Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*cheers* Yatta! I got myself 7 new sibs! ^__^ Oi...that reminds me. *eyes water* I almost lost 2 of 'em yesterday! Two of my sisters were out, and they got drunk and we think somebody spiked their drinks or something, cuz they both got alcohol poisoning....;.; They went to the hospital and one had ta be put in a induced coma (whatever that means) ;.; They came home today, and they're gonna be okie, but that was scary to come home to~!!! I was over at Kuro-onnechan's house for the weekend, and then when I came home I found out that 2 of my sisters almost died~!!!! *freaks out, then calms down bc they just fine now*
Anyways....Hai, I'm okie with sharing you guys, probably means i just have an uncountable number of half or step or some kinda sibs now. *lol@expression on moms face when she finds out*
Kashke Tesea
Dear Kashke Tesea,
It could also be that they drank more than their bodies could handle. Ya' better keep an eye on 'em!
Dear Nuriko,
*smiles, puts the headphones over Ryu's ears* It's beautiful music :D *keeps dancing to the song in her head, as everything else blanks out*
This desert rose
Each of her veils, a secret promise
This desert flower
No sweet perfume ever tortured me more than this
And now she turns
This way she moves in the logic of all my dreams
This fire burns
I realize that nothing's as it seems
Dear Doc-sama,
Pretty song. Who sings it?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Who in their right mind would inject silicone into their lips with a caulking tool? I saw a report on TV on people who actually do that in the name of cosmetic surgery. Isn't that repulsive?
Perhaps every teenage girl should get a copy of the book "Beauty Fades, Dumb is Forever" by Judge Judy Sheindlin. Dumb really IS forever in this case.
If people (especially women) really need to do cosmetic surgery, why the hell can't they do it the legal way? You should have seen some of those pictures of the results! Ick!!! Makes Taiitskun look like Cindy Crawford!!!
Just had to get that out. Cosmetic surgery is for stupid people with money to burn! Makes me sick that people would actually do that to their bodies...
Lady Shera, who sees no need for that sort of cosmetic surgery
Dear Lady Shera,
I agree! If one feels the need to do such a thing, then one should go to a licensed physician and have them do it.
Dear Hotohori,
will i go to a good college?
Dear christine,
I certainly hope so! However, you are the only one in control of that. So, study hard and get good grades!
Dear Hotohori,
*sleeps peacefully on the couch with a sleeping Boushin in her lap and a storybook which fell on the floor*
*starts mumbling in her sleep* Mmmmmmm...Wow, Boushin-san, you're such a smart little boy...mmmmmm...just like your daddy and mommy...hmmmm...
*senses someone's presence and suddenly wakes up* Hmmm? *whispers when she sees Boushin still sleeping* How long have we been asleep? Last I remember, we were on the story of "The Golden Fleece."
*still whispering* Well, I guess I tuckered your son out again with all these stories we're reading. He's so good and sweet when we read. But I think he needs to go to bed now. Do you want to take him, or shall I call one of the maidservants to do so? Except I really don't want to wake Boushin up with that loud bell...
*Yawns, but still whispers* It's been a really long day. A really, really, really long day. For both of us. *drifts off again.*
Lady Shera
Dear Lady Shera,
*Takes the sleeping Boushin from her and covers her up.*
Dear Chichiri,
Ano....I'm probably the only person who could think of something like this, but my friends and I agree ABC needs to make a show called "Everbody Loves Chichiri" with the Friend's theme song in Japanese. I was just asked to get your opinion, but you have to admit, it does sound cool. Maybe we're onto another sitcon that's big for ten years than the producer deides he's made to much money and disapoints the whole country by walking off. **shrugs**.
Mika Kino
Dear Mika Kino,
I don't think it would do well, no da. But it is an amusing idea.
Dear Chiriko,
Hiya chiriko How are you? You know i saw when you killed yourself i Criend for um.. 1..2..3 HOURS!!!!!!!! and was still sniffing. I really didn't want you to die. I saw the sketch of you when you are 16 and i think your really HOT!!!! Oh and my friend want to say hi to you she cried with me but not as much i'm still down from it and it's been 2 months it was a sad scene. I HATE MIBOSHI!!!!!!!!!!!! (growls like a Fox, fos ears and tail poke out and starts to glomp chiriko) OHHH your so cute and loveable (kisses him on the cheek) hey your 13 and i'm 13 cool.
Fira's sister Fox (yes that is my real name.)
Dear Fox,
Arigato for your kind words. I too am not very fond of Miboshi.
Dear Tasuki,
WEll I'm glad your had fun at the partyOh I'm sick go to Chichiri for details, hey you should know if you want details on me to go to chichiri so i won't tell you any more...... anyway chat later *OWWW*
Luna^-^ noda
Dear Luna,
Dear Chichiri,
Hey chichiri, oh man I'm sick hopefully it's not tonsilitist (me and my bad spelling)-.-' because if it is i have to have them taken out sence I've already had it once before, I'm hoping it's just strep sad huh??? well my opiontments at 4:00 pacific time, duh! well wish me luck oh and hey you know my grampa who i keep complaining about?? my mom finnally developed my film from last summer (sigh) and theres a pic of him in there from my last summers b-day party so.... summer 2000, june 23 anywho I'll write you after my check up (gulp)*ow*
Dear Luna,
Good luck with your checkup, no da! Odaijini!
