Dear Hotohori,
your friendly jedi warrior reporting,
yes! its me anya!
my friend, remember the warning? well she told me that she wrote a letter o you in the name of houki, i actually guessed it the moment she ran towards me*lol* well, please answer it for the peace of the world!
i actually got my essay published with the two poems i worte in my school magazine that come out annually! i was so happy! i thanked god! he always gives a way to me*truly!*happy birthday!*almost forgot!* i got a wonderful gift for you! guess what you got it! it is actually a bronze statue of natraja, the incarnation of lord siva, the destroyer!*here i go on giving sermons!* if you really like it please send a reply! but i bought this so that you will know about my culture! for more information on india and tamil nadu,*that's where i live* do ask me!
Dear Anya,
Arigato for the lovely statue! Omedeto gozaimasu on being a published author! That's a wonder accomplishment!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I just want to thanks you for your advices about my school problem V_V you are perfectly right. I'll do my best. Oh, and sorry for my last e-mail, I have sign stjirt-chan instead of sojiro-chan.bakaaaaaa baka baka
Dear Sojiro-chan,
That's ok. Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Chiriko,
Hello Chiriko Very pleased to write you again. ^.^ Me and my sister are o.k and she has aranged to be adopted together *oh yah were now in an adoption house* man i never knew how much my sister loved me until back at the house when my mom's boyfriend tried to hit me and she took the blow. I love her so much ^.^. How are you? My sis is sleeping right know oh CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She said nuriko's name in her sleep ^^;;;;;;;;;;;. that's so cute. She said i said your name in my sleep *blush* well I hope your o.k and good luck with all the letter *and mine* JA
Dear Star_Fire,
I'm fine and I'm glad that you and your sister are safe. Take care!
Dear Tasuki,
I don't think i have family my mom never said anything about us having family. O.k *try's to compose herself* there are a lot of people who deal with this all there life i can do it to *tears start to form* *wipes them away furiously* NO!!!! crying never did anyone any good.... well maybe salor moon but this isn't anime its real. *stands up stotic* o.k.... I'm going to turn up and grow up old and ugly throwing cats at young people. O.o *looks at tasuki* well at least i can write to you. ^.^ that's the best thing i heard all i've heard yet... *glomps tasuki kisses him on the cheek* oh please don't fry me ^^;;;;;;;.
Dear Flame,
I won't. Don't ya' got no one to stay wit'? Who's takin' care of ya'?
Dear Mitsukake,
Oh my god *puts her hand to cover some of her face*. Poor Kitsune-chan and star-chan. *starts to cry*. I never knew and i didn't even calls to ask if their o.k. *sniff* oh my god... *just read the letters* I was wondering why they haven't called me but....*sob* *goes all rank* That Stupid @$$ if i get my HANDS ON HIM HE"LL BE SORRY!!!!!!!!!O.O
Dear Landicula,
They seem to someplace safe for now. My advice to you is to stay away from him. You might be the only support and family they have left. I say that since it seems your mother did little to stop him.
Dear Nuriko,
Hey ya we could be adopted together ^.^.Man my mom's boyfriend and Po'ed when the people came to our house. whoa i've never seen him like THAT. He's not is jail or nything he's just i don't know what happend to him to tell you the truth I think he might go after my s-sister. But if he does *Sticks up her fists* i'll be there even though fighting isn't how to always take care of things. ^.^;;;;;;;
Dear Kitsune_Star_Fira,
Which sister? Your older one? I know she is very worried about you guys. But all of you need to stay away from him.
Dear Hotohori,
Happy Birthday Hotohori! *huggle* *hands him his chocolate cake* I hope you like. I didn't make it, so you don't have to worry. I hope you have a nice birthday. Oh yeah. *hands him a golden mirror.* Hope ya like it. *grin*
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
Arigato for your wishes and the nice present and cake!
Dear Hotohori,
If you like someone will you say it to the person or hide it in your heart? Or what because I like someone in my class.I do not dare toask him for adate and don't dare to tell him that I really like him what shall I do?
Dear Sheryl,
I would tell them, but I am male and the Emperor. You, on the other hand, should try to befriend him and get to know him better before any such declarations are made. Perhaps you can study together or have some coffee or soda together. Good luck!
Dear Hotohori,
*walks by carries a bolt of honey colored silk* Hey Sei-kun! How do you think this would look on Houki-chan? *shows him the fabric* It's the opposite of her coloring, and I'm not going to tell you what the garment will be.
Dear Doc-sama,
It's quite lovely. You have excellent taste. *Smiles* It should look wonderful on her.
Dear Chiriko,
I recieved a picture of one of my dear friends Leona and she sent a kawaii fifteen year old picture of what you would have looked like, drawn by the great Watase(love her drawings) whew! I must say, not bad at all. *winks at him* well, I think thats enough embarassing you ^.^ I got a fight with this gal named Chon-Lei er... sumthin like that. I'll call out for ya when I win!
Mai Shiranui
Dear Mai Shiranui,
Why are you fighting?
Dear Tasuki,
Oi...poor you. I am deeply sorry that you don't like the comments about sexy you and adorable Koji ^_^ I personally find it really cute...but thats just my opinion. Anyway, at least I am one to believe you are straight and would NEVER swing THAT way. If you want people to stop talking about it,try hitting on Miaka again ^_~ Or better yet, look for another woman in the new third OVA your gonna be in! Woohoo! You even cut your hair! Aiiyee! Well luv ya *she pecks on Tasuki's cheek and leaves her lip stick mark*
Sinful Cloud xoxo
Dear Sinful Cloud,
*Sweatdrops* Thanks … I think …
Dear Hotohori,
Happy birthday Hori-sama!!!^^
ChibInuchan no Miko
Dear ChibInuchan no Miko,
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hello wonderful Seishi. I just found the link to this site where I can ask you guys questions and stuff like that, so I thought, 'cool'. Simple minded, yet perfectly laid back. Anyway, I'll just do this in order. I'll either be giving you a compliement or asking you a question.
