Dear Mitsukake,
Hi. I learned about acupuncture in history class and was wondering what your opinion was about it.
Ascot Metali
Dear Ascot Metali,
I think it is a viable alternative to Western medicine for certain ailments.
Dear Nuriko,
Hi Hi *hugs him* yeahy, I've done two of my solos and they went well, just a few more to go. I got into the talent contest and I have another singing lesson tonight. I'm obsessed aren't I? Sorry for going on, I just can't help it. *jumps up and down* It's Christmas soon! yeahy! *hands the seishi wrapped up presents and pulls out an extremely large wrapped up one for her brother* This ones for you *hugs him and kisses him* but don't open it yet. Bye, talk to you soon. *kisses them all goodbye*
Dear Jen,
Arigato for the presents! Ganbatte on your talent contest! *Wonders what his present is...*
Dear Mitsukake,
Hey Onnisan,Wow it's been a while since I have written to you ne?How have ya been?I hope everything is okay.How has tama-neko been?I hope he's okay too.Well everything has been okay over here,but ummm,there are some thing's that kinda bother's me and kinda don't.Well you may know that my fiance drinks right?Well the age limit is different in canada it's like 19,and in california and everywhere in the us I think is 21.Well that doesn't really bother me.What bother's me is that he let's this girl drink too who lives with them because she has no where else to go because her mother kicked her out.But she's only 16 and he let's her drink.And they claim to hate each other,but they're always talkin to each other and such.I don't get that.I mean you hate Nakago and the seiryuu seven but yet you wouldn't want them to live with you or nonetheless talk with them if you have to right?But my fiance let's her drink and she's only 16.And sometimes they both get drunk and I have these weird vibes I can't quite explain what I feel but I just get these weird vibes like something is going to happen but it usually never does but you never know?I get those kind of vibes.And sometimes they both get high and I get really weird vibes from that too,and after I talk to both of them when they're like that I get depressed and start to think that he's never going to come down even though he says he wants too,and hopefully soon.I mean I know Gothic's do that kind of stuff and it doesn't bother me,but it bother's me when she drink's though.'cause she's underage.Why does it bother me so much and why do I get these strange vibes,and than later get depressed?x_x.I can't tell my dad that he drink's or does drug's(some of the time not all the time)because my dad will probably not let me date him/get married.But I just would like to know why it bother's me so much that if she drinks,and get's drunk too and than I get depressed later or feel insecure?Please help?*hugs Onnisan*P.s.If you don't already have a mamoru can I be your mamoru?*smiles*
A depressed Destiny
Dear Destiny,
I would question why you want to spend the rest of your life with a person who is not only irresponsible, but also an alcoholic and a drug abuser as well. I think your instincts are telling you what is going on between the two of them and that is why you are getting the "weird vibes". Listen to your instincts and trust them. I don't think he is the one for you. Gomen nasai but it is for your own good. *Gives her a hug.* If you still wish to be my protector after this, I'd be honored.
Dear Chichiri,
Hi! Are you going to put the Seishi at Otakon pic up in the Fanart gallery?
I know it's not really fan"art", but it is an example of fan devotion and obsession in photographic form.
If you don't want to put it up, that's okay!
Out of curiosity, I know I didn't spell that right, I'm I correct if I say "Chichiri-san ga ichiban suki desu." ?
Dear Anna,
Arigato, no da! That's correct. We will put them up but we haven't decided where. We're considering Seishi of the Week after the holidays, if that's ok, no da.
Dear Tamahome,
Cloud Fairy:Tamahome! I got the cure Touya no miko will be back to normal when I splash this antidote on her!
Touya no miko:Oh no you don't I'm not going to stop falling in love with my Tamahome!*knocks the anitdote out of her hand*
Cloud Fairy:EEK!!!Quick Tamahome catch it!!!!
Touya no miko and Cloud Fairy
Dear Touya no miko and Cloud Fairy,
*Catches it and pours it on Touya no Miko … * I hope this works!
Dear Nuriko,
Ryuuen I want to give Water Sprite the perfect gift for Christmas but I don't know what to get her.
Dear Rokou,
I don't know her very well. You married her, just ask her what she'd like.
Dear Chiriko,
^-^; Hai...I won't...gomen...*gives him her text books and runs away* *was fwapped* @_@ Ayame-chaaaaaaaaaaan...
Dear Keiko,
It's OK. *Looks at her books* Ano … I think you will need these to study!
Dear Tasuki,
*soaks Tasuki with a blast of water from her hand* OI!!! YA SURE YOU WEREN'T KEEPING COUNT OF YOUR RECORD FOR MOST DRINKS?!?!? YA MIGHT'A PASSED OUT TOO SOON!!!!! *soaks Tasuki again, runs for her life, and disappears*
Water Mage
Dear Water Mage,
*Stands there annoyed and dripping…* 'Least I won't hafta take a bath today…
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
THTC? HAH! More like the return of Village People!
I DO have a death wish
Dear death wish,
I don't think so! We sound better n' them! An' we're better lookin' an' cooler too!
Dear Tamahome,
It won't cost you a thing. Just protect me if the star of the fanart decides to kill me. And he'll probably try...
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
Ok, not a problem.
Dear Tamahome,
Okay, Tamahome,you're the first person I'm writing their fable to! Aren't you proud? :: Grins. :: Okay, here we go..
The Crocodile In The Bedroom
A Crocodile became increasingly fond of the wallpaper in his bedroom. He stared at it for hours and hours.
"Just look at all those neat and tidy rows of flowers and leaves," said the Crocodile. "They are like soldiers. There is not a single one that is out of place."
"My dear," said the Crocodile's wife, "you are spending too much time in bed. Come out into my garden where the air is fresh and the sun is bright and warm."
"Well, if you insist, for just a few minutes," said the Crocodile. He put on a pair of dark glasses to protect his eyes from the glare and went outside.
Mrs. Crocodile was proud of her garden.
"Look at the hollyhocks and the marigolds," she said. "Smell the roses and the lilies of the valley."
"Great heavens!" cried the Crocodile. "The flowers and leaves in this garden are growing in a terrible tangle! They are all scattered! They are messy and entwined!"
The Crocodile rushed back to his bedroom in a state of great distress. He was at once comforted by the sight of his wallpaper.
"Ah," said the Crocodile. "Here is a garden that is ever so much better. How happy and secure these flowers make me feel!" After that the Crocodile seldom left his bed. He lay there, smiling at the walls. He turned a very pale and sickly shade of green.
Moral: Without a doubt, there is such a thing as too much order.
I don't think you ever had too much order, did you Tamahome? I certaintly haven't... -.-; Well, this doesn't really apply to you very much, I don't think... except maybe with the counting of your okane. ^_^ I hope you weren't having any hentai thoughts when you picked this title.
Dear Courtney,
No, I wasn't.
Dear Hotohori,
All right, here is your fable, Hotohori-sama. I hope you enjoy it!
King Lion And The Beetle
King Lion looked in the mirror.
"What a beautiful and noble creature I am," he said. "I will go forth to show my devoted subjects that their leader is every inch a king!"
The King put on his robes of state, his large jeweled crown, and all of his gold and silver medals. As he walked down the roads of his kingdom, everyone who saw him bowed to the ground.
"Yes, yes," said King Lion, "I deserve this respect from my people, for truly I am every inch a king!"
There was a tiny Beetle standing near the road. When the King saw him, he cried, "Beetle, I command you to bow low before me!"
"Your Royal Majesty," said the Beetle, "I know that I am small, but if you look at me closely, you will see that I am making a bow."
The King leaned over.
"Beetle," he said, "you are so hard to see down there. I am still not sure that you are bowing."
"Your Majesty," said the Beetle, "please look more closely. I assure you that I am indeed bowing."
The King leaned over a little farther.
Now the robes of state, the large jeweled crown, and all of the gold and silver medals had made King Lion very top-heavy. Suddenly he lost his balance and fell on his head. With a great roar, he rolled into a ditch at the side of the road.
The frightened Beetle scurried away. From head to foot, every inch of King Lion was covered with wet mud.
Moral: It is the high and mighty who have the longest distance to fall.
At first I thought you two were very similar with the mirror and even the jeweled crown, not to mention the narcicism, but in the end it turned out that this guy had too big a ego for his own good, eh? Oh well.. maybe you can read this to Boushin some time to show him that this is not the proper way to rule.
Dear Courtney,
That is a very good reminder for us to always be humble no matter how beautiful we are. Arigato.
Dear Mitsukake,
Here's your fable.
The Frogs At The Rainbow's End
A Frog was swimming in a pond after a rainstorm. He saw a brilliant rainbow stretching across the sky.
"I have heard," said the Frog, "there is a cave filled with gold at the place where the rainbow ends. I will find that cave and be the richest frog in the world!"
The Frog swam to the edge of the pond as fast as he could go. There he met another Frog.
"Where are you rushing to?" asked the second Frog. "I am rushing to the place where the rainbow ends," said the first Frog.
"There is a rumor," said the second Frog, "that there is a cave filled with gold and diamonds at that place." "Then come with me," said the first Frog. "We will be the two richest frogs in the world!"
The two Frogs jumped out of the pond and ran though the meadow. There they met another Frog.
"What is the hurry?" asked the third Frog. "We are running to the place where the rainbow ends," said the two Frogs.
"I have been told," said the third Frog, "there is a cave filled with gold and diamonds and pearls at that place." "Then come with us," said the two Frogs. "We will be the three richest frogs in the world!"
The three Frogs ran for miles. Finally they came to the rainbow's end. There they saw a dark cave in the side of a hill.
