Dear Hotohori,
Im so sorry I forgot about your birthday! I feel so empty inside. you dont happen to have any cake left? *does the puppy eyes*
miaka ^_^
Dear miaka,
*Smiles and walks her towards the kitchen.*
Dear Tamahome,
Tama, I can't have a alcohol rub if I don't have any alcohol! I'm working on bringing the fever down. Tasuki said he sleeps if he is sick what do you do?
Dear Rei,
I tend to sleep as well. Perhaps one of your parents can get some alcohol for you and help you with the rub.
Dear Tamahome,
*Hyosumi and Lucy stare at him*
Hyosumi: Well Tamahome there's a good reason for us hitting you with all this stuff.
Lucy: *Bashes him on the back of the head* You see the very simple reason is this...
Hyosumiand Lucy: WE JUST DON'T LIKE YOU!!!!!!!
*They then continue bashing him with stuff*
Hyosumi The daughter of Darkness and Tasuki Wasuki no miko Lucy!
Dear Crazed, Violent Fangirls,
*Walks away from the looney tunes...*
Dear Tasuki,
*Looks at him* Stop calling you Tasuki Wasuki! Why? It's such a cute nickname for a cute guy! Anyway, I personally like calling you that and I will and technically there's not a thing you could do to stop me because I'm a fangirl. *Strikes a pose* Anyway Tasuki Wasuki I can match you in almost everything so there's not really anything you can do to stop me. But I still love you! *Ties him up and puts a red bow on him and hugs him tightly* You'll always be my lil' Tasuki Wasuki!
Lucy The fangirl^-~
Dear Lucy,
*Tries not to gag at being called "Tasuki Wasuki".* Stop that!!! *Pulls off bow*
Dear Nuriko,
*Hugs him* Sorry I just felt like giving you a hug. O.K. here's the news in my triangle friendship. I asked her those two questions you asked me and her answers sorta freaked me out alittle, you see me and the guy have been kinda "dating" I guess you would say, but not like Miaka and Tamahome. She said he's actully using me and going out with this other girl so I approched this other girl and she said no. 2nd thing is that she said he threatened her that if he, well I really don't know what but that's her reasoning and I asked around and alot of people call him a b*st*rd, but he now asked me out to the spring prom and I was wondering should I go with him? What should I do?
P.S. Could you hit Tamahome for me please?
Dear LoneWolf,
Has anyone said WHY they call him that? Has he ever displayed violent behavior towards you or been rude, nasty, or just plain mean to you? If he is treating you kindly and with respect then I say go with him. Your friend just seems to dislike him but she isn't able to say why. Did she ever have a crush on him? Hit Tamahome? *Shrugs and smacks him* Sure!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*skips into the room* I'm soooooo happy! It turns out that the guy I like, likes me too. And now we're basically going out. Oh, he is so sweet. *blushes* The other night we were at a friends house watching a movie and we held hands during the movie. And I was also using his shoulder as a pillow and I love being held by him! Oh! *blushes* I'm usually not this giddy over a guy. Now I know that I'm acting wierd because I'm using words I never usually say! Oh well. I just thought you guys would like to know. I mean I did ask Nuriko and Chichiri for help and I followed most of their advice, but I didn't want to write all these different letters, so I'm telling all the seishi how happy I am and to thank everybody who gave me advice. ARIGATO!!!
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
WE're glad that everything worked out so well for you! You're welcome!
Dear Tasuki,
Well, I asked her and she wrote me back explaining that Thie is a nickname she got, and she said she'll explain how she got it in another letter. And uhm, I know her real name but I don't want to mention it here, but if my memory serves me correctly I think she said she was chinese? O.o; Anyways, just thought I'd should let ya know.
Dear Shukumei,
See! Told ya' it never hurts to ask!
Dear Hotohori,
Shoot, v.v well uhm, how about a polaroid camera? When you take a picture the picture comes right out....gomen ne I forgot v.v I've been busy planning my trip to Japan =D. Well actually my friend and I are busy planning the trip. We're not going to go anytime soon but hopefully after we graduate from College. Anyways, the picture is small, but it'll do ne?
Dear Shukumei,
Hai! Arigato!
Dear Tasuki,
*glares and twitches* Oi! That was mine you mean ol' thief! --;;
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
Heh-heh-heh ... *Fanged grin*
Dear Chiriko,
Hi Chirko, :hugs: how are you? Good I hope. I thought I'd pay my little brain a visit and have come to ask you...^_^ will thou take my place at school? I'll make you the happiest student alive
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley Chan,
Gomen ne, but you must do your own schoolwork and learning.
Dear Hotohori,
hi hotohori! *was wondering something* can i play with boushin please?
Dear kiara,
Certainly, but after his nap if you don't mind.
Dear Mitsukake,
Hi Mitsukake, how you doing? ^_^ good I hope, hey, think you can heal me? My throat is swollen and its hard to swallow and talk =(
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley Chan,
Have you seen a doctor? You can try gargling with warm salt water and see if that helps.
Dear Chiriko,
hey chiriko! *has been a reeeaaally long time* sorry i havent been around lately my life has been busy so im free today so i figure id talk to you!*hands him a book she was reading* here you can read this! howve you been lately? *has been scared to death from like 2 fanfics* well i gotta go i plan to visit all the seishi 2 day! se-ya!
Dear Samantha,
I'm well. Interesting book! Arigato!
Dear Hotohori,
:brushes your loooooong sexy hair: Hi hotohori sama, its been awhile. I hope your doing quite well, I missed you, but I thought I'd come pay the worlds sexyist man a visit, so how are you?
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley Chan,
I am fine. Arigato for brushing my hair. How have you been?
Dear Nuriko,
hi nuriko! *wonders if he likes the m&ms* anyway i got 2 questions why were you mean to miaka when you first met? and 2 if you could go back in time to when you and dog boy were gonna fight do you think you would run or still fight him? well thats it i got the other seishi to visit but ill see ya!
Dear kiara,
Yes I did like the M & M's very much! Arigato! I was jealous that Hotohori was paying all of his attention to Miaka, when I had been there longer. I would still fight.
Dear Tamahome,
:sneaks up on obake baka and steals all his money: ^_^ hi Tamahome Saaaaan, I need this money to buy Tasuki Papa some Sakeeeee ^_^ arigato in advaaaaanced
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley Chan,
Hey! Give that back! *Chases after her...*
Dear Tamahome,
but thats the THING they DON'T have it all they have is junky STUFF...*whines*... *sigh*... *grumbles*... I hate my step-dad... god... wish I were dead...
Dear Ami-chan,
Over lack of good manga? That's pretty severe! Have you tried or Ebay?
Dear Tasuki,
Ah, what can I say, I've been pretty good, sick on and off, tired...stressed, but that's life eh? ^_^ How are you? How is everyone else? Uncle Hotohori..Obake baka....ChiChi Chan...Chriko, Nuri-Sexy-Chan, and of course Mitsukake chan? I hope your all well. I miss you guys a lot ;_; :cuddles in Papa's lap: ^_^ Papa I love ya :hug cling:
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley Chan,
I'm fine. Everyone's doin' fine. WE missed ya', too. Ano... *sweatdrops*
Dear Chichiri,
Gomen...I didn't write that letter asking if you were looking for a girlfriend. Sorry but I like Tamahome. I don't know who wrote the letter but don't use my name again! It confuses people!
