Dear Chichiri,
::walks in, hands him a little gift, smiles and leaves. The gift has a picture of a girl with an anime smile on top, inside is a message written in blood-red ink: "Open at your own risk. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAAAAA"::
Dear Mal,
Dear Nuriko,
Your songs are really great esp. Otome Ranman!Hats of to Sakamoto Chika!
Big fan
Dear Big fan,
Arigato for your kind words! I'm sure that Sakamoto Chika would appreciate them as well! *Smiles*
Dear Tamahome,
I saw a picture of your son(its my wallpaper now).He is sooo cute!Mind if I play with him?
Dear Patty,
Sure, just be gentle he's just a little kid.
Dear Tasuki,
Happy Birthday Tasuki!!^^ Wow, my first letter to you...
ChibInuchan no Miko
Dear ChibInuchan no Miko,
Thanks! *Grins*
Dear Tasuki,
otanjoubi omedetou gozaimasu, tasuki-sama!!!! *glomp* ^_^;; i hope you have a great birthday!!! (just remember not to drink and drive ^_~) *hands him some sake and some chocolate cookies* have fun!!! ^_^;
Dear Moon,
Arigato! Oishii cookies!
Dear Tasuki,
(Ara!Gomen nasai! ^^;; I admit, I've been lacking on posting...^.^; *sniffles* 'Tis nice to see people miss me!^^ Arigatou Shukumei-san!^^)
Otanjoubi omedetou gozaimasu!!!!^_^!! So, tell me, how was your Birthday? *gives him some sake* I know, I know. It was the only thing I could think of.^^;;;; *blinks* Oi! have much fangirls been pestering you?o.o *has been trying to keep them down*
Dear Yume,
My birthday's been great so far! Thanks fer th' sake! Yer doin' a great job! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
You don't wanna fight with me just because I am a girl?! That is cheap. Ya got any of your bandits that are willin ta fight? I get so bored with men who underestimate me jus cause I am female. They are so weak. Besides, I decided to not try an fight ya anymore cuz I wouldn't wanna scar that pretty face now would I?
Dear Xiofunlin,
Nope, don't think any of 'em would fight a woman.
Dear Tasuki,
I mean no drinking! No booze! No sake! No alcohol! The arcade is super fun! there are fighting games in which you can control your the fighter. You press buttons to make the characters fight. One guy has fire power! I am not sick anymore so I can play to my full extent! I still hold first place on every game there, so you wanna try it out?
Dear Rei,
But it's my birthday! That's what I do on my birthday! I drink!
Dear Nuriko,
Hello, Nii-san! Well, my sister's boyfriend just calls me a brat and says I'm spoiled and lazy and such. ::Sniffles:: I dun think so. Oh well...How was your day? Mine was long. Anyways, I'll see you later! ::bows in homage to her Onii-san::
Route Venus
Dear Route Venus,
I was worried he might be hitting you. My day was fine. As for your sister's boyfriend, if you truly aren't that way, I'd just ignore him.
Dear Tasuki,
*hands Shun'u an orange juice smoothie, and two Motrins* For the morning after hangover. *hugs him* Otanjoubi Omedetou.
I'll keep Ryu distracted enough not to punch you today. Considering minna will give you booze and other things. I'll keep him off your tail.
Dear Doc-sama,
Thanks! This will really come in handy! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Chichiri,
Why do you cover up you kawaii face with that mask? I think you like fine without your mask on! Is it because you don't want people to see your scar? *grabs her head in pain* I'm getting a major head-ache trying to figure out why! ^^; *glomps Chichiri* I'm a newbie to the show! So sew me! :p
Dear Megami-chan,
Arigato for your kind words, but I do use the mask to cover my scar so it won't offend people, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
*hugs Ryu from behind, and snuggles* well itoshii, I should warn you, I promised Shun'u that I'll distract you from punching him on his birthday.. Now what can I do to accomplish that? How about that camping trip? hmmm?
Dear Doc-sama,
Or perhaps we can go to this wonderful onsen I know... *Smiles*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hello! I was wandering what is all your birthdays? I need them to keep track of you guys:p
Saya_StarDragon (Saya Ashika Kara Katrea
Dear Saya,
Our birthdates are as follows:
Nuriko: March 10
Chiriko: March 19
Hotohori: April 2
Tasuki: April 18
Mitsukake: May 7
Chichiri: May 21
Tamahome: June 28
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tamahome,
Yay!! *starts dancing around like an idiot* Sorry I fainted the last time you came in. I promise I won't do it again.
Dear Presea,
That's ok. I'll do my best to be in soon.
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki papa...I have bought you a lifetime supply of sake for your birthday, happy birthday papa :kisses his cheek: mwah
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley Chan,
Alright!! Arigato! *Gives her a hug and starts drinking.*
Dear Tamahome,
Arigatou! :kisses his cheek: I bought his gift, and luckily my friend owed me money so she paid me 300 ryou, so you can have the extra money for being nice enough to loan me some. Buy Miaka something nice...girls like it when you buy them things for no reason
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley Chan,
Arigato! I'll think about it.
