Dear Chichiri,
if your so smat..i tink dats how its speled...y am i to lonely?
*chibi* makoto
Dear *chibi* makoto,
Ano … because you choose to be, no da?
Dear Tasuki,
hello ... you look so kwai in the seishi of the week! your just 2 cute! baba!*fiddles with her aqua hair* dit gowin?habin fun in konan?tew abwy wun i taid hi! ba by now!*skips away*
Dear *chibi*makoto,
It's goin' fine. Glad ya' like th' picture!
Dear Mitsukake,
Thankyou! *Hugs him* But I think it's getting worse rather than better!
*sits down and starts to cry* She calls me Aniki now and tells me to play the flute and she thinks she's Suboshi! *sniffles* I wouldn't mind if she was just joking but she seems dead serious!
Dear Yume,
She's probably doing it because she knows that it upsets you. I'm certain she will eventually outgrow it. Don't worry. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Hotohori,
Hey Handsome!! Hope you're doing well. I've been so busy, I haven't had a chance to really write you guys. Here's an update.
One of my teachers had been suffering from complaints under pressure, so I decided to do something about it. My mom took care of the faculty not respecting her, and I'm sending her a gift basket and a card that a lot of the students, I hope, will sign. Anyway, I feel better for doing it.
Also, I had the strangest dream. Before I tell you all about it, I'd better go over the basics. I have some really long hair that I'm very *very* proud of. Kind of the way you are proud of your good looks(I don't blame you, you are very handsome) It goes practically a little past my waist. Anyhoo, the dream was that I was going into surgery for something. I had a woman surgeon. Keep this in mind, it comes into play later. Anyway, after surgery, I wake up and realize that my hair is gone! Meanwhile, the surgeon that did the work on me is nowhere to be found. When they find her, she explains that she needed to sell the hair for money.
The first thing that pops to my mind is, "You're a surgeon, you don't need the money."
That's when they check her records. It turns out that she never graduated medical school. She couldn't pass the licensing exams. They had some real doctors check me out. There were no complications, but they did lock the fake surgeon up for malpractice and theft.
Pretty weird dream, huh? They always say that fact is stranger than fiction, but that dream is about as strange as they come. Hope to write you again soon!
Dear Tigress,
Well, your dream was certainly peculiar! We are very proud of your for doing such a nice thing for your teacher! *Smiles and gives her a hug.*
Dear Mitsukake,
Hi! I just wrote to ask a few questions:
1. was shoka reincarnated in the 2nd oav 'cause I saw you playing with a little girl named shoka.
2. what can you say about Shoka.Gomen nasai, shikashi, I really don't know her well.
3. do you use tiger bones in healing patients? they're really expensive, since I saw a bottle of powdered tiger's bones in Chinatown here in the Philippines sometime.
You're really cute and you're one of my favorite characters in FY. *gives Mitsukake a medicine kit gift.* * gives a bottle of perfume to shoka* please send my regard to everybody.
Dear Richard,
1. No.
2. She was a wonderful woman who I loved dearly.
3.No I don't.
Arigato for the presents for Shoka and myself.
Dear Tasuki,
Hi! o gneki desu ka? I just wrote to ask you something that I really couldn't understand in the 2nd oav.You were walking in a grassy field when, suddenly, you slipped into a steam.What happened to you in that stream? were you given a spell by hikou to treat Miaka like an aijin? gomen nasai, but I just wanted to know.You're also one of my favorite character. *gives Tasuki a Teddy bear, a very big chinese dictionary, and a calligraphy pen* regards :=) I'll be writing you again.
Dear Richard,
Yep! That's what happened. Thanks fer all th' cool stuff!
Dear Tasuki,
(That last letter I wrote probably should have been OOC...o.o;;;
*shrugs* Nothing I can do now..^^;;; Oh well... (''Finally''..^^;; That would be more correct than 'fianlly' in my last letter..^^;;))
Tasuki-san, what do I do about that other Yume here? *refers to the letter where the other Yume had wrote to all the seishi* Should I just ignore it?o.o
Yume, TnM
Dear Yume,
I dunno. Far as I'm concerned, yer th'real Yume. I guess jus' keep signin' yer letters th' way ya' been signin' 'em.
*Suddenly gets a bright idea!*
OI! Other Yume person! We already got a Yume here, can ya' pick a different name?
How's that? *Grins*
Dear Chiriko,
Nonononono.... don't pay attention to that whole "the meaning of life is 42." The meaning of life is 3! *has already started this argument with several of her classmates*
Ayame (on energy burn)
Dear Ayame,
Is it? Why?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
If I was the miko would you grant my wishes???
Dear Lila,
We don't grant wishes. Only the beast gods can do that, no da.
Dear Tamahome,
What if another girl was chosen for the miko would you still love the other girl as you loved miaka???
Dear Patricia,
No. Because she wouldn't be Miaka.
Dear Nuriko,
*glomps Ryu* just for that, you're going to get some very special treatment. I'll even give you a pedicure.
Dear Doc-sama,
Dear Tasuki,
OI! You insultin' my intelligence, thinkin' I don't know what "bakayarou" means??? **puts elbow on table** Lessgo, Gen-chan! I challenge you to an arm wrestling match! Then... I'll outdrink ya and join the bandits!! Whoo!
Dear Kokkei,
I ain't insultin' yer intelligence! I'm jus' makin' sure ya' know what yer sayin'. 'Sides I AIN'T no bakayarou! *Takes her hand and arm wrestles her down to the table.*
Dear Tamahome,
hewwo onii-san! *huggles him* i talked with yui and miaka today! ^^ oh ya i was on the chatroom last night and this girl was playing miaka and she was hitting on chiriko oO well if that aint strange huh?
Dear Kiara-san,
It was certainly out of character! @_@;;;
Dear Chiriko,
*comes in ,in a tad better mood* hello little brother....well i was reading yer responses and i SERIOUSLY dont think you look like a girl *when she looks at chiriko she sees all guy* maybe im just weird? oh well thats the story of my life anyway! *is happy she can talk to someone who respcts her as an equal* why is kengo following me around like a lovesick dog? *sees kengo coming* eeep gotta run! ^^ *hugs him and runs from kengo*
Dear Samantha,
Arigato for your kind words. Perhaps he has a crush on you.
Dear Nuriko,
:Sniffles: 'Nii-san...I'm not feeling good agai. It's everytime I eat I feel sick. I don't know what's wrong with me...And I cut my arm on the couch. x.x It's bleeding, but not bad...
Route Venus
Dear Route Venus,
I'm sorry you're not feeling well. Have you been tested for food allergies?
Dear Chichiri,
I'm depressed, I need a hug...can I have a *big* hug?
Dear Katsu-chan,
Hai, no da! *Gives her a big hug.*
Dear Chiriko,
Hello! I know you didn't and I was was just saying that I understand that there are so many letters and that me writing you math problems everyday could be a do you say nerve racking^_^ I guess I was bored that's all no biggies^___^ If it is ok I might write you some math problems from time to time just for the heck of it but not that often mind you^_^ And I'll just add them in letters I write every now and then that way there's not that many and you wouldn't have to answer a whole bunch of funky problems. (and if you ever give me any, please make them only as high as 9th grade algebra because that's what I'm in and haven't learned much more than that^_^) Well I'll writ ya later Bye-bye^___^*waves happly and leaves*
Saya AKK
Dear Saya AKK,
OK, it's a deal.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*checks her list*
okay.. Tamahome - chest; Hotohori and Tasuki - ears; Nuriko and Chiriko - feet; Chichiri - arms; and Mitsukake - neck.
that explains a few things..
