Dear Nuriko,
*holds Ryu tight* Aishiteru Ryu I'm just drained and I need to recharge.. you're a good husband to me *_* *leaves to change into her nightclothes*
Dear Doc-sama,
And you're a good aisai. *Gets ready to go to sleep.*
Dear Mitsukake,
Arigato, Mitsukake. And remember, you are not boring. You are strong and silent. Significant difference. Boring people are the ones who try too hard to impress.
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
Arigato for your kind thoughts.
Dear Chichiri,
my birth day is on thursday, and for my birthday, all i really want is to go to homecoming, but my mom won't let me. she says the dresses are too expensive to wear once, and why am I so obsessed with going anyways> ;~; the only dress i have that would work is not dressy enough, and i've lost so much weight since i wore it in may, it hangs on me. i was sooo looking forward to going.... i have to have a doctors appointment on my birthday. the day before, i have to go for a HORRIBLE tilt table test, THEY MAKE YOU PASS OUT!!! THE LAST TIME I TOOK THAT TEST (almost 2 weeks ago)I DIDN'T LAST 2 MINUTES!!! ,>.<, I HATE THAT TEST!!! now i have to worry about how many days of school i'm missing for all my tests and stuff.... happy birthday to me, ne?
Dear ashley,
Perhaps once you are done with your tests you could ask her again, no da. Maybe she can take you dress to a seamstress and have it taken in for you to wear, no da.
Dear Hotohori,
Guess what. I already have my Halloween costume, thanks to Kageno Tenshi-chan. She bought herself and me renassance dresses. Her's is black and red and mine is green and purple. We tried them on and they fit perfectly. Now all I have to do is dye my hair red again and then I'll look real pretty in that dress.
I know that you can't come into my world, but I have a question to ask you. My mom is getting ready to throw me a belated birthday party and I was wnodering if you would like to come. I mean, I know you can't come into my world, but I was just wondering that if you could would you come? Just wondering. Well, gotta go. Love ya.
Dear Kosetsu,
Your dresses sound lovely. If I were able to go I would come to your party. Thank you for asking me.
Dear Tasuki,
hi tasuki i love u would u marry me plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
hi suzaku i want to ask u is u can come over one day !!jk anyway i wanted to ask u from the other gods who do u like the best??
Dear aya,
The gods are the gods. There really is no like or dislike to them.
Dear Chichiri,
YOU'RE CUTE!!!!^o^
Cloud Fairy
Dear Cloud Fairy,
*Blushes* Arigato, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
*Glomps*Yay you're back!!!Thanks for comforting me Tasuki-kun I feel much better!
Cloud Fairy
Dear Cloud Fairy,
Yer welcome.
Dear Nuriko,
Water Sprite:N-n-n-nani?!Rokou wants me to be his aisai?!
Rokou:Brother you weren't suppose to tell her!
Water Sprite:Is this true Rokou?
Rokou:*blushing*Yes,Water Sprite it is*gets down on one knee*Will you marry me?
Water Sprite:Yes,Rokou I'll marry you!
Rokou:0_0She said yes!This is the happiest day of my life!*faints*
Touya no miko:*Cries*Oh are little girl is growing up*cries on nuriko's shoulder*
Water Sprite and Rokou
Dear Water Sprite and Rokou,
Kawaii... guess I get to be Maid of Honor... Tee-hee...
Dear Chichiri,
oh thats soooooooooo cute tama must be a god freind hey chichiri, if u had a job in maikas world what would it be???? (sorry i forgot how to spelll her name lol) bye for now buddy ^-^
Dear Luna,
I might be a teacher or a counselor, no da.
Dear Hotohori,
Who do you think looks most like you? Hikitsu, Nakago, or Tatara? Please pick one and spare us the "I'm more beautiful than them" bit.
Dear Tamashii,
Tatara. Although, I am more beautiful than any of them.
Dear Tasuki,
*sighs sadly* I can't hurt you! *sniff* But, I will anyways! *pounces on him and pins him down* HA! *sits on his chest* Can I get in now? Your Pinned!!!
Dear Bon,
*Cracks up laughing* No I ain't! *Rolls over and pins her.* But now ya' are! Mebbe I'll make ya a lil' sister to th' bandits… *Grins*
Dear Tamahome,
Dude, I know exactly how you feel. I'm married to Usagi, after all. How do you feel about starting a support group for whipped husbands?
Dear Mamoru,
Great idea! So who else should we get to join? Kenshin? Son Goku? And how much should we charge?
Dear Chichiri,
Heeeelp meee! Everyone in my family calls you my boyfriend! We were singing karoke or however you spell it at a unofficial family reunion and I popped in the last disk of the Seiryuu box set and sang Chiriko's 'Crimson Legend'. You know how you show up a couple of times, right? Well my mom pointed you out and made me sing your song whatever that long name is. I quoth: Look! It's Wei's boyfriend!" (Wei would be me) Ack! What am I gonna doooo? ....and now I have more cousins all glomp you too. But you're miiiiineeee! MIIIINE!!! *huggles you protectivly*
Yuuki Yuiren
Dear Yuuki Yuiren,
*Smiles* I guess you get to share me with your cousins, Chichiri no Aisai, Chichiri no Aijin and numerous fangirls, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
YO Nuriko you are shuch a funny guy. And do you like miaka . *smile*
Dear 702,
Thank you. Of course I like Miaka.
