Dear Chichiri,
hey chichiri guess what??? i go a kitten yesterday his name is jack though he's a little to frisky. everyone in my family thinks i'm not very responsible though i try so this cat is my last chance to prove them wrong and show myself what i'm made of so any who i got you a big plush tiger and i got tasuki a gift to i hope you guys like them.......well talk to you later
Dear Luna,
Good luck with your new kitten. Take good care of him, no da!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*leaves CnA a large platter of fruit and cheese, a bottle of chilled sparkling juice, a wine glass, and a dishtub filled with hot water and epson salts*
You've made it this far Aneki, I hope you've gotten enough rest. If you need to talk you know where to find me. *hugs*
Dear Doc-sama,
Arigato! Don't worry Doc-sama we'll take good care of her, no da!
Dear Chichiri,
::enters with a serious face::
Forgive me, o-bousan, for I have sinned.
Dear Anonymous,
Oh? What did you do, no da?
Dear Nuriko,
Alright Nuriko your brave enough to dance with me. :offers her hand: shall we dance?
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley Chan,
*Takes her hand* Certainly! BTW, CnA just heard from the people that she ordered the Eiken Den DVDs from and parts 2 and 3 are on their way to her from Japan. She also ordered Part 4 from Animaxis but that won't get here till after May. I thought you'd like to know.
Dear Chiriko,
*Sighs* I really don't know what to do for my website, so I came to you. You wouldn't happen to know of a place that has Fushigi Yugi backgrounds would you for like websites or diaries would you? If you do that'll help me a WHOLE lot!! Thanks for helping me...I really need the help!
Dear Shukumei,
Have you tried AniPike? They may have what you are looking for.
Dear Tasuki,
*Hugs back*^^ Ara! Nice to see you had a wonderful birthday!! .....Hmm, you didn't drink TOO much did you? *eyes him* Be honest.
btw,Shukumei-chan, Hai!^^ Very true!
Yume, TnM
Dear Yume,
*Hiccups and sways slightly* Nah, not too much…
Dear Tasuki,
Ah okay, so basically I can pounce ya, whenever I want to right? Not that I will keep doing it. Anyways, so your welcome is douitashimaste? ^___^ WAI!! I am LEARNING!! *Does the bandit dance.* Anyways, I still haven't heard from Mervyns yet ;____;. I've been waiting practically ALL day, and still no phone call for the second interview. I hope they didn't hire those 20 people yet!! ;___; . Anyways, why are people ALWAYS pickin on ya tasuki?
Dear Shukumei,
I guess people jus' like to annoy me. Good luck! I'll be keepin' my fingers crossed fer ya'!
Dear Tasuki,
You ask on the main page no more #$%! hentai questions about you and Koji... Who is Kouji? Is it someone you lo~ve! ^_-
Dear Ecchi-chan,
Don't be a baka! Ya' know darn good an' well that Kouji's my best friend! Yer jus' bein' hentai! >.<
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
How do you post fanart?
Dear Shisho,
You can send it to the Admin. Address on the index peeji.
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki, I know that you aren't the best for relationship advice, but whenever they's hard to believe because nobody ever wins. Ever. They either get interuppted or both of them just collaspse at the same time! But I heard you were going somewhere with Rei! *shakes him hard* WHERE IS SHE?! WE HAVE BEEN SO WORRIED ABOUT HER!! SHE HAS BEEN GONE FOR A MONTH NOW!
Dear Xioshunlin,
She asked me to go to th' arcade wit' her.
Dear Tasuki,
Okay! I made you more than rum cake! But here's the rum cake. And I made you a apple pie, choclate chip cookies, angel food cake, and a alcohol slushie!! I don't think that you could harm innocent children. I hope you like the sweets.
Dear Rei,
Looks great! Thanks! Say, d'ya know someone named Xioshunlin? She's been lookin' fer ya'.
Dear Tasuki,
i just have to ask, are you in a relationship with anyone Tasuki? write back to me. by the way my name is miaka. not the prisetess.
Dear Miaka,
No I ain't an' we don't do personal email.
Dear Nuriko,
*glomps Nuriko-kun* Arigatou!!!! *makes a face at Tasuki* That's what you get! XP
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
Oyyyyy… *Falls face first on the floor…*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
i found this baby squirrel hiding under a car. he was so cute and innocent, and by the looks of it his mother has abandoned him. I was trying to get him somewhere safe, but my mom told me to go get help, and i stupidly agrreed with her. when i got back, he was not crushed, but he died of shock from an upcoming car.I loved that squirrel, and i even named him Shadow because i found him hiding in the shadow of a parked car. *sniff* i miss him, and i feel like i need to do more for him, do you have anny suggestions?
Hakura Mayabashi
Dear Hakura Mayabashi,
Have you considered giving him a nice funeral or at least a eulogy, no da?
Dear Mitsukake,
You did nothing. I was just cranky, and I took it out on you. The next day, I'm fully rested, and the first thought is that I was mean to you. And I never -did- get around to taking your pictures down. And today I made the Mitsukake picture on my binder look pretty. And I'm never going to tell you what you were doing in the little scene that popped up when I was trying to meditate.
Today, two things happened related to you. As I said, I made my Binder-Mitsukake picture look pretty. Second, I brought my CD player to school, and I played 'I'm Too Sexy' over and over again, and I sang to Nikki (in the same way 'I'm Too Sexy' is sung) "Nicole's...too sexy for her elf.' (Nikki likes Legolas.) And I kept singing that, so halfway through our English/Language Arts/whatever class, she started to sing "Ashley's..too sexy for Mitsukake..' And I tried hard to keep from laughing. I really did. But I laughed. And people looked.
I have a new favorite song. 'I'm Too Sexy' by Right Said Fred. And I've listened to it for 2 1/2 days straight. Well, almost. Not during any of my classes (except Band, Homeroom, and out Environmental Studies class). Yes, I've even listened to it while bathing. We all came up with different uh, things to better suit us..Amy's too sexy for Chichiri, Tony's too sexy for his Travis (or hair), Alicia's too sexy for her pencil..Hotohori's too sexy for the rest of the human population, Mitsukake's too sexy for his cat.. I have more. Want to hear more? ^_^
Ira Mirado. (I'm too sexy for my..)
Dear Ira Mirado,
Interesting… Well, I'm certainly relieved to know I didn't offend you.
Dear Mitsukake,
Oiya! I think my puppy's getting over his hate of the lawnmower! The first two times my mom cut the grass this season, he went beserk and exhausted himself trying to find a way outside to keep the lawnmower from attacking her. *sweatdrops* Straaaaange creatures, puppies.... do kitties do weird things, too? Any Tama-neko stories?!? *looks at him hopefully*
Dear Ayame,
They're mostly afraid of vacuum cleaners. Although Tama-neko has been known to just go on a tear for no reason.
Dear Nuriko,
*observes the Tasuki-shaped dent in the wall* ...Impressive. You seem to do that often... *sighs* I wish I could.... I can think of a dozen people right now that I wouldn't mind seeing dents of in the walls. They make fun of me. ;-;!
Dear Ayame,
That's so mean! Why do they do that?