*looks at the seishis horrified expressions*
Now I didn't mention what the list was for did I?
Dear Doc-sama,
*They all look at a smirking, giggling Chichiri no Aijin… * Arms … well THAT explains a lot!! *Grins*
Chichiri no Aijin
Dear Tasuki,
Hello and thanx for the hug I know you were sorry so I forgive you! *clings* I'm in the process of getting this picture done So be on the look out for it. *drinks a bottle of smeirnoph Ice*mmmm yummy have you tried this stuff? if ya haven't ya should! well ttyl *kisses his cheek* cya *waves with a cute smile*
love always,
your bandit girl
Dear bandit girl,
Are ya' old enough to be drinkin'? Gimme that! *Takes the bottle form her.* Jus' in case ya' ain't … *Starts drinking the rest*
Dear Chiriko,
Hello Chiriko ^^ I havent talked to yet..i havent talked to hotohori, Nuriko, Tamahome, Or mitsukake yet...I will soon though ^^ hehe well How are you doing today? I made 8 paper cranes trying to make 1000 but i dont think i would beable to but i wont give up! My brother thinks your a girl >< Gah i guess he doesnt really know much about Fushigi Yuugi Bleh Anyway Here you can have one of the paper cranes i made ^-^ *hands him a paper crane all colorful* Enjoy! Cya later Chiriko *hugs chiriko and leaves*
Dear Kisato-Chan,
Arigato! Good luck on the other 992!
Dear Mitsukake,
(to Kagami) I'll deal with you later. (to Mitsukake) Anyway, to answer the eternal question, boxers or briefs? Also, in the OAV outtakes, there's that one seen where you were comforting Chichiri, and then taunted him because, unlike him and Kouran, you and Shoka were 'intimate'. Is that true?
Kagami: Hey! Don't ignore me!
Karen: Evil spirit, be gone! (sticks a ward on Kagami's head)
Kagami: (falls over)
Karen: Ahem...excuse me...(teleports off with Kagami)
Dear Amy-sama,
*Blushes and sweatdrops* That's rather personal!
Dear Chichiri,
Hello, Chichiri-san. How has Suzaku no Miko-san been? Is it true that you're a monk, or do you just dress like one? Despite how I dress (green silk Chinese-style shirt and pants with black shoes), I'm a priestess in my hometown, er, lake. ^_^ I'm a kappa, so, of course I live in water. If you want to know how I'm a kappa and a human, ask Amy-san. Oh, speak of the devil...(sees Amy about to blow up Kagami) Ano...ja matta ne, Chichiri-san. (bow quickly and leaves)
Dear Karen,
She is fine. I consider myself a wanderer, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Konyanyachiwa! Oro, Hibana-chan...why is your hair pink? ?_? You DO remember me, right? The girl with the spiked brownies? The one that threatened to drown you? Did you get a girlfriend yet?
Dear Selphi,
I think I remember ya'! Pink?? It's cos some crazy fan girls attacked me! No! An' I still don't want one!
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki, Tasuki guess what?! Last night my friend Rose called me around 10:00 and we were talking and she told me that, one night after she got off work, she was watching the japanese station and there was this one show on,and she was like oh man ***** had to see this...but it was at midnight so she couldn't call.
Anyways, she was telling me about it,and told me it was on around 12:00 or 12:30 pm so I stayed up during those hours and there wasn't a show like that on ;__; but I did watch something that was very interesting and looked familiar! Have you ever heard of that USA show that was on a LONG time ago called "Gladiators"? Gladiators is basically a show where all these people would compete against each other for the best time and stuff like that, and they would have all these weird stunts to do.
Well last night I watched that show like I said and OMG Tasuki it was like GLADIATORS except it was done Japanese Style! I was like was kinda funny too and guess what? I sort of understood what they were saying. Or I could at least make out what they were saying!
I think I'm going to do well in my Japanese class whenever I get that d*mn(pardon my french)registratrion form! I think watching the Japanese channel is helping a lot too,because some of the soaps I can actually understand what's going on without even translating it. ^____^. And I also believe that I'm going to pass this class because it's a language that I want to learn and I'm NOT forced into learning it! Pretty cool ne? Well I just thought you'd should know. *hugs* Oh btw, that show if you watched it you'd probably like it.
Dear Shukumei,
Cool! What's th' name of th' show? Is it called "Sasuke"? If it is, that's th' one that Chichiri no Aijin's friend James Okada sometimes appears on!
Dear Chiriko,
thanks for your support ototo-chan im glad i have someone like you to cheer me up when im down! *hugs him* sometimes i think your the only one who cares about me?
Dear Samantha,
I'm sure your parents care about you. *Smiles*
Dear Tamahome,
Are there are any summaries about your novel(Shugyoku den)?
Dear Hotohori,
Why do you think your so beautiful???...I mean your a boy and boys are handsome not beautiful...
Dear KATE,
Some men are just beautiful. We are called bishounen.
Dear Hotohori,
*huggles* Hiya Hotohori-sama. I just wanted to write you a letter, seeing as how I haven't written you in awhile. *yawns* Sorry. I've been so stressed out lately that I'm more tired than usual. I'm spending time with my boyfriend in the morning and then my days are getting really busy. It's just because school's ending soon. I have cross-country practices and meetings now. A lot of projects in my classes and meetings for the new club at school. Then play practice for church camp just started up and I need the money we make off that so I could go to church camp.
Oh well. Summer is coming and school is almost over. So the stress will be off soon (hopefully). Ja! *yawns and falls asleep on the wall she's leaning on*
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
*Gently picks her up, places her on a nearby couch, and covers her up.* You're certainly the busy one! Get some rest.
Dear Tasuki,
*blinks* YOU HAVE?! You've been to Ontario Mills? OMG I didn't know that you live out in california or Chichiri No Aijin did!! OMG we have to meet there sometime ^___^. Whaddya say? e.e Tasuki, I think I'm catching your slang of words now..whenever I'm talking to my friends I always go yer' and all those slang words you use e.e but it's okie! Oh yeah btw, HOW CAN we meet? O.o;; lemme know k?
Dear Shukumei,
Well, Chichiri no Aijin is havin' an Anime Party tomorrow. If ya' wanna come, let us know! Oh! That's right th' site is closed! Email us at the admin address on th' front peeji if ya' wanna come!
Dear Chichiri,
Ah I gotcha, so that basically means that you're taken or are you still free? O.o; *sweatdrops.* Do you not want to have a wife or a mistress? O.o; Or do you?
Dear Shukumei,
*Sweatdrops* I'm not certain, no da. All I know is that they are my very dear friends, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
I was wondering, Nuriko-sama, What happened to you sister, kang-lin? I haven't gotten a straight answer out of anyone, and I really want to know!
matrix6_99 (nuriko's love)
Dear matrix6_99,
I'd tell you but it's a bit of a spoiler.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Thanks (yet again...) for the advice! ^_^ Hmm.. Well, muh life has gone up in the past month! Yay... If I make honor role, muh mum said she's get me a DVD boxed set. (I can't decide between Rayearth, FY or Slayers... O_o) I've never seen Rayearth, yet I -have- read the manga. *Smiles nervously, handing everone who's had a birthday so far a 'Happy Late Burfday' card* Sowwy, I kinda lost track of time... ^_^;; Has anyone heard of the manga 'Clover'? I like it, though I've only read #1...
Anyway, is it.. wrong.. not to cry when a human that was close to you dies, yet you cry when an animal dies? That's how I am, and I feel it's wrong...... Thanks in advance.
