Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I know this question was asked before and all of you didn't even answer, so I'm trying you again: What was your most embarrasing moment? Okay, to make you feel better about it, I'll tell you mine (or at least the only one I can think of).
I play soccer so it was a Saturday and I was on my way towards the soccer field. I was with my friend and I was telling her how we were going to wipe this team out. Just then, I slipped in the mud and fell right now my arse.. >.< Luckily, I hadn't put on my uniform yet so I just took my mom's jacket and wrapped it around my waist so no one could see. I made my way to the bathroom and let me tell you that it was very uncomfortable walking. I got into my uniform and in the end we ended up losing to the stupid team..
Well, I hope that made some of you feel better at least. Please answer!
Kara AKA Courtney
Dear Courtney,
We really can't remember any! The closest we can come is when Tasuki and Nuriko discover that Mitsukake is the "old man" in the house we went to or when Tasuki figured out that Hotohori was the Emperor.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Chiriko,
Hello, Chiriko.
I'm the same age as you. Interesting, eh? I'm definitely not as smart as you but I do have pretty good grades. In my school (I'm in 8th grade now)every semester if you get between a 3.8 and a 4.0 grade average you get this thing called a principle's award. I've gotten it every time.. ^^; If I get it this semester and the next one, when I graduate I'll get a medal. That would be pretty cool, and I think getting it will be one of my goals. I've been trying really hard and on my first progress report I got all A's!
Well, enough about my studies, I'll ask you the question.
Have you ever taken a class for poetry? If so, do you have any good poems that you may have written that I could see? What was your favorite subject in school. Arigato for your time, now I better get to my homework!
Kara AKA Courtney
Dear Courtney,
Congratulations on your excellent grades! Keep up the good work! I have no favorite subject, I like them all. I've never written any poems, gomen.
Dear Mitsukake,
Hello, Mitsukake!
In response to your answer to my previous question.. I've also heard of a technique of healing where it didn't feel painful, there was just a cold feeling where the would/injury was. The healer was part water spirit, so I'm guessing that has something to do with it. Who knows...
Do you think that if you spoke up more often you would get more attention from fans and fellow seishi alike? Also, if you were able to heal over the internet, would you see it your obligation to heal all (or almost all) of the sick people that write in?
All right then, I'll be going now. Bye!
Kara AKA Courtney
Dear Courtney,
I probably would but I prefer to be that way I am. If I was able to I would.
Dear Hotohori,
Konnichiwa, Hotohori-sama! As I also told Tamahome, my mom is really getting into Fushigi Yuugi. A really weird thing, though, is that she tends to get you and Nuriko mixed up. I don't understand the logic in this, but... Just felt like I'd tell ya. ^_^ You can tell Nuriko also. I think he'd find it... amusing.
Questions, questions..
Do you still feel as if you abandoned your wife and son by dying when they needed you most? Has your narcicism ever gotten you into trouble, even as the emporer? That's all for now. Bye!
Kara AKA Courtney
Dear Courtney,
She does? Interesting…. What narcissism? I do still feel that way, but less now since I do watch over them.
Dear Nuriko,
Heyla, Nuriko! You and my friend share the same birthday! March 10th, eh? I found that really interesting seeing that she's pretty much not like you except for... no, actually, nothing like you. ^^;
Okay, okay, question...
I'm sure you've heard that anyone that has a mole under their eye, blocking the path of their tears, will never find true love or happiness. What are your feelings on this? (Geez, I sound like an interviewer or something.. >.<)
Well, I'll be going, then. Adios! (don't ask, I don't know either..)
Kara AKA Courtney
Dear Courtney,
I've never heard of such a thing! How interesting!
Dear Tamahome,
Hey there, Tamahome! My mom is really getting into Fushigi Yuugi! I read her the mangas and she's seen the first two episodes. Well, you're her favorite. She also likes Chichiri, so you can tell him that.
Onto the question...
Did you sometimes find it hard or annoying having to be the big brother? Do you think that sometimes that big brother personality trait emerges when talking with or comforting your fellow seishi?
Oh yeah! I found out that Nakago and my brother share the same birthday! The scary thing is that my brother could definitely be that type of guy. He's got the whole evil thing going on. It's kowaii!
Well, I'm off. Sayonara!
