Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Thanks sooooo much for your help.The problem, I say it's that, in fact, I don't need to have good marks to go in the school I want. See, it's a school of anime, and they already have choose me because I had good marks and they have make me past a test of drawing. For now I wait for the answer (sorry I should have write this in the first message). Maybe that's why I don't have motivation. It seams that I'm not the only one with this problem , since my teachers say the netire school is like this this year.
Dear Sojiro-chan,
Yo should still try to do your best no matter what it is you are doing. You only cheat yourself if you don't put 100% effort into your life.
Dear Nuriko,
Papa? *Walks over to him, crying* A few days ago, I was playing outside while Mama was watching Sora and Areos. I got lost and this mean man...*cries* he...he...raped me! *clings to his leg crying and shaking*
Dear Trista,
Are you ok? Do you need to see Mitsukake? Would you remember him if you saw him? We need to report this to Hotohori so his guards can find him and punish him. Then when they're done ... I'LL punish him! *Looks furious*
Dear Tasuki,
Konichiwa! How does it feel, growing up with 5 older sister? And how did they torment you when you were little? Thanx!
Dear glitter_girlA,
It was pretty cr*ppy growin' up that way! Why d'ya think I ran away from home when I was 15? They used to beat on me, embarrass me, an' jus' generally make my life a livin' h*ll!
Dear Nuriko,
Konichiwa! How do you always keep your hair so neat n' tidy? And what's the secret to your flawless skin? Ariagtou gosaimasu!
Dear glitter_girlA,
I wash and condition my hair daily. I also get it trimmed once a month. I wash my face, use a moisturizer with a sunscreen, and stay out of the sun. Ariagto for your sweet compliments!
Dear Tamahome,
Ooooh, thanks a bunch for answering my last letter! *Glomps* ^^ (Yep, still bored...) I kinda forgot to mention in my last letter, but I'm playing you! ^^; Yeah. Tell Miaka and the others I said hi, could you? Thaaanks! ^.~ *Bounces off to bed*
Mikomi Star
Dear Mikomi Star,
I'll give everyone your best.
Dear Chichiri,
Will you marry me? I know you're a monk and all, but you could be the exception! :D
Angel of Music
Dear Angel of Music,
Thank you for your kind offer, but I prefer to remain single, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Sorry! Sorry! It's me again. Ok. I have another question: Taitsu-kun told Miaka that she had to be a virgin to summon Suzaku, right? Ok. So why didn't Miaka(Or even Tamahome when Miaka told him what Taitsu-kun said at the festival thingy)realize then that Yui hadn't been raped?
Route Venus
Dear Route Venus,
Perhaps Seiryuu didn't care about that, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I have a question for all of you. Someone needs to explain this to me. What's up with the timeline between your world and Miaka's world? I know someone must have wondered about this too...I've gone around and around sat down and tried to figure this one out. She was gone for 2 hours in her world the first time she came to your world and she stayed there for about 6 days. She comes back and stays in her world until evening and when she goes back to your world, It's miraculously 3 months? It doesn't make sense! Please explain it to meee! (By the way, Tasuki: You're great! :D Hehehe I named my ferret Koji. Cool, huh? I'll send a picture! ^_^)
Route Venus
Dear Route Venus,
Kouji ferret? Kawaii! I think we went over this before, but anyway… I guess you could say time runs faster in the book world than it does in Miaka's world. I think several days pass here for every couple of hours in her world.
Dear Tamahome,
Hi! It's me, Miaka. Why haven't you called me lately?! ::Glare:: Oh well. It better be a good reason! Anyways, I'm making dinner! Some good ol' Japanese cuisine! ::Huge grin and Keisuke sobs in the background for mercy::
Yuuki Miaka
Dear Yuuki Miaka,
I don't need to call you. We're married remember? I see you every day. Gomen ne Keisuke-kun!
Dear Tasuki,
*drops ice cubes down Tasuki's shirt and runs* ^_^ Nyaha!!
Dear Gekijou,
AAARRRRGGGHHH!!! *Chases after her.*
Dear Tasuki,
*walks up to Tasuki* Listen would mind beating my friends to a bloody plup for me? Cus they like made fun of you,*growls* Nuriko*smiles a bit* and Chiriko........I would ask Tamahome ,but I hate him I wish that some tye of very very very heavy object would fall on his head right now *prays to Suzaku* and one more thing ......would ya mind slaping my friend Sara in the head a fews times because in every conversation we have she brings Nuriko into, her locker is a shrine to Nuriko, and her binder has a mess of pictures of is a very distrubing sight and is very sad.....*walks away*...
Dear Tira-chan,
I dunno ... People are allowed to have their own likes an' dislikes...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Take cover! A friend of mine with horrible typing, capitalization, punctuation, and grammar skills now has access to the internet! Aaah! I shall now go under another name. You know who I am, especially you, Mitsukake. Please do not change the name at the bottom to my old name. Please, please, please.
*crosses out her old name on Mitsukake's sign and puts her new one*
Ira Mirado
Dear Ira Mirado,
Arigato for the warning.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Chiriko,
Hello chiriko On your chat how do you get a picture attached to your name? thank you
Dear Silver_Acanda,
I don't believe that is allowed in our chat like it is on an EZ Board, but I'll check into it.
Dear Chichiri,
Hi!! umm man i feel really stupid asking you and other seishi these questions^^; not becusr of ya'll but becuse I ussualy dont tell people how i really feel. (and i feel esspesely stupid becuse this is my 2nd time asking a question like this ^^;)but i guess it's becuse im afraid to tell anyone else. but what do you do when you feel deppresed even when people tell you nice things you cant help but feel you behind or slow, or you look in the miror and you just dont like the person you see or you dont see yourself?? i know its a stupid question and really you don't have to answer i just really needed to ask somebody.
