Dear Mitsukake,
I guess it couldn't hurt to give it a try ...
how exciting can you get 1 more than La 2 almost as much as TV 3 = to or greater than all the night life in shinjuku combined?
i would like to know why some of the band of zujaku's 7 are dysfunctionaly sinful namely the red head pyromaniac and the cross dresser
that was just for fun
Okay i was thinking of a problem i was having involving a merchant and a sword i payed quite a few yen for it and the guy whent and sould it to some one elce even though the mercent is willing to find a replcement or return my money we had a contract for that one so im waundering is an out pore of devine reterbution from suzaku out of the question ?
Dear sim,
I really have no idea how exciting I am. Perhaps you should ask the fangirls that question. I don't look at any of us, Tasuki and Nuriko included, as dysfunctional or sinful. People have painful pasts that can affect how they present themselves to the world. Over a bad business deal? Yes, it is out of the question.
Dear Nuriko,
I was looking at an article in the newspaper earlier today, and it showed this leggy supermodel, all dressed in black, with WAY TOO MUCH eye makeup, who looked like she's walking on a pair of toothpicks. (Yes!! Those were her legs!!) The pants she wore were almost a second skin. I was like, "Geez, give that poor woman a steak!"
The kind of beauty standards that our society has placed on women are beyond stupid. The standards are completely out-of-whack!! Why the h*ll are women under so much pressure to look like these waif-like creatures you'd find in a starving country. (Actually, they probably HAVE starved themselves; that's the sad part.) It's just absolutely moronic.
Supermodel culture sucks. Don't you agree?
Lady Shera
Dear Lady Shera,
Yes I do. Well put my dear!
Dear Chiriko,
poor ototochan! hey ames he tramatized *they both give him a hug* its okay will save ya!
Samantha and Amy
Dear Samantha and Amy,
*Smiles and hugs them back.* Arigato!
Dear Tasuki,
what is up with you and water, you hate it , cant swim and you still end up in it. Are you an idiot or cursed by water? why dont you just where those things preschoolers use to stay afloat so you dont drown or are you just to self conscious to wear those? Hey who doesnt respect a bandit that wears the same things preschoolers use to swim. Well i guess i should shut up while i still alive. Well if your going to kill me at least ill help you dig the grave.
Hashiru Juju aka the soon to be corpse on the side of the road
Dear Hashiru Juju,
*Tosses him a shovel … * Start diggin' wiseguy… *Smirks*
Dear Nuriko,
Ryu, the man who is looking at my PC says it might be the motherboard or the processor chip. I don't know when I'll be back on.
I miss you and the babies ;.; Aishiteru!!
Dear Doc-sama,
We miss you, too! Will you be able to afford this? I have been told that motherboards and CPUs are fairly expensive.
Dear Tasuki,
*takes out a cute little tea set and pours him some milk* mommy said its your favowite.....*pours some for herself and looks up at him and drinks some*
Dear Lita,
*Looks at milk and lifts an eyebrow… * Ano … yer ma was wrong. Here, *Pours milk out into her cup and pours sake in.* This is my favorite!
Dear Chichiri,
Why dont sheep shrink on the rain?
wool sweaters shrink in the washing machine...
umm.....the easter bunny!!
Dear Odd Person,
They don't but perhaps their wool does, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
I don't know if I could beat you all up or out drink you. Seeing as though I can't drink and I love all you bandits too much to hurt you... I think I'll have to pass. But I think that if I could drink I'd beat you.... maybe. Just saying maybe. But I won't beat you up. See ya Tasuki! *Kiss*
Tenshi No Tasuki
Dear Tenshi No Tasuki,
That's ok. But I doubt ya' can outdrnk an' outbrawl me!
Dear Hotohori,
I would be doing fine, except I *sniff sniff* asked a guy friend out to prom and he said "No, I can't. Besides, I'm waiting for someone." *crys* It was my first time asking somebody out to something, too. *sniff* Now I'm not going to go to prom. None of my friends are going, a guy turned me down. I'm just going to stay home and eat ice cream and snickers and watch chick filcks. (Which I never do.) It isn't right or fair. *sits on the ground crying.*
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
No, it isn't. But life isn't always right or fair either. If you and your friends aren't going to the prom, why don't you all get together and have a prom party of your own? *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Mitsukake,
Ish it possible fer lips to throb? o.o; Mine are reeeeeally chapped cuz of Fastpitch...^^; My practice field is directly under my school, which is on a the wind hits us hard...Chap stick works for five seconds...But it gets annoying having to re-apply it. --; Specially that I'm pitching AND catching...any ideas? ^^;;;;;
Dear Keiko,
Have you tried Vaseline? I know it sounds nasty, but it might work.
