Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
We haven't read the entire story yet, but so far it's quite good! Thank you!
Dear Hotohori,
Are you a homophobe?
Dear Sakura,
Dear Hotohori,
You should thank Chichiri for making me feel bad about what I did to you. That was... well let's not go into desciptions... I don't really hate you, you know. At least now you have something in common with Tasuki other than Zodiac sign. Actually, I'm going to be nice this time. I have a question. Do any of you guys play Mortal Kombat? I can't shake this image of Tamahome fighting Liu Kang.
Dear Yomi,
We haven't played it but we have seen some of the movies and cartoon.
Dear Chichiri,
Girls have weird ways of expressing that they like somebody. Now be a good boy or your next...
Dear Yomi,
*Sweatdrops* I noticed, no da…
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
uh u guys there is someone else on here...............WHO STOLE MY NAME I'M lUNA D*MN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh well for chichiris sake i'll just go by a diffrent name hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Luna^-^no da coolalright later buds
Luna^-^no da
Dear Luna,
As you wish, but Chichiri has asked her to go by her name instead of "Luna" out of deference to you.
Dear Tamahome,
Hey Tama, *smiles widly and runs up to Tama-chan to give him a huge hug* So sorry that I haven't written you in so long....(*Well actualy I wrote you a few days ago with a friend of mine..Her name is Yurino Tenshi...She and I wrote you together..(That that it turned out too well...But it was worth a try.) *Smiles weekly* She's madly in love with you Tama..."Of corse who wouldn't be...Even Nakago has a thing for you..(Just kidding)"
So how have things been going while I've been gone? Is everyone doing alright? Has Miake gotten into alot of truble since I've left? *Swet drop*
Well...I hope everything going O.K in Konon...(Oh! And if yall get alot of e-mails...It's because my friend Yurino here is writing you guys non-stop...She's already written Noriko, Hotohorie, You, and Chichirie!...*Good lord..Gives a week smile, as her friend glairs at her evily.*
Yurino-Hey! That's not funny..And I'm not glairing evily..! ^_~ Well talk to you later..Love,
Tsukino Tenshi....(Alright Yurino also sends her love... )
Dear Tsukino Tenshi,
We're all doing fine. We went to Ani-Magic and had a great time!
Dear Chichiri,
how did you come to know how to use your powers as a celestrial warrior?
i think it's pretty cool how you used it against Nakago in that episode "Priestess of Seiriu" sorry I'm not a really good speller.
Oops, by the way my name is Yurino Tenshi. I'm Tsukino Tenshi's friend. Ask Tamahome, he knows who that is.(na da) *smiles*^_^ I've got to go. I'm going to ask Noriko something. bye bye!!!!
Luna(my nickname na da)
Yurino Tenshi
Dear Yurino Tenshi,
Arigato. Ano, we already have a Luna, no da. Could we just call you by your name, no da? I was trained by Taiitsukun on how to use my powers, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
*encases Tasuki in ice* --;
Water Mage
Dear Water Mage,
*Shivers and uses the tessen to melt the ice.* That wasn't nice!
Dear Tasuki,
Wedsnesday is power walking day, and I'm proud to say I lived through it. We went down a new street today, and we started running behind schedule, so we took a shortcut back to the school...which turned out to be a REEEEEEEEAAAAALLLLLYYYY steep hill. As I told you, me and heights don't mix. Shikashi, I climbed up and I didn't get scared! That "don't look down" stuff actually works! At least I didn't shake uncontrollably afterwards like last time. Now if I could just figure out downhill...
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
Goin' downhill is easy! Once ya' start walkin' either look straight ahead or look at yer feet.
Dear Tasuki,
*sweatdrops at Tasuki and turns the book right side up* Is that better? ^^;; Something tells me your not being all together honest with me Tasuki-chan *laughs at him* Here *opens a book to the first page* Read this, and prove to me you can read *smiles and crosses her arms*
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
Sure! *Starts to read aloud from the book.* See, I told ya' I ain't stupid!
Dear Tasuki,
YAY! you'd do that?! then maybe they'd stop being so annoying! YAY! thank you thank you thank you!!! *hugs him*
Dear Cind-chan,
Sure I would! You're welcome!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
hey guys if u could be any sea creuture what would it be??? tasuki shark??
Luna^-^no da
Dear Luna,
Tamahome - goldfish
Chichiri - neon, no da
Chiriko - dolphin
Nuriko - octopus
Hotohori - beta
Mitsukake - angelfish
Tasuki - I dunno but I've been told I drink like a fish!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Chichiri,
sheeeeesh u have sooooo many new fans *that aint hard to believe* are u forgeting about all of us??? guess what next year i'm taking japanese aint that great??? i want to be a chef or a theripest but hey learning japanese might come in handy *winks* what do u think??? oh man i feel sorry for u chasing miaka babysitting taski lol and anwsering all these letters wow that must be hard oh and of corse remembering to feen tama-neko..... wow me and u are both pretty busy huh??? well i'll talk more later.
Luna^-^ no da
Dear Luna,
Not at all, no da. I think taking Japanese is a wonderful idea, no da! Ganbatte, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
You all didn't bow! So much for raising my self-esteem..-_-
Ash-chan,who is giving the seishi guilt trips
Dear Ash-chan,
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Chichiri,
Hi Chichiri it's me!...You have no idea who this is do you? Of course you wouldn't as I have never written you before.
My Question is actually about Hikou( sp?) Okay, I've never actually seen the episode with your flashback but I have seen clips and the OAV and something strange occured to me, HIKOU'S HAIR CHANGES COLOURS! In the flashback during the series Hikou's hair is dark brown, and it's the same colour in a few of the pictures I own. But in the OAV it is clearly dark blue! Okay at first I thought " Okay so maybe his hair changed colour when he became Konkie " but then I realised that's impossible because in the flashback they show later of you, Koran and Hikou as kids all three of you have blue hair! Does Hikou have some sort of strange power that he just didn't mention that allows him to change his hair colour? Chichiri do you know what colour his hair is even? Thank you for your time, and I hope you can answer my question
Dear Silverfox,
His hair was always the same color, no da. The flashbacks were shaded so his hair looked brown, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
How'd you get those sake cups to stick in your eye sockets and the sake bottles to stay on your arms when you got drunk and impersonated a bug?
