Dear Tamahome,
*hands you a bag of gold ryou* so, Tama-chan, what are you planning on getting Miaka-baka for Valentine's day? *grins*
Dear Mishi,
Arigato! Lots of chocolate and a dozen roses!
Dear Nuriko,
HI!!! ^_^ Do you know why guys are so obsessed with the Super Bowl? Or football in general, for that matter. I just watch the Super Bowl for the commercials, personally.'s the only thing where I'll watch the commercials and flip through the show! *laughs* Anyway, five to one Tamahome and Tasuki are fighting over who's gonna win, am I right? I think the referees are gonna win, easy >_> GO REFS!!! *cracking up*
Do you know what kind of things I might need for a Valentine's/birthday party? I'm gonna have karaoke *yeah!* and a bunch of food *yeah!* and friends *yeah!* and a plushie *yea----uh, where'd Chiriko go?* but I still feel like I'm missing something. Maybe I need more decorations.
*runs off to plot her evil plot for Valentine's Day*
Mari Komadori
Dear Mari Komadori,
I have no idea! We didn't watch it. Decorations, food, drinks, games, and music; how does that sound for a party?
Dear Chiriko,
Well, I'm doing a lot better, in Social Studies anyway...its hard, since we take notes all the time, and I never have a notebook handy...i'm stuck writing them on old math papers...Anyway, Science is still bad for me. My science teacher seems to hate me, and not just for the homework. He always asks me 'Are you taking the notes this time?' Every time we take notes! (The only class I don't do note-taking in is Language Arts, since we dont do many notes anyway) My friend Steph (who has the biggest crush on Tamahome next to Yui and Miaka) agrees with me on that...And would it be considered a problem if you said 'No Da' to your teacher like Chichiri says it? I don't, but Morgy-san does (she's the friend I was talking about) Oh, and for the talent show tryouts...I didn't make it, but my worst rival did, and now she insists on bugging me about it...I need a hug v_v...
Do you prefer a certain kind of music? I prefer the 80's, since it was basically a hodgepodge of different levels of music (soft rock, classic rock, hard rock, rap *bleah*) and the soft rock and classic rock styles are my faves ^_^ Do any of the Suzaku Seishi like 80's music (and if you know, the Seiryuu seishi)?
Do ya know the remedy for a bossy older sister? If I try to talk to her, she just thinks I'm starting an argument...and when I try to tell her I'm not, she still thinks so and tells me to shut up! I've thought revenge, but of course that isnt the answer (or is it?)
Well, talk to ya later! (believe me, I have more problems than one can believe!)
Dear Sarina-sama,
Well, first thing you need to do is buy some notebooks to take notes in for those classes!
I think repeatedly adding "no da" to your sentences will annoy your teacher, so you probably shouldn't do that.
*Gives her a hug.* Next time she bugs you about it, smile and wish her good luck(and mean it). It may keep her quiet for awhile.
I prefer classical music. I can't really speak for the other Seishi, but I think we answered a similar question, so you might want to check the archives.
Have you tried talking to your mother about your sister?
Dear Tasuki,
Hiii! Is everybuddy in yer family redheads? Why yer afraid of water? heh-heh... can't swim huh... why ya didn't learn swimmin' then? I wasn't mean to ya now huh...? *looks up at him**offers him a bottle of sake* bye Tasuki-sama!
Dear Emma-chan,
No, they ain't. I lived in th' *)+^%$# mountains! Where was I gonna learn to swim?? *Takes sake* Thanks fer th' sake.
Dear Nuriko,
*blinks* Hi Nurikooo... how d'ya do? Yer hair is so beautiful... but how it went purple O.o
Dear Emma-chan,
Ariagto! It's always been this color.
Dear Tamahome,
^-^ *gives him 2 ryou* Why ya still wants money when yer family's dead? Or arn't they, Tama? o.O If they arn't dead I'm very confused... O.o; *blinks* well... How's Miaka? D'ya don't like or hate when Tasuki toastes ya? Huh? *looks up at him* why yer so tall? No fair... I'm nearly ALWAYS under 2'5 ;-; well, well... some day I pehaps is in un-SD-mode ^^ who knows? Well... bye!
li'l Emma-chan
Dear Emma-chan,
I still have to feed Miaka. Yes, I dislike being fried. Wouldn't you?
Dear Nuriko,
Hi Nuriko! *Hugs her onisan* It's my birthday tomorrow, the 4th of February! I'm going for a Japanese meal on Tuesday with my mum and dad. If you were here I would love you to come, it would be so fun! My friends are gonna celebrate second lesson when I have a free, they're all skipping classes hehe.
Gurlpages was updating and all my sites got ruined, tell Tamahome I'm sorry but the Miaka and Tamahome page did too :( *sob*
However I did manage to rebuild Beautiful Strength at Angelfire, but that's the only site I've been able to do so far. I've even put up my fanart, I hope you like your shrine, if you do would you please sign the guestbook and add it to your links page. Thank you *hugs and kisses her onisan* speak to you soon!
Jen xxxxxxx
Dear Jen,
Otanjoubi omedeto gozaimasu! I love the site! And I signed your guestbook. *Hugs her back.*
Dear Tasuki,
*climbs up onto his lap and snuggles him* is Genrou as cool as you?
Dear Lita,
Yeah, well, almost. ya' know ain't no one as cool as me!
Dear Tasuki,
*LMAO!!* You should know who Hakurou is, ya silly bandit! According to Genrou Den, he was the leader at Mt. Reikaku before Genrou. If all the seishi got reborn, then he must have as well, right? But I take it he's still listed on the missing list as of yet since the only other bandit you talk about is Kouji. *lol* Speaking of Kouji... *gives Tasuki two hugs, one for him and one ofr Kouji* give him a hug for me. ^_~ And uh... I'd keep an eye on him if I were you. I saw him shmooze'n your sister Aidou the other day. *giggles* Chowders for now. *wiggles fingers and vanishes*
Reikaku no miko
Dear Reikaku no miko,
Heh-heh-heh ... Guess I hadda memory lapse. He wasn't a Seishi so he probably wasn't reborn.