Dear Tasuki,
*big smile* Hey Tasuki?*grin* We're kinda having a, a debate about what kind of cake I should bring to school for your birthday... *blush* What type do you like? ^__^
Dear Bon,
*Is caught eating the missing rum cake… * Ano … rum?
Dear Chiriko,
Chiriko,chiriko do know that there's nothing wrong looking young do you?I mean I'm gonna be turning 19 this friday(february 1st)but I look like I'm 16 still -_-....Demo..I can pass for a kid's ticket at theme parks more money...I've actually done it before too...I believe it was either in the 6th or 7th grade and my friend and I went to Disneyland and I passed for a kid's ticket LOL.Anywho,it's not that bad that you look young.I mean think of it this way,when you're 40 you'll probably look like you're either in your 20's or 30's XD...same with me.Anyways,You like Edgar Allen Poe?I do too isn't he a genuis?Do you like Stephen King?
Dear Destiny,
I used to like him but he seems to be getting repetitive in his work lately.
Dear Chiriko,
*Whacks Pluto upside the head* Meanie! We do not torture Chiriko! *Turns to Chiriko and hugs him* And I think she got confused with that leaf vs. the flute... *Gives Pluto her latest Inu-Yasha book and all is well again* ^_^
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
Arigato! *Hugs her back.*
Dear Tamahome,
(yuiren,shunkei,and gyokodon walk in with suckers) hi Tamahome i was watching your little sisters and brother ^_^! we got you something (gives him a gold watch) c-ya!
Dear Samantha,
Arigato! *Gives his sibs a hug.*
Dear Nuriko,
nuriko update on my friends the one dosent stink and the other one is still annoying please help me i cant take this s***!
Dear Samantha,
Glad to hear your friend doesn't have an odor problem! As for your other friend, have you tried having a heart-to-heart talk with her? If this doesn't work you may just wish to limit your contact with her.
Dear Chiriko,
hey chiriko i got a email adress e mail me some time^_^! anywho the reason my teacher yells at me is that she dosent like how i do my french!
Dear Samantha,
Suminasen, but we don't do personal emails. If you teacher yells at you because of how you are speaking French, perhaps you should make the effort to correct yourself.
Dear Chiriko,
hey smart guy! i'll just ask is the anime "love Hina" an x-rated anime? or a hentai anime?
fushigi onna (curious woman)
Dear fushigi onna (curious woman),
It's neither. It's just a cute, somewhat suggestive anime. Ano, curious as in strange is kimyou and curious as in "I am curious about this." is monomezurashii. Fushigi generally means strange or mystery. As well as wonder or miracle.
Dear Tasuki,
*Is getting a very sick feeling inside* ;-;!!! *Drinks more an more* x_x* Is near passing out*
Dear Yosuyuki,
That's it! I'm cuttin' ya' off! *Takes sake away from her and makes her sleep it off.*
Dear Tamahome,
You know that could work alright.I'll ask her if she'll go to the movie's with me.
Water Sprite's no oniisan
Dear Water Sprite's no oniisan,
Good! Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Chiriko,
Hi!!! Sorry, but I just have to hug you!
Anyway, I've never written to you before, but since you know a lot... I want to put Fushigi Yuugi sounds on my computer, but every web site I've looked at, even dthe Anime Web Turnpike, doesn't really have any good ones. Any suggestions?
Dear Jenn,
Try . They have a desktop by (#13) Alain Gravel that's really nice and has 13 sounds. As well as (#48) By Shade-Greg (10 sounds) and (#49) by Kittykat (22 sounds).
Dear Chichiri,
I understand you are a member in good standing of "The Holy Ringing Staff Club", along with Rezo the Red Pries, Koppi Rezo, Cherry (from Urusai Yatsura), and Kaosu (from Yoroiden Samurai Troopers/Ronin Warriors).
I would like to know, what are the benefits of said membership?
Also, how long did it take you to learn to remember to ALWAYS add "(na) no da" to the end of everything?
Underlord Backlash
Dear Underlord Backlash,
I am, no da? I have no idea, no da. I have always spoken this way, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*snifls* I...I only got a B on my Japanese semester final... *sobs* ;-;! That ruined my straight A average for the class! ;-;!!
Dear Ayame,
Goman ne that your GPA was ruined. But a 'B' is still a very good grade!
Dear Tasuki,
Hi ya Tasuki hey i just got this new orange long hair tabby (cat) i named him after ya. Oh yah I know ya hate women and all but i think your really hot but i'm sure you get that all the time. My question is why do ya hate women? I really need to know this. Oh yah my friend icis has a huge cruch on koji if ya see him again please tell him so. Arigato
Dear Fira,
I have 5 older sisters that did nothin' but torment me as I was growin' up! That's why! I'll tell Kouji yer friend said hi.
