Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Mushi: She recently had a reality shock.
Aiaki: Tasuki doesn't like women. Tamahome has Miaka. Mitsukake and ChiChiri have their past. Hotohori has Houki.
Mushi: What about Nuriko and Chiriko?
Aiaki: WHAT ABOUT THEM?!?!?!?! HHHHHUUUUHHHH!?!?!? DO I LOOK LIKE I CARE!? I used to... when I was mad! *sits up* Me and my obessions. *stands* No one cares for me...
Mushi: Aiaki...
Aiaki: STOP TREATING ME LIKE I'M A BABY! Look, my parents are gone, I'm stupid, I'm 17, I-I... *turns and knocks glass Tasuki statue off radio counter* wasted money on that... *little statue shatters* stupid, ugly, violent, greed, drunk, earring-wearing, women-hating, jerk! *tears out of station* I hate my life!!!
Mushi: Aiaki is really sensitive...
Dear Aiaki and Mushi,
I don't understand, no da. We all consider her to be a friend. Why would that upset her, no da?
Dear Chichiri,
*rips off chichiri's shirt so that ashley and the other chichiri fans can drool*
Dear julie,
OI! Give that back to me, no da! *Tries to cover himself with his kesa.*
Dear Tamahome,
Hey, did you know that yours, Miaka's and Yui's seiyuu all did character's in Sailor Moon? In the Sailor Moon R season, Midorikawa Hikaru and Touma Yumi played the villains Ail and Ann. Araki Kae was substituting as Usagi for a while. In the Sailor Moon R movie, Midorikawa-san played Fiore, Touma-san played the Kisenian flower and Araki-san was Chibiusa! Cool, huh? Okay, not really, but I just found out and nobody cares so I'm telling you.
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
My Seiyuu was also the voice for Heero in Gundam Wing. That's interesting, arigato.
Dear Tasuki,
can i use you in a production of my twisted imagination??? (aka a fan fic) pleeeeeeeeeeease???? i'll be your best friend!!!!
Dear lailai,
Sure, why not? Everyone else does… Jus' don't make it *(^%$#+ yaoi!
Dear Tamahome,
Weak minded am I? *Throws him to the ground and stomps on his stomach* *Looks down at Tama who's ready to scream bloody murder on the floor* You got a lotta b*lls *kicks afore mentioned body part* to insult those who can kick your @$$. You know that people who practice martial arts don't have weak minds.
Tuxedo Kamen
Dear Tuxedo Kamen,
*Oni symbol glows and he gets up and grabs Mamoru.* OF COURSE I KNOW THAT YOU BAKA!!!! CAN'T YOU TAKE A JOKE?!? *Punches him into the wall.* At least my koibito doesn't have to always come to my rescue, bara boy!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Sorry for doing this to you - I happen to know from past letters I've written to the site that you guys are fluent in Japanese. Can you help me out with a little problem I have? You see, I'm looking for an online Japanese translator? I was wondering if you guys would know of a place I could look. I would ask you guys, but you're not a translating site and.. ahem.. this material is sort of a *s*x**l* nature, and I didn't want to inflict that on you. I would appreciate all the help I can get. Thanks.
Dear Nuriko,
*walks up and gives him a waaaaarmm embrace* sigh.... it feels so much better now... I felt a little over-ugly and thought this was something good, so sorry if I scared you ^^; You know what? snow has come to Sweden!! Yee! uhm... don't look at me like that... it's not you who i'm going to torture with it *grins* just a certain fanged fella... Oy, arrigatto for listening anyway! Ja ne!
Dear Lina,
*Hugs her back.* I love snow!! It's so pretty. You're welcome.
Dear Tasuki,
I just have this silly little question to ask, since I'm just a baka :P... anyhoo What are your relation to the other guy's (and please don't get me wrong now in friendship and personal fire-setter... Bah, I don't understand a word of my english and I believe you wont either , yare yare, anyhoo, thanks for letting me ask you *ruffels hair*
Dear Lina,
We're all Seishi. We ain't related.