Dear Tasuki,
HEY!!!! ^^ How ya doin'? Me, well im fine except im very hyper i drank to much soda and im going to attack my sister with a hammer soon! i wonder what will happen to her when i hit the hammer across her face...Oh well i'll jus' have ta' find out Shouldnt I? *laughs evily* ...mmm Maybe i should use my baseball bat instead...Or maybe my Fan! Or Maybe just Maybe My T.V!!! *laughs like megumi from R.K* Anyways...I hope u have a um what holiday is coming up next? Whatever it is have a GREAT one! ^^ and i have sumthin for ya if i can find it..*Reaches into a huge bag and pulls out tons of stuff* AH! here it is ^-^ *Gives him diff. kinds of Sake and A picture of the woods in fall* I love this picture..Its beautiful..thought u might want to look at it ^^ If not u can give it back to me. Wow *looks at all she wrote* ive never wrote this much before. O.O! Well im off to find a hammer! ^^ *gives tasuki a hug and walks off to find a large hammer to attack her sister with* lalala...
Hyper Kisato-Chan
Dear Kisato-Chan,
Thanks fer everthin' but I think ya' need to lay offa th' soda! Yer gonna REALLY hurt her if ya' hit wit' a hammer!
Dear Tasuki,
*runs in, plops a party hat on his head, and pounces on him* HAPPY BIRTHDAY TASUKI!!!! ^_^ *hands him rum cake and a box of sake* Don't drink it all at once!!
Dear Bon,
Arigato! *Eats the rum cake and washes it down with the sake.*
Dear Tasuki,
Hi and Happy Birthday! Hope you have many many more! *hands him a bottle of liquor and a kiss on his cheek* Hope you have a good birthday ^_^ Take Care Tasuki dear, your one of my favorite guys beside Chichiri
Dear Guni,
COOL! Thanks!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hello! Here's a question for you guys;p What is your favorite video game (if you play them)? And one that everyone has probably asks What is your favorite colors? :p Well I have more but I must save them so I'll have more to ask you later Don't want to waste them all now so I'll talk to ya later. Bye-bye *waves happily and leaves*
Saya Ashika Kara Katrea
Dear Saya,
We like the Final Fantasy series of video games.
Tasuki - Red
Tamahome - Green
Hotohori - Red
Mitsukake - Yellow
Nuriko - Purple
Chichiri - Blue, no da.
Chiriko - Green
Dear Chiriko,
Hello! *waves* I was wondering want is your IQ? I've always wanted to know! And also how good are you at math? I'm pretty good it is my fav. subject:p though most peoples hate it. well that's it for now and thanks in advace for responding:)
Saya Ashika Kara Katrea (should I just put Saya? ;)
Dear Saya,
I'm very good at math, but I choose not to do others homework for them. My IQ has never been measured.
Dear Tasuki,
:: Glomps him:: Happy birthday!! ^^ ::Hands him a bottle of sake:: Ok I gotta go now! Bai!
Dear Bunny,
Cool! Thanks!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Ooh... -_-: No more letters about gods, goddesses or religion! I'm sure that this subject must be a very sensitive one for you all to answer and that you must tread carefully. So I won't bother you with any more of those. Arigato for answering my last letter. I didn't mean to sound so weird. Anyway - I just turned 22 on April 4. Can I maybe get you guys to sing "Happy Birthday" for me? Onegai? You guys are all welcome to come to my birthday party if you want. *eyes sparkle* There'll be plenty of sake there...
Dear Mitzi,
You're very welcome! *They all gather around her and sing "Happy Birthday" to her.*
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
*POUNCE!* You know, Kyou from Fruits Basket really reminds me of you. Orange hair, fangs, not exactly polite, loud, violently inclinced, seems to like fighting, acts without thinking, etc. Of course, I'll have to watch more of the series before I really conclude anything... Which will take some time since I'm downloading it. (Speed kindly found the first 22 of 26 episodes and uploaded them to his FTP for me to download. It just takes me about 8 hours to download an episode.) I've watched the first 5 episodes at the anime club.
Of course, what's really interesting is that while he reminds me of you, he has the same seiyuu as Chichiri!
Hmm... I must go out and buy the manga at some point. ^-^ Well, ciao!
Dear One-chan,
Chichiri's seiyuu? Great … one more anime fer Chichiri no Aijin to wanna buy… ^^;;;
Dear Tamahome,
Now,be VERY honest.......Has Miaka's cooking inproved at all?
Dear Who?,
It has. It's edible now!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Is anyone familiar with American comedy shows? Esp. Seinfeld and Three's Company?
