Dear Tasuki,
Happy birthday papa! :gives you a sake flavored birthday cake: ^_^ :kisses cheek: your FAVORITE child wishes you a happy birthday, so does Jean ^_^ peace out papa
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley Chan,
Arigato! See ya' soon!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Would you all recomment the series Ayashi no Ceres?
the stalker
Dear the stalker,
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tamahome,
*Hands him another 200 ryou* You still didn't answer my other question.
What took you so long to go after Miaka after she left for the tower? If you answer honestly, you can get the interest that goes with the fee--how does 30% sound? *holds bag of okane in front of his face* No answer, no interest.
Lady Shera
Dear Lady Shera,
I had to get the rest of the Seishi together.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
To Suzaku Seishi... Hi hi, my name is Sheila and I am forteen...anyways, some questions...
Chichiri: How can you see through that mask and how do you keep your hair that way? (It's very cute though)
Tasuki: do you love miaka? ^^
Tamahome: You are my FAVORITE guy~! I got your pin ups all over my locker, room, binder, my brain, computers...etc...!!! I love you soooo much....! Anyways, what were you doing before saving miaka? (As in when before you discovered her almost being raped, why were you there in the first place? What are you doing for living right now?
Hotohori: How do you keep your hair in that little crown? (very curious)
Nuriko: How can you transform those bracelets into battling tools? (as in, do you need to raise your chi or have to go angry like Tama?)
Chirko: I have a math question for you! What is 32a-1/2a+(-4a)-61a? ^^
Mits: When did you discover you had the healing power and how did you discover that?
Dear Sheila,
Chichiri: My mask is magical. My hair just grows that way, no da.
Tasuki: No!
Tamahome: I was looking for her. I'm a teacher now.
Hotohori: It is wound into a bun, the crown fits over it, and a long pin is put through it and holds it all together.
Nuriko: I don't know. They were a gift from Taiitsu-kun.
Chiriko: You should do your own homework.
Mitsukake: I was very young when I realized I could heal simple scrapes and bumps.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
*looks happier* Guess what! I went to the Doctor... and they finally used their brains and don't think I'm anorexic ^_^ (I lost 10 pants sizes in like, 1 year, so they thought I was --) THey realized it was cuz I'm not getting enough Iron or crap, and thats may be why my hands are always cold ^_^... or I have low blood pressure -_- Oh well. I thought I'd tell ya the good news! *snuggles* I'll see ya later!
A Happy Hyper Bon
Dear Bon,
Well, that's kinda good news. I'm glad yer not anorexic! But can they fix what is wrong wit' ya'?
Dear Chichiri,
My real father doesn't care about me, all he ever does is pay child support. He doesn't even call or write me, not even on my birthday or holidays! And my step father...well...he likes to hit me for the smallest things...I know I shouldn't hate people, but with these two, I can't really help it! What should I do?
Dear Ami-Chan,
I'm sorry that your real father is so distant emotionally, no da. Have you tried to get in touch with him? If he refuses contact, then you may have just put him out of your mind, no da. As for your step-father, does your mother know he hits you? If not, tell her, no da! He has no right to hit you! That is considered child abuse, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
KUSO!! No fair.....Well, can I at least get a reward for drinking that much?? It's a personal record.
The I'm-Not-Gonna-Turn-You-Into-A-Woman Stalker
Dear Stalker,
What can I say? Drinin' is it's own reward! Heh-heh-heh ... *Grins*
Dear Tasuki,
I know you probubly never heard of it, but your voice sounds alot like Cosmo from the "Fairly Odd Parents" which airs on t.v. in America.
Dear Hyosumi,
Mebbe it' sth' same Amreican voice actor.
Dear Tasuki,
*Looks at him and rolls her eyes* Come off it now Tasuki Wasuki! I don't see why you don't like the nickname I think it's cute! *Pinches his left cheek* Tell me why you don't like it and if I think there good reasons I'll stop calling you Tasuki Wasuki, fair? *Hugs him tightly* Your still my lil' Tasuki Wasuki!
Dear Lucy,
It's cutesy, it's fruity, an' it AIN'T my *)(%$#@ name!
Dear Nuriko,
No, they never gave me a specific reason for calling himthat, they just say he is one. He's always been nice to me and stood up for me when other people put me down. I asked my friend if she ever had a crush on him, but she already had a boyfriend and said she had to be crazy to like the guy I"m seeing and this is straining our friendship. Oh! On a better note, I got this really great chinese silk dress with a slit up the leg, it'll be the very first dress I"ve ever worn. The dance will be on Friday, I'm so excited! *Hugs him tightly* Nuriko, would you like to have the first dance? And thanks for hitting Tamahome for me.
Dear LoneWolf,
You're welcome! As long as he treats you well, enjoy yourself! Hai! Arigato! *Takes her hand and slow dances with her.*
Dear Hotohori,
What is the name of your constellation star pattern? I've heard that it's hyra but isn't that Nuriko's?
Dear Chronoztorm,
My key star in the constellation of Hydra is Alpha Hya.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*bustles about her kitchen*
Okay the Back ribs with spicy BBQ sauce is done, so is the grilled dijon chicken. *checks her mental list* the Pineapple Salsa is in it's bowl, so is the Italian grilled vegetable pasta salad,and the Potato salad.
*checks the oven on how much longer the grilled garlic with french bread is going to take*
The men will enjoy the Lemony Margaritas along with the lemonade... and for desert Tropical Yogurt Sundaes...
*looks at the bread one more time, opens the oven, takes out the bread, cuts it up, puts the pieces in a basket, then puts the basket on the table*
okay that's all done..
*opens the door to see who follows their noses*
Dear Doc-sama,
*Miaka rushes in, eats EVERYTHING in sight, and settles happily in a corner to digest...*
Smells great! What happened to all the food???