Dear Ascot_Metali,
*Grins* Spit!
Dear Tamahome,
Dont worry I wouldnt try drugs if it ment my life *big sweatdrop*. Hai I'm very worried about what you ment. I told my mom last night. Sometimes my friend cannot come over to my dad's with me cause of other plans. I only have one friend *sweatdrop*. If I do go over to his shop to let him look at my car I wont go without my friend. I cant bring my mom there cause my mom and dad are not at good terms right now..not that they are ever nice toward each other. My dad tries to find bad things about my mom and my mom always talks about being under attack or hidden meanings that he talks to me about. *sighs* they are in the middle of a big court thing. My bro has been spending way too much time with my dad cause hes taken his point of veiw and I refuse to get any view other then my own. This is the majority of my problems at home. I'm having problems at school too. I'm having a bad time right now can you tell?
I'm in Spanish 3..unfortunatly I have a very bad tendency to forget things *sweatdrop* and its even worse when I'm put on the spot as this teacher likes to do. I think shes trying to see if I'm listening (which I am!) so she asks people questions without them volunteering. When I'm called on I fumble for about 2 min (but seems 5 min) untill she calls on someone else who gives the correct answer without thinking at all. The teacher talks so fast and I'm very slow at translating so I get lost very easily and miss a lot. I dont really know if you can help me or if I'm just telling all this to you cause you listen to me but I am really glad I can talk to you.
Dear Ascot_Metali,
I'm glad that you're aware of that issue and that you are taking precautions as well. The best thing you can do for yourself and your parents is to stay out of their conflict. Tell them both that you don't want to hear bad things from them about each other. As for you Spanish class, I don't know what to tell you except that you need to study harder. Good luck!
Dear Nuriko,
Hi again. Here's a url for a pic of us in our costumes.
It's not a really good picture but I'll have another one whenever my mom gets her pictures devoloped ^-^;; The girl in the middle is Belldandy-chan, Gourry's Lina chan is on the right and I'm on the left. Can you guess who all of us are? Nobody at the convention could tell who Lina was. If you don't know ask Hotohori. He might. Well I g2g. See you later.
Dear Suta,
I'd say on the left is a Nuriko, in the middle is Belldandy, and Miaka is in a pink bathrobe on the right.
Dear Chichiri,
YOu dont remember....yah! Hahahahahahahaha! Im free! Yay! *dances around* So you're my friend now?
Dear Kouran-Ri,
I suppose. Ano… aren't you the one who told another girl that I hated her, no da?
Dear Chichiri,
But still, she said she couldnt marry you, ne? So, if she feels unworthy, she wont....and cant....SHE IS DEAD! Find another girl!
Advice Giver
Dear Advice Giver,
I don't wish to at this time, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
*Sneaks up behind him and grabs his tessen* Now, what should I blow up this time? *Light-bulb goes on* Ah..yes, I know... *Grins* I'll blow up my homework! *vanishes*.........*1hour later a huge colom of flame went up. He appears, dropping the tessen on Tasuki's head* There ya go! *Grins, and vanishes, flames dying down a little*
Dear Quenten,
Dear Mitsukake,
Hows the weather up there? (being only 5")
Impersinator Miaka
Dear Impersinator Miaka,
*Looks down at her.* Same as down there.
Dear Chichiri,
YOUR SOOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE *runs over and gives you a big smooch* I wonder... *tries to push your hair flat* Nope oh well. Luv ya
Impersinator Miaka
Dear Impersinator Miaka,
Dear Hotohori,
You know that whole thing about you being "Much too beautiful for them" ?. (Gets out a bag of make up and does her worst job on you. Black lipstick, rainbow eyeshadow, hair all a messs) NOW YOUR NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT.
Impersinator Miaka
Dear Impersinator Miaka,
*Frowns* We are not amused! Guards! Throw this one in the dungeon!
Dear Tamahome,
(throws ya two gold) *mummbles money grubber* What would you do if miaka choose Hotihori????????????? (gold rubbs off the coins as she runs away :D)
Lady Darkness
Dear Lady Darkness,
Hey these aren't REAL gold!!! I'd be very upset!
Dear Hotohori,
How do you fit all your gorgious hair into that ugly hat you always wear?
Lady Darkness
(PS) You look great with a sword
Dear Lady Darkness,
Lots of practice! Arigato!
Dear Nuriko,
In the first few books how did you look soooooo much like a girl? Im amazed. And just between you and me I think hotohori should marry YOU.
Lady Darkness 0_~
Dear Lady Darkness,
Arigato! I used to wish for it too, but I think that things worked out for the best in that matter.
Dear Chichiri,
My friend Jessieclanclan, just thinks your soooooooo hot. I think your cute but, thats just my opion. She wants to know what kinda girls you go for *winks* Im evil so i dont care what guys like in girls. I just take what I want.
Lady Darkness >:)
Dear Lady Darkness,
I would say I prefer quiet demure women but, considering my aisai and my aijin (Chichiri no Aijin and Chichiri no Aisai), no one would believe me, no da! *CnA #1 and CnA #2 both look at him and frown.* *Sweatdrops* Daaaaaaaaa....
Dear Nuriko,
Nuriko I need your help again! This is my problem, and don't laught! I'm usually a lone warrior, hench my name. But there is this guy who lives in a neighboring village, now I've known him for a long time but while I was walking away from a fight he came up to me and told me that he loved me!! *Sticks her finger down her throut*. But, no offense to you, but I don't like guy's. *Blushes* Maybe except Tauski Wasuki. But I want to tell him I don't love him but he has one of those faces that you can't say no to. But it drives me crazy! What should I do? HEEELP!! *Shakes him*
Dear LoneWolf,
Perhaps you should try to let him down easy and say you just want to be friends. If you want, explain to him that you just don't find men appealing so at least he doesn't think it's him.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
What would you all say if you found out the Four Gods are making their own 'Ask the...' site? (And yes, they do have permission from Chichiri no Aijin (Arigatou btw!))
