Dear Tasuki,
Hey tasuki-san!genki desu,genki desu ka..*thinks she remembered that correctly.*anywho,how was your christmas?Did you get to spend time with Kouji and the other bandits,and have fun?^_^...well I need some advice..I know you don't like girl's and all,but could you please please please help me with something seeing as to how you're my fave seishi?Well as you may know from the Tamahome and Mitsukake and everyone,I'm in an abusive relationship x.x I guess is what you call it.Well,I know you drink a lot too,but my fiance or boyfriend whatever he is drinks almost every single day and when he does stupid stuff,per say sleeping with that girl,and hacking into my e-mail account he uses the excuse "I was drunk,I didn't know what I was doing".How can I tell if he was actually telling the truth or not?I know when you're drunk you have no clue in what you're doing or how to walk right x.x I know I got drunk once by accident x.x and believe me when i say this,I am not drinking again that stuff is umm nasty.Anyways,what should I do?I mean he does use that excuse all the time now.Any advice?
Destiny MNM
Dear Destiny,
He does what he does 'cos he's a *)_+^%# LOSER! He don't deserve ya'! Dump 'im!
Dear Chiriko,
did you ever met Nino from Haunted Junction? He's the best companion you'll ever have. He's 11, about the same size, loves reading and studying, same hairdo 9only greenisgh- blue) and a statue! How about meeting him? I'll bet you'll enjoy the company of each other!!!
Judith Tang
Dear Judith Tang,
I have. He's very nice but that girl he is with really scares me!
Dear Tasuki,
*POUNCE!* Taaaasuki! ^-^ *Runs around in triangles. Yes, triangles.* I turn 17 in like, 7 days! It doesn't feel like it's been a year! Time really flies! In other news I suspect the impending 'fallout' with Nova is going to be soon, given that way she's behaving. It's about time too. I've finally lost my patience with her immaturity (among other things). Been prepared for this for awhile now. In spiffier news, I opened my Kaioshin shrine the 17th, and I've already gotten 70 hits, two signatures in my guestbook, and two emails about it o.o I was expecting to be lucky if I got 10 hits, half of which being friends forced to go see, in a month. It makes me happy ^-^ People like my shrine! WAI! o.o And somebody JUST sent me fanart for my shrine! *jumps for joy and glomps Tasuki* WAI! WAI! If you wanna see the shrine, the address is but it's best viewed at 640x480, in Netscape! (You can still view it IE and at other resolutions, but it doesn't look quite as nice.) WAAAAIIIIII! *runs around happily and glomps Tasuki yet again* This is so cool! People like my shriiiine! YAY!!!
Keetia: You think this is bad, you should have seen her the other night on IRC when she learned her guestbook had it's first signature. ^.^
Wheeeee!!! ^-^ ^-^ ^-^
One-chan/Kaioshin no Miko
Dear One-chan,
Nice shrine. 17???? WOW! So, whaddya' want fer yer birthday?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I too have belated Christmas presents for you!
Tamahome: ::hands over a bag of ryou and Miaka with a big gold bow on her head:: ^.^
Tasuki: ::throws him a jar with a fire Faerie in it, five barrels of sake, and two Pixie Stix:: Gomen, got hungry... ate most of the rest for energy!
Hotohori: ::a big full-length mirror is nailed onto the door by Nii-chan:: Always could use just one more, can't ya?
Mitsukake: Here ya go! ::hands him some doctor supplies stuff:: I got this from Mom's closet!
Chiriko: HEADS UP! ::throws a literature book:: Be careful lifting this!
Nuriko: Thanks for the hug. ::turns around, ties a green bow on:: ME! I'm your Christmas present! ^.^ Yay!
Chichiri: ::makes sure Nii-chan isn't looking:: Good! ::hands him a big fishing set::
Tama-neko: Here kitty kitty kitty! ::gives him a thingy of gourmet cat food::
Dear Lilly,
Arigato for the great presents! So, are you ready to go with me to all the after Christmas sales?
Dear Tamahome,
*pats Tamahome's head* There, there... I got you something. *turns I.O.U over and back is cover in diamonds* You can turn them in at the bank. Each are worth about twice as much as Hoto's vanity. *winks*
The look on the OTHER Seishi's face- too priceless.
Dear Aiaki,
*Loks at the Seishi's shocked expressions.* LOL! Yes it is! Arigato!
Dear Chichiri,
Welcome back, Aniki, na no da! *glomp* Guess what I got for Christmas! I got a REALLY big Japanese fan. It was made in Thailand though. But it's still a Japanese fan. ^.^ So how was your Christmas? Did you get a new fishing pole? Well, got to go. Hope you have Happy New Year!
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
I had a great Christmas and yeas, I did get a new fishing pole, no da. I hope you have a Happy New Year, too no da.
Dear Nuriko,
Hi Nuriko! I'm so excited! Yesterday I went shopping *heheh* I love shopping! I bought my outfit that I'm gonna wear for The Rocky Horror Show! Well I say outfit, but I'm going as Frankie so errm well u know. I need to get some more fish nets heheheh! My friend is drawing my tatoo that will read BOSS. I'm so excited, I'm gonna get a feather boa too.
I'm going as a man who dresses as a woman so since you are a crossdresser and have wonderful fashion sense and are beautiful, any tips? *ponders a minute* Woh, imagine if in some way you and Hotohori could have children, they would be soooo pretty it would just be unfair.
New Years Eve soon!!!! Are you going out to celebrate? I am heeheh, I'm so excited at the moment, lots of good things happening, although I have to wait till next year to see Rocky.
Talk to ya later *hugs and kisses him goodbye and skips off singing Sweet Transvestite*
Jen xxxxxxx
P.S I'll have to show you my pics after the show of all of my friends and I.
Dear Jen,
I'd say go easy on the make up but your ARE doing Frank n' Furter! LOL We'll probably all go with CnA to her friend's house to celebrate the New Year. I hope you have a fun and safe New Year's celebration. I'm looking forward to seeing those pictures!