Tamahome: Just wanted to say hi... okay, this is me being all nervous cuz you're really a wonderful--wicked cool person, even though people think your all stingy with money, and I know you're not! (Course not! You're just... ^_^; careful with that money...) Yeah...
Hotohori: You're beautiful, man! Okay, that was a bit over dramatic with the whole 'man' thing, but you are. And I think you're very sweet and generous and did I mention you're beautiful? Okay, cuz I mean that not just in looks.
Nuriko: I love you're name! It's just so... you. Anyways, I think your very *butiful*--that's just me being a baby cuz your so pertty--and like I said with Hotohori, not just outside but inside, too. I was looking at your pictures from manga's and I couldn't stop thinking--Nuriko's so pretty. Even when you're upset, you still look pretty. (psst... you're not an alien are you? No offense, but your too beautiful to be real!)
Chichiri: I LOVE YOU! (okay, that was WAY dramatic) I can't help it though. You're so... you. Y'know? You got that cute voice and you're all monk dude. I can never pronounce your name right, though, so I've been calling you 'My Little Monk Guy,' Hope that doesn't bother you. And I love your hair! I mean... wwwwwoooow...
Tasuki: Man! Yo! For some reason, whenever I think of you, I think of drunken British punks like Billy Idol. That's a compliment, if your curious, cuz I like Billy Idol and Brits in general. You're super duper funny when you're plastered and I love your fangs--if that's offending you, sorry, but I can relate because my teeth--just where yours are too--are fangy.
Mitsukake: Dude, you're awesome. I don't care what any body says, I think you're cool. You're like that big blue monster from 'Monster Inc.' Ya know, the nice one who makes friends with the little girl? You're big but you're really gentle and kind and for that you rock man!
Chiriko: You are just too cute for words. I mean, you're not only cute, but you're smart. On my list of cute young guys, you're right up there with Haley Joel Osment. You're just awesome. I should find you some gold stars.
Okay, those were compliments... sheesh, I got a mouth on me... but I as of right now I only have one question for all of you guys that I have been pondering about for a long while. If you were all trapped in the same room with the Seiryuu Seishi, how would each of you react? I'm just curious if you would lose it the first moment you laid eyes on them or if you would act civilized until you found a way to bust out.
Okay, I'm done... *slaps herself* Man, I was just itching to get all of that out. Sorry if I took up any space, but like I said... itching... Thanks in advance for replying, I hope I was a nice... whatever it is...
Dear Tiara,
Arigato for your kind words, no da. I think in that situation we might have to prevent Tasuki and Tamahome from doing some serious damage to them. The rest of us should be ok as long as Nakago doesn't taunt Hotohori about attacking Miaka or her world, no da. Then the rest of us would have to hold HIM back as well, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
*POUNCE!* It was SOOOOOO not!
And I am sooo tired. I've been awake since 6 AM yesterday. I didn't get any sleep last night, and today I was at Irwindale Speedway working, and running all over the place. (I have an amusing story to share with CnA-san when next we meet in regards to Rachel and I working at the scales.)
But the hotdogs were good, the track was GREAT, and even if some of the people were *censored!*, I survived and claimed $75 for the extra long day. Woot. Go me. I think I may be a bit sunburned though... Mrrw.
Unfortunately now I'm stiff, tired, and sore. And annoyed a bit at my dad for being such a WUSS. (This ties into what I will share later. It's a much easier tale to tell than to type.) Oh well, money for me. Much more money than I had expected.
Going to crash now. I haven't laid down since 4:30 AM ;-; ... *falls over* ...zZz...ZzZ...zZz...
Ssh! Sleeping One-chan
Dear One-chan,
It was so! I'll have her call ya'.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hiya Fellas! What's up? Just wanted to wish you a Happy Easter. ::hauls in a rather large basket for all of them:: hope u like! Even though tomorrow is the last day of my Easter vacation, I'm not too upset. There are more days off coming and they're worth the wait. Tomorrow, I'm going with the band to the dedication of the new city hall. I wouldn't have signed up by choice except for one small thing. My mom is going too and she loves to hear the band play, so I signed up to make her happy. Hopefully things will start on time and run smoothly. ^_^ Laterz!
Dear Tigress,
Arigato for the nice present! We hope you had a great Easter!
Dear Hotohori,
my name is (you forgot my name?)*steam comes out of ears* i have been waiting ever so long for you! this is what i get?
i know that goose anya must have told you about my arrival! well! what are you doning right now?
dinner will be ready in a few minutes!
i am making a special indian dish tonight! its called "gobi paratha" which means a kind of bread made from cauliflowers! hpe you like it! and oh! happy birthday my love!*kisses*
Dear houki,
Ah, you must be Anya's friend. Welcome to our humble cyber-abode.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
greetings from the jedi warrior anya!*grins**bows down* HAPPY EASTER!!!!!LA LA LA oops! well as for the letter, beware the dread of the internet! my friend who happens to be a rather dangerous fan of you guys especially my darling brother hotohori is coming to this site! dont be surprised if she takes up a name like houki or stuff! but she is an angel at heart! i tried my level best to convert her onto the star wars fandom! well bye for now!
my exams end april 10th oh!! so far away!*crawls on the floor* gotta kill time! gotta kill time! @o@ india wishes you all a big hello!can you hear it?(i'm so stupid!) may the force be with you!
anya(jedi warrior)
P.S. htotohori sir, if you need assistance with my friend oyu know, i'll come directly form coruscant or atleast send my jedi sword!it's red!(suzaku)
Dear anya,
OK, we've been warned. Hope ya' had a nice Easter!