Dear Nuriko,
Hi nuriko-chan Your one of my fave characters... Well you male part anyway.:) Hey i have a question for you if you could change on thing in your life what would it be and why? A bit of a stupid question but i just really want to know this. WEll thanks for you time.
Dear Kitsune-chan,
I would want my sister to be alive again.
Dear Chichiri,
Konnichiwa! Hi, my name is Utena! I love you so much, you are my favorite character No Da! My friend turned me on to this web site and also said that I have to ask you questions. So far I really like this site. I can't wait to hear back from you!
Dear Utenagirl90,
Arigato for your kind words, no da. Welcome to our humble cyber-abode! I'm glad you like the site! I hope you enjoy your stay, no da.
Dear Hotohori,
*Considers this* Hmm, a massage would work...*Takes out a little wooden massager she bought years ago.*
I'm very happy though, I just beat out 47 people in an audition for my top college. :) would sing sometime?? I'd love that! Thanks for your support. ^_^
Dear Hoshi,
Omedeto gozaimasu on your audition! *Gives her a hug.* When would you like you like me to sing for you?
Dear Hotohori, probably get at least a few unwanted visitors, being Emperor and all, so I have a question! How do you get rid of an unwanted visitor without hurting their feelings? There's this guy in my school's anime club...after the first few meetings, he started following me around school....and he doesn't go home till 5 in the afternoons, so he followed me home for a few days (I walk). He comes and sits with me and my friend at lunch and won't leave, even when his lunch ends and he's late for class. if it wasn't so flippin' annoying, I'd think it was cute. I tried to tell him to go away a few times, but he's just too stubborn... AGH, I've heard of persistent people, but this is getting ridiculous! I don't want to have to tell him that he's bugging me, but I might have to...any suggestions for ridding myself of this guy without hurting his feelings too badly? Thanks....*hugs* ^_^
Dear Kerri,
He sounds more like a stalker than a pest! I suppose at lunch you and your friend could just ignore him, but that would be rude. You could try taking him aside and letting him know that if he wishes to be your friend he needs to stop following you home and inviting himself to sit at your table during lunch. Hopefully he'll get the hint.
Dear Nuriko,
Arigatou, Nuriko! *hugs* I'll try to get into the school....eek, gotta get started on a portfolio... *_* At least I can use some stuff I've already done for it.... ^^;
Dear Kerri,
You're welcome. Ganbatte, ne! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I am finally back from my cruise. It was absolutely fantastic! That boat had everything, a casino, beauty salon, bars everywhere, duty-free shopping, dining rooms, restauraunts, a was the best darn thing I have done in a long time. Of course, you need lots of money if you wanna go on this cruise.
I went snorkelling in Cozumel, Mexico, and went to the beaches of the Grand Cayman Islands. I also saw New Orleans and had fried crawdads (or crawfish, whichever you prefer), and gator tails. *holds up a plate of fried gator tails* Anyone wanna try one?
Anyway, as fun as it was, it's great to be back. Even if it is money well spent, it's a lot of money, and a lot of food. But they have great rum punch on board (make sure you're 21 before you order it though). They had wonderful Vagas-like shows, and I lost $4 in the casino. Have you ever had lobster tail with butter? Or chocolate rum souflee'? Or how about mango cream soup? *hears wierd sound, like something falling* What was that? *shrugs shoulders* I guess my ears are still feeling funny from my flight.
Oh, and I have a present for all of you. *takes out a box* This is Carribean rum cake that I think you'll be very pleased with. It is really good, and really sweet. *picks up box* Hmmm...this box feels a bit light, though. *opens box and finds it empty except for a few crumbs.*
OKAY! WHO ATE MY RUM CAKE? *counts the seishi, and finds Nuriko, Hotohori, Chiriko, Mitsukake, Tamahome, and Chichiri standing there looking nonchalant. One seishi missing!* Oh, great. Where is he? I was gonna share this cake with everyone! Sorry guys! I'll see if I can get another rum cake somewhere. In the meantime, watch where you step on the floor.
Lady Shera
Dear Lady Shera,
We're really glad you had such a great vacation! The food sounds totemo oishii! As soon as we find Tasuki, we'll let you know. Arigato at least for the thought!
Dear Tasuki,
Valentines Day, that'll be a better challenge yet. *Is prepared* ^^;; How bad are they?*Is curious* BTW, are you feeling better?
*~Yume-Chan, Tasuki no Mamoru~*
Dear Yume-Chan,
I am, thanks fer askin'! It's REALLY scary! An' th' fangirls are REALLY bad!
