Dear Chichiri,
Ugh yes again your naging i have a B in us history now as well *sigh* What are you doin' this weekend I'm going to see if i can go see Magi-girl..... oh man high school is scary i hate it blah yikes what was your high school like?
Dear Luna,
I never went to high school, no da. We had a village school but that was about it. I plan to relax and go fishing this weekend, no da.
Dear Chiriko,
hey lil bro! now if you got my brother's e- mail me and amy are etenally sorry for that e-mail! please dont hate us !
very sorry Samantha and Amy
Dear Samantha and Amy,
I don't! His letter was not offensive.
Dear Mitsukake,
Oh no no no, it's nothing serious. It's just that I can be pretty clumsy at times and keep getting *tiny* injuries, but everytime I get a wound on my hand it leaves ugly marks like these.
What do I do? *sniff* ...shall I be asking Nuriko this?
Dear Mal,
Well, you need to be more careful in the future. What in the world are you doing that's getting your hands all scarred up? You also may be prone to keloid scarring, which means the scars may be raised and thicker and they won't fade as much as regular scars. You can talk to your doctor and ask if that is the case. Please be more careful!
Dear Tamahome,
Okay. I just found out that I have this strange tendecy to like 17 yr.-old characters with names that start with 'T'. Examples: Trowa Barton (Gundam Wing), Tidus (FFX), and you ^_^. (Even though I know that you belong to Miaka and you guys are so kawaii and whatever...) Do you think that's weird?
P.S. Oh. And I also have this thing for 'Ken's'. Odd, ne?
Dear Trmpetplaya1,
Not really. That'll be 2 gold ryou please.
Dear Mitsukake,
Hi Mitsukake-san! Would you like to be the host of The Price Is Right? I am planning a gameshow series for Fushigi Yuugi. ^.^ There aren't enough fanfics with you in them, ya know? Tell Nuri-chan-sama I said hello! ::waves and disappears in a tornado of cherry blossoms::
Morino Mihana
Dear Morino Mihana,
I would be honored to be a part of your fanfic.
Dear Chiriko,
Hi Chiri! ::waves:: You wanna host my fairy tale series? I need someone to read it. And I guarantee they'll be fun to read! ~.^ ::gives him a bag of textbooks:: Ask Nuriko to lift these. If you attempt to lift them, they'll throw out your back. Okay, Chiri-chan?
Morino Mihana
Dear Morino Mihana,
Arigato for the books, be we don't host fanfiction.
Dear Chichiri,
I cleaned my room and finished a book it's a series so i have to get the second one now *sigh* but i never seem to be able to make it to the liberary, it's "The Dragon Circle" series by "Craig Shaw Gardner" it's called "Dragon Sleeping", it's weird at first but it get's much better. until i can read the other ione I"m reading "Don't Hurt Lorie!" by "Willo Davis Roberts" my and Magi Girl love reading we don't like t.v. very much except for me if anime or a really good movie is on I'll watch it Magi Girl Doesn't usually do what i do though I've seen it happen instead she plays vidoe games now how is that better than t.v? but she plays cool games like Magi-Nation, and Lunar, Spyro, Heero's 3 the good stuff.
Wow!!!!! I Wrote A long letter huh maybe I'll get a long response.
Dear Luna,
Well reading is certainly better than melting your mind with television, no da. Video games have never really interested me, but I do enjoy watching Chichiri no Aijin's goshujin play the Final Fantasy games. Perhaps the 2 of you should try going outside and discovering fresh air and sunshine, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Um, tasuki, *pauses* Saint Star don't get mad but I'm going to tell Tasuki why you said that *turns to tasuki* she was teasing you the YMCa offers swimming lessons *giggle* Sorry Saint Star Can't help it just don't beat me up at school..... and yes the YMCA was sung by the village People wow tasuki-san I'm impressed you like them or something? and don't get to mad at Saint Star she was just playing
Dear Luna,
Chichiri no Aijin kinda used to like their music. Swimmin' lessons? Yeah, right …
Dear Chiriko,
hey lil bro! yr big sis's coming to bug ya! *sams real brother comes in peace and with questions* what is yr life like? *do not ask* which seishi bothers you the most? *reeeeally big sorry!* *thinking sloooowly! cmon bro the kids busy!* which is cuter miaka or yui-chan? *did i mention me and amy are reeeally sorry about this*
Samantha and Amy
Dear Samantha and Amy,
My life is good. I'm happy with it. None of them! I look up to them as role models. I never thought of them that way.
Dear Nuriko,
--; Otousaaaaaaaaan...I had a boy at school ask for my number...I told him no...but...can I kick his @$$ so he won't try it again?o.o Or should I talk to Fang-chan about this?
Dear Keiko,
No, you can't. Besides, I'd be flattered (unless he was a total loser/dweeb) that he was interested in the first place.
Dear Tasuki,
Found this in da can have it, I don't want it. ::hands you a big barrel of sake:: Oh, and, you ever listen to Linkin Park? ::hugs ya:: That's all for now then, buddy! Love ya!
