Dear Rachel,
Great site!! We'll add you to our Links Peeji!
Dear Mitsukake,
Hiya Mitsukake! Firstly: Silly question, but would you like a pic I drew of you? Secondly: *pulls out a microphone* Would you mind telling the fans a little more about yourself? That way, you can show the world that you are in no way boring!
P.S: How's Tama?
Dear Rachel,
Certainly! Arigato for drawing it! Tama is fine, thank you for asking. *Sweatdrops* Ano… there really isn't much too tell.
Dear Chichiri,
..I finally get the fiance to watch FY, right? And he LOVES it...except that he says you're a worthless character. -_- Personally, I think he's doing it to make me mad.
However, he LOVES Hotohori. Thinks he's the coolest thing since sliced bread. Think that he has the exceptional beauty in common with Hotohori-chan...he even SIGHS at the same time. -_-
Kelli, your forgotten aisai
Dear Kelli-chan,
*Sweatdrops and pouts* Mou… I'm not worthless, no da! I'm glad he likes the show. So, Christmas with him or with your family, no da? I need to know where to send your gifts to, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
On the whole anthrax thing, it's not very worrying to me *sweatdrop* Don't look at me like that! Anyways... stay off trains... Don't wanna get hurt ( Amtrax, get it? ^_^ ) And try not to leave food lying around... cuz of Antrax ( Ant Trax ^-^ ). Then you should be all set!
O! By the way! I went to a Point of Grace concert ( yes, a christian concert ) and I had Altoids in my bag, but my mean friend crushed them, and the security wouldn't believe it was altoids! Because the stuff left was a white powder! And they didn't let me in till I ate some. I don't really like the peppermint kind either x.x
Oh well, my pointless babbling is over! *grins* * *blink* By the way, *looks at everybody* Have some Pixie Stix! *gives everybody her "Special Pixie Stix" and gives Tasuki some Pixie Sake ^-^ Have fun!
Dear Bon,
Cute jokes! Guess next time you should make your friend eat the Altoids she crushed.
Dear Hotohori,
Why don't you dump Houki into the trash can like I dumped Tamahome,and we can be together and I can reduce you from riches to rags?
Dear Miaka,
I KNOW you're NOT Miaka!! I think you need to leave now.
Dear Tasuki,
You don't realy hate girls do you???? *Gives him big eyes* *Sigh* Kamaimasen... Dozo don't let it bother you that i'm a girl. Ok Tasuki-chan ^_^
Do you get mad when people make fun of you because you can't swim? (I would save you if you fell in lake. I'm a great swimmer)
Does it bother you when people think your gay? (I don't think your gay)
What do you do when your feelin lonely?
(My sister is so busy with her college work.*Sniffle* We hardly talk to each other anymore. I know that's more important, but it's so hard.-_- *Runs in a dark room to hide*
Gomen if i'm wasting your time. Arigatou gozaimasu.
Dear Yume-chan,
Yes! Yes! I go out an' drink wit' Kouji or pound on Tamahome. Oh wait, that's what I do fer fun! I dunno really. I guess I ain't never been really lonely. Yer not wastin' my time. Have ya' told yer sister how yer feelin'? If she don't know, she can't do nothin' 'bout it!
Dear Chichiri,
Helloooooooo! This is the first time I've ever written to you, and I just wanted to say... I LOVE YOU!... Can I have a hug? Onegai??? I promise I'll leave you alone if you do! (squeezes him with all her might before he can answer.) Oh, and this is for you! (Hands him a rose and picture of me.)~.^
Love always,
Dear Missumi-sama,
*Recovers his breath and blushes.* Arigato for the rose and the picture, no da!
Dear Hotohori,
Oh dear, I read in one of your responses that you supported Capital Punishment. Mind if I ask why? I have never actually saw the sense in it myself and I thought an intellectual such as yourself could possibly explain why you felt tah tway. It doesn;t bring the deceased person (or in this case people) back to life, nor does it prevent deaths like this from happening in the future. All it does is mean anthor life is lost. Iam certainly not saying this person ( Or people ) do not deserved to be punished, but I don't think the death penelty is the answer. I am not saying this because I am a religous fanatic (Actually I am an Atheiest) I simply don't agree that the state has the right to execute people. I know people who lose people in murders probebly feel much differently and truth be told If one of the victems familes were to say avenge their loved one things would be different. Or if said person were to be killed in a missle attack. I simply think the state should not be given the right to execute people.
What are your thoughts on the matter? i respect your opinion and would be happy to hear from you.
Thank you for your time. And please excuse my spelling
Dear Silverfox,
Those are all excellent points. I admire your well thought out statements. This particular person's crime I felt is such an atrocity that I feel his death is warranted if only to avenge his victims.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Just when ARE you going to show your costumes? I'm waiting... SOU DA! I am going to write a fic where you guys, the Seiryuu seishi, and your mikos dress up in costumes and go trick-or-treating. I will tell you what you will wear when you answer my letter. Teehee!
ChibInu-chan no Miko
Dear ChibInu-chan no Miko,
We did as soon as we read your letter! Arigato for reminding us!
Dear Tamahome,
* hands him 2 gold Ryou * how much it'd cost ta get ya ta throw my li'l brother inta a shallow pond..? I assure if You do.. I won't hit you with a Log..
Kou Aidou
Dear Kou Aidou,
*Smiles and pockets the okane…* This one's on the house! OI! Tasuki! Doko desuka??
Dear Mitsukake,
*bounces around,unusually happy*
I re-did your shrine into frames!I and I put a default page so people who can't handle frames go to the page without frames!YAY! I'll send you the link to that and "Making Effective Harem Bishounen" when I'm ready. *glomps*
Dear Ash-chan,
Excellent! Congratulations! I look forward to seeing them.
Dear Tasuki,
Hey, ummm, I just got started watching the series (so I don't know much about it) with my little sisters, but they told me about you. I know exactly how you feel about girls and all. I have 5 little sisters! @_@ And they all love this series...
Dear Mike-kun,
At least they're LIL' sisters! Mine are all older than me!
