Dear Tasuki,
konnichwa, watashi wa tenshi desu
so was ^ nuttin her just chillen like bob dlyin so how the life. hey would you eva get your hair braided like in corn rolls or something would ya
Dear Angel,
No I wouldn't. It's too girly!
Dear Nuriko,
Hi again. No problem about the fanart contest. I'll eventually find one^-^ Are you ready for winter? It's starting to get really cold. So what's your favorite season?
Dear Suta,
I am and winter is my favorite season!
Dear Chichiri,
;_; i am having such a bad time right now.....
my mum and i went to see the guidance counselor last friday. we were supposed to be talking about my classes next year, but it got all off topic and they started talking about me going to college. (please, i'm only in 9th grade...) my grades are really good (all A's), but they said i "needed to join some clubs and do some community service work" or else the colleges i apply to won't accept me. i know this is not a really big problem for most people, but i am very shy and antisocial (meaning i can count on one hand the number of close friends i have.) my mom wants be to go join all these groups, and she won't listen when i tell her that i'm not interested in the things she wants me to do.
i'm sorry to bother you with trivial problems, but i hoped you could offer some advice.
Dear Solar,
Joining clubs and doing community service work is a good idea, no da. What you need to do is find a club or clubs that interest you, no da. If your school has no such club perhaps you can start one, no da. And your problems are by no means trivial, no da!
Dear Nuriko,
WAFF means "Warm And Fuzzy Feeling". The meanings of most fanfic terms can be found in's dictionary. is an awesome site. People can put fanfiction for almost anything, including anime. Original work can also be put up too, since my friend has put up some of her poems. *hunts for the exact URL to the dictionary* People can also leave reviews. Lots of well sorted fanfiction for people to read, for those who do normally read fanfiction ^^; I really only read Firefury's and whatever she makes me read.
Oh, it seems to have moved off of due to... "personality conflicts" but the dictionary can now be found here
Well, ciao! =)
Dear One-chan,
Cool! Arigato!
Dear Tamahome,
I took that offensively.;-; I'm not going to do anything to any of you.Nakago,yes.You all,no.;-;
Depressed Ash-chan
Dear Ash-chan,
Gomen nasai yo! I didn't mean to hurt your feelings.
Dear Hotohori,
Hey, I saw that test of faith your ladies are giving you. Good idea to keep your answer short. If you disect that question, you'll only be revealed for the sick person you really are. I mean, if you ask them the particulars (ex. Would your breasts be okay...?) you just get cussed out.
PS Enjoying the message I wrote on you for the world to see, Hotohori?
Dear Yomi,
We never had any intention of asking particulars. Disfigurement is disfigurement. And no, I am NOT enjoying what you did! GUARDS!!! *Has the guards take her to a special cell in the dungeon.*
Dear Hotohori,
Hi, Hori-chan! *Lifts his bangs* Sweet God, it's true! Kimiko! You have got to see this!
Kimiko: What?
Remember when you decided to have fun with your brother and permanent markers?...
Kimiko: Yeah why?
Just look at his forehead.
Kimiko: Excuse me. *insert evil laughter*
Don't worry Hori-chan, permanent marker does come out. I think I'll maim that Yomi person though...
Umihebiza no Miko and Kimiko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko and Kimiko,
*Looks at himself in the mirror and faints again.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
do any of you hate science? Chiriko- you may not wish to read this....
I had the worst !@$#&$%%#()%&*&^ day in science (man, i'm begining to swear as much as Tasuki...) that you could imagine!!! Do you guys have any ideas on how to blow up a science classroom, or maybe the homework assignment written on the board?
Sorry for b*tchin' to you guys, but my buddy Umihebiza no miko told me it would help...
Dear Kimiko,
Not really to both questions. Guess you're stuck doing your homework!
Dear Chiriko,
Hi Chiriko-saaaaan... I'm sure you'd know about the Chinese mythology about the rivalry between the Tiger and the Dragon. Is it true? Could you tell me more about it, because I'm a tiger, and someone I really admire is a dragon.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey! Next anime con I'm gonna be InuYasha. I always wanted to be him, but I thought the costume would be so hard! But my mom says that she'll help me!!! YAY! I'm gonna be Inuchan! lol Hmmm so any suggestions on the costume minna? Waitasec.. do you even KNOW InuYasha?! O.o;; Hey! It woulda been real cool if you had ever met.. I wonder what you'd do.. ^.^
Inuchan (Inuyasha)
Dear Inuchan,
We'd probably say hello, no da. We've read the manga and are looking forward to seeing the anime that we caught one episode of when Chichiri no Aijin was in Kyoto, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Oi! I just came back from NekoCon 4!!! It was so sugoi! I loved it! It was a bit smaller than last year, but i saw a Tasuki!! And two Chichiri's! And 1 Tamahome! And 1 Nuriko.. hmmm.. and 1 soi! That was it. ^.^ sugoisugoisugoisugoi! Wait... there was a suboshi too! ^____^ lol I went as Utena. yep yep. I got many stares and lotsa people wanted my picture! *.* I was a STAR! lol I loved the attention! I kept glomping strangers. The music video contest ruled! Know of any good places to download music video's easily? A Mousse told me to go to Doki doki station. ^.^
Inuchan (Inuyasha)
Dear Inuchan,
I dunno 'bout Doki Doki Station bein' th' place fer anime music vids. It's a website where ya' can buy anime stuff. Ya' might wanna run th' words "anime music video" through a seasrch engine an' see what comes up.
Dear Nuriko,
How are you? *Hugs him* You remind me of my older sister. Korede.*Gives him chocolates* I hope you like them.^_-
*~Yume-Chan~* (In a very happy mood)
P.S You should tell Tasuki,NOT to take such a risk.*Sighs* I guess i learned my lesson.*Sighs again*It kind of made my grammar look bad.