Dear Kat,
Perhaps you should talk to a counselor or physician, no da. You may be suffering from either organic or clinical depression. They should be able to diagnose and help you, no da. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Chiriko,
Hey Chiriko *waves* your the most intellegent so ill ask you ; ) Okay I have a business computers course and right now we are working on websites and we have to list 20 of our favorite web sites to help usbuild our on... the only problem is i have about 2 fav sites -_-;; and so question one is can you list a few web sites that you like(and if any of the other seishi would like to contribute I would be most grateful:) and question 2 what would be the best (and eaisest) kind of website to build?? Arigato. bye
Dear Kat,
You are free to reference any of the websites on our 3 links peejis. A website built around something you like or that interests you is the easiest as you'll enjoy what you're doing. Or I suppose a text site is easy but also boring. It's up to you! Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Tasuki,
*enters room wailing* aaahehehe! you wont belive what she did!! that little brat told the whole class what her brother said! *crys louder* the whole entire class!!!!thats twenty some people! *sniff sniff* shes sooooo mean .that big meanie!
my teacher asked the class what the worst thing that we remember called was and she jumps up and shouts "MY BROTHER SAID SHE'S FINE FOR A FAT COW!!!!!!!".she knew I wasent gonn say any thing so she take's it upon herself to make sure that the whole class knew! can you do me afavor and fry her? please!!!*sniff sniff* gotta tissue?
Dear h.b.chuchu,
*Hands her a tissue.* What in th' world are ya' bawlin' 'bout?
Dear Tamahome,
Hi, Long time no see, ne? I cant believe I've been here a year. It was "fun" (*still unsure about that word's meaning* jk) demo it is time for me to take my leave. *Grins slightly* I would like to ask a favor. Would you look after Alecia and West for me? I probably wont read the responce demo I'm guessing you'll say yes. Domo arigatou gozaimasu (sp?) *bows* Make sure they live thier lives to the fullest they can and remind them that everything will pass away in time. As for the first question I ever asked you I doubt I will ever know the answer from personal experiance and I honestly dont ever want to. *Bows again and walks off disappearing into the wind*
XellossMetali (Ascot)
Dear XellossMetali (Ascot),
Sure I will. Please take care of yourself. You'll be missed.
Dear Tamahome,
*Yaaaaaawn* u.u Spring Break is boring. All of my friends are out of town. ;-; Some of 'em are coming back tomorrow, though.... *Dances*
I've been making a site. ^^ I actually used HTML! XD It wasn't as hard as I thought, once I got used to's an RPG site. ^^; Check it out, onegai? I'm still nervous about whether it works in certain browsers...
Arigatou gozaimasu! *Gives him the 2 ryou fee, plus an extra for checking the site.* ^^
Mikomi Star
Dear Mikomi Star,
Nice site! You did a great job on it!
Dear Chiriko,
How do ya get your ponytail thing to stick up all the time? Like man, even some gel that they sell can't do that. Even when it was raining your hair stick stuck up and it wasn't even blowing in the wind, but it wasn't blowing straight up. It was breezing <- thata way
Kumade the Confused
Dear Kumade the Confused,
My hair is long enough to gather into a pony tail but short and thick enough to stand up straight.
Dear Nuriko,
Why do japanese people sing better than anyone else anywhere?
Dear Kumade,
You obviously have never heard either Nakago or Mitsukake sing! @_@;;;
Dear Nuriko,
I have this boy at school who keeps throwing candy at me. What does it mean?
Dear Rei,
He may have a crush on you!
Dear Hotohori,
I have this problem in school. I'm really good student but I hate to work. I hate math and my parents keep pressuring me to do more than I can. It seems like that whatever I do it's never enough. I've tried talking to them and they say they'll stop, but after a week it's back to square one. Could you give me some tips on how to relieve stress?
Dear Rei,
Yoga and meditation are both effective stress reducers. Are you doing poorly in math?
Dear Chiriko,
*Sweat-drops* i'm bored outta my mind...and *SNIFFLES* still sick..... so bothering you poor seishis eh heh....
Remember how you were late to the special suzaku calling thingie because you were taking that special test?? I know back in ancient china they held those tests umm...annually? (i think) and theres different levels of achievement you can get (or none at all of you dont make it) Did you achieve the highest level of prestige? ^_^ I BET YOU DID!!!
also.. is there an age limit for taking those tests? Like you have to be at least 17 or something? (ppl back then didnt exactly have long life spans) cuz you were only 13 when you took it ne?
Can you tell me what sorts of things were tested on and how long the tests took?(more than one day ne?)*sick and achy* (i wish mitsukake could heal me and make me NOT sick....or gen-chan could give me a kiss ^_^;; or chiri-chan could gimmie a kissu also) heh.....for now..^_^;;
Dear me for now,
You had to be well-educated and certainly older than 13, but I was not told how old, to take the test. They made an exception for me. You were tested on various subjects including math, history, and political science Odaijini!
Dear Chiriko,
eh hehehehe *gives him two volumes of "Romance of the Three Countries" in original chinese text* ^_^;;; i thought it was an interesting read....
although i could only read the easy shortened version cuz old chinese makes no sense...but you would know ne?
*hands him a bilingual "Sun Tzu art of war"* eh hehehe.....couldnt get through it either but i'l try..(yeaaars later...LOL) translation may not be the best but i need all the help i can get eh heh...
cat: =_= (plotting to take over the world?)
^_^ i wanna take over the world....*COUGHS* ugh..*brain scrambled by fever* i shouldnt be wasting time...i should be packing...and then reading...but.... neee chiriko-kun...what do you know about economics.....^_^
cat: =_=....*kicks a bottle of nyquil at her* (taaake it....TAKE IT!)
ohhhh i'm sucha slacker....*plops down in her chair and refuses to move* i'm hungry...too tired to find food....somebody feed me..*SNIFFLES* (I LOVE TASU AND CHIRI!!!!) @_o....random strange thoughts...make it stop... heheh...for now..
Dear me for now,
We all think the cat is right. You need to take your medicine and get some rest! Odaijini!
Dear Tasuki,
Well I don't mean email talking...I miss understood you,sorry. What I mean if we can be friends?
Yayoi Kawai
Dear Yayoi Kawai,
Of course we can!
Dear Tasuki,
Hi Thank you so much for the peck on my forehead that was really nice of you. I would love to be your friend! Invader Zim is about this little alien that noone really likes and was sent to earth by his own people so they could be rid of him they even gave him a crappy model of a robot for his servent who is so stupid but very funny.I really like that show a whole lot. well I wanted to say thanx again. I've very happy! ^___^ Thats it for now.