Dear Morgy-San,
People all mourn differently, no da. There really is no right or wrong. We're up to the 4th book of Clover. It's very interesting, no da. Chichiri
Dear Tasuki,
i really like you. I just saw the episode in OVA. you make me laugh. anyways, don't you really like girls? i mean, almost every star warrior falls for miaka. thanks!
Dear jing,
Not me! Women are a pain! Glad ya' liked th' OAV!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I know i have asked this question before, but you didn't give me the answer i wanted. I was wondering if each of you can give me your favorite site to go to for your pictures. I like to collect pictures and need a lot more of you guys. Please tell me of some websites and don't say go look at favorite links of this place because that is what you told me last time. Anyways, i hope you will help me out.
Dear Akimaneko,
We really don't have favorite sites that we visit as we have so little time to surf the Internet. Gomen nasai. Did you check any of the sites on our Links Peeji?
Dear Hotohori,
Ne, could you answer this question that has been debated by so many of your fans: Who's your best choice? Houki or Nuriko?
Answer, onegai?
Dear S.S,
*Looks offended* Houki of course!
Dear Nuriko,
The ULTIMATE QUESTION that has plagued so many among the fans of Fushigi Yuugi: Who's your choice? Hotohori or Miaka?
Onegai, answer me!
Dear S.S,
*Smiles* Neither! Doc-sama!
Dear Hotohori,
if it was another girl instead of Miaka that became your priestess, would you still fall in love with that girl?
Dear Judith,
Perhaps, I really don't know. I do know I was in love with the idea of the miko ending my loneliness.
Dear Nuriko,
do you do a nail manicure often? I have really short nails because I play the violin, but I want to have nice long nails since every one else (girls) have them. Should I get fake nails?
Dear Judith,
I do sometimes as a treat. I wouldn't recommend fake nails as they need a lot of upkeep and if they break off and take your nail with them it is extremely painful. Plus, if you fail to care for them properly you can get nasty fungus infections! Besides, long nails and stringed instruments just don't go well together.
Dear Chiriko,
You are so kowaii Chiriko-san. I'm just asking, how tall are you? I'm 5'5 and I'm only 12. I'm a Chinese girl. So if Nuriko is 5'5 and you are way shorter than her... him, than that means you are really short!
Dear Judith,
I'm scary? Why? Most people think I'm cute (kawaii). I'm short. I'm about 4'11".
Dear Nuriko,
Hi! o genki desu ka?*gives nuriko a pack of cookies and a Japanese music cd of Utada Hikaru* Do you still remember me? I'm Richard,rom the Philippines.I just wrote to ask you some advice. By the way, thank's a lot for the advice.I remember that I asked you advice concerning my pimples.I tried oxy.Thank's a lot :=) My pimples are already well. Arigato :=)
I also wrote to ask another advice.
1. what course should I take in college?I'll be graduating next year, and I still have a LOT of things in my mind.I'm really confused.But I'm good in both chinese and japanese languages.Do you think I should take linguistics? my cousin(one of your fans too :=) ) said that since I'm already good in that area, I need not to study that course anymore? Do you think she's really right in that point? Please help me. I'll write you again.
2. I watched your oav, when Miaka and Tamahome went back to the book.Isaw all of the seishi, except Mitsukake.Where was he during that time?
Thank's a lot.I'll be writing you again. :=)
Dear Richard,
You're very welcome! Arigato for the cookies and CD. Boku wa genki desu. If you enjoy and excel at linguistucs and wish to make that your career, then you should continue to take courses in it. These matters are probably best discussed with your college advisor.
I believe that Mitsukake did make an appearance.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Can any of you play Go?
Dear Kumade,
We can, but we don't.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi minna-san. How are you all doing? Gomen for not writing as often, but things have been pretty busy, at work and elsewhere.
*rubs right arm uncertainly* That stupid pain in my arm is back. Why won't it go away? Not just in the wrist either! Sometimes the pain radiates all the way up to my shoulder. It's insane. My work requires me to do a lot of typing and using a mouse, so I think it's just one of those so-called repetitive strain injuries that are so common. Oh well, break out the Advil and the ice pack...AGAIN!
On a happier note, we had birthday celebrations for my mom and brother last Sunday, and thankfully, we weren't hit by a tornado. However, I hear that the Emerald City is especially nice this time of year.
Chiriko--Have you ever read any "Everworld" novels? They are fantastic, if you like science fiction and fantasy novels. If you get a chance, pick one up, you'll like them. Have you gotten a chance to use that gift certificate you got for your birthday?
*rubs arm again* I guess I shouldn't be writing anymore tonight. It's late, and tomorrow is another day at the grind. Oyasumi nasai. *glares at sore arm* Itai!
Lady Shera
Dear Lady Shera,
It sounds like you have carpal tunnel syndrome. Have you seen a doctor for it? We're glad to hear that you and your family are well. Chiriko was read the "Wellworld" novels but not the "Everworld" ones.
Dear Tasuki,
Umm..Kay, here goes. Just wanted to tell ya you're my favorite Suzaku seishi!! That, AND I absolutely, positively LOVE Heart ni Kiraboshi Sakashitare!! I usually listen to it whenever I'm down, and it perks me right back up!!! ^^ And now, a less perky part..... It's kinda supposed tp be spring here, but it has been snowing these past few days... Well, I guess that's Canada for ya...*sweatdrop* Hmm... Oh yeah! On more than a few occasions during the ACTUAL winter time, my friends and I actually wished we could have some help from a certain tessen...*sweatdrop* I, for one, know I'd never take it from ya, but I can't say for the others.... Oh, well...The cold didn't kill me, and I sure hope it never will ^^;! Ja ne, Tasuki-san!
Skriana the Shadow Dragon
Dear Skriana,
Thanks! I'm glad ya' like my song! Keep warm! *Grins*
Dear Hotohori,
Hi my name is Sarah and I think you are so amazing and I was wondering if you could send me a free copy of the volume that you got married in with a signature of your creator he is doing such a good drawer I would like to take lessons but I dont know where. If you were actually alive I would try to be your girlfriend hotohori. Thank You Very much email me with the info needed.
Dear Sarah,
If I had a copy of a manga that showed that and was signed by Watase Yu (she's the author and artist)I would be happy to fulfill your request. However, as I do not, it is not possible. Gomen.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
this really sucks....i passed my english entrance extam but i failed my math one....and not by some little number passing was 21/25 and i got 6/25.....i really think a monkey coulda got a higher score then me.... i can only take it 1 more time.....but i dont know what to do...i really dont think i can score any higher.....half the time i didnt get awnsers that were on the test...
Dear Tana,
Then you need to study your math more. Perhaps you can get one of your friends to help tutor you. Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Tasuki,
Hey Tasuki...I needed to talk to someone...I dunno why but im just really upset over sumthin. Need to talk to someone other then my sister -.- she can be really annoying and she doesnt understand what im talking about when im really upset.*sighs* I think ill be fine once i get a drink or goto sleep or sumthin. I should be really talking to my parents but they just say i need some sleep...My sister things im going crazy -.- and i dont have a brother cause he died...I didnt even get to see him..i wonder what would happen if he were still alive and i got to talk to him..*smiles* I think it would be great to have an older brother ^^ but alittle sister..nope they are to annoying -.- I think ya understand what im talking about since u had so many sisters. Well im gunna go now. Hope to fins the reason why im so upset and whats it about. Cya later Tasuki *Hugs Tasuki* Ja!
Dear Kisato-Chan,
I understand 'bout th' sisters part! Get some sleep an' talk to me later. 'Kay?
