Dear Hotohori,
Arigato gozaimasu for the quick reply. My next question is, did you grow to love Miaka for other reasons?
Kurai no Tenshi
Dear Kurai no Tenshi,
I did. She is a warm, sweet, caring person.
Dear Chichiri,
Hi.konnichiwa.watashi wa Richard.Firipin kara kimashita.How are you?I just wrote to ask you what kind of magic do you use so that you can be teleported to different places such as Kutou, for example? I already wrote to the other Suzaku seishi, so I decided to write you instead. I just wrote to ask you some questions: the 2nd oav, what's the title of the song when Tenkou sama was dying? I really want that song,and, as a matter of fact I've recorded it on tape.May I know the title of the song in both english and japanese,please? onegai shimasu? what happened to tenkou-sama in the oav, why did he die? Is he really a god, or an evil sorcerer who was reborn into a different person. Ok. ja ne. honto ni arigato gozaimashita. watashi wa benkyo nihongo shimasu. dewa,gomen kudasai. Sayonara.I'll be writing you again. *hugs Chichiri*
Richard Andrew Paredes (Richard)
Dear Richard,
There really is no name for my magic, no da. Tenkou was an evil sorcerer who thought he was a god, no da. I don't know the title of that song offhand. Gomen, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
Hi! o genki desu ka? I'm Richard Andrew Paredes, 17 yrs. old, from the Philippines.I just wrote to ask you several questions.
1. How is Kourin?
2. I also heard from a certain webpage that you and Mitsukake were reincarnated in Miaka's world.Is that rumor true? I'm a little bit confused about it.
3. In Ancient China,what medicine do you use to cure pimples(I have some).As stated in your main page,when we need some beauty tips,we must consult you. What can you advise me about it?
*hugs Nuriko and Kourin and gives them a teddy bear and a rose*
I would also like to give you an aopology guys,since I watch other anime cartoons,such as chuuka ichiban(cooking master boy),slam dunk,detective conan and rurouni kenshin. But most of all,I enjoy Fushigi Yuugi a lot.
And also, another fact: did you know that Fushigi Yuugi was already translated into our native language, Tagalog. By the way, what happened to you after the 2nd oav, can you tell me? onegai shimasu?
Ok. Bye for now. *hugs Nuriko again* Honto ni arigato gozaimashita. Dewa, gomen kudasai.Sayonara
Dear Richard,
1. She is fine. 2. In the manga, no. 3. I don't know about ancient China, but have you tried Oxy-10? Arigato for the presents!
Dear Tasuki,
*POUNCE!* GOOD GODDESS, NO! o_o; Oi. *sweatdrop* Baka, how you could even think such? I have better taste than that! (And if you say that's debatable, I swear I'll retort 'Yeah, I mean, Goddess, I like YOU or all bishounen.')
FWAH. Maybe I'll DEMOTE YOU TO #2! HAH =P (Idle threat, but hey, it's worth a shot.) Mrrw... I'll have to print up a picture to take with me whenever I end up coming by to check out that poster. Sadly, there seem to be few pictures of him on the net. Seems to be under appreciated =(
FINALLY! I HAVE PIXIE STICKS! (Okay, so the wrapper says Pixy Stix, but PFF to them.)
I have to go to Tuscon the 18th-19th and beat somebody up for saying Kaioshin sucks. =p Well, actually I'm going to see Nova Strike, and tell her friend who said that exactly why Kaioshin DOESN'T suck. Infidels!!
..... Take life one... disaster at.... a time... *sigh cloud* I now have Red Sky telling me at this very moment that he wishes he was dead. For once I wish these people would talk to somebody else about their problems. I'm starting to get the impression I'm being bled for compassion, etc. But I don't want to risk ignoring him incase he isn't kidding. However, he is seriously starting to 'cry wolf', and sooner or later, I'm gonna hafta forsake him for my own good. Damn the internet sometimes... Rainin' on my parade. Today had been a good bloody day too. Well, must go handle this disaster to be ready for the next. Ciao -.-;
Dear One-chan,
Sounds like ya' have yer work cut out fer ya'! Have fun in AZ! Try not to leave too many wounded/maimed bodies lyin' around! *Grins*
Dear Hotohori,
*Just finished watching the OAVs* Ano... was it weird to possess the body of a two-year-old?
Dear Usa-chan,
Yes it was.
Dear Tasuki,
Isn't life full of cruel ironies? In my last letter I wrote about, oh, an hour ago... I was complaining about Red Sky. Now I'm sitting here hoping he's alive and that I hear from him again. Timing is truly everything...
Dear One-chan,
Yes it is. I hope he's OK, too. Lemme know, 'kay?
Dear Chichiri,
I was wondering if you have a girlfriend? ^_~ (*evil laugh!)
Dear Bakemono-chan,
I had a fiancée. She died, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
Will I ever Marry Marcus?
Dear Nikore,
How should I know, no da?
Dear Tamahome,
*huggles onnisan,trying to cry but can't,so she sighs*Onnisan,I need help.Remember how I told you about my fiancie being a gothic and being bi?well I told my dad about it and now he constantly teases me about it.I keep telling him to stop making fun of me,but he keeps finding something else to make fun of my fiancee.I hate it when he does,but he won't listen to me at all,and i'm afraid to yell at him,because he might do something to me.and I feel trapped and I want out.but what can I do?I mean nothing I say to him will make him stop teasing me about my fiancee,I'm afraid to tell him that I'm engaged to my fiancee because we haven't met yet.and he'll probably say something about that,but is there like any advice you can give me?
A troubled destiny
Dear destiny,
He teases you because he hasn't met this person. So to him your relationship isn't quite real. Until you all meet and really get to know each other, I'd cool it for now and hopefully the less you bring him up, the less your dad will tease you about him.
Dear Tasuki,
*Slowly walk's up behind him* I understand, if you don't want to let Iri-chan go. I feel really awful that she dosen't write to you anymore.*Hugs him* There could only be a few reason's, why she won't write to you.
1. She's very busy, and can't find the time.
2. She has lost interest in this whole thing.
3. Maybe, she met some other guy, and dosen't have the heart to tell you.
Please, don't take this to any offense. These are only idea's,there's no proof that any of these are true. Beind the loyal tomodachi that i am. I will support your decision on this.
About Iri-chan, protecting you from the rabid fangirl's.*Shake's head* There is no way that can be possible, if she won't even write to you,then how can she protect you? (You better not think i'm some rabid fangirl!>.<)
Dear Yume-Chan,
Arigato. *Smiles* I know she is busy in th' real world an' last I heard she even had a boyfriend. I knew she'd grow up and not need me anymore an' I'm really OK wit' it.
