Dear Suzaku Seishi,
YYYYYAAAAAYYYY!!! TOMMOROW IS MY B-DAY(3/23/02)!!! YES finally im 17 !!!! bbuutt the bad news is that i have to go a rally >.< (a teachers pick a students to represent there school in the rally) and i have to take a test to compete with those other students that go to the rally. I mean im very grateful that i got picked to go.... just not that grateful that i have to give up going to New Orleans(AAAARRRRRRRGGGGG I LOVE NEW ORLEANS AND THE FRENCH QUARTER)*sigh* i guess i can get over it (only reason im really going is beacuse of my college application >.< )well I am going to get to go but i will be about a month befor i can go : ( *sniff sniff* anyway i'll just be happy that i'll go out with my friends and that ill be 17!!! yayay (By the way Tasuki you RULE!!!)
Kat : )
Dear Kat,
OI! Thanks! Otanjoubi omedeto gozaimashita. Omedeto gozaimasu on gettin' picked!
Dear Tasuki,
I want to say that "I love you"....."Can I have a kiss?" Do you watch Invader Zim? It's my favorite show..What is your favorite show? *hugs* Can I be your parther in crime? ^_-
your bandit girl ^_- *blows a kiss*
Dear bandit girl,
I never heard of Invader Zim. I don't have a favorite show. *Gives her a light peck on the forehead.* Ya' can be my friend. How's that?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Why do you all like Miaka so much? (Tama, you don't have to answer! ^_^x) I don't dislike her or anything just curious. ^_^x
Lover of Hot Emperors
Dear Lover of Hot Emperors,
She's very sweet and unselfish.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Chiriko,
You should try looking for them, they're quite interesting. Anyway, Iku Inachuu Ping-Pong Club? Never heard of it, what's it about?
Mysterious and Beautiful a.k.a. Hyper Myst
Dear Hyper,
It is about the adventures of a group of 8th grade boys that all belong to a ping-pong club. But it is a very strange manga.
Dear Mitsukake,
Ok, if you're really sure. *smacks fist into hand* I almost forgot! I'm TRYING to write a reincarnation ficcie about Shouka and you. Heh. =^^= I'll show it to you someday... -_-
Mysterious and Beautiful
Dear Mysterious and Beautiful,
Arigato. I'd like to see it when you're done.
Dear Hotohori,
*pouts cutely* Ok... ;_;x Then.... can I see one of your mirrors? Please?
Lover of Hot Emperors
Dear Lover of Hot Emperors,
Certainly! *Opens a large cabinet and shows off his mirror collection.*
Dear Tasuki,
* cakes glitter on him..about 10 lbs worth* yer sparkly now.
Dear Aidou,
>.< 'Che! Gee thanks sis ... * gives her a hug and covers her in glitter.* Gott ashare that wealth, ya' know! Heh-heh-heh ...
Dear Tamahome,
Um... =^^= I have a question. Do you like coffee cream?
Lover of Hot Emperors
Dear Lover of Hot Emperors,
I don't know. What is it?
Dear Tasuki,
HONTO NI?! *squeals, hugging him* Thank you, thank you, thank you! ^_^x I'm a happy Myst now! *kisses him on cheek* SMOOCH! Hehe... sorry but I'm hyper and very OOC now!
Mysterious and Beautiful
Dear Mysterious and Beautiful,
Ano ... yer welcome. Glad I could make somebody happy wit'out p*ssin' 'em off.
Dear Chichiri,
Red sounds lovely *sighs dreamily* ^_^x *tilts head to side* Hmm... are you sure it would be the right color for you though? How does blue that matches your hair sound?
Mysterious and Beautiful
Dear Mysterious and Beautiful,
The red was meant for you, no da. I'll be wearing blue.
Dear Chichiri,
I like to say that you are my favorite character. I really like you alot and wish you can be my big brother or boyfriend. However my question for you is "What is the meaning of no da?" I alway wonder what that was? Well if you can mail me soon. no da
Bye ^^ Can I say no da? you no da ^^
Dear Guni,
If you want, no da. "No da" is an emphasizer and it roughly translates out to "it's obvious", no da.
Dear Tamahome,
so ... wus up? im bored out of my tiny little mind*yawns*
Dear chuchu,
Nothing much, gomen.
Dear Mitsukake,
NOW I have time! BWAHA!
Anyway, nothing really exiting happened this week. The guy that RP's Nuriko is trying to hook up with the girls that play Nuriko, Suboshi, and Soi. He also has a computer, so I'll have to change my name, although it should be fairly obvious who I am.
I think I already wrote to you about my brother. What I didn't tell you is that I told my parents that if he doesn't redeem himself in a month, I'm kicking his behind.
Ivan is the 15 year old from Golden Sun, a game I absolutely love. Ivan can cause almost as much non-magical/djinni damage as Garet (my strongest physical attacker), even though he's a mage. And people DARE state that he's weak! He is NOT! NOT, I say! He's more powerful than Isaac, and you HAVE Isaac longer. Anyway, if you ever get the game, tell me what you think of Ivan, Alex, and Garet. I do not care about Jenna or Sheba. I Think Mitsukake and Ivan are Gods.
Dear Ash-chan,
Arigato for the update. Try not to hurt your brother too badly.
Dear Tasuki,
Oh, Thanks! I'm 18. What would you look for in a girl?(Just want 2 know!)
The Fallen Angel
Dear Fallen Angel,
I dunno! I don't go lookin' fer girls to begin wit'! But I guess someone who ain't a whiney crybaby.
Dear Tamahome,
Sorry for my so called "friends" questions. I don't want to replace Miaka, and I don't want a chance with ya. Bye now
Teresa no Miko
Dear Teresa no Miko,
That's ok, I understand.