Kara AKA Courtney
Dear Courtney,
It was hard but never annoying. Those traits may have come out, but I'm not sure. You have a brother like Nakago?? I'm sorry!
Dear Tasuki,
Geez, Tasuki.. You don't have very detailed answers to yer questions, eh? :: Looking at the response he had given her before. :: Don't worry, I'm just kiddin' around. I know you get a lot of letters. Just so ya know, I'm dressing up as you next Halloween. Yeah, I know it's a long way away and all, but I've already started working on your necklaces (I'm making them myself). It should be fun, though. My other two friends are dressing up as Nuriko and Chichiri, so you think you could let the two of them know?
All right, now for the question! Seeing that you use a tessen and seem to like fire, does that mean you like heat as well? Like hot showers and such? Also, do you like spicy food? I happen to like fire... There's somethin' about it..
Also, please don't think I'm hentai because of the hot shower thing.. I actually came up with the question late at night and when I thought about it later, I realized it might be thought as hentai. I didn't mean it in that way at all. Sorry if that caused any confusion.
Well, seeing that I'm writing you such a long letter (I know it must suck having to read all of this)I managed to get some sake for you. I know, I know... You're probably wondering how a thirteen-year-old got her hands on sake. My parents used to like to drink it a lot.. they'd always warm it up on the stove. Anyways, they keep it up in this cupboard so I had to climb on a chair to get 'em. Yeah, I'm pretty short... -.-; Anyways, I would of brought three bottles but being the clutz I am, I knew I'd drop one if I tried to carry that many. Well, here ya go. :: Tosses him the two bottles, confident that he'd be able to catch them. :: Well, I'll see you around, then.
Ja ne!
Kara AKA Courtney (I'd prefer the latter, I just had to put in the former because that's what I signed with before)
P.S. Would you please be my tomodachi?
Dear Courtney,
Arigato fer th' sake! *Grins* Of course I'll be yer tomodachi! I'll let Nuriko an' Chiriko know 'bout Halloween. I like spicy food. An' of course I like hot showers! Ever take a cold one? They suck!
Dear Chichiri,
Chichiri! I know that I haven't written to you for a while now, but I just had to tell you... Remember that friend of mine I told ya about? Well, now I like you just as much as her! You are very kawaii with the cool hair and the no da's and such.. Just wanted to tell you. ^_~
Anyways, for one thing, could you be my tomodachi? I'd really like to be your friend (and I'm not infatuated with you or hentai!).
All right, now a good question to ask you. From what I've heard from most fishermen, they have one fish in mind that they really want to catch: it's almost like it's their challenge or something. It's either a rare fish or a hard-to-catch fish. Anyways, do you have a fish that it is your goal to catch?
Well, I think I've wasted enough of your time rambling on like this (sorry about that! ^^;) so I'd better get going.
One quick thing though (I know, it's like a neverending letter... -_-;). I was looking through some Fushigi Yuugi websites and I found a site where this person had a list of all the Fushigi Yuugi merchandise she had. She had pictures of some of the things and I saw these keychains. To see what they look like, go here:
Well, I really want them, especially the ones of you and Tasuki. They are the best designed ones and the kawaiiest. I know that a few years ago Chiriko gave a list of sites for someone else to look at, but a lot of those didn't exist anymore, or the sites there didn't have anything. So, if possible, do you think you could list some other sites that might have them. I'd appreciate it!
Well, arigato for takin' the time to read my letter, and I'll bid ya farewell now.
Kara (though I signed with this name before, my real name is Courtney and I'd rather you call me that. Arigato!)
Dear Courtney,
Of course I'll be you're tomodachi, no da! No, I fish for relaxation and have no particular fish in mind to catch, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Otay *smiles cutely* who's Obake-chan? *holds out her arms like she wants to be picked up*
Dear Lita,
*Grins and points at Tamahome.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
if it was your birthday what would you do for fun? what would you want as a present??
Dear curious,
Chichiri: I would go somewhere quiet and meditate, no da. A fishing pole, no da.
Nuriko: I'd go clothes shopping! Hotohori!
Hotohori: A feast would be thrown in my honor. Anything is fine.
Chiriko: A surprise party! Books!
Tamahome: A big party that someone else pays for! Okane!
Tasuki: I'd go pub-crawlin' wit' Kouji. Sake!