Dear Rachel,
She says, "You're welcome!" and we say when they are done, they should send us the link.
Dear Tamahome,
*pulls you back* Hey! *hugs* Don't go.. I mean come on.. im loyal *puppy eyes* Really!
Whats your favorite food? I'll be sure to have plenty of it for you... *smiles deviously*
You know.. I could bribe Miaka into dragging you down... After all Miaka would do just about anything for food.
Lil Chibi Soi
Dear Lil Chibi Soi,
*Pulls away* No, really! That's OK! I really have to go now! Look!! Isn't that Nakago walking over there? And he's wearing a Speedo!!! *Runs off when she turns to look.*
Dear Nuriko,
...I am sorry for my last letter. I was just so digusted at humanity as a whole at that moment I had to take it out on someone. I was so sick of people being mean to me and the characters I like that I felt the need to spread the meaness around. I really should know better. It didn't make me feel any better, all I did is bother you and make myself feel worse.
I decided on you after I read something bashing my favorite characyer for close to two pages and then casualy tacked on the end was " I love Nuriko-chan! Peace out! ^-^" And since I couldn't whine to the person directly I decided to take it out on you. You don't deserve that kind of treatment, and I apoligise for my lack of judgement. Have you ever done that? Lashed out at a person who didn't deserve it simply because you were angry?
I really do like you, though. And I can understand why people love you. Next time when I am in doubt I will aske the fans themselves, I am sure they could think of many reasons you rock. It is simply by curse to like characters everyone elese hates, well birds of a feather must stick together, ne?
Thank you for your time, good luck to you and best wishes.
Dear Azusa,
Apology accepted. No hard feelings! *Smiles* People shouldn't character bash, but unfortunately it does seem to be human nature to do such things. I apologize for my fan's rude behavior.
Dear Tamahome,
Ha ha ha! You (ha ha), Mamoru, (ha ha) WHIPPED HUSBANDS SUPPORT GROUP?!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Oh, I've gotta write a fanfic about that!
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
Go ahead! We'd love to read it!
Dear Chichiri,
So your bangs do that naturally, huh? *Pulls his bangs down and watches as they spring back up* IT'S ALIVE!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!
Dear Tomoyo,
Itai, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
You know, drinking does more than mutalate your liver. It destroys brain cells, and those don't come back. *Slaps her forhead* Wait a minute! Look who I'm TALKING to! It's too late...
Dear Yomi,
OI!! Whaddya' think I am??? Stupid or somethin'?? … don't answer that… >.<;;;
Dear Tamahome,
Are you leading a nice,NORMAL life with Miaka and your son?Or are there any more Nakagos/Tenkous/Mayos to deal with?By the way when was your son born?
Dear Claudine,
There have been. There were the OAV's and the two Eikou Den Gaiden novels. In the novels he hasn't been born yet.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*huggles Minna*Don't worry about me.I know how to take care of myself and I will be VERY cautious.I still am even though we are dating.My friend's tell me to be cautious.I really am cautious though.*Smiles*.I'm taking extreme caution,and I told him that too and he respects that as well.Well I think that's about it.So I'll let ya know what happen's in the future.Ja ne minna-san.
Dear Destiny,
OK, take care. We'll try not to worry!
Dear Tasuki,
*glomps* I've been very, very busily stressed with college stuff. How've you been? I hear Aidou and Kouji's got a li'l one running around now! KAWAII! ^_^ *pinches his cheek and stretches it* Kowai-faced man, hai! ^_^;;
Shuurei, how has yet to rediscover pixie stix
Dear Shuurei,
I ain't kowai faced! They got a what??????? I'm gonna KILL Kouji!!!
Dear Tasuki,
Your a mean Bwother ;~;..*Crys..unclings to him and runs around crying..* Wahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!;~;
Sad Lil Taski
Dear Sad Lil Taski,
'Che! URUSAI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I ain't mean!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi! I'm soooo irritated. There's a new soap opera here in the Philippines which is extremely cheesy! You know, that is sooo unfair! They copied Sailor Uranus' dub names! First there is a character called Amara, which is Uranus' real dub name, and another one is called Corrine, which was supposed to be Uranus' dub name! WAAAAAH! No fair! Plus all they do is fight, argue, some sap, violence, plastic people, new characters, some "oh-look-I-wonder-what's-gonna-happen-next-on-this-suspense-filled-show" and ohmygosh-wow-this-is-so-tearful/shocking" thing, cheesy things, love, still more new lovers, b**ches, @$$h*les, and an even cheesier, meaningless plot! Do you think this is exremely cheesy?
P.S. How do you get rid of a pink, yam-headed spore? Her name is *censored* and she is in first grade. See in the Philippines most private school students go to tutorial services, where a tutor teaches several grades. My "tutor-mate" is in first grade and is so stupid she can't even do simple addition equations. She also tries to do a squeaky-ChibiUsa/Miaka-like voice, only FREAKIER! Plus she is obssessed with the Powerpuff Girls! She's got 4 POWERPUFF BAGS! Can you believe that? She has a PpG raincoat, pencil case, pencils, an eraser, a ruler and more. she also keeps wearing revealing outfits, ranging from backless, tank tops, spaghetti straps, tube tops, mini-skirts and super-short shorts that haven't even reached her knees!
Dear Eudial,
We fail to see why a fiction on television would upset you so. If you dislike it, don't watch it.
As for your diatribe about some first grader (what is she 6-8 years old?), we have decided NOT to answer the questions you posed to us. We also edited most of your rant as this is not a forum for such things and it was extremely unkind to the poor child. As her sempai you should guide her gently towards proper behavior and dress, NOT insult her and make fun of her in public. We are very disappointed.
Dear Tasuki,
*catches up with Shun'u while he looks for Mitsukake*
When you're not snoring, you actually speak quite inteligently at night. And yes you should try to go back to school. It will help with your bandit skills as well. Hopefully you have enough liver tissue left to live that long..