Dear Chichiri,
Guess what in two days it will be?^_^
Cloud Fairy
Dear Cloud Fairy,
Your birthday, no da?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Genrou-kun, you are both Tasuki. Suzaku chose Tasuki and sent both you and Shun'u to work together. *looks over to the other side and sees Taka and Shun'u having a good time*
He'd be more than a match for your Miko, and all the fangirls. Not to mention your Kaa and Anekis. But you're right you will be changed. Growing up into a man, is a journey full of changes.
*Gives Genrou a quick hug, then heads over to talk to Shun'u and Taka*
So what do you think Taka-kun? cool ne?
Dear Doc-sama,
Interesting. He does seem to be lacking in the humor aspect of Tasuki's personality. However, on the plus side I haven't been singed, yet.
Dear Chichiri,
Have you ever gotten your head stuck in a mailbox?i have...
Dear Anon,
No, I haven't, no da.
Dear Hotohori,
I told you then and I'm telling you now, I'm not offended at all! And it did make me happy. I was just a little... *Blushes for a moment* stunned... I felt special since you'd given me something of yours. I always thought I was just annoying to you... I... *Shakes her head* Why do you have to be so sweet?! I couldn't get mad at you even if I tried! *Hugs him tightly* Can I still have the shirt? *Stares up into his eyes with a big smile on her face* Pleeeeeeeease?
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
Of course! *Hands her the shirt and smiles.* Wear it in good health.
Dear Chichiri,
*eyes dazzle* I love you! I love you I love you I love you!!!! *glomps tightly* Domo Arigato!! I wonder if Yuu knows any English... Better start working! *flashes some red and pink paper and other assorted things* Oh by the way, Chichiri, how much hair spray do you use? ^___^() Bai! Arigato!
Dear Moriko,
*Blushes and sweatdrops* Arigato for your kind words, no da. I don't use hairspray, no da.
Dear Hotohori,
Ok, I have a question for you. In one of your songs (can't remember which one) how come you sound like Kermit the frog?
Dear Kumade,
NANI?!?!? I do not sound like a frog!
Dear Tasuki,
How come you have fangs?
Sore wa Himitsu desu! ^_^
Dear Mazoku,
I dunno! I was jus' born wit' 'em!
Dear Chichiri,
Hi againn,no da its your daughter,no da. well i have a question, do youlike alexander,no da? Wo Ai Ni
Ikari Ri
Dear Ikari Ri,
I don't even know him outside of the fanfic, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*is crying* I hate middle school preps... here's my situation...
Mary-K: Hey, I just learned something about your man.
Me: Hm?
MK: He said that Julie told him to kiss you or she'd beat him up, so that kiss didn't mean a thing.
ME: *gets angry at her and takes it out on Chris (my man)* Well... *profanity*
Okay so that's what happened... Now listen:
Me: *is going to last period* Hm-hm-mhm...
Fi-fi: *stops me* Chris was gonna ask you out, but Mary-Kathrine says you hate him.
Me: ?!?!?!?!?! *runs to class*
Mary-k: That's what she said.
Chris: *depressed*
Me: What's going on?!?!?!
Julie: Do you like Chris?
Me: *wide eyed* *nods* You know that.
Chris: She's lieing!
How many friends do that?!?!?!? ARGH!
Me: Why did she tell him that?!?!?
Julie: Cause she's a b*tch. She said she doesn't like Chris, she just doesn't want ya'll to go out.
*angry* I SO want to kill her! And she calls me a prep! She's the one who's always talking about her boyfriend! *profanity*
Now he won't talk to me... ;.; Life is so cruel... why did the good Lord make me human!?!?!? I wanna be a bug, at least I'd die sooner. *is pissed* Or at least not give me such a short temper! Maybe Mary-K should've been born a fly! *crys again* I hate being human!!!!! I hate humans all together! They're shameful! *goes on*
*stops* *between sobs* Okay.... I'm done... ranting... for.... now *bawls* I hate humans!
TMW (The Moonlight Wolf)
Dear TMW,
*Gives her a hug and a tissue.* I think you and Chris need to have a talk and get things straightened out. Then I think MK and Julie need to be dumped as friends because a real friend wouldn't do such things! Good luck!
Dear Hotohori,
*sighs* My mock trial team seriously screwed up, and I need to rant... They picked the most incompetent individual as the most important attorney. The witness he was directing kept waiting for him to object during her cross, but he just sat there, twiddled his thumbs, and stared into space, occasionally getting notes from other team members. I wrote the majority of the questions (the ones that actually led somewhere, anyway), and I was the timekeeper. I got to just sit there, watch this guy totally mess up the trial, and hold up little time cards telling the rest of my team how much time he'd spent leafing through his questions because he'd lost where he was. *starts crying* We're going to lose, and they're gonna blame me...
Ayame (upset version)
Dear Ayame,
Why would they blame you, if it is obviously his fault?
Dear Chichiri,
aaaaaaaaack! i just got off i looked at 8 pages of FY fanfics, and about half of them were yaoi. about 90% of those yaoi fics involved you and tasuki. why do people have such sick minds? it's very disturbing.
Solar o.O
Dear Solar,
I don't know, no da. I find it disturbing as well, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
*bursts in on him brandishing the electric cattle prod*
A-HA! Caught you!!! Don't think you can slide this time! I knew it was you all the time who had eaten my rum cake. Only you have a very high tolerance for that kind of alcohol. I can tell by the crumbs around your mouth and the fact that you are just reeking of rum that you are indeed guilty of snatching up my Carribean rum cake that I was planning to share with all of you and eating it up. How did you pull that sort of thing off? Hm? Are you listening to me?
*turns on light and notices Tasuki passed out on the bed, snoring*'re gonna feel that in the morning. You're gonna reap what you sow big-time, pal! *pulls off Tasuki's boots and shoves the still-snoring bandit under the covers.* Geez, Tamahome was right. You do sleep like the dead. When you wake up, I have some hot tea and a cold compress with your name on it.
*picks up cattle prod, turns out light and heads out the door* Nighty-night, Tasuki.