Dear Mitsukake,
Hello! I'm a little sad U_U ya see I'm tired of being...well me. I just hate how bratty I sound sometimes and I don't think my friends like me cuz of how I act. I've tried being nice and not so me but when I'm around them I just can't help but be me. What am I to do? *sobs* I feel left out when I'm with my friends too. Like they don't want me around or talking to them but when I ask they insist that they don't feel that way. I'm I just being paranoid? Why can't I act the way I feel like I do when there not around? I'm always nice when no one is there but then I see them and it's back to being me again. I HATE IT!!! *sighs* I'm sorry for bothering you but I had to talk to someone and you just seem so nice and I don't want to bother you but I just had to talk to someone. Thanks for listening to my babble and sorry for bothering you.
I see that your birthday is coming up! What would you like? Ask for anything and I will try my best to get it for you^_^ Well gotta run but seriously ask for anything! Bye-bye now!!!*waves happly and leaves*
Saya Ashika Kara Katrea
Dear Saya,
If you truly don't like your behavior, then you must make a conscious effort to change it. Have you considered talking to a counselor about this? It might help. I would like to spend a day with Shoka.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
hi i am your biggest fan i was wondering if you could write to my brother and tell him i said to write to him i am his littler sister and Tasuki is his fav warrior Chichiri is mine.
Dear Katie,
We don't do personal emails.
Dear Chichiri,
hi i watch the anime and you are my fav charector are the warriors nice? write back to me
big chichiri fan
Dear big chichiri fan,
Arigato for your kind words, no da. Sorry we don't do personal email. The Suzaku Seishi are very nice, no da.
Dear Chiriko,
*jumps up on him and rubs her cheek to his while holding a BIG bolder* your to cute..*purrs as she gets pet* you said i was kawaii^-^. *looks at the bolder* um this represents my sins.* starts to cry*i'm only 12. I only ran into the general by mistake and now he wants me to carry this for 3 days no sleep no water and no food. *crys harder as her tail droops* what would you do if you were me chiriko;.;?
and tired and hungery Snowy kira
Dear Snowy kira,
I would do my penance and try not to anger that person again!
Dear Nuriko,
Taluki: hello i'm kitsune_Star_Fira's.....Best friend. how are you?
Cloud: *has a huge crush on kitsune*
Taluki: o.k nuriko this is my brother his name is cloud and well he has a big crush on her. You read all her letters and well please tell him your thoughts of her. *hugs her bro* my cloud strife look alike. *looks at his hair and cloths. o.k so you have green hair and you where a gi.
Cloud: *blush* um kitsune is really interest nuriko and i would wish to know your opinion about her.
*kitsune runs over to taluki*
Kitsune:taluki-sama!!!*glomps her and looks at cloud* CLOUD!!! *drops her bag* um..h-h-how are you. *blushes*
Cloud: *mouth drops open* Kitsune-chan long time no see. i'm fine.^-^
Kitsune: o.k well gotta go my sister(s) need me to cook dinner.*runs off*
Taluki: well nuriko i would also like your thoughts on that to.
Cloud:*passes out with a nose bleed*
Taluki: *pickes up her brother and runs off* ARIGATO!!!!!
Taluki and her brother cloud
Dear Taluki and Cloud,
She seems nice and I'd say she likes him, too!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*gets hugged and goes BEET red* *seems to be in shock* you hugged me... ^-^*sits down cross legged smiling* You hugged me and your not fried to bits.....^----^*jumps up and down because her skin is as hot a fire* *shivers* now i'm cold...O.o anyway ^-^*pounces on nuriko and wags her fox tail..smiles*
Luna: Hn kitsune your scaring the guy.*waves* HI TASUKI!
Kitari:*is depressed* nokia hates me....;.;
Kitsune: nani*looks down at nuriko* *jumps up really fast* G-g-gomen *bows and doesn't raise her head*
Star_fire:*bows to minna* *speaks softly* hello...^-^ *looks at chiriko* *blushes*.
Kitsune: o.k its confusing there are two kitsune in the group. *points* that kitsune is also part fox but her name is Kitsune_FIRE!!
Kitsune_fire: sure kitsune just pour your heart to them.......
Kitsune: *feels unloved* sorry;.; These people are my family but me and star have different dads. our dad died and their dad was killed by Ciron.Well that's what they told me. Their REALLY happy. *looks at kitari*
Kitari: *is now sobbing* he's ignoring me.....*crys*
Kitsune: kitari he doesn't he's just um.....HAVE A VACATION!!! O.O
Luna: Kitari maybe he does hate you...*smirks* Hn love HA don't make me sick.
Star:.....chiriko are you following this? I was lost as soon as they said 'love' What's is 'love' anyway? Luna always told me that it's a useless stupid emotion. But if it's useless then why do we feel it.
Kitsune: O_O *falls over to the cold unforgiving ground* ororororororororor @.@ star your to smart for you own good i'd say you were a female chiriko. NURIKO!!!!!!!!! *pounces on him*
Star: long letter....
well ja we will leave you people in peace
kitsune_Star_Fira and companyO.O ^^;;;;;;;
Dear kitsune_Star_Fira and company,
*They all stare at them confused and sweatdropping…*
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Chichiri,
HIIIIIII, CHICHIRI!!!! (pops up out of the blue) Long time no see, huh? I've been real busy with school work, but I finally go the opportunity to send a letter. Daaaa...(sad) I got lice from school...the day I write this letter, it's the second day of the treatment. My grampa suggested I should just shave my head. T.T I'm ignoring him. Ano, if you get Ash-chan's letter to Mitsukake...i'll explain later. (sigh)
Dear Amy-sama,
I wouldn't recommend shaving your head, no da! But you will have to boil all of your bedding and put all your plushies in plastic bags, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
HEY HEY GUESS WHAT!! I'm so excited!!!!! AHG but the school year felt like it was going by so fast and now every day is REALLY slow!! okay, you remember kouji!! good ol' kouji who was with aidou and kyori and stuff all the way back from 98, right? yeah! well, he and i are like best friends now! for like.. a year and half now i think. and this summer he's comin' down to see me then i'm goin' back with him for a week! i talked to chichiri no aijin about 'him' at AX, everything's gonna be cool. oh, speaking of which, he's coming with me to AX this summer!! thats the week he's coming down! Its gonna be so fun!! just had to tell someone and thought of all people you'd be the best to tell!
Dear Yuffie002,
That's co cool! Chichiri no Aijin an' alla us are lookin' forward to seein' both of ya' at AX!
Dear Chichiri,
Chichiri-chan! *falls on him* My life sucks so much, no da. I might flunk subjects, and tutors don't help, and my friends are mad at me because they tell me to draw things, and I never can b/c I'm too busy trying to do homework! Wah... I know people have it a lot worse than me, so i never like to complain about little things like this. I really need help... Life is just way too busy... Thanks for the Buddism things BTW. (I've already researched it A LOT, chiri-chan, so don't just think I woke up one day and decided to be Buddist ^^.) *hugs* Chichiri, do you know what to do, my friends aren't very good listeners b/c I'm the listener in the group. Boy, it feels good to have someone listen to you... *hug hug hug* Thnaks for listening, Hoshi-sama. GTG Bai!!
Dear Bosher,
Why do you say that tutors that won't help, no da? Perhaps you can get your friends to help you. You should tell them that you are having difficulties and there will be no artwork until your grades recover, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
Uncle Nuriko I was playing hide and seek wit auntie Water Spwite but den i saw a orwange haired kowai face man so i ran away form him then i realized i was lost and couldnt find auntie anywhere*sniff*i miss her...