Dear Chiriko,
o_O? I do my studies *wimpers* As a matter a fact I have a 95 average in my math class *beams with pride* It's just that no one I know understands it that well and I can't practice with anyone because they don't get it. And if you really don't want to I understand totally. I mean me bugging you doesn't sound like fun to me either. It was just a stupid idea that I thought of no big deal ^_^ Well gotta run and thanks for at least thinking of my idea^_^
Saya AKK (ashika kara katrea)
Dear Saya,
I'm sorry. I didn't mean to sound like I thought you needed to study or that your idea was stupid. It's just that we get so many letters I may not be able to always do math problems with you. Gomen.
Dear Chichiri,
I think I've developed your speech patterns. In class, while working on a tough latin sentence I went "Daaaaaaa....!" in frustration. All my class mates looked at me as if I'd done something stupid. And I didn't realize what I did. **chuckles with embarrassment** And of course all the times I've "na no da"ed and "no da"ed in random sentences. I've gotten SO many odd looks....**sighs** But that means I'm becoming like you **sqeals happily** -- heck, most of the seishi in general. **Has Nuriko's b-day, your "no da"s, Chiriko's hair -yes, I just noticed that!-, Tasuki's *wild* demeanor**......It's so creepy/cool!!! **very happy**
Dear Nella,
Congratulations, no da?
Dear Nuriko,
**grins and gives Nuriko a sudden hug. She jumps back, suddenly, and leaps around, doing her happy dance** We have the same birthday, Nuriko, March 10!!! **hugs Nuriko again** Like sis...**she stops, looking stupid**...siblings!!!! **and hugs Nuriko happily again** Lalalalalaaaaa!!
Dear Nella,
Do we? Well happy belated birthday!
Dear Nuriko,
Hi, 'Nii-san! Sorry I haven't wrote lately. I haven't been feeling well. Don't know what's wrong. Anyways, how have you been lately? I have a loy of schoolwork to do. x.x 2 reports to type up. But there is always time to talk to you! ^^ ::hands him a pansy she picked::
Route Venus
Dear Route Venus,
I'm fine. I hope you feel better soon. Arigato for the pretty flower.
Dear Mitsukake,
is there away i can go to your world so you cood heel my grampa
6 year old jess
Dear jess,
I wish there was. I would be glad to heal your grandfather.
Dear Chiriko,
why do you look like a girl?
Dear tara,
*Looks upset* Because I'm bishounen.
Dear Hotohori,
u are so bautifl and i may be 6 but I lov u so much
Dear sidney,
*Smiles and sparkles* Thank you.
Dear Tamahome,
*clings to his pant leg tightly, almost hiding behind him* I'm scawed...I nevew been awone befowe...
Dear Mai-chan,
Don't be, I'll protect you.
Dear Tasuki,
>=( *dyes his hair pink permanently* HAHA. =P Serves ya right ya fanged-baka. *flicks his forehead*
Rina-chan aka "The I'm-Not-Gonna-Turn-You-Into-A-Woman-Stalker"
Dear Rina-chan,
STOP THAT!!! >.<
Dear Chichiri,
oh sure chichiri make me feel worse about it jeez... well he's o.k. but he does have an upper respitory infection... he has meds for it and i didn't meen to i'm a huge animal freak he was hiding under the blankets i couldn't see him...
Luna^-~ noda!!
Dear Luna,
Gomen, no da! I'm glad he's going to be ok, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
hhhheeeellllooo ccchhiiicchhiiiriii!!!! you brithday is coming I here you b-day is may 21 or 26 or something like that well I wish you a happy brithday because tommorow I am leaving and where I am leaving there is no computure I wish my favorite senshi in the world good luck (kisses him good luck) buh-bye chichiri ! xoxo
Dear Nina,
Arigato for your kind words and good wishes, no da!
Dear Nuriko,
wwwwaaaaaazzzuupppp!!!!!! Nuriko how do I get my hair just like Chichiri? why wont they give fushigi yuugi or sailor moon on toonami? I f***ing p*ss about that .. well any way do you know toonami's number . wwwwaitt a minute there is know such thing as t.v well if there is can you tell me the number please.
Alex aka felix
Dear Tasuki,
Friday is my birthday Tasuki-saaaaan! ^^;; What you gonna give your sweet little guardian angel for her birthday? Hmmmmmmmm?
Dear HinoTenshi,
Happy birthday! I dunno, but it ain't gonna be sake!
Dear Chichiri,
I'd like to ask what your favorite color is! 'Cause I'm going to repaint my room -- and I have to know what color to paint it **under breath** And since you're the COOLEST.....**back to normal**
Also, this weekend, my best friend and I are going to buy henna. I'm henna-ing (that can't possibly be a word **sweatdrops**) "no da" in Japanese onto the arm and "well" onto my knee. Zoe, mah pal, is doing Nuriko's or Hotohori's -- so go tell them that they're being honored!
**running around like a moron** YOU'RE so COOOOOOL!!!!!! **suddenly stops, and sweatdrops** **stares at chichiri for a moment** Daaaa.....! **swoons** Bai!
My SN is also named after you and Tasuki -- Bluefire! (No not hentai!!!! Blue - you, and fire - Tasuki, you two are me fav!)
Dear Nella,
Arigato for your kind words, no da. My favorite color is blue. The henna idea sounds interesting, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
HELP!!! *glomps on to first person she sees* My sister is acting like Tamahome! What should I do?!?! Every Time she sees a penny she starts laughing like Tomo and wont let anyone look at it (even if the Money is their's 0.o) So please HELP!! (She is also convinced her name is Nuriko...she writes it on all her homework!) Please I really need your help!
Dear Yume,
You just need to wait until she grows out of it.
Dear Hotohori,
Iie, I mean even when I -could- talk to you I haven't been doing it... *Whimpers softly and huggles him more* *Has no shame* ^^;
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
*Smiles* Don't worry about it.
Dear Chichiri,
*lowers her head in shame*
I always say that I'm the peace-loving kind, but for the past few days I've been talking about killing and have had to stop myself from commiting so many assassinations. I've been harsh with those I love and have been creeping everyone out by this new side of mine.
...I don't know why, but I get SO angry over tiny matters easily these days. And because of my anger I start acting crazy. I'm SO rude to those who care about me. And after my anger subsides I always nearly come to tears because of the guilt. I'm turning into the violent type, just like these people I used to despise earlier and told myself I'd never be like.
Dear Anonymous,
Have you been overly stressed lately? Perhaps you need to seek professional counseling, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
hewwo chichiri! i got a question is giving your life the same as commiting suicide?
very confused kiara
Dear kiara,
It depends on the situation, no da. Hotohori gave his life fighting Nakago in an effort to protect Miaka and her world. He went in to the fight against impossible odds. However, he didn't go in intending to die, no da. One should NEVER throw their life away, no da!
Dear Tamahome,
no the person who through fire balls at us was akimaneko and our burns really hurt!
Dear kiara,miaka,yuiren,
I can help with that! *Has Mitsukake heal them.*
Dear Tasuki,
*clings*^^! Wai!Guess what?^^ I've 'fianlly gotten a new hard drive for my computer! (It's a laptop^.~) And I've been waiting long enough for it,too! *has been waiting since January*-.- Patience,ne? Anyway, enough about me. How's life been in the cyber-abode?
Yume, TnM (Who obviously in a good mood!XD!)
Dear Yume,
Pretty good! Glad ya' finally got yer new hard drive.
Dear Chiriko,
hi lil brother....well im sad because im being adjitated by 2 diffrent people and my grandma is in the hospital i guess im ment to be alone huh?
