Dear Chichiri,
Domo arigatou gozaimasu, That was very nice of you. (My oneesan turned 21) *Gives him a hug and a hug from her oneesan*^^ You and everyone else have a nice Thanksgiving.
Dear Yume-Chan,
You're very welcome, no da! I hop you have a great Thanksgiving, too no da!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hotohori: Do you have a trapdoor or something in that hat of yours? I mean, it's as long as Duo's when it's out of that hat thingy, but short as Ryo's when it is. Not to make you mad or anything.
Nuriko: ::gives him a hug:: Hi!
Chichiri: What kind of hair gel do you use to make that cute unibang thingy? I like it. ^.^
Tasuki: Why do you have fangs? And where did you get your tessen? I want one. ^.^ This is sad, but you're my role model.
Chiriko:Why does your hair look like a mop... or an electrocuted poodle... or something?
Neo Sailor Pluto
Dear Neo Sailor Pluto,
Hotohori: My hair is rolled into a bun and the crown is fitted over it. The pin goes through the hat and may hair and holds it all in place.
Nuriko: *Gives her a hug back.*
Chichiri: I don't use hair gel. It just naturally does that, no da.
Tasuki:I was born wit' th' fangs. I got th' tessen from Tassistu-kuyn when she turned my halisen into a tessen.
Chiriko:*Looks like he's going to cry...* Why are you so mean?
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Nuriko,
Just hold me! *crying* My bird died. His name was Skye, rememeber him from when you came to my house for the sleep over, and how he gave me kisses and would bite everyone else. I thought of you and had to tell you. *Reaches up and kisses his chin.* Thanks you know, for being a friend.
Dear SSSavory,
I'm so sorry to hear about your poor bird. *Gives her a hug and a tissue.* I do remember him and aside from the biting he was a sweet creature.
Dear Chichiri,
Yesterday, we were really bored and watched some of Poke'mon, and there was this guy with a hairstyle like yours. Only his hair was brown and spikey. I think you've been insulted. What about you? Teehee!
ChibInuchan no Miko
Dear ChibInuchan no Miko,
No, not really, no da. I think it's just an animation style, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
*blinks innocently* Tasuki? I'll be nice, since your rather, erm, *cough* hott *cough*, 'scuse me there, respectable. Now, being a girl, I must bring this up. Tasuki, you may be very, uh, um... very... cute. (Hey, we're not in the drinking match anymore, can't I raise mushy content to at least compliment the hottest bishie ever?) But, don't tell me your too afraid to try an beat up yer sisters. Cuz you being to weak to is just bull. I mean, throw 'em a punch or two... nuttin big! I mean, you supposedly hate women, so why not? *sweatdrops, remembering getting smacked and laning on her butt on the floor* At least you could, um... humiliate em, right? *sips a little bit of sake, deliberately showing him and not giving him any* So, good idea, Hai?
*blink* And go easy on me... don't steal the sake... I have these lovely inflamed nerves in my wrist, so that could kinda hurt, Hai? *grins an adorable grin and folds her arms over her chest, waiting to see what he'd do* ^_^
Dear Bon,
I would, but they're women an' no real man beats up a woman! Even if it is his own pain in th' @$$ sisters who probably deserve it! If ya' noticed I never really hit ya' when we were brawlin'. I jus' gave ya' a lil' push. It jus' ain't right fer a man to hit a woman.
Dear Chichiri,
*jumps toward chichiri opens up candy bag from halloween.* CANDY FOR YOUR KIND WORDS NO DA?!?
magi girl
Dear magi girl,
*Takes some candy* Arigato for the candy, no da!
Dear Chichiri,
I could wax philosophy on religion for hours. But I won't - I'll spare you. D*mn, that was a good answer, Chichiri. I wrote it partially to see how you all would respond.
Dear Mitzi,
*Smiles* I'm glad you like my answer, no da.
Dear Chiriko,
What is the average height for a woman in Kounan? What is the temperature like in Kounan?
Dear Solar,
The temperature in Konan is quiet pleasant and moderate. It ranges from the 50's in Winter to the high 80's in summer. The average height for a woman is 5'5".
Dear Chichiri,
thank you chichiri...i hope i find the right guy too.*hugs him* *jumps back suddenly back to her cheery self* WAHOO!!! I LOVE CANDY!!!! SUGER SUGER SUGER!!WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!*hops away clucking like a chicken just to scare people.*
magi girl
Dear magi girl,
You're very welcome, no da!
Dear Tamahome,
*makes faces at him* Nyaa Nyaa! I can beat you up ANY day of the week! You ain't so tough! *kicks him on the forehead* baka!
Inuchan (Inuyasha)
Dear Inuchan,
*Looks at Inuchan and at the frozen Mamoru…* What is this??? "Abuse Tamahone Month"???
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Have any of you ever had one of your friends not remember who you are (and no they didn't have amnesia)? ;_;
Inuchan (Inuyasha)
Dear Inuchan,
Well, there was Tamahome when he was poisoned by the Kodoku, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
*Giggles* Can i be your Miko.*Looks cute* Pleaseeeeeeeee!
Dear Dreamer-sama,
I guess you'd have to ask th' existin' Tasuki no Miko.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
ano, this is gonna sound weird, but I got grounded. ^^;; I got some crappy grades (D! O.O) and Okaachan said "you're grounded off the internet until you pull up those grades" so now I can't go online anymore. ;_; I'm pulling up my grades and I'm doing extra credit and all that so I'll probably be back soon but in the meanwhile I'm gonna be all out of the loop and not knowing what's going on and I'm gonna miss my friends!! (Alecia-chan!! Saki-chan!! Kitty-chan!! ;_;) so that's pretty much it.. sorry about all the blogger, but I'm only writing because DOC-SAMA (*glare glare*) said I should 'cuz I wouldn't have another chance in a while... so sorry to bug y'all!! ;_;
Dear Midori-chan,
It's ok. We'll miss you, but you need to get those grades up and that's what's most important!
Dear Nuriko,
how do you make boys want to like you?
what style hair you think a boy likes?I have this boy who i like but i don't know if he likes me so i want to inpress him.He is in 5th grade and i am in 4th grade and i know 2 other boys who like me in the same class as him.I have school tomorrow and i want to look really good so please i need some tips on looking good.I hope you can help me i am very to young to be liking a boy but if you saw him you would go nuts.I also want to know how to be dressing up.I want to be looking good for him.I don't care what anybody says please help me.