Dear Chichiri,
Hey! Gomen for not writing in a while. ^^; Ive been kinda busy for a while, people keep bugging me to draw pics for them. I would be swamped with comissions, except for the fact that Kuro-neechan decided that if I take anymore requests for the rest of the month, she would take my sketchbooks away for a whole week! Theres no way I could go a whole week without drawing something so I stopped takin requests. ^^;;; That reminds me, do you know any good cures for artist's block? I keep getting bouts of it whenever I get in the middle of drawing a cool pic..--; Anyways, arigatou for that advice a coupla months ago, it was very helpful. ^_^ *hears a crash* Uh, yea, I think Im gonna go and check on my ototo....make sure he didnt hurt himself...^^;; *gives Chiri-san a hug* Ja ne no da! ^__^
Dear Kashke,
You're very welcome, no da. Perhaps you need to relax a bit and the block will go away, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
oh chichiri i missed u sooooooooooooooooo much i've been so busy and when i get the time expect more letters from and don't foget about me till then *winks and blows kiss*
Dear Luna,
I won't! Take care, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
*Yuuhi ( a semi suboshi/amiboshi look alike ) and Tooya ( a cross between Nakago and Tamahome but with Nuriko's fashion sense) walk up to the red headed guy, Yuuhi looking at a map of modern Japan, looking puzzled*
Hey, do you know the quickest way back to Tokyo? You see we lost our party in some weird earth quake...and ended *Looks around.* I don't even know where here is. *Yuuhi sighs and looks at Tooya* And he's not much help.
*Tooya sweatdrops slightly.*
Yuuhi Aogiri and Tooya
Dear Yuuhi Aogiri and Tooya,
Well, where are ya' from? Yer map ain't no good! This ain't Japan! This is our cyberabode!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
This question has been bothering me since I started watching anime. What is with these heights? Aside from the fact that some of you are WAY taller than the average Asian person, the difference in height really bugs me. Chiriko is 4'10". Miaka is 5'2". Why does it look like she's twice as tall as he is? That's only four inches difference! Mitsukake is six inches taller than Hotohori. Does Hotohori have to strain his neck any more to look him in the eye, or did the animators have mercy?
Wouldn't you like to know?
Dear Daredemo,
I think it's called "artistic license".
Dear Hotohori,
*looks sad* I have a big prob. Or rather I have many. My mom wont stay offa the internet, she doesnt pay attention to me, my 21 year old brother bosses me and my younger sisters around saying we live like pigs and dont work,yet he doesnt eather!*looks frustrated* Honestly I do do work. I just dont like the dishes or laundry.*Looks sheepish* Also I just broke up with my boyfriend,(Even though he was a bad one, always making me pay the movies bill*Looks very mad*) Anyway i need to vent my frustration on some one so COME HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *chases you with a chain saw and a belt full of wicked looking tools* IT WONT HURT (me) A BIT!!!!!!!!!!!! * Looks like a cycopath*
Mood Swinging H-chan
Dear H-chan,
I'm sorry you are frustrated, but there's no need to take it out on me!
Dear Tasuki,
You know, if you don't want so many rabid fangirls asking you to marry them, you should stop randomly showing up with no shirt.
Wouldn't you like to know?
Dear Yeah I would,
I don't think it would make a difference.
Dear Mitsukake,
You've barely been getting any mail lately, so I'm gonna ask you instead of Chichiri. You both lost loved ones in that flood. Did you live in the same village, or did you both just happen to live in villages next to that river? I'd give you a comforting hug if you weren't so very, very tall.
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
We lived in different villages. Arigato for your kindness.
Dear Tasuki,
Ooo, poor baby. If it's any consolation, my mom's scary, too. Not scary as much as embarassing. Let's just say that teenage girl going through puberty and blabbermouth mother who tells her sisters everything ABOUT said teenage girl don't mix. She keeps teasing me about liking anime. She says you're all girly men, and that Nakago is probably the manliest in Fushigi Yuugi @_@. You'll be happy to know that I defended your honor to the best of my ability. Oh well. I'm stuck. Can't run off like you did. And if it weren't for Mom, I wouldn't have my anime or for mocking really bad movies.
Then there's my dad. Remember I said you two have the same birthday? He loves to sing. Problem? He sings in a key that doesn't exist. He's the main reason why I love my headphones. If he hears my music he'll sing along. It's not exactly comforting to hear your father call himself a "Backstreet Dad" >.<
They're all right I guess. They know which Sailor Senshi is which, how to pronounce "Fushigi Yuugi", and they've started their memorization of the seishi. They know who Hotohori is already. I must have like 80 pictures of him... alone. They'll know you soon too. As soon as I have a big window of time, I'm going on another printing blitz! Remember, family reunions are that time when you come face to face with your family tree and realize... some branches need to be cut.
Umihebiza no Miko
PS: What did you think of that quote "They found traces of blood in my alcohol stream."? It's perfect for you!
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
It's a great quote! I dunno, 'cept fer th' "girly men" cr*p yer parents sound pretty cool! I think yer pretty lucky!
Dear Tasuki,
*busily polishes tessen* C'mon Tasuki. I've been polishing this fan of yours for two hours straight! Can I take a break now? Please? *gives the bandit a sad puppy look*
Dear LS,
I didn't TELL ya' to polish it to begin wit'! But thanks! *Grins*
Dear Chiriko,
*gives him book on Sairou topography* I found this in my room during my cleanup job. Is it yours? I can't read the kanji that's in the inside flap, and the only reason I figured it was Sairou was because it had a bunch of pictures of desert and rocks.
Please be careful where you leave your stuff. Okay? I heard you were looking for this book for awhile. Let me know if you're missing any other books.
Dear LS,
Arigato! This will come in handy! Demo, I don't remember losing it or even owning it to begin with...
Dear Chichiri,
hi chichiri, sorry i havent written to you in a while. my computer completely broke the other day. it has nothing left now. all my art, all my writings, but most of all, my 421 pictures of you are all gone!!!!! I cried for three days after it happened. I kept thinking, "All my years of gathering precious chichiri pictures!" it may sound dumb, but I cried over my stupid computer. *hugs him* but I got the real thing right here, who needs pictures?! *smiles and kisses his cheek*. Yeah, you always cheer me up, chichiri. I got to go now, after all, im using a friends' computer. Bye, bye! *gives him a goodbye kiss* Sorry, i havent written in a while, and i have to cheer myself up after losing everything. *Kisses him a million times.* Sorry
Dear Bosher,
Are you certain that your hard drive is irreparably damaged, no da? If your hard drive is recoverable, you may be able to salvage some of your data from it. Good luck and thank you for your sweet words, no da. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Hotohori,
*Lets go like she promised* Arigato! You're so sweet, Hori-chan. *Laughs* You seem to be avoiding talking about that fic at all costs. I guess I understand. I mean if I became a man through someone's imagination (no offense or anything) I'd probably just fall backwards and die.