Dear Yume-Chan,
Arigato for the chocolate! I'll tell him, but what are you referring to?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*Skips in all sort of cheerful like*KONBANWA MINNA-SAN!!Well,as I told you before that Draven didn't want to have the operation,well yesterday(10-27-01)something terrible happened.He passed out on the couch and wasn't breathing.;_;.His brother scott had told me that,he had called 911 as quickly as he could,and they got him over at the hospital on a breathing machine.Well today he had to have his surgery,because if he didn't,when he passed out he would probably not wake up at all.So he had his surgery.I'm still waiting to find out if he's ok and if he made it through.*hugs her onnisan's*;____;I hope he made it ok.Well I just wanted to let you know what happened now.And,hopefully he made it through the surgery safe and sound.But I have one question though,his brother scott told me that one day about two months ago,he had played with Draven's Ouiji board,and asked it to take him away from everyone.Can that actually happen?But Scott says he feels really guilty,and he realizes now that Draven and I are never going to split up,and that noone can break us two apart,because we're so in love with each other.He realizes that now,and wishes that he was in Draven's place.But an ouiji board can't do that can it?Let me know.
Dear Destiny,
We hope he made it through as well, no da. The Ouiji Board can't take him away, but one really shouldn't toy with the spirits of the dead, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Just wanting to know........ where's all the pictures of miaka and yui? and what about the other characters?
hoshi tsubasa
Dear hoshi tsubasa,
In the Gallery under Miscellaneous, no da!
Dear Nuriko,
*POUNCES NURI-CHAN*Konnichiwa!!Genki desu ka?Genki Desu!Well did you hear about the news about Draven and I being engaged?Would you be my bride's maid's?^_^.Oh yea just to let you know Draven made it out of the surgery fine.^_^ YAY!!*dances around Nuri-chan*Anywho,can I ask a question?What the heck is a hippogrif?O_O;.What is that?I've never heard of that before.<<;;Let me know?arigatou gozai masu Nuri-chan!
Dear Destiny,
Of course I'll be your bridesmaid! Arigato for the honor! We're all relieved to hear that Draven made it through surgery just fine. *Gives her a hug.* A hippogriff is an animal (now extinct) which was half horse and half griffin. The griffin was itself a compound creature, half lion and half eagle. The hippogriff was actually, therefore, a one-quarter eagle and one-quarter lion.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
In response to the question as to what "WAFF" means to a fanfic. "WAFF" stands for 'Warm And Fuzzy Feeling.' At least that's what I heard. I hope that helps. I could be wrong, but it's what I heard. I known that I've used the term before in refernce to a fanfic. And it really did cause a WAFF. Well hope that helps, no da. Ja!
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Actually, this is for LS. WAFF stands for "warm and fuzzy fic" Why do I know? It's one of my favorite genres! It's nothing more than an excuse for characters to confess love for each other and have mushy scenes. Call it G or PG versions of those sick stories out there.
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
May I beat the living *&(&^* out of that little *(^&%&^ Shun'u-baka?? * is all bandaged and sore..* he keeps hurting me.. THATS NOT NICE TO DO TO TH' MA OF A 3 YEAR OL' NURSE WANT TO BE AAACCKKKK * falls over.. is kinda almost mummified up to her neck* SHUN'U I'M GONNA BEAT YOU!!!!!
Kou Aidou
Dear Kou Aidou,
Well, if you stopped hurling logs at him, this wouldn't have happened! No, you may not.
Dear Tasuki,
Sweet MERCIFUL cr*p, tell me you're joking! Yeah, he's nice (and his name will NOT be said, otherwise I'll never hear the end of it from my friends), and I think I may like him more than as a friend, but I can't ask him... we have NOTHING in common other than we were both in choir in eighth grade, the only reason I know him. I'm too shy to ask. I can't tell you how much I'm shaking right now just THINKING of it. Oh, yeah, I have a big mouth when writing to you people, and with my friends, but with guys... I'm either yelling at them, or staying quiet out of fear. What I'm scared of, I don't know. Yeah, I know you're probably going to say,"Get over it! How bad can it be," but to make it worse, I feel like a total IDIOT when I dance. Mainly because, I can't dance. *Starts crying* When it comes to boys, I'm a lost cause. I... I... I don't know what I'm trying to say! WAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!! *sniffle* *sob*
Umihebiza no Miko
PS. This is for my friends Kimiko, yui-san, and Sailor Pluto. IF YOU ASK ME ANYTHING RELATED TO THIS, I'LL KICK YOUR @$$ SO HIGH UP YOU'RE GONNA HAFTA TAKE OFF YOUR SHIRT TO SH*T! And you know I can...
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
I wasn't kiddin' an' besides he probably can't dance either! You do realize that th' worst he could do if ya' asked him is say no! Or mebbe th' worst thin' he could do is say yes…
Dear Chiriko,
hi your soooooo kawaii. how do you get so kawaii??? i wish i was as kawaii as you!! do you like blink 182? they're cool, no da!!!
Dear someone,
Arigato for your kind words. I don't think I've ever listened to Blink 182.
Dear Hotohori,
what color is your hair??
i think is gray, my friend think is greenish-brown. i think she's dumber than tasuki (no offense tasuki) please reply
the genius
Dear genius,
My hair is a deep, luxurious, chestnut brown.
Dear Tasuki,
yo bro, sup my man? things are cool here. the guys still stink like heck. you need to tell them to take a bath. anyway come back home soon!
Dear kouji,
Yer their leader! YOU tell 'em!
Dear Chichiri,
Hi No DA guy!!!! NO DA NO DA NO DA NO DA NO DA!!!!!!
no da
Dear no da,
Dear Chiriko,
Does Amiboshi love Miaka?
Dear Noa,
I think so. *Smiles*
Dear Nuriko,
...did you realize that you have yet to teach Tasuki how to use a comb?
hyperactive person
Dear hyperactive person,
LOL or to bathe regularly either!
Tasuki: Yer NOT funny! I DO bathe regularly!
Nuriko and Tasuki
Dear Mitsukake,
...YOU RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *glomps him at hyperspeed, then turns into a little kitten and falls asleep*
a very tired Ayame
Dear a very tired Ayame,
Dear Tasuki,
my friend thinks your hot? *smiles* and i heard that Tamahome called you fang boy. *haaaaaaaaaaahaaa* Is it just me or did Tamahome try to throw you the water. are you scard of water. *haaaaaaaaaaaaa*
Yer NOT funny! >.<
Dear Tasuki,
*numbes one of her gingerbread-cookies* A-ano, Tasuki... A question just came over me and I decided to ask you... Can men cry? Are they supposed to? Just want to know your oppinion about it... Ja!
Dear Lina,
Yes they can. Are they s'pposed to? I dunno why not! I guess it depends on th' man. Why?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Ok, I need some help here. I just got back from the Ren. Fest. and I bought a baby unicorn. I need to name her, but I don't know any good names. I want to name her something in Japanese. Do you know of any names that sound as pretty in Japanese as they do in English?
