Dear Tasuki,
If you hate women so muh then why do you care so much about Miaka anyway you and Kouji would make a better couple
Koujis Girl
Dear Koujis Girl,
'Cos she's a good kid! Kouji??? I DON'T think so!! >.<
Dear Chichiri,
oh wow chichiri i don't know were to start last weekend i went to the coast with my gramma cause she was sick and needed to get away from my aunt and biological father and it was so fun tasuki probly would have hated it big wave nice deep pool *giggle* Then my mom keeps having these headaches and she has to go to the hospital and get shot's for them...not to good my sister is a total pain and then every one at school is laughing at me and finding any excuse to tease my well i'm teacher helper so i'm like second in comand so i tried to tell all the sixth graders to sit down and they think i'm being rude to them or they just say "Your not my mother" and thank sazaku for that *sweatdrop* my freind karleigh brought a baby goat to school today it's only half a day old and i have an F in u.s. history but a couple assingments he forgot to mark off so i probly have a C and then i have this native thing to go to *snore* i don't like there boring topics it's about aids and self asteem and my self a steem will never go up and i have talken 6 aids claases already no more sex ed *sigh* me and Magi Girl hung out and i got my magi nation game from canada oh bright and early tommorow i have to leave at 7;00 wasting my weekend where do you live now???
Dear Luna,
It sounds like you have a busy life, no da! I tend to either live in the palace or in the Humble Cyber-Abode, no da.
Dear Chiriko,
I got my SAT results!! In the verbal part I got a score of 410, making me better than 18 percentile of National and 11 percentile of State college-bound seniors!! And in math I got a score of 490, making me better than 40 percentile of National and 34 percentile of college-bound seniors!!! I'm so HAPPY!!!!
ChibInuchan no Miko
Dear ChibInuchan no Miko,
Omedeto on your scores! *Smiles*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I asked the Seiryuu shichiseishi this same question. It's kind of generic, but here goes:
If you could act in a Shakespearean play, which role would each of you choose and why? I was an English major in College, and I always felt that Fushigi Yugi had an odd Shakespearean feel to it.
*sees Tasuki awake and groggy-eyed* Well, look at Mr. Bright-Eyes here! I hope your head doesn't hurt too much from all that rum cake you chomped. Go slower next time.
*sees Boushin shuffle into the room with another story book* Ah! Boushin-san! You want me to read to you? Sure! Let's go over to the couch and see what there is to read? Wanna read J.R.R. Tolkein today? *sees Boushin hold up "The Fellowship of the Ring.* Perfect.
Well, you guys feel free to ponder my question. I've got some reading to do. *settles down on the couch with the book and starts reading to Boushin, who giggles despite the serious nature of the book.*
Lady Shera
Dear Lady Shera,
Tamahome - Romeo
Tasuki - Romeo? 'Che! Yer more th' Shylock type!
Chichiri - Puck, no da!
Tamahome - If you're Puck, then Tasuki can be the Ass! *Laughs*
Tasuki - NANI??? I'd be Falstaff, ya' *(&^%$# BAKA!
Hotohori - Oberon
Nuriko - Then I have to be Titania!
Hotohori - *Sweatdrops*
Mitsukake - Why break with the tradition of having so few lines? I'd be Yorick.
Chiriko - *Looks at Tamahome with big, sad eyes.* But, I want to be Romeo…
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
Ok, I know that you get asked this alot but my birthday is coming up next week and I was wondering if by any chance I could get a little birthday kiss. PLEASE!!! ***Looks at Tasuki with puppy eyes*** PLEASE!!!
Dear Alulah,
Sure … *Gives her a peck on the cheek.* Happy Birthday!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I'm sorry I haven't written in a while. I guess that is because I don't have an problems I need help woith, but that doesn't mean I have to stop writting. The situation with my dad is starting to clear up thanks to all of you.
Tasuki, will you fry my sister? She is being a real pain lately. I would really appreciate it! I got go to for now. *gives them all a hug and runs off*
Dear Miaka912,
I ain't gonna fry yer sister. But, I'm glad to hear thin's are goin' better fer ya'.
Dear Tasuki,
*is laughing hysterically* Hey Tasuki, me again. I was just on this crack-headed website. The site was a Tasuki shrine and when I got there...*errupts in a spasm of laughter and calms down ten minutes later* Yeah, so like I was saying, the music really SUCKS. But don't take my word for it. Here's the link: Go there and tell me what you think of the site, especially the music on the home page. Oh, god it really SUCKS...!!!*falls on the floor and rolls with laughter* By the way, I wrote a letter to your sister Aidou, so whatever she tells you about me, DON'T BELIEVE IT!!! It's probably not true. Anywayz, c u laterz!!!*dissolves into ridiculously hysterical laughter*
Dear Chrissie-chan,
Now, now, th' site ain't THAT bad! 'Che! Be nice will ya'?
Dear Tasuki,
I didn't try to drown ya yer %#$@$&+#$%&$!!! --; I only wanna see if ya've tried to swim at least ONE time in yer life... hmph, I think I know th' answer... And WHY would a innocent - eh, well, sometimes innocent - SD try to drown a muscle man??? *thinks* I know that answer too O.o;... Do I think right if I think that ya think I'm annoyin'...? ^.^ *knows that answer as well* I'm walkin' awaaay *walks away*
Dear Emma-chan,
I never said ya' were annoyin'! 'Che!
Dear Chiriko,
hello chiriko you dont have to pay me back cause your my little brother and i want you to be happy! anywho i brought you a valentines gift *gives him starburts and pixie sticks* bye bye! sorry its late but you guys werent up then!
Dear Samantha,
Arigato for the present! *Smiles*
Dear Hotohori,
hi hotohori! how was your valentines day mine was well.... okay i brought you something! *gives him a box of chocolate * bye bye!
Dear Samantha,
Arigato. I had a very nice Valentine's Day.