I forgot to do this the last letter, but I was in a really good mood and it slipped my mind. Thanks for what you said about my friend. Sometimes it just takes another guy to analyze Y-chromosome logic. Maybe I'll write to him, but it's been such a long time since we communicated in any way, shape, or form. I'm not sure I want to do it. On one side of me I want to be friends with him again, but at the same time I want to move on and have nothing more to do with him. *Frowns* Does that make sense?
I guess I'm talking weird, I'm suffering the aftershock of anxiousness and sugar-high. This isn't abnormal. Happens everytime I go on a field trip with the choir. May as well tell you now that I mentioned it. The choir went down to WSU to perform yesterday. Our first criticing by a real judge. Let's just say that when one is trapped in the back of a school bus for nearly two hours both ways with three friends as psycho as they are, it gets scary. *Giggles* We scared the girls in front of us into bumping two seats forward. We talked about a lot of stuff and you actually came up in our conversation. We'd wandered to anime.
We did all right in our performance, if you skip the fact that "Dona Nobis Pacem" went a little weird by the end... One of the judges worked with us afterwards. He earned my respect immediately after getting the tenors and basses to sound like men. They kinda have this tendency to sing out of their noses when their part gets high. The only complaint I have is those robes we were wearing. Me and my friend Sailorvenus (yes, that what we call her) started talking about how all we needed was the shoes and crown and we could do a parody of you! Oh my God, how do you STAND it?! It was only one layer and it drove me nuts. I couldn't go five seconds without adjusting the collar. I couldn't breathe! I had to work at it a little bit before I could move around in it without convincing the passerby I was an idiot.
I learned a valuable lesson that I think Chiriko will agree with. Do NOT mix Mountain Dew with four crazy girls and threats of complete boredom on a return bus trip. (I saw what happened when Chiriko got that Code Red MD) We got it in our heads to start waving at all the cars behind us and seeing how long we could keep it up before they either waved or looked and pointedly ignored us before passing. Poor Sailorvenus. She kept getting the cars filled with college age guys... Kimiko's gonna kill me. I need a life. But if it means giving up anime and laughing THIS hard for seemingly no reason, forget it. It's fun!
Why did I tell you? I really don't know. It probably goes with the fact that I need a life. Do you think I'm crazy? Just to tell you now, I don't get offended when people say yes. *Sighs* I better go do my homework. I've ignored it all weekend. *Walks off singing* Cause your everywhere to me. And when I close my eyes it's you I see...
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
What you said about your male friend makes perfect sense. No, I don't think you're insane, I think you're a teenager. *Smiles*
P.S. You're right. The robes do get annoying after awhile.
Dear Nuriko,
Hi Nuriko! What's up? I just got back from Ocean City! It's really cool ^-^ Have you ever been there? Oh you know how anime conventions get their names? I mean I know Otakon is short for Otaku convention of something. But I'm not quite sure about Katsukon ^^;; Well I g2g bye bye!
Dear Suta,
I'm glad you had a good time. I've never been to Ocean City, nor do I know how Katsucon got it's name. Gomen.
Dear Tasuki,
Cloud Fairy:*sniff*But I want to be your aijin.WAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!Tasuki dosen't love me!!!*cries like Sailor Moon*
Touya no miko:Ugh!That sound!>.<*covers her ears*
Sara:My eardrums are going to explode!o>. Water Sprite:Tasuki you made her cry do something!Make her stop!Make her stop!Make her STOP!!!!!!!
Cloud Fairy,Touya no miko,Sara,and Water Sprite
Dear Cloud Fairy,
Cry all ya' want, ya' can't be my aijin! We can be friends but ya' gotta' stop yer wailin'!!
Dear Chiriko,
you haven't gotten many Questions so I have few four you:
1) How do you play a leaf?
2) What's your favorite book?
3) what's your favorite element?
Arigatou! Ashiteru!
Dear Tasuki,
Mushi: I call you F-.... nevermind...
Aiaki: *wider fang grin*
Mushi: What I mean is Aiaki is few cards short a of full deck.
Aiaki: *opens a box of cards and starts to count* I have a full deck!
Mushi: I'm saying you're a BAKA!
Aiaki: *starts to wail* Don't call Tasuki a baka!
Mushi: *jumps back* You idiot! I'm talking about you!
Aiaki: *continues* That not very nice to call Fire-chan an idiot!
Mushi: *exhales harshly* I have a moron for a friend and co-host.
Aiaki: *eyes go all starry like* Tasuki's your friend?!?!? And the co-host of OUR show?!?!?!? NNNNNNNNNEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAATTTTTTT!!!!!!!!
Aiaki and Mushi
Dear Aiaki and Mushi,
… baka jo-chan …
Dear Hotohori,
Mushi: Ranbou? I'm not violent!
Aiaki: *nods over to burnt station* And who did this?
Mushi: *runs behind Hotohori waves around tessen* Not me!
Mushi and Aiaki
Dear Mushi and Aiaki,
I don't believe Tasuki did this. He hasn't fried a pc in awhile…
Dear Tasuki,
Grrrrr.....!!!!! *dumps a bucket of water over Tasuki's head* Oopss... wrong bucket... *water turns Tasuki's hair aqua blue*.... dat was my hair dye... well... dat's wat chu get fer not accepting my challenge!
Miaki: Taki... shut up...
Taki: *becomes a chibi and starts to wail*
Miaki: -.- you have to forgive Taki... too many beatings over the head with an iron stick.
Taki: *wails* the abuse!
Miaki: *sweatdrop* That dye will come out in a week or two...
Miaki and Puchi (Taki: I'm not small!)
Dear Miaki and Puchi,
I can see why he gets 'em… >.<
Dear Tasuki,
...awww, c'mon! Why won't you fight?!? Fighting you sounds like fun! *pokles him in the stomach* ....pwease?!?!? Fight?!?!?
Dear Tasuki,
Uncle Shun'u why does mommy want to hit you in da head with logs?
Dear Lita,
Because she's such a b… brat!
Dear Tamahome,
wha did that mean? I was going to ask you this earlier demo I had to go to school and had to delete it. Is there a way to not have a creepy vivid imagination? Its Halloween and many horror movies are coming out ne? I dont do well with horror movies. I saw a part of one (the climax but not the resolution) about 7 years ago and it still creeps me out. The worst part is that since it is Halloween they have the tapes sitting out everywhere and everytime I see them I get a cold chill. I tried watching another movie that creeped me out and it made it worse but eventualy passed and now I dont even think about it. I doubt it'll work with the other one since the one I watched was Phycho (the origional) and it wasnt creepy. Steven King is much worse. *hands him 2 gold ryou*
Ascot Metali
Dear Ascot Metali,
You might put your vivid imagination to better use by thinking of NON-creepy things!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Have you played Super Smash Brothers before?