Dear Chichiri,
Chichiri! *Hugs him* I missed ya! But I do have a question. Do you do exorcism? *Points to ChibInu-chan no Miko*
ChibInu-chan no Miko: I AM the lizard QUEEN!
*Hides behind Chichiri* Kowaii!!!
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
No, no da. Are you sure she just doesn't need a good psychiatrist, no da?
Dear Tasuki,
I'm sorry for just complaining at you right off the bat. I missed you! *Hugs him*
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
It's ok. *Gives her a hug back.*
Dear Hotohori,
*Sniffle* You're all MEEEEEEAAAAAAAANNNNN!!!!!! *Starts crying*
Dear Miaka,
Miaka, what's wrong? *Looks at Hotohori* What did you do to her? Itooshi please don't cry!
Dear Hotohori,
HORI-CHAN!!! *Glomp-tackles him* I missed you!!! *Kisses his cheek* Okay, now that I've scared you ^^;... *Lets go reluctantly*
First the bad news. The holiday choir concert was a disaster. They say it wasn't, but when the teacher winces that can't be good. The teacher had the bright idea of putting half the choir on one wing of the stage, the other half way over on the other wing, and the senior choirs on center stage. Translation: We got screwed. Blend and balance were awful because both sides couldn't hear the other.
Now the good news. I actually got a 100% on my chapter 4 math test! ^_^ And I finally wrote a letter to my friend Becky back in CT. Christmas was good, I got almost everything I asked for and many other things. My parents are too good to me. ^_^ We got a Nintendo Game Cube (What ever happened to the rumored Nintendo Dolphin?)... I don't know how to feel about that yet, but I haven't heard good things... Sou da! We're getting Outlaw Star! The dub, though. We have deemed it worthy, especially after finding out Cartoon Network cut it and finding a detailed list OF those cuts...
*Hugs him again* It's so good to talk to you again!
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
*Hugs her back.* It's good to be back. I'm sorry your concert did not go as well as you had hoped, but I'm glad to hear about your great grade! Omedeto! Keep up the good work!
Dear Hotohori,
*walks up to his Otousama*
daijoubu Otousama? *looks at the lady standing with his Otousama, and recognizes her from the drawings* Osobosama????? Kowai!!! *hides behind Otousama, then remembers something* Want me to find Okaasama? Obasama said that she has the right to do something.. *Boushin trembles thinking about the things his Osobosama had done*
Dear Boushin,
*Holds him protectively.* Daijoubu. There is nothing to fear here *glares at her* is there mother?
Dear Mitsukake,
*hugs onnisan*Don't worry,I am extremely cautious of him now.I know he does have a lot of serious issues that he needs to take care of but,I guess that's what comes in the package of being goth?Not trying to offend goths or anything,I am just wondering?Well anywho,how are your holiday's going so far?Mine are going great except I didn't get the one movie that I really really like ;___; which is bill and ted excellent adventure ;____;.Oh well I'm finding it on e-bay so that's good ne?anywho,I'd better be going before I start annoying you.*hugs her onnisan again.*
Dear Destiny,
This has nothing to do with him neing a goth and everything to do woith him being immature and abusing you and your relationship with him. You need to be strong and just cut him off. You do not need a man in your life to define you as a person.
Dear Nuriko,
Hi Nuriko ^.^ Hope you had a good Christmas and everything is going well. Just wishing you a Happy New Year before I go to the beach (in the middle of winter ^^;;;). Have fun!
See ya,
Dear Suta,
Arigato! Happy New Year to you, too! So, do you live in Australia?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
If you could be invisible for one day what would you do?
Dear Sara,
Tasuki: Have fun prankin' Tamahome!
Tamahome: Escape Miaka's cooking! Just kidding. I'd really hide all of Tasuki's sake!
Chichiri: Go somewhere peaceful and quiet where no one can interrupt my meditations, no da.
Chiriko: Sneak into the Imperial kitchens and have an ice cream feast!
Hotohori: Leave the palace and roam amongst my people.
Nuirko: Sneak into Hotohori's room! Tee-hee...
Mitsukake: I don't think it would be any different for me than any other day...
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Nuriko,
But Nuriko how I'm going to tell Rokou!?
Rokou:Tell me what?
Water Sprite:Oh,Rokou what are you doing here?
Rokou:Looking for you.I was thinking that you should go see a doctor to see why you've been throwing up so much.
Water Sprite:*nervous*Um..about that-um...I-I..I.....
Rokou:Is something wrong?
Water Sprite:*sighs*Rokou I just have to tell you. Do you remember what happened on our honeymoon?
Rokou:*blush*Ano can we not mention that?
Water Sprite:Gomen I must tell you.I'm...pregnant.
Water Sprite:Rokou?*shakes him*Nuriko-san can you help me wake him up?
Water Sprite and Rokou
Dear Water Sprite and Rokou,
LOL! He always was a lightweight. *Taps him gently.* Come on, wake up chi-chi!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
is there anyone of you watch magic knight rayearth or card captor sakura? If there is whose your fave character? (either of these animes k!)
empress K-chich
Dear empress K-chich,
We have seen both shows but have no favorite characters.
Dear Chichiri,
Touya Kinomoto: WOW! empress K-chich is right! Chichiri and i have the same seiyuu!....NO DA!
empress K-chich: I told ya! yup!yup!yup! (you know these two bishounens are SO kawaii!!!)
Touya Kinomoto and empress K-chich
Dear Touya Kinomoto and empress K-chich,
That's right! We do, no da!