Dear Tasuki,
ohayo gozaimasu, tasuki-sama!! *glomp* i haven't written in a long time, ne... school is sooooo awful right now >_< i have an english paper, a history paper, a bio paper, a computer literacy project, student council, and a mentoring-program. i'm DYING with all of this stuff... >_< blah. but anyway, hope you're having a nice day and... hmm... i think that's it.. ^^; i have to get back to researching diatoms ^^:
Dear Moon,
Good luck wit' alla yer work! Now, get offa th' computer an' get to work! *Grins*
Dear Chiriko,
hey little brother alot of stuff has happened since i talked to ya! well i was reading this awesome fanfic about you and you got a power it is so cool its kinda like a life force blast ~.^! anywho i got a new boyfriend and he treats me alot better ~.^! thanx for your support little brother!
*gives him a hug* noe i must go torture miboshi C-Ya!
Dear Samantha,
I'm glad that you have a new boyfriend and that you're happy!
Dear Nuriko,
I need help..I think im falling in-love with me best friends crush..who inturn is a good friend of mine..what will I do?! I 've tried to stop myself from falling in love with my friends crush but I can't...and I can't let my best friend know what i feel coz she'll never forgive me! oh nuriko-Sama please help me! onegai!!!
Dear ScYthE_000,
Well, you need to decide which is more important to you, your possible feelings for your friend or you friendship with both of them. Of course, your feelings and her crush may not matter if he doesn't reciprocate them. Keep that in mind when you make your decision.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I watched the dubbed(english) version of Fushigi Yuugi a few days ago and I practically died. They sounded Especially Nuriko's..*sob* amd he's my fav character! so, what did you think of the dubbed version?
Dear neko,
We don't care for it.
Dear Chiriko,
lets play a game called 50 questions i ask you 50 really stupid questions and you have to awnser them all hows that sound? fun no?
mysterious stranger
Dear mysterious stranger,
No. It doesn't sound like fun. *Looks at signature.* I see someone has been reading Mark Twain. *Smiles*
Dear Tamahome,
how many people actually give you money when they ask you a question
mysterious stranger
Dear mysterious stranger,
A lot!
Dear Tasuki,
Thank goodness your finally up! We're a couple of Mika Kino's friends from her anime club. She's mostly like our big sister, everyone looks up to her. She's th tough kid in school who'll leave you alone if your alright with everyone else. (not to mention rocks as a line person-doohicky on the football team, she'd kill us for that.) Anyway, ever since her horse crisis, weird things have been happening, but it's become major evidence that something is just not right. About two weeks ago we saw her at the movies, supposedly going to see 'Lord of the Rings' again, since it is her favorite movie besides Endless Waltz. Acceptable, until after we saw her leaving the 'Peter Pan' show. Peter Pan? Mika? Disney? Maybe we screwed up there, but there's no excuse when the guys from the football team asked if she wanted to practice with them, and she said she 'wasn't big into that game anymore'. Mika would never call any sport 'that game,' and football above everything. Think about it, this is the tomboy who wouldn't stop talking about the last superbowl for three days straight!She's the schools star sprinter too, and we even saw this..... Mika on an average can run the 400 meter sprint in about fourteen seconds. She ran it sixteen, and said she did her best. Do you know what's going on with her! Do you mind talking to her, because she'll just shrug and act like there's nothing wrong!
Jade-Chan, Makato^^, Midi-San, and Diva
Dear Jade-Chan, Makato^^, Midi-San, and Diva,
I'd say she's depressed 'bout Padre, but I'll talk to her.
Dear Tasuki,
Happy Valentine's day big bro! Actually, I wanna change it to Villiantine's Day, alot less mushier. **blech** I've started riding at new stable, and there's a kewl horse there. Her's name Chalice,(kewl name huh?) and basically, she's made more roadkill than any given truck in a monster truck rally! My kinda horse! **tomboyish laugh** She ain't Padre, but I'm in a show with her this Saturday. I'm not doing rodeos anymore, and you don't know how much that stinks fer me. I'm being forced into jumping, and it's all prissy and stuff. Atleast this horse puts up a decent fight once in a while, or I'd probably quit altogether.
Also, my sisters haven't pulled anything on me in a looooonnnnnngggg time! In still on the alert, but I just wanted to know if I could borrow your tessen the next time they sing the Cinderalla song. Listen, I know it's kinda late, but here! **hands him a huge bottle of sake, the most expensive kind, and a free bowling pass.** Be sure to use Tamahome's head on the lanes, just a sixteen pounder, you'll get plenty of momentum.^.~
Mika Kino
Dear Mika Kino,
Thanks fer th' sake! Glad to hear yer ridin' again, 'cos yer buds are really worried 'bout ya'. I figured yer jus' down 'cos of Padre. But if there's anythin' ya' wanna talk 'bout I'm here fer ya'.
Dear Chichiri,
Hi... I watched the 3rd OAV and what is happening with that picture of u at the end. ((you know...where it shows what happens to everyone)) The one where there are 2 kis running from u ^^;;;; And how id Mitsy answering questions on this site along with the rest if they were reborn into children?
Crazy Fan
Dear Crazy Fan,
I'm still a wandering monk, no da. Sore wa himitsu desu, no da. *Smiles*
Dear Tasuki,
*pulls him out* how can you drown while wearing floaty wings... *sticks some plastic forks in his hair just because*
Dear julie,
*Pulls forks out of his hair and looks confused…* Does this look like *(^%$#@ spaghetti to ya'???
Dear Tasuki,
you know you sisters could make alot of money renting you to fan girls
mysterious person
Dear mysterious person,
OI! Stop tryin' to give 'em ideas!!! >.<
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
One more question. Do you like children?
Dear Sakie-chan,
All the Seishi except Tasuki: Yes
Tasuki: No! 'Cept fer my niece an' Chiriko they're alla pain in th' @$$!!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
*POUNCE!* Aw, I feel so special. Some complete stranger IMed me to tell me how much they liked my Kaioshin shrine ^.^ Anyways, all our stuff is finally moved of Nate's server. Reploid Productions Studios' address is now and Gundam Wing: A New Era can be found at =D IJ's server is much fast to upload too, and more reliable. Whee! ^-^ Soon I'll be giving Nate a little phone call to tell him to delete our account. (Yes, I know. Why waste the long distance? But calling seems to be the only way of getting ahold of him, since I have previously exhausted all other means. And besides... text just can't contain the evil genki my voice can...)