Dear t.t.,
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Hotohori,
Ooooooooo... you haven't played the games. I'm a devoted Kitana fan, but Liu Kang... he sucks in the games. At least in Mortal Kombat Trilogy he did. (Hey, when you're fighting Shao Kahn and keep losing, you get desperate and try new fighters) If you ever try the game, I can only give you guys tips on the Nintendo 64 MK Trilogy. I'm still disecting the other stuff. I really thought you'd pick Johnny Cage. He's just like you in another life, only he isn't good looking to save his pathetic SOUL (pun intended). Why am I being nice to you? There's something wrong here. Maybe I should just target Seiryuu seishi for a while. I've already got something going with Tomo. If they'd update that d*mn site, I could play with THEM.
PS. Tomo seems to like you. You know, like Nuriko does only there is no drooling or anything. Be a good boy or I may have to help him catch you. ^_~
Dear Yomi,
You do realize that Tomo's "catching" me would be bad for his health, ne? *Smiles*
Dear Chiriko,
Ok, I'm sorry, I'm a baka, I know>.<;;;
One question, what does the character for sekai look like? There's this project we're working on for school, and we have to create a flag for our little pretend democracy(which we named sekai), so I thought it would be nice to put it on the flag.
Thanks for any help or advice you can give!^_^
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi-hi!^_^ How've you all been?
I got to be in the UN Day Parade today! There were ROTC groups from about 5 different schools. Our school was one of the first to arrive, and were told that if we were the loudest ones there that we'd get a shake or banana split, but the colonel(sp?) lied to us about it(as he usualy does)
One of the schools that had also gotten there a bit early was practicing their stuff, and they were doing it sorta strange. When doing facing movements they'd call out "one, two" and the guy who was leading us was making fun of them by calling out "three, four" and saying things like "yeah, we can count too!" while a girl in the platoon was demonstrating how well she could count(she was fooling around going from 1 to 5 to 100 and then back to 3 or something). later on the guy had almost all of us yelling "three four"!
We were sopposed to march around and then go up and say into the microphone which flag we were each holding. I tried to get either Japan or Canada, but was stuck with the flag from Rwanda.
It was a lot of fun!!! So, how was your day?
Dear Fallon,
That sounds like a fun experience! Our days are very busy but it keeps Tasuki out of trouble! *Smiles*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
to the suzaku only pls. do miaka/yui has a crush on you
Dear madeleine,
Well, Miaka loves me and Yui had a crush on me but now Yui loves Tetsuya.
Dear Chiriko,
you are so cute and amazing because of your powers.
Dear gillian,
*Blushes* Arigato!
Dear Chichiri,
Um, this might to be asking a little much...or a lot...but...can you kinda of be my big brother? I'm an only child and I'm a little lonely...
Relena: How can you be lonely with Relena-chan and Riley-kun with you?
Me: Simple! You guys are usually busy crossdressing!
Relena: True...true...(walks off)
Anyway, can you show how to disappear into this thing? (pulls out a milchi moja) That way I can annoy the heck out of a whole bunch of people!
Oh, by the you this it's weird that I'm 12 going on 13 and I'm 5'7"?
Dear Amy-sama,
My, you will be tall when you're done growing, won't you, no da? Of course I'll be your oniisan, no da!
Dear Chiriko,
fine chiriko how have you been?
Dear ruki,
Fine, thank you. We're a bit backed up but we're doing our best to catch up!
Dear Nuriko,
Are you in love with Miaka?
No Name
Dear No Name,
A bit… *Smiles*
Dear Chichiri,
You might want to change the dry cleaner you send your kasa to. Take a look at it *holds up a wash rag-sized piece of cloth that has the same kasa pattern* Look what happened to it! Just goes to show you, ya can't get good service these days. But maybe the damage can be reversed, if you can restore it to the original size. Might change the pattern though. Then again, it might not...
Oh, and this is yours too. *tosses hat to the blue-haired monk* Lucky it had your name in it. If anything else of yours is missing, let me know. I'm doing a cleanup job, and I keep coming across the strangest stuff. Take a look at this silly metal fan. Is this yours too? And this mirror (lucky it isn't broken). Oh, and I found a rather ornate hairbrush, some strange and rather funky-smelling herbs, a book on Quantum Physics, another book on the History of Konan, a bag of money, some atomizer (phew! the list goes on and on). And I know this is yours *tosses spare kasa to the monk*.
Well, *wipes sweat from brow* back to work.
Dear LS,
Ano… the tessen is Tasuki's, the mirror belongs to Hotohori, the hairbrush and atomizer are Nuriko's, the herbs belong to Mitsukake, the books are Chiriko's and the okane is Tamahome's, no da. Arigato, no da!
Dear Nuriko,
Nuriko-chan! Help me! Mushi stole my tessen cause I was gonna challenge Fang-san to a battle! *crys* My favorite tessen! I need it back or Fang-san'll burn me to a crisp... ;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;Erhehehehehehehehe *hic*
Dear Aiaki,
What have you been drinking child??
Dear Hotohori,
I've done it,Hotohori-sama!Ha!I have kids at school bowing to you!I'm still working on one of the teachers..
And I'm pretty sure Kory's going to perish whether Stephanie is Shouka or not.--;I am NOT supposed to hear my name more than 5 times a day!Ashley this,Ashley that...Man,I'm going to get my name changed!
And Amy,if you're reading this,I refuse to have anyone play Houki!No!No!No! The heika stays single!And I do NOT want to be proclaimed gay!If you absolutely have to,get Chris or Tony to play her!
Ash-chan,who is now Hotohori
Dear Ash-chan,
Congratulations! I assume you are talking about a cosplay with your friends.
Dear Chichiri,
::sucks on thumb and watches him fish::
What you doin' Chichida? ::sees a fish and sticks hand in water:: Wheeeeeee!!!! ::splashes Chichiri:: Ah, ah!!!!! ::falls in pond:: Help!!! Help!!! Chibi Kourin-Chan no can swim!!!!!
a vewwy wet Chibi Kourin-Chan
Dear Chibi Kourin-Chan,
*Snaps his fingers and levitates her out of the water.* You need to be more careful, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
::little girl with purple hair toddles up to him and wraps her little arms around his leg:: Daddy!!!!! ::smiles adoringly:: ^-^
Chibi Kourin-Chan
Dear Chibi Kourin-Chan,
Eh? Are you sure about that little one?