Dear Ken,
*Doubles over laughing* That was Tasuki!
Dear Nuriko,
*yelling* Ken-kun!Ken-kun!!!Nuriko-san have you seen my little nephew anywhere?I heard him scream and started worrying so I tried to look for him but*tears well up in her eyes**crys on Nuriko's shoulder*I hope he is all right...
An upset Water Sprite
Dear Water Sprite,
Don't cry! He's right here. He spotted Tasuki and ran away scared.
Dear Tamahome,
ONII-CHAN!!!! someone threw fire balls at us!
Kiara, Miaka, and Yuiren
Dear Kiara, Miaka, and Yuiren,
Who? Lina Inverse?
Dear Nuriko,
hi nuriko.....i come bearing a problem i hope you dont mind? ok i have this supecion that my husband is cheating on me im so confused at the moment my heads spinning....*hugs nuriko* i guess ill go im visiting all the seishi! *was burned by people throwing fireballs at her* c-ya!
Dear Kiara,
We do you have that suspicion that your husband would do such a thing? Perhaps the two of you need to talk… Would you like Mitsukake to treat your burns?
Dear Chiriko,
Hello! Hey if I gave you my email address would you email me? I want to do math problems back and forth. Would that be ok with you ^_^ I think it would be fun to do. Well thanks for listening hope ya say yes^_^
Saya Ashika Kara Katrea
Dear Saya,
Gomen, but we do not do personal email.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hello! Wow you guys like the Final Fantasy series too! That's cool! Which ones have you played before? I've played 7-10 and I totaly loved them! Have you guys ever played the Resident Evil series? If you have did you like it? I do I think it is fun^_^ Well gotta go now thanks for listening Bye-bye ^_^ *waves happly and leaves*
Saya Ashika Kara Katrea
Dear Saya,
We've played 7-10, but we've never played Resident Evil. However, we now have Devil May Cry, so we'll let you know how it is.
Dear Chiriko,
hello chiriko......*is tired and sad today* i heard you wanted to see your oniisan and okaasan! * walks out the door and brings them in* here i brought them to visit you!*hugs and kisses her ototochan* there have a nice visit! *walks out*
Dear Samantha,
Arigato! *Gives her a big hug.* Why are you sad?
Dear Tasuki,
Hello! umm.....sorry I missed you birthday I feel really really really bad so I got you some sake^_^*hands him a bottle of grade A sake* Enjoy and next year I'll remember and get you something specail ^_^ Oh and by the way I really like you hair it's awesome!
Saya Ashika Kara Katrea
Dear Saya,
Arigato! Better late 'n never!
Dear Chichiri,
*glomps chichiri* Hello! I was wondering what does "no da" mean? I think it's cute you say it all the time^_^ but I must know what it means:p Kinda silly that I don't know already but I'm sooo not good with different languages. Sorry for bothering you but I just had to ask and thanks again for answering.
Saya Ashika Kara Katrea
Dear Saya,
"No da" is an emphasizer. It can also mean, "That's obvious", no da.
Dear Nuriko,
Hello! Thanks for telling me I was getting worried^_^ but what does Ganbatte, ne mean?(sorry but I'm not good on forrein languages:p)
Saya Ashika Kara Katrea
Dear Saya,
You're very welcome! "Ganbatte kudasai" is the same as saying "Good luck" or "Do your best".
Dear Nuriko,
hmm thank you itoshii..
*gives him a quick kiss* Yukatas, light dresses that kind of thing? At last some time not to argue with Trista about school. >.< ooohh brain cramp *puts her head in her hands*
Dear Doc-sama,
Hai! So why is Trista refusing to go to school?
Dear Nuriko,
Hi again, 'Nii-san! I can't believe I haven't told you my name yet! x.x And you're my new older brother! ^_^ My name is Holly. So what's your favorite color? Mine is orange. People say it's an odd color. Oh well. Anyways ::Hands him a flower:: ^_^ I picked it this afternoon! Ja Ne, Onii-san!
Route Venus aka Holly
Dear Holly,
My favorite color is purple. Arigato for the lovely flower. *Smiles*
Dear Chiriko,
Mommy says in one year I start school! What school should I go to to be as smart as my Uncle Shunu? *huge grin* He's the bestest!
Dear Lita,
*Sweatdrops* Any school should be able to accomplish that.
Dear Tasuki,
Hey tasuki! how ya doin today? Well i have a teddy bear and me and my friend thought it was cute to name it after you! So we named the teddy bear "Tasuki Teddy" ^.^ hope you dont mind that but the teddy bear looks like you! the same color hair ^0^ see...*shows him the teddy bear* isnt it cute!?! ^^; heh heh *gives him a clone of tasuki teddy* ^^ Here you can have tasuki teddy's clone tasuki teddy2 Hope you like it! Cya tasuki
Dear Kisato-Chan,
OK… *Sweatdrops at the cuteness….* Thanks.
Dear Tamahome,
So, do you want to change the world? (tee hee) No, really, we just wanted to wish you and Miaka all the best and if I were Suzaku you wouldn't have had to go through all that unfairness!
By the way, I (Sei, that is) have no money to give you since I lost it all at the flea market, but if you want you can have Tana's soul as payment. Tee hee.
Tana an' Sei
Dear Tana an' Sei,
No thanks, I don't collect souls only okane. Arigato for your good wishes!
Dear Chichiri,
So, umm... (and you'd better be on our side on this) is Tasuki's niece a brat or what!? I mean, she's whiny, annoying, and cries over practically nothing! AND she thinks Miaka eats little girls (not that we told her or anything *innocent look from both*)
Also, just so you know, several people here think that once your mask is off you are definitely the hottest of the seishi. And your mask is really cute too (I'm sure you get that a lot) ^_^ ~Laters!
Tana an' Sei
Dear Tana an' Sei,
Arigato for your kind compliments.
Tasuki's niece is a very sweet child, no da. You shouldn't be so mean to small children, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
*runs in out of breath* Hey there! My gosh I am SO SORRY that I missed writing you a letter on your birhtday! So before I say anything else, Happy Birhtday!!! Okay, I DID bring you a present; it's anything you want it to be. I haven't written for awhile, did you miss me? I've had a bunch of school stuff to do, like track meets, tests and quarter grades. Plus, I was sick over spring break with an ear infection. BTW if you want to know where Midinght Fairy is, I don't know. *sighs in relief* I guess I'll have to call her later. What'd YOU do over spring break? I have a story posted on Fanfiction. Will you read it and tell me what you think? Hold on... *re-reads letter and sweatdrops*...I think this is too much mental hopscotch. I hope you don't get too confused when you read this. Sorry about it! Again, feliz cumpleanos.Hasta luego!!! (That means see you later in Spanish.)
Dear Chrissie-chan,
Thanks fer th' birthday wishes.
Dear Mitsukake,
Yo, *Tana gives him a 3-D maximum cheddar flavored Frito Lay Ruffle Thing* They're good! So, now that we're on friendly basis, what are your feelings on this whole Tasuki Gone Soft issue? Also, we was wonderin' about what the best cure for a suicidal hamster is, 'cause we know this one that keeps on climbing on things and jumping off an' when it's in it's ball it rolls straight to the cat, so is there something to do about it?