Dear Nuriko,
WOW natural no way !!! thats so cool. well see ya pretty boy !!!
h*ll b*tch chuchu
Dear h*ll b*tch chuchu,
*Smiles* Arigato!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*runs in and hugs the seishi.* Guess what?! You'll never guess, so I guess I'll tell ya...*takes a deep breath.* I PASSED!!! *giggles.* I actually passed my permit test ^__^ now I can start driving. Yeah I know I'm 19 years old with a permit, but hey I have a pretty good excuse as to why I'm taking my permit so late. But anyways, I passed. *Does the bandit dance with uhm someone.* ^___^ I took the permit test on friday morning(03/22/02) and I was watching the lady grade it and I was like about ready to bite my fingernails (which is a bad habit -_-) but, she handed it back to me, and was like "You passed". Heehee...I'm so happy. I just barely passed. I was like phew. Drivers on the road BEWARE of ME! mwahahha j/k o.o;;;...anyways, I wanted to let you guys know that I passed. So I better get going now. TTFN ta ta for now. ^___^
Dear Shukumei,
Omedeto gozaimasu on passing your driving exam! Now be careful out there!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
can I speak to koji ? Is Tasuki realy gay or dose he just have a BIG problum with girls? is chirico a guy or a girl ? he realy looks like a she ...not to be rude but tha t confused me. nurico as far as im concerned your achick you look so pretty.hotahori your lookin better than ever! never knew some body could look masculin and handsome at the same time. Chichiri sorry for being so rude you where right my liking tasuki was a phase ..I FOUND A SUPER CUTE PIC OF YOU !!! Mitzgaki hows tama?
h*llb*tch chuchu
Dear h*llb*tch chuchu,
I beleive Kouji has his own website for answering letters and we should have a link to it on our links peeji. Tasuki is NOT gay. He just has problems dealing with people in general. Chiriko and Nuriko are both male and Tama-neko is doing just fine.
Dear Tasuki,
tasuki ,Iguess its ok that you dont like me the way I likED you ... its ok to like men*snickers* I guess Koji dose have his charm . Any way its not like you where afirst choice pick... so my hearts not broken. Its just sad that you refuse your feelings toward koji. I should have guessed you where gay. you get so giddy when koji enters the room . You act so childish with him . Just embrace your feeling toward him. You know its true.
h*llb*tch chuchu
Dear h*llb*tch chuchu,
It is not!! I DON'T like men!! H*LL, I DON'T like anybody!! >.<
Dear Chichiri,
could you teach me your magic
Dear r.c.g.,
If I were able to come to your world or you to mine, I would, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
*sits alone at the gazebo by the water* It's such a pretty night. Yes it's late and it's cold as hell, but these are the moments I feel I am most alive. Nice quiet evenings where a person can just kick back under the stars, let the sweet night breezes caress her hair (however short it might be), wonder about life in general, and hope that she doesn't die of hypothermia in the process. (OK admit it, that was a stupid joke.)
*senses presence behind her and turns around* Oh hello there. I didn't know you were standing there watching me. How long have you been there? Do you like to stay up late too? Or do you like to fish at night?
I don't know about you, but I'm kind of in a thoughtful state of mind right now. Belive me, contrary to what "society" believes, it's fine that you don't have a significant other. I know you are a quiet, independent spirit that would rather be the friend who acts as the guiding hand holding things together than be tied down in any kind of romantic "relationship" that may or may not be a happy one. And that's good. It's the same way with me. I don't have a significant other, and I don't want one right now either. Maybe in the future that will change, but for now, it's best to just be a friend. Much less complicated that way.
In rough times, we all need someone who can be a stabilizing force that keeps everything in perspective for us even when the rest of the world feels like it's about to crash down around us like a cheap Hollywood movie set. Getting too caught up in any form of passion can cloud people's judgements and make them do really, really stupid things that they can regret for a lifetime.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, don't let anyone pressure you. Be happy with what you have and who you are. If you prefer to stay friends with people, that's perfectly okay. Just be happy, Chichiri. Oh, and you left this here. *picks up fishing pole and hands it to the monk* Is this the new fishing pole that you bought with that gift certificate I gave you? It's nice.
Lady Shera
Dear Lady Shera,
Hai. It is. Arigato. And arigato for your sage words, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
This not a mean telling you that now. You are one of the most popluar people out there, Even for me you are. However I want to asked you How did you become a bandit? Was it something in the past that made you one? Well that it for now
Yayoi Kawai
P.S. you are cute and sexy at times ^_-
Dear Yayoi Kawai,
Arigato fer th' nice thins' ya' said 'bout me! I became a bandit when I ran away from home an' th' bandit leader found me on Mt. Reikaku.
Dear Tasuki,
*runs over to him crying* SHE NOT NICE *points to plusbellequeHotohori* she said daddy no wuv an....she said im not nice...*Huggles him crying*
Dear Lita,
*Glares at plusbellquehotohori.* Now why'd ya' go an' say that? She's jus' a kid!! *Hugs Lita* 'Course yer daddy loves ya'. Yer a good kid!.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
HI! Guess what? I'm turning 17 on Apr.2! Whatcha gonna give me, Huh, huh? I HAVE A GOOD IDEA! HOW 'BOUT ALL THE GUYS GIVE ME HUGE SQUEEZEGLOMPHUGS and MIAKA CAN GIVE ME...uhh...ummm what-ever she wants to I guess... Actually, I'm jus' kidding (only, i would like a super big hug from Chichiri ^.^) I actually wouldn't mind getting jus' a big "happy birthday Katsu-chan!" all in unison from the suzaku ppls! ::squeals:: that would be spifferific ::throws up V-for-victory sign:: Have a nice day!er...evening in Missouri time...
Dear Katsu-chan,
*They all circle around her and in unison say, "Happy birthday Katsu-chan!".* *Chichiri gives her a hug.*
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tamahome,
Well it's not really her homelife, it's her boyfriend. He lives way south of us, and she misses him so much it's driving her crazy. We would be coming back. Is that alright? I mean, they're serious, like, "hey, let's go get married" serious. And I wouldnt allow us to get hurt. There's no way. And we could get down there easily. There is no problem with that, right?
