Dear Tamahome,
Actually I didn't realize that you had helped me with the name.I just went to the message board which isn't my normal routine,but anyways,after I went there I went to the letters section and then that's when I saw that you had given me that suggestion.Ai shiteru oniisan.*hugs him tightly.*please don't be mad at me ;____;.And don't worry,I'm very cautious of my pen pals.e.e I'm getting like 4-6 pen pals almost every day.It's nuts!Ah well..well I hope Miaka-chan,is alright?How's your son doing?Did you ever came up with his name yet?How's keisuke doing?Would you tell him that I said hi?arigato.Well I guess that's it for now.So I'll ttyl.
Dear Shukumei,
I'm not mad at you. We're all doing fine. I'll give Keisuke your regards.
Dear Mitsukake,
*Stands in front of Mitsukake like a body guard.*okay that'll be enough questions.Mitsukake needs his rest from rabid fan girls.*turns around and looks at oniisan.*Are you okay?You seemed a little shocked.How's tama-neko doing?I haven't heard much about him yet.Is he okay?I hope he is.Well I just wanted to write to you,cause I haven't in so long,and well I hope I'm doing a good job being your mamorou?I guess I must be,noone's going after poor tama-neko right?Well I guess that's pretty much it.*Protects Mitsukake from rabid fan girls.and hugs him.*
Dear Shukumei,
Arigato. Tama-neko and I are both fine. *Hugs her back*
Dear Tasuki,
Actually... *snicker snicker* It IS "Abuse Tasuki Week!" XD Mwahaha! *poke* Peach milk? *holds up peach-flavored milk* Yes, there IS such a thing. I'm drinking a cup right now. XD Oh, um.. *ahem* *turns Setsunakutemo...Zutto on* *cracks up* I can't beleive the Peach-Loving Pryo actually SANG this song! Mwahahahahahahahahaha!! *pokes him again* *ties, glues, tapes and straps Tasuki to the couch and sits on his tummy again* MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I'm so evil. XD
Dear Stacey,
*Breaks restraints and fwaps her with his tessen.* Get offa me! >.<
Dear Mitsukake,
My throat hurts extreamly. I tried medicine and it failed, I need help. Please help me.
Dear Nako,
Have you tried gargling with warm salt water? Chloreseptic will also take the sting out of a sore throat. Odaijini!
Dear Tasuki,
*pinches Tasuki anyways* Happy St. Patrick's Day!!! ^^;; *tries to steal Tasuki's green beer* I want some!! ;-;
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
ITAI!! Watch where yer pinchin'!! OI! Stop that! Yer too young to drink!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I have a rather stupid question. Do you know of any good sites that talk about mythology in FY? I'm making one and I want to look at the competion. That and I am looking for cool pics. ^_^ Thanks for the help
I love you guys ^_^
Dear Setsuna,
have you tried doing searches on Chinese Mythology? That is where FY seems to come from. Check out this link: Astronomy in Japan.
Dear Tamahome,
What if I already know him,what then should I do? Tamahome-san the holidays are over and I do not wish to go back to school because I hate school and my teacher is a TIGERESS.
Sheryl Soo
Dear Sheryl,
Well, if you're already friends with him, why not ask him to a movie or set up a study date for the two of you? Good luck!
Dear Mitsukake,
Umm... I would have asked Nuriko or Tamahome this, but ... well... I don't have 2 gold ryou, and this isn't a beauty problem. But, please Mitsukake, could you tell Nuriko I LOVE HIM!! A lot! And that a friend of mine and me started writing this fanfic with her and Tasuki and me and Nuriko getting together (oh fine, I can't help it... shoot actually don't.) but I think that's ogg ;_;...
Anyways, I wanted to ask you what to do (or not do). Ummm... okay, I have a crush on a girl (and I'm a girl) and I have a crush on a boy too (don't worry I'm still a girl). And I dunno... I think I may be slightly bisexual. That is hardly the problem. It's just that, the girl (that I like) knows about this ... but I can't be sure (because she doesn't talk about it, too freaked out I guess ;_;). Anyways, um... I kinda like her a lot, and she's a really good friend, so what do I do?
Plus, my dad... I haven't told him about this, because he thinks it's "unnatural" (don't ask...). How do I tell him? (Or do I not?)
And I don't think you're boring at all. In fact I think you're soooooo cool!! ^_^
Dear Serenity,
Arigato for your kind words. I'll tell Nuriko. Since you are confused over your feelings for your friend, perhaps you are mistaking the love of friendship for something else. I think until you are certain about your sexual orientation you should not announce it to your father. Stay friends with her as good friends are hard to come by.
Dear Tasuki,
Who is Kouji? I just begun interest with Fushigi Yuugi by its animations a month ago. I got all confuse with the Miaka's Seishi personalities. Well Tasuki...the character I have known more than any other. Basicly I like his additude and his hair like flare.
Tasuki, who are your sisters and what they had made you become? The youngest one most likely get luckier in Chinese say.
Why Tamahome and You nearly look alike? I don't get why people set anti-Tamahome anyway. He is pretty cool too, of his thirst for luxuries. I dunno about it, I don't want to ask Tamahome because...I don't think he want to know.
Dear Starglenn,
I don't look nothin' like Tamahome! My sister's are a big pain's in th @$$! They were all nasty to me when I was a kid. Kouji is my best friend.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
You all frankly confuse me and I'd quite like to get some things sorted out.
To Chichiri-whats the point of attacking someone with a dagger if you DON"T want to kill him? Please explain
To Hotohori-As emporer if someone commits treason, what do you do? this would really help me understand if your merciful and nice or murderous.
To Tasuki-With you being one of the most emotianly unstable of the group what would YOU do if people bullied you (a.k.a violence and nasty words)? this would REALLY REALLY help me.
To Mitsukake- being definately the most stable of the group, the question I asked Tasuki applys to you too.
To Nuriko-Being a nice person and all WHY ARE YOU SO VILE TOWARDS TASUKI????!!!!!
To Chiriko-Why do Suzaku and Seiryu hate eachother so? and why do they even have Seishi? Am I going crazy?
To Tamahome-The dubbers absolutely SLAUGHTERED your personality, how are you feeling about it?
To All-What do you think of Yui?
Ok tell Miaka I hate her guts, bye.
Dear Phillip,
If you are referring to the fight between myself and Hikou, we were both mad with anger at that time, no da.
It would depend on the circumstances and what damage if any the treason caused.
I'd kick their *(^%$$@ @$$es!!!
I would either ignore them or report them to the school's authorities. Tasuki's answer would only get you in trouble or perhaps seriously injured.
The gods don't hate each other and they have always each had their 7 warriors. Perhaps ...
We all hate the dubs.
She's ok. We'll negelect to tell Miaka your feelings for her. -_-;;;
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Nuriko,
Now, that we're back for cusing out the Seiryu Seishi *cough* Ashtare *cough* we decided to drop a's that whole death thing coming along? Hmm..can you tell i don't eally know what to you know when the third OVA is coming out...I really wanna see what happens...You better be in it alot...o and if somehow suboshi or ashtare are reincarnated also destroy them as a revenge type thing.
C-Ya on the big screen,
Chooie (otherwise known as Christina and Kooie)
Dear Christina and Kooie,
It is already out in Japan. So far the only Seishi in it are Tasuki and Chichiri, as well as Taka.
Dear Tamahome,
I DO NOT!!!!!!! ChuChu lies! I do not have a huge thing for you, I just think you are really cool. Just trying to get that cleared up. Bye now!
Teresa no Miko
Dear Teresa no Miko,
*Smiles* Ok, whatever you say.