Dear Hotohori,
*Walks up to him staring at the ground* Thanks for coming to the chat. And to think I was about to go to bed early... You don't know how happy I was... still am... and will be until Makoto and Pluto kill me tomorrow... I had fun. Even if your hair was mutilated. But undoing the damage was the fun part. Ah! Kore... I took care of it... *Hands him his shirt and notices a little too late that it smells faintly like the perfume she was wearing* Shiiiimaaaattaaaa... *Turns red and resists the urge to run away and hide*
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
*Smiles and takes the shirt from her.* Arigato for taking such good care of it. *Starts to leave … * Here, why don't you keep it. *Hands her the shirt.* Unless you don't want to keep it…
Dear Hotohori,
Your majesty,I think you got it backwards.Sorry for confusin ya.I meant to say that a car had crashed into our lawn one night.I was trying to sleep,but I couldn't cause I kept hearing voices,they were kinda faint voices but I couldn't make out what they were saying.Anywho,I thought my dad was home from his girlfriend's house so I thought the tv was on,but when I went to go check in his room he wasn't there yet,so I went back into my room,and I kept hearing those voices again and this was on a school night btw,so this was really making me tired.Anyway,a few hours later after I kept hearing those voices my dad was home,and a car crashed into our tree..and the thing is if that tree hadn't been there,I would not be here today.o.o;;; I got my life saved by a tree!o.o; but ever since we moved out of our two story house into a smaller one,I always felt that there was someone behind me watching me and I still do,I have no idea why though.If it get's REALLY quiet,I start hearing thing's.One time when I was by myself,at night(my dad was at his girlfriend's house)I heard something so I grabbed a knife and took it with me,but noone was there -_-.I don't know if I'm going Nuts or if it's a gift or what it is.I really don't know.Maybe you can ask chiriko?
Dear Destiny,
It could be a gift or it could be you have a guardian angel watching over you.
Dear Tasuki,
Good,don't give me any sake...that stuff is nasty.What do you mean I was sad the last time?what happened?
Dear Destiny,
Ya' were pretty sick! That's what I meant by sad. It was th' shape ya' were in .
Dear Nuriko,
Nuriko,Mike is definately nice.^_^.We always talk to each other in pm almost every day..the only bad thing is that he has a girlfriend,but I'm happy for him.I just find this weird,that he thinks if he hugs me or something he feels like he's cheating on his IC girlfriend.But guess what he told me O.O; he said that he WANTED to hold me.I was like O_O;;;...what do I do?x.x I need help..he wants to hold me...what does that exactly mean?
Dear Destiny,
IC girlfriend? Does that mean that she is not a RL girlfriend? I would think if he wants to hold you that he does have feelings for you and cares about you. The only thing that will happen between the 2 of you is what you and he mutually agree on to let happen. Good luck!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
hi! i'm an avid fan of fushigi yuugi and im just wonderin' what websites sell english dubbed vcd's of these anime(all episodes)....thanks for your help!
Dear darl_cabrera,
Probably none, as most VCD's tend to be bootleg copies. Sorry.
Dear Nuriko,
*waves insanely* Nurikoooooo! ^^;;....*hasn't written for a long time and blames it* How are ya? *points to the increasing flood of letters* @_@ I'm just adding another one to the pile...^.^ *smiles and starts to hum "Beautiful Alone"* ^^;....Wei_ Kruez bishies *drools*...
Dear Cind-chan,
I'm fine. We're actually "keeping our heads above water" on the letters. Take care!
Dear Nuriko,
*kisses Ryu on the cheek* Did you go to Sailo for this?? *dances around in her new dress* So many pretty scarves :D
Dear Doc-sama,
Hai! I'm glad you like it. You look beautiful in it.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
You know,I don't think anyone has EVER asked this question yet,but than again I could be wrong...but Do you believe in superstition's,black magic(well miboshi doesn't count)etc.?Have any of you read any horror books,like tales to read in the dark,more tales to give you chills or something like(can't remember the names of those books x.x gomen).I don't know why,but I just had to ask you this.Oh yeah,who are your favorite american author's?Okay sorry if I'm being annoying,I'm just really bored x.x
Dear Destiny,
We do to a point. We haven't read any scary books in a long time. Some of our favorite authors are: Clive barker, Harlan Ellison, Edgar Allan Poe, and H.P. Lovecraft.
Dear Chichiri,
Well,I knew it wouldn't be fair to minna-san,but I just thought I'd ask.No hard feelings.^_^ Btw,Have you ever played silent hill 1 and 2?sheesh I didn't know running in fog or walking in fog would be that hard.x.x;Anywho,you're probably about them "playing"me.O.o;; but than again you never know.Anyways,read any good stories or ghost stories lately?
Dear Destiny,
I've never played those games. I haven't read any ghost stories in a long time, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Would you appreciate it if I dressed you in drag, displayed you for all the world to see, and threw you in a river, Fang Boy?
The Evil One
Dear Evil One,
Dear Tasuki,
Omigosh Big Bro! It's been a long time! **almost hugs him, but decides it's not the best idea** You probably don't remeber me anyway.... the maniac equestrian. The reason I haven't written in a long time was I finally lost my battle with my horse.I went through this LONG depression period, and I'm still in it, but it's kinda wearing off.**Monty Python and the Holy Grail will do that to ya!** It's crazy though, I'll rush home from school, and it's still a shock to not be able to head over the barn and pamper my horse, or train for rodeos. Occasionally I sneek over when the barn owners are off to a show and brush him down and all that junk, but I wish I could do one more rodeo, just one! One event! I'll even do calf roping, I'm not picky! But I finally realized that I hadn't written to ya in a long time.**opps...** Probably didn't matter much did it though?**shrugs** Later dayz.