Dear Hotohori,
Wai! It worked! It worked! *Looks at him and blushes* I took a big risk, didn't I? You really like it? *Looks at him with big, sparkly eyes* ^^ *Wants an honest opinion*
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
I do. It's a very good likeness.
Dear Hotohori,
My friend Sei-chan says your almost as beautiful as her....hehehehe.....try not to kill her k?
Dear Tana,
I shan't.
Dear Tasuki,
hi tasuki! *hugs him* i wanna ask you something where did rei rei come from cause she wasnt in any of the sereies? guess what me and my friends were talking and we think that you could go up against yer sis! cause your our 2nd favorite seishi we like chiriko the best! bye bye!@
Dear Sam,
She was th' baby sister of some nasty guy me an' Kouji had to steal from an' fight.
Dear Chichiri,
hey chichiri did you see a guy with a crop haircut we wanna kill this guy for what he said about chiriko (ask him for details)?
Sam and Amy
Dear Sam and Amy,
I think he went that way, no da!
Dear Chiriko,
*sam is seen running by chiriko chasing a boy with a baseball bat* *amy takes over* excuse us chiriko but we are merely trying to destroy this guy for saying hes gonna rape you bye bye *grabs her bat and runs after him* we are not joking either!
your sisters
Dear your sisters,
*Looks utterly disturbed by the whole thing.*
Dear Chiriko,
Honto ni? How adorable! ^_^x Should I arrange a little something for you two lovebirds, hmm? *gets reservations for *insert Chiriko's fav restaurant here* Are you blushing Chiriko-chan? Hmm... when I think about it, it does make sense. She is smart yet pretty yet shy! Ami really should open up more. And you're exactly the same! And you're self-sacrificing too! *sobs uncontrollably at the memory* I cried myself to sleep when I saw that episode! WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! ;_;
Mysterious and Beautiful
Dear Mysterious and Beautiful,
No! Thank you.
Dear Mitsukake,
Ok then, Mitsukake! ^_^x Well here is the wardrobe I promised you. *rolls out rack of clothes* Now, here is what we call the "Bad@$$" look. Go on, try it! There's the dressing room! *Mits changes and comes out, quirking eyebrow* Uh... let's move on, shall we? Here is the "Casual yet Sexy* look. *Mits wordlessly takes clothes and emerges from dressing room.* *DROOL* OMG YOU HUNK WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ALL OF MY LIFE! *glomps him* ^_^x Wonderful... now you have personality and looks! Of course, you had looks before, but this outfit brings it out more. Oh my, has anyone ever told you that you have beautiful eyes, Mitsukake? *o*x
Mysterious and Beautiful
Dear Mysterious and Beautiful,
I do? No one has told me that before! Arigato! Interesting clothes…
Dear Hotohori,
*giggles* You're so precious Hotohori-sama! ^_^x *bows in return* You're quite welcome! *goes into depressed mood, staring into space, tears shining in eyes* Have you ever wished someone would actually care about the person you are inside instead of only "loving" you for your outside? *sighs, wiping tears away, mumbling: Must stay cheerful for the seishi...*
Mysterious and Beautiful
Dear Mysterious and Beautiful,
*Hands her a tissue.* No, I have just wanted someone to relieve my loneliness and love me for me and not because I'm the emperor. Would you like to talk about it?
Dear Nuriko,
Ah, so many people tell me that! And you're welcome, but I am only stating facts!
Mysterious and Beautiful
Dear Mysterious and Beautiful,
*Smiles* So did I my dear.
Dear Chichiri,
Well Chichiri-san, this is the situation. My friends and I were all talking happily about our favorite bishounen and then we talk about a party and I saw I'm going to show up with you since I stumbled onto this precious site. They all laughed at me and told me I was stupid for wishing for such a thing ;_; *blows nose on his shirt* Oh, I'm so sorry! ;_; Now you probably hate me... I'M SO UNLOVED!
Mysterious and Beautiful
Dear Mysterious and Beautiful,
Ano … *Looks at shirt and sweatdrops.* If I could come to your world and go to the party with you I would, no da. *Hands her some tissues.*
Dear Chichiri,
*glomp* Hi Chichi-sama! Well, yesterday I went to my friend's house (Tenshi no Tasuki) to watch the 3rd tape of the OAVs which I've been dying to see for obvious reasons, even though I know what happens... But anyway, she and I were wondering about your best friend's circlet-type thing (the string around his head? I don't know what to call it!). Why does he have a metal washer on it? @_@ She found this hillarious, but I just want to know if this has any significance.