Dear Presea,
I understand. People please other people's names to your letters, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
I'm so late... Happy Easter Chiri-chan! I'm sorry for being so late.... *hugs Chichiri*
Dear Neko,
That's ok, no da. *Hugs her back*
Dear Chichiri,
i have a problem, friend likes the same guy i is either my bff or my in great distressed!!! dude!!! who should i do?! dude?!
Dear dude,
Friends are far harder to come by than boyfriends, nod a. Besides do you or your friend know if he feels the same way about either of you, no da?
Dear Tasuki,
do you hate Tamahoma or do you just like to beat him up.Why do you trash talk and beat him up all the time?
Dear Stephanie,
It's fun! *Grins*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
i might get to take Japanese next year! for free too! see at my school ill be a senior yay! and i can take a PSEO thinngy....its post secondary i think...well i sent in some forms and i have to take entrance exams my teacher sayed there just like the proficency test but i failed the math part twice before i passed it and now i have to take the math test there im so freeked out im gonna fail it i talked to my concler and she said i have test anzity and it wouldnt really help to worry about it an all....why does math always have to be something im forced to pass.... im practically failing algebra 2 and if i dont get my gpa up im gonna get in trouble there cuz its gotta be a at least a 3.0 my friends said they would help me an all but i feel like im being a pain an all im also going on my self directs to the intervention lab and one of the math teachers there helps me alot and shes really nice i really hope i pass the tests though...
Dear Tana,
Let your friends help you na dtry not to worry so much about the test. Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Chiriko,
i saw a pic of you on the web when you're 16 years old. and man!! you're a babe!! would you go out with me??! hehehe. just kidding!! will you ever be shown in that age?? ope you'll answer me.
Dear megami_cherub,
I don't think so. What was the URL for that picture? I'd like to see it.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I feel so gulity! I missed all of your guys birthdays! I'm so sorry. Will you ever forgive me? I have late gifts for everyone, even ones whos birthdays I haven't missed
Nuriko: I give you my homemade chocolate chip cookies and specially scented shampoo.
Tamahome: I give you 100 ryu.
Hotohori: I give you this vanilla cake and this magic mirror.
Mitsukake: I give this collage and all the fics on the net with you and Shoka in them.(Sarah says hi.)
Chiriko: I give you *drops crate on floor* These textbooks that you might want to read.
Tasuki: I give you this bottle of Iish creame, its sake. My sister said it was good.
Chichiri: I have made new spells some in which you will find most interesting, they work well.
I'm sorry about the letter sent to Chiriko. That wasn't me! I did not kiss Chiriko! It was my sister, gomen Chiriko.
Dear Rei,
Don't worry about it. Arigato for all the wonderful presents!
Dear Tasuki,
*hugs him* i sowy i sick.... *coughs* will you give Genwou a kiss? *holds up her wolf plushie* pwease?
Dear Lita,
S'kay. Jus' don't cough all over me. *Looks at her...* Ya' know yer gonna kill my rep!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Oh yeah! I forgot to tell you guys! I got my license!!! Sugoi, ne? x.x I ran over one of the cones though...
Route Venus
Dear Route Venus,
Congratulations and please drive carefully, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
::Sniffles and gives the puppy eye again:: You won't kiss my Kouji-ferret? ::Eyes tear up:: He won't bite you, promise!
Route Venus
Dear Route Venus,
I told ya' I don't kiss animals!
Dear Tamahome,
You know, I don't think my computer likes you. I was in the middle of writing a reply to your reply, and it restarted out of the blue. Hm. Anyways...
Psht! Don't you know the basic principle of evil being sexy?? It's probably the reason Nakago has any fangirls at all. Well, others say "Honor is sexy; villiany is irresistible.", but it's all part of the same basic principle.
And d*mned right you should be saying thanks! But if you're gonna be like that, I take it BACK. *razz* And I replace it with this: You really look your worst as Taka, and I'm simply never going to forgive you for beating up Tasuki, and I'll never forgive Miaka for pretty much letting you. (Really, I don't get it. There's no logic in it! If somebody I loved inflicted any sort of physical pain upon me, I'd gladly let a friend go after them if they wanted to, and if calling the police wasn't a option. =)
*smiles and sets a Tamahome plushie on fire* See ya ^.~
Keetia: Changes moods at the drop of a hat, doesn't she?
I heard that. ,.,
Dear One-chan,
*Sweatdrops* Yes she does! @_@;;;
Dear Hotohori,
*tugs on his Papa's clothes* Mama is very pretty, like a present!! *blinks* Mama why are you turning red for?
Dear Boushin,
Yes, she is. *Smiles at Houki*
Dear Nuriko,
Oii, Nuriko! ^^ Now I've asked Chichiri and Tasuki.. now it's your turn to answer my question^_^
Why do you like Hotohori-sama so much? Because of his beauty? O.o By the way, I drew a picture of you and Hotohori! I hope it's working.
Dear Kuriichan,
Nice picture! He's kind and just.
Dear Tamahome,
I spent one night(not really!) at that haunted castle,and it WAS A LOT MORE THAN I HAD BARGAINED FOR!Boy,it really freaked me out.The castle's torture chabers are the scariest and the worst.In one of the rooms you always feel as though little hands are touching you.And there was his moaning and groaning throughout.And it was not a set-up or a hoax,I made sure of that!
Anyway,I quit halfway,but I'm not ashamed to admit it.I'm certainly through
with my interest in the occult and the supernatural!I was VERY sceptic about this place,but not anymore.What,you don't believe me?All you have to do is go to England,Northumbria and get permission from Sir Humphry Wakefield(owner of Chillingham castle-the name) and also contact Alan Robinson and he'll tell you all the do's and don't's.
P.S. I cut my hand very badly.Courtesy-The Rack(a torture instrument.They are still there in the torture chambers.)But that was my own stupid fault.
Dear Elaine,
I'm sorry you cut your hand. have you seen a doctor? It sounded like an interesting experience.
Dear Tasuki,
Hello. Um i'm 17. and well i can take care of myself i'm old enough. Right?
Dear flame,
In yer world it ain't quite old enough. Ya' got a good friend ya' can stay wit'?
Dear Nuriko,
*BLUSH* o.k i'm holding up fine perfectly fine ^.^ *falls down* oof...i'm in a good mood so. My older sister has is taking us to her house permanently and she has a computer^.^. My friend luna says hi. And Star_Fire say's howdie dootie ^.^;;;;;;;;;;
Star_fire: howdie DOOTIE!!!!!
Kitsune_Star_Fira: sure star sure
Luna-sama: hi people!
Kitsune_Star_Fira: @@;;;;;;; IT'S A PARTY AND EVERYONE'S INVITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Luna/Star_Fire: Cool!