Love your bandit girl *blows a kiss*
Dear bandit girl,
Yer welcome.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
any one know why tasuki has people problums? jus curious .byebye for now
Dear chuchu,
*All the Seishi (except Tasuki) sweatdrop and try not to burst out laughing.* What??? What th' *^%$ is so *^%$%$#@ funny??? Who says I gotta *(^%$#@ people problem????
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
hi!. what are you doing ? did I piss you off? If I did sorry . when Iget mad I take it out on other people. didnt mean to be so rude. wanna rum ball? there good*hic*. but Iate to much now i have the hicups!*hic* well im gonna let ya go now. bye
h*llb*tch chuchu
Dear h*llb*tch chuchu,
I'm answerin' letters is what I'm doin'. Thanks fer th' rumball! It was good. Yeah, ya' did, a lil', but apology accepted.
Dear Nuriko,
Well the idea about Houki possibly being Korin's reincarnation came to me after Hotohori said something about your spirit leading the 2 of them to be introduced. (hehe, I saw the 2nd OAV before I saw they original series *shifts nervously*) And basically, even though I knew you were in love with Miaka (I even have a theory on why all the gentlemen who fell in love with her did as well), that you would still want Hotohori to have as much happiness as possible. I really doubted you would let that up to just ANYONE. Plus I doubted you'd surrender him to a complete stranger... hence the person you adored most other than the afore mentioned was Korin. I doubt that I explained that right. I have a tendency of not explaining things the way I mean to.
Do you know how much she is selling her novels for? Also the question I forgot was do you know if there was a soundtrack released for the second OAV? Well, I gotta go. Later!
Dear Calla,
There was a soundtrack released it's called: Fushigi Yuugi OVA Song Collection and it's $15.00 through AnimePlus.
CnA is selling the novels as listed:
Genrou Den - $8.00 (Tasuki)
Shouryu Den - $8.00 (Chichiri)
Amiboshi/Suboshi - $8.00 (She has 2)
Nakago - $6.00
Suzaku Hi Den - $9.00 (Hotohori, he cost her more but he's worth it ~_^)
Eiken Den part 1 - $8.00 (Taka/Chichiri/Tasuki)
Eiken Den part 2 - $8.00 (Hotohori/Chiriko/Nuriko/Mitsukake)
Of course you do have to pay for shipping them to you but once you decide which books you want she can weigh them and tell you how much that cost is. What she's charging is bascially what she paid for them either in Japan or in Little Tokyo. You can always contact her through the admin email address on this site.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I know wrote for a real problem (well , beauty problems are importants at least a little too, nee Nuri?Hoto?).
I'm in my last year of school before I go to a program who'll teach me how to draw anime. In other word, I'll have my diploma in june. The problem is that (don't get angry at me Chiriko) I'm really not motivate for my studies this year. And I mean reaaalyyyy. And never do my homework,don't listen in math, french and EDE, (even if I'm not very good in this subjects)In informatic, I'm late. I have try to restart to do my homework and get serious but I just can't !!!!It's like , how can I say that T____T (I live in the province of quebec in canada, so at home and school, I talk french). I really try but I can't. I say: ok today I listen in math, but I always finish by not doing it. Coulfd you seven give me advice. I think that's not only a school problem, more like, a lack of motivation even if I do want change it. Sayonara
Dear Sojiro-chan,
Chiriko - Taking subjects that hold your interest generally helps. If you are unable to do that, then you need to look towards the future and understand if you don't do well now, it may reflect badly on your chances of getting into that school you wish to attend. Ganbatte kudasai!
Tasuki - Jus' do th' work an' keep in mind it'll be all over soon an' you'll be learnin' stuff ya' like!
Ciriko and Tasuki
Dear Nuriko,
Hiiiii Nuri ^_^
First, I want to say that you're my favorite seichi!!11You're so pretty in girl et so kawaii in boy ^_^. And you really have the perfect character. I mean, I really wish I could be friend with you, since you seam to be the kind of person with who I could have so much fun!Oh well, you want I ask you a beauty tip? Well. . .I want to color my hairs in violet, like yours (I think that's a really nice color) My mother don't want, because she say that'll be ugly because I have pale skin T_T. What do you think??? If that can help you to answer me, my eyes are blue and my hairs (for now ;0) ) are brown-auburn. That's it Nuri ^_^ (by de way, do you mind if I call you like this?) I'll maybe rewrite you. Sayonara ^_^(sorry, I don,t know how to say good bye imn chinese)
Dear Sojiro-chan,
Arigato for your kind words. I tend to agree with your mother. You might want to try a temporary rinse or spray-on color just to see what it looks like for fun. If it doesn't look good you can just wash it out.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Okay, I really don't know who to write this too, but I don't want to leave anyone out so this is for all of you. I don't know if I said this or not but on Sunday night I got to drive my sister home. Of course my dad was there with me, but I was really scared to drive cause I had to go on some busy streets, and I am NOT ready for those kind of streets yet. But anywho, we made it, even though I did pretty bad on some of the right turns but oh well that's why it's called pratice ne?
Anywho, have you guys ever watched Pearl harbor? I'm watching it now, and I'm beginning to see why the Japan didn't like us making that movie. I don't want to say why just in case someone hasn't seen it, but I think I know why now. Man it's such a great movie so far!
Anyways, I was playing on my DDR machine and well I finally made another Double A the highest you can get is a Triple A. But anywho, I think that's about it for now. *Gives all the seishi a hug especially hotohori.* When's your birthday again? Or is it Boushin's birthday? either way happy early birthday to both. ^^
Dear Shukumei,
It is my birthday (4/2) that is coming up soon. It sounds like you survived your drive. *Smiles*
Dear Tasuki,
*hands him a peice of cake* hewe i gonna shawe my cake with you *smiles*
Dear Lita,
Thanks! Oishii cake!
Dear Tasuki,
hello tasuki acyually i aint to young to get married! but i wanted to ask you if i can use your niece as a flower girl? and your invited to its gonna be on the chat if you decide to come and ill tell you a date to!
thats all 4 now!
Dear Kiara,
If it's ok wit' Aidou, it's ok wit' me. Thanks fer th' invite!