Dear Hotohori,
::sigh:: I have a slight problem...there's a girl at my school who follows me around, and i *really* dislike her. She calls me at least twice every day, and is generally just really annoying. I'm new at my school, and when I try to talk to other people to make friends with them, she pulls me away and starts talking non-stop. I've tried to be nice, but my patience is wearing thin. Can you tell me some way that I can nicely get rid of her? (yeah right, like there *is* such a way....-_-) Anyway, thanx fer listening...::hears phone ring and cowers under the bed:: ;_;
a very tired and fed-up Suzaku_no_Miko124
Dear Suzaku_no_Miko124,
Well, when she comes to pull you away from people you could say (with a smile), "I'm sorry, can I get back to you? So and so and I are kind of busy right now." Since you are new at this school and want to make friends, you do need to be polite and treat her kindly. When she calls you, tell her nicely that you are busy and that you will try to get back to her. Then it is up to you to call her or not. Just try not to alienate her as enemies are no fun to have! Good luck!
Dear Chichiri,
How many masks do you have?
Dear mitsuki,
One, but it's magical, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Well, the movie was pretty good, even though I didn't quite like the artstyle and I think they had the volume up waaaaay too loud. Firefury believes D needs his own board of specialists and definately needs to be laid ^^;;
Nobody has been maimed YET. YET. If Red Sky doesn't keep his promise and goes back to bothering Kia, I'm going to have to kick his rear end. Unfortunately, since people don't like him, it's been creating quite a frustrating problem.
As of lately, it seems like my whole life is becoming one VERY bad mood. Emotionally, it feels like I'm PMSing, when I know I'm not. Man, it's like all to much to even try and sum up ><; I haven't been able to get contact lenses in yet, and I've been in twice to try. I'm not over Nate, but perhaps closer to it now than I was a few days ago. I've got Red Sky and any number of people being immature. Firefury won't leave me the h*ll alone when I'm at the computer trying to do stuff, so if I want any privacy, I have to all but physically remove her from the room. I've got my mom talking to me about school work, which I already know I have to do. My dad is sulking all over the place and pestering me now and then. All the people I know are talking to ME about their problems, and not one of them ever asks how _I_ am. I have to play second mother to Firefury. I nearly ate pavement (again) walking Casey and Casper on Tuesday because of the ANNOYING toy poodle, CUPID *spits*, whose owners let him run free and unattended. Little brat always barks just out of reach, and Tuesday, it was either fall and crack a rib and let both Casey and Casper get away, or just let Casper go. So Casper got away and I had to chase after him, which is hard when you've got your hands full with another large dog. Luckily the little bugger wasn't hurt, but one of these days he'll get run over, or one of the more VIOLENTLY inclined dogs will escape me or drag me down and seriously attack that scrawny excuse for dog. I just want to sit down and cry -.- And unfortunately, my therapist isn't in because she just gave birth recently, and even though she said I could call, I know she's got her hands full with a new baby and a three year old.
In other, more cheerful news, my aunt came back early from the Middle East, and is she REALLY tan. We found the boots for Firefury's costume, and in more interesting news, I had a psychic reading that was surprisingly accurate yesterday. This lady told me about the feelings I never share with ANYBODY, even Firefury. Stuff you couldn't pick up just looking at me, especially if you'd never met me before. And she hardly asked any questions about me. I mostly just confirmed the things she said about how I was really feeling and stuff. It was pretty d*mned cool.
Whew, I feel a bit better after letting that all out.
Dear One-chan,
WOW! Glad you're feelin' better. Here… *Hands her a box.* Have some chocolate! Oh yeah, Chichiri no Aijin has a DBZ poster fer ya' from her friend Paul! I think it's of Trunks.
Dear Nuriko,
That's what i think too. i don't know for some reason i'm not as mad as i was before, but Y and the other girl are still really angry. I don't think they'll ever be friends again. And it's kind of funny though. They are throwing away friendship because of a hair mishap. Oh well, i try.
Anyways....thank you so much Nuriko! You're so nice to be anwering my letter! I felt so relieved when i finally told the whole story to someone.
Thank you!
Dear Cind-chan,
You're very welcome. It was nice chatting with you Saturday. Actually, I think it's a real shame that they are throwing away a friendship over a misunderstanding.
Dear Mitsukake,
Ara...Mitsukake-sama...would school stress be the cause of these stomach aches I have been having lately? The other day, during 5th period, I actually ended up having my mum come and get me because it wass icky. --; Evil school...
Dear Keiko,
Yes it could. What is happening in school that you are finding so stressful?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I'm making up a job application, but I need to eliminate one of these questions. (Actually, I copied these questions from a "Mad Magazine" a few months ago. July if I'm not mistaken.) Depending on the votes I get, I'll eliminate the one question you find the most disturbing of all. Majority rules!
And here they are, in no particular order:
1) Do you have a working command of the fetal position?
2) Are you certain no one followed you here?
3) Are you aware that road kill remains the property of the state and must not be used for personal amusement?
4) Can you recognize the three warning signs of excessive radiation exposure?
Dear LS,
We all vote for number 1!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tamahome,
*shuts door behind her and glances around to see anyone else is around*
I have something to sell you. Only 5 ryou each, and there's 20 of them. *shows Tamahome some embarrasing childhood pictures of Tasuki and his sisters* Waddya say?
Dear LS,
100 ryou for ALL of them??? Even Tasuki isn't worth THAT much! So, how about a discount? *Grins*
Dear Chichiri,
Chichiri!! I get to go to the Sugoi con with julie!!! yay!!! i ordered a costume from this awsome anime costume maker, I'm gonna be the Suzaku no Miko!! I just have to get my hair cut (I need bangs) and i need to get contacts instead of glasses, and I'll be all set!! I'm really excited!
Dear ashley,
That's great, no da! I hope both have a wonderful time, no da!
Dear Chichiri,
DA! *glomps him* I have to glomp you cause you're my aniki and I haven't glomped anybody for awhile yet. Boy I missed it. So how are things going?
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
Things are fine, no da. How have you been doing, no da?
Dear Tasuki,
*runs in and gives Tasuki an hi five* HEY!! of course you know that I and everyone else knoe you rock!!! but whats with the girls and the saki!?
Dear tamakitti,
Girls always get me in trouble an' what's so wrong wit' sake??