Dear Christi,
Cool! Arigato! I've heard of 'em but never listened to 'em.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey guys! Just a weird little question....Have you guys ever seen the movie version of Amy Tan's "The Joy luck Club"? And if ya did, what was your fave part/parts?
Ok, I guess that's it for now! ::bounces off hyperly:: (is that even a word???)
Dear Christi,
No, we haven't. No, we haven't.
Dear Tasuki,
*poke poke poke*Why do you like Sake? I've had sake before(only three sips...) and it tasted AWFUL! Whywhywhy? *poke poke poke* Heehee! I'm HYPER!!! *bounces off the walls* o.o... AMIBOSHI!!! *huggles life-sized Amiboshi plushie* =^.^= Mwahahahahahahahahaha.... *eats a peach* I seriously get hyper off of peaches...Oo I have no idea why, though.... *shrugs and huggles Amiboshi plushie again* Amiboshi....ahhh.... so kawaii....we both play the flute...^_^ (though I'm not that good...--') AND I NEED MORE PEACHES! *rummages around in her peach pantry until she finds a gigantic ppeach* o.o.......PEACH! *munchmunchmunch* YUM! *cough*
Gomen, I'll stop being hyper and get back to questions...Oo Alsoooooooooo....erm....what the %^&* was I gonna say? *blink blink blink*...I forgot...--;;;; K, I'll shut my hyper hentai mouth...
Dear Brid,
Ya' know, yer one weird fangirl! Sake tastes good to me! Ya' musta been drinkin' th' cheap stuff!
Dear Tasuki, was saying how Genrou isn't as cool as you *smiles*
Dear Lita,
Right! Ano … Genrou was cool an' tough a' he lived in th' mountains wit' th' rest of th' bandits. But they were cool bandits an' only robbed nasty rich people an' then split it wit' th' poor villagers … *Notices Lita has fallen asleep.*
Dear Hotohori,
Hey, thanks for replying to my last letter! XD I did what you said, and the guy took it pretty well. He stopped following me around too! Arigatou! *Dances around, then stops and winces* Itaiiiii... x_x I got pushed down the stairs at school today on my way to 4th period. >_< I'm not sure whether it was an accident or not, but it hurrrrrt...and I got a big bruise on my shin. I'm just glad that's all I ended up with....well anyways, thanks! *Hugs*
Dear Kerri,
I'm sorry you were injured, but I'm glad that my advice worked. Maybe you'll even make a new friend out of him.
Dear Tasuki,
I was just messing arond with you. I don't really drink; I'm only 15 and my birthday isn't until February 28. Heck, I don't even have my drivers liscense yet! You said that vodka wasn't good for me, but then why do YOU drink sake if you're only 17? Is there some exception to the under 21 law? By the way, I brought you some black cake. It's got raisins and a bunch of other fruit and stuff. The thing about this cake is that the fruit in it is soaked in rum and/or wine for a week, then it is mixed into a rum cake batter. Care to try some? *Holds out the cake enticingly*
Dear Chrissie-chan,
Sure! I can drink 'cos it's legal in Konan fer to do so. An' sake ain't quite as bad as vodka. Besides, d'ya really think I drink as much as I say I do?!? 'Che! If I did, I'd be dead by now!
Dear Hotohori,
*is cleaning out his rosebeds* Itai!!! *stops* got stuck by another thorn. That's it! I'm taking a break. *wanders over to a shade tree,takes out his water bottle, then sips it* Tousama? *waves to his Tousama. who seems to be looking for someone* TOUSAMA! DAIJOUBU? *his eyes go wide as his Tousama comes over,sits down next to him, then hugs him tightly* Anou.. Tousama? *looks into his Tousama's eyes and hugs him back* Aishiteru Tousama
Dear Boushin,
I seem to be in the future! How are you and your mother doing?
Dear Chiriko,
hey lil bro! i'm in english now zzzzzzzz! my french teacher wrote me up for detention cause of my french i mean it isnt that easy after all, big ZZZZZZZZ! hey my friend kar-dog (nickname because she acts like a dog)wants to know what you thought about when you died? anywho off that depressing topic i was on the seiriyu seishi's website and miboshi of course said you were his least favorine well F*** him!
love ya !
Dear Samantha,
Well, I'm not too fond of him, either! French may not be easy, but you are in the class so you should study and do your best! Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Chichiri,
Wrong!I'm turning 20 on my birthday.
Cloud Fairy
Dear Cloud Fairy,
WOW! Otanjoubi omedeto gozaimasu, no da!
Dear Nuriko,
What do you think of blue lipstick.I think its pretty, do you? (Please don't tell my daddy Nakago that Im playing with cosmetics.)
Lovely Hyosumi
Dear Hyosumi,
It depends on the shade, your coloring, skin tone, and what color clothes you are wearing at that time. As an everyday lip color, no I don't think it's very pretty.
