Dear Chiriko,
*comes back* okay heres what happened i got it taken out and he gave me a tetnus shot!!!! *hates the thought of chiriko getting hurt shakes and walks away* bye i gotta go..... somewhere! * amy takes over* im so sorry lil bro sam has had a rough week and it just aint getting better for her shell be nicer when its over i promise!!!!!
amy and sam
Dear amy and sam,
OK. I'm glad her finger was taken care of. Please give her a hug from me.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Back again! My eye's doing just fine now, and we have made sure the dogs never come in the computer room anymore. I got my progress report on friday, and it's really really really bad...
See? We wrote winter stories for LA, and we had to draw piccys to go with them...I drew many of all of you guys, but the one she was talking about was of you, Chiriko ^_^ It was about the Suzaku Seishi at Christmas time, and lotsa weird junk happened....(ie: Tamahome's present from Tasuki exploded, Chiriko ran around the room on a sugar high screaming 'THEY HAVE COME! THE EVIL PASTA MONKEYS HAVE COME!' and then fell asleep on the couch, the Seiryuus coming uninvited while Amiboshi acted paranoid of the Christmas was all mad funny ^_^) Ah well...I must go now...bai ^_^
Hellmistress Sarina-sama
Dear Sarina-sama,
Your reports were not horrible (we excluded them because we didn't know if you wanted them published), but as ALL of your teachers pointed out, you need to do your class work as well as your homework and start doing better in your math studies. Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Mitsukake,
I know it isn't right, with my dad and all. (And sorry about making you censor my letter like that, heh. ^_^o) And I've been trying to get through his thick skull, but unfortuanately, I now have to do laundry, and I don't even get -paid-. Oh well, at least he game me MY book back, which leads me to...
My snake. It's the cutest thing you'll ever see. (Since you can't see yourself, heh. ^^) It's really little and fast, and he's black on the top, with an orange ring around his neck, and yellow/orange/red on his underside. It's just so cute. I love it. I called every single person I know to tell them. Hehhh. ^_^ I named it after you, too, because it's right under my Fushigi Yugi videos, and Mitsukake picture. O happy day..
And, have you ever heard of Star Ocean 2? There's a -really- cool guy in there that is named Ashton. Heh! Ash and Ash. I'm sorry, I just find that funny. He's got two dragons attached to him, which just makes him cooler. Heeh heeh. ^_^ And lastly, I RP Hotohori. ^_^
Ash-chan, who can also be mistaken for Ashton from Star Ocean 2.
Dear Ash-chan,
Hotohori, eh? That's interesting. So, what kind of snake do you own?
Dear Hotohori,
Hello! I don't like to stall so I'll go straight to the point. Will you marry me? I'm sure I'd make a great empress, more than... Houki. *glares at Houki* Also, I think you're the most beautiful creature on two feet. So, when do we elope? Lots of love!
Dear Elo,
We don't. I already have a wife that I love dearly.
Dear Hotohori,
*holds Boushin as he cries* It's awful, Hotohori-sama! We can't find Boushin's stuffed panda bear anywhere. He loves that bear very much, and he's so upset that his beloved stuffed animal is missing. *soothes the distraught child* It's okay, Boushin-san. Maybe your daddy can help us find your bear...yes, I know. Panda-kun's your best friend. Don't worry, we'll find him. That's a promise.
Please let me know if you see the panda bear, Hotohori-sama. Poor little Boushin! He won't sleep without his bear. *feels tears in corner of eyes, but tries to hold together.* Please don't cry too much, Boushin-san. We'll get Panda-kun back.
Lady Shera
Dear Lady Shera,
Ano ... *Picks up a bear from behind his throne.* Is this what you are seeking? He dropped it back there yesterday, I think.
Dear Chiriko,
Arrrrrrrrrgh... *moans and buries head in arms* I just started my new semesterrrrr... I go to year-round school, so I've been on vacation until Monday. And so far, I have learned one thing: French is evil! Normally I like learning other languages. I had a great time in Spanish, and I love nothing more than to cuss out people in Japanese when I get pissed off. But French is so unbelievably eeeeeeeeevil. It's impossible to pronounce, I swear. *beats French book with a stick* Have you ever tried learning a different language? Have you ever had any experience with French?
Dear Sage,
Well, I did have to learn English and that wasn't easy! French isn't eveil, you just need to give yourself time to learn the proper pronunciation of the language. Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Nuriko,
o.o I had nearly forgotten your birthday! Gomen nasaiiiiii!! *Glomps Nuriko.* Ara... ^^; I don't know what you're gonna do with all of this cake you're getting - maybe share it with Miaka?
...On the other hand, that might not be the best idea... *Sweatdrops.* ^^; But here. *Gives him a birthday cake.* I'm trying to put together a collage of you for Animazement in May! ^^ So far I only have 1 pic done.... -___- It's in your gallery, but I have a better version up at my site: (Copy/paste the link...)
Like it? ^^ Oyaaa, I haven't updated the site in over a month....I've been so lazy lately. x_x Anyhoo, I just wanted to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! XD ....And I'm sorry about rambling on like that. ^^;;;
Dear Kerri,
Don't worry about it! Arigato! It's a lovely picture.
Dear Tamahome,
Tamahome-kun, I have a dilemma, and you seemed to be the best person to ask. (This will be my first letter to any of the Seishi ^^;;) I was saying I thought you'd be best to ask.
Ok, I'm in love with a girl, (as in you and Miaka, er...comparison) but we're seperated by time and distance...(comparison, Your World and Miaka's) actually by like a 12 hours drive. And neither one of our parents can know about this. Since they'll disapprove and keep us apart. We've been dating for 6 monthes now (as of March 11!! ^_^) and none of our friends can understand why we are going out. They can't understand at all, and I guess I can't blame them because we're only 13 and all. She is my everything, the reason I was born. We long to be with each other and stay that way forever...but distance won't allow it.
She's my everything, but it hurts to be apart like my question is, even though we love each other more than life itself, would it be easier to break up? or wait for 5 years when we'll finally be together. (actually I've done made my decision to stay together, but I'd like to know from someone like you what you'd do)
Midori Saber
Dear Midori Saber,
Well, 13 is a bit young to be committed for a lifetime. You would be seriously limiting yourself and her from meeting other people. I think before you make such a decision, you need to discuss it with her and see how she feels and what she wants to do. Either way, good luck!
