all!
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley Chan,
Sure but for some reason my signal is pretty weak at her place, too!
Dear Mitsukake,
*crawls around on the floor*
~Mama? Papa?~
*finds a corner and curls up to cry*
~no love Sora anymore?~ ;.;
*feels kitty curling up next to him, and hugs kitty*
Dear Sora,
*Picks up Sora and Tama-neko and hugs them both.* Your parents are off for some much needed quiet time. Don't worry they will be back soon.
Dear Nuriko,
*both little boys beam*
Gen: *drags a hand through his wild orange hair* You know the empresses of Konan.?
Kensune: *brushes dust off his nice red clothes* We belong to them!
Kensune and Gen-chan
Dear Kensune and Gen-chan,
There's only one empress, Houki and Boushin is her son. *Realizes who he's speaking to.* Wait a second! You're from that alternate reality aren't you?
Dear Hotohori,
*starts to sob* I present a gesture of peace and goodwill with the meager materials I have available and you just try to kick me out?!! See if I'm ever nice to you again!
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
*Wrings pickle juice out of his hair.* It was a used pickle jar and it still had the juice in it! You call that nice? Now I smell worse than Tasuki!
Dear Mitsukake,
*cries* Oniisan,today is your birthday? or when is your birthday? *cries even more* ;___; Happy early(or late?) birthday oniisan! *Gives him a bag full of medicines utensils,and herbs* I hope this'll help you heal your patients too? ^___^. Weeee oniisan did you hear the good news? CnA,One-chan,and possibly her friends and I are going to meet at the mills! I can't wait for that day, I'm so excited!! WOW..this is like the first time ever getting really really excited about meeting someone! CnA must be special ^__^ in fact I know she is! ^___^ Anyways, gomen nasai for not remembering when your birthday is...pwease don't hate me ;____;. I hope I'm not to late am I? ;____;
Dear Shukumei,
My birthday was May 7th. Don't worry! I could never hate any of my fans! Arigato for the birthday wishes!
Dear Chichiri,
(runs back over) Okay! (panting) A wanderer, huh? You certainly don't look like one! Did the others question your appearance when you met them? I remember how Lina-tachi reacted when they found out I was a priestess! (Karen: (drinking tea) Lina: WHAT?! That weirdo kappa is a priestess?! WHAM! (table slams into Lina's head) Karen: (still drinking tea, but table is now missing) Of course, she Fireballed me afterwards...then a mini-war followed, but afterwards it settled down. Anyway, I have a bit o' a problem. You see, something happened to me when I was a little girl, and I haven't really been able to get past it. It's what made me become a priestess. Do you think you can help me get over it?
Dear Karen,
I can try, but you might be better served by seeking professional counseling, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Oi, the color almost looks attractive on you, Hibana-chan! But if you want to get it out... (flicks sensu opens) KOORI NO NAMI!!!!! (wave of ice water slams into Tasuki, washing the hair dye out) That better?
Kagami: I think you froze him!
Selphi: HEY! *%(# YOU!!! AND WHAT WOULD YOU KNOW ABOUT IT, YOU ()*$@#&%)@)#$*()@#$(* KITSUNE?!?!?!
Kagami: MORE THAN YOU, HIME-CHAN!!! (runs off)
Selphi: Hey! GET THE #($)@(#*$)(@#*$)(*@#$)*)@*%)@*(#% BACK HERE!!!!!!!
Dear Selphi,
*Stands there wet and shivering* Yeah
it's jus' great
Dear Mitsukake,
(smirks) Which question, the boxers and briefs, or the intimacy question?
Dear Amy-sama,
*Sweatdrops* Yes!
Dear Hotohori,
What do you think makes great literature "great"? *Currently reading Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet"*
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
The stories are timeless and speak to all people regardless of race, culture or beliefs.
Dear Nuriko,
Gomen. I need to ask you another question. If you ever went to Miaka's world, and was a average student, would you move to Alaska? Or would you like to visit another place?
matrix6_99(nuriko's love)
p.s. Waht's your favorite color?