Hey Bro! Go to Listen, it's no secret that I can't read japanese worth a flip, dispite my efforts, but there's just something odd about this picture. It is just me, or are you, dare I say.....flirting? Hey, just wonderin'...
Mika Kino
Dear Mika,
I do remember ya'! I'm sorry ya' didn't get to keep th' horse. I know how much ya' cared fer him an' all. I ain't flirtin'! I'm tellin' that girl not to be scared of my fangs.
Dear Tasuki,
*glomp tackles Tasuki and sniffles* You've gone behind my back, ne?! ;-; You went off and got another protecter person ;-; I feel betrayed, ;-; I feel unloved, I feel....*blinks* got anything to eat Tasuki-kun? ^^;;
Oh well, I'll always be your Guardian Tenshi, ne Tasuki-chan? *eyes sparkle all pretty like* Da! *huggles him*
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
Not really! Yer my Guardian Tenshi an' Yume-chan is my Mamoru. So there's a difference. *Gives her a bag of chips to eat.*
Dear Chichiri,
You're the coolest suzaku seishi! You're the strongest, smartest, and cutest no da! Can I ask you somtin? Do you ever get annoyed with the rest of your seishi? One more thing... You and Suboshi are my favorite characters. Please tell me you could be friends?
Dear Aya-sama,
Arigato for your kind words, no da. I really never get annoyed with my fellow Seishi, even Tasuki, no da! I don't know about Suboshi and I ever being friends. Gomen, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
What does it mean when a guy kisses a girl's hand? That recently happened to me, and I'm still confused about it. Especially since the guy was the one who "broke up" with me a month and a half ago. ^^;;;
Dear Ayame,
Nuriko: Perhaps he wants you back?
Chichiri: Or he could just be being polite to you, no da.
Nuriko and Chichiri
Dear Chichiri,
even though you might not beleive me ,but im your daughter,my names Ikari Ri. after you die and are reborn you marry a girl named patricia and shes my mommy. yes she is your one fiance that died in that flood. tasuki has a daughter to her name is Landra Blaze she acts just like him. i get a scare to almost the same as yours but i can still she out of my eye, no i didnt kill my best friend but i killed a lot of innocent people, by blowing up there villege trying to save them. thats in the book when were not in the book im an accident prone girl im always falling down and getting hurt, ecept when im on roller blades then im fine.
i have a boyfriend named Alexander Wong, he is hotahoris son,well gotta go Wo Ai Ni, daddy, no da
Ikari Ri
Dear Ikari,
That's interesting, no da. Tasuki has told me about this fanfic, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
*glomplehugglesnuggle* ^^ Haiiii. How are you? Um...........^^; Gotta ask ya a^^; You' pretty...^^; i just can't seem to think of a!
Dear Keiko,
That's ok. Arigato! *Smiles*
Dear Nuriko,
yer SOOOO cool! yay! i can't belive that im talkin to ya! *jumps around like a little fangirl* my question. what animal is your favorite? i like racoons because im the most like one ^_^
Hakura Mayabashi (AKA the other Racon Girl)
Dear Hakura,
Arigato for your nice compliment. I like cats.
Dear Tasuki,
*give him back the tessen* Mommy said to gives it back...*hugs him* Wo ai ni
Dear Lita,
*Hugs her back* Now why would she saythat? It ain't th' real one.
Dear Chiriko,
chiriko did you know that you look like you r 8? i love how you can play the flute
Dear pluto,
I know. >.<;;; Ano, I don't play the flute. Amiboshi does. *Sweatdrops*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I passed all of my semester finals with flying colors! ^_^
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
Omedeto gozaimasu! We're all very proud of you! *They all give her a hug.*
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Chichiri,
*she sits by her sister*
Dooms Day: Hey! I got a bite! *rills it in*
Deserae: Hey I got one too!!! *rills it in*
Both of them: How about you Chichiri,no da!
Deserae and Dooms Day
Dear Deserae and Dooms Day,
*Jumps awake from dozing* Oh, gomen no da. I was just relaxing, no da.
Dear Hotohori,
Becky sent me an e-mail! ^_^ *Bounces up and down while squealing like an idiot* I was so scared she'd forgotten me!
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
*Smiles* I told you she hadn't forgotten you.
Dear Tasuki,
oh and sorry tasuki sence you were atthe party u would probly no by now that there was no Sake all but 1 and a half of us were minors oh and you and chichiri though i doubt he would get drunk *grimaces and the thought* well hope ya had fun anyway both you and chichiri, bye
Luna^-^ noda
Dear Luna,
We did! Thanks fer havin' us over! *Grins*
Dear Tamahome,
Hey,Aho-me (can I call you that?) Anyway I bet I can sell more things than you can in a week!! How 'bout it? Is it a bet?