Dear siahdavis,
I'd just be you. Boys will like whom they like. If you're in 4th grade I'd suggest you turn your attention to your studies and wait a few years on the boy thing until you are older and more mature. Right now you're a kid. Enjoy that and your childhood while you can. You never get to go back once you get older.
Dear Tamahome,
Would you dump Miaka for me?
Dear RushCloud,
I wouldn't dump Miaka for anyone!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Konnichiwa! I was just wondering, Do any of you watch yourself's on tv and laugh at yourself's? Also, I was also wondering, are you in china or japan? Because if your in china how do you understand japanese!
Arigato and Bai for now!
Dear Bakemono-chan,
Sometimes we do. We are in our own world, which resembles ancient China. We understand Japanese by the power of magic. How else would we be able to communicate with our Miko?
Dear Chichiri,
Okay, I would like to know what you think of Krillin from dbz...I think he is a discrace to all monks (monks are kewl especially you!). I think he's too wimpy and not noble at all like you (and your *extremely* *absolutly* SPIFFY!
Dear Hakumei-chan,
I don't know anything about him, as I don't watch DBZ, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Hey Bro! I haven't been online in alomst a week, abnormal behavor for me. Actually, I've been camping out getting Harry Potter stuff.--0. Ya need to figure out a way to get your butt over to "the future" and see the movie on Harry Potter. I've already got my tickets for Saturday with all my fellow gothic friends, but then I have to show up for a few interviews at some stables that want me to show for them. I'm almost getting tired of horses, but their my way through school. What's it like in China where they're everywhere? Happy Friday the 16th! (Harry's release date^^)
Mika Kino
Dear Mika Kino,
Chichiri no Aijin has tickets fer th' late show Friday night! We can't wait!
Dear Chichiri,
Chi-chan: Mew. *nods* *licks ChiChiri's nose*
Aiaki: *snorts*
Dear Aiaki,
See! *Holds kitten up to her.* Go ahead and pet her, she won't hurt you, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Well I'll explain.
My friend Edweena likes to curse. From the episodes I've seen Chiriko doesn't.
My friend Julie makes fun of people. ChiChiri doesn't.
Lucy never has money. Tamahome does have money.
Adrienne doesn't like to fight. Tasuki does.
Adrea isn't a man person. Nuriko is. ~^_^~ *chagrin*
Collena isn't really nice looking (NTBO). Hotohori is.
Mitsukake normally knows what to do. Allison never does.
Dear Tarra,
Ah, NOW we understand!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Aiaki: *reality shock fades* Chiriko! *grabs Chiriko and starts kissing him* Ashiteru!
Mushi: Certain times she'll come to her senses...
Mushi: But its rare.
Mushi -.-;;; Very rare...
Mushi and Happy-chan
Dear Mushi and Happy-chan,
*Blushes and gasps for breath…* I've noticed!
Dear Tasuki,
Uncle Shun'u ares you gonns teach me how to like you now? *still dressed up in her Tasuki costume* Daddy saids you no like girls....does dat mean you no like me..*looks at him all sad like*
Dear Lita,
Sure I will! Nah, yer different. So. wanna help me annoy Obake-chan? *Grins*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
OOOOOIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!! Do you feel like chicken tonight? Like chicken tonight? Like chicken tonight?
Hyper Girl
P.S. I am not going to stop sending you this until you answer!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!!
Dear Hyper Girl,
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Nuriko,
*shakes her head and smiles*
I figured that :) *kisses Ryu's cheek*
Well dinner is almost ready. I've made BBQ ribs, potato salad, baked beans, corn on the cob, and the death by chocolate.
Better wash up and change into something that cleans up easy ;) *head back into the kitchen to dish up the food*
Dear Doc-sama,
Sounds messy but oishii! I'll be right there!
Dear Tasuki,
He was flirtin' with Bon....I was just bein' me!!!No one has a problem with me!!!(unless were RP)*sobs and hugs him* I feel so unloved...
Dear LandraBlaze,
It's possible if yer on th' same subnet that the banned person is on that you can end up banned as well. I'm sure Chiriko is workin' on it.
Dear Tasuki,
*POUNCE!* Well, he's okay, but I still get the impression I'm being bled for compassion or being used. He says he tried to kill himself, and his wrists are bandaged and that he went to the hospital and such, but I find it rather odd that he would not be retained in a psychological ward and treated for depression of sorts. I suppose it's possible his parents are in denial about it and refused, but still, a rather unlikely story. I suppose if it happens again and he doesn't vanish from IRC to a hospital, or does not (sadly) vanish from existance, I will confront him. After all, I cannot forever play therapist. -.- It slowly wears down my tolerance and compassion, and I would really hate to end up embittered toward the world because of a few people bleeding my heart for sympathy when they do not truly need it. I DO have to consider MY personal wellbeing. Well, time will tell, I suppose.
There should only be one maimed body left behind in Tuscon ;) That, pathetic as it sounds, may be the only highlight of the trip. I love my Grandma Vera and all, but to be honest, it's impossible for me to have a good conversation with her. As for my uncle, well, he's about as interesting as a pile of dirt =P
*turns SD* My okaasan was SOOOOO happy when we gave her her early birthday present Sunday! ^.^ We got her tickets to Garth Brooks concert, which like, sold out in 33 minutes. =D We're lucky sometimes =)
Dear One-chan,
Sounds like yer friend is burnin' ya' out. Mebbe ya' jus' need to take a breather from him an' his problems if ya' can. He is askin' a lot from a 16 year old! If he's that messed up he needs a therapist! Congratulations on scorin' th' tickets fer yer mom!
Dear Chichiri,
Hi lomg time no see. So how are you? I'm fine, I'm just skipping class typing assingments that's all. no I'm not doing that, but I am skipping working. I have to write a resume in order to work at the local veterinary clinc. I love working with animals. I have to go but I'll talk to you later bye
Dear LUNA,
Go write your resume! Good luck with your job hunt, no da!
Dear Chichiri,
I dunno, I just love you. No matter what my friends say about my falling for helplessly obsessed about you, i don't mind them. I just do what I like and that is, to see you everytime over the net. I guess you struck me as the kind who's like me, serious yet fun.. I guess I'll end it here for the moment. I LOVE YOU.
Bye and Good luck, More power to the show..