Bai! *hug*
Dear Moriko,
It's just a headband with a jade piece, no da. I don't believe it has a meaning.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Heyy, I just read the letter about you guys in the Shakespeare play thing, and lemme just say this, I'm only in high school, (I read W.S though, and of my own free will) and I was craking up like I watching Rat Race. Mitsukake, I think you may be getting a lil' depressed over the whole 'quiet guy' thing, but your right, I mean, I couldn't piture you as Horatio, who won't shut-up. Hoto-Sama and Nuriko-Chan, I'll leave you two alone, but Nuriko-Chan, you would be a good Juliet, or maybe Macbeth.(she's my favorite, ya know) Tasuki, your Sampson, hands down, you may not do much, but that is so you in Act: 1 of R+J. Puck is good for you Chichiri-san, but Tamahome, there is no way you could be Romeo, just no way. I could see you as Juliet's maid though. (HAHA) and Chiriko, you certanily would make a better Romeo than that pathetic loser. I mean, at least your cute!
Mika Kino
Dear Mika Kino,
Sampson? Who's that? Chichiri no Aijin said I'd make a good Mercutio. But I still think ol' Obake-chan should be Shylock. Heh-heh-heh…
Dear Tasuki,
'Sup big bro! Tis me again. Guess what, my new horse (Chalice) and I are invited to an invitational at the Chateau Elan Estate this Saturday, a place in Georgia that's famous for their horse shows and French wine. **smirk** Maybe I can get you to try something other than sake, huh aniki? Any preferances?
Another thing, my friend, (or should I say, one of my compulsive, over-reasting friends who wrote a letter to ya.) and I are writing a fanfic for based on the movie "A Knight's Tale." Basically put, Chichiri is a former monk who somehow wound up as a squire with you and Kouji. (plothole, but that's okay.) Kouji is more perverted than Tokaki in this, and you're the guy faking to be a royal to joust in good ol' fashioned Europe. Plus Nuriko's still a cross dresser, but he's the balck smith person, and Tamahome ( I had fun doing this) is based an addictive gambler (Geoffry Chaucer in the movie) who repeadly loses his money and clothes, and Nuriko-san sends him into the wall much more than he ever sent you in the series. (cue the cruel, malovent laughter.) Anyway, I was going for this humerous approach, but my friend is making this into some sorta love story/soap opera(personally, that's why I liked Lord of the Rings, there's only two romance scenes, and they both last less than a second, and you've have your evil horses.) But it's getting really annoying relly fast. I'm almost afraid to give you the address. But whaddya you and the other's mentioned think of the idea? ( and although I'm interested in Tamahome's opinion, it's not vailid. **in your face monster-sama! Now how are you gonna dis ouji boards that are liscensed by PARKER BROTHER'S by the way, and not Hasbro, baka** Not that I care much about ouji boards Tasu-kun, but I think anything that says Tamahome is stupid is at least semi-intelligent.
Mika Kino
Dear Mika Kino,
Sure, I'll try some! It sounds like a great idea to me! *Grins* Good luck wit' yer horse show! Don't ferget my wine!
Dear Tasuki,
no, no, no, no, no, no!! I didn't mean THAT way! O.o;;;*blushes*
Dear Kuriichan,
Oh? OK! Ya' sure?
Dear Chichiri,
If you were to open your left eye...what would it look like?
Morbid Critter
Dear Morbid,
I really don't know, perhaps scar tissue or an empty socket, no da?
Dear Mitsukake,
Hi!!! Can I call U Mitsey pleeeeease? If not, why? Hey do ya have any nick names? See ya!
Klown Boy
Dear Klown Boy,
No. That is not my name. I have no nicknames and prefer it that way.
Dear Tamahome,
In the manga, I saw how your hair got cut off, but how did it get cut off in the anime?
Dear Tamaka,
I believe it's the same. One of Suboshi Ryuuensui (The Yo-Yo's of Death) cut it off.
Dear Chichiri,
*slight sniffle*
I can't come to sad....d*mn plane prices. You know, if Justin and I do come for next Thanksgiving, it'll be pretty awkward between the two of you! *laughs*
Kelli-chan, CnA#2
Dear Kelli-chan,
Perhaps, no da. CnA spoke to Eiji and he said they would only be out for a week in June. So she's not very happy, no da. She was hoping they could be here for Thanksgiving as well. So you better show up, no da!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I have seen the most horrible thing in my 12 years on this planet......A shrine to Tomo and Miboshi.....*shudders*.....Oh by the way my friend Sara is totally obessed with Nuriko for some weird reason and me and her have agruments on who is better.. Tasuki is the best chocie but sara is still lost in her pitiful dream world when will she see the damn light. Kat is very weird and almost got killed by Jennifer by saying Chichiri is the in the whole world when Jen just loves friends are really wacky and then there is Amanda one word....baka....she thought nuriko was a girl.....*shudders to think*.. and Courtney just hates Fushigi Yuugi.....grrrrrr Courtney must die..but this is fuuny she took the FY test and got Miboshi *laughs alot* Bye bye!