Dooms Day
Dear Dooms Day,
NO, you can't call me that! >.< Sure, what's the wager?
Dear Chichiri,
you just don't like me enough to respond to my letters how rude!!!!! *pouts* sorry I just want someone to talk to and I know I have to share you and tasuki *sigh* anywho what have you been up to noda???
Dear Luna,
I do respond to your letters, but there are times when we are swamped and not all the letters we receive can be answered, no da. I've been fishing, and yourself, no da?
Dear Mitsukake,
*siiigh* Life is depressing. Once you start to feel happy, something shoots you from your perch in the sky. Happiness is overrated. I think I'll go cry myself to sleep now.
Dear Ash-chan,
I'm sorry that you feel that way. What happened?
Dear Tasuki,
hey.. baka. Can you get Lita a * looks at hand* mo-koh-nah? She's been whinin' fer one.. and she likes you . Oh yeah n.n Tell Kouji when I get my hands on his self centered &*&% I'm gonna (*^*&%&^^&$%&^&* kill him!!
Dear Aidou,
Sure! Ano ... what th' h*ll is a mokohnah?
Dear Chiriko,
*hastily* No, of course not! I *coff* memorized those textbooks already...
FY Angel
Dear FY Angel,
*Looks at her skeptically* Of course you did. However, I do think you should keep them just in case you need them.
Dear Hotohori,
Hotohori-sama... HE SMILED AT ME! WAI! WAI! WAI! *runs around, screaming*
FY Angel
Dear FY Angel,
Dear Nuriko,
How about now 'Nii-san? So what do ya want?
FY Angel
Dear FY Angel,
Sure! But you don't have to buy me anything.
Dear Tamahome,
Ano... hmm... er 30% of the profits? Oi, this is a good deal, you don't know how many people worship you... -_-x too many people in my opinion... sheesh. Just for a little lock they'd pay 1000 ryou... *pulls out scissors, grinning evilly* So Tama... ready for a hair cut, don't worry I only made my cousin half bald. Just kiddin! :p *runs away shrieking upon seeing Tama's symbol light up* Don't hurt me!
Hyper Chic
Dear Hyper Chic,
ONLY 30%?!? Since it's MY hair I think an 80/20 split with ME getting 80% would be more fair. Don't you? *Smiles and takes the scissors from her.* And I cut my hair.
Dear Chichiri,
You're welcome Chichiri-san! *smiles and gives him hug* Oh yeah I brought you something! *pulls out jug of sake* Just to torture Tasuki... hehe~ me so evil! Anyhoo, that wasn't your real gift. *pulls out brownies* Food from the Miko's world, ya tried some yet?
Genki Gal
Dear Genki Gal,
Hai! Oishii brownies, no da! Arigato!
Dear Tamahome,
*sweatdrops*I don't think having a duel with Tasuki is a very good idea.
Water Sprite's older brother
Dear Water Sprite no oniisan,
Hmmm... probably not. Have you tried just asking her out to lunch or a movie?
Dear Tamahome,
where can i find good Escaflowne lyrics on the web????
Lady Pyro
Dear Tasuki,
*POUNCE!* But maiming people is half the fun! ;-; I'd love for Nova to give me an excuse to tell her what for. As for Nate *radiates evil genki* ... Once the websites are moved, he'll be getting a little phone call from me telling him he can delete our account on his server, take me of the #phc operator list, and take down anything having to do with me on his page.
And I'll use this oh-so-cheerful-I-know-something-you-don't-know-I-know tone =D And I'll tell him that if he doesn't, I'm sure I can get Rachey to do it for me, or get her to nag him for me. And when he asks why, which he undoubtedly will, I'll simply say that Tiamat and I had the most interesting conversation! Then we'll see what happens... Whatever happens after that will probably include him trying to make excuses, and me telling him to shut the h*ll up, and telling him what an @$$hole he is and exactly why what he did was WRONG. ^-^ It will probably end with me saying that while I'm past the point of plotting how to smuggle my katana through airport security, if he ever speaks to me again or messes with somebody I know, that I will single handedly make his life a living h*ll from the convience of my own home. And that I look forward to the day fate kicks him in the butt.
... I suppose mailing somebody dog poo would be considered harassment...
Ah, but I can see that phone call now... "Hi! Nate? It's Shannon. Since you aren't online often, you don't answer your e-mail, or even your snail mail... This seems to be the only way to get a hold of you, and since your phone number still graces my address book- Though it won't for much longer, I assure you - I just wanted to let you know you can delete the RPStudios account on your server. We've moved." .... etc. *-* The tone... the tone will be beautiful! It will just radiate "I know something- your in deep s**t, and I'm going to enjoy your suffering." OOOOOOOOOOHOHOHOHOHOHO!!!!
I think, actually, I feel the most sorry for Tiamat. She was lead along worse than me. She knew, yet she fell for Nate's cr*p, which was more cr*p than he gave me.