Oh yez... do you know where I might be able to find a Sano t-shirt (specifically a t-shirt, not one of those button up shirts) for Rachel? Not that she's a fangirl or anything... or so she keeps insisting. But either way, she's complained to both Rob and I that she can't find one. So if I can find one, I'll probably store it away as a birthday present or something. =)
And does anybody know where I can find a *#$@! MP42 Decompressor (MPEG-4 codec or something) that WORKS so I can watch the rest of my bloody Inu-Yasha episodes!? ;-; All the other episodes worked, but now Real Player says I need a MP42 Decompressor... File Player and Windows Multimedia Player play it a suuuuuuper fast speeds...
I think that's about it ^^; Ciao!
Dear One-chan,
Cool! I got Chiriko to update yer links. I found a website that'll MAKE a tee-shirt fer ya'!! is th' site name. Check 'em out! Try checkin' here fer some sites: MPEG4 Search Results.
Dear Mitsukake,
Why do people think your boring? I think your quiet. But I don't think your boring.
Dear Sakie-chan,
Arigato for your kind words. It is because I am so quiet that people think I am boring.
Dear Tasuki,
A question to my second favorite Suzaku Seishi. Nuriko being my first that is. Sorry if this sounds like a lame question but, do you like wolves Tasuki?
Dear Sakie-chan,
Yeah, I do.
Dear Nuriko,
Hi Nuriko! Your one of my favoritest characters. I admire your strength and courage. And you have such a lovely smile too!
Dear Sakie-chan,
*Smiles and bows* Arigato for your kind words.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
WOOHOO!!!WELCOME BACK,I MISSED YOU GUYS!!!How was CNA's test?Did she pass with flying colors?Well a lot has happened to me lately,but my friend genrou and I <.<;; made a website about Tasuki which is Everyone please sign the guestbook?;_;...need more people to sign's so bare v.v...
anyways,guess what?I have a BOYFRIEND *.*;; I know you said not to go out with computer guy's,but he's really sweet,and nice.He's german,and has a german accent.And and and,everyone LIKES him o.o;;,and uhm,he told me that I won't lose him no matter what,and stuff like that,and he said that he's happy when he's with me ^____^.His name is Matt,but his real name is Jurgen.Matt is his nickname.^___^.He's sooooooo cute *.* anyways,he's really nice,and he's going to write me IRL,not an e-mail,an actual letter,of course he's going to ask his parents if it's okay for him to do so.And when he does,he's going to send me another picture of him.^___^...and uhm,he originally came from Germany.=D...He sounds like a good guy ne?^___^
I am happy,a lot happier than I was with Draven.what was I thinking when I was going out with him?-_-...anyways,I am so happy.And he's going to ask his parents if he can come down here(even though he does live in U.S.,cause they moved to georgia a while back)during the summer.^__^,and he's 19,6'3,I know his real name,what music he likes and stuff like that.He's sooooooooo cute =D.*does the bandit dance with someone.*He's kinda like semi-gothic,but not fully,he doesn't do drug's,and he doesn't drink.I mean he does drink(I think) occassionally but not like Draven.He doesn't have a child,he's never had sex.And the best thing is,he said he would take me to Germany someday =D* smiles brightly.*and he said he would call me some time so I can hear his strong accent *drools*.So whacha think of Matt?*.* well,I think that's it for now.Oh yeah Mitsukake,I'm giving you some late valentine chocolates(don't worry,they're not old)and tama-neko a tasty fish(doesn't know what kind he likes),and Tamahome,I'm giving you some too.^__^ how did I do protecting you on valentines day Mitsukake?No rabid fangirls =D...Anyways,happy LATE v-day.I guess that's it for now.
A Happy Destiny ^__^
Dear Destiny,
He sounds like a vast improvement over Draven!! Good luck! Arigato for the gifts and for protecting me.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I'm not sure if this was asked yet. But what are your favorite foods?
Dear Sakie-chan,
Chichiri: Fish, no da!; Tamahome: Whopper with cheese; Tasuki: Steak! Char-grilled!; Nuriko: Fruit; Mitsukake: Vegatables and fruits; Chiriko: Green tea ice cream; Hotohori: Chocolate ice cream.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Nuriko,
What was your parent's reaction when they saw you dressed as a girl?
Dear Sara,
I no longer had a home. *Looks sad*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I'm so happy that you are all back.*hugs everyone* I missed you guy's so much.*starts to cry because she's happy there back* ;-;
*bows to Hototohri* the king has come back.
Zida keno
Dear Zida keno,
Arigato. We're all very glad to be back!
Dear Hotohori,
Oiiiiiiiiiii. ^^ You're rich. Can I have some cash? Tis for Sakuracon...heh...
Dear Keiko,
I suppose so, since it's for a good cause. *Hands her some gold ryou.*
Dear Chiriko,
By any chance do you know what could be wrong with your computer when it will make this funny noise when you start it up, and it will say 'operating system not found'?
Dear Someone,
It can mean several things. One, that you have left a floppy in your floppy drive or a bootable CD in you CD ROM drive; two, your hard drive has just died;, or three, someone has managed to erase your operating system. If it is two or three my condolences on the death of your PC and ganbatte kudasai on reviving it.
Dear Chichiri and Tasuki,
My Tech School is the coolest! One of my classes, Computer Literacy is the best! Why? Because we get to do a project in Powerpoint on any topic we want and I'm doing it on you two. I finished it and I have the cutest pictures of you two on it. Well, that's all for now,no da.
Kacyn Evanowicz(AKA Piccolo)
Dear Kacyn,
You did a project on us? We're very flattered, no da! Will you be submitting the pictures to our Gallery, no da?
Dear Tasuki,
*comes running up to him* I....I think I've survived through Valentines Day. It was a tough, but I tried my very best that I could. *blinks* Did I do okay on my first big job? ^^
Oh yeah, I almost forgot.*Gives him a box of chocolates* These are for
you. ^^ Enjoy!!
*~Yume-Chan, Tasuki no Mamoru~*
Dear Yume-Chan,
Ya' did a great job! *Grins* Thanks fer th' chocolate. *Opens box* Want one?