Dear Rikku,
I think you and your friends need to stop picking on each other's obsessions.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
My brother is so mean... he is always making fun of you guys! He is always making me mad and I want to know what I should do. I have asked him to stop and asked my parents to ask him to stop. What should I do. He always makes fun of Tasuki because he knows I love him. Then he goes on to Chichiri and Tamahome. Then to the rest. Can you guys help me? Thank you
Tenshi No Tasuki
Dear Tenshi No Tasuki,
Try ignoring him. He's only doing it to get a reaction from you. Once you stop reacting, he should stop annoying you.
Dear Tasuki,
Hi again! I just saw the time you were attacked by Chichiri's friend's water! I want you to know that I believed in you the whole time! I knew you wouldn't hurt Tamahome or Miaka like that if you were okay! Did the water scare you? I'm sorry, stupid personal question *takes mallet and hits self in head* Owwwwwww..... anyways.... I still love you! Stay the way you are forever and I will try and join your bandit gang soon! Do you let girls in? I can steal stuff pretty well and I'm fast! Love ya Tasuki!
Tenshi No Tasuki
Dear Tenshi No Tasuki,
Thanks fer believin' in me! *Grins* We only let girls in if they can outdrink an' outbrawl alla us.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I AM CANDIAN! yep yep. and I want you all to listen to my song!
Actaully, I'd much rather live in ancient China! But hey, what can I do? maybe I'll visit japan when I'm in college. Its a sure thing! But the question is... how many chopsticks will I have to go through to actually get it right? hmmmmm.... I'll have to think about that one!
Kumade ._.
Dear Kumade,
Hopefully, only one pair ...
Dear Tamahome,
Tamahome-aniki!!! *flying glomp tackles* ;-; Do you remember me?! 'Tis your imouto, Sakura! I'm sorry I haven't written to you in a while! High School is aloooot of work. *nods rapidly* *huggle clings* How have you been lately, aniki? ^^ I hope you've been doing well. --; Blah, time to study for history. Ja mata! I'll write you soon!
Dear Sakura,
I'm doing well, thanks for asking. Study hard and get good grades!
Dear Chichiri,
*gives him a bunch of green lifesavers* they look exactally like what your friend has on his head in that one OVA
Dear Tana,
Arigato, but that was a piece of jade, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
what do ya need Shun'u? I'm busy takin' care of my responsibilities. an' its been snowin'. Lita spends a lota time playin' dun think I dun keep an eye on her ya jerk. I'm a good ma. Baka.
Dear Aidou-chan,
Glad to hear it. Yer kid keeps comin' to me fer attention, so I thought ya' left her or somethin'!
Dear Mitsukake,
*glomps, then adds "and Ayame" on the sign Ash-chan put on him*
Dear Ayame,
*Looks at the sign and smiles.*
Dear Tasuki,
do you love yui?
Dear Hotohori,
Is it just my imagination or did your little saying change? I thought it used to say, "As Konan's emperor it would be my privlage to answer your questions." Not missleves or whatever that word is. Just wondering. *huggle* Sorry I haven't written in awhile. I've been busy with school and two RPG's. So how are things going?
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
We're doing fine. It has always been "missives". So how have you been?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey guys! I was having a hard time figuring out who my fave seishi is out of Tasuki and Chichiri! I made a list of my fave things about them and here is what I came up with:
Tasuki: Red hair, tessen, earings, cool clothes, his swearing, drinking, brawling, speed, he's sexy, funny, adorable, brave, cunning, pyro maniac
Chichiri: blue hair, kesa, kasa, staff, his "no da"s, his meditating, his clamn personality, the magic, the scar, the lovable cuteness, the sexiness, his songs, brave
So after making this list i decided to love them both the same ammount...then that led me to T/C fics...And then a ML...and now I have a shrine of pics on my closet door...and then I started planing out a way to make plushies of them...Does all this make it an obsession?
Oh well, I'll just glomp them now ^_^
*glomps Tasuki and Chichiri and then gives them her number* ...Just in case...*winks*
Ruby Moon
Dear Ruby Moon,
*The Seishi all sweatdrop and try not to laugh as Tasuki and Chichiri blush and swetadrop.* Ano... arigato, no da...
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Nuriko,
Nuri-chan, something is really bothering me. =(
We had to learn this poem for English, and recite it in front of the class. I don't mean to sound arrogant, but I suppose I'm quite good at English - I got 100% in my Englsih exam and usually get 19 out of 20 or 20 out of 20 for my work.