Dear Chichiri,
guess what im going to read a manga so i can go to a school after high school (hugs him are you happy for me?)
Dear kitty_and_clover,
Ano, sumimasen but I don't even understand your letter, no da!
Dear Chichiri,
Chichiri-san, i need advice. I have found the absolute love of my life (again... we were broken up for about a year)and i love him with all my heart and soul. i would give my life for him, and he would do the same. We want to spend the rest of our lives together..... no, we want to spend eternity together. we were together for over a year before he really pissed me off. we still talked, but i soon came to realize i never stopped loving him. his heart was so set on me, that he remained faithful in his thoughts that one day i may return to him. the big problem? as you may recall, i'm only almost 14 and a half years old. he's a week older then me. i'm not even allowed to "date" until i'm 16. (i can only see him if it's a gtoup thing)
Dear ashley,
I don't see that as a problem, I see that as a precaution, no da. If the two of you care as much for each other as you say you do, then waiting until you are 16 will not dull your feelings for each other. At least your parents allow you to see him in group activities, no da.
Dear Tamahome,
How old are you now? Thanks Tamahome-san!
Sheryl Soo
Dear Sheryl Soo,
I'm 19.
Dear Tasuki,
Hiya Tasuki!!! ^.^ I LOVE YOU SOOOOOO MUCH!!!!! But its obvious you have your Kouji-chan, so why do you fight it all the time??? Just embrace your feelings, Kouji is waiting!!!!! ^____^
#dP GiQru{
Dear Hentai Nutjob,
I do NOT have THOSE feelins' fer Kouji! Now get outta here before I hurt ya'!
Dear Nuriko,
Of course you can pet her! You can hold her if you want too. * picks Buttercup up and offers her to Nuriko*
It's the Imperial flower of Japan? Okay... somebody needs to take that book on China I read that in and stomp on it! * runs through the library to go get it to put it to death*
Dear Calla,
Arigato! *Holds a purring Buttercup.* It's possible that it was adopted as the crest from the Chinese tradtion, but I really don't know for sure. All I know is that it is the Imperial flower of Japan.
Dear Tasuki,
*Looks at him* Knock it off? HA! You've got to be kiddin'. *Start's laughing* Your funny Tasuki Wasuki. But no matter what you say or do your still my Lil' Tasuki Wasuki! *Hugs him tightly* Nothin's gonna change it. *Put's a red bow around his neck and hugs him tighter. Then quitely takes his tessen and makes it dissapear for safty reasons.* Your still my Lil' Tasuki Wasuki! Just be happy I don't hate you as much as Tamahome, ok?
Dear Lucy,
*Pulls off bow, takes real tessen out of it's hiding place and fwaps her lightly with it.* Ah, I get it! Ya' hate me so yer annoyin' me, right?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
HI! I've got a hypothetical question, let's say a friend approches you and say's that the other person isn't your friend and is just using you and say if this other friend is really cute and you know that your friend actully may like your other friend and you tell your other friend to mind their own business and now you have doubts about this other friend, would you ignore the one you knew longer and go for the other friend, or would you dump the new one and go for the other one? I'm confused.
Dear LoneWolf,
Why can't all 3 of you just be friends? That would be the best and most logical solution.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*walks in shaking* Konnichiwa... I'm scared. Really really scared. It about 3 hours I'm going to be playing Fur Elise at my piano recital in front of at least 75 people and I swear I'm gonna wet my pants... After I completely screw up.
*sigh* I need to distract myself. Do you guys play any musical instruments on the side?
Dear Moriko,
Gomen nasai, we don't play any instruments. But ganbatte kudasai on your recital! I'm sure you'll do fine.
Dear Tasuki,
Hello^^ Stupid question, why do you like to burn stuff?(Tamahome?)^^;;*BIG sweatdrop*...
Dear Kuriichan,
'Cos I like to annoy him! *Grins*
Dear Chichiri,
You're so nice^^*hugs back* Let's see... well.. I don't know what to tell you..(I'm kinda slow..XD) I have a (silly) question for you, I've read somewhere that you don't want to have a new girlfriend, but why? Is it because of your past?(please don't hurt me!)*picks up a pillow and covers my face*
Dear Kuriichan,
I would never hurt you, no da! I uppose my past has a lot to do with that decision, no da.
Dear Hotohori,
Why is it if Tasuki-kun,DOES NOT behave Nuriko-kun punches him into the wall?O.o; Anyways,arigato for helping me.I actually found a website that has a lot of asian pen pals.They're so nice.I told my friend Gloria about it,and she likes it.*Smiles*.Anywho,I have some japanese pen pals now wai!Well,uhm,I dunno what else to write about..forgive me.
Dear Shukumei,
You're very welcome. Why Nuriko? I suppose it's because he's faster than Tamahome.
Dear Chiriko,
Fine, fine. *throws hands up in air* I give up! Ok... next mission: Operation Mitsukake. ^_^x I MUST succeed with one of you. Oh yeah, what's your fav manga?
Mysterious and Beautiful
Dear Mysterious and Beautiful,
I have several that I am reading right now: Banana Fish, Lone Wolf and Cub, and Inuyasha are three of them.
Dear Mitsukake,
*stamps foot* Well you should! Don't you want to meet people? *Mitsukake stares at her* Uh... maybe not. But... you need to find out more about the world! You're welcome... oh yeah, you can repay me by going to a gambling hall or something. Or a dance club. ^_^x
Mysterious and Beautiful
Dear Mysterious and Beautiful,
Ariagto for your concern and advice, but I prefer my lifestyle the way it is.
Dear Nuriko,
*is revived an hour later* Huh? Where am I? Who am I? *looks at Nuriko* Do you know who I am?
Mysterious and Beautiful
Dear Mysterious and Beautiful,
You're in Konan's Imperial Palace. No, I don't. You never sign your name to your letters.
Dear Tasuki,
Y-you're mean. *SNIFFS, runs off crying*
Mysterious and Beatiful
Dear Mysterious and Beatiful,
What th' *^%$ did I do THIS time???
Dear Chichiri,
OH THANK YOU! *glomps him and solemnly hands him list of proper attire* You must wear this.... while your present outfit is kawaii, this is a bit of a formal gathering. *beams at him* You're so sweet!
Mysterious and Beautiful
Dear Mysterious and Beautiful,
hai! Demo, what is a tuxedo, no da?
Dear Nuriko,
Nuriko!Guess what?I got a japanese pen pal *Smiles*He's cute too ^__^.I showed my friend Gloria the picture he sent me,and she likes him to LOL,she started calling him Nori-kun XD.And uhm,well let's just say she was in a fantasy world o.o;;.And well I was too but not as much as she was LOL...anywho,How have ya been?I've been good,I'm finally going to start college.Although for my major I have to take a LOT Of math classes which I hate,cause I'm really bad at math v.v.And I also have to take a Speech class...oh the horror...I hate speeches e.e speeches hate me.Ugh,what am I going to do,I mean I have to take SO much classes,it's going to make me broke ;___;...and uhm,I want to go to Japan someday...;__;.Speaking of Japan,Nori-kun said that when and if I go to japan,I can stay at his house.Only bad thing is he's 26.But he doesn't look it,and Nuriko he's soooo cute *.* .Heehee..Well I think that's it for now.So I'll ttyl.
Dear Shukumei,
Be cautious with your new pen-pal! Ganbatte kudasai in your classes!
Dear Nuriko,
What do you suggest in the horrifying situation of getting shampoo in one's eye? ^^;;
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
Rinsing your eyes immediately with water.