Dear matrix6_99,
I don't understand what one thing has to do with the other, but no. I might visit though. My favorite color is purple.
Dear Tamahome,
I think your relationship with Miaka is so sweet, but why do you tease her so much? People do have feelings, especially women!
matrix6_99(nuriko's love)
Dear matrix6_99,
Tease her? When did I do that?
Dear Tasuki,
Why do you hate women so much!?! We're pretty, and smart, and most of us love you!!! I just think you should consider us, ok?
matrix6_99(nuriko's love)
Dear matrix6_99,
I dunno
ya'll might be jus' as nuts as my sisters!
Dear Tasuki,
Ohayou! So Tasuki-kun you like my website? ^___^ I hope so! Uhm,I just think you should know that you didn't finish the sentence out on the links peeji. Anyways, what does this OR ELSE!! thing mean? You gonna fry them if they don't visit? ^___^ wai! *get's to hear him say Lekka Shinen!* ^___^ hehe..Okay I'm a little hyper,but I have a right! I get to meet CnA !! wai wai wai! uhm,okay I think I'll go now,before I bug ya or scare ya @_@
Dear Shukumei,
I do. It's a threat! Ya' know, "do this or else
" *Sweatdrops* Yer already scarin' me! @_@;;;
Dear Nuriko,
*gasps* NURIKO!! *Pounce* Sorry Doc-sama had to do it.. uhm,anyways guess what?! Give up? I got my hair cut yesterday!(05/07/02). It looks really really good! It makes me look a little older =D. Anyways,my friend's aunt did it for me,I guess I'm like part of the family now,cause they were talking about me going to their homeland which is the phillipines,and they would pay for the rooms,and stuff like that all i have to do is get a plane ticket. Anyways,her aunt had cut it for FREE yesterday,I offered to pay for it but she said dont' worry about it,and that I'm part of the family!*Smiles* I have a third family now heehee.And guess what? It's an asian haircut *Smiles even wider* I like it it looks really good. hehe. Oh yeah guess what else? either on the 18th or 19th I'm finally going to meet CnA and One-chan! ^___^ WAI! *does the bandit dance* >D. It's gonna be fun!
*sighs*now for the breaking news...about two weeks ago,I turned in my application the same day/time my friend did,at a college to take ONE class,and well her's had already been process that same week,and she got her registration form that weekend. Well I never received anything so a week goes by,and I call them on friday,and they told me that my app.hasn't been processed into the system,they said to do the orientation online,and wait till monday or tuesday and if you haven't heard anything,call them back,so I did just that,I did the orientation,and I still got nothing so I called them back. You KNOW what they want me to do?! They want me to drive all the way down there,to fill OUT another application which more then likely they'll probably lose that one too >.<; what do I do? I mean I really want to take it,but not if they're going to be idiots and not process my application when it should've been processed either that day or that week when I had turned it in! The lady I had even told me,it'll take up to a few days to a week to send my registration form,when I'm in the system! So what do I do? My dad thinks I shouldn't go over there and fill out another one,and I really don't want too,and waste my money for one class when I have Japanese pen pals,and programs,and books to teach me it! So what do I do? I mean I'm looking on the bright side of things, I wont' have to waste my money on a class when I already have the essentials I need. It's just I want to learn the characters and such. Anyways, what a drag ne? Sorry to complain.
Dear Shukumei,
This is all a part of life. Look at it as a learning experience. Go to the college, fill out the paperwork, make a copy, and give it to them again. The tentative plans are to meet you at 5:00 PM in front of Gameworks on the 18th. Chichiri no Aijin has to pick them up after their class at 4:00 and it takes about 45 minutes to an hour to get to Ontario from Studio City. See you then!
Dear Chichiri,
how many people can you transform to?
