Dear Chichiri,
Chichiri...umfortunatley, i cannot be all happy in this letter. The ever-so-phoney Kouran-Ri has chosen yet another victem. I was tehre when she was putting down Ikari-san. She also brawled with me yet again. I dont know what to do. Everytime i see her, she reminds me of you and the real Kouran to make me depressed, then she starts to fight. Please help, Chichiri-sama.
Dear Lybra,
I don't know what to say to make her stop, no da. I don't understand why she acts this way, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Why do you have a tendency to look like GIRLS no da? It's unnerving. And Tasuki: I've got a mind to wash your mouth out with SOAP!
Some one who cares *sweatdrop*
Dear Some one,
I guess it's the way we're drawn, no da. As for Tasuki, I don't think he'd let you do that, no da.
Dear Tamahome,
why are you so obsessed with money? Do you love Miaka really? Why did you love Miaka?
Dear Asami,
I love money because I grew up so poor. Yes I do love her. I do because she is a sweet, unselfish, strong willed person.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
...correct me if I'm wrong here, but when Tasuki says "lots of partying," can't that be translated to "lots of drinking"?
Dear Ayame,
*Sweatdrops* In his case, yes.
Dear Chichiri,
*cute litten kitten nips his ankle* meow?
Aiaki: I'm stuck pet sitting this horrible thing! Mushi left me here with Chi-chan to go on a vacation!
Chi-chan: *starts to cry for Chichiri to pick her up*
Aiaki: I hate cats! *Tama gives her a glare* Sh-! Mushi's kitten is a monster!
Chi-chan: Mew... ;_;
Aiaki and Chi-chan
Dear Aiaki and Chi-chan,
It's not a horrible thing! It's an adorable kitten, no da! *Picks up and cuddles the kitten.*
Dear Chiriko,
Have you ever read Fahrenheit 451? *shudders* I'm reading it for Book Club in English, but no one in my group has any idea what the significance of it is. If you have any ideas, it would really help. Mom read it too long ago to be any help.
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
I have read it. The title refers to the temperature that paper burns at. It is a story of censorship. There was also a movie by Francois Truffuat. But, you should read the book it's a classic!
Dear Tamahome,
You mean if I were to offer you a googol to the googolith power gold ryou just to pull down and steal Chichiri's pants you would not do that? (By the way, if you do not know, a googol is a one followed by 100 zeroes.)
Da D'la
Dear Da D'la,
That's right!
Dear Tamahome,
You ARE better than Tuxedo Kamen! You are, you are, you are! Really, he's a sissy. He attacks people with roses for crying out loud. And his girlfriend saves him more than the other way around... You have to wonder who's the man in that relationship. Also, you are WAY better as a boyfriend too. Yeah you both did that "I submitted to evil and must now kill my one true love" bit, but he did it THREE TIMES!! Mamo-chan doesn't sound very faithful does he?
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
He is, he just has a weak mind. *Grins*
Dear Hotohori,
Have I offended you? I didn't know humans valued their loved ones so much that you would be so angry. Is this sensation what they call "guilt"? The only humans I really know are the one's I see descending into the world of the dead. My childhood was full of listening to the pain of souls as they come across the Styx river, hearing sinners scream from Tartarus. The ones with no money for passage tug at my skirts every time I come or go, begging for mercy. And yet I envy them all, for I can't die. *A little ghost girl appears behind her and tugs her skirt*
Girl: You've been asked to come back to your world, Lady Elysian...
Elysian: What did Father say?
Girl: That you shouldn't ignore your duty. Besides we miss you.
Elysian: He and Mother aren't worried about me.
I always get my hopes up for no reason. Hotohori, I hope you understand how I feel about you. I play with you because I thought you would understand how lonely I am...
PS If you didn't think what I did was funny, you could have asked me to erase it. *Waves her arm and the marker disappears* Better? *Disappears into her world* I'll be back...
Dear Yomi,
*Looks intrigued...* Ano… If you are lonely, you may come back to visit as long as you no longer abuse me or anyone else in the palace or humble cyberabode.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*falls over laughing after reading all of kuro-neechan's letters* *big giant grin* Da...Your hair really does glow under a blacklight Chichiri! It glows a veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery light powder blue no da! *was shocked and amazed to see that, btw...* ^^; *thinks bout askin seishi to be relatives....* Uh.... I dunno if thatd be a good idea ^^;;; I already have 5 sibs ^^;;; lil bro, lil sis, 2 older sis, and and older bro that likes ta handcuff all of us together bc hes weird like that ^^;; *idea* You guys wouldnt happen ta know how ta get outta handcuffs without a key, wouldja? ^^;; *has had chocolate* Anywho, me thnks me will send ya guys some fanart...if I get time ^^;; *resolves to draw an FY pic over the weekend even if it bites her on the @$$* O yea! Back to the relative thingy! *turns chibi with big gray-blue puppy eyes* Adopt me? Please? I have ferrets!! And chocolate!! ^_____________^ *runs away screaming revenge on her lil bro for the ice cube down her shirt* DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA~!!!!!!!!!
Kashke-chan (hyper for time being)
Dear Kashke-chan,
Have you tried using a hairpin, no da?
Dear Tasuki,
*Walks up to him, her eyes all red* Gomen nasai yo! I shouldn't have been such a brat. It's just that... I was already so confused... but I don't have anything to think about now. *Pulls out another tissue* He has a girlfriend. I don't deserve any pity from you so I'll just leave now.
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
S'okay. I didn't know he had a girlfriend. An' this is why I say women always get me in trouble! Gomen nasai. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Chiriko,
Hello! How are you? *thinking of a pointless question*..............Do you actually buy the books you read or do you borrow them. (this question is really stupid so i'll make up for it in candy! *gives him lots of candy!*)
Dear Cind-chan,
Some I buy, some I borrow. Arigato for the candy!