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
Here are some names: Kana, Haruko, Sachiko, Sanae. What do you think of those for a start?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Thank you for placing our page up on your links section. *bows in respect to his seishi*
Dear Suzaku,
*Bows back deeply* You are quite welcome. Anything for the Gods.
Dear Tasuki,
hi TASUKI!it's been a very long time since i've written to you.u probably don't remember me-_-anyways...i gots a questoin for ya.oh wait nevermind jus missed ya^-^*HUGS*kay bai bai!!
Dear joy-chan,
Actually, I DO remember ya'! How've ya' been?
Dear Hotohori,
Konnichiwa Hotohori-sama..!
My life has been so hectic lately (and I dun' really think my parents like me)!! My grades have gotten pretty bad and all these guys keep askin' me out. They are such guys. Jeez, what age do they start actin' all nice and proper-like, like you? Blah. There's one guy at my school who I like, but he's a year younger than me. And I don't really know his name. Meh.
Buuut on a lighter note... I went to my first con last month. It was the greatest thing I've ever been to and I'm going to another one in February~ and I want your opinion on who I should cosplay as this time. There's Dejiko from Digi Charat, Minako or Michiru from Sailor Moon, Mana from Malice Mizer, and Shinya from Dir en Grey. I'm kinda stuck here >.< I was Mana at the last con, so I don't think I'll be him. Hmmm....
Well I would love to hear what you think.
Ja ne, Ojiichan!!
Dear Sami-chan,
I'm sure your parents like you! Instead of worrying about cons and boys, it sounds like you need to study more. As for which character you should go as Dejiko is cute, or maybe you could do a character from Love Hina or One Piece. Good luck!
By the way, oji means uncle in Japanese and ojii means grandfather in Japanese. I do hope by calling me "Ojiichan" you meant Uncle and NOT Grandfather...
Dear Chichiri,
hi chichiri i've been sick i still am kinda so it's REALLY GREAT THAT I CAN TALK TO U!!!!!!!! sorry i missed u. some poeple think no da is stupid and anoying me i loveit i use it after every sentance!!!!!!!!!!! and sorry about my typing i'm still quizy argato for all your responses chichiri
Dear Luna,
I hope you feel better soon, no da! Odaijini!
Dear Nuriko,
Nurikoooooooooooooo! *runs over to her big brother and squeezes him tight* I've missed you so much, I've been on holiday to Gran Canaria and now I'm back. I'm glad to be back, it was sooooo hot (43 degrees!) I'm not use to weather that hot, its normally cold here. I was freezing when I got back it was only 9 degrees as I live near the sea. I gotta start back at college tomorrow *groan* But I think I'm gonna start taking japanese classes after college if I can find one. I gotta learn it cos I wanna go there for my year out before I start University. Anyways *sits down at a bar table and offers her brother a seat* How are you, well I hope? Are you gonna order a Nuriko special, what is the ingredients for that? I really wanna try some, but I suppose I'll have to wait till i'm 18 *sticks to ordering rice and gulps it down* I've got so much work to do, I haven't done my essays as I've been away, and I have a sociology presentation to prepare, so I better get off the net and get down to some work *hugs her brother goodbye and walks away from the table, leaving Nuriko with the bill *Hoping he hasn't noticed the extra food she ordered and has stuffed in her pockets (It's brain food honest)heehee*
Jen xxxxxxxxx
Dear Jen,
*Smiles* I'm fine. A "Nuriko Special" is a mixture of Chinese wines and sake. Good luck with your presentation! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
I'M VERY ANGERY! *Smiles* Just kidding.*Runs up behind him,and gives him a big hug* Arigato gozaimasu, for answering all my questions. It really helped me out.^_~ Yeah, finally my laptop isn't my only friend. You really made feel much better.~_^ I'm finally out of my depression,and back to my normal self again. *Sighs* I probably acted childish in my last letters.
*Shakes head* That isn't like me.*Sighs again*You must think i'm someone younger. Anyway,which seishi gets the most letters?
Dear Yume-Chan,
Yer welcome. Glad I could help out! Me an' Chichiri seem to get th' most letters.
Dear Mitsukake,
I feel horrible. I'm stressed and depressed and literally going insane. School is hurting me, my grandparents are stressing me, and on top of that i'm expected to be a perfect person otherwise. Is there any way you could cure me of this??
~Kurai no Tenshi
Dear Kurai no Tenshi,
I say you need to take a deep breath, go into your bathroom. Put on some soothing music and take a long hot bath. That should relax you. Then you might want to try some chamomile tea afterwards. Good luck.
Dear Tasuki,
Oi, Tasuki, you had to have been me in my chinese life or something. I know exactly what you feel like with the whole sister deal. I have two, 40 and 39.**ol' geezers** and I'm only 16.major gripe 1)my mom is a prissy preppy girl, and I'm the type that plays football until it's 11. You can see the personality difference.2) My olderst sister is divorced, and the middle one (the middle problem as "dear" mother says) is married to a southern hick. They decide to take their problems out on me! Their grown women for crissake!! Whenever they can they try to push me into my mom's swimming pool. They think it's funny that I'm petrified of water, because the 40 year old one almost made me drown when I was three.**she dunked me!!** On a plus they don't through logs at me, just eggs and pairs, and yes, only raw eggs. Dear mother thinks it's cute. 3)The middle problem calls me Sailor v, now, that's all well in good if you wear pink tutu's and such, and when your ten years old, but there's a little somebody that graciously invented Fushigi Yugi(yuugi, whatever.) **downs a pint of sake** I wish I had a big brother like Miaka does. I wish I could run away an' be a chinese bandit. And don't say you don't exept girls cause I'm not a girl...I prefer "Tomboy." Nah, I just need a big brother or somehtin'.
Mika Kino
Dear Mika Kino,
Yer's sound as bad as mine! An' at their age they should know better than to behave th' way they do! So, are ya' askin' me to be yer oniisan?
Dear Chiriko,
ohh chiriko how come i can't be yor aijin? guess what i learned how to say where's the toilet in japanese isn't that cool!
Dear ruki,
I'm not old enough for such a thing. But you can be my friend. So, you've learned to say, "Otoire wa doko desuka?" I don't know if it's cool, but it's certainly useful!