As for deeeeear Rachey... I figure I'll just tell her online at some point thanks for trying to tell me about Nate and Tiamat. And then tell her I have to agree with Tiamat about her and I don't condone the way she runs a channel. With a smiley face of course, and then a good bye. Only after Nate complies with my simple demands though. =).
Dear One-chan,
*Grins and pats her on the head.* That's my girl! There ain't a vengeful bone in yer body is there? Heh-heh-heh...
Dear Chichiri,
Gononachiwa Big bro. You probobly don't know this but I have ADHD witch means I get angry, hyper, amd sad really easily. Lately I have been getting Really angry at really little stupid things and I do not know why nyo. This did not used to happen and i'm on the same medication. I'm really scared what should I do nyo?
Saint Star
Dear Saint Star,
Talk to your doctor and ask him if the symptoms you have described are normal for your condition and for the medication you are on, no da. Odaijini!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
>D LOL I thought you guys would pick that.Why is it noone can stand that song?I mean it's a cute song and all but absolutely NOONE can stand it.Whenever I go to Disneyland,I avoid going on that ride at all costs.<<;;I kinda feel sorry for that ride,cause there's not a lot of people on it and they have all these boats and stuff.o_o;Why is it they don't like that song?
Dear Destiny,
Because it's *(^%$#@ ANNOYIN'!!!
Dear Hotohori,
Your majesty,No I don't think I'm on any medication.Let me go check*goes to the bathroom,and checks the medicine cabinet,and finds no medication*Hmm nope I'm not on medication.But I can hear people talking alot when there's noone home.x.x I dunno why though...I think ever since that accident outside my house two years ago,and I heard those voices than I think that's when it started.Like one day,I was washing my face when all of a sudden I heard the most utter sound from behind me.It sounded like a dog's growl,but it came from behind me and when I looked behind me,nothing was there.The only dog(s)that are next to us is next door's.But you barely hear their dog.So it couldn't have been their dog.But I mean it came WAS right behind me,it was there for a second and than left.I was like O_O;;; okay this house is haunted now.
Dear Destiny,
What accident did you have? Did you injure your head?
Dear Nuriko,
Okay I think I'm getting annoying now but oh well...*smirks*N-e-who,yes the decorations are beautiful.I have a chinese decoration in my room.Oh yeah btw,my friend Mike is coming down in the summer to see me and he drew me a picture of heero and relena *_*.He's cute too...*coughs*N-e-who,don't worry I'm not going to try and do anything to him although...he is going to stay at my house so you never what might happen right?But I'm hoping nothing will happen.I hope anyways.cause you know how boys are when they're alone with a girl x.x;;*shuts up*I don't think I want to go there.N-e-who I'd better go befoer I start buggin ya.
Dear Destiny,
So, is Mike cute and nice? Does he treat you well? He might not be a bad choice... *Grins*
Dear Tasuki,
*huggles tasuki-san*good I'm glad,that nothing happened to me *smiles*.Although I am getting a craving for some more sake -_-...e.e tasuki look what you did!I never wanted that stuff until now x.x
Dear Destiny,
Well, yer not gettin' any sake fom me. Ya' were pretty sad sight last time!
Dear Tasuki,
*Hugs him* Thanks for coming in the chat last night.^_^I really liked talking to you and CnA! I didn't get to say bye to you when you left.;-; My computer disconnected and I came back on after you left.
(It was acting up all night. - -;;)
Anyway, I think Chichiri-san might be right. It would be a bit unfair to minna-san, and I think protecting you is a big job itself. But I love my job and I would never would give it up!^_^
(Watashi wa make nai yo)
~Gomen, Destiny-san.
*~Yume-Chan, Tasuki no Mamoru~*
Dear Yume-Chan,
Yer welcome! We enjoyed it, too. Hopefully, next time we do it we're both feelin' a lot better! If ya' think it's a big job protectin' me now, jus' wait fer Valentine's Day! *Grins*
Dear Tasuki,
*Gives a drunken grin at Tasuki*X.x*Continues drinking bottle after bottle* o.o *Is feeling dizzy*
Dear Yosuyuki,
Oi! Ya' ain't gonna get sick on me are ya'?
Dear Tasuki,
Hi! i'm just curious, what are the names of your five sisters? sorry if this question annoys you! *hands Tasuki a voucher that allows him to have a unlimited supply of free sake for a year*
Dear Korat,
My sister's are: Jiang, Li'an, Pa'liu, Mai, an' Aidou! . Thanks fer th' sake!
Dear Chiriko,
hi! Sorry if this question annoys you, but how tall are you?(in cm) Because, i'm 150cm and i'm in Yr9 this year (14yrs).*sweatdrop* I can't wait for the day when my growth spurt kicks in!
THANK YOU *gives chiriko a big hug*
Dear Korat,
I am 148 cm tall.