Dear Mitsukake,
Watashi wa Yume-chan desu.Hajimemashite? ^_^ My otomodachi "Tasuki" told me that you don't get much letters...
So you don't get the best lines or the most screen time, but that still dosen't make you all that boring. The story would be incomplete with out you!^_*Everyone in that story is important, regardless if there popular or not. You have done a lot of nice thing's for everyone.^_^ ^_~
Dear Yume-Chan,
Hajimemashite, douzo yoroshiku onegaishimasu. Arigato for your nice words. *Smiles*
Dear Tasuki,
Tadaima! Go-kigen ikaga desu ka? Did you have a nice Halloween?^_- *Gives him candy* I already know it's a bit late but,it's the thought that counts.
Hmm,as for my college it's already paid for.^_~(I don't mean to brag,gomen) The reason i work is because, i don't want to rely on my parents for everything..-_-....Anyway, what's the most annoying question you get?
Dear Yume-Chan,
Okaga sama de! Yes we did! Arigato fer th' candy! Th' one's we've answered a hundred times! Ya' know, favorite foods, colors, etc. That's why we put in a *(^%$#@ search engine!
Dear Mitsukake,
You are NOT boring! Why do people keep tellin ya ta 'loosen up' or something eqully stupid?!? I like you just the way ya are, d*mnit! *calms down* Gomen, I get tired of people tellin others to change or they wont like them or something. --; That just gets on my nerves. Anywho, stay just the way ya are, and good luck with Doc-sama and yer kid(s)!
Dear k-chan,
Doc-sama and MY kids??? *Looks utterly confused* Demo, arigato for your kind words.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*big grin* Guess what! When I moved a year and 2 months+ ago, me and my younger bro left behind a coupla really good buddies and promised to stay in touch and try ta visit, cept we never got to visit and we been begging the 'parental unit' but we havent gone yet. And the other thing is that we kinda stopped callin eachother so I called em up yesterday right outta the blue. O.o;; They changed, theyre still funny and all that stuff like before, but jeez! Billy's voice was deeper and so was Cory's! I talked to them for about 2-3 hours til my dad needed the phone and wouldnt give it back. ^^; Anyways, I asked my parents if we could try going up there (tis 2 hour drive ^^;;;) sometime b4 my b-day, which is Dec. 10. Dad said maybe, theyd think about it. I asked bout going 2morrow since its Sat, but mom has ta work and dad isnt gonna be home cuz hes gonna go to some interviews and stuff like that. Asked about next Sat. and got a maybe.
I gotta a question though. Why on earth could I not get ta sleep last night?!? I kept thinkin about Billy (hes younger than me by bout 5 months, Cory's 12) and everybody else and what all happened while we still lived there. I dated Billy for a little bit, but then we broke up. *is confused* Is there a reason why he wouldnt get out of my head today?? A freind asked me a question about d=v/t or something like that and the first thing that went out of mouth was "Billy no da??" Not very many heard, but still!! ^^;;;; Does that mean Im starting to like him again?? What do I do if he doesnt return the feelings?? *looks at letter* ^^;; Sumimasen for takin up time, but I had ta rant. ^^;; Anyways, Happii Harowiiin!! *gives each seishi a big bag of chocolate, and then adds sake-chocolate(?) to Tasuki's bag, and then glomps everybody and runs off to get her own chocolate* Ja ne no da!!
Dear Kashke-chan,
It is possible that hearing his voice again awakened some feelings you may have had for him. At this point, I'd say just be friends and see what happens from there. Good luck!
Dear Hotohori,
Hey Hoto-sama!*huggles him hoping lady houki won't mind?*Anyways,I just wanted to see how you were and what you have been up too besides,answering letters?I'm good,I'm still trying to learn japanese,but I have been backsliding on it but I have a good reason though!My fiance.^_^.Anywho,I just wanted to know if you would by chance know any french,or know of a website where I can translate french into english?arigatou gozai masu.Oh yeah btw,how's boushine doing?I haven't heard you talking about him at all?*gives you another mirror,and a teddy bear for boushine and a necklace for lady houki*.bye bye.
Dear Destiny,
Arigato for the lovely presents. Boushin is fine. How is Draven? The site you are looking for is:
Dear Mitsukake,
...even if you do get the least letters, you have at least one loyal fan...probably two *coughs, but it sounds suspiciously like "Ash-chan"* WE LOVE YOU ANYWAY!!!! *glomps him* Besides, none of the others made that nice little comment about Hotohori having a way with guys. ^^v
Ayame (hyperactive and braindead version)
Dear Ayame,
*Smiles* Arigato for your kind words.
Dear Tasuki,
Hey, it's the annoying tomboy with the evil sisters again.(alot of people just call me "you" anyway.) How was your Haloween? While I was enjoying a nice, comforting, ghost summoning at our local cemitary**friends and I do it before we go "candy huntin'"** when little did I know my oldest sister went to one of those plant nursery's and bought several lil' packets of the live lady bugs, and set them loose in my room. No matter how many I kill, more always pop! They're like bacteria! Or Tamahome! They spread everywhere!!**ewwww, Tamahome**** I was just going to ignore it, like I generally do, but when I found them in my closet, I'm seriously considering revenge. I hate sisters. I wanna say they're so annoying, but you already know that don't you. Oi, do ya mind being my big brother? You must have gone through stuff like this.**ACK! They're even in my roller blades!!** I really don't know what to do. I'm afraid toilet papering my sister's house will be a little old for her**her neighbors do it alot**, but I'm not sure if I pranking her is the right thing. **keeps searching for a decents bug spray.**
Mika Kino
Dear Mika Kino,
I dunno if prankin' her is a good idea either! She sounds a bit whacked! Sure, I'll be yer oniisan.