Anyway, when I stood up to recite the poem, I got really nervous and said it very fast. Then I forgot some of it and spent a minute trying to remember it. I just know I've done badly, and I feel so bad about it.
Please help, it's really upset me! Love you!
Dear Kaho,
You said it yourself, you were nervous. That's perfectly normal and nothing to get upset about. Perhaps you can better prepare yourself so next time you won't be as nervous. Ganbatte, ne!
Dear Chichiri,
No worries! I don't mind at all *^-^*
Hmm.. I don't know what to ask...*thinks*... hmm.. Do you have any favorite magic spells(learnt from Taiitsu-ku)?^^;;;
Dear Kuriichan,
The teleportation spell comes in quite handy, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*hands everyone 4 gold ryou each* Hey i am collecting some art of each of you and group pics and i was woundering if you could give me some site(sites for the best pics of each of you) Thanx for reading this and i hope to here from you soon!
P.S. How come not too many people write to you tamahome?
Dear Kagome,
Ariagto for the oakne! Have you checked our Gallery and Link Peeji?
I think most people don't write to Tama-kins because he charges too much!
Dear Chichiri,
Hi 'Chiri-chan! I have a few questions for you:
1) If you could bring either Kouran or Hikou back to life, which one would you bring back?
2) How did you feel being one of the remaining seishi?
3) How were you able to stand seeing Taiitsukun every day when you were in training? Did you ever feel like you were about to go blind?
I hope those aren't boring questions! Well, not too boring. Ja ne for now, Chiri-chan! *gives him some cookies*
Dear Nadeshiko,
I'd let the both of them decide who was to come back, no da. I felt happy to be alive, but saddened by deaths of the others. LOL! No, no da. Remember, she can change her appearance, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
::girl enters, sits at the bar and puts her large mug of beer on the counter::
::sees Tasuki::
Wha...! Hey'a Tas...*hic* Why, aren't you one *hic* one of them Suza..., Sukaza...Sukiyaki...the fire chick*hic* chicken's warriors?
::takes a sip:: ::looks up at Tasuki thru her blurry vision::
*gasp* HAYASUKIIII...::grabs Tasuki's hand::
Where have you been? Why did you leave like that??
::starts to cry on his hand::
*sniff sniff* you don't smell like Hayasuki...
::Pushes Tasuki away and starts yelling::
You're not Hayasuki! What did you do to him? You've done something to my friend! I challange you to a fight!
::gets up from her stool, looses her balance due to being drunk and falls on the floor, outcold::
Dear Chi,
*Looks at strange drunk, shrugs, and leaves.*
Dear Tasuki,
Derf! *whaps Tasuki several times over with a rolled up magazine* (please forgive; tis past midnight ^^;)
Ayame (on energy burn)
Dear Ayame,
*Fries the magazine.* Stop that! >.<;;;
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi there guys! What's up, it's been a while sice I posted a message here. I was loaded with tons of school works. But I'm still ok, still kicking. So, have you received the invitation to the reopening of my Chichiri and Nuriko shrine? I will really appreciate it if you pay a visit. Oh well, I better keep going... Bye!
Dear Louver,
We did and we visted the shrine. Nice remake! The contest sounds interesting. We may try out for 2003's contest. Good luck!
Oh, by the way, whatever happened with Amazon?
Dear Tasuki,
Tauski 1st you prob. get this all the time but what the heck.
ok now that thats done. *blushes*
I want to know about your sisters i have no idea who they are i only know is that you have five. I have a little bro and sis it is not easy being the oldest i hate it. but if you marry me it will make it all better. so just take it into conseration and get back to me. I love to sing and cook. just thougt you should know. well got to go.
Love you faithfull miko
Tauski no miko aka- Becki
Dear Becki,
I ain't lookin' fer a wife or girlfirend. Gomen. My sisters are all older than me an' except fer Aidou, they're all married.
Dear Chichiri,
Hay chichiri #1 you are one of my top faves sorry your not my fave tauski is but i still love you 2nd. who is your best friend out of the suzaku gang i have read meny things saying its naruko or tauski witch one is it?
Tauski no miko
Dear Tauski no miko,
I think that woud have been Mitsukake, no da.
Dear Chiriko,
Hi cutie. ^.^ How are you? I'm great. Really. Just awsome. Life is good. Isnt it good? It's good. So uh...what was I gonna say..? Oh, yeah! Try saying THIS three times really fast!
A tutor who tutored a flute
Once tutored two tooters to toot.
Said the two to the tutor,
"Is it easier to toot, or to tutor two tutors to toot?"
Heh. I had to. I had to sing it. It's supposed to be somekinda warm up thing for my choir class, and it jess kinda stayed with me. Well, that's all for now. Peace out, cutie!
Dear Kuro,
*Smiles* That's some very kawaii alliteration!