Dear Samantha,
I'm sorry to hear about your grandmother. Will she be ok? *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Hotohori,
Dear ANYA,
If you wish you may be one of my advisors.
Dear Tasuki,
Can I be your sister? Don't worry, I wont throw LOgs at ya! I'll throw, lightsabres instead!BWAHAHAHAHAHA! *just kidding!* I always wanted a brother like you!
Dear anya,
Who wouldn't? *Fanged grin* Only if ya' don't throw anythin' at me!
Dear Tasuki,
So how are you gonna tell the fangirls out there that you don't want a girlfriend? I mean if you say that I'm pretty sure that they'll probably start crying or somethin like that. Anyways, TASUKI GUESS WHAT happened to my friend Rose and I? Give up? Well, we were getting off the freeway to go to this mall called Ontario Mills and well we heard this odd sound coming from her car, and we both thought it was her engine and we were like oh crud! And then we were like no wait it's not's the tire! We GOT a flat tire! we had to pull over to the side where it says NO parking at any time! v.v;; it was scary! It was her first flat too. And the thing that I'm kinda pissed off about is that NOONE WOULD stop too see if we needed help and the trunk of the car was up as well as the emergency flashers were going too you'd think people would have enough sense to notice that! Anyways, we tried calling her friend Kim(it's a guy btw)but we kept getting a busy signal so we called my dad luckily my dad was home at the time..even though we just came from there v.v;; it was scary Tasuki! We were like saying I wish Tasuki and Tamahome was real so they could come rescue us! we were like being a little delusional <.<;;;*Note she likes Tamahome,and of course you already know that I like you*. Anywho, my dad finally came and changed the tire for us. But before he came a car finally pulled over and asked us if we needed Tasuki it was scary.. and what made it kinda bad was that Rose kept thinking up all this bad stuff. But she can't help it though once she's on a roll she'll keep goin E.e;; Anyways,that's basically what happened to us tonight! Scary ne?
Dear Shukumei,
Sounds it. But whaddya' 'spect from Los Angeles? *Grins* We've been to that mall a buncha times wit' Chichiri no Aijin!
Dear Chichiri,
Forgive my stupidity but what is an aijinn and an aisai? O.o;; and how would it cause trouble? Sorry...I'm just a little hyper...v.v;;
Dear Shukumei,
"Aijin" means "mistress" and "aisai" means "beloved wife". They came up with those names, not me no da! How would it cause trouble? Fighting fangirls, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
Can I try to join the bandits? Pwease? I can't drink sake, but I can kick a lotta $!# *picks up Tasuki with one hand* See? I'm strong! ^_^
Dear Neko,
OI!! Put me down!! You'd still hafta' out drink an' out brawl alla us!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I'm leaving the internet. Probably it won't be forever, but I just can't handle it anymore. People claiming to be friends then ditching me. Feh. Well, see you in a few days..or weeks..or months..
Ira Mirado, melancholy-style.
Dear Ira,
Take care, we'll miss you.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Nuriko,
*smirks* I know of MANY ways to get you back for teasing me.. ;) *taps his nose* I'll go saddle Sekkei-chan, and tie my things on. *grabs her bags and heads for the stables* Coming itoshii?
Dear Doc-sama,
Do you? *Smirks* Of course! *Runs after her.*
Dear Tasuki,
*pokes him* Daijoubu no da? ^^; You don't sound so good Tasuki-san. Maybe you are having alcohol withdraw, heheh ^^;;
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
Nah, I'm startin' to feel better.
Dear Mitsukake,
Did you know that if you visited my house, you could not fit through any of my doorways, my couches, the bench outside, my futon, any of my beds, or my bathtub? ^.^ And no, there is no particular reason I picked those articles of furniture. u.u
Ira Mirado (Really! No reason!)
Dear Ira,
Really? Why is that? *Smiles*
Dear Tamahome,
Hi! do you still remember me? *gives Tamahome a box of cookies*I was the one who wrote you before, Richard.
O genki desu ka? I'm just about Miaka? are you in vacation right now? me too. I just wrote to ask you some questions:
1.what is Miaka's relation to Sakaki Mayo?
2. I saw your Gaiden novel on the Internet,and I am really wishing to but one.Where can I purchase one here in the Philippines? gomen nasai, but I really couldn't find one here.I hope you can help me.
You know, you're really my favorite fushigi yuugi character. :=) I liked your smile on the 3rd oav during your wedding with Miaka :=) really cool!!
I really have to go now because I still have to watch the 2nd oav on tv.Sayonara.Domo arigato gozaimashita. :=)
Dear Richard,
We're fine, thanks. Arigato for the cookies! None that I am aware of. I don't know of any bookstores in the Philippines. Have you tried Kinokuniya on the Internet?
Dear Nuriko,
Heh alriiiiiiight i get to torture Tasuki papa for once =D
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley Chan,
Hee-hee… I'll help!
Dear Hotohori,
I just wrote to say hi to you and to the gang as well.I saw some cute pictures of you,chichiri(wearing a white u.s.a. shirt.That pic was realy great. anyway, I just wanted to ask you some questions:
1. were you born with that mark in your nech("hoshi")? according to your ministers,what was your mother's reaction about it? was she really scared about it?
2.are the fy novels going to be translated into English?my friend here in the Philippinesis really asking for updates about it.
Hotohori,I really learned a good lesson from Fushigi yuugi and I'm really going to treasure them for the rest of my life.Next year,probably,I'l be going to Tokyo to buy some Fushigi Yuugi stuff and go to anime exhibitions too.Of all the anime's that I've watched,this was the one that brought a lot of sentiment to me. Thank's a lot.I'l be writing you again. Sayonara :=)
Dear Richard,
Arigato for your kind words. I was and she was pleased. We know of no plans to do so.
Dear Chichiri,
I have a secret about my past that I have never told anyone. It's been about 5 years since the secret was initiated, and it is over now. But I have a very close friend that helps me through things, and I her. She has told me all of her secrets and I feel bad that I still have one. I try to talk to her about things that have to do with this and we always get back to this question: what is it? She's not pressuring me to tell her, and I want to, but I'm afraid of the reprocussions. I know you've had problems in your past as well, so I figured you wold be the one to ask. Life is so hard, but we have to deal with it. Could I have a hug to help me through? Thank you.
Scarred Angel
Dear Scarred Angel,
Sure no da. *Gives her a hug.* It is your secret, no da. So it is up to you to share or not as the case may be.
Dear Chiriko,
My dearest Chiriko could you please tell me what 'protruding eyes' are? Thank you so much!!!
Love a very confused friend
Dear confused friend,
Painful? I would think they are eyes that bulge from their sockets.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Guess what,(and I almost died laughing at this) I found a English to Japanese-Japanese to English dictionary online and just for fun I put Konnichiwa in there and it said there was no match found! Isn't that the funniest thing you've ever heard!!!*falls over laughing* (ok so it's probably not the funniest thing ever but it is pretty funny wouldn't you say?)
Strange One
Dear Strange One,
That's because it is really spelled "konnichiha". In Japanese "ha" is also pronounced as "wa" in certain cases.
Dear Tasuki,
Alright you *serious look with one hand on her hip and the other pointing at his nose* you know I didn't mean that lame pig! I was wishing you a happy birthday I gave you presents and you don't even say thank you *stops and sniffs upset* I deserve a hug at least for you yelling at me like that. Sorry it took me so long to reply. Watched Invader Zim yet? ya should its very funny. Well incase you were wondering I got a nice picture of you drawn and I'm working on coloring it. I hope it is worthy of being in your gallery. It'll be done soon enough. Wish me luck on it coming out good. well ttyl.