Lady Shera
Dear Lady Shera,
*Stops snoring, gets out of bed and finishes the second rum cake.* Oishhi kekki!!! *Grins*
Dear Tasuki,
you said you like strong women, that don't whine or cry then why don't you be a man like your sisters. Aidou is strong, she can beat you up!
Dear Shipou-chan,
*Starts laughing ...* Be a man like yer sisters! OI!! Didja' hear that oneesan??? This one thinks yer all men!!! *Falls over laughing... Sisters are not amused...*
Dear Tasuki,
^_^ No problem,glad to see you're better.
*Is prepared for all that will come* Okay, thanks for the warning.
I'll protect you from all kinds of rabid fangirls.
*~Yume-Chan, Tasuki no Mamoru~*
Dear Yume-Chan,
*Grins* Arigato!
Dear Chiriko,
*face scrunches up, then the tears fall* Y-you... don't believe me? WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! ;_;x You're mean!
FY Angel
Dear FY Angel,
It has nothing to do with that! I just think you should keep them in case you need them.
Dear Nuriko,
Of course I'm buying something for you! Don't be silly 'Nii-san! Ooh, look! A McDonalds! *drags Nuriko by the arm, drooling at the thought of food* Oh... ehehehe, how 'bout lunch is your treat? *looks at menu thingy, listing off numerous items to eat and planning to eat 'em all*
FY Angel
Dear FY Angel,
*Sweatdrops* Ano ... are you sure you aren't Miaka?
Dear Tamahome,
NANI?! YOU BAKA, YOU DON'T HONESTLY THINK I'LL GIVE YOU 80%! *Tama looks at her with puppy eyes* Uh oh... resolve... cracking... must... obey... Tama! *growls* Oh fine... I'll give ya the 80%, darn you! But you gotta do something a little extra for me... hehehehe *continues laughing maniacally* Don't worry, it has nothing to do with you selling your clothes or anything.
Hyper Chic
Dear Hyper Chic,
So, what do I have to do to get my fair share? Keep in mind, it is MY hair and without my cooperation you get nothing.
Dear Chichiri,
*gazes at Chichiri enjoying brownines, drool coming out of her mouth* So kawaii... *SIGH* even more so with his mask off!
Genki Gal
Dear Genki Gal,
*Wipes brownie crumbs off his mouth and smiles*
Dear Mitsukake,
Heehee!Onnisan!Guess what?I am now 19....x.x although I don't feel any older....anywho,my birthday really sucked I only got two presents so far ;_;....$40.00 and some bed sheets -_-...anyways,we would've celebrated my birthday tonight(february 1st,2002),BUT my dad was sick so we couldn't *starts crying again.*oh well we're hopefully going to celebrate it tomorrow(february 2nd 2002)cause my dad said that he'd make it up for me.*sighs*what a crappy birthday ne?I mean I know my dad can't help it,but whenever they say I'm sorry you had such a sh*tty birthday it makes me feel bad x.x I mean I'm okay when they don't say it but when they say it I start acting like I'm gonna cry or something and I did cry twice today.Anywho,I think my cousin's turning out to be like my mom,promising me something and than doesn't do it.I called her a week before thanksgiving last year,to tell her about Draven and how we were dating and stuff,and she was upset because he was bi-sexual..and she thought I was throwing my life away which I wasn't,and I almost started crying because I thought she would at least be happy for me that I have a boyfriend but I guess I was wrong,she said she would call me the weekend AFTER thanksgiving and she never did.Here it is February she still hasn't called x.x....whenever I get a letter from her or from my aunt they boht tell me that she's been too busy to call me because she's been spending time with her boyfriend and his children.But it doesn't take that much effort to pick up the phone and call does it?Anywho,here is some good news...I think...I found out that Draven DID NOT sleep with that 15 year old girl and she IS NOT pregnant with his child.She lied to both of us to get me to dump him.And I still love him though,but I was talking to my dad and he said that noone's trying to put me down or anything we just want what's good for you,and stuff like that.But anywho,what should I do?I mean Draven's really pissed off at her for lying about something like that,and I still love him.What should I do? I said I don't feel any older,and my birthday wasn't all that good although I did get a book titled The diary of Ellen Rimbaur My life at Rose Red ^__^ which is a weird book,because there's NO author only an editor.But it's NOT a true story,but it's based on actual facts.Isn't that neat?!Well I think that's about it for now so I'll talk to you when I'm not in a depressed mood or whatever.Love ya lots *huggles and kisses him on the cheek,sees tama-neko coming by her and picks him up,and starts petting him to.*
Dear Destiny,
I agree with your father on Draven. I think you should stick to RL boys. So, how's Mike? *Smiles*
Dear Mitsukake,
I wanted to say sorry. For my friend's behavior anyway! Her name is Kelli anna japana and she gets crazy! Sorry! Hugs to you and Tama-neko!
Dear Moriko,
Arigato. I've already answered her letter.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
^.^ Do you like Monty Python and the Holy Grail? ::collapses in Nuriko's lap, laughing::
Sailor Light Angel
Dear Sailor Light Angel,
I do!
Dear Chichiri,
What is 'no da'? Why do you say it? *blink* Gomen, I don't meant to be rude......I was just wondering. My friend Danny and I had a contest once to see who could go the longest amount of time ending all their sentances w/ 'no da'.....I think I won, but I'm not sure......*sigh* Oh well.....Also, why is your hair blue? It used to be brown, I what made it change colors?
*nervously turns and searches the dark corners of the room* Oh.....I better go. My nosy li'l brother will come to spy on me soon, and he'll lok over my shoulder and see what I'm doing and make fun of me and tell my mom who isn't even aware of your existence because I haven't told her you exist because I don't want to explain who you are and the plot of FY because I have a feeling that she wouldn't want me to watch the show because she and my dad are too over protective which is why I haven't tryed to buy subbed FY tapes which I couldn't buy anyway because no stores anywhere near my house sell them! *deep breath* I think that's the longest run-on sentace I've ever spoken out loud.........^-^ Well, arigatou.....Ja ne! ^.~
!Coffee's friend! =P (AKA Shiraha)
Dear Shiraha,
No da is an emphasizer, no da. It can mean "it's obvious". My hair has been described as "the color of the wind" in the manga and has always been blue in the anime, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I am making a story with my friends. But i don't know what would be the suitable name for my character... i don't know much words in Japanese and Chinese. So, i would like to have some of your suggestions...