Dear Tasuki,
I am of age. Come on, I'm dieing here. At least a sip of sake. Or I'll eat ten hundred boxes of pocky and stay over at your place while I'm hyper! I know how to get hyper too. REALLY hyper. And if you ask any of my friends, they'll tell you that you won't like it. I KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE!!!! And your fan won't work on me when I'm in SD form. Trust me. I can even annoy Vegeta and Piccolo on DBZ and they can't do a thing about it. Want proof. I'm going crazy without sake. Anyways, on a more happier note, how are you doing? Koji? Any of your others friends? Did you know I think your one of the coolest Suzaku seishi? You better.
Asia - *yelling from somewhere out of sight* You're not asking anybody for sake are you!?
*laughs nervously* No! Of course not! Why would I do that?
Asia - All right, but remember, I know where you keep your stash of empty bottles!
*whispering* I'll always knew I should've changed that spot. *gives a pleading look to Taisuki* Please? Ee! I gotta go. She's coming! Bye!
Dear Danielle,
I'm outta sake, Kouji drank it all! Other than that, we're all fine here.
Dear Tamahome,
I don't think I want another counsler. It just gets hard to breathe when talking about my friends. I keep having dreams in which you kill me!! It actually hurts when you stab me. I can't even look at your picture anymore! I hope that it will be over soon. Guess what? My band goup won first place in this festival! And it was out of 60 schools!(i'm in junior high, the rest of the schools were high schools!!!!) I was so happy that I hugged some boy in the band and he hugged back! Only when I stopped hugging him did I realize I had hugged a boy. *blush* He looked identical to Suboshi. *blush* I don't mind hugging you, Tama! Your like the older brother I wish I had.
Dear Rei,
Omedeto on your band festival! I think you're using me in your dreams to work through your grief. People all mourn differently. You'll feel better as time passes. But I still think a different counselor would help.
Dear Hotohori,
I have this picture of you that I drew and it looks wonderful! I mean, it could never match your beauty, but hey I'm only human. When I showed it to my sister she said that the eyes were not soft and mysterious enough. How do I make your eyes more soft and mysterious?
P.S: scanner is broken. >.<
Dear Rei,
I am not much of an artist so I don't know that technique. Gomen.
Dear Chichiri,
will you ever come for me?
Dear Tai,
Who are you, no da?
Dear Tasuki,
I'm 16, going to be 17 in a couple of months, Tasuki-chan ^^;; that means I was 2 when I stole my Otousan's beer cans ^^;; And according to my brother my dad just laughed ^^;;;
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
'Che! Ya' were 2? That don't count! An' yer STILL too young to drink!
Dear Nuriko,
Hello, dear! I guess you are the best seishi to ask about getting slim, right? Well, how can I have a slender body lyke yours?
Dear Leene,
Exercises and a proper low calorie, lowfat, healthy diet! As long as you take in fewer calories than you expend you should lose weight.
Dear Nuriko,
How does a camping trip by ourselves sound to you? After we deal with the person who violated Trista-chan. That was my gift to you. Perhaps afterward?
Dear Doc-sama,
That sounds wonderful!
Dear Tasuki,
Don't give Kouji any sake no matter how much he begs or pleads or whines ok?
Dear Aidou,
*Sweatdrops* Ano… too late?? *Grins and runs*
Dear Tasuki,
yo bro! ya got any sake 'round here? *looks around and see some grabs it and starts drinking it* ahh.....wonderful sake....i havent had any in a whole....week!
Dear Kouji,
OI!! That was mine! 'Che! Nandemo…
Dear Chichiri,
Hi and Happy Late Easter. Thank you for the symbol pic ,I was having a hard time looking for it on wedsites of yours. However I will try to get the pic done very soon for you. Well I also have others who want to see it very much. Until Next time take care no da
Dear Guni,
You're very welcome, no da. I hope you had a nice Easter.
Dear Chichiri,
I've been looking for an action figure of you and I never seem to find one can you name a place were I can find one pppplllleeeeeaaaassssee*big hug and kiss
Dear Eve,
There are none that we know of, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
I would like to know where you get all those masks for your face from.
Dear Kagato,
They are magical, no da. So I guess you could say I create them, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
ok...ok...I admit I llllooovvee yyyoouu ssooo mmucch!!!! but I have 7 ?'s to ask you...^_~ do you get your hair to stay like that just the curiosity you know?
2. don't you ever get sick of saying you know? you have to be so cute I mean every time I see you I want to yell you know. I pissing you off with these ?'s !?!...
5.I know this is my first time talking to the one I love but I'd like to know if you l..i..k..e me?
6.what is your blood type I never found out you know?
7.I am 24 how old are you?
P.S. did you ever cry in any of the episode's?
Dear Eve,
Here are all your answers, no da:
1. It just grows like that, no da.
2. No. Besides I say "no da" not "you know".
3. Gomen nasai
4. No
5. I think you would be an interesting friend, no da.
6. I've never had my blood typed, no da.
7. I'm 26.
8. Hai
Dear Chiriko,
Wheeee! I'm finally older than one of the seishi! .. Gomen! Anyway, what's your IQ? I'm bored-ish so I felt like asking someone something. Ja!