Dear Hotohori,
I just whanted to know did you love miaka alot? Because you to look so hot together. One think your shuch a sexyyyyy guy and i think you are just a sweet haert. *huges and kiss* *smile* noda!
sailor Uranus
Dear sailor Uranus,
Arigato for your kind words. I did love Miaka very much.
Dear Tasuki,
Yo Tasuki hey who in the word is koji? Tasuki you are one weaird dude. And my friend thinks your a sexyyyyyyy guy.And do me faver will ya kick Tamahomes but noda!. noda!
Dear yui-san,
Kouji is my best friend. Whaddya' mean I'm weird??? Jus' fer that ya'can kick Tamahome yerself!
Dear Tamahome,
hay tamamhome do fight with tasuki alot? because i fight with my friend all the time. Tama i think you sweet. noda! *smile*
Dear aisha,
We try not to fight, but sometimes things happen.
Dear Tasuki, daddy is silly an talks to*sniffles* i want my mommy!
Dear Lita,
Y-Y-Yer Kouji's kid?!? Then that means... AIDOU!!!!!!!!!! Where th' *^%$ are ya'?!?!?!!?!?
Dear Tasuki,
HIIIIIIIIIIII! guess what! its 3 am yay! and well either im up late....or up early teehee! arnt i cute (if you say no ill cry) and can i have your jacket? its kool ^_^ yay!
Tana (tooooo much caffine!)
P.S. if i cant have the jacket can i have you?
Dear Tana,
Ya' can't have my coat or me! But here, ya' can have this! *Hands her some tea to calm her down.*
Dear Tamahome,
grr... You, now that you wouldn't let me borrow some of your money, my boyfriend and I couldn't go out anywhere! I had to make him some tempura! it tasted weird... O.o) So now look what you did! Now my boyfriend thinks I'm a bad cook! I don't ask me to pay this time... ^_^; please
Dear Kitty-chan,
Fine, don't pay. But, you might want to consider cooking lessons...
Dear Tasuki,
I was reading through the old archives of letters and I was wondering why there are so many hentai questions about you and Kouji..I don't get it. Well thanks I'm going to go ponder the many confusions of my life
Dear Cind-chan,
Because people are weird!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I just have one little question. Do I at all scare any of you?
ChibInu-chan no Miko
Dear ChibInu-chan no Miko,
No. Why? Should you?
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Chichiri,
Your hair actually does that NATURALLY?!
ChibInu-chan no Miko
Dear ChibInu-chan no Miko,
hai, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
HI CHICHIRI!!!!! Teehee! After a bit of time I thought up a good question. If Kouran and Hikou and a possibility of your village still being alive, would you have become a monk? Sense there would be low chances of you becoming a monk in that situation, then what would your seishi powers be? Take some thought on this one!
ChibInu-chan no Miko
Dear ChibInu-chan no Miko,
A monk, no. But I woiuld still have my powers, no da. They might not be as strong since I would have had no training, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Hello! DANG IT TASUKI WHEN'S THE LAST TIME YOU TOOK A BATH NO DA!!!!! ::picks tasuki up and throws him in a nearby pond with some floaty wings:: Have fuuuuuuuun! ::throws some soap and shampoo after him:: MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA-er.... byeeeeee ::runs for her life::
Morphie-chan ^_^v
Dear Morphie-chan,
Yesterday! *Gets up and chases after her...*
Dear Hotohori,
*chibi wavies* Heeeyy! Erm, your highness...did you relize that the hair pin thingy you wear looks like a doughnut box? *giggles* It looks like you have some sort of hostess doughnut box on your head! Also, when everyone summoned Suzaku, it looked like you had a breadbox on your head. ......why?
The Muffin Ma-erm Woman
Dear Muffin,
*Sighs* The Imperial Crown just looks
the way it looks...
Dear Hotohori,
Is sparkling something that anyone can accomplish? I'd looove to learn, heika-sama, oneeegaaai? *smiles sweetly* It might help me win back my cheating boy...
Dear Syn,
Gomen nasai, but sparkling seems to be a bishounen only talent. Besides why would you want someone back that cheated on you? he certainly isn't worthy of your affections.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*Squeals,and runs up to the seishi giving them a big hug*Wb!!Konnichiwa,Genki Desu Ka? hai Desu ka.^^.How's my japanese?I missed you guys so much.I have lots of good news for you.Ok,well it's only a little bit of news but it's still NEWS.Ok well,after I wrote to Oniisan Tamahome about Phi,My friend (online)introduced me to this guy online,and well now we're dating ^_^.His Name is Draven and he has a 1 year old son and his son is so cute.^^.His son's name is Dj.And in the future(if we meet)I might become his stepmom ^_^.WAI!!Isn't that good news?My friends online have noticed that my happiness has greatly increased,and I'm no longer b*tchy or something.but they all like him ^_^.The only thing about Draven is He's gothic,and there's something else wrong with him which I won't mention on here because of personal reasons.But what do you think of him so far?I mean he really makes me happy and our love is strong like Miaka and Tamahome's love is ^_^.Well I just thought that you should know what I've been up too.Wb again ^_^.