Oh there's Juan *waves to Juan* Here this is a book talking about the human liver, translated into Konanese. You may want to give it to Juan-kun..
Gambatte ne Shun'u :)
*hugs Juan* He's just figured out the effects of his sake binges to his body. Gambatte ;)
*heads out to pick Dandelions*
Dear Doc-sama,
*Smiles* Daijoubu Doc-sama. What he doesn't now is that when I heal him from too much brawling or too much sake; his liver is healed as well. Arigato for the book!
Dear Chichiri,
Aniki. Guess what? My life is becoming very hectic or so it seems. You see, I went in for my first consoling appointment with my youth leader and this was the day before the tragedy. I want to go back, but I have to make time and so does he. Now my school schedule just got crazier because I failed my math class and I'm getting tutored. I have to pass so I can run. Now I'm also helping my sister out with some of her problems. I normally don't get along with her, but I'm more than willing to help her out. Her friend is in an abusive relationship and comes to my sis for help. Now I'm getting involved in it. I want to stay out of it as much as possible, but it's hard to do, since my entire family is now getting dragged down to. What should I do no da? Geez. Looking back at my life, it looks like I lived a soap opera type life. Small wonder I don't watch those things. My life is one. Oi. *slumps down* Sometimes I wish my life were that of someone else's but then I realize that so many people wish that they could have my life. I wouldn't wish that fate on anybody. Oi. Gomen. I didn't mean to rant. But thanks for listening aniki. It's good to know that I can always talk to you and Hotohori, or any of the other seishi. I don't care what anybody says. You guys are real to me. You make things seem so much better sometimes. Arigato.
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
*Gives her a hug.* You need to set some priorities in your life, no da. Your first priority should be taking care of yourself, no da. Do the tutoring, pass the class, and try to find the time to see your counselor. When you do see him, I think you should bring up your sister's friend and her problems and see if he has any advice on how you and your family can handle this situation. Good luck, no da.
Dear Mitsukake,
Ok, I know that this is a little late to ask this, but How do you get asthma? I'm willing to execpt that there might not be a way, but I just wanted to get your opinion. I trust you more than I trust my family doctor because you're a seishi and therefore what you say goes, no da? So I was just wondering. Thank ya.
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
STOP ME BEFORE I DESTROY THIS (*%&*)*(&(*^% COMPUTER!!!! *lets out a stream of profanity that causes Tasuki to cover his sensitive ears* GEOCITIES IS EVIL!!! POPUP ADS ARE EVIL!!! FRAMES ARE EVIL!!! *grabs tessen* REKKA SHINEN!!! *flames shoot out and obliderate computer along with half the room* AAAAAAAAGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!
Ahh...much better. Sorry for the outburst *tosses tessen to the ground and gets a fire extinguisher to put out the fire* I just can't stand the fact that this computer was so slow, I can't find any good Web Sites on Geocities that either don't exist, are down, or some other crap. Why do I only have a damn 56K modem? That's like having an airplane with only one wing!
Maybe I've been up too late and I drink too much coffee. It's hard for me to fall asleep at night. Hotohori--I hope I didn't ring up too much damage in your palace. You can send me an invoice when you get the chance. I think I'll go to bed now. Is anyone planning to wash my mouth out with soap? Again, sorry for the outburst. I'll pay for the damages. Thanks for putting up with my explosive temper...And Tasuki *looks at the charbroiled bandit* Thanks.
Dear LS,
*Coughs up a ball of smoke…* yer welcome…
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Have any of you ever been whipped? *Spies Miaka* In a fight that is...
Dear Sakura,
I guess ya' could say Tamahome was a couple of times by Nakago.
Dear Nuriko,
*sounds come from the nursery* dada dada dada Is he talking? o.O *Takes off to check on Sora*
Dear Doc-sama,
*Sound asleep in bed…*
Dear Nuriko,
Ano... what if you found a tasteful, well written fanfic where you and Hotohori end up together, NOT the woman...? I found one. I wasn't able to look at a picture of Hori-chan with a straight face for a week...
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
Maybe. I'd have to read it and judge for myself.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Once again, I am trying my hand at cooking. I just made a batch of brownies and some cucumber sandwiches. I know one of the Suzaku seishi absolutely ADORES cucumber sandwiches, but I can't remember which one. I'm pretty sure it's either Chichiri or Nuriko...maybe.
Also, just so you know, I watched Miaka cook in the kitchen for about 20 minutes, and then proceeded to do the exact opposite of what she did. But I think I discovered the secret to her *ahem* culinary mastery. Take a look at this book I found in her room. *holds up a copy of '5001 Biological Weapons You Can Make in Your Own Kitchen' by Akane Tendo. I can't put my finger on it, but this may be a clue. If you find any other books like this, let me know, then destroy them.
Lady Shera
Dear Lady Shera,
Well that explains a lot! Oishii sandiwiches! Arigato!
Dear Hotohori,
Ano... what the h*ll is a missive?
Dear Megami,
A missive is a letter.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
In your mythology, what are your constellations of exactly? I already know everything about your Greek constellations (it scares my parents), so I'll know if you're ripping me off. *Hisses menacingly, making venom drop from her fangs* Demo, you could just direct me to a website with this info also...
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
Here is a site that should prove helpful to you: Make sure you check out the section called "Takamatsu Zuka Kofun
An Ancient View of the Sky from a Tomb in Asuka, Japan". It's fascinating!
Dear Tamahome,
* runs up to him* NOOO BALLS! * lap pat then a dash away*
Dear Kodachi,
Hen hito desu ne…
Dear Tasuki,
*walks over to him with a basket filled with his clothes* daddy told me to sell this stuff to you.....or to sell it to rabid fangirls.....will you buy it? He said dat if you dont he'll kick you @** an will you help me find my mommy *sniffle* my daddy is starting to scare me...
Dear Lita,
Does yer daddy got a scar running down one side of his face?
Dear Tamahome,
Okay, buster, I saw what you said to Yui! Let's see YOU cook any better!
Dear Miaka,
*Smiles* Certainly! *Cooks up a magnificent 10 course meal.* Here you go sweetheart, just for you!