Dear Hotohori,
konnichiwa heika-sama! I just like to ask you several questions:
How old is Houki-sama in the fy series and in the OAVs? 2nd, I went to the archive in 2000 and i saw Sepiroth's question(actually its a threat!) and he calle you a "BUCKETHEAD"! what can you do about that?! well, i guess you can solve that one. Anyway thanks for your time your majesty!
empress K-chich
Dear empress K-chich,
I choose to ignore Sephiroth and his childish taunts. Houki was 17 when I met her and 19 in the OAVs.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*steps into the room with something behind her back, while pushing a white box with great effort*
Merry belated Christmas! I come bringing gifts, or rather, gift certificates. Since I'm so maladroit at wrapping presents, I thought I'd get gift certificates to everyone's favorite places to shop; kinda like giving money to people. Who would refuse that I wonder? *nudges Tamahome and slips an envelope into his hand* Well? Aren't ya gonna open it? After all, it's only okane.
And as kind of a couple of gag gifts, I received this tie *holds up a yellow-and-green plaid tie with bright green pom-poms on it* But for obvious reasons, I can't use it. Even if I were I guy, well...*hands tie to Tasuki* Mind burning this, please, that is, if you can even stand to look at it?
Also, what the heck am I supposed to do with this? *gestures to a 90-pound fruitcake, which was in the box.* Maybe Nuriko can find some use for it, as a weapon or a step-stool...
Now do you understand why I don't buy actual gifts (except for books) for people? I believe in giving people the power to choose their own gifts. But anyway, enjoy your "focused okane." Now get out there and spend 'em!
Lady Shera
Dear Lady Shera,
Arigato! *Burns the hideous tie and the deadly fruitcake to ashes.*
Dear Tamahome,
I missed you so much *Yui-san run's up to Tamahome and hug's him* *smile's sweetly*
Long time no see Yui-san. How have you and Tetsuya been?
Dear Chiriko,
Iie! ^^; I won't.
Dear Keiko,
OK, as long as you're sure.
Dear Tasuki,
As promised, here is your present! *hands the bandit a 2000 ryou gift certificate to the "House of Sake."*
Did you get everything you wanted this Christmas? I trust no unsightly boxer shorts landed in your stocking? (I explicitly told Nuriko that glow-in-the-dark pom-pom boxers were probably not going to work!)
Anyway, go out and buy yourself a party, but be responsible. I don't want any accidents. Take someone along...maybe Mitsukake would be good to take with you. He doesn't drink, as far as I know. Or if he does, he's much more moderate. Anyway, happy splurging!
Lady Shera
Dear Lady Shera,
Alright! OI!! Kouji!! Party at my place!!! Now I got everythin' I wanted fer Christmas!! *Fanged grin*
Dear Nuriko,
*puts blindfold over his eyes* Just come on over here. I've got something you're gonna love.
*removes blindfold* Merry Christmas, Nuriko-san! *presents a pair of silver-and-onyx earrings (clip-on in case his ears aren't pierced), and a 2000 ryou gift certificate to a clothing store: "Kimono Haven"* Enjoy your presents. Those earrings will go with anything and everything in your wardrobe. You never go wrong with anything that's basic black.
Have fun shopping!
Lady Shera
Dear Lady Shera,
*Gives her a big hug.* Arigato! This is great and the earrings are lovely!
Dear Hotohori,
Look what I have here for you *presents a 2000 ryou gift certificate to "Mirror Madness."* Take one guess as to what they sell there!
Enjoy your present! And by the way, your hair looks much better down. It gives you a more compassionate look.
And here. These are for the family. *presents silver earrings for Houki and a stuffed panda bear for Boushin.* I hope they love these gifts.
Merry Christmas to you too. *kisses him on the cheek* Who's next on the list? Hmmmmm...
Lady Shera
Dear Lady Shera,
Arigato for your sweet and thoughtful presents for my family and myself. *Smiles and sparkles*
Dear Tamahome,
So did you like your gift certificate? I knew you were interested in making money, so I decided on getting you something from "Book Asylum" so you can get the books you want! And I'm sure 2000 ryou is a pretty good amount.
And if I may ask, please keep an eye on Tasuki. He looked very happy to be going to the "House of Sake." This could get messy. But if you do go with him, take a camera. You'll find out why when you get there.
Merry Christmas to you, too. Say hi to Miaka for me and tell her that I know some great cooking classes if she's interested. Might save Mitsukake a headache or two. Speaking of which, he's next on my list.
Lady Shera, still playing Santa
Dear Lady Shera,
Arigato! Now I can get those financial planning books!
Dear Mitsukake,
How are you doing, Mitsukake-san? I'm still handing out gifts.
As you know, I give out gift certificates to people, in the hopes that they will be able to buy items that suit their needs. So now, my dear healer, this one is for you: *presents a 2000 ryou gift certificate to "Cure-all Casa." I hear that this is THE place to be for all your medicinal needs. So if you need to stock up, this is your place to shop. You said you were running low on some kind of root that's supposed to cure stomach cramps??
Anyway, I hope you have a Merry Christmas as well. Yes, I may be late in getting these presents to everyone, but as they say in Spanish: "Mas vale tarde que nunca." Know what that means?
Dear Lady Shera,
Hai! "Better late than never." Arigato. I shall put this to good use.
Dear Tamahome,
hello!Im Asuncion Liares and Im one of your million fansnb who goes banana everytime we see you.well,my question is,what is your standards in a girl.(of course,besides that of miaka.)Im just hoping that I can pass to that standards,but Im not dreaming to get Miakas position in your heart.Im content watching you.
my name above,or bing for short
Dear Asuncion,
Well Miaka is certainly my standard. I would want a girl that is kind, unselfish and thinks of others.
Dear Chiriko,
Did you have a wonderful holiday too? I hope no one bullied you over that time. Remember, I still have that electric cattle prod in case it needs to be used.
And this is your present! *presents a 2000 ryou gift certificate to "Book Asylum." I gave one to Tamahome as well. But I know you love to read anything and everything you can get your hands on.
Take care of yourself. And let me know if anyone else tries to upset you.