To start with it...
She is a thirteen year old girl. She lives on earth but when she was eight, she was teleported to Legiada for some reason (also with the other characters...) She has her parents and her brother on earth. On Legiada, She was adopted (also like the others...)by a lady who had two children younger than her. She's half Japanese and half Chinese.
She loves cute things, especially bells and bears. She acts like a kid (anyway she's still a kid... or a teenager...). She's often jolly and sometimes serious.She's also a friendly type person and also, intelligent.
She has short brown hair and has ruby-red eyes. Also, she's the main character of the story.
That's some of the informations i can tell... I already thought of a name but i think it's not that right for her name and i haven't thought of her surname or last name.
It is...
-> SAINO LANG LI _______
-> her first name SAINO and last name is Japanese
-> and her second name LANG and middle name LI is Chinese
I want my character to have a meaningful name and it suits her character.
-> Saino - in english "mental ability" -- at first, i thought of making her have psychic powers that foresee the future... but the story was changed so we also changed the characters...
-> Lang - its a mixed name from a friend that turned out to be chinese -- L - for Leia and ANG - for her second name - Anjelica, which i turned the j to g
-> Li - this is the only chinese name i could first think of and its a last name came from card captor sakura - LI SYAORAN or LI XIAOLANG
Please help me think of a name and please put a meaning beside it so i would know what it means... Like this name that my friend invented for her character in another story...
-> Shirokami - it means "white wolf" Shiro - "white" and Okami - "wolf"
I know you're the people that i could ask this for you know a lot about Japanese words and your story was about china.
Sorry if i write too long... Anyway, ARIGATOU!!! *giggled and smiled* :)
Hikaru Kinoyashiro
Dear Hikaru,
That's a tough one! Here are some surnames we came up with:
Okui - means strength from the innermost part of the well
Riko - wisdom
Seijun - pure
Chowa - harmony
Suzake Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
um, *giggle* thanks Tasuki but *gives him some sake* let's keep this between you and me..... *blushes in embarrasment *i should have known well back to the study*
Dear Luna,
OK. Thanks fer th' sake!
Dear Chichiri,
well then thank you and i know you didn't insult my name i was just explaining it *sigh*......... *looks around* I'm hyper!!!!!!! *hugs chichiri and tasuki sit's down* sorry for that noda anywho my prefession is a cheif or cook all through out high school I"m taking international foods and then I"m going to lcc (lane community college) they have a great colinary program
Dear Luna,
Good luck, no da! I'm assuming you live in Oregon since you mentioned LCC, no da. CnA used to live there many years ago.
Dear Nuriko,
Well, I thought I should ask you about this... err... situation. You might know a way to help because of your... ummm... yeah.
There are people at school that tease me and my friends a lot because we like anime and I am constantly drawing anime and writing "Ochanoko saisai Hengen jizai, na no da!" all over my books. ^-^() But see, I don't mind being different. In fact, I want to be different but I don't want to be called a loser and a weirdo just because I don't like Brittany spears or NSync.
Maybe you could help me? Non-violent, please. ^_^ Luv ya!
Dear Moriko,
Have you tried getting any of these people to watch anime? That might change their tune! If not, just ignore them. They're only doing it to get a reaction from you.
Dear Mitsukake,
Why are you 21 and you look like your a million!?
Kelli Anna Japana
Dear Kelli Anna Japana,
I hope you mean I look like $1,000,000 and NOT 1,000,000 years old! By the way I'm 22 not 21.
Dear Hotohori,
I saw your face in the clouds Tuesday night. No, really! I did! I wasn't imagining it... The sun was setting and it was all pretty and stuff... *sigh* I took a picture of it and put it on my mirror....My friend says that I am obsessed with you and that I'm crazy, but that's just not true! At least the 'crazy' part isn't... Do YOU think I'm crazy? I don't think I'm crazy... And... do you think it's weird to be obsessed with a person from a show if you've never seen the show before? *blinkblink* ... I've never seen one episode of FY (no stores around my house carry subbed FY, or even dubbed, for that matter....*shrug* Go figure...), but I already know you're one of my favorite characters... I can't pic a favorite because I like almost everyone in the show... *sigh* Anyway, thank you for reading my long, boring, stupid letter. *sigh* ... I LOVE YOU, HOTOHORI-SAMA!!!! *blush* Bye!
Dear Shiraha,
Arigato for your kind words. *Smiles*
Dear Chichiri,
Hiya! Im makin a story and Kouran is resurrected (i dont quite know how yet ^^;;;)) Anyway...could you please describe her? Like....what she liked/ didnt like, how she acted, how she would act in certain situations, what her favorit things were, age, bday...things like that. Thank you soooooooooo much!
Writer X
Dear Writer X,
She liked playing games and cooking, no da. She was fairly outgoing and friendly. She disliked fighting and violence, no da. She was the same age as me, so she woulkd have been 26 if she had survived, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
Koji: Hi! This is, not Taisuki's friend...I just wanted to let you know that you are a very pretty girl. ^___^
Mirai: Koji, you baka, that's a man!
Koji: Are you, Nuriko? You seem too pretty to be a man... :)
Mirai: ...if we're not going to ask him something, then let's stop waisting his time.
Koji: Oh, okay. A question--how do you stay so pretty?
Mirai: Yeah, I'd like to know that too! Also, I have a question having to do with romance. I have a boyfriend, but I don't know if he likes me. I mean, he's the one who advanced on me first and all, but sometimes he's all lovey-dovey to me and sometimes he just insults me. I don't get it. Could you help?
Koji and Mirai Mikage
Dear Koji and Mirai Mikage,
Arigato for your nice compliment! I stay pretty by eating a healthy well-balanced diet and exercising regularly. As for your boyfriend, how old is he? He doesn't sound very mature.