Dear Chichiri,
Hey there! How have you been? Sorry it's been so long since I've written but I've been doing alot of studying for school. Now for my question. How did you guys meet CnA? Well I g2g. Ja!
Tama Girl
Dear Tama Girl,
Now THAT is an interesting question, no da! We met her when she was recovering from a car accident. She wanted to learn HTML as something to pass the time and so this site was born, no da.
Dear Tamahome,
i hit the jackpot! my great grand uncle gave me a 100 dollar bill, and ive already spent some of it, and now i think i have about around 34 or 35 dollars. what should i do with my wealth?
Hakura Mayabashi
Dear Hakura Mayabashi,
I'd save it! You never know when extra okane can come in handy!
Dear Chiriko,
do you think i should get into poetry? im not sure...and i really don't think mine are good. wana read one of my favorites?
By Hakura
You must go, I must stay.Sooner then we drift away.
I walk alone crying, yet i wonder
Was i cursed with life or blessed with death.
Now i know it sounds deppresing, but i really am a cheerful person. please tell me because i am not sure
Hakura Mayabashi
Dear Hakura Mayabashi,
I like it! It flows rather nicely. Perhaps you should explore your poetic potential.
Dear Tasuki,
Hey therse a ride at this thing im going to called the ring of fire its a really scary ride mosta my friends are afraid of wanna gome on it with me?
Dear Tana,
Sure! Sounds like fun!
Dear Hotohori,
hi!this is my third letter! please answer this one! *clasps hand * so, dear king of all, i just wanted you to know a little dream i had last night!
i was the miko, and when suzaku appeared i asked the following wishes, #1--- please grant the imperial palace the state of the art laboratory and a scientific library! #2--- please make me a jedi! #3--- grant the seven star warroiors of all the four countries peace of mind!
Dear anya,
So, you wish to be a Jedi? *Smiles* Now that is an interesting career choice! And you certainly had an interesting dream!
Dear Tasuki,
*sniffles* Tasuki-san, I didn't write that letter to you,Hotohori-san and Chichiri-san..;-; I swear!! ......*thinks* Someone here has stolen my name..--; ..I'll have no further comment on this...
*~Yume, Tasuki no Mamoru*~
Dear Yume,
I was kinda' wonderin'. Don't worry 'bout it.
Dear Mitsukake,
Dear IVY,
She is a sweet child. You really don't need to type in all caps and yell at us.
Dear Chiriko,
Dear IVY,
Not necessarily. I'm not sure I understand your second question.
Dear Chichiri,
Dear IVY,
I care for her as a friend, no da. The other Seishi's feelings are their business and no one else's.
Dear Hotohori,
Dear IVY,
I cared for her differently than I did for Houki. I loved Houki and that is why I married her. She already knew my feelings for Miaka and was not upset by them.
Dear Nuriko,
Dear IVY,
Because she is so sweet and kind.
Dear Tasuki,
Dear IVY,
I ain't attracted or in love wit' her! 'Che! >.<
Dear Tamahome,
Dear IVY,
Taka and I are one and the same person. As I got to know Miaka I just fell in love with her. You'll have to wait for OAV 3 for that answer! *Smiles*
Dear Chiriko,
hi!my name is anya and i am from india.i have been informed that you are very good in your research. i aim to do mine in physics*gulps*in cambridge!
so, my favorite scientist is prf.stephen hawking and his works on time and space! do read his books especially the one titled "the brief history of time"it is for coomoners and so we have a better chance of understanding the meaning of our universe! dont worry i am still working on a way to outrun the speed of light and reach the past!i wanna come to khonan so that i can invent many things like the electron microscope and the particle accelerator.
and i need a heavy piece of advice! my friends think i am kinda crazy thinking about anime and physics all the time! i hope you understand!
with love,
Dear anya,
WOW!! Studying physics at Cambridge! I envy you! I would suppose my advice would depend on whether or not you are confusing real life physics with anime physics. They are very different. I haven't read his book but, I am quite well aware of it.
Dear Tasuki,
I'm actually going to give you my update instead of Mitsukake, because I'm now realizing that my almost-year-long Mitsukake fandom is starting to diminish under you image song and voice.
*begins to curl into a ball* Help me...I don't wanna be a Tasuki fan...I must resist... I must stay loyal! Help...
Ash-chan, who desperately does not want to convert.
Dear Ash-chan,
I dunno kiddo, I guess it's jus' fate!
Dear Tasuki,
Shun'u-chan.. may I please borrow your tessen, Onegai? *Chucks Logs at Bandit 1,2,and 3 * DON'T COME NEAR ME OR I WILL GET THE BROOM AIE!!!! * dashes towards Lita's room*
Dear Aidou,
Ya' want me to singe 'em a lil'? *Fanged grin*
Dear Tamahome,
*Gives him 20 gold Ryou* Here this iss for me talking to you. With an apitight like miaka's you need all the money you can get. You and her make a super cute couple people should just leave you two love birds alone!
Aphrodite^_^T you guys are so cute*
Dear Aphrodite,
Thanks! *Grins and takes the okane.*
Dear Hotohori,
Your son is so cute when he grows up he'll be as beautiful as you are. and your wife she is the most beautiful female other then when nuriko was dressed like one.
Dear Noriako,
Arigato for your kind words about my family as well as myself.
Dear Mitsukake,
I feel so sorry for you. The person you love was taken away bye a illness. *tears start to form in her eyes* *hugs him sisterly* If you need a soulder i have two to lend.
Kitsune_Star_Fira and Star_Fire's OLDER sister (20 years old)
Dear Oneesan,
Thank you for your kind and generous offer. However, I am curious, have you read your younger sister's letters? We are all VERY concerned for their safety.
Dear Chiriko,
Hugs chiriko* Your cover picture is so cute! *Kisses his cheek* It too cute.
Dear Star_Fira,
*Blushes* Arigato!
Dear Nuriko,
But nuriko I can't if i do he said my sister will be....*Starts crying endlessly*
Dear Tasuki,
OH my god my mom just died last night *sits down stunned*
Dear Flame,
NANI??? Are you ok? *Looks concerned, puts his arms around her and holds her.* I'm so sorry. We're all here fer ya' if ya' need us.