Chocolate Lover
Dear Chocolate Lover,
We've seen some of them, why?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi,I'm an Indian too!(this is for anya).
Do you eat pickled snakes?(silly,but I just wanted to know). If yes,how do they taste
Dear Sakshi,
No, do you?
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Hotohori,
could you be a dear and buy me a kancheepuram saree? my friend has it and i need it as well! and dont forget to buy yourself a dhoti and an angavasthram. that is a piece of cloth that goes over your shoulder. and boushin needs one as well!I need a red coloured saree that is well embellished with jari will cost only around 100 okane!come on you are my husband!REMEMBER?
I know you are Anya's friend who goes by my beloved wife's name. As you are her friend, I shall grant your request, this time.
Dear Hotohori,
How are you? I am fine and hope the same from you! The reply that you gave me was indeed very helpful. You are too kind to reply in the first place. I am feeling much better and the Jedi training is going perfectly well! Thanks to you! My friends are so much impressed by the change in me and christened you Mr. Great heart at the spot! Houki was there too! Bwahaahahahhhhaaaa. I will write to you immediately after returning from thirupathi! I will miss you dearly as a true friend who helped me overcome my fears and obstacles. A little question arises in my brain. How can you be so noble? I just saw the movie man in the iron mask and the performance of Leonardo-di-caprio was astounding! You can clearly distinguish between the twins through the acting. I was very much impresses. I bet you were throned the same way. ~_~ Just kidding!
Dear ANYA,
You're very welcome. I'm glad I was able to be of assistance. I suppose I was brought up to be that way. Have a safe and enjoyable trip.
Dear Tasuki,
this is the only website where you speak something sensible. there was this other site where we could ask questions to yui and you but OH BOY WERE THEY FOUL MOUTHED OR WHAT!that is not very good!see you soon! and hey! i got this dhothi for you to wear. it is a traditional apparal for the guys in my place! will you wear it for your darling sister who happens to be your empress?
Dear houki,
Domo! What's a dhothi? If I don't look like an idiot I MIGHT consider wearin' it. Ya' ain't my sister. An' believe me none of MY sisters is an empress!
Dear Hotohori,
*raises her eyebrow* I'd bet Shakuhachi is your favorite music, and I'd bet Houki is great at it ne?
Dear Doc-sama,
*Smiles* She is quite a skilled flautist.
Dear Nuriko,
*smiles* You're also happy that I can cook better than Miaka *looks back at Miaka staring at the new batch of food*
You've already had some Miaka, go find Taka-kun and let Nuriko eat okay? *sits down at the table* Shall we itoshii?
Dear Doc-sama,
Hai! *Tucks into all the food before Miaka can eat it.* Oishii!
Dear Tasuki,
*glomps Tasuki* Comment: Your wa~aayy to hot for you own good ya know that? ^_^ Question: What is the most annoying thing about Miaka?
Dear Ecchi-chan,
Thanks! I dunno … her clumsiness? Or could it be th' way she always yells fer Obake-chan... ? Heh-heh-heh... *Grins*
Dear Tasuki,
*sticks her tongue out at him* Look who's talking! --;
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
Yer jus' p*ssed 'cos I drank yer sake! *Smirks* Yer too young to drink anyways!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hello, My name is Saya Ashika Kara Katrea but if no one uses Saya just call me that^_^ I would just like to introduce myself to all of you. I hope we become good friends:) I love your show it is AWESOME!!! I would just like to warn you that I can get a lil' out of control at times so bare with me:p I hope you don't find me crazy and from time to time I might have to ask you what some of the Japanese words that you say are. I thank you right now for future messages that you may answer for me. Thank you for you time I bid you farewell. *bows respectfully and leaves*
Saya Ashika Kara Katrea (or hopefully just Saya)
Dear Saya,
We're glad you're enjoying our adventures! Welcome!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Eek! Ack! Chee! Oop! What is the worst case of editing in all of Anime history in your opinion? this was sparked off of a discussion about the hell being "another dimension" or the "HFIL" on DBZ in americian television. Thanks!
Got Monkey?
Dear Monkey,
We tend to not watch anime on television. We generally watch subtitled Japanese anime on Chichiri no Aijin's DVD player, so we really don't have much to go on. Hmmm... Sailor Moon was rather hacked up and censored as was DB and DBZ. But I really can't say which was the worst one.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I am under a lot of stress right now. My mom is a clean freak and hated it when other people come to my house. I have to do a project with a bunch of classmates next week and they need to come to my house. My mom freaked out, she agreed but made a CONTRACT for them to sign! The rules are just so unacceptable to my friends like not touching walls, no eating....etc. Now my friends are really mad at me and won't talk to me. My mom's made at me cause she blames me for everthing. I am stuck in the middle because my classmates and my mom only think for themselves and won't compromise which made me trap in this position! I tried to talk them into compromising but to each other them they think they are right and it's the rest that needs to change. :( and sad right now. Donno what to do~!