Kitsune_Star_Fira: um nuriko uh this is luna she has the hots for tasuki, chichiri and Koji. ^.^
Luna-sama: KITSUNE!!!!!!!!
Kitsune_Star_Fira: O.O HA HA HA HA *falls over laughing*
Luna-sama: At least i don't like NURIKO!!!!!
Kitsune_Star_Fira: Shut up he's right there *blush*
Star_fire: Um i don't think this is a wise time for this kitsune-chan talk to nuriko! luna please calm down.....
Luna/ Kitsune: O.O your acting like Chiriko
Star_Fire: ^.^ *blush*
Kitsune: right nuriko um well....I at pictures and um....... NEVER MIND!!!!!*looks down* it's not important.
Star: but kitsune you really wanted to ask him this.
Luna-sama: yah kitsune what's up it does mean a lot to you.....
Kitsune: NOTHING!!!! *Runs off*
Luna/Star: kitsune..... O.O
Luna-sama: I'll go after her....*runs after kitsune*
Star_Fire: Sorry Nuriko she's been upset lightly and so she's kinda all pulled in two directions. And well Her question was......
Luna: got her....*holds an uncontious kitsune over her shoulder* @.@;;;;;;;;
Star: What did you do?
Luna: she did it on her own......
Star: sure any way her question was: If you could pick on seishi out of EVERY ONE who would you be?
luna: She won't wake up......
Star: *dumps COLD water on kitsune who doesn't even move or twitch* odd....
Star/luna: o.k sorry to waste your time JA!!!!!
Luna: *picks up kitsune like a sack of potatoes*
*Runs off*
Luna, Star_Fire, and an unconcious Kitsune_Star_Fira.
Dear Minna,
Who would I be? I don't know! I really like being me! But I guess being Hotohori would be interesting...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Why are all of you male?!?I mean there's not even one female!But the other four countries seishi have at least one female!I'm not saying that being male is bad;)
Dear sakura13,
I guess it was the will of Suzaku, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Member me??????? ^^;; Sorry about before!!!!!! *bows slightly, turning beet red* I BET I COULD OUTDRINK YOU!!!!!!
The I'm-Not-Gonna-Turn-You-Into-A-Woman Stalker
Dear Stalker,
I doubt that!
Dear Tamahome,
Why do you love miaka and why do you love money?
Dear che,
I love Miaka because she's very sweet and kind. I've always been poor so money is important to me.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*sweatdrops massively* There's another Ayame? O.o;;;;; That kinda freaked me out.
Dear Ayame,
That wasn't you?
Dear Tamahome,
Just curious. But it has been a burning issue for awhile.
What did you ever see in that UWAKIONNA Xi-Fang? And why did it take you so long to go after Miaka when she left for that temple? Did you really stop loving her? I hope not! You really should have told Tokaki-ojisan to mind his own business.
Love as powerful as the love you shared with Miaka can indeed pass through unreachable barriers. Tatara and Suzuno proved that, even if they had to die in the process, but then, the spirits of the dead can pass through anything and everything.
Also, it's almost April 15. Have you done your tax return? *sees facefault* Oh what the heck, here you go. *hands over 200 ryou, plus 15 percent interest* Might want to invest some of it. Spend the rest wisely.
Lady Shera
Dear Lady Shera,
We don't pay taxes. We're anime characters. *Grins* I never saw anything in her. I was only doing what my old master Tokkai told me to do for Miaka's sake. Arigato for the okane!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Back to school!!!! (T_T).My friends have come back from her travel and she seems to feel really better. Ano. . . today , she seemed better, I don't know if that 'll continue, but I have ask her and she says that this travel have really help her ^_^
Dear Sojiro-chan,
That's good to hear. We hope she is doing better.
Dear Nuriko,
I have finally dye my hairs. My hairdresser was thinking it will look nice, put, the color turned weird ... it's more red than purple. It look reaaaalllllllyy nice but it's not what I wanted ;_;. Oh well, I'm disapointed, but at least, it's pretty ^^. And maybe it will look more purple in the sun or when I have wash my hairs another time. Oh boy... well... sayoooo
Dear Sojiro-chan,
I guess it needs to be adjusted, but I'm glad it came out looking nice.
Dear Tasuki,
*sticks her tongue out at him and makes a face* Well what are you going to do about it, huh?
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
*Takes away her sake and drinks it.*
Dear Tamahome,
How are ya? Ya free? Cause I LOVVVVVVEEEEEE YOU! Anyways,w ill ya love me if I get ridda Maika?
Dear Shorty,
No, I wouldn't.
Dear Tamahome,
*GLOMPS* Hi Tamahome! Member me?? I hope so!! >.< Anywayz...I read Volume 1: Priestess and now I really wanna read the second Fushigi Yugi Volume! Any idea where I can find it?? Hope ya know! Oh yeh...*gives him 10 bags of gold, her 6 months savings from pay at her job* Happy Easter!! ^-^ *hugs and kisses his cheek* Ja!
Dear Ami-chan,
Your local comic book store should have it or at least be able to order it for you.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*walks up to all of them* OKAY LISTEN UP!!!!!! I am convinces that Tasuki wants to hook up with at least one of ya so here's what we are gonna do....*grabs them all and then lines them up. She looks through the line up and them picks out Chiriko and puts him to the side*'re a bit young, I don't think he would choose you. Hmmm...*taps her forehead* ...someone is missing... *She then runs out of the room and comes back, pulling Kouji in behind her.* There, now we are ready to begin. *Pulls Tasuki out of the line up and face him towards the others* So Tasuki, come on and make your pick!
Lady Genrou
Dear Lady Genrou,
Pick one of 'em fer what? OI! Are ya' bein' hentai?? That's not funny! *Storms off* Tasuki
Dear Tasuki,
YO! So I got this FY Chat I started last year and after playing a few diffrent people I found my true calling as .... guess who.
SO Here's my Question.. How does it make ya feel ta know that GIRLS are out there playing YOUR role and being told that they(=she which = me) Is the best Tasuki they had ever seen, huh! *Smirks* Yer sisters would beh proud.
Shun'u Genrou
Dear Shun'u Genrou,
I think that's kinda cool! Jus' keep me in character.
Dear Tamahome,
*chases after him yelling all kinds of vulgarities and then finally tackles him, grabing her 2,000,000 from his hands. She then sticks the money in her back pocket* If ya want the cash, then ya have to show up at my friend's bachlorette party as her little "boy toy" got it??? *she then smirks*..and if ya don't want it...i can always put the money back in my account...*turns slowly to walk away*
Lady Genrou
Dear Lady Genrou,
I think I hear your account calling to you …
Dear Chichiri,
There are many rumors floating around about Tasuki's sexuality and seeing how you spent a year or so traveling with him you should know the truth. Is Tasuki Strait Bi or Gay?
Dear Aimer,
He and I are both straight, no da!