Abbey Grace Yap
Dear Abbey,
*Smiles and blushes* Arigato for your kind words, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
;_; An old friend from chat doesn't remember me! *sniffs* We had lotsa fun together! We got in a huge fight that involved innocent bystanders, mecha, and wine! *sniffs* His nickname was Pansy! *sniffs* And my fave saying was "I STILL think you look like a girl!" but he didn't remember that when I said it in the chatroom. ;_; I try to 'get in everyone's faces' but they still don't remember me! What am I doing wrong?!
Inuchan (Inuyasha)
Dear Inuchan,
Are you sure it's the same person? It could just be someone using the same name.
Dear Tamahome,
Hi! it's me again.watashi wa Richard, from the Philippines.o genki desu ka? watashi wa nozomu anata wa fine.
by the way, Fushigi Yuugi is about to end in here(maybe next week,since it's already running on episode 47 on which you discovered that you don't have a shadow).
Here are my questions.I hope that you'll answer them. :=)
1.Nuriko said that she and Mitsukake were reincarnated in the 3rd manga.How come it has a different story in the ova and zthe tv series.I really couldn't understand everything.Were they really reincarnated into Miaka's world? gomen nasai for asking these questions repeatedly, it's just that I wanted to understand the story better and I'm a little bit confused about it. Does the story in the manga the same with the ova and the 52- episode t.v. series? which comes first? the manga or the tv series?
*pays Tamahome 200000 gold ryou and gives him a rose for Miaka*
I hope that you'll answer these questions so as to clear everything out.
2. BTW, what are you guys doing today? Do you shop in Ginza?
I have a suggestion for you? Why don't you bring Miaka and the rest of the gang in there? I think its nice in there. Please send my greetings to Miaka and to all of the Suzaku seishi.good luck to you and Miaka. I'll write you again. oyasumi nasai. sweet dreams.
Richard andrew Paredes
Dear Richard,
Not in the 3rd manga but after the last manga is when I believe it happens. The OAVs and the manga differ because the OAVs are compressed and don't tell the whole story. The manga came before the animated series. They were not reincarnated into Miaka's world. The Ginza is nice but too expensive!
Dear Tasuki,
That's really sad.;-; *Gives him another hug* IF i ever stop writing to you, DON'T think that i don't need you anymore. (Would you miss me if stopped writing to you?) I'll never forget you, or your kindness.
I'm sorry about my spelling mistakes.^^; I should write at a more earlier time...^.^ Oh well.^-^ Hey! You didn't answer my question.*Looks worried* Do you think i'm some rabid fangirl?!!! Wait!! You didn't answer it so, that means you don't want to tell me the truth.>.< Or, you forgot too answer it. (Hopefully)^^;
I have one more question before i go, I noticed that One-chan wrote two letters in one day.*Looks really upset* How come you combined my letters and not hers? *pouts* Choosing favorites? That's not very nice! You didn't even say your sorry about mine. "I put all yer letters together.Hope ya' ain't mad" Quote on quote, that's what you said. You made my grammar look really awful.(I know it's not the best, but you didn't have too make it worse) *Sighs* Sorry, please don't get mad at me.
Dear Yume-Chan,
Yer not a rabid fangirl an' in her 2nd letter she refers back to th' first. They wouldn't make sense if they were combined. Yes, I'd miss ya'.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
OF COURSE I'M A REAL MAN!!!!! I CAN DO THIS CAN'T I?!!! *Shatters Tamahome's knee and uppercuts him* *Sees Usagi coming* STAY OUT OF THIS, USAKO! I DEFEND MY OWN HONOR! *Turns back to Tama* Aaaaand YOU! YOU THINK YOU'RE SO MANLY?!! SHALL WE REMEMBER SOME TAKA MOMENTS? *Grabs a fistful of Tamahome's hair* I believe Miaka was saving your ass there... AND SHE HAS NO POWERS!!! *Stomps on Tamahome's back* THE ONLY TIMES USAGI SAVED ME WERE IN THE MOVIES, @$$HOLE!!! I SAVE HER!!!!!
Sailor Moon: Jeez, I'm gonna have to call for back up...*pulls out her communicator*
Miaka: Should I be offended?
Sailor Moon: *Stands in front of the seishi* Okay, please don't kill him. That's my job. The other senshi are on their way...
Tuxedo Kamen, who has gone temporarily insane
Dear Tuxedo Kamen,
Ano… Tamahome is holding back, but why is Mamoru doing this, no da? Gomen Usagi, I must intervene, no da. *Mumbles a spell, points, and snaps his fingers and Mamoru is frozen in place.* We need to get to the cause of this, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Oh, so you HAVE played Chrono Cross...well, tell me this then: About how many characters have you gotten in that game? Oh, and besides Serge and Kid, what are your favorite playable characters? I want each of you to answer individually, if you can.
Dear Tonberry,
I was the only one that really played. I got aside from Serge and Kid, Doc, Lynx, Draggy, Fargo, Glenn, Grobyc, Harle, Irenes, Karsha, Korcha, Mel, Pip, Leena, Poshul, and Nikki. At least those are the ones that I remember. However, I found the ending anti-climatic in my opinion. I enjoy playing the Final Fantasy games more.
Dear Tamahome,
*reads the letter and respose about ghosts* Hmmm...
Ya know(this is all according to my aunt, who repeats this to me every time I start talking about ghosts or wanting to play Ouiji)... Sometimes, when playing with things such as, black magic and the ouiji board, people open up doorways that the ghosts/spirits, good or bad, can enter into a house or what ever through. And often, it's not the person's intent to open the door. But either way, it takes more than blessing the house or performing an exocism to get rid of it.
For example: The woman who used to own the house I lived at, next to my grandparent's house, once practiced black magic. She killed herself one day and ended up haunting the house, and following her dog around, but that's another story. She opened a portal/door in the basement of the house, and there are several ghosts/spirits down there. And to this day, the door remains open because no one knows how to close it.
If it's a single ghost/spirit then blessing the house or performing an exorcism may work, but it really depends on the strength of it and the person performing the task. If the ghost/spirit is strong, it may not leave. And(I'm not too sure about this, but I heard it somewhere before!) sometimes, knowing that you're trying to get rid of them makes them violent, or more violent than before.
Ok, now that I've said all that, I'll try and be helpful!
There's this TV show that my father and I used to ALWAYS watch, and about half of everything on the show was to do with ghosts. The title of the show is Sightings. It's shown on the Sci-Fi channel weekdays at 6am. I haven't really seen the show in a while, but I think there was something where you could contact them about things like that.