Dear Chiriko,
*chiriko,sam,and amy go to check out but chiriko is $16.00 short so sam put's down her book and help's pay for his*
*later they go to the car and chiriko falls asleep when they get home sam takes chiriko in the house and amy bring's his books and they both put him in bed they give him a kiss and hug*
good night ototochan!
Samantha and Amy
Dear Samantha and Amy,
*Yawns* Arigato for the book! I'll pay you back as soon as I see Tamahome.
Dear Tasuki,
*Was just looking through the 1998 archives* When did "Crazed hentai chicks" become "Rabid fangirls"? *Snickers* ^_^
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
When they started complainin' that they weren't cazed or henati.
Dear Mitsukake,
Mitsukake...;.; It's not really that easy. We're not very close to a doctor and even if we were we never go there(to the doctor). I cant even remember who he is anywho. ^^;; So any other suggestions on how to get them to stop smoking in the house?
Kuro, who still cant breath
Dear Kuro,
Is there an adult that you can talk to that they will listen to? They need to be made aware of the fact that they are damaging your health. Perhaps, you can show them the letters you wrote to me...
Dear Hotohori,
*Is rather surprised by his answer, but doesn't show it* Arigato, Seishuku. *Kisses his cheek lightly* I shall burdon you no longer with my presence... I just wanted to know...
Dear Moutaikou,
*Kisses her cheek* Sayanora okaasama.
Dear Chiriko,
Gah! I'm in desperate need of help! I'm taking the ACT on Saturday (February 9), and I still need to do some heavy studying. My dad said he would help me w/ my math (*sigh* My least favorite, and sorta worst, subject....), but he has had to stay at work later than usual for the past few days........I'm not going to college anytime soon (the test is part of a program offered for 'gifted' students in our area), but this test is still really important to me. I feel so stupid not being prepared! If you have any study tips or just general test-taking tips that would be helpful, I would really appreciate it if you would share them with me.....Arigato and ja ne...
Dear Shiraha,
Stay calm during the test and make sure you read all the instructions. Start studying math now! Perhaps, your math teacher can give you extra problems to help you study. Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Tasuki,
Hey Bro! You've seen "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" right? Just saw it.^^ Yeah, I'm a little slow, but my friends and I trashed our new movie theatre we installed in the basement.^^ (between that and the Superbowl....)
Anywho, had to think of a stupid question, but some of the people from our anime club were wondering were you got your ears pierced? Did you do walk into some lil' vally-girl shop (Claires, or something like that in anicent china) or did you do them yourself. (which, I guessing, would hurt.) Think before you answer, cause I have a bet in running.(do not lecture me about gambling)
No hard feelings about the picture right? (alot of it just looked like a bunch of chicken scratch to me--0) And finally, I got my grubby mitts on manga number five.**cruel malovent laughter** Just kiddin', but you being tied up by a girl?! You, of all people!(and by Miaka too!) Never mind, I'm gonna stop antagonizing you. Do you mind calling me "lil' sis?"
Mika Kino
Dear Mika Kino,
Nah, I don't mind lil' sis! Kouji pierced 'em fer me! An' yeah, it hurt a bit.
Dear Mitsukake,
Hi again, Mitsukake. Would you help me boycott Tony? Please?
And would you be annoyed that I've registered -a certain name- on many, many services? I'm not gonna tell what it is, by the way. ^^;
And -I- still think you look nice. I'm back to being a Mitsukake fangirl. I don't know why, but Hotohori just can't replace you. ^^v Bringing that up, while I had my folder with the two Mitsukake pictures on it (I still have it! ^____^) at lunch, some boy looked at it, pointed, and said "He looks tight, man." ...o.O Weird, huh?
Ash-chan, in a rare form of peace and tranquility.
Dear Ash-chan,
Who is Tony and why do you want to boycott him?
Dear Ami-Chan,
NO! I'm jus' givin' her artificial respiration! I ain't kissin' her!
Dear Tamahome,
Hows about a bag of gold ryou? *hands him a bag filled with gold ryou* Happy Birthday for whenever your birthday is. I have a question would ya ever marry Miaka and start a family? The kids would be so kawaii!! ~^_^~ Ja!
Dear Ami-Chan,
Of course I'd marry Miaka! Arigato for the okane!