Mitsukake: A quiet party. Anything is fine.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
my birthday is coming up and i'm having a anime sleepover. what do you think i should do? like what games are fun to play? what do you all do when you get together?
Dear someone,
Otanjoubi omedeto gozaimasu! We usually eat and talk. We really don't play games. Although, I've been told that Uno and Pictionary are both fun.
Dear Chiriko,
What is your IQ? Is it really high or average? I have a bet going with my friends at school, who say your intelligence is average. I say it's above average. Sorry for that crack about your hair. ::sweatdrop:: I can't help making cracks about people, because I never think. Is it possible to hold a dodgeball in your mouth like Vash can? It'd be fun to try it. ^.^
Neo Sailor Pluto
Dear Neo Sailor Pluto,
My IQ has never been measured, but I'm sure it is above average. I don't believe that's possible or even probable.
Dear Mitsukake,
Hm... I'm getting bored with irritating the other Seishi. Did you know you're wearing East Carolina University colors? Yay! ECU! I'm about... ::counts on fingers:: a few years too young for college, but anyway! Do you have shots there in Konan? I hate shots. ::shudders:: Could you use bandages as weapons to tie people up or choke them or something? My friend Stealiana says you can. (She says to say hi to Chichiri for her.) Do you watch other animes? ^.^ I just got done watching the first few episodes of Fushigi Yuugi (but I know aaaalllllll about it! I'm SPECIAL!).
Neo Sailor Pluto
Dear Neo Sailor Pluto,
We do not have shots in Konan. I suppose bandages could be used that way. I'll give Chichiri your friend's regards. We do watch other anime but they are too numerous to list.
Dear Nuriko,
*finishes feeding Sora, as Ryu eats his dinner* You're going to be a big boy, aren't you Sora-chan :) *Sora smiles as he keeps sucking away*
Ryu will you take him with you when you go nap? I need to sew him some new clothes. He's outgrown these. Sora-chan.. you're going to get weaned soon.. *Sora lets go and burps*
You've been teaching him ne Ryu???
Dear Doc-sama,
*Smiles* Would I do anything like that?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Konnichiwa! How are ya'll? I'm great! Right now I'm workin' on a FY story called 'Keeping your Word." its when Tasuki meets a girl and starts to have feelings he wish he was born without. Watta ya'll think about it?
Saiki: Tasuki and ***** sittin in a tree! I'm not giving away the ending!
*rolls eyes*
Dear Aiaki,
Since we've never read it we really have no opinion.
Dear Tasuki,
Hi, Tasuki! *hugs his arm* Your imoutos are so cute! Are you going soft?
Dear Aiaki,
I hope not! But havin' a buncha imoutos is easier than havin' 'em all fightin' to be my girlfriend! Ya' ever seen fangirls fight? It's a *(^%$#+ bloodbath!!!
Dear Hotohori,
What's an oniisan? Can I have one? Sounds neat...
Tyrant: You have me... *eyes going a hurt blue*
Tyrant... your my little shape-changing pet!
Tyrant: Don't remind me...
How ya been, Hori-san? I'm great! My semester finals are coming in 4 weeks! I'm writing a parody on Shrek! Wanna see the cast?
Shrek: Tamahome
Princess Fiona: Miaka
Donkey:Tasuki and ChiChiri (they alternate)
Lord Farquad: Nakago (Originally you but... *fangirl holds sword to her back*)
Robin hood: Amiboshi
Gay (or merry) men: The remain Seriyuu seishis excluding Soi.
That's what I have so far. You like? It'll be funny!
Dear Aiaki,
*Smiles* Sounds amusing. Perhaps you can make Soi Maid Marion. Good luck on your finals. By the way, an oniisan is an older brother.
Dear Tamahome,
I'm sorry that I made you kiss Hotohori. *Hears a really loud thud behind her* And I'm sorry that I think he heard that... Run for it before he comes to, I'll hold him back.
Dear Elysian,
You're forgiven. *Looks at the passed out Hotohori and laughs.* Actually, the only one who'd be more upset than Hotohori is Nuriko! I'd better run before HE catches me!
Dear Hotohori,
You have a thing for metaphors, you know that? "Two sides of the same coin", huh?