Dear Tasuki,
Hi, Tasuki! Wasshup? Its my spring break and I'm high on sugar! Feeling very good.
Mushi: Oh, no. She got into the sugar.
Yes I did!! *hugs Tasuki* Mushi has a hentai shrine to you.
Mushi: You liar.
I know!!!!
Aiaki and Mushi
Dear Aiaki and Mushi,
*Sighs* Better sugar than, booze fer her, right?
Dear Chichiri,
Heya Chichiri^^ I was wondering why do u say no da? Its so cute when u say that but...I never knew why so i decided to ask! ^.^ Well i got to go. My mom is going to wake up. CYA! NO DA!!!
Dear Kisato-Chan,
I just speak the way that people from my village speak, no da.
Dear Chiriko,
Hi Chiriko, yer smart right? Can you answer why Kaysi an' Bon's debatin' 'bout if Usama bin Landin's Swedish? ;-; probably not... yeah, yeah... *thinks about killing Bon later* ya know yer really cute? ^^ *hugs him and leaves*
Dear Emma-chan,
I wouldn't kill Bon over that! Perhaps they're debating his ethnicity becasue they aren't reading the news and have nothing better to do with their time.
Dear Chichiri,
chichiri, i felt like emailing u again if you dont mind! ^^ want some cookies? i made them my-self! hope ya like'um. you are my favorite character. You are very mysterious. and very very cute ^^; Will your left eye ever heal? i hope it does soon =) *hugs chichiri* well ive got to go. Cya chichiri NO DA!
Dear Kisato-Chan,
It would heal if I use the Holy Water that Mitsukake gave to me, no da. Arigato for the oishii cookies and kind thoughts, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
Wai! Yer birthday's one day before mine! *does a dance while singing* Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Nuriko, happy birthday to you!!
Dear Emma-chan,
Happy birthday to you, too! *Smiles*
Dear Tasuki,
Hey, Tasuki, did yer ma' tell ya her name or not? If she did I really wanna know ^^ *looks up at him* geeze, it looks like ya've drool on yer clothes o_o;... heh-heh... bye Tasuki-san! *walks away*
Dear Emma-chan,
She didn't an' stop droolin' on me! I jus' had this cleaned!
Dear Nuriko,
Otanjoubi omedeto gozaimashite! ^_^ *Gives him some chocolates*
Yume, Tasuki no Mamoru
Dear Yume,
Arigato! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Chichiri,
Yo sexy monk! How goes it? So..yeh...well i was just pondering to myself...what branch of Buddhism are ya? I mean i've heard Zen Buddhist...but i dunno..(i'm not an expert on i have no idea) And i was like "Hey maybe Chiri wanders over to those Shoalin monks and is like 'Yo homie g's! What be goin' down at dis herea mad house?' or something like that and train with them." So do ya?
And because i've been thinkin' a little too much, i think that all the Buddhist monks of all anime series should just get together and a monkly-dispensing-wisdom-kinda-party...i mean ya could all sit in a circle, sippin' green tea, spreading knowledge and insight to your fellow monks...Fun!! (or maybe, that's just me....) But Miroku, might be....'special'...
Ok, sorry, last subject, what was that whole thing with Mayo about? (i've read the translatons so ya don havta explain the plot...) I mean she's insane..ok i'll be nicer...she scares me...and i mean what was that whole thing where she was like " A~h, you're Chichiri, right?! Oh--, the real thing is even better." (Thanx to Tasuki no miko for translations!!!) and " Ye~p, your real face is quite nice." What were you thinkin'? I think every obsessive Chichiri fangirl out threre wanted to blow up their computer when they read this (including myslef....uh.or maybe that's just me again..nevermind..) That girl...grrrrr..but no, i must be nice...And when she asked ya to take off your mask, didn't that bring up any bad memories...(bless Hikou and Kouran, they be tight wit me) I just thought that that was rude of her, especially 'cause she seemed to know everything about FY....
Anyway, Chiri, i'll stop talkin.' i love ya! You be my home dawg! Peace!
Monk Princess
Dear Monk Princess,
Mayo scares me, too no da! She is insane, but I do feel a bit sorry for her. I don't really follow Buddhist teachings, so I don't consider myself to be a Buddhist monk, no da. The teachings I follow are those of Taiitsu-kun, no da. A lot of peopel are curious about my mask and scar, so I'm not offended, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
Do you have any feelings for Suzaku no miko or Miaka?
Dear Melissa,
Suzaku no Miko is Miaka and I do consider her to be a friend, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
With every other special occasion that happens here, I've been late. So I will follow the lead of several other people who have visited and wish you a happy birthday. I know it's it 2 days (3/10) if memory serves.
So to celebrate I brought you cake and presents for you on this (upcoming) special day of days. *presents a big chocolate rum cake with raisins and pink vanilla frosting on top* Courtesy of the royal chefs. (Hotohori owed some favors) They made it extra special for a very special guy who likes to dress as a gal.
For presents, I give these fine gifts: *presents 2000 ryou gift certificate to "Jade Palace Jewelry;" another 2000 ryou gift certificate to "Book Asylum;" a new compact with built-in mirror; and a 65-lb. sledgehammer. That last gift is just in case You-Know-Who decides to help himself to your cake without your permission. It may serve you well.
*kisses him on the cheek and puts a single candle on the cake* Don't forget, you're only as old as you think you are. Happy Birthday, Nuriko-san. Make a wish.
Lady Shera
Dear Lady Shera,
Domo arigato gozaimasu for the lovely cake and all the wonderful presents! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
what does %$$%%^$$$##++* mean?
Dear Lita,
Eh-heh ... *Sweatdrops and looks for any sign of Aidou...* It means yer ma an' I were talkin' 'bout stuff ya' weren't s'pposed to hear.
Dear Tamahome,
whats ice cweam?