Dear Tamahome,
Your so is sooooooooo lucky and yet unlucky.Lucky 'coz he's got a nice father and unlucky 'coz he's got such a BABYISH mom.Don't mind,but every time I hear Miaka speak,I have to take an aspirin(english & japanese voices)
Dear Joanne,
What are you talking about? I don't understand your letter. Gomen.
Dear Tamahome,
hey tamahome! a bunch of us were in chat yesterday and well first off its infested with seiriyuu seishi,and a bunch of us were wondering does miaka ever gets on your nerves? and the other thing is that since all the things that yui did to you are you friends with her now? [bunch of stupid questions i know]so i will pay for them! *hands him 1,000 gold ryou* buy yourself something nice! oh and can i be your lil sister please?
Dear kiara,
Sure you can! No, Miaka doesn't annoy me and yes we are all friends with Yui now.
Dear Hotohori,
In order to work the camera, you have to look into the little window thingy..of course you're going to have to aim it and then shoot! *Points to the little window thing on the back of the camera.* You look through that your majesty. And when you're ready to shoot the picture you click this * Points to the little button on top.* Got it? It's pretty simple once you get the hang of it. Once you take pictures of your family and you and get it developed you can see how wonderful/beautiful you are ^_^.
Dear Shukumei,
Arigato! Developed? *No photo developing in Konan…*
Dear Tasuki,
Well, I'm pretty sure she's japanese, her english isn't very good, and she's stated that she's japanese. Maybe I should ask her? O.o;; Anyways, I noticed that a LOT of people(especially girls) are picking on ya. Am I and Yume-chan like the only one's that DON'T pick on ya? Poor tasuki ;_;. Ya know have you ever tried reverse pyschology on them? Like persay instead of saying you don't like girls you like them? O.o; it could work ne?
Dear Shukumei,
Ya' can always ask her how to pronounce her name. I don't think that would work. ^^;;;
Dear Nuriko,
Okay, here's a question. It's probably kinda stupid, or just out right weird.... BUT... I noticed that the 4 gods also seem to represent the 4 elements of the earth, earth, air, fire, water. I figured out that Seriyuu is water and of course Suzaku is fire,(because he's one a phoenix and 2 well nevermind...), but with Byakko and Genbu I'm confused. I want to say that Byakko is earth (because of Tatara's style of fighting), but Genbu is green and Byakko is white. I always thought of green as an earth color. So can you, oh wonderful seishi, end my confusion?*big hopeful eyes*:) I'll give you a brownie...:)
Wufei: I don't think you need to bribe him to find out dear.
Calla: It's not bribery! It's motivation.*innocent look*
Or would you prefer my Muse-Hotohori?:)
Muse-Hotohori: I heard that!
Calla: *ducks as he throws a pillow at her*
Dear Calla,
The brownie is fine. *Smiles* I would think that Genbu is earth and Byakko is Air.
Dear Hotohori,
I wanted to tell you something really serious. I have these guys next to my school who always see the wrong things. I think you know what i mean! Well! They passed silly comments about one of my friends, whose name I do not wish to reveal, she is such a golden heart that I could not take it any longer! I went and smacked that guy right good! Do you think I did wrong? I sincerely need your advice!
I mean I am a bit of a mother hen over my selected best friends! Especially for those who do not have the guts to do so themselves! She is now worried that something might happen to me. Though I do not care much! What should I do? If anything was to happen to her, I will plunge my laser sword through that guy.s chest! (I MEAN IT!!!!)
Exams going fine! How is my friend, Houki? She was ever so happy to write to you! Please answer her letters or I shall be dead! Greetings from Coruscant and India!
In kerala (the place I was born, I AM A MALYALEE!) there is a big festival going on! It can be compared to your Chinese new year. I could not go because I had exams! Well! NANDRI (that is thank you in Tamil!) for listening!
Dear anya,
Good luck on your exams. I'm glad that they are going well for you. Please bear in mind that violence rarely solves anything. Be careful, I don't want to see you get hurt.
Dear Chichiri,
So, I see you've meet my lil' sis. Well she's not really my little sis; I just look over her like a big sister. She's outside right now practicing with her 'stick' (oh I'm mean staff *smiles *) anyways while she's out there and don't know tha' I'm writing to ya, I don' see any harm in telling ya all about her. *snickers * So as ya know her names Tai, she's blonde, has brown eyes, and a body tha'll knock you off yer feet Chichiri. *winks* Ha ha ha! She'll faint if she see's I said tha'. Wha' else can I tell you'hmm, well she eats like Miaka, I swear she has four f***ing stomachs. Well, all and all she's really nice. She always talks about you, but you'd two make a pretty fine couple. She's polite, never ever says any f***ing cuss words, and never lies. Heh, she's just the opposite of me! Oh sh**! She's coming. Later monk. Oh and tell Tasuki I say hi. *grins*
Dear Marci,
I'll give Tasuki your regards, no da.
Dear Chiriko,
Are you looking for a girl-friend? I like you a lot. Your really cute! *gives him a kiss* Can you guess who I am? I another name. I give you a hint, I have a fever. Don't worry, not contagious.
Dear Presea,
Arigato for your kind offer, but I prefer to stay single. We can be friends if you want.
Dear Tasuki,
When you are sick what do you do to cheer yourself up? I'm very sick, high fever.
Dear Rei,
Nothin' much. I jus' sleep. Odaijini!
Dear Tamahome,
Tama, my fever went down 2 degrees! I'm happy but I feel so weak. And I'm missing school, my teacher is going to let me have it when I get back. I don't have any liquor! I haven't hallucinated in about three hours. That's good, ne? *falls off chair* I'm just so tired... will you give me a hug? I'm really lonely here in my room all by my self. I didn't go to the hospital because I just don't seem to trust doctors all that much now. I mean they couldn't do anything for my friends. I had an interesting dream about Suboshi. *blush* He's such a perv! *coughs until tears are in her eyes*
Dear Rei,
You still need to reduce your fever. Did you try the alcohol rub? Odaijini!
Dear Chichiri,
So your not mad at all? Thanks Chichiri. *bows* So what's new? If I may ask. What are you doing now that Miaka is not around? Does she ever come to visit you guys? And what about Tasuki and the others ya no. You still keep in touch with them don't you? I really admire you ya no? *blush* You are my favorite Suzaku Seishi. I always said "ya no" and I used to get yelled at because my friends thought it was annoying. But then I saw you in the english Fushigi Yuugi videos and you said it to. It made me happy, but not my friends. *giggle* They still make fun of me when I say it. After watching you use your staff I also took in the art of this skill. So now I use a staff (though it is not as great as yours) and I also am buddhist. I have always followed in the ways of Buddha though ya no? By the way, how did you ever become a buddhist monk? I knew you left your home town and then you found Taiitsu-kun. But how did you become a Buddhist monk? Just wondering ya no? Well thank you so much for reading my letter ya no? I really appreciate it. Well I hope you have a nice day! Bye! *smiles*
Dear Tai,
I don't really consider myself to be a Buddhist monk, no da. I'm just a wanderer, no da. Of course I'm noy mad at you, why should I be? There is very little happening in our lives right now, no da. It's nice and peaceful, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey seishi! This letter is mainly to you Hotohori, 'cause I never said happy b-day, so...happy(late)b-day! And also to Tasuki! Happy early b-day! And hi to all the others, and I love you all...oh yeah! My b-day is on the 24th. Sweet 16, here I come! Well, I have homework to do, so peace!