Dear Chichiri,
hello....yesterday was my was very ... well.....depressing and embarrassing at school. my best friend was sick so she wasn't there :( my other friend gave me this humongo (it's a word in my vocabulary) card made out of posterboard. i carried it around for about ten minutes before realizing she wouldn't notice if i folded it up and put it in my backpack (i'm that invisible. *sniff*) at lunch, there is this disciplinary guy (i have yet to figure out what his actual job is...) he is VERY scary and sits up on the stage and monitors everyone to make sure you're not being bad. my friends (and not-so-friends) kept threatening to go up to him and tell him that it was my birthday, because then he'll make someone sing to you. ...lunch was almost over, and i saw 2 of my friends go up and they TOLD HIM. >_< he made this weirdo guy come up and sing to me. i was sooooo embarrassed and tried to hide my face (it wasn't working too well because everyone at my table and nearby was trying to look at me... ^-^;; then after lunch i had a study hall and all the upperclassmen were saying happy birthday to me. i do not like being the center of attention. next year i won't tell anyone and hope they all forget......and there is a good possibility that they will. ^-^
the (maybe) only good thing was that my grandparents bought me the suzaku box set. so that pretty much made up for all the bad stuff. ~_~
Dear Solar,
Happy birthday, no da! At least you were the center of attention for something nice and not for some thing bad, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Who here would give okane to a poor,staving orphan child living on the streets? And no,I'm not trying to imply that I want money,but I need to know this for my story.
Ash-chan,slightly less mrfled.
Dear Ash-chan,
We all would! Even that tightwad Tamahome!
Dear Mitsukake,
*mrfles in horror*I've seen everything...I've seen you paired up with everyone at least once.. *twitch,twitch,Mrfle*Even Nakago..I'd say -what- went on in this fic,but I don't want to give young children (and seishi) nightmares. On a side note,are you sure those bandanas aren't kimono sashes?
Mrfled Ash-chan
Dear Ash-chan,
No, they are not obies.
Dear Chichiri,
Kay, I have a question that I've been itching to ask you! Okay, if you would ever be able to catch a fish, would you actually eat it, or, would you throw it back!? And one more thing, umm....YOU ARE SOOOOO SPIFFY! CAN I HAVE YOU! I PROMISE I'LL FEED YOU AND TAKE YOU FISHING AND *PET* YOU EVERY DAY! AND YOU CAN EVEN HAVE A SPECIAL SPOT ON MY BED!!!
K, bye!!
P.S. I'm going to KINDLY take over the universe, would you like to help me?
Dear Hakumei-sama,
*Smiles* Arigato for your kind offer, but I prefer to wander, no da. I have actually done both. If I'm hungry, I'll eat it and if I'm fishing for fun, I'll throw it back, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
I'm losing SO much hair these days. I don't know what to do about it. I know it's not because of my shampoo, because I've been using it for pretty long and it didn't make my hair fall earlier. Help me before I go bald!
Dear Sheeeeeeeeee,
You should see your doctor and have him run some tests to see what is causing it. After he finds the cause he should be able to find the cure. Good luck!
Dear Tamahome,
*hugs onnisan,and hands him 20,000 gold ryou for advice.*Konnichiwa onnisan!Genki desu ka?Genki desu.sort of...umm well as you may know by now my fiance had his heart operation,which went fine.But a week later,his older brother died in a car accident last friday ;___;.I looked up to his brother like he were my own brother.He took care of me when I was sick,when I say took care of me I mean by trying to think of stuff I can do to get rid of my cold because he couldn't be here in person.But he did take care of me ;_;.It's so sad.My fiance really lost it one day,he messed with his ouiji board and it was supposedly his brother saying"come with me"which meant he wanted my fiance to kill himself.Luckily his other brother came just in time ;_;.It's all too much on him.I wish there was something I could do.Sunday night,I made him smile and laugh and blush tho ^_^.I was acting like a bafoon,when I was talking to him but hey at least I got him smiling again right?^_^.Ok more bad news,he's umm addicted to drug's again.How can I get him off?My friend told me just talk to him about it and stuff.I think the reason why he's addicted to drug's now is because he lost his older brother that he shared a special bond with.And his son kicked in the groin area,which he wasn't to happy about and I can understand why because it hurts men down there.<_<.But I made him feel better though,and he wanted me to call him on monday,so I did because he thought by hearing my voice will cheer him up and it did.But I really think that by actually SEEING me in PERSON,would help him better and probably ditch the drug's but I dunno.It might.I'm trying to do everything for him,by coming up with ways to get him down here.My dad won't let me go up there,he said maybe if everything works out ok with my fiance than maybe I can go up there that is after we meet.But do you have any advice for me and for my fiance?Thank you very much.