Dear Sheila,
Well, both parties are in the wrong. Your mother is being extreme, but as it is her house your friends need to respect her wishes. However, if neither side is willing to compromise, you will need to find another place you and your friends can do this project. Why not do it at one of their houses? Good luck!
Dear Chichiri,
Hello let me start off by introducing myself. My name is Saya Ashika Kara Katrea(well it's not my REAL name but I like it much better:p) I'm a big fan of FY, even though I haven't seen many episodes, and I like your personality in particular. I'm not sure what I should ask though and I know that sounds stupid asking someone something and not having a question but that's the way I am. I'm a little umm......nervous. I've never really talked to an anime character before. And not knowing what to say is a problem as well. If we were to peolpe being introduced I spose I would say "Hi how are you?" and if we were friends that have only met a few times I might reply "What have you been up to?" and if we were long time friends I might ask "My friend care to get a cup of coffee and talk with me?" But we are neither of these things. We shall never see each other and so is irelivent so I guess I would have to ask a simple question that wouldn't take muck time. But as you can see I am clearly stalling while I think. I guess I have thought of a question though pointless and a total waste of time "What is the most beautiful thing to you in the whole wide universe?" I like peoles eyes. Ya I know it is strange but I think you can see alot in peoples eyes. Well anyway this whole letter was silly and pointless and I am sorry for wasting your time but I hope you responed and don't think I am an idiot or something ok. Well thanks bye.
Saya Ashika Kara Katrea
Dear Saya,
Welcome to our humble cyber-abode, no da. The most beautiful thing to me is the sight of two people in love, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey, uh... remember me? I'm the, um, crackhead. It's been over 7 months since I last wrote, and I've changed... into another set of clothes, finally. Um... just kidding ^_^;; I just wanted to explain myself back then. Half the time I wrote I had gotten a high off of aspartame... I get high off of it, 'cause I have an adverse reaction and it reeeeeeaaaaalllly f---s me up. Last time I drank I diet soda my pupils were bigger than my f---in' eyeball. No I'm not nuts I was HIGH. Sorry... ^_^;;;;;;;;;;;;; Oh and I have a couple questions.
a) Is it OK to swear on the net if it's not in English? (What prompted this question? My latest post on the message board... ^_^;;;)
b) Does Chichiri get kicked in the jewels a lot, because he sure sounds like it.
c) Am I too rude?
d) Sorry about the language. Wash my mouth out with soap if you want to. (Good luck doing that through a comp!)
e) Tasuki, my little sister's in love with you... she's 13... good luck escaping HER if she turns into a fangirl...!! *evil smirk* (To my sister: I hope you see this, Kelly. I know you come to this site. Do NOT wreck my Adidas visor that I left at Mom's house for this! I need that T_T)
f) Hotohori, you remind me of RuPaul. (Heh heh...)
Xelloss M. aka Orange Xelloss aka Xelly-asai aka Xelly aka Dumbf---
Dear Orange Xelloss,
We saw that! Shame on you! But generally it depends on the site you're on.
Chichiri: No, no da.
Nuriko: A bit.
Hotohori: We are not amused.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
What's up with the new look for OVA 3? That doesn't suit you, it's not your style. And stop smiling so much! You're supposed to be the lovable bad-boy.
Silver Saiyajin Washu
Dear Silver Saiyajin Washu,
People change, what can I say? 'Sides how'd ya' like to be wearin' th' same clothes every day fer several years??
Dear Tasuki,
I just wanna say that you are super cool! You kick @$$!! But I would like to know if you would fight me. I am a very good martial artist. So how about it, ya dare to fight me?! (i am female.)
Dear Xiofunlin,
Nope! I don't fight girls.
Dear Tasuki,
Did you ever any really good friends that were girls? I mean that you were not attracted to them. I used to hang ou with my male friends and we had a great time! Many years we were together and then all of a sudden they don't feel comfortable around me because I am a girl! Is this natural? Because I was hurt that they didn't sat it sooner and it just plain hurts to lose them. Do you want to hang out? How about we go to a arcade? They hfave King of Fighters and Marvel vs. Capcom there! I'll pay, but no drinking!
alive and kickin Rei
Dear Rei,
I think ya' should tell 'em that they hurt yer feelins'. Nah, I never really had any female friends 'cept fer Miaka an' ReiRei. Th' arcade sounds interestin' but whaddya' mean no drinkin'??
Dear Tasuki,
Okay, I am normally not like this but *POUNCE!* Gomen nasai Tasuki-kun, I had to do it. Forgive me? Anyways, to make this short, I just wanna know one thing. Where the heck is Yume-chan? I haven't seen her posting anything in the message boards or here. You wouldn't happen to know what happened to her would ya? *ruffles his hair.* ^__^;
Dear Shukumei,
*Sweatdrops* Are ya' sure ya' ain't One-chan? She's th' one that always pounces me. No I don't. OI!! Any of ya' heard from Yume lately??