"Gold! Diamonds! Pearls!" cried the Frogs, as they leaped into the cave.
A Snake lived inside. He was hungry and had been thinking about his supper. He swallowed the three Frogs in one quick gulp.
Moral: The highest hopes may lead to the greatest disappointments.
Geez, that was a long one... Anyways, that is probably one of the greatest disappointments you can get, eh? Ah well, they were daft to believe in such a rumor anyways.
Dear Courtney,
Perhaps this tale is better suited to Tamahome as a caution against greed… *Smiles*
Dear Hotohori,
Ah, but you do despise me, don't you?! I heard what you said to Suzaku no Miko about me. And I've read that story, that girl's name was Aiaki. Mattaku, you would think my own son would know me!
Dear Moutaikou,
Ah, gomen, I have tried not to remember too much of my childhood. You look well, mother.
Dear Tasuki,
*sweatdrops*Ok I think your missing the point,oniisan --;.......I have my first set of grandparents right?And I have my second set leaving....And ya see I don't want the second one to leave...Confusing yes but you have to understand that in a big family if ya know what I mean --;.
Other then that..*evil grin*I have a surprise for you...*opens a curtain with a bunch of sisters he has*
Imouto #1:Oh,oniisan!I missed you!^____^
Imouto #2:Tasuki,where have you been--;I was worried SICK!
Imouto #3:Look at this!*points*You left a mess in the room and you don't clean it up?!--;Shame on you!
Imouto #4:Look at you your all dirty!Here let me help you with that ^_^.*puts him in a cold tub of water*
Sakashi:Aww now we're all a big happy family,ne?^_^*looks at poor Tasuki*Uhh...Ok ok people in you go!^ ^;;*puts them all back and looks back at Tasuki* You'll be o.k.^ ^.....For now.*evil grin*
Dear Sakashi,
*Takes one look at his sisters and heads for the hills!*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*brings out a big bowl of eggnog*
Okay! As promised, my extra special eggnog is here and ready to be sampled. Who wants a taste? But be warned, it's got one heck of a kick. Probably because of the special ingredient. I won't say what it is, but be sure you keep away from any open flames. You'll find out why if you drink too much.
*sees Tasuki slurping out of the bowl* TASUKI THAT'S SICK!!! Darn it, now I gotta make more. Well, he's gonna feel that in the morning. I'll be back in a bit. Don't anyone light a match. Now where the heck did I put that other miniature shot glass of gunpowder? *clamps hand over mouth suddenly* Oops.
*sees Tasuki starting to finger his tessen* Uh oh! EVERYONE!!! TAKE COVER!!!! *ducks on the ground with hands over head.*
Lady Shera
Dear Lady Shera,
LEKKA SHIENEN … BUUUUUUUURRRRRP!!!!!!!!! *Fries Tamahome and laughs… * Gomen Obake-chan! I meant to that! *Drunken fanged grin*
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki, is it sane to watch cooking shows at one in the morning? *sweatdrops* I need sleep...o.O
Dear Cind-chan,
No it ain't! Get to sleep!
Dear Tasuki,
Hey Bro, common knowlegde that you hate girls, unstandable, I do too. (don't they p*ss ya off?) But I was wonderin' if that pertains to gothic tomboys? (well, I'm not really a goth, I just like dead stuff, wait, that sounded stranger than intended......)
Wait, really quick, one of my friends, Sarah, was stelling my all this girly stuff, and i was zoning out, when she said, when she talks to me, she feels like she's talking to a guy. **scratches her head** Am I really that bad?
Mika Kino
Dear Mika Kino,
I dunno, I never talked to ya' 'bout girly thins'!
Dear Tamahome,
EWWWWWWWWWWW! **punches him in the nose** You touched me! Suzaku Almighty! **srubing her had like a maniac, regardless of the fact that she's afraid of water** I need medical attention! Okay **trying to calm herself down** Okay, no fluffy thoughts, no money,** pulls out a mirror** Good, nobody's written on my forhead so I look like a dork, and I don't have blue hair..............yet!!!!!**walks off gibbering, grabs her heart, and falls over nearly dead as a doornail**
On my Celtic Blood, I swear you are going to regret calling the ouji board a toy. Do NOT
1) Mess with a Pryomanic
2) Mess with a Scottish person
3) Mess with a Scottish-American
4) Mess with a Scottish-American Red head
5) Mess with me.
a p*ssed and scared Mika Kino
Dear Mika Kino,
You do realize that it is marketed as a toy/parlor game. I still stand by what I said. My reasoning is it's a lousy toy because it is very dangerous to play with forces you don't understand and may not be able to control. I really don't understand why you are so worked up over this!
Dear Tasuki,
Why are your eyes draw WAY different than anybody else's? Oro...I don't think Neko-kun/Okane-san would appreciate you calling him Ghost-chan... And if you're wondering why I don't seem to be afraid of Neko-kun...well, right now, I have a cold, and Filia was casting Recovery on me, but then, that...(clenches fist)...dumb @$$ Trickster Priest popped up, and Filia messed up to spell in her rage, so now, if I get really upset, I involuntarily turn into an ice dragon, and since I have a cold, instead of sneezing fire, I sneeze freezing fire. Sugoi, ne?
Dear Amy-sama,
Hai! Totemo sugoi yo! I guess my eyes are drawn th' way Watase-sama wanted to draw 'em.
Dear Hotohori,
Oh. *Looks depressed* A soul bond, huh? I've been told that that is why humans love. No matter how much they may fight, no matter how wrong they seem for each other, they love anyway because their souls are destined to be together. Even when the body dies and the soul departs for the Underworld it still longs for it's mate. Interesting how when humans die the souls lives on after them. I can't die. I suppose I have no soul. I envy you very much, you know that? Even though we were both denied loving and supportive families, and even though people suck up to both of us, you must have been so much more alone than me. Strange as it may sound, I envy you for being able to feel pain. Oh, may none of the others find out about this. If the other gods knew I was jealous of humans...
Dear Elysian,
*Gives her a hug.* It's alright. I believe that all beings have a soul and that includes you. *Smiles*
Dear Tasuki,
MWAHAHAHA!!! *super glues mistletoe in Tasuki's hair then heres a strange rumbling* and you thought you had problems with fangirls before now MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
NOT a Tasuki fan
Dear NOT a Tasuki fan,
*Runs for his life!*
Dear Tasuki,
*runs over to Tasuki crying* UNCLES SHUN'U THERESA BIG SCARRY MONSTER!!! *clings to him crying* its right there *points to Taiitsukun*
Dear Lita,
*Looks at Taiitsu-kun and tries not to bust up laughing…* That ain't no bakemono! That's Taiitsu-kun! She only looks scary but she won't hurt ya'!
Dear Mitsukake,
HIIIIIIIIIIIiiiiiiii... *stares at him* You look bored. Anyways, my first letter to you is more 'bout Tama-neko than you. I just wanna tell you that his voice was totally ruiuned in the dub (as if all the voices weren't). It's so annoying! Just felt like tellin' you that!
ChibInuchan no Miko
Dear ChibInuchan no Miko,
We feel the same way.
Dear Chiriko,
I don't like it when people pick on you. If you want, I'll protect you. I'm one of those quiet, bookish types too, and I know what it's like to get picked on. (Junior high was pure hell for me.) It's not a pleasent feeling at all.
Every time you cry, I feel awful about not being there to protect you. If you want, I can teach you to stand up to bullies. Remember, the bigger they are...well, you know the cliche.
*hands him a whistle* Anyway, if anyone bothers you, just give a whistle. I'll fend them off with this *holds up electric cattle prod* Careful not to touch the end of it.
And here *gives him 1000 ryou gift certificate to his favorite book store* Use it however you want. It's good forever.
*hugs him and strokes his hair* Don't you worry about a thing. I won't let anyone make you cry.
Lady Shera
Dear Lady Shera,
*Smiles up at her.* Arigato for your generous presents and kind words!
Dear Hotohori,
*Kneels before him* Your higness. My lord the Demon King has sent me here to ask you for some advice. My Lord is, in my opinion, ruling unfairly, but I may be powerful, I will not go against him. The people are rioting and usually my Lord would strike them down, but I convinced him to let me see you. Do you have any advice my Lord can use?
Dark Gaurdian
P.S. Confidentially I think your very handsome.
Dear Dark Gaurdian,
*Smiles* Arigato! I need more information on the situation before I can advise either you or him on it.
Dear Tasuki,
HI Tasuki!i missed writing to ya!*gives a big sqeezing hug*anywayz...OMG !Tarta from MAGIC KNIGHT RAYEARTH is like the female version of YOU.She's a red headed person who acts jus like you!the question i wanted to ask you is: what happened to Tasuki no Aisai?
*pushes KAY aside*sorry bout that!can u believe that you're KAY's FAVORITE character?he's soooo annoying!okies write to ya later!
KAY:*sings the camel song*
Dear joy-chan,
*Looks at what Kay wrote and thinks he'd hate to be his LEAST favorite!* Iri-chan has a real life an' a real life boyfriend. She's all growed up now so she kinda outgrew me. But, I'm glad fer th' time we had.
Dear Chiriko,
Konnichi wa Chiriko-chan I was wondering what your fav book is? I really like The Chronicles of Chrestomanci and books by Tamora Pierce I also read all of Redwall and the Witches Chillers series by Silver RavenWolf are really good too. Theres just so many books so little time. So do you have any favorite books or series? ^-^
Ri Kohaku
Dear Ri Kohaku,
I just finished that book! It was good, but I far more enjoyed the Harry Potter books. I think during the Winter Break I'll either be reading an H.P. Lovecraft collection or "The Books of the Gods" by Fred Saberhagen. I like most books but prefer science fiction or some fantasy/horror for relaxation reading.