P.s.When you turn chibi you're very kawaii.^_^
Dear Destiny,
He has my condolences on the loss of his oniisan. I'm glad your fiancée made it through the operation. First thing I'd do is get rid of the Ouiji Board! As for his addictions, is there a rehab he can go to for help? I'm sure he would stop for you and his son, but he needs to stop for himself and stay off them for good. Good luck! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi this is my first letter to you all. I really enjoy reading the letters you have replied to. I have a couple questions to ask, one I need to know an answer to for a fic I'm writing. The other is really dealing with a problem I'm having, and I wasn't entirly sure who to ask.
1. Why/how in the OAV series, did Nuriko and I believe Hotohori become solid beings again, if they were not reincarnated yet. I really am not familiar with the concept on reincarnation so I figured it had something to do with that.
2. When those of you that were to be reincarnated were...
Chibi Calla: Oh yeah, that sentence made sense....
CC: *rolls eyes* Go back to bed and get to sleep. You work and think too much!
Calla:And you TALK to much!
*do a stare down contest, Chibi gives up and stalks off*
Anyway, when you were reincarnated who did you become? With Nuriko I've read 2 different versions. So I was just wondering.
CC:*comes back*Psst... perhaps if you would actually watch and read the rest of the series you'd know.
Anyway, sorry if some of this doesn't make sense. But I have to lighten this up a bit before I talk about my next problem.
CC:So I'm reduced to the plucky comic relief now?
Calla:When did you come back?
CC: I never left.
Calla:I give up!
Calla:Evil... very evil....
Anyway, my next question deals with a RL problem I'm having. I've been going with this guy for about a month (it's a long distance relationship), I've knowen him as a friend for about 3, and well, once we started in our romantic relationship because of our religious standards we were considering each other as possible marriage mates, hence we honestly believed when we started that would indeed get married one day. Well, it seems he and I are very different from one another and I don't think we'll work out. He's very fussy about things and exteremely judgemental about stuff that I really don't have a problem with. I have a very serious out look on life, but yet am a laid back person who can make a crack about pretty much any situation no matter how much pain I are in or how bad it is (perhaps that's not a good personality trait, but that's me). While he as he puts it "takes everything seriously". And my family are afraid that because of these diffeneces he might turn physically and verbally abusive in a marriage. He claims he won't but I keep getting these really uncomfortable vibs when I even email him.I also am not sure he would be even able to support me and if it is meant to happen our children cause he can't hold down a job for more than a month.
I also have to stay with my parents or at least close to them because they aren't exactly young anymore and their health is bad at times. He knew when we got involved of this and that I wished to live in the same house with my parents even after marriage, yet now we keep having arguments about it, because he doesn't like the nieghborhood I'm in. I don't want to break up with him, because I do love him, I just don't know if I can be IN love with him and spend the rest of my life with him.
What do you think I should do? Or is that the relationship isn't the problem and *I* am the problem?
Thanks and I'm sorry this is soooo long,
CC:*ribs Calla* And Chibi Calla!
Calla:Yeah... yeah...
Dear Calla,
I think one of the Nyan-Nyan allowed me to use her body to become solid. I know Tamahome allowed Hotohori to use his body so he could hold Boushin.
Those of us who were reincarnated seemed to be reincarnated as children in better lives than we originally had.
If you are getting "uncomfortable vibes" from him, listen to them! You may be more in love with the idea of marriage and a relationship than you are with him. You might want to consider going back to being friends with him and the both of you date other people for a while. After 4-6 months have passed you can re-evaluate your feelings for him if you wish. Good luck!
Dear Tamahome,
*big sweatdrop* you're not the best Shelock Homes ever demo heres all the hints I have given you: 1. its by Stephan King 2. starts with a C 3.I dont trust even my toys anymore. 4. it uses a knife. Thats all the hints I've given you. *sighs* I'd better send this letter fast or I'm gonna get creeped out.
Ascot Metali
Dear Ascot Metali,
Cat's Eye? Chichiri no Aijin remembers something in the last sequence like that. But the cat does protect the little girl. I don't have an immediate answer for you. Aside from getting a cat to protect you… Let me think about this.
Dear Hotohori,
Very well, but it depends on your definition of "abuse". I caused you no physical harm with that last stunt.
I guess I owe you an explanation. While I go by "Yomi" sometimes, my true name is Elysian. It's a bit of an interesting story. I come from the world of Greek mythology, the daughter (in fanfiction only) of Hades and Persephone. Mother and Father never bothered to name me. They scolded me quite a bit though. When they did, they would often curse by parts of the Underworld. "Elysian" was the most often used, so I just made it my name.