Dear Tamahome,
in episode 40-50's what will happen to you and miaka?
Dear mm,
Gomen, we don't give away spoilers!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Okay, I was reading that letter from One-chan about being Kaioushin no Miko. In the responce, Tasuki asked if it was the Eastern Kaioushin. Okay, you guys probably know more about DBZ than I do (I only started watching last year when Cartoon Network started the Android Saga), and what I want to know is how many of these "Kai" people are there? There Northern Kaiou-sama/King Kai and the Kais of the other three directions. Above them, Dai-Kaiou-sama/The Grand Kai, and above him is Kaioushin/The Supreme Kai (how lame). WHERE THE HELL DOES THIS END?!!! WHAT DO THESE NAMES EVEN MEAN?!!! If you don't know, that's okay. This isn't "Ask the Z Fighters" *pauses for a moment* That would be just so cool if there was one! Vegeta and Mirai Trunks so are awesome!
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
We have no idea! Tasuki just looked it up to understand her letter. Although that page did seem to imply that the "kai" are an alien race and not a name.
Dear Chichiri,
whats the name of the boy who miaka meet in her school
Dear micah,
Do you mean Taka, no da?
Dear Tamahome,
May I remind you that if I didn't show up at all there wouldn't be any d*mn Sailor Moon! She would've died in her first fight!!! *Gets up from being smashed* ALL RIGHT, B*ST*RD!! GET OVER HERE, MY FOOT AND YOUR @$$ NEED TO MEET!!!
Tuxedo Kamen
Dear Tuxedo Kamen,
Nice to know you're a real man! *Sees Usagi in her Sailor Moon outfit coming their way…* OI Mamoru! Guess who's coming to your rescue!
Dear Hotohori,
I... ah... I... I don't know what to say... Do you really mean that? Mother... Father... Hekate... anyone. No one's ever said anything nice to me before... What's this? *Wipes her eyes* I'm... crying? I haven't cried in 300 years. Why am I crying? I'm not sad or angry. I don't understand. *Cries harder* Nobody has ever been nice to me. I've been nothing but a b*tch to you. Why do you of all people, a mortal that I've barely known for two months, care at all about me? A worthless goddess from another world shunned by human and divine alike. *Falls to her knees and sobs even harder* I never did anything to them, and they hate me anyway. You... you're the only person who treated me like I was worth something! Why? WHY?! *Buries her face in her hands and cries so hard she can't talk*
Dear Elysian,
*Goes to her and gives her a hug and a tissue.* I guess you could say it is because I try to find the positive in all people. All living beings have worth. I sometimes wonder if the Olympians have distanced themselves for so long from humans that life is no longer meaningful to them.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I need some advice....Lately Ive been getting more into the Christian faith, and Im thinking about going to a school that my sister, Danielle, went to. But a very good friend of mine, I say shes my soul-sister, isnt really into it. I tried talking to her about it, but I only get confused. Another thing, lately Ive been kinda busy trying to pick my grades back up and get some pictures done for an art show next week, so I havent really been paying alot of attention to her or anybody else for that matter.
*feels guilty* I dont mean to run off or leave her hanging, but I still do it....Its like Im forgetting everyone else except what I need and what I want. ;.; I had to stay over at grandmother's last night and today because she went to hospital and they looked in her stomach and colon because something isnt working right. As far as I can tell, shes gonna be ok.
Another bad thing is that I havent been able to talk to my mom in months and it makes me feel bad to talk about it because my best friend lost her mom so I feel bad bringing it up. ;.; I feel bad for doing alot of things lately and I dont know why because half of them dont seem to hurt anyone...*is feeling very confused and guilty*
Dear dkb,
Welcome to being a teenager! Have you told your friend about the things going on in your life right now? I'm sure she would understand. Good luck!
Dear Tasuki,
*sob*....I got kicked out of the chat 'cause of Tater!!!!*cries*Why????I never did nuthin'!!!!I feel so unloved!!!!
Dear LandraBlaze,
Well, what were th' two of ya' doin'?
Dear Tasuki,
*points and laughs at him* YOU DON'T HAVE YOUR TESSEN!!!! *freezes him in a block of ice, and disappears, giggling to herself*
Water Mage
Dear Water Mage,
NOT FUNNY!!!! >.< *Ice starts to melt and crack from his temper…*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
hee-hee I just thought about something... what would happen if you guys mixed with my friends?
Chiriko as Edweena: Nooooo sh*******tttttt.... *Laughs*
ChiChiri as Julie: He IS ugly! *laughs harder*
Tamahome as Lucy: I don't have fifty cents! *starts to have trouble breathing*
Tasuki as Adrienne: I really want you to be my friend, not my enemy. *turns red*
Nuriko as Adrea: They think I'm going out with him! He is SO not my type! *turns blue*
Hotohori as Collena: Its not a Halloween mask! Its my FACE! *ROFL*
Mistukake as Allison: I don't know what to do! *LHO*
That took me a week. Don't be offended. I just thought it was funny. And it was just the female half.
Amedama Tou ('Candy Sugar')
Dear Amedama Tou,
We're not offended, but we are confused!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Hotohori,
*squeaks happily* Hoto-san! *hugs him blushing bright red*
Dear Mushi,
*Smiles* You're welcome.
Dear Chichiri,
Aiaki: This. *lifts skirt to reveal thousands of stitches*
Chi-chan: *pulls back* Mew...
Aiaki: I have stitches all across this leg because of her claws. They hurt like the devil.
Chi-chan: *ears fall back and starts to cry* Me-e-e-e-e-w-w-w-w-w-w-w!
Neko-Tasuki: *drops from Aiaki's arms, hisses at Chi-chan, and strides off*
Chi-chan: Mew... (I'm just a wittle kitty...) Reow.... (her weg wooked wike a scwatching post...) *crys into ChiChiri chest trying to hide from Aiaki*
Aiaki: My leg doesn't look anything like a scratching post you demon!
Chi-chan and Aiaki
Dear Chi-chan and Aiaki,
Now, now don't shout at the poor creature, no da! I'm sure she won't do it again. *Lifts Chi-chan up so she is level with his face…* Isn't that right Chi-chan? You know now that human legs aren't scratching posts, ne no da? *Smiles*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
How funny was it for you guys to do the 'Mysterious Playing Around' bits at the ends of each OAV ep? I was rolling about on the floor laughing!