Dear Destiny,
We're all happy that you're happy but, how old is he and how old are you? We're just concerned and want you to be careful!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*come in shaking and bright red* My boy that goes to a different university just told me that he has a girlfriend... and it's not me. I want to go drive down there and demonstrate some of those new kung fu techinques I've been learning... on him. What do you think of the plan? Yay or nay? *clenches her fists and tries not to cry*
Dear Syn,
Probably not a good one. *Puts his arm around her shoulders and sits her down.* There will always be another guy. Right now I'd say living well and enoying your new found freedom is the best revenge. If that doesn't work for you, you could try burning his picture. Just don't set the house on fire!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Howcome I always seem to create small infernos wherever I go, on the web or in real life? People keeps arguing with me , as it seems, just for fun. Whatever I say they turn against me, making me look like a real bad person... *sigh* Why can't I get people to know that all I want is to get them to understand that I'm not trying to walk around as if I own the place, i just wanna make friends!!! *starts sobbing*
Dear Lina,
Ano, could it be from alla them fireballs an' Dragon Slaves ya' like to fling at everyone who p*sses ya' off? *Starts to run off but decides to risk his life and give her a hug instead.*
Dear Tasuki,
Hey what's up?Well this is the first I have ever written you so I'll make it brief! Well,I just wanted to tell you that you are my favorite warrior!I think that being a pyro is pretty damn cool! Although I have to say that Chichiri isn't far behind you in my mind of being favorite,but don't worry because you'll always be #1 in my heart! : ) Well gotta go! I lok foward to hearing from you!
PS.Please try not to set anyone on fire in the time it takes you to write back!
Dear Melfina269,
Heh-heh-heh... thanks! I'll try not to!
Dear Tamahome,
Miaka has asked me to inform you that you shouldn't bother coming home tonight. Personally, I wouldn't suggest it. She threw a pot and put a dent in the wall...
Dear Yui,
Is she trying to cook again?
Dear Chichiri,
I was wondering if the rumors I have heard are true,were you secretly in love with Miaka.Through the series you never spoke of it,but in the OAV'S your best friend made the comment as he stole Miaka from you and the rest of the Suzaku Seven that he was going to take everything away from you.(meaning Miaka) I was just wondering! Thanks!
Dear Melfina269,
He meant as a friend and miko that she was important to me, no da. I never loved her, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
I gotta make sure you don't save Hotohori-sama from the rabid fangirls. *Knocks him out and teleports away with his kasa, kesa, and staff*
Dear Yomi,
Dear Tasuki,
Are you sure your family is THAT bad? How would you feel about being raised by a grandmother and four spenster aunts instead? Wash their hair on Saturday nights...
P.S. Unless there are organ transplants in Konan, I'd really cut back on the drinking if I were you. Your liver must've taken serious abuse.
Dear Yomi,
Grandma an' 4 spinster aunts... my ma an' 4 pain in th' butt older sisters... what's th' (*&^%$# difference??? Ano... what's a liver?
Dear Hotohori,
Did you like my present, Hotohori? I hope you're happy. You hurt his feelings. Eh, I need a new prank to play on you... *Exits the room and listens to her friend before exclaiming* Fangirls?! There are fangirls in the perimeter?! Have they killed anyone? *Turns to look at Hotohori and smiles evilly* I know... *Leads Hotohori out about 100 yards in front of rabid fangirls* I come in peace. I have brought a sacrifice! *Steals Hotohori's shirt which dangerously excites fangirls* Damn, you fine... *A large splatter of pink paint lands on Hotohori's chest*
Rabid Fangirl: I MARKED HIM, HE'S MINE!!!
Oh, did I forget to mention they were armed with paint-filled Super Soakers? *Several more squirts of paint hit Hotohori, staining his hair*
Good luck getting out of this one. Any man who advances on them is usually stripped to their underwear, carried off, and found the next day in drag in a ditch. Unless of course it's the one they want. You don't wanna know what happens then.
Dear Yomi,
*oses for them, smiles and sparkles as the entire fangirl horde swoons and faints...*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I have a hobby of collecting quotes. It's fun and provides me with a good laugh when I'm bored. Some of them kinda remind me of you guys.
Tamahome: Borrow money from a pessimist, they won't expect it back.
Hotohori: Coffee, chocolate, men. Somethings are just better rich.
Nuriko: Don't hate me because I am beautiful.
Chichiri: I used to be a schizophrenic, but we're okay now. (Well... with and without the mask he's like two different people)
Tasuki: They found traces of blood in my alcohol stream.
Mitsukake: Depression is merely anger without enthusiam.
Chiriko: Smart is not a four-letter-word. That would be 'smar'--"Daria"
And then there's one from my friend Paige that always makes me feel better: I am nobody. Nobody is perfect. Therefore, I am perfect. Check out Paige's website at There's no Fushigi Yuugi stuff there (yet) but there are more quotes!
Umihebiza no Miko
P.S. One more quote Paige gave me. Hori-chan: "Bad boy! Go to my room!" ^_~ Nah, I'm kidding!
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
Your friend's site was great! We really enjoyed it. Thank you!
Dear Mitsukake,
Mitsukake do you like me?
Michelle Michales
Dear Michelle Michales,
As I do not know you, it would be difficult to answer your question properly.
Dear Tamahome,
Tamahome do you like Miaka?
Michelle Michales
Dear Michelle Michales,
Of course I like her! I even love her!
Dear Hotohori,
No, that's not my name, but you got the right number of letters. My name is a bit unusual, as it's spelled one letter less than the norm. I've been correcting my teachers since I could spell. I think it started in kindergarten...