Dear Lita,
Ah, you've never had it before! Here ... *Hands her a bowl of chocolate ice cream and a spoon.* Try it, I'm sure you'll like it.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Konnichiwa minna-san!!!I am back!!!yes,yes I missed me.At least I think you did?Anyways,my tower is back,and I'm hoping my dad will re-store it soon.Man I have I missed you guys ;_;.So what's been happening other than some rabid fangirl has been bothering Mitsukake?Mitsukake sorry I haven't been a good mamorou to you these last two weeks.;____; I hope you'll forgive me?please,purty please?;___; anyways,I missed you guys,how is CNA doing?How are you guys doing?Did you guys take a look at my website yet?if not i'll show it again and please sign it if you already haven't it's (I hope that's the right address.Anyways,I've been really busy these last two weeks,my friend and I are trying to get job's so we can pay our tuition for college,i'm going to an appointment for a counselor meeting next week so I can be admitted in.^__^ Anyways,I found two new anime series that I like now,Orphen*drools* and Rurouni Kenshin which I really really like.My best friend Margaret is letting me borrow her friend's copy because her friend is borrowing my fushigi yugi set.^___^ so anyways,do you want to hear the REALLY GOOD NEWS?!!Oh come on I know ya do *smiles all chibi like*anyways,a couple of my friends and I are planning to do a manga series,so far we each have our own thing to do,and my friend nadine is helping us both.My friend Gloria is coming up with the characters,and drawing them,while I come up with the plot(might I add I have a VERY vivid imagination)anyways,we still have a lot to do,but we're hoping to get it published after it's all done.^__^.And I am also going to take my permitt test next week so wish me luck on that.Well,I think that's about all I'm going to write for now.I hope,you don't mind,and didn't forget about me ;____;.Anyways,I'll talk to you later,I gotta stop hogging the computer now.*Gives minna-san a big group hug.*I'll write more tomorrow once my dad re-stores all the program and stuff.Well ja ne minna-san.Take care...And Mitsukake,I'll try to be a better mamorou once everything is straightened out.Peace.
Dear Destiny,
We also watch Orphen and Kenshin. They're both great animes! Your link doesn't work, but I'm sure we have been to the site before. Good luck with your manga! Take care!
Dear Chiriko,
Why ever not? Are you shy Chiriko? *pinches cheek and smiles as he blushes* I KNEW IT! OH YOU ARE SO DARLING! *hugs him* But I will hook you up with someone. Mark my words... do you like anyone your age or near it, anyway.
Mysterious and Beautiful
Dear Mysterious and Beautiful,
Ano ... I REALLY don't want a girlfriend, so please don't trouble yourself with it!
Dear Mitsukake,
Of course you have beautiful eyes! And you're very welcome, but it's only fact. You have a delightful personality under your silent mask. But you MUST show it more. These clothes do little more than bring out more of your hunkiness and body. (and my, what a body!) *howls* Anyway, you should go with the "Casual Yet Sexy" look. Here's a list of a few stores that sell it. *hands him list* And do try to socialize a bit more modestly, you don't have to get a girlfriend (unless you want to!) but meet more people and let them get to know you.
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."- Eleanor Roosevelt
(ooh, a quote!)
Mysterious and Beautiful
Dear Mysterious and Beautiful,
Socialize modestly? I don't socialize at all. Arigato for your kind words and thoughts.
Dear Hotohori,
*sniffs* Arigatou. So our situations are kind of the same... all right, here goes. There's this REALLY HOT guy, almost anime-bishounen status, but I do think he has a nice personality. However, one thing that annoys me to no end is how he makes constant remarks about my beauty but never has any REAL conversations with me. It's horrible I tell you... they think I'm some kind of dumb blonde! *expression people, it's an expression* And I'm not even blonde for that matter. I want him to treat me like something other than a thing with beauty... I HAVE INTELLIGENCE AND A PERSONALITY YA KNOW! >.< And another thing, he might be... THE ONE. But only one thing keeps me from throwing myself at him... HIS IGNORANCE TO THE FACT THAT I AM A LIVING PERSON WITH A BRAIN AND HAVE MORE TO ME THAN BEAUTY! Ah, that feels good. I love ranting. ^_^x And let's call him "Mr. Ignorant" for now. *laughs wickedly* Men are idiots, with the exception of you, Nuriko-sama, Chichiri-sama, and Mitsukake-san. Chiriko's too young to be an idiot. ^_^x
Mysterious and Beautiful
Dear Mysterious and Beautiful,
Perhaps you can start a conversation with him that is a bit on the deep intellectual side. You may find that HE is really the "dumb blonde" and that is why he is unable to fully converse with you. Good luck!
Dear Nuriko,
H-he... s-smiled! *faints, Nuriko shaking his head*
Mysterious and Beautiful
Dear Mysterious and Beautiful,
*Looks at her.* Not my fault!
Dear Tasuki,
HEY YOU DIDN'T ANSWER ME! BLEH! *smacks herself* I need a therapist... does Mitsukake do psychology?
Mysterious and Beautiful
Dear Mysterious and Beautiful,
So? I don't answer a lotta people! Chichiri is better at that stuff.
Dear Chichiri,
*takes tissues and blows nose* R-really? *shimmery eyes*
Mysterious and Beautiful
Dear Mysterious and Beautiful,
Hai, no da!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
K'nnichiwa boys! I just got home from babysitting and stuff so I came on the internet to talk to my friends online but none of them seem to be on at the moment so I decided to just send another letter to you guys for the h*ll of it.
I watched the OAVs for the god knows how many times yesterday...wanna know the pathetic thing about that is? (besides the obsession that is...) I still cry during Hotohori and Chichiri's episodes...*sniffle* It's so sad!
Hotohori, do you ever go viste poor Hikou and Boushin? What about Chichiri, does Hikou go see you or can you somehow talk to the undead like on those weird bored things...(<- Ruby forgot what they are called)
Do you guys ever get annoyed with all the glomping or are you all hentai and you "say" you hate it but it really turns you on...?...just a question...
Have you guys seen Lord of the Rings? If so who are your favorit characters? I like Frodo a lot but Legolas is hot too...Pippin is so funny though^_^ Merry is cool and Strider/Aragorn is really sexy! I don't like Boromir though cause he got kissed by Aragorn!
I hate the episode where Tasuki tries to rape Miaka, *shakes head* I thought Tasuki had better taste...(no ofense to Obake-chan! j/k Tamahome...or Taka...@_@)
That brings another question: is it Taka now or you still go by Tamahome?