Dear Tasuki,
*glares at Tasuki and says matter of factly* I'm older than you were when you started drinking! --; Come on! *snatches the green beer from Tasuki and drinks it* Sheesh, you act like I can't hold my alcohol *hiccups* ^^;;
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
No ya' can't! An' how am I s'pposed to know that? Ya' never showed me any ID.
Dear Tasuki,
I used to like Tasuki, but then I found out that you drank and cussed too much!!!!!!! I love Tamahome!! You both are equally cute. I think Suzaku looks like a chicken, but in human form tops Tamahome.
Dear Carolyn,
*grumbles…* … an' yer point…?
Dear Tamahome,
hey thanks for the ryo i appreciate it. I have two ryo's for you in pay you go.*hands him the ryo's* Anyways I am pretty good here how are you? Thres a lot of snow here in lakewood... we might have a snow day from skool? cool huh? I was just writting to give ya back the money I borrowed and see how you are and how your weekend was... mine was cool hung with friends and had some fun^-^ anyways i'll let you go and say hi to Miaka for me bye Tamahome. *hugs him and kisses his cheek and smiles at him*
Your Friend Always,
Sweet Steph
Dear Steph,
Arigato for paying me back! My weekend was quiet. I'll give Miaka your regards.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
HIIII! I was wondering if you could tell me about the new FY series coming out. What is the plot? Do the seishi return to Ancient china? Does Chichiri get a girlfriend? Thank you!!!
Dear confuzzled,
I don't believe Chichiri gets a girlfriend. Taka goes into the book after a jealous/psycho schoolgirl that wants to be Suzaku no Miko. And that's all I'm going to say so as not to give away any spoilers.
Dear Tamahome,
HEY heres a useful japanese phrase *evil grin* kuruma o kekomase-mashta heres another ^_^ taihen bimbo des hehehe this is fun!
Dear Tana,
Your first phrase makes no sense unless you're saying that you kicked a car. I'm sorry to hear that you're poor. I know what that's like!
Dear Tasuki,
heya i got a nifty japanese dictionary for my birthday sake ga ski des ^_^ heheh
Dear Tana,
Jitsuwa, sake ga suki desu. Ya' spelled it wrong. But that wasn't bad fer a first try!
Dear Tasuki,
*smiles* i gonna be fouw tomarrow
Dear Lita,
Otanjoubi omedeto gozaimasu! *Gives her a wolf plushie as a present.*
Dear Tamahome,
* Bashes him with a 9-iron, 2 by 4, frying pan, ruler, coffie stirer, and the kitchen sink*
* lucy walks in and smacks him with an EMPTY safe, a fridge, a pikachu, and a very old Voltswagon.* *Hyosumi then calls Mitsukake*
Just to be nice so I don't end up like my dad, I've called Good Ol' Mitsukake to heal ya. By the way say hi to Miaka for me, LIL' GHOST. AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!
Hyosumi, dauhgter of darkness and Lucy, Tasuki Wasuki no Miko
Dear Whacked-out Tasuki Fangirls,
What was THAT all about???
Dear Tasuki,
Hiya Dude, anyway, Im runnin' outta' ideas on what to hit Lil' Ghost on the head with. So, uh me please....^-^
Evil Widdle Hyosumi
Dear Hyosumi,
*Hands her a cream pie.* Go fer th' face... *Fanged grin*
Dear Hotohori,
it is indeed my luck that i am speaking to you! well! what do i say? i am an ardent fan of all true love can offer! how does it feel like to be an emperor!
i am from india. we have an old saying,"ghar ki murge dhall barabar!" what it means is that the things that we have receie no respect from us! i mean people who are royal crave for a normal life and viceversa! oh!try not to look so vain! your love to the maiden of suzaku is indeed so touching!too bad you could not be till the end!well as they say the dearest to gods die first! see you soon!
Dear anya,
It is interesting to be Emperor I suppose. You are quite correct about everyone wanting to be what they are not. India? How interesting! What part? CnA's husband will be traveling soon to Hyderbad on business, so we were curious.
Dear Tasuki,
Why do you like sake????? I drank it before, and it was yucky!!!!
Dear Neko,
It tastes good to me!
Dear Tasuki,
No one should have to put up with h*llb*tch Chu Chu, not even you. She's really an insane, short person who has only seen a couple of the episodes. You weren't in any of them so she is guessing on all her information. Don't mind her and if ever you get mad at her, call her short! Hee Hee!
Dear Dell,
Thanks! I'll remember that! *Fanged grin*
Dear Tasuki,
Hey there, Tasuki-san! How's it going?
I was wondering, since your birthday comes after Hotohori-sama's, (actually, your birthday comes one day before my mom's) I was wondering if you have had any time to think about how you want to celebrate. What kind of presents are you hoping to have? What kind of cake do you want? Another rum cake? If so, any particular flavor? You like cappuchino right? Unless you're tired of rum cake...*sees fanged grin* Maybe not.
*starts mixing different liquids together at the bar* Have you ever tried Spanish Coffee? That stuff is good, if you like the idea of having kaluah and brandy mixed together and for it to be set on fire and poured into a glass that has sugar around the top. *lights concoction on fire and starts pouring it around various containers* You'd probably love it. The waiters actually set fire to the coffee/kaluah/brandy mix *pours blue flaming liquid into glass with sugar around the rim* Then they serve it up. But watch out...the stuff is powerful. And super hot! But you like that, right? *holds up a cup of Spanish Coffee* Care to try some? Just don't drink it too fast.
But if you do have people drinking at your party, make sure you have plenty of crash space so people can sleep off what they drank. Or else have some designated drivers to take everyone home afterward. (We don't want any accidents do we?) And Mitsukake better have plenty of headache medicine on hand.
Well, I guess I'd better get to bed. Tomorrow's a work day after all. You get some sleep too. Oyasumi, Tasuki-san. Enjoy the Spanish Coffee...hey, you drank it all! So, did you like it?
Lady Shera
Dear Lady Shera,
It's great! Thanks! Rum cake sounds great, too! I dunno 'bout plans fer a party.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*drags her self in the room* Tadaima!!
I'm back up.. anyone here??
Dear Doc-sama,
HAI!! *Runs up to her and gives her a big hug.* Okaerinasai!