I am a lost goddess. I have no purpose. All gods have a job to do, but I don't. So, I assist. Hekate is probably the only one who can bear to be in my company in front of others. She wanders the earth, guiding dead souls who have lost their way. She puts me in charge of the children. I comfort their souls so that they can safely pass on to the afterlife. You saw one of them, that little girl who came for me last time.
I must go back home now, I don't want them to send Cerberus after me.
Dear Elysian,
Elysian, ne? You have chosen to name yourself after the Elysian Fields where all the good people go when they die. I would define abuse as mental or physical torment. Even if you are a goddess, you should not abuse those beings that are not as advanced as yourself. However, you are still welcome here. *Smiles*
Dear Chiriko,
How do I explain why I'm confused... I've already finished the book, but I don't get the end. The style completely rocks my thinking. Almost every book I've read has a definate resolution. Okay, so "To Kill a Mockingbird" had an open ending, but you have an idea of what happened. Montag hasn't accompished anything. He's just living with hobos now. It's the fact that nothing is different that gets me. The book has no point to me.
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
The world may not be different but Montag is. He now has knowledge and that can be a very powerful weapon, which is why books were banned and people got all their information from the television that the government runs.
Dear Tamahome,
...why're people mean to you? You got whacked over the head with a steel mallet this time... *hands him an ice pack, then hugs him lightly*
Dear Ayame,
Arigato. I don't know why! I AM the hero of the story after all ^^;;;
Dear Tasuki,
*Hugs him back* I didn't know either. I'd only seen them together in the hallway this past Friday. Jeez, some of these kids should just get a room. I'm not upset as I thought I'd be... but there's a... well... boring sensation in my chest when I think about it. You know, being bored in to. It could definately be worse though. I know girls who threaten to drop out because of stuff like this. But in those cases, they're madly in love with the guy. All I really have is the beginnings of a crush. At least I can easily discard that and look for someone else. I'm only 14, I'll take it slow.
Umihebiza no Miko
P.S. ?_? That goth boy still wants my necklace...
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
Tell him to buy his own. Ya' seem to have a good head on yer shoulders. I think yer gonna be jus' fine! *Grins*
Dear Tasuki,
*appears in the doorway while Shun'u gets ready for his sake ritual* Shun'u we need to talk about Iri-chan.. *sits down next to him and speaks softly*
Dear Doc-sama,
But I don't wanna let Iri-chan go! She protects me from th' rabid fangirls!!!
Dear Mitsukake,
*blinks at K-chan's letter* Juan, she may have hit the wrong Icon, Ryu's is just above yours. But the very idea of me cheating on Ryu. ^^;;; *hugs Juan* Now to explain to Ryu, before he flips.. Ja ne :)
Dear Doc-sama,
Ah, I hope that's it. I'm sure he won't be upset over an innocent error.
Dear Mitsukake,
Mrrw... I worry myself sometimes ^-^ I am developing an unhealthy fixation on Pixie Sticks. It alllll started last week when I was watching DBZ and had a realization. I concluded that Kaioshin-sama (Supreme Kai/Shin to the DBZ dubbies) is "Pixie Stick Purple". Ever since then I've had a craving for Pixie Sticks, which turned into a fixation last night/today. (Of course, that might just be because I reminded myself of them and haven't had them in awhile... The red one's are the best.)
Do you suppose this sudden Pixie Stick fixation MEANS anything? Is it just the remains of PMS talking, or is it just that I'm strange? Or is there some DEEPER MEANING to it all!? Will getting some Pixie Sticks to eat be the cure!? (I intend to pick some up on the way to the go-kart race Saturday...)
Keetia: I could say something... but I won't. ^.^
Dear One-chan,
Perhaps you're just craving sugar. Although, I'm not certain why…
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Do you like Watase Yuu?
Touya no miko
Dear Touya no miko,
Of course we do! She is our creator and a very nice person.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
Hello! Heeheehee... I need something to do.... Oh, and last night I didn't sleep at all... HAH! I wasn't even tired... except in 1st hour...*sweatdrops* I think I missed somethin' there. *Sees Tasuki for the first time. Her face lights up* Heh, Tasuki? Got any Sake? I NEED MORE SUGAR!!!!! *Bounces off the walls* GOING INTO HYPER-DRIVE!!!!