Dear Rachel,
We're glad you enjoyed it. We had a lot of fun doing it, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey all, it's been a while since I wrote to you guys, ain't it? Anyways, just one quick question: You guys haven't played Crhono Cross yet, have you? Just asking....
P.S. (*as he leaves, he ends up stepping on something; he looks down and picks up what he just stepped on, which turns out to be....a top hat?*) By the way, everyone... (*shows the top hat he just smashed*) What's the meaning of THIS?
Dear Tonberry,
Yes, we have. I think Tamahome and Tuxedo Mask were … ano … having a "discussion".
Dear Tamahome,
To make a play on "Shrek", do you think Nakago is compensating for something with all that armor and those really big shoulder pads?
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
*Falls over laughing* I guess only Soi would know THAT!
Dear Tasuki,
Arigato. You know, I've always wondered how you and Hotohori could be my favorite two seishi when you're so opposite it's almost scary, but I figured it out. Different you two may be, but you're both soooooooo sweet! (Even though you're a badass bandit and can't admit it. ^_~)
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
Of course I can admit that! I KNOW I'm a bad@$$ bandit! *Fanged grin*
Dear Nuriko,
Nuriko, I had one of the worst times last night. You see, my friend invited me and another one of my friends to this girl's party. She was orignally going to go with someone else, but they cancelled, so she asked us. So we got to the restaurant at 6:30. My friend and I felt so stupid, because we did not know anyone there and you could tell that they didn't want us there (of course my friend who invited us didn't even notice). So we were standing outside in the freezing cold waiting for the people to seat us for an hour and a half when finally one of the girls realized that just maybe they should try a different restaurant. So we go to the one next door and there was no wait. The problem is the only time me and my two other friends could get picked up was at 8:30 and it was already 8:00. So basically my other friend was complaining and complaining that she didn't want to leave, but she had to babysit her younger sister. Against all my good judgement I told her I would watch her. And also, the whole time we were at the restaurant, i could clearly hear these two other girls talking about me and my friend right in front of us! So me and the other girl left at 8:30. I went to my friend's house to babysit her sister and had to leave there at 10:30 (my friend said she'd be home at 10)She waltzes into the house a couple of minutes before i had to leave and acted like she didn't even care. I had helped her out and she was upset because she's afraid this guy didn't/did like her. She didn't even thank me, but i just sat there listening to her. I didn't even yell at her.
It was horrible. It may not seem that bad, but i felt so stupid. i feel like crying.......*sigh*
Dear Cind-chan,
Chalk this up to experience and learn from it. You're all at that time in your lives where everyone is well, self-absorbed. That's why your friends are acting this way. You may want to nicely discuss how your friends made you feel so they will realize there are other people in the world besides them. *Gives her a hug.* Good luck!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi again! I've just read a lot about fushigi yuugi today.I'm Richard Paredes, just as I've already said previously in my letters, I'm an addicted fan of Fushigi Yuugi :=) . I just read about the 7 constellations that you have. Pls. try this page guys, to see this wonderful page :
Hopefully,i'll be coming over to Japan next year and the first thing that I'm gonna do there is to find you guys!! :-) *gives all of them a hug and a smile, especially to Nuriko,Tahahome,Chiriko and Hotohori*
I usually go out of our house and look at the stars to see the different stars and constellations,and how they're connected to each other. I am really getting sad, since the 2nd oav series will be over by next week.
So, how is it in Tokyo today? Is it already snowing? Oh, how I wished I was there with you guys. Everyone, can you please give me info about the different constellations that you represent in relation to the story,since i'ts not yet clear for me. *gives Nuriko,Tasuki,Tamahome,Chichiri,Hotohori,Mitsukake and Chiriko a lot of hugs* It's really nice that you reply to your fans and advise them regarding their problems and suggestions.
Tasuki what can you say about Koji? Hotohori I also have an additional question for you: who invented chinese characters? did you appoint someone to publish all of the chinese characters in a book, somewhat like a dictionary? have you alredy established ties with Japan? *pays Hotohori tribute and bows down* How's houki?
Anyway,please take care and I'll be writing you again. Love you all!!!! :=)
Richard Andrew Paredes
Dear Richard,
The ancient Chinese first used pictures to depict words and ideas and the language evolved form there. Here is an astronomy page you might find useful: The weather in Tokyo is sunny and cool. Houki is well thanks for asking.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Mushi: Aiaki is a sweet child but...
Aiaki: *mumbling angrily to herself under a tree*
Mushi: She tends to hate herself.
Aiaki: *starts to cry* I need a hug...
Mushi: She needs alot of care
Aiaki: I need one BAD...
Mushi: and attention
Aiaki: *snivels* REALLY BAD...
Mushi: And somtimes she can get out of hand... and out of mind.
Aiaki: Desprately BAD.
Mushi: She's quite sensitive.
Dear Mushi,
I see … *Gives her a hug.* Please cheer-up! We don't want to see you sad!
Dear Chichiri,
your lil sis
Dear your lil sis,
And konnichiwa to you, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
*makes some Death by Chocolate dessert*
Hmm Ryu do you have a sec to taste this? I don't know if it needs more chocolate.. *offers him a cupfull* Any luck in translating my name yet?
Dear Doc-sama,
*Sweatdrops…* Ano… hee-hee… iie. Demo this is delicious!
Dear Tasuki,
Wassup Bro?You've been *told* your horses name is Bob? Does the DTFC control your enitre life or something, and named your horse that? I thought you woulda named him somethin' -rou. **shrugs** Good news!! Only three lady bugs are left in my room, my middle sister is sick with a flu of some kind (just a mild case.), the oldest one who let the ladbugs loose in my room recieved a joke letter from one of my friends, who somehow got her e-mail address, (probably they saw me sending her my average "lemme alone you b*tch*" letter,) informin' her that she had been refered to a charted mental hospital for over obession of ladybugs and annoying younger teenage siblings, and another plus: At that rodeo I was really nervous about going to 'cause I had to enter the bucking bronco division, I scored a 81!! That placed me in first!!!I really didn't think that I was gonna stay on for over five seconds top, cause I had to swap out my spurs at the last sec to these huge ones, to poke the horse harder (I hate doing that, I prefer my spurs cause I dull the tips, alot less painful, I should, I;ve sat on some before thanks to dear ol' sis ) But the horse had a nice buck, about as nice as ridin' a maniac horse can get, kinda reminded my of your horse. I placed first in barrel racing too, my main event, not to mention I'm comfortable with it. If your really confused, I'll never mention my rodeo life again, I tend to blab about it once I start talkin'. Didja get alot of starburst for Halloween? **sniff** I'm all out of the red ones. They're my favorite candy** guess I shouldn't have given some to my pony Padre, he loves them and Sprite, but when I know how my horse likes to get on sugar highs, that tells me I am overly obsessed with him.