Dear Mitsukake,
How come you are always so quiet? I think that you could be one of the most interesting seishi, if only you tried a little. Not to insult you or anything. I just wanted to help you get a boost in self confidence, 'cause you're great! I just wanted to ask if you realized it. *huggle*
Mirai Mikage
Dear Mirai Mikage,
Arigato for your kind words. I suppose I am quiet as I don't always have much to say.
Dear Nuriko,
I have a friend who nobody else likes. She brags a lot and gets on everyone's nerves. She even gets on my nerves sometimes... *sigh* Anyway, people say really awful stuff about her behind her back which, of course, makes me very angry. I end up standing up for her about 20 times a day. She can be really nice and I want to maintain our friendship, but I'm really getting tired of defending her all the time. I've tried to drop hints about her little bragging problem, but she simply refuses to even TRY to change. She is so stubborn! Even more so than I am, if that's possible... Since you are I nice person I thought maybe you could help me. What should I do?
Dear Shiraha,
If she refuses to change and you're tired of defending her, have you tried asking those people to just not discuss her shortcomings around you? As she gets older she may change when she realizes that that personality trait will be detrimental to her as she goes on in life.
Dear Tasuki,
I have a friend who likes you. It is going to be her b-dat soon ,I know you don't like girls but if you could just wish her happy birthday I would appreciate it. By the way her name is Chrissie-chan
midnight farie(with much appreciation)
Dear Chrissie-chan,
Otanjoubi omedeto gozaimasu. That's happy birthday in Japanese! *Grins*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Does anybody know why Tasuki doesn't like girls? We would REALLY like to know! It's the one thing that plagues our (pathetic) lives. Okay, we're going get off so you guys can answer back.
Chrissie-chan and Midnight Fairy
Dear Chrissie-chan and Midnight Fairy,
Because he has 5 older sisters that delight in tormenting him.
Dear Tamahome,
Tamahome,remember you said that counseling might help for my problems?Well,we've tried counseling a LONG time ago when I was younger.My stepmom and I were having problems.I got into that stage where I wouldn't talk to anyone except for one person...well I guess my stepmom didn't like that idea,so she stopped talking to me.Well the only time she would be nice to me was on holidays or birthday's.Anywho,if I remember correctly,it was HER idea to try counseling.But it didn't work out right.Or we just had a lousy counselor.Anywho,that's why I think counseling won't work.Anyways,I'm sorry for the long reply.But I just now thought of it.Anyways,that's why I told you counseling won't work.
Dear Destiny,
Perhaps you should try again with a different therapist. That and going into it with the mindset of wanting it to work will make a big difference.
Dear Tamahome,
I earn my money from allowance, but I found out why she gave me heck. She wants me to save my money and not spend it on other people, so she was just thinking of me. Thank you for replying to me though |_^_^_|
P.S. have you noticed my name means Fork O.o
Dear Kumade,
It does, but not a fork for eating. It's actually a farming term for a rake.
Dear Chiriko,
*recovering from cring* hey me and amy were reading this story and it said you had a older sister is that true? oh amy want's to know if we can be your sisters?
Samantha and Amy
Dear Samantha and Amy,
I don't have any sisters. Sure, you two can be my sisters!
Dear Hotohori,
*Gently grabs his chin in her fingers and looks him in the eye* Tell me honestly that you don't hate me... For I am telling you honestly that I am sorry I hurt you so much...
Dear Moutaikou,
*Lowers his eyes* I will tell you honestly that I will do my best to forgive you.
Dear Tasuki,
^^;; I didn't say if I was a female or male, what makes you think I'm a girl? *Is passed out* x_x;;
Dear Yosuyuki,
'Cos mosta th' people that write to us are girls!
Dear Nuriko,
*smiles and takes Ryu's hand*
Are you going to sing for him tonight? I love it when you sing baratone for him. Your voice sounds beautiful in the lower chords.
*they reach sora's room, and Sora throws a stuffed toy at them* Sora-chan you need to get bigger, before you can throw things out of the crib. Ryu did you want feeding duty tonight? I could prepare the bottle while you sing him to sleep.
Doc-sama and Sora
Dear Doc-sama and Sora,
Hai! *Starts to sing a soft lullaby.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I am a confused girl today. I don't know what to think.
I come to this page, see all you bishonen and think you're all pretty nifty and quite attractive too. But I also go to the pages for Sailor Moon and Evangelion and I think the girls on those shows are also nifty and quite attractive.
I'm not sure which gender I like more, or really which one is 'right' for me to like? I mean... I don't know... is it normal to be undecided like this? I dunno what to do... Can you tell me? Or direct me to someone who might know if you don't?
Confused Girl
Dear Confused Girl,
I think that what you are going through is normal. Attractiveness has little to do with gender. I think you should just relax and let your heart be your guide. What's right for you is what you feel is normal.
Dear Hotohori,
*Sora watches the sparkles and giggles*
Nice batch of sparkles Sei-kun :) Sora-chan are you going to answer Oji-san?
*Sora smiles and sends out baby sparkles and twinkles* He beat you there Sei-kun. Here would you like to hold him? *holds Sora up*
Doc-sama and Sora
Dear Doc-sama and Sora,
Hai! That's just amazing and at such a young age! *Holds and cuddles Sora.*
Dear Tasuki,
*smiles and walks over to the table*
Good Evening gentlemen, I hope you both are doing well. Please forgive me for bringing a visitor with me this time, Taka-kun was curious. Mind if we join you?
*Doc smirks at Taka, while Shun'u pulls out a chair for her*
Thank you Shun'u *Doc sits down on the chair* I came here to help resolve, the migraine headaches Tasuki has been getting when he uses his higher spells.
It seems the ability to concentrate is still low. Shun'u I'm sorry that my encouraging Tasuki to study has failed so far. But I will keep trying.
Taka-kun, the purpose here is to get these two to work together better. You see Shun'u is the pyrokinetic one, if Genrou here had that power you'd be a human torch with just a thought. Be thankful you have the incantation to warn you.
*looks over at Genrou, who is pouting* Genrou.. If you let Shun'u have dominance sometimes, you could pick up that little gift.
*sweatdrops* I'm not a meddling busybody Genrou.