Thanks for the advice about that guy. He's a real sweetie but not as much as you guys ^_~
Dear ScarredAngel,
No, it ISN'T alright! Let's start with your parents'being worried sick about you when you turn up missing. Then there are two young girls traveling alone. You could be kidnapped, raped, beaten, or just plain robbed and killed! Either your parents should take you there or he should go see her. But what you're considering is so wrong on so many levels that I'm surprised that you would even consider it! >.<
Dear Mitsukake,
HI! *looks at new Seishi of the Week pic* Awwww.... *patches Mitsu-sama's egg back together* There you go! ^_^ Mistu-sama be happy's now!
Dear Aiaki,
*Smiles* Arigato.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*yawns* Hi ya'll! Wasshup?
Miko: Wasshup? can you drop the H?
Aia: How is everyone? *huggles everybody*
Crazed Chiriko fan: CHHHHHIIIIIRRRRRIIIIKKKOOOOO!!!! *hugs chiriko*
Who let her out?
Others: HER?
Tameko: Exactly what is the name of that book? the one the Miko's enter?
Tameko: *nods* *shrugs*
Kiko: *hands everyone presents* I can't remember squat, so these are for whatever holidays or b-days I miss. ^_^
Insanity Co. Inc. and so-forth
Dear Crazed People,
Arigato fopr the presents. The name of the book is "The Universe of the Four Gods Earth and Sky'.
Dear Hotohori,
*returns to throne room with plate of cake in left hand* Okay, Boushin-san. I got you a piece of your own, the same kind as Houki-sama (angel food). *hands plate to nearby servant, who tastes it and then gives it to Boushin* Enjoy!
It's been a good day, except my arm has been bothering me all day. It has this strange dull pain that starts in the top of my right hand, and it has kind of radiated up my arm. It's probably just overworked. Repetitive strain, that sort of thing. I doubt it's anything too serious. A little painkiller should work nicely. *rubs arm* Make that more than a little.
But anyway, did you all have a good day? Now that winter is over, I imagine Konan has warmed up nicely, and there are a lot of cherry blossoms on the trees. Have you all gotten decent rain? We need the rain badly where I live. Stupid drought.
*rubs arm again* Well, I guess I'd better go get something for this darn pain and grab a bite to eat. See you later! *bows and leaves the throne room* Oh, and I love the imperial flower display in the royal gardens. Whose work is that?
Lady Shera
Dear Lady Shera,
Arigato. I'm sorry your arm is sore. Would a warm compress help? The weather is finally warming up here. The gardens are one of Houki's projects.
Dear Nuriko,
Happy *pause* really, really, REALLY Belated Birthday!! Sorry that it's so late.TT
ChibInuchan no Miko
Dear ChibInuchan no Miko,
Daijoubu! Arigato for your birthday greetings.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I just felt like writing. Sorry. I feel my life is controlled by a celestial destiny. I have found that this is also true of many other people. It is my belief that the gods are always watching. I have a few questions. Are you ready? Here they come. In mythology, there is supposedly a goddess of the moon. I have chosen the name "Kiera" for her. What does she - preside over? What does she control? Are there also gods or goddesses that have an affiliation with the weather? Specifically, wind, rain and lightning?
P.S. - Oh! *runs over and, gently taking Hotohori's face in her hands, places a cheek on his cheek, then blushes* Please forgive me for that. I couldn't help it. I just haven't seen him in so long, that this was my way of saying hello. *reaches into the bag slung over her shoulder and carefully pulls out eight long-stemmed red roses, handing one to the seven warriors and one to Miaka* Red for Suzaku. *reaches into bag again, this time pulling out eight white rosses and handing them each one* White for purity and honor. *smiles and disappears in a flash of blue light and a puff of smoke*
*disembodied voice giggling* I've learned some new tricks since I was last here. Now to bother the Seiryuu seishi!
Dear Chichiri,
Hi i'm bieng very creative in my artwork *anime* and it looks really nice though no one else thinks so sigh only Magi Girl and my art teacher like it I'll send one to you guys someday see what you think........that is if i can barrow my mothers scanner
Luna^-~ noda!!
Dear Luna,
I look forward to seeing it, no da.
Dear Mitsukake,
your sooooo tall whywhywhy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
im so fr*gg*rin short....*sniff*
Dear ?,
*Looks down at her.* Genetics
Dear Tasuki,
WHY DONT YOU LIKE ME? IF YOU SAY STOP YELLING IM GONNA HURT YOU !!! * sniff sniff, wipes tears away* why are you such an idiot * snachs wine bottle and drinks the whole bottle* thats gooooooooood stuff*pass's out*
h*llb*tch chuchu
Dear h*llb*tch chuchu,
Why d'ya think I dislike ya'? Baka … Stop yellin' at me! >.<
Dear Chiriko,
why do you look like a girl ? you gonna answer me or what ? sorry i offend you * sly smirk*
h*llb*tch chuchu
Dear h*llb*tch chuchu,
I guess because I'm bishounen.
Dear Hotohori,
^^ GO MATRIX!! I've seen it twice already..*huggles the Penguin* *coughs* --; I am gonna blame you, Mister "I'm So Pretty", for me being really sick....*sneezes*
Dear Keiko,
It is not our fault that you are ill. *Hands her a tissue.*
Dear Mitsukake,
I read your letter and please let me say that Gene's home life is okay. He's got a family like Genrou over there but I love his sisters.
Daddy already told him that he can't stay at our house but he always does. He's scaring me... I'd like to say that he was afraid of women, he's not. He certainly has a lot of them, he's very popular, cute, or so the community says, and he decides to stick with me. I'm not special or anything...
Mitsukake-san, I'm really scared, now I'm going to aske you once again, what am I going to do? Can you please aske Chiriko-san too, or all the seishis in fact, I need all the help I can get!!!
Dear Mely,
You need to tell Gene that while you like him as a friend, your father REALLY doesn't want him sleeping over and that if he cares about you and your friendship he will respect your father's wishes. Of course, you and your family have to be firm about sending him home as well. This way you won't hurt his feelings and hopefully he'll get used to spending his weekend nights elsewhere. Good luck!