Anyway! I have a question, which will be accompanied by much b*tching. We're reading "To Kill a Mockingbird" in English class, ah, the fun of prejudice. Do you believe in reverse discrimination? What I mean I guess is, IS there such a thing? La dee da, the minorities turn out whites instead of the other way around. Big whoop. How exactly is that different? I don't know why, but it makes me mad. We moved from Connecticut to Spokane, WA in January 2000, to become one of two, black families in our entire zip code. I'm not exaggerating. Looking around my school of 2000 kids you'll see only see four blacks, including me. There aren't enough minorities to fill a classroom! I guess what bothers me is that these kids know nothing about racism. They read about the Southeast U.S. and they're totally amazed. Aw, h*ll, I don't know WHAT'S really bothering me, but it's got something to do with this. My friend agrees with me as she is half-Japanese and also feels very out of place.
I guess what bothers me is racism in general. Blacks are just as bad as whites. There's Chris Rock, Tommy Davidson, Chris Tucker. Comedians with good material, and I love 'em but making fun of everyone isn't gonna help. I need to go off and just be mad now before I break something. Thanks for listening, I needed to rant.
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
That's ok. Discrimination in any form is wrong. A person should be judged on their abilities and by what is in their heart, not by the color of their skin or how they look, dress, etc.
Dear Tasuki,
*limps in and glomps Tasuki* Spiders are evil!!! ;-; *sniffles* a stupid spider bit me on the back of my leg! I had to go to the doctor because of it last Thrusday *sees a spider and squishes it* evil things --;;; I'm even going to have to miss a soccer game *eyes all teary*. Oh well, I got to finish watching Trigun, and I loved it soooo much *-*
Oiya, *glares at him* What's with all the drinking contests that these girls keep telling me they are having with you? --;;; you wouldn't even let me have any green beer(I still haven't forgotten ;-;) and your have drinking contests with them!? ;-; I feel so unloved!
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
Sorry to hear 'bout yer leg. Are ya' gonna be ok? They all wanna be bandits an' ya' jus' wanted to drink. 'Sides goin' me drinkin' sake wit' someone don't mean that THEY get to drink it too! 'Specially if they're too young! *Grins*
Dear Tasuki,
Interesting. The baby of his family gave me advice on little terrors that my dad and his brother try to pass off as my cousins. Well, enough about that, I have another problem. You see, all students in my school have to take a health class, usually in freshman year. You either take PATH or Nutrition and Fitness. I'm in the second one. We have health class half the week and P.E. the other. On Wednesday we go power walking *Gags*, sometimes around the neighborhood, other times into the woods behind the school. This past time we went into the woods for the first time. I was perfectly willing to go through with it. Until I found out too late that there were some very steep hills. I have a bad fear of heights in some situations. This is one of them, the slow torture ones. (Wow, we have opposite phobias!) If I tripped and fell, there would be nothing to keep me from falling down the side of the hill. I held my breath, went slow, and made it. A little later we had to go straight down the hill. I broke down. I couldn't help it. I looked down and cried. *Starts shaking* Lucky for me, I wasn't all the way in the back so kids were with me and this boy let me hold his arm while going down.
Then we really had fun. *Wishes sarcasm could be sent through writing*. Since we went DOWN we of course had to go back UP. My legs hurt for two days after. We went back up a different path, but after that it was the same path we took on the way out. That d*mn slanting part right on the side of that hill. When we got back to the school, I was shaking so badly, I didn't know how I made it back. When the teacher said we'd be going that way again, most likely next time, I cracked and just cried at my desk. I stayed behind to talk to the teacher about why I was so upset, and he said he understood why I went so slowly and wouldn't down grade me for it. I was trembling all day, I couldn't walk straight. I DON'T WANNA GO OUT THERE AGAIN!! *Starts crying* What should I do? I need a hug. Can I have a hug?
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
*Gives her a hug.* Well, ya' can either get past yer fear or ya' can ask yer teacher if ya' can do somethin' else fer PE.
Dear Chiriko,
HIIIII!!! Remember how I was complaining about my math skills? I didn't do what you suggested, but I did get a notebook and I take thorough notes during geometry class. I bring them home to do my homework so now the formulas are easier. Distance formula... ugh...*shudders* But anyway, I had a test on chapter 1 yesterday and we were allowed to use our notes. I'm proud to say that I didn't need to! I completed the test painlessly and I think I did well, I remembered to check my work and everything. I'll give you the results on Monday. Or whenever Mr. Drew gets around to it.
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
Good for you! I hope you did well on your test. *Smiles*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
ohayo minna! ^-^ i have a couple questions....
Tamahome: you like your manga or anime self better? I prefer the manga, less time with you and Miaka-chan gazing into each other's offense, of course...I mean, I don't blame 'er, Tama-chan. ^-^
Hotohori: come when you died you said Miaka's name, and not Houki's or somethin'? (Of course, I was cryin' so hard then I could barely see the subtitles...^^;; it was so sad tho! ;_;)
Nuriko: *glomps* Nuri-sama!!!!! ^-^ You're such a kewl character, wai, wai! *sniffles* My friends are ain't a fruity homo, waghh...;_; Anywho...I have hazel eyes, and I was wondering what eyeshadow would make the green in 'em stand out more. ^-^
Chichiri: I luv your no das! ^-^
Tasuki: TASUKI-CHAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *huggles* The Shirtless Tasuki Fanclub is up and running, no piccies yet tho...;_; I'll send you the URL when it's better...hey, could you do me a favor? Couldja flame Tamahome for me? *evil grin*
Mitsukake: Oi...yer tall...*looks up at him from her mere 5'6")
Chiriko: Hey, yer so kawaii! ^-^ 'Cept all my friends say you look like an eight year old girl...;_; nonono, stop bein' mean to Nuri-sama and Chiriko-chan....;_; How'dja get ta be so smart? And what's your favorite food?