Love always your bandit girl
Dear bandit girl,
Ya' were? Gomen! *Gives her a quick hug.* Good luck wit' yer drawin'!
Dear me,
Hello, no da!
Dear Chichiri,
::looks at him with narrowed eyes::
You don't trust me, do you?
Dear Mal,
Da … *Sweatdrops and starts to open the box … *
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
What is the meaning of life?(and please, don't say 'to summon Suzaku') Ja!
Dear Kalypso,
*Grins* 42!
Dear Nuriko,
beauty eh? How to relieve stress? I got nerves on my eyeballs!!!
Dear Korichy,
Have you tried meditation? A hot bath and some chamomile tea is also very relaxing.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
i am anya! hello! long time no see! got lotta work to do! *gomen nasai* anyway, when will they air the wonderful OAVs in india? i ahve to scream my lungs out to Axn *ahem* to air the episodes again. it is just too great. it has been one and a half years since i saw the last episode and i still cant get it out of my head! good! any way! never mind. patience is virtue. hey! tamahome sir, plan to quit teaching, what subjects do you teach? and for which grade? seriously,i would like to know! i have joined an antihentai campaign on the net. *leave it to hentai to take the fun out of animation!* bye for now and remember, MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU.
your darling sister.
P.S. Hotohori sir, would you like a light sabre? i could get one you know!
Dear anya,
We don't know when the show will air in India. You should contact your local netwiork and ask them. I teach basketball at a local high school. I'm sure Hotohori would love a light saber!
Dear Nuriko,
Hiiiihihi! Been a while since I wrote to you! *glomps* ^^ W00t! My masterpiece (a Nuriko collage for a convention XD) is nearing completion! ^^
I finally went for my interview at the art school I'm trying to get into. I was sooo scaaared!! ;.; I had spent HOURS putting my portfolio was all in chronological order, with about 20 different pieces...and then, the first thing they told me when I got in there was to take everything out and put it on the floor! ;-; The whole thing lasted 5 hours...I happened to be interviewing with the scary guy that asked a lot of odd questions...there were 2 other applicants interviewing with me, too. They were both really nice, and REALLY talented! ^^ Overall, I don't think I did well... ~_~ Oyaaa..
I don't get any news from them for at LEAST 2 weeks!! *shakes nervously* I'm gonna diiiiiie before thennnn...! (if you can't tell, I have nooo patience... ^^;) Ohhhh yeah! I did a shway watercolor piccy of you! I'll send it in when I get a spare moment. ^^ For now, I'm just hoping I get into this school. Wish me a bit of luck, onegaaaaaaai? *glomps again and runs off* ^^
Dear Kerri,
Good luck! I hope you get in!
Dear Tasuki,
you better let me know me and saint star we want to chill with you guys...
Luna (no face this time) noda...
Dear Luna,
Sure. Not a problem.
Dear Chichiri,
oh chichiri!!!!!!! *cry's* o.k. i was at magi girls house and i had to bring jack with me... and he was hiding under the covers andi kinda kneed him in the neck now he's hurt and luckly already has an appiontment tommorow he is o.k. but i'm afraid i hurt him... oh i'll let you know what happens
Luna (no face this time) noda
Dear Luna,
You need to be more careful. Kittens are very fragile, no da! I hope he will be ok, no da.
Dear Chiriko,
Hi! I just wrote to ask you a lot about FY stuff.(oav 3)
1.were you reincarnated in Miaka's world or in the book world? does the 3rd oav end?( gomen nasai, but I really couldn't find a 3rd oav here in the Philippines)
3.I really loved your song Akai denshou(red legend). do you still have other songs like that which has a chinese melody?
I really am very sad to hear that your show has already ended :=( dakara, I can still write you here and ask advices.I hope to write you again. Domo arigato gozaimashita :=)
Dear Richard,
We don't give away spoilers, gomen. That song seems to be the only one.
Dear Tasuki,
No, no Tasuki sweetie! I'm not a hentai! I'm just an ecchi-girl ^_-
And anyway, you and Kouji look cu~te togther! My sister draws really well, and she likes to draw you and Kouji the best!
heehee... (I don't think you'd want to see those pictures.... ^_-)
Dear Ecchi-chan,
Yer probably right 'bout those pictures … >.<
Dear Tasuki,
Well you already drank my sake so I don't think you deserve any XP
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Help! My boyfriend cheated on me over spring break and I just found out about it from his best friend! My boyfriend says it was a one-night stand kinda thing and they only did *r*l stuff, but he claims it meant nothing and that he still loves me! I don't know what to do, I'm so upset I'm getting physically sick! What should I do?
Dear Ami-chan,
That depends. He certainly betrayed your trust in him by doing what he did. It is up to you to decide if you're willing to forgive him and give him a second chance or if you're going to dump him because he cheated. You need to do what's best for you. Good luck! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tamahome,
*little girl walks up to him with big blue eyes and long brown hair* Mistew? Is you my nii-san?...I can't find him....He wooks wike you kinda...We was attacked and he frew me into da watew to pwotect me...An' now I can't find him. *sniffles, on the verge of tears*
Dear Mai-chan,
Well, let's try to find him, ok?
Dear Tasuki,
No! Thats NOT what I meant!! Besides I got plenty of gold medals for gymnastics 'n' such. Hmph. *hits him with her umbrella again* You good-for-nothing-kaijuu!! All you do is drink!! *hits him again* You should be more sensitive to a beautiful shy woman's (me!) feelings!! *big teary eyes* Here I was about to do something really really nice!! *hits him YET again* I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS!!! OOOH WHY CAN'T YOU BE NICE!?!?! *sniffles*
Rina-chan aka "The I'm-Not-Gonna-Turn-You-Into-A-Woman-Stalker"
Dear Rina-chan,
'Cos bein' nice ain't in my nature!
Dear Nuriko,
Water Sprite:Oh, Ken-kun I'm so glad that you are all right!*hugs him*
Ken:I'm sorwy auntie water spwite its just that the kowai face man scared me.
Water Sprite:Well the important thing is that you're safe.But you know Nuriko I never knew Tasuki's face was that scary*giggle*
Water Sprite and Ken-kun
Dear Water Sprite and Ken-kun,
*Laughs* He really isn't THAT scary!
Dear Tasuki,
I hate to be one to write this... I'm not usually a weepy person but...
My mom told me that my great grandfather was sick last week. He got an infection... and he died today. Its hard cuz... even though he was old, he was cool. He liked to joke around, he was up to date with my interests and stuff... and he did the stupidest things to make me laugh, like pop his dentures out at dinner or whatever. My great grammie has alzheimers... she can't understand that Grampa died...wouldn't that be horrible? Not to know the one that you love? I never got to say goodbye... or I love you...
*hugs him and cries into his shoulder*
Dear Bon,
*Gives her a hug and holds her.* It tough when th' people we love die an' we don't get to say goodbye to 'em. Mebbe ya' can write a letter to him an' let him know how ya' feel.