Anyway, I have a question. Why do you only have one wife? You could have as many women as you wanted, why her? The idea boggles my mind.
P.S. What do you mean "different"?
Dear Elysian,
I love only Houki. I see no need for multiple wives and concubines. I guess you could say that I am a one-woman man. *Smiles and sparkles*
I meant different in that as an Olympian you do care for lesser beings and don't treat them as disposable non-entities.
Dear Nuriko,
*Holding a gallon size Ziploc bag filled with colored pencils* What exactly IS your eye color? I'm trying to find a blend here and I need a direction to follow. That, and you won't be able to blame me if I send a picture of you and it looks weird. Bwahaha!
Umihebiza no Miko
P.S. This is for SSSavory. I'm sorry about your bird. I know how it is. In the past five years I've lost four parakeets. Ever try writing a poem or drawing a picture? It helped me.
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
My eyes are a light purple but not lavender. Thank you for being so kind to SSSavory.
Dear Chiriko,
Test update. Chapter 3 geometry test resulted in an 86% (D*mn transversals. Don't ask). However, I was one of like three kids to get the extra credit. What's even scarier is that science has replaced math as my least understood class. Physical science is evil. But somehow I got a 97% on my last science test... Maybe I should make all of my classes unnecessarily confusing for me. That seems to be how I get better grades. That made no sense.
Umihebiza no Miko
P.S. Ever just study because you have nothing to do? When I'm bored sometimes I find myself reading science encyclopedias and looking at atlases.
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
I do that all the time! It's a fun way to learn new things. Congratulations on your great grades! Keep up the good work! *Smiles*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Well So-rry!! I just *sniff* wanted to have some *sniffle* fun. And *eyes fill up with tears* you guys *sob* destroyed it!
Hyper (now SAD) Girl
Dear HyperGirl,
Guess that's 'cos we didn't want chicken? Gomen!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!! Teehee! It's been a while!;) Lately I've been thinkin' on how you guys know a few English words when you're in ancient China? Like Tasuki sayin' "nickname", Chichiri sayin' "nice catch", and i'm pretty sure Tama and Nuriko said "jealousy". Pleeze explain!O.O
ChibInuchan no Miko
Dear ChibInuchan no Miko,
Things filtered in from Miaka's world, I guess.
Dear Nuriko,
I kind of feel bad for writing that letter because now she's not mad. Strange, ne? It's weird because one day she's mad one day she's not. I'm confused. Anyways, how was your Thanksgiving? Did you go anywhere?
Dear Cind-chan,
Some people are like that. Our Thanksgiving was nice. We went to a buffet at a nice restaurant as a lot of Chichiri no Aijin's friends have scattered across the country or moved back to Japan. So she felt she had no one to really cook for.
Dear Nuriko,
Rokou is married!?Who's the lucky girl?
Cloud Fairy
Dear Cloud Fairy,
She's Water Sprite.
Dear Nuriko,
Did you cry at my wedding ^_^?
Dear Rokou,
Of course! I'm glad I was wearing waterproof mascara! *Smiles*
Dear Tasuki,
Yay!!!!Guess what??? They fixed it!!!!*snuggle snuggle* so happy!! You love me Daddy??? *teary eyes*
Dear LandraBlaze,
Sure I do! I got ya' back in didn't I?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*appears before his Seishi* Greetings shichiseishi, I just thought perhaps I would drop by before checking if I have any questions on our site. It's hard work isn't it?
Well I was having a nice chat with Suzaku no Mig`mi today and telling her how proud I am of all of you, and she suggested I should tell you how I feel. I would like to say that all seven of you performed your duties well and I couldn't be more happy with your efforts in protecting the Priestess. I feel almost like a father, who has watched his children learn and grow into distinguished individuals. *gets down on his knee and bows his head, showing the great respect he has for them* Don't hesitate to drop by if you need me for anything. Well done my warriors.
Dear Suzaku,
Arigato Suzaku-sama. *They all drop to one knee and bow before him.* We are all proud and honored to serve you.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Mitsukake,
I'm exhausted, and you've been chosen as my pillow. Congratulations. *turns into a small kitten, hops onto his shoulder, and falls asleep*
Dear Ayame,
*Smiles and gently places her on Tama-neko's bed so he won't disturb her.*
Dear Tasuki,
*fills a swimming pool with sake then shoves Tasuki into it* *runs off laughing insanely*
Dear Ayame,
ACK!!! I'm drownin', I'm drownin'!!!!!!!!! *Gets a mouthful of sake…* Th' h*ll wit' that!!! I'm drinkin', I'm drinkin'!!!!!!!!! OI KOUJI!! Wanna drink???