Dear Tasuki,
How am I to keep my wife happy if you keep poping up between us? Any advice? I know she says I bigger,taller,stronger, and more handsomer, but she still loves you too. Help!!!
TasukiLuvers husband,
(lol) Tatarkawi
Dear Tatarkawi,
I duuno. But I know I ain't got nothin' to do wit' yer wife. I guess she's jus' obsessed. Gomen.
Dear Nuriko,
Hi papa! *smiles and holds her arms up to him* Will you hold me? pease? Me wuv you! *huggles his leg*
Dear Trista,
*Smiles, picks her up, hugs, and holds her.*
Dear Nuriko,
did u really love Hotohori-sama or were you just thinking that that's what Kang Lin would have done?
Dear ryuuen,
A bit of both, I think.
Dear Tasuki,
Okay... so, yer th' coolest guy then? What do ya think th' other seishis would answer if I asked them th' same question I asked you before?? Perhaps 'Tasuki' too? ah well, in that case; I understand them... n.n;
Dear Emma-chan,
I dunno what they'd say, but I doubt ol' Obake-chan would say I'm th' coolest!
Dear Tasuki,
Oii, Tasuki ^-^ I've noticed something.. Your closest friends must be Chichiri and Kouji, ne? Well.. both of them has scars and blue hair color! *confused* Maybe you prefer blue-haired-with-scars buddies XD( silly joke!) By the way.. how did Kouji get that scar? O.O
Dear Kuriichan,
Don't go there! >.< Kouji got his scar fightin' a demon.
Dear Tasuki,
well....actually i know why you hate milk...but why i ask again?...i wanna see how "calm" are you can go too!
Dear reddragon,
Ya' know, I ain't even drunk an' yer question still don't make no sense!
Dear Tasuki,
*Grabs the chocolates* Arigatou!! ^^ *Takes a chocolate and eats one* Oishii,ne?
*~Yume-Chan, Tasuki no Mamoru~*
Dear Yume-Chan,
Hai! Glad ya' like 'em!
Dear Hotohori,
*Sighs* I was trying to avoid talking to you until I could get my artwork sent in, but I missed you too much and gave up on that. Why has it been a week since I promised it, and nothing? Well, I had to redraw it (Don't ask why), and it's scanned, but I try to change the format, I can't figure it out. I try to attach it to see what will happen, Hotmail won't let me. Mom can't help, she's too busy. Dad knows nothing about computers. *Hits the wall with her fist* All I wanted was to do something special for you... *Smirks while tears come to her eyes* but I guess I can mess anything up... *Feels like an idiot* ...
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
Please don't cry! What format is it in? We use PhotoShop 6.0 so we may be able to convert it once we receive it. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
is there anyone who doesnt think your gay?
mysterious stranger
Dear mysterious stranger,
Yeah! Lotsa folks!
Dear Mitsukake,
MINE! *glomp, cough*
Sooo, how are you? I only have a few seconds to type because I am sick, and I never got permission to go on my computer. Anyway, I've been subjected to the horrific world of children's television while sick and I can draw a female body out of a figure eight. Anyway, I must leave now..Bye! *puts a little sign on him that says "Property of Ash-chan" and leaves* ^_^
Ash-chan, who's in a hurry because her father is pulling into the driveway.
Dear Ash-chan,
I'm fine. Odaijini! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Mitsukake,
You are one of the most incredible, under-valued of the seishi. Your stability and quiet presence has always the rock the other seishi cling to. I was wondering who among the seishi you were closest to and what do you think of the others.
Thank you,
Dear Kumiko,
Arigato for your kind compliment. I would say I am closest to Chichiri. I do like and respect the others. Even Tasuki. *Smiles*
Dear Hotohori,
Will you marry me?? *blushes* I LOVE you!!! *grins* You're so... hansome... and.... well, I just REALLY think that you're COOL!! Miaka should have stayed with you..... No wonder Nuriko's attracted to you!!!
Hotohori No Miko/Angel
Dear Hotohori No Miko/Angel,
Arigato for your kind words. *Blushes and smiles* I am already married and do not want another wife.
Dear Chiriko,
hey little brother! im still sick *cries and coughs* this sucks *keeps a distance from chiriko* dont take this as a offence but i really dont want you to catch what i got! ugh! can you help with my japanese h/w i need to know this word odaijini! please tell me you dont have a brother named takeru if you do i swear ill KILL him! *coughs* damn i guess ill go torture miboshi *leaves him a book* here i bought this for ya this past weekend maybe when i get better ill take you out again!bye ototo-chan*coughs and runs out before chiriko gets sick*
Dear Samantha,
Arigato for the book! "Odaijini" means "get well" or "take care of your health". I have no brother named Takeru.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Why are all your freakin eyes yellow!!! It's scarying us!