Dear Chichiri,
^_______^ Hello Chiri-chan! You da best! Okay question time no da. Can you sing for me pwease? *cuddles next to Chichiri* I love hearing you sing! ^______^
Dear Neko,
Honto, no da? Hai! *Starts singing to her.*
Dear Mitsukake,
*hugs* Arigato Mitsu-chan! ^_^ My throat feels much better now! ^________^
Dear Nako,
I'm glad. *Hugs her back*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Did you guys ever think the FY dub could be worse? What if DiC got the rights? Bad voices, lame plot changes, AND crappy dub names. Or how about Saban! Bwahahahahahaha! ... Sorry... ^^;;;
Umihebiza no Miko
P.S. Something went weird in the March 23, 2002 archive about half way down the page...
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
OK, now THAT'S scary! Arigato! Chiriko fixed it.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Ohayo! It's been so long! I've been sick. Fun... I'm BORED OUTTA MY MIND! Hey, have any of you heard of Magic Users Club? It's one of my favorite OVAs! Even though I've only seen 1 + 2.... I don't know if this has been asked already, but do any of you guys have a manga that you think is good and suggest for reading? I'm not looking for anything in particular, but I need to widen my selection. Oh! And before I forget, HAPPY BURFDAY CHIRIKO! ^_^ I had to say it. It's kinda late, but I've been sick. I celebrated! I had a little party and everything. Not that you needed to know this of course... ^^;; My parents aren't getting back together and my mom hasn't been the nicest of ladies lately. Although... I can't say I blame her. It's just I don't know how my father, who always used to be in a bad mood, can be so nice and my mother, who was always in a good mood can change so suddenly! Maybe I'm too young to understand, but I just don't get it... Thanks! I'll try to write again soon ><
Dear Morgy-San,
Translated? Fushigi Yuugi, Inuyasha, Marmalade Boy, Ayashi no Ceres, Ranma ˝. I'm very sorry to hear about your parents. Just remember that even if they don't love each other, they still do love you very much.
Dear Tasuki,
What do you mean you never loved anyone? I rember a certian red haired bandit crying when Reirei died
Dear Tana,
I don't want my sisters to know! They'll gimme a hard time!
Dear Hotohori,
Hiya! ^_^ I'm D..Y..I..N..G of boredom so I might as well talk to someone...(nervously fumbles with robes)Sorry. Even though I am a goddess, Royal types make me slightly...(sighs)nautious. Bad experiences, ya know? But anyway...where's the bathroom?
Irhus Carvanyon
Dear Irhus Carvanyon,
*Points* That way, down the hall, first door on the left.
Dear Chiriko,
why do you like a girl?!
Dear Nameless,
Because I don't like a boy.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
can we talk to miaka?
Dear ?,
Only if she opens a letter site of her own.
Dear Chichiri,
how old are you?
Fallen Angel
Dear Fallen Angel,
I'm 26, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
where you born with purple hairor did you dye it ? just curios ...write back soon!!
h*llb*tch chuchu
Dear chuchu,
This is my natural hair color.
Dear Tamahome,
Would you leave Miaka for Teresa no Miko?
The Fallen Angel
Dear Fallen Angel,
Dear Tasuki,
You... How old are you????? I'll tell you how old I am if you answer!
The Fallen Angel
Dear Fallen Angel,
I'm 19.
Dear Chichiri,
Do you think I would have a chance with you?
The Fallen Angel
Dear Fallen Angel,
As a friend, no da.
Dear Hotohori,
was you born so handsome or did you work for it?
h*llb*tch chuchu
Dear chuchu,
I was just born beautiful.
Dear Tamahome,
im broke d*mn!!! well can i get a discount? i got 1 gold ryu.
h*llb*tch chuchu
Dear chuchu,
Sure …
Dear Tasuki,
you jerk!!!! you realy are a drunken idiot!!! how mean *glares evily with tearfilled eyes*. you didnt even gimme a chance *wipes tears away* oh well you know gonna keep tryin right? any way thought you might want this*holds up extremly large expensive wine bottle with small red rose*
h*llb*tch chuchu
Dear chuchu,
Now, what th' *^%$ did I do???
Dear Tamahome,
what if I do not dare ask him for a date or movie?
Dear Sheryl,
Ask him just to have a soda or ice cream with you. It doesn't need to be a big deal "official" date. Maybe you can just get together to study. You'll never know until you try.
Dear Chiriko,
Otanjoubi omedeto gozaimashite! ^_^ *gives him a Birthday cake* I hope you enjoy!!
Yume, Tasuki no Mamoru
Dear Yume,
Arigato gozaimasu!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Do you know A good website where I can download Yuyu hakusho Mp3's?
Dear Hotohori,
*Just got back from her concert a few minutes ago* Hori-chan! Hori-chan! *Glomps him* ^^ We did great! One of our songs was a little weak and I'm sure our diction was staring into the pits of hell in more than one place, but other than that, nothing went wrong! *Notices she's still in her uniform* Ano... *Twirls once in the evil blue dress for him* At least the girl's choir doesn't have to wear those robes that choke every five seconds. The shoulder pads can burn though... ^^;;;
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
Congratulations on a well-done concert. I knew you would do well.
Dear Chiriko,
*puts blindfold over his eyes and guides him to a chair* I have a surprise for you. Right this way. Yes, just sit right here and I'll get it. *removes blindfold* Happy birthday, Chiriko! I hope you have a wonderful day. *presents a triple-layer strawberry velvet cake with white frosting and pink roses* This was made extra special for a wonderful, super-smart seishi!
And these are your presents *presents a book light, a journal with a matching pencil and bookmark, a lap desk, and a 5000 ryou gift certificate to his favorite bookstore* From one avid reader to another, I knew this is everything you wanted for your birthday! There's probably a whole bunch of bestsellers you could get with this! You can even spend it on coffee drinks if you want. And it's good forever!
*kisses him on the cheek and puts a candle on the cake* Got a wish in mind? Wait! Don't tell me. Just enjoy this fantastic day! You deserve it.
Lady Shera
P.S. Just so I remember, whose birthday is up next?
Dear Lady Shera,
*Gives her a big hug.* Arigato for all the great presents and oishii cake! The next birthdays are Hotohori's (4/2) and Tasuki's (4/18).