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*Listening to THTC's "Really Fired Up And Shooting Guts* I LOVE this song! *Looks at translation her sister found* ...Okay, I demand to know what drugs were involved in any way with the writing and singing of these lyrics.
Umihebiza no Miko
PS: Do you know where I can find a translation of the speaking part, too? According to my very small knowledge of Japanese, my knowing when people are mad, and my friends, everyone's mad because Tamahome's name was first.
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
Don't ask how long it's taken us to find this website yet again! >.<;;; It's part of the reason for the temporary shutdown! Anyway, here is the site with the lyrics you asked for: Wo Ai Fushigi Yuugi. Enjoy! By the way, no drugs were used in the writing of the lyrics or the singing of the song! It's just that some things don't directly translate very well.
Dear Tasuki,
HIIIIIIIIIII! teehee ^_^ you know you love all the attention you get ^_^ friends are all made at eachother an stuff......they arnt talking to eachother and they always complain to me..... :( i so sad.......can i have a hug?
Dear Tana,
Sure. *Gives her a hug.* So, why are they all mad at each other?
Dear Tasuki,
*Pouts* Some moral support YOU are.
Anyway, I was looking through the archives and I came across why you hate milk. Um... considering how old people are when they first start remembering stuff, and how old they are when they're breast-fed, it disturbs me that you remember something like that... Was your mother THAT attached to you?
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
*Sweatdrops* Yes... >.<;;; I am th' youngest after all...
Dear Hotohori,
*Runs into him at top speed and glomps him around the waist, suceeding in knocking him over* I missed you! I didn't get to ask your opinion of "Someone Else's Life" yet. *Watches rather amused as begins to panic* Hori-chan, it's okay, you're still a man. *Hugs him tight and refuses to let go* Oh, no, I scared you by asking you to read it. *Looks down his shirt* Looks flat to me. According to Nuriko, you didn't take the concept that well. How far did you get in the story?
For the sake of your sanity, I'll move on. I went down to Seattle over the weekend. We did some shopping. I found the fifth Fushigi Yuugi book! I also met a whole mess of relatives I never knew I had. Dad has cousins in Seattle, and their kids are grown up with THEIR own kids. I have no idea what they are to me, but they were nice. I also met my great-aunt and great-uncle (sibs, not married).
Also while we were shopping, I found this shirt in Spencer gifts that actually said, "This is my costume. Give me the damn candy." I laughed really hard and something came to me. On the Seiryuu seishi page (THEY NEVER UPDATE!!!!!!!), Nakago said he'd never dress up for Halloween. It was too perfect. I drew Nakago wearing it. If I can figure out how to get the scanner to work, would you guys like to see? I think you guys'd like it. It kinda makes fun of how he looks very unimpressive with his armor. I think I'll call it "He feels lost without his shoulder pads"...
Umihebiza no Miko
PS. I'll be a good girl and let go of you if you give me a kiss... *Bats her eyes and pouts even though she knows she's a big girl and it's perfectly shameless.* Please?
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
Yes, we would love to see your artwork! *Struggles a bit and then gives her a kiss on the cheek*
Dear Tasuki,
*claps* Way to go Tasuki! *hugs him* ara...they wear those clothes cause they don't want to appear vain ^^;; demo that book is really filled with alot of hypocrisy *pats Tasuki on the head* I'm so proud of you Tasuki-chan! ^^;
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
*Smiles* Thanks!
Dear Chichiri,
*Smiles* Eh, you wouldn't understand why that day sucked. Crying alone didn't make me feel THAT bad. It comes from the fun of being a girl too. But I'm doing okay now, I had a good week. Moving on.
I've been listening to my Fushigi Yuugi CDs a lot lately, and I wondered exactly HOW high some of your notes get. Through the help of my mom's piano I found out. You know, if you took that stuff up an octive for female voices, it'd be out of range of most of the girls in my choir class. I can barely do it, and I have a broader range than most of the other sopranos. *Bows* I am not worthy.
Anyhow, just thought I'd tell you my life isn't still awful. Ja!
Umihebiza no Miko
PS: I read that letter from ChibInuchan no Miko. Um... way to keep tradition alive, Chichiri.
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
I'm glad that things are better for you, no da. Arigato for your kind words, no da. *Smiles
Dear Tamahome,
Hey Tamahome my sister told me you were a ladies's man.Can you help me?I like her friend Cloud Fairy alot and I want to go on a date with her can you help me?
Water Sprite's older brother
Dear Water Sprite's older brother,
Sure! What kind of help do you need?
Dear Tasuki,
Can I fight chu? Pwease? I swear I'll dump milk one you if ya don't! *starts to cry* I need to get rid of my mood swings. *growls* I need to release my anger.
Taki Shoku
Dear Taki Shoku,
No. I don't fight lil' kids an' women! Go find a punchin' bag!
Dear Tasuki,
You know Tasuki I found out that Kouji asked Aidou to marry him and my brother Yamato asked her too.She must be popular with the men.
Touya no miko
Dear Touya no miko,
'Che... >.<;;;
Dear Tamahome,
Stop picking on cute little Tasuki-chan.
Cloud Fairy
Dear Cloud Fairy,
I don't pick on him! He picks on me!
Dear Hotohori,
Mushi: At least your not like Mushi and Tasuki...
Aiaki: *waves around her tessen* Hai, hai! Utsushi-chan!
Mushi: *rolls eyes*
Utsushi-chan and Mushi
Dear Utsushi-chan and Mushi,
You mean, I'm not violent? *Smiles* Arigato!
Dear Nuriko,
*Wearing a beautiful wedding gown*Hi Nuriko how do I look I'm a little nervous.I'm so happy that you could come to me and Rokou's wedding.I can't wait til are wedding comes.
Water Sprite
Dear Water Sprite,
You look lovely! When is the wedding?
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki can I be your aijin?^__^
Cloud Fairy
Dear Cloud Fairy,
Aijin??? I already got an aisai an' I don't think she wants me to have an aijin! How's 'bout ya' be my tomodachi instead?
Dear Chichiri,
I finally got to the point where i can show this to you!
Yayayayyayay! Its a site about you no da! *dances happily around* I got another lizard, a leopard gecko. Do you have any name suggestions? Its a female ^_# C cu soon!
Luv always,
Dear Lybra,
It's a very nice site, no da! Arigato! Perhaps you could name her "Spot", no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Mushi: *coughs more smoke*
Aiaki: *bigger fanged grin*
Mushi: Anyways....