Dear Nuriko,
*squirms in his Tou's arms*
nayahhh a a a a a {{ Tou...I squishy..}}
*as he is put on the changing table*
hggggahhh {{ Tou happy sora?}}
*after he's cleaned and diapered*
dadadadadada {[sora love Tou}}
*Sora hugs his Tou's neck*
Dear Sora,
*Hugs Sora back* I almost feel like you're trying to tell me something…
Dear Tamahome,
*blinks* I wouldn't harm him, the main rule for a healer is "first do no harm". We're going into his dreamscape, kinda like the Nightmare on Elm Street movies without Freddy Kruger. I think you were still little when it came out at the movies.
Anyways... you put your hand on the globe and charge it with your chi. I'll do the rest, then we both sleep.
You'll see his different selves in there, I will not force you into this.
Dear Doc-sama,
OK, as long as it won't hurt the big, dumb, lug. *Puts his hand on the globe and charges it.*
Dear Tamahome,
*runs in, shuts door, and barricades it behind her* I gotta be quick, in case he followed me...
I got more piccies for you, 3 ryou each for 10 more pictures of Tasuki and his sisters, as well as 5 his ma taking him over her knee.
And check this one out. *shows Tamahome a picture of 5-year-old Tasuki dressed as a little girl, looking very ticked off*
Whaddaya say? I'm short on okane again, and I'd greatly appreciate it.
*hears banging noise* You can pay me later, I gotta go! Darn it, I knew he'd find out sooner or later *shoves pictures down Tamahome's shirt and takes off out the window, running like hell*
*shouts from a distance* Remember, you never knew I was here!!! *continues to run away*
Dear LS,
OK! Thanks! *Looks at the picture of Tasuki dressed as a girl and cracks up laughing…* Oh, THIS is priceless!!!
Dear Tasuki,
Well, if you aren't mad at me yet, ya will be now! It snowed last night! *Drops a big snowball down the back of his shirt* I gonna die. *Tries not to guffaw at his "improvised dance routine"*
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
ARGHHHHH!! Get it outta my shirt!!!! *Dances around and finally rips his shirt off. Spots fangirls and runs for his life!*
Dear Hotohori,
*Puts her hands on her hips and sighs* You are the vainest person I've ever met! But you're also really sweet and it keeps me from smacking you. How do guys do that? That's not fair! You get all ready to smack a man, then he flashes that cute smile that makes you forget why you're mad. Oooo! *Tries to smack him again* I can't do it!!! You're too cute!
But I'll make you a deal. I keep calling you Hori-chan; and then I won't have to send in a picture of you wearing a pink shirt that says "Princess" on the front, and "I Feel Pretty" tattooed on your arm. Considering it obviously doesn't bother you that much I think that's a good deal. I found your answer to my question rather cheesy, but I'm wavering on my threat because I love you so much.
I'm trying to think of more ideas for drawings. How dry is the well? Let's just say, I'm thinking of what you'd look like in a black t-shirt, jeans, and a cowboy hat. Ooooooo! I may just have to go with that...
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
That sounds like a wonderful picture! I look forward to seeing it. *Smiles and sparkles*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Mission accomplished. I found what I was looking for.
*sees blank expressions on the seishi's faces*
Don't you remember? I said that I was on a hunt to find translations for the "Fushigi Yugi OVA" sequential stories. Well, I found a place that has what I've been hunting.
Check it out:
Isn't that cool? Now we don't have to be sittin' around scratching our heads as to what the heck they're talking about (of course, disregard that last statement if you're fluent in Japanese.)
*picks up Tasuki's tessen and starts looking for rust marks* Are you having a Christmas party? Whose turn is it to play Santa Claus this year? Correct me if I'm wrong, but Tasuki played Santa last year, and pulled it off pretty well, at least, before the eggnog was served.
Speaking of Santa, I read an article in the paper about a town that had voted to exclude Santa Claus from the Christmas tree-lighting ceremony, but jolly old St. Nick (and several hundred of his brothers) showed up anyway. Good for them!! Honestly, banning Santa from a Christmas festival? Isn't that like banning Hotohori from his own state dinner? Not that that would ever happen, of course...I don't think.
Well, anyway, I guess I'd best be making that eggnog. I'll make it extra special this year. And Tasuki *looks at the eager-eyed bandit* try not to pass out in front of the kids again this year. Do this for me, and I'll make sure you get something really nice this year. How does a 2000 ryou gift certificate to the "House of Sake" sound?
Lady Shera
Dear Lady Shera,
Sounds good to me! *Fanged grin* Cool site! Arigato!
Dear Chiriko,
Poor Chiriko! Here! Don't cry, dude, because.. *hands him Mitsukake Bobb Penguin, formerly Bob Bobb Penguin* Mitsukake Bobb Penguin will... uh.. Well, he'll stare at you with his cute glass eyes, and uh.. You can imagine he's the real Mitsukake and that he's healing you. o_O
Take good care of Mitsukake Bobb Penguin! ^o^
Ash-chan, who feels sympathetic for noogied Chiriko
Dear Ash-chan,
Arigato! *Hugs the penguin*
Dear Chiriko,
All right, it's been a long time since I asked for the honor of being your boyfriend.
You're older now, more mature. Although I haven't seen a recent picture, I'm sure you are quite the bishonen, and that your already impressive mind is blossoming as beautifully.
So again, I humbly request that you let me belong to you.
Dear Anya,
I really don't want a boyfriend! Can't we just be friends?
Dear Hotohori,
*Smiles* There. Was that really that bad? *Scarfs down the sandwich while waiting for his answer*
Dear Miaka,
No. I hope you enjoyed it. *Smiles*
Dear Tamahome,
Oh, Tamahome, I forgot to ask; how is the Priestess?
Dear Suzaku,
She is well. Thank you for asking.
Dear Tasuki,
Hey Bro! Nothin' new here really, but I've been really curious about this. Don't sue me, I'm an Ashitare fan, (WOLVES RULE!er...umm, I think you'll atleast agree on that...) and I was checkin' out the ask Seiryuu page, and one of the twins commented that they live in China, but you guys said that you live in a world that *resembles* Ancient China, and that your Japanese or something. **scratches her head** I'm confused! Do you and the Seiryuu seishi live worlds apart? Who's right and who's wrong!
Mika Kino
PS: Sorry if I cause and more headaches! Gomen bro!
Dear Mika Kino,
We don't live in different worlds. But in a sense they are wrong. When Miaka first gets to our world she comments that it "resembles ancient China". A lot of people includin' the Seiryuu Seishi take that to mean that we live IN ancient China. But, we don't.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hello ^_^ I asked Nuriko what you all wanted for Christmas soo.....early Christmas presents (cause I dunno how hectic all your emails will be around Christmas and I wanna make sure I write to you all ^^;;)
Nuriko: Certificate to any near by clothes stores (I dunno what kind you like ^^;)
Tasuki: 5 bottles of sake, a very large bottle of asprin and 100 ryo to pay for damages made while he was drunk >_<
Tamahome: 500 ryo ^_^
Hotohori: a vanity with a handheld mirror
Mitsukake: Books on healing and one on cats ^_^
Chiriko: A certificate for a nearby bookstaore (I dunno what you already have ^^)
Chichiri: A fishing pole with a tackle box and bait
Tama: Cat nip ^^;
Miaka: Food (lol)
Well hope you like them. Ja ne ^_^
Dear Suta,
Arigato for all the great presents! Merry Christmas!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Mitsukake,
*sighs* ....that guy I liked... there's no possibility of anything happening... *sighs again* at least he didn't reject me outright, call me a freak, and tell me to get the hell away from him... that's what I usually get. It still hurt... a lot... though I suppose there's no way you can possibly heal emotional hurts... or maybe zombify me? *looks hopeful, but then loses any hope* ...I thought not. I was right about one thing, though... he was different.
Dear Ayame,
Time is the only thing that will heal that wound. Gomen nasai.
Dear Nuriko,
Seichan - We have a bit of a problem....
Tana - Yeah.....we dont know what to call you...
Seichan - He? or She?
Tana -When we talk to comes out something like she then we think alittle and then go wait he and.......
Seichan - and i just gets quite confusing, so we tryed using your name in sentances and it confuses our other friends...
Tana - so were kinda lost...
Seichan - would you be offended if we called you a she most of the time except for when our brains actually work?
Tana - *sees Tasuki and tackles him*
Seichan - MON DIEU!!!, we didnt come there for THAT!
Tana - awww...*lets Tasuki go* Ill be back later ^_~
Seichan - *mumbles* Tasuki if your bright run far far away
Tana -*glare* what was that?
Seichan - uh....Nuriko you wouldnt be really mad would you?
Tana and Sei
Dear Tana and Sei,
I am a male and would refer to be called "he" but if you want to call me "she", I'll understand. Although, you will really confuse your friends!
Dear Nuriko,
Hi Hi *hugs Nuriko* I've got six solos coming up aaaahhhh! lol I'm glad really. I did my audition and got solos for both our Christmas concerts in Youth Choir, I'm singing Taladh Chriosta and tomorrow night I go back to my comprehensive school for our awards eveing (we get presented with our GCSE results certificates) I'm singing a duet Stabart Mater and Kissing you from Romeo and Juliet, it's so pretty, my old maths teacher requested I sing for him one last time awww. I've entered the college talent contest too, so I have to sing for them tomorrow and if I get in I get to go to the finals on the last day of term.