Dear Mitsukake,
Well,My party on saturday went well.^_^.The manager came in and see how everything was going...and stuff and I gave him a piece of my cake.^_^ aren't I nice?Oh yeah....I saved a big hunk of cake for you guys.*hands out a piece of birthday cake to all the seishi.*^__^...well the only bad thing was my dad couldn't make it because he got the flu bug ;_;.He's feeling a little better now,but he popped his back when he coughed so hard.I got a lot of neat stuff,but the one's I wanted from my stepmom I didn't get except for one which is cool.My friend's took me to the mall after my party was over with.I bought the musical My fair Lady,and Ghost Stories,and I had money left over,so I thought well since my dad always get's me something whenever I have the flu,I would get him something,So when we went to suncoast(the place that has all the anime)my friend Gloria of course was busy looking at the animerica magazine and the anime section.(that's the only spot she'll go too)so I decided to venture off on my own,and when I went somewhere I saw this one section that had a playboy bunny on it and I was like ewwww...that was something I did NOT want to see...x.x but than I found a wrestling section and all the really good one's were like 19.00 bucks and up,and I found this one that was like 13 bucks so I had to borrow 2 dollars from my friend Nadine(which I paid her back in the same day)and I bought my dad a Wrestling video which he liked.^_^.Well,that's all I have to say for right now...OH yeah tell the seishi to go this website.... I nearly fell off my seat when I saw this.It's kinda like the exorcist type thingy...but scarier.The reason why it scared me was because earlier I was talking to a friend about spirits and how I kept hearing noises x.x darn spirits,and well I caught the picture out of the corner of my eye and when that thing poppped out it scared's not so bad the second time though.Anyways,MY dad doesn't believe me when I tell him about the stuff that has been happening around the house.Like the noises I've been hearing,and the voices,and the shadows etc.He doesn't believe me.Yesterday when I was by myself,I heard something or someone ruffling tissue paper in the hallway,sounded like it was coming from my bathroom...and soon afterwards I heard a clinking noise,kinda like someone tapping metal on glass.or something.I heard it twice.And I told my dad and he didn't believe me.x.x I must be going crazy or something cause this only happens when I'm by myself.What should I do?I mean it doesn't scare me in the daytime but at night it does.What should I do?
Dear Destiny,
Im glad you had a good party. That site is a bit creepy. It just seems to have an evil feeling to it. Perhaps you should try talking to the spirits and ask them not to appear at night because it frightens you.
Dear Tasuki,
*runs around in circles then hits tasuki in head* hi how ya been? *evil grin*
Dear Luna,
ITAI!! Fine, till now ... >.<
Dear Chichiri,
wow i think i have a D in u.s. history *sigh but now thanks to you guys naging and advice i now have a B in math i have written alot of poems latley maybe I'll send you some oh woops gtg bye
Dear Luna,
Well, now you need to bring up your history grade, no da! Less poems, more studying, no da.
Dear Hotohori,
*walks in* *stares at Hotohori*
*seriously* I'm more beautiful.
Minakata Moriya
Dear Minakata Moriya,
Looks at the impertinent stranger.* I don't think so.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi ya! I like to thank you for the names that you've suggested for me! :)
All of you are so nice! I almost forgot, I think Tamahome is included in my story. My friend likes him so i included him. The title of my story is...
"Strings of STAFF"
My friends and i are trying to make a website full of our artistic stories. I'll tell you when we can do it. but if we can't make it because we lack a bit knowledge for we are just first years, i'll just write it here... (But i think it would consume a lot of space, so what do you suggest? How could i let you read it? Read it per two to three pages? I think a chapter consists of ten and above pages...)
But to tell the general of it, i am the one who's making the story!!! My first fanfiction was about FY (Fushigi Yuugi) because i like the story!?! But i got wrong grammars on it, for i was just a grade six when i just knew about it, so i made a revised and it was a bit boring so i made it a bit cool and attention getting.
Back to OUR story... I'm just doing the first chapter of it and i'm not yet done with it. Well to know some of the characters...
(Some of the characters are still not listed because they're still looking for a name, like myself. And some of the characters in my story came from different Anime shows...)
These are just some of the characters...
girls: first name only
1. Saino (Not yet sure. I'm still deciding for the names you've given me.)
2. Eriolyle
3. Colleen
4. Alexia
5. Sophia
6. ???? (No name yet.)
7. ?????? (Also, no name yet. She's from the enemies group that turned to our side.)
8. Harumi
9. ????? (Another mysterious or no name yet!)
boys: (All came from different animes... their no. and the no. of the girls means that they're partners?... I can't really explain it very well but at least... *sweatdropped* It was each character who thought of their own partner...)
1. Kamui Shirou - from 'X' made by clamp
2. Takashi Ryogazaki - from Cyberteam in Akihabara
3. Lantis - from Magic Knight Rayearth made by clamp
4. Amiboshi (Forgot his real name... if you do know, please tell me...) - Of course came from FUSHIGI YUUGI *clapping* made or storied by YUU WATASE *clapping*
5. Omi Tsukiyono??? - from White Cross
6. Setsuna SOMETHING - i don't know his surname; from Angel Sanctuary
7. Nagi Nagoe??? - also from White Cross
8. Ken Hidake??? - from White Cross AGAIN?!? (They really liked it...)
And the last but not the least...
9. TAMAHOME or SOU KISHUKU - *clapping* from FUSHIGI YUUGI mage or storied by YUU WATASE *clapping* (WOW! At last his name was already there...)