The Almighty Peanut-Butter-san
Dear Peanut-Butter-san,
ACK!! Get away from me! No more sugar fer ya'!! Peanut butter-san? Is that a fangirl that sticks to th' roof of yer mouth? Heh-heh-heh… *Fanged grin*
Dear Nuriko,
Nuriko-san I'm sorry I forgot to tell you where the wedding is it's this saturday at Rokou's house and this is going to be a traditional chinese wedding because I am part chinese and it's going to be an out door wedding.So will you come?
Water Sprite
Dear Water Sprite,
Of course! What time?
Dear Nuriko,
Nuriko! Guess what?....I'm hyper!...and bored *sigh* ...anyways, how are ya? Did you have a fun weekend? hmmmm...*gives nuriko flowers to decorate the lovely cyber abode* ok i think i'm done!
Dear Cind-chan,
I'm fine, thanks for asking. We had a fun weekend. We went to see Jet Li's new movie, "The One" and "Monsters, Inc." Arigato for the flowers! They're lovely!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Okay! Now this you can't say NO becuase it isn't true if you do!Does Miaka ever really bugs you I mean I personally think the she won't shut up!(that is in my opinon)! And by the way! I LOVE YOU NURIKO!
Dear Sodina,
I suppose she does at times, but then I'm sure we get on her nerves as well.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Okay i really need your advice my friends are starting to say I'm such a Suboshi. And my friends are wondering how do they stop me from going crazy every time something bad happens to my sister and how to calm me down please answer!Oh by the way I love you Chiriko!
Dear Kyleen,
You might want to let her fight some of her own battles. It will make her a stronger more independent person. I guess aside from that, it depends on your definition of what bad is.
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki your so cute!By the way my friends think you have fallen in love withMiaka,have you?Please answer!
Dear Noa,
Heh-heh-heh… thanks! No I AIN'T in love wit' Miaka!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hm..As I happen to have a Chinese Astrology book..(Okay,4.)and I've assigned signs to my characters,I want to see your comments on which of my characters you're most compatible with.
Note:Before I have fangirls at my door,I'd like to state this is for entertainment purposes only.
Hotohori:Usuki(I did this on PURPOSE!AHHAHAHA!)
Chichiri:Kyoki(Now it's scary-Kyoki's male..)
Mitsukake:Well it's a two way tie..:Azure and Ceilah.
..So we can see,Azure is the most compatible.She's a rat.Weeeell,I have to avoid those fangirls now.Bye!^^
Ash-chan,who is now running at 4 mph.
Dear Ash-chan,
Since we have no idea who or what these characters are we really have no comment.
Dear Chichiri,
*comes in on the verge of tears* Aniki?! I hate this! I failed Math AGAIN!! I think my math teacher hates me. I've hardly failed anything in my entire life and now I have to put up with people saying that they have A's and B's and how they could've done so much better. It makes me sick. *sits down and starts crying* My mom is going to kill me! She ddoesn't understand that the grading system is unfair and that my math teahcer is biased against certain athletes. God, I can't take it any more.
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
Are you sure it's not because you got too many answers wrong and didn't study hard enough, no da? Math is a fairly straightforward subject, no da. If you truly feel that the teacher is biased against you, why not take the issue up with your school administrator, no da?
Dear Tasuki,
Your not gonna beleive this.... well you might. My Otaku friends and I met at our lunch table to decide when were gonna have our next meeting....and how to convert people to fushigi-yuuginess( that's copyrighted too.^^) Anywho, we started talking about the anime charecters we hated the most and one of the girls was writing Tamahome's name on this sheet of paper over and over and over and over and over, until she reached the bottom of the page.--0. That's when one of my best friends, Joey, grabbed the paper and wrote DIE before every Tamahome!!! **LOL** anyway that inspired us to add a new section in our web page without the consent of the Tamahome fan-girls. (there are only two of them in a club of 17. ya think they'd get the message that he's a blue haired Jackie-Chan wannabe with a non-existant love life.) We're calling it HOTU, or Haters of Tamahome Unite! Kewl huh? Lemme know what ya think.
Mika Kino
Dear Mika Kino,
LOL! That's pretty funny!
Dear Chichiri,
OK... so let me get this straight. So "no da" means "it's obvious" and "na no da" means "it's really obvious"?
ChibInuchan no Miko
Dear ChibInuchan no Miko,
Pretty much, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
*blink* Are you Ranma?
Curiousity killed the Neko
Dear Curiousity,
No, but I wish I was!