Dear Hotohori,
Wow, I haven't bugged you in a little while... Anyway, spring concert on the 19th. Pray for us, for we are a doomed choir. *Sweatdrops* Rehearsals aren't going as smoothly as they should for the amount of practice time we've had... I'll tell ya how it goes down! ^^;; *Glomps him for no reason then walks off* Bye bye!
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
I'm sure you'll do fine. *Smiles* Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Hotohori,
Mr. sir when im a big girl can i be as pwitty as you?
Dear Lita,
*Smiles and sparkles at her.* What a dear child! I'm sure you will.
Dear Hotohori,
How good of a cook are you I'm very good.Smile Smile . Oh and whats the most exciting thing you've ever done and the most inbaressing,Oh and can you tell me the others most inbaressing moment, I'm dieing to find out. Your picher it looks so sad whats wrong? Sob Oh and I love your outfit. Ta Ta till next time
With love,
Rain Petal
Dear Rain Petal,
Arigato for your kind words. I've never really tried to cook, so I really don't know. The most exciting thing I've ever done was my adventures with Miaka and my fellow Seishi. Embarrassing moment? Hmmm... *Smiles but says nothing* Which picture are you referring to?
Dear Chiriko,
Hi! *Glomps.* (Sorry, couldn't help're just too cute! ^^;) I have an odd little question for ya...okies, I know (or I think o.o;;) that Suzaku is sorta the god of I right? If so, what do the other 4 gods stand for? Arigatou! ^^
Dear Kerri,
He is called that, but the others do not seem to have that type of designation.
Dear Chiriko,
*has just got home from school* chiriko i have a problem okay this girl that killed herself last night she was a real big fan of you guys so if you can keep her in your minds please do so! can you pass this on to the other seishi!
hey lil brother! *hugs him* i just thought id tell ya i broke my arm bye bye!
Dear samantha,
How did you break your arm? What girl? Of course I'll tell the others and we'll keep her in our prayers.
Dear Tasuki,
hey tasuki! *needs a hug cause she broke her arm* i met your niece lita she is sooooooo adorable ^_^!!!!!!!! im bored thats why im writing this sorry if it sounds totally stupid!!!!
Dear Samantha,
*Gives her a quick hug so he doesn't hurt her.* So how th' h*ll did ya' break yer arm?? Yeah, she' s a cute kid.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Wai!I got a new name!Yume-san helped me.Want to know what it is?Shukumei!She said it means Destiny in japanese.So I figured why not,everyone calls me Des or Dessy around I'm pretty much stuck with the name,but don't get me wrong I like the name but I wanted a change.So anywho,do you like my new name?What do you think of it?Uhm,Tasuki-san,I want to ask you something about OAV1 but if I do,it might be a spoiler,so what should I do?Should I go ahead and ask it or no?Well,I gotta get goin.So I'll talk to you guys later.
Dear Shukumei,
Actually, I came up with the same name in my letter to you. We really hate to do spoilers, gomen.
Dear Tasuki,
Dear Chichiri,
Ano ... arigato, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
Hello nuri-sama He he he I fell off my 3rd story belcony and was laughing at the end when I landed on the ground. My friend Luna-moon was lughing at me so hard she had tears in her eyes.After that we went to the mall and got fushigi yuugi book marks and i have 5 nuriko ones. This guy Dom triend to grab one and i bit him. and then this other guy david triend to grab one and i scratched his so hard he started to bleed.Dom stole my tasuki ones i only had 4. well at lest he never took my nuriko ones. I keep them in my purse that i always have on. My teachers really wierd my friend hade a star on her forehead and My teacher said "Tiara please go wash of that star i find it offensive" Weird huh? Well my question is: If you liked girls what would your dream girl look like? (Hugs him) *Blush* Well write ya later.
Dear Kitsune_Star_Fira,
She'd be a lot like Miaka. You fell from a 3rd story balcony? Are you ok?
Dear Chiriko,
Hello i just saw a picture of you when you are 16 and well you don't look like a girl anymore.(Not to be rude)Hey you know what my friend her name is wolfe(yes thats how you spell it)has a crush on hotohori.I fell down two flights of stairs yesterday i laughed so hard at the end my friends asked me if i was on crack. I wasn't i just thought it was funny. Well it didn't hurt i cant feel pain except emotional pain. I have that disorder where you cant feel hot cold and pain. IT'S SO COOL. Well my question is: If you could tell Suzaku (The god) one thing what would it be. Arigato Oh yeah you should put your hair down or something just so i could see which one looks better.
Dear Star_Fire,
I suppose I would tell him I'm honored to be one if his Seishi. If you're unable to feel physical pain you need to be more careful. You could seriously hurt yourself and not realize it. Please be more careful!
Dear Tamahome,
Hi!I have no gold.My friend and I think that you are sooooooo Kawaii! Oh YA! please help me say hi to Miaka.
Sheryl Soo
Dear Sheryl,
No okane??? Well ok, THIS time. Arigato for your kind words. I'll give Miaka your regards.
Dear Tasuki,
*Places flashing bright red lighted signs everywhere* It reads: "There Will Not Be An Abusing Tasuki Week, So Be Nice!" --;
That should help.....a little for now..^^;;;
*~Yume, Tasuki no Mamoru~*
Dear Yume,
*Grins* Thanks! I hope they'll pay attention.
Dear Tasuki,
(I'm wondering to myself why the f--- I'm writing this)
Here i go ,well I'm sorta the psycho punk at school,I have no friends and people are being f------ b*tches judging me .Well they need to get a f------ clue .Sure I can be a little tempermental at times i already K.O.ed someone.Got any suggestions for knock some sense inta them?(Without violence I'm gettin' to into that my parents think I need help)Well thanks for tryin'!(Wow maybe I do need help i'm takin' me problems to an anime character!!!!!!!)
Fire Rebel 165
Dear Rebel,
I'll say you need help! You're asking Tasuki of all people for advice! And non-violent advice at that! Anyway, have you tried just talking to them so they can get to know you as a person? Perhaps if you drop the hostility down a notch or 2 people will be more open to you. Good luck! Tamahome
Dear Chichiri,
*runs in crying* CHICHIRI!
*goes up to hug him*
All the kids at school are making fun of me because I have a few zits and I'm over-weight! WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! **keeps on hugging Chichiri*
Dear Kumade,
Well, you can take better care of your skin so your zits go away and if you exercise regularly it will help with your weight problem and you'll be healthier for it, no da. Unfortunately, there are just mean people in the world. Don't let them get you down, no da. *Hugs her back*
Dear Tasuki,
Yo it's me again! I gotta another problem.Wadda ya do when your when your former friends start start b*tchen about how they all are "in love" with one of you seishi?(It gets annoying belive me!Especially when I personally don't "love" any of you.They'll go on for 10 f------ hours for cripes sake!) How do you knock lots of sense into them? (I've tried several times and failed misrably)Well thanks for trying to help my tormented life.(I need some sake!)
Fire Rebel 165
Dear Fire Rebel 165,
Ya' don't. Ya' jus' wait it out till they get over it. Or ya' can talk 'bout stuff that they find jus' as annoyin'! Heh-Heh-Heh…
Dear Tasuki,
*hold up her plushie of him* lookie i made it pwitty! *has a bunch of flowers taped to it*
Dear Lita,
Dear Chichiri,
hello chichiri..... um.... i was just wondering if you could give me some advice on something. there is this guy i really like. he let me borrow a book from him, so today i gave it back to him along with a note. it didn't say much, just stuff about reading since i know he likes it. i asked him to write back to me and i gave him my email address. he hasn't written back yet. i am really afraid he won't. is this normal boy behavior??????? i really don't know anything about guys....... anyway, i am REALLY embarrassed whenever i see him now. what should i do?