That's some of the characters that i know. Even if i'm the one who's going to make the story, it is very hard for me to put my friends' characters in the story because we're overloaded... But it's still fun to have plenty people in the story... HEHE!!! That's all! I've already made it too long... All i can say is that, ARIGATOU and SAYONARA!!! *made a flying kiss to everyone and bowed* -exit from the stage. :)
Hikaru, the story writer... "I REALLY REEEAAALLY wanted to be a story write when i grow up or be an animator!!!" : )
Dear Hikaru,
If you are unable to create your own website, perhaps can host your story for you. Unfortunately, we cannot host fanfics through our letters peeji as it would take up too much room. Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Mitsukake,
What do you think of your own fan club...
ps. whats your real name?
Dear Hyosumi,
My own fan club ... *smiles* My real name is Myojuan.
Dear Tasuki,
Love you sooo much! *Hugs him tightly*
Dear Lucy,
*Turns blue from lack of oxygaen.* AIR!!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
HEY EVERYBODY!!! I was wondering, did you all notice that poor Mitsukake didn't get a sappy death song when he died! Its not fair. I say we get together and support our Mitsukake with a fan club.
Hyosumi the daughter of Nakago ( i love my daddy^-^)
Dear Hyosumi,
Thank you, I think ...
Dear Tasuki,
Hey Tasuki. Ya ever hear of the YMCA?
Saint Star
Dear Saint Star,
Yeah, ain't it a song by th' Village People?
Dear Chichiri,
Gononachiwa Big bro. Hey is Tama a magicle cat or something? And guess What Nyo. You know How I said that my mom said that if I got good grades she buy me stuff for my room? Well I got good enophof grades that she said she would get me A new bed sheet! Well Okay I love you good goodbuy!
Saint Star
Dear Saint Star,
Congratulations, no da. I don't think Tama-neko is a magical creature, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Buenas noches! I just wanted you to know that Kouji has more than one other kid. Last time I checked, there were three more on the way. I was reading a letter from your January 26, 2002 archive and I thought you might like to know. I think it may be time to pull the tessen on Kouji...
P.S. My friend Midnight Fairy requests that you PLEASE stop frying Tamahome. *Stares at Midnight Fairy, who is in a fit and sweatdrops* Yeah, well I guess you get the point. Hey, get off me... *tries to pull Midnight Fairy off of her back and ends up on the floor* I swear this chick needs some help! *slips pill under Midnight Fairy's tongue and watches as she calms down* There that's better. Okay, she's sane now so don't worry! Okay the ball is in your court, so holla back, young'n *Chrissie-chan and Midnight Fairy both say "whoo,whoo!" like the song by that rapper Fabolous, called 'Holla Back, Young'n'* Well, adios, mi muy mal amigo!
Dear Chrissie-chan,
Yeah, ma an' Kouji gotta talk! I'll think 'bout not fryin' Obake-chan!
Dear Nuriko,
I have recently come to the realization that I like one of my best friends as more than just a friend. You see I don't want to ruin our friendship and I don't know what to do. Should I tell him that I like him, or just try to avoid the subject? Please help me Nuriko! Arigato!
Dear Miaka912,
That's a hard one! You need to decide which is more important to you; his friendship or pursuing a romantic relationship with him. Has he ever indicated to you that he feels the same way? If he has, you might want to take it slow and see what develops. Good luck!
Dear Nuriko,
...have you succeeded in teaching Tasuki about the benefits of bathing yet? Or at least brushing out his hair...?
Dear Ayame,
He does bathe and believe it or not he really does brush his hair.
Dear Tasuki,
*lugs in her computer* guess what? This machine has decided to cr*p out on me. You're gonna fry it. Thanks. *stalks off*
Dear Ayame,
*Shrugs* Sure, why not? *Melts PC*
Dear Chiriko,
I think my brain have finally recovered from the SATs!:)
ChibInuchan no Miko
Dear ChibInuchan no Miko,
Congratulations! I hope you did well on them.
Dear Tamahome,
I am your biggest fan. If only you were my age and lived near my area I would go out with you in a heartbeat. My friend loves Suboshi, but you are more than 100% better. Please write back what are your hobbies, what you like (beside money like me), and stuff about you! Love ya!
Dear Kagome,
Arigato for your kind words. I guess right now the most important thing in my life is taking care of Miaka. So, making money has become more than a hobby.
Dear Tasuki,
::glomps:: Hiya! I'm hyper! I got to drawing some characters for my manga today and Komio turned out looking a LOT like you...and I didn't even intend it. O.o Weird. Oh well, I'm happy with all them!
Morino Mihana
Dear Morino Mihana,
Really? Cool! *Grins*
Dear Chiriko,
Hi hi Chriko!! you so kawaii!!
okay I need you too answer a question. Does Amiboshi and Suboshi have green hair???? My sister thinks they do, but I keep telling her no, and its so fustrating!!!!!!
Dear nell,
I tend to think it is more like dirty blonde.
Dear Nuriko,
*sighs* Believe me, I've tried telling them about anime but they're so small minded...
Oh yeah! Guess what? now I'm being harrassed because I'm *not* racist. How much sense does that make? I live in a redneck town and they still say things like "n*g**r". I want to slap them but I know I'll get in trouble and if I say anything to them they'll say things like "Let's go hunt some Afghans" because they know that will p*ss me off (and it does). I can't ignore it; Silence is a form of agreement.