Mika Kino
Dear Mika Kino,
Congratulations on yer Rodeo score! Why would I name th' horse? He wasn't mine! He was jus' a loaner!
Dear Tasuki,
>.< Had a feeling you wouldn't understand a word of what I meant... Ano, what I meant was... was.. was how do you see on the other guys, example: name: friend, name: Clooose friend, name: torture object and so on... Ehe he he, here have a cookie if you still don't get a thing of what I'm trying to ask *hands over some gingerbread-cookies and scots of* ...snooooow.... *^_^*
Dear Lina,
Arigato fer th' cookie! Oishikatta! Hmmm… Tamahome - Friend an' torture object (Ain't he lucky?), Chichiri - Closest friend. Th' rest jus' friends.
Dear Tasuki,
*scowls* No, that is NOT what my name means!!!! It was given to me by friends. SO THERE! *suddenly Tasuki is covered in peanut butter*
The Almightly Peanut-Butter-san
Dear Peanut-Butter-san,
>.< Great! Now I'm a bishounen that'll stick to th' roof of yer mouth! *Thinks about what he just said and runs to the nearest bath before the DTFC can find him!*
Dear Hotohori,
Hi! I'm writing from geometry class. Half the class is gone today (THREE DAY WEEKEND COMING!!!), so we get to do what we want. I wanted to ask you for a few days but I kept forgetting. Have you ever had a really bad nightmare? Besides one that involves mirrors, sweetie.
I am such an idiot. On Sunday, I watched this special on haunted castles in Europe. It was like 10:00 AM, so I thought it wouldn't affect me, but when it was time for bed... let's just say, that I woke up at 12:45 AM, and didn't go back to sleep until about 3:00. *Hugs him* I finally thought of listening to my Fushigi Yuugi CDs around 2:30. Took a while because my light was on (I know my limits), but it put me to sleep by track 9 or so. I figured, silence promotes free thinking, so if I hear a familiar voice, I'd feel better. You guys singing was perfect, I can sleep through the night again! Arigato!
Ai shiteru, Hori-chan!
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
You're very welcome. I'm glad our music was able to soothe you to sleep. I too have had scary dreams, but you just need to remember that they are just dreams and can't hurt you.
Dear Nuriko,
Nurikooooooooooooooo *runs over wailing and grabs her big brother around the waist and sobs into his chest* I'm so depressed and I need someone to cry to. *looks up at him with tears rolling down her cheeks* I'm so glad your here *hugs him tighter, burrowing her head into his chest and cries*
Jen xxxxxxx
Dear Jen,
*Holds her as she cries...* Imouto, what's wrong? What happened?
Dear Nuriko,
Thanks for answering my questions. i'm glad you could make sense of all that. I read it over again and was like, "just how OUT OF IT was I that day?"
The guy I'm dating talked things out, and though we're still together, we've stepped back a little on our relationship. so it's sorta more a friendship at the moment. Thanks again for answering my questions. Now I can figure out what to do with my fic! And for listening to my problem. *flying tackle glomp*
CC:My, aren't we affectionate today?
Calla:*big grin, then hands Nuriko a gift of colonge and a bundle of flowers, then leaves the room to get her pens and paper*
*Gundam Wing cast runs in*
Heero: She's doing a fic on FY?
Duo:Hoorah! We're saved!
Trowa:I hate to point this out but she's still got 5 GW fics on the back burner right now.
*all sulk*
Heero:*looks up at FY cast* Run now and ask questions later! You have NO IDEA what she 's capable of! She's eviiiillll.... She got me loaded on cough medicine and made me dress up as dark wing duck in one fic! She got Duo into a drinking match in another. She made Trowa a stripper and had him ravaged by love-crazed women in one about him,
Trowa:I didn't mind that actaully... me being her favorite character she never does anything I don't like to me....
Heero:@_@ Anyway, she married Quatre off to a woman in love with Trowa in his! And Wufei... *stops to think* What has she done to you?
Wufei:*snickers* Nothing. She's nice to me.
Trowa:Why? You're not her fave, I am.
*Calla walks in with paper and pens ready to start. Wufei comes up to her bringing a plate of nachoes and cheese*
calla:Oh, thanks. *starts munching*
Wufei: *whispers to Nuriko* Your her fave charcater in FY, so never underestimate the power of bribery.:) *looks at Calla* Want something to drink with that?!
Dear Calla,
*Pushes Wufei out of the way and into the nearest wall...* Here, let me get that for you! *Pours her the beverage of her choice.* I really liked your GW fanfic that took place "backstage"! *Smiles*
Dear Tasuki,
YAY!!! *goes to write a fan fic. about tasuki water baloons and other irelavent things*
Dear lailai,
Dear Tasuki,
hey sup i like your fan (pluto grabs him and kisses him
*Pulls himself away from the kiss* 'Che! Are ya' another one of them rabid fangirls?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey! It's me again! *giggles* I'm sure you must be getting tired of me by now. But I just really enjoy this site. I was just thinking.. how wonderful it must have been to have Suzaku come down from the heavens and respond to your summoning. Didn't that make you feel so important? With all the suffering that goes on in the world today, doesn't that make you wonder if anything actually hears our prayers? Sometimes it's not enough to go on blind faith. Sometimes you just need a reaffirmation that something out there cares for you and is watching all the time. That your prayers are not just going to the heavens. That is what I need. Well, sorry for the weird letter. Talk to you later.
Dear Mitzi,
It's not weird at all, no da. I certainly understand what you mean. I think sometimes the little prayers get answered in small ways and the big ones are left to us to help us grow. After all, life is a learning experience, no da.