Dear Chiriko,
*hugs Chiriko lightly* Your hair doesn't look like a mop...oh, and if you need someone to pry rabid fangirls off of you, I'll do it. ^-^;;
Dear Ayame,
*Smiles* Arigato! Onegaishimasu!
Dear Nuriko,
Nurikoooooo! Your back *hugs and kisses galore* I missed you. I'm feeling better this week, thank you for being there. I might be dropping English Language because it's hard and it will get a whole lot of my mind *phew* but I have to discuss it with my parents as I think they disagree with me
:( BUT! I had my first Japanese lesson tonight and it was soooo fun! I loved it. My friend and I couldnt enrol this late in the course, so I go to their apartment and his Japanese wife teaches my friend and I privately. It's so fun, they even had slippers at the door for us. My tummy kept rumbling through the lesson though hehe I have an appetite like Miaka's, my friends are jealous, they call me a twig, but I'm going on a chocolate diet (well If I can manage, I loooooooove chocolate!) Since I started college I've gone up from 7 1/2 stone to nearly 8 1/2 I'm just so tempted by the vending machines hehe I'm so weak willed.
How are you? well I hope. My sister just finished watching the FY series, she loved it and shes 21. Also I got my audition to do a solo in County Youth Choir hehe. Ooooh did I tell you that we did a workshop with the conductor of The National Youth Choir of Great Britain, it was so fun and he said I had nice harmonics eeeeeeek! ^_^ plus he new John Rutter, my favourite composer. *dances around with Nuriko in a happy mood* Well I gotta go now, thanks for listening. *Kisses her brother goodbye*
Jen xxxxxxx
Dear Jen,
I'm fine! It sounds like things are looking up for you! I'm so glad! *Gives her a hug.* Good luck on your audition! I'm sure you'll get in!
Dear Tasuki,
Hey Tasuki!I wuz wondering....Uhh..Do you have a screenname I can use to IM you in AOL???^.^If you wanna keep it a secret,just e-mail me at ^_^And tell me k??
Other then that,I want to ask.....You something...*grips hands*..Can.Can you be my.....Oniisan????*hugs him hoping not to be disappointed*
Dear Sakashi,
No I don't an' I don't plan on getting' one either. Sure, I'll be yer oniisan! *Smiles*
Dear Mitsukake,
I'm glad you're back up..
*sigh* I want to tell you something, but not here. Could you maybe drop into the chat at sometime so I could? I'm not embarrased, it's just that it involves another person here, and they aren't supposed to know this.. Please?
Ash-chan, probably the most depressed you'll ever see her
Dear Ash-chan,
OK. But, when are you usually in the chatroom?
Dear Tamahome,
yeah I'm sure they made lots of money off that show. I'm really trying not to let it get to me and its sort-of working. Not that I'm going to go rent it or have a stare down with the cover. Which one of the seishi, in your opinion, is the hardest to get a x-mas present for? oh and I got an idea of what you could give to all of the people who come to the site. You could go to the chat the day before X-mas (or sometime around then) so minna can celebrate x-mas together. Kind-of like an x-mas party. ja pen-pal!
Ascot Metali
Dear Ascot Metali,
I'd say Mitsukake is the one of us that is hard to get a present for. We can try but, that is Chichiri no Aijin's birthday and I know she plans to spend it in Disneyland. I'll see what I can do.
Dear Chichiri,
I was wondering if you ever get another girlfriend in another series.It was a rumor that i need cleared up.
magi girl
p.s.I dont have a crush on you or anything i'm just curious
Dear magi girl,
No, I don't, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
I tasted saki once it was disgusting! How can you drink something like that?! Can't you just sit down and drink tea?
magi girl
Dear magi girl,
I can, but I like sake better.