I really hope this helps! Oh, an' tamahome, since this is actually directed more to Destiny, I dun' gadda pay, right?^^;
Dear Fallon,
*Grumbles* Yeah, I guess so… But thanks for helping Destiny!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
OMG!! Did you guys hear what just happened? A plane crashed in the middle of Queens, New York City. And it is just about two months since Sept. 11 and they happened at almost the same time. Only this time the engine of a plane fell out as it was flying and then it fell. I don't know how many people died, but I'm starting to get scared. WIth everything that's happening nowdays, I don't know what to think. Oh God. This is bad. All I know is that about 250 people were aboard the plane. The FBI isn't crossing off terrorism, but is thinking more along the lines of a problem with the mechanics (engines and stuff). I don't know what to think.
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
We did and our heartfelt condolences go out to all those that lost loved ones in that horrible accident. I think by now your government has discovered it was just that, a horrible accident and not a form of terrorism.
Dear Chichiri,
Hi opa-nim! How's it going? I'm testing for my yellow belt in Tae Kwon Do on November 16. I'm also getting Harvest Moon 3: Save the Homeland and tickets to see Harry Potter and the Sorceror's/Philosopher's Stone. I want the Universe of the Four Gods box set for Christmas, though! My parents won't let me, though... guess I'll have to pester them. It may be ineffective, but it'll make me feel better.
Selphi's off pestering Tasuki...did you know she has a crush on him? Don't tell him, though. I don't know why, though. She's a ningyou, and she's 1800 years old, for that matter(until her miko is found and wishes for her to be human)! Selphi's one of the Seizaku Shichi Seishi. She's Tasuki's equivalent, in fact. So, her symbol is on her forearm, covered by her gloves. Her symbol is 'namida' or 'tears'. She also has a silken fan. She hates men though. Her cousin (who's your equivalent) was nearly raped by her step-father (who she destroyed) and she was nearly killed three times by her past boyfriends. Lovely past, eh? She's general a nice person to women, though...women are so confusing, ya know...
Dear Amy-sama,
Good luck on your yellow belt test! I'm sure you will do well, no da! Your ningyou sounds like she has had a hard life. I hope Tasuki is kind to her, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Hello! Remember me? Ara... (notes that Tasuki's frozen in a block of ice)Let me help you out of there... (grabs Tasuki's tessen and aims) LEKKA SHIEN!!!! (a burst of flames come out of the tessen and melt the ice) Would you like some sake? Do you have a girlfriend? Are you going to maim Water Mage? Can I help? (hands Tasuki a cup of sake, then has one herself)
Dear Selphi,
To answer all yer questions: yes, no, mebbe, heh-heh-heh…
Dear Nuriko,
Thanks for the hug. Okay so I get online, right? She's on and she (for some reason) is mad at me. Then she proceeds to call me a "back-stabbing b****" Why? because her friends at the party decided to tell her that me and my other friend were talking bad, and we weren't! The fact that she even accused me got me so upset and now she's yelling at me because of something i didn't life is so messed up. I wanna go home....I am home... ;_;
Dear Cind-chan,
Hmmm… give her a chance to cool down. Then discuss it with her. Hopefully, she will listen to reason.
Dear Hotohori,
*Wipes her tears and blushes* No one's ever hugged me before either... It felt warm and nice...
*Sighs* The Olympians have never cared about humans. The only acception would be Prometheus, he created them to begin with. I visited him once on that cliff he's chained to. He told me that in our world, humans were only created to be like toys for the gods. That's why they have so many emotions that we don't. It's considered entertaining to watch them go at each others throats.
"We take care of them because they are our most entertaining toys," he told me. "When they grow old and break, we cast them into the Underworld, like how humans cast their broken things into the garbage."
He made people sound like porcelain dolls that just happen to topple over and break after a few years of love from a child. But when I think of it, it's so true. Zeus is nothing more than a playboy who only uses women to spread his seed, Hera goes after them like they were wild animals. The others lash out against each other without thinking of the humans that might get hurt. I hate it. My only job is to tend to the children that have died, and yet I still see enough to know that this is wrong. Long after death, they are still so scared.
Once during the new moon, Selene told me, that Prometheus was right. Endymion was important to her, that's why she protected him from the wrath of the others. But despite all that, she didn't love him. She couldn't. We are incapable of feeling love, she said. The closest we can get is a mix of lust and posession.
It makes me feel even more alone. I don't want to be like that. I don't want to be feared. If humans cherish love so much, it can't be a bad thing. But just like all good things in life, this one is out of my reach. I don't understand. Aphrodite and Eros even told me that while they are gods of love, they don't know what it is. I feel more like a demoness than a goddess.
Dear Elysian,
Sometimes a demoness and a goddess are just two sides of the same coin. It sounds to me that you are different than the rest of the Olympians. Perhaps there is hope for your people after all…
Dear Mitsukake,
^_^ It seems that most people write to the others so I'm writing to you! Uuumm well I really don't have anything really exciting to say or anything. I guess I have a question for you though. Who are you the closest to out of all of the Suzaku Seven?
Dear Charity,
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Heehee ^_^ alright just one question. Ahem if you guys are CHINESE then why do you speak JAPENESE even though it's a Japenese animation ... it doesn't exactly make the most logical sense. Do you get me?
Dear Daydreamer,
How else would are Miko understand us, no da? Besides we aren't Chinese. The world we come from just resembles ancient China, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Yeah uh speaking of that ... Why do you and him always dance around? Are you two closer than friends? (Wink wink, nudge nudge)
Dear Peaceblossom,
OI! None of that! We jus' do th' dance 'cos it's funny!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
How come only Chichiri, Tasuki, Nuriko, Miaka and Tamahome turn SD? Why doesn't anyone else? And how come the Nyan-Nyans got older at the end?
Dear GiLing,
Mitsukake is too tall, Hotohori is too dignified, and I'm short enough as is! The Nyan-Nyan were in their true form as goddesses.
Dear Nuriko,
Are you JUST a cross-dresser or do you actually have "feelings" for men? ^_^ Just wondering, don't take it the wrong way 'cause you're cool!
Dear Janina,
I'm a cross-dresser. The only man I ever had feelings for was Hotohori. I mean look at him! He's kind, gentle, and gorgeous! Who wouldn't??