Dear Tamahome,
*punches right next to Tamahome's head* thats easy for you to say you're not the one seeing it every night over and over untill you cant see anything else! Seven years of this is a long time! Thats even beside the fact that you can fight and become a super sayin kind of person! All I got is a knife under my pillow which is the same weapon I saw it use. Not everyone is as lucky as you are in this kind of situation. *appears on the roof and sits there* *sighs* now I'll just vent out whats going on. I'm asking no question so I dont really care if theres an answer. My mom is starting to worry about me cause I havent gotten over this yet. I start shaking and feeling sick when she accidentaly mentions anything related to it. I think I know why I'm scared of it but theres nothing I can/will do about it. I think its cause when I was growing up all I had were my toys. I never talked to anyone but them and I trusted them more than I have ever trusted a human. When I saw what I did even that trust was betrayed somehow. I now dont trust anything much less anyone.
Ascot Metali
Dear Ascot Metali,
You know, I'd mention the "C" word, but I know you'd go ballistic on me. Even you said you were scared but there's nothing you "can/will do about it." Ascot, you have GOT to be willing to help yourself or let others help you or no matter anyone says or how much they care it won't get through. I know it's hard but you have to be willing to open up even a little and let people in who care about you and want to help you. There's no magic here. You're the only one who can do this. You have the power to make it happen. So, what do you say? *Extends his hand to Ascot.*
Dear Chiriko,
Update on life. Math still sucks and proofs are evil, but I got a 95% on my chapter 2 test. My brain hurts. No seriously, I feel that if I look at one more math problem before Monday, my head'll explode.
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
Congratulations on your excellent grade! Keep up the good work and take something for your headache!
Dear Tasuki,
*POUNCE!* WAS NOT! And I've known people who walk their cats!
Spikey blonde hair = Super Saiya-jin. I don't believe Chibi or Mirai Trunks are ever wearing orange outfits. Oh well, we'll have to look at the poster some time.
Dear One-chan,
Mebbe next weekend ya' could come by an' get it. I can't guarantee that Yuuki an' Yuuya will be there, but at least ya' get a DBZ poster! *Grins*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey guys Halloween is coming up and I just wanna know what costumes are you going to be wearing for Halloween?
Dear Sara,
We've already posted our Halloween picture. Our costumes are up on Seishi of the Week.
Dear Hotohori,
I found you!*Glomps him and dosen't let go*
Sara:Hey get away from Hotohori-sama!*punches him to the wall*Nuriko isn't the only one with super strength^_~
The drunken bandit and Sara
Dear Sara,
Arigato! *Sweatdrops* Persistent isn't he?
Dear Tamahome,
Give Hotohori a French kiss and I'll pay you any amount you want.
Dear Yomi,
There's not enough money on the planet for me to do THAT! I'm greedy NOT yaoi! >.<
Dear Chichiri,
I had my pictures retaken yesterday. I should have them before Thanksgiving. Thank God, just in time for the rush of relatives. I hope Becky can wait a little longer... Ay, what do I care. She never gives me her picture. But she promised this year. I'll let you know how it turns out!
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
I'm sure they will be lovely, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
Nuriko do you ever wonder what it's like to be liked for who you are? I've never known that for I'm a "Gaurdaian" A sworn protecter of a place called Death Gate. No one treats me like a friend but more like a body gaurd.It get's on my nerves. And no one even tries to be my friend, their afraid something will happen to them but I can't seem to explain it won't, what can I do?
Dark Gaurdian
Dear Dark Gaurdian,
You could try not telling people that you are the Guardian of the Death Gate and see if that makes any difference. The Guardian is your job. You are who you are regardless of your job.
Dear Hotohori,
I just watched the first half of Fushigi Yuugi again... in DUB! Dear GOD! What did they DO to you?! There was no sign of manliness at all! WAAHHH!!! You sounded like a Mama's boy! I won't even go into your "swearing", *cough* bloodhound *cough* however episode 13, "Baby? What the h*ll?!" was pretty good. You know I swear I've heard that voice actor before... Is that the guy who did Fred Luo in Outlaw Star @_@?!!! Can't really tell since the credits give the Japanese seiyuu, which totally shames their talent. For you dubbies out there, Koyasu Takehito is NOT a weenie like THIS nameless "actor" and makes Hotohori all the more sexy than he already is! O_O Crap, did I just call you sexy out loud? *Turns bright red* Oh my God! *Runs off completely embarassed*
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
*Smiles* We are not fond of the dub either.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Mushi: Hello
Aiaki: *hyper* Konnichiwa minna-san!!!
Mushi: ,_, Anyways we have some questions.
Aiaki: What are your feelings on the Sept. 11th attack? (Hoto-san and Fang-san don't reply)
Mushi: Will... you... go... out... with... me... Nuriko... AIAKI!
Aiaki: *giggles madly*
Mushi: *pounds Aiaki into the ground* Anyways... hruf... what are ya'll favorite mythical creature? (please be different)
Aiaki: *half-alive* *laughs stupidly*
Mushi and Aiaki
Dear Mushi and Aiaki,
We were all shocked and saddened by it. Here are our answers to your other question:
Tasuki: Dragon
Hotohori: Phoenix
Tamahome: Griffin
Chiriko: Sphinx
Chichiri: Unicorn
Mitsukake: Jackalope
Nuriko: Hippogriff
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
Hi! *Hugs him tightly* I think you are so cool, but then you already knew that.*Winks* I'm probably one of your biggest fans, but seriously Tasuki Wasuki I heard a rumer going around, is it true Nakago becomes a Suzaku Seishi?! If it is I feel so bad for you. *Hugs him tighter* So I hope you take care of yourself, kisses! *Kisses him*
Dear Lucy,
He what? No he doesn't! An' don't call me "Tasuki Wasuki"...
Dear Tasuki,
Miaki: Who'd you like some help getting that dye out?
Taki: *snivel* You just want to go through his hair, Ranbou-san. *large iron bar falls on his head* ;_;
Miaki: First of all, I'm not violent. Second of all, those iron bars hit you because of your impurity curse.
Taki: LIE! YOU LIE! *another iron bar falls atop the last one* ,;_;,
Miaki: And third... bandits help bandits out, former or not.