Dear Chichiri,
*sits alone by the lake* Once again, tonight is a night for pondering. Yes, it's after midnight in my corner of the universe, but once again, it's hard to sleep without getting some random thoughts out. Kind of like the feeling of release one gets after having run about two miles or cried for two hours, or both. Not that either has happened for a little while yet. It's easier to run than cry...I almost never cry anymore. Scary huh?
*senses presence behind her, but doesn't turn around this time* I know you're there. I can hear you breathing. You don't really need to hide; I won't glomp you. (Hope you're not disappointed.) Feel free to sit down if you want to. It's kind of a cloudy night, but I have a lot on my mind right now.
I have a question, and since you seem to understand these sorts of issues better than anyone, I'll ask you. *stares at the water fixedly*
Sorry...the mind is clouding up on me now. *rubs eyes tiredly* Now I remember. Why does our society place such a huge emphasis on matchmaking?Is it really that much fun to be part of a couple? Forgive me if I sound ignorant, but I've never been (and probably never will be) in a serious relationship. It's just too complicated...too irrational. Is "hooking up" or "going out" with somebody an essential ingredient for happiness?
I have friends who are guys, but no one serious. And that suits me fine. But I'm not getting any younger (3 years shy of 30 to be exact). What if when the time comes (no telling when that will happen), I'm too old to be a potential romantic partner? I guess what I'm trying to say is, I'm somewhat curious about the concept of being in love, but I don't dare try anything with anyone. Why is that? Excessive shyness? Antisocial tendencies? Just plain wierdness? Or some unconsious fear?
Maybe I'm just confused by the whole thing, or it's just late (now it's 1:05 am) and my brain is shutting down. But I've said my peace. Thanks for listening. *puts arms around herself, obviously feeling the night breezes*
Lady Shera
Dear Lady Shera,
I'm not certain if you really want an answer or not, no da. I do know that one is never too old to meet that right person and fall in love, no da. As to why you avoid relationships, only you can answer that, no da. I don't know if this will make you fell any better but, CnA got engaged on her 30th birthday and married the year after. So, age has no bearing on being loved, no da. I'm sure that you will find Mr. Right, or that he will find you. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
GENROU!!!!!! ::huggs him::
Dear Reirei,
ReiRei? What're ya' doin' here?
Dear Tasuki,
Well this question is very simple.
Why are you sooooo cute!!!??? ^_^
Dear Ecchi-chan,
Heh-heh-heh ... *Fanged grin*
Dear Chichiri,
Hi noda oh boy tommorrow i get to go spend the night at the zoo i mean IN THE ZOO!!!!!!!!!!!! do you or any of the other seishi want souviners?? if so what?????
Luna^-~ noda!!
Dear Luna,
Not really but thank you for asking, no da. I hope you had a good time!
Dear Tasuki,
*crosses her arms and glares* Ooooi! See if I protect you from those rabid fangirls the next time you get assaulted! --;;
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
*Sticks his tongue out at her.* BIIIIDAAAA! *Drinks her sake... *
Dear Chichiri,
Are you some how related to Xellos? Just wondering ;) If you say Sore wa Himitsu desu I will take that as a yes.
Dear Raya,
No, I'm not, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Hi! I was just reading "Ask Slayers" and it seems that Lina Inverse might have a cruuush on yoooou ^_~. Okayway, what do you think of it? Ja!
Dear Raya,
I think yer wrong.
Dear Tasuki,
Fundoshi? Isn't that similar to a thong??
Dear Curious,
Not exactly...
Dear Tamahome,
My fever went down a lot!!! 4 degrees! In a couple of days I should be well enough to play my flute and practice my sword. ^,^ I went to a chiropractor and he said I had scar tissue. I play soccer, just to let you know. And soccer is like a war. I'm a defender so my job basically is to protect the goal or in different terms the emperor. Cool huh? But sometimes I don't get back up and I have to take out a quarter of the enemy by myself. So in result I am a little wrecked. That sucks, doesn't it?
Active and lively Rei
Dear Rei,
I'm glad you're feeling better. take it easy, ok? You might want to rest up a bit more before you start playing soccer again.
Dear Tamahome,
*sigh* Oniisan, life as I know it isn't fair right now v.v my dad is struggling with his money problems and yet he to me sometimes act like I don't even try to find a job and earn money. But I've been looking every single day for a job, so I can help him out and help pay for college. *Shakes head.* Last night we kinda got into an arguement about money and other things. The thing that got me the most was that my little sister got to take Piano lessons even though it lasted 3 days because she couldn't do it or whatever. But that was MY dream, to learn how to play the piano, but whenever I wanted to learn how to play it, I got told I'll never go through with it. And at the time we DID have a piano but now we don't. *sigh*. Sometimes I can't wait till I move out and on my own.
Oniisan, I'm really trying to find a job, I've been looking week after week after week, and asking around for job's. But right now barely anyone is hiring. I mean I know it's hard taking care of an young adult, especially since he's the only parent, and since I'm a female and it's hard on him because I need things too. But he acts like I spend mostly all the money which I don't. I don't get it, why do I get yelled at for it? I mean, I'm saving my money for college, I'm trying to find a job so I can earn MORE money for college. And I'm also trying to learn how to drive, but he said something about that too. And he also said something about the clothes that I just bought. I told him, well I really needed these clothes because 1. My other clothes are getting torn and 2. I haven't gotten any new clothes for a LONG time. So it's like I really needed them.