Dear Tamahome,
*gives you a hug* I love you sooooo much and well *looks at the floor* I am writing a story about all of you guys. I need so help, theres this part were its christmas eve and you all go out to celerbrate but after that I have no idea what should come next. Can you give me some ideas of what should come next? * kisses you on the cheeck * thanx
P.S. I will try to write again and give the site of my story when i'm done ^_^
Dear Megitsune,
Well, I guess I could end up as Scrooge and Tasuki ends up drunk, but I'm not sure that would be unusual or make for much of a story. Gomen…
Dear Nuriko,
Thanks for the compliments on my fic!:) I love feedback, you'd be surprized how little I get on my stuff. *takes a gulp of the drink Nuriko gave her*
Wufei:*recovering and points to Nuriko* Hey no fair! *grumbles, then looks over Calla's shoulder at her work in progress* As a matter of curiousity just what EXACTLY are you going to do to them in this fic?
Calla: Well, because I'm totally insane it's gonna be AU, and Nuriko and Taskui get girlfriends. Nuriko didn't die up there in the snow... but...
Wufei: *rolls eyes* It's gonna be your usual drama/romance stuff, right?
Calla:*nods enthusastically* Hey I took a poll once, almost all agreed that's what I do best.
Wufei: Hey, is this the one you were talking about that when Taskui first meets his... woman... that she's like pounding on a wall?
Calla: *nods* There's a perfectly good explanation for that too...
Wufei:I'm sure. I still don't think you can pull it off...
Calla:Hehehe, just watch me. Come on you know what I'm capable of.~_-
Wufei: *nods and thinks*Your doing another one about Nuriko aren't you?
Wufei: You still doing one about me?
Wufei: *begins to head to the flower shop*
Calla:*watches him leave* Wonder what got into him? Oh well. *takes another drink of the beverage Nuriko gave her* This stuff is really good! *hugs Nuriko* So any requests for anything you want me to do in this fic? And what NOT to do?
GW Cast:*wide eyed* You mean he gets OPTIONS??????
Calla:Of course! Especailly since he's being so nice to me! *smiles at Nuriko, and hugs him again*
Dear Calla,
No yaoi please. And could I have my sister Kourin back alive? *Smiles*
Dear Mitsukake,
Thanks for the compliments about my artwork and my fic. I'm always so thrilled to get any feedback on either, ( I hardly ever do get any feedback). But yes! I'll be glad to try and send you my FY artwork, ( I feel so special now:)), but my other anime artwork needs homes too. So if anyone wants it, let me know PLEASE! *gets hyped up to start doing more FY drawings*
As for the novelizations that i was talking about for FY I meant like not in graphic novel/manga, but like in straight book form. I know that MIXX has been doing that with their more popular ones. I'm sorry if that doesn't make sense. I just think that FY deserves this to. I'm willing to do it unofficially, it'll take me awhile though.
I don't think i've heard of the other 8 volumes you were talking about though. Are there any websites I can check out for info?
But Thanks again!!!!*big hug*
Dear Nuriko,
*looks up at her big brother and wipes her eyes* I don't like college anymore, my life is just one big constant stress. I thought I was problem free, always listening to my friends and trying to help them, but the older you get the bigger their problems get and its so hard to try to give them advice:( Now I'm struggling with mine, the work load at college is huge. I'm falling asleep everywhere because I'm tired all the time, I have to get up so early for college as the bus takes a long time to get there (its in the city) and I don't get in till late at night. By this time I'm so tired I sometimes crawl straight into bed with my clothes on, try and do my homework when I wake up, fall asleep and then get up very early only to do the whole routine again. I'm getting short tempered and my friends seem to be having the same problem too, we're all so tired and I hardly get time to write to you:(
Some of the people there annoy me too. I thought once I left school, people would stop thinking my group was weird, just because we didn't want to be clones with the rest of the school, but today in the library I could have launched some guys straight in the face. One of them assumes he can talk to me because he's friends with that guy I told you about (The one I met at the last party and told him I just wanted to be friends). He's such a creepy freak, I mean he spent #20 on a Michael Jackson mask to go the halloween party and he calls me a loser! He asked for a picture of me in my fairy princess outfit so I was like errrr ok (since he's not exactly a stranger and he's taking pictures of everyone) Then on the bus I close my eyes for two minutes and hear another flash, I open them straight away and see him duck behind the seat. What a freak! He was taking pictures of me *euurgh* Creepy, It really freaked me out, like I hadn't had enough of trying to escape from scary guys at the party, I swear I'm a magnet for freaks.
Anyway back to the library scene. We were all on the net doing research and they are in the last year so they were pottering around on their sites asking me questions, getting angry when I didn't agree with their taste in music and calling me sad for liking anime (the comment which just made me want to flip, but under all my stress I behaved) Then he said how my picture had turned out nice and how he was going to put it on the college site, I was like no your not man! He begged and I said no, but the other one told me that they were going to anyway. I ignored them and just left, well ok I didn't ignore them I shouted abuse back, I wish you were there, you wouldn't have let them be mean would you? You could have kicked em good. I wish you could be here *hugs Nuriko* You could make everything alright. If you could have gone to the halloween party and we dressed as a pair, what pair would you have liked to have gone as?
I have a picture of me on my site *Not the one the freaky guy took, but I am dressed like a Princess, I'm special you see hehe* I also wrote how your my favourite too, even though the address is from my Usagi shrine I had to mention you because you ROCK!and as its also linked from all my other sites, your shrine included. Its at
Im really sorry for loading all my stress and problems onto you, thank you for listening. I'm so tired now, will you watch over me while I sleep? *yawns and places her head on Nuriko's lap and goes to sleep*
Jen xxxxxxx
Dear Jen,
That's a lovely picture of you! I would have gone as your Prince and protected you. *Whispers as she sleeps* Of course I'll watch over you. As for the school stress, is there anyway you can live closer to the school or cut back on classes?
Dear Chiriko,
Hey how ya doin'.Seriously what else would you want in a girl?Would you like her to be younger or a little older then you? (Hi I'm her friend. She's asking you out ya know?! Lucy^^)Well anyway would you like her to be smarter then you?
Dear Hyosumi,
I guess I'd like her to be my age and at least as smart as me. But I think I'm too young to be dating right now.
Dear Tasuki,
*Steps back startled then narrows her eyes* It's a magic trick Tasuki. An illusin. But being born in the mountains you might not know what that is.*Runs forward, reaches inside his trench coat and pulls out the tessen and does a backflip.* Here's your stupid tessen! *Throws it into the ground in front of her. A black aroura surronds her.* You have 2 choices here. Apoligize to me or I'll show you why you should fear girls. *Glares at him daring him to take his tessen.*
Lucy >_<*
Dear Lucy,
*Grabs tessen and grins* Cool trick! Thanks fer getting' it back! So, where was it?
