Dear Mitsukake,
Juan, I don't know what I'm going to do with you. I've heard you have gotten fangirls. *clutches machete* Is this true?
Dear Shouka,
*Looks surprised.* I do??
Dear Tasuki,
Of night_mare's fanfic....YUP!!! You can read it at It is actually a really cool site!! Hope you read it! Luv u daddy!!!!*smirk*
Dear LandraBlaze,
I ain't yer daddy... >.< Cute site! I really liked th' Magazine Room! Heh-heh-heh...
Dear Nuriko,
you know, I wanted to ask you if ... you know... really love Hotohori. I wanted to write a FF about you as a couple and I ask your permission with this letter. Reply please, ne? Ja ne
Dear Tessy,
If you can make it tasteful and I get to be a woman, then yes, you have my permission. Since I do love Hotohori and I know he dislikes yaoi I wouldn't want a story written about him that he would not apporve of. Arigato for asking.
Dear Tasuki,
Jiang: *comes over, peering down at Lita* Ara ... she is not one of ours, otouto-san. Gomen nasai.
Li'an: *follows, looking over Jiang's shoulder* Iie. Never seen the kid before. Cute one, though. *sudden thought* Heh ... Unless ... O_o Anyone seen Aidou-chan lately?
Jiang and Li'an
Dear Jiang and Li'an,
Eh? Aidou ain't even married! She shouldn't have kids! I'm gonna kill that *(+=%$#@*+}> Kouji!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hehe, umm, Aquaflame00 is now answering her own questions/letters?^^;
Oh, while I'm here, yeah, I have 2 of the songs not sung by the normal seiyuus, I was just wondering, including those, how many songs do each of you sing in?
Also, I got this song from somewhere that says that it's sung by Tasuki, but there are no lyrics for it anywhere. I found one of those 'live journal' things where it was reffered to as just a Hayashi Nobutoshi song. The title is "Shiawase ni Narou" and when ever I search for it, pretty much all that comes up is "Shiawase ni Narou Ne" by Akemi Satou.
One last thing and I promise I will stop bugging you all... Do you have any idea where I could find downloads for the Sequential Stories(other than 8 and 9)?
Arigatou for any help, and for taking the time to reply to all of my letters, you all are doing a great job here!^_^
Dear Fallon,
Arigato for pointing that out. ^^;;; We're not certain how many songs we've sung on. Although Chichiri no Aijin has Shiawase ni narou as an mp3 and it does sound like it could be Hayashi Nobutoshi. Minna, can you help her find what she is looking for?
Dear Chichiri,
hi Chichiri-sama!! you know you and Hotohori-sAMA are my favorite seishis but i like you better than him. (shhh dont tell this to hotohori-sama K!) i just like your voice! coz its soooo kawaii!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU CHICHIRI-SAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO DA!!!
Dear KatChichiri-chan,
Arigato for your kind words, no da. That's right, we do have the same seiyuu, no da.
Dear Hotohori,
just curious again um....why do you really really really as in love HOUKI????? pleas tell her that through this message.
and please see Miaka as a friend ok?or else Houki-san will cry.....
her heart out dont make her cry.
also i read a fanfic about you and Houki and the title is: "THE IMPERIAL HONEYMOON" where you and houki
you know "in bed...together" and the author is Empress Kobito and dont really know classmates liked the fanfic. so please answer my question OK??!! BYE! I..LOVE..YOU!! (also HOUKI!)
p.s. sorry if wrote such things if you dont mind... its just curiosity
Dear KatChichiri-chan,
I do love Houki and I tell her that every day.
Dear Nuriko,
I do.. gomennasai.. *hugs Ryu* I'll just go to bed, I'll relax at a better time.. *heads for her closet to change* He's disappointed in me I just know it. ;.;
(Now if you'll excuse me, I shall proceed to follow my character's example and break down in RL.)
Dear Doc-sama,
Me? Why would I ever be disappointed in you? *Runs behind her and hugs her.*
Dear Hotohori,
Hi! *hug!* I'm dropping by for a minute to see how you are doing. I hope that you are all safe and sound with your families, and I'm happy to still see a huge crowd at this site! ;-)
My Senior year is hinting of the stress that is to come in the next year for me, so I might return for therapy. *laughs* Life is great, though, and I'm hyped for the work that'll be hitting me in the next months.
Take care of yourself, Heika!
Dear Hoshi,
Welcome back! I'm glad to hear you're doing well! Take care!