Dear Kuro,
Happy birthday! Arigato for your good wishes!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Mitsukake,
Hi Mitsu-san! ::waves:: I've written a fic where ya host a children's show! ^.^ It's on under Moro no Miko. It ends with Tamahome taking everyone out for lattes. ^.^ WAHAHAHAHAHA! ::maniacal chibi author runs off into the sunset::
Chibi Lilly-chan
Dear Chibi Lilly-chan,
I shall try to find and read it.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi everyone! ^_^ It's me again! Nuri-chan: Thanks for answering my question!I didn't know you answered it before, though. I'm new to this website. Do you want to see a picture of Kouji-ferret? He's soooo kawaii! He's very hyper and enjoys biting me -_-' Tasuki: ::holds Kouji-ferret up for him to see:: Isn't he cuuuuute, Tasuki-san? Give him a kiss, pretty please? ::puppy eyes:: Oh yeah! Guess what you guys? I'm going to get my driver's license tomorrow! Gotta go face the evil instructor-person! I hope I don't fail! That wouldn't be very fun. Wish me luck, guys! ^_^
Route Venus
Dear Route Venus,
I ain't kissin' no animal! Who d'ya think I am Nakago??? Good luck on yer drivers test.
Dear Nuriko,
O.k hi agiain ^.^;;;;;; If I annoy you please tell me o.k? O.k o.O Anyway I promise....Um...*sticks up hand* I promise to stay away from my mom's boyfriend Unless he hurts my little sister THEN and ONLY THEN will I kick his ****----Censored----****. So how is your life? *Hands him home made peanut butter cookies and A strawberry cheesecake* here you go thank you for all you help it really means alot to me more then you know. I can't put into words how greatfull i am to you. You ARE the coolest Seishi. AND IF ONE MORE PERSON CALLS YOU GAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRR!! *lowers her voice* (blush) Gomen Nashi. *bows* My friend call you a cross dress but then i get really rank and stuff. O.k so you dress like a girl Well here is how i see it. You would make a good bestfriend who could give great beauty tips ^.^ And you make a GREAT boyfriend who could still give good Beauty tips And great to take shopping. ^.^!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HEHEHE HE people say this song goes great for the way i act when i talk about you:
*Starts To sing*
Stupid cupid
You're a real mean guy
I'd like to pick your wings so you can't fly
I am in love and it's a cryin' shame
and I know you're the one to blame
Hey hey, set me free
Stupid cupid, stop picking on me
Can't do my cominb, I can't keep things straight
I need 'em every moment, I'm a heck outta space
I'm actin' like a lot of fools
You've even got me carrying your new book to school
Hey hey, set me free
Stupid cupid, stop picking on me
You mix with a lot of good right from the very start
Hey good, playin' lot of good
Somebody else is fine
You've got me talkin' like a crazy clown
and I don't picture why you're good and dumb
since I can just use a little wine
the thing that bothers me is that I like it fine
Hey hey, set me free
Stupid cupid, stop picking on me
You've got me jumpin' like a crazy clown
and I don't picture why you're good and dumb
since I can just use a little wine
the thing that bothers me is that I like it fine
Hey hey, set me free
Stupid cupid, stop picking on me
Hey hey, set me free
Stupid cupid, stop picking on me
Stupid cupid
Stupid Cupid
Stupid Cupid
Stupid Cupid
Stupid Cupid
Stupid Cupid
Stupid Cupid
Stupid cupid.....
*blush* o.k thats was wierd I have never sang in front of someone *blush* Well Ja^.^ *kisses him on the lips and runs off*
Dear Kitsune_Star_Fira,
*Blushes* Arigato for the oishii cake and cookies! Interesting song. So, how are you holding up?
Dear Tasuki,
No I have no one to stay with. I have been taking care of myself ever since so I don't have anywhere to go. So i was thinking of getting a job and staying in this house and pay for myself. What do you think? I would really like your opinion becasue your opinion means alot to me
Thank you. ^.^
Dear Flame,
Depends, how old are ya'?
Dear Chiriko,
Ooo, I so havent asked anything for a long time...been too busy with school...Mr. Ben yelled at me today (more like a lecture about how 'not everyone hates me'...hah, what a joke!) but thats not the point. Morgish is being so mean ta me! Won't let me have Tai...meany, she has Jyou...oh well...been blabbin on recently. Anything going on with you guys? I started a Digimon story for Language, and it all typed up in our computer lab. It's 4 pages long and the first done: The others are about 2 pages long and not even close to done...heh, and they say I'm a slow learner...ah well. Gotta time ^_^ C ya, Great Master of All That Is Kawaii!
Sarina Izumi
Dear Sarina Izumi,
Not much is happening here. We're just doing our best to keep up with the letters.
Dear Tamahome,
While I was watching FY music videos just now on my computer, I came to a conclusion, out of the blue. While Tasuki will forever be sexier than you ;) I've concluded with out much debating that, frankly, you look better when you're evil.
Of course, that's not taking into account Miaka basically let you beat Tasuki up... Buuuut, setting aside any personal dislikes or agreements with my online little brother Rob, who thinks you're a dork... You look much more attractive as 'Evil Tamahome'. ^-^ And now I'm going to go step over HERE before you decide to get a pair of nunchunks and break my arm. ^-^ Good day! *runs off and hides behind Tasuki*
(Of course, since you aren't evil anymore, I should have nothing to fear... right?)
Dear One-chan,
Thanks, I think…
Dear Hotohori,
Hi! Sending belated birthday wishes. :)
*Runs off*
Dear Hoshi,
Arigato! How have you been? It's been awhile since I've heard from you.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Arrrrrrgh!!!!!!! Life is not good for me right now!!!!
1.I am not allowed to read or watch ANY anime and manga right now(I'm not supposed to be here)
2.My mom is really mad at me for some reason.
3.My dad is sad because he thinks I'm not spending time with him when he's really doing his own syuff and is too busy
4.I don't wanna live right now
5.For some reason I am about to burst into tears
6.I think I have been suffering depression for a while now
Dear Anonymous,
Have you tried talking to your parents, no da? You should know why your mother is angry with you and you should also let your father know you want to do things with him but not necessarily the things he's doing. Try to come up with an alternative that you both will enjoy, no da. Your parents need to know how you're feeling. If you have depression then they are the ones you need to turn to for help, no da. Take care. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
*runs up to him* Lita is sick! She started caughing on Monday and now she can't get up! Me and Miss Aidou are doing everything we can, but oniichan is too drunk to even care now... But Miss Aidou said you had a friend who is a healer so I am here to ask you to bring him and help her!!!!!!