Dear Tasuki,
*walks up to him carrying a sleepy Lita* Hey, mot-te it-te mo i des-ka?
shinsei na ada
Dear shinsei,
Hai! Ii desu yo!
Dear Chichiri,
I just got a Fushigi Yuugi Single Collection and I want to say I love your Song! It's great! Your a great singer really. I can't wait to get another cd with a song of yours. Well keep in touch, might mail you again if it's ok? on da
Dear Guni,
Arigato, no da! I'm glad that you enjoyed it! You're always welcome to write to me, no da.
Dear Hotohori,
How come you love Miaka (that flirt)?
Dear Kahgei,
She's very sweet and unselfish.
Dear Nuriko,
I need some advice on my looks. First of all let me tell you what I look like. I have long dark Hotohori type hair, hazel eyes that often look gold, I'm pretty tall, I have lightly and naturally tanned skin. I don't wear make-up, or dresses. All my friends say that I'm pretty but if I'm so pretty then why does everyone else call me ugly? Most people say that I look like a Miaka. Could you give me some tips to make me look pretty?
Dear Rei,
You sound very pretty already! Have you considered wearing light natural looking makeup to enhance your features? Perhaps just eye shadow and mascara? A light green eye shadow would certainly compliment the green in your hazel eyes. Why do people say cruel things about others? Generally they do it to feel better about themselves. Ignore them.
Dear Hotohori,
What do you want for your birthday? Chiriko tells me that you're up next in the birthday list. So, you got any ideas on how you want to celebrate? Is Houki-sama planning a big party with a feast and entertainment? What kind of cake do you want? And did you know that your birthday comes exactly 1 week before my older sister's?
We have so many April birthdays in my family it's unbelievable. It's an insane month because we have a lot of cards and presents to send to people. (Which means gift certificates are the best gifts, because they are so easy to send through the mail!) How old are you going to be? Nineteen? Twenty? Do you even age? Oh well, you're only as old as you think you are.
Well, it's after 1:00 am where I live, so I guess I should get to bed. Or find something to read or watch on TV. I don't know which. *looks at watch* Yes, I guess it's time to go to bed. And so, Hotohori-sama, good night. Please send Houki-sama my regards and give Boushin-san a kiss for me. He's such a sweet little boy...but you already knew that, right?
Lady Shera
Dear Lady Shera,
Mirrors and chocolate ice cream are always nice. I really don't know what Houki has planned, but I'm sure it will be a big event. Considering my situation, I really don't age. I shall give Boushin your best. Arigato.
Dear Hotohori,
What qualities would you look for in potential partner? Thousands of girls are wondering.
Dear Yume,
The same ones that I found admirable in both Houki and Miaka.
Dear Chichiri,
What qualities would you look for in potential partner? Thousands of girls are wondering.
Dear Yume,
I really don't know, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
What qualities would you look for in potential partner? Thousands of girls are wondering.
Dear Yume,
No whiney crybabies!
Dear Chichiri,
Konnichi'wa, aniki. Well I went to an academic competition today. It made me tired. It seems that for all these years when I kept complaining about not having a boyfriend, I could've had one. It turns out that one of my friends has liked me since basically 8th grade. Oh gosh. This isn't fair! I would be happier, except that I kinda want to date this other boy, which I doubt will happen because he has a girlfriend. But he is one of my friends, and I like seeing him happy and he is happy with her.
*sigh* What do you suggest I do? Here it is in plain terms. One of the boys I like, Boy A, also has an unformal commentment to one of my friends, Girl A. But Boy B has a girlfriend and I like him also. I don't want to destroy any of my friendships with them. I like seeing them happy too much to even think of hurting them, but I also feel lonely and left out without a boyfriend. *sigh*
Guess what else is going on? I was talking to my cross-country coach the other day, and this is the conversation that followed. 'I was wondering when cross-country started.' "Why?" 'I've taken care of all my stuff so I could run next year, and I really want to run.' "Well then you and I need to have a little talk. Because a student who hates her coach has some stuff to straighten out." I don't even hate my coach. I may not like her as much as I should, but I respect her. She took the team on some really cool runs and knew her stuff, and actually ran with us.
I could never hate her. She gave me reasons to hate her, but I never could. During the season she kept telling me that I needed a smaller sports bra because it might help my keep an upright postion while running. Then she made me (I'm the weakest runner on the team because of my asthma) get on the outside of the track (which is made for the stronger runners) and although she told the entire team, I'm the only who ever got over and I still got yelled at later on because of my "lack of respect for her authority."
I can't believe this. I was one of the few who actaully did what she said and who did respect her. When one of our runners came in for the first time at a meet, she noticed that the coach yelled at us for no reason. She kept yelling at us for being ourselves! I told my mom this and now she's really ticked off. My mom already talked to the coach during the season, but it didn't help. Now my mom is upset. I don't blame her, but I want to try and settle things without my mom's help. I'm going to ask for a student-teacher mediation, so that way somebody else (a neutral party) is involved and is able to witness everything. I want my mom to be present for that, maybe. I don't know.
This ticks me off because I did nothing to warrent her hate. Somehow she figured that I was the one who had problems with her. I'm not the only person on the team who doesn't like her. Somehow she found out that supposedly I hate her. None of my teammates would have told because it's an unspoken agreement between the team. Stick up for each other you know? I'm not going to tell on them either. I never could hate a person. Never. Besides, I let go of whatever loathing I ever felt for her during the year. She was the one who held on to it. I would say that she has some issues. Oh well.
Please help me, aniki. You give such good advice and I know that I can trust you. Thank you. *huggle* Oh yeah, thank you for covering me up with the spare blanket or kasa or kesa, (whichever one it was, I can't remember which.) I was just so tired that I fell asleep right where I was at. Thank you.
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
You're welcome, no da. I'm sure you will eventually get a boyfriend, so don't worry. Your idea about mediation is a good one, no da. However, you should try to leave your mother out of it. But you should tell the coach the same things you told me. She needs to know that she has your respect, no da. Good luck, no da! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Chiriko,
Thank you so much *hugs him tenderly* My sister gave me sort of a glimps of whats wrong with her but she said if she told me all of it that it would riun my childhood. Well i just wanted to thank you and... *kitsune_star_Fira steels the keyborde)
Kitsune: Are you the one who gave my sis the advice?..... Well if you are thank you.. Oh and my sister has the hots for you.