Taki: *snivels hard* You quit cuz Kouji thought you where a man caught in women's body! *underbreath* Don't blame him... your not quite girlfriend material anyways. *three more hit him leaving him flat*
Miaki: *holding back tears* Kouji turned me down because I was too young then! *starts to cry* Its not my fault I sound and act like a boy! *waves her tessen around*
Taki: *brings himself up* You know Kouji would never go out with you!!
Miaki: *starts to wail* *falls backwards into Tasuki* Its not true...
Miaki and Baka (Taki: EEERRRRR!!!!!)
Dear Miaki and Baka,
*Looks a bit bewildered…* What crazy bin are ya' all from? An' you! Quit pickin' on her! 'Che! I hate hearin' women whine an' cry!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
As of 1:00 am (Eastern time) October 27, 2001, I finished watching the last 10 episodes of "Fushigi Yugi." Excellent job, guys. *hands out roses to everyone* I enjoyed all the action, the romance, and the way everything panned out. (I hesitate to go into detail because there's always a chance, albiet a small one, that someone has NOT seen the whole series, and it wouldn't be nice to spoil it for them, would it?) Next, it's on to the OVAs. I'm sure those are just as great too. Can't wait to meet Boushin-san. He sounds like an adorable litte boy--like a certain emperor I know. *puts on gas mask and shoos away rabid fangirls by spraying tear gas*
Shifting gears a little, *takes off gas mask* there is a question that has been bugging me for a very long time. What does WAFF stand for as it applies to fanfics? Is that a glorified way of saying mushy fic?
Finally, this one thing REALLY bothers me!! Why the hell doesn't Miaka get fat? From the way she eats, she should weigh at least 300 lbs and be as big as an aircraft carrier, and yet she's this petite little thing Tasuki and the other seishi (with the possible exception of Chiriko) can lift up like she weighs nothing. That's the only thing I don't like about her, otherwise she's pretty cool, in an annoying girly sort of way.
Anyway, fantastic job everyone. Don't worry about the tear-gas smell. It'll be gone in about an hour.
Dear LS,
*Coughing from the tear gas* We've never heard of the term "WAFF". Minna do you know what it means? As for Miaka I'd says she has an abnormally fast metabolism.
Arigato for the roses and your kind praise. We're glad you enjoyed it.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
What d'you guys think of Harry Potter?
Dear Cally,
We all think it is a brilliant series!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Dragonball Z is for boys,isn't it?
Dear Apple,
I think it is for anyone who enjoys it.
Dear Mitsukake,
I think you're gonna want this. *tosses bottle of stomach medicine to the healer* I hear Miaka is trying her hand at making brownies. This medicine is probably going to be your best friend for a few days.
By the way, have you seen that bottle of laxatives in the medicine cabinet? I could have sworn it was there earlier today.
Dear LS,
Miaka ... brownies ... LAXATIVE??? Uh-oh! TAMAHOME!!!!!!!! *Runs off to find Tamahome and the others to warn them.*
Dear Tamahome,
*shuts door behind her and glances around* Okay, I don't think anyone followed me here.
As you requested, I've marked down the price of those photos I showed you. (I think you know the ones--of Tasuki and his sisters). Now, they're only 3 ryou each for all 20. That's 60 ryou total, a 40% discount. Pretty genrous, huh?
And as an added bonus, I'll even give you these *hands Tamahome a photo album and coupons for a hibachi dinner for two.* Free of charge.
Now whaddya say? Unless Miaka's cooking has improved, that is...
Dear LS,
No, it hasn't... *Hands her 60 ryou and takes the pictures and otehr things.* Arigato!
Dear Chichiri,
...something really weird is happening. My crush looks like you, for onr thing. Same eyebrows, same height, and his bangs even go up a little. Second thing, his best friend looks exactyly like Haikou! ((i can send you a piccie of him if youd like)) Its scary!
Love always,
Dear Lybra,
You can send a picture if you wish, no da. Just try to make sure they don't fight over you, no da.
Dear Chiriko,
Oiiiiiiii!! ^^ Chiriko-sama! Wanna be a kawaii gentleman and add my latest, and hopefully more sucessful, peeji to your links? the address is It's called Midori Shinzui...and it's dedicated to the Genbu Seishi. ^^ Cuz they rule..
Dear Keiko,
It's on the Links Peeji.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Okay, here are the list of costumes for you guys and Miaka:
Miaka: Esmeralda
Tama: Quasimodo
Hori: Peter Pan
Nuriko: Tinker Bell
Chichiri: Merlin
Tasuki: Pirate ( you steal an eyepatch from Hikitsu )
Mits: Batman
Chiriko: Robin
Tell me what cha think of it! Teehee!
ChibInu-chan no Miko
Dear ChibInu-chan no Miko,
Very cute! Especially Nuriko as Tinkbell! Hahahahaha... *Gets decked by Nuriko* ITAI!
Dear Tamahome,
Anou... Tamahome? I was wondering if maybe you would... if maybe you would consider... *blushes really red* Would you be my oniisan? I've been thinking about asking you for a while really, and I just thought that I should ask, even though you'd probably say no. *blushes an even deeper red* I'm such a baka. *sweatdrops A LOT*
(an embarrassed) Shuurei
Dear Shuurei,
8Smiles* Sure I would!
Dear Chichiri,
If I had been horribly disfigured in an accident... would you still love me?!
Dear Kouran,
I might ask you the same question about me, no da!
Dear Mitsukake,
If I had been horribly disfigured in an accident... would you still love me?!
Dear Shouka,
You're dead and I still love you.
Dear Hotohori,
If I were horribly disfigured in an accident... would you still love me?!
Dear Houki,
Of course I would!
Dear Tamahome,
If I were horribly disfigured in an accident... would you still love me?!
PS. Noticing a trend? They saw that issue of Cosmopolitan under my bed.
Dear Miaka,
*Sweatdrops* I noticed. Of course I would!
Dear Hotohori,
Sweetie, you should know better than to leave me without something to argue about... *Freezes him with her power and writes "Space for Rent" in permanent marker on his forehead* That'll come off in about two weeks. *Releases him and leaves.*
Dear Yomi,
*Looks in the mirror at his marred looks and faints.*
Dear Mitsukake,
Today,instead of doing usefull things,I smuggled about 20 coffee stirrers and 10 packets of sugar out of..somewhere.Necro,I think. Aren't you just so proud? *eats half of said sugar packets*
Dear Ash-chan,
*Cringes* Not really...