Dear Tamahome,
Oo' what are you talking about? I have a cat. I like cats a lot. *sighs* fine I'll tell you exactly what I'm afraid of..demo you'd better delete it when you respond cause I wont read the respose otherwise..its the movie c. *sends it fast*
Ascot Metali
Dear Ascot Metali,
Ah! Gomen! I've never seen it. But I think it's what CnA calls a "gore flick". I guess this is why they gave it an R rating. You're too young and impressionable to be watching such things! Anyway, is it possible to desensitize yourself to it? Have you tried watching it again while reminding yourself that it's only a movie, all the scary stuff are props or special effects and that the red stuff is really dark Karo corn syrup and red food coloring (it REALLY is!)? That's how CnA and her mother were able to get through "Nightmare on Elm Street". It was the first scary movie like that her mother ever watched. And she even said she liked it when it was all over! We were all surprised! If you can't bring yourself to do that, then I'll keep thinking... *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Hotohori,
Hey.. it's Mitzi again. I know that it's been a very long time, but a while ago, I asked you what year you were born and the sign you were born under. I believe you said you were born under the sigh of the Dog. Is that right? Well, as you may remember, I was born in 1980. Under the sign of the Monkey. What does that mean? *sighs and buries her face in Hotohori's chest, holding him tight* Don't mind me. I just need a little love right now. I'd love to kiss you, but I don't think you'd like that very much. With Houki and all. *looks up and grins* What the heck. *places a light kiss on his lips and blushes* Thank you. I feel better now.
Dear Mitzi,
I suppose it means that we were born in different years. *Smiles*
Dear Tamahome,
*walks in*Ummm,onnisan,arigatou for your condolensces but about the rehab,I don't think he would be able to go to one,because he has no money.I ummm,have ONE more problem though.Well I know spirits go back to the place where they feel wanted or something like that,well Dan supposedly went back to where Draven and Scott and Dj are staying.And well this is either a sick joke,or it's the real thing,but,Dan is trying to kill all of us,so we can be with him because he said he was lonely.I actually had an encounter with Dan a couple of times this past week.So I don't know whether or not this is a sick joke or my imagination but,I did have encounter's with him where everything got cold in the room where I was in.I mean my hands were like ICE cold,and I heard a moaning sound like someone trying to talk to me.Than a while after I saw this blue light,with a speck of white light in it.I told my fiancie's brother about it and he said that dan has a watch like that.So I don't know if it was my imagination or what?What do you think?I mean I'm not scared,but I am being cautious because it seems to me that Dan is trying to kill all of us,but he isn't getting anywhere with me.Any advice on that?thanks <<;;;.
Dear Destiny,
Well, if he hasn't gotten rid of the Ouiji Board I'd get rid of it ASAP! If you truly feel there is a malevolent spirit in his house you might try to get a priest or a holy man of your house of worship to send it away and bless the house so it doesn't come back. Good luck.
Dear Mitsukake,
I love you. The way you are is just fine. You are steady, dependable, loving, caring, kind, not to mention handsome. I personally think that you are as handsome as Hotohori-sama. I love you a lot.
Dear madhulika,
*Smiles* Arigato for your nice compliments.
Dear Tamahome,
Hey do you wan't to know something i think your cute and a big sweetheart nad I think your really nice. hey get back here Hino give me my chips back right now i mean it. sorry about that Tamahome my friend took my chips i still think your a sweet guy.
Love ya,
Mak Kou-san
p.s your sexy*smiles* :)
Dear Mak Kou-san,
Arigato for your kind words!
Dear Tasuki,
-_-.zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ._.*eyes open a little*........*akubi*.....*nebokeru*..... what's going on with this iri-chan thing? *neshizumaru*-_-zzzzzzzzzzz *yobisamasu* watakushi no muyuubyou. i read doc-sama's letter to you. when was the last time she wrote to you? ~.`? *akubi*...i'll write back when i'm awake. watakushi no shuumin.*gussuri*
Dear hitokadonojinbutsu,
Iri-chan? I dunno, it's been a looooong time since I heard from her.
Dear Hotohori,
Yes, I have. Never been there though. Mother yelled at me when I tried. She said that a worthless goddess is not fit to be in the company of great heroes and such. I spent a lot of time in Tartarus as a child. They tell such interesting stories. Sisyphus, for example, told me of how he fooled gods, even my father! Tied him to a tree while he was trying to come up with an explanation for appearing on earth.
They tell me about Mother, too. About when she first came to the Underworld, and why she only comes in the winter. I never knew Mother was the goddess of spring until I was grown. I almost wish she never would come!! If she isn't near me, then she has no choice but to ignore me, but when she IS here, she strikes me if I dare to come close. Her being around is only a reminder that even though I am immortal, the daughter of the King of the Dead, I am nothing. I can see why she hates my father, but why does she hate me too? I'm not stupid, I know what happened. My only job was complete before I was even born. That was, Mother couldn't go back to Olympus while carrying the child of Hades. Don't ask where I found out.
Does she think I'M happy with this? Do you have any idea what it's like to be the product of generations worth of incest? I don't know whether to call Demeter my grandmother or my aunt. With my parents I guess I'll never know.
By the way, about what you said about abuse. I'll have you know, I'll play with anyone I want. Especially you. I haven't seen anybody like you since Narcissus discovered himself. But I will tell you that I have sworn on the river Styx to never come after your family. Disturbing, comforting, I don't care how you take that.
Dear Elysian,
Actually, I find that comforting. Your parents are not very kind for gods. I can understand why your mother feels the way she does; however I do not excuse nor condone her treatment of you. You are still welcome at the palace and will be treated with the proper respect providing you treat others the same way. Your parents' ill treatment of you is no excuse for poor behavior on your part, even if you are a goddess. You will find that people will not ignore or shun you if you treat them respectfully. I believe that you have the potential to one of the greatest Olympians if you try.
Dear Tasuki,
Otays i wills^_^;...*pets the kitty..*tank yous!!!!!*stands up putting kitty down she ran to him and huggled him tightly around his leg*Wuv youz broz!
Lil Taski(Happy!!)
Dear Lil Taski,
*Smiles* Aw geez! Now people are gonna think I've gone all soft! >.<
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*sigh* Hey guys. Sorry 'bout this, but this is probably going to be a lllloooooonnnng ranting letter...but I need to tell SOMEONE...;.;
My subject? Friends. --; You see, this one frind of mine and I hang out a lot at school, and I do mean A LOT. But, as of late, she keeps leavin' me hangin' more and more often. It's becoming somewhat of a habit, I think, and I can't stand it. I mean, friends aren't s'posed to do that, right? We've been friends for awhile now, and, ya know, we're like sisters, but something just doesn't feel right anymore.
I did confront her about leaving me hanging, and the response I got was hanging of the head and a quiet apology, not unlike that of a little kid getting caught doing something bad. I know she means it; there's no way she wouldn't, but she just keeps doing it again and again...Like she forgets about it or something. It hurts my feelings, and I'm the kinda person who gets really b*tchy when her feelings are hurt, ya know? I don't mean to be, but sometimes...--; I dunno. It just kind of...upsets me.