Aiaki: *hits emotional switches* Oh, Tasuki! *pauses* You hate women! *pauses* You b*st*rd! *pauses* I'm sorry! *pauses* ...... *falls to a fetal postion* *crys*
Mushi: ,., She's been fried one too many times, Fang-san
Dragon-chan and Mushi (Dragon-chan is Aiaki, no da)
Dear Dragon-chan and Mushi,
Eh-heh... gomen? An' don't call me fang-chan! >.<
Dear Tasuki,
*yawns tiredly...*Tasuki mez wanna go night night....*holds arms out to him meaning she wanted to be carried*
Lil Taski
Dear Lil Taski,
Sure, not a problem. *Picks her up and carries her to a bedroom, puts her in a bed, and tucks her in for the night.* *Smiles*
Dear Tasuki,
I"M GOING CRAZY!!!! Stupid Anthrax thingymabobber. My dad over reacted, like always. JEEZE! GIVE ME A BREAK! *She grabs Tasuki's tessen, frying everyone close to her*
Dear nameless,
WHOA!!!!!! Knock it off! Yer gonna hurt someone!
Dear Hotohori,
Konnichiwa... I'm sure you'vre forgotten about me, but i'm Kurai no Tenshi. How are you? How have you been recently? I'm in Newspaper at tehe moment with nothing to do... Sorry if this has a million typos; i can't really see what i'm typing on this icky mac >_<
Anyhoo.. Have you ever done any calendar shoots? And have you ever considered becoming a professional singer? I love your song. I love you. Er.... Perhaps I went to far...
Kurai no Tenshi
Dear Kurai no Tenshi,
Of course I remember you! Arigato for your kind words. No, I've done or considered either of those things.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*POUNCES minna-san,and huggles them*konnichiwa,genki desu ka minna-san?I'm doing alright.well better then I was a while ago.^_^.Anywho,ummm,remember how I told you about my boyfriend?Well we've been seeing each other or whatever you call internet romance now a days....anywho,we've been seeing each other for almost 3 months now ^_^.Yay!and um,we went steady for awhile and now we're engaged...I think we kinda rushed the engagement,but it's like going steady,knowing we won't love another.^_^.Ok,that's the good news,now the bad news.
*Inhales,than exhales*Umm,he went to the hospital,because he has these chest pains,which is coming from his heart.The doctors at the hospital told him,that he has something growing on his heart,that needs to be surgically removed.;_;.The doctors also gave him,a percentage of whether or not he's going to make it.They said that there was like a 25-35% chance that he won't make it.But I talked to his brother,and he told me that the doctors lied to my fianci,and said that there's a 60% chance that he won't make it.But Doctor's can be wrong on that can't they?Onnisan mitsukake,can't you use your healing power on him and make him better?He's scared to death of having the surgery and I don't blame him.I would be too.Oh yea,I forgot to mention,that the doctors also gave him a short term life span thingy...where if he doesn't have the operation,he'll only live till he's 25.and he thinks it's his fault he has this thing.But it isn't.He says he would rather live till he's 25 years old,I told him,I would rather have him get the operation,because who knows,that this thing could get worse right?Will he be able to make it through the operation?I want him to,so we can meet and be together.;_;.*Cries*
Ok,umm a little bit more of bad news here,and then I'll leave you a lone.One day this week,I umm passed out,from being lightheaded.That was scary because,I almost didn't make it to my bed,luckily my friend told me to go lay down,because if I didn't I could've ended up on the ground all passed out.;_;.Ummm,well,anywho,sorry to worry you and bother you with all this stuff,and I'm sorry that this letter is long.I think it's the longest one I've ever written,to you guys.Take care and Ja ne minna-san*huggles all suzaku seven*.
Dear Destiny,
Doctors can be worng. If he concerned about the surgery, he needs to seek a second opinion. I cannot diagnose him as I am not his doctor and do not know his medical history. I wish I could come to your world and cure him for you. *Gives her a hug.*
You need to eat better and get more rest so you don't have anymore fainting spells. Perhaps it is time for you to see a doctor and have yourself checked out as well. Odaijini!
Dear Tasuki, you want a son????? Well guess what!!! in the SI I have 3 older brothers! Hows that fer 'a' son??? .....*fanged grin*' their triplets!!! You know what that means??? All three at ONE TIME!!!!! Well, if that isn't enough boys fer ya I don't know what is. *hugs him* But I'm yer little angel, an' that is all that matters!
Dear LandraBlaze,
*Sighs* Yeah, I guess it is... So, arfe they all cool an' tough like me? *Fanged grin*
Dear Tasuki,
*tries to glomp'm but end up going right through'm instead* *sweatdrops* So, how was your vacation? Anou... about the kowai-faced thing, if ya really don't like it, I'll stop calling ya' that and stick to Shun'u, mmkay? AND I asked Aidou on the MB if she'd show me how to properly chuck logs at ya', but I'm having trouble with it... my hand's keep going right through them!
Maybe I should cave and ask Inuchan for my body back. Being dead isn't all it's cracked up to be.
Ghost of Shuurei
Dear Shuurei,
I'd rather ya' jus' called me Tasuki. Th' proper way to chuck logs at me is to NOT CHUCK 'EM AT ME! Our vacation was fun but, CnA is all worn out from it. She took us to Las Vegas! Didja' know that as long as yer gamblin' they give ya' free drinks??? I LOVE that place! I'm sure Tamahome won't miss th' okane I borrowed from 'im... *fanged grin* Heh-heh-heh...
Dear Hotohori,
As of today, it is now one month after the attacks on our country. It feels like an tense sort of quiet has taken the place of shocked and stunned expressions like on THAT DAY. I was are you (as a person, not as an Emperor) holding up through all of this? Does Houki-sama still cry herself to sleep at night? I hope not!
Anyway, how long do you think this war is going to last? I can see it stretching into several years, or decades even. I hate it. I also feel that force alone isn't going to cut it against these dirtbags. The only thing that will work is a change of heart. But since when do these dirtbags even have hearts? (Or if they do, those hearts are seriously misguided, to put it mildly.)
But if you have any inspiring words, I'd love to hear them. Even though one month has passed, we're still bleeding. We're still hurting. And we're still mourning. *stares out the window at the stars and blinks back tears, trying to hold it together.*
Lady Shera
Dear Lady Shera,
*Gives her a hug.* Your leaders have shown great restraint and compassion in their choices. I hope that they will continue to do so. We still mourn for your dead and they should never be forgotten. We all wish we could have used our powers in your world to defend your people and help bring the perpetrators to justice. Your country is strong and stands united. We are sure that justice will prevail. Be brave.