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey everybody! I've never posted anything up here b4 but I've known this site for a while. I just wanted to say that this site's really original and um...keep up the good work! Does anyone else notice how hard it is to find a Fushigi Yuugi site (that's good) that's still up? Everything I seem to find is either never updated or gone. Anyways, I love this site and I just thought I should post something up here.
Dear Ke-Jia,
Domo arigato gozaimasu for your very kind words! It's been 4 years since we started this site and we hope to continue for many more years to come.
Dear Nuriko,
beauty tip time !!! ok i used to have long hair but recently i decided to cut it short, its shoulder length in the back, but i now have bangs in the frontAnd know matter how i try i Cant keep it out of my face without making a goofy hair style:( How can i keep my hair out of my face????
By the way i have to say my friend Ace Loves you :)' hehe I think your prety awsome myself(sorry but Tasuki still #1 in my book!!)We both could spend days talking about yallhehe
Dear Kat,
Have you tried wearing a pretty headband, hairpins, combs or barrettes to hold your bangs back?
Dear Hotohori,
Arigato Hotohori-san *hugs hotihori* that helps me alot
Dear Kat,
I'm glad. You're very welcome. *Smiles at her.*
Dear Tamahome,
*gives him his dues and bows* Hey, I have a question for you. Ok, there's this guy I like but he says he's in love with this other girl, but she lives like 300 miles away. And he's only 15!! Should I forget about him or keep liking him and hoping he'll forget her??
ARGH why are boys so aggrivating???? No offense to you or any of the other seishi, but guys are so oblivious to some things.
Could I have a hug? My life is goin down the tube. And I'm planning to help my friend run away, which isnt helping. Why is life so messed up?
Well I am sorry to bother you with my unimportant issues, please answer back!!
Dear ScarredAngel,
*Gives her a hug.* I would just be a friend with him at least until he gets over her, if he ever does.
You're planning on doing WHAT???? DON'T DO IT!!!! Helping your friend to run away is a stupid thing to do! If her home life is that awful see if you can arrange to have her stay with you and your parents. What you and she are doing is dangerous! Do you really want to help her do something that could end with her missing or dead?
Dear Nuriko,
um hi nuriko! well i know this is kinda late but i wanted to say happy birthday! *was at a funeral and didnt have time* oh and my friend says happy birthday to! *hands him 2 presents one from her and one from kiara* hope you had a happy birthday!
Dear Amy-chan,
Arigato for your birthday wishes. My condolences on your loss.
Dear Chiriko,
hello chiriko!!!! *giggles* well kiara a.k.a sam couldnt come with me cause she was at her friend tanyas funeral! *she killed herself she mentioned it in a previous letter* anywho she told me to tell you happy birthday *hands him a present from her* and that she'll talk to you when she gets a chance! anyway i wanna tell you happy birthday! *hands him a present wrapped in gold ribbon! well bye bye!
Dear Amy-chan,
Arigato. But I'm very sad to hear about Tanya's death.
Dear Tasuki,
*smiles and puts my hand out for him to shake* Hey there Tasuki how are you? I'm good its been awhile since we've chatted... is has your lil darling lita given you a flower? I was thinking about throwing a gathering a few peeps sitting around playin pool and drinking some sake.... would you be interested in coming? It would be fun and it wouild be great to have ya there so I can compare you to this jack*** dart poster of this guy. Cos there has to be some good out of you that Randy doesnt have. He's a controlling, jealous,mean,abusivve guy. You-well i dont know about you... you so tell me your qualities what are you like? anyways write back and hope to hear from you soon.
your friend always
sweet steph
Dear steph,
So is Randy th' ex-boyfriend of yer friend's? Well, I ain't jealous, mean, or abusive. Drinkin' sake sounds good to me!
Dear Chichiri,
Hey s'up Chichiri-chan! I was just wondering, if you don't want a girlfriend...would you rather a boyfriend? I think you would look cute with Tasuki...^_^
Here's a question to all of you: If you were gay, which one of the other suzaku seishi would you want to be with?
Also, Chichiri did you have any siblings?
Thanks for your time! *gives Chichiri a hug*
Ruby Moon
Dear Ruby Moon,
I have no siblings, no da. I don't want a boyfriend and the other question was already asked and answered, no da.
Dear Tamahome,
hey there buddy of mine its been awhile hasnt it. Well my pal allie is now away from the jack*** of a boyfriend and seems to be changing for the better for now.... so I am alittle short on money... can you lend me two gold ryo's and i'll pay ya back in three days? please i'd appreciate it and this could be a great way for you to trust me as well. *smiles and hugs him* well guess I'll go for now and hope to hear from you soon Tamahome cos your someone who brightens up my day! bye bye and send my best to Miaka. *slowly backs away and smiles at him*
Sweet Steph
Dear Sweet Steph,
That's great for your friend! What do I look like? A bank?? >.< *Sighs and gives her the okane.*
Dear Chichiri,
I think you should open up and mabey allow yourself to get a girlfriend again.
Dear someone,
I already have Chichiri no Aijin, Chichiri no Aisai, and Wandering Mage Chichiri to take care of, no da! That's quite a handful if you ask me, no da!
Dear Nuriko,
Hi I just read an old message about someone writing to a pen pal in Japan and that person thought he looked cute. I think she should be very careful.
Maybe it's nothing but sometimes pen pals don't look nor turn out the way someone thinks they should.
Just tell her to watch out for him asking personal questions and stuff like where she lives, state, street, social security number.
Like I said it's probably nothing to be concerned about but it would be good to be a bit more cautious. Since she doesn't know the guy personally he could be anybody.
Sorry not a question to you but I take this kind of things seriously a cousin of mines almost gave out that kind of info luckily she didn't. He was found out to be a "weirdo" sorry I don't want to say the correct word might be offensive to some people.
But I think she should be very careful. Anyway hope your day is going well Nuriko. =)
Dear Sakie-chan,
Arigato for your very wise advice. I hope she and others in her situation will read and heed it.
Dear Mitsukake,
Stay stoic, Mitsukake! *puts neon lights on the sign around his neck* And when I'm not half-asleep, I'll write you again and tell you stuff, kay? ^_^
Ash-chan, who now believes Ivan is god.