Dear Doc-sama,
Ya' think? But he ain't me!! An' if I do I won't be me either! *Does not look happy.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Have you guys ever thought of an FAQ section?
Dear Anonymous,
Yes we have and maybe one day we'll do one.
Dear Chichiri,
Konnichiwa, Chichiri-sama!
Well, I just finished reading FY manga Vol. 5 ("Rival"). I love your tranformations! *muffles a 'no da'*
How are you doing? I thought I'd come online before it stopped working and find Yu Watase's address but I couldn't find it. :( Do you where I might be able to? ^_^
Domo! Wo ai ne! *glomp*
Dear Moriko,
Guess what I found, no da!
Shogakukan, Shojo Comics, Henshuu Bunai, Watase Yuu
2-3-1 Hitotsubashi, Chiyoda-ku
101-8001 Tokyo
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Where's Hakurou?
Reikaku no Miko
Dear Reikaku no Miko,
I dunno! Who's Hakurou?
Dear Chiriko,
i got a B! i got a B in a Spanish project! *does a dimented happy dance into the sunset*
a VERY Happy Hakura Mayabashi
Dear Hakura,
Omedeto on your good grades! Keep up the good work!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
GUESS WHAT?!!Remember how I told you about my boyfriend sleeping with a girl and getting her pregnant?Well guess what?She's not pregnant!!!Like I told the seiryuu seishi,that I came across some journals online and one of them happened to be her's,and of course she has several entries about me and how much of a b*tch I am and how ugly I am etc.etc...and how pretty she is...anyways,I got to this one section on her journal about me and she said that she couldn't believe that I believed all the lies about sleeping with my boyfriend,and getting pregnant with his child.She lied about it.I knew that feeling I had meant something...because I had this feeling like I still don't believe she's pregnant.And well now I know she's not.And everyone in the family agrees with me too that they have that same feeling that she's not pregnant.I mean think about it would you go off and tell everyone in the entire world that you're pregnant?I don't thinkso,I think you would only tell your 3 best friends or whatever.But from what I hear from his sister she's telling EVERYONE she meets that she's pregnant.She's like making a big deal out of it so you have to wonder is she really pregnant or is she lying about it?I mean she just posted in her journal that I believed all those lies about her sleeping with my boyfriend and getting pregnant.So what does that say? I know he still slept with her and it was wrong of him to do that,but she's NOT pregnant!!and like I said everyone had the same strange feeling that I had that she was lying from the start.So waht do you think?
Dear Destiny,
I think the whole lot of them will cause you no end of grief!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*Clings to Nuriko and smiles at every one* If you could choose who you guys would want on the Suzaku Seishi team, would you keep it the same? Or would you kick Tasuki off and adopted Amiboshi? *hears a "HEY" from Tasuki and a chibi-Suboshi appears and bops me on the head, "Amiboshi is MINE!" See's a chibi-Amiboshi sweadrop* bye bye guys *kisses Nurikos cheek and runs off with chibi-Suboshi in toe and chibi-Amiboshi after him saying, "Don't hurt her!!! Hasn't there been anough voilance?!"*
---Sakura Stars
Anime Oasis xi- (now looking for fanic!)
Sakura Stars
Dear Sakura Stars,
No, we'd keep it just the way it is, no da!
Dear Chiriko,
hey we got off being grounded wanna go to Border's with us?
Samantha and Amy
Dear Samantha and Amy,
Dear Nuriko,
hey i tried avoding that girl and she wants to fight me but i didnt do a thing to her!
Dear Samantha,
Fighting, especially in your world is not a good idea. Have you tried talking to her and asking her what her problem is with you?
Dear Tasuki,
hey tasuki were having a party and your our main guest wanna come there's gonna be sake ^_^!
Dear Samantha,
Sure! Thanks!
Dear Tamahome,
*Runs up him* I found this when you left. *Holds up some money* Is this yours?
Dear Yamazakura,
Probably! *Takes money* Arigato!
Dear Hotohori,
*Blinks at him* Are you serious?! *Waits for a moment and sees he really is serious* H-honto...? *Reaches for it hesitantly* *Shakes her head* No I shouldn't... I want to, but... *Has talked herself into a corner and blurts out the first thing in her mind* Why'd you give it to me in the first place?! *Turns red again* *Buries her face in her hands* Shiiimaaattaaa...
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
I thought it would make you happy. I'm sorry if I have offended you.
Dear Chiriko,
Thank you so much! I have to subscribe, but's worth it! In return, I'd like to give one of my favorite books that I picked up the last time I went to Kyoto. It's Genji Monogatari, unabridged and in Japanese. It's going to be hard parting with it, but still, I know that you like a good book and this one will not only keep you interested, but will force you to keep notes on who was introduced in this chapter and what did they do. Please enjoy and I think I'll keep writing to you, if you don't mind!
Dear Jenn,
Gomen ne, that you have to subscribe. I didn't mean for you to have to spend money.
Genji Monogatari! That's one of my favorites! Arigato! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tamahome,
Alright she said okay thanks alot man!
Water Sprite no oniisan
Dear Water Sprite no oniisan,
Congratulations! Have fun!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
What do you think of your dub voices? The only reasons I let Hotohori's and Tamahome's voices slide is because they're actually OK...and the reason Tasuki's voice was let slide was because I like James Penrod's other voice (Cosmo on the Fairly're both cool!). I cried when I heard your voice, Nuri-chan. ::collapses into his lap crying::
Sailor Light Angel
Dear Sailor Light Angel,
We REALLY dislike our dubbed voices.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
hey guys i got a good report card which means i talk to you guy's more!
Dear Samantha,
Omedeto gozaimasu on your good grades!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*Addresses six seishi who never got rum cake* Have you all found Tasuki yet? I've been looking all over the floor, and there's nothing. He must have hidden in a closet and scarfed that rum cake that was supposed to be for everyone.
Ah, well. I got another one. *opens box and reveals a big cappuchino rum cake with chocolate sauce on top*. I'll grab up the knife and start cutting pieces for everyone, okay?
I hope you like it, but if you have a low tolerance for alcohol, you may want to have just a little piece. It's powerful stuff.