Dear Mitsukake,
NO! Don't you dare loosen up!Cause if you do,and you lose your stoic,silent character type,then the Suzaku seishi will be one seishi short!I'll get rid of you!I'll..I'll...USE MY ERASER!BWAHAHAHAHA!
Sugarhigh Ash-chan
P.S.:Have a nice day.
Dear Ash-chan,
I think the only one who can do that is Watase-sensei.
Dear Tamahome,
*sighs* I thought you already figured that out already. (The "C" word.) Its the second one that I saw if thats what you mean. I wouldnt say the title if my life depended on it.
Ascot Metali
Dear Ascot Metali,
I really do want to help you get over this, but you're not making it easy. Perhaps a hint?
Dear Nuriko,
*ponders* You know, Nuriko-kunm you should come to Fall Ball with me. Its the annual cross-drssing dance here at my school. *brightens* I'd be with the prettiest girl in the whole school!
Dear Kelli-chan,
And so would I! Did you know you have your own action figure? They call it "Dawn" but it looks just like you! *Smiles*
Dear Tamahome,
Psst. Hey, Tamahome. If you pull down Tasuki's, Chichiri's, and Mitsukake's pants and steal them I will give you 20,000 gold ryou.
Da D'la
Dear Da D'la,
Nope! Here's some words of wisdom to live by… NEVER mess with the monk!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
HIIIII!!!! OhgodI'mreallywired! Candycandycandysugarsugarsugar!!! KimikoandIwenttrickortreatinglastnight! BadideaI'vehadtoomuchsugar! SohowwasyourHalloween?!!! Didyouguyshavefun?!!! Whoa... my sugar high is wearing off... *Grabs onto Hotohori and tries not to zonk out* Now I'm sleepy and it's not even 6:00 yet... *Hugs Hotohori* Mmmm warm... By the way, if you guys can actually translate what I said a few sentences back, you are officially fluent in the unfortunately not dead language "Hyper Teenage Girl" *Almost falls asleep, then her head snaps up* Maybe Miaka could read it for you.
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
We understood you. We're glad you had a good time.
Dear Chichiri,
Hello tommorrows the day i have to live with out u and the others for awhile oh why me *cries*i'm already miserable..........Oh well ican still watch videos of u guys and pray i get your merchindise for christmas ^-^ *winks* later chichiri love ya
Dear Luna,
You take care, no da!
Dear Tamahome,
*hugs him* I sent a fanart! I sent a fanart! And, and... yer not wearing any wierdo clothes, though clothes you are wearing! I hope ya like it!! ^_^
Eh, and my boyfriend-ish person was drunk again last night, right after I wrote that letter to Tasuki. -_-;; That sucks.
Dear Shuurei,
I saw it! It was very good and will be going up in the Gallery. Arigato! Perhaps you can get him to an AA meeting. If he won't go, then you should try to go to an Al-Anon meeting. But, either way, you should stay away from him when he is drunk!
Dear Tasuki,
CANDY!!!!!!! *hurles herself at Tasuki* CANDY!!!!! *Calms down a bit* Did you get candy?
Dear Jess,
*Holds a Snickers bar over her head…*
Dear Tasuki,
Ehh**sweatdrops** Would you mind being my oniisan?
Mika Kino
Dear Mika Kino,
Sure! *Smiles*
Dear Tasuki,
*Hits him with a large steel mallet* Don't take that tone of voice with me! I'll call you Tasuki Wasuki Masuki Fasuki Saski and your gonna like it! *Hits him again, then grabs him and hugs him tightly* Your my little seishi^^.
P.S. My best friend wants to know if you know a guy name Dark Scheider.*Hugs him tighter and kisses him* Love you^~
Dear Lucy,
I think I'm gonna call ya' my Lil' Psycho! Yeah, I heard of th' B*st*rd.
Dear Chichiri,
*Sighs* I'm growing tired of the human race. People killing people, shunning someone cause their different, I just don't get it. There is not a true good person left in the world. I should open Death Gate and let judgement be passed. All I've seen is hate, not only towards me but to other people then they counter it with more hate. I grow tired of tring to help people and being treated like dirt. So I came for a nutrual opinion and advice. So Chichiri, what do you think?
Dark Gaurdian
Dear Dark Gaurdian,
*Takes off his mask.* I think that there is good in everyone. Just look at how people in your country responded on Sept. 11th. Perfect strangers helped each other, people lined up around the block to donate blood, a woman was carried from one of the towers by two men she didn't know. So you see, not everyone is evil and self-centered. People all have some good in them somewhere. I would recommend against opening the Death Gate. It is true that there is evil in the world, but not as much as you think. It is just "louder" than the good.
Dear Nuriko,
You were right, he didn't except it, instead he said something that troubled me. He said I'd better watch my back. I don't know what he ment and I'm not worried that he'd hurt me but I'm worried he'd hurt my friend. But a teacher said I can't report him unless he does something, what should I do? I just don't want to sit and wait so I was wondering if I should get on his level and strike first.
Dear LoneWolf,
No. NEVER throw the first punch! Make sure your friend is aware of what is going on and submit a written complaint to the school so everything is documented in case he does do something. Take care and be careful!
Dear Nuriko,
That's awesome ^-^ I think summer is the best..anyways. Have you ever been to to read fics? They're really good! If you want to read mine I go under the name Nuriko Metallium (but they aren't very good) See you!
Dear Suta,
I think I have but we've been so busy with letters that we haven't had a chance to read much of anything!
Dear Nuriko,
How do you handle it when you have a crush on someone and you have nothing in common with them? For example, I'm artistic, he quit choir. He's athletic and the thought of sports makes me gag. To make it worse-- Yui, stop looking over my shoulder-- the only girls I've ever seen him with are those blonde popular girls that I hate soooooo much... I've been talking to Tasuki about this then I figured "Why am I asking him? Girls are his worst nightmare." You had a crush on Miaka and you two are like polar opposites. And I'd better apologize to Tasuki for punching him in the love gun...