Dear Hotohori,
Hmm. I'm so sorry I could have ever doubted how faithful you are to me! Miaka-san however... I don't think Tamahome will be sleeping very well this week...
Houki, who can't stay mad at her adorable husband
Dear Houki,
*Smiles* Poor Tamahome…
Dear Tamahome,
Hmph. Houki has no reason to worry. Hotohori isn't a playboy. YOU however. It makes me wonder why I didn't go after him when I had the chance. HE never took me for granted! I forgave you when I saw the food, but then I saw that signature. I don't care WHAT you do, food related or not! You're on the couch for a week! And you know very well that the floor is softer than our couch. You're also going to be the one to explain to own little, innocent son why Mama is mad at Papa. TENO HAYAI OTOKO NO KO!!!
Dear Miaka,
Calm down! You know I love only you! *Gives her a bento and a box of chocolates and she forgives him.*
Dear Nuriko,
You know Nuriko Rokou is acting very strange we were walking by a bridal gown store and he said I would look great in that wedding dress.I wonder what he is trying to tell me.
Water Sprite
Dear Water Sprite,
Perhaps he would like you to be his aisai… *Smiles*
Dear Tasuki,
Nobody's perfect, and I'm nobody... >nods< Oh, and you never told me what I was doing wrong.
PS: Ever notice that woman's rights come from men's wrongs?
Dear Boyfriendless,
What ya' were doin' wrong fer what?
Dear Mitsukake,
*looks up at Mitsukake* Oiiiiiiiiiii! How's da weather up there? ^_^; aren't that tall...Vash and Knives from Trigun are like...7foot something...*shrugs*
Dear Keiko,
6'6" is tall enough for me thank you.
Dear Nuriko,
Where can I find kimonos?
Peson who cares about their hair
Dear Tasuki,
yo tasuki whats up i was wandering what your typical saterday would be in miakas world minus alchohal.........please *winks* chat later...
Dear Luna,
No alcohol??? That would be borin'!
Dear Chichiri,
hey chichiri when that person tamakitty was talking to u? that was my well frein di guees addam ionly said that once and it was to scare him though i do think you a big sweet heart and i hope i can find a guy JUST LIKE U!!!!!!!!! so forget what he said we are fighting a bit it's our hobby and i bet i know your response to that will be *smiles* *winks* o and chichiri why does tama-neko always hang with ya lots!!!!!!! XOXOX
Dear Luna,
Because he befriended me after Mitsukake passed away, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*Walks in with a two-year-old girl on her hip and three boys ages 10, 8, and 6 following behind** Turns to the boys* Be good, *hands them her Gameboy* *Sets down the girl* Go play with Boushin over there. *Whispers fiercely* Don't hurt him! *Looks to the seishi* No, they're not my sibs. They're my cousins, and they're why I'm here. You see, I'm a (semi-)mature high school student, and they're... *Points to the terrors fighting over the Gameboy* Anyway, everytime we meet, I always end up fighting with them. I wouldn't DARE hit them. They're both littler and younger than me. But I got really close. This past summer was the worst yet. Their mother died last year. (I can't tell you how much I cried when I heard that the six-year-old stood next to her grave at the funeral and said "Bye-bye, Mommy") I didn't really like her, but I tried my hardest to be nice to them as I knew they loved her very much. But they were just *Checks to see they're all out of range* little SH*TS! Their dad didn't do anything about it no matter what I said. Finally Mom intervened. At least the girl was okay. I love them, but at the same time I just want to wring their necks. Please tell me how to handle them before I stomp them into the ground. *Picks up the little girl while looking at Boushin* Good girl, you didn't hit him. *Rounds up the monsters that she fails to see as her family and leaves muttering* Family reunions are that time when you come face to face with your family tree and realize some branches need to be cut...
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
It jus' sounds like they need some discipline. Ya' jus' gotta be patient an' let 'em know who's boss. Ya' know give 'em time outs an' make 'em sit in a corner if they're bad. But no smackin' 'em wit' logs!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Didja go to the site yet? A friend showed it to me at my birthday party and we downloaded sound clips to see how well you could sing. We were surprised Tasuki was WILLING to. You think Nuriko sounds like Whoopi Goldberg, huh? I guess if you threw some helium in there... You really think that you wouldn't go insane if you were locked up in a penthouse apartment? What if you had to wait until every last one of you turned 35? Hotohori would be the first to snap after sighting grey hair. Speaking of which, I read that men who have fire signs (Aries, Leo, Saggitarius) are more likely to suffer from hair loss... WOOOOOHOOOOO!!! Bye-bye, Hotohori! And if he brings his sword, bye-bye, seishi. I have FAAAAAAR too much free time.