Dear Ash-chan,
*Sweatdrops* Do I dare ask who Ivan is?
Dear Chiriko,
Happy happy burfday! *throws confetti all around the room and almost literally ties Chiriko up in streamers, merrily dancing to 80's songs* Happy burfday to you! Happy burfday to you! Happy burfday dear Chiriko-chan! Happy burfday to you! *blows one of those party horns* *BVVVVP* Yay! *digs in her backpack to find things for Chiriko*! Rotten, Hotohori, you can have it...throw it at people that insult your! Here we are! This should do nicely ^_^ *hands him a huge box of dark chocolate and caramel chocolates* Here ya are! And a gift certificate to wherever you want it to be...and a new kitten, name him whatever you please (May I suggest Xelloss?)...and a life-size Tama-neko plushie! Happy burfday! *kisses him on the cheek and runs out giggling*
Hellmistress Sarina-sama
Dear Sarina-sama,
Arigato for all the wonderful presents! *Cuddles the kitten.*
Dear Chiriko,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!! *huggles her brother and leaves*
Dear Samantha,
Dear Chiriko,
*Hugs Chiriko* Happy Birthday Chiriko! *Hands him a book* entitled *Mensa - The Unltimate Mental Challange*. Hope you don't have this yet. Though I'm sure you can solve every single puzzler in this book ne?
Happy Birthday again!
Dear Sakie-chan,
Arigato for the present and your birthday wishes.
Dear Chichiri,
why u always end every sentence with "no da"?
Dear sapphire,
It's just how I speak, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
Last night i was clearing space on my disks and i found i couldn't delete any of your pics or tasuki for that matter *whispers* thats pathtic... any way i thought that was weird... my cat wants food bye...
Luna^-~ noda
Dear Luna,
*Sweatdrops... * Interesting, no da…
Dear Mitsukake,
Please please help me...
I know that I have never been to this site nor have I ever asked anything from this place. In fact I have never asked anything from anyone yet.
Here it goes... my friend, gene, comes to my house every weekend, as in everyweekend. My mother already wants to aske if he would actually stop coming even on Sunday. He stays in our house and sleeps over and all. Now he tells me he loves me and at some times, when we go to sleep, I pretend I'm sleeping and he scares me by looking at me. I don't know what I feel for him. I love him very much as a friend and I know that he loves me as a friend too. And that he's not really in love and I want to break this ti him nicely... I don't want to hurt his feelings...
What should I do???
Dear Mely,
I have a question for you. What is Gene's home life like? I ask because he could be going to your house to escape his. If his home life is ok you might want to wean him off of staying over the weekend by having him over for just one day instead of the entire weekend. He stays over Saturday but goes home Sunday or stays over Friday but doesn't stay Sat. or Sun. night. His behavior does worry me a bit. Perhaps you can introduce him to some of your female friends as a way to get his attention off of you. Good luck!
Dear Hotohori,
I still say you don't understand prettyness!! ,,;; Hugo Weaving is pretty. I aint sayin' he's hot, sexy, fine, or beautiful, I'm saying he's P-R-E-T-T-Y. --;
Ayame: *sweatdrops massively* don't mind my imouto..... her sanity was stolen by the penguins. *begins the tedious process of draggng Keiko away*
Keiko: *struggles and continues ranting about how pretty Hugo Weaving is*
Ayame: *sighs* must you always be like this?
Keiko: yep.
Ayame: *sweatdrops again and gives her a stuffed penguin* here. Calm down now.
Keiko: YAY! *glomples the penguin*
Ayame: *drags Keiko away with a minimum of complaint*
Keiko: *continues glomping the stuffed penguin*
Ayame: c'mon, Keiko...we'll let you watch "Bedrooms and Hallways" again. *turns back to Hotohori* As soon as we get her in front of a TV screen showing B and H, she'll calm down. ^^;;
Ayame and Keiko
Dear Ayame and Keiko,
*Sweatdrops* Perhaps when she's finished watching that you can have her watch "The Matrix".
Dear Tasuki,
you like miaka chan dont you.... well i think you 2 look good together better than that kaka guy in the ova ( i dunno if kaka is the name ) anywayz kaka is so weak and stupid not like you so cool and clever WELL THATS ALL 4 NOW, C YA IN TV
tasuki fan
Dear fan,
His name's Taka an' no I don't like Miaka like that. Thanks fer all th'cool stuff ya' said 'bout me!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
My friend (who shall remain nameless) made a complete idiot of herself in the chatroom by vividly describing... sexual acts... and of course was booted. Now everyone's mad at her and I'm horribly embarassed. She says her brother did it, but I think she's just passing the blame. I'm... at a loss for what to do...
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
You can apologize for her but ultimately it is her responsibility to do so herself. Regardless of who did it she needs to take responsibility for it and apologize to everyone in the chat. If it really was her brother, she either needs to change her password or come up with a different handle.
Dear Chichiri,
Happy Saint Patti's day noda!!!!!!!!!!!! oh man am i hyper yet i think i'm getting sick again think it's the croup my mom swears it Brochnitis or whatever........ it snowed a whole inch at spencers butte and since Magi Girl lives on the butte we woke up and went sleding though my knee is now bruised and purple i can still kinda walk........Love ya, see ya
Luna^-~ noda
Dear Luna,
Maybe you should see a doctor, no da! Odaijini!
Dear Chiriko,
Happy birthday!!! ^^
ChibInuchan no Miko
Dear ChibInuchan no Miko,
Dear Hotohori,
Plus belle que Hotohori~ G'day, m'lord regarde que j'ai found *smiles* It's really cute. heh... dare i say it...its even cuter than i *shoves Lita in front of her* ^_^ be amazed ^_^
Lita~ SHES SCAWY!! pwitty but tooked my shunu plushie *sniffles and huggles it*
Plus Belle que Hotohori~ Mon dieu child! I gave it back. how show him how cute you are. Oh yes! *takes out glitter and gives it to Lita* I don't need this since I'm sparkly enough as it is. *wanders off, sparkling*
Lita~ *eyes go all starry* SPARKLIES! *smiles at Hothori* look Mr Sir, now i can be Pwitty just like you *pours glitter all over her hair and tosses it all sparkly* *giggles then smiles and gives him a flower*
PlusbellequeHotohori and Lita
Dear Plusbelleque,
You are not more beautiful than I. Smiles at Lita.* Arigato for the flower. She is an adorable child isn't she?