Dear Nuriko,
ahh!! Nuri-chan! don't be offended!! But you couldn't have really died, you just couldn't have! You see, we have perfectely good explanations for everything that happens in Fushigi Yugi, I would go into the detail of WHY you faked your death, but Ich habe keine zeit! ^_^; ano.... yeah.. don't worry! you're one of the cool seishi members! and until I realized you hadn't died, I cried during "Nuriko, the Eternal Farewell"
ja ne!
Chichirisan and Yuisama
Dear Chichirisan and Yuisama,
OK, I guess that's one way to look at it. So, what do you mean by "I don't have time"? *Smiles* Ja, Ich weiß Deutsches wenig.
Dear Hotohori,
Hi hoto-chan.Ummm,can I just make a correction on what you said about dreams?I think you're a little wrong on the dreams can't hurt you.Some dreams can in fact hurt you,or tell you something.Dreams are funny that way.Just like spirits,spirits can hurt you and do other thing's to you like possessing someone's body and such.So I think dreams can't hurt you in some way.By the way,how's houki and boushine?I know I haven't written to you in a while and I just wanted to know how they're doing?Let me know?
Dear Destiny,
That's correct in a sense. I believe that neither dreams nor spirits can harm you unless you let them. You just need to be strong. Houki and Boushin are both fine, thank you for asking.
Dear Tamahome,
I dont think I'd ever watch it again. I never saw all of it to begin with. *sighs* Of all things I saw the climax demo not the resolution. Maybe thats why I've been creeped out for so long. I went to Univeral Studios a long time ago and thats when I became afraid of the movie Psycho. They told us that the blood in that movie was chocolate syrup (it was in black and white). When me and my friend watched Psycho we made fun of it and that helped. I dont think I could do that to this movie. Arigato for all the help. Theres no rush in helping me out. Whats a few more days or even weeks compared to years?
Ascot Metali
Dear Ascot Metali,
Perhaps you and your friend need to do the same to this movie, but do it when you are a bit older. I don't know what the resolution was. But I do know it made a ton of money and spawned 2 or 3 sequels.
Dear Chichiri,
First time on this site, gotta say, pretty cool. I'm sure any of you can answer this, but since you're my fav, I'll ask you.... where can I find a site showing the English voice actors(resses)? I see some have shared in Magic Knight Rayearth (Ruby, Wendy, Lex). Thanks!
Hawaii fan
Dear Tamahome,
What's a Ouiji Board? I asked Mom and she kinda laughed so hard she had to sit down.
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
It's a "game" that supposedly allows two people to communicate with the dead. There's no hard proof that it works and the results are thought to be generated by the players' subconscious. Either way, it's a lousy toy.
Dear Hotohori,
I know dreams aren't real. *Remembers dreams involving a certain brown-haired, gold-eyed, inhumanly gorgeous bishounen* *Pouts* Sometimes I wish they were. However, if I described what either of us were doing in those dreams, you'd have nightmares.
Actually, I learned some interesting things from that show. Ummm... several castles claim to have been visited by Satan... (Now that's just sad. If the devil really visited places where there was tremendous evil, he would have crashed several of my slumber parties. BWAHAHA!!!), Dracula was a real person (sick little bastard too) and became a vampire through mixing creepy rumors and German folk tales..., Oh! And in Scotland fairies are considered evil.
While I'm covering nightmare material. Hori, if you're ever looking for a picture book for Boushin, don't get him one titled "I Know an Old Lady". If you don't know that story, praise God, you've been spared. If you do know that story, PLEASE tell me you're also wondering who was sick enough to think that was a good kids' story. *Shudders* I had nightmares about it from when I was four to when I was eight, the mental pictures were that strong.
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
*Smiles* I don't know of that story, but Chichiri no Aijin remembers bits of it and kind of agrees with you.
Dear Tasuki,
Hey! *smiles brightly* i know your not interested in women but why wouldnt you wanna go out with a cute little red-head like myself!!!*smiles even brighter* PYROMANIAC!!!!!!!!!O.o;;....igrnore my insanity though.....^-^;;;
Dear Cherry-chan,
'Cos eventually yer gonna do somethin' that'll get me d*mn near killed! All ya' women do!
Dear Tasuki,
Okay, I feel it is my duty to tell you about PLUTO. She's been one of my best friends since I moved here *pauses* two years ago this January. We discovered Fushigi Yuugi around the same time. She got only a few pictures and sound clips for a long while, but she's crazy about you. She asked me to make a collage of pictures of you. That and I drew a picture of you shirtless that struck her dumb for a while. *Shrugs* At least she's got good taste and knows better than to move for Hotohori *evil grin* But she's not rabid. And I will be forced to defend her honor if you call her that-- Kimiko, stop looking at me like that! I'd do the same for you, too!-- We're just teenagers with no lives.
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
OK, so I guess that makes me feel better…
Dear Tamahome,
I love you sooooo much and I want to know what you would do if Miaka ask you to go on a date? would you say yes, would you say no? And also my friends make fun of me because I love anime what should I do?
Liana Acosta
Dear Liana Acosta,
I'm in love with Miaka, so of course I'd go out with her. Perhaps you can get your friends interested in anime. That way they won't tease you.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Saa... It's been a very long time since I've visited!
I don't know if anyone remembers me. I wasn't here from the beginning, and I didn't stay that long... but I did enjoy my time here. Unfortunately, with all the excitement of art college last summer, and my senior year of high school this year, I've not had the time to come here. Nor have I had that much to talk about, really.
Why did I come back? Well, honestly, I had completely forgotten about this place, with my life rushing past like a raging river. From plays, to grades, to Roleplaying on a MUCK, I've had little chance to think back and remember some of the things that I used to consider the most important. But I dug out my old FY playlist, and my japanese manga (which I can read fluently now o__o;), and immersed myself in the lovely FYness of.. well, FY.
As for my life in more detail... it's really quite good. Great, even. Fortune has blessed my path, at least for now. I'm more-or-less accepted into the Savannah College of Art and Design, and will be going there next year, along with the friends I made this summer at the Rising Star program. I'm very excited to be moving on, and I look forward to college life.
I've focused my heart and soul on writing (well, Roleplaying. Which is the same, really, on a MUCK), drawing, studying Japanese, and acting. The next play I will be auditioning for is 'Good Woman of Setzuan' . I will also be doing the costume designs. Maybe I can work some Fushigi Yuugi into them (I mean, you have 3 -gods- in it, after all!)