Maybe I'm just being a spoiled brat. I can't expect her to pay attention to me 24'7, can I? She has other friends, and I have other friends. But still...I never leave her hangin..;.;
Enough of that now...I don't wanna rant about it anymore. She reads the responses in this peeji too, and I don't wanna make her feel completely guilty...
Peace out,
Dear ccs,
Maybe the two of you are growing apart. It does happen sometimes. Have you tried just talking to her about it and about what is going on in her life? I'm sure you don't really expect her to pay attention to you 24/7. It would make you look needy and wear on her nerves! How about you just give each other some breathing space and see how that works out. You may end up closer friends for it. Good luck!
Dear Chichiri,
theres this guy at school whos really cute and friendly.and hes silly and thats the guy i want, a funny outgoing one.but he shows no interest in me.i try to start a converstion and he completly ignores me.but he always talks to my friend britney,and she doesnt even know him at and ive never had a boyfriend before and i want one to know what its like ya know? and hes the only guy at my school who is like the guy i want.this week hasnt been going very good for me,so im all depressed.what advice can you give me?
magi girl
Dear magi girl,
I'm sorry he only has eyes for your friend, no da. When the time is right, I'm sure you will find the right boy. Just be patient, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi, aunt was really really nice, and got me Pocky for my birthday!!!! Only problem now is... I'm addicted. ;-;
Dear Ayame,
I'm sure you have a market in your area that carries. Have you tried to find one?
Dear Mushi,
It was a beautiful story. Arigato. *Gives her a kiss on the cheek.*
Dear Nuriko,
We know you really faked your death, Ashitare didn't really kill you, and the Seriyuu seishi all had a good laugh over how Miaka let the shinzaho get away!! Mwa hahahaha!!!!!
Did Hori-sama ever forget to give you a Christmas present or something and then just let you hang off of his shoulder for the rest of the day as payment?
Chichirisan and Yuisama
Dear Chichirisan and Yuisama,
I did not and I find your suggestion that I did offensive! And no, Hotohori has never done such a thing.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I know.^^; When I'm not overburdened with:*deep breath* School, Fanfiction, Chores, School, Friends, or School,
I will type up some bios,so you know.
Ash-chan,who now possesses Tony's house key
Dear Ash-chan,
OK. Ano… who's Tony and why do you have his house key?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Mistukake - Well, for now, I'm not craving it anymore ^^;; Not since I spent Tuesday morning paying homage to the porcelain throne. (You see, everything about my body is royally screwed up since they just put me on birth control to deal wif my period ^^;) The Pixie Sticks fixation actually connets to the second part of this letter...
Tasuki - *POUNCE!* I... I have a confession to make! First you must understand Firefury is will jump on any chance to attack my fangirl loyaties ^^; Anyways... Since last year after Inori-okaasan got me watching Gundam Wing, I have been a fangirl of you and Quatre. I had been determined to only allow my fangirl loyalty to be compromised that one time. Well, there is another! Gomen nasai! *turns SD* And I'll probably make a shrine for him since there are so few! o_o It's really strange though, especially because I don't like DBZ that much. Heck, I don't like it enough to go out and pay for DVDs which I would assume have a subtitled version. It is also especially strange because it's Nova Strike who goes for the unusual guys... Anyways... It took sometime to decide, but looking back, when he was getting, um, royally beat up (as is common in DBZ), I felt the same Not Happiness I feel whenever I see Tamahome *GLARES at Tamahome* beating up on you when he's evil Tamahome. (Stupid Miaka, if somebody I loved broke MY arm, I would be all for somebody giving them the beating of their life time if I couldn't do it myself! We all know if it hadn't been for Miaka's plea, you'd have won =)
Well, now to stop rambling. In conclusion... I have become a... Kaioshin fangirl!! ^^;; (Granted, I would assume you haven't seen enough DBZ to know who he is.) *turns SD* That is my confession!! *cling* GOMEN NASAIII!!! I'm really not sure how it all happened, actually, but it definately involved the Pixie Sticks fixation that will resume when my body is feeling better, and Firefury. I may have held out if it wasn't for her.
Oh yeah, one last confession. If I do make the shrine, and there is nobody else with the title (which is likely) I shall take the title of Kaioshin no Miko! ^^;; (WELL HEY. You and Quatre BOTH have Miko's already. Actually, I think Quatre has more than one, but I don't remember for sure right now)
But... but, you're still going to be number one. Partly because you're a sexy bishounen and Quatre and Kaioshin fall more into the cute category. ^^; (Hm, I suppose I ought to figure out if I'd rather spell his name with the "u" in it or not. Hm.)
Gomen naaasaiiiii!!!! ^^;;; I couldn't really help it. Firefury was launching an all out frontal assault on my loyalties, and I knew I was fighting a losing battle! ^^; Gomen nasai!!! *turns SD again*
Keetia: I knew it! I knew it all along! SINNER! ^.^
YOU! Be quiet!
Dear One-chan,
It's ok! Long as I'm still number 1! *Fanged grin* I'm assumin' it's th' East Kaioushin an' NOT King Kai, ne?
Dear Tasuki,
Gomennasai!!!! *gives him some sake* better? ^^; *gives him a Pixi Stik, too* Pixie Sake!! ^_^
Dear Bon,
*Smiles* Yep!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi! I'm Richard Andrew Paredes,17 yrs. old from the Philippines.I'm a really fushigi yugi fan.I really watch Fushigi Yuugi a lot even though I've watched it for 3 times now, I don"t get bored because of the action and adventure it has.Any way guys, will you please tell me what happened to all of you after the 2nd oav? I'm really very very anxious to know about that. I know how to speak Japanese and Chinese too, shikashi, I only know a little bit of Japanese. Another question: were you all reincarnated into Miaka's world? Chiriko, too sad you died in Fushigi yuugi when the seiryuu seishi Miboshi went into your body.I just watched that episode today. I also heard the music during that scene, which is really very "chinese". However,it has Japanese lyrics.Will you please tell me what the title of the song is?
nuriko,Tasuki,Chichiri,Hotohori,all of you,will you please tell me how life in ancient china was? :=) honto ni arigato gozaimashita.I promise that I'll write to you again.! dewa, gomen kudasai, Sayonara!!! :=)
Richard Andrew Paredes
Dear Richard,
Aside from Tamahome, none of us were reborn into Miaka's world (This is not counting the sequential stories. But going by the manga itself. ) There are 2 novels that go into life after OAV2 and they too are being made into an OAV series. I believe that it is already available in Japan. The title of Chiriko's song is "Red Legend".