Dear Tasuki,
*huggles tasuki-san. *Konnichiwa, Tasuki-san. genki desu ka? genki desu. Well I have a question. Seeing as to how you're a drunk hound. No offense. My fianci drink's a lot. He promised me that he would try and quit. But how hard is it really to quit? Is there anything I can do or any treatment that can be done? I mean I saw this on one show where this guy's sister was an alcoholic and she needed to quit so they locked her up in a room with her brother in it For several weeks where she couldn't have alcohol. Even though she would try to get some from the family but they wouldn't give her any. But anywho, do you think that would work? Would you let me know what would work? Thanks Tasuki-san.^_^
P.S.Welcome back!I missed ya guys.
Dear Destiny,
Find a local chapter of Alcoholics Anonymous and take him to a meetin'. But remember, he ain't gonna stop unless HE wants to stop.
Dear Tamahome,
Thought ya might be the best person to ask about this, since it deals with money, though I'm not sure. *shrugs* Let's get down t'it, shall we?
I work at a movie theatre. Saturday, I was working in box office for the first run of shows. Then this girl asked if she could work box office for the rest of the shift, so I said it was okay, ya know? So then, she was complaining that she had no money after she paid her boyfriend to buy her lunch... she then paid someone 5 bucks to work the rest of the shift for her, without telling the manager that she was leaving. Well, we do numbers, and we come up several hundred dollars short.
Yesterday was the day of filing police reports. I'm under suspiscion since I was working box for the first show, and I'm a poor college student! In fact, I was almost fired yesterday, but wasn't because there is no proof that I took it, which I didn't. Everybody is ignoring the circumstancial evidence that points to this other girl, and now I have to take a polygraph test. ;-; IT'S GOING TO COME ACROSS THAT I'M LYING, I JUST KNOW IT!!! *glomps*
Dear Shuurei,
Well, hopefully you learned a valuable lesson here. Did you tell your boss everything you told me? If not, do so immediately! As for the test don't be nervous. As long as you tell the truth and believe in it and yourself, you'll be just fine. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hello. I'm feeling a little guilty right now. Maybe it's cause I think I shouldn't tell you guys, but I'm too worried to keep it in. I spent the afternoon at Kimiko's house, leaving my sister all alone with Mom and Dad*Shudders*. Anyway, when I got home, I noticed imouto-chan was all emotional. I sometimes forget that ChibInuchan no Miko (yup, we're sisters) hasn't made any friends since we moved here to Spokane two years ago. I don't try to flaut it. When my friends are over here, we clear that extra space on the couch, we plug one more controller into the Nintendo 64, but it's not the same, and I know it. On the busride home, she's always by herself, and she never sits with anybody at lunch from what I'm gathering. Now, seventh grade is hard enough, but having to face it all alone... that's brutal. We came here when I was a sevie, but for some strange reason, kids pitied me. Maybe because I was a new kid.
Anyway, I want to know if there's anything I can do for her. I'm coming to you because all my friends do is tolerate and sometimes mock her (Yes, I do stand up for her), and if Mom and Dad find out about this, I'll never recover my "tough big sister" bit. Anyway thanks. And would you guys give her a hug please? She needs this from someone who isn't family. I'm obligated and stuff. It doesn't feel that way for me, but I think to her it does. I just hope she doesn't kill me for this *Rolls up her sleeves to display little scars all over her arms* She did this over the years just because I TICKLED her without permission...
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
Gives ChibiInuchan no Miko a hug.* Have you tried talking to her, no da? Perhaps she is sad because she left friends behind and does not wish to be disloyal by making new ones. You should try to find out what is going on in her head as well as her heart, no da. But you also need to realize that she is the only one that can make friends for her. And if what she tells you sounds serious or troubles you, you need to tell your parents, no da.
Dear Mitsukake,
MITSUKAKE-CHAAAAAAAAAAAN!*glomp tackle* Life still sucks for me. -_-; My mum accused me of having an eating disorder...^^ But, I showed her at Thanksgiving dinner. Ate a peice of turkey as big as a Harry Potter book. ^^ Ate it ALL. It was good. Oiiiiiiiiii! So how was your Thanksigiving? Chow down on food or anything? ^^ Oi, gotta go. Ja ne!
Dear Keiko,
It was a lot of fun. You have me worried though. Why does your mother think you have an eating disorder?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Moon: Mamo-chan seems to think that Tamahome and Miaka are ripping off us. Okay, we have similar hair, big deal. *Other senshi show up*
Venus: What'd we miss?