; . ; mysterious person
Dear mysterious,
It's normal, no da. Try not to pressure him and just be his friend, no da. Good luck!
Dear Chiriko,
do u have a sister or brother?
Dear christine,
An older brother.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Konnichi wa minna-saa! How've you been. Haven't seen you in awhile. I have a couple questions for some of you.
Tamahome - Can you ask Miaka a question for me? Miaka, what did you think of Amboshi, then Suboshi after when Amboshi saved you from Tomo? And Tamahome, can you teach me Martial Arts. I kinda need to know how to fight if Trunks-san and Gohan-san are going to teach me how to fly and shoot Ki blasts.
Taisuki - Can I have some sake? I am in such a need of it. My friend decided to see how long I can go without it and I'm so ticked.
Chichiri - I'm having some trouble with homework and my own memory. Any advice? And where did you go for your training. How long did it take? Will you show me some of your powers? I'm so interested in magic lately. I'm anxious to learn if I can get a patient teacher.
Chiriko - Have you ever been to my library? It's HUGE. I never go in there because its full of some uninteresting stuff to me. But you might like it. Here, *tosses him the key* Just go to the Winner Mansion and tell them I sent you. If you're lucky you'll see me there. Or any number of my friends. And if you see either of the twins, don't attack them because they're my friends and I'll be upset if they died. Or in Shun-san's case, died again.
Nuriko - If you could be anyone else, who would it be? And when is your birthday? Is it soon? I think you are so brave.
All - Have any of you seen Gundam Wing? If so, Who is you fav. character, gundam, gundam mode, and if you could be anyone on that show, who would it be? How frequently does Nagako and them come to torture you? I think its just so mean but, if you knew what he went through I guess you could forgive him. At least forgive Shun-san and Koto-san. The twins MUST be forgiven. In the end they came out with the worst almost. Except for most of you guys. I was sooo sad when you died. Though I only heard about. I never saw any of the series. I'll stop rambling for your sake. Ja ne Tama-chan! *hugs Tamahome* Arigatou! Thanks for bothering with me and my annoying deathly self.
Danielle Yuy (Entirely claimed Shi no Tenshi, insane psychopath from h*ll.) (Hee hee... MASS GENOCIDE. I like blowing people up. But only if I have to so don't worry.)
Dear Danielle,
Tamahome - Well, she liked Amiboshi but didn't care much for Suiboshi. None of us really do. Sure!
Tasuki - Depends, how old are ya'?
Chichiri - Get more rest and stdy harder, no da. I trained under Taiitsu-kun for 3 years, no da. Sure, no da!
Chiriko - Arigato!
Nuriko - It was March 10th. Arigato for your kind words.
We've seen Gundam Wing but really don't have any favorite characters or Gundams.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Okay, I think I got it for the pictures:
Tasuki wants my favorite flower and even color, red roses. Tamahome wants Plum Blossoms, Hotohori wants the Imperial flower of China, Chrysanthemums or mums for short, Chirko wants Sakura (which is Cherry blossoms right?), Mitsukake wants lavender my personal fave herb as well, Nuriko wants pansies, (what color combo and tint? Purple, red, yellow etc, and in pastels or rich colors?), Chichiri wants Sterling Roses (this is one I have to look up, I think I remember what it looks like. This is what you get when you go out of practice on your Horticulture studies.
Chibi Calla: Your a FLORIST! How can you not know what it looks like?!!!
Calla:Correction, I was TRAINED to be a professional florist and landscape designer, that doesn't mean I am one, and can remember everything! It's been 3 years since I've practiced any of it on a regular basis, so give me a break!!
CC: Alright, don't get so tense.
But seriously, Soong should have the Nuriko picture of him dressed as Korin to you in a couple weeks (along with a couple of other drawings as well). But in the mean time, I guess I can plan the others out, and let you play with my cat's now a week old kittens. Buttercup is the only cat I've ever seen that wanted you there for the birth, wants to show them off to you for the world to see, and wants you to babysit them while she runs like a rabid animal throughout the house to burn off energy. @_@
Dear Calla,
Actually the chrysanthemum is the Imperial flower of Japan. I'd like them in a nice rich purple if that's possible. Buttercup sounds so kawaii!! May I pet her?
Dear Hotohori,
*hugs the emperor*So you're saying that Tasuki himself,actually behaved?He wasn't stubborn or pigheaded or anything at the party?!O.o;,that doesn't sound like Tasuki if you ask me.As much as I like Tasuki,I have to say I'm shocked that he wasn't acting like a uhm,ya know o.o;;; Was he on something or something?Btw,I need a favor...I'm trying to find Japanese or Chinese pen pals...and I'm not having much luck,because the server that I was signed onto is temporarily down right now ;__;,so that means everyone's profile has been deleted,and we all need to make up another one v.v.Anyways,do you know of any websites,where I can get japanese/chinese pen pals?If so what are they?Sheesh,is it just me or do Japanese like white females?I mean,before the server deleted everyone's profiles,I kept getting like 2-3 e-mails a day from males that are japanese,but the bad thing is they're like in their early 20's or late 30's.The early 20's isn't that big of deal,cause I am 19,but 30's...e.e i'm not even going to go there.Anywho,can ya help me?And btw,how is houki?I hope she is well.I see that boushin(e?)is doing good.^__^.How are you doing?Well I think that's it for now.
Dear Tasuki,
*Glares at him* We went through this once TASUKI WASUKI! I'm gonna call you Tasuki Wasuki and you gonna like it or you'll bring down the thunder of Lucy-Chan! *Squeezes him ever so tightly* You are my lil'Genrou-Chan!
Your lil'Tasuki Wasuki no miko Lucy!
P.S. I looooooooove you my lil' Tasuki Wasuki^^
Dear Lucy,
I ain't ANYONE'S Tasuki Wasuki! Knock it off!
Dear Tasuki,
Hello Tasuki, O.K 1.I saw a picture of you on your knees kneeling at a bed that Koji is laying on yet...WHY IS HE PUNCHING YOU IN THE FACE? (hope I explained it clear enougth 'cuz I'm really curious).
Sick, yet feeling a little better Hyosumi
Dear Hyosumi,
Because he was bein' a rat b*st*rd an' makin' me sleep on th' floor! So I was tryin' to sleep in th' bed.
Dear Tamahome,
I have a big problem. I like someone in class but he does not know it,and whenever I see him I will feel kinda funny, please tell me what to do?
If Yui appeared before Miaka who would you like. Will you like Miaka or Yui?
Sheryl Soo
Dear Sheryl Soo,
You could get to know him as a friend and see where it goes from there. Miaka.
Dear Chichiri,
Oii!.....*sigh* ...I feel so sad often, especially when I'm at school..
Here's one example:
After I ate lunch, I went towards my school. Then suddenly, I saw my "nightmares" coming by!( 2 idiotic girl..) I tried not to look at them, but I suddenly tripped by mistake infront of them! They started to laugh loudly that everyone heard... ;___; I felt so stupid after that.. but on the other hand, I felt sad...
I sometimes cannot controll my emotions and I always cry alone.. I feel scared if I'll tell it to someone.. I don't know why..
There's many other things that I'm sad about, but they're kinda long stories.. and I don't want to be a bother for you..
Anyways, arigatou for listening, sayonara..!
Dear Kuriichan,
I'm sorry you're so sad. If you want, please feel free to talk to me, no da. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Chichiri,
Oh you da best! Thank you very much no da! If we can't be girlfriend boyfriend thing, can we still be friends?