Lady Shera
Dear Lady Shera,
Arigato! I had a wonderful holiday. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tamahome,
*random* KOWAIIIIIIIIIIIIIII OTOKO!!*steals his cash and runs*
Dear Keiko,
Come back with my okane!!!!!!!! *Chases after her…*
Dear Chichiri,
Finally, I come to you, my favorite azure-haired magician. I gave everyone else their presents. And now it's your turn...
*presents the monk with a 2000 ryou gift certificate to "Baited Breath Fishing Supplies and Tackle"* Undoubtedly, this will come in very handy for you. Last I heard, one of your poles needed a fix. Now you can either get if fixed, or get a new one. Whatever you decide. Enjoy!
Well, I hope you and the other Seishi have had a wonderful Christmas season. Next up, New Years. Have fun, and be safe. (May want to watch Tasuki and Tamahome in case they decide to have a little fun with the sake.)
Lady Shera
Dear Lady Shera,
I shall keep an eye on them, no da. Arigato for your thoughtful and much needed present, no da.
Dear Chiriko,
hi, how did you get to be soooooooo smart?
Dear Leanne,
The power of Suzaku and a LOT of studying.
Dear Nuriko,
well Nori-chan...can i call you Nori-chan?i am 100% fed up with this lonely buisness that seems to be my life...and im wondering if i can have a plushie of you? it would mean so much to me.Also,can i also have yer autograph to show my friend? *holds out her little black book*it would mean winning a bet, and alot of Instant Ramen.
Hakura Mayabashi
Dear Hakura Mayabashi,
Sure! *Hands her a Nuriko plushie and signs her autograph book.* I guess you can call me Nuri-chan, but I do prefer Nuriko.
Dear Tamahome,
Hi and Merry X-mas Pen-pal. *laughs* give all the seishi and CnA a hug for me cause you're more emotional than I am. *grins* Lots have gone on since I talked to you last. I'm on the last book (the 6th book) of Lord of the Rings. Its a good book and I suggest that anyone bored who reads minna's letters should read it. I..kind-of got into a bit of trouble yesterday and I didnt get much sleep last night cause of it. I think I should be a little more careful when looking to find movies in the discount section. Actually I had forgotten completely about it till then. Yare yare. I hope you had a good X-mas and that Miaka didnt eat all the X-mas dinner. *takes off santa hat and gets another one out of it and hands it to Tamahome. Then, puts the origonal hat back on* Gomen about not being at the chat so early in the morning. I didn't get up till 2 hours after Chichiri left.
Ascot Metali
Dear Ascot Metali,
That's ok! We'll try to be in chat again for you. I hope the trouble you're in isn't serious… Arigato for the hat! We had a great Christmas and I hope you did, too!
Dear Tasuki,
*HUGS* Long time no see!!! Jeanie misses her Genrou-chan!!! *HUGS HUGS HUGS*
Mind if I rant to you for a bit? Rey and I have been having fangirl problems, seems that they love him because of the whole "H-Y-A" chant. He's even gotten IMs about if he has a girlfriend or not, and if he breaks up with me, would he date them? I can't believe this load of bull -_- Condensed Milk is today and we're both worried about the fangirl problem. Even at Japan Expo, right before we were at the ticket center, we were mobbed by fangirls screaming, "REY REY!!!!"
It's driving me crazy!!! I'm gonna need to borrow this! *grabs tessen and runs off*
Thanks Genrou-chan! *pecks his cheek*
Dear Jean,
I dunno what to tell ya' 'cept CnA says he's a nice guy so I don't think he'd do anythin' stupid. As fer th' girls, *hands her a spray can.* it's jus' like bug spray, but it only works on rabid fan girls. An' it's safer than a tessen! *Takes tessen back and grins.* Heh-heh-heh…
Dear Chichiri,
a few weeks ago, my best friend and i had a fight. we forgave each other, but it still hurts. she lied to me, and even though we are speaking again and on friendly terms, i don't think i can quite forgive her for being dishonest with me. she and i are both very shy people, and can't talk things out easily. i lose my temper easily when it comes to things like this, and can end up being very forceful. it's for that reason that i'm afraid to confront her about how i'm feeling right now. i don't want to hurt her, so i've just been holding everything back and letting it hurt me. i'm so confused and i don't know what to do. i wanted her to come over so i could at least try to talk to her, but she hasn't been returning my phone calls and she never checks her email. i thought you might be able to help me.
Dear solar,
Perhaps the next time you see her you can arrange for the two of you to meet somewhere quiet to discuss your feelings. Just stay calm and don't take your anger out on her, no da. Good luck! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
aiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!^_^ in one of your anime expo photos (the weiss kruez one) you hve a piccie of my boyfriend(he's the second omi)heeeheeeeheeeeheeeeeeeee(what a small world it is!^_^) oh by the way, mitsukake, i'm sorry that nobody pays attention to you! awwwwwwwwwwww!!! i love my boyfriend soooooooooo muuuuuucccccccchhhhhhhh!!!^_^ ano, that wasn't really a question, but....oh weel! trivia:did you know the second omi and the other ken are twins!!!!????? amazing !!!! ahhh i'm so wierd! that's what i get for being me^_^
p.s.(the omi is cuter^_^weel i sure think so!)
Dear kitkit,
That's very cool! It really IS a small world! So, will he be at AX02? CnA thought his Weiss group rocked!
Dear Mitsukake,
how come no one loves you?
Dear tama-neko,
I don't know … *Looks sad… *
Dear Nuriko,
*smiles as she comes through the doorway*
Sora loves his Tou. don't you Sora-chan?
Sora: dadadadadadadadada *keeps hugging his Tou's neck*
Ryu he is yours.. He's maturing quickly with Suzaku's blessing. *Hugs both her men gently* Ryu-chan you'll be able to brag on Sora to Saihitei. Boushin will have to fight to keep up with our musuko ;D *Sora starts comparing his face to his Tou's* Hai Sora.. Tou's nose, your nose..
Doc-sama and Sora
Dear Doc-sama and Sora,
*Smiles and hugs his family.*
Dear Hotohori,
I noticed your wife looks a great deal like Nuri-chan. Is it possible that you returned Nuri-chan's feelings to some degree?