Hey, you know...almost everyone got a peice of Miaka except Tamahome...He had to be reincarnated before he even got to SLEEP with her! How pathetic is that? (once again no ofence)
Another thing, how come only Tasuki, Chichiri and Nuriko can sing good in Japanese?! The rest of you strugle like...a lot...Well Chiriko is pretty good too I guess...And the rest of you can at least sing better then Nakago. He sounds HORRIBLE! bleh :P He needs a lot of help fast, before he kills my ears!
Anyway I'm done talking and my friend is finally online so I'll make a quick goodbye seeing how much I typed....*sweatdrops* anyway...*hugs the Suzaku boys and give Tasuki and Chichiri a kiss on the cheek*
Ja ne na no da^_^
Ruby Moon AKA the Bishie Hunter
Dear Ruby Moon,
Hotohori: Yes, I do still visit Houki and Boushin. Chichiri, however, has not contacted Hikou, nor does he have a Ouji Board.
Tasuki: Glompin' ain't that bad, 'cept when th' fangirls start smearin' us down wit' food! That's jus' gross! An' no, we ain't a buncha hentais either!
We have seen the movie. Our favorite characters are:
Chiriko - Frodo
Tasuki - Gimli
Nuriko - Eowyn
Mitsukake - Elrond
Tamahome - Aragon
Hotohori - Legolas (He's almost as beautiful as me.)
Chichiri - Gandolf, no da
Tasuki: Gimme a break! I was under a *^%$#@+ spell!
Tamahome: I'll answer to either. That's not true about Miaka! No one had "his way" with her!
I think we all sound just fine. Except for Nakago who can't carry a tune in a bucket!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tamahome,
I like to burn things.. May I set you afire?
Creepy English person
Dear Creepy,
NO! Did Tasuki put you up to this?
Dear Mitsukake,
*comes up to him and gives him a big hug* I love you. ^.^ You know, you remind me of my dad...I just realized that. ^^;
Dear Kuro,
Do i? *Smiles* Arigato for your kind compliment!
Dear Nuriko,
*glomp* You're so great. I love you. ^.^
Dear Kuro,
Thank you! *Grins*
Dear Tamahome,
Hi Tama. ^.^ I love you. *flashes a peace sign then leaves*
Dear Kuro,
*Smiles* Arigato!
Dear Tamahome,
you are sow cute.
Dear alicia,
Arigato for your nice words.
Dear Mitsukake,
Hi, again. ^_^ I didn't get a shuriken (There goes my dream of being a ninja!) at SPIFFS, but I ran around with Nikki (Who plays Nuriko) and shopped, getting a fan..*waves it in his face* 3 hats (A Chinese hat [Not a kasa], a Smiley-face hat, and a straw hat.), a llama model thing, a dreamcatcher, a suncharm, and windchimes. I got food, too. ^_^
And yes, I was reffering to Chinese Astrology. My friend (Tony) is the evil guy that said "Screw the oxen!". Go make wall angels with him, please? Please? ;-;
And one of my teachers was so mean to me! He just ignored me. He said "Now what does the japanese kite with the octopus on it and Amy have in common?" and he just coincedently FORGOT about me. Amy, though, immediatly said "But what about Ashley?!", with me saying "What about me?!", and the next time he had to say the question, I was included. ^_^ It was so funny what my classmates said, too. "Uh..Ashley likes anime." "Amy can speak japanese" (I replied to that with "Me too!") "They both like Japan." It was hilarious.
And I found a second bandana, so now I can put them in an X-shape like you. My brother was being an @$$, though, and said things like "Why are you wearing them like that? One I can understand, but two is just weird. Is it a symbol of something?" And I was just amazed, because my mom knows your name and what you look like, but he doesn't. It's just amazing.
Speaking of my brother, I'd like to tell you about him. He's 23, lives at home still, "cook"s with a minor (When she was 16 AND 17), treats my mom like (insert many various symbols), takes advantage of my mom, dad, and myself, does whatever he pleases, leaves "cooking utensils" (c*nd*ms, l*br*c*nt, p*rn) laying around in PLAIN VIEW, and "cook"s when I'm trying to sleep, resulting in my loss of sleep. What is my dad's answer to this?
"Tough. Get used to it. When you get old and fall in love, you'll do the same things." And I look at him and say "Uhh, yeah right. Please. I have MORALS, you know, unlike brother and his floozy (When re-telling the tale of this to friends, I use the word "whore"). And if he doesn't stop, I swear, you'd best install a perimeter fence around him, or I'm going to don my bandanas, white robe, and knife, and I'm going to teach him NOT to treat us like that."
And he says "Well, you will. Just wait." And right about now, I'd like SO MUCH to be able to punch him, but I can't. So, I just go back to my room and write.
I'm currently writing a poem called "Blood Pain" (Modeled from Kiros Seagill's [From Final Fantasy 8] Limit break. Yep, he's just THAT cool, Mitsukake. And his birthday is July 6th, while mine is July 3rd. Heh. ^_^). I'm also writing a few fanfics, and I drew a character of mine, strongly based off me. Can I send you the picture?
And to finish my really long letter, I'd like to say that you were wrong. I actually DON'T RP you, even though I don't know why I didn't choose you over that person. Wanna guess again? If so, tell me when you give up. ^_^
Ash-chan, writer of long letters containing many spelling and grammar errors.
Dear Ash-chan,
I hope your brother realizes that doing what he's doing with a minor is illegal and could get him thrown in jail, even if she is consenting to that with him! And your father condoning such behavior isn't right or smart either. They both need to wise up before her parents either find out or decide they don't like what's going on and slap him with a statutory rape charge.
I'd love to see the picture! I give up, who are you RP'ing as?
Dear Chiriko,
Dear Samantha,
Well, what did he do? What did he say? Did you get a tetanus shot? *Looks very concerned.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Thanks for the pick-me-up. I'll need a little time to work up my nerve, but I have the rest of March for that. I know just the person to ask too. Things have gotten better! My artist's block is over and new ideas are coming in. I suppose this weekend when I'm shopping for shoes to match my prom dress, I'll have to get a new sketchbook too. Maybe I'll have some artwork to contribute, but I guess we'll have to see what comes up. Next week is Spring Break, so I'll have an entire week to myself. I'm so happy!You guys are the best! ::hugs all around::
Dear Tigress,
You're very welcome! We look forward to seeing your artwork!