My latest art... Hmm. The -most- recent, as in, done today, is a quick (read: 2 hours?? OK, it's all relative...) SD picture of Akari Ichijo from Last Blade... though I like my Misao Makimachi picture better. That can be found at: as well as my Yahiko Myojin (age 12) CG, at:
Alright, so this was less of a question and more of a little let-you-know-I'm-alive note, but... well. Maybe it's more for myself than anyone else. I'm sure many a folk has passed by, and perhaps you don't remember them all. But that's ok. Life is such that it is never stationary, and it, like I did, moves on to other things eventually.
My best wishes to everyone whom I know, and those whom I do not.
Shadra D
Dear Shadra D,
Thanks for dropping by! We're really glad to hear that things are going well for you! Wow! Next year you'll be in college! Where does the time go? I don't know if there is anyone here from when you were here, but we certainly remember you! Great artwork! Chichiri no Aijin still has the cheering Chichiri up on the wall that you did for her. Take care and please keep in touch!
Dear Chichiri,
y do u always smile?
Dear CGG,
Because, no da…
Dear Hotohori,
How are you doing, Hotohori-sama?
I wrote to you on October 11 if you'll it's November 11 and I'm writing again. Is everything okay at the palace now that two months have passed since the 9/11 attacks? Can we safely assume that there are no more nightmares plaguing you, Houki-sama, or sweet little Boushin-sama? Please be sure your sleep isn't disturbed by any more tears or terrible dreams. And remember to continue to love and cherish your empress and your son. I imagine they were both affected horribly by what happened THAT DAY. (Don't think just because Boushin is very young that he doesn't understand--like you, he's very attuned to the feelings of those around him, which will undoubtedly make him a great and compassionate leader like his father.)
Thank you very much for your inspiring words last month when we needed them. There's still a lot of healing to be done, and I imagine Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years are going to have a considerably different feel. Think of Times Square at New Year's Eve. It will never be the same again. Ever.
But we will never give up hope, and we will never give up on each other. That much is a promise. Over the last few months, we as a nation have gotten a great deal stronger. Yes, maybe partisanship is slipping back into the lives of our leaders, but at least it's focused on a common theme--finding those murderers and making them sorry they ever messed with us. Certainly the flame of patriotism has been re-lit and is still burning, with any hope, this will remain true for a long time to come.
*kisses him on the cheek and gives him a single red rose* as the Gloria Gaynor song goes, "We will survive." (Okay, so I changed one pronoun; you get the idea.)
Lady Shera
Dear Lady Shera,
Arigato for your kind words. I'm also sure that NY and your wonderful country will weather this latest tragedy with the same strength and dignity that they have so far weathered 9/11. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tamahome,
could you beat the snot out of my friend andrew? i know it sounds stupid but you have to see this guy. he hisses at me and gleeks on me(spitting through your teeth) he's also the same guy who comes on here as nagako just to get me mad(ewwwwwwwwww!nagako!)well thats bout enugh don't ya think?
well,luv ya bunches!
Dear rene,
No, why not tell that he's not being a very nice friend to you and to please stop acting like a baka. Of course, he could be annoying you be cause he likes you…
Dear Tasuki,
I haven't seen every episode of FY but I have question:
I just saw a pic of Miaka moving your shirt down *stupid group a BFF fangirls drooling madly in the background* and was she drunk or something?
Fangirl one: And she saw a piccy of You and Miaka about to kiss, ISN'T THAT AGAINST YOUR WORD?!?!?!
Various fangirls: *cry stupidly* Tasuki going against his word! *sigh, faint*
*coughs* "_" Fangirls... daaaaaaaaaaaaa...
Dear Tarra,
That was probably from OAV 2 an' I was under an evil spell! Yer a troublemaker! >.<
Dear Nuriko,
i've always wondered, What's in a nuriko special? i knew at one time but i need a bit of a memory refresher. Also, if i wanted my hair to be the same colour as yours would i hve to bleach it out? (i'm a brunette)I want to do it but i wanted to get your advice on it first.
Dear rene,
It is a combination of several Chinese and Japanese sakes and plum wine. Yes, you would bleach you hair. Since it would be quite harsh on your hair I really don't recommend it.
Dear Chichiri,
it's me rene!yet again!did ya miss me?probably not but oh well. anyway.I've been all over chinatown ans still no kasa!what next? i really really super duper want one! of you know of anywere elce please let me know.
Dear rene,
Did you ask for a kasa or a Chinese straw coolie hat, no da? Perhaps you need to better describe it to the shopkeepers, no da.
Dear Mitsukake,
first of all i want to take a minute to say that i missed you.(hugs mitukake)Ok now that we got all the akword stuff behinde us i want to ask you some stuff.Is it possible for you to cure my friend? he thinks he's hotohori ans there was one time that he tried to pull off being you.I he thinks he's just about everybody but tama-neko (i'm waiting for that) Can you cure him or is there something i can do? i'm so please tell me! he's driving me crazy!i have faith in you Mitsukake. Thanx!luv ya bunches!
ps.tell tama-neko i said hi.
Dear rene,
Well, I can't come to your world and I don't think I am able to cure being odd. Gomen
Dear Tasuki,
my friend andrew thinks he can control the wind and i can't think of anything rude to say to him.I figure you could help me with that. What would you tell somone that thinks he can focus his chi like hotohori and sound as gay as nagako,and still manages to be as ugly as sanake-Baa-ba?
I'm seriously getting sick of his mentaly inpared behavior(besides he's no tamahome!)so what should i say to him?
Dear rene,
If he's really yer friend why are ya' so mean to him an' why d'ya wanna be rude to him? If he does this in front of lotsa people ya' can always ask him to stop because it embarrasses ya'. He really don't seem to be hurtin' no one but himself.
Dear Chiriko,
I really really suck at science and you were the first person that came to mind. is there any way that you could help me remember all the stuff that mr.elgrige says(he's such a boring loser!)because my grades really suck and you are my only hope!
Dear rene,
Have you tried taking notes of your teacher's lectures? If not, you should. Then you can use them as well as your textbook and other materials to study from. Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Yeah this is just for Tasuki and Chichiri. They're the two best characters out of all of you ... except for Mitsukake, Nuriko and Chiriko.