Dear Tasuki,
Hey there! I wanted to know what the second FY series was called.... it has something to do with a brat that wants to be Suzaku no Miko? Thanks... oh yeah! Happy early birthday to you! *hands him some vodka*. My birthday is the day after yours, so I had to give you something. (Did that make sense???)
Dear Sari-chan,
Thanks fer th' osake! It's called "Eiken Den"
Dear Tamahome,
i would like to ask,if you and miaka are husband and wife???????aren't you???????
rizielle anne
Dear rizielle anne,
Yes, we're married.
Dear Tasuki,
*Thinks about his reasoning.* Those are all good reasons Tasuki Wasuki but there not good enought! Thanks for playing! You'll always be my lil' Tasuki Wasuki!
Dear Lucy,
'Che! >.< *Looks disgusted*
Dear Tasuki,
What are you doing to Hotohori's baby in this picture?! Why are you holding him upside down?
Dear Hyosumi,
I duuno... rockin' him to sleep?
Dear Tasuki,
why are you drinking so much sake? and why is your hair like that?will you join my dragonballz team?i am vegita. you can be nappa. agreed?
Dear vegita,
It's what I do. If I were ya' I'd lay offa th' hair! Yer hair ain't all that great! Thanks, but I'm already on a team.
Dear Tamahome,
*clings to his leg* Can I cling onto you instead of paying? Pwease pwease pretty pwease? *snuggles his leg* I'll pay you back once I find out what money is! ^^
Dear Neko,
Cute but, I'd rather have the money.
Dear Chichiri,
*clings to Chichiri's leg* ^_________________^ Hewwo no da! How can you dissapear in your hat??? Can you pwease teach me??? Oh yea.......YOU RULE!!!!!! *continues to cling to Chichiri's leg*
Dear Neko,
It's magic, no da. It would take many years to teach you, no da.
Dear Chiriko,
I just wanted you to know that because you're so cute and smart, and you're death scene (sniff) is so sad, that you're quickly taking Tasuki's place as my favourite character! ^_^
By the way (I don't know why I'm asking you this) do you like Creme Soda? Bye! =)
P.S there are also many more reasons why I adore you, but I just don't feel like typing them all out at the moment.
Dear K.N.,
Arigato for your kind words! I don't know I've never had cream soda.
Dear Tasuki,
Hiya! ^^ I'm gonna be kinda computer-less for a few days, so I'll say it now. Happy birthday! ^-^
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
Thanks! Why are ya' gonna be computer-less?
Dear Tasuki,
Do you need a hug? And if not, can I have a hug?
Dear Meikumo,
I don't, but I'll give ya' one. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tamahome,
Alright. Tamahome san, may I please borrow some Ryou off of you so that I may buy Tasuki Papa a birthday presant?
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley Chan,
Yes you may. *Hands her 100 ryou.* And if you pay it back on time I won't even charge you interest!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I am finally writing to you all again, and I am using my old name only for this letter.
Out of the following class-type things, pick three that you want, and please rate them. (By the way, if you guys love me that much, I picked archery, fencing, and swimming. *nod*)
In easy for Chiriko to paste format!: archery, arts, basketball,baseball, fencing, music, beauty, garden, financing, swimming, peanuts , track, football, soccer, martial arts, cooking, technology, media, health, wildlife, environmental awareness, travel, writing, archetecture, journalism, trees, opposite gender, crafting.
And yes, people have actually picked 'peanuts'. Please also specify 1-3 people you would like to room with. Wait, let me rephrase that: 1-3 guys you would like to room with. And also if you would sit with myself and my friends, or in your own closely-knit group. If you can, also tell me what name you'd like to be called.
By now, I bet nearly all of you are saying: "Whaaaat? Why am I telling all of this? What are you gonna do? oO" I am doing a collaboration with Alicia (Tasuki) in which we are all the same age, and are in a nifty school by my design with a weird name and so far, it looks really cool. I'm sticking you all in, so please give me back this information.
Travel Guide Ash-chan
Dear Ash-chan,
Here's the information you asked for:
Chichiri: Swimming, Wildlife, Environmental Awareness; Tasuki, Mitsukake, and Tamahome; I'd sit with both groups, no da. I guess you could call me Jack, no da.
Chiriko: Technology, Journalism, and Travel; Mitsukake, Tasuki, and Tamahome; I'd sit with them. Duke
Hotohori: Fencing, Archery, and Music; Chichiri, Mitsukake, and Nuriko; I'd sit with you. Aya
Mitsukake: Health, Garden, Soccer; Chichiri, and Hotohori; I'd sit with you. Juan
Tamahome: Financing, Martial Arts, Basketball; Chichiri, Tasuki, and Nuriko; I'd sit with them. Eiji
Nuriko: Beauty, Martial Arts, and Cooking; Hotohori, I'd sit with him, of course! Leslie
Tasuki: Martial Arts, Track, and Baseball; Chichiri and Tamahome; I'd sit wit' 'em. Alex
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
My sister seems to think that you like Nuriko (in that way ^^;), is that true?!!! *clings to his leg* Oh say it ain't so!