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
Yes, you better! I would start out by getting to know him as a friend. You may decide her really isn't your heart's desire. Or, you may find that once he gets to know you that he too has the same romantic feelings for you. Either way, friends are always good things to have. We read your P.S. but didn't print it because we didn't want a war on our hands.
Dear Mitsukake,
So do I. Arigato!
Dear Hotohori,
i love your duck shoes and your robes
*Smiles* I'm glad that somebody does.
Dear Chichiri,
you r the koooooolest you and the cat r cool together
Arigato, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
Sorry for the letter and for what i said you a rilly cool guy and you have the cutest fangs.
Dear yui-san,
OK, yer forgiven.
Dear Tamahome,
sup my T im PLUTO im 15 and i love all of the movies and the one tape when you die is a good one and me, miaka cries cause you r a wierd little boy . i feel sorry for you cause your famly die.:(:(:(:(:(:(:(
Ano… thank you… I think …
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey guys. How was your hallowen? Hotohori, are you in the chicken coustume in the seshi picture? It looks funny!
I was Super Me this year! I got a ton of candy! I October. My birthday and hallowen are in october. I'm 16 now woohoo! I get to drive and buy Ceres: Celestial Legend!
any way Happy Thanksgiving In case I dont write before then.
Otanjoubi omedeto gozaimashita! We had a nice Halloween. Yes, I'm the one in the "Chicken of Doom" costume… *Sweatdrops* Ano, Happy Thanksgiving to you, too.
Dear Hotohori,
*Stands there calmly as the ropes the guards use fall off with no effort on her part* Mortals should not play with what they do not understand...
Dear Yomi,
*Looks at her and contemplates his next move…*
Dear Tasuki,
Whatever the hell that ment, it did NOT make me feel better! *Punches him where she knows it hurts and leaves him writhering on the floor*
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
ITAI! It meant that ya' had nothin' to lose by askin' him! 'Che! Do what ya' want!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*Walks in, dressed as Tasuki's mother* TRICK OR TREAT!!!
Well, how do you like my costume? I had to stuff 4 rolls of toilet paper down my chest (2 for each side) to create the effect. Kou Aidou did my hair and makeup, and Kou-okaasan lent me an old kimono. Don't I look scary?
Thank you (or rather, thank the other fans who wrote in) for helping me solve the mystery of the WAFF. That cleared things up a little. Warm and Fuzzy Feeling. That makes sense.
Well, gotta get back to watching the FY OAVs. And Chiriko, I have a present for you *tosses him a box of orange-flavored Dramamine tablets. Chewable, of course.* Next time you're on the bus, these will be your best friend.
Mitsukake--were you able to stop Miaka in time? I found the laxatives by the oven.
Chichiri--Here is a coupon for a new dry cleaner I found. They do better work, and your kasa won't shrink.
And will someone please pick Tasuki up off the floor?
LS (aka Kou-okaasan)
Dear LS,
Arigato for the gifts, no da! *All the Seishi look at Tasuki and sweatdrop. Except for Tamahome who cracks up laughing.*
Chichiri and the Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
*sighs* I wouldn't be so sure about me being able to do better than him. Besides, I don't know if I'd even want to... the times that he's sober, it's fine! ;-; I don't know what to do!! I need SOMEONE, and he's there. Is that a wrong reason to stay with him?
Dear Shuurei,
I am very sure ya' can do better! An' yes it is th' wrong reason to stay wit' a guy who has a bad drinkin' problem an' beats women!
Dear Tasuki,
*tugs on his coat* Mommy let me dress up funny *waring a cute Tasuki costume* she even made me this *waves around a paper Tessen* do I gets a pwesent? your the best *hugs his leg*
Dear Lita,
Yer kinda kawaii like that. Here! *Hands her some pixie stix.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Cant you guys just TELL that I'm hyper? ^___^ Oh, yeah! Happy Halloween! ^.^
Dear Kuro,
Yes we can!
Dear Nuriko,
Why is your hair purple?
Dear Kuro,
Why is your hair the color it is?
Dear Tasuki,
Can I have your tessen? ^.^
Dear Tamahome,
Can I hang you up by your hair and tickle your feet?
Dear Kuro,
No! Who do you think you are? Nakago??
Dear Chichiri,
Did you know that your hair glows under a blacklight? ^.^
Dear Kuro,
Honto ni, no da???
Dear Chichiri,
oh I'm depressed oh well hey chichiri what are u going to do for halloween and what are u going to be? ^-^
Dear Luna,
I went to Chichiri no Aijin's Japanese class with her. She went as me and I went as Obi Wan Kenobi, no da.
Dear Hotohori,
Okay, I'll be honest, I have NO idea what your costume is. Oh well, it's better than a sign that has "Slut" written across it. Yes a guy on my bus did that. He got in trouble with two teachers and he's quite proud of it. To make it scarier, his friend came to his aid by saying "Hey, I wanted to be a slut. My great-grandmother was." O_o That's wrong... That's just sick and wrong...
Also I learned that the average sophmore boy has the IQ of a goldfish. The one with the "costume" kept calling me a jerk, as that is what he calls everyone so I've heard. If it weren't so stupid it was funny, I would have hit him SO hard. Eventually I kicked him in the shin to shut him up. He "secretly" called me a bitch as I got off the bus. I heard and promptly informed him. Oh, I'll have to BREAK his shin now. Eh, he was too innocent and too entertaining to do that. Besides I had a good laugh when his friend smacked his hand and made him scream.
It was too weird to keep to myself, sorry to tell you more about my pointless life.