How are you? I'm great, but I'm fed up of hearing about Harry Potter, I'm going to go insane. Part of it was filmed in the Cathedral in Durham next to my college and people there were extras in it, so I never hear the end of it as my friends are obsessed with it. Anyways just wanted to tell you how my auditions went, talk to you soon. *hugs and kisses Nuriko goodbye*
Jen xxxxxxx
Dear Jen,
Sounds like things are going well for you. We loved the Harry Potter books and movie, but I promise not to prattle on about them! *Smiles*
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki!!! *glomp* My computer died -.-; Completely this time, it won't even let me on to type. *sweatdrops* by the way, I'm typing this from school ^^;; *huggles* I have to find someone who will give me a serial number for Windows 95 ^^;;; ara...then maybe I will be able to revive my dead computer ^^;;;
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
Ano… don't ya' still have yer old Win95 CD wit' th' numbers on it?
Dear Nuriko,
*hugs back* Glad you weren't offended. You know my argument has always been that Quatre WASN'T gay, but sometimes he just sorta makes me believe I'm wrong in that assumption. But he usually does something to prove that I'm justifed in holding that argument...
Quatre: *still crying*
Calla:I know I'm gonna regret asking this, but because deep down I'm *shudder* a sweet person... what can I do to make you feel better?
Quatre: *perks up suddenly and gets a sly suggestive grin on his face* You know what I want?
Calla:*looking freaked* Within reason!
Quatre: *sulks* why can't I have what I want?
Calla:*looks at Nuriko* See? This is how he proves me wrong....*grumbles* because it's not right.
Quatre:^_^It's not like your attached to anyone anymore. You and that FREAK you were going out with broke up. So why not?
Calla:2 things. One your 15 and I'm 23, I'll got to jail for it. And 2, he wasn't a FREAK!!!!
Quatre: Okay, then I'll take that cake you just made. *eyes the red velvet cake longingly* And he WAS a FREAK!!!!
Calla:That's for Taskui! And no he wasn't!
Quatre: You can make another cake. And Yes he was! *starts counting things off on his fingers* He accused you of cheating on him, which is stupid because anyone that knows you knows for a fact that you don't even look twice at guys you normally would when your going steady with someone. he told you that the color black,knowing that's the color that dominates a good portion of your wardrobe, is the color of the devil, therefore, implying that you are the spawn of evil itself. He insulted both of your parents as well as your friends! And even you... SEVERAL times I might add. And threw temper tantrums whenever he didn't get his way like the little spoiled brat that he is.
Wufei:*comes over and whispers* You gonna share that cake boy?
Wufei:*clears throat* He thought that you should be the one that supported him and not the other way around. He claimed that your neighborhood wasn't good enough for him and if you got married you'd have to move out and live elsewhere, thereby leaving your parents alone in that house by themselves and YOUR their only kid. Plus you've always wanted kids but because your so... I don't know cooperative...he even managed to force you to give up all hope of having children if you 2 got married, because he didn't want to have any. ANNNNND to top it all off, he doesn't like cats.
Calla:*twitches and gets depressed* Okay so he IS a freak. Here. *hands them the cake*
Heero: ugh! And I thought CALLA was cruel, but you guys are ruthless.... *shudders* You gonna be okay?
Calla: Of course.... of course. *grins* It's not like I was in love with him or anything. *perks up* Thanks God it's over with!!!!!!*cheers* Time to make another cake.
Heero: I'm gonna help!
Calla:*shudders* I don't think so. The last time you helped me in the kitchen you almost burned the house down.
Heero:Can't I at least lick out the bowl?*hopeful eyes*
Ahem, I guess on a serious side, that was my way of telling you what happened with the guy I was going out with. Anyway, I think Quatre is feeling better!^_^ Cupcake? *holds up a plate of sweets*
Dear Calla,
Arigato! *Takes a cupcake and gives her a hug.* The Gundam boys are right about him! You're better off without someone like that in your life!
Dear Hotohori,
Hoto-san!May I give the royal emperor a hug?*huggles him*Well I'd just like to say that you and CNA are doing one heck of a job so far.Well anywho,can I make one comment on what you said about Michael Jackson?I may not like Michael Jackson that much,but it wasn't his idea or fault to ruin his face.It was actually a skin disease that caused him to be white and made his face like that.He didn't do this intentionally,but he had this skin disease which I don't know the name but I'm sure Chiriko does.But anywho,that's the cause/reason why his face looks ruin.And plus I think he got nose surgery done to him.I'm not sure on that though.But I just wanted to point out that he didn't ruin his face.Well I'll talk to ya later.Oh yeah by the way what is an mamoru?
Dear Destiny,
I meant the many surgeries he's had done to his face, no t the discoloration. Mamoru means protector. Arigato for your kind words. Chichiri no Aijin and I thank you.
Dear Chichiri,
Hi! how are you? I ha a huge fan, as well as my friends!! we, er, I was wondering what kind of music do you like? Just a small question I had been pondering for a while! ^_^. thx!
magi boy (magi girls twin brother)
p.s. please excuse my sisters hyperness! all that old fermented candy is going to her head ^^;;
Dear magi boy,
I like traditional Japanese music, no da. Especially Taiko drumming, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
magi girl (sugar high.)
Dear magi girl,
Only if ya' got pixie stix!
Dear Chichiri,
does tama-neko help you fish alot? what's you and tama-neko's favorite kind of fish?
magi girl
Dear magi girl,
Our favorite is whatever we catch, no da. He doesn't really help me, but he does keep me company, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
what's your record for saki drinking? 20 barrels?
magi girl
Dear magi girl,
I dunno, I never counted.
Dear Chichiri,
what did you do after the end of fushigi yuugi? what are you doing now?
Dear someone,
The same thing I always do, wander, no da.
Dear Chiriko,
When did your powers start showing up? or were they always there? were you like suboshi at the begining when he didn't have all his powers?
Dear someone,
I think I've always had them and that is why I was so smart so young. But they and the Seishi symbol started to show up when I was about 12. Even now, they haven't fully stabilized and sometimes my symbol and my powers will vanish.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
whats each of your favorite moment? what part did you like most about your adventure with miaka??
Dear someone,
We would but realized that we could be giving out spoilers. So, we are reluctant to answer as we try not to do spoilers. Gomen.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Hotohori,
Why are my dreams getting all funky? I had one where I was underground, and I kept having to run past these guard people over, and over, and over, and over.. I had a dream where Nakago was staring at me and laughing, I had a dream where you were all nice to me (That was a cool dream, man! If you weren't in there, I would've probably been killed in it. But then again, you weren't climbing rafters, or hiding in scary little hut things so that a psychotic dude wouldn't run up and stab you. *shakes his hand*), I had a dream where Tasuki wen't all crazy and tried to kill me (Not the same as above), and one where I was running down a street.
Do you ever have dreams this weird? *shakes his hand again*
P.S. By the way, do you have strawberries in Konan? If you don't, I could always give some to you, as they are the gods of fruit.
Dear Ash-chan,
We don't have strawberries in Konan, but I have tasted some that Miaka brought with her. Oishii! We all have odd dreams at times. Yours sound like you are stressed or watching too many scary movies.
Dear Mitsukake,
*hugs and cries with happiness* Ever since Friday, my computer has been broken. That means no fun. None. The most contsructive thing I did was read.But now my computer is fixed, cleaned(courtesy of myself), and has a picture of the Suzaku Seishi on it. ^_^
This has no importance whatsoever, but I made a little list of all the Suzaku seishi, and you, Hotohori, and Chichiri got the silvery ink. Ooh, pretty.
My radio had become my best friend, along with Bob Bobb Penguin. Yes, I am back to naming things 'Bob'. It's really quite fun, except I might re-name Penguin (Any ideas?).
I CAN COOK! HAHAHA! Finally! See, now, not only can I make soup, but I can also make OMELETTES! Yay!
In relation to my radio, up above, I've been singing with it. On key, too. Ooh, scary. What else..? Oh, yeah! My knee is in absolute pain, and if anything/one even touches it, I go into pain. Tony accidently tripped me. I have Jeffrey's pencil.
I usually don't go into the chat, but if I do, chances are it'll either be from 3-4pm EST, or 9-11/12 EST.
My FY picture is emitting a strange red glow.. *not kidding* Oh, I also found money while cleaning! So now I have about 12.22! Yay! I think this concludes everything. Everything for you, anyway.
Ash-chan (Zzzzz)
P.S. Have I mentioned I'm suffering from a lack of sl- *falls asleep standing up*z.z
Dear Ash-chan,
I shall try to be in the chat this weekend, but I can't guarantee the times. I hope your knee gets better. Odaijini!
Dear Chichiri,
whats natures beuaty in japanese noda???
Dear Luna^-^noda,
Fuugetsu, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
I'm Luna^-^noda sister and i really like u!!!!!!!!! i want to know your likes and dislikes please!!!!!!!!! just like u i have a problem i don't like boys(cough)and u don't reaaly like girls, well i like you (winks) but thats another story. i think your sisters are mean!!!!! i don't like them (runs to her room feeling sorry for u) I Luna^-^noda shall finish this letter (ahem) my sister likes u hahahaha sorry
Dear kat-chan,
That's ok. I dunno… likes an' dislikes… I like sake an' brawlin'! An' I don't like stupid cowardly people! I ain't too fond of women either! They always get me in trouble!
Dear Chiriko,
hey chiriko what are all the seishis b-day???? i though since your the ginius u would no later buddy!!!!