Oy. Nuriko!! Help me...
Dear Moriko,
Unfortunately, there are a lot of ignorant morons in the world. If you are being harassed at school, perhaps your parents can speak to the principal. Aside from moving, I really don't know what you can do. Ignorant people with closed minds are very difficult to change. Maybe your school can have some sort of racial/ethnic enlightenment day or week, where everyone learns about different cultures. The best way to combat ignorance is with education. Perhaps if they learn about other people they will become more tolerant. Good luck!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*sigh* I just recently sent letters to Nuriko, Hotohori, and Chichiri......I want to appologize to you three. I'm sorry that I sounded so annoying and, those letters.....I really didn't mean for them to sound so iritating.....Anyway, I'm sorry I wasted your time with my pointless questions.........*sigh*
Yuushou Shiraha
Dear Yuushou Shiraha,
Daijoubu, no da. Apology accepted, no da. *Smiles*
Dear Nuriko,
NURIKOOOOOOOOOO! *runs over and dives on her Oni san and hugs him tight* Thank you for the card!
I posted on the message board already but I'll say it again *hugs him* I gave you some cake too, hope you liked it. Hehe still got lots of my balloons downstairs. People were even throwing them around in assembly. My friend even bought some extra ones which said Happy Birthday Dad, just because she's insane, the fact that she got me a card with aeroplanes on it just says it all, not to mention that inside she wrote "To Jen, Happy Birthday, I know you love War Planes, Love Judith" heheh, I was like what lol ^_^;?
I got lots of Sailor Moon dolls and stuff off my friends. My friend Emma is doing her Art coursework on Vivienne Westwood and had to go into a errrrrm shall we say a particular shop. Whilst there, she couldn't help but buy a keyring for me with Frankie on it which says "I'm just a sweet transvestite" hehe!
I'm gonna go out on Friday night with everyone woohoo! I wish you could come, we'd have such a fun time. I also have a theatre studies exam that night, I gotta do my play, hehe, just another reason to go out afterwards! Talk to you soon *Hugs and Kisses Nuriko*
Jen xxxxxxx
Dear Jen,
*Gives her a big hug>* You're very welcome! It sounds like you had a great birthday!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hihi! I have a question, were any of you kind of insulted when Amboshi pretended to be Chiriko? I mean, well. Um... I don't really know what I mean. But were you offended? It was kind of cool actually in my opinion. Some of my friends, who have seen Chiriko, asked 'How could they mistake Amboshi for Chiriko?' when I told them. I think I know the answer. Well, can you reply as soon as possible. Because, I might not be on for a while and... you know what I mean. Ja!
Dear Danielle,
We were surprised and angry for being duped, but insulted/offended, no.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
How would you feel if the real Watase Yuu came to this site?
Touya no miko
Dear Touya no miko,
Too honored for words!!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
*looks up at him* no more story?
Dear Lita,
Oh yeah, now where was I?
Dear Hotohori,
Wai! Wai! *Takes the shirt from him* Hmmm... *Puts it on over her clothes and observes that it's too long on her* *Doesn't care* Arigato! ^-^ *Hugs him again*
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
*Smiles and hugs her back.* You're very welcome! Wear it in good health.
Dear Tasuki,
Thank you for the birthday shout-out! It was really nice of you and Midnight Fairy says thank you too because now I luv her to death. I read about your sisters and I can sympathize with you. I have two sisters, but they are the dickens to deal with. My oldest sister, whom I will call Allizay here, pushes me, and does lots of other b*tchy things then asks me why I'm PMSing on her, and I DO NOT PMS!!! I DO NOT EVEN HAVE PMS!!! Then Allizay walks around the house in a thong (the kind of thong from Victoria's Secret, so they're lacy and stringy and, well you get the point)and I already have glasses, so you know I don't need to see that. My eyes are bad enough. And my other sister... well let's just say she's scr*w*d for life. Anyway, I also wanted to know, do you prefer Heineken or Smirnoff vodka? Or maybe you swing by Budweiser? I like Smirnoff straight out of the bottle, but I also like sake. Well, write back will you? I gotta go to Spanish class. I might even send you an e-mail in Spanish sometime. Adios!