Dear Judith,
There is no specific number, no da. I can obviously only do one at a time though, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
I think you are so beautiful. Hotohori is handsome and you are beautiful, what a perfect match. I think that Hotohori doesn't deserve a person as beautiful as you. I wish you were a woman, so Hotohori-sama would have prefered you over Houki-sama. I don't mean that you are not good enough for a man though, you look handsome too.
Dear Judith,
*Looks confused* Arigato, I think
Dear Hotohori,
if Nuriko was a woman, would you have prefered her over Houki? I think Nuriko still looks better than Houki-sama. Houki-sama has grown older and uglier(sorry) in the ova, and the Eiken den, sorry if i spelled it wrong.
Dear Judith,
I disagree with you about Houki. As for Nuriko, I don't know.
Dear Hotohori,
*comes up beside his Papa and tugs on his clothes*
Papa will you make them leave me alone?
*points to the group of little girls following him*
I know I should get used to it, but I want to play instead.
*takes his hand*
will you go swimming with me? maybe they'll go away?
Dear Boushin,
*Smiles and picks him up.* I doubt they will leave but a swim does sound nice.
Dear Nuriko,
*saddles sekkei-chan, then heads back to the apartment for her manicure/pedicure it* I forgot to bring it.. ^^;;
*packs the kit in her bag, and climbs onto sekkei's back* You've got lead, since I have no idea where we're going.
Dear Doc-sama,
OK! Follow me! *Starts off towards the onsen.*
Dear Tamahome,
Tamahome? *jumps up from behind a low wall, weilding a pencil and a canary suit* REMEMBER ME!?!?!!?!?!!?
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
ACK!! Hai!! *Runs away from the canary suit.*
Dear Chiriko,
42? I'm afraid I don't understand...Anywho,did you ever sleep with a stuffed animal when you were a kid?Are you a cat person or a dog person or what (i like rats!)? Have you ever heard of 'A Chorus Line'?Its an awesome musical and I was just thinking of it for some reason...If you were to be reincarnated into some type of insect what would it be?Have a great day! Ja!
Dear Kalypso,
It's a reference from "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy". No, I didn't. I'm a cat person. I have heard of that play. A bookworm.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi!I already asked Chiriko this, but if you all had to be reincarnated as insects,what would you want to be?Which is better, Starbursts or Jolly Ranchers?I like Jolly Ranchers the best.What's your fave. flavor?Watermellon rules!Uh, I gotta go!Ja!!
Dear Kalypso,
We've never had either candy before so we really can't say. Here's your bugs:
Tamahome - Bumblebee
Chichiri - June bug, no da
Nuriko - Ladybug
Hotohori - Monarch butterfly
Mitsukake - Goliath beetle
Tasuki - Fire ant
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Weeeee it was SO great seeing you all this weekend ^_^ I had the BEST TIME! I got comments for you all ^__^ ;_; please all reply ^_~
Tamahome: LOL WTF What WAS with the Cell Phone? What's your service ^_~
Hotohori: ^_^ I know something yoooooou dont (cant tell, spoiler) but it's sweet it's sappy and you rule, and I finally realized that Houki really truly rocks, yay Houki! Boushin's cute, gimmie!
Nuriko: You are the CUTEST ****** ^_^ MWAH
Chichiri: Ya know, you really shouldn't use ya know, ya know =P
Chirkio: you are a kawaii ************, can I raise you ^_^
Tasuki: PAPAAAAA! Your new outfit rules ^_^ you go!
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley Chan,
Gomen that we edited your letter, but we feel that even mild spoilers should not be given out. It was great seeing you as well! My cel phone is a DoCoMo! ^_~
Dear Nuriko,
*two little boys come charging up to Nuriko and chase each other around and around Nuriko's legs till they knock him over*
Gen: Oh! We're sorry!
Kensune: *looks mortified and pulls on Nuriko's sleeve* Are you okay!
*both kawaii little boys blink at him*
Gen: We didn't hurt you did we? Kori-mama would KILL us!
Kensune: And Kimi-mama would be very grumpy...