Well, ja ne minna! ^-^
Dear Suzaku_no_Miko124,
Tamahome: I think I like my anime self better.
Hotohori: I heard the Miko's voice so I called to her.
Nuriko: Arigato for your sweet words! A muted green eyeshadow should bring out the green in your eyes.
Chichiri: *Smiles* DA!
Tasuki: I*Grins and fries Tamahome.*
Mitsukake: Hai, I am.
Chiriko: I studied hard and I love to learn new things. I like green tea ice cream.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Nuriko,
Hi hi Nuriko-chan! What's up? Hee hee I'm super tired from a sleepover! Have you ever been to a rollerblading rink before? It's lots of fun ^.^ Well I better go cause I need sleep. Oh and I'm being u for Halloween ^-^
See you,
Dear Suta,
No, but I've been to an ice skating rink. You are! How sweet! *Smiles*
Dear Tasuki,
Hmph....*crosses arms over chest* You had BETTER hope I get better than a B on that test. And if I do....*giggle* SAKE WITH TASUKI! *giggle* That's gonna be fuuuuuuunnnn...
Dear FireSpirit,
Heh-heh-heh... Good luck!
Dear Hotohori,
I've something extreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeemly interesting for you.There was an emperor in medieval India who was known as the "wise fool"Interresting,ne?
His name was Muhammad-bin-Tughluq.Would you follow in his footsteps?WOULD YOU?WOULD YOU?*cackles loudly at her own joke*
Dear witchie-witch,
I don't know as ai am not familiar with that legend.
Dear Chichiri,
that's what i'm thinkin too chichiri, no there's nobody who can tape it foe me :( i really hope that other fushigi yuugi fanatics will help me about this one...
Dear Louver,
Perhaps someone that has it on DVD can tape it for you, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Please tell Fallon that "Shiawase ni Narou" IS sung by Hayashi Nobutoshi. I am also looking for the lyrics, but I do know that it's from a series called "Angelique" and it is the image song of a character called Randy.
Also, I have the song "Omoitsuki" on my computer, sung by Hotohori and Chichiri's seiyuu. Does anyone have the lyrics for this song? What series is it from? Thank you in advance for any info you might have. ^-^
Dear Solar,
Omoitsuki means inspiration, however, we have no idea what series it comes from. Our best guess is Weiss Kreuz, since we don't remember anything like that from Fushigi Yuugi.
Dear Chichiri,
Daa! Hey, this is Chichiri the Fairy King, no daa! I wanted to know if any of you thought it was weird that I wore sparkly wings, and swated people with a loofa on a stick. Also, I wanted to know what kind of shampoo the emperor uses. Wish my hairy was so sparkly....daa.....*flutters off, leaving a trail of pixy dust behind*
Chichiri the Fairy King
Dear Chichiri the Fairy King,
I think you and your name are a bit odd, no da. Hotohori's shampoo is made for him in Konan, no da.
Dear Hotohori,
You're not mad? Arigato gozaimasu! *hugs him reeeeeeally tight then lets go noticing he's blue in the face* Gomen. It really made me feel better. The "Week of Violent Mood Swings" (I'm NOT translating if you don't understand. Ask Nuriko ^_~) has reared it's ugly head, so I've been kinda been depressed. *Sits down and pulls him down with her* This is gonna be another long one so you might wanna sit down.
I've been doing a LOT of reading in the archives, and one of the letters I stumbled upon asked where in the world you'd like to visit. Paris? Really? Sugoi! I went summer of last year! Paris est tres beau! Unfortunately at the time though my French was very lousy. ^^; If you overlook the loooooong flight and the time change, it's great. However, if you really plan on going I hope you've got reeeeally strong legs, because there are a lot of cathedrals and a lot of stairs in them. *Remembers Sacre Couer* Ohhhh, I cried. I'll admit, I was pathetic. Versailles is amazing! It's so grand that it's no wonder the French started a revolution. I'll be honest that while walking through the Hall of Mirrors I thought two things. First, "King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette got married here." (I have a picture of me and my imouto in a cathedral with their tombstones) Second, "If someone showed Hotohori this place his only competition for love of self would be Narcissus himself" Eh, it was a cute image... They'd probably have to get Nuriko to pull you out at closing time. ^^;
If you do go someday, just remember two things:
1. Only say something when you know what it means and how to pronounce it. The French are very picky about accent.
2. The French are a lot nicer than what stereotype says.
Je t'aime, mon cher Hotohori
Umihebiza no Miko
P.S. Guess my real name! It's French and begins with a C!
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
Is your name Chere or Cheri? The Hall of Mirrors sounds quote wonderful. *Smiles* Chichiri no Aijin has also been to Paris and she too loved it. She said that the French people she met treated her kindly even though she spoke very little French.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I hate my life! First, I lose my complete ability to draw! Second, I can't write fanfics like a I used to! Third, we're broke! And to top it off, we've lost two buildings I've wanted to see since I was in first grade! *breaks into a cry* Why? why is this happening to me!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Eheheheheheheheheeeeee *sob sob sob sob sob*
Dear Gyakko-no-miko,
*Hugs her and tries to dry her tears.* I'm sure everything will eventually work itself out for the best.
Dear Hotohori,
In response to what "DIE HARD FY FAN" asked about finding FY eps for download, I would suggest downloading WinMX, a music/video/audio/etc server system much like Napster. You can find it at, and there are usually individuals online who have a great many of the eps up for download. [Granted, there are usually lonnnnnng lines to get them...but, sometimes, you get lucky.] Hope this helps! ^_~.