Dear Moriko,
Omedeto on turning 14. I've never had my IQ tested so I don't know.
Dear Hotohori,
Important stuff first. Happy birthday! ^_^ *Gives him a small hand-held mirror* I couldn't think of anything else, but I didn't think you'd object...
Second! Thanks for dropping by the chat. *Glomps* I loooove you... -^^-
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
You're very welcome! Arigato for the lovely birthday gift!
Dear Nuriko,
hi my name is anya and i am from india. can you please give me a step by step instruction as to how to wear my hair like that of miaka? with lots of love and hey, you can call me jedi anya if you like!
any--i mean jedi anya
Dear jedi anya,
I'm not certain how she does it. I think you nede long, thick hair, parted in the middle. You twist it into a bun on the side of your herad and secure it with a ribbon. If that doesn't work try using bobby pins to secure it and then tie the ribbon around it.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Heyo! Happy Easter! ^-^ Hope you all have a great easter! *Gets out a bag with colored eggs and lots o' candy* These are for ya'! *hands everyone an egg and 30 pieces of candy* Enjoy! ^^. *hugs everyone* well i got to leave now. Later! No Daaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!
Dear Kisato-Chan,
Arigato and Happy Easter to you, too!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tamahome,
Arigato!For answering all of my questions. I would like to tell him that I really like him but somehow I do not dare to say it.
Your true frind.
Dear Sheryl,
Try doing more things with him as friends and he may be the one that says that to you.
Dear Tasuki,
hi there? how are you? i am a jedi! what are you? well! hiya! do coemt o coruscant! it is spring there! we have metallic cherry blossoms.
by the way i am anya and i am from *pulls collar up proudly* INDIA. have you ever been to my country? please try visiting!it's a magical place! see yoe!i have exams wish me good luck!
P.S. can i get one of those paper thingies of yours? i kinda wanna have an easy paper now! JUST KIDDING! SAYONARA!(I KNOW A FEW JAPANESE VERSES!)
Dear anya,
I'm fine. I'm a bandit an' a Suzaku Seishi. I ain't been to India, but CnA's husband is there now on business. Good luck on yer exams!
Dear Hotohori,
your official jedi warrior anya reporting!*bows down jedi fashion*
i have a major warning for the kingdom of khonan from the jedi council of coruscant. my friend who happens to be an active hotohori fan is checking out your site pretty soon! be prepared!@o@ you may ask me for any assistance and i shall be very much please to lend my laser sword and my fighting skill for you! be careful! MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU! exams are here!
wish me luck!
Dear anya,
If this person is a friend of yours then we should have nothing to fear from them. Good luck on your exams!
Dear Tasuki,
*fwaps* -- Boku wa OTOKO desu.
Dear Gekijou,
Sou desu ka? Ya' sure as h*ll act like a *)+^%$# girl!
Dear Tasuki,
Aaaa...Tasuki-Sama...*.* Aishite'ru...I love your fangs...
Dear Kawaiiness,
*Blushes and sweatdrops* Arigato ...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*looks for her letters and finds glitter instead*....*shrugs and dumps it on Tasuki since he ditched his earlier batch of said glitter* Ha! Now yer all sparkly again! *grins and adds a lil bit of glue so it won't shake off* ^______^ *runs off laughing insanely*
Timesea Kashikea
P.S. O.o;; gotta shorten the name somehow...
Dear Timesea Kashikea,
Yes ya' do! GAH!! I'm a bandit! I ain't s'pposed to sparkle!!
Dear Hotohori,
Happy Birthday to the most beautiful Emperor in the universe! *Hands him a box of the worlds most best gormet chocolates*
I know this is a bit early but I wanted to try to be the first to wish you a happy birthday! =)
Dear Sakie-chan,
*Bows* Domo arigato gozaimasu for your wishes and the nice present.
Dear Tasuki,
Why d'ya cuss alot? and when are you and Kouji-chan gonna get married? Or maybe you like Chichiri better, or maybe even Nuriko! ^_^;; *prepares to fry*
Dear Chibi-chan,
i cuss 'cos I'm a *^%$$#@ bandit! Kouji? Chichiri? Nuriko??? I aon't gonna marry no guy!! Yer lucky I don't fry girls! >.<
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Well fine I think. She's the elder maybe that don't help. Oh weel, this week-end, and for the Easter holiday, she's with her dad and mom in travel. Her mom have oraganise it so she can calm herself and have good time. I'll see thursday if it had work and I'll tell you
Sayoooo ^^
Dear Stjirt-chan,
Please let us know. We hope she cheers up.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hello all.... well i'm not feeling very energetic.i haven't felt energetic for a week now which is very uncommon.i've been acting anti-social,locked myself in my room for a day,haven't slept well and hardly eaten.i'm crying a lot and asking myself why i exist in this world.i think i'm suffering from ...well... depression.i don't wan't it to get so bad that i try to commit suicide.i don't wanna tell anyone because i might worry you think i should tell anyone?do you think i need a psychiatrist?please help.
Lady Chaos
Dear Lady Chaos,
If you are depressed you should seek counseling. Don't worry about worrying others, your mental health comes first. Please seek help with this.
Dear Tasuki,
Hey cutie! whatcha up too? not much with me. do you know my friend Guni? she has a great picture of Chichiri shes doing and it looks good! She does so much better than me at times but I do lots of drawings. I even did one of you which I think is very cute if I do say so myself. One of these days I'll get my own site devoted to you and my drawings. Yer like my fav. person in the whole world! ^_^ well I guess thats it for now hope to hear from you soon. *kisses his cheek* sorry couldn't help it *smiles blushing a bit*
your bandit girl
Dear bandit girl,
Thansk fer all th' nice compliments! If ya' want to ya' can always submit yer pic here an' we'll put it in oour Gallery.