And speakin' of cats, here *Sei hands Tama some fish* thought you might like this, though we know everyone's been feedin' him lately so umm... well, hope he's getting his exercise, I guess. *both chuckle nervously*
Tana an' Sei
Dear Tana an' Sei,
Arigato for the fish for Tama-neko. I really don't know what to say about your hamster. Perhaps you just need to keep him away form tall places. I don't think Tasuki has gone soft.
Dear Tasuki,
Yo Shun'u Wunu, how was your birthday? We here heard you hugged your sister, so could it be true that you finally ARE goin' soft? Aww, how cute *poke him* Wow! Sooooffttt.... *put bows in his hair and dress him in pink* how cuuuutee!!! 'wai!!
*turn to Lita*
Is uncle Shun'u Cute now?
Lita: *starts crying*
*back away slowly* Ummm.... *nervous sweatdrop* Well, Shun'u Wunu... Umm... *turn and start running* You can deal with this! Bye!!
Tana, Sei, an' Lita
Dear Tana, Sei, an' Lita,
DON'T CALL ME THAT!!!!!!!!!!! *Pulls off bows and pink clothes.* I AIN'T GONE SOFT!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Storms off...*
Dear Hotohori,
Yo sweetie, we're sure you get this a lot, but we jus' had to ask... how is it that you get to be so sparkly? Also, would you ever streak your hair blue an' green? (if you ever do, make sure to CLOSE your mouth before sprayin' the stuff, otherwise it gets a bit messy...) Anyways, have fun our sparkling emperor! Et Soyez heureux! ^_^
Tana an' Sei
Dear Tana an' Sei,
I just sparkle naturally as all bishounen do. I would never streak my hair, but thank you for the advice.
Dear Chiriko,
Yo Chiriko, we was jus' wonderin'...
Is Sake's scientific name Monodextirin? 'Cause there's this energy drink that tastes jus' like it, and has the same effects, only they don't say 'sake', they say 'monodextirin'. And you bein' so smart an' all, we figured you'd know. (we was gonna ask Tasuki Wasuki but since he's gone soft and all he might not remember what Sake is anymore, ya know.) Thanks bunches!
Tana an' Sei
Dear Tana an' Sei,
As far as I know, no. And just so you know, Tasuki hasn't gone soft.
Dear Nuriko,
We was jus' wonderin', have you ever tried giving Tasuki-Wasuki (ya know, the one who's gone soft now that Kouji's kid's arrived) some of that delicious tastin' Nuriko Special?
Tana an' Sei
Dear Tana an' Sei,
I did. It didn't faze him… He's not gone soft.
Dear Tasuki,
Do you have a cousin in Japan named Sagara Sanosuke? Cause I think you two are freakishly alike. (Not that you're a freak). I mean, you both have spiky hair, love sake, anger easily, and both of your old bosses look alike. Not too mention that priests taught you new techniques, except instead of learning how to make wolves and stuff, Sano can turn a boulder to dust. Is it more than just coincidence?
Dear Meikumo,
He ain't my cousin but I'd sure like to have get into a sake drinkin' contest wit' him! I bet I could outdrink him easy! *Grins*
Dear Tasuki,
Damn... Everyone gave you all kinds of cool presents... buuuuut... I bet no one got you an inflatable swimming pool full of sake, ne? Happy Belated Birthday, Gen-chan! ::does bandit dance:: If ever there was ANY excuse to get completely wasted... this would be it! Birthday celebrations should go on for days.. maybe even weeks! ::fanged grin:: Uh, anyway... enjoy your sake... and watch out if anyone gives you a Nuriko Special.. they'll knock you on your @ss faster than anything (proves that Nuriko can outdrink ya!) Ja, Tasuki-san!
Dear Kokkei,
Arigato! So, do I drink it or wade in it?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Have any of you heard from Rei? She has missed the Tao contest! She would have won too. We are all very worried! And Rei, if you read this part... Satoshi was especially worried about you!^_^ *nudge nudge wink wink* Come back soon! One of you should let me know in a letter if you have heard from her.
Dear Xioshunlin,
I think we did recently, no da. She seems to be a lot better, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
TASUKI-KUN! God, looooong time no see. ^^ Hey, I brought the wine from that French estate, by the way, got first in all my equtation classes at that show. Anywho, I recomend the *hic* red wines, they're all really good though. But life's been a bummer this whole month, well, not all of it. You see, my friend wanted me to try out her new horse, and it wasn't until after it had charged toward the electric fence, bucked me off, and dragged me ten yards as I slowly lost consciunius; that the horse hadn't been ridden for over a year. Oo. So, the aftermath was a sprained wrist, several broken bones in my shoulder where he dragged me, and alot of scrapes and such else. Suffice to say, I haven't been running track or playing football, or horseback riding for that matter, and now, a full month later, the doctors think I need surgery on my shoulder because the noticed through the x-rays that it is not the break that can be corrected with their precious "clavical brace." Oo. so naturally, things haven't been completly great, but I've done alot of reading too. ( I'm becoming a Geoffrey Chaucer addict.) But just about a week ago, my parents asked me if I wanted to lease another horse. I said sure! Then they asked if I would wrather buy my own horse, and naturally, I went out and out crazy. Best yet, we've found the horse that I know is for me, and ironically she looks alot like "Bob". **copyrighted evil tomboyish giggle** No, this horse is much nicer, and is a decendant of Man o' war and the Godolphin (sp?) Arabian, but I guess those horses were before your time.^.~ Anywho, has Taka-baka gotton any stupider while I was gone? **hands him a bottle of maple syrup and chicken feathers** dump this on him when you get a chance, 'kay? Later. **toddles off with a hitchstep**
oh, BTW, Happy B-day onnichan!
Mika Kino
Dear Mika Kino,
Geez I'm sorry to hear ya' got so messed up! If ya' have th' operation will ya' be ok? Congrats on getting' yer own horse! I think that's great! Arigato fer th' birthday wishes an' thanks fer th' "Tamahome Torture Kit"! *Grins evilly*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Which one of you will swing dance with me? ^_^ I just got back from disneyland and I swing danced, so I am soo full of engery and I'd loove to dance with one of you. So which one will be brave enough?
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley Chan,
I will! I love to dance!
Dear Tasuki,
But, But, But...I thought anyone could pounce any one of you guys? ;____; *Sniffles*. Anyways, I'll apologize anyways, I'm sorry one-chan (if she reads this)for stealing your pounces!
Anyways, I'm glad you had a great birthday ^__^ and doutashimaste! (I think I spelled that right or is it douitashimaste?). Anyways, yer welcome I'm learnin, I really am! *Smiles.* Anyways, I should go now. TTYS.
Dear Shukumei,
Any of ya' can! It's jus' that fer th' longest time One-chan was th' only one that ever did. I kinda took it to be her trademark. It ain't nothin' fer ya' to get upset over! Th' second one was spelled right. Good job! Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Tamahome,
Yes we did.
Dear Tasuki,
*POUNCE!* I... I have a confession to make!
Dear One-chan,
Ok, go ahead.
Dear Tasuki,
Just you wait! I shall have my revenge --;;
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
Oh, PFFFFTTTT... Stop cryin' over drunk sake!