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
Your life is not pointless. *Laughs at the IQ comment* I hope you had a nice Halloween despite that nasty boy.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
HAPPY HALLOWEEN MINNA *hands minna an orange bandanna like the one around neck* *is dressed as Xelloss* All tricks and no treats for me at least! demo you.. *sees a huge mob of fan girls dressed as thier fave Seishi* will probabaly have lots of treats! *runs from the mob*
Ascot Metali
Dear Ascot Metali,
Happy Halloween to you as well! *Runs away from fangirl mob…*
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Happy Halloween, to you all.
Dear Tatarkawi,
Arigato! *Hands out candy.* Happy Halloween to you, too!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Nuriko,
*goes Chibi and snuggles* I've missed you *_*
Dear Doc-sama,
So have I itooshi… *Holds her close*
Dear Hotohori,
I really think your *HOT*. I'm a ghost too! So, it would be no problem dating as we can. Beings your wife is a widow it does leave you free and clear. How about a night out some time?
Dear Dead,
Arigato for your kind offer. But I fesar I must decline your kindness. I love Houki too much to be involved with anyone else.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Can I HAVE CANDY??? LALA fer Lita...?
kou aidou
Dear kou aidou,
Hai! *They each give her a piece of candy.*
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I need help! @.@ My boyfriend barely ever calls me and i dont know what to do. I know there is a kid in my class that likes me but I don't like him. I like a guy in my class. He's really cute but I dont know if he likes me. I'm not very popular either... and to make things worse there is a guy who seems to really like me but I dont even knnow if I like him... I think I'm gonna go insane. v.v
Confused Dolphin...
Dear Confused Dolphin,
Before you decide to leave him, I think you need to ask him why he isn't calling you. Talk to him before you do anything you might regret.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Daaaaaaa, it's Halloween! Unfortunatly though, I had to get this nausiating stomach ach>.< Oh well!
*gives everyone a little baggie stuffed full of candy and various other halloween treats* Happy Halloween minna-san!^_^
Halloween has to be one of THE best holidays! What are all of your favorite holidays and why? An' if ya dun' got one, what do you think there should be a holiday for?
*The opening song for Scooby Doo plays*Eeeek, I'm ganna get this song stuck in my head!!!>>.<< Since I'm home sick, my dad's got me taping his Scooby Doo marathon-.-;; But as long as I've got my music, I'll live^^;
Dear Fallon,
Arigato for the candy, no da! Our favorite holidays? Hmmm…
Tasuki - Japanese New Year's - Lotsa partyin'!
Tamahome - Christmas - I get presents!
Mitsukake - Obon - It's a holiday to honor the dead. That way I can honor Shouka.
Hotohori - The Emperor's Birthday - For obvious reasons… *Smiles*
Chiriko - Boy's day - There's lots of oishii food to eat and fun things to do!
Nuriko - Girl's Day - It was my sister's favorite holiday.
Chichiri - Golden Week - 3 holidays in one week, no da!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
If you have been asked this before don't worry about answering it again.
What would you all dress as for Halloween? I love the pic for Seishi of the week, but would Hotohori, I guess that is hotohori, dress as a chicken? I guess he is kinda cocky. ba-dum-ching. cricket noises. bad joke.
See ya!
PS. Tamahome wasn't taking that picture of us at Otakon, he was selling dolls of himself in the dealers room for lots of money! We couldn't find him all day!!!
Dear Anna,
Well, I had to make back my registration fee! Anyway, I think I'd go as Scrooge McDuck. Tasuki says he'd go as Sanosuke from Rurouni Kenshin (not much of a difference if you ask me…), Chiriko wants to go as Tasuki (Why? When he has ME as a role model!), Nuriko says he'd dress as *Sweatdrops* Miaka *Shudders*. Mitsukake wants to dress up as John Travolta from "Saturday Night Fever", Hotohori would prefer to stay home and hand out the candy and Chichiri wants to go as Jackie Chan.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Things are just spiralling out of control! Seems like everyone in the world and their brother wants to schedule a meeting at work. Then there's the conflicts as to when these people can actually meet. Add to that, we need to schedule the d*mn conference rooms and coordinate everything. Everything's just comin' in rapid fire and I feel like I'm coming apart at the seams. So many meetings, so many time crunches, how can anyone keep it all straight???
Add to that, the former pastor at one of the churches that I go to died recently. Massive heart attack. Amd he was a kind, generous man who always had such wonderful things to say to us. And he had only just recently stepped down from his position. Seems like only yesterday he was here talking to us. Now he's gone...and there's a big void where a wonderful man used to be.
Then there's the schoolwork. Not that my classes are graded, mind you, but they do eat up my time. So after work Monday and Tuesday (takes 45 minutes to get home) I have time to relax for about 5-10 minutes, then I have to drive through traffic to get to the campus. And the traffic is just horrible. Ugh!
Somebody stop me before I do something I might regret. *slumps down in the corner, fighting down urge to cry* I feel like everything is falling apart around me. A spiritual leader for my community died, and I couldn't even go to the funeral because I had to work; no one at the office seems to understand that the admins are literally bending every which way to make sure that the meetings are set up without inconveniencing anyone else (Why such short notice for crying out loud???) And don't get me started on what's happening in the news these days. You probably already know. Break out the latex gloves!!! And prepare for more war, more bloodshed, and more b.s. about anthrax. Actually, a little inhaled anthrax doesn't seem like a bad idea now. Anybody got a powdered envelope I can smell?
*continues to fight down tears and hold in emotions* It's all breaking apart around me...and I feel like I have to hold it together. But how much longer will it last???? *hits wall in anger, bruising fist in the process* Ouch! Sorry about the wall.