Dear Luna,
Here is a list of our birthdays:
Nuriko - 3/10
Chiriko - 3/19
Hotohori - 4/2
Tasuki - 4/18
Mitsukake - 5/7
Chichiri - 5/21
Tamahome - 6/28
Dear Chichiri,
hey thats cool though i think they should have started with the hobbit don't you noda? and why did u start saying noda was it denial or something sorry i'm clearing up a question for a freinds cause i think NO DA rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (looks confused then smiles) thanks for giviong my freind magi girl that advice i think u make a killer theripest gosh i'm so hyper i can't spell (laughs nevously) chat later no da love ya noda!!!!
Dear Luna,
You're welcome. I say no da, because that's the way a lot of the people in my village speak, no da.
Dear Tamahome,
Gomen, I can't tell you. It would ruin the surprise, and I want complete shock. Let's just say it's completely in your favor, and I'm gonna get SO killed for doing it... Unless you protect me? Trust me, you'll owe me.
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
Ok, so how much is this going to cost me?
Dear Hotohori,
Seishuku, I'm hurt! How can you not remember me? I know you don't like to think about me, someone asks about me and you avoid answering at all cost. I've been watching over you ever since I died, you know. You were only 16, I couldn't just abandon you...
Dear Moutaikou,
Oh! You're from that fanfic! I don't despise you. In the fic you were my angel.
Dear Tamahome,
Touya no miko:MY LOVE COME BACK!!!!*chases after him*
Miaka:Tamahome you cheat!*cries*
Touya no miko and Miaka
Dear Touya no miko and Miaka,
I am not! She's under some stupid love spell! *Runs and hides.*
Dear Nuriko,
Water Sprite:Merry Christmas!
Rokou:Merry Christmas Ryuuen!We got you a present.*gives him a large warrped gift*But don't open it until Christmas.
Water Sprite:*in a sing song voice*Oooooohhhh Rokouuu!
Rokou:Yes sweety?
Water Sprite:*points up to the ceiling*Look above you.
Rokou:*looks up*Hey is that miseltoe?
Water Sprite:Mm-hmm *glomp**kiss**kiss*
Rokou and Water Sprite
Dear Rokou and Water Sprite,
Thanks guys! Ano… I know you're just married and all but get a room! >.<;;;
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Me again! I know I must be bothering all of you by now. Anyways, I have this mini book of fables. They're pretty short and there's only a few in here. Anyways, I want to read you guys the titles and each of you tell me which one sounds the most interesting to you and I'll type it out to you individually, okay? Let me go get it...
Here we go.. These are the titles.
1. The Crocodile In The Bedroom
2. The Ducks And The Fox
3. King Lion And The Beetle
4. The Lobster And The Crab
5. The Hen And The Apple Tree
6. The Baboon's Umbrella
7. The Frogs At The Rainbow's End
8. The Bear And The Crow
9. The Cat And His Visions
10. The Ostrich In Love
11. The Camel Dances
12. The Poor Old Dog
13. Madame Rhinoceros And Her Dress
14. The Bad Kangaroo
15. The Pig At The Candy Store
16. The Elephant And His Son
17. The Pelican And The Crane
18. The Young Rooster
19. The Hippopotamus At Dinner
20. The Mouse At The Seashore
Oh, and no doubling up.. like two wanting to hear the same one, okay? I know, I know... you probably think I have a lot of time on my hands, right? It's not that. I'll probably save typing them up for when I'm bored. Oh, yeah, and I just wanted to say, thanks for your swiftness and answering the letters! I really don't know how you do it...
Dear Courtney,
We aren't sure how we do it either! But, you're very welcome!
Tamahome - The Crocodile In The Bedroom
Hotohori - King Lion And The Beetle
Mitsukake - The Frogs At The Rainbow's End
Chichiri - The Cat And His Visions
Tasuki - The Poor Old Dog
Nuriko - Madame Rhinoceros And Her Dress
Chiriko - The Young Rooster
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
How would you fix a broken heater? IT'S COLD down here and our freakin' heater's broke! Argh! ::throws a toaster at the heater guy::
Anyway, who do you think would really win in a deathmatch, some really cool anime person or Tuxedo F*g? I'm writing deathmatches for a friend of mine against Tuxedo Mask. The one between one of y'all Suzaku Seishi and that thing would be really really short. *Especially you... you have a tessen and all that knave has is a rose and a cane. Fry it!* And Tamahome would like his revenge, I'd bet, for 'Abuse Tama Month'. ^.^ I have nothing better to do than sit and read all these questions. Or watch Dragon Ball Z reruns. *Second best anime, beside you guys'!*
Tell Nuri I said hi! You may be my role model, but he's my favorite *don't worry, you're close second*.
Sailor Singularity
Dear Sailor Singularity,
Hmmm… me against Tuxedo Mask… he's toast! *Grins* I'll tell Nuriko ya' said hi!
Dear Chichiri,
Konnichi wa aniki-chan long time no chat. Hows life been? Im doing great in school and having fun. ^-^ Okay thats all ja!
Ri Kohaku
Dear Ri Kohaku,
Things have been hectic, no da! I'm glad to hear that you are doing well in school and also having a good time, no da!
Dear Nuriko,
Hello! I am going crazy...I need sleep. And it's horrible because finals are in 3 weeks! @.@! They moved them a couple months ago so now i have to study really hard before Winter Break. Which is bad because I'm also co-chairing this Santa's Breakfast and it's the weekend right before the tests! I have to go looking for donations and making all these things and organizing. @.@ Then I have to go Christmas shopping sometime really soon. And i'm going to go broke! Augh! Oh well. I'll live, but I hope your lives are less busy!
Dear Cind-chan,
Not by much! Chichiri no Aijin's work schedule is about to change so we don't know how that will affect us. Have a great Christmas and try not to get too stressed! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
Yeah ya did....arigoto!!!!!!I luv you so much!!!!*_____*Yer my favorite daddy!!!!!!!!!!lol....and Fred,and Chris, and many!!!!
Dear LandraBlaze,
Yer welcome! Fred, Chris, George? Who are they?
Dear Tamahome,
Hello, oniisan! My finals are coming and I'm losing it! *crys* I can't do it! Too much is expected of me!
Dear Mia-chan,
Take a deep breath and calm down! Now is NOT the time to lose it. Just study hard and do your best. Ganbatte kudasai! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Chiriko,
*chases Keiko down and fwaps her* ugh.... you didn't need that.... --;
Dear Ayame,
*Stops crying* Please don't hurt her!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*sighs* hi... about a month ago, I made the mistake of telling a guy that I liked him... and now, he's told me that he doesn't like me. I'd expected as much... but it still hurts. I should be used to it by now. I've pulled through it before, but I don't know if I have the willpower to pick up the pieces of my shattered life... again.
Dear Ayame,
It's only one guy and it's HIS loss NOT yours! So pick yourself up and don't feel bad. Mr. Right will come along in time.
Dear Chiriko,
o_o; No need to cry!! Gomen!*hugs him* Didn't mean to hurtcha.
Dear Keiko,
*Wipes his eyes.* OK, but please don't do that again.
Dear Tasuki,
'Sup bro! Again, I apologize for making you listen to me rant, but thanks.**almost hugs him, but it's just to girly** Ya see, legally, Padre is that girl's horse, she has his papers and ownership. I have a what they call a schooling lease on him, I feed him, show him, clean his stall, pay $200 a month for him, and all that good stuff. What's really eating at me is this girl has the power to break my lease. As for my mom, she would rather I didn't do rodeos in first place, much less ride horses. She'd rather I'd do something really girly, like sewing. **cringes** I'm a tomboy! I need those football and hockey games! And most of all I need Padre.
This girl can't say I don't spend enough time around a horse that I've not only taught to preform in rodeos, but add and subtract number 1-10! (he's smarter than Tamahome already!) It's kinda funny actually, when asked another one of my rodeo friends at lunch if i didn't spend enough time around Padre, and she started laughing so hard she sprayed her milk all over the table.--0. She went to the fact that when Padre first arrived at the barn, I slept in the loft above his stall for two nights straight, and that Padre is one of the cleanest horses in the stable cause I spend my lunch money on all of his shampoo stuff. Is that not being a dedicated horse lover?
Mika Kino
Dear Mika Kino,
Yes it is! I dunno whatcha' can do 'bout that girl though. She seems to kinda have th' upper hand in this situation. Gomen!
Dear Tamahome,
Gomen! I didnt know it was CnA's b-day! I didnt mean that exact day just anytime around X-mas whenever its best for you all. Though, I'll bet Tasuki will be drunk the whole X-mas week as his way of celebrating and may not have any time for the "rabid fangirls". Heres a question, do you have any "rabid fangirls" or do they all leave you alone cause you're taken? which is better to be taken or to be tomented by fangirls? I'd hate to waste another letter so could you ask Chichiri *gets out a history book* (hes a Buddahist ne?) if he practices the Mahayana type or the Theravada type? and Happy B-day CnA! Have fun at Disneyland!
Ascot Metali
Dear Ascot Metali,
That's OK! If she gets up early, we'll try to do it then. We may also try for the Sunday before as well as on Christmas day. But we won't be on all day, just for an hour or so. They seem to be far less rabid than the rest of the Seishi's fangirls. And that's OK! Chichiri is more of a non-denominational monk. He really didn't study Buddhism under Taiitsu-kun he studied the magical arts.
Dear Tamahome,
Okay, if last month was torture Tamahome month, then let's make this month 'Correct the Baka Tamahome Month'.( being Tasuki's lil' sis, I get a kick of harrasing you too^^.) I read about in one of your other letters that you mentioned the ouji board, all well and good, until you called it a stupid toy.**uppercuts him to the head** Now I'm not some gothic, satin-worshipper, so don't get any sick thoughts you baka.(um, alot of my friends are goths, but that's okay!) **whacks him upside the head anyway** But I feel that I should defend the ouji board anyway, even though it creeped me out.