But oniisan, he's spending most of his money on e-bay too so it's not just me. I mean I only get a few things here and there off e-bay, but whenever I want something I tell him that I'm going to pay for it out of my OWN money. But then he turns around and buys it for me. I mean it's nice yes, but he's forgetting the fact that I keep saying I'll BUY IT with MY OWN money. And ya know, the only thing I have asked for was to buy clothes with, and that was an easter present from HIM. All the other times that I wanted something I said I'll pay for it. Just like I did my new purse. I really needed a new purse, because the other I didn't like it because it kept sliding off my shoulder, etc.etc. so I needed another and plus I found that purse at a cheap store too. Anyways, I bought that purse with my own money. I give my friend Gas money because she takes me everywhere, sometimes instead of gas money I take her out to lunch. And I know what the meaning of the word Dollar is but he says I don't. I mean when I got my paychecks when I was working, I saved my money and when I needed something or wanted to go somewhere I took it out but I only took a bit out. So, I do know how to save my money and spend it wisely. But for some reason he doesn't think I understand the concept of what a dollar is -_-. *sigh* like I said before sometimes I really can't wait till I move out. Anyways, sorry for troubling you oniisan, I just needed to get that off my chest. -_-. Any advice?
Dear Shukumei,
I think your father is just very concerned about raising two daughters by himself. You can try talking to him calmly and ask him if there is anything you can do to help. Make sure he's truly aware that you are looking for a job. You're the oldest and I know that's hard, but it's just something you have to deal with. Good luck! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
ey... is koji your best friend? why is your friend a weirdo? i just want to know... hehe... he answers his own questions! ^__^! and one more thing.... what do you know about black magic?
Dear animeshoujo,
I don't know nothin' 'bout black magic! Kouji is my best friend. He ain't a weirdo! He's jus' bein' funny!
Dear Hotohori,
after meeting miaka, are you satisfied with your life? i mean... duh... like miaka's gonna fight with your love...
so... what do you feel about her and tamahome? do you feel jelous and want to kill off tamahome instead?
Dear kestin,
I may have been jealous at one time, but now I am happy for them.
Dear Tasuki,
TASSUUUKKKIIIII!!! *glomps on him* GUESS WHAT I GOT!! *flashes him a paper* I GOT MY DRIVER'S LISCENSE!!!
*drags him into the car*
Let's ride!!
*guns the engine and VROOOOOOOOMS... at the speed limit ^.^*
Dear Jean,
AAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! *Holds on for dear life...*
Dear Nuriko,
E--Exersise? AHHHHH! X.X that means I have to get sweaty and ewww, your strong. Cant I just have your bracelets and do it the cheating way? -clings- come on Nuri I looove you
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley Chan,
No. You need to exercise and take care of yourself. C'mon, it's good for you!
Dear Tamahome,
-.- your mean Tamahome, I don't love yu anymore :hands you back your omake: Happy obake chan?
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley Chan,
What did I do??
Dear Nuriko,
Who do you love the most? ( I don't mean, friendship kinda love, I mean I love you LOVE you kinda love! :p)
Magic no Miko
Dear Magic no Miko,
I don't have anyone like that in my life right now.
Dear Nuriko,
Hello, 'Nii-san! :D How was your day? Mine was fine...I saw one of my friends at a restaraunt when I was going to get my mom with these two guys, one of which she holds hands with in the halls. I was curious because her dad is a tyrant and won't let her go anywhere. Heh. So,when I asked about her to my mom, (My mom's boss is my friend's dad)she said she was at a "tutoring session". I found that hilarious. Her dad won't let her date or anything (because of the whole dealy in India about marriage.) That was the highlight of my day. ^_^ Will you fix my hair for school tomorrow,Nii-san? ::puppy eyes and holds up hair sticks::
Route Venus
Dear Route Venus,
Sure! *Starts to brush her hair.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Okies! Stuff for all!
Chichiri: if you had the option, would you get plastic surgery for your scar? Why or why not?
Tamahome: *hands him a gift certificate to a nice resturant* That should be enough to feed you and Miaka...
Hotohori: Why is your hair so nice? Mine isn't.... *tries to comb through her frizzy hair and fails miserably*
Chiriko: *hands him some books* I've read all of these. Are you interested in reading them? They're mostly fantasy novels....but you might find something you like.
Tasuki: *superglues pink bows in his hair and moves on, snickering*
Nuriko: *hands him some dark purple nailpolish* You can have that... it didn't look quite right on me. ^^;;;
Mitsukake: *huggles him* Heyoo! I'm tired. *turns into a kitten, hops up on his shoulder, and falls asleep*
Dear Ayame,
Here are all your answers in order:
Chichiri: No! It is a reminder, no da.
Tamahome: Arigato!
Hotohori: Genetics? *Smiles*
Chiriko: Thank you! *Starts reading*
Tasuki: OI! That ain't funny!!!
Nuriko: Arigato!
Mitsukake: *Smiles*
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
OH MY POOR BABY *lets him go* you will come home for you birthday right? And you'll help me get Aidou away from that evil bandit?
Your Loving Mother
Dear 'Kaasan,
Yeah, yeah… whatever… Kouji ain't evil! He's my best friend!
Dear Nuriko,
how you get beautiful?
ue lee
Dear ue lee,
*Smiles* Arigato for your kind words! I exercise daily and I eat healthy foods. The rest I guess is just nature!
Dear Chichiri,
Where is your family?
Dear Ascitha,
They are dead, no da. I guess you caould say the Seishi are now my family, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
Who is your girlfriend and what her's name.
Dear nameless,
I don't have a girlfriend, no da. *Gets glared at by Chichiri no Aijin and Chichiri no Aisai…* *Sweatdrops* Ano… unless you count Chichiri no Aijin and Chichiri no Aisai, no da…
Dear Tasuki,
Happy Birthday! *hugs*
Dear Jui-chan,
Dear Nuriko,
Konnichiwa! How are you? Long time no write. I'm pretty good, but I've got scary first year college exams coming up soon. We had a practice timed question today in english language but I did ok. It asked to what extent language which represents gender should be changed. We were also allowed to use our notes, so I've been condensing mine for the actual exam.