Tasuki: I have a question you know. Do your sisters have fangs too? Haha I can't really imagine girls with fangs. Sorry. I'm not trying to be offensive or anything you know. What did your sisters do to you to make you hate girls? Haha did they dress you up like one? 'Cause I'm a girl so do you have a problem with that? I think you're awesome too ... just to make up for the rude remarks ... if any. ^_^ heheh Alright I'm gonna stop now.
Chichiri: I love your mask it's so cute! Haha yeah and your hat ROCKS!!! I was just wondering ... why do you guys go SD a lot. I think it's cute, but still I just wonder you know. Did you and Tasuki die at the end? Because you two were the only living warriors right? Yeah YOU'RE COOL TOO!!! The only reason to watch Fushigi Yugi is to see you and Tasuki. Haha ^_^
To Tamahome and Miaka, You guys were soooo dramatic you know. It was like watching a chick-flick, soap opera, and very deep love scene all at once you know. Ugh you need to lay off of it just a little, or get a room! *smiles w/ sweat bead runs away* BYE I better get out of here before LITTLE GHOST gets really mad!
Kendo Girl
Dear Kendo Girl,
Tasuki: They don't have fangs. But they were always pickin' on me an' beatin' me up!
Chichiri: We were the only ones besides Tamahome left alive, no da.
Tasuki and Chichiri
Dear Chichiri,
Everyone ended up on Miaka's world, right? Except that everyone else was dead, except for you and Tasuki *the two best characters if I may say so 'cause you guys are hilarious you know* and they were all those little girls . . . I don't know how to spell it so I'm not even gonna try ^_^ Did you guys go back, or were you the little girls too because everyone, at the end when Miaka made her final wish, turned into the little red balls of light stuff you know and that confused me you know.
Dear Meilin,
We all went back, no da. The Nyan-Nyan allowed the spirits of the deceased Seishi to borrow their bodies so they would be solid and not spirit forms, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I so love Anime cons! there so awsome and the people are really nice! you can dress up as someone and you dont get really weird looks althought i never did finish my Reirei costume...i got all kindza cute lil pins but i couldnt find Miaka, Chiriko or Hotohori. Guess Hotohori's beauty couldnt be held by a pin lol i borrowed my friends video camera and i brought my camera so we taped and took lotza pictures i cant wait till photography tuesday do i can process my film ^_^
P.S. how come Tama isn't on my Mitsukake pin?
Dear Tana,
We're glad you had such a good time! I guess Tama-neko didn't want to be on the pin.
Dear Mitsukake,
-- Okay. I think I'm depressed. My mood changes from genki to depressed, then genki again. ARG!! *swears as bad as Tasuki* Oh well...^_^ Ja.
Dear Keiko,
Gomen ne! I hope you fell better and less stressed soon! Odaijini!
Dear Chichiri,
It's not just me Aniki. Kageno Tenshi is getting a 'B' in that math class and when she asked the teacher if there was any way she could bring it up, the teacher just looked at her like she was crazy and said, "You'll have to get it used it." And when I asked her if I could do extra credit, she said that she didn't do that. And her stupid grading policy. She gives a check for completed homework assignments and an x=50 for an incomplete assignment, even if you miss one problem. Then the quizzes are harder than the homework assignments and then she acts like we should know how to do every variation of a problem when she hardly teaches it. She pays more attention to the cheerleaders that come in her classroom than the students in it. You never hear of a cheerleader failing classes yet cross-country runners have to try and pass. It isn't fair. She gives cheerleaders a pass. It isn't just my fault. I have other homework and things to do. She needs to change some things to help others. At least that's my opinion.
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
I think you and Kageno Tenshi need to take your concerns to your parents and have them discuss it with the school administrators, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
My friend Courtney-chan is kinda mean to me and I don't know if I should be her friend she slaps me up side the head all the time and she says the I bug here alot even when I'm doing anything and tell me to leave*starts to cry* Is it worth al that to keep a friend I mean she is nice but when I start talking with my other friends she gets mad at me and I don't know why and maybe is it because she doesn't want me to have other friedns please help!
Dear Allie-chan,
Maybe the two of you need to talk this out. Friendship is not about abuse! If she continues to mistreat you after you've talked to her about it, I'd suggest that you find another friend!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I wasn't going to say anything, but a certain Dark Gaurdian has inspired me to say something. It's about the good and evil in people. I do a lot of traveling between many different worlds, and I must say that there is no such thing as a "perfectly good" person.
Perhaps I should explain my thinking. I once asked Hekate why there is a day and night. People have no need for darkness. She told me that the everything must have darkness. The darkness calls the light, the light calls the darkness, one cannot be without the other.
Now what is darkness? It is defined as the absence of light. Think about it. What road is so much more tempting to follow? What do you have to keep yourself from doing? Hate vs. understanding, screaming vs. listening, prejudice vs. acceptence, hitting vs. controling yourself, teasing vs. standing up for someone. Darkness vs. Light, ne? As much as we fight our dark sides, they'll always be there.
This is not a bad thing. There is no such thing as a perfectly evil person either. There must be some light in a person for any darkness at all to exist. It's just that some people, Nakago for instance, give in to the darkness because the path of good becomes too hard for them to follow. They are tired of fighting.
Now, we should be grateful there are no perfectly good people. I once read a book "Angela and Diabola" (It's a children's chapter book, but I recommend it.) about these twins who are actually the good and evil sides of one person. Angela was a "perfectly good" girl. She never did anything that she wasn't told to do. I could go into detail, but I won't. We NEED that bit of evil in us. It helps us learn. If you don't venture out and be bad every once in a while, the world won't strike you back, and you'll never learn. I lash out all the time, and I learn because of it.
Would I like to let the mortals be sent to final judgement? The offer is very tempting, but I know that I too am anything but perfect (Praise Gaia). I have struck at people, and they struck back. *Looks at Hotohori a moment before continuing* Evil is louder than good, yes, but that is because "good" has come to mean normal. It takes a great amount of good, but only a small amount of evil to be acknowledged. For example a small compliment vs. a small insult. What hits harder?
Dear Elysian,
You have an excellent point. We are all a mixture of light/dark, good/evil, yin/yang, etc. Life itself is a learning experience and what doesn't kill us makes us stronger.
Dear Hotohori,
Magesty, I would ask of you who annoys you most of all the senshi?
Dear Holly-chan,
None of them really.
Dear Nuriko,
Hi again Nuirko. Just recently I have gotten into anime voice acting. Do you know of any websites that could give me tips on it? Thanks ^-^
Dear Suta,
Unfortunately, no. Minna, can any of you help her with this?
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