Dear Tasuki, one friend heard that someone is saying stuff thats not true about my friend has a big mouth and she thinks that she said it even though she didn' they both are fighting.......and its really getting annoying now cuz shes having people come annoy her and they annoy me instead and i really wanna throw em head first into a garbage can.... but in a good girl ^_^ heehee.... i hope this isnt to confusing...
Dear Tana,
It is but why not jus' have th' two of 'em talk it out? It jus' sounds like a misunderstandin' to me.
Dear Tasuki,
You think my parents sound cool? You really must have skipped what I said about Dad. Mom's awesome. *Overhears country music from the living room* On second thought when I grow up I think I'll move to St. Louis and change my name to Umi Ryuuzaki...
Anyway, I AM writing for a reason. Did you ever consider that boys are equally infuriating to girls as girls are to boys. God, I've got so many issues with guys I don't know where to begin. Well first of all, I guess it started when Kimiko begged me to find a date for the Sadie Hawkins dance. I'm in reality REALLY shy. And the thought of dating is like my numero uno nightmare. So I just started thinking of all the boys I know. There's a boy in my science class (yes, he's my age) who I think is cute and he's really nice, but from what I've seen he's the kind of guy who goes for athletic girls. When it comes to the dance, he's really all I've thought of.
There's a boy on my school bus. He's a goth, but I think he likes me (Not in THAT sense, he has a girlfriend). I have this pentacle necklace and I've been wearing it almost everyday. He noticed it and asked me if I knew what it stood for. I told him no, but I know it's the sign of a witch. He said that witches wore it for prosperity. It's the sign of a good witch. ^_^ Now he wants my necklace @_@! I promptly told him to buy his own.
Also this afternoon, I was walking to my locker to get my stuff to go home, when this boy from my science class runs up to me with some other idiot and they start screaming in my face. THIS particular @$$h*l* has been bothering me since school started. It's not bad in bits and bites, but I love the thought of just breaking his nose... To add to the weirdness, while I was waiting for the bus another boy came up to me and apologized for the display of idiocy in the hallway. He and I are in the same math class and we don't get along, but here he is apologizing for something he didn't do...
I'm so very confused right now. By the way, about that dumb@$$ in my science class that I mentioned in the previous paragraph. Is it true that guys tease girls they like? Fair warning. If you say yes, I may throw up.
Umihebiza no Miko
PS. If they got the guy who did Gene Starwind in the dub of Outlaw Star to do you in the dub of Fushigi Yuugi, do you think it would work?
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
Well, it's true that guys tease girls they likje, but they're s'pposed to grow outta that by High School! Why not try askin' th' guy in yer science class that ya' think likes athletic girls to th' dance? Th' worst he can do is say "no". An' if he's mean' 'bout it ya' know he's a jerk an' not worth thinkin' 'bout! Ya' know, that guy who apologized fer his buddies may jus' have a thin' fer ya'. *Smiles* I never heard th' dub fer Outlaw Star so I dunno. Good luck!
Dear Tasuki,
When do i get to meet the others Bwother?^_^;*holds arms out to him to be carried..*
Lil Taski
Dear Lil Taski,
*Picks her up* Th' other whats?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
You guys did a long and tedious search for a website for me? *Hugs all of them* Arigato gozaimasu! I bookmarked it to make sure I wouldn't lose it. I also tried that Seishuku astrology thing. I got Amiboshi! My sister wanted to try too, but she was too young for the available years. So we tried our cousins. (Mom's side of the family, not those evil little brats I complained about a while back on Dad's side) My oldest cousin got Chichiri! The next one (my favorite) got Nakago. WAAAHHHH!!! John's too cool for that!
Sou da, Tamahome. I know very well that nobody was high and that some words don't translate directly. First off, that's just my messed up way of saying, "What the hell is this?" as that loses edge. Second, I'm learning French. The word "Est-ce que" for example is only used to make a statement a question but it has no real meaning. While I'm on languages, thanks for reminding me WHY I quit Japanese other than the teacher was terrible. I thought the Latin connection to French might make it easier for me to learn. Japanese won't click...
Since the topic of this letter seems to be languages, I found something rather interesting. It's part of a song in Latin and it reminded me of when Miaka summoned Suzaku. I rearranged some of the words, but I thought it was too weird to keep to myself:
In die illa tremenda (On that terrible day)
Quando caeli movendi sunt (When the heavens shall be moved)
Judex crederis esse venturus (Our Judge we believe shall come)
In te Domine spevari (In you Lord, have I trusted)
Caeli et terra (Heaven and earth)
Dum veneris judicare (When thou come to judge the world be fire)
O, salutaris hostia (Oh Savior, saving victim)
Quae caeli pandis ostium (Who opens the gate of heaven)
Bella premunt hostilia (Our enemies besiege us)
Da robur, fer auxilium (Give us strength, bring us aid)
Maybe I'm thinking too hard. One of my many strange traits. Hmm... how can I thank you guys though... I know! I'll spend the weekend begging my mom to help me figure out the scanner so I can sent you my artwork! I know you really want to see that picture of Nakago. And I've got some nice pictures of Hotohori too! ^_^ Ja! Sucking up to my mother begins as soon as she gets home...
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
You're very welcome! Perhaps Miaka's prayer is a variation on a common theme of invoking a god to come down from the heavens and help the supplicants in their time of need. It's certainly very interesting. We all look forward to seeing your artwork.
Dear Nuriko,
*sweatdrop* I think i type faster then i think. I actually meant to say strange and i realized that after i sent it.....
Oh well........I had fun in the chat too! Yay! *hops up and down* ok i'm done...
Dear Cind-chan,
*Smiles* I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. We will try to do it again soon.
Dear Tasuki,
*comes in with pink hair* I'm going to a party today! Yay! Hmmmm...wants some candy? *holds out candy she stole from the Halloween giveaway stuff*
Dear Cind-chan,
Thanks! Have fun at yer party!
Dear Hotohori,
Konnichiwa... I was wondering... How many languages do you speak? I'm not sure if there is any interest in western culture in ancient China, but I speak primarily English and French... French is the language of love, you know. Well, one of them ^_^
~Kurai no Tenshi
Dear Kurai no Tenshi,
At least 2 languages besides what we normally speak in Konan. Japanese for Miaka and English so that I can communicate with my fans.