Dear Chichiri,
Sure of course you are going to see it! All my friends love it and thought it was very good. This picture has alot of drawing like the face of you with your mask and with out it then the symbol on your right knee of "well" (but I can't a site can you find me a pic of it)then your monk stick twice in it with your mask and with your real face, with a frame that looks well.... fancy. But I really do want you to see it! Thank you about your favorite color. I am like the artist in my classes at school by I can draw people and you and everyone esle. However I am working on the coloring the pic very much...and I am going to frame it too and put it up at my room. ^_^
Thanx No Da
Dear Guni,
I look forward to seeing it, no da. There is a picture in my gallery that has my symbol on it. Click here, no da! It's on the bottom of the picture and written sideways.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi there. It seems like it's been so long since I last wrote you guys...Maybe it was a long time ago..I dont know. How is everyone? I'm okay, I guess. Not in a very good mood, but okay. Oh, yeah, I changed my name. Can you guess who I am? I'll bet not. >:P
Dear Cycast,
We're fine. We don't have a clue who ya' are from yer name.
Dear Nuriko,
Um nuriko hi I did what you told me to do. and well me and my sister are in a adoption home. It's pretty cool here but i made a request its that if my sister is adopted they tell me and i choose if she goes to them becasue i have to see if my sister wants to. They said it's ok. Oh how are you? I hope your o.k. *hugs him* *smiles* Well gotta go it's dinner time. Ja ^.^
Dear Kitsune_Star_Fira,
I take it from your letter that you got in touch with a child protection agency and that you and your sister are now in foster care, right? Your older sister has written to us and we have told her of the situation as she was unaware of it. Perhaps you and your sister can stay with her. Have you considered having you and your younger sister adopted together instead of seperately? It might be better for both of you. Take care, be safe. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Mitsukake,
Um no i haven't read there letter to you guys i never knew they wrote you letters. What about their safety????!!!!! Are they o.k?!!!!!!???? I haven't been home in 3 years... i don't know whats going on.
Kitsune_Star_Fira and Star_Fire's older sister: Landicula
Dear Landicula,
Kitsune wrote to us about your mother and her boyfriend fighting and during the fught he threw Kitsune off of a 3rd floor balcony. He has also threatened her and your other younger sister if they report his abuse to the authorities. We all fear for their safety. Please help them if you can.
Dear Tasuki,
Thank you tasuki Today was my mom's funeral. *sniff* she was so young. I can't believe this. *sniff* What am i going to do? *sob*
Dear flame,
I'm so sorry. What happened to her? Do ya' got family ya' can stay wit'? *Holds her and hands her a tissue.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*glomps everybody* Been awhile, ne minna? *big grin* I started learning kanji a coupla days ago, know about 20 characters already! ^_____^ How have you guys been? Whatcha been up to besides answering millions of letters? I've been prety good. Grades are decent, don't have artist's block, and it's the a lil past the middle of Spring Break. ^___^ Went to Nashville yesterday with my mom; she wanted ta show me some art galleries. It was fun! Anywho, happy birthday Nuriko! Gomen for missin your b-day...*hugs Nuri-chan* I have no gifts cept for well-wishes! So well-wishes ta everybody!
TiMesea Kashikea (name changed again ^^;)
Dear TiMesea Kashikea,
Arigato for your good wishes! We've been busy as usual with answering letters. We're glad to hear that things are going well for you.
Dear Tasuki,
*POUNCE!* WAS NOT! (I sincerely doubt that somebody who doesn't even know how to swim would know how to properly perform any form of artificial respiration. In fact, given that you ran away from home to join a bunch of bandits... You're education in general is quite questionable.)
Aw, Rob's not that bad. I've had the displeasure of hanging around more perverted people than he. He's quirky. =) He's a great little brother except for the fact he's taller than me...
Missed the plushies I was going to bid on, and while yesterday I'd gotten permission to attempt to get that sakabatou for Firefury, the bidding went out of our price range, sooo... No sword for Fury. I should be saleswoman with how well I managed to sell my dad on the idea. Mwahahahahah. I'm the greatest sister in the world. I buy all sorts of things for my oneesan, and usually she doesn't have to pay me back, I make graphics for her fanfics, I listen to her ramble on and on about mecha or fanfiction I don't read (even though it goes in one ear and out the other), and I've set her up with a great guy. Plus we rarely fight. (though when we do it's pretty bad.)
Don't you wish your sisters were as GREAT as me?
Dear One-chan,
I guess but all that means is ya' an' yer oneesan are tight. Fer all I know th' two of ya' would gang up on me!
An' it was too artificial respiration!!
Dear Nuriko,
Konnichiwa, Nuriko-sama! I just wanted to let you know that you are my all time favorite anime character! ^___^ You're all I talk about and my friends want to murder me if I don't stop... okay, maybe not murder, but something torturing. I'm also turning friends that loved Tasuki into Nurikoholics (gomen, Tasuki-chan!). Talk to you later, Nuriko!