Dear Tasuki,
*huggles him still having a ton of glitter on her* Hewo *smiles and gives him a flower and giggles* now your all sparkly! *points to his coat all covered in glitter*
Dear Lita,
GEEZ!! >.< I jus' ain't a sparkly kinda guy. *Shakes coat off.*
Dear Chichiri,
Do u think i should dye my hair blue?? All my friends think i would look scary but since your hair is blue i thought id ask you!!! though, my friends think id also look like a monster. GAAH >< *yells at Rinoa who keeps on laughing at nothing* ... *sighs* anyways i got to go before Rinoa shoots me with a needle...GOODBYE!!! *runs for her life trying not to get shoot down by a needle* No Da!
Dear Kisato-Chan,
No, I don't think you should dye your hair blue, no da!
Dear Chichiri,
@_@ Why are you 50 years dead in the first OAV?
Dear Oddperson,
That's a spoiler, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
Hey! Do you think I have a chance with Chichiri? I don't want to ask him, Im too "shy". Does my friend have a chance with you? She's h*llb*tch chuchu.Do you think my friend Teresa no Miko has a chance with Tamahome?
The Fallen Angel
Dear The Fallen Angel,
I ain't lookin'fer a girlfriend an' neither is Chichiri. Tamahome already has Miaka.
Dear Mitsukake,
What would you say is the best cure for a headache and stomach-ache? And by the way, are you and Shoka married or would you want to be?
Hyosumi daughter of Nakago
Dear Hyosumi,
Rest and maybe some Alka-Seltzer or Tylenol and ginger ale. I would love to be married to Shoka.
Dear Chichiri,
Hello my overly cute friend. My question is , why in most anime shows are there people that look like they have their eyes eternally closed? (Like how the ones on your mask look)
A fully healthy and happy Hyosumi
Dear Hyosumi,
Perhaps it is to show their maturity compared to the other characters, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
well i broke my arm being chased by someone then they pushed me and thats how! so how are you? *is gonna get married*
kiara *nickname samantha*
Dear kiara,
I'm fine. I hope this was an accident! Whaddya' mean yer gettin' married? Ain't ya' too young fer that?
Dear Chiriko,
*eyes get teary* Nobody ever cares if i hurt myself with out relizing it. * hugs him gently* arigato. My sister Kitsune-star-fira is so sad but would never tell it(well maybe to nuriko)How can i help her?
Dear star_fire,
Talk to her and let her know that you are there for her. Listen to her, hug her, and give her whatever help and support you can.
Dear Nuriko,
Hello Yah i'm o.k but that was funny when i fell off my 3rd story building. (Starts to cry endlessly) My mom and her boyfriend (or common law husband) Had this huge fight and stuck me in the middle of it and he said i was lazy and starting to get over weight(I'm not my mom and friends even said so) and i should start doing house work (i basicly do all the chores) and me and my mom might move.(Crys even more)*puts her head on his shoulder* and i don't know what to do because everybody always puts me in the middle. I have my friends problems my sister's problems, my mom's and her boyfriend's. I have MAJOR problems of my own you know. What would you do if you were in my position?I need a hug)*hands and and sobs*
Dear Kitsune-star-fira,
I would walk away next time your mother and her boyfriend fight. He has no right to drag you into the middle of it! He didn't push you off that balcony did he? As for your sister and friends, if they share their problems with you, you should share yours with them. You are not alone. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Is it true that there are books of the four gods? Could it happen in the past, present or may be in future?
Dear Carolyn,
In your world? No. In Miaka's world there is only one book and anything that happens in it happens in our world and follows our world's timeline.
Dear Hotohori,
Since childhood you love Miaka right? Why did you got married from other? Even though you got married do you still love Miaka, Don't you?
Dear Carolyn,
Actually, since childhood I have been in love with the idea of the Miko as the one who will take away my loneliness. I married Houki because I felli n love with her. I care for Miaka as a dear friend.
Dear Tasuki,
Have you been in love with anybody especially Miaka?
Dear Carolyn,
No. 'Specially not Miaka!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hiya! Long time no write! Are you guys still having fun? Working must be pretty tough... i mean, reading our letters.
Umm... do you card captor Sakura? hope so. It's because i want to know the name of the mysterious girl in card captor Sakura Movie one. She is the mistress, i think, who liked clow reed.
Well, have fun reading other letters. See'ya!... Oh! by the way, when i was writing my letters, i was wondering how come you know how to speak or write english words. Ain't ya japanese people... or chinese?
Hikaru Kinoyashiro : )
Dear Hikaru,
We are, but we're very talented. We've seen CardCaptor Sakura, but not the movie. Gomen!
Dear Chiriko,
I just realized that my concert is the same day as your birthday! *Hugs him* Happy birthday! ^^ *Gives him a science encyclopedia* You probably know much of the contents already, but it was all I could think of... *Sweatdrops* ^^;;
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
Arigato! Good luck with your concert!
Dear Chiriko,
Inuyasha, eh? That one's cool. ^_^x Oh, have you heard, by chance, of Black Cat? Hikaru no Go? They're very good.
Mysterious and Beautiful
Dear Mysterious and Beautiful,
I haven't seen either. I'm also reading Iku Inachuu Ping-Pong Club. I snuck it from Tasuki. It's very ... ano ... interesting!
Dear Mitsukake,
Are you SURE? *Mitsukake nods* Erm... ok then. *SIGH* You seishi are turning my hair gray. *shrieks at thought* Just an expression Myst, just an expression. -_- Phew... *picks up mirror* Ah, just as I thought. Perfect. BTW, did Chiriko-chan tell you anything in particular about my next mission for one of you seishi?
Mysterious and Beautiful
Dear Mysterious and Beautiful,
Yes, I'm sure. No, he didn't.