Dear Chiriko,
hi chiriko! whats up did ya miss me*goes up to chiriko and squezes the life out of him i'm missed you soooooooooooo much gomen for not writing for so long i love you
your miko ruki ^^ ja!!
Dear ruki,
Of course I remember you! How have you been?
Dear Chichiri,
*Pats his head* Good boy! You're not half as stupid as that mask makes you look!
Dear Yomi,
*Looks at her and frowns.* I am not a dog nor am I a child, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
DA! Kageno-chan forgot to write you. But, she's been busy lately, so I'll do it for her. She wants to thank you for sending her a b-day card and stuff or whatever you sent. She flipped. She squeled. She glomped. She liked. Arigato! You made her very happy.
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
Did she? I'm glad! Tell her she is very welcome, no da!
Dear Chichiri,
why do keep saying no da
lia the demon of pain
Dear lia,
It's just how I speak, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!! I haven't written for a bit! How ya been doin'? Teehee! You said when answering a letter that EVERYONE spoke with "no da". When the streets were crowded, would you here things like this:
Girl: Okasan, I think this pretty, no da!
Boy: Nice hit, na no da.
Shocked Person: D-d-daa...
Drunk: F@%$ you, no da!
Just curious. Teehee!
ChibInu-chan no Miko
Dear ChibInu-chan no Miko,
*Smiles* Pretty much, no da.
Dear Mitsukake,
hows relationships these days ya know ive had the biggest crush on you for so long. i set uin my room allday and night log looking at pictuers of you am i stupid or what you boaring slob? not
Dear hotahoina,
I am not a boring slob. However, you may need to get out more.
Dear Chichiri,
wazzup ya know i know someone who has a crush on you and she wants to exspress that but doesnt know how how would she do tha.
Dear yososmellsh,
*Smiles* I suppose she should just tell me, no da. Demo, we can only be friends, no da.
Dear Hotohori,
HIIIIIII!!!!! I'm finally over my bit of depression! This just hasn't been my week. Demo, three day weekend coming (thank God for teacher workshops), no homework to do OVER those three days, and I'm going out of town! To make it even better, this boy in one of my classes said he'd pay me five bucks if I drew a character from Dragonball Z for him. He paid me today, and I learned a little later that he was a senior. When you consider the fact that I'm a freshman, that's totally kakkoi! Thought I'd let you know! *Kisses his cheek* Ja ne!
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
I'm glad to hear that you are in better spirits and that everything is working out for you. *Smiles and sparkles*
Dear Tasuki,
Mushi: Don't ask him what he'd do, baka-san.
Aiaki: I know what he'd do! *holds up her tessen with her emble on it* Lekka shien! *frys Mushi and the rest of her station* *fanged grin*
Mushi: *coughs some smoke* Anyways, Fang-san (yeah you, Tasuki), what are your feelings on the Sept 11th attack?
Aiaki and Mushi (You know who we are ^_^)
Dear Aiaki and Mushi,
I think th' *=&^%$# b*st*rds that did that (&*^%$# (&^$# need to be found an' )^%$#@ strung up!!!!!! If it were up to me, I'd fry th' sons of b*tch*s!!!!!!!!! I'd give 'em a taste of some LEKKA SHIEN!!!!!!!!!!! *Fries Aikai and Mushi...* Ano... gomen... *grins*
Dear Hotohori,
Mushi: *holds Aiaki to keep her from glomping him*
Aiaki: If you found the mastermind behind this tragedy, what would you do?
Mushi: Yes, do tell us.
Aiaki and Mushi
Dear Aiaki and Mushi,
He would be brought to justice and tried. If he were found guilty he would be summarily executed.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hahaha! i told my brother to get mountain dew an i get this! ::holds out a can of red mountain dew:: Hahahaha it Suzaku red!!!!!!! want some? ::gives em each a can:: Hahahah how funny!
Dear Tana,
Arigato! *Chiriko drinks it and starts to get super hyper.* WHEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!
Dear Tasuki,
*stops hopping* *blink blink* Well, that's not as bad as it could be! Arigato, Tasuki-chan! *kisses him* ^-^
Dear Bon,
Ano…Yer welcome… an' don't call me chan! *Finally passes out drunk.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi Hi, Ive just finished watching the last episode of FY WOW! its sooooooooo good, but it made me cry soo much, so I just want to say a few things to you all.
Mitsukake: Your such a caring person and not boring I think your great Daddy Mitsu *hugs him*
Chiriko: Your so brave, and you were helpful to the Suzaku Seishi *hugs him*
Tasuki: Ive never really spoken to you before but I'd want to say how cool you are, your such a strong fighter and you never give up (oh and Jude is here, shes pucing me out the way to give you a hug too) Jude thats enough, the poor man can't breathe! *hugs him too*
Chichiri: You always make me smile, and your tthe wisest little monk in the world NO DA! *hugs him*
Hotohori: How much did you make me cry when you died! I cried for ages afterwards too and was even moping on the bus to college. You were such a good warrior of Suzaku, and beautiful too. *hugs him*
Nuriko: *hugs her older brother* I wish you nevver died, I really do *hugs him tight* thankyou for being who you are, I love you!
Tamahome: Im so glad you found Miaka, you two were meant for each other, you truly are a hero Tamahome! *hugs him*
I am proud of you all and I love you all so much *kisses all of the Suzaku Seishi* Please say hi to Miaka for me. Oh and one question, how many OAV videos are there I need to watch them!!!!!!!!
Jen xxxxxxxx
Dear Jen,
*They all hug her back.* Arigoto for all your kind words. There are 3 VHS tapes for the OAV. That equals 9 episodes. Take care!
Dear Tasuki,
*glomps Tasuki* KOWAI-FACED!!! XD!!
I mean it in a good way though, yup. ^_~ Don't take no offense, mmkay?
Dear Shuurei,
*Grumbles and puts up with it…*
Dear Tamahome,
*gets a big sweatdrop when Tamahome said "study study study"* I didnt get to say my speech yet..we drew numbers and I'm #21. I'll get to say it monday instead. (yea!) I guess I'll go S-T-U-D-Y for my Spanish quiz. *goes off to read over the sheet that the last year spanish teacher gave out that is more helpful then the book and the teacher of this year* *sighs* I'll c-ya later (in a few days)
Dear Ascot_Metali,
Ganbatte kudasai!
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