Dear Chiriko,
Thank you for the study tips, but I'm not sure if they worked or not... *sniffle* I didn't get to finish the math section of the test... 53 answers out of 60. *sigh* I'll be lucky to get half of them right. *sniffle* The rest of the test was easy, but the math was so hard... I have no idea what the square-root of pr to the third power plus negative x divided by q! I don't even know how to find the answer! *blinkblink* My dad said that it's okay... but I know he really wanted me to do well... The test results will come in about four weeks... I guess I won't know how badly I did until then... *sad sigh* Well, thank you for the advice...
Dear Shiraha,
You may have done better than you think! Anyway, you should consider getting a math tutor if this is a difficult subject for you. Doing so might help you raise your grades. Good luck!
Dear Chichiri,
OMG! I can't believe I haven't wrotten to you yet! Your my favorite person of all time! I died my hair your color, I have your symbol tattoed just above my right knee, I have a little shrine in my backyard. It used to be a shed for tools until I got there MUWAHAHAHA! I have your cosplay costume which cost me around 300 dollars O.O. I have yer necklace which I wear all the time!
Dear Kumade,
Kowai, no da! *Sweatdrops and hugs her.*
Dear Hotohori,
NOWAY! I didn't say you look like a frog, a frog can't even compare to you. I was just wondering... ah forget it. But I didn't mean to tell you you look like a frog, and for you to not make your guards beat me up, heres a pudding pie. *gives Hotohori a pudding pie*
Dear Kumade,
Arigato. I'm sorry I misunderstood you.
Dear Tamahome,
Yep, thats me, a pitchfork kinda person...... oh dear.... oh well.... soooooooooooooo' ya, HI! *digs in her pockets and gives him 2 ryou* yep, I'm broke again
Dear Kumade,
Dear Tasuki,
just because i'm sooooo nice *mutters* and hyper... i'm gonna teach you how ta swim!!! ^_^ *jams some water wings on his arms and pushes him in to the lake*
Dear julie,
GAAAAHHHH!!! *Starts drowning*
Dear Nuriko,
Hi Hi *hugs her Oni san* My exam on Friday went really well, we did our play and my teacher said I would be creaming in the performance marks. I was really pleased, I've wanted to act since I was little :)
I went out last night to celebrate and the night started off quite sad, because I met a boy at the college party and he didn't even come over to see me. He said that he had a lot of family problems at the moment and wanted to sort them out, but my friends could see I was really upset and told him he was hurting my feelings, he came over and apologised, telling me he hadn't meant to be mean. We talked and I told him that if he needed anyone to talk to I'd help.
I feel bad though because another friend asked my other friend if he'd have a chance with me, and although I think he's the funniest person alive there's just no way, besides I really like this other guy, but I'm never quite sure whats going on with him.
I also need to help my friend because she just got dumped, so while I was feeling really happy when we got back to her house late, she was feeling really sad. We all tried to cheer her up :( I hope she's ok, because she's great! *sigh* Boys stress me out, but how are you?
Jen xxxxxxx
Dear Jen,
They stress me out, too! *Grins and looks at Hotohori.* I hope things workout for you and your friends! Congratulations on your exam!
Dear Tasuki,
I dreamed 'bout you... you... you went out fer a walk wid my dog O.o;... I think I've pretty strange dreams ya know... ^^;; anyway... Wasn't it any puddles ya could learn to swim in then... I've heard ya were slight in both height and build for a 15 year old... okay, okay, I know! Puddles' stupid things to swim in... ya only get muddy... I know thet, cuz I've tried --;; well... bye... **runs away quickly**
Dear Emma-chan,
I ain't THAT slight!! >.< 'Che! Now they're tryin' to drown me in mud puddles … * Walks off grumbling*
Dear Chichiri,
what does wo ai ni and aishiteru mean? I'm not into so much japanese. Thank you!
Dear Mimi,
"Wo ai ni" is Chinese for "I love you". "Aishiteru" is Japanese for the same thing.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Valentine's commin' up, ne! So tell me, do you guys believe that you should choose a person of the opposite sex as a valentine, or can it be a dear friend as well?
Confused and single
Dear Confused and single,
We all think your Valentine should be a person who is special to you regardless of their gender.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!!I know it's a bit advanced to greet all of you,but I usually can't find the time to visit your website.Hope the rest of you don't mind,but I composed a poem for Valentines Day about Tamahome and Miaka(they're really such a CUUUTE couple!).Oh yeah,I was going to hand out gifts,but I'm still deciding what to give all of you guys and we're going to have a stageplay about YOU guys(I suggested it and I'm gonna make the costumes).Taamahome and Hotohori, there are two girls I know who are just NUTS abou t you:Me and my sister!Nuriko,if you wanna be a girl,I know someone who can turn you into one!I'm still trying to contact him though.Please email me sometime.
Dear Krista,
Arigato for your greetings! Nuriko seems very happy being himself for now, no da. Ano … we don't do personal emails and you should NEVER give someone the password to your email account, no da!
Dear Chichiri,
Oh, but i do get fresh air i love to hike me and Magi-girl she's here right now playing with my lttle briother no matter how many time's she say's I"m not having any kid's i think she'll at least have one and i say the same but i know I'm having at least one kid.......any who a big wind storm hit the west coast last night the winds here were at top to 70mph it was scary...
Dear Luna,
They're still bad here, no da! The Santa Ana's are very strong, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
*very sllepy like* Wo ai ni....*snuggles and falls asleep*
Dear Lita,
*Tucks her into bed.*
Dear Mitsukake,
You're a doctor, ne? What's a good way ta get ta sleep so I'll stop at 2 letters a piece to you guys and ya dun hafta put up with my gibberish that makes absolutely no sense because I can come up with the longest run on sentences when I'm tired and slap happy and unable to sleep because I'm so hyper because I didn't get enough sleep last night because I was drawing and talkin with Leah-neechan and Tanya-imouto who are complete trips at night though why I have yet ta figure out why and ya know, I think I'm gonna stop and take a breath now. *takes a niiiiiice deep breath* ^^;; Toldja I did run-ons when Im sleepy. ^^;;;
An insomnic Kashke-chan
Dear Kashke-chan,
Warm milk, a hot bath, and some quiet meditation should do the trick. Chamomile tea is also good for making you sleepy.