Dear Sari-chan,
Ariagto for your kind words! Try not to drive your friends too crazy. *Smiles*
Dear Tamahome,
By the way Tama, that grievence guy is really cruel. He kept on saying that in time I would forget my friends but until then everything is going to be fine. What an idiot!! He expects me to forget my friends? I nearly took out my sword and slit his throat!!(yes I have a sword...) Anyway I had this dream where all of a sudden I was in some room in the Hotohori's palace and the first thing that I noticed was wrong was that Nakago had Miaka draped all over him. I looked around and saw Nuriko, Hotohori, Chiriko, and Mitskake dead on the floor. I look at the walls and see Tasuki and Chichiri chained up! Then you grab me from behind and start to strangle me! I turn around and we fight for awhile, but you win. You have me pinned to the floor and you take this sword and you kill me! After that I woke up and saw your face like 2 inches away from mine, I almost screamed. I picked up my flashlight and looked at the spot where you had stabbed me and there was some blood there!!!!!! Is'nt that freaky? You would'nt really kill me, would you?
Dear Rei,
What a horrible dream! Of course I wouldn't! Perhaps he meant that you would forget the pain you're feeling now. If he really meant what he said you need to find a different counselor, because this one's a baka!
Dear Hotohori,
Meditation helps, thanks! ^_^ I'm no doing poorely in math! I'm the best in the class!! It's never enough for my parents. *sigh* I wish that I was as smart as Chiriko!!!
Dear Rei,
*Sighs* Some parents are just like that. I'm sure they already know that you are the best in your class, ne? Perhaps you can have your teacher speak to them an ask them to ease off on you.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
HAPPY EASTER!! Despite everything that is going on in the world, I hope everybody has a Happy Easter. Or as they say in Mexico, Feliz dia de Pascuas.
*reaches into hammerspace and pulls out Easter baskets for everybody.* HAPPY EASTER!!!
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
Ariagto for the nice presents and Happy Easter!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Nuriko,
OI, Nuriko! I have a problem. I'll try to make this as understandable as possible. I wrote Chichiri a letter similar to this, but some things have changed since then, so now I'm going to ask you.
Ok, I like Boy A and supposidly he likes me. Well I know he likes me, because he told me so, one time. Well he was talking to one of my best friends, and they had a 'thing' going on. I didn't want to be the one to hurt my friend, so I didn't do anything. Well now it seems that they no longer have a 'thing' going on. My friend ended the talking a few days ago. What should I do? I wouldn't mind having a boyfriend again, but I don't know if it's to soon or not.
Nuriko!? I'm so confused about this. I really like him, but I don't want to be the one that hurts my friend. Should I ask her if it's ok to make a move or not? *slumps down on floor.* Why are things like this so complicated?
Oh yeah. Happy Easter!
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
Happy Easter to you, too! You might want to ask your friend how she would feel if you and her ex were to start dating. However, why don't you all give it a month or so for her feelings to heal and so it doesn't seem like you were always waiting to pounce on him. In the meantime, I would remain friendly with both of them and if he asks you to be his girlfriend tell him you'd like to wait at least a month out of respect for his former relationship with your friend. You also might want to find out why she dumped him. It may have a bearing on how you will feel about going out with him. Good luck!
Dear Chichiri,
This is going to be a weird Easter, no da. I mean, with the War Against Terrorism going on, the Isreali army holding Arafat(sp) hostage, and now the Queen Mum is dead. *sniff* That's sad. It's just weird. This is supposed to be a time of happiness, togetherness, and rejoicing, but all these things happened and it doesn't seem right.
Another reason this is going to be a weird Easter, is I was supposed to see my Dad on Wednesday, but he never came down. (Surprise, surprise). When my sister and I called him and talked to him, he hung up on us THREE TIMES!!! *growls* My sister has seen me mad and she had never seen me that mad before. And I'm still mad, but I'm also upset. I've already talked to people about how I felt and I was told to write a letter about how I feel, and then decide wether or not to mail it to him. I don't know if I'll mail it to him, but I have awhile to decide.
Then I'm scared about the teacher mediation thing. I mean, this is my first time to try and handle something like an adult would, without my mom helping me out and I'm scared that I'll screw up or something. I'm used to working hard and handling my emotions like an adult, but something about this scares me. It's hard for me to explain, but I figured maybe if I just tryed to tell you how I felt, then maybe it would help me. But I'm still confused and scared.
Happy Easter, Aniki.
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
I'm sorry to hear about your father's terrible behavior, no da.
It's understandable that you are scared about the mediation, no da. You might want to edit and print out the leter you sent to me to use during the mediation to help you get your point across, no da. Ganbatte kudasai! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
Bleh! It's not like you have ever asked for my id, Mister I-drank-at-the-age-of-fifteen! --; And besides by my calulations, you've only been drinking 7-8 years of your life, whereas I have been drinking 14-15 years of mine! XP Not that I drink often mind you...I had a glass of wine New Years ^^;
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
So yer sayin' ya' been drinkin' since ya' were one years old??
Dear Tamahome,
How did you fell when you first met Miaka?Was it Miaka who liked you or what?
Dear Sheryl,
I wanted to protect her. I think it was mutual liking.
Dear Chichiri,
Why don't you come to the chat often????
Dear Neko,
Lack of free time, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
I am an FY fan (duh!) who has seen all the episodes (well, almost all) in the TV series. The OVA series will be shown soon as well in my country near the end of April and I am more than happy about this.
However, I simply cannot wait for the OVAs to start showing to get the answers to my questions:
1. Is the opening and ending them song the same as the TV series?
2. Are the OVAs as good as the TV series?
3. I've read a little (okay, a lot) of the synopsis for the OVA series.
I don't understand how Tamahome could be reincarnated as Taka at the end of the TV series and reborn as Tamahome in the OVA 1 and then reincarnated AGAIN as Taka. ???-_-???
Thanks for putting up with my questions.