Dear Chichiri,
I really don?t know why I thought I address this to you. It just seemed right... well, and maybe because you?re my favorite seishi (though I do absoluetly love all the others)! So here it goes. It?s a long story and I don?t even know what advice I?m looking for. **sighs** I warn you as well, this is going to be a bit blunt.
A year or so ago, a friend of mine got involved with her first boyfriend. Things went very very far and well... it turned out he was just using her for sex. She was crushed and I was there and supported her.
Since then she has gotten involved with two other guys (total of three in a year) and all have involved a lot of bedroom activity. Currently she re-hooked up for the third time (I think) with her second boyfriend... immediately after breaking with her third boyfriend. Suffice to say, my support is running a bit... thin after a year of this?
Add to this the fact that over the summer, someone else very close to me seemed to be following a similar path (though that relationship is still on the ups). Add to this that my friend hid the fact that she?d hooked up with BF2 for two months, leaving me and other friends completely confused about why she wouldn?t return phone calls when we were trying to make plans, ect.(You Just don't *lie* to your friends like that!) Also add to this that I think I?m in love with a guy right now but given what I?ve seen I am scared to say anything, fearing that if we do start going out that things will move too far too fast.
... add all this together and it makes for one very frazzled, worried, concerned, and confused young lady. Frazzled because I feel like I don?t know my friend anymore, even though we?ve known each other since we were kids. She's never lied to me like that before. Worried and concerned because I?m afraid that my friend is going to eventually get into serious trouble (unplanned pregnancy, STI, ect.) if she doesn?t slow down and that she is never gonna find the love she really wants if she keeps the pace she is. Concerned and confused for myself as well, because I know I can?t move anywhere *NEAR* that fast (I haven?t ever dated much) but it looks like a requirement if you want to be in a relationship. Confused because I want a relationship, but I?m so scared and fear I can?t trust myself or him even though we?ve known each other for years.
... Please help? Any advice would help! Thank you!
An Ice Maiden
Dear Ice Maiden,
*Takes off mask and gets very serious* Unfortunately, sex can complicate relationships and sometimes people do change and not always for the better. Your friend will have to figure out for herself what her path will be. You can certainly help her by talking to her and telling her your concerns for her future and her well being. As for yourself, bedding one's partner is NOT a requirement for dating or having a relationship! You are the only one who can decide when the time for that is right for you. Trust yourself and your instincts and don't blindly follow the crowd. And remember that any man that pressures you to that which you are not comfortable doing is not worth your time. When the time and the person are right you will know and so will he.
Dear Chichiri,
Hi big bro nyo! Chichiri I have a probolem nyo. (burts into tears) you see my mom said that if I get on the Honor roll at my school she will pay to have my room redecorated and i'm trying really hard but the only A i'm getting is in art so I'm not anywhere near my goal nyo! what should I do nyo!
Saint Star
Dear Saint Star,
Study harder and maybe get some tutoring, no da. Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
okay since I asked the seiryuu seishi this,I just hafta ask this to you guys.<.<;;; Which is worse...being locked in a room listening to nothing BUT "IT'S A SMALL WORLD AFTER ALL"or seeing the seiryuu seishi in dresses?(soi doesn't count 'cause she's a she.).Hehe...I asked the same question but instead of the seiryuu seishi I put suzaku seishi *ducks,and turns chibi*pwease dun hate me ;_;..
Destiny MNM,T-NNM
Dear Destiny,
Listening to Small World!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
So. You think ya need ta fry me so I'll leave ya alone. I'll NEVER leave ya alone!!! *sniffle* The only reason I bug you is coz' coz' I like you alot...*blushes dark red* \\\- -/// Uhm...Don't fry me please...I'll stop turnin' ya into a woman. And maybe I'll even tell ya who I am? It depends...uhm....oh gawd and I a baka or what?! K'SO!!!! BAKA BAKA BAKA *slaps her forehead, flushing angrily* Well, I'm gonna go hang mahself now, I've humiliated mahself enough!!! *storms off still bright red*
The I'm-Not-Gonna-Turn-You-Into-A-Woman Stalker
Dear Stalker,
*Grins* Don't hang yerself an' I won't fry ya'!
Dear Chichiri,
*cries hysterically, a couple empty bottles of sake at her feet* TH-THIS ISN'T FAIR! *hic* My p-p-parents w-won't lemme do n-nothin at a-all! *hic* A-And now I hafta s-stay h-home *hic* a-alone and T-Tasuki hates me a-and I'll n-n-never *hic* get a b-b-b-boyfriend!!! *wails for about 10 minutes more and eventually falls asleep from crying*
Drunken Ami-chan
Dear Ami-chan,
Tasuki doesn't hate you, no da. But you're going to have a horrible hangover when you wake up, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*looks at Tamahome and Tasuki with tears in her eyes* And here I thought you LOVED me! Who knew men could be such big babies like you two. ,, *hits 'em both over the head with her wooden pole she always carries* Hmph. Bakas!
The I'm-Gonna-Turn-You-Into-A-Woman Stalker
Dear Stalker,
Both: ITAI!!!
Tasuki: Baka onna!! >.<
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