*Starts cutting rum cake for everyone* I just wish I knew that Tasuki was all right. That other cake was pretty strong too. *cuts very small pieces for Chiriko, Chichiri, and Mitsukake, with only slightly larger pieces for Nuriko and Hotohori, the two diet-conscious seishi, and the biggest slice going to Tamahome.* Well, how do you like it? I hope the rum isn't too prevalent in the taste. It's supposed to be sweet as well, but not too sweet.
I guess I'd better put the rest away so it doesn't spoil. *puts cake back in the box and stuffs it in the back of the refrigerator.*
With any hope, it will still be there two hours from now.
Lady Shera
Dear Lady Shera,
Arigato! Oishii kekki desu! I think Tasuki and the last cake are hiding out in his room. Don't worry, he'll be fine.
Dear Nuriko,
ohh gomen. *sits next to Ryu* I'ts called Desert Rose and it's sung by Sting. it's his stage name :) *sighs* Now I'm back to normal.. I'll go check on sora-chan. *gets up to check on Sora*
Dear Doc-sama,
I'll come with you! Chotto matte!
Dear Chichiri,
**hugs** Arrigatou! I know you're right about not having to bed your partner just because your dating. It's just hard to believe when it seems like that's exactly what everyone around you is doing. And I've never been one to follow the mainstream... of course I'm not dating all that much either. ^^;;; It's like, the world is spinning one way and I'm trying to run the other way... and basically getting nowhere.
And boy are you ever right about people changing. I've seen that first hand. **sigh** And it's hard to take.
hehehe... I'm just babbling again. It's been a really complicated year.
Ice Maiden
Dear Ice Maiden,
That's ok, no da. You just follow the path that is right for you, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hiya seishiseses! ^.^ I have a slight problem here. You see, I dont smoke. My dad does. My aunt does. All the time. In the house. There's even a freaking ash tray next to our comp! I'm sick and tired of the cigarette smoke and the hundreds of ash trays all over the d*mned house. I asked them both to stop smoking in the house, but they wont. They wont even listen to me. >.<; Do you know how many people die from second hand smoke? A lot. I mean, a LOT. And, if my dad and aunt dont stop smoking in the house where -I- live -too-, and I die, I am going to be very....not happy. --;; Do you have any suggestions on how to get them to listen to me and stop smoking inside? Aside from stealing all their cigarettes and ash trays and throwing them outside? ^^;
Kuro who's suffocating because of all of the icky smoke...--;;;
Dear Kuro,
Have you tried having your family physician speak to them about the dangers of smoking in general and second hand smoke and it's effect on young people in particular? Perhaps they will listen to him/her. Good luck!
Dear Chichiri,
Well I'm not a sleepy-chan any more but I'm still a sick-chan thats no longer contagius, and i know theres no l in the japanese alphbet or laguage but i know 6 anime characters with the name Luna Besides it's a cute name it it seems to signify every thing that i like i love the night, cool not cold weather rain cats halloween and christmas nature and any force of water and thats what i think of when i here Luna so thats how i got my name, on here anyway (sorry about spelling i'm still sick)so Luna i already explained ^-^ is a chichiri face for obvouis reasons *blush* noda well you say it and i think it's cool and fun so Luna^-^noda
Luna^-^ noda
Dear Luna,
I never said it wasn't a nice name, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
what does Odaijini mean i'm still learning japanese
Dear Luna,
Odaijini means feel better/get well soon.
Dear Hotohori,
Maybe you are right,maybe it is a gift or a guardian looking after me.I think it started happening after that accident outside my house.What do you think?I mean I can hear them every once in a while but not all the time but sometimes I can't understand what they're saying.Like one time I was in the computer room,and I heard this voice in the right corner where the modem is,but the modem usually don't hum that loud,but I heard this "come with me"I was like...O_O;; *shakes head*Uh uh...I'm not going with a spirit.Do you think I should've gone?I mean sometimes I think I'm strong willed not to be beaten down by a spirit what do you think?
Dear Destiny,
No, I don't think you should have gone. Your place is here with the living and not in their world.
Dear Nuriko,
Well,Mike does have a girlfriend IC girlfriend but he tell's me that she thinks of him as her RL boyfriend.And he doesn't want to do anything to me,and I respect that,because I don't want to take him away from her even though we're not friend's but we do know each other ONLINE..Anyways,whenever Mike and I talk we're always talking about you know what...and how I like him and how he likes me.But for some reason his girlfriend is like depressed whenever he's around.I don't know the whole details but if he makes a joke to her,she get's pissed off and calls him something(which I forgot what it was.).She doesn't have a sense of humor.His sense of humor has a different style to it I think.He told me what he told his girlfriend and I thought it was funny.It was kind of sick but funny.Anyways,do you honestly think that he does have feelings for me?I think he might be coming down in the summertime ^_^.Oh yeah he's REAL nice too.I asked him how long will he be staying and he said something like I don't want to live off your dad's money all the time.I thought that was nice of him.The only bad thing is since our 3rd room in the house won't be done probably till after summer,he'll have to sleep on the couch but he said he doesn't mind.I was like O_O;;;..and I kept telling him well that couch is comfy and blah blah *giggles*which it like rocks you to sleep XD.Well I guess that's it.*huggles Nuriko*arigato for listening.
Dear Destiny,
He might have feelings for you. I say take it slow and see what happens. Good luck!
Dear Nuriko,
Hi Like sessha said befor your hot.When you died sessha cryed so much and went trough a small stage of sadness.That STUPID Ashitare sessha will show him how to growl GRRRRRRRRRRRR.Anywho Um(Blush blush)Oh yah sessha wants to give you this (hands him a stuffed Kourin plushie)sessha knows your still sesative about that sessha thought sessha would give you one of sessha's valuble objects that sessha made in Sewing. sessha had a dream about you. But is to embarrasing for Sessha to say. Sessha's question is WHY does EVERYBODY love MIAKA???????? Not saying she's not a bit cool but she's taken already. Sessha's really glad you didn't want to interfer with her and tamahome.Sessha Respects you very much.(Yes Sessha know what 'Sessha' means for those who don't know it mean "Unworthy way of saying 'I'"
Dear Kitsune-Chan,
Arigato! *Hugs plushie* Everyone likes Miaka because she is sweet, innocent selfless, and caring. However, we aren't all in love with her.