Dear Ecchi-chan,
It ain't so!! Believe me! IT AIN'T SO!!!
Dear Tasuki,
Happy Birthday! I know it's a few days early. But anyway I was trying to track down that old monk you got those ofuda papers from.
I figured you miss them since Miaka must have ate them all. (They did turn into cakes after all)
Sorry I couldn't find him. But I was able to get this excellent anti-rust polish it's good for metal things like your tessen. It'll keep it nice and shiny...and if you ever need to jump into water to save your miko again your fan won't rust. Anyway hope this works...maybe next year I can get you more ofuda papers until than at least you can keep your tessen rust free. =)
Dear Sakie-chan,
Thanks fer th' wishes and th' cool gift!
Dear Mitsukake,
I have question that I MUST have answered or I will go crazy. When Shouka was all possessed and kowai and everything and you suddenly appeared, your hair was magically shorter and much more neat-looking, (for you, anyways -- don't hurt me! ^^;;) how did you do that so quickly, and what was the point of it? To look cool when your girlfriend died?? Please tell me; I'm so confused.
Dear Mikan,
I cut my hair and shaved my beard to be presentable to the miko.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I have questions for you all! Ok, first of, who is your fav. jrock band? song? boxers or breifs? and if you had the chance, would you bungee jump? Thank you!
Dear Someone,
Tamahome: L'arc en Ciel, Blurry Eyes, Fundoshi, no
Chichiri: I prefer Jpop, no da. Shiawase ni naru, fundoshi, yes, no da.
Tasuki: B'z, Deep Kiss, fundoshi. What are ya', nuts? No!
Mitsukake: I prefer Enka music. Fundoshi, no
Hotohori: I prefer shakuhachi music. That's a bit personal, don't you think? No
Nuriko: Shonen Knife, Pretty Little Baka Guy, fundoshi, no
Chiriko: Jrock? I prefer Morning Musame! Fundoshi, no
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
*fwaps him with her big umbrella* Hmph. I was thinking more of of something else ya big kaijuu. -_-;;
The I'm-Gonna-Turn-You-Into-A-Woman Stalker
Dear Stalker,
I ain't no kaijuu! Whaddya' want? A medal?
Dear Chichiri,
I've tried getting in contact but everytime one of my friends mentions THEIR real dad I can't help but get frustrated. As for MY step-father hitting, I can't tell my mom she really needs the money he gives us for my new baby sister because she has some problems and we don't have enough money to pay for it. I'm so lost...
Dear Ami-chan,
Do you have a friend that you can stay with, no da? You absolutely need to tell your mother what is going on! What he's doing is wrong and no amount of money is worth you getting hit, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Hey sexy, hows it been? I'm fine in case you wanted to know. Watched Invader Zim yet? I think you'll like it.I'm still working on that picture. Trying to draw a really good one that is worthy of being in your gallery. I have one done but I want to do a better one. As soon as I can get the one I have done scaned I'll send it to ya to see. *takes a sip out of a huge bottle of red wine* this stuff isn't so bad, I don't like wine to much but this is pretty good. Want some? *offers you the bottle with a cute smile* well hope to hear from you soon.
Love your bandit girl
Dear bandit girl,
Sure! *Takes a big swig.* I still ain't seen Invader Zim.
Dear Nuriko,
*looks at Miaka, twitching* Good thing I made extra.. *brings out some more food* Ryu would you clean off Miaka's plates onegai? *starts replacing the food on the table* i hope you like these dishes itooshi.
Dear Doc-sama,
No problem itooshi! I love everything you make! *Smiles and gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
Hiya! Whazzup? I've already written letters to Hotohori, but hey, DEMONS ROCK! Anywho, Boredom has seized me. Here's a question: My friends keep on saying anime is all cartoony. So I locked them in my basement and made them watch it for three hours straight. Should I let them go?