I've also been looking at drama schools for when I leave college and I'm worried that since it's an audition basis that they won't hold my place for me if I get in. That means I won't be able to take a year out. I've been kinda stuck whether to decide between going to Japan or L.A. I've started learning the language but I doubt it will be anywhere near as good as what it has to be to get by and I think L.A would be more useful since I want to go into acting don't you? I hope my parents allow me to go on a year out after I looked at the fees of the drama school.
From Hell stopped playing at the cinema last month and I'm quite sad because I wanted to see it. Have you seen it, if so did you like it? I think Johnny Depps amazing. Well I've got to go. I hope you are well and wish my best to the other seishi and Miaka.
Take Care
Jen xxxxxxx
Dear Jen,
Good luck with your exams! Well, if you make it out to L.A., make sure you gives us a yell. We'll be glad to show you around if you want. I never got to see "From Hell". Take care!
Dear Tamahome,
What was your mother like?
Dear Wanda,
She was very kind and beautiful.
Dear Chichiri,
Hey there. Well I have good news, then I have bad news.
The good news is, my boyfriend REALLY likes me! *squels, blush, smile* He kissed me this morning. Just on the cheek though. We're trying not to move too fast.
The bad news is, my cross-country coach turned down the student-teacher mediation thing. I told my mom and my mom is coming up here to be in the room when I talk to the teacher. My mom doesn't want me to talk to her alone, like the coach wants. And in this case I agree with my mom. What do you think I should do? I mean I just want to know you're opinion. You usually help, so it will be good to know what you think.
Well gotta go. Talk to ya later and wish me luck!
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
Congratulations on the boyfriend, no da! In this case, if the coach is being THAT stubborn I say you should have your mother present for your own protection. However, you should still be the one to do most of the talking to your coach and let her know how you feel, no da. Good luck!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I would like too go inside a book too cause I want too go insidi the 4 gods of the univers
Dear Anonymous,
Unfortunately, the book does not exist in your world.
Dear Tamahome,
dear tamahome why do you love miaka?
Dear m,
Because she is kind sweet, and unselfish.
Dear Chichiri,
dear chichiri are you really magical?
Dear mariya,
I am not magical, but I can do magical things, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
Oi...why are people so confusing? I mean, look at all the wars we've had, then tell me why people still claim to be peace-loving? If one is so peaceful, then why start wars? I saw a movie not too long ago, "The Last Man on Earth" and it was about war. In it, World War III ocurred. It used bio-chemical warfare. The U.S. came up with something that attacked the Y chromosome and launched it at Afghanistan before it was fully tested. It traveled by air, so unfortunately, killed about 95% of the male population. Since cloning had been thought of by then, women decided to leave it that way.
Gradually, laws began to forbid men to come into towns and cities, have contact with women, sex with a man was forbidden altogether, and then they were to be aressted on sight, sometimes even shot and/or killed. The reason for this was that violence and anger were 'supposedly' on the Y chromosome and therfore the reason for all the wars.
It goes on about how one woman somehow created a man, and what they go through, but I still wonder. If that reason were true, then why is it that with animals, it is the female of the species that is thought to be more dangerous? Why do some say that poison is a woman's weapon? Why do some say that men are stupider than women?
Is there a reason for some of the ways of thinking that the world holds today? Is there a reason for why men and women both are portrayed by the opposite (and sometimes the same) gender to be overly hormonaly active in so many movies?
I'm not entirely sure why I asked you these questions, because my intention was to complain about my creator's strange ways of thinking. But, since they've been typed, I don't think I'll go back and erase them because maybe they will make some people think for once. T.K. (my creator) and her siblings are told often to think before speaking or acting, her youngest brother most especially.
As it is, T.K. herself I find quite strange. She claims that I drew myself when she hasn't even finished my picture yet. Odd me a Latin name like that...
Kyrie Eleison
Dear Kyrie,
You have raised some interesting questions, no da. People have always had misconceptions about the opposite sex. I tend to think we are all basically more the same than we are different, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Tasu-baby, I HAAAVVE to KNOW (big mean eyes): Boxers or briefs an' what color???? (AND WHAT WOULD YOU DOOOOO FER A KLONDIKE BAR)
Luv Yuzi
Dear Yuzi,
I wear fundoshi! What's a Klondike Bar??
Dear Chiriko,
hi!!!! chiriko i haen't written you in sooo long remember me i 'm your miko ruki i'm here with some of my friends and we have some questions for you
Naoko: Do you use HAIRSPRAY?????!!!!!! ^_^I mean yor hair, its just so gravity defiant???{I would know about defience}
Yuzi: what would you do for a klondike bar?
C-chan: What brand of underwear do you wear?
Ruki: Please please please can i be yur aijin?//(big watery chibi eyes)
>From your lovin miko ruki an' co.
Dear ruki and co.,
Here are all your answers in order: No. What's a Klondike Bar? I wear fundoshi. NO! I'm too young and so are you!
Dear Tamahome,
*walks over to him dressed in a chibi Suzaku no Miko costume only not see though* hewo *giggles* now i wook like youw miko *smiles really cutely* am i as pwitty as she is?
Dear Lita,
Kawaii! You look like a smaller version of her.
Dear Tamahome,
My mom says that some of the sickness is due to stress, but wouldn't you be worried if you were missing school? I don't want to get bad grades. I worked my whole life to get where I am now. I'm not sure what I have exactly. I think it is a really bad fever. -_- It's not your fault that I have nightmares. At least i can draw more pics of you! I'm glad you care so much. It feels nice to have someone care. My friend Carolyn(she is a christian) says my sickness is the work of the devil, or Nakago. I'm not doing as well anymore my fever went up a little. I need to sleep. Night Tama. -.-
Dear Rei,
Get some rest and let Carolyn know that your fever is the work of the virus/bacteria that is making you sick.