Lady Shera
Dear Lady Shera,
The will be fine. You, on the other hand need to take a deep breath and if possible a day off from your work and classes, no da. Our condolences on the passing of your pastor. As for your questions about work, I know they are rhetorical, but unfortunately yours is not an abnormal situation, no da. Take care! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Nuriko,
Is this really you, Nuriko? Or did the webmasters infiltrate your poor soul? Oh, and btw, I love you so much and I think you're the best seishi ever!
Dear Kitten,
Arigato for your kind words. Of course it's really me!
Dear Chichiri,
Hi Chichiri. My computer's fixed, unfortunutely aaaalllllll my stuffs gone. *sniffs* Today was a great day though, except for the fact that i couldnt stop talking about you. My friend Toni thinks Im obsessed. I know I am, but who cares, look at you! Wanna hear a secret (My other friend, Dannie has a crush on you) That's proof youre cute, even the guys cant resist you! But, I would be kind of scared, hes a stalker. He could be right BEHIND YOU! Jk. Sorry, the Halloween spirit has come over me. And that hug you gave me, it helped alot. I was like totally bawling, until I got it. I stopped crying during computer time at school, and grinned as wide as possible. My friends all said that I was smiling so much, it looked like I did something really devious. Anyway, um..... *trying to think of things to talk about*.....Oh, my Japanese class is so fun. We have a Japanese girl who's the teacher's assistant, she's so coooll! I love Japanese people! She told me how to use "Da!", "no da", and "na no da". I was sooo happy. And for Halloween, we have to make traditional or untraditional masks. guess who im making a mask of..... Iknow, its not that hard! CHICHIRI!!!!!! I love you, youre soooo cool. Ive had too much Halloween candy. Gives Chichiri a truckload of candy and a surfboard. You can have it all, or just surf on all of it! Have fun no da!
Bosher *kiss kiss*
Dear Bosher,
Arigato! I'm glad I was able to make you feel better, no da! *Smiles*
Dear Nuriko,
...umm... I really don't scare easily, but one of my friends has managed to scare the hell outta me.... she's 5'3", 128 lbs. at most, and she thinks that she's overweight. She says that she wants to lose 10-15 pounds, and instead of exercising and eating healthier foods, she just doesn't eat at all. Recently, she went for two days without food, and almost made herself sick when she ate again. I've tried telling her that she has a problem, but she maintains that she doesn't. I told the counselors at school that I suspected that she was anorexic when they promised not to pull her out of class, and they not only pulled her out of class to question her, they find nothing wrong with her eating habits. I'm sorry, but that just doesn't sound right, and I'd like to know if my fear is justified... or if maybe she's right, and that there's nothing wrong with not eating for two days straight and obsessing over weight. And if I'm right... what can I do?
Ayame (distressed version)
Dear Ayame,
At 5'3" she may be a bit heavy but that that also depends on the size of her frame. Is she big or small boned? But you may be right. She needs to east a well balanced diet and get regular exercise. Fasting then gorging will only make her gain weight that she will find harder to lose. Perhaps you can discuss your concerns with her parents. Good luck!
Dear Chiriko,
Hello, Chiriko! I wanted to know, what was your life like before you became a seishi? I know you were working on scholary, but what sort of things did you learn? Did you have any close friends? Did you enjoy the life before more than you enjoy the one now? Thanks for taking the time to answer these!
Dear Kara,
My life was filled with studying. I was learning all sorts of interesting things! I didn't play or have many friends. I think I enjoyed being a Seishi more.
Dear Mitsukake,
'ello, Mitsukake. I was wondering... When some healers heal people, it hurts the person they're healing terribly while they're being healed. When you heal people, does it hurt them? If not, what does it feel like for them? Thanks for clearing this up!
Dear Kara,
It doesn't hurt them. It's been described to me as a warm, safe feeling.
Dear Hotohori,
Ah! Hi, Hotohori! :: Waves. :: How's your life as an emporer been going? I hope you've been well. :: Nods. :: Also, how many computers has Tasuki melted now? And how much has it cost altogether to get new ones? I hope it wasn't too much.. Also, if you can, I'd appreciate it if you could tell me some about your son, Boushin. Thank you!
Dear Kara,
Well Boushin is a beautiful, graceful, and smart child and I love him dearly. Tasuki has only melted one pc and 2 mail servers. I made him pay for them.
Dear Nuriko,
Hey, Nuriko! How have you been? What was it like getting to meet up with your sister, Kourin, again? I'm sure it was very tear-jerking and all that, but besides that, what was it like? I mean, it's been quite a while now, right? Oh, and I hope you don't think I'm prying, but how did your sister die? Thanks for answering all the questions!
Dear Kara,
She died by being run over by a horse drawn cart. Our reunion was a happy one.
Dear Tamahome,
Hello there. Even though you ARE nice (and very sweet to Miaka, though sometimes I worry about how much you feed her.. o.o;) I must say that the thought of Tasuki burning you to a crisp is just hilarious. Maybe for once you should really take him on instead of just dodging, eh? Speaking of fighting, where did you learn to fight? If I remember correctly, you were born with some of your skills, but other techniques must have been learned, right? Well, I'll see ya, then! Ja ne!
Dear Kara,
I was born with all my skills but I honed them through lots of training. I did take him on in the garden of the Emperor of Kutou's palace.
Dear Chichiri,
Chichiri!!! Hi! Lemme tell ya, my friend would be freakin' out if she knew I was writing to you. She really likes you and you are by far her favorite. I just wanted to let you know that you have some VERY devoted fans out there. And by the way, no matter what anyone else says, I think that the way your hair sticks up like that is great! I mean, if you didn't have that, Chichiri just wouldn't be Chichiri! Okay, onto the question! Where did you get that mask? And even though you look good with the mask off, it really does suit you! Well, I'll see you, Chichiri!
Dear Kara,
I got the mask when I was training with Taiitsu-kun, no da. Arigato for all your kind words no da!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Can you guys tell me how your ideal girl looks? Seriously now, don't just say "it's on the inside that matters..." plllllease! heheh thank you!