Lucy and Hyosumi
Dear Lucy and Hyosumi,
They are not, no da! For example, mine are brown, Tasuki's are amber, and Nuriko's are violet, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
hey! remember me? anyways i've solved my huge love problem..
i've decided to just keep my feeling to myself and let my friend drool over her crush in peace.. anyways advance Happy birthday!!! oh yeah! I had my birthday last feb. 25! were both pisces!! ^-^x
Dear ScYthE_000,
Happy belated birthday! I think you made a wise choice.
Dear Tasuki,
*pouts* and ur seishi didn't answer my question -_-*sighs then widely grins*oh well..i'll ask AGAIN^_^my question is~~>can a miko be part of her own seishi or vice versa?anyways*hands tasuki sake candy*thanks for reading my question!
Dear joy-chan,
Nope! Th' Miko is th' Miko an' th' Seishi are th' Seishi. Thanks fer th' oishii candy!
Dear Hotohori,
Remember the time I almost drowned myself? Of course you do, you're the one who saved me, and I am very grateful to you for it. But one thing refuses to stop bothering me. Who took my clothes off? *Looks at him suspiciously* ...
Dear Miaka,
*Sweatdrops* Nuriko did, not me!
Dear Hotohori,
This is a rather strange question, but here goes:
How often do you perform background checks on the people who work in your palace (e.g. servants, guards, advisors, tutors, cooks, etc.)?
The reason I asked is that I just got through watching a rather disturbing news report on TV, and found out that there's some criminal who's impersonating a police officer near where I live. (Which, unfortunately, isn't the first time this sort of thing has happened, and won't be the last.)
He was some nut wearing plain clothes sporting a "badge" and driving an unmarked car with one of those flashing lights on the top. Anyway, this creep robbed an old guy who instinctively pulled over to the side of the road (which should never, EVER be done for an unmarked car, because those flashing blue lights are available everywhere and pretty cheap to buy. How do you know the person pulling you over is for real?)
It absolutely burns me up that these sick people would betray our trust in the law enforcement agencies with this sort of deception. Being robbed is one thing, but being deceived in this fashion and THEN robbed (or worse) is absolutely inexcusable.
I hope the REAL cops catch this guy and lock his sorry, lying "backside" in a nice cold jail cell with...well, use your imagination. (I won't go into detail in case Houki or Boushin are reading this.)
Lady Shera, who has no kind words for any police impersonators
Dear Lady Shera,
The people who work in the palace, they and their families have worked for my family and me for generations. So I do not question their loyalty. I too hope this evil person is caught and brought to justice.
Dear Tasuki,
*dumps Tasuki in a pool filled with sake*
Dear Ayame,
ACK!!! *Gets a mouthful of sake.* OI!! This stuff's great!! *Starts drinking his way out of the pool… *
Dear Chichiri,
*glompers* Chichi-sama! Oh I've been having some interesting days (especially in the peer group department, but that not what this is about!). My friend, Tenshi no Tasuki, is so silly! She drew me a picture that had me with a plushie of you and on the reverse side it said "Parallel Universe" with you holding a plushie of me! It was odd but I love it. Of course, when I get on here and look at the seishi answers, I see she askes you why you wear a mask. -_-() She knows! She just wanted an excuse to talk to you. *sigh* Bakana... And then I scroll down and "angelfaerie" has written. Nande k'so?! She is my enemy and I know that only "Tenshi no Tasuki" could have been the one to tell her about this site. *cries* *sniffle* Hopefully she won't come back. *hug* Ai shiteru!
Dear Moriko,
You really shouldn't say that about angelfaerie, no da. As long as she is nice she is welcome here. Your friend's picture sounds kawaii, no da. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
hey you guys, wus up? Do you go to school? if so why aren't you in school? do you have colleges? do you have jobs? how do you get your money??
Dear curious,
Chichiri no Aijin works. We stay mostly in the palace or in the humble cyber-abode.
Dear Tasuki,
Okay...I forgive you!!! *hugs him and smiles* Yay! My birthday is tomorrow. Next up, driver's lisence(is that spelled right? I don't think it is.) Oh well, ummm... bye! And I just found out that you get the most letters. Why do you think that is?
Dear Chrissie-chan,
Because I'm so *(+^%$# COOL! Happy birthday!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
When was the last time you checked to see if your links worked? 'Cause some don't...