Dear Ryuen,
Arigato Ryuen! *Smiles*
Dear Tamahome,
Gomen nasai, Tamahome-chan. I get carried away easily. *snivel* I didn't mean to do that... *crys*
Neko-Tasuki-no aijin miko
Dear Neko-Tasuki-no aijin miko,
Apology accepted. *Smiles*
Dear Nuriko,
I just yesterday saw the episode where you died in Tamahome's arms...
My friend cryed but I think it was soooo cool that you were still able to move the rock and stuff. To come incontact with your masculin side a little. Oh by the way, *bushes and waves her arms franticly in chibi form* I think your sexxxxy with no shirt!!!!! I hope you liked "The Urge" I sent you guys. I mean.. I have no idea how I got an idea like that but it's alright. *hugs ya* you know... you might look good as a woman... but a man with that feminin grace is even more sexxxxxy. You right up there on the sexxy list with Hotohori. *shrugs* I got this thing with long hair, guys with long hair are just.. attractive is sooooo many ways. But anyway... yeah... dosn't it surprise you that you kinda had a crush on Miaka? I mean a total ditz and clutz like that... she looks almost like Serena from Sailor Moon! Yes she has a warm heart.. but WHY HER? I mean.. come on *places a hand on her hip* why her when you can have......... moi? *trying so hard not to fall over laughing*
Lil chibi Soi: lover of cheese
P.S. Smack Tamahome with a Hot pocket for me will ya? *W*
Dear chibi Soi,
The "Urge" was… interesting… I love Miaka because she is a warm and loving person.
Dear Hotohori,
Please note now that Yomi's fingers are making strange entwining motions* Ohhhh, poor baby. You didn't think that was funny? I did. It was that dress comment that put you over the top, wasn't it? Aries men are easy to anger! I'm only doing this because from looking in the archives I've found:A. You haven't had as many torture sessions as the others. B. When you have, you get pissed so easily! So I'm gonna have some fun with you. *Hands finally stop moving and rest at her sides* Hope you like your present! * Looks behind him at some else* You owe me big, buster! I just got you some time with Heika-sama. It could be a while before he can run away... *runs off*
*Hotohori turns around to see that his hair is hopelessly knotted and tied into someone elses hair* *Mystery person turns around and glomps Hotohori's leg*
Gay bandit from episode 14: I've finally found you! And this time I'm not letting go!
*Yomi looks on from a safe distance* It could be days before they come apart. Especially since bandits don't comb their hair...
Dear Yomi,
*Nuriko comes running and cuts all of the bandit's hair off while being careful NOT to cut Hotohori's. He frees Hotohori and punches the now bald bandit into next week.*
Arigato Nuriko. *Smiles*
Nuriko: *Swoons and grins*
Hotohori and Nuriko
Dear Chichiri,
I got a really serious problem, no da! Ever since I started watching you on video and stuff my bags love to defy gravity, no da! My friends tell me I have Chichiri Syndrom, no da! I have annoyed my parents to death with it and I have been walking around school like this... no da?
I have tryed gel, hairspary and all kinds of other things but they just do work, no da. Oh, did I mention that I have been saying "no da" after every sentance, no da? I have no idea what to do, no da! So yeah.. My friends have like rolled laughin, no da.
It is funny tho we have two sides at school and every friday the Suzaku side and the Seiryuu side of our group spars, and OMG it's funneh, no da. I play you as the char in the Suzaku Seishi, no da. But the bags that defy gravity are a little much, no da? I mean yeah it fits the part and all but.. I get really weird looks.. no da? What do I do, no da!?
Lil chibi Soi: lover of cheese
Dear Lil chibi Soi,
Maybe you should weight them down, no da. We also posted your "Urge" on the Message as it was way too long to post here, no da. Our response to it was also posted, no da.
Dear Tamahome,
Me torment? Theres a laugh. I may be Xelloss demo he has some qualities I wish I did. What I ment by non-correct..well I'm not really that clumsy or a ditz demo I just cant get things down as well as other people can I think is what I ment. I'm terrible with words and talking so I never say much. Somehow when I read it in the chat I can actualy come up with things to say demo it takes the chat is slower then rl talking ne? I hate to say this demo I went off the deep end yesterday. *sweatdrops* dont worry I didnt think too dark and no one was around so I yelled twice and hit the wall till my hands hurt. *big sweatdrop* I'm basicaly gonna confess to you that I collect knives and I finaly got one sword I guess I'm obsessed with blades though I could never hurt anything besides myself and even then I dont draw much blood. I just like the feel of the blades. I know I sound crazy demo I am not. Trust me on this I'm fine. The line on my cheek went away in less than 24 hours. *sighs* you probibly dont believe me demo thats okay I'm not going to try to convince you. Well I'd better go finish the movie I rented. *glares* if you even metion counceling I will never talk to you again!
Dear XellossMetali,
It does worry me that you drew blood on yourself with your knife, but I won't mention the "C" word. However, liking knives and swords does not mean that you are odd. As for knowing what to say and when to say it, some people have that knack and others don't. I'm sure that you would be quite capable of it if you were to practice.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Konnichiwa suzaku seishi! I was just curious....*giggle* If you could have one thing in the ENTIRE world...I mean...ANYTHING. What would it be? And no Tasuki...that does not include having Tamahome's head....*giggle*
Dear FireSpirit,
Tamahome: My family alive and well.