Dear Zero,
Well it really is on the inside that counts. But if you've been watching our adventures you'd know that for Tamahome it's Miaka, Hotohori it's Houki, Nuriko it's Kouran, Chichiri it's Kourin, and for Mitsukake it's Shouka. Tasuki thinks women are a pain and I'm too busy with my studies to notice them.
Dear Tasuki,
wow... *tries to come up with a letter that doesn't sound TOO fangirly* but an~y~wayy i have a question for you!!! no koji hentai... but maybe... NURIKO! there is SO something between you two! there is! there just IS!
Dear Arasan,
Dear Tasuki,
Hey there! I have to admit you are probably one of my favorites of all of the Suzaku Seishi, and let me tell you one thing, it's not just because of your good looks (though you are very handsome, in my opinion. I think it's something to do with the orange hair). My main reason would have to be your personality. You tend to get the other seishis mad at you because of your harshness, but at the same time, I think that you bring a smile to almost all of their faces (unless you're burning Tamahome.. I don't think that makes him smile... ^_^;). Now, as to why I'm writing to you... well, I wanted to know who your closest friend is out of all of the seishis. To me, it looks like it's Chichiri (very good choice in friends, Tasuki! ^_~). You two seem to be together a lot and it looks like you really care for each other! (People, don't take this the wrong way! I mean it in a FRIENDLY way! Tasuki isn't like that! >.<) Anyways, get back to me!
Dear Kara,
Yer right, it is Chichiri.
Dear Tasuki,
oh poo i can't torchure u any more no moree internet but trust me were there is a will there is a way *grins evily* peace out.
Dear Luna,
Aww… I'll try not to miss it… *Smirks*
Dear Chichiri,
oh it's horrible we don't have internet for awhile oh i'm gonna miss u.... *bigins to cry* i'll try to be strong i can still write sometimes i have to wait till we get online again poo keep me filed okay? bye i have to torchure tasuki still
Dear Luna,
Please don't cry and take care, no da.
Dear Chiriko,
ah.. yer Shun'u's friend, ne? Know where I can find some nice logs.. that don't split on impact..? please?
Kou Aidou
Dear Kou Aidou,
No. And please stop this useless violence. It's disturbing and unbecoming at your age!
Dear Nuriko,
*glomps Nuriko* Arigato, NO DA!! Arigato for the help, no da. I think I might name her Kana. It's pretty. What does it mean?
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
You're welcome. Kana is another word for hana, which means flower.
Dear Mitsukake,
Thank you for replying to my last message. The suggestions helped. *big hugs*
~Kurai no Tenshi
Dear Kurai no Tenshi,
You're very welcome! *Smiles*
Dear Chiriko,
AWWWW! you wanna be like Tasuki-chan awww....make him teach you his cute bandit ways! but dont drink to much sake....alcohal is alot worse then caffine but im sure you know that being as smart as you are an all
Dear Tana,
Don't worry! I won't!
Dear Tamahome,
*jumps down from the roof* Theres no one I can trust. I understand what you're saying demo people never help me I always have to help myself and I'm stumped on this problem. I've tried many different things like finding out info and trying to think of something better and I honestly cant think of anything else without becoming embarrased. Its like the voice in my head wants me to suffer. I dont think it would help any to watch the darn movie when just the cover send me off the deep end. I've already seen too many phychietrists and I dont want to see anymore. As far as friends go I have none of which I can trust and my parents.. I'd better get going I have to go to school now. *takes Tamahome's hand*
Ascot Metali
Dear Ascot Metali,
*Pulls Ascot up.* Maybe I can try to help. Can you at least tell me what movie you're talking about that has you so upset?
Dear Chichiri,
HIIIIII!!! Teehee! Out of curiousity on this Tuesday morning, I wonder when you add the "na" to "no da"?
ChibInu-chan no Miko
Dear ChibInu-chan no Miko,
When I really want to emphasize something, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
Well, I'll be in Texas for Christmas, I leave NY on December 17. I'll be at Justin's house for Thanksgiving though...unless that is the week of Kare Kano auditions. *le sigh*
Hey, to EVERYONE reading (specially the seishi, CNA, and Dad!) Go pick up a copy of Boogiepop Phantom! Listen for the minor (but fun!) charcater Yoko...thats yours truly!
Kelli-chan, CNA #2
PS - when he left yesterday, he took ALL of my FY tapes....-_-
Dear Kelli-chan,
It's on our list of DVDs to get, no da! I'll send your presents to Texas, no da!
Dear Chiriko,
Arigatou gozaimasu Chiriko for the help!!
Unfortunatly though, my group really didnt care:P They made our flag copying something out of our text book instead of being original and making one up. Oh well... again, arigatou!^_^
Dear Fallon,
You're welcome!
Dear Tamahome,
You're worse than Tuxedo Mask! At least he had a cool trnasformation sequence!
Dear Ravyn,
Well EXCUSE me!
Dear Nuriko,
(whispers) Hey, do you think you could help me score a date with Chiriko? I'm asking 'cause you're the most wise and lovely, and I was sure you'd understand me.
Dear Anya,
He's a bit young for that. Maybe you should wait till he's older and ready.
Dear Mitsukake,
I saw someone at AWA cosplaying you. I took a picture, I'll send it to ya whenever I get it scanned in. Hey, I'll bet a lot more people would like you if you loosened up some.
Dear Anya,
… loosened up…?
Dear Chiriko,
Have you ever seen "Spartacus?"
Dear Tasuki,
I'm not imaimashi am i? *Big eyes* 0_0 If i am Please tell me,o-rai. Sumimasen if i write a lot. -_- I guess it makes feel better.^_^ You don't think it's bad that i spent.... four hundred dollars on japanese books.^_~ I't was my own money that i work for. *_* Yes i have a job.-_- Korede.*Gives him sake* Hope you like it. Who gets the least letters?