Dear Waimei,
Sure! *Takes her to Mitsukake*
Dear Nuriko,
hi nuriko! i was out shopping for a gift for you.....for easter and i got you some m & ms*hands a big bag to him* i figure you can eat these while your answering letters! ^^ ill see ya gotta visit tamahome! *hugs him*
Dear Kiara,
Arigato! Oishii!! *Munches M & M's*
Dear Tasuki,
hey tasuki??? if you don't swim or even like the water how are you going to stay cool this summer???? and what are you going to do when every one leavesd for the beach, lake or pool?????
Dear Luna,
Drink ice-cold sake! *Fanged grin*
Dear Chichiri,
wow have been busy i think i need to slow down a bit any way it's sunny and 67 degrees ferinhight and i have to go to school i can't call in sick i already missed to much school oh you been???
Luna^-~ noda!!
Dear Luna,
I'm fine. Take care of yourself, no da.
Dear Tamahome,
hi tamahome! i gotta problem *pulls out 2 gold ryou* here for you... ok this problem started easter day my dad and mom were having a fight about something with money and my mom walked out and took me with her then 2 days later got a divorce and i had to go to this custody thingy and i chose to stay with my mom now when i call my dad he hangs up on me now what can i do? *hugs tamahome* thank you for listening to me!
very stressed Kiara
Dear Kiara,
I would write a letter to him explaining why you chose to stay with your mother. I'm sure he's hurt by the decision and he needs to know that no matter what you still love him. Good luck! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Chiriko,
exams are going just fine! i expect a 100% result in maths! can you believe it? thanks for you wishes!
anya(from coruscant)
Dear anya,
I hope you succeed!
Dear Chiriko,
Is it true that a lot of people in Japan don't know English.
Dear Nandini,
Not at all! They are required to take 6 years of English in High School. This does not mean however, that they are fluent, but I believe that most of the people have a basic understanding of the language.
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
Great site! Nakago would make a lousy evil overlord!
Dear Hotohori,
Hio Hotohori-sama! This is just an admiration note thats your really hot and I'm totally in love with you but you probably get this all the time ^^" I cried in the OVA for you and in the TV series and well I just want to say Wo Ai Ni! ^^
Dear Lina,
Arigato for your kind words.
Dear Hotohori,
Happy Birthday!!^^ (gomen if I'm a bit late.^^;;)
Yume, TnM
Dear Yume,
Dear Hotohori,
Good ;) *bows and heads back to Houki who is getting dressed for tonight* Houki-chan he fell for it ;D
*helps Houki get ready for the party* He's gonna flip when he sees you in this color, it makes you shine :) *looks at the door* Hon, it seems you're going to be a bit late. *scoots out the door, grinning*
Dear Doc-sama,
*Smiles when he sees how beautiful she looks.*
Dear Tasuki,
Are you calling me gay?! -- Cuz if you'm bisexual. u.u So nyah. I'll go...glomp...someone...OTHER THAN YOU.
Dear Gekijou,
NO! I'm callin' ya' annoyin'. Now leggo of me! >.<
Dear Tamahome,
No, Tama. I'm not using you to end my grief. I think it was because I was watching the part when you went all evil and nearly killed Tasuki. I don't want another counsler because I don't feel comfortable talking about the subject anymore. I-I just can't anymore. My punching bag helps me get through the day, so does my sword. I have a fever of 106 degrees and I feel terrible. I think I'm starting to hallucinate. Look there's Mitsukake, and Kurama? Oooohhhhhh I feel sick. @_@
Dear Rei,
Why aren't you in the hospital with a fever that high?? Mitsukake says you should take an alcohol sponge bath to help bring it down. Odaijini!
Dear Tasuki,
Uhm, I shouldn't probably ask you this, because you're not an (forgive me please?)expert on girl's but I have to ask someone this and I'm embarrased to ask her this but anyways, I have this pen pal that lives in Japan, and her name is Thie, and I have NO idea on how you pronounce her name. I asked my friend Gloria if she knew how to pronounce it cause she knows a bit about japan, and she didn't know how to pronounce my pen pal's name. You wouldn't happen to know how to pronounce would ya tasuki-kun? Btw, Have you ever seen Sorcerous Stabber Orphen? *drools* He's such a hottie *.* gomen nasai Tasuki-kun, you're still my number hottie but I like Orphen now too cause he has your rebelness and Tamahome's greedyness =D. It's so funny, when I first found that out I was like O_O Tasuki and Tamahome in ONE. O_O; Have you ever seen it? and btw, I have part one and part two of the Orphen series, and I have it on DVD so I can listen to the Japanese Dialogue =D wai! Anyways, I have one more question, how do you pronounce Sword of light,whom I do realease in japanese? Is it something like Hikari No Hagashine? I know the Hikari No part is right I'm just not sure how the spelling is on Hagashine. I need to know if that's how you spell it or not, because I'm putting it up on my diary =D. Don't worry Tasuki-kun, I made that website about you,and arigato gozai masu for signing you're very funny =D. Heehee. Anyways, sorry if I not making any sense right now.
Dear Shukumei,
Are ya' sure she's Japanese? Thie ain't like any Japanese name I ever heard of! I think hagashine is right.
Dear Hotohori,
*walks up to Hotohori-sama,and looks at him.* What did you think of your gift that I gave you? (btw, if I hadn't said this before or not happy birthday) *looks at him holding the gift.*Ano,*sweatdrops* You haven't opened it yet? Why? O.o;; *looks at him still.* I bought you another gift =D. *Hands it to him.* This one is for you. *Sees Hotohori-sama opening the gift.* You like? It's a camera, so you can take pictures of yourself,and your family. *Smiles.* Heehee I can't wait till you open the other one =D.
Dear Shukumei,
Arigato. How do I work it?
Dear Chichiri,
I know you sometimes keep your mask on when your sleeping but how can we tell your if sleeping I mean your eyes are all ways close with that mask on.
Dear matt,
That's the point, no da. *Smiles*
Dear Chichiri,
Hey Kitsune-san! How's it goin? Hope yer day's better than mine! I put too much wasabi in my sushi (@_@)... my boyfriend dumped me...and I'm stuck in my room! No matter, he wasn't nice to my friends anyway. So, how come so many girls ask you out and you don't know what they're talkin about? Would you let me kiss you on the cheek if I asked very sweetly? When did the "no da" thing start? Do you still get to talk to Miaka and Tamahome? Ok, I'll stop asking questions now. Heehee!
Dear Tsubame,
I would rather have a friend than a girlfriend, no da. Yes I would, no da. I've always said "no da", no da. Yes, I still keep in touch with Miaka and Tamahome.
Dear Tasuki,
You gave Oniichan sake? *glares* You have no idea how hard me an' Miss Aidou worked to keep it away from him for the last week and now it's all ruined!!!! *tears start welling up* Now what are we supposed to do?
Dear Waimei,
I didn't GIVE him anythin'!! He jus' TOOK it! Th' *(^%$#+ greedygut! >.< An' whaddya' mean "oniichan"?? He ain't got no family!
Dear Nuriko,
I heard that they used to bind the feet of Chinese girls when they were very young.It was supposed to be must for a happy marriage(duh!)Its pure torture,don't you agree?