Dear Keiko,
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Chichiri,
Okay*sigh* but at least tell me you don't hate him please? *gives him the puppy dog eyes*
Dear Aya-sama,
No, I can't say I hate him, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
Can I be your girlfriend?
Dear katie,
Ano … *Sweatdrops* I'd prefer to just be friends, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
::waves around a paper with a 4 in a circle at the top:: YAY! I got a 4 (A) on my midterm math paper! YAY! ::skips around in circles:: Aren't you just so happy for me?! ::hugs him:: Also, I'm a carbon copy of Yui. Should I take this as a good thing or a not-good thing?
Morino Mihana
Dear Morino Mihana,
Omedeto on your grades! Well, do you mean you look like Yui or are as smart as her? Or do you mean that you're jealous of your best friend?
Dear Chichiri,
My freind is constantly suffering the onset of deppretion. She hurts herself and sometimes tries to take her own life! I try to tell her that killing herself won't help, and that it's a bad idea, She just doesnt listen!!! Grrrrr... The reason why she tries to kill herself is because shes in love with...someone. She says ,"He'll never love me...he hates me...", IT AINT TRUE!!! Also cause one of her freind pulled a prank of going out with him saying, "He haaaates you! He says he loooves me! U SUCK!!!", and so on... Well, She wont stop her depretion stride. I'm afriad she'll really hurt herself!!! ARGH!!!! Please, give me some advice to help her!!! PLLLEEEAASSEE!!!!!!!!!!
Mistress Impy
Dear Mistress Impy,
Do her parents know any of this, no da? If not, you need to tell them right away! She needs help and she needs to know that there are people in her life who do love and care about her, no da. Good luck!
Dear Tasuki,
will you tells me a story?
Dear Lita,
Sure! Once upon a time there was a han'some, brave, cool, hero name Genrou …
Dear Hotohori,
*is out taking a walk with Sora in her arms* Look Sora-chan, there's another of your Oji's. And he's taking a break :) *carries Sora over to where Sei-kun is hiding out*
Konban wa Sei-kun, this young man would like to finally meet you. Sora-chan this is your Hotohori-oji. Sei-kun this is Sora, you called him Suzaku's gift. *Sora looks at him curiously* This is Boushin's Papa, love.
*Sora does a beautifu; baby smile, then sucks his fingers* Boushin is going to have a hard time keeping up with him in the Bishounen department. My Sora is Kawaii yes he is :)
Doc-sama and Sora
Dear Doc-sama and Sora,
Hai! He truly is a beautiful gift from Suzaku. *Smiles and sparkles for Sora*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*after Doc-sama and Taka land in Tasuki's mind they look around* ahhh the main chamber of the Mt Reikaku stronghold, and all the bandits are drunk. *catches Kouji's eyes, and he waves them to the backroom* Hehehe I've been here before, c'mon. *opens the doors into the backroom and enters*
Oi Genrou! Shun'u-kun! *looks back at Taka* It won't take long to tell the difference between them. Shun'u has the light brandy and Genrou has the rotgut.
Dear Doc-sama,
*A calm, polite and well groomed version of Tasuki raises his brandy snifter to welcome them as the other version of Tasuki kicks back with a large jug of sake and a grin.* I guess we know which is which!
Dear Chichiri,
Yes i have strep *sigh oh man this sucks but by thurday i will no longer be contagius and unless i directly breath on you or use the same items as anyone else they won't get it so i don't have to go to school tommorow, but once again I"m behind in Math and choichiri please don't say anything about the math homework oh man *yawns* I'm a Sleepy and sicky-chan night night...
(sleepy) Luna -.-'z noda
Dear Luna,
I suppose strep is better than tonsillitis, no da. At least if you're home you can catch up on your math, no da. Odaijini!
Dear Hotohori,
I love you Hotohori.
Dear Inami,
Arigato. *Smiles and sparkles*
Dear Tamahome,
Konnichiwa! It's just my first time here in this site so please forgive me if i have mistakes in writing letters and in grammars... ;p
I just wanted to ask what is it that make you love Miaka that much?... What is it that you like in her? or what is it that you like in girls or women?... Well, that's all i want to ask... Arigatou! and Sayonara! :) :p
Hikaru Kinoyashiro
Dear Hikaru,
She's sweet and put others needs before her own.
Dear Tasuki,
Konnichiwa! Hope ya doin fine!
My friend told me that this site is cool so i tried to enter and i'm new in here. I hope i don't have any wrong grammars again...
To start with this, I want to know many datas or information about you. I want to know you better...
Your... Whole name (Real name), Birthday, Constellation sign and Age
Your Fave... Food, color, pet and other things you like... And also the things you hate...
Other infos like... Have any feelings for Miaka? First love? your family?
another other infos... What do you like in a girl? (If any)
:) I would be happy if you would answer all of my questions... ARIGATOU! Sayonara!!! :) :p
Hikaru Kinoyashiro
Dear Hikaru,
here's alla yer answers in th' order ya' asked 'em.
Kou Shun'u, 4/18, Crater, 17 in th' anime an' 19 in th' OAV, steak, red, wolves. Bein' asked a buncha' questions! Also bein' asked hentai questions 'bout me an' Kouji. Miaka is a friend. None, I ran away from home at 15! Whaddya' think? Strong an' no whinin' or cryin'!
Dear Chiriko,
hey chiriko guess what my pet geko died *cries* *Amy takes over sam's letter* sorry she's not feeling well right now she'll write later.
Amy and Samantha
Dear Amy and Samantha,
I'm sorry your pet passed away. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tamahome,
Why do you ask for money when nobody ever brings you any?
Dear Yamazakura,
Because there's always a chance someone will.
Dear Tasuki,
*blinks* What's hentai? sorry, suck at japanese ^.^;;;;;
Dear Neko,
Hentai means abnormal or perverted.
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