Dear Usa-chan,
Not yet, but we will try to soon. I suppose so if we were there THAT long! You're right, you do have too much free time!
Dear Chichiri,
She got it. Thank you aniki. You are such such a nice older brother and a good friend.
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
Arigato! You're very welcome, no da. I hope she was happy to receive it, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
Oh well about the costumes I have a while to think about it so it's ok. So anyways. How have you been doing? This is just a kind of general question but if you could do anything in the world what would it be? Well I better get going. I'll see you later.
Ja ne,
Dear Suta,
I'm fine. I think I'd be a fashion designer.
Dear Tasuki,
*ciughs a little lightly* Ahrm, I'm back and this time I shall not end my letter drunk! You may have a lil' but I shall remain sane :/. I'm sorry to hear that your sisters was such bullies, but you know, you shouldn't get stuck on that for the rest of your life ^__^XD. C'mon most girls are nice. Really, and if you get yourslef a girl soon, I'll buy you losta sake, since you'll give me inspration, and if not *grins evily and runs away with his tessen making a small trail behind* you'll never get this back NYAHAHAHA!!! Ahrm...
Dear Lee-chan,
*Runs after her and grabs his tessen back.* Gimme that! Ain't no amount of sake gonna make me like women!
Dear Nuriko,
Konnichiwa, Nuriko-san! Ahhh, it seems like it's been so long since I've written... *sob*
In the good-news department, I'm finally taking a Japanese class. Yokatta desu ne? Granted, we're still on rather elementary things, but we've learned verbals, adjectivals, and nominals...although, we still haven't learned "watashi" yet. *sweatdrop* Demo, daijobu desu yo...I'm sure we'll get to it soon enough. ^_~.
Let's see...what else... Ah...indeed. I was reading over the most recent responses to letters, and I was looking at the letter concerning the dub actors...and, although I do agree with a lot of them, I really do like your dub voice! Melissa Williamson just has a spiffy voice--she also does the dub for Hot Ice Hilda on Outlaw Star...ugh. I dunno. I just really like her voice. Granted, I don't know if it's appropriate for YOUR character...but I do like the voice itself. ^_~.
Aaaaaaanyway. I've recently been downloading a lot of songs by Ogata Megumi...have you ever heard her? She does Shinji's voice on Evangelion, as well as Haruka-san's voice on Sailor Moon. She sings very well. I have a winamp playlist devoted entirely to Ogata Megumi and Sakamoto Chika songs. Ahhhh, it's great. ^_^.
Ack! Can't think of anything else to saaaaay... Well, then, I suppose I'll just close by saying that if not for Fushigi Yuugi, I would be immensely lost in my Japanese class, AND not have the fairly-good intonation I have. Learning Japanese is very fun, though.
Well, I suppose I must be on my way, now. Lots of studying to do. ^_^() Chiriko would be proud. :) Ja!
(By the way, is "Mata ne" spelled with one t or two? I always forget to ask when I'm asking Chiriko language questions...)
Dear Ryuen,
It is mata ne. You sound like you're really busy! I'm glad that you're enjoying learning Japanese and that we're able to help you. Keep up the good work!
Dear Chichiri,
I hope you are right, and im glad you havent encountered any pirhannas! When your hometown got desroyed (;-;) where did you live/sleep when it got cold? TTYL ^_#
Dear Lybra,
I lived and slept outdoors and occasionally at inns if they would let me, no da.
Dear Chiriko,
Konnichiwa, Chiriko-san! Tis I, Ryuen, with yet another Japanese language question! What is the difference between "Tyuugoku" and "Tyuugokugo?" (e.g., the chinese language--I know the romanization we use is slightly different from a great many others) Sensei continues to use both as if they are interchangeable...but occasionally, he uses them as if they are NOT. I am very confused. :) Can you help?