Dear Nuriko,
Hi Nuriii ^_^ I have another beauty tip to ask you. See, saturday, this is the 25th year that my uncle and aunt are married, and they'll be a big party.Since I,m in charge to give to all the presents person a gift, my parents had buy for me a medieval corsage and skirt.Saturday morning, I'll go make see my hairdressers. How my hairs should be? (I mean, how to hairdress them, sorry if my english is not very good)(and my hairs don't have change since my last e-mail,lol)Arigato in avance ^^
Dear Sojiro-chan,
A lot of my answer depends on what you like, what your facial structure is like and what you look like. Have you considered wearing it up in a pretty chignon with flowers in your hair? Perhaps your stylist can help you better than I can with this.
Dear Tasuki,
I looked at the date today and realized that your birthday is just around the corner. So I wanted to ask you, what do you want for your birthday? And how old are you going to be? Or are you eternally 17/19?
Dear Meikumo,
I want sake of course! Well, if I were in yer world I'd be 21 by now. But as an anime character I don't really age.
Dear Tasuki,
*wakes up a day later* Owww my head....damnit if I only I hadn't eaten all those cheesecake bars mebbe I coulda stayed awake!! >< So did I beat ya Tasuki???
The I'm-Not-Gonna-Turn-You-Into-A-Woman Stalker
Dear Can't Hold Her Sake,
*Still drinking and relatively sober...* Not even!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Is it so wrong of me to hate my real father and my step-father??
Dear Ami-Chan,
Why do you hate them, no da? If they have wronged you then it is understandable. But do realize that hatred is an emotion that will eventually consume you, no da. You'd be better off to let it go for your own sake.
Dear Tamahome,
Hey!I found a site dedicated to Yuiren!Its nice,but I haven't got time to copy the link,so log onto and type in "Kumo no Yuiren".You'll really like this site!
Dear Meg,
Nice site! Arigato!
Dear Nuriko,
Hi,I'm a 14-yr. old girl and I was assaulted by two guys.they have been sentenced RI,& I'm satisfied,ready to forget about the whole thing and move on with life.But my family won't let me!They think I need pro. help and I don't.They think I should talk to a counseller,and I don't want to.I'm not one of those girls who weep amd mope around,go to pieces and think its the end of the world.Just what can I do to make my family understand this?
Dear Dolly,
I understand where you're coming from, but I don't think it would hurt you to talk to a professional at least once.
Dear Chiriko,
When did FY premiere(in Japan)?
Dear Mia,
The manga debuted on 6/20/1992 and the series aired in 1995.
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki Papa! Help! Tamahome Obake Chan is trying to kill me cause I bought you sake with his money! Lekka Shien him! Hurry! :hides behind you:
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley Chan,
Nah, he ain't gonna hurt ya'. Jus' pay him back what ya' owe him.
Dear Nuriko,
Nuriko chaaaaaan, wanna know something pitafully sad....I cant lift five pound weights, what do you suggest I do to get in shape
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley Chan,
Eat healthy meals, exercise daily and try smaller weights. You can build up from there. Jogging, walking, and swimming are all good exercises and not that difficult to do.
Dear Hotohori,
Awww Boushin Chan is sooo kawaii ^_^ does Houki ever need a babysitter, I'd love to watch the little guy with that cute little tuff of hair ^_^ he's gonna be a chip off the old block
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley Chan,
Arigato for your kind words. We would love to have you baby-sit Boushin.
Dear Chichiri,
What do you mean by "sometimes"?
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
Just what I said, no da. There are times people tend to question themselves. It's normal, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
Wow I feel really wierd writing to an anime character! But n*e*who* do you think that you'll ever be able to fall in love again after what happened with you're fiencee? If so will you be allowed to since you're a monk?
Dear seika_babe66,
I suppose I will someday, no da. Of course I'll be allowed, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
!!!!! I forgot Hotohori-sama! Dun hate me, Hotohori-sama! ;.;! Anyways,To make it even,here's your question! :D When you were reborn, were you reborn as emperor? And by the way, your son will -definitely- turn out to be very handsome! Look at his father! Hehe. I'm going now...See ya!
Route Venus
P.S.:I think I flunked my test in geometry...-_-
Dear Route Venus,
I'm sorry to hear that you may not have passed your test. I don't give away spoilers. Gomen.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi again guys. lol I know you must be tired of me by now. ::Sniffles:: Oh well. ^_^ I don't -really- have a question to ask...Hm. Maybe I can think of one for each of you!
Nuriko: Will you be my big brother? *_* You're so cool!
Tasuki: You should have just kissed the ferret...:nodnod:: But I still love you, Tasuki-san! :D
Tamahome: Yes, it's PG-13. I think you'll find my picture very amusing.
Chichiri: >.> Chichiri-san...I kinda ran off the road the other night when going to the mall...Hehe. No one was hurt. I blame it all on my sister and her yelling at me!
Chiriko: How long did it take you to learn the leaf whistle thingy? ^^ It's awesome.
Mitsukake: Hmmm. >.> I dun have anything I can think of to say now. ::hands him some modern medical supplies:: ^^; Here ya go!
Route Venus
Dear Route Venus,
Nuriko - Sure!
Chichiri - Are you ok, no da? You really have to start driving more carefully, no da!
Chiriko - About a week
Mitsukake - Arigato!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
*hugs him really tight cutting off his oxgen* OH MY POOR LITTLE SHUN'U! What have those evil bandits done to you! *gets all teary eyed* you haven't been home in so long. *lets him go* Oh, you look so pale! Have you been eating right? how about you come home for your birthday, and ill make you a nice dinner. Maybe you can help me get Aidou away from that evil bandit
Your Loving Mother
Dear Ma,
AIR!!! AIR!!! Can't breathe!! LEGGO OF ME!!!!!! *Turns blue*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Um, how do you submit fanart? I got two Tamahome pictures!