Dear Chiriko,
Is there a difference between telekinesis and psychokinesis?
Dear Tamashii,
No there is not. They are synonomous.
Dear Chichiri,
I'm sorry I took your stuff, but I had to make sure that I wouldn't get a cheap result of you saving Hotohori-sama from the fangirls I sent after him. Don't worry, I think he'll live. *Hands him an icepack* Sorry I knocked you so hard. *Gives him his stuff* I took good care of it. Nothing got messed up. Now I'm off to plan more fun things to do to Hotohori-sama. Ja!
Dear Yomi,
Why do you want to do mean things to him, no da? What did he ever do to you, no da?
Dear Hotohori,
You should know better than to think that's gonna save you. *Snaps her fingers and the girls slowly get back up* *Turns to her troops* Now, come, ladies. Are we going to let a minor distraction get in the way of what we want? *Uses her power to freeze Hotohori in place* All yours! *Cackles while rabid fangirls swarm over Hotohori. After about five minutes they leave* *Yomi releases him from her grasp* Be happy they did so little to you. *Gives him a rabies shot* I don't really want to hurt you, it's just fun to play with you. I'm gonna go apologize to Chichiri. *Helps him to a bench, but doesn't bother to clean off the lipstick stains* I'll be back.
Dear Yomi,
I'm going to take a long hot bath now… *Staggers back to the palace.*
Dear Tasuki,
...newsflash, Tasuki...tea also contains caffiene. --; *snatches his tessen and whaps him with it, tosses it back at him, and vanishes*
Dear Ayame,
Not chamomile tea ya' brat!
Dear Nuriko,
Hello dear brother will you come to my wedding and be my best man Sara is already the maid of honor the other seishis are invited too.
Dear Rokou,
Of course I'll be there! And I'm sure the rest of the Seishi will be there as well.
Dear Tasuki,
Guess what! the 18 of this month is your half birthday! yay! ::gives him some sake:: and you can have this too ::gives him a cute little husky puppy:: he looks like a wolf ^_^ well happy half birthday! teehee!
Dear Tana,
Cool koinu! Arigato!
Dear Tasuki,
hehheh...soooo, i just watched the CPR scene of the OAVs...what was up with you afterward? an' i thought u hated women, tsktsk....^^;; (don't pretend ya don't know what i'm talkin' about, gen-chan! ::scowls::)
Dear Suzaku_no_Miko124,
Nothin' was up wit' me!
Dear Tasuki,
*enjoys getting hugged* Thanks, though I'm not THAT Lina.... That would be really cool though *thinks of ranting around setting everything on fire* He he that WOULD be cool.... Thankie anyways!
Dear Lina,
Oh! Yer welcome, sorry fer th' mixup!
Dear Hotohori,
Hi, Hori-chan! I got a friend with me and she's new here, so be nice to her okay?
Kimiko: When you saved Miaka, did those ducky shoes help you at all?
Miko: Damn it, what kind of question is that?!
Kimiko: Well his robes and hair created so much drag he shoulda drowned in two minutes.
Miko: Weeeeelll...
Umihebiza no Miko and Kimiko
DearUmihebiza no Miko and Kimiko ,
I don't think my clothing helped or hindered me in rescuing Miaka.
Dear Chichiri,
Gin'yoku Kanashimi: Yes you are.
Gin'yoku Kanashimi: You don't have to shout. Mr. Wilson might hear you.
Oh yeah... I'm still in Computer Applications, aren't I?
Gin'yoku Kanashimi: *nods slowly* You are going to share Chichiri with me.
Gin'yoku Kanashimi: Yes you are.
...I'm not sharing my Chichiri with no gay twin.
Gin'yoku Kanashimi: You're mixing up your fanfics. In New Preistess, yes I am the bi twin but in the Chronicles, I glomp Chichiri/Meph first time we meet them. I think.
I'M writing the Chronicles, I can change it if I want to. I can make you go after.... Ooh this is evil... I'll make you fall helplessly in love with TAMAHOME!
Gin'yoku Kanashimi: ....dangit. You *are* the Demon Princess.
Thank you.
Gin'yoku Kanashimi: ... ... ... .......
Chichiri is MINE.
Gin'yoku Kanashimi: Chichiri would be better off if you weren't his fan. Go glomp the cackling homo.
Chichiri is MIIIINE.
Gin'yoku Kanashimi: Unluckily for you, Chichiri is the most popular seishi next to Tasuki. You're sharing him whether you like it or not.
One of these days I'll buy the copyright to Fushigi Yuugi and make him ALL MINE!
Ginyoku Kanashimi: Suuuuuure....
I am!
Gin'yoku Kanashimi: That's it, I'm leaving.
Come back here!
Gin'yoku Kanashimi: Bye.
HEY! Hello?! KANA-CHAAAN! COME BAAACK! *she runs off after her friend*
Dayshadow: *sweatdrop* I think you would be better off if she liked Tomo best too....
Ukulele: Here, here.
Yuuki Yuiren and Gin'yoku Kanashimi
Dear Yuuki Yuiren and Gin'yoku Kanashimi,
*Reads letter... Sweatdrops...* Kowai, no da!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
What do you think would scare people more on Halloween? Keep in mind that they know NOTHING about Fushigi Yuugi:
1) Painting my face like Tomo
2) Borrowing some of my mom's earrings, getting my Mardi Gras necklace and waving a homemade tessen at people yelling "Rekka Shinen"
Dear Anonymous,
Definitely number 1!
Dear Nuriko,
Can you give me some beauty tips(give puppy eyes look)? Pllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaassssseeee!I mean your soooooooooooooooooo pretty!
Klown Boy(who is a girl)
Dear Klown Boy,
Arigato! What kind of beauty tips would you like?
Dear Chichiri,
Hey could U give me instructions to Tisukan's(is that spelled right?) house no da?+Have thouse nian nian things ever driven u insane no da?
Klown Boy(again i will say I'm not a BOy!!!!!!!!)
Dear Klown Boy,
I could, but Taiitsu-kun does not exist in your world, no da. No, they haven't, no da.