Dear Ryuen,
Tyuugoku is the same as chuugoku, which is Japanese for the country of China. Tyuugokugo is the same as chuugokogo, which is Japanese for the Chinese language. They really are not interchangeable.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Im very sorry to hear that. You do so much for everyone, listening to their problems, especially at this time, Id like to thank you and to let you know how much your appreciated *Hugs them all*
Jen xxxxx
Dear Jen,
Arigato for your kind words. They really mean a lot to us. *All the Seishi hug her back.*
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Hotohori,
Watashi wa Tenshi desu i have not talk to u yet so i decided to say konnichiwa i know i know i only know a little japanese and tha sux i am trying to learn, just a stupid American coming from Clayton North Carolina.
so wuz ^ hows the MS. is she okay.
Dear Tenshi,
Houki and I are fine, thank you. Not knowing a language does not make one stupid.
Dear Nuriko,
Hello, Nuriko! Oh god! I'm starting to sweat. Forgive me, i'm really nervous as it's my first time here. Just to let you know, i'm from Singapore. Are you surprised? I've only learnt about Fushigi Yuugi this year, but i really love it.
I have some queries about the anime, do you mind answering them for me? Here are the questions:
1. Miaka is a Japanese and the story took part in ancient china. That means the Suzaku Seishi are Chinese. so, isn't there suppose to have some communication problems?
2. When exactly did you start to have "that" kind of feelings for Miaka?
OK! That's all i'm going to say, sorry for the trouble caused. I will see you again soon!
Luo Lan
Dear Luo Lan,
Singapore! I'm glad that our adventures are reaching such a faraway audience! Welcome to our humble cyberablode!
1. Actually, it wasn't ancient China, but a place that resembled ancient China. Magic was used so that we could understand each other.
2. After I rescued her and Tamahome from the sea.
Dear Hotohori,
::Enters the Hall and faints on seeing Emperor Hori::
Devena So
Dear Devena So,
*Catches her and lays her down on a couch.*
Dear Tasuki,
*gets up and brushes herself off* um, yeah, in a roundabout sort of way, I mean, it's the only way to get into the bandits, right? *punches his chest and sees he didn't flinch* o.o; Uh-oh
Dear Bon,
*Looks at her and grins.* Go ahead, punch me!
Dear Chiriko,
Parlez-vous francais?Habitez-chichiri en une maison?Merci et aurevoir.
Dear Frenchie,
I speak very little French. Were you asking me if I lived with Chichiri in a house?
Dear Chichiri,
Dear X,
*Blushes* Arigato, no da. I think I'm too old to be adopted, no da. But we can be friends if you wish, no da.
Dear Tamahome,
Do u like fanfics when u're portrayed as a grandfather?I HATE THEM!It isn't whether they're well written or not.....but the idea of u going aroung with your hair graying and u in your 60s seems a bit alarming.
Not only that..I LIKE U YOUNG NOT AS AN OLD MAN!Don't u think I'm right?
Dear WHO,
I like fanfics that AREN'T yaoi and make sense.
Dear Chiriko,
We got off to a bad start. Which of course was my fault.*holds out her hand* Can we be friends? When you're considered the smart one in your group of friends, it's tough to know who to turn to for something like this. Don't worry! I'm not going to ask you to do my homework, that's cowardly. Do you have any tips for studying for math tests? English, Science, Social Studies, that stuff sticks. But I can't get math as easily. I don't have the same number talent my dad and imouto have.
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Tasuki,
This pleases me, Tasuki. I won't even ask why you said you didn't know about the tessen the first time I asked. Instead, I'm going to tell you a story. Don't worry. You'll like this. You see we women ARE evil. Being Umihebiza no Miko, or the Priestess of Hydra, I know a great deal about Greek myths:
According to the Ancient Greeks, there was once a Golden Age where only men existed (Ewww). Long story short, Zeus, king of heaven, was angry at man for tricking him, so he decided he would punish them. With the help of the other gods, Zeus created Pandora, the first woman after the form and nature of goddesses, and the race of women who are an evil to men, with a nature to do evil. (BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!)
Another version says that Pandora wasn't evil at all. She'd done wrong completely by accident when she opened the forbidden box the gods gave her and plagued mankind with deceit, lies, gossip, old age, etc. Either way, the introduction of women ended the Golden Age. So sad that you are the only man that knows and believes the truth about women. And now you have a whole race behind you! ^_^ I thought you'd like to hear! Tell me what ya think!
Umihebiza no Miko
P.S. What's this I hear about you, Aidou, and logs? Sounds painful...
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
I don't think she was evil, it was jus' an accident. Aidou.. logs… *Cringes*
Dear Chiriko,
Evening, Chiriko. I heard someone told you about moogles in FF7 and FF8... Well, there aren't that many in either game.