Dear Tasuki,
Hey, that's not fair! Oh well, I didn't want to do this but you leave me no choice, Midnight Fairy!!
*Chrissie-chan slaps Midnight Fairy and kicks her. Midnght Fairy punches her in the stomach, but Chrissie-chan pins her to the floor and sits on her back*
That's what you get! I do NOT appreciate that kind of improper conduct.
*Midnight Fairy is let up and darts out of the room muttering obsceneties*
See that Tasuki? Sometimes, enough is enough. And we weren't trying to kill each other with the doughnuts, we were just playing!
*Tasuki sweatdrops (if that's playing, then you wouldn't want to see the real thing, would ya? I didn't think so!)*
So now that you've seen me fight, can I join the bandits now? I'm sure I could kick each and every one of your sorry @$$es and drink a h*ll of a lot more than all of you. But does it matter what it is that you drink? Cause if it doesn't, then I'll drink gallon after gallon of. . . that's right, WATER!!!
*Tasuki glares at her*
Okay, okay, sorry. I forgot that you aren't exactly a fan of water. I'll teach you how to swim though. I just learned back in June so, I should know what I'm doing. Although I haven't swam since then, but oh well, I passed the class at least.
*Looks innocent while crossing her fingers behind her back*
But now I have two questions for you.
1) Why did you become a bandit?
2) How did you become a bandit?
3) Why do you suppose your sister Aidou isn't married yet?
Oops, sorry, that's three. My bad!!! Well, I have to go get some sleep for school.
*Midnight Fairy comes back in and smacks Chrissie-chan in the back of the head. Chrissie-chan armlocks her and the scuffle continues...*
Dear Chrissie-chan,
'Che! BAAAKA! I don't mind DRINKIN' water, I jus' don't wanna drown in th' stuff! Anyway, to answer yer questions... It seemed like th' right thin' to do, I was found by th' bandits an' they let me join, an' she ain't married 'cos like most women she's a royal pain!
Dear Chichiri,
wassup dudeeeeeee
Dear manson,
Nothing much and you, no da?
Dear Chiriko,
Hello! me and a anonymous friend *cough BON cough cough* are debating wether Bin Laden is swedish. I know it's a strange question, but she wont take no from me. Maybe she will from you?? I'm short for time so I dont have time to look up his heritage and all that crap, but maybe cuz you're smart you can?? Thankies!! *huggle*
Dear Kaysi,
He's Saudi Arabian.
Dear Chichiri,
HI!! *huggles* I was doing my world cultures homework, and I was taking great delight in studying the monk section ^___^ when I found that a wandering monk is a friar. Sooo does that mean your a friar?? Not like the fat ugly guys who are balding, but a nice, handsome, blue-haired friar?
Dear Kaysi,
Not really, no da. I actually consider myself to be just a wanderer, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Am just wondering, when someone asks you "Did you miss me?" or something like, do really mean what you say? O.o Sometimes when I say that I really don't think you mean it.
::PS::Did you miss me? =)
Dear Deserae,
Yes we did and yes we do.
Dear Mitsukake,
Are you related to Lafarga? You both are so tall.. and sound similar! And you both are very strong and caring for the one you love!
Dear Rayearth-no-miko,
Who? Arigato for your kind compliment.
Dear Tamahome,
*walks over him* Hewo Mr. Tamahome Sir I sowy i called you Obake-chan....Mommy said you no like it *gives him a hug then looks up at him with a cute don't be mad look*
Dear Lita,
*Smiles and picks her up.* That's ok, apology accepted. Want some ice cream?
Dear Mitsukake,
If Suzaku is all powerful, why are you so boring?
Dear Phil,
I fail to see what Suzaku has to do with other's perception of me.
Dear Tasuki,
Hey, Tas-chan, are you involved with Kouji? . No, just kidding. ^^ I'm sure the bedsheets are a coincidence *coughnotcough*.
Ne, the other day something bad happened to meeeee. I was in a shoe shop, and . trying on shoes! . Anou . anyway, there were these really gross sandal things and I said VERY loudly, "Ewww, these are mingin'!" and this woman tapped me on the shoulder and said, "Can I have my shoes back, please?" Ack! I nearly ran out the shop, and screaming all the way.
My friend is mean. She said she thought "Setsunakutemo . Zutto" was awful. I don't think it is. It's really nice and I like listening to it. ^^ Who are you singing about? *coughchichiriornurikocough* Are you singing about anyone or did you just recieve the lyrics and you had to sing them?
Oh, I just thought of something! If you apparently hate woman (Though we all know you don't), and you also APPARENTLY hate men, you can't have ever fancied anyone! Well, apart from Kouji! *looks nervously for a tessen that may be lurking nearby*
Ah well, bye now, Tasukiiiii!
Dear Yuki-chan,
I ain't singin' 'bout nobody! I'm jus' singin' what I was given! An' I DON'T like Kouji THAT way!!! >.<
Dear Nuriko,
Oh, I'm sooooo sorry Nuriko! I forgot your birthday. I was asleep in history class just now and the lunch bell rang. So I log on to one of the school's computers and I see the top letter in your current responses and it mentions your birthday. I feel so bad, especially since you are a fellow Pisces like me. Please accept my deepest apologies! And happy belated birhtday to you. Oh here, this is for you. I hope you like it! *hugs Nuriko and holds out a huge chocolate cake with caramel syrup on top* By the way, I checked and chocolate does not cause breakouts so enjoy. *smiles* By the way, what did the other seishi around here give you for your birthday?
Dear Chrissie-chan,
Don't worry about it! Arigato for your wonderful birthday wishes and oishii cake!
Dear Nuriko,
Oh, you replied!! Arigatou, Nuri-sama! I got an okay mark for my poem recital! I got 18 out of 20! ^^; Thank you sooo much for your advice, I'll remember it for next time.
Since I'm going to be at my Gran's on March 10th, and won't have access to the computer, I'll just say happy birthday now! Have a really great birthday, Nuri-sama! *gives him a Hotohori plushie* Ja ne!
Dear Kaho,
*Huggles plushie* Arigato! Have fun at your Grandmother's!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*gets teary eyed* They really do remember me!
Heero: You probably scared them so bad they had no choice.