Dear Mitsukake,
Hi!!! I just wanted to ask if it's O.K. for me to call you by a nick name. Oh I also think your the cutest member of the Suzaku!!Will you marry me?
Klown Boy
(P.S. I'm NOT a boy! The nick name is Mitsie.)
Dear Klown Boy,
Arigato for your kind offer. However, I would prefer we remain friends. Mitsie??? *Sweatdrops*
Dear Hotohori,
is it hard to be the emperor of konon?
yurino tenshi
Dear yurino tenshi,
Yes, very.
Dear Tasuki,
*keeps trying to get up, even though she knows he's stronger than she is* Oo! Really? Dozo dozo dozo!?!? *tries to shove him off* Eh! *is stuck*
Dear Bon,
*Still laughing, gets up and helps her up.* So, I guess yer gonna be th' bandit's lil' sister,ne?
Dear Chiriko,
Yeah, Chiriko, if my memory serves me right, you guys were wondering how to get the Choco/Mog summon materia in FF7, right? Well, on Disc 1, when you visit the Chocobo Farm for the first time, you'll see some Chocobos inside a fence. You can "talk" to these Chocobos across the fence. Pick "Wark" and you'll get the materia. Sorry if the explanation doesn't sound so great, but you'll understand what I mean. Oh, just so you know, there are 16 different summon materia, plus Master Summon. Which ones have you found so far?
Dear Tonberry,
Arigato for the advice, but we are already past disk 1. We have Bahamut, Neo-Bahamut, Titan, and 3 others that I can't recall offhand.
Dear Tamahome,
*tosses ya 2 gold* there. Hey listen. I know that like Hotohori is like sexxy and.. and stuff. But you gotta admit.. Hoki looks too much like Nuriko to TRULY be female... dont you agree? *hugs ya tight* I also think that maybe you and Miaka should come to dinner some time. I sure I could "entertain" you Much to your likeing. I mean, don't get me wrong.. but Nakago is a little to gentle.. even for a Seiryuu. I suppose *sighs and flicks her beautiful hair back bahind her shoulder with her sparkling deep eyes* I'm not as bad as you think and im sure Miaka wouldn't mind.. there will be plenaty of food to keep her busy. Let me know what time. *blows you a kiss and snuggles close to ya* Ja ne Tamahome.
Lil chibi Soi: lover of cheese
Dear Lil chibi Soi,
*Sweatdrops…* I think I have to go now…
Dear Tasuki,
*walks up behind Tasuki and taps him on the shoulder* Hi. Didja miss me? *glomps* I'm finally back, kowai-faced-man! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!! I missed you, you know!
Shuurei, back from beyond
Dear Shuurei,
Long time no see! How ya' been? *Thinks for a second...* OI! I AIN'T kowai faced!!!
Dear Chichiri,
Kouran said she couldnt marry you. Why dont you find someone else. There are a bizillion girls out there. She isnt going to marry you, she already said so. I think you should move on. Shed want you to if she really loved you. Well..thats just my opinion. I think it would be good for you to move on. Kouran would be happier too. Its the past. The past is the past. Make a happy future for yourself.
Dear Advice-giver,
Kouran felt she couldn't marry me because Hikou forced himself on her and kissed her, no da. That did not lessen her feelings for me. She just no longer felt worthy of me, no da
Dear Chichiri,
Im sorry. Can you forgive me?
Dear Kouran-Ri,
For what, no da?
Dear Tamahome,
Thanx for being there for me Tamahome. A lot is going on right now though I dont let people know it. My g-ma got back from the hospitol today and shes doing fine. The main problem I'm having right now is my dad. I dont hardly know the guy demo I do know that he stays at his shop doing drugs and drinking booze. I'm scared of him to be down-right honest. When I spend the night there and my friend cant come I get really scared and paranoid about being alone there. Last time that happened I wished I was talking with you so I had a mental talk with you in my head till I fell asleep. Now that I'm driving he wants me to go by his shop. (Its a car place) He keeps saying the exact same thing to me and I find it creepy. what he says is "come on my the shop and I'll check your oil and buy you a coke" I have no reason to trust him. He turned my bro into a drinking and smoking person and hes never noticed me before now. I also have something thats not so important. I met Xelloss M. in the chat and his sn is XellossMetallium. With our names so much alike he said he'd leave cause I was here first. I didnt want to make someone leave just cause my name so I changed it to Ascot_Metali. I have a few reasons why I did that. 1. I like his ability to summon beasts 2. his attitude is cool 3. I'm cosplaying as him next year and I need to get the mind-set for it. Gomen for making you worry and thanx for your help..I guess I need it ne?
XellossMetali aka Ascot_Metali
Dear Ascot_Metali,
Your reaction to your father worries me. You say he's never paid attention to you until now. I'm guessing you're about 16 or 17, right? While I doubt he could turn you into an addict, there are other things that could do that DO worry me!
If being alone with him is creepy, follow your instincts and don't be alone with him! I also think that you need to inform an adult such as a teacher or a friend's parent as well as your mother about this. This is for your own safety.
What you did for Xelloss M. was very nice, thank you. I hope he appreciates it. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
True, like those %#$@@*# guys in gym class who like to throw #$^@* tennis balls at people. You'd think they'd be old enough to realize that they shouldn't do that. Oh well...........oops! i forgot! *glomps Tasuki*...................*lets him breathe* can you fry tamahome for me? maybe that will make me feel better...
Dear Cind-chan,
Sure ya' don't want me to fry th'annoyin' guys instead?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Queen Geena will rise soon. Be warned...
The Hater of the Pink Haired Brat
Dear Brat hater,
OK… *They all look at her strangely...*
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
*gives a sad look*i want Sake..Now >_< *Starts to get tears...whines*
Lil Taski
Dear Lil Taski,
Yer too young!
Dear Nuriko,
Hello, it's me again. I'm so glad that you replied. I'm now in the school library and lesson's going to start. So, i will see you again later.
Luo Lan
Dear Luo Lan,
Good luck with your studies!