Dear Neko,
Of course, no da!
Dear Hotohori,
Hoto-sama!!! I have a question for you, how long did it take you to grow your hair that long???? O_o I have the same color hair and all....its my goal to grow my hair as beautiful as yours! ^___^ And how do you style it?? Styling Gel?? or all natural or what?? *really wants to know* Mine's like a mix between curly and wavy....and I wanna grow it like yours!!! whats your secret???
MIdori Saber
Dear MIdori Saber,
All my life. I keep it trimmed and well conditioned.
Dear Hotohori,
,, What do you know about bein' pretty? Hugo Weaving is PRETTY!! He's an excellent actor! He can be prettier than you!! XO
Don't believe me? Go to this site: --; He's PRETTY!
Dear Keiko,
He is a good looking man and an excellent actor, but in my opinion he isn't pretty.
Dear Hotohori,
You found him! You found Panda-kun! *puts Boushin down so he can go collect his bear* Thank you so much for your help, Hotohori-sama. You don't know how happy you've made Boushin. *sees Boushin hug Panda-kun while smiling and sparkling at the same time* Okay, maybe you have some idea...does that trait run in your family?
Anyway, Houki-sama asked me to give you another message *presents unopened envelope with a note inside* This is really pretty stationary she used. It's a lovely shade of blue. What do you suppose it says this time?
Well, I'm off to get some of Nuriko's leftover birthday cake. He says there's a lot there, and he doesn't want it to go bad. Shall I bring you a piece?
Lady Shera
P.S. Is that smiling and sparkling trick something you can teach?
Dear Lady Shera,
It does run in families of bishounen. *Reads letter, blushes, and smiles* I'd love a piece of cake. Would you mind cutting a piece for Houki as well? Unfortunately, it is not a trick that can be learned or taught.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Mushi: Aiaki...
HI!!!!!! Been a long time since we've done an interview so..
Mushi: We want to know about your feelings about the new color coded alert system.
Aiaki and Mushi
Dear Aiaki and Mushi,
I think that Mark Russell said it best:
Tribune Media Services (March 13, 2002 4:44 p.m. EST) - I will sleep better at night knowing that our Homeland Security has been colorized. Tom Ridge must have hired Ted Turner.
The new color-coded alert system takes all the guesswork out of the being terrified. Codes red, orange, yellow, green and blue replace the old plaid.
The lowest, code blue, says, "Don't worry, be happy, it's Miller time."
Code green says, "Turn on the news and drink some coffee."
Code yellow says, "Take a cold shower, lock the doors and bring in the cat."
Code orange says, "Osama bin Laden has an aisle seat in Coach."
Code red says, "We know we just told you we were in code yellow, but we misspoke." From the Nando Times Front (
Dear Tamahome,
I was reading through the answers and I came across one of the letters you answered. I think you gave somewhat bad advice to Midori Saber. I can understand what he's going through.
When I was in 6th grade, I went out with somebody who was about 3 years older than me (parents, grandparents thought we were just friends). I broke up with him before I came back home from summer vacation, but we kept in touch with letters. It wasn't until I got back home, that I realized how much he had meant to me. When he stopped writing me, it broke my heart.
Midori, all I can say is, do what your heart tells you to do. I made a mistake and I still regret it. (Long distance might have worked if I hadn't screwed up :() Good luck in whatever you do.
Tamahome, I'm sorry. I know this your letter answering thing, but I had to say something. But I do have a question for ya.
*pulls out parchment full of questions and picks one* When you were in Kutou, you were under the influence of Kodoku. You beat up Tasuki and lead Yui on (bad bad bad boy). Yet after Miaka left, you started crying. Any reason or guess as to why you started crying?
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
I stand by what I said. 13 is way too young to decide to make a lifetime commitment. If it all works out for them then fine, I'll be happy for them. However, I would rather err on the side of caution, then tell them to be reckless.
I guess even under the influence of Kodoku a part of me still loved Miaka.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey seishiseses. Is it just me, or have a lot of people been asking you guys to marry them lately? Heh heh...well, gotta run. Lova ya guys!
Dear Kuro,
They have, but they always do.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
Hewwo... *poke poke* It's me again. Stacey, or Brid.... I'm depressed. I think I will draw piccys now....,,... *starts drawing Tasuki in a girl's swimsuit* I'm so mean. Mwahahahahaha. *is also in a very baaaaaad mood* ,, Grr. *straps him to a bed and sits on his stomach* *twitches* Bad...mood...grr...strawberry pocky.... *takes out strawberry pocky and goes on a long rant about stress and homework while munching on pocky* *ahem* *cough cough cough cough* ^^;;;; Don't mind me... *holds up a Byrne Dairy jar of milk* Tasuuuuuukiiiiiiiii...want some milk? *decides she will be mean to Tasuki in order to work her depression off* *cackles* I think I'll shut up now. *continues sitting on his tummy*
Dear Stacey,
*Breaks strap, sits up, and knocks her off of him in the process.* 'Che! Get offa me! No, I don't want any milk! An' by th' way, this AIN'T "Abuse Tasuki Week"!! >.<
Dear Tamahome,
*hugs oniisan*Yeah I saw that he had sign my guestbook LOL...he's so silly.*Smiles*Uhm,I don't know what to call myself ;_;.I need help on that part.I want a unique,and pretty name.Have any idea's or suggestions?Oh yeah btw,when I was playing my Orphen game about a week ago,I came across this one scene,where they're in the pirate ship graveyard,and they come upon this treasure,and he goes"Look at all this loot".LOL.When I heard that I instantly thought of you.I was like hmmm...well Orphen has Tasuki's qualities in him,and Tamahome's crazyness for money.I just don't know who's cuter though... You, Tasuki, Nuriko, Mitsukake, Hotohori, Keisuke, Chichiri, or Orphen.Sorry but I think Chiriko is cute,but he's too young.And one more thing...I just noticed something in the first OAV of FY(dubbed version,sorry that's all I have ;_;).Tasuki's hair color is a lot brighter,and cleaner.And uhm,Mitsukake's voice is a little deep.O.o; I want to ask something about this one scene,in the first OAV,but I don't want to give it away,so I guess I can't ask it.;_; well,anywho,how's Miaka?How's your family?I hope they're okay?Well,I guess I should go now.Would you help me come up with a name?Please?*Smiles*
Dear Destiny,
A name … Hmmmm … How about Shukumei? It means "destiny" in Japanese.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Here's what I meant by "hook up with"...
If you could choose one of the other Seishi to go out with... become boufriend and... boyfriend... fall in love with... marry... date... etc. Which would it be and why?!?!?! Insane and Curoius me ~.^
Angel (of mercy Tenchi!)
Dear Angel,
Nuriko - Hotohori! Why? Isn't it obvious??? *Swoons*
The rest of the Seishi - *Massive sweatdrop!*
Ano, as for the rest of us we wouldn't do that, no da!
Nuriko and Chichiri
Dear Chichiri,
Konnichi'wa aniki. *walks in and gives him a hug* Oi...the past weeks have been hard. But soccer is finally over, it's spring break, and the stress is starting to fall away. But things keep popping up and sometimes I just feel overwhelmed. But it helps when you have friends to talk to.
I feel lucky to have such great friends even if some of them do live in other states or out of the country. They listen and help. Just like you guys do. Oh how did CnA do on her tests? I hope she did good. Speaking of test, *looks at History textbook behind her* I have some major test coming up this semester and I'm not going to be done until like June, then I won't get the results back until July and August.