Dear Anya,
He has feelings for me?
Dear Nuriko,
Ohaiyo, Nuri-chan. Do you have a boyfriend? Want one? People tell me I look a bit like Hotohori-sama.
Dear Anya,
No, I don't. Gomen, but Hotohori is the only man for me. Arigato for your kind offer.
Dear Mitsukake,
Hi again!
I'd like to believe that I've grown more mature, but I always seem to not have these things right. ^^;
I finally got the box set of Fushigi Yugi anime! Whee! ^_^; And I got a strangely addictive gameboy game called Golden Sun.
I also want to say that David has a wonderful singing voice, even if you don't know who he is. But now, however, I am praying that Tony never finds this site. And I doubt that he won't, considering Amy and I made him Kouji..
I also got a chinese brush painting set, but I seem to think that I'll never be able to paint as well as those people..^^;
And as soon as I write again, and I am not about to fall asleep, I will give you guys stuff. Jaaa...
Ash-chan, who has gotten a total of about 2 hours of sleep in the past 3 days.
Dear Ash-chan,
Sounds like someone had a Merry Christmas! *Smiles*
Dear Nuriko,
::sniff:: My dog died last Friday! I need a hug. ::sniff::
Dear Lilly,
I'm so sorry! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
Daddy!!!!thats mean!! how could you ferget yer sons???ohh well.....I fergive ya!! their not my most favorite bro's either!!*fanged grin*
Dear LandraBlaze,
Gomen, guess I need to lay offa th' sake … NAH!!! *Fanged grin*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
GAWD! I'm missed you guys! How's CnA? She kay?
Tasuki: Merry Crusmas (ebonics ^_~). *hands him a sake bottle shaped present*
Chiriko: *digs around her bag* Uhh... *pulls out a book and chemistry set* Here we go!
Tamahome: *hands him and I.O.U* Ran out of money when I got to you. ^_^;
ChiChiri: Here, no da! *drags in HUGE statue of Suzaku*
Mitsukake: *sneezes* Sorry... *tosses him a bag full of Shouka pictures and doctor kit thingies.*
*sneezes some more*
Hotohori: *five men come in with a vanity* ^_^;
Nuriko: *men come in with little Hoto-chan dolls and CUTE dresses*
CnA: *roses, test congrats, things, thing,....*
Tasuki's sake- $67
Chiriko's book and kit- $56.76
ChiChiri's statue- $179
Mitsukake's pictures and kits- $127
Hotohori's vanity- $4,729
Nuriko's dolls and dresses- $980.65
CnA's things- $433
The sight of Tamahome's face when he got the I.O.U- Priceless
Somethings money can't by (^_~)
For everything there's Visa.
Dear Aiaki,
LOL! Arigato for all the wonderful gifts! And you're correct, the look on Tama-chan's face WAS priceless!
Dear Tasuki,
*glomps Tasuki* My computer is alive again! It has been ressurected from the dead ^^;;; *huggles Tasuki* Did you miss me? Would you believe that my computer supposeidly had 6 viruses in it O.o;; I was shocked! Oh well, Merry Christmas!!! *huggles Tasuki and hands him a Pint of sake* Don't ask where I got it, cause I'm not sure myself, and the person who gave it to me should be put in jail cause I'm under age *sweatdrops* ^^;;;
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
Thanks for th' sake! I hope ya' put an Anti-Virus program on it now that it's all cleaned!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*runs in with a pile of presents and hands them out to the seishi* Here you go minna! Merry Christmas! Lets see.... For Tamahome we thought money would be the most appropriate, so here you go... Oh! For Nuriko we got various scented soaps and things, very nice... For Hotohori we have a nice hand-mirror and brush to go with all your others... Chichiri, we got you a nice new fishing pole and some bait and stuff to go with it... Ah! Tasuki-sama we got you a gift basket with samples of the different drinks in Miaka's world... Mitsukake we got you some nice herbs and things, so we hope you like!... Chiriko, we got some textbooks all about stuff in Miaka's world! *hands the last present to Chichiri no Aijin* This is for you *smiles* It's a chinese-style box and it has keyrings of each of the seishi in it. Enjoy! They're from Suzaku, Seiryuu, Genbu, Byakko, Seiryuu no Megami and myself! Ja ne!
Suzaku no Megami
Dear Suzaku no Megami,
Arigato for the wonderful presents, no da! Chichiri no Aijin loves the box and her keychains, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
Merry Christmas,oniisan!^_^*gives sake*Did you have a good time at Christmas Eve?I hope so.^ ^;Anyway for your second christmas present I told the other imoutos that you were spending time in Alaska for the holidays.Merry Christmas!*kisses him on the cheek*and please tell Chichiri no aijin that I'm very sorry for what happened the other day and I give her the best wishes of luck.Merry Christmas to all of you.^_^
Dear Sakashi,
Merry Christmas to ya', too! Chichiri no Aijin says thank ya' fer yer kindness. An' thanks fer th' sake! *Grins* We went to Disneyland fer Christmas Eve as it was Chichiri no Aijin's birthday. She went straight from work so we couldn't be in th' chat. Although Chichiri tried th' next day an' no one was there.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Your all back!!!
*cuddles them all* I've missed you all so much. I hope you all liked your pressies and especially your life size statue of Hotohori I made for you Nuriko. It was very hard to carry, but then I doubt it was for you. *gives him an extra cuddle because he's special* Don't worry Hotohori, I know it could never be as beautiful as the real thing.
I recieved the OAV's for Christmas and I think they're cool! The first episode did really freak me out though. Poor Tamahome, It must have been awful for you to think that you were Nakago and had done all those horrible things. The playing around bits were funny, especially when Hotohori says he's been doing all kind of wild things heheheh. Oh you all make me laugh so much.