Uranus: I'd say the whole d*mn thing.
Jupiter: Mamoru-san didn't wake up with a cold this morning, did he?
Moon: Actually he did, why?
Mercury: Ano, the last time he took daytime cold medicine, he overdosed and looked at his reflection in a toaster all day.
Uranus: I told you all, there's LSD in that!
Neptune: Now he could be posessed...
Mars: Let's check... *turns to the frozen Tuxedo Kamen* Akuryo TAISAN!!! *Her power ends up freeing him by accident*
Jupiter: D*mn.
*Tuxedo rushes at Tamahome and is stopped by Sailor Moon*
Tuxedo Kamen: Out of my way Usako. I'm going to let nature take it's course... AND KILL HIM!!!!!!!
Moon: Honey, if I let you go you have two choices. You can let your primal urges out on Tamahome, or you can come explore them with me...
Tuxedo Kamen: *Whimpers* ...oh, all right... *Walks off with Usagi and kicks Tamahome sideways on the way out*
Saturn: *Heals Tamahome*
Mars: *Turns to seishi* What are you guys laughing at?
Jupiter: Yeah, the fun's just beginning. We need dates.
Venus: Bad... We're talking months since the last one.
Uranus, Neptune, Saturn, Mercury: *sweatdrop*
Pluto, Jupiter, Mars, and Venus: *Go up to Chichiri, Mitsukake, Tasuki and Nuriko* Date us... DATE US!!!
qMiaka and Houki: Go up to their husbands* Don't you laugh either! *Drag them off*
Mercury: Ano... Chiriko? Wanna go hide in a library until this blows over?
The Sailor Senshi
Dear Sailor Senshi,
Chiriko: HAI!
Rest of the Seishi: Ano … this is just as friend's right?
Chichiri:No da?
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki, I didn't mean to insult you or anything, but think about it this way. You and Kouji are best buds, and you insult each other all the time. But when someone else says something about him that you think is offensive, you'd whack 'em at least a little wouldn't you? PLUTO is harmless, that's all I was trying to say. *Hugs him* Please don't be upset with me!
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
OK, now I understand. I ain't mad at ya'!
Dear Chichiri,
Hey! Remember what I told you about my picture retakes? I finally got the results, in the predicted time period, too! Thank God, I was so worried I'd blinked or something. I'm so happy! Thanks for keeping me in perspective of how the whole thing wasn't so bad. *Grabs his hands and spins him around a few times before running off cheering*
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
*Smiles* You're very welcome, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
So, how was the rest of your Thanksgiving? Did my pie taste good??(I like feed back)^^ About the table cloth. I told my mom the same thing, but she was upset because she thought nobody appreciated her things.(She loves table clothes, and she has one in every holiday) I told her it was probably an accident and nobody intended to do that. She was upset for a little while, but she soon got over it. ^^
You would be really pround of my mom today. Why? Well, last year my mom started developing anxiety about big places. It was causing her to have bad panic attacks, and it was only getting worse. She didn't wan't to take any medacine for it, in fear that she might end up like her sisters.(There looned out on pills.@.@) Anyway, she actually went to a mall! I was so pround of her.^_^ And she did it on her own too! It was so nice to go shopping as a family again. Hey, what you and the seishi's like for Christmas? Just wondering.
Don't worry i'm not mad, i just felt bad you didn't say your sorry about making me look like i had bad grammar. (And Dreamer-sama, someone taking my name???)
P.S~ Thanks for answering my letters really fast.^^
Dear Yume-Chan,
Yer pie was great! I'm glad yer ma is feelin' better 'bout th' spill. Ya' know, what yer mom did took a lot of courage! I think it's really great! Here's my guess as to what everyone wants:
Tamahome: Okane
Chiriko: Books
Chichiri: Fishing pole
Hotohori: Another mirror
Nuriko: Hotohori (heh-heh-heh … I'm gonna get SO killed fer that!)
Mitsukake: A personality (Ditto fer this one!)