Dear Chrissie-chan,
Yer welcome! I prefer sake. Ya' like vodka from th' bottle?? Are ya' old enough to be drinkin' that stuff?? If not, ya' need to lay offa it because it really jus' ain't good fer ya'. … I can't believe I jus' said that! >.<;;;
Dear Nuriko,
NURIKO!!*giggles a bit*guess what?My house IS haunted o.o;;; I don't think it's my imagination.I hear thing's moving around when I'm by myself.Like today,I heard someone ruffling tissue paper behind me,and than afterwards,I heard a clinking noise,kind of like someone banging metal on glass.But get this!Noone's here except me.o.o; my house is haunted!I swear it.Last night I swore i saw shadows moving in my room,and no it wasn't the shadows of car moving it looked like human's moving around in the darkness.Scary ne?When I saw those shadows moving I was like there's NO way am I going to sleep now.And today like those ruffling and clinking noises...I went into my room,after taking pictures and stuff,I went into my room,and it was freezing cold,but the heater was on!weird?My house is haunted *_*....I'm not scared,and they haven't done anything to me,except make me get goosebumps.It might sound crazy,but I do believe my house is haunted.And I think hotohori is right about me having a gift,because my grandmother's sister can sense when someone was going to die.Like if a ghost appeared she knew who was going to die.And my grandmother and her sister and father had encounters with their mom/wife.My grandmother told me they lived on a farm when she was like 8 years old..and well they both saw their mom walking with two buckets of milk,but the thing is their mom was inside the house.Another encounter was when my grandmother's dad,was outside doign something he saw his wife running to the outhouse(bathroom),and when he came in he saw his wife standing in the kitchen and he was like boy that's fast and she's all what?and he's all well I just saw you running to the outhouse a few minutes ago,and she was like I never went to the outhouse,I was laying in bed.So I guess their mom(or great grandma)was in that state of out of body thingy or whatever.But it scared my grandmother and her sister.So maybe that's howcome I can see/hear thing's my dad can't?What do you think?I took pictures of where I heard these noises and see thing's at,so hopefully,HOPEFULLY,when they're developed something will pop out in the picture.
Dear Destiny,
I really don't know what to say! I suppose as long as they don't hurt you, then I guess it's ok.
Dear Mitsukake,
*holds hands out with cut marks and scars on them* Is there any way of getting rid of these ugly things besides plastic surgery?
Dear Mal,
None that I know of. But if you stop, they may eventually fade. *Looks concerned* Would you like to talk about it?
Dear Chiriko,
*Amy, Sam AND Chiriko all enter Border's* hey Chiriko were do ya wanna look first? * Amy-chan show's Sam the graphic novel's* here do ya wanna look at these?
Amy and Samantha
Dear Amy and Samantha,
How about the Reference section?
Dear Chichiri,
That's right!Guess how old I'll be?
Cloud Fairy
Dear Cloud Fairy,
Hmmmm … 16, no da?
Dear Nuriko,
I'm Glade you like the Kourin Plushie. And you know it's a shame your not looking for a girlfriend.(Blush)Um I found something to live for actually. Um all my friends and you guys. Not my family cause they could care less. And Kenshin's letter struck a cord in me. Hey do you guys ever go on your chat? Oh yah and i stopped saying Sessha. I'm still saying that's to bad your not looking for a girlfriend. Are you looking for a boyfriend because my brother is a hotohori look-alike?But he is not full of himself.
Dear Kitsune-chan,
I am glad that you have we and Kenshin were able to help you. *Gives her a hug.* We do sometimes go into the chat, but it is generally on the weekends. Gomen, I'm not looking for either one.
Dear Chiriko,
HI!!!!!!!! Oh i'm SOOOOOO Happy to Write to you Oh YAyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just really really like you that's all like really.(Glomps him). My 'FRIEND' Made me watch the clip where you died twice I tried to cover my eyes but she MADE me look.I really tried to not let the tears fall but they wouldn't stop. OH I really really really really really HATE that Damn Demon Ugly Baby Miboshi. Anyway....How are you? And waht does Boku Mo mean? (Finally stops glomping him)I wanted to write you to see if you were still breathing an all because of the clip and my nightmare(Shivers violently without stopping) Bye
Fox(Fira's Sister)
Dear Fox,
I'm fine thank you. "Boku mo" means "me too".
Dear Tasuki,
what the #$^&%^&! is with yer sister! *beat beaten by many many logs*
Dear Kouji,
I think she thinks ya' cheated on her. *Shows him Lita's new friend.* Is this yer's?
Dear Hotohori,
*smiles* He's a well loved boy. *Sora puts his head on his Oji's shoulder* After you get done with Sora, go find Boushin and hold him. :) *pats Sora gently on the back*
Sora:{{ I like :) }}
Doc-sama and Sora
Dear Doc-sama and Sora,
*Hands Sora back and goes to find Boushin…*
Dear Nuriko,
*Sora drops off to sleep, and goes limp in his tou-san's arms* Oyasumi little love. *helps Ryu tuck him in* He looks like an angel Itooshi :) *strokes Ryu's cheek* Let's go and let him sleep :)
Doc-sama and Sora
Dear Doc-sama and Sora,
*Whispers* Hai… *Leaves with her*
Dear Chiriko,
WHAT is your quest?
WHAT is your favorite color?
WHAT is the air speed velocity of an african swallow?
WHAT is the air speed velocity of an african swallow that you've just pegged in the head with a coconut?
WHAT is a rabid fangirl generally thinking about at two am after eating several bags of pixy stix?
WHAT the heck am I on....? *wanders off*
Sir edward fluffy the first esquire
Dear Sir edward fluffy the first esquire,
Here are your answers in order:
To find the Holy Grail
Laden or unladen?