Dear Katie,
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I hope everbody is familiar with the Simpsons and the Rugrats.There's no need to be loyal,but wouldn't they ABSOLUTELY SUCK IN JAPANESE!Its the same way with the english dubs.I certainly can't imagine Angelica(Rugrats) talking in Japanese.I hope I haven't offended you guys,but if I have, then... do whatever you like.I don't care*sticks her tongue out and runs away*
Dear Allie,
We understand your point. We're not fond of dubs, either.
Dear Tamahome,
YAAAAAAAAAAAAY!I'm going to sleep in a haunted castle!Its something I've always longed to do.And it isn't an ordinary castle either.At least 23,000 people died in its torture chambers.And they instruments they used ooooooooouuuuuuuch!Wish me luck 'coz the people say that people who have been in there have had enough experiences to make them go mad!I'll tell you all about it,if at all I survive(joking).Bye!
Dear Elaine,
Good luck! Tell us about it if you survive. *Smiles*
Dear Hotohori,
hi hotohori!!!!!!!! happy birthday! *pulls out a big gold covered mirror* here you go! *hugs him* bye bye!
Dear Kiara,
Dear Chichiri,
i would like to know if i could have some chance with a friend of mine. If you can answer i would be glad thanks no da!
Dear Yanna,
A chance at what, no da?
Dear Chiriko,
hi chiriko! *was watching something that involved him* i was watching this thing *cant remember the name* and your reincarnated name is Duke something i cant remember *dosent want to remember cause she thinks the name is totally stupid* bye bye! *hugs him*
Dear Kiara,
I think you were listening to the drama CD's.
Dear Tamahome,
hi Tamahome!*pulls out 2 gold ryou* here now im broke but i dont care. anyway i need to ask you something do you like the name Taka or do you like Tamahome better*likes Tamahome better* *hugs him* well thats all tell Miaka i said hi! *thinks miaka is sooooo lucky to get a guy like Tamahome*
bye bye!
Dear Kiara,
I'll give Miaka your regards. On this site I prefer Tamahome.
Dear Mitsukake,
Today i'm going to the adoption house and bringing my sister back to my house with me. The People who work there tell me Kitsune isn't one for talking anymore and she doesn't get along with kids her age or kids period for that matter. And my little sister star is doing perfectly fine better then kitsune. I feel kinnda guilty because i had no clue about what was going on inside the house I grew up in. And my Own flesh and blood sisters were being abused and i didn't know. *looks down ashamed* *looks up* wel i guess there o.k now. Well how are you? What would you do in my position i have no clue. Kitsune will probly just sit in the window being quiet all her life. Please can you tell nuriko to talk to her and stuff. MAJOR THANK YOU!!!! ^.^!!!! Oh and i hope you are feeling really good and better about anything. How was your day and/or life? hopes it a good one ^.^ JA!!! o.o O.O O.o
Dear Landicula,
I'm doing fine. Kitsune should see a therapist so she can begin to heal. Perhaps you can become their legal guardian if your mother won't protect them.
Dear Chichiri,
um...*face turns bright red from embarrassment* I-I I'm sorry ya no?! *turns into a chibi and runs around in circles* I'm so sorry!!! I didn't know you would actually be getting that letter ya no?! I didn't think you would read it! How embarrassing!! Oh Chichiri will you ever forgive me?? I'm really sorry! Oh dear, what must you think of me?! *bows repeatedly* I'm honored that you wrote back to me, and I will understand if you hate me ya no? *still blushing* Again I'm sorry. *smiles faintly* bye...
Dear Tai,
There's really nothing to forgive, no da. Of course I get and read my letters, we all do, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley Chan,
We've missed ya', too! How've ya' been?
Dear Tasuki,
u.u I get it from my okaasan.*points at Keiko* She's too blame for me being this way.
Keiko: --; Baka musuko.
;-; Seeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?
Dear Gekijou,
I think ya' need to toughen up an' stop glompin' guys! How's that fer a start??
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I have a couple of questions for you guys. They are...
Chichiri: What would you say is the happiest moment in your life?
Tamahome: *hands him 50 gold ryu* Here Tama, use it on your self. Anyways, remember the time Nakago licked you? My friend screamed a lot.
Chiriko: Have you ever read the book The Westing Game? It's really good.
Mitsukake: I think I found a living Shoka in my world! Looks the same, sounds the same, her names Sarah...
Hotohori: What is your favourite weapon?
Nuriko: Did you ever find your self talking to your sister when you were alone?
Tasuki: Is Kouji single? He is sooo hot!!!
I'm sorry. I bother you guys too much.
P.S: Tama! Tama, Nakago tried to kill me!! Nearly succeeded too! I have this friend who's little brother go around acting like you, it's so cute! Your his role model.
Dear Rei,
Here are all your answers in order of asking:
Chichiri: Being with my fiancée and best friend, no da.
Tamahome: That's ok, I wanted to throw up.
Chiriko: No.
Hotohori: My Deity sword.
Nuriko: Yes.
Tasuki: He seems to be seein' my sister …
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Hotohori,
*walks into the throne room and turns off all the lights*
We have a surprise for you, Hotohori-sama! You're gonna love it! Okay, guys, bring it in!
*several Konan servants enter the room wheeling in a very large chocolate marble cake topped with white chocolate mousse, vanilla shavings, strawberries, and lots of burning candles*
Happy Birthday, Hotohori-sama! This cake was made just the way you like it, with lots of chocolate and big red strawberries on the top. We hope you like it, and there's plenty for everyone. (After all, the cake is nearly 7 feet tall--OFF THE CART!!!) Well, aren't you gonna make a wish? Don't worry if you can't blow out all the candles; Nuriko lent me his hair dryer, if that will help. *hands hair dryer to smiling, sparkling emperor*
I also have some presents for you, Hotohori-sama! *turns on lights and presents a 5000 ryou gift certificate to "Mirror Madness," some exotic bath salts, a gold pin shaped like Suzaku, and a red silk robe with a gold-leaf pattern across the back.* For the most fashionable emperor in the history of your fine country, these presents are yours to enjoy. Wait until you try the bath salts, you will absolutely love them. They are very sensual, yet very soothing at the same time.
*kisses him on the cheek* I hope you have a very wonderful birthday. You deserve it. *grabs nearby stepladder in one hand, and a knife in the other* Shall we all enjoy this cake?
*climbs stepladder and starts cutting pieces for everyone* Don't worry, I won't drop any cake on the floor. *ladder creaks a bit* Well, I'll try not to, at least.
Lady Shera
Dear Lady Shera,
Arigato for all the wonderful presents and the oishii cake! *Smiles and gives her a hug.*
Dear Hotohori,
I know your birthday was yestarday, but *gives him a diamond encrusted mirror* Happy birthday!
Dear Sara,
Lovely! Arigato!