Star_Fire: KITSUNE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kitsune: HA HA HA HAHA AHAHA!!!! Goes of dancing Egyptian style* Stops looks at nuriko* (BLUSH!!!!) HA ha ha ha ha ha ha ha * puts her hand behind her head then Leaves dancing egyptian style again.
Star_Fire: Don't mined he she just likes Eypt because we are Egyptian. (Blushes). well thank you and in my opinion you don't look like a girl at all.
Dear Star_Fire,
You're very welcome. I hope you keep supporting each other.
Dear Tasuki,
Hello how are you?
I feel so sorry for you. everyone should just leave you ALONE!!!!!!!! god you only human and yes humans make mistakes!!!. I know you hate women and i wouldn't have even a speck of a chance with you so can we be friends at least? Hey you know whay i'm afaid of water too because i almost drowned when i was 5. Just so you know what i sort of look like heres a description:
Age 17
Hair color:Red,yello, and orange
and Eye color:Redish gold.
Well I'm not the best looking of all the chicks who email you but well i'm different.I don't cry, I don't freak when i break a nail, I could careless if my hair comes out of my ponytail, and so what if i gain a little weight.I think you are so cool and hot even hotter than hotohori..hey i said i was different from most girls but that doesn't mean i don't like you.And Fire is so awesome people even started to call me pyro or flame goddess. well chat ya later.
P.S You speech is so sexy just thought you should know. oh and your fangs are sexy too.
Dear Flame,
Thanks fer all yer kind words. Sure we can be friends.
Dear Tasuki,
It's me Yayoi again.. ^_^ Thank you for answering my question. I am very happy ^_^ I was wondering if we can have email talking? If that fine with you? I seem to like you alot and trust you too. K Bye Tasuki, hope to heard from you soon ^_^
Yayoi Kawai
Dear Yayoi Kawai,
Yer welcome. We don't do personal email, gomen.
Dear Nuriko,
Thank you for the advice..*Whispers in his Ear* yes my moms boyfriend pushed me off the belcony with my friend luna and my sis star_Fire Watching.I just didn't want anyone to know so i say i jumped off. I told my mom and she Freaked out (I think the freak out was fake) My SISTER IS ONLY 13 AND SHE SAW THAT!!!!!!! I'm trying to find a place to lice but can't. I'll live on the streets if i have to.*Eyes start to water* sorry for putting you in my problems. I should really deal with them alone. *Punches a wall* (Wince)*Turns to him* I'm s-s-so sorry...(Sobs). Everything is just so screwed up. m-my sister... I feel so sorry for her the only time she is happy is when she talks to me or she's writing or reading to and from moms boyfriend was going to hit her because she dropped a plate until i stepped in the way then i got hit but i could barely feel it(Feh) he hits like a girl. I can't even stand ANYONE even close to touching me. Even if its just my arm. O.k so you can touch me because i know you won't hurt me.
ANYWAY!!!!!!!!!!! on a better note. how are you? Sorry i missed your birthday... HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY!!!! *hands him a homemade black forest cake and a homemade fox plushy* I made these espetialy for you.
See Yah...
Dear Kitsune_Star_Fira,
Arigato. *Gives her a big hug.* Your mother's boyfriend has no right to strike either you or your sister! If your mother won't protect you, the authorities will. You need to tell a trusted adult like a teacher or guidance counselor what really happened so he can be dealt with properly. This isn't just to protect you; it's to protect your sister as well. If he's already thrown you off a balcony, he may one day put you in the hospital or kill you and then you won't be around to protect her from him. You need to tell someone in authority what happened!
Dear Nuriko,
Hello, Nuri-sama! I hope you're doing well. Things have been going great lately. My Literary Criticism team got 1st overall and we will be advancing to the area meet! *squee*
It is unfortunate though that the guy I wanted to ask to the prom has already been asked by another friend of mine, but I'm not too disappointed. They're both really cool, and if it's ok with her, and he doesn't mind, just maybe I can get him to save a dance or two for me.
*hugs* And Easter Vacation is coming up soon! I think it's going to get better from here on in.
Dear Tigress,
Sounds like things are going well for you! I'm glad to hear it!
Dear Tamahome,
Hi. I am really upset. Recently one of my close friends died. And soon after that another friend died. I can't eat, I can't sleep. I can't stop crying. My mom is forcing me to eat, but when I see the food I feel sick. Everyone keeps telling me its alright. But its not. Its not alright. They think that I can just forget about it. People are acting so carefully around me like they think that I am really sick. Everywhere I go something reminds me of them. I didn't even get to say good-bye. I was thinking that maybe you could help me because of your family. Do you have any tips for me?
broken Rei
Dear Rei,
I think you should ask your mother to see a grief counselor or at least a regular counselor. You're in mourning and need help dealing with your feelings and working your way through it. I'm here if you need me, we all are. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Nuriko,
You would think it be most logical, wouldn't you? But logic isn't my strong point ya know? I advised what you said and the others were game, actully my old friend only did it because I asked, but now she's given him dirty looks and say's I can't trust him but she can't proove it and I'm stuck in the freakin' middle and it's annoying the heck out of me so I was wondering, should I play James Bond and spy on him and see if my friend is right or ignore her "warnings"? And why the heck does this feel like and episode off of a cheap soap oprea?
Dear LoneWolf,
Life IS a cheap soap opera. *Grins* Why does she say she can't trust him? What has he ever done to her? I think before you turn into "SpyGirl" you need more facts than she's giving you.
Dear Tasuki,
Oh! I'm sorry Tasuki Wasuki, I, I don't know what came over me. *Throws away mallet and picks him up* I guess it's because I was having a bad day at school and then you hit me, even though it was lightly, I guess I took it the wrong way... I mean I don't hate you, your my favorite if it hadn't been for you I would have never heard of FY. *Kneels and lowers her head* Please Tasuki Wasuki forgive me I promise I'll try and keep my short temper under control,(or use it on Tamahome) but pleeeeeease forgive me! *Start's crying*
Really, Really, Really Sorry! Lucy
Dear Lucy,
Sure, sure, but ya' gotta stop callin' me that *^%$#@( name!