Dear Nuriko,
Nuirrrrrrrri-Kun! *runs and glomps him* I have a request ^^;; Will you beat up Tasuki for me? ;-; He called me a brat! *cries* I'm not a brat am I? ;-;
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
Of course you're not! *Checks his calendar...* Ah, Tasuki's birthday os long over! *Grabs Tasuki and punches him into a wall.* Now stop being mean to your fan girls! There, how was that? *Smiles*
Dear Tasuki,
Honto ni? You will go with me? Waiiiiiiii!!! Do you have any favourite dessert that you want me to bake you? You have to keep your cussing at a low degree because there are younger kids there. My friend(I guess you could call her that) said that you would hurt little children. Is that true?
Dear Rei,
I like rum cake! An yer friend is wrong, I don't hurt lil' kids ... much... *Grins*
Dear Tasuki,
I am so sorry for my sister. She just goes around asking to fight men! It's really not her fault. She has a bad past and is bitter about men. But, I know she likes this guy who thinks women are weak, and my sister thinks men are weak. And I know for a fact that he likes her too. I overheard him talking with one of his friends at the Tao contest (fighting contest) But they are too proud to admit that they like each other. Do you know any way I can set them up? I want my sister to be happy again.
Dear Xioshunlin,
Ya' know I really ain't th' one to ask fer relationship advice! I dunno... why not have 'em fight each other? Loser has to date th' winner.
Dear Tasuki,
*gets puppy dog eyes* Do I HAVE to let go of yor leg!? *clings tighter to his leg* You've got really nice legs! ^_- *purrs like a little kitten*
Dear Ecchi-chan,
Yes, ya' do! Thanks, now leggo!
Dear Nuriko,
Papa? Where are you and Mama going? Can I go too? Please...? Where will Sora, Ari and I stay? *sniffles and looks up at him* Mama got mad at me cuz I didn't go to school yesterday...I haven't gone in 4 days, she doesn't know that I in trouble? *sits on the floor, tears flowing down her cheeks*
Dear Trista,
Why haven't you gone to school? *Sighs* I'll deal with your non-attendance after we get back. You and your brothers will be staying with Mitsukake for a few day while Doc-sama and I take a short vacation. If you refuse to attend school while we are gone, I will ask Chiriko and Chichiri to come by to instruct you.
Dear Tasuki,
I meant ask her out. Gosh! whenever I see a girl that I like I get either all shy, or start talking so much that it annoys the girl away from me.
Dear CIT,
I think ya' wanted Tamahome fer this one, but I'll try an' help ya' out. Just ask her out fer somethin' simple like coffee or a soda. If she accepts an' thins' go well, then ask her to a movie or mebbe to study. Good luck!
Dear Nuriko,
Hello! I have a problem you see and I was wondering if you could help. I've been trying to lose weight, ya know exercising, eating right the works, and ever tough it looks like I am the scale just keeps rising. When I started I was 160 now I'm 180!!!! I'm so lost by this bizarre action@_@ Can you tell me why I look like I'm losing weight but the scale says I'm not?
Saya Ashika Kara Katrea
Dear Saya,
You are gaining muscle mass which weighs more than fat. CnA has the same problem. But don't worry, as you gain the muscle tissue it will help to burn the fat. As you even said you look like you are losing weight. Use that as your barometer instead of the scale. You should also be able to gauge your weight loss by the fact that your clothes will be getting loose on you as well. Ganbatte, ne?
Dear Mitsukake,
*walks up to him* I just wanted you to know that I am taking down the lovely Mitsukake pictures that dot my room and are replacing them with Tomo. Have a nice day. *forced smile*
Ira Mirado, in a not-so pleasant mood.
Dear Ira Mirado,
I'm sorry you feel that way. Gomen nasai if I did something to upset you.
Dear Tamahome,
mr. Tamahome sir will you tell me a story about Suzaku no Miko?
Dear Lita,
Sure! *Lifts her up and puts her on his lap and starts to tell her about how he and Miaka met.*
Dear Tasuki,
i sowy....can i have some cake? pwease? *cute smile*
Dear Lita,
Course ya' can! *Gives her a piece of non-alcoholic cake.*
Dear Nuriko,
Good, cause I need a vacation badly..
Any ideas on who we can get to watch the little ones? Juan? His life has been too quiet lately. *snuggles* The boys are weaned so that won't be a problem. Pack light ne?
Dear Doc-sama,
Well, no slight to the others but, I think Mitsukake is the best one to watch and care for the children. I've asked him and he said yes. So start packing!
Dear Mitsukake,
*Hugs her oniisan* Hey bro, what's going on? Well, I thought I should write to ya and let you know that I'm going to be starting on your picture soon, since I found my colored pencils *Smiles.* Anyways, has any rabid fangirls been after ya lately? I hope I'm doing okay at this job? Well, I should probably get offline so that the job I want could get through and call me. My friend Rose said I should apply for the clothing store she works at, and I was afraid that if I did we'll get sick of each other seeing each other almost every day and she's like "Oh please" So, I said okay I'll apply. Anyways, wish me luck. Hopefully they'll call with in the next week or so, and I'll get the interview. Oh yeah btw, Rose and I are going to take a Japanese CLASS! *Smiles even more.* And from what she told me they're going to teach you how to speak it, pronounce it, and write the characters so when we go to Japan we'll be the only one's who can actually read the characters! Well anyways, sorry I babbled v.v *hugs him again.*
Dear Shukumei,
You're dong a great job! Arigato! Good for you and your friend for taking Japanese! Of course you won't be the on ly ones in Japan that can read hiragana, katakana, and kanji... millions of Japanese people can read them as well. *Smiles*
Dear Tasuki,
Okay, well since I only have a little bit of money left, I thought I'd get you something for your birthday since I was gone almost all day yesterday. *gives him a present, and watches him open it.* TADA! It's SAKE *Smiles.* I didn't know what else to get you,so I got ya this.
Btw, Yume-san, You're welcome, What are friend's for? ^___^
P.s. Tasuki I'm glad you don't hate me *Smiles widely*
Dear Shukumei,
Arigato fer th' sake! Better late n' never! Course I don't hate ya'! Then again ya' did "borrow" One-chan's signature thin' that she does to me. Ya' might wanna say "Sorry" to her.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Will you please tell the slayers to check their mail!!! They havn't updated their site in about 2 years.
Dear Hyosumi,
Gomen, but it isn't our place to tell them how to run their site.
Dear Tasuki,
*clings to Tasuki's leg* I FORGOT TO SAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! *gives him two bottles of sake* I hope this will make up, it was hard to get them too, people kept saying I was underaged or something like that.
Dear Neko,
Nice! Arigato!
Dear Hotohori,
Well I am back from thirupathi! It was so stupendous! We had to wait only for about 2 hours before we got a glimpse of the god. I thought of doing a prayer ceremony in the name of Tasuki but I did not know his birth star according to our calendar! They say that if we do a prayer ceremony of an archana during ones birthday in thirupathi, it is very good for that person. Well how was life? I went through the responses and I found a girl called sakshi. I am indeed very glad that there are Indian fans for curious play. (Hey Sakshi! Are you a resident in India like I am? From which state are you?) Gomen nasai for using this letter sheet like a chat room! The train journey from and to thirupathi was interesting! My brother who happens to be a big time fan of dragonballz got a bad tummy ache and was very depressed but he was A-okay when we reached thirupathi. The same evening we went for shopping in the small shops near the temple. We got accommodation near the temple and I bought the most treasured of all books. Can you guess? Yes! It is the BHAGVADGITA AS IT IS! Do you have a copy of it or else I shall definitely send one for you! It was wonderful! It is written by swami prabupada who happens to be the founder of the international convention for Krishna conscience. The people who work there are only 15-20 years old. But their way of conversation was very pleasing. We came back by train and reached home by 10.00 in the night. We were dead tired. Do you feel like I am comparing Vishnu with suzaku? If so sorry again! I am not!