Dear Tamahome,
Oi, if I gave ya some okane, wouldja tell me a good way ta fall asleep quick? Onegai? *watery puppy eyes*
An insomnic Kashke-chan
Dear Kashke-chan,
Sure! Try drinking some warm milk before you go to bed.
Dear Chiriko,
I have discovered something, Ototosan. Studying tends ta be helpful when preparing for Finals. ^^; This was a loooooooong while back, but I found out that I passed my Phy. Sicence Honors class by 2 points as an average. Made a 80 on the final I think, can't remember 'cuz I'm too tired and slap happy...
An insomnic Kashke-chan
Dear Kashke-chan,
Of course it does! Now get some sleep.
Dear Tasuki,
'Cazed'? 'Henati'? We havin a lil bit o' trouble typin lately, Tas-niisan? Maybe those rum cakes got to ya...
An insomnic Kashke-chan
Dear Kashke-chan,
I'm a (*^%$#@ bandit! Ya' really 'spect me to be able to _+(*^%$@ spell??
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Ok well I have a problem. My friend told me that she was bisexual and that she had a girlfriend. I'm perfectly fine with it. But after she said something it got me to thinking, maybe I am not entirly straight. I've thought about it for a month and a half... I have realized that I am bisexual and I want her to know because she told me and because she is my best friend and knows everything else about me(almost). I just don't know how to tell her without ruining our friendship, hurting her relationship with her girlfriend(who may I add doesn't even live near us), or making her think that I am just trying to be like her. It's been bothering me for a really long time now. My one friend, Katherine, knows and she told me just to tell her, but it isn't that easy. I want to tell her, really I do but I don't think I can. What to you think? I really need someone else's opinion. Thanks a lot.
Dear Katie,
Tell her what she told you made you do some soul searching of your own and that you, too have come to realize that you are also bisexual. But, before you tell her, ask yourself why you feel this way and make sure that this is your true feeling and that you aren't that way over the reasons you stated in your letter. Good luck!
Dear Chiriko,
Um...Chi-ototo? What's a good way ta keep from gettin a big ego? Is there any way ta avoid it??
And now for my other question, what on earth does antidisastablishmentarianism (sp???) mean??? I heard somebody say that today, but I have no idea what it means.
A confused Kashke-chan
Dear Kashke-chan,
It means: opposition to the withdrawal of state support or recognition from an established church, esp. the Anglican Church in 19th-century England. If you want a lengthier discussion on the word go to:
Dear Mitsukake, got any cures for a big ego?? Me believes I'm startin ta get a swelled head cuz ppl keep tellin me how good my art is...^^;;;;;;;;;;;; Onegai? I really need that cure so I can shut up when I need to...
Kashke-chan in need of a cure
Dear Kashke-chan,
If you are wondering if you are getting a swelled head, you really don't need a cure for it.
Dear Nuriko,
Wai!! Nuri-niisan! Guess what! I'm gonna get ta see my mom again for the first time in 5 years this summer!! *grins* Ain't that great? I was talkin to her a coupla nights ago, and I sent her one of my pics. It was of one of my new chara's, Karishna, that I'm gonna write a fic with. T'will be FY of course. ^__^ But anywho, she looked at it and freaked out. ^^; I had told her a while back that I was gettin into drawing, and I was half-decent at it. *grins* Me thinks she thought I meant I was doin little cutesy stuff, not anime. She showed it to her b/f, Richard (What kinda name is that, anyway?? Is he really polite or something??), and he said they rocked and were good enough ta be in a comic book. If ya like, I can send the pic so you'll actually kow I'm talking about.. ^^; *head is beginning to get a little big with all the praise* ^^;;;
A big-headed Kashke-chan ^^;
Dear Kashke-chan,
I think you already sent them and they were great! They'll be going into the Misc. part of the Gallery.
Dear Tasuki,
I know, I know....but I can't exactly keep an eye on them if they never tell me when and where they're goin, now can I? They're both doin much better though, and somehow I reeeeeaaaaaally doubt they're gonna try that again. 'Sides, Leah's startin ta hang out with my imouto Tanya more than Danielle....Think Dan-neesan and Leah-neesan had a fight, but they seem to have worked it out too....
So what's up with Aidou and Kouji?? I haven't been checkin the letters much lately, but last I heard Aidou was gonna kick Kouji's @$$ for something or another. Are they still together? Did they work everything out??
A curious Kashke-chan
Dear Kashke-chan,
I think they did an' they didn't kill each other in th' process!
Dear Chichiri,
Soooo.....Chi-niisan....when are you gonna show up in the OAV's??? I just saw the first episode....o.o....I dun like what happened much...
Newho...gomen nasai for not writing sooner, but I've been just a liiil bit busy. ^^; I got ta talk to my biological mom for the first time since Thanksgiving!! ^____^ Guess what's even better than that though! I think I might get ta come to CA this summer and see her again for the first time in 5 years!!! Wai no da!!! *is very happy* ^__________^ Oh yea, one more thing....Do you or the rest of the seishi like weres or furries??? Or does CnA like 'em either?? Figured I better stick a question in there since my letters to Tama-niisan and Hoto-niisan didn't really have questions in them. ^^;
A happy Kashke-chan
Dear Kashke-chan,
Weres or furries? None of us, Chichiri no Aijin included are really into that.
Dear Hotohori,
Awwww... your great-granson's adorable!! That was bad when he was sad though....and what happened to Tamahome-niisan....O.o;;; *is still freaked out about that*
A semi-freaked out Kashke-chan
Dear Kashke-chan,
It's ok. You needn't be upset by it.
Dear Tamahome,
*has just watched the first episode of the first OAV* O.O;;;;; How....What....When....HOW'D THAT HAPPEN!?!?!?!?!? How on earth did that happen to you??? Didn't you dislike him as much as aaaalllll the rest of the seishi???? *is freaked out* One of my oniisan was ****** in the first OAV...O.O
A very freaked out Kashke-chan
Dear Kashke-chan,
You'll see how it turns out as you watch the first OAV.
Dear Chiriko,
No, no, I mean narrate it. Host, narrate, it means the same thing to me. ::sweatdrop:: Guess I shoulda made myself clearer.