Dear Tasuki,
My best friend and I have been friends ever since we could crawl. That's a long time. But a couple of months ago she started acting mean and rude to me for no reason. And recently one of my other close friends died, I was really sad. I cried at school and she just smirked the whole time. She is forever threatning to hot me with a book even though she knows that I am stronger than her. Then she invites me to go to the movies, and things are back to normal, but then she starts to act mean again. What's wrong with her? What should I do?
Rei Starlight
Dear Rei Starlight,
Ya' need to tell her that yer concerned 'bout her behavior an' ask her what's wrong. If she's yer friend, she shouldn't be treatin' ya' this way.
Dear Nuriko,
I have a migrane so I probably won't write much...
Well I have my first FY fic done! Yaay! (Forgive if I don't leap, the asprin is getting to me). The kittens eyes are open,(they're so cute), and I have some questions.
Is it POSSIBLE that Houki could be your sister reincarnated? Sounds sorta like a weird idea huh? But just wondering. (Don't you hate it when i start theorizing about stuff?). Also, I know there are other FY novels out there other than the 18 that is to the main story line, do you know where I might purchase them? There was something else I wanted to ask but I can't think of it write now.
Well, I'm gonna go and find a nice dark room now. Later!
Dear Calla,
Odaijini! That's an interesting theory. You can probably find or order the books from Kinokuniya or if you have a local Japan-town there might be a bookstore there that can get them for you. Chichiri no Aijin also has some that she got when she was in Japan and is willing to sell.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
hey you guys! okay, i kinda need advice. see, i just turned 18 (actually, this is irrelevant ^^) and i'm almost in 3rd year college (or university, whatever). well, the semester just ended and i found out i'll be taking up summer classes! actually, i knew of this since...last semester *blushes* i failed physics. ARGH! I HATE MATH! (well, ya gotta admit, who doesn't? and it's related, ne?) anyway, i've never taken any summer classes all throughout my elementary days, even high school. gods, what do i do? it's not really THAT tragic...but, i feel guilty. i mean, my mom practically kills herself working for this college thing and there i go failing every subject i hate. (well, just physics)
actually, the part where i need help is this: i have this really crazy feeling that i'll fail another one of my subjects this semester and i've no idea how to tell my mom. i just...the feeling's just way too strong. i really hate giving burden to her...but, what do i do if i actually failed? how the hell am i supposed to tell her THAT?! halp!! uh, can you guys each give yer own advices and stuff? i just wanna you think, tnx!
i'd type my name, but...^^
Dear but...^^,
Chiriko - Study harder and perhaps get a tutor.
Chichiri - Are there other classes you can take that interest you that will fulfill the same requirements, no da?
Nuriko - You should consult with your mother on this. Let her know your concerns, but also let her know that you are trying your best. Ganbatte kudasai!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Chichiri,
I'm sooo tired of my class!!*goes crazy*
What do you think about a class where there's "chaos??" Well.. it's was "chaos" last Friday at my school..
My teacher was gone for a while(coffee break), so guess what my classmates did? They began to threw candy and erasers everywhere! O_O Then my teacher came back... I think you know the rest^^;;;; Sounds stupid, but it's true..*sweatdrop* It always happens horrible and stupid things at my school...
Dear Kuriichan,
Sounds sadly typical for when the teacher is absent, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
how do you stile your hair?
No Name
Dear No Name,
I have my handmaids do it when I am at the palace. Otherwise, I braid it.
Dear Tasuki,
Bandit 1: *comes in bringing sake* Yo, Genrou, we've got to talk. What's up with you and that sister of yours?
Bandit 2: *joines bandit 1* Yeah! I mean, really. Not only is she hot...
Bandit 3: *cutting off Tasuki's escape route* She is really nice too!
Bandit 1: *drinks some sake* Yeah! She's a great cook...
Bandit 2: She cleaned our stronghold! An' it's been clean since like... she came!
Bandit 3: What don't ya like about her?
*Aidou walks past and waves, then throws a log at her brother* *all three bandits start to drool*
Bandit 1: If she weren't Kouji's...
Bandit 2: *gets up and walks after Aidou in a daze*
Bandit 3: Hey! Wait for me, Miss Aidou!!
Bandit 1: Genrou, you really should be nicer! *runs off after the other bandits*
Bandits 1, 2 and 3
Dear Bandits 1, 2 and 3,
OI! Ya' better start showin' yer leader some respect! *Smacks them all upside the head.* An' stop lookin' at my sister like that!!!
Dear Tasuki,
*wakes up with blurred vision* uuuhhhh... *grumble grumble * to much wine ... mind if I take alooooooong*burp* napon yer bed ?* gets up* ahee... *trips lands on tasuki* zzzzzzzz... tus tus tus tus tus .
*wakes up and wanders halls**yawn* OOHH TASUKI! I found you! *hugs tasuki tightly* im sooooo sorry! I cant belive I called you gay I know your not I was just so mad that you dont want *snif sniff* a girl friend!! oh so sorry about all the meanie things Idid or said * squeezes tasuki tightly*
aheh sorry.
h*llb*tch chuchu
Dear chuchu,
AIR!! It's ok, jus' lemme breathe!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
.. Spring is an equinox... o.o
Dear Anonymous,
Hai. There are two equinoxes, Vernal (Spring) and Autumnal as well as a Winter and Summer Solstice.
Dear Tasuki,
You RULE!!! : ) ok sorry i thin you rgreat but im not going to glomp you chase you or anything like that (and i know how much you love it ;)I just think your really cool. But i do have a favor to ask you *blush* could i pleas have a birthday hug? for march23 plleeaasssee????
Dear Kat,
Sure. *Gives her a hug.* Arigato fer yer nice words an' thanks fer not glompin' me!
Dear Nuriko,
headband looks mm so-so, hairpin, barretts, just wont stay !! : (Arigato for the advice : ) ill see if combs will stay: )
Dear Kat,
You're welcome. Have you considered either cutting your bangs shorter so they don't bother you or letting them grow out to the same length as your hair so they are easier to pull back?
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