Getting well Rei
Dear Rei,
You can submit them to the administration address on the index peeji.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Would you guys ever forgive Nakago for the things he did? And for each of you tell me what you would have done to him if wouldn't forgive him. ^^; Do you guys like green tea? It's helped my fever a lot! I feel so much better! I didn't get the alcohol Tama, but I did get a massage from a friend. *blush* Won't say who. It put me right to sleep. No nightmares!!!
Dear Rei,
We all like green tea, even Tasuki! I don't think Nakago could ever be completely forgiven, but as far as what we'd do to him, I think the worst has already been done.
Dear Mitsukake,
My cousin is ill. Doctors has different opionions on the cause. Will she get better soon?
Dear Flora,
Without examining her, I cannot diagnose her. Gomen.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*dances around happily* I GOT A PERFECT SCORE ON MY JAPANESE TEST!!!!!!!!!! *huggles everyone, then tosses confetti in Tasuki's face*
Dear Ayame,
Omedeto gozaimasu!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I was wondering.... what do you guys think would have happened if Yui had become Suzaku no miko? I have NO CLUE... I wanted your opinion! ^^
Dear Sari-chan,
There may have only been 26 episodes instead of 52. There may have been a lot less blood shed as well.
Dear Mitsukake,
Remember how I told you about your picture? Well, I was debating on it, and I think I am going to color it, once I find my colored pencil's, IF I find them v.v. Anyways, I hope you don't mind that it's a chibi drawing, and it's towards the left. For some reason I always draw towards the left. Anyways, I hope you like it when I'm done. I had a Chibi Tamahome (my first drawing),and a chibi hotohori drawing but I gave those to my pen pal's. ;_; Anyways, I just thought I'd should let ya know what I'm doing with your picture. *hugs her onisan and kisses his cheek.* =D
Dear Shukumei,
I'm sure I'll love it. Ariagto!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Help! My 13 year old best friend is pregnant with an 18 year old's baby! It wasn't rape, she's been sleeping with him for awhile. She wants me to be the godmother! What should I do?
Dear Faith,
Do her parents know?!?!?!? If not, they need to!!! Being a godparent is a HUGE responsibility!! It means if anything happens to the parents you would be the one to raise the child.
Dear Chiriko,
Hi Chirko chan, do you know where any fushgi sprites are of you? (they are like animted gifs...that arent animated...^^;) I need it for a layout. also if I have an incompatent, unintelegent teacher that is bringing down my GPA what should I do?
Ashley Brown
Dear Ashley Brown,
I've never seen any. As for the teacher, what is he/she doing that's lowering your GPA?
Dear Nuriko,
Ryu, I have a job interview in the morning. And I'm scared. I can do the job of course, but I'm still shaking. *hugs herself* don't want to mess this up. hold me?
Dear Doc-sama,
Good luck itooshi! Ganbatte ne! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
::waves:: HI!!! I'm writing another anime talk show fic called Suboshi Springer! Do you wanna be the One-Bishie Security Patrol? ^.^ I'll give ya a few gallons of sake! ::holds up a giant bottle:: ::bounces around him with it:: Please?
Chibi Lilly-chan
Dear Chibi Lilly-chan,
Sure, why th' h*ll not? Do I get to brawl?
Dear Tasuki,
*has already downed at least 5 gallons of sake* Ya *hic* shee?? Told ya *hic* sho'...*laughs loudly and falls outta her chair* owwie that wash meh head i jusht hit..*hic*...ooooooohhhh owwwwww... *is k.o.'ed* X_X
The I'm-Not-Gonna-Turn-You-Into-A-Woman Stalker
Dear Sad Drunk,
*Shakes his head.* 'Nother one can't hold her sake … *Picks her up and puts her on a couch to sleep it off...*
Dear Chichiri,
It's just how I speak, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Hey. *huggles him sadly* I'm sorry to seem so sad... I'm sick and sleepy. Your also the best to complain to, cuz... *thinks* cuz you are.
Alright, I've been like, reeeeeaaaaally sleepy lately, and everyone thinks I'm anorexic (I AM NOT!), so I gotta go to the Dr. on Thursday. I DONT want to go. I just gotta sleep a lil, right? *yawns* oh well. I need a hug. Its hard to work for YOUR guys -_- I thought being a lil sister to the bandits was a good thing!
A Sleepy, Sick Bon
Dear Bon,
A checkup won't kill ya'! It is a good thin'! But no one ever said it was easy! Odaijini! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Gomen nasai,I had no idea there was another Ayame here.....*sigh* By the way, this is the Ayame who gave Hotohori-sama the paper crane, not the other Ayame....and because Ayame #1 was here first, from now on I'll go by my nickname, Jisho (As in dictionary.....*sigh* Odd nickname, ne?). Sorry for the inconvenince....^-^ Anyway, I was wondering if all of you could.......sign my autograph book? *holds out a small, green autograph book and a black pen* Please? I'm trying to collect anime signatures. ^-^ I'm going to use the new book I bought to analyze the handwriting. Plus, if I ever need money, I can sell the book on Ebay for lots and lots of money. ^_~ J/k. But I would really, really appreciate it if you would all please sign. Arigatou gozaimasu, and, once again, I'm very sorry for all the confusion I have caused....Ja...
Ayame, who is to be known as Jisho from now on...
Dear Jisho,
Arigato for clearing things up! *Smiles*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Good stuff happened today! For once Oo Anyway, here goes:
1. I got a new CD wiff my fave song on it! Guess what it is! Wait, that's basically impossible cuz it AINT 80'S! For once...okay, maybe it's my second fave next to I Ran (Flock of Seagulls ^_^)....ish Drops of Jupiter! Yaaay! It's the Grammys 2002 CD! Yaaay....(confetti flies) C'fetti! *throws some at Chiriko* Fetti...Sorry, I'm hyper and just got done with a 3 hour block of Ed, Edd n' Eddy...