Morino Mihana
Dear Morino Mihana,
Oh! OK! I'd be honored!
Dear Nuriko,
I need some serious help. I'm going to this fancy dance in a few weeks, and I want to know if I should wear my blue and gold Chinese dress, what colors of makeup to use... whether or not to dye my hair dark blue (if my mom will ever let me) cause I'm a blonde.. one of the few that aren't into attracting a lot of attention to their appearences.
Also, I've been having touble with these guys in math class. They always say, "Wazzup Kemari-chan" *(that's just a nickname for a club sweatshirt) and I think they are pretending to hit on me and I'm not sure what to do.
Dear Kemari-chan,
Leave your hair its natural color! What color are your eyes? You may wish to wear makeup that accentuates your eye color. Your dress sounds lovely! As for those boys, you can either ignore them or you can play along and say, "Nothing much. Whazzup with you?"
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Is Seiryuu completely evil, or are his seishi just messed up by life? And does Suzaku have any power without the miko? Could he ever have a girlfriend? And why does everyone thing Tasuki's gay?
Rachel Elizabeth
Dear Rachel Elizabeth,
The gods are neither good nor evil, they just are. Suzaku has power regardless of the miko. I don't think the gods would have that kind of relationship. Because they're hentai bakas.
Dear Chiriko,
Hey lil buddy! Alright, we're doing a project for Social Studies and I ned some info on Japanese Immigration into America, from 1880-1920. We know like, where they settled and all, but we need some other stuff! *huggles* Thanks!
1) How long was the voyage from Japan to Hawaii, then Hawaii to California?
2) Why did they come, was it by choice or was it forced?
3) What are 2 HUGE cultures, that set it apart from another country. We know a lot, but we think it would be cool to here your 2 favorite ^_^
4) What's one American culture that came from Japan?
5) Who wrote The Art Of War (we don't know if it was a japanese author or not o_o)
6) Under what circumstances would a geisha leave Japan to go to America?
7) How can you get in big trouble in Japan? (We say moon the emperor, but we can't do that in school)
8) How did the Americans treat the Japanese when they got here?
9)Why are you so adorable ^_^ *huggle*
*smiles and gives him a Pixie Stik* Hey, tell Tasuki that our recipie has sake in it *big grin* - Bon
You look like a girl *gets smacked over the head by Bon* -Jess
If you don't answer our questions, I'll hurt you *gets smacked by Bon* -Melissa
Soul, Peace, and Chicken Grease!! - Rae
Bon, and her group (Rae, Melissa, and Jess)
Dear Bon, and her group (Rae, Melissa, and Jess),
Here are all your answers:
1, 2, and 8 - You need to do your research and homework.
3 and 4 - I don't quite understand what you are asking.
5 - A Chinese man by the name of Sun Tzu.
6 - I suppose if a wealthy American were to buy her contract she would.
7 - Breaking the law generally gets you in trouble in Japan.
9 - *Blushes*
Dear Nuriko,
nuriko hi listen sam and that girl worked out their problems but they were at a party and her b/f dumped her what should do?
very concerned Amy *chiriko's sister*
Dear Amy,
She needs to go on with her life and go out and have fun with her friends.
Dear Chichiri,
Hiya Chichiri! This question I have is actually for all of you, but I wanted to hear it from you! ^_^ Do any of you
know who SMAP is? Popular japanese boy band? And if ya do, tell me, who is your favorite member? Thanks! This site is great, keep up the excellent work minna!
P.S. Tell Tasuki that "someone" stole all his sake. (runs off) Ja ne!
Dear Yuki-Chan,
We do know who SMAP is, no da. However, we don't have any favorites. I wouldn't joke about that if I were you, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
I have a question reguarding "Bandit-ish" - Is it just a disreguard for grammar? Or actually an accent? A dialect? A lack of education? I heard somewhere that you spoke with a Kansai accent... Is that just you or all the other bandits?
one more question- how much does your tessen weigh? now that I've frightened everyone...
P.S- I am amazed at the amount of psychiatric help you have given to people *organizes a standing ovation for the seishi*
Dear mahra,
Arigato fer yer nice words. Yeah, I speak Kansai-ben. But th' rest of 'em don't. My tessen weighs somewhere between 15-20 pounds. I ain't never really weighed it so I'm jus' guessin'.
Dear Chiriko,
G'morning. In the interest of plaguing you with random questions:
what do computer keyboards look like in Japan? Are the keys made up of different line segments?
And how do they organize dictionaries? By kana?
sorry, these just bother me a little. And I know you guys are from China... but the answers would be the same, right?
Do they have kana in China?
And (oh, joy! Doesn't everyone love answering my annoying little questions!) why should Latin nouns have three conjugations whereas other words only have two????? *confused*
oh- and do you think you could borrow Tasuki's tessen breifly to fry the person who invented the ablative case? Or maybe evil incarnate cannot be destroyed...
Dear aequor-is,
Here are all of your answers:
They look basically the same but some of the keys have hiragana and kanji on them. There are also extra keys on the keyboard as well.
One would assume.
They have a pictographic alphabet
Could it be because Latin has 3 genders and other languages don't?
Tasuki's tessen only works for him.
Dear Tasuki,
*hears tasuki-san telling,little lita a bedtime story,while standing behind the door listening to them.She sneezes and pauses before saying anything.*aww kawaii Tasuki-san telling Lita a bedtime-story only it's not real know tasuki-san I don't want to sound mean or anything but people from this site could go to ask mt.reikaku and black mail ya and tell them that you're taking care of a sweet little child.Awww and it's so kawaii...but I dun think we have any blackmailers on hand do we?O.o;;;*walks in the room and puts down a Tasuki-san plushie next to Lita.*awww.Little kids are SO cute.^_^..except the one that said your face is ugly which I might add it's NOT.*giggles softly*aww Tasuki's gone soft.Yep Yep yep.*walks out the room silently.^__^
Dear Destiny,
I ain't gone soft! Whaddya' 'spect me to do??? Smack her around??? She's my niece!
Dear Tasuki,
ITAI! That last part wasn't supposed to be there!! **tries to scratch it out** I kinda left the letter on the screen and one of my friends musta typed it in.....IT SOUNDS SO GIRLY!!!**blech** Hope you thought something was up...