Chibi Genrou and Kensune-chan
Dear Chibi Genrou and Kensune-chan,
Don't worry, I'm fine! *Smiles* Now who do you two belong to?
Dear Hotohori,
*wanders in, shuffling feet* Say Heika? Do you remember when I took your bucket crown and used it to drink chocolate milk out of? Well.... it took me a long time - but I found you another hat. *puts a big-@$$ pickle jar on his head* Here you go!
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
*Looks totally not amused. Pulls pickle jar off of his head.* GUARDS!!! Seize her!
Dear Mitsukake,
*walks in with a big cake and presents* Happy birthday, Mitsukake-san! I come bringing gifts and a cake that I know you will find very appetizing. (Chriko said you don't drink). So I asked the royal chefs to make this wonderful cake *gestures to a big apple-and-raisin spice cake with vanilla yogurt filling and powdered sugar glaze on the top* Not one drop of alcohol. Guess Tasuki won't be touching this one. He's probably still full from all that rum cake he ate last month. Did he ever share any with the rest of you? If I know that bandit, he probably scarfed that cake in one sitting and got one h*lluva bad stomach ache afterward. You might mention to him that showing some moderation won't kill him.
Anyway, these are your presents *presents a 5000 ryou gift certificate to "Cure-All Casa;" a foot bath with a built-in massager; a fully-stocked first aid kit complete with forceps, field dressing, and special pouches to keep the herbs separated and fresh; and a silver-framed picture of Shoka wearing a light blue chiffon dress* I read somewhere that blue is a very soothing color if you're looking for relaxation. There's probably a very special place for this picture.
Also, I went to the doctor about my arm (which isn't as sore as it was yesterday, but still aches a little), and so far it doesn't seem to be carpal tunnel syndrome. More likely a pinced nerve from overuse. So I've been given a prescription for an anti-inflammatory and told to exercise it. Hope it works. I may have to go back if it doesn't.
Well, getting back to the celebration, let's have some cake. *puts candles on the cake and kisses him on the cheek* It's your day of days, Mitsukake-san. Enjoy it!
Lady Shera
Dear Lady Shera,
Arigato for all the wonderful presents and birthday wishes! Arigato for the oishii cake as well! I'm glad to hear that you saw a doctor about your arm. Odaijini! As for Tasuki he does need to learn moderation, but he did not seem to suffer any ill effects from his overindulgence. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Hotohori,
Ano,Hotohori-sama I was wondering if you can let my little Nephew Ken-kun play with Boushin while I run some errands.And don't worry Ken is very well behaved.
Ken:*walks up to Hotohori*hotohori-sama why are you so beautiful?
Water Sprite and Ken-kun
Dear Water Sprite and Ken-kun,
Of course! I do not know, I was just born this way. *Smiles and sparkles*
Dear Tasuki,
Your Welcome Tasuki! ^^
Dear Kisato-Chan,
Dear Tasuki,
Is the reason you hate women because of your older sisters or is there some deeper reason?
Your biggest fan
Dear fan,
Of course it's th' fault of my nut cake sisters!
Dear Tasuki,
Hey bandit boy, *grabs at the bottle* give me back my drink. it was yummy.oh nevermind *opens up a cooler behind her and takes out another* *takes a sip* mmmmmmmm yummyness. well g2g *kisses his cheek* byee
Love always your bandit girl
Dear bandit girl,
*Finishes his bottle and belches ... loudly... *
Dear Tasuki,
Hey Tasuki guess what? since I couldn't go to the CNA's party, we're going to meet on a saturday at the Mills! WAI! Anyways, am I bugging you too much? I think that's it for now,sorry for the short letter.
Dear Shukumei,
I know! She's hopin' her friends can make it, too!
Dear Tasuki,
hey tasuki what's up???? it's still kinda cold and rainy her in oregon....i love rain i love water but the cold is a little to much sigh so do you like the snow or does that still count as water?
Dear Luna,
Snow's ok, but it's a pain to travel in!