2. I drew better than I have for a while...I drew Izzy, Chiriko, Double D (Ed, Edd n' Eddy), Me, Suboshi, Tomo, Chichiri, Davis, Tai, Matt, TK, Ken Ichijouji, Cody and me in one came out really good and I showed my art teacher...she said it was awesome!
3. I WON I WON I WON! I won high honors for the poem I sent to the Women's Club Poetry was all about...oh, what else? Chiriko! *huggles Chiriko* KAWAII NO DAAAAAAAAAAAAA! O.o ...I'll stop. It was about the time when Miboshi (THE EVILNESS! AUGH! *pulls a black sock over her head a la Double should find a pic of the kid if ya don't know who he is!*) came and possessed ya, and ya died and it was sos sad it made ME cry and I never cry and and and....waaah! *buries her head in Chiriko's shoulder* Kawaii ^_^
4. Mr. Ben didn't yell @ me! (sarcastically) Yaay. Anyway, I had muh notebook out an evvything and I was singin' an' laughin' and talkin' and screechin' and he just looked at me funny and didn't say a word! Finally he gets off my case and MY BRAIN FELL OUT! Oo Sorry, quoting EEnE... Ed's the stupid one...kinda like Nakago! ^_^ Double D's the smart one like Chiriko...he labels everything, but he studies CONSTANTLY! AAAUGH! Oo Eddy is money-crazed...sounds like a certain seishi we all know...(gives Tamahome dirty looks) You. You hate is not a good person in my book! Mean! Take a leaf out of Chiriko's book (or one from all of them) and hate Miboshi instead! ^_^ I shall stop ranting now...
Sarina Ichijouji (I have many last names!)
Dear Sarina,
Omedeto on winning high honors for your poem, no da! That's really great! I'm glad that things are going well for you, no da.
Dear Hotohori,
Greetings Emperor,
I just started watching your show and have become a Hotohori addict...hope you don't mind...
My grandfather passed away a week ago...I'm very down-in-the-dumps. Do you know of anything that might make me feel more comfortable about his death? It's been really hard for me. (Sniffles, then starts crying)
Dear Irhus,
That's very difficult to say as people all grieve differently. You can try remembering the good times you had together and take comfort in the fact that as long as you remember him he'll never truly be gone. You have our deepest sympathies. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tamahome,
Hey Tama-san. ::tosses him two bags full of gold ryou:: Boy, my life has been a complete mess lately. Or the weekend at least. I found my cat's litter, but two almost died from being wet and cold. Then we lost one to... suffocation is my guess. Oy. A friend of mine who was living w/ the preacher of my church is gone. Probably arrested. They're really upset over it. I want to help them out, but I don't know what to do. They asked for our prayers, but I'd like to do more than that. I feel really kinda helpless right now. Last night I shut myself up in my room and just cried for everybody, and myself. That, at least made me feel better. I'm gonna see if my friends can help me out too. I've already talked to my parents. I just hope things get better before they get worse. Thanks for listening.
Dear Tigress,
I'm sorry to hear about the kitten and your friend. I hope everything works out for her. *Gives her a hug.* You're welcome.
Dear Tamahome,
Tama, if I sleep I usually get nightmares! I don't know why. Besides death is nothing new to me. It really sucks bieng stuck in bed. I can't get at my sword! *reaches for it but ends up coughing* The cough is killing me. And the only time I can get my mom is when she comes to check on me, I can't talk anyway. Is there someone with the name Presea out there? Because that is the name I use sometimes. And it was my sister not me!!!!! I feel so special today. My friend Taylor came over and brought me some presents, he took care of me for awhile! I didn't know that he cared. Will you give me a hug? I can't even play my flute...
Dear Rei,
Why are you so horribly ill? Do you have the flu? I pnly ask becauise I'm concerned about you. I'm sorry you've been having nightmares. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
i love your red hair . i wish my hair was red some times
Dear miss-clover,
Thanks! *Grins*
Dear Chiriko,
CHIRIKO! *hugs him* Sorry, but you're my favorite charecter and so kawaii! ^_______^
Anyhoo, I was just wondering this: Do you get to actually READ other people's fanfiction?!
Much Luv,
Dear Erana,
Sometimes, time permitting.
Dear Hotohori,
Your very welcome. I love combing your hair, its so nice and soft. I am doing quite well, I have started an FY rpg, and since I'm already Tasuki Papa's daughter, I thought it would be fun to go what the hey and rpg my created character as your daughter ^_^ its pretty fun. So anything new and intresting happen with you
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley Chan,
Not really. Just answering letters and watching over Boushin and Houki.
Dear Mitsukake,
How're yeh doing?!No - wait, don't answer that. Answer this: What family didja have befre da flood?!?!?! Before/Besides Shouka, I mean. KONNICHIWA, MINNA-SAN! Mitsie-chan, say hi to everyone else for me!!!!
Dear Alanna,
I had parents and other relatives. I'll give the others your regards.
Dear Chiriko,
I would dearly like to know about your past life. I am under the distinct impression that you did not have a very happy one, no matter what you put up front. ^_^ Please tell me!!!!
Dear Erana,
My past life? My life before being a Seishi was a good one. I have no complaints.
Dear Tamahome,
Tamahome-san...I was checking out the fan-art section. Hehehe...::Snickers at the one of him in a bikini:: But I have an interesting bit of news for you! I've been doing some fan-art of my own...Let's just say it involves lingerie. ::Smirks at Tasuki::Payback is a b*tch!
Route Venus
Dear Route Venus,
*Smiles* Hopefully it will be PG-13 so we can post it in the Gallery!