Ya see, some of my friends were over at my house, and we were working on these projects, alright. That's when my sister comes in, and said she was cleaing out her garage and found her old ouji board. We were all joking around, decided to put up the enclopedia's for awile, and play with the thing. Well, I thought of you......and I asked the ouji board if you were stupid. It said yes. Then another one of my friends, Kat, thought that this thing might be onto something.^^ But one of my friends thought it was a 'stupid toy' just like you and started flipping through the J enclopedia for 'Jamaica.' So we decided to get all pshycic and we asked what one of my friends, Anna, was in her past life. When we were moving the triangle do-hickey, she started coughing, and had to leave to get a glass of water. We kept going and it spelt out 'Lady Jane Grey'. So my friend who was over with her nose in the books asked what the board said, ya know, just joking around, flipping through the pages and all. We told her Anna was the 'Lady Jane Grey' Anna came back, still coughing a little when all of a sudden, Kelly, the by-now-bookworm screamed, and we asked her what was wrong, and she said that Lady Jane Grey was in the encyclopedia, and sure enough, we read a little more into it, and this 'Lady Jane Grey' was decapitated. **whacks Tamahome upside the head again** Don't bail just yet! We asked the same question about my oldest sister (Tasuki can tell ya about that.) and it said she was a rat! By now my mom was watchin' and it was getting freaker and freaker, then my friends asked what I was, against my wishes, and it started doing all this mumbo jumbo junk, so we thought, when my mom said "Omigosh, it's talking in Latin!" And the board spelt out Maria something Scotia, can't quote it, and my mom (a latin major) translated it to "Mary Queen of Scots." Ironic that I'm scottish, neh? *whacks Tamahome again** So what do ya have to say to that?
The tomboy Mika Kino
Dear Mika Kino,
*Grabs her hand so she stops smacking him.* I didn't say it wasn't freaky and maybe a bit evil, I said it was a lousy toy! And I STILL think it's a lousy toy!
Dear Tasuki,
Oiya, aniki. Long time no talk, ne? Have something to show you. *holds a bundle securely in her arms* *pulls back the blanket revealing a small face blinking up at him with big blue eyes* This is Hamoro, your new nephew. :) What do ya think, aniki?
Dear Alecia,
I think yer a bit young to be a ma! But he is a cute lil' guy… *Grins at the baby…*
Dear Tasuki,
Wow!Your really gonna be my oniisan??^_^Thanx!*hugs him*Your so nice-I mean your not nice..Woah I mean.Oh nevermind--;.Anyway my grandparents just came in a month ago.Tried to tell you before,but as fate puts it....Well you know.Unfortunatly,my other grandma had to go back to her home because my other grandparents are already here......*cries*She's been with us so long I can't bare it! T-T.
Dear Sakashi,
You can't bear to have her there or see her go? I'm confused…
Dear Tamahome,
Valuable lesson? HAI! Never, never work in the box office and then turn it over to a lying thief halfway through the shift. *nods* I told my boss everything, which is why I still have a job, and I passed the polygraph... but so did everybody.
*squeezes him* Guess what?! I got a phone call today from my Sifu saying I was accepted to join the main kung fu school!!!!!!! XD!!!
Dear Shuurei,
Congratulations on being accepted to the main Kung Fu school and on keeping your job! *Smiles and hugs her.*
Dear Hotohori,
What makes Houki so special that you're so devoted to her?
Dear Elysian,
It is something indescribable about her. Besides being the mother of my child and a beautiful and intelligent woman, she just has a lovely inner glow to her.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
If it was a matter of life and death, would you dress in drag and do the hula?
Some random idiot
Dear random idiot,
Nuriko: YES!
The rest of the Seishi: What's the Hula?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*runs in and huggles the seishi*WAI!!!You're back!!!I missed you guys!Well,how has it been going?Are you guys catching up on the letters yet?Well everything has been going up and down where I live.x.x computer messing up,fiance doing his thing over in canada.;__;.Anywho,What would you guys like for christmas?I keep getting asked that but I never get to ask it.What I always tell them is that I want my fiance for christmas.I could care less if I got anything else.The only thing I want is him ^_^.But anywho,what would you guys like for christmas?Well I guess I'd better let you guys get back to work and have a very early merry christmas this year.
Dear Destiny,
We're all caught up for now! We've also posted 2 letters that asked for lists so you should be able to find them on the current peeji or the most recent archive. Merry Christmas!
Dear Chiriko,
my name is sam i love your role in fushigi yugi to bad you died i cried i think that miboshi a d*ck head! i tried to acess you galleries but there all down
Samantha m.
Dear Samantha,
Thank you for your kind words. I'm not too fond of Miboshi either! We do have a Fanart Gallery on our peeji that has pictures of me.
By the way, you really should not send your home address to strangers! That can be a very dangerous thing to do, as you don't know whom you are sending it to. Promise me you won't do that again and that you will be more careful in your future Internet dealings with others.
Dear Tasuki,
^_^;; You're definitely going to need a place to hide!*Thinks of somewhere he can hide* (After several minutes of thinking) I'VE GOT IT!! I know of a very secret place where you can hide. *Whispers in his ear where it is* Gomen if it's not that good, it's the only place i knew of.^^;;
Oh yeah, i almost forgot!*Brings in a nicely decorated wreath, with a bright red bow and holly scattered through out it.* A little decoration from anata no mamoru-chan wouldn't hurt.^-^
Arigatou for your gift ideas and answering on the message board. (Glad you liked my pie)
*~Yume-Chan~* (Tasuki no mamoru)
Dear Yume-Chan,
Yer welcome! Thanks fer th' hidin' place an' th' wreath!
Dear Tasuki,
*POUNCE!* Ano... Sometimes I should really learn to keep my mouth shut and not try and be helpful to people. *sweatdrops* This could only happen to me. *sweatdrop sweatdrop sweatdrop* Now I've got a manic depressive, sometimes suicidal, bisexual (formerly gay), teenaged Canadian who thinks he loves me and also sorta loves my best friend, Rachel. And is currently claiming to be stoned. Yez, I'm talking about Red Sky. *sweatdrop* It's all worked out though, but still... It could only happen to me (and Rachel).
Ah, beautiful... uh, rainy night, actually. Anyways, suppose it would be possible for Firefury and I to borrow some anime from CnA-san? CSUN anime club is having an end of the year marathon, and our own selection of anime is rather small ;-;
I have the Escaflowne theme stuck in my head XD Rented a tape with 8 episodes on it from da club and was watching last night and today. It's cool! ^-^
Hm, that's about all I can think of off hand. Oh yeah, the 3rd is Firefury's 20th birthday. Gonna go out to the Outback =} Salmon tiiiime. Yum yum yum!
Dear One-chan,
Red Sky really needs to get his head together! He sounds jus' utterly lost an' totally confused! I'll ask Chichiri no Aijin 'bout th' anime an' see what I can arrange fer ya'. Ya' jus' gotta make sure she gets 'em back. Ya' also might wanna call her an' ask her yerself. Tell Firefury I said Happy Belated Birthday! So, she's now hatachi? Kakkoii! *Grins*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I don't really know why I'm writin' to you right now. I just noticed you were up again. :: Sighs. :: So many archives... I think that my eyes are going square from reading all of these responses.. O_o;; Well, I'm in August of 1999, I think. I better get back to reading soon.. Well, I'm actually getting involved in the message board for the first time and I created a handle and all.. Okay, okay.. think of a question. Okay, I know this sounds weird, but.. If you lived in this world and owned your own house, how do you think it would be decorated? Just a rough idea.. Like the color theme and everything. Oh, and the exterior, too. Tell me how many stories, also. This letter is getting longer and longer, isn't it? Anyways, I'm off. Sayonara.
Courtney AKA Kara
Dear Courtney,
Tamahome: I'd like a big multi-story mansion!
Tasuki: Bachelor pad, ya' know somethin' wit' dark woodsy colors. One story is fine.
Hotohori: High-rise penthouse, ultra modern with lots of chrome and glass.
Chiriko: I don't care as long as it has a HUGE library!
Chichiri: A split-level house in a quiet country setting, no da.
Mitsukake: A quiet small house away from people.
Nuriko: A loft all done up in purples and reds!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tamahome,
You went through all that because of my letter? I'm sorry! But I know how to make it up to you! It involves fanart...
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
OK, go on…
Dear Hotohori,
*Laughs and hugs him* You cheated so bad! Admit you have no right to criticize my cooking. And by all means bribe me if you want, but I won't drop this!
Dear Miaka,
*Frowns, sighs, and makes her a ham and cheese sandwich himself as the kitchen staff freaks out around him.*
Dear Nuriko,
*grins* It means I don't have to burp him anymore silly. Just for that look of innocence you can change him. *puts Sora into his Otou's arms, and Sora wiggles his toes at him giggling* Silly Sora.. *grins* He's mixing Nihongo and English in his head.
Now while I clean up the mess in here. You and the budding comic here can go get cleaned up. He needs to spend some time with you. *kisses her Itooshi and starts cleaning the table*
Dear Doc-sama,
*Smiles and kisses her back.* Hai! C'mon little guy! Time to get changed…
Dear Hotohori,
Seishuku, do you really despise me so much?
Dear Moutaikou,
How can I? I don't even know who you are!
Dear Tamahome,
Taka-kun :) No.. His brains are there, just lightly linked to.
Which you should be grateful for, you at least get a warning now. If Genrou had the mental prowness available to him in this state of mind, you'd be spontanously combusting with a single thought.