Dear Mitsukake,
What's happening at school? Well...hmm...Homework, school, teasing, school, school work, cry today during a BBQ, stress...etc. --;; That's why I'm probaby a wreck...
Dear Keiko,
Why arfe you being teased? What's REALLY going on?
Dear Tamahome,
Aaaah!Kory has turned into Hotohori!Hotohori! It all started out innocently,me admiring myself in Amy-chan's mirror,when Kory grabs the mirror and admires himself! All throughout today,he's been stealing her mirror and admiring himself in it. It's not fair!I'M Hotohori,damn it!Not him!Knock some sense ito him!He IS you,after all!
Ash-chan (He won't give back my mirror..)
Dear Ash-chan,
Kory-kun, give Ash-chan back her mirror before she goes insane and takes us all with her!
Dear Tasuki,
It wasn't Kouji flippin' ma skirt.. BAKA. My kaou bandits.. * smacks him* and if you ever *((&(*^*&%%&* Fry me again Ma said She'd turn you over her knee! you *(^*&%&^$$
Kou Aidou
Dear Kou Aidou,
She's gotta catch me first! *Lightly toasts Aidou and takes off running...*
Dear Chiriko,
Anou.. when I go to the archive and search under my screen name, how come I only get 6 or 7 letters when I know I wrote more? --;; I can even scroll through some weeks and pick them out. *shrugs with a bewildered look*
Inuchan (Inuyasha)
Dear Inuchan,
It hasn't been re-crawled with the spider-bot since April of this year. Gomen! We have activated the re-crawl and hopefully that will update it for you.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Anou.. if each of you had a day to be someone else.. who would you be? ^_~
Inuchan (Inuyasha)
Dear Inuchan,
Tasuki - A New York City Fireman!
Tamahome - The richest man in the world!
Hotohori - Just a beautiful, graceful commoner.
Mitsukake - Tama-neko
Nuriko - Houki
Chiriko - Tasuki!
Chichiri - I'd like to be a normal fisherman with a peaceful life and a loving wife and children, no da.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Chichiri,
What is name of your shampoo?:) I adore your hair and yours no daaa^___^ :-*** :))
Dear Nakanomi,
Arigato, no da. My shampoo isn't made in your world nor does it's name translate into your language, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
no daddy yer not mean...demo.....thats not to say that yer wife isn't!!!!*hugs him* Sorry, but she is the most violen't mother and Suzaku Seishi wife....and YOU married her!! But when it comes to you...she is sweet, kind, and loving!!! ^_~
Dear LandraBlaze,
*Smiles* Guess I can't ask fer much more!
Dear Hotohori,
Konnichiwa Heika-sama!! *glomps him* ^_^ I wanted to tell ya something I found really amusing (as did my Sifu ^_^;;;) In kung fu class, we learned this set called 'Beauty Looks in the Mirror', where ya go from a left forward to a cat stance, blocking open hand, lookin at yer palm as if it's a mirror. And the first thing I said (or kinda shouted) when we learned it: "Omigod! HOTOHORI-SAMA DOES KUNG FU!!!" XD!
Yeah, what wouldja do if mirrors hadn't ever been invented anyhow...? *still glomping Heika-sama*
Dear Shuurei,
I suppose I would use a polished metal surface as They did in very ancient times. *Smiles and sweatdrops*
Dear Nuriko,
Oh well that's ok I don't mind! Do you know of any fanart contests online that I could enter. I really like drawing and I've entered 2 already (one at Pocket Bishoujo and one at Sharem's Fan Art Studio)? Well c you later.
Dear Suta,
Goemn, I don't really keep up with online contests. Minna, can you help out?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi! I just started a new site reccently, you mayor may not have seen the post about it on the Mb, but I would love for you to check it out and give me your opinion on it!
Dear Taii,
Nice lokking site! I've added you to out Links Peeji. I hope you don't mind.
Dear Nuriko,
*Grabs his shirt and pulls his face close* Nuriko, you useually give me good advice, but this time I must say you really messed up! I let him down easy like you said and he flipped! He began insulting me and my family, now I've a short temper, alot shorter then Tauski's but I held my tongue, but when he insulted my best and only friend I flipped, I slam my fist so hard into his face he went flying backwards. We faught but it wasn't long before he ran home crying, now my consience is nagging me so I turned to you and I was wondering if I should apoligize to him or not, he made me mad, but... I don't know, what do you think?
Dear LoneWolf,
*Sighs* Gomen ne, that he didn't take it very well. I suppose you should apologize for punching his lights out. But be prepeared, he might not accept it. Good luck.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*walks in all sick like and sits down.*MINNA-SAN!!!!Where have ya been?*Stands a few feet away from them hoping they won't get sick*I've been kinda sick the last for or five days ;_;.My throat is having problems swallowing and I think I need to go back on the pill that will help my throat more.;_;.Anywho,I would hug you but I don't you guys getting sick.So I won't.
Anywho,the reason why I'm writing to you again is because I found out some news about Draven's surgery.Well about two days ago,he told me that he does NOT want to have the surgery,because if he did he could die than and would never have a chance of meeting me.And he'll leave Dj and I behind and he doesn't want that.I really wish he would have the surgery and I keep telling him that,but he doesn't want to have it.He won't even get a second opinion.I wish he would,but I guess I can't make him.Is there any advice that you can give me?Onnisan mistukake or tamahome?
Well on a lighter note,I have some good news if I haven't already told you this but I don't think I have.My bf and I got engaged ^_^.And I hope we're not rushing this but,we're going to get married in two years.^_^.And you're all invited.I invited the seiryuu seishi too.I hope you can make it?Heehee,now I know Nuriko you're a guy,but I would like it if you were one of my bride's maid's?Heehee.
And even on a much lighter note,I quit my job at KFC.I really dont' like it over there well anymore.So my last day there is sunday even though I gave my manager a two week notice that I quit,but he said that this could be my last week.So sunday is my last day YAY!!!Don't worry onnisan Tamahome,I'm going to get another job so I can earn some more okane even though I do have almost 500 in the bank and once I put my check in the bank I will have almost over $500.YAY!!!College here I come o.o;;Anywho,I just thought I should let you all know what's up and stuff.I love you all.*stands up,and walks out coughing.*
Dear Destiny,
I still think that Draven should seek a second opinion on his condition. I'm at a loss as to how you can persuade him to do so. Perhaps you can get him to do it for you and DJ. Gomen. Omedeto on your engagement! Nuriko is looking forward to being a bridesmaid. Odaijini!