Dear Hotohori,
May I try on your crown? ^_^x
Lover of Hot Emperors
Dear Hot Emperor Lover,
Ano … no. Gomen. It's a bit frowned upon.
Dear Tasuki,
*stares at him* If you don't know I shan't tell you. :p Oh yeah... can I write a fic about you and Miaka? ^_^x FYI, I don't write lemon. It could be a friendship fic... or something else. BWAHAHAHAHA!
Mysterious and Beautiful
Dear Mysterious and Beautiful,
Sure, why not?
Dear Chichiri,
YAY! A tuxedo? I put that? Silly me, just wear some good ol' ancient Chinese formal clothes! ^_^x Ah... at the same time, could you pick up a matching dress to whatever you're wearing. That way you won't be the only odd one. ^_^x Whatever you do, don't get yellow or orange or pink! Ugh.... I LOOK HORRID IN PINK! My size is *looks around cautiously, then whispers it in Chichiri's ear*
Mysterious and Beautiful
Dear Mysterious and Beautiful,
Hai. How does red sound, no da?
Dear Chichiri,
im sorry im going to write a manga so i can go to a school to write anime in new york after high school.
Dear kitty_and_clover,
Ah, that makes more sense, no da. Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
ok i feel weird doing this because i rarely ask for help but for some reason i want to get Ya'll opinion. ok this is really corny and stupid but i really like to help people, i hate to see my freinds sad, im not much on words so i try and do silly things or nice things i know will make there life just a little bit easier. I hate even to see strangers sad, when i see people that i sad or crying even if i dont know them i want to really go up to them and say "whats wrong". I read the questions others have asked and when i see that others are upset or deppressed i just feel like trying to help:( ok im starting to sound really stupid now:( What can i do to be less emotional i get deppressed or sad even if one person around me is sad, and i feel 10X worse if i cant help them. i even get deppressed if i dont see one of my freinds for a long time. AAAAAAAAAAA never told anybody that before
Dear Kat,
You sound like a kind, compassionate person. There is nothing wrong with that. Your world needs more people like you. You do need to realize that you can't always make others happy nor are you responsible for their happiness. Once you realize this I think you'll be less emotional over other people's sadness but you'll still retain your compassion.
Dear Chichiri,
Would Tasuki Like me?
Dear Anonymous,
I don't know, Tasuki doesn't seem to like anyone, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
So much work...waaah v_v;; Anyway, I have myself a newfound obsession to go with FY: SLAYERS! Yay ^_^ Yea, I'm sure Tasuki is REAL thrilled about that...what with Lina being there and all. Well, my IDIOT mother said that Lina looked like she could be your sister, Tasuki, and I nearly laughed my head off! If Hellmaster Phibrizzo wasnt so...uhm...mean and Hellmaster-ly, he would be just like you, Chiriko! Smart, very young-looking, the bakas mistaking him for a girl (god I hate those people! The ones that mistake both you AND Phibby-sama...><) and very underestimated until his time to shine! Sylphiel would be like Mitsukake, very shy and slient, with healing powers...even though she's a girl ><... Chichiri, Xelloss is almost exactly like you! You can't see his eyes that often, and he has an annoying phrase he says all the time (Sore Wa Himitsu Desu/No Da!) Plus he can do MAGIC (dramatic music) BWAHAHA! Tasuki, if I compared you to Lina, you'd kill I'll compare Tamahome to her! ^_^ She adores money, plus she...uhm...doenst like bandits...and uhmmmm.....knows a girl who eats too much! (In Lina's case, it's herself!) Kopii Rezo reminds me of Hotohori: Always thinking highly of himself over others...yeah, that's perfect for him ^_~ Gee, I dunno anyone for you, Nuriko, or you, Tasuki, that wouldnt getcha mad at me...but on the Seiryuu side, Miboshi would be L-Sama, the Lord of Nightmares. She can summon demons, she's a freaky-looking, conceited, evil, demonic, ugly, pain in the @$$, son of, mustn't get carried away...Oo In short, L-Sama killed Phibrizzo! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Anyway...Gourry, even though he looks like Nakago, would probably be Suboshi...he's cute, he's an airhead, he has his own trademark weapon, he reacts harshly if his crush is in danger, and he looks a bit like a fellow swordsman, Zangulus, who would be Amiboshi. Zangulus has his own weapon (the howling sword), no one really knows whether he's a good guy or a bad guy, he always has that one annoying thing about him (his hat/his flute). Well, if I come up with any more, I'll letcha know ^_^
Hellmistress Sarina-sama
Dear Sarina-sama,
*Smiles* We also enjoy the Slayers anime, no da. Well, maybe not Tasuki… I too think that Xelloss is a great character. Ano ... *Checks to make sure there's no one else around...* I think Tasuki and Lina are very much alike as well as Naga and Nuriko, no da! *Smiles*
Dear Hotohori,
*returns to throne room with two pieces of cake* Well, it took me a bit of time, but I found the leftover birthday cake in the 'fridge. (I had a feeling Nuriko hid them from Tasuki when he stashed them. Smart guy.) So, Hotohiri-sama wanted the chocolate raisin rum cake with pink frosting, and Houki-sama asked for the angel food cake with green frosting and purple sprinkles. *hands pieces to Hotohori-sama and Houki-sama* Enjoy! Does anybody else want cake? I'll make another trip if the answer is yes. Is there still any of that wonderful red velvet cake left?
*sees Boushin pointing at Houki-sama's piece of cake* Oh, Boushin-san. I didn't know you wanted a piece as well. Maybe Houki-sama will let you have a little of hers *sees Boushin looking disapproving* Okay, Boushin-san. I'll get you a piece, but only if it's okay with your parents. *glances at Hotohori and Houki* Well, is it okay if he gets just a small piece? And it won't be the rum cake either. Tasuki followed me into the kitchen and I saw him swipe the last of it as I was leaving. *picks up electric cattle prod in corner of the room* Maybe it's time to teach Tasuki about the joys of keeping all things in moderation. Shall I?
Lady Shera
Dear Lady Shera,
Arigato for the cake. You may indulge Boushin, but please do not abuse Tasuki.
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