Dear Anonymous,
I'll try to check them this weekend. Arigato for the tip!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
WAAAAAAAAAAAHH!!!!! My mom so mean!!!! Last night my sister randomly started talking about the reporter and didn't know what she was referring to because she started "You know what they did to the reporter?" When I finally got it, she and my mom started yelling at me about how clueless I am, and they didn't stop even after I said I knew about him, I just didn't know what Erin was talking about at first. Then my mom said "I guess it makes sense that you didn't know. After all, it isn't a JAPANESE CARTOON." She said it so meanly and locked myself in my room and cried and then got into trouble because I wouldn't let my sister in and we share a room. T_T Can I have a hug from anyone? From all of you? *big sad puppy dog eyes*
Dear Sage,
*Gives her a hug.* Well, your mom was a bit vague. We keep up with your world's news and at first we didn't know what she was talking about!
Dear Chichiri,
Of course you can put da picture to your gallery! ^-^ I have a website, though.. I have lots of illustrations of you^^;;; *LOL*
Dear Kuriichan,
Arigato! I noticed, no da! So many in fact, we have added a link to your site, as Chichiri no Aijin just loved ALL of your illustrations of me! I hope you don't mind, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
*glomp* 'Touuuuuuusan...--; That boy is still harassing me.....What should I do? B-tch about him to the teacher? ^^; Cuz I can do that...
Dear Keiko,
Harassment is harassment Tell your teacher.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi hi everybody!!!! I hope you all remember me!! How's everything been going? I'm sorry I haven't been around for a long time.. it's just so different without the people I know here, ya know? Oh well, good times good times..
CnA, I'm looking forward to seeing you at AX02! I'll be Seed! YEAH! And my friend, Chris Tang, is gonna be Culgan for me! YAY! Last year I didn't have too much fun.. this one guy kept hitting on me and it killed me, plus I wasn't happy with my costume ('cept for those few moments with my fellow ShinRa employees!) but next year.. ha HA! I'll crossplay my favorite character ever... and I'll have a camera! and FILM! and I'll take pictures of those Star Wars cosplayers! THEY WERE SO AWESOME! There's gonna be more, or so I've heard! I went to the AX forum and read about it, and posted about my to-be cosplay group. At one of the back back back pages of the forum, there was a post made to you too.. it's pretty old though.. just thought I'd tell ya!
Well, I hope all is well! I'm pretty stressed with school right now. And I do have a question I could use advice on! I've been searching and searching and searching for career ideas. I'm pretty paranoid about my future and I really wanna be happy, but I can't seem to come to any decisions and I feel like I need more suggestions. I know I want to write, but sort of as a hobby.. and I'd like whatever I do to give me enough time to write. I thought about modeling and substitute teaching, so this year, maybe this summer, I'm gonna have my dad help me see if I can make it in the modeling world.. I'm pretty inconfident about my looks unless i'm acting jokingly conceited, but some people have told me I'm really pretty. With make up on I'm not too bad! LOL Anyway, enough rambling... any ideas? All the things I've looked up seem pretty general... Any ideas? Any at all? *hugs everybody, especially tasuki lol* Oh and Kouji is doing absolutely great!
Well, modeling is a very difficult profession to break into and if you are not secure about your looks it can be extremely hard on you on an emotional/personal level. I remember you as Yuffie at AX and back then you were a cute kid. I remember seeing you at last years AX and saw that you had grown into a beautiful young lady. If you are willing to work hard and face possible rejection, then get some headshots and go for it! Just remember, you need an ego like Hotohori's to deal with it! I looked up a site that might help you with becoming a model: *Smiles and gives her a hug.* Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Oy vey -_-,Hey guys,long time no write!(well only two-three days).If you're wondering where I have been,our computer's tower is being re-stored so that means I won't be able to talk to you guys,or write you letter's,or read the new one's for a while(btw,if you're wondering how I'm writing you right now,I'm using my stepmom's compy.),and i also won't be able to talk to Matt either ;_;...anywho,the reason for the restoration(if that's a word)O.o;;; of the tower is because our computer had used up so much memory it was unthinkable,so my stepmom knows this guy that knows her,and said he'd do our tower for free,and wipe everything out and stuff.Which will take a while,so in the time being I won't be able to go on for the next few days or so -_- *sighs* and I really miss you guys,and I also miss matt,but hey you gotta do what you gotta do,so anywho,what's new with you guys?Any interesting letter's,have there been any rabid fangirl's after (tamhome,and Mitsukake)or any of you lately?Let me know,well I gotta get going,I'm going to e-mail matt.
Dear Destiny,
Nothing really new has been happening. Good luck with your tower rebuild!
Dear Hotohori,
You know out of all the animated emperors I've ever seen you look the best. I think you look gorgeous dressed in red. Red is deffinately your color.
What's your favorite color? Have you ever wanted to change the color of your wardrobe from red to another color?
Dear Sakie-chan,
Arigato for your kind words. My favorite color is red, so I have not really wanted to change my wardrobe.
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