How are Houki and Boushin? I am going to call her anni. That means the wife of my brother. My brother! It is you!
Dear anya,
I'm glad that you and your family had a safe trip there and back. I'm very touched that you call me your brother. Arigato. *Bows to her.* Houki and Boushin are both well, thank you for asking. I have heard of the Bhadvadgita but I don't believe that I have ever seen one.
Dear Tamahome,
Hi again. ^^ I was wondering if you knew where I could find a good picture of you and Miaka with your son. Please tell me, I really want the picture.
Dear TamaGirl,
Have you tried looking through Anime Turnpike?
Dear Tamahome,
Two gold ryou?? Will 2 Canadian cents be enough? They have maaaple leaves on them! Ya see I don;t own any ryou ^^v heh heh heh...
Dear K.N.,
Two cents? I may be greedy but I'm not stupid! I know that's not much in your world.
Dear Tamahome,
Hey! Do you offer relationship advice? I know that you are a ladies man, so I came here to you for help. I like this girl, but I'm afraid that she'd say no. How could I tell or find out if she would say yes? and is it worth it?
CIT (cassanova in training)
Dear CIT,
I guess my answer depends on what your question to her is...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Got Milk?
Got Monkey?
Dear Monkey,
NOPE! Got Sake??? *Grins hopefully...*
Dear Nuriko,
No, he wouldn't even think of hitting me. I would beat him to a pulp or have you do it for me. I went in for a job interview today. I hope they call me back. Don't you agree that Tasuki-san needs to give Kouji-ferret a kiss? I mean,it's not like he's dirty! Kouji-ferret is nice and clean and stuff! ::holds Kouji-ferret up:: Wanna pet him, Nii-san? I'll see you later!
Route Venus
Dear Route Venus,
Sure! *Pets the ferret.* Good luck on the job! I hope you get it, too. I doubt you'll ever get Tasuki to kiss a ferret.
Dear Tasuki,
WAHHH! I MISSED YOUR BIRTHDAY!!!! *crys* I can't beleive it!!!!!!!! *hands him 12 bottles of grade A sake`* I'm sorry!!!!! Please forgive me Tasuki-sama! *clings to his leg, still bawling her eyes out*
Dear Ecchi-chan,
It's ok!! Jus' leggo my leg!
Dear Tasuki,
Nani?! Your birthday? I'm so sorry! Of course you can drink on your birthday! Tasuki can do anything he wants! I meant that in the arcade you are not allowed to drink. Plus, I don't think I could teach you to play King of Fighters when you are drunk. You don't need to go today. I'll just go see if I have some sort of cake I can give you...*checks* Here you go! *shows him a big choclate cake* I made this yesterday. Lot's of chocolate. I don't have any alcohol I can give you because I think drinking is bad. Do you want to go to the arcade in a couple of days?
Dear Rei,
SURE! Arigato fer all th' cool stuff!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Ohayo, minna! It's me, once again! I've heard of that store, and I really want to go. Thanks! Anyway, My friend Usagi's all mad at me. She'll probably me even more mad at me when she reads this, but... Yeah... Usa's mad at me because I chose going to the dance with my other friends (One's a boy... Is this a bad thing?) over going bowling with her and her boyfriend. It was really nice of him (and Usa) to invite me along, and I know her boyfriends other friends couldn't go, and I know they'd both pay a good amount of attention to me, and it isn't like I like my three other friends better than her, but she couldn't go, as she... well... The school wouldn't let her. It's just, I don't know if I did the right thing. My other 3 friends all had other plans, but cleared their schedules (or in one's case, her soccer game got canceled so she could go with us) for me! *Sparkles* I feel loved. ^_^ She's gunna hate me, and I don't want her boyfriend to be mad at me, either.. I hope I did the right thing, I didn't want to hurt her, or my other friends, but they asked me first, and 2 had cleared their schedules so I wouldn't be there alone!
Morgy-San (who is confused! O_o)
Dear Morgy-San,
Explain to your friends that same thing that you explained to us. I'm sure they will understand. As for Usagi and her boyfriend you can always say you didn't want to intrude on their time together. Good luck!
Dear Tasuki,
You bet I'm p*ssed! --; And to think I was going to get ya something for your birthday but I'm not so sure nooooow *glares* I don't think you deserve anthing! You stole "MY" sake and called me a brat --;; I have been insulted and I will not stand for it! *glares at him with piercing blue eyes* Ooooo, are you gonna get it now! *pouts*
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
Stop poutin'! An' don't ya' even THINK 'bout cryin'!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*hands out pictures to all the Seishi except Tasuki* look Tasuki's gone soft!
Dear Tana,
Nani? What's this all about?
Dear Chichiri,
It's sort of ironic that i ask you this question, but since i think that you are the wisest *and most bishonen* of the Sazaku group, here's my problem:
Okay ::sighs:: there's these two guys that like me. One of the guys I don't like more than just a friend and the other I really like a lot. Here's the problem: they are best friends, the guy that likes me and i don't have feelings for(let's call him Dark) is the guy that i like's best friend (Light). Dark has no clue (as far as i know) that Light likes me. to be honest i really had no clue that Light liked me 'til about 2 weeks ago, and we've known eachother for more than a year now. Well, Dark always follows me around everywhere, and he gives me lots of gifts, and even though i know his intentions are absolutely not bad at all, he makes me feel uncomfortable especially when he's following me around. I really like Light, and both he and I don't want to hurt Dark. But I think that me and Dark would have something special, if we were to get together. Light is, like my perfect man. He's nice, he's funny, he doesn't lie, he hates hurting people, he doesn't like stereo-typing, and he hates people who drink accesively and do drugs, AND he also practices no sex 'til marriage (all like me). I don't want to hurt Dark, but I also want to be with Light....::krallz up in a fetal position:: what should i doooo!?
Hakumei Katsu
Dear Hakumei Katsu,
You should tell Light how you feel about him if you haven't already, no da. You also need to talk to Dark about his stalking behavior towards you and how it is affecting you and your relationship with him. If he continues to stalk you, you need to tell your parents or a school authority, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
;_; NOOOO i missed 'nother b-day ;__; oh well i dont think one day late is to bad! ^^; Ok i didnt really hit my sister with a hammer...I just beat her up and i won! she didnt get hurt..if i hurt her she would tell ma' mom -.-;At the end we just laughed o.o She was sayin sumthin bout killin me o.0 But then she threw a pillow at me...Later on we had a pillow fight..*sighs* ^^ heh-heh I will stop drinking soda then >.> But i cant help it! i love soda ~.~ ah.. Anyway's i have MORE thing's for ya! *gives him 1,000,000$$$$ And 9,174,004,109 bottles of sake* >.> <.< ^______^ Heh-heh-heh *Gives him a guitar and a drum set* ^^ Well i hope ya like all this stuff. I know you'll like all da' sake ~.~ I must go do ma' Homework now. Hope to talk to ya soon ^.^ Cya Tasuki
Dear Kisato-Chan,
Glad ya' didn't hurt yer sister! Thanks fer th' everything!