Mika Kino
Dear Mika Kino,
Ano… not really, but don't worry 'bout it!
Dear Chiriko,
Well, I've started doing my homework on a regular basis now! (Amazing O_O) Oh, and I have yet another issue. (more of these will come...I'm not going to anyone else but you, ya kawaii little genius!) At lunch, one of the jerks in my class asked me if I wanted a sandwich. I didn't respond, knowing it was a trick, so he asked me again. I kept ignoring him until he threw the sandwich at my face! It was peanut butter and jelly, worst of all, and it got all over my newly won Tasuki shirt! (Not that I like him better than you, but I still like him anyway...^_^) Other than speaking to a teacher (which I've done..that and speaking to him myself), is there anything else I can do?
On a better note, I went to the library today...I was thinking of you all day, so I guess I wasn't paying attention and got 3...uh...very you books O_. One on Recent Chemistry Discoveries, one called 'The Wonders of Physics', and a book on the elements...i figure I could get along better in science if I know more than the rest do. Does it work for you, knowing you know more than anyone else?
I noticed something. Since we are studying the Greek City-States, Sparta and Athens, I found something interesting. Amiboshi is more involved with art and music, as was the C-S of Athens. Both start with A. Suboshi is war-like and basically merciless, as was Sparta. Both start with S. I just found that odd and wanted to share that with you ^_^ Do you think Amiboshi and Suboshi realized that? (I'm guessing not.) Ah, well I have Language HW to do...see ya, O Great Master of Kawaiiness!
Dear Sarina-sama,
Perhaps next time you can politely decline his offer and he won't hit you with food. Sometimes it does. Arigato for the kawaii nickname. I don't know if that is what Watase-sensei had in mind with Amiboshi and Suboshi, but it is an interesting theory.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi Everyone! It's me again.. This is only my second time, but.. Anyway, I'm doing OKAY in school... I MADE THE HONOR ROLL!! YAY! *Jumps up and down* I made the honor roll even though I got a B in social studies... I study for my tests a week in advance, but I've still never gotten anything over a 91. HELP! How can I do better? (And remember my homework??) Thanks in advance!!
Dear Morgy-San,
Study more, take notes during class, and study your notes. Omedeto gozaimasu on making the Honor Roll! We're all very proud of you!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Did you guys ever consider adding a Japanese dictionary to this site? I noticed a lot of people ask what some of the Japanese words mean and I think it would be helpful. Adios!
Dear Chrissie-chan,
We actually have links to several of them on our 2nd links peeji.
Dear Tasuki,
We (Midnight Fairy and I) had an idea, but she wants to tell you about it too so we can see if you think it's cool.
MIDNIGHT FAIRY: Okay, here's our idea. We want to start a website called "Bash the Seiryuu Seishi."
*Chrissie-chan shoves her aside and takes the keyboard*
CHRISSIE-CHAN: Yeah, and you get to choose from a variety of games such as "Hit Nakago With a Brick or Any Other Extremely Hard Object."Hey-- *Midnight Fairy pushes Chrissie-chan off the desk and puts a foot on her back*
MIDNIGHT FAIRY: I was still talking *glares at Chrissie-chan who is swearing under her breath* Shut up, you! *Chrissie-chan rolls her eyes and gets up to sulk in a corner* Anyway, the whole site will be centered on torturing the Seiryuu Seishi.
*Chrissie-chan comes back and shoves Midnight Fairy and gets conrol over the keyboard*
CHRISSIE-CHAN: If we did start this website, would you like to visit it? I bet you would!
*Drops keybard and runs away from Midnight Fairy in order to avoid getting pummeled*
MIDNIGHT FAIRY: I sure hope so. Well, I gotta go find Chrissie-chan and give her a little present *grinds a fist into her palm and smirks evilly* Give Tamahome a BIG hug for me, but DON'T fry him!!!
Chrissie-chan and Midnight Fairy
Dear Chrissie-chan and Midnight Fairy,
Sounds like a fun site! Count me in! *Grins and fries Tamahome.*
Dear Tasuki,
Estranged question-
(though not hentai) You seem to be the one doing most people's translation questions (though I can't fathom why...) and I wonder if you could clear this up for me: I always though 'yugi (yuugi)' meant 'game'. But then the translations come up with 'play'. Am I missing something here? Does the word have two meanings?
ps- does anyone (such as Chiriko- he's the webmaster, right?) know where I can find stuff on HTML and FLASH coding? all my websites are amazingly boring, and I have no clue how to make the picture link thingies. Ayudame!
Dear Misty,
Yuugi does mean either game or play dependin' on th' context of th' sentence. Chiriko says to try one of these searches:
HTML Tutorials
FLASH Tutorials.
Dear Chichiri,
hey chichiri! ^-^ remember me? ok, do you remember when the sugoi-con piccys were up? well the person dressed as suzaku no miko was me!! small world, ne?
Dear ashley,
Honto? Kakkoii, no da!
Dear Chiriko,
hey little brother how are you i'm not so fine me and my b/f broke up and now your the only person i can talk to because you make me feel better. anyway i do study and try my hardest in french maybe i'm just no good *sits down and cries*
Samantha your sister
Dear Samantha,
I'm sorry you and your boyfriend broke up. *Hands her a tissue* I'm sure you will find another one andf he will treat you much better than your last boyfriend.
Dear Chichiri,
Hi chichiri^^
It's the first time I ever write to you, or else, I always read the questions and responses^^;; Anyway, how are you today? I had a really tough week.. O_O
My sister always wondered.. what does it look like when you're inside your kasa? O_O;;
.. I think that's all I have to say..^^ I maybe will write to you in the future again =)
Ja Ne!
P.S Um.. how do I say "Happy Valentine's day" in japanese? O_O
Dear Kuriichan,
I'm fine, no da. It's dark in kasa-space. Valentine's Day is a borrowed holiday and borrowed word. Therefore, you would say "Happy Valentine's Day", no da.