Calla: You know, I can make life very unpleasant for you...
Heero: No not that! No home- baked cookies for a week...*sobs*
Calla: Right, so for just ONCE be nice to me...
Anyway, *puts a big plate of cookies on the table for the seishi*.... Oh and these are for Miaka. *puts 2 plates on the table in her spot*
Well, I was going to ask something but I forgot what it was....
Heero: *snickers*
Calla:watch it!
Heero: Sorry.
Dear Calla,
Of course we remember you! You sent in all that lovely artwork! Arigato for the oishii cookies!
Dear Nuriko,
Bon Anniversaire!!! ^_^
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
Dear Nuriko,
Hai, I'm selling off some of my old X-files things since the series is going off the air. It should be over $350 worth.
*hugs* Gomen I won't be here for your birthday, but I'm going to be wearing purple all day and thinking of you.
*kisses Ryu* I'll try to be back on again soon. Aishiteru!!
Dear Doc-sama,
*Hugs her back.* I'll miss you! Boku mo!
Dear Chichiri,
I'm glad you liked the gift ain't he sweet????i have a stuffed cat named koneko that Magi Girl gave me after my very best frien died.........Chester the cat. *crys* anyway Next weekend not this weekend me and Magi Girl are going hiking you are invited by the way tasuki will be there bring the first aid kit...
Dear Luna,
He's very sweet, no da. I'll be there, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
I'm sorry tasuki *starts to cry a little* i'm not trying to be a bully. Your my my favorite to chichiri *starts to drule and blush* any way next weekend not this weekend i'm going hiking with Magi Girl and your invited
Dear Luna,
OK, I'll be there. An' stop cryin'!
Dear Chiriko,
Just curious, what's your favorite genre? Also what is your favorite book? If you could go to any school what school would you go to?
Klown Boy
Dear Klown Boy,
Genre? Of what? My favorite book? "A Wrinkle in Time" by Madeline L'Engel. I'd go to MIT!
Dear Nuriko,
Hey Nuri-chan! I just had to wish you happy birthday^_^
I would like to invite you to a birthday party my friend is holding for you. We're going to see a hockey game and I'm gonna probably bake a purple cake!....somehow...Anyway, we would really like if you could come! Also bring the others too. Tell Tasuki we'll have sake though I'm still underage so I can't drink it *grumbles something about waiting 4 years to drink*
Also when is Chichiri's birthday? I think it's during june but I'm not sure. I wanna hold a part for him and Kenshin...I'm gonna make one for Tasuki too don't worry^_^
Well, hope you come *hugs Nuriko* I'd give you a kiss too but my friend Riona who is holding the party would kill me cause she loves you A LOT!
Ruby Moon AKA bishie hunter (don't let the name scare you^_^)
Dear Ruby Moon,
I think it's June 23rd. Arigato for the party! I'll do my best to be there and bring the others! *Smiles*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Yay! I'm sooooooo happy! My ACT results came in, and I got Grand Recognition in English, Reading, and Science! I got State in Math. ^-^ I'm going to the ceremony at Duke University on.......May 12, I think........Anyway, my question is: If the 7 of you could all trade places with each other for a day, who would each of you choose to trade places with and why?
Dear Anonymous,
Omedeto on your ACT results!
Tamahome - Hotohori
Tasuki - Chichiri
Chichiri - Mitsukake
Hotohori - Tamahome
Nuriko - Hotohori
Mitsukake - Tamahome
Chiriko - Tasuki
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Hotohori,
By the way I'm Ivan Chua. Do you know who is my favorite character in Fushigi Yuugi, I have a clue along brown hair which was the emperor of Konan. Here is my question to you, Who is your loved-one? Next, what characteristics of Miaka you like very much? Do you the anime HunterxHunter?
Ivan [ Rizven - 18 - ]
Dear Ivan,
My loved one is Houki, my wife. I've never seen HunterxHunter. I like Miaka's kindness, loyalty, and openness as well as her sweet nature.
Dear Tamahome,
Hi! Im koushina! I really wanna tell you that I love you so much! I really wanna be ur girlfriend! ^_^ no duh!!! I just hope that you would give me some replys! Gosh cant believe Im writing to you!! Anyway just wanna tell you that Im you biggest fan!!! and I love you so much!!
Dear koushina,
*Smiles* Arigato for your kind compliments!
Dear Hotohori,
hotohori i think you might be able to give me some good advice on how to best deal with agervateing people on a day -to- day basses by chance do you know presets feelings about the dalai lama as a fellow persion of god ?
H. B-1
Dear H. B-1,
I don't know how the others feel about the Dalai Lama. Gomen. As for aggravating people, that depends on the situation.
Dear Chiriko,
I will look in to it
Dear sim,
The anime pictures or the sword?
Dear Tamahome,
hi tamahome!!! just want to say that you are really great and i really like you...
Dear kristina,
*Smiles* Arigato for your kind compliments!
Dear Tasuki,
Why does every one think your gay? The thought of you being gay never crossed my mind. Some people have really sick minds saying things like you and Chichiri would make a good couple! Those people really need to seek some medical attention!
Well anyway, how would you deal with someone that is really annoying you? Would you just fry them with your tessen?
Dear Miaka912,
I guess it depends on my mood. I jus' might beat th' cr*p outta 'em instead. *Grins*
Dear Nuriko,
Dooms Day: OKay Nuriko. Tell Jessica that your a guy because she will not belive me!
Jessica:That's not a him,its a her. Look at this! Oh my goodness!
Dooms Day:He a GUY!
Jessica:He a GIRL!
Dooms Day and Jessica
Dear Dooms Day and Jessica,
I'm a guy Jessica. Always have been, always will be.
Dear Tasuki,
Hi, I was wondering why you use a fan... I mean Chichiri at least has a staff... but you have a fan... it's onlt good at giving paper cuts... well... besides that fire thing you do with it... but let's face it, Hotohori could cut it in half and no more fan. By the way, don't be offended, yer one of mah faves!
Laura ^_^
Dear Laura,
It's an iron tessen, not a halisen. So it ain't made of paper.
Dear Tasuki,
LITTLE brother.. when have I EVER been wrong? * holds a frying pan menacingly..* if'n I hear.. * looks at Lita* such "dirty" langauge ever again I'm going to drown ya in a tub of milk BOY! ><
Cranky Aidou-chan
Ps.. I'm always right. ka-san knows best. She said I'm always right sooo SHADDUP!