Dear Chiriko,
HIIIIIIIIIII CHIRIKO!!!!! Teehee! This is the first letter to ya! I have two questions . Why do ya look up to Tasuki? He is bassically your complete opposite! Or is it because of that reason on why he's your idol? And what the heckydoodles is your older brothers name?
ChibInuchan no Miko
Dear ChibInuchan no Miko,
He's very strong, brave, heroic, unselfish, and he's just so COOL! My older brother's name is Kengo
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
HIIIIIIIII!!!! Teehee! We get free time in school today! I was just thinking and I wanna know: What is your favorite and least favorite cand?
ChibInuchan no Miko
Dear ChibInuchan no Miko,
Favorite candies:
Tasuki: Tequilla lollipops!
Tamahome: Peppermints
Mitsukake: I prefer fresh fruit of a piece of sugar cane instead.
Nuriko: Chocolate! Especially chocolate covered nuts!
Hotohori: Yoku Moku brand chocolate candy.
Chichiri: Chocolate, no da
Chiriko: Starbursts
Least favorite: We all agree on black licorice as our least favorite candy.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
*looks at him semi-angrily* Tasuki! *blink* You gave Lita a Pixie Stik and you didn't give the Pixie Stik lady ( me ) one? *looks at him, but not as angry* Oh well. I'll live. Hey, this Halloween, I dressed as this really hot anime guy *notices her costume looks like Tasuki's clothes* ... but I painted my face like Tomo...
I GOT GLOMPED BY 6 GIRLS! THAT IS NOT COOL! Now, I don't mean to disgrace your lovely outfit by dressing like you with Tomo's face, but I thought it would make you either laugh or die if I told ya ^_^C ya!
*huggles him and gives him a kiss*
Dear Bon,
Ya' weren't there an' ya' went as me wit' Tomo's face! >.<
Dear Chichiri,
Do you ever blush? I would guess you would look much cuter if you do.
Dear eap,
Sometimes, no da.
Dear Chiriko,
Rhetorical? Huh?
Jess (she's not that smart)
Dear Jess,
A rhetorical question is one that is asked solely to produce an effect (especially to make an assertion) rather than to elicit a reply. Was that helpful?
Dear Tasuki,
*Grabs at it, misses, and climbs up him to grab it and stuff it in her mouth whole.* Mmm... good. Yup. What was your costume? *Grabs a handful of choclate bars*
Dear Jess,
I was a vampire.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hiyas! I just got back from an art show or what ever that my aunt had been in! She didn't really sell much though...
We had made spiders to sell, I made 6 and she made about 9. I told her that I knew all of mine would still be there when the show was over, or that at the least, my polio(I probrably misspelled that) spider. I call my spider that because I used this extreamly weak wire for it's legs, and when I finished making it, it wouldnt stand as the others did^^; But when we got to the show to pack everything up and take it all home, I counted the spiders, all of my ugly things were still there!^_^
When we got done sorting and inventorying everything, my aunt tried to make me watch the movie Shrek. Have any of you seen it? If so, what are your opinions of the movie?
Dear Fallon,
We've seen "Shrek" and we all really liked it.
Dear Tasuki,
Hewwo....^.^*hugging her cute little kitty in her arms that had a red ribbon around its neck*can i keep it?huh can i?Please?^_^?i'll never ever be annoyings agains!!!*cute puppy dog face*
Lil Taski(The hoping one)
Dear Lil Taski,
Only if ya' promise to feed it, water it, clean it's litter box, and take VERY good care of it!
Dear Mitsukake,
Hmmm, I think I may have figured out where that person got the 'pregnant Shouka' thing from!
A while back someone sent a link to Nuriko for this fanfic site, and suggested that he and Hotohori read the fanfic 'Someone Elses Life'(I think).
Well, while reading twards the end of the fic, there was a part in which you spoke about seeing the characteristics of a pregnant woman before, and said it was Shouka whom you were speaking of. I think this is probrably what this person was reffering to^^; Oh, and just wanted to say again, yer really not as boring as many say/think you are!~_^
Dear Fallon,
Ah, arigato! I guess they were confusing fanfics for canon.
Dear Tamahome,
*Reads the comment about Tuxedo Mask* Egh, dun' listen to 'em Tamahome, yer much cooler than he is~_^ ...BUT! I must say, yer really a money grubber.(No offense! Everyone liked money, just... not as much as you^^; ) But yer still cool!! Although you could lighten up on the Tasuki bashin' an' all!-.-;
Dear Fallon,
I bash him less often than he bashes me!