*holds Chichiri's hand* I'm very sorry about your father *hugs Chichiri*
Love you all *kisses each of them*
Jen xxxxxxx
Dear Jen,
Arigato, but I think either you mistook me for Chichiri no Aijin or you mistook my friend Hikou for my father, no da. The presents are wonderful, arigato! Nuriko REALLY likes his statue, no da!
Dear Tamahome,
Touya no miko:*bops him on the head*BAKA!What do you think you're doing!?
Cloud Fairy:WAI!It worked!Ano are you okay Tamahome Touya no miko hit you pretty hard on the head
Touya no miko and Cloud Fairy
Dear Touya no miko and Cloud Fairy,
Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just glad it worked! *Grins and rubs his head.*
Dear Tasuki,
I told you about my boy troubles once. This is an extention I guess. I told you there were two boys that concerned me in that I liked one of them (I came to my senses, he's a dork), and one of them wouldn't leave me alone. The annoying one's name is Zack, and he still won't stop. Why do guys seem to think "Go away" means "keep doing that severely annoying thing", and that "Get away from me before I rip out your liver and eat it raw" means "You are so cool". He better not think that the more I say that the more I like him, because I truly hate his guts and would like to rip them out and strangle him with them...
Umihebiza no Miko
PS. Sorry about the snowball. I was on a sugar high...
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
I guess some of us are jus' clueless! Try ignorin' him an' see if he goes away.
Dear Nuriko,
Nuriko I just got back from the doctor and he said that I'm....pregnant.
Water Sprite
Dear Water Sprite,
That was fast!! Omedeto gozaimasu! I'm going to be an uncle!
Dear Hotohori,
I have yet to come across a sandwich that I didn't like. No, wait. I have. I was five and it was April Fools Day... Oh, well I got Onii-chan the year after. *Points at the kitchen staff* They gonna be okay?
PS. That thank you message that appears when letters are submitted, I'm so getting you all for that.
Dear Miaka,
*Smiles* They will be fine. As for the message, well, it is the truth.
Dear Hotohori,
Yet you went white when you realized who I was. Look at me. *Grabs his chin gently in her fingers and looks into his eyes* It's almost like looking in a mirror...
Dear Moutaikou,
I know. Luckily the resemblance is strictly superficial. *Pulls away from her with tears in his eyes…* The things you did mother…
Dear Chichiri,
yeah i can write you again my grampa died from cancer last week and he was on the side of the family my favorite great grama was and the good news is my grama is nopw moving back to his house in spring feild cause they kinda seperated so i get to see her without going to portland yeah oh i live in eugen,oregon it's beautifull here trees upon trees rain in the mountians fresh air i love it and in some places it looks like scotland or irland i'm sorry for my typing i'm just so hyper ooo no morechristmas coookies what did u get for christmas?? love ya chat later
Dear Luna,
I'm sorry to hear about your ojiisan's passing, no da. *Gives her a hug.* You have all of our condolences. Chichiri no Aijin used to live in Eugene. She said it was very pretty. I got a nice fishing pole, a statue and several other wonderful gifts, no da.
Dear Tamahome,
Onnisan!!!!!!!!*runs in,and hugs him*I hope mi-chan doesn't mind?(miaka).Anyways,a lot has been brewin up over here lately.I actually found the real life nakago x.x.BUT the only catch is that instead of it being a he it's SHE.>_<.Anyways,long story you can consult with Mitsukake about it because I don't want to take up board space.But I just wanted to let you know that I have found the real life nakago.Lucky me huh?Well anyways,how was your christmas with your first son?^_^.Say hi to keisuke for me?I was trying to get ahold of you,but you guys were on break,so i didn't get to say Merry christmas to all of you including mi-chan and Keisuke.;_;.And I also didn't thank you for sticking up for me on that little mishap on the message board.Anyways,did you hear what happened to CNA's otousan?;_; that is so sad.I hope she is doing better/well?Can you give her a hug for me?arigatou gozai masu.^_^.Well I better leave before I actually take up all the space on the board.
Destiny Mitsukake no mamoru
Dear Destiny,
Our Christmas was nice, thank you. I was there when Chichiri no Aijin got the news. We all were. She's doing much better now! I'll give everyone your regards. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Mitsukake,
*runs in and hugs her onnisan*Onnisan!!Welcome back!!!Long time no see.How was your holidays?Mine was really good.OOooh guess what?I got my ps2 the one I really really really wanted.^_^.Well my family did a mean thing to me yesterday though.I opened up a ps2 game cartridge and I was like O_O I got my ps2.^_^ well,I kept opening presents and I didn't get it ;_;.And believe me onnisan I was about to cry ;_____;.My family kept teasing me too.So my stepmom couldn't stand me sitting there about to cry so she started looking around for presents and well,she found some and one of them was my cd burner which I am getting installed today ^_^.(one of the other thing's I really wanted),and than I got a new bedspread which is really warm and comfy.You should try it some time to relax?My cat Poe loves it XD.Anyways,I finally got down to the next present and when I opened it the tears went away LOL.I was really going to cry because PS2 I have been waiting for ALL year long and I really wanted it.but now I got it.Anywho,did you hear about CNA's otousan?;__; that's so sad.Well I got some good news for you onnisan.Remember how I told you about my fiancee?Well after hearing what this girl had done to him so she could destroy our relationship(by getting pregnant with his child)well after what he heard what she had planned on doing,he realized that he's going to change.I mean jeez,its' like I have the real nakago on my hands.She is that devious.>_<.Anyways,he's going to change and I'm gonna help him.She had a plan one day to come under another name and try to be friend's with me and tell me to dump him well the night on christmas eve,I was talking to my fiancee and well,he told me what was going on and he told me to block her and her best friend than he also told me to block his bf and that he was going to dump him,because he loves me and does not want to lose me.So maybe I got a good christmas gift afterall ne?Well besides the point he had a bf and got a girl pregnant but that wasn't his fault it was her fault.Anyways,he's gonna get help,and he's really going to change.^_^ Isn't that good news? Well gomen nasai for such a long letter but I just had to tell you and let you know.