Dear Tamahome,
*glomps you* Yay!! I hope I'm in the chat when you come in. O.O
Dear Presea,
I'm sure you will be or someone will fetch you.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Its so awful in Gujarat(India)! Everbody is fighting in the name of religion!The people have really turned into monsters!
And the women are suffering the most*wails loudly* They are burning 4-yr. old kids and the situation is really bad.I just want all this to end.
Pls. pray for the people,the state has turned into HELL!I used to live there and I feel so bad*sniffs*
Dear Sakshi,
War for any reason is sad. It is even sadder when religion is used to perpetrate violence. We shall pray for you and your fellow countrymen.
Dear Tamahome,
^^ *gives Tamahome 200 gold ryou* I found out what money is now!!!!!!! *clings to his leg* Happy?
Dear Neko,
HAI!!! *Counts his ryou with dollar signs in his eyes.*
Dear Tasuki,
Happy late birthday! I made you a hangover cure, cause I know you'll need it one day. *hands him a suspicious looking concoction* Don't worry, it won't bite! I have a quick question. I have a really close friend, whose also female, and our friends and classmates often accuse us of being a couple(We're both straight). I'm sure you must deal with this all the time with Kouji, so what should I do to get people to stop? It's getting on my nerves!
Dear Meikumo,
Raisin' a stink won't get ya' anywhere, it'll jus' make 'em pick on ya' more. I say jus' ignore th' b*st*rds!
Dear Tasuki,
Tee hee, Well I'm a little late *looks at watch* but I still want you to have a really splendid birthday ya no? *giggles* and ummmm...*holds out a long black leather trench coat, and a bottle of polish to clean his iron fan* I...hope that you like them. *smiles a little* Oh!! And this is from Marci! *squeezes the life out of Tasuki hugging him* na no da...*sweatdrops* Sorry, I wish she would have done that herself ya no? Oh well. See ya around Tasuki! Have a wonderful birthday ya no! *bows* Bye!! ^_^
P.S. Hey when is Kouji's Birthday? Could you say hey to him for me? Have fun! Bye!
Dear Tai,
Thanks fer th' great presents! Kouji ain't got a birthday! He's an orphan!
Dear Tasuki,
*blindfolds him and scoots him over to a chair* Look what I have for you,'re gonna love it! I know you will. *rips off blindfold to reveal cake and presents* Happy Birthday, Tasuki! Hope you've had one hell of a good time on this wonderful day.
The royal chefs went all out this time. *gestures to a triple-decker rum cake with red vanilla frosting and dark chocolate bourbon balls on the top* This cake is nearly as tall as you are, and it's loaded with all sorts of alcohol, though much of it is baked in, except for what's in the bourbon balls on top. So you'll get the taste, but not the effect...from the cake at least.
And these are your presents, for the biggest party animal I know. *presents 5000 ryou gift certificate to the "House of Sake," premium tessen polish with a matching cloth, dental floss soaked in whiskey, and some lighter fluid.
Now then, to the candles. *starts to put candles on the cake, but then notices one whole layer is missing* That's odd. I thought this cake had three layers. *looks at Tasuki with his mouth full of cake* Geez, Tasuki! You just don't wanna wait, do you?
Oh well, it's your birthday. Celebrate however you want. *kisses him on the cheek* Just don't eat those bourbon balls too fast.
Lady Shera
P.S. I hope this greeting sends this time. I'm about ready to murder AOL. Wanna help?
Dear Lady Shera,
SUGOI!!!!!!!!!!!! This is (*^%$#@ GREAT!!!! Arigato! My birthday was yesterday but who th' h*ll cares! *Gives her a hug and goes back to shoving cake in his face.*
Dear Nuriko,
Hi!!!!!! First of all I just wanna say your WAY more pretty then any real girl could every be!
Second of all, why do you dress up like a girl? ^^; I really should know this question...
Dear Megami-chan,
Arigato for you sweet compliment! I could tell you why but it's a bit of a spolier. You'll just have to watch the show. Gomen!
Dear Chiriko,
*bows* I am very greatful to tlak to you.
*little snow leapord tail wags tickles chiriko with it* ^.^ I love doing that. *rubs agains his chin* *snow leapord ears tickle his nose* *starts to purr* My question is....What would be the first thing you would do when your reincarnated. I was dead but my sister Caleiko brought me back. ^-^ I'm 100% alive now. *sneezes* I have a really bad cold. My friends mom's boyfriend is in the hospital she really doesn't like him O.O. Sorry *bows* I talk a lot and i'm not going to ask you to go out with me or to hug me (thought i want one -.-;;;). I will simple leave your feelings in peace and harmony. I love peace i hate war...*growls* damn war...! ^-^ I hope you are o.k and i will stop annoying you now. *bows deeply* *runs off with tail swaying hypnoticaly* Ja
Snowy kira
P.s: Sorry if there are a lot of spelling mistakes*
Dear Snowy kira,
*Pets the kawaii snow leopard.* I would go see my mother and brother. I'm sorry that your mother's boyfriend is sick. I hope he gets better. Take care!
Dear Nuriko,
*stares blankly at nuriko* *speaks warmly and soft* hello how are you?
*scratches her fox ears* um...I just wanted to talk to you...but if you don't i understand.*Fox tail sadly wags* *perks up a little* Nuriko if you think i'm annoying, stupid, ditzy, or just playing well BLAH! speak now or forever hold your peace -.-;;;; cheesy. *winces* ITAI!!!!!!!!!!!!! O.O;;;;;;
*winces and shakes a little* It's hot out...^-^ *fans nuriko with her tail* This boy in my new school said if i was a hooker her would pick me up no problem. >.< EWWWWWWWWW! I curled into a tight ball and just stayed tehre until lunch was over.*shivers* I need a hug ;.; that was disgraceful I don't care who you are. And this old guy was stalking me....I had a bad day. *needs a lot of hugs* I'M EMOTIONALY SCARRED *i think that's how you spell it >.<;;;;; '.'
Well Ja *waves* Runs off on all fours with her tail swaying and ears slicked back*
Dear Kitsune_Star_Fira,
I'm fine. *Gives her a hug.* I don't blame you for being scared. That was a very inappropriate thing for him to say!
Dear Nuriko,
*smiles* Does this onsen happen to be attached to a Ryokan?
Dear Doc-sama,
Of course!
Dear Chichiri,
Sorry no da! My new pet fox, Popura escaped, and has been mindlessly wandering into websites and just saying "Kon" over and over again. I apoligize once again no da! Boy it's been a while since I've been here, I'm so sorry, but it's test time, and I'm sure Chiriko knows how that goes -__- Wah! My friend said that the 3rd OVA soundtrack came out in Japan already.... I want that sooooo bad! I wanna get the new OVA fansubbed, but just to be one of the first to see it. Later I'll buy the real thing, I promise! (Gotta support the wonderful Yuu Watase no da!) Oh, and wish Tasuki a happy birthday for me, sorry I couldn't make a nice card, but things are very hectic!*pets Popura* well i better go then! PS: What's the first thing you do to become Buddist? I'm REALLY interested in becoming Buddist BTW. BYE no da!