Dear Nuriko,
I know! I've had quite a few people ask me to cosplay her at I-Con (an anime and sci-fo con in NY). I just may....IF I lose 20 pounds. *laughs* Although I must admit she looks much more like a real woman than most comic and manga girls do, don't you think? She actually has curves.
Dear Kelli-chan,
She does! By the way CnA said to tell you that Paul and Eiji both asked about you and send their regards.
Dear Chichiri,
Umm... I read a beginning part of a fanfic where you were taking a bath and when you got out agirl you found earlier came into the room. And you saw each other...*blush* well you know. How would you feel if that really happened to you?*turns beet red*
Dear SG,
I'd still be embarrassed, no da. I'd also hope that there was a towel nearby, no da!
Dear Tamahome,
one question...why must i pay you?! i don't have important questions...and im too dang poor. i like to pay in kindness, so HA! *gets beaned by the obsessive Tama-chan fan part of her*oooow....
Hakura Mayabashi
Dear Hakura Mayabashi,
… Because you do! Nothing is free in this world. Besides, how else can I afford to feed Miaka?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
KOWAAAAAAAAAH!!! ive been unfaithful to you all! i need to find a way to atone for my sin!oh, but Kenshin was sutch a good series. anyway...i need your help to find a way to atone for my sin of unfaithfulness. Fy fanfics till i swoon
2.act like each of you evry day, go to this site evry day
3.glomp each one of you and say im sorry
4.spend all weekend ranting and praising the goodness that is FY (evryone in...the place i like call it that if they know what the series is.)
Hakura Mayabashi
P.S- forgive my bad spelling...GOMEN!!! *bow*
Dear Hakura Mayabashi,
You're not being unfaithful! Even we watch and enjoy Kenshin! It's ok. Really!
Dear Tamahome,
I have the best poem ever for you! here it goes:
The roses are wilted, the violets are dead, the surgar is lumpy and so is your head! my friend made it up but dont tell her i said it to you cuz shes a BIG Tamahome fan k ^_^
Dear Tasuki,
*pokes him several times* I'm BOOOORED!!!!!!! *gets an idea* *dumps superglue in his hair and sticks little pink bows in it* *laughs, shows him to Tamahome, then disappears*
Dear Ayame,
NOT FUNNY!!!! >.< *Storms off to douse his head with acetone…*
Dear Tasuki,
ALLO! i just wanna chat with my favorite bad@$$! woo!*CHOUGH* sorry...i have a very bad chough and its still with me. anyway...ummm...*CHOUGH* if you where a type of food...what would you be? i know it sounds crappy, but its been a rough day and im already listening to FY songs. im jjust taking a good ol Kenshin break for now. and do you have a cure for saying "DAH!" alot?
Hakura Mayabashi
Dear Hakura Mayabashi,
Try drinkin' some hot tea. It may not get rid of th' "da" but yer cough will get better. What kinda food would I be? I guess I'd be somethin' hot an' spicy!
Dear Tasuki,
Hey bro! At my school we have this lil' anime club were we meet in one of the classrooms after school, and I always love going cause we have different cards for sweart drops,pounding temples, twitching, all that good stuff. Anywho, we started talking 'bout Fushigi Yuugi for some reason or another, and half the annoying vally-girls blurted out that they were members of the Drooling Tasuki Fan Club!! SICK SICK SICK!!!! All those hentai freaks!! No saying anthin' against you bro, but the only things I drool over are new footballs, good kleats, decent video games, and a fast rodeo horse.( I do alot of rodeos with my friends, and my horse placed fourth in state!! Padre's so kewl!!) anywho, that was just slighty disturbing, espically when they started rattling on about that poker night I've heard so much about. Wierd. I think I finally got the last lady bug in my room when my sister popped up at my house, with some fast food. I was about to eat, but she kept looking at me all wierd and junk, but I just didn't feel right. I'm glad I skipped lunch, she probably put laxitives in my sprite.( one of them did it before.) So I just went up to my barn and practiced for my rodeo comeing up next weekend ( and I sighned up for the saddle bronco too, ack!!! I had to sign up for either that or calf roping to get into my main event, barrel racing, but that's a long story.) To make a long story short, I was wondering what your horse's name is. Please tell me it's not Padre.
Mika Kino
Dear Mika Kino,
So, ya' got DTFC members in yer anime club? 'Che! They're everywhere ain't they? Nah, I've been told his name is Bob. So, what's wit' yer sisters? Are they nuts or what?