Dear Nuriko,
The wedding will be at 1:00pm hope to see you there!
Water Sprite
Dear Water Sprite,
OK! See you then!
Dear Hotohori,
Hello beautiful one. I just watched the first 7 episodes of Fushigi Yuugi (Arigato gozaimasu Kageno Tenshi!) and, I was wondering, do you think that subconsciously the only reason you really fell for Miaka was because of the "pursuit of a dream", so to speak?
Avec L'amour (with love,)
Kurai no Tenshi
Dear Kurai no Tenshi,
Hai. I was convinced that the Miko would be the one to end my loneliness. You are quite perceptive! *Smiles*
Dear Chichiri,
Something has been bothering me a long time. I hate to dig out ghosts of the past, but why have we never, ever, EVER seen your fiancee's face? Was Kouran extremely shy, or did she just have a huge zit on her nose that she didn't want anyone to see? Please clarify.
Actually, now that I think of it, she did show up once, in that parody where you and the gang had to dress up as women to get into that hot springs trip (How did that go, by the way? Did everyone make it out unscathed? I will admit, seeing Tasuki and Tamahome wearing the same dress had the potential to get pretty nasty...)
But how do I know, when you dressed up as Kouran that that was what her face really looked like?? (If she did have a big zit on her nose, you could have erased it.)
I think I'm getting a headache...*gets ice pack from the freezer and goes to lie down on the couch*
Dear LS,
She does show her face in the manga I do believe, no da. No, I wasn't done up as her for that onsen. Things did get nasty but we did manage to escape relatively unscathed, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I'm on a hunt right now. I recently purchased a "Fushigi Yugi OVA" CD (the one with Hotohori wearing the purple tank top and black pants; BTW Hotohori-sama, tight black leather DOES suit you. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.) But while the songs on it are fabulous, there are a whole bunch of sequential stories that consist of various people talking. My question is, how can I get the translations to these sequential stories so I can make out what everyone is talking about? If you can give me a heads-up on any websites out there that house these translations, I'd be eternally grateful.
Chiriko--did those Dramamine pills help you? Not bus-sick again, I trust?
Tasuki--*kisses him on the cheek* That was really nice of you to help that girl with her problems with her boyfriend. You truly are a softy at heart. And I loved that kawaii little boy in the FY OVA parody that looked like you. Was he a nephew of yours? Do fangs run in your family?
Chichiri--*kisses him on the cheek* Thank you for comforting me when things started falling apart at work. I hope the stress level goes down soon.
But anyway, if you can help me on my little "treasure hunt," I'd greatly appreciate it.
Lady Shera
Dear Lady Shera,
We would love to see translations of them as well! Minna-san, have you come across such a thing, no da? *Blushes* You're welcome and I hope things get better soon for you, too no da! Tasuki says hi and that he and the child are not related. So far he seems to be the only fanged member of his family, no da. Chiriko says, "Arigato!"
Dear Chichiri,
Chi-chan: *purrs*
Aiaki: Chi-chan is a creaton.
Chi-chan: *flares up and glares at Aiaki*
Aiaki: *glares* Could you take care of her?
Neko-Tasuki: *mews*
Aiaki: *picks up NT* I like Neko-Tasuki. She's cute.
Chi-chan: *feels hurt* mmmmmeeeeeewwwwwwww.... *crys*
Aiaki, Chi-chan, Neko-Tasuki
Dear Aiaki, Chi-chan, Neko-Tasuki,
Why are you so cruel to this poor creature, no da? What has it ever done to you?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey Have you guys ever writen a poem?I write them all the time.It's the only way to show my fellings cus my friends are getting a little sick of me yelling in their ears.the stupid people(hehhehe)
Hannah:Got to go!::Running away really fast::
Dear Hannah,
We've done the occasional haiku, but we aren't that good at it, no da. However, poetry, sories and artwork are all good releases, no da.
Dear Tamahome,
Hi tamahome, how are you? Can i talk to miaka. I haven't talk to her ever and I really want to.
* miaka walks in* Hi Miaka how are you doing? I went to your web site where I could write to you but it wouldn't let me acess it ( sorry i can't really spell that well when I'm in a rush) I've got a project due tomarrow and I am now starting on it. spart hu!!^_^ any way I'll talk to you later and can you tell me how I'm supposed to write you if I can't acess the stupid thing and say hi to the other seishi for me.. Bye now oh and October 30 was my birthday, can you tell tamahome to send me a picture of both him and you and a really good picture of amiboshi? thanks.....later
Dear LUNA,
We don't run Miaka's site so we don't know what's wrong with it. Happy belated birthday and good luck on your project! As for pictures, have you checked out our Gallery under my name and miscellaneous?
Dear Mitsukake,
I have 2 questions:
1. Have any attempts been made to "novelize" (sorta like Sailor Moon and Cardcaptor Sakura) FY? I mean officially or unofficially?
2. Do you know of any sites that I can send my anime artwork to? Basically the lady who was putting it on her page sent me word that because geocities is being evil she will no longer be updating her page. I'm sure I can get someone to scan it in for me (I don't have a scanner) but I need someplace to send it to. If you wanna take a look at what artwork I've done for various animes your welcome to. They are at:
(many of her links are now broken so pretty much you can't see as many artworks as you used to)
(this is just GW art)
Dear Calla,
Do you mean manga? There are 18 volumes of FY manga out in Japanese as well as 5 translated English volumes (so far). There are also 8 novels that tell before Miaka and after Miaka tales. If you have FY art we'd be happy to place it in our Gallery. Otherwise, minna can you help her? It's very nice artwork and your Gundam fanfic was quite amusing!
Dear Tasuki,
*Looks at him.* Lil' Psycho? Is that a good thing or a bad thing? Hey do you want to see a trick? *Grabs his tessen* I'll make it dissapear and then reappeare ok? *Says a few magic words and then it dissapears* Taa-da! Now to reappear... um, *taps her foot thinking, then turns to him* Uh Tasuki Wasuki I can't remember how to make it reappear. *sweatdrop* Heh heh, but hey a cool guy like you dosen't need it right? *Smiles sweetly*
Dear Lucy,
GET MY TESSEN BACK!!!!!!!!!! >.<
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I was thinking about what you said Chichiri, about there being good in people, but I wanted to ask each of you your opinion on what happened Sept.11 and what you all think about Osamen Bin Laden *Shakes her head* If you ask my opinion we should let Nakago lose on them, but I'm came for yours.