Dear Chichiri,
Oh. I see. That's cool ya no? I didn't know for sure if you were a buddhist monk or not because some people on the internet say you are, and then others say your not. But thanks for clearing that up for me ya no? *smiles* I saw what my friend Marci did ya no? *blush* I'm glad you didn't say anything about it. I wish I wouldn't have shown her this site. She's going to, I shouldn't be so mean. I showed her the site so she could talk to Tasuki ya no? But the things she said. *sigh* Anyways, if you don't mind me asking about this sort of subject, what was your fianci's name? *eyes water* I'm sorry about what happened to her and your friend Hikou. Well on a happier note *wipes eyes* I'm listening to one of the Fushigi Yuugi Cd's. You have a magnificent singing voice Chichiri. ^_^
Bye! *waves*
Dear Tai,
Her name was Kouran, no da.
Dear Hotohori,
*Boushin heads into his room and grabs his camping bags* Mama, Papa I'm going to stay for the Campout at Nuriko-oji's garden. *grins at his parents and takes off*
Sai-chan.. *walks into his arms and draws him down for a kiss*
Dinner, then my lessons...
Houki and Boushin
Dear Houki and Boushin,
Have a good time at Nuriko's. *Smiles at Houki and kisses her.*
Dear Tasuki,
Hey Tasuki what's goin on...? I was wondering if me and your lovely handsome buddy Kouji could hook up with me sometimes. Yeah I know you guys aren't human but I'll try anyway!!!*smiles* And including a double date with Tasuki and Marci the wonderful drawer of anime, including me and Kouji. *SMILES* Is it a deal? or is it a date? ha.
Dear anjl,
I'd say yes to lettin' ya' meet him, but he's seein' my sister. 'Sides I don't date.
Dear Tasuki,
Hey tasuki! ^^ How ya doin'? *hands him some sake* *drinks some sake* ma' freind says Hello! even thogh she doesnt like ya'! >.> oh well^^ she is just bein nice. Well Tell all the others i said HELLLLO! im kinda hyper so...i must go now or soon or later. o.o or never. *rinoa gets out a needle* AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH BYE. *runs off* no da no da na no da! *runs back to tasuki hugs him and runs away again*
Dear Kisato-Chan,
I'm doin' ok. Thanks fer th' sake!
Dear Chichiri,
Hello Again chichiri. i decided to bring ma' friend over! She said its cute how you say no da all the time ^^
Rinoa: Its true i do think its cute how you say no da!
Kisato: Hehe no da no da no da no da no da no da*sings the no da song*
Rinoa: Kisato loves to say no da all the time. hehe
Rinoa: o.o ugh hey i wonder have u ever loved someone? how did u scar your eye?
Kisato: well i got to go cya chichiri no da
Rinoa: Cya chichiri
Kisato-Chan and Rinoa
Dear Kisato-Chan and Rinoa,
I was in love with Kouran. She was my fiancée, no da. My eye was lost when I was trying to rescue my best friend, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Do you guys really hate Amiboshi or would you forgive him if he came back? Because despite all the things he did I felt a load of sympathy for him and his brother. I feel sorry for anyone who had to grow up with that kind of pain. Oh, Mitsukake Sarah has a crush on you!!!! Isn't that weird? Looks like Shoka, sounds like Shoka, acts like Shoka and wants to marry you. Tama, my fever went down another two degrees, what does Odaijini mean? Gomen but I can't think clearly!
Dear Rei,
"Odaijini" means "get well soon/take care of yourself". Amiboshi did nothing as horrible as his brother Suboshi did. I'm glad your fever has gone down some more.
Dear Tasuki,
*looks at him all cute* but i wuv you....
Dear Lita,
Geez … *Sweatdrops*
Dear Tasuki,
Ummmmm hi......*smiles* I admit I waz alil' scared of writting to ya but my friend told me ta write to ya because u r my Favorite seishi.....I gess I wanta ask ya if all questions why *blushes* you hav fangs? thats been bothering me fer a while I hope it's not to strange er somethin....I ah was juss curious.....*smerks* I'm glad I get ta talk ta ya r u? r u bored after that whole journey with miaka? and I'm sorry but......I don't think that u really "hate" girls ........I don't really believe that*smiles* I gess I kinda had spare of tha moment questions ......I juss thin it's weird cause i have a few things in common w/ u an I think thats why I like u so much *blushes* F**k I hate when I do tha......anyways I hav a weird friend that from tha beginning I met her says "ya no" too f***ing's amazin where she can find placez ta put ya no....she's almost got me sayin it.....*rolls eyes* anyways I have a real war fan ,though mine can't shoot fire, that was passed down ta me by my mom....(it has blades hidden within tha red cloth)I treasure it's made of mostly solid steel, my other life long friend is in love w/ yer friend Koji....we hav r own weird little dance and *holds hand to mouth an whispers* she often talks to herself.......I also hate water to because one of tha people who was tha aclaimed "leader of our lil drawing clan,before I showed up" she tried ta f***in drown me!in tha pool at school......after tha lil incident she backed down an I sorta became tha leader of our group...I gess because I can draw the best?HA HA!*smerks*I even have pupils that want me to teach them, I hav older sibblings tha pic on me cause I'm tha lilest....I can't stand my sis....she can be a pain the butt!!!well on more thing....I love a good fight!because my family r all fighters it's a tradition in our family and *rubbs head* even my sis...she still aparently lives here...hmmmmmmmm I'm sorry...i talk to much well i'm gunna go.......thanks in advance fer my question(s)*winks* I think yer cute and I'll write laterz.....
*bows respectivly* please don think of me as a crazed, shirt rippin' fan girl....cuz i'm not tryin ta be one*smiles an waves while leaving*2€
Dear Marci,
I duuno. I was jus' born wit' 'em.
Dear Tasuki,
Okay, I kow you "don't like girls", but if you did, what qualities would you look for in one. And can I pour you some sake?
Dear Meikumo,
Sure! Thanks! I dunno... not whiney I guess...
Dear Chichiri,
Do people ever get to a point where they stop saying/thinking "I need a life"?
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
Sometimes, no da.
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