Dear Cranky,
*Puts his hands over Lita's ears.* Jus' what th' *(^% crawled up yer %$$%%^$$$##++*????? Ya' go missin' an' leave me to tend to yer kid! An' now yer givin' ME a hard time??? I had half a thought to take her to Mt. Leikkaku to be raised since ya' weren't takin' care of her! So there! *Storms off in a big huff.* Oh yeah, ya' gotta catch me before ya' can drown me BAKA!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
As if Valentines wasn't bad enough... Prom is not kind to those like me. I admit, I probably wouldn't win any pageants, but still... *sigh* This isn't fair. All I wanted is for someone to ask me to this thing. Tell me, is that so much to ask? *feels big crocodile tears slipping down her cheeks* *sigh* I don't suppose I could get hugs from my fave seishi could I? And a shoulder to lean on. *pulls out industrial size box of kleenex and sobs*
Dear Tigress,
*They all give her a hug.* Have you tried asking someone? Like a good male friend. You never know until you try! Good luck.
Dear Tasuki,
Hey when i agreed to help dig my grave did i say anything about a shovel. *pulls out a spoon* there much better. It should be done within a couple months and *starts running for the lake* hahaha now im safe *throws tasuki a drink and startes to swim away*
Hashiru Juju
Dear Hashiru Juju,
OI!! Get back here! LEKKA SHIENEN!!!! *Lightly toasts him*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
CHRISSIE-CHAN: Hey everybody! It's us again! We stopped by Krispy Kreme and decided to bring all of you doughnuts. We got all of the flavors, so you can choose your favorite.
MIDNIGHT FAIRY: Yeah, and we also have coffee, tea, or milk. *Chrissie-chan and Midnight Fairy pass around open doughnut boxes.*
CHRISSIE-CHAN: Sorry, Tasuki, but Midnight Fairy here doesn't think that sake goes well with doughnuts, so we didn't get any. Therefore, if you insist on blaming someone for that, blame her. *Shrieks as Midnight Fairy smacks her in the arm.*
MIDNIGHT FAIRY: Anyway, the both of us had a bad week last week. I for one had to have all FOUR of my wisdom teeth pulled last Friday, and all I had to show for it was a chipmunk face for four days. AND I got stitches in my mouth.
CHRISSIE-CHAN: Yeah and I sprained my ankle at a track meet on Thursday and it was really, REALLY swollen, to the point where I had to miss school for a day.
MIDNIGHT FAIRY: Luckily, we are both okay and back at school. I mean they had to knock me out with laughing gas. They had to slap me numerous times to get me to stop laughing.
CHRISSIE-CHAN: Then I made the mistake of wearing high heels all day before my ankle was better so, I had to spend another day in bed AGAIN. But both of us were well enough on Sunday to go to see Lord of the Rings again. *Midnight Fairy shoves a doughnut into Chrissie-chan's mouth and takes over*
MIDNIGHT FAIRY: You talk too much. I swear you never stop talking, d*mn baka. Anyway, we both went home early yesterday because we were both sick AGAIN! Yes, AGAIN. *Chrissie-chan sptis out doughnut and throws it at Midnight Fairy.*
MIDNIGHT FAIRY: That's sick, you nasty little b*tch! Come back here!
CHRISSIE-CHAN: Hey, it was just a joke! Quit it, we both have enough injuries for this week!
*All of the Seishi sweatdrop as Midnight Fairy chases Chrissie-chan around until she finally stops behind Tasuki*
CHRISSIE-CHAN: Tasuki, please don't let her hurt me! This is really cruel; no wonder I don't need enemies! *She points at Midnight Fairy and backs away...*
Chrissie-chan and Midnight Fairy
Dear Chrissie-chan and Midnight Fairy,
Thanks fer th' doughnuts! We're sorry to hear th' two of ya' got so messed up, but we're glad yer well enough to try killin' each other wit' pastries! *Grins, steps away, munches his doughnut, and drinks his coffee…*
Dear Tasuki,
Yeeees, I'm very sure^^.. Would you hate me if I mean "that" way? o.O
Dear Kuriichan,
Glad yer sure! I wouldn't hate ya', but I'd be kinda disappointed in ya'.
Dear Hotohori,
*Smiles* Hori-chan! ^^ *Glomps him* Thank you! And by the way, has anyone ever told you that you're really kawaii when you blush? ^-^
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
Ano .. *Blushes* Arigato!
Dear Hotohori,
That sounds like a good idea. But my friends are starting to change their minds, so I might end up going after all.
Although I am kinda ticked off now. *hasn't eaten anything since 7:00 pm and it is now 8:05 am* Some freshmen on my soccer team decided to skip soccer class (we had a study hall) for an hour. They got caught of course, but the coach decided it would be nice if we suffered as a team for what the little freshmen did. So we all got detention from 7:30 to 8:00 which means I didn't get a chance to eat breakfast. It was suggested that they bring breakfast, since htey had gotten us in there. So I show up to detention and they didn't bring the breakfast and were treating it like a joke.
Oh well. They're bringing snacks for tomorrow. Gotta go.
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
I'm sorry that the freshman got the team punished. Hopefully, they will have learned their lesson. Whatever you decide to do, I hope you have a fun time.
Dear Chichiri,
hi i have as question do you think i should take mithogy? o and do you think Umi will be best friends? * looks at him and blushes* JA
Dear Pluto,
Mythology is an interesting course of study, no da You and Umi? I thought you were already good friends, no da.
Dear Mitsukake,
I wonder if I can nab a shuriken at SPIFFS? If I do, I'll write back right after school. ^_^ *paints "but mostly Ash-chan" on the sign she put on him, under "Property of"* By the way, a friend of mine said oxen people suck. (His original words were "Screw the oxen!") You're not going to let him say that about you, are you? Do a Nuriko: punch him through a wall. ^_^ (In our RP group, he's Kouji, by the way. Guess who I am.) My stoic seishi. *gives him a cupcake*
Ash-chan, who's going on a field trip.
Dear Ash-chan,
I would assume that you are playing me in your RPG. *Looks confused* I'm an oxen? Are you referring to Chinese astrology? Nandemo. Have a good time on your field trip.