Me: SAKE!! An' a place to hide fer when Nuriko, Hotohori, and Mitsukake see what I wrote! *Fanged grin*
I corrected YER grammer??? I don't remember doin' it but, gomen.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
::pats Chiriko on the head:: I'm sorry. I normally don't think before I type. Or talk. *Maybe this is why I never talk in school.*
Hotohori: Did you know your guards sound a little bit like the ISS teachers at my old schools? Scary. ::shivers::
Nuriko: How do you do those cool hair bun thingies at the beginning of the series? I want to do them someday... actually I have since I've watched Sailormoon (a long time). ::smiles and gives him another hug::
Tamahome: ::gives him a ten dollar bill:: I can't really think of anything to ask you.
Tasuki: Are you a pyromaniac? Cool if you are! You're still cool if you aren't. ^.^ I like fire.
Chichiri: Have you ever watched Ronin Warriors? Did you know that your staff and the Ancient's look almost the same?
Mitsukake: Where did Tama-neko find you? I have a cat but he keeps running from me when I try to pick him up or reach out to pet him.
Everyone: What're your favorite candies? Mine are Pixie Stix and Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Bites. ::drools::
Neo Sailor Pluto
Dear Neo Sailor Pluto,
Hotohori:They do? Well they are supposed to be intimidating. My favorite candy is chocolate.
Nuriko:I had a lot of help from my handmaidens. You might want to bring a picture to your stylist and ask them to do it for you. My favorite candy is also chocolate.
Tamahome:My favorite candy is the $100,000 candy bar.
Tasuki:Nah, I'm jus' a hot head. *Grins* My favorite candy is Pixie Stix!
Chichiri:It does? My favorite candy is chocolate, no da.
Mitsukake:He found me outside the village where Miaka found Shouka. I prefer fresh fruit to candy.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
Well in my letter i wrote to you at 12:20, i said i hope nothing goes wrong.(I'm not doing this to be a smart@$$ either, so don't get the wrong idea) Well, it's now four thirty nine and dinner is over.(We ate at 2:00 pm) Something did go wrong.-_-; When we were setting up for dinner. My mom had bought a nice table cloth for Thanksgiving, and she said "try not to spill anything on it" Okay everything was going good, until...Until the gravy spilled out everywhere. (I don't know who spilled it) Anyway, it was a long story.*Sighs* (I don't want to get into it)
I made you a pie if you want.*Gives him a pie* I didn't know what your favorite was,so i made a pumpkin pie or a blackberry pie. *Cough* My fav..*cough* is...bla..*cough* ck..ber..ry. *coughs for the last time* You can choose one.*Holds pumpkin in her left hand, and reluctantly holds out the blackberry pie* Which is it, left or right?
oh i was wondering, if i could be a miko that protects you from the rabid fangirls??*Blushes* I know you already have a miko, but please. I promise i'll protect you if you let me be it.^^;(If you don't it's okay)
~ Whose this dreamer-sama? ~.~
Dear Yume-Chan,
Don't get so worked up over a piece of cloth! It can always be washed! I like pumpkin! Arigato! *Grins* I dunno who Dreamer-sama is, why d'ya ask? AS fer bein' my Miko no Protecter... lemme think 'bout it, 'kay?
Dear Tasuki,
Arigatou.*Smiles* That makes me feel much better.^^ Did you have a nice Thanksgiving? My Thanksgiving was ok(My oneesan was sick)other than that, everything was ok. Oh wait, it's only twelve twenty in the afternoon.^^ There's still time for something to go wrong.
~.~(You still didn't say your sorry)--; *Wonders why he didn't say Happy B-day to her sister* ?????? *Looks confused*@.@ ????
Dear Yume-Chan,
We've had a lazy day so far. Jus' watchin' anime an' hangin' around. I'm glad ya' had a nice Thanksgiving. Whyt am I apologizin'? I was s'pposed to say Happy Birthday to yer oneesan? I didn't know that! Otanjoubi omedeto gozaimashita Yume-chan no oneesan!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
If could give anyone on this page a hug and a kiss, who would it be? What reason and why.
Dear Curious,
Hotohori: Being as we're all males I don't think that any of us want to kiss and hug each other!
Nuriko:Ano... I think you may be a bit wrong there your majesty... *Giggles and grins at him...*
Hotohori:*Sweatdrops...* Well, except for Nuriko, I'd say the rest of us would not want to hug and kiss each other. Excuse me, I must run now...
Nuriko:*Running after him* Chotto matte Hotohori-sama!!!!
Hotohori and Nuriko
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