Well, I gotta jet. *yawns and sits down on the ground and falls asleep*
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
Well, Chichiri no Aijin passed both her final and her Level 4 Japanese Language Proficiency Test, no da. *Covers her with a spare kesa.* Ganbatte kudasai on your test, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
hey i heard that another season is now poppin up and tamahome joins the bad guys... (in her mind) *i hope none of them get married i couldn't take that it would also destroy the athours*oops* purpose* any way is this rumor true oh chiriko... guys please say it isn't!!!! *crys*
Dear Luna,
Well, there is another OAV based on the Eiken Den Gaiden novels. We've seen the first episode and the only people Tamahome joins are Tasuki and Chichiri.
Dear Chichiri,
i like that name i hope tama-kitty doesn't get too much of the green eyed monster in him...since he hangs with you alot and almost always sits on your sholder or in your cloke *yawn* sleepy-chan memory leaving...
Dear Luna,
I'm sure he won't be jealous, no da. I'll make sure he gets a lot of attention and extra treats, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
hey buddy look in the mirror latley I'm not the only one ya' big red neck... *sighs* don't anger me...
Dear Luna,
Not th' only one what?
Dear Chichiri,
Hello Chiri-chan no da! Is it okay if I call you Chiri-chan? You da best no da! Sorry, I like saying that and I said it so much it's already a habbit. Anyway, I'd like ta ask ya some questions. I really like to hide my feelings from people, I don't want to show any weakness, but people don't understand me. There was this one time my mom got mad at me and I did not show any emotion, then my mom thought I did not even feel sorry for making her mad, but I really did. Is this bad? Also, I'm quite anti-social, when I grow up, I don't want to live with another, just live in my own house, or if even possible these days I would like to travel on my own, live my own life. I also want to know if this is bad too. Sorry if I'm asking too much questions and/or sounding selfish and bothering you.
P.S. Even tho I'm anti-social and want to be alone and all that stuff, do you have a current girlfriend?
Dear Neko,
It can be bad to repress your feelings, no da. You may out grow your anti-social tendencies. However, being independent is a very good thing, no da. I neither have nor want a girlfriend, no da.
Dear Hotohori,
You found him! You found Panda-kun! *Boushin immediately looks up and smiles happily* Look, Boushin-san. Your daddy came through for you again! Thank you so much, Hotohori-sama. *kisses him on the cheek, and puts Panda-kun on the bed where he belongs, and sees Boushin smiling approvingly.*
One less thing to worry about. BTW--how was Nuriko's birthday party? Did everyone behave themselves, or at least create the illusion of doing so? And thank you again for asking the royal chefs to prepare Nuriko's birthday cake. He loved it, and to my knowledge, he didn't have to use that sledgehammer. (Ask Nuriko for more details.)
*gives Boushin to him* Oh. Boushin wants to spend some time with you. I'll see you all later. Maybe he wants you to read to him now. *Boushin nods head and smiles.* Have fun, Hotohori-sama. *leaves, shutting door behind her*
*picks up electric cattle prod leaning near the door and switches it on* I swear, if Tasuki has laid any of his grubby hands on Nuriko's cake, Nuriko may not need to use that sledgehamer after all.
Lady Shera
Dear Lady Shera,
*Smiles at her as she leaves*Arigato for taking such good care of Boushin. The party was very nice and everyone, including Tasuki, behaved themselves. *Starts to read to Boushin.*
Dear Chiriko,
hi! look im sorry for being a b*tch lately! *hugs him* come to the chatroom sometime youll know me as kiara15137 okay!!!! bye bye!
Dear Samantha,
OK, I'll try. I hope things are going better for you.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
It's me again, that's right, Ruby. I'm kinda in a bad mood today though -_- I'm angry at my mother at the moment. She has a double standar for my brother and I. I have to do around 80 in almost everything in school because I am "smart"...bleh...while my brother does 70 and that's good for him!
So what if he's stupider, it's not fair!
Anyway...I did 72 on a math test and i got yelled at! Geesh, I'm having a bad week. Anywho....on to better things.
Nuriko, you should be happy, for your party thing (which you didn't come to -_-' though I don't blame you so ^_^). The local hockey team (their name is the Wildcats) won 6-1, they FINNALLY WON A GAME! *cheers* anyway, we had a nice party for you^_^.
Oh Hotohori, Elo...the girl who wanted to marry you (heheheh, like which one ne?)she says ":P" and to Nuriko "Happy late birthday" or something like that.
Anyway, time for round-o-glomps from me ruby the glomp-o-matic kitty girl^_^ *glomps all Suzaku bishies and gives them each a kiss and give Tasuki some sake and some munchies. Ruby gives Hotohori a steamed milk to make up for Elo being angry at him and give Chichiri some Magic traiding cards*
Chichiri, I dunno how to use them so i though you'd like to play with 'em ^_^'
Well Ja ne boys!
Ruby Moon, the glomp-o-matic kitty-girl (AKA Bishie Hunter)
Dear Ruby Moon,
Arigato for your kind words and presents. I wish we could have come to your world to attend the party.
Dear Tasuki,
what would you do if you had 5 sons who were as mean to your youngest daughter if they were as "mean and evil" as your sisters were to you?
Dear Tana,
I'd tell 'em to knock it th' *^%$ off!
Dear Tamahome,
my friend teresa has aHUGE thing for you !!!!!!!!!!just thought you might wanna know.
Dear chuchu,
Does she? Thanks for telling me.
Dear Chichiri,
Hello Chichiri ^^ How are you doing today? *gives him some cookies she made* ^^ hope you like peanut butter cookies and chocolate chip! Well i hope you have a good day today. ^.^ Cya Chichiri! No Da!
Dear Kisato-Chan,
I'm doing fine, no da. Arigato for the delicious cookies, no da!
Dear Chichiri,
HI!!!!! Chichiri, my friend has a crush on Tasuki, what should I do? I have......sorta.....kinda.......have a crush on you.........*blushes* Anyway, can you tell Tasuki? Her nickname is h*llb*tch,chuchu. Tell me what he says about it.
The Fallen Angel
Dear Fallen Angel,
Hope she gets over it, no da? I think she already told him, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
hi tasuki your such a drunken idiot!!!!! but that makes you realy my kinda pal sorry if I offend you with the drunken idiot thing . you cant, you know its true! im thinken about hitting tomahome with abat just for fun wanna try ? itl be lots a fun(sly smirk). I got akeg wanna come over? ooooohhhh your in one of my comics but imade you look different, just you cloths.
p.s. what does arigato mean? I think I spelled it wrong.
Dear chuchu,
Arigato means "thank you". An' I ain't a drunken idiot! >.< Nah, I don't wanna smack Obake-chan wit' a bat.
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki-kun! It's almost St. Patrick's Day! You better make sure you wear green or else *grins* Look at what I found! *puts a four leaved clover in his hair* Sugoi ne? Now you have nothing but good luck *kisses him on the cheek* Oooi! do you think you can keep the green beer from me this year? ^_^;
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
I can sure try! *Grins* Of course I'll be wearin' green! I don't wanna get pinched!
Dear Chiriko,
No... yer right Chiriko o.o;... like usual... well... I wanna ask ya a thing, which book is yer favourite? or d'ya have many? o.o well, bye!
Dear Emma-chan,
I have a lot of favorite books. In fact I recently answered a letter and named one of them in that letter.
Dear Chiriko,
Is there anywhere were there's a picture of you grown up and or teenager? I would like see a non-girlish Chiriko (I don't want to be mean)
Dear Hyosumi,
Not that I know of. Have you checked any of the shrines dedicated to me?