Chichiri: My fiancée and best friend alive and well, no da.
Chiriko: Access to the Library of Alexandria.
Mitsukake: Shouka alive and well.
Nuriko: My sister alive and well.
Hotohori: To not die so I can help Houki raise Boushin.
Tasuki: Tamahome's okane!
Dear Chichiri,
Konichiwa Chichiri-sama! How've ya been, no da? *giggle* Sorry, I'm getting slightly attached to saying that expression, no da? Sort....of....addictive, no da? *takes a deep breath* da. any tips on how I can make my hair defy gravity like yours does? Also...I try to see if I can disappear into my just doesn't mork. *puts hands on hips and shakes her head and sighs* Oh well. Hope ya write back, no day? Ack! *slaps her forehead*
Dear FireSpirit,
Mine just naturally does that, no da. You may want to use some strong hair gel and hair spray, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
*squeals with delight* Hi Tasuki-chan! How are you? *pulls away and goes kawaii eyes* Just...wanted to know how you were doing *dreamy look* Got a mjaor math test tomorrow, I just wanted to you know...stall from studying. I hate math. Can I borrow your tessen to set the exams on fire? *giggle* Then I don't have to take it and worry about failing! And maybe...afterwards, would ya like to go out to drink some sake? *grins* Don't worry....drink as much as ya like. They're all on me! *Grins*
Dear FireSpirit,
No ya' can't! If ya' pass th' test wit' a B or better I'll consider havin' some sake wit' ya'!
Dear Hotohori,
aw, you're not narcissitic...those mean ol' people...(well, maybe a little... but you *are* beautiful, hori-sama! ^^;;) *watches him sparkle and faints dead away*
Dear Suzaku_no_Miko124,
*Catches her, smiles, and sparkles.* Thank you.
Dear Chichiri,
I got a problem buddy, you know I had never watched the entire Fushigi Yuugi series now GMA (the channel that shows Fushigi) returned the show. The problem now is that I still have my class during the time they show Fushigi (4:00 pm) some Fushigi Yuugi fans here in the Philippines also emailed me that they have the same problem. We emailed GMA but it seems that they just take us for granted, we haven't received any replies from them. And now it's getting worst cause I already missed a lot of episodes... *sob* What will I do know, I don't wanna miss it again :( .
Dear Louver,
Is there someone there that can video tape it for you, no da? If not, perhaps a letter writing campaign to the TV station is in order, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
I encountered a lot of stories about you, but what is the truth about yur scar? A reliable site stated that it was caused by a log during that tragic situation some states that you made that scar to remember the past? Please tell me, it really leaves the puzzled...
Chichiri Fan
Dear Chichiri Fan,
It was the log, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
After pondering over which question I should ask, and sending one letter to Mitsukake, I was left at a loss of what I could say. I wanted to ask something that was worth reading and replying to, but I just couldn't think of anything worth it. Taking in much consideration, I decided to instead introduce myself. My actual name is Laura, I'll probably go by Haruka, and I was very amused and happy to find this place, and I hope that I can direct all of my questions to you should I feel I'm in need of feedback. Hello, Suzaku Seishi ^.^
P.S. I caught a whole bunch of Bishonens!
Dear Haruka,
Hello and welcome to our humble cyberablode! We hope you enjoy your stay!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
Why is everyone attracted to miaka? Even you are. Is it her hair? Her up beat personality. To me it would get pretty annoying and I thought you would feel that way to. Shane on you.
Dear Neko-girl,
I guess it's because she's jus' so nice an' all that everybody likes her… or puts up wit' her…
Dear Tasuki,
..What is it with guys who were born under Aries and Dragon and your swear words?!? My little brother (irl) is like that, too!!!
Dear Ayame,
What th' (^% is wrong wit' my (^%$#@ words?
Dear Tasuki,
*sneaks in, grabs his tessen and sake, and runs off, yelling* Don't worry, I'll give your tessen back soon! *stops, thinks for a moment* Of course, your sake will probaly be gone. *giggles and dissapears, thinking if sake would explode if expodes to fire. One hour later there is a huge boom, and a collom of some rises from somewhere nerby. She appears, hads him his tessen, witch is scarred around the edges, and grins* Yup. It does explode.
Dear Quenten,
*Grabs tessen* Gimme that! Don'tcha know better n' to play wit' sake an' fire?!? Ya' coulda' been blown up! BAKA!
Dear Tasuki,
*freaks* I can't belive this! *starts gnawing at her fingernails* My friend told me that one plane that was stoped was heading to Michigan! That's where I live! *shudders* Heck, i can see the #1 rated glitez mall from my room! *shreaks*
Dear Songwind,
I think yer friend is yankin' yer chain. Tell 'er to knock it off!
Dear Mitsukake,
*hugs her oniisan*Ok I'm still confused here.But how were you able to come back and help protect the suzaku no miko when the seiryuu seishi wasn't able too?And how were you manage to able to stay and protect the suzaku no miko in the oav's?*sits down*.Let me know?*hugs her oniisan*
Dear Destiny,
We have friends in high places… *Smiles*
Dear Mitsukake,
*sniffles* as far as I know, I didn't do anything... *sighs* I just wish I didn't have to basically be a zombie not to feel anything.