Dark Gaurdian
Dear Dark Gaurdian,
You're right, I do try to see the good in all people but… I'm sad to say that such a person that is filled with such hatred for humanity is beyond my ken, no da. Nakago was evil and he sacrificed others in a trumped up war, but even he pales in comparison, no da. *Shakes his head sadly…*
Dear Nuriko,
*Walks in with a bandaged shoulder* Your advice worked, for an extent. But he cornered me after school off grounds. He was cowardly because he brought friends, but I did what you told me about the school thing and, well it didn't exactly phase him so we faught, I won. *Rubs her shoulder* Not without injury, but he's been banished and I won. So I'll quote Tauski. "Hip Hip Hooray I'm the hero of the day!"
Dear LoneWolf,
*Looks at her with tears in his eyes…* I'm so sorry you were hurt. When you say banished, I assume you mean expelled. Will you be filing criminal charges against him? Gomen nasai yo! *Gives her a gentle hug.*
Dear Chichiri,
hi chichiri, it's me Luna. it's been a long time. * runs up and gives him a big hug* guess what, I just got me a boyfriend and I'm so happy. Hey i'll talk to you and the others later. I'm in class right now and i don't want to get busted* suddenly the teacher walks up behind her, " Your busted now young lady"* opps got to go. bye and say hi to the other seishi.
Dear LUNA,
I will! I'm very happy for you, no da! Take care, no da!
Dear Tamahome,
Hi! I'm Richard,17 years old. I wrote to you last may. How are you and Miaka in Tokyo? I'm from the Philippines. Hopefully, I'm planning to study in Tokyo after I garduate high school. I'm also studying the relation between the Chinese and Japanese languages,respectively.I just wrote to ask you some questions:
1. now that you've reincarnated into Miaka's world, do you still know how to speak Chinese? I'm also a Chinese, just like you(we changed our surname because we bacame Filipino Citizens.However,my mom is a Filipino. citizen).How does life look in ancient China by the way?I'm really very very interested to know about that. This afternoon,I just watched the scene on which Tatara had died and went to Suzuno and they reunited after more than 90 years. :=(
2. What happens to you after the 2nd oav? I watched the 2nd movie on which your son was asking about the stars looking at you. Is there still a 3rd movie after that? do I still have to buy manga books in Japan to continue the story? sumimasen, shikashi, I live here in the Philippines,and I have only watched the 52-episode series and the 2 ova movies on axn.I really love watching them over and over again.Pls. give me some info after that. I promise that I'll write to you again. Honto ni arigato gozaimashita.By the way, what happened to Yui? how is she doing today? have all your fellow seishis reincarnated in this world?pls. give me info, onegai shimasu? ok. Oyasumi nasai, sayonara
Richard Andrew Paredes
Dear Richard,
I remember you Richard. Hisashiburri, ne? Ogenki desuka? Well, to answer your questions, I no longer speak Chinese. Life in ancient China I wouldn't know about and you already know what life in the book was like. The second OAV is being followed by an OAV of the Eikou Gaiden novels. They are the last 2 of the FY Gaiden novel series. There are 18 volumes of manga and 8 Gaiden novels out, as far as I know. Yui is fine. The Seishi that were reincarnated were reincarnated inside of the book and not in your world. Take care!
Dear Tasuki,
*esewarai* What's your favorite food? *kusukusuwarau* What's your favorite color? ^_~ *warai*(I'm just joking, don't take it seriously.^.~ ) I was just wondering, how many friends you've met on this page? I would write a little more.*Glances at the time* Time went by too fast....-_-
(A very nemutai)*~Yume-Chan~*
Dear Yume-Chan,
I've made lost of friends! We all have!
Dear Chichiri,
chichiri!!! I was sick today.... I dont feel good, but my mom is going to make me go to school tomorrow anyway... guess what! I saw Weiss Kruez today! It was so kool. Especially Ken Hidaka.. ^ . ^ Um, I tried to watch Gravitation also, but it didn't work in my computer... I wanted to see little Shuichi! Oh well, Toni said i coild go to her house and watch it sometime. Yeah! I love Seki Tomokazu, every character he plays is always kool! (Even Maze...) Oh, I had two questions for you...
1 Dont you think Tasuki looks like Inu-Yasha?
2 Chiriko and Nyan-Nyan would make a cute couple, huh?
Thats all fer' now. I should get some rest. Bye, no da.
(PS Can I see you in your kawaii pajamas like in the manga, with the nightcap and everything???? Please!
Dear Bosher,
Tasuki looks nothing like Inu-Yasha. Well, except for the fangs, no da. Chiriko and a Nyan-Nyan, no da? @_@;;; I suppose if you sneak in while I'm asleep you'd see me in my pajamas, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
I find it truely amazing that the little kid who likes you so much would just happen to be the child of the sister you hate the most
a fan
Dear fan,
I know. Ain't it ironic? I'm gonna teach her to be jus' like me! Heh-heh-heh… Ain't payback a b*tch? *Fanged grin*
Dear Tamahome,
*walks over to Tamahome in her cute Tasuki costume* I learnds a twick *smiles cutely grabbing her paper tessen* Wekka Shinen.....*doesnt do anything the she looks at it all sad like* i thout i dids it right.....*sniff sniff*
Dear Lita,
*Looks down at her and smiles.* I'm sorry, I think that only works for Tasuki. You're a cute kid! Here, have some candy.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey! You guys updated! :: Beings to scroll down the November 3rd page, looking for her name. :: .....
::BlinkBlink.:: It isn't here... -.-;
Oh well! That's probably because either you guys haven't finished updating or because the questions I asked have already been asked. Gomennasai for that. o.o; It's my fault for not finishing reading all of the questions up till now yet. :: Nods. :: Hey! I'm workin' on it! :: Grins mischieviously and then waves to all of the seishi. :: Bye for now! Arigato for taking the time to read this!
Dear Kara,
Daijoubu. We are getting so many letters that if the questions have been asked and answered several times we don't post them. Gomen nasai. But this one got posted! *Smiles*
Dear Tasuki,
I have so many spiders because the mommy spider layed her eggs on my window sill. I got rid of it last night but I'm afraid to sleep in my room now ;_; I'm all paranoid! *cries and glomps Tasuki* ToT
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
Have ya' tried bug spray fer spiders?
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