Dear Chiriko,
Wai! Wai! I got a 96% on my math test! *Out of joyful excitement she grabs Chiriko, spins him around, and runs off cheering*
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
Omedeto gozaimashita!
Dear Nuriko,
Hi Hi Nuriko! *hugs her big brother* Did I tell you that I got my singing audition for Evita, but I went and the rehearsals are running late and I already have choir and college so I dont know if Ill be too tired or not, nevermind. Im enquiring for extra singing lessons at college too :)
Anyways how are you? Im being pestered by this guy at college. Ive liked him for ages but now that he keeps wanting to sit next to me and walk me to college I just dont know. He keeps texting me on my mobile and asked me to go the cinema, i've said no - the stress of my college life! grrr :( Im quite strange i want something and then I get it and I dont anymore. Do you think if Hotohori had returned his feelings for you, you would have reciprocated them, or would part of you feel that it wasnt right since you stopped crossdressing and fell for Miaka? From my point of view I dont know how his head wasnt turned, your so pretty :)
I've decided that sociology is the most boring subject in the world, what does Chririko think of it? One of the teachers I have for it (I have two) sends me to sleep, and he loves to repeat himself.
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH my new friend from Thai Land has allowed me to borrow his Fushigi Yugi book. Its in Thai and the front is different, it has a pic of Yui and Nakago on book 1 and its all yellow, it seems thinner too. I was telling the whole class how wonderful you are and showed them the pictures of you stuck on my file (I even have a little banner from the site I joined that says I worship at the Temple of Nuriko). I also explained to everyone that I wanted to marry Tamahome and showed everyone his picture in the book. One of my friends said, "but he's a drawing, and hes not even drawn nice" I nearly had a cardiac arrest when she said that, I just froze. My other friend said to her "Why dont you just go the whole hog and rip her heart out while your at it" I recovered from my state of silence and yelled at her. *shouts over to Tamahome - I stuck up for you and told her that you were beautiful, but I think you should kick her *ss, I did explain what a great martial artist you were* Well I better be going, nice talking to you again Nuriko ^_^ *hugs her brother goodbye*
Love Jen xxxxxxxxx
Dear Jen,
I don't know, maybe you should give the poor guy a chance. Perhaps you just enjoy the thrill of the hunt so to speak. Tamahome says arigato for defending him. Good luck on your auditions. Chiriko said that he preferred Anthropology over Sociology, and as for Hotohori, it's possible he'd have been very upset to find out that he had been deceived.
Dear Tasuki,
The Liver's primary funtions are to help purify the blood of wstes and poisons and tohelp the body digest and store nutrients.
A heavy drinker norammly develops Liver Cirrhosis. A type of permanent and progressive liver damage, it results in a kind of scar tissue that interferes with the flow of blood through the liver.
Would you like to know the symptoms Shun'u? it includes impotence..
Dear Doc-sama,
What th' H*LL does that mean??????? *Chichiri no Aijin whispers in his ear.* NANI?!?!?!? Yer kiddin' right? *Chichiri no Aijin shakes her head "no".* MITSUKAKE!!!! Doko desuka??? *Runs off looking for Mitsukake…*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I passed my math test!I got EC on my book report! YOU ALL MUST BOW TO ME!
Ash-chan,who is getting semi-good grades.
Dear Ash-chan,
Congratulations on getting good grades!
Dear Chichiri,
why cant i get into the chatrooms?
Dear IkariRi,
Depends, what is the error message, no da?
Dear Nuriko,
Hi ^-^ What's up? n/m/h. Oh I've heard about the Fushigi Yugi Gaiden episodes from a magizene I got but do you know any webpages where I can get more info on it? Cause as far as I know it's 3 years after Miaka and Tamahome were amrried and there are evil twin seishi in the series ^^;; oh well *shrugs* Once I get pics of me and my friend dressed up from Otakon 2001 would you like to see them? Well I g2g. Bye bye.
-See ya,
Dear Suta,
I don't know about the evil twin stuff, as I haven't read the Gaidens, yet. I would love to see your pictures1
Dear Nuriko,
You know I am so sick of people saying how much they like you I could just vomit! Why, I ask, are you so damn popular? It's not that I hate you ( In fact I do LIKE you I just don't LOVE you like all those insane fangirls) Sure your brave, loyal and funny, but so are the other Suzaku seishi, what makes YOU so special? You have a lot of annoying aspects too..I think your mean to your brother, and I can't stand the way you can't decide what you are. One minute you say your a cross-dresser and/or gay, The next your bisexual and now all the sudden your claiming you where staright all along and love Miaka. Well? People just don't "turn" straight, so which one is it?
Sorry, I don't write this letter to be mean-spirited, I simply need some answers. Please don't hate me. Thank you for your time.
Dear Azusa,
You know for someone who isn't trying to be mean spirited, you're failing miserably… I started cross-dressing to keep the memory of my late sister alive. As for love I don't think labels should be applied to love. Love is love, period.
Dear Tasuki,
You better not! ;-; Ano, I just got back from another trip to the doctor and he said my leg was fine! *hugs* arigatou for asking! *smiles* Oi, I heard you were in the chatroom Friday? *pouts* I wish I had you know when the next time you'll been in there?
Ano I was talking to Doc-sama last night and she said that you thought I was mentally stimulating...*sweatdrops* Am I really? ^^;;; Doc-sama also said you need help with your reading, and reading is one thing I'm good at. If you want, I could help you. *smiles and blushes* so what do ya say?
*spreads out her wings and elbows him in the side* Up for taking some reading lessons from a girl? *grins*
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
I'm glad yer leg is ok. Mentally stimutalin'? I don't even think I KNOW those words! Why does that woman say I need help readin'? I can read! See? *Holds book upside down and pretends to read.*
Dear Tamahome,
only two huh? Hi I'm yurino tenshi. I'm tsukino tenshi friend. She decided to interrupt me while I was trying to talk to you.
My little sister wished that sonmthing like what happened to Miaka would happen to her. She likes to think that she's Salior Moon, defender of the innocent *smile*^_^ Any way talk to you later Tama. bye now!!!*smile*
love always,
yurino tenshi(also known as Luna)
Dear Luna,
Has your sister seen all of our adventures? While things did eventually turn out well for Miaka and me we all had to endure some very painful experiences to get there.