Dear Yuuki-san,
Ok, here's yer answers:
1. No it ain't.
2. Th' second one is. Th' first one's kinda lame.
3. He an' Taka end up mergin' into one person. I guess ...
Dear Chichiri,
hi it's me anya! why is it that your dress reminds me of the jedi warriors of coruscant? (do you know what or where is coruscant?* *grins* any way exams are on their way! may the force be with you!
*does a namaskar, indian style*
P.S. please convey my regards to the rest! bye!
Dear anya,
I think it's because my shirt is like the ones they wear, no da. I shall give the others your regards. Good luck on your exams, no da!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi everyone! I haven't talked to you all in soooooo long. how is everything going with all of you? Everything is absolutely, positively, completely great. Know why? *waits for a "why" that doesn't come*
Because tomorrow is my birthday! Sugoi! I'll be 14 years old and I think I might be getting some really neat gifts (hopefully some anime).
Oh yeah, this is *ask* the seishi, not talk the ears off the seishi. sorry!
Chichiri - *glomp* ^^
Chiriko - I got a perfect on my science test! I'm sorry chuchu called you a girl a while ago (I had to catch up on everything).
Mitsukake - I don't even remember if I asked you this or not already, but... did you cut your hair when you joined Miaka? or else how could your hair be spiky?
Tamahome - *meep!* please don't raise charges or I won't be able to go to Otakon! T_T
Nuriko - I can't think of anything to say... ^-^ sorry! *hug*
Tasuki - ermm... *looks around* *pulls some apple cider out of no where* You need to start cutting down, buddy.
Hotohori - I still can't get my hair to tie up! T_T
That's all! Gotta go! Hugs and kisses! *runs off to be 14*
Dear Moriko,
I did cut my hair when I joined Miaka and the rest of the Seishi. Omedeto on your science test!
Dear Chiriko,
Do you realy like to read books?
Dear mimi,
Yes I do.
Dear Nuriko,
*hugs Ryu back and sheds tears of happiness* I missed you so much ;.; Itooshi, I'm sorry I missed your birthday. u.u
Did you still want your present?
Dear d,
Hai! *Smiles and hugs her*
Dear Tamahome,
*gives him a peice of her cake* ill shawe wif you too *smiles*
Dear Lita,
Thank you! Happy birthday!
Dear Tasuki,
tasuki! hi!what happend how come the little icons where gone? oh i read that message from dell... if you EVER CALL ME short i will tear YOU limb from limb.youd be luck to survive. dell on the other hand ...well if you wanna know how i feel towards dellread the message i posted.heh heh*devious fanged grin*
guess who!
Dear Shorty,
*Fanged grin*
Dear Hotohori,
Makoto: Umi wants to know when you guys are coming to the chat again. Mainly you.
Umi: *Turns a brilliant shade of stop sign*
Makoto: *Cackles* She's too shy to ask herself. ^^
Umi: *Buries her face in her hands* I'm going to go curl up and die now...
Makoto-san and Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Makoto-san and Umihebiza no Miko,
Soon, we hope. CnA has to study for her final on Monday so we hope to have some free time after her final.
Dear Chichiri,
Hey, How are you? I just found out the song I love of yours very much called Ka Chou Fuu Getsu; Flower, Bird, Wind, Moon. I read the words to it in english, I thought the words was so pretty and cute. However I am doing a drawing picture of you with you wearing your mask and with you without in with the symbol if "Well" that on your knee. I was wanted to ask What your favorite color? Cause I want to add your favorite color to the background of my picture. When am done I will scan it and let you see it. ^_^ no da
Take Care
Dear Guni,
I'm fine thank you. I like blue, no da. Will I get to see the picture once you are done with it, no da?
Dear Tamahome,
OH TAMA-KINS!!!!! *skips out from behind a wall and glomps him from behind*
For about 2,000,000 Ryou what would you dont for me? *grows cat ears* See my friend is having a bachlorette party and we need...well I am sure you can how about it?
Lady Genrou
Dear Lady Genrou,
*Takes ryou and runs off...* There's a LOT of things I DONT do for 2,000,000 ryou! Arigato!
Dear Chichiri,
HIYA CHIRI-SAN! *walks up to him and tugs on his kesa and then blinks* Doesn't it ever get hard being a monk? *runs her finger across his jawline* Don't you ever feel the urge to live just once? *cackles and then back up* okay im done scaring ya for today, now on to my next target, TAMA-CHAN!!!!! *runs off, her laughs being heard in the wind*
Lady Genrou
Dear Lady Genrou,
*Sweatdrops and goes chibi...* Daaaa???
Dear Tasuki,
Love the tessen,but if you're a seishi why are you a bandit
Miaka Yuuki (my nickname)
Dear M.Y.,
'Cos I was a bandit first!
Dear Chichiri,
i'm a big fan no da and i was wondering why do you wear that mask all the time you look cute with out it and i love your habit of no da
Miaka Yuuki (my nickname)
Dear M.Y.,
I wear it to hide my scar, no da. Arigato for your kind words, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
HEY TASUKI!!!!!!!!!!!! YA CALLED ME A HENTAI NUTJOB!!!!!!!! *cries loudly but then abruptly stops* ...but thats okay, every calls me that *cackles like Tomo*
But in any case...if ya dont got those feelings for Kouji, then who do you have them for? Chichiri? Or Nuriko perhaps? Either way, it would be a match made in heaven. *grows cat ears and whiskers* And if those relationships dont work, ya always got me Tasuki-chan!!! ^_______^
Lady Genrou
Dear Lady Genrou,
I don't got fellins' fer ANYONE!! 'Specially not guys! 'Che! >.<
Dear Mitsukake,
*hugs her oniisan.* It's been a while hasn't it,since I've written to you? Anyways, I drew a picture of you and tamahome, but I gave the tamahome drawing to my pen pal in Japan. *hopes she's going to take care of it cause it's her first drawing ;_;* Anywho, I was going to give the drawing to one of my friend's but he's being a baka right now, so I'm not so sure if I would want to give out my only drawing left. Anyways, I was thinking I should scan it, and then send it to you so you can put it in your gallery, but where do I send it too? that's the only problem, I need the address so I can send it to you, also, does it need to be colored? if it does I'll use colored pencils to color it. Well,actually, since it's your drawing, what do you want it to be? Colored, or not? Also, I drew something else that's really cute, but it's nothing to do with FY, should I send it in anyways? Well, I'll try to write to you more often okay?