Dear Nuriko,
Okie Nuriko sounds good, I'll probably go to Steph's anime day, unless an emergancy occurs or something =) or if I get sick (I get sick easily x.x) but anyway, I look forward to seeing you all :kisses his cheek: ^_^
Ashley Brown
Dear Ashley-chan,
We look forward to seeing you as well. Chichiri no Aijin got the next 2 FY OAVs on DVD. Take care! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
*POUNCE!* Well-
Keetia: You couldn't see where she was going with her last letter, could you? *whack* She's sent two other letters with that EXACT line before and they all-
*punts Keetia* Anyways. It's *turns slightly SD* Kyou! From Fruits Basket. He just becomes more cute as the series goes on ^^; So... concluding I have absolutely no loyalty left, I have willingly (without pestering from Fury) become a Kyou fangirl! (So has Firefury actually.) I'm sorry, but just remember *glomp* nobody can't top you. ^.~ Heheheh.
Whee, had dinner with Rob and Rachel... and now I need to collect on what my mom owes me and such. @_@ I feel so poor. (Okay, I've got at least $200 in my room still for my share of the hotel at AX, and $40 in my wallet...) But I have THE BOX. And I got to annoy Rob with THE TALKING BOX. Of course they all thought I was crazy, including my mom, with how happy I was about THE BOXES. Rob needs to stay longer though... He clawed meeee... (We were clawing at each other before we left... I didn't get to claw him back though... And when we hugged goodbye, he picked me up *sweatdrop* I told him he ought to be careful, he could hurt his back 'cause I'm not THAT light, and he's so skiiiinnny.) I must remember to claw at him at AX... or at least yell at him online. ^-^; Ciao for now. ^.~
Dear One-chan,
Well since Kyou an' I have so much in common (We're both so *"^%$#+ cool!)that makes sense! *Smirks* Glad yer enjoyin' th' boxes! See ya' Saturday!
Dear Chichiri,
Hello, Chichiri-opanim! (waves) Actually, my mom just washed them and I have no plushies to tie up. All I had to tie up was a teddy bear, a Jigglypuff/Purin beanie baby, a animal doll, and a porcelian doll. If they had to tie up ALL my toys, it'd take a plethora of garbage bags. O.O A pack rat am I!
Oro, I'm not sure if I introduced you two before, but this is Karen, your Mitori seishi equivalent.
Karen: It's pleasure to meet you, Chichiri-san. (bows)
Dear Amy-sama,
It's nice to meet you, too no da. *Bows*
Dear Mitsukake,
Hello, oh mighty stoic one. Just in reply to your question to Ira, I gave her the URL to a site with the complete songs of FY. I NEVER should have done that... -.-' We keep arguing about which is better, Nocturne or Never Get Away. Yay! Tomorrow's the last day I suffer with the lice treatment!!! By the way, you do NOT want to know what pops in her head when she's meditating. @.@' Daaaa...
Kagami: (pops out of a mirror) Hey, Amy-sama. Whatcha doin'?
Amy: Nothing I feel like explaining to a kit-ACK! @.@'
Kagami: (flirting with Mitsukake) Hey, cutie. What's a big, strong, handsome guy like you talking to a flat-chested witch like her for? (lets her hands wander)
Amy: (twitch twitch) F-f-FLAT-CHESTED WITCH?!?!?! OMAE WA KOROSU!!! (pulls out her nunchucks and starts twirling them)
Dear Amy-sama,
Calm down! Now Kagami, that wasn't very nice. Please apologize to Amy before she severely hurts you. And please keep your hands to yourself.
Dear Hotohori,
I deleted my fanfic cause i got mad.Now i am writing a better one thank you! it features you!*evil laugh* You want a lightsavbre? *goes hysteric* thte are releasing the second episode of star wars! ah! i can finally understand how anakin becomes darth vader. *that baka of a palpatine! he is a sith you know?* and he has started his clone army! *radical!* bye for now!
Dear anya,
We too are looking forward to seeing it. It opens here May 16th.
Dear Nuriko,
*clings to Nuriko's leg* It just hit me... I have a beauty mark on my facein the exact place you do... Cool! ^^
Dear Neko,
Hai! It is!
Dear Hotohori,
I haven't been talking to you lately! What's wrong with me?! *Glomps and huggles him possessively*
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
*Smiles and sparkles* Well, we did take a break and there will be several more weekends where we will be closing down as well.
Dear Tamahome,
*pays full attention to his story* she's wealy cool! will you tell me more stowys 'bout hew? or.....can i pway wif her.....ill be a wealy good girl.
Dear Lita,
Sure! She loves children!
Dear Tasuki,
Uncle Shunu.....they wewe scawy! why sis they dwess you up wike a giwl? Youw not soft youw stwong and bwave an tough an....youw cool!
Dear Lita,
Thanks! I dunno why, jus' to annoy me I guess.
Dear Nuriko,
*snifls* I don't know why they make fun of me! I never did anything to them!!! *curls up into a little ball* I guess I'm just a loser. ;-;
Dear Ayame,
No you aren't!! THEY are! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Chichiri,
WOW *Blinks* I'm actually/finally writing to you. I hope you forgive me not talking to you chichiri-sama ;___;. I really don't know what to say/ask you I mean I know so much about you it's hard to think up of a question to ask you ;____;. Anyways, I have several questions now so here they are...
Okay,I have a diary at (My diary name is .:Ayumi Hamasaki:.) and well I typed in your name in the jump to a diary box, and it's a girl portraying you ~_~. Anyways, she really doesn't know how to Role play you very well, she keeps saying No da after every two words. But when I see you say No Da, you say it either before the coma or at the end right? Or how do you actually say No da in a sentence? O.o;;(Okay it's not the simplest question in the world and I'm really sorry).
Okay for the second question I have...I know people's been asking this but I'm going to ask it anyhow, You're single right? Well if you were to start dating again or date any one of us on the board who will it be? And what do you basically look for in a girlfriend? ^__^
Gomen nasai, if it's the second one is too personal, but I had to ask it ^__^ forgive me? Well, I'll ttyl.*hugs him.*
Dear Shukumei,
It generally comes at the end of the sentence, no da. If I dated anyone that writes in, it would cause too much trouble between the people that write in. Besides Chichiri no Aijin and Chichiri no Aisai would kill me, no da! *Sweatdrops*
Dear Mitsukake,
*Hugs oniisan!* Gomen nasai for not writing in such a long time. I would've but you guys closed down for a few days ;__; so I didn't get a chance. Anywho, I know what you mean but I was basically trying to say that I WILL be able to read it, write it, speak it,pronounce it etc. after taking the course! I know some of the basics already so that'll help me in the long run, and plus I have pen pals that can help me as well! teehee. Anyways, I can't wait till I start that class. I'll probably pass with flying colors(at least I hope I do). Anyways, how have ya been? How has Tama-neko been? I hope all is well? Well, I think that's about it. I don't want to start babbling v.v; (I have a tendency of doing that when my mind is blank v.v;). So I guess I'll be going now. Oh yeah one more thing before I go! I'm almost done coloring your picture...I would use pastels but those are so messy even though they do show up better then colored pencils but still they're so I hope you don't mind that I'm using colored pencil's do you? *Smiles*
Dear Shukumei,
We are both well, thank you. You are the artist; the medium you use is your choice. *Smiles*
Dear Tasuki,
AWwwww, poor Tasuki! Man people DO like to pick on ya don't they? Anyways, I have a's kind of a retarded question but I'm gonna ask it anyways, Have you ever heard of Dance Dance Revolution? If you haven't it's a game were people dance on this one weird lookin pad with arrows and you have to follow the arrows to the rythym(I think I spelled that wrong, gomen nasai my brain isn't working). Anyways, there's this song called Fire in the sky...and the person who sings it SOUNDS EXACTLY LIKE YOU! Weird ne? My friend Rose LOVES that song. Well, I'm actually on Normal now which is intermediate, but I have a hard time doing 3 feet. I can only do 1 foot, 2 feet and 4 feet right now. So I decided to give Fire In The Sky a shot, and that's a 3 foot song, and guess what? I GOT A B for my score! *Smiles widely*. Heehee...You should try it Tasuki-kun, you might like it! *Points to the mat,and looks at Tasuki urging him to try it.*pwease? *gives him the puppy dog eye look.*
Anyways, on a more personal note...I thought you told me that you had a girlfriend or a wife but you said she hasn't been here or hasn't written to you and you think she has forgotten about ya? So you're single now? Tasuki you do KNOW what that means don't ya? People are going to be buggin ya to be their boyfriend v.v; right? Man I feel for ya! Anyways, I think I'm done babblin. I think I'll go write to oniisan! TTFN Ta ta for now.