Too many pixie stix?
Dear Tamahome,
hmm.. so you say you'll answer my questions for two gold ryo .. ne? well then...! what would you do for .. onehundred million ryo..? *she winks and pulls out a giant bag of money"
sir edward fluffy the first esquire
Dear sir edward fluffy the first esquire,
I guess I'd answer more questions.
Dear Tasuki,
heeey tasu-neko-chan boi.... You'se lookin pretty fine there.... you want some... *wink wink* sa-ke? *nudge nudge*
Sir edward fluffy the 1st esquire
Dear Sir edward fluffy the 1st esquire,
*Smacks obnoxious toffee-nosed upper class twit and takes the sake anyway.* What??? I AM a *(^%$#@ bandit ya' know!!!
Dear Mitsukake,
Are you a lumber jack? Are you Ok? Do you sleep all night and work all day?
onlooker jackie
Dear onlooker jackie,
No. Nor do I cut down trees, skip and jump, or press wild flowers.
Dear Chiriko,
Hi! I'm a fan of yours!!!! I think u'r really cute! I really can't think of a question... Oh Well... Bye!
Dear Ann,
*Blushes* Arigato for your kind words.
Dear Tamahome,
Hi! Hi! Hi! I was wondering, and I think you should take some look at my ponders, about what would happen if you would consider ... *grabs some of his gold ryou* letting me borrow some of this! Ta ta! *runs off, laughing creepily and scaring the floating peguins away*
Dear Katan-chan-san-sama,
Hey! Give that back! I need to feed Miaka! *Chases after her.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*opens refrigerator and notices the rum cake gone* Well, *checks watch* that didn't take long. I put that cake in the 'fridge just 45 minutes ago. I guess I can't get anymore of that cake until Tasuki sleeps off what he ate. Sorry, minna.
Anyway, shifting gears from sweets, I have another irksome question that has been pricking the back of my mind.
Remember back in the star-watching festival ep when Taiitskun told Miaka that she had to be a virgin whose body was "absolutely unspoiled" in order to summon Suzaku? Well, somebody define "absolutely unspoiled." As I recall, many times afterward, she and Tamahome kissed and held each other, and they had all sorts of physical contact. Same holds true (just in a different context) with Nakago. Well, if she wasn't allowed physical contact with men (per Taiitskun's declaration), how was she able to pull off the successful summoning? Was Suzaku more forgiving of her because she kept her virginity, or was her success a by-product of Yui's last wish? Somebody please clarify.
I'm thirsty. *goes to the 'fridge and takes out bottled water* Anyone else want something before I close the fridge again?
Lady Shera
Dear Lady Shera,
Nakago wasn't able to touch her. She did remain a virgin. I also think that a part of her success did come from Yui's last wish as well her own strength of will.
Dear Tasuki,
*Li'an, Mai, Pa'liu, and Jiang circle around the laughing Shun'u, looking highly not amused at the "this one thinks you're all men" comment and his laughter*
Jiang: *sweetly* What was that, otouto-san ... ?
Li'an, Mai, Pa'liu, and Jiang
Dear Li'an, Mai, Pa'liu, and Jiang,
This baka says I should be a man like my sisters! *Laughs harder* They think yer men! *Keeps laughing*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
SUPER BOWL SUNDAY! Anybody watching it? This rocks! I love the Rams! Go RAMS! AHAHHAHAAHAHAHAHAH!
Mushi: *in depressed tone* Regretting fact I let Aiaki move back in with me.
*is drunk once more* WHEEEEEEE *does cartwheel, backflip, and other moves*
Mushi: ,., *sips her sake*
*even drunker* Go 'Ams! WHHEEEE!!!! Dis is dee bestest!
Mushi: *knows that's the last time Aiaki drinks and watches Rugrats at once*
Mushi and Aiaki
Dear Mushi and Aiaki,
*All the Seishi look at Aiaki and sweatdrop.*
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Nuriko,
Its not Julie, she's my best friend, if it wasn't for her I wouldn't have danced with Chris, I truly love Chris but I can't get within nine feet of him.
Now, Mary-k. That's the story, she doesn't know when to stop! I can keep a secret, but this is too far, I hate her! She is spoiled. Don't know why I became her friend!
Chris, *sighs*, he's so neat. I love him so much, it hurts. ;_; *crys into Nuri-san's chest* Why!?!?!? So close! SO CLOSE!
Dear TMW,
Why don't you try talking to Chris and try to clear up the misunderstanding between you two. Good luck! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
Hi there! Do you wanna host my FY-yaoi-bashing fic? I usually keep an open mind, but all the yaoi about you, Chichiri-san, Nuriko-sama, and Hotohori just bothers me. Want to? ^.^ It's a fic much like Lady Celestia's 'If Fanfictionalists Told The Truth' in Gundam Wing, only with Fushigi Yuugi and my added insanity.
Sailor Light Angel
Dear Sailor Light Angel,
Gomen, but we don't host fanfics. Have ya' tried
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