Dear Hotohori,
Why do you look like a girl?
Dear Lucy,
*Sweatdrops* I suppose it's because I am so beautiful.
Dear Tasuki,
Lucy: *Hugs him tightly*I Loooooooooove you Tasuki Wasuki!
Hyosumi: *Sweatdrop* Lucy-chan let him go give Tasuki-chan air!
Lucy:No! *Squeeze tighter* We have a question for ya Tasuki Wasuki!
Hyosumi: Why are you scared of water? Is there something in your past? Did your sisters throw you in?
Lucy: *strokes his hair*My poor lil' Tasuki Wasuki!
Hyosumi: *Fr*gg*n huge sweatdrop* O.k.
The Great Duo Hyosumiand Lucy Best Friends 4ever
Dear Hyosumiand Lucy,
'Che! Leggo of me so I can breathe! My past? Ya' mean like my sisters tryin' to drown me? An' stop callin' me Tasuki Wasuki.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
HELLO!!! Anyway is there a video game of F.Y, and where can I get more info about it?
Sick Hyosumi
Dear Hyosumi,
Gomen, there is no such thing that we are aware of. Odaijini!
Dear Chiriko,
what does withy, hydrokinetics, hydrous and catalase mean. thanks *gives you a hug and runs off to bug others*
Dear Joanna,
You should really be looking these up in the dictionary yourself. Here's the online one I went to:
with·y adj.
1. Made of or as flexible as withes; tough.
2. Wiry and agile.
hy·dro·ki·net·ics n. (used with a sing. verb) The branch of physics that deals with fluids in motion.
hy·drous adj. Containing water, especially water of crystallization or hydration.
cat·a·lase n. An enzyme found in the blood and in most living cells that catalyzes the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen.
I must, however, commend you on your excellent spelling of these words!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*walks in* hi I havent talked to you guys in a wile and I forgot what my other name was so I will go by this now. last weekend my friends were over and we played charades *giggles* it was so fun! I have mock interviews comming up friday. *sarcasticly* yay, joy. *_* I wanted to know what should I do to tell a guy that it is over. I dont want to be mean and I dont want him to be mad at me. I really dont want to hurt him so I havent done it yet but how can I do this. well thanks I love you guys. *gives everyone purple Gatoraid and bags of Skittles*
Dear Joanna,
There really is no easy way to reject someone. You might try telling him you think it's best to see other people but still remain friends. Good luck.
Dear Nuriko,
*Hugs back* Do itashimashite! ^^ BTW, did you have a nice Birthday?
Yume, Tasuki no Mamoru
Dear Yume,
Yes, I did thank you!
Dear Chiriko,
^_^ its usuing its water bottle now....i dunno y it wants to climb it though....i gave it an approprate name though its now....BAKA! i think it suits it well
Dear Tana,
I'm glad to hear he finally learned how to use his water bottle. Cute name!
Dear Hotohori,
,, I think so! He's pretty! The actor who plays him is also pretty!! So...nyaaaaaaaaaaaah!
Dear Keiko,
Hugo Weaving pretty?? He's not a bad looking man, but he isn't pretty! And he certainly isn't more beautiful than I am. But I suppose there's no accounting for taste. *Sighs*
Dear Tamahome,
*eats some of the ice cream* yummy! *smiles and eats the rest*
Dear Lita,
*Smiles* I told you you'd like it.
Dear Tamahome,
Tamahome-kun, I think you for your advice. ^^;;;; and we have talked about it, she wants to stay together for all eternity. *smiles* she's such an angel!!!!! I have NO fear about her cheating on me and same here. ^____^ Neither one of us have any place for anyone else in our heart when it comes to that certain kind of true love. ^^ and we both are in unison on that. Tamahome-kun, its inspiring how you and Miaka stayed together even tho the universe and the 4 gods were against you. It allows me to fight against all the people who would see us crumble. lol, I think I'm rambling here now, ^^;;;;; so anyways, arigatou for your advice!!!
Midori Saber
Dear Midori Saber,
I wish you both the best. Good luck!
Dear Tasuki,
Mushi: You'd be surprised.
*does cartwheel and crashes into wall* @.@ I got medicade!
Mushi: -.-;;;; *sighs*
*jumps up* Tasuki, you gonna wear green on St. Pat day? If you don't, I have to pinch you!
Mushi: O.o you said what about a hentai shrine?
*tears back curtains* ISH MINE!!!!
Mushi: *sweatdrops with other seishis* Aaaaaaa.......
*marches off*
Mushi: Someone kill me now.
Mushi and Aiaki
Dear Mushi and Aiaki,
'Che! Can't hold her sugar either I see!
Dear Tasuki,
Hey, Tasuki!!! What's up?!?!?! By the way, I'm you only reincarnated. Just thought that you'd like to know.
Will you marry my friend??
DID anything happen between you and Miaka in that bar....
Are you related to Tamahome??
Angel (of mercy, Tenchi!!)
Dear Angel,
No. NO!! No!
Dear Tamahome,
First of all, I refuse to pay. Second, are you somehow related to Tasuki?? Third, will you marry my friend?? Fourth, give Miaka a hug from me!! Also, you were the first Seishi that I had a crush on ~.^
Angel (of mercy, Tenchi!!)
Dear Angel,
Hmmm ... Answers ... Let's see ... No. No. Of course I'll hug Miaka! Was I? Arigato! That'll be 2 ryou onegai! *Smiles*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
If each of you had to hook up with one of the other Seishi, which would you hook up with?? Why???
Angel (of mercy, Tenchi!!)
Dear Angel,
Whaddya' mean by "hook up wit'"? Tasuki
Dear Hotohori,
Will you marry me??? You're my FAVORITE character!!! If not, will you and Nuriko hook up??? You'd make a CUTE couple!! Both are so... HANDSOME (though you're a LOT more handsome!! I don't know WHY Miaka would be SOO DUMB and choose Tamahome over you. I mean, he's cute and all, but you're MUCH better!!)
Also, I KNOW I'd be a GREAT empress!! I mean, I'm just a genius ~.^ Plus, I have great people skills and love helping out!! PLEASE?!?!?!?!
Luv ya!!
Angel (of mercy, Tenchi!!)
Dear Angel,
Arigato for your kind offer, but I am already happily married.
Dear Chichiri,
How old r u?
Dear mindy,
26, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Okay I remember what the question was now!!!!Tee-hee!*twirls around in a circle*
Chibi-Calla: My your happy for a person who only slept one hour today!
Soong (the almighty editor and pre-reader or Calla's fics): I thought she was scary before but this is even worse!
I'm doing a series of glamour drawings for each of you (Nuriko's first one is already done and in Soong's hands to be scanned and sent to you and put up on her page as well). There's going to be 2 approximatly for each seishi, one is a full body thing the other will be a portrait. They'll be in color too.
Soong: *gasps in shock* Your working in COLOR?!!!
Calla: Yes... which means I'll probably hate them once I'm done cause I think I suck at color pictures. SO to make myself easier to live with in this dept.I'll have to do a tracing of them and have the tracing in pencil and the other in color. For Nuriko there's 3 cause I have to do one as him being himself and the other as Korin and the third is the close-up portrait. The one of Nuriko as Korin is already done.
Soong:She already told me what she'll be doing for Hotohori! I'm keeping him!!!
Calla: You WILL give him back to me!
Soong:* pouty* but I wanna keep it!