Oh yeah one more thing. My friend, has an aunt that works at an airport, and well I guess she get's free tickets or discounts or whatever, and my friend is going to check with her aunt about getting two tickets to Japan, and my friend is going to bring me with her ^__^. She's bringing me with her because A.I'm the only one out of our group of friend's that would want to go. and B. Her and I have been talking about going over there too. So if she can get the tickets, all we have to do is figure out hotel expenses, and Food expenses, and then souveniers I guess. Sounds like fun ne? Btw, how's Tama-neko doing? I haven't seen him in a while.;_;
Dear Shukumei,
You can send the picture to the address on the index page. Color or black and white, it doesn't matter. We do have a Misc. Gallery for pictures that have nothing to do with Fushigi Yuugi or a groups pictures. I look forward to seeing it. *Smiles*
Dear Hotohori,
*hugs Hotohori,and hands him an early birthday present.* happy birthday Hotohori. *smiles.* You can either open that now or open it on your birthday. ^__^ here's a little hint though, it's something for you and Boushin to do. *Smiles.*
Anyways, yeah I did make it back from driving. You should've seen me, my hands were like gripping the wheel till they were turning red, but hey I can't help it @_@ at least I don't think I's very nervousing driving out there especially when people A. are fast and B. honk at you if you're not paying attention. But anyways, my friend gave me advice, don't get scared when a person honks at you. So hopefully I'll remember that. Anyways, how is everyone? I hope everyone's fine. Well, I think that's about it for now. *hugs the emperor.* Say hi to boushin for me?
Dear Shukumei,
Arigato for the birthday present. I shall open it when Boushin is here soi we can both enjoy it. We all all well and I shall give him your regards.
Dear Tamahome,
I was reading Anime invasion and i thought you would like to know in their top 30 coolest manga charactors of all time Miaka is 28 ^_^ your not on there at all but at least Miaka made it!
Dear Tana,
I'm glad at least Miaka made it.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Again me T_T I think that you're all qualify to help me with this. See, I have a friend. This last weeks, she's always sad, always crying, and she don't even know why. I want to cheer her up, but two seconds after, she's sad again. I really want to help her, but since me , I'm always happy, I can't really understand her situation. She says that now, instead of having happy thinks before slepping, she's make up scenarios were her parents dies, or things like that. I've say to her to think of happy things when thing like this appears in her head, but I don't have the impression that this have really help her.I konw that one of the reason she's not really happy is that's she's not really in good terms with a friend that she know since she's a child. She have try to talk with her many times, but without result. What do you guys thinks???
Dear Sojiro-chan,
You should be supportive of her and let her know you're there for her, no da. Perhaps you can speak to this friend for her. Ano... sometimes friends do grow apart and that may be what is happening to her, no da. How is her home life? Could that also be making her sad, no da? Good luck!
Dear Tasuki,
Wouldn't want you to forget, after all. ^.~ Rob (my online little brother) is going to make me a Tasuki t-shirt ;) Probably airbrushed like Rachel's Sano one. (I'll never be able to wash it, but hey.... Hm. Maybe dry clean.) Unfortunately, since he hasn't quite come as far in artwork, I've got to pick an image for him to replicate. But it'll still be cool =) Odds are he'll have it for me at AX.
Just don't mention to Tamahome that Rob inquired if I could scan in "nice" pictures of Miaka (or Yui) for him from my artbooks. (The clothesless as possible kinda nice. Though there aren't a whole lot... More in the manga, actually.) Yez, little bro's a perv. But he's a good guy. =)
T-T I have to work Sunday at the races. We've moved to Irwindale since Saugus was a ... *beepBeepBEEPbEEEEPBeepbeepBeEp* ^^;;; I have to be up earlier than normal... Waaaaah. But at least I'm getting paid.
Dear One-chan,
IT WAS SO ARTIFICIAL RESPIRATION!!! Th' shirt sounds nice but yer lil' bro' does sound like a hentai kinda guy. *Grins* Ya' know if ya' get paid fer th' races ya' can buy yer oneesan more Kenshin stuff! Heh-heh-heh...
Dear Nuriko,
Yeahh, I have already think of it, but tempory rince don't appears on my hairs (because they're darks) and spray, doesn't it make the hairs...hmmm... stick together???. oh well, Tonight I'll call my hairdresser to ask her opinion to.Well, when I'll have makes my descision, I'll tell you ^_^
Dear Sojiro-chan,
The spray shouldn't make your hair stick together. But you are doing the correct thing and that is asking your hairdresser.
Dear Nuriko,
Gah! They DO have good voices, Nuriko! And I can almost mimic them! My friend and I sing the songs together (But then again, we sing EVERY song together, except yours, because she doesn't know the words). End random funfact of the day.
Ira Mirado (BTW, the friend is now know as Improper Grammar Boy.)
Dear Ira,
THEY DO???? @_@ That's news to ALL of us!
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