Dear Chichiri,
how ya doing chichiri havn't talked to you in awhile huh??? my cat is perfectly fine he's feeling so great he decided to wake me up this mornig by lyin' on my face and fallen asleep. After that he licked me in the eye and jumped on and off my bed.......well i have no need for an alarm clock lol.
Dear Luna,
I'm very glad to hear your cat is doing so well, no da!
Dear Chiriko,
well i am staying with my friend and we get along ok so thats why im glad i get to be your sister so i can take care of you!*hugs him and shows him the wedding ring kengo got her* i think he wants to marry me?*sits next to him* what do you think?
Dear Samantha,
I think you need to wait until you're older.
Dear Tasuki,
Waiiiii!!!^^!!!*clings!* Domo arigatou gozaimasu!!!*beams*^^! *scurries off to fend off any rabid fangirls*^^
Dear Yume,
*Grins* Yer welcome!
Dear Chiriko,
hey your brother Kengo caught up with me! ^^;;;;*feels defeated in some way* grandmother isnt getting better the doctors comfirmed that she has congestive heart faliure....*is just loosing people alot lately* oh well at least your not dying! *huggles him* and by the way i kinda dont have parents so i just travel around! thats what i meant by your the only one who cares what happens to me (wonders if he even does) well now im thinking on something worse well i gotta go! *hugs him and leaves but not before seeing Kengo and walks out with him*
Dear Samantha,
I'm sorry to hear about your grandmother. Are you at least staying with relatives? *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Nuriko,
Nope. Never been tested for food allergies. I never thought I was allergic to anything. Oh! This is aweful! I could be allergic to one of my favorite things! ::Sighs:: Oh well. Anyways, How was your day? I'm sure you must be busy...::scuffs feet:: I'm glad you have time to talk to me.
Route Venus
Dear Route Venus,
Perhaps you should consider it. Arigato! *Smiles* My day was busy but the weekend was fun!
Dear Nuriko,
O.O ^-^ Hello I'M NOT KITSUNE_STAR_FIRA!!!! I'm KITSUNE_FIRE!!!!!!!!!!! I just wanted people to know this fact!!!! ja *runs off*
Kitsune_FIRE!!! ^-~
Dear Kitsune_FIRE,
OK! But please stop yelling!
Dear Hotohori,
My Ousama *kneels before him* I have only come to admire your beauty.
Admirer of Hotohori
Dear Admirer,
Arigato. But there is no need for you to kneel.
Dear Chiriko,
O.O Sounds painful to me. Well thanks for telling me. Now at least I know...
Love a very un-curious friend
Dear un-curious friend,
You're welcome.
Dear Tasuki,
Im back ^^ Im not sad anymore! im happy now...*yawns* very tired x.x But i still havent found out why i was sad that day. Anyway i made 33 paper cranes!!! *-* im so happy my friend teaches me about how to make them. Here you can have one for being such a great friend! *gives him a paper crane and a big hug* Thx for listening to what i had to say that other day ^^ i couldnt talk to anyone else bout' it so i decided to talk to you! Your the best! ^-^ Hope you have a good day today. *gives him some sake* just incase ^^ Cya tasuki!!!
Dear Kisato-Chan,
Glad yer feelin' better! Thanks fer th' crane an' th' sake!
Dear Tasuki,
TASUKI TASUKI TASUKI TASUKI TASUKI TASUKI!!! *jumps up and down all hyper like* o.o;; *calms down a bit and smacks herself* ITAI! Guess what?! My website is practically DONE. I just need ONE more thing to do and then it's done! It's actually done! WAI WAI WAI!!! Would you add it to your links pwease? . I hope you like it ^^ this one is SOOOOOO much better then the last one I did <.<;; my friend made all the graphics and I did all the linking,and thumbnails and all the writing's and stuff. I really hope you like. Please let the Tamahome and Mitsukake know too pwease? ^___^ well uhm, I better go before I bore you <.<;;; well talk to you later..
Dear Shukumei,
Sure! Nice site! I'll give everyone yer regards.
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