Now if I can only make contact again.. *picks up her crystal globe* This was a kekkonshiki gift. I found it the next morning..
*charges it with her chi* Kou-obasan saw the intellegence first, that's why she named him Shun'u..
Help me Taka-kun? *holds the globe out to him* Onegai?
Dear Doc-sama,
*Looks at her, Tasuki, and the globe skeptically…* OK. What do I need to do and what is this going to do to him?
Dear Chichiri,
Why you say "no da", fine. What it means, fine. Let's try a question I've yet to see in the archives. Why do speak in three different octives?
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
*Goes SD and says in a high pitched voice…* Because I can, no da!
Chichiri no Aijin: Actually I think his voice gets higher as he gets sillier. It's a kind of inverse thing. And I don't mean Lina!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Arigato gozaimasu. ChibInu-chan thanks you too. Even though the signature said SEISHI and from all the "no da"s I'll assume Chichiri wrote that. Oh well. Imouto-chan is feeling better now. That energy she displays in her letters isn't forced you know, it's not like she's totally miserable. I just feel a little bad going out with friends when she has nobody to do that stuff with and she looked especially low. She's REEEEEEEEAAAAALLY shy. Like way worse than me. I think she'll be all right in the end.
Okay, I don't wanna talk about that anymore. I have a question. What color(s) do you think you look best in and what color(s) would you not be caught dead in? (don't say pink!) Sou da! Tamahome, *hands him a bag filled with okane* here's 2,000 gold ryou, never wear yellow again. I'm feeling evil, so let's just say that if whoever gives me a bogus answer will be drawn wearing some girly T-shirt of my choice and "I Feel Pretty" tattooed on their arm. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
Thank you for telling us about the typo. We fixed it.
Chichiri: I look good in blue, no da. I would never wear puce, chartreuse, or fuchsia, no da!
Mitsukake: I like yellow, black, and purple. I don't think light blue looks good on me.
Chirko: I favor greens and browns, but not black.
Hotohori: I look wonderful in anything!
Nuriko: I like purple and red, but not yellow.
Tamahome: Black and red, but not purple or pink!
Tasuki: Colors? I dunno! I like dark colors.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Hotohori,
I missed you! I didn't get to write you in that two day period. Oh well. I had a pretty typical Thanksgiving, my aunt came to visit from Portland. ChibInu-chan no Miko and I spent most of Thursday afternoon teaching our aunt to play Nintendo 64, including Mortal Kombat(go figure?), Mario Kart, and Bust a Move '99. Easy games. I eventually just gave my controller to Dad, because I couldn't ease up enough. After about an hour Aunt Kirbee finally beat Dad.
Friday was a little strange. I spent the entire day listening to Mom and Aunt Kirbee name the men on TV and in movies they'd like to get... They were watching those "Behind the Music" shows and I kinda got caught up in what was on, so I didn't leave. I confess, one show was about Michael Jackson and I was looking at my sketches. Oh, God, I got the funniest mental picture of you screaming from seeing a picture of Michael Jackson (what did he do to his face?).
Now for a bunch of even more pointless events. First off *proudly displays the last volume of Sailor Moon* my sister and I collected all the Sailor Moon novels! Second of all, I filled up my sketch book. It started with 100 pages, ended with 56. 22 of 56 are not Sailor Moon related, 14 of those are of Fushigi Yuugi, and 5 of those are of or involve you. And we finally got that d*mn scanner hooked up! Now it's a matter of when I feel like sending my stuff in. I have this really strong urge to draw a picture of you and Houki together, but I can't piece it together in my mind. I am SO mad. Also, I want to draw you and your mother, but... I want to know what you think first.
Okay, that's enough. I'm gonna shut up now.
Umihebiza no Miko
P.S. *Puts on her most pathetic pout and puppy-dog eyes* Does it bother you when I call you "Hori-chan"?
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
*Smiles* I'd rather be called Hotohori it's more dignified.
It sounds like you had a nice holiday. You're right about Michael Jackson! He totally ruined his face! A picture of my mother and me? That's fine with me. I look forward to seeing your artwork! Arigato!
Dear Nuriko,
Hi Nuriko..long time no...see? (talk ^^;) What up? Hope you're doing well and that your Thanksgiving was lots of fun ^_^ What do you and seishi want for Christmas?
Dear Suta,
I'm fine. Thanksgiving was fun. What do we want for Christmas?
Tasuki: Sake. And aspirin for his hangovers
Tamahome: Okane
Hotohori: A mirror
Mitsukake: Books on healing
Chiriko: Books!
Chichiri: A fishing pole
Me: A new wardrobe
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
::sniff:: For some reason, my friend Tama keeps ignoring me. We used to talk alot every time we were on, but then he discovered stupid chatrooms and now we NEVER talk. He's one of my best friends, too.
Neo Sailor Pluto
Dear Neo Sailor Pluto,
Is he someone you know in real life? If so, perhaps you can get together and tell him how you feel. If not, then you may have to visit the chats he goes to and try to talk to him there. Good luck!
Dear Chiriko,
How smart are you?*Mew* =^^=
Dear Kitty,
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey, If you guy's could buy a Christmas present, for one of your friends on this page. Who would it be? (One who writes to you)
Dear Curious,
That's a very difficult question! I think we'd just like to wish everyone who writes to us a wonderful Christmas filled with all kinds of goodies and a New Year full of peace for all.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
hey Tasuki-kun! *hugs him* i havent talked to you fer a long while! Na no da! well i met a new friend named Tasuki-san and him AIM is TasukiS247 and i wonder, is that you?? ^_________^ *kisses him* if not THEN TASUKI IS FER REAL! * hugs her Tasuki shrine with waterfalls* i wuv you Tasuki! well how are you doing? im just as miserible as always. --; *hugs him* i miss you sooooooooooooo much! ^-^v in Oct.12 of this year my step-grandma died! T-T but if you'er out there somewhere,i hope we'll be a good cuple! ok so im scaring you,right? -.-; well gomen nasai! *hugs him and kisses him* i have to go now see yas later! ja matta ne!
love always,
Ami Kou
Dear love always, Ami Kou,
Sorry to hear 'bout yer step-grandma. My condolences. That Tasuki AIN'T me!! I don't have an AIM account an' I don't plan on getting' one either.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
...have you read Harry Potter yet? If not, where have you been? If so, then have you been sorted yet? I think that Chiriko, Chichiri, and probably Hotohori would be in Ravenclaw (I'm a Ravenclaw ^^v), Nuriko, Tasuki, and Tamahome would be in Gryffindor, and Mitsukake would definitely not be in Slytherin... perhaps Hufflepuff? Just thought it might be interesting...
Dear Ayame,
We have read it and seen the movie. We haven't been sorted yet but, Chichiri no Aijin went to the website and she was sorted into Gryffindor.
Dear Chichiri,
Hi I got 2 questions for you today Mr. CHichiri sir,
1.Do you like Sushi.
2.What do you do in your free time.
Thanks for the time and consideration to
answer these questions if you can.
Chang Wufei
Dear Chang Wufei,
Yes, I like sushi and sashimi, no da. I like to fish, no da.
Dear Tamahome,
*jumps on his back* I'll give you 6 million ryou to be my oniisan. *gestures over to a bag full of gold ryou*
Dear Mia-chan,
Sure! *Grabs ryou and hugs it.*
Dear Tasuki,
my sister has acrush on u oh u poor thing i pitty u (gives him some saki) my sister is creepy she don't deserve u..... anyway how ya been buddy???
Dear Luna,
Thanks fer th' warnin'! I'm fine an' yerself?
Dear Chichiri,
hey chichiri i have 400 hours of aol so i can torture u for a bit and if i can't my freind magi-girl or magigirl will(smiles sweetly) oh i missed u but hey my freinds have internet so i can still type to u r u and the other seishi going to go see lord of the rings??
Dear Luna,
We certainly are, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi there seishi guys! ^___^ I have a question.
You see, Kashke and I disagree about how to pronounce Quatre and Relena's names. I think you say Quatre's name like: Kah-trah, and Kashke thinks you say it like Cat-rah. You know, like a cat? WHich one of us are right on that? Or are we both wrong? And about Relena, I think you say it like 'Re-le-na', and Kashke thinks it's 'Re-lee-na'. Again, which of us are right? ^^; We appreciate your input. Arigatou!
Dear Kuro,
You are right about Quatre and Kashke is right for Relena as far as we can tell from what we have heard.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Ya know, I just realized something. You guys are always whining that I can't cook. Yet one of you *glares at Hotohori*, possibly TWO of you *Glares at Chiriko*, have NO right to criticize me! I have yet to see you two even make a sandwich!
Dear Miaka,
Chiriko: *Makes her a sandwich and hands it to her.*
Hotohori: *Has the Imperial Kitchen make her a PBJ and a glass of milk.*
Chiriko and Hotohori
Dear Chichiri,
Mia: Don't monks shave their head?
Fangirls with their hair up ChiChiri style: *faints at the thought of ChiChiri without hair*
Mia: And wear skimpy outfits?
Fangirls: *turnover in their graves*
Mia: And- *is cut off and dragged away by Fangirls*
Dear Mia,
Not ALL of us do that, no da!
Dear Nuriko,
Nuri-san... my finals are coming... I'm not ready! *crys into his chest* I can't do it!!! All my teacher, classmates, and my parents are expecting the best from me! They expect too much of me!! Why do they do that?!?!? I'm not perfect but they treat me like I am! Its too much pressure for me! Nuri-san I feel sick... *coughs and falls back* *crys*
Dear Tarra,
Take a deep breath and calm down. Now, go study and just do your best. *Gives her a hug.* Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Tamahome,
cloud fairy:Tamahome I'm soooo sorry I spilled a love potion on Touya no miko and she saw your picture and...