Dear Nuriko,
I think your soooooo coooooooool! but could you try and Not hit (by that i mean beat him up) Tasuki so much and start on Tamahome pleeeaaaase?(MU HA HA HA HA HA HA)
Dear Hyosumi,
*Shrugs and smiles* OK
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
If Nakago became good and married a godess-like queen named Luna (not anyone i mean thats here heh heh) and had a kid named, oh ,lets say, Hyosumi and asked all you guys to be his friends, would ya?
Dear Hyosumi,
No, probably not in this reality.
Dear Tamahome,
*SMACKS HIM WITH A STEEL MALLET* AHHH THAT felt good.Thank you hee hee hee.
Dear Hyosumi,
*… sees stars …* … you're welcome …
Dear Chiriko,
If you could have a girlfriend what would you what her to be like??
Dear Hyosumi,
Dear Tasuki,
I know you've already probubly heard, but did you know you sound and act alot like Dark Schneider.Maybe you should go see 'em
Dear Hyosumi,
No I don't! He runs around half naked an' is always chasin' girls!
Dear Mitsukake,
I dont think yer boring*huggs Mitsukake* Im nice like that.
Dear Hyosumi,
Arigato. *Smiles*
Dear Tasuki,
Argh! Tasuki-chan!! I got two more spider bites! *cries* The spiders are trying to turn me into spider woman, I swear! O.o; *huggles Tasuki* I killed one of the evil things last night --; It was walking on my bed like it owned it --;;*eats popcorn because she is suppose to eat while taking the antibiodic pills* ^^;; Want some popcorn? *hold out the bowl*
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
Thanks, but ya' need it more 'n I do. Why do ya' have so many spiders?
Dear Hotohori,
Hotohori?Passing out candy?...
*runs out to an airport,and waves her arms madly at a plane*TAKE ME TO CALIFORNIA!TAKE ME TO CALIFORNIA! *is dragged away by security personnel*No!I must not give up!
Ash-chan (Yes,I do know it's Nov. 4..)
Dear Ash-chan,
*Smiles and gives her some candy.* Hotohori
Dear Nuriko,
Are you gay, or bi?
Dear Jayson,
Neither! I'm a cross-dresser.
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki to let you know my friend has the same hair coloer as yuo. And you have the sexyest body. and will you tell Tamahome he's sweet *SMILES* Suzaku is the bomb
love always yui
Dear yui,
Arigato! *Fanged grin* I'll tell Tamahome yer message. Ano... ain't ya' too young fer them kinda thoughts?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I got book 5 I got book 5 *does little happy dance around the Seishi* oh yeah *beats Tamahome in the head with it a few times* YOU SHOULDNT BEAT ON MY TASUKI!!!!!!!!!!!! *smiles cutely at Tasuki* your so hot when your mad ^_^ teehee
Dear Tana,
Itai!! Knock it off! I was on kodoku when that happened!
Dear Tasuki,
Uncle Shun'u will you teachs me hows to be like you? *clings to him* your so cool
Dear Lita,
*Gins* Sure!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Ya know that problem I've been having with my drunk boyfriend-ish person? Well, it's reached a solution... right now, he's on a date with another girl. ;-; Maybe I shoulda just drank with him instead of staying sober...
*starts to cry* I'm not even good enough fer a drunk!! This is terrible! And, and now I've put up with these bruises all up my arms fer nothing all that time... I'm such a baka! ;-; *breaks down sobbing*
a distraught Shuurei
Dear Shuurei,
This ain't terrible! Now ya' jus' gotta say good riddance to bad rubbish an' get on wit' yer life! That th' only way yer gonna find a man who's really worthy of ya'!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Mushi: *drags in an angry Aiaki* Come on. *drops her on the floor*
Aiaki: *doesn't get up* I don't wanna go to work tonight. *rolls over into a fetal position*
Mushi: What's with you?
Aiaki: *snorts* The Suzaku seishis don't like me! No one likes me... I'm just a pest in everyone's hair.
Mushi: No one thinks that way of you.
Aiaki: Yes they do.
Mushi: Hruf... what makes you think that?
Aiaki: *crys*
Mushi: -.-;;;;;;
Mushi and Unloveable (Aiaki you heard me! UNLOVEABLE! Yas need me to define it fer yas? HUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUH?!?!?!)
Dear Mushi and Aiaki,
Why does she say that? We never said we didn't like her!
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