Destiny Mitsukake No mamoru
Dear Destiny,
Congratulations on getting your PS2. As for your fiancée … I don't know. I still think you should at least be cautious, if not dump him altogether. He has a lot of serious issues. Be careful. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Chiriko,
*hands him her text books again* ^^; Merry Late Christmas. You can keep teachers won't mind. *runs*
Dear Keiko,
Arigato but, won't you be needing them?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
If you were ice cream, what flavors would you be? ^.^ That came out of nowhere...
Sailor Singularity
Dear Sailor Singularity,
Tasuki - Plum
Chichiri - Blueberry cheesecake, no da.
Tamahome - Mint chocolate chip
Chiriko - Green tea
Nuriko - Chocolate marshmallow
Hotohori - Chocolate
Mitsukake - Lime sherbert
*Tasuki looks at Nuriko's answer and laughs.* Chocolate marshmallow? Don't ya' think it should be Tutti-Fruiti? Nuriko punches Tasuki into a wall…* ITAI!!!! 'Che! Some people jus' can't take a joke.
Tasuki and the rest of the Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
Hiya! I got my first little Christmas present thingy of the season today! It's a little reindeer plushie. ^.^ What do you think I should name it? ^.^
Sailor Singularity
Dear Sailor Singularity,
I dunno! How 'bout namin' him after Tamahome. Ya' know, Obake-chan.
Dear Tasuki,
I didn't think that would work with you anyway.^^;;Gomen, I don't usually deal with anykind of "Glue".(Weird, isn't it?)^_^; So, I never really know what to do in that kind of situation.
As for nail polish remover.^_^ You're in LUCK! It so happens that i have some,.....but a gallons worth. Let me see how much i have.*Looks through her rather odd bag* (fourty-five minutes later) *Pulls out the last nail polish remover needed* Sorry it took so long, too much things in there.
*Holds a gallons worth of nail polish remover in her arms* What do you say!?
~ Do you think my grammars bad? (Yes/No)I really don't think it was VERY NICE of Irvine Kinneas to CRITICIZE our grammar! Yes he does have a right to his opinion, but something's are better off not said. There other way's of saying we could use a little correction. (Much more polite)Maybe we could do it a little better, but we're aloud to make mistakes once in while.That's when you should be corrected, NOT CRITICIZED! If we aren't allowed to make mistakes, then how will learn or correct ourselves? Making mistakes is a part of life and everyone makes mistakes.
I don't mean to offened anyone, and if any of this was taken offensivly. I am sorry. I really hate to be criticized! I like when people correct me, but not criticize me!>.<
*~Yume-Chan, Tasuki no Mamoru~*
P.S~(To Chichiri no Aijin: You are very welcome^_^)
Dear Yume-Chan,
Thanks! *Pours all the nail polish remover into a tub and soaks his head in it.* ITAI!! This sh*t stings!!! *After awhile all the bows loosen up and he removes them and washes the acetone out of his hair.*
Yer askin' ME how yer grammar is??? I guess it's better 'n some an' worse 'n others. But who am I to criticize ya'? My grammar an' spellin' stink! It seems alotta people on th' web can't spell or have lousy grammar. If yer concerned 'bout it use a spell an' grammar checker before ya' send stuff out or jus' be more careful. I don't think Irvine was tryin' to be mean, but ya' will find LOTS of people in life will criticize ya' an' NOT tell ya' how to fix it. But I can unnersatnd that ya' prefer constructive criticism, we all do. Don't be too hard on him, OK? *Smiles*
Dear Nuriko,
Frightening how you think Hannya's better-looking than Tomo. I say they're both equally weird-looking. ::shudders at the thought of seeing Tomo and Hannya in the same frame:: Ew...
Sailor Singularity
Dear Sailor Singularity,
It was meant as sarcasm. Without his makeup Tomo is ok. With it he's a freak. Poor Hannya is just permanently disfigured. But as you find out later, he really wasn't such a bad person.
Dear Nuriko,
Is it just me or does Tomo look like an escaped, deranged circus clown? Haven't seen that part of the series yet, but my friend Tama sent me a picture of him and I immediately thought of Hannya from Kenshin (deranged evil clown member of the Oniwaba Nishuu). ::shrug:: Maybe it's just me.
Sailor Singularity
Dear Sailor Singularity,
No he doesn't. Hannya is MUCH better looking! *Giggles...*
Dear Tasuki,
*Is still walking, but now thinks she's lost* ^^;; Doko ni watashi wa iru ka. *Runs around trying to find out where she is* How could i do a stupid thing like this and get lost?! *Runs around for half an hour*
*Sighs* Why did this happen to me? *Is now walking instead of running*
I'll find my way eventually, i hope.^^ *Hears something* o.O;; Not again!
*Goes toward the sound* ........Tasuki!!! .....*Looks up at his hair* umm,
*A smile over comes her face* Who did this to you?*Laughs slightly* Not to mention, you look pretty silly!^_^ hmm,*Thinks for a minute* If was super glued in, then...Maybe i could cut it out? *Grabs out a pair of scissors*
Any other ideas?^^;;
*~Yume-Chan,Tasuki no Mamoru~*
P.S~ (To Chichiri no Aijin:Good luck on your Japanese finals and Karate test!)
Dear Yume-Chan,
NO! No scissors!! I heard ya' can get super glue out wit' nail polish remover. Ya' got any? Like say... 'bout a gallon of th' stuff? CnA also told me to tell ya' thanks fer th' good wishes.
Dear Tamahome,
i think your a real bishounen!
Dear Katchichiri-chan,
*Smiles* Thanks!
Dear Chichiri,
just watched the oavs!:
Kouran II
Dear Kouran II,
I'm not sure what you are trying to say about grass, no da.
Dear Hotohori,
konichiwa hotohori-sama! i just finnished the oavs and i really cried at the part when you and houki-sama hug and the scene when you first touched boushin it was really touching! and i congratulate you for that!
keep up the good work! bye!!