Dear Ayame,
Why do you feel you don't have to have feelings? As I recall you were quite passionate on the message board.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hello,minna! I'm another of that crazed idiot(Ash-chan)'s characters. My name is Usuki,and I'd be glad to be friends with you all. *spots Tama-neko,eyes go starry*NEKO!*runs over to it and glomps it* *-*
Dear Usuki,
Nice to meet you Usuki! We hope you enjoy yourself here. Ano, please don't squeeze the kitty.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I've been trying my hand at cooking, and I made this wonderful salsa dip. **sets out basket of corn chips and a bowl of fresh salsa.** Care to try some? I wonder if I put too many hot peppers in it? **sets out bread and water just in case** Enjoy!
And Tasuki, DON'T HOG THE CHIPS!!! I know bandits love to eat, but you really need to brush up on your table manners. Try watching Hotohori-sama or Nuriko eat and you'll see what I mean. See? **holds up a fork** do you know what this is for?
Lady Shera
Dear Lady Shera,
*Looks at fork* Tasuki: To stab someone in th' neck wit'? Or in th' hand if they try an' grab my food!
Tamahome: 'Che! Now you sound like Miaka!
Tasuki: DO NOT!
Tamahome: DO SO!
*Both start brawling and chips and salsa go flying everywhere.*
Tasuki and Tamahome
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Donna hadagi ga sukidesuka? o.O
Houki on Crack
Dear Houki,
Eh? Hen shitsumon desu yo! Daijoubu desuka?
Dear Tasuki,
lalala...::walks over to him draggin Kouji whose tied up behind her:: ^_^ now will you do the cute bandit dance???
Dear Tana,
*Smirks at Kouji.* Sure if he's up fer it.
Dear Mitsukake,
How do I say this...? Okay, in my family we eat a lot of meat. Mostly because my mom loves it. I probably have more protein in my diet than I should-- and I already know that's not exactly good-- how is it possible for me to be anemic? I used to have to take iron supplements during "The Week of Many Mood Swings" but now my doctor says I have to take them every day! *Eyes turn turquoise* I'm confuuuused!!! I'm not trying to fight taking my pills, but I don't get why I'm anemic!
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Mitsukake,
*Pout.* They shouldn't use such cool characters with such potential as "filler". It's not fair to drooling fangirls like myself.
Would there be any sources you know of for a background story, or any other spare information that isn't fan-written? Of course, I don't expect much fan-written about you to begin with. Even my friend who enjoys the less-enjoyed people in anime thinks you're boring. I'm making a wholehearted attempt to divert her from Nakago, though, an admirable task.
Yuki Aino
Dear Yuki Aino,
Arigato for your kind words. *Smiles* I haven't read either of the Eikou Den novels but there may be something in them on me.
Dear Tasuki,
HI!!!!!!! *runs up and gives him a hi-five* My girlfriend and my 2 best friends do not get along. My girlfriend is obviously a girl and so are my 2 best friends. You seem to be good with both girls and friends (and you are the best charictor on FY!!:) so could you tell me how to make them be nicer to each other? i dont want to loose my girlfriend or my friends thats why I came to you for help on this proplexing subject!
your biggest fan,
Dear tamakitti,
Why do they hate each other? Are they jealous? ya' ain't really givin' me much to go on.
Dear Hotohori,
otohori-samaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!! *huggle/tackles you* Hello sexy Emperor!! ^.^ First of all, as Destiny said, you DID make a mistake in your response to my letter! You said, 'porper' instead of 'proper'. And they say you had the world's finest teachers...? *begins to wonder*
Anyways, tell Houki I forgive her for taking you. *forces a smile* So hows Boushin? Did he grow anymore hair yet? lol j/k
I have a question- is it wrong to love an anime character? To be obessed to the point where you are planning to get a red tattoo on your neck that means 'Star'? To love a sexy Emperor who is taken? *glares at Houki, then forces a smile* Ne?
Well, that was almost random. Anyways, you are sexy. Almost as sexy as me! Gotta jet and drool over more Hotohori pics.
Empress Shanae
*PS-tell Houki to kiss you for me, ne?*
Dear Empress Shanae,
Arigato for your kind words. I don't know if wrong is the word I would use. I would say however, that getting a tattoo is a bit extreme. I'll give Houki your message. *Smiles and sparkles for her.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Why do the Japanese base personality on blood type? What is the background to that?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Okay, Nuriko has excepted my slummber party invitation, and all the rest of you just, *sweatdropped*. It is on September 29th, from 6:00pm to 9:00am. It is boys only (Except me of course). I wrote to you all three weeks ago. RSVP please.
Dear SSSavory,
Have fun with Nuriko!!!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Nuriko,
Hi-eeeeeeeeee! *kawaii eyes* I think you're the best seishi of them all. I sooooo admire your style for clothes and beauty. I used to go to school with my hair in a long braid tossed over my shoulder like yours! *Big grin* So, I was wondering...if you would like to spend a day together sometime this week shopping for new clothes? *jumps up and down excited* It'll be soooooo much fun! Then, we can also go to a some new make=up....and how about giving each other make-overs? Well let my know soon. Ja ne!
Dear FireSpirit,
If I could come to your world I'd love it!
Dear Tamahome,
I don't care what anyone says. You still kick. *snuggles up to Tama-chan's side and falls asleep*
Dear Night~Mare,
Arigato. *Sweatdrops* I hope she's snuggled up to the cat...
Dear Chiriko,
Ohhh! Chiriko-sama! *huggs him* I'll go plan the wedding right away! How does mid-June of...2006 sound?
Dear Yvonne,
Ano… How does we just stay friends sound instead?
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