Touya no miko:Tamahome my love!<3_<3*hugs him very tightly*
Cloud Fairy:Eek!Got a go!!!*runs away*
Touya no miko and Cloud Fairy
Dear Touya no miko and Cloud Fairy,
ACK!!!!!!!! *Runs away*
Dear Chichiri,
*waves*Hello Chichiri-san!
Dear Nyan-Nyan,
Hi, no da! *Waves back*
Dear Tasuki,
Hey onnichan where were ya? Fate has struck yet again for me.**sweat drops** I was out with my horse Padre, nice breeze going, talking with my friends, when this branch had to fall in front of Padre, and I just had to be ridin' bare-back. Natuarally I fell right off, and sprained my wrist. My friends were all squealing like the little valley girls they are, scarin' the horses and crap, and Padre was just standin' there with a 'what are you dowin' down there?' look. --0 he's stupid but I love him!
As if my ego wasn't tampered with enough, the barn owners daughter thinks I'm an irresponsible rider for just falling off and is trying to break my lease on Padre. Nice talk for a little 12 year-old. Most of the money I win in rodeos goes to that barn, and that little b*tch knows I can beat her any day, and that's why she wants me out of the barn, because it's always her mom saying 'Padre and Mika this, Padre and Mika that' at her dinner table, and she was dumb enough to tell me this!She's really my number one competiton on rodeos, and I always have to stay on my toes around her and I really didn't have a problem with this girl,I just ignored her like my sisters (I've gotton good at igoring people *.*) until I saw her get off her horse one day, unhook the reins, and smacking it up side the head with the buckle several times.
When her mom saw the horse was bleedin', this perfect angel put on this whole feint that he ran into a tree, and she was holding on for her dear life. When I told the barn owner this she got mad at me, yelling her sweet innocent daughter would never to such a thing to horses, espically the one that is "going to take her to glory!" Now, she could have done that if I had acted immature and started yelling at the barn owner about what her daughter did and all, but she got right in my face and everything and......
I just needed to get this out.( Gomen for makin' ya listen to me rant!) I'm more conserned about what ever happens to Padre if I get kicked out. What should I do?
a worried Mika Kino
Dear Mika Kino,
Can ya' find another stable fer him? Ya' might need to. Ya' also might consider havin' yer ma talk to her as well. Good luck!
Dear Mitsukake,
I wanted to let you know that I have a friend scanning my drawings in. So, she'll be the one to send them to you. The systems I use won't let me send attachments, so she's gonna do that too for me. She's so great! *hugs her*
Is she supposed to send it to the email address that you have listed on the front page?
Dear Calla,
Yes she is, when we get them we'll post them in the Gallery. Arigato!
Dear Nuriko,
Okay.... the non-yaoi request isn't a probelm since I'm a non-yaoi writer. I mean come on if I can actually write Quatre as straight, then I can do that with anyone!
Quatre: I heard that.....
Calla:Sorry... well not really.
Quatre: *starts crying.*
Calla:Okay, okay. I do mean it. *holds Quatre*
And it took me a couple days to figure it out, but yes, I'll bring Korin back in some form or another. :)
Chibi Calla:Yeah, we actually thought you had her stumped for once. Unfortuantly she figured it out.*grumbles* So just how are you gonna do it?
Calla:That would be telling wouldn't it? Besides it'll give away the ending to the story if I tell.
CC:Oh come on.
Calla: Huh-uh.... but my editor/prereader knows how the whole story is gonna go. Maybe if you pay her enough she'll tell you.
CC:Oh really? *runs out* Oh STAAAAAAACCCCCCYYYY!!!!
Anyway, I'll get to writing it just as soon as I get this evil fic that the muse form of Hotohori tortured me for 3 days to do is over with. God, he's evil as a muse....
Heero: Payback is hec isn't it?*laughs*
Calla:Did you put the muse- Emperor up to that? Playing that evil Cathedral-echoing song he does, that normally I love, until I wanted to scream? Then keeping me awake all night with diffent possibel fic scenes until I finally figured out the fic for him?
Heero: *grins* So what are you gonna do to HIM?
Calla:Nothing. Just write the romance of him and Houki, that's all.
Heero: That's it? AHHHHHH!!!!! *gets an insane look*
Calla:Now don't go Zero system on me. I have him. *points to a still crying Quatre*
Heero: My, I'm frightened.
Anyway, i've started the fic(s) and now I have to go see if I'm REAAAALLLY nice to the muse-version of Taskui if he'll like women a little better.*smiles*
Heero: You can be nice?
Calla: Shut up.
Dear Calla,
*Smiles* Arigato! Ano, I always thought that Quatre WAS straight? He isn't??? *Looks confused...*
Dear Tamahome,
Awwwwwww, why does everyone wanna beat you up? *hugs him to cheer him up* I don't want to *smiles* Its not pick on Tamahome week, I think there just jealous of you. I can't write a letter and not say hi to Nuriko, he's my big brother and I love him to bits. *walks over to Nuriko and hugs him* Hi Hi! *Sits down next to Tamahome to try and cheer him up* I know what will cheer you up! I've nearly finished the shrine to you and Miaka, I'll give you the address as soon as I'm done, also *hands him some money* Now go kick cape boys @$$!
Jen xxxxxxx
Dear Jen,
*Smiles* Arigato! *Goes after Mamoru…* Where did he go?
Dear Nuriko,
Er, sorry, i just thought about what i said in the beginning of my last post, you know about the non-yaoi/yaoi stuff and I wanted to apologize if you found that offensive.
I know your character isn't gay, which is what I'm afraid you might think I was impling when I wrote that which I wasn't trying to. It was just one of those things that came out wrong. But again sorry. Forgive me? * big tearful eyes*
Dear Calla,
Daijoubu! There's nothing to forgive. *Gives her a hug.* I wasn't offended. But I think Quatre was. *Smiles*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I have a puzzle for you. It was actually inspired by a website called "Ravenclaw tests of Logic," which in turn was inspired by Snape's puzzle in the first Harry Potter book (if you've read the book, you know the one). Anyway, I got the idea to try making a deductive logic puzzle and I challenge you to solve it, if you can.
Here goes.
In one of Tomo's illusions, four Suzaku seishi tried to KILL Tamahome!! (Fortunately none succeeded). Each murder attempt occurred two hours apart. The four murder attempts happened at these times: 9pm, 11pm, 1am, and 3am. The four seishi suspects are, in no particular order: Nuriko, Tasuki, Chichiri, and Hotohori. (NOTE: This is an illusion, because I know none of the real seishi would do this, to my knowledge.) The four methods used were as follows: stabbing with a dagger; bludgeoning with a candlestick; shooting with a hunting rifle; and strangling with a piece of metal wire (again, in no particular order). Four attempts total, one for each seishi, one weapon each, and only one. Your challenge is to find the order in which each of the "seishi" made the attempt, and what weapons they used.
You have five clues to work with:
1) Tasuki and the seishi who used the dagger did not make any attempts after midnight. (Because Tasuki's lazy and the one who used the dagger didn't want bags under his eyes.)
2) Nuriko's and Hotohori's attempts were not next to each other. (Sorry, Nuriko!)
3) In some order or another, Chichiri and the seishi who used the rifle made attempts at 9pm and 1am.
4) Hotohori attempted murder at 11pm.
5) Right after he escaped the seishi who tried to strangle him with wire, Tamahome ran into Nuriko.
Remember, this is deductive logic, so pay careful attention to the clues. When you figure it out, have the 3am "murderer" give the answer. Good luck! *rubs hands sinisterly*
Miaka's evil twin
Dear Miaka's evil twin,
So, I tried to bludgeon Tamahome with a candlestick at 3 AM? I think I need to get my beauty sleep! Anyway, the rest of it goes like this: 9PM Tasuki with a gun, 11PM Hotohori with a dagger, and 1AM CHichiri with the wire.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*LOL*^O^ I was wondering how you would answer that.
Dear Curious,
Glad ya' liked th' answer.
Dear Chiriko,
So, you didn't really like Chrono Cross's ending? Yeah, I understand. But there are 2 things I should tell you.
1) Did you get the TRUE ending in that game? I really can't seem to explain it without spoiling it, but...did you?
2) Next time you beat the game, do this: Leave the machine on, and eventually you'll be asked to save the game. Do so, and continue from that game (which'll have the number of stars in yellow). You'll then have NEW GAME+ and CONTINUE+. Give them a try and see what happens when you beat up the final opponent in certain points in the game.
Well, have fun...
Dear Tonberry,
We didn't do the second suggestion, but now that we're finished with Final Fantasy VII (another anti-climatic ending) we might try it. I do know that in the Plus Games you get different endings depending on how far go before you fight the end fight. Arigato!
Dear Tasuki,
*walks into the palace's dining room, and sits next to a heavily snoring Tasuki*
Gomen Shun-kun.. I'm trying to get Tasuki to read more, but he refuses..
*brings out her crystal globe, charges it with her chi, and places it by Tasuki's head*
Shun-kun can you hear me??
(( Have fun ;) Ah the brains of Tasuki. How refreshing. *giggles* ))
Dear Doc-sama,
Brains??? Tasuki has brains??? You mean he hasn't pickled them out of existence???
Dear Chiriko,
*sneaks up behind Chiriko* *grabs him in a headlock and gives him a dutchrub* NOOGIE!! ^-^ *always wanted to do that* *runs off*
Dear Keiko,
ITAI!!!!!!! *Starts to cry…*
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