Dear Tasuki,
You will sparkle if we say you will! *lol* Told my lil bro about it, he agrees. He also said ta do this to ya. *snaps finers and Tasuki is in a bright pink sparkly tutu* Don't blame me, he's the one with the weird sense of humor. This, however, you CAN blame me for! *whips out a camera and snaps several pictures, then runs off laughing again*
T.K. on a sugar rush
Dear T.K.,
That ain't fiunny!! *Pulls off tutu and chases after her.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Err....just how many b-days -did- I miss? O.o Ok, happy b-day to anybody and everybody that's had a b-day since January! *glomps all seishi* ^_^ Today was my sister Danielle's 16th b-day. She spent most of it tormenting and being tormented by my lil bro, Bryan. *shrugs* Fightin over seats is weird, but it was funny ta watch! ^__^ Anywho, anybody know where I can find some websites on sexism? I hafta write a report on for my ****ed up english teacher...I dun like her much. Dunno if she knows it, but not alotta ppl really like her cuz she's mean and assigns lotsa homework, even on Spring Break. Why, I'll never know; cuz it's just more work for her. Aside from that, and drawing piccies, I have had a boring weekend. ^^; Hope yours went better. Ttyl! Ja ne!
P.S. Ha! It got shortened!
Dear Tasuki,
Do you think that the reason that so many fangirls are attracted to you is because you claim not to like girls, and they're out to prove you wrong? Or maybe it's just that you're totally hot!
Dear Meikumo,
Yep to both!! *Fanged grin*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
hello minna! i get married this tuesday at 12:00 *on the chatroom* i would love if you all could attened!
Dear Kiara,
OKekkonshiki omedeto gozaimasu! We wish we could attend but we won't be near a pc at that time. Gomen.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Mitsukake,
mitsukake can you heal my grampa he is so sick that know one nose what he has and he might die soon please hlep me?!...
5 year old jess
Dear jess,
I wish I could little one, but I cannot come to your world. I'm very sorry.
Dear Chiriko,
Konnichiwa Chiriko-kun. I have a really big problem. Well, I dunno if it was me or if it was someone else that did this but I'm pretty sure it wasn't me. Anyways, I was able to log into my diary yesterday morning and night, and I know I logged into it because I wrote an entry at my stepmom's house. Well, I locked my diary, and today I try to log in and it won't let me. And I did nothing last night except to write an entry in it, and now it won't let me log in. It keeps saying Author name or Password is invalid or something like that. Do you think someone had hacked into my account and switched my password? The reason why I'm thinking this is because I only use two passwords which are words mixed in with numbers, and well, I kinda have a feeling who switched my password, because they did it to me before. So how can I get my account back? Their server is very different from the request lost password thingy, you have to log into your account to change your password. And if there's nothing I can do, then my account belongs to this person whom I don't like. So what do I do? I've tried typing in the two passwords that I normally use and well both of them didn't log me in, I even tried typing it in like 20 times, and still nothing. So what do I do? or what can I do?
Dear Shukumei,
Perhaps you can write to the webmaster and explain the situation and see if they can unlock it for you. If not, I suggest finding a new less hackable host site for your diary.
Dear Tamahome,
No need to yell! That's a HUGE spoiler, so I'm not telling!
Dear Hotohori,
^o^ Happy birthday, Hotohori-sama! *gives him a huge hug and a somewhat messily folded paper crane* Gomen nasai.....I'm not very good at origami yet, but I'm trying. ^^'
Dear Ayame,
Arigato! *Smiles and admires her handiwork.*
Dear Tasuki,
how come your scared of water?
5 year old jamie
Dear jamie,
I don't know how to swim.
Dear Chiriko,
HOW come your so smart cause i want to be as smart as you.
8 year old ben
Dear ben,
I was born a genius and Suzaku's powers enhanced my natural intelligence. But if you study hard and get good grades you could be as smart as me.
Dear Nuriko,
I am 6 year's old and my nane is mikey i hop this dose'n bothar you but why dose my brother thinks your your gay your my favorit charictar and it hurt's my feeling when he says that what sould i do!?
Dear mikey,
Because your brother is ignorant. I'm not gay and he shouldn't say things that hurt your feelings.
Dear Hotohori,
why do you think your sooo beautiful?
Dear Jack,
Because I am.
Dear Chichiri,
I was just wondering how was your childhood like. I hope this ? is'n bothering you. where did you get all those mask.
Dear Eve,
I had a great childhood, no da! They are magical. I create them, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hmm...Well that's okay. I dont mind that you dont know who I am. I think that's actually best for now...Well, I must go now. I'm not sure when I'll be back, but hopefully I'll be in a better mood when I do. ^^; Who knows, I may even give you a few hints as to who I am. Well, farewell for now. Thanks for listening to me.
Dear Cycast,
We're sorry we weren't able to guess. Perhaps some hints would help. Take care.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Heyo! Im bored so i decided to tell ya guys sumthin. Well there is a chat called anime-chat that u might already know of but just in case i thought id tell ya, if u all dont mind. The site is and to goto the chat: its a nice chat room ^^ if u guys ever stop by there i'll cya there! ^_^ Well i got to go now. Cya!! no da
Dear Kisato-Chan,
Ariagto for the information.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Chiriko,
Hey your the smart one in the groups so i wanna ask you's about a really freaky dream i had.i'm just gonna shorten it for you.well this is what basicly happened-my friend committed suicide we went to her funeral,after the funeral me other friend committed suicide and my two black cats was actually pretty scary i just don't wanna add in all the you know anything about dream interpretation? i just wanna know what it means.
Lady Chaos
Dear Lady Chaos,
I copied this info for you from a website:
FUNERAL - This is a contrary dream. You will most likely receive a wedding invitation or birth announcement in the near future. But if you dreamt of being buried alive, it is a warning to avoid any activities which might be at all unethical.
SUICIDE - A dream of suicide indicates you need a change of scene. You are too stressed out.
BLACK - You must be very careful when it comes to signing documents or putting anything in writing if you had a dream which featured this beautiful black wood.
CAT - Dreaming of wild animals is a good omen for business, but their attitude is important. If they were calm, it's a good sign, but if they were fighting or attacking you, it could mean trouble.
DEATH - This is usually a good omen. Dreaming of your own death indicates the end of financial worries or illness. If you spoke with someone who is dead, you will soon receive some good news. Often, dreaming of death is a prediction of a birth. And if you dream of the death of a friend who is far away, there will be a wedding.
Here are some websites for your further research:,, and I hope this helps!
Dear Tamahome,
HERE YA GO!*HANDS TWENTY THOUSAND REPUBLICAN CREDITS* SORRY I DID NOT FIND A CURRENCY CONVERTER!*hi!i am anya and i am a jedi warrior from coruscant(star wars) more actually from india, tamil nadu! vanakkam!(that's hello in tamil) any way thanks for listening!
how is you life anyway? how is your wife?er--- miaka i mean! so AGAIN nandri(thankyou) *tamil again* for listening and keep the republican credits safe! they are amde of titanium you dont get that here you know!
ANYA(jedi warrior)
P.S.exams on the way! they are tougher than jedi trials!@o@
Dear Anya,
Miaka and I are both fine, thank you. Good luck on your exams. Arigato for the okane!
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