Calla: *scowls* We''ll discuss this later. Anyway, each one is going to have a red peacock feather to symbolize Suzaku, and a flower like a rose or a lily or something. My question is what flower/herb or whatever would you like to be with you in the picture. You'll either be lazily holding it or it'll be on the floor next to you. It depends on whether I decide to have you holding the feather or not... the portrait will have you framed by it in sorta a wreath thing.
Soong: *shivers* The power of the artist... it's scary. Teach me to draw just like you oh great one!!!!*big pleading eyes*
Calla: * backs off a little freaked* You draw just fine! Send them your Hotohori!!!
*goes off with Soong trying to persuade her to send you guys her Hotohori drawing.
Dear Calla,
The pictures sound lovely and we look forward to seeing them.
Tasuki - Red rose
Tamahome - Plum blossoms
Hotohori - Chrysanthemum
Chiriko - Sakura
Mitsukake - Lavender
Nuriko - Pansy
Chichiri - Sterling rose, no da
Dear Chichiri,
i went to california i went to the trees of mystery my family didn't understand why i went around hugging half the red wood tress but i'm a BIG nature freak if i had elements it would be earth (plant) and water mixed with a bit of air......i kept getting car sick and i needed fresh air every 20 miles but only every 50 we got out oooooh I'm glad to be home home........*smiles* did you give the koneko a name??? Wel gtg bye.
Dear Luna,
I did, no da. I'm going to call him Norman, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
but i like to cry i also love to laugh *luaghs sweetly for a few minutes* o cumon tasuki laugh with me!!!!!
Dear Luna,
Yer strange ya' know!
Dear Hotohori,
Well, I'm going to the prom. Yay. Tetsuno Tenshi-chan asked me to go, so I'm going. Jonathon (the boy I had asked to go to Prom) is now going to prom with his ex-girlfriend. Well actually, they're back together now. But what we're thinking of doing, is carpooling up to a restraunt in the city, and carpooling down to prom. Jonathon thinks it might work, we just have to get parental approval.
Actually, the freshmen on my team didn't learn their lesson. But that's freshmen for ya. Hino Tenshi and I played our last soccer game on Friday and we lost. But we did try to win. I usually play forward, but the coach, she played me at forward, midfield, and stopper! I did ok at the last position, even though I had no idea what to do.
Well I gotta jet. Hoshino Tenshi is in town and I'm trying to spend some time with her before she leaves at the end of the week. Ja ne.
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
Have a wonderful time at your prom!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Okay,I typed the url wrong baka me...v.v anyways,here is the RIGHT address, .Please sign it?;_;.Anyways,how is keisuke doing?Well you wanna hear something really bizarre?Well,that girl who supposedly slept with Draven,was talking to me one day(god knows why),and well she told me that Draven doesn't exist.I was like O.O;;; uhm....ok?And she told me what happened...and I am so glad I dumped him...the person that was portraying "Draven"Was a girl.I was like O_O!!!...after she told me that,I got to thinking,and I found out that,Noone in their life has that much drama.I mean noone does.So I confronted her about it,and of course she lied about it yet again.And all this other stuff has been happening,so I finally wrote a rant about it in my diary,telling ALL of them to leave me a lone.Well,I think I got her mad at me because I said that she needed help which she does and I think you would agree with me on that..but anyways,she's like leaving me notes in my diary saying she could say mean stuff about me,but I mean like what mean stuff is there to say about me?So I wrote another rant explaining to her that all I did was share my words here and there..just like everyone did.And stuff,and luckily,I saved my codes for my diary,so if she hacks it like they did the other one including the e-mail address,I can get it back,because my best friend is going to give me one of her diaries,cause she doesn't update it anymore.So anywho,I'm finally glad,I got them off my back..I'm not talking to them anymore,and I'm far away from them as possible.I think I did a good thing there don't you think?Btw,I might be changing my IC name to something...but I need help,any suggestions?
Dear Destiny,
Keisuke is fine. Tasuki visited your site and signed the guest book. We all think you're better off without them! What is your IC name now?
Dear Nuriko,
happy birthday yesterday, nuriko-sama!! ^_^; *hug* i would have written yesterday, but i was in bed with a cold. >_< ne, i hope you have a great day! *hands him some chocolate* enjoy! ^_~
Dear Moon,
Arigato for your kind wishes and yummy chocolate! I had a great day.
Dear Chichiri,
I guess you are the best seishi to answer this question. If your friend or love *hurts* you because they are hurt and angry themselves, do you continue the realtionship with them (because you love them very much and know they are much better off with you and they at least have a chance at having a normal life)or do you end the realtionship because you feel like you can't trust them anymore and it is just not helping you be a better person.
Chichiri,who should I be more worried about, him or me? Help.
Dear Anna,
My answer depends on what you mean by hurt, no da. Are they picking fights? Abusing you physically or mentally? Once I know the situation, I'll be better able to answer you, no da. Asit stands, I would worry more for you until I know all the facts, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
Nuriko I had a horrible dream!I dreamt I married KOUJI!!!Then all day I couldn't stop thinking about him and I'm starting to find him attractive !!!! >_<
Sara said it might be mood swings from pregnancy.Please don't tell anyone?!Nobody must know not Kouji,Rokou,Tasuki,and especially Aidou!
Water Sprite
Dear Water Sprite,
I won't tell anyone, but I'm sure Sara is right. Don't worry about it.
Dear Tasuki,
I...I...I like you so muuuuuuch. So well, can i have a hug? Pleez?
Dear Kegero-Chan,
Ano … ok. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
How dare you! I am NOT a baka, even though you're not the first person to have said that. I didn't say that you didn't like to drink water, I was just referring to your preference of sake. But since you don't mind drinking water, here! *dumps a twenty pound case of Arrowhead water at his feet* Start drinking, buddy! *smirks* Anyway, you didn't tell me what you thought about my teaching you how to swim.'s about it, huh? Of course, if you'd prefer it, I could get Nakago to teach you...oh wait, he'd probably melt if he touched water.*laughs* I spent the weekend watching Ranma 1/2 volumes 1-11 on video. Have you ever seen Ranma 1/2? If you have, do you think Ranma's a pervert because he turns into a girl? I don't. Oh and at the risk of sounding like a complete and total idiot, what exactly is a baka? *sweatdrops and puts a bucket over her head* Also what does OAV stand for in an anime series? *peeks out from under the bucket* One more thing; you probably won't like my next letter if you've seen Ranma 1/2...
Dear Chrissie-chan,
*Opens case, grabs a bottle, and downs it.* I've seen Ranma ½ an' he ain't a pervert. Anyway, baka means idiot an' OAV means Original Animated Video. It's when th' series has ended but they come up wit' more story to tell.
Dear Mitsukake,
I have a request..Can you help Trista? she's coughing up blood. I feel terrible and I have no idea how she could be sick. I watch the little angel's carefully
Aidou-chan, Shun'u's Onee-sama
Dear Aidou-chan,
Of course! *Uses his healing power on Trista.*
Dear Tasuki,
tasuki im so sorry (gives him a beer)
Dear pluto,
Thanks! Apology accepted!
Dear Chichiri,
Hey big bro. Sorry I have'nt been writeing. But listen............MY DAD MAY GET A CAT. The cats name is Criket it's called criket cause when it sees someone it likes it jumps up in the air and sqeaks. It's black but the sad part is is that it was fond in the city dump. Who would do such a mean thing? Well gotta run Bu by.
Saint Star
Dear Saint Star,
I hope you and your father are able to adopt Cricket, no da. *Sighs* Poor thing…
Dear Hotohori,
Legolas is NOT as beautiful as you are. -- You're more beautifuler. Elrond is more beautiful than you!! XD
Dear Keiko,
Elrond? The king of the elves? I think not.
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