Dear Nuriko,
O.o Flattered? I think he was staring at my chest...--; *blames that super tight shirt* He actually had his friend ask for him...^^; That was really odd...but his friend kinda talks to me every-now and then...and it's odd. O.o;
Dear Keiko,
He could just be shy so he had his friend talk to you. If you find him interesting, perhaps you could say hello to him next time you see him.
Dear Mitsukake,
*sigh* I dont think they would listen even if I wrote a whole essay on FACTS about how unhealthy it is for ME. --; Sometime's they seem so much dumber than they're supposed to be...*walks off grumbling dejectedly*
Kuro, who thinks maybe she should just start holding her breath around her family..--;;R
Dear Kuro,
Sometimes adults who are addicted to bad habits can be very stupid. Have you tried telling them thatyou're afraid they will doe from all the smoking and you love them so much you wish they would quit? You also might want to clue your aunt in on how smoking yellows your teeth and fingers and ages your skin as well as gives you premature wrinkles. She may be in her 30's but she could end up looking like she's in her 50's if she continues. Maybe you can get your dad to stop for love and your aunt for vanity. Good luck! *Hands her a gas mask*
Dear Tamahome,
*drops a bag of gold ryou at his feet* You can have the money if you give me a hug. Please I really want the hug.
Tama Girl (hope you dont mind the name)
Dear Tama Girl,
I don't, but Miaka might. *gives her a hug and grabs the okane.* Arigato! *Smiles*
Dear Tamahome,
hey is this real Tamahome? anyway i saw on the TV. and books. it was really fun.
tamahome love
Dear tamahome love,
Yes, I am. I'm glad that you are enjoying our adventures.
Dear Tamahome,
*brings Tamahome 2 new shiny gold ryou* Now you won't have to keep chasing Katan! ^_^ Anyway, I must go now. I'm at the library. Tell Mitsukake I said hi because I didn't get to him! Bai!
Dear Moriko,
I will! Arigato!
Dear Chiriko,
Chiriko! How are your studies? Hey, you know how time is faster in your world? Well, if you are a few centuries behind my world, and a few months pass by practically over night, then does that mean your world was created long before ours? Even so, your world would pass us (time-wise) in a matter of years, ne? I thought I would ask you this since you're the brains. Ja!
Dear Moriko,
Time and the rise of civilizations are two different things. Just think how different your world would be is Rome never fell.
Dear Chichiri,
Haven't talked to you in a while Chichiri! *hug* What's new in your life? Catch any interesting fish?
I had something else to ask you. When you trandsport using your kasa, how do you arrive in the other place? I mean, is there another kasa laying on the ground there? Ish confrazzled! Bai bai! *glomp* ^.^
Dear Moriko,
Not always, but I do carry a spare, no da.
Dear Hotohori,
Hey! I was just wondering... how do you get all your hair into that little thingy on your head? ^_^() I like it! I wish my hair could do that... *tries to put her hair into a little bun* Oh well! Bai bai!
Dear Moriko,
I put my hair in a bun and the crown fits over it with a long pin to secure it all in place.
Dear Nuriko,
Thanks for all your advice. Oh yeah! My friends Dani and Katie say hi. They love you. ^_^
I wish those blockheads could see that other cultures aren't that bad but... I don't know! They never pay attention during class and we never learn anything. I want to learn stuff but they keep me from doing so.
Anyway, on a happier note, only 7 days until Valentine's Day! Hopefully my valentine to Chichiri will arive at Yuu-chan's in time. I still haven't sent it. I'm such a procrastinator. ^-^
Maybe by then I won't have to use library computers and my connection will be back. ._. I doubt it though.
*hugs Nuriko* Best be going! I have other letters to send!
Dear Moriko,
I wish I could have helped you more. *Gives her a hug back.*
Dear Mitsukake,
Tony is an evil, stupid boy that I hate and he deserves to be drowned. Why didn't you answer my second question? Where is 'the happy'?
Ash-chan, annoyer of many words.
Dear Ash-chan,
The happy what? I really think that drowning Tony is a bit harsh.
Dear Tamahome,
ONNISAN!!!!o_o man it's been a while since I haven't written to you,please forgive me?*gives him one lb bag of gold ryou.*^__^...anyway,how are you doing?I hope you're well.Well a lot has been going on over here for me.As you can tell by the spirits far nothing has happened in the last several days.But anywho,guess what my dad's getting me for my birthday?!I'm finally going to get a BUNK bed.^__^ I've always wanted one,I dunno why though but I've always wanted one...and there's this really cool bunkbed that the bottom part you can either leave it into a couch or a bed.^__^ it's really cool and I think my dad's going to get that for me,and well I guess I want it because,whenever my sister comes over,she can sleep in my room instead of sleeping in my dad's room.Or something like that.But I'm gonna get one ^__^ *does a high pitched squeal.*sorry didn't mean to burst your ear drum's.And and the other thing I'm hopefully going to get is a dress off e-bay,I dont know what time period it's from but it's a gothic/victorian style dress and it's really pretty.My dad even likes it *_*...It's a maroon colored dress,with embroidery on it.I might get that one or a reinassance dress.^___^.Well anywho,I'm off to hope you,miaka and your baby well.Take care.Say hi to keisuke for me!
Dear Destiny,
Good luck on eBay! I'm glad that you are getting something you wanted for your birthday. I'll give everyone your regards.
Dear Mitsukake,
*blinks At mitsukake*Hey!I just noticed something!o_o Ever since I became your mamorou,there haven't been any Rabid fangirl's trying to take you and poor tama-neko.^_^ must be doing a good job ne?ummm let's see well valentines day is coming hmm....I guess I gotta get a lot of posts or whatever up to protect you?heehee...back off girl's.^_^ uh anyway,yeah I told you that that site would be creepy.Did you nearly fell off your seat when you saw it?I nearly did *blushes*,I was talking to my friend Yui and at the corner of my eye I saw it and it made me jump and just earlier we were talking about spirits too so I think that's why it made me jump like that?Anywho,how are you and Tama-neko doing?haven't seen him around lately.;_;.
Dear Destiny,
We're both doing well. Tama-neko is busy chasing the computer mouse right now. It was creepy, but no I did not fall off of my chair.
Dear Chiriko,
I'm asking you so i don't hurt chichiri's feeling what was the name of his freind who died in the flood? Heinko?????
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