Dear Bosher,
I'll give Tasuki your regards, no da. You should research Buddhism and maybe visit a temple and speak to some of the monks before you make a decision to become Buddhist, no da. As far as I know there are no requirements, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
*storms in* Why is it that during my period, I'm incredibly moody and depressed? I'm not that bad during PMS, but it's particularly bad during my period @_@;; I've already made Rey angry at me plenty of times because I kept snapping back at him and the littlest teasing he did set me off -_-
Help me Nuri-chaaaan! *cries* I'm so depressed right now ;_;
Dear Jean,
It's just hormones. ReyRey just has to learn to understand and deal with it. *Gives her a hug and tells her some jokes.* There, better now?
Dear Chichiri,
Kon Kon Kon No da!
Popura (ImaDoki)
Dear Popura,
Nani, no da?
Dear Tamahome,
Hi hi! I love you so much Tamahome~!Some questions here for you! ^^
1. Is Miaka still wearing her hair up into buns?
2. And what do you to do get enough money to feed her?
3. Where do you live right now?
Thanks! I wish you and Miaka a very happy life! by the way, any/planning to have any children? ^_^
Dear Boogie,
No. I'm a teacher. In Tokyo. We are! Arigato for your kind words.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hiiiii! I have some random questions for you guys!
1. ::holds up a shirt stolen from Nuriko:: Will you sign this for me? ^.~ Don't ask me how I obtained this.
2. Do you guys believe in actual ghosts, like the kinds of ghosts that people are really freaked out by? Like Ghostbusters kind?
3. ::picks up a sake bottle and waves it in front of Tasuki, grinning:: FETCH, BOY! FETCH!! ::shrugs and hands it to him::
4. If Jimmy cracked corn and nobody cares, why does he keep doing it? And furthermore, is corn even crackable? Is Jimmy just SO professional at cracking corn that he is able to hit the corn kernels with a hammer and not get corn juice sprayed all over himself?
5. Is Jimmy just stupid?
6. What's 'cracking corn'?
7. ::hands Tamahome a bag of 30 gold ryou:: Your profit for setting up an auction in a fanfic of mine. ^.^ And you also made up a credit card and are getting a whole crapload of money off of it! (Rabid fangirls trying to outbid Nyan-Nyans. It's called the Platinum Ryou Card. ^.^;;;;)
8. ::glomps Nuriko:: Can I have a hug and a kiss on da cheek? ^.^
9. Chichiri-san, can I play with your hat?
Okay, so that's the end of pointless questioning now!
Moro no Miko
Dear Moro no Miko,
Nuriko: OK. *Signs shirt*
All: Yes.
Tasuki: Thanks!
Chichiri: We have no idea, no da.
Tasuki: Mebbe
Chiriko: Perhaps, it's like popped corn.
Tamahome: Arigato!
Nurikio: Sure! *Gives her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.*
Chichiri: Hai, no da.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Mitsukake,
I am in love with you!! I see you in pictures and I think your really handsome!!! I am embarassed to say that I have a crush on you!! mY name is amanda and I have hazel eyes and long brown hair!! I also think your cat tomoneko is sooooo adorable, please write be back and seal it with a kiss!!!
Dear amandaplease,
I am very flattered by your kind words. Domo arigato gozaimashita.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*Bows* Hello
um hi o.k....I forgot!!!! >.< NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! *smacks head* I got it --;;
I have a sister her name is luna. Well she really likes to kill people and well me and my other sister are the only ones who can stop her. And when i'm not there she goes ballistics saying i'm in trouble and i'm dying. But I never am. I have no clue as to how to stop her. Any ideas?! ONEGAI! *bows again* *Runs off and hops from tree to tree*
Kitari ^-^
Dear Kitari,
Perhaps she needs to spend more time with you, no da. Or maybe she just needs to seek professional assistance.
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki-chan~! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Sorry, the last time I gave you a birthday gift was 3 years ago. Guess you probably don't remember me. -.-
Oh well! *hands you some sake with a Tas-chan UFO doll tied to it in ribbons* Isn't it pretty?! I made the doll myself!! OH, I drew a yaoi pic of you an' Kouji at school today to celebrate your b-day, and my friend said you looked like a girl. I kicked his @$$. It was funny!
OMG!!! I forgot to give Hoto-sama a b-day gift!! EEEEEEK!!!! WAAAAAA!!! NOOOOOOOO~~~~~~
So, can you give him this for me? *hands you a stuffed panda* Sorry, I couldn't think!
Whelp, I gotta go now! *kisses* JA NE~
Dear Sami-chan,
I think I do remember ya'. Ain't ya' th' one wit' th' older brother? Yaoi??? >.<;;; Thanks fer th' gifts. I'll give Hotohori yer present.
Dear Chichiri,
Hi! I was wondering if Passions will be canceled this year? I really enjoy the show, and hope it lasts forever!
Dear Moi,
I really don't know as I don't watch it, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Heya!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hah! I told ya id write back! *sweatdrops* Kinda less ofa respones tha I hoped fer.....anyways.......I wrote ta say *takes deep breath* HAPPY BIRTHDAY TASUKI!!!!! Hope ya have a good one!*smiles cutely* whoo! aw ya I'm all hypped up now!Here ya go!*hands him a big ol'bottle of Saki* Classic's always best right? heh.......ey' mind if I hav a couple of drinks with yas? ^_^ Come on how bout we go out on tha town and hav a few drinks....*smiles* my treat! How's bout it bad boy!
Dear Marci,
I'd say yes, but yer probably too young to drink. Thanks fer th' sake!
Dear Tasuki,
Btw, when IS your birthday? If it hasn't already come up HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!.
Dear Shukumei,
Thanks it's today.
Dear Tasuki,
Uncle Shun'u....can i call you Tasuki Wasuki pwease *cute smile*
Dear Lita,
No! An' no boo-boo face or tears is gonna get me to change my mind!
Dear Tasuki,
Happy Birthday Babe!!!*hands you a bottle of crown royal and a case of coke and one another of beer* enjoy from me to you. Happy birthday again. Enjoy the day. Talk to you later.
love your bandit girl
Dear bandit girl,
BABE?? Do I look like a talkin' pig? *Glares at a snickering Tamahome.* Say it an' fry Obake-chan!!
Dear Tasuki,
Uh, Nope, I'm not One-chan. I'm the destiny! *Sticks tongue out.* Can't a girl pounce her fave seishi? Anyways, I haven't been pouncing any of you guys so uhm, I just felt like I had to do it. :). Dun hate me? ;_;
Dear Shukumei,
Nah, don't worry 'bout it! I don't hate ya'!
Dear Tasuki,
Hihihi! ^^ happeh birthday fang bo-- I mean Tasuki! Any BD-presents ya liked? Much sake? Tell me, tell me! ^-^ I HAVE to know! Perhaps only a lotta fangirls who wants to congrat ya...? o.o; well, bye ^^ *turns full neko and runs off*
Ps. can you say happy birthday to Hotohori an' Chiriko from me? I can't face 'em... after all I didn't say congrats to 'em when they had their B/D ;-;!! *runs off for real*
Dear Emma-chan,
I got lots of cake an' cookies an' some great sake! I'll tell 'em fer ya'.
Dear Chiriko,
hey! samantha sent me. "Seishi" means "life and death" so how come this site is translated to ""?
seishi also means "sperm" so is this site translated to ""?*is very confused*
Dear mimi,
Seishi means MANY things depending on the kanji that is used. Click here for a list of different meanings.
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