Dear Tasuki,
can i have some too? pwease?
Dear Lita,
No. Yer too young an' yer ma would skin me alive!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I've been a bit busy lately so I havent written so much...I've finished a parody of "American Pie" for Slayers, and it came out really crappy....but I dun care! Me and Morgy-sama had a sleepover and she poked a hole through a pic of you, Mitsukake-san! You're alright, but just not as kawaii ans Chiriko...or Tasuki...or Chichiri...or Tamahome...*spaces out* O_O Oooooo pretty colors...don't mind me, I'm on a Kafei rush! if you don't know who Anju from Zelda: Majora's Mask is, I envy you vv;;
Oh, and by the way....I was in the computer room with my cat, and the dogs scared the living cr*p out of him so much that he scratched my eye! Literally! Gee, I hope it doesn't wind up like your eye, Chichiri! Well, I didnt win the Drawing Contest....
We were having some kind of Olympics for Social Studies, and we were separated into groups with the names of City-States from ancient Greece, and I was in Sparta! Our banner really sucked though (Jessica May can't draw) and we lost EVERY contest! vv;; I'm a loser! WAAAAH! Anyway, I gtg...Morgy-sama's being mean on AIM...wont print out my piccy...meanie ><
Dear Sarina-sama,
I'm sorry that your team lost, no da. Is your eye going to be ok, no da? Please be more careful in the future.
Dear Nuriko,
Hiya. I have a question on music for you.
Do you know any good online sites (besides EBay) that sell J-rock or J-pop music? Thanks ^_^
Dear Chiriko,
hey little brother *comes in very content* how are you i have a nail stuck in my finger! anywho im all better *looks at chiriko to make sure he aint sick* do ya wanna go to borders with me?
Dear Samantha,
A nail?? Have you been to a doctor? I think instead of going to Borders you need to see a physician.
Dear Mitsukake,
*stare* Vaseline? Aint that the stuff you like...put in your car or somethin'? o.o;;;
Dear Keiko,
*Smiles* No, no. That's Valvoline. Your parents will know what Vaseline is.
Dear Nuriko,
Hi I know it's a little early but just incase you don't get this letter until later.
I'm just wishing you a Happy Birthday! *Pulls out a birthday cake all neatly decorated and iced, with the words Happy Birthday Nuriko in pink and purple icing! It's chocolate everybody likes chocolate....that is hope you aren't allergic to chocolate.
*Sticks a candle in to the cake and lights it* Okay make your wish and blow out the candle...but your not supposed to tell us what your wishing for if you tell us your wish won't come true.
Anyway. Happy Birthday again! *Blows Nuriko a kiss*
Dear Sakie-chan,
*Smiles, makes a wish, and blows out the candles.* Arigato!! *Gives her a hug and a piece of cake.*
Dear Tasuki,
hey tasuki we are going to the beach this weekend want to come and go swimming *luaghs and smiles evily* I'm having a bit of a mean streak sorry buddy
Dear Luna,
*Glares at her.* I don't do beaches!
Dear Chichiri,
Hey chichiri what's up???? Oh I'm sooooooooo bored it's immposible to pay attention to anything I'm trying to get on honor roll again and i may make it *laughs like a mad women* sorry anyway just checking up on you oh and chichiri here have a kitten *gives him a little calico kitten* you can let me know his name later oh gotta go arigato for your time.
Dear Luna,
Arigato for the kawaii koneko, no da! Good luck with your studies! Ganbatte, no da!
Dear Tasuki, again....he "one weird fangirl!" *blinks* I'm on sugar high. *is floating, head level with his because she's really short(5'1...*sniff* AND I'M 15! Oo;;;; )* I know I don't seem that hyper, but I am..--;;; When I was younger, I'd bounce off the walls. Now I float. *pokes him* It's 3:00 AM. *nods* Don't mind me. *turns into a ghost(inside joke with one of my friends) and sits on his head*
Sarah(cousin): BRID!!!
Brid: What?
Sarah: WHAT did I tell you about sitting on people's heads?
Brid: -.-;;; Oh, shoo....
Sarah: What was that, STACEY!?
Brid/Stacey: *twitch* Don't say my *ahem* My other name!
Sarah: Why not?
Stacey: *twitch twitch* *jumps off Tasuki's head*
Sarah: n.n *hops away*
Stacey/Brid: I hate her...--;;; *makes sure Sarah went away before sitting on his head again* Mwahahhahahahaa...Oo;; *pokes him* And I wasn't drinking the cheap sake. *nod nod* It cost a lot, actually.... *munches on Pocky* This stuff is good! Oo;;; I shall shut up for now... *bounces off his head and turns normal again*
Dear Stacey,
Yep! Yer one weird fangirl alright!
Dear Tasuki,
hiiiiiiiiiiii i love you so much (goes up to him and gives him a big kiss)
Dear Pluto,
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
(Nothin' personal but I don't want Tamahome to answer this because I know the answer already) If you had to choose which you would send to Pluto would it be my dad Nakago or that (BUM) guy Tenkou? Just one OK not both of 'em.^_^
Hyosumi the shy blonde one
Dear Hyosumi,
That's difficult! Aside from Tenkou's involvement in the OAV's, Nakago was clearly to blame for what happened in the main series, so we would have to say it would be Nakago. Sorry …
Dear Nuriko,
Hello o beautiful one. You are so pretty I can't stand it. Anyway woud you like to go out with Dark Schneider if he thoght you were a sexy lady?
And also would you mind if some people refered to you as "she" instead of "he". (i really don't want to be offencive, just curious)
Hyosumi the follower of beautiful Naga and Nuriko
Dear Hyosumi,
No! I do prefer to be called he rather than she.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi! I'm sorta back! Do you guys even remember me? Anyway, I have some new drawings to send you. Anyway, talk to you later!
Dear Calla,
Of course we do! We look forward to seeing them!
Dear Chiriko,
lets poot youre intelect to the test shell we three quesions:
1 where is the best place online for good anime jpegs
2 how do you know you have found the ideal sword
3 what would the saiyu 7 do if they had to fight a gundam
Dear sim,
1. Have you tried Anipike or Otaku World?
2. It will just feel right.
3. Lose. Badly.
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