Dear Yume-Chan,
Yer not annoyin'. But I think ya' should save some of yer money towards goin' to college. I think Mitsukake gets the least letters. Good sake, thanks!
Dear Tamahome,
All right, just remember I offered to pay you to do this. *Uses her power to freeze Tamahome and brings in Hotohori* I'm gonna love this. Time for fun with telekinesis *Uses her power to force them into each others arms and press their lips together* Aw... how sweet! *Laughs at the priceless looks on their faces* Okay, I don't want you to throw up on each other. *Releases them* And just to save your skin, Tama. *Erases Hotohori's memory of what just happened* And here. *Gives him 200 gold ryou because she's not TOTALLY mean* Ja ne! Hmmm, messing with mortals is more fun than I heard...
Dear Yomi,
*Takes the money and stalks off VERY angry…*
Dear Hotohori,
Well I know ojii is grandfather. Just messin' with ya, ojjichan ;[ Anyway, I'm passing math...~ I'm one of 5 lucky ones in my whole class!!! I'm proud... It's because I studied for this big test, I think. As for my other classes, (progress reports come out in a few days but we already know our averages) I'm passing every single one~~~~ I'm doing WAY better than last progress report!! It kinda suprises me that I was doin so bad then suddenly so good =/ But not matter! Whee!! I'm happy for once. But... I don't really know how to make sure the grades STAY up. Well... bai bai, ojiichan..!!! ~.^
Happy Sami-chan
Dear Happy Sami-chan,
Omedeto gozaimasu on your excellent grades! You make your grades stay up by studying. Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Tasuki,
Nah, the guy's not a relative of mine... he's actually the guy I like. ^_^;;; He drank an entire bottle of 100 proof vodka by hisself... he's kinda mean drunk too, 'cause he kept hitting me while I was tryin' to help him from killing hisself. ;-;
*glomps him* Guess what? Tamahome said he'd be ma oniisan! ^_^;;;;
Dear Shuurei,
Congratulations on Tamahome! I think ya' need a new boyfriend! Ya' don't need to stay wit' a woman beatin' mean drunk! I KNOW ya' can do better than that!
Dear Nuriko,
Yay!!!!! My friends are actually talking to eachother. I almost literally had to push them into eachother but at least they're okay now!
Anyways.....How've you been doin? Anything fun and exciting? Well, see you later!
Dear Cind-chan,
Well, I'm glad your friends are all speaking to each other! Congratulations! I'm busy but nothing exciting has been going on. Thanks for asking.
Dear Tasuki,
your Fwiends..*yawns softly..and snuggles in his arms...closing her eyes she fell asleep...*-.-ZzzzZzZzZzZ
Lil Taski (The sleepy one)
Dear Lil Taski,
*Lays her down in her bed…* Soon I guess.
Dear Tamahome,
Hontou ni?! *glomps him* You'll really be ma oniisan?!! Oh, domo arigatou! You have noooo idea how happy that makes me, ya really don't. Now I'll even have a family when I'm away from my family. ARIGATOU!!! *looks like she's close to tears* So happy!!
Dear Shuurei,
*Smiles* I'm glad I could make you so happy!
Dear Mitsukake,
I just realized something. I'd just kinda like to share this...
Look at The anime Dragon ball (any of the series) the whole dragon summoning and all... even the balls themselves are very much similar to FY. In Dragon ball, the hero's have to collect SEVEN balls with STARS in them and SAY AN INCANTATION to summon the DRAGON BEAST GOD to grant them THREE WISHES... As you probably (hopefully) know, in FY the main character, the suzaku no miko has to gather SEVEN people... each representing a constilation or a STAR in the sky...
once these seven are gathered she must SAY AN INCANTATION to summon a BEAST GOD to grant her THREE WISHES... Exept it's a pheonix...BUT her enemy.. the seriyuu no miko also has to do the same thing... to summon a DRAGON... I dunno I just thought the similarities were interesting
^_^() Sorry for the oddness no da! ::hugs mitsy and tama and runs away::
An anonymous person na no da
Dear anonymous,
Perhaps this is a common theme in Japanese mythology.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
who are your favorite mordern singers?? what's your favorite type of music? and whats your favorite song (other than your image song)? all of you have to answer! ^_~v (peace out) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
No Name
Dear No Name,
Tasuki - J-Rock L'Arc en Ciel - Blurry Eyes
Chichiri - Taiko drums, no da. Kodo - anything they do, no da.
Mitsukake - Opera - Wagner - The Ring Cycle
Chiriko - Mozart - He was a child genius, too! The Magic Flute
Tamahome - J-Pop and J-Rock - Morning Musame and Glay - Anything they do.
Nuriko - J-Pop and J-Rock - Shazana, Malice Mizer, and SMAP - Best Friend by SMAP
Hotohori - Beethoven - His 9th symphony.
Dear Hotohori,
do you like being emperor of konan??? is it fun? how did your mom die? how did your dad die?
Dear someone,
I don't dislike it but I wouldn't call it fun. My mother died of an illness and I tend to wonder if she poisoned my father.
Dear Mitsukake,
-- If you saw a picture of me when my hair made me look like an island with pom trees...then you'd probably tease me too. --; But it's because I haven't been to school in like, 7 years and no one except...oh three people knew me before I started going there. So friday I was so stressed out that I sat in the hallway before 5th period and started to cry. I had a random teacher walk up to me, hug me, then escort me to the nurse's. ^^; Yes. That's what is really going on in my life that I can really explain/remember at the moment. ^^;; Thanks for listening.
Dear Keiko,
Give it some time. I'm sure you'll make new friends and next year you won't be the new girl in school. *Gives her a hug.*
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