Dear katchichiri-chan,
Arigato. I'm glad you found my scenes moving.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
konichiwa minna! this questions are for all of you:
chichiri-your voice is so kawaii! thats why i love the voice of Touya also!
hotohori-boushin is soo kawaii too! oh by the way how Houki-sama? i hope shes fine you georgious heika!
tamahome-or i should say Taka Sukunami,you a real bishounen (like Chichiri-sama, Hotohori-sama and Tasuki-sama!!)
nuriko-you and your "aniki" are all authentic bishounens!
tasuki-nice "artificial respiration"! but you are a COOL@SS bishounen!
mitsukake-tama is kawaii
chiriko-your an academic CUTIE!!
well guys just finnished the oavs congrats!! love ya all BYE,BYE!
Dear katchichiri-chan,
Arigato for your kind words. Houki is well, thank you. We're glad you liked the OAV! The new one should be out in a couple of months.
Dear Tasuki,
(Your welcome) *Is taking a peaceful walk, carrying a poinsettia in her arms that she bought while Christmas shopping*I bet this would look nice at the cyber-abode.^_^*Is bored, so she starts singing to herself*(I'm a bad singer though^^;)
Kiyoshi kono yoru hoshi wa hikari sukui no miko wa mabune no naka ni nemuri tamo-o itoyasuke, *Hears something over her horrible singing* ????
*Continues singing, but the noise gets louder* Nani!?!?*Decides to check out where the sound is coming from. (Runs over to where it's at)*
eh??*Watches Tasuki sprint past her* Oi!!!What's the hurry?? *He dosen't respond* That's strange.*Then realizes the noise of a stampede hasen't stopped* o.o*Slowly turns around, to see what Tasuki was running from*O.o;;
*Places her poinsettia to the ground, reaches out her left hand, brings her right arm up toward her head, placing two fingers on her forehead. While concentrating, she chants a magic spell*
~Moments Later~
*Is watching the fangirls, while keeping well hidden* It worked?!?!^-^
*Watches the fangirls forget what happened and walk off* (Okay, i would give more description, but it's rather late. They weren't that understanding, we'll just say that.^^;)
Now where did he go? *Dosen't know what direction Tasuki went* hmm, he's long gone.*Continues her walk while singing to herself*
*~Yume-Chan, Tasuki no Mamoru~*
Dear Yume-Chan,
*Checks for stampede from his hidey-hole…* Alright! Lost 'em! Now to get this cr*p outta my hair…
Dear Tasuki,
Here you go Tasuki! Pixie sticks! *giggle* nummy huh? sorry about my sugar me sugar is a HUGE mistake. *he he.*
magi girl
Dear magi girl,
Hai! Arigato! *Grins*
Dear Tasuki,
--;;;;;Yer sons.....remember???I already told you!!!!lol But thats ok 'cause they don't like computers anyway....*huggles* they won't bother you!!!*fanged grin*
Dear LandraBlaze,
Right! I fergot 'bout them!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Anyone care about little ol' me who relishes being kowaii? Well... I gots one more BIG thing to scare you with.... A FABULOUS TOMO FICCIE THAT WILL MAKE YOU *LIKE* HIM! Yes, you heard me right. a Tomo fic that will make you LIKE him! Please read it! Please? I've been working on it for... Oh... Ever since the 28th of August. Oh, and 'chiri-san? I'm not too nice to you so gomen nasai! Be nice to TDP, THE-
Ukulele: -DETROIT POLICE! TDP, aka-
Ukulele: Mine was better.
Panda: Agreed.
Dayshadow: I-
Dayshadow: -don't agree?
Better. So if you can find time in your busy, busy, busy life, read it. Onegai gosaimasu?
Gin'yoku Kanashimi
Dear Gin'yoku Kanashimi,
If you post the link, we'll try to make time to read it.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Old Yuiren Self: Must.....make....up.....for.....lost.......insanity....
New Kanashimi Self: For Suzaku's sake, leave the poor seishi alone!
New Kanashimi Self: ....I feel sorry for myself. I should go back to C.A. and never come back.
Old Yuiren Self: Tomo, Chichiri, Hotohori, Tasuki, Nuriko, Zagato, Tenkou, Hikou, and Renhou are ALL MINE!
New Kanashimi Self: Suzaku save those poor souls... Waitaminute..... RENHOU?! HIKOU?!?! TENKOU!!!!?????? *ZAGATO*?!?!
Old Yuiren Self: Yep. And I'm gonna marry Ascot on Feb. 30!
New Kanashimi Self: Febuary.... 30? What about all the others?
Old Yuiren Self: They go in my harem of course!
New Kanashimi Self: SUZAKU-SAMA! SAVE ME!!!
Old Yuiren Self: Now I think we've scared them enough. Thanks Kana.
New Kanashimi Self: Anytime. *twisted grin* Chichiri is MINE. *bares fangs*
Old Yuiren Self: Oh fine, you can have him. I get Hikou. *smirks*
Together: Ja ne!
Gin'yoku Kanashimi
Dear Gin'yoku Kanashimi,
Ano… kowai! There is no February 30th.
Dear Chichiri,
AAAAAHHHHHHHH! I missed you! LUKE FINALLY SPOKE TO ME TODAY! ..... Sorry about that. -.-;;; Anyhow, I've been scouring the net for that piccie from the OVAs of Hikou, Kouran, and you as kids BUT I CAN'T FIND IT!!! My powerpoint presentation is due in NINE DAYS! Save me, Chichiri!!!! ;.; SAVE ME!!! FOR THE LOVE OF SUZAKU-SAMA HELP ME FIND THE STUPID THING!!!! I think I used to go by 'Yuuki Yuiren', but I got tired of it.
Gin'yoku Kanashimi
Dear Gin'yoku Kanashimi,
I'll try to find it for you, no da. If I do, I'll post it. Minna, can you help her, too no da?
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