Dear Irhus-sama,
Nah, keep 'em in there fer another 3 hours an' show 'em FLCL! Heh-heh-heh… *Grins*
Dear Hotohori,
I have been really stressed out at the moment. I do not want to talk about it to anyone but you. We have this trip to thirupathi and I am a kinda sad because my grandpa just passed away and I am completely stressed out. I am sorry for the kiss. But I am not sure what is wrong with me! I hope you understand but this is something new to me. Why do I act like this? I kinda like this new feeling and you are special! (My friend Houki is having an influence on me!) what will I do? There is a neighbor in my house at this moment and she is driving me crazy! But I cannot say anything! Will you be angry with me? Am I attracted to you? If so, forgive me! I can.t help it! Please be kind enough to answer me back! <=(I am ever grateful that you still treat me as a person! Why does this happen to me? Hope Houki won.t mind! *Stop it! * Please forgive me but I can.t help it! Don.t hate me! *Cries really!* I respected you when I saw you first but now I think I am in love with you! *Goes really hysterical!*
Yours loving,
Dear anya,
It's ok please don't cry. I'm very sorry to hear about the passing of your grandfather. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
we are going to go to thirupathi. that is the temple which houses the richest god in the world. he earns about 100 crores (Rs.) each day! but he has to pay back to another god (Kubera-the god of wealth) cause he helped srinivasa or Vishnu-the preserver in his marriage by giving him the money for dowry. HEY! DOES THE GUY PAY THE MONEY OR THE GIRL!@0@ *CONFUSED* SEE YA LATER.No more sake for you. listen to me and i will not bring your mother here!*evil grin* and i dont drink sake!*ugh!* greetings from india.
Dear houki,
A dowry is what th' girls family pays when she gets married. No more sake? Yeah, right…
Dear Chichiri,
Your so Kawaii!!!! *glomps Chichiri*
You are just sooo KAWAII!! Kawaii! Kawaii! Oh, anyway! ^^; My question is who's you best friend outa everyone you know? My sister, Ecchi-chan and keep fighting over who is ^^;
Dear Megami-chan,
*Blushes and sweatdrops.* Arigato for your kind words, no da. When he was alive, Hikou, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
Where did you get your masks? I want one. Can i have yours? I love your mask i want it. I need it! That and after Miaka and Tamahome both left for Earth what did you do. Did you go back to Mt.Taikyoku to train or did you stay with the rest of the senshei. Finally when you saved Miaka and she bit you how much did that hurt.
Hashiru Juju
Dear Hashiru Juju,
My masks are magical, no da. I create them. I wandered. A LOT, NO DA!
Dear Tamahome,
When are you coming back to the chat room? O.O
Dear Presea,
As soon as I have some free time again.
Dear Tasuki,
*runs over to him and trips on her Miko outfit* ouchies......*sits up and looks at him* Uncle Shun'u will you be one of my Shichi Seishi
Dear Lita,
*Smiles* Sure! Are ya' ok?
Dear Chiriko,
*walks in as a neko* chiriko why does everyone ignore me? *jumps on chirikos lap* do you hate me too? *rubs her face on chiriko's chin* me dont think you look like a girl!!! me seen your brother he is very nice he told me to give you this! *pulls out a very old book his mom sent* here ya go! *curls up in a ball and looks at chiriko*
Samantha (or) neko-chan whatever you pefer!!
Dear Samantha,
I don't know. Maybe as a neko you're too quiet? I don't hate you! Why would I?
Dear Tasuki,
*glares at him and steps on his foot* Baka bandit!! >.<;
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
ITAI!! Brat! >.<
Dear Tasuki,
*grins* I looooove doing this.... Anyhoo, at HinoTenshi's request, I shall now dump a bucket of water over your head. *upends a bucket of water on Tasuki's head* *disappears, laughing hysterically*
Dear WaterMage,
*Yells and curses incoherently.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
If you could be anyone from Star Wars who would you be(note no episode 1/2)?
Klown Boy
Dear Klown Boy,
Tamahome, Tasuki, and Hotohori all want to be Han Solo. Chichiri wants to be Yoda, no da. Chiriko said Luke and of course Nuriko wants to be Princess Leia. Mitsukake said if he can't be Han he'd be Chewbacca.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Nuriko,
How are you? I'm fine! I just wanted to say... I'm a really big fan of you! *and Tasuki, say hi from me please* You are sooo cool! *hugs* *Say hi to everyone from me too =D* Hugs and kisses!
Dear Jui-chan,
Arigato for your kind words. I'm fine and will give everyone your regards.
Dear Nuriko,
Ryuuen are the rumors about you and Tasuki true?!
Dear Rokou,
Are you kidding? I have far better taste than that!!
Dear Tamahome,
Tama I did rest! 2 months I rested! Feeling way better now! Tried some punches and spin kicks and they are still in working order but I guess bieng sick makes you kinda slow. Have you ever heard about Bishoen? It's a website that let's you catch Bishoen just like pokemon! I caught Nakago but he doesn't like me too much. *ducks ki-blast* I also caught Tasuki! He is dressed in womens clothing! Tasuki's in drag!!!! *ducks stream of fire while laughing uncontrollably* At least I have Heero to protect me! Heero: That's right. Omae wo korusu! (I think that is how you spell it... He always says it.) Duo: Rei, I don't think that guns can stand up to fire and ki-blasts! *rei starts to run with Dou and Heero right behind her* See ya Tama!