P.s. Can ya tell I'm a little hyper?
Dear Shukumei,
Chichiri no Aijin has DDR for the PSX, but I ain't heard that song. I know … I know … >.<;;;
Dear Tamahome,
*hugs him back* Well I'm doin a lot better, I figured I should ask my stepmom to see if Verizon was hiring or if she knew any jobs that were hiring and I asked her,and she told me to call her work and she said she'll give me the website to which I can apply for. Well she told me basically what kind of jobs there was that they were hiring in, and she said if you stay there for six months you're covered for life, like medical expenses, etc. And plus you get paid pretty, and I really want to get paid pretty good, if I want to pay for my way for college and my car! So on Monday I'm going to call them and see what jobs they have opened :) Wish me luck! (Isn't it great to have a stepmom working at a phone company that can get you in ?) Anyways, how was your weekend? Mine was good! Well, I think that's it for now. TTFN Ta ta for now!
Dear Shukumei,
Our weekend was fun! We went to Little Tokyo with One-chan on Saturday and we went for dim sum in Chinatown with some friends on Sunday. Good luck!
Dear Nuriko,
Trista has been following your footsteps.. she's been following Boushin around. I did get her to go back to school though. *hugs* I'm packed and all ready to go if you are. Do we need the horses?
Dear Doc-sama,
Yes we do. My footsteps? I don't understa… AH! I see… *Smiles and sweatdrops.*
Dear Chiriko,
Hello! Well I'm sorry to hear that you can't write me but maybe we can just do math problems like this. ^_^ Does that sound ok? Well gotta run Bye-bye now*waves happly and leaves*
Saya Ashika Kara Katrea
Dear Saya,
It is OK on an occasional basis. However, you really do need to do your own math studies.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hello! So how is Devil May Cry? My friend rented it once and he said it was ok. I want to play it by my PS2 it broken*sobs* Oh well hopefully it will get fixed soon^_^ Well gotta run my friend Faye gets to stay the night tonight*jumps and yells* ALRIGHT!!! Bye-bye *waves happly and dances off merrily*
A VERY happy Saya Ashika Kara Katrea
Dear Saya,
We haven't started playing it yet. But we'll let you know.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Dear Tamahome and Hotohori thanks!!!!! I got another question Why someone call Tamahome Master Nakago?
Dear Sheryl,
Ah, that's a spoiler from the first OAV!
Dear Mitsukake,
*grasps his hands and dances in a circle*
Yay! I can listen to your full song now!
Dear IraMirado,
*Smiles* Why couldn't you before?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
ARRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! I missed the Tao contest?! Why didn't anyone tell me that it was going to be held this month? Was Satoshi really worried? I'm sorry I didn't contact anyone while I was sick. Xioshunlin, how is your sister? I heard about the accident. Will she be okay? And for all the suzaku seishi thank you for being so caring! Who caused the accident? And who forgot to tell me about the contest?! Someone_will_die_.
Pissed off Rei
Dear Rei,
You're very welcome. We're glad you're feeling better.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I know this is a completely random question that just popped into my mind, but what are your favorite band(s)? Gomen nasai, I get weird thoughts quite often.
Dear Meikumo,
We like several musical groups. Among them are L'arc en Ciel, SMAP, V6, Glay, Shazana, Gackt, B'z, and Tokio.
Dear Tasuki,
Seee! Told ya I would get my revenge! XP
Dear HinoTenshi,
*Still face first on the floor…* Yer not funny … I need a drink …
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki no bakayarou! Of COOOOOOOURSE you drink it! It holds more than your average cup, see? So you can drunk a whole lot faster! ::fanged grin:: By the way... I sent a little fanart to the site... hope you like it! ::waves:: Byeeeee!
Dear Kokkei,
I ain't no bakayarou! D'ya even know what that word means?? Saw th' fanart. It was me an' Kouji, right? It's really good! Thanks!
Dear Tamahome,
*Cries* Oniisan!! Guess what? I went for the interview for this job at this clothing store that I've always wanted to work at, and the interview was this past saturday, and it seemed fine, and the lady told me about the second interview or whatever which btw, I've never heard of before, but I guess every business has a different way of running things, anyways, the lady told me all this stuff about orientation for the clothing store etc.etc. and she seemed really interested in me and stuff like that. So I figured, well since she seems interested in me, they'll probably call me back and my friend Rose also felt that way. Well sunday they never called, and monday they never called. So I was kinda getting worried that maybe they already hired those 20 people like she was telling me about they had 125 people and they wanted 145 people. So my dad told me well maybe someone got sick and couldn't make it or maybe they postponed the interviews till tomorrow(Tuesday/today). I was like okay maybe you're right. Well, the mail comes today and I get this small postcard from Mervyns saying they're not going to accept me and they don't have a position open for me.
*Cries* I really need a job oniisan! I really need a job so I can pay my OWN tuition for college, and for the car I want! But I won't be able to do that with 300+ bucks in my account! I had almost 700+ in my bank account but since my friend's and I were going places, I took some money out, because I knew if I asked my dad he wouldn't give it to me(or maybe he would, but I didn't want to spend his money since I had mine!). All this money went to personal usage for like School stuff, I also took a 100 out for that Japanese course I want to take if it's not too late, but I won't be able to afford tuition for the fall semester! Because the classes are like 10 bucks a pop! *Sighs* I really need a job, but noone will call me back for an interview! And I do NOT want to work in another fast food restaurant OR a restaurant,cause I hate it! What can I do in order to get a good paying job? I guess the only luck I have left is working at the mall at this one store that I like, but I have absolutely NO WAY of getting up there! *Sighs* What should/can I DO? I need help!}
Dear Shukumei,
I'm sorry you didn't get the job. All you can do is keep trying. Go to all the stores in your local mall and see which ones are hiring and then apply. If you apply to and interview at enough places you'll eventually get hired. As for lack of transportation, aren't there any nbuses or subways where you are? Perhaps you can geta job at the same place as oneof your friends and try to carpool. If it's not too distant you could ride a bike or roller skate there. Ganbatte kudasai! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Chichiri,
Hey big bro. did I tell I got a new black 2 year old cat called max on mach 21rst? Well I did and now we have this cat hanging around our house we call him Jack and somtimes he sneaks into our house. hows Tama Oh and what dese tama mean. well gotta go gotta go gotta go.
Saint star
Dear Saint star,
Tama has several meanings, no da. Ball, sphere, globe, bullet, shot, shell, and coin. Jack, no da? Is this the same kitten that Luna mentioned, no da?
Dear Tasuki,
hey tasuki.........*hands him a big stuffed wolf* i hope ya like it and just for fun i bought this for ya in portland *gives him some saki* well what are your plans for summer??? you and the seishi i mean..???
Dear Luna,
Thanks fer th' cool gifts! We don't have many plans. If somethin' comes up we'll let ya' know.
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