Dear Tasuki,
Konnichiwa! *jumps into his arms* O genki desuka? GENKI DESU!!! ^_^;
Demo, I do have a couple of questions fer ya, kowai-faced man, instead of me just being hyper thanks to Bon and the pixie stix!
1. WHY IS YER DUB VOICE SO... ICK?! ;-; Yer original voice is sooooo much better, how could they do that t'ya? ;-;
2. Do ya ever come into the chat? Ya missed us tying Inuchan up, covering'm with honey an birdseed, and then hanging'm from a tree by the toes! XD! An finally,
3.. since ya drink, I thought it'd be interesting to get an answer from ya on this. What should ya do when yer babysitting a drunk? Like last night, the guy I was watching was drunk enough to jump in a dumpster an to put the lit end of his cigar in his mouth. -_-* *sighs* It was such a hassle to help him down the stairs so he wouldn't kill hisself on'm. So, what d'ya think?
*kisses him on the cheek* Yer so nice, ya know? ^_^;;
Dear Shuurei,
Here's alla yer answers in order of bein' asked:
I dunno, but I agree wit' ya'.
We was all in chat last Saturday! Ya' missed us!
Let him sleep it off. He ain't a relative of yer's is he?
Dear Tasuki,
*POUNCE!* Time for the random reminder-
Anyways, *eats the chocolate*, which Trunks? Mirai Trunks? Chibi Trunks? Or *gag* GT Trunks? Or do you have no idea? ;P Mirai Trunks is the love of Firefury's life. Along with Kenshin and Duo.
I don't think it's going to be much of a Halloween this year =/ But I'm still gonna set up the graveyard outfront and put on my witch make-up and stuff. We've been getting less and less people the past few years, and from what I've been reading in the newspaper, a lot of parents are planning parties instead of taking their kids out to trick-or-treat.
More news in the wonderful world of dog walking - Being dragged into those blue recycling trash cans: It hurts. Casey and Casper decided to go different ways around one that some inconsiderate jerk had left on the sidewalk Tuesday. And being as together they weigh about as much as I do, stopping them was rather... unlikely. So they got away and I had to chase them all the way back to my street. Needless to say, they did so not get to finish their walk. (And no, this will not make me change my mind about dogs being better than cats.)
Dear One-chan,
WAS *(^%$#@ TOO!!!!!!!!!!
I dunno, he's th' Trunks wit' the orange outfit an' th' spiky blonde hair. Cats are SOOOOOOOOO much smarter than dogs! An' they don't need to be walked either! *Sticks his tongue out at her.*
Dear Tasuki,
It's me again...."_o I was wondering? Ichigo to mikan to ringo no naka de,dore ga ichiban suki desu ka? *Kyoushou ^_~* Watashi wa momo ga ichiban suki desu. (Did i do that right? If not please correct me.)
How many letters do ya get each day? (I'm just curious) *_! Nanishiro, i was wondering.*Clears throat* Would you be my tomodachi?
*Gives him big eyes* DOZO!!!! I'm still lonely.*Eyes get all teary* I,*Sniffle* don't have much friends. It's not that people don't like me. *Sighs* I go to a private school, where i only go once a week. There's only me and five other people. (I'm serious) *Blushes* *_*
I also had to quit my bowling league. *Cries* I had so much fun there. D*mn bowling caoch! He was my coach for a year,until he became a pervert! >_< He also called my younger brother a immature weirdo. That b*stard!
Gomen if i got angery in that last sentence. *Sighs* You already know that
my older sister is in college, and my younger brother is obsessed with video games. I'm a very busy person,so i don't have much free time. Sorry to give you my whole story. ~_~
O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,Tasuki-chan. *_~ I didn't know you had an Aisai? *^_^* How long have you known each other? I'm really happy for you! ^_~ What's she like? *Still smiling* I wanna know, I wanna know. Dozo?!?!?!
Dear Yume-Chan,
I put all yer letetrs together. Hope ya' ain't mad.
I understood ya' so I guess ya' said it right! Ichigo ga suki desu yo! That's ok. 'Course I'll be yer tomodachi!
We generally get between 20-40 letters a day. It kinda depends on how much an' how often ya' guys write to us an' how often we're able to download 'em.
Iri-chan is very sweet. I guess she's been my aisai fer 'bout 2 years now.
Dear Chiriko,
I am never giving YOU cafinee again
Dear Tana,
*Smiles* Don't worry!! I wouldn't drink it!
Dear Tasuki,
Little brother theres a pervert that keeps following me and flipping my skirts.. please do something!!! * cries..*
Kou Aidou
Dear Kou Aidou,
KOUJI!!! Knock it off!!!!!!!!! >.<
Dear Hotohori,
*bows respectfully and clears her throat* Well, your highness, do you find it strange when a man dresses like a woman? *chibi like covers Nuriko's mouth an' gags him so he can't respond* ^^;; There is this Japanese Rock band called Malice Mizer that dress like women all the time. Here is a picture of Mana *hands Hoto-sama a piccy(*
So, what do you think? Do you think it's wrong? Or can only pretty men such as yourself acomplish something like this? I'd really like to know! *pokes Nuriko and grins* Don't you say nuthin' ~_~;;
Psycho AKA Charissa
Dear Charissa,
I don't think it is wrong but it does take an exceptional bishounen to pull it off properly.
Dear Chiriko,
Ohayo! I was reading the recent letters, and I kinda noticed you seem to like red mountain I brought some! *holds up big 2-liter bottle* Want it? *to self* Mwahaha...little does he know that it's all part of my evil plan to get him super-hyper with me and take over the heard me, didn't you. T_T Oh well! Want the soda anyway? *grins and holds up the soda* It's red...
the unnaturally hyper Mari Komadori
Dear Mari Komadori,
*Still recovering from his hyperness…* Ano… no thank you. It does not seem to have a good effect on me.
Dear Tasuki,
Well......lets see.....
Chris (Bubba) = red neck, loud, mean
George = ladies man, a player, 'nice'
Fred = tries to be nerdy an' smart, but he is just to mean fer it to work. (Ma's *Elizabeth's* favorite)
But in general....I guess all these bakas are pretty cool.....I am their sister after all! *Fanged Grin*
Dear LandraBlaze,
I wouldn't have "mean" sons! I ain't mean!!!
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