P.S: I caught you too!
Dear Rei,
You certainly sound like you're recovering! *Smiles*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hiya everyone! It's me again. ^^;; How are you all? I hope you're doing well. My parents are getting back together! I'm so happy! My mother's in a better mood, too. Thanks for all your advice in the past, it really helped! Do you know any good manga stores? We have one really good one here, but it's all expensive. Just asking! Hope you write back, and thanks in advance!
Dear Morgy-San,
We're very happy to hear that about your parents! Kinokuniya is good store for Japanese manga.
Dear Tasuki,
come and become a jedi and you can become a bandit known throughout the universe!@0@ you will never make it if you drink that much sake! it's bad you know!*becomes a teacher all of a sudden* and hey! i am writing a fanfic*my first* may be i can give it to you guys! *bows down* today is our newyear and i cant celebrate it because my grandpa passed away!<=( bye!
anya(from coruscant)
P.S. exams are all over!LOL
Dear anya,
Sure we'll read yer fic. I'm sorry yer grandpa passed away.
Dear Hotohori,
It has been so long since I wrote to you! I have so many things to say! I am terribly upset! We did not have the connection to fushigi yuugi because of my studies, and when my exams are over, the entire serial is off the air! <={What a terrible thing to happen and then dragonballz gets cut off! I can.t take it any more! I just need a hug! * Keeps crying* Why do these things happen to me? I feel so very girlish crying like this but I can.t help it!
I think I am depressed and need some one to talk to. You are the only person I trust truly! Really! For your character and nobility, I half wish I were Houki! * Dries tears and adjusts the laser sword* well! I cant be Houki for my friend is Houki! I am writing a fanfic and am sure you will like it! Love you ever so much! * Hugs him and gives a big kiss on the lip* there I feel much better already!
jedi anya
Dear jedi anya,
*Gives her a hug.* I hope your exams went well. Perhaps you can rent the tapes or DVDs of Fushigi Yuugi. *Smiles*
Dear Chichiri,
I wish you could come to the chat more often....I know! *puts up a sign next to Chichiri saying: PWEASE GIVE CHICHIRI MORE FREE TIME!!!* *kisses Chichiri on the cheek* *clings to his leg* I like you. ^_________^
Dear Neko,
Gomen! I'll try to no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Uhh...a Klondike bar is some kinda ice-cream thingymajigger that you eat...I think. I've never had one, so I dunno. Anywho, have some pictures and more sparkles! *makes him glittery again and hands him a packet of copies of him in a pink tut* By the way, I've already passed the rest of 'em out to the seishi! ^____________^ *runs off to torutre somebody else for the time being*
Dear T.K.,
NANI??? *Runs over to the Seishi and tries to grab the pictures away.* Gimme those!!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*shoves pictures into minna's hands* Here! Take 'em, quick! Don't let Tasuki see them or he'll beurn 'em all! *runs off laughing manically*
Dear T.K.,
*They all look at the pictures and crack up laughing.*
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Nuriko,
I wish you hadn't died. *sniffle* are you happy? Can i be as pretty as you?
Dear PJ,
I am. Eat a healthy well-balanced diet and exercise daily.
Dear Nuriko,
Hello,'Nii-san! ^^ How was your day? Mine was OK. ;.; ::sniffle:: You need to beat my sister's boyfriend up. He keeps picking on me. ::hides behind her Onii-san:: I'm gonna go now...I'll talk to you later! ::hugs!::
Route Venus
Dear Route Venus,
What do you mean by picking on you?
Dear Tamahome,
Arigato Oniisan that made me feel better. *Smiles and hugs him back.* Also, my dad does raise my sister and I but my sister lives with her mom. Ya wanna know something sweet? I think my sister is afraid that when I go to Japan I'm gonna leave her and she's worried about that. But I'm not going to leave her, I'm just taking a trip over there which I explained to her already. Also she asked me how old will I be when I move? And I was like I dunno, so I'm taking the hint that she's really attached to me and vice versa. I don't want to go off and leave her just like that. But I thought that was kinda sweet of her to worry about it. Next time she's over I'm going to tell her that she doesn't need to worry about me running off and leaving her here all by herself,because it's only a trip I'm taking. ^__^ Also, I told my dad that when and if I get a job I'll help out with the bill's and such and pay for my tuition in college etc. He said we'll see about it when the time comes so hopefully he'll let me help him like I want too. I believe that most kid's my age wouldn't even bother helping their parents, they would just spend the money on themselves when they get it, but I wanna help out. Anyways, things are better and thanks for the advice ^__^ *hugs her oniisan again*.
Dear Shukumei,
You're welcome. I'm glad to hear that! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tamahome,
You made me give back your money I mean, your so hot people will throw money at you, but I, I have no money at all ;_; :sniff:
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley Chan,
You stole it from me! I earned that money! The least you could do is ask nicely.
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