Dear Tamahome,
Thanks for last night. (What, don't play dumb, or don't even deny it) Besides it was to beautiful to dis-honor it.
Miaka, your wife remember
Dear Miaka,
*Smirks and blushes*
Dear Mitsukake,
You wore very honorable in your response of rejecting my offer of dowery for Sukako. My (now dead) brother-law told me of your supposed availability. Much honor to you. Dead, yes. He dis-honored me by lying, and hurt my child by having hopes. Wife is not happy with me, but enough of my troubles. I just wanted to say thank you.
Toka na Toranoeit
Dear Toka na Toranoeit,
*Bows deeply* You are very welcome. I'm sure that you will have no problem finding a suitable and worthy husband for your daughter.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I really wish you all could of come to my slummber party. -_- I did take your wonderful advice, and Nuriko and I had a great time. You'll (of course) have to get the details from him. May be another time.
Nuriko, Thank you so much for coming, I can't remember when I laught so much. I do want to say I'm sorry I shocked you wearing babydoll pajamas, but living in a harem I didn't think you would be shocked. (You did recover very nicely, though.)
Love to all,
Dear SSSavory,
We had a great time! You guys should come next time! Arigato SSSavory!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi! My name is Eudial and I just celebrated my 12th birthday last August 9. I'd like to ask you some questions, OK?
1) Who is your favorite Sailormoon villain? (whether it's male or female, it's OK)
2) Do you know who I am named after? Clue: A Sailormoon S villainess
3) Who is your favorite of the Witches 5?
4) The Black Moon Family?
5) The Dark Kingdom?
6) The Dead Moon Circus?
7) The Aliens?
8) The Sailor Animamates?
9) *suddenly sees Senshi running by* D**mit! The Senshi again! *takes out gun* FIRE BUSTERRRRRRRR!!!
So long for now and PLEASE, PLEASE reply! My friend wrote a letter here under the alias of Viluy and she said you didn't reply. I'm hoping you won't do the same to me, OK?
Dear Eudial,
I think you've written to the wrong site. We are not really into Sailor Moon, gomen. Happy birthday!
Dear Nuriko,
Don't u think you'd look better in blonde hair?
Dear ???????????????????,
No, not really.
Dear Chiriko,
what does DOMO ARIGATO GOZAIMASU translate as?
Dear anon,
It translates out to "Thank you very much".
Dear Tamahome,
hey tama. my friend bianca is the one who introduced me to the fushigi yugi series. *smiles* ^_~ I think you are the best part of the series that I've seen so far.
Hey Tama! This is tsukino tenshi! ^_~ soooo sorry that I haven't written you in a while..... (Short message)
*hey bianca, I'm the one writing him here not you. sorry tama, she can be so rude only "all the time"
Gots to go ....see ya love, Tsukino and Yurino Tenshi *smiles*
Tsukino Tenshi / Yurino Tenshi!!!
Dear Tsukino Tenshi / Yurino Tenshi,
Arigato! I'm glad that somebody appreciates me. *Smiles*
Dear Nuriko,
Hi, Nuriko, I've always been different from most people because of my sexual behavior. I started out my childhood feeling alone, then my adolescence feeling ashamed of myself, and finally grew to accept and even become proud of my perverse nature as a teen. But now, many people, even my own sister has been criticizing my very nature. It really hurts. What can I do to deal with the criticism and become proud to be different once again?
Dear Different,
If you are proud of being different, then why do you call your nature perverse? I am assuming that you are gay and that is not, in my opinion, perverse behavior. Besides, if you call yourself a pervert how can you not expect others to call you the same or similar things?
If I am wrong in my assumption, then perhaps you need to examine your behavior and see what it is that people are finding so objectionable.
Dear Hotohori,
arigato for being faithful to me......
and always remember that i love you too.(kisses him on his lips)
Dear Houki,
*Kisses her back and smiles.*
Dear Chiriko,
Good morning..! Technically, it is morning where I am, 1:12 AM to be precise. That's the problem, and that's why I'm writing this. Since school started up, I've been unable to resume a regular sleep schedule. While all of my "going-ons" cease at 11 PM, I end up staying up until 2-3 in the morning! I do well in school despite that, but it makes waking up a pain! I get extremly... tempermental. Not unlike Tasuki.. Yes, that bad. I don't know, maybe I'm naturally like that, but I still can't sleep. Is there anything I can do to make this problem go away? I don't want insomnia, I want sleep >Satchiko
Dear Satchiko,
Try to do relaxing things an hour or so before your bedtime. Take a hot bath, meditate, drink some warm milk do yoga, etc. That should help you to relax enough to fall asleep.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Ok I did leave out the ages,but I'm 18 and he's 19.His birthday is in the same month as mine but his is February 9th and Mine is February 1st.Is that a coinsidence or what?I mean,I am careful though.When we were talking about meeting I asked him if my father can come a long and he said Yeah of course.^_^.So he can't be all that bad if he agreed to my dad coming a long when I meet him right?I mean,if he would've said no about my dad coming a long then I would not meet him.But he sounds legitament.^_^.Wai!!!!!!!!!!! he's really cute too.Ok maybe it's just me but I like his eyes *__*.
Here you can see what he looks like and here's a pic of Dj^_^;;;.Ok maybe I shouldn't brag about them too much but it's hard not to ya know?I mean they're both kawaii *_*.And we're the perfect age too 19 and 18 at least he's not like say ummm 31?XD.Ok well I just thought I should let you his age and mine.TAKE CARE MINNA.*Prances off into the darkness*
Dear Destiny,
Well, at least you're both of age. But I'd still be cautious and not rush into anything. Nice pictures! Good luck and take care!
Dear Tasuki,
*walks in cheerfully* Hello, Tasuki!!!! *soaks him* hehehehe!!! FUN!!!!!!! *puts up a water shield around herself*
Water Mage
Dear Water Mage,
That ain't funny! But in this heat it sure feels good! *Grins*
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