FF7: Well, some people consider Cait Sith's giant white creature to be a Mog.... And there's the Mog House game at the gold Saucer... And the Choco/Mog summon, which doesn't even always get the Mog. That's it.
FF8: Except for the MiniMog card for Triple Triad won from the running kid in Balamb Garden, you won't see any moogles at all unless you have a PocketStation. You need a PocketStation to play Chocobo World, and you need to play Chocobo World to see a moogle and eventually get a Mog's Amulet. I think Mog's Amulet is used on a GF so that you can use the "MiniMog" command in battle, which heals your GFs at the cost of some Gil. But again, no PocketStation, no moogle.
Well, that's about it for the moogles in FF7+8. Not worth bragging about in my opinion...
Dear Tonberry,
Thank you for the information! In FF7, how does one acquire the Choco/Mog summon? I'd like to try it if it is possible.
Dear Hotohori,
I KNEW I shouldn't have asked. I'm so sorry! All I did was make you upset! *Struggles not to cry* I've always been too blunt for my own good. You must think I'm mean. This must be the reason why I only had like two friends before 6th grade. Living in the New York area from the time you're 3 till the time you're 12 will do that I guess. One of the reasons I'm glad we moved. My whole family was harsher back then... I'll try not to bring up this stuff again.
Anyway, let's not dwell on that. I'd rather not dwell on this either, but it's too weird. The night before those planes took down the Twin Towers, I was drawing a picture of a character in a Sailormoon fanfic I'm working on. She's a psychic, so I decided to put a Tarot card in her hand. I picked one that's easier to draw, and it turned out to be the Nine of Swords. The card of death. Eeeeei! I can't get over how weird that is! Am I just paranoid?
On a REALLY good topic, I saw you in a dream in all your beautiful glory! I'd tell you about it, but I'd probably just die. Can I send you a fanart of it? If so, where do I send it?
Once again, I'm so sorry. Not just about asking you those things, but I shouldn't talk to you like you're my nii-chan, should I? *Bows respectfully* Excuse me, heika-sama...
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
It's ok I forgive you. It was just a coincidence I'm sure. If you wish you can send fanart to the address on the front peeji of the website.
Dear Tamahome,
I think I get it now! Yousui's original goal was to kill the Suzaku Seishi, but he fell in love with Miaka from getting your memories. That's why he/you fought Taka. Jealousy, right? It's like in Inuyasha. You're like Kikyou and Taka is like Kagome. You're the same person, but at the same time you're not. This is hard enough to understand, I'm not even going into how you and Miaka were technically dead, so I don't think I should try OAV I, but I'll take a stab at it. What confuses me is that Hotohori's "great-grandson" (brat) said fifty years had passed, but Kouji said it was one year @_@. Did Tomo overlook a detail or something? And in that illusion, did people just see you as Nakago with the blonde hair and blue eyes, or to them were you really Tamahome in Nakago's body? Wow, what an identity crisis that must have been. One other detail is just beyond me. Tenkou was sealed, right? OAV II has a plot hole! The OAVs make about as much sense as the Sailormoon manga, or on occasion, my math homework. Which to me is not much.
Umihebiza no Miko
P.S. You should've killed Suboshi when you had the chance to get the b*st*rd in episode 27. (WAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!! Yuiren was so cuuute ;_;) I also heard that when Psycho Yo-Yo Boy bit the dust in the manga, your family didn't hold him down. He was just stupid and didn't jump. Honto ni?
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
You're righht, they didn't in the manga. I would guess that it was in the anime for dramatic purposes (payback for what he did to them and to also help me out of love). The first OAV was not based on the manga at all. The second OAV series was as compressed version of the manga. I beleive they saw me as Nakago, but I'm not sure.
Dear Tasuki,
Also I'm the baka-chan who's actually smart. ^^;;;
Dear baka-chan,
Then why d'ya call yerself a baka?
Dear Mitsukake,
*glomps him and starts sobbing* .....why do my classmates do this to me?!?!? I'm not a I? Last time I checked, I'm not...
Dear Ayame,
Not as far as I can tell. What did you do to anger them?
Dear Mitsukake,
Wow, I bet you don't get many questions. I'd like to know about how you found Tama-neko and why you two are such close companions. Cats normally don't pay any mind to anything unless their fancy permits, but obviously Tama-neko loves you!
P.S. - I don't think you're boring, you're just quiet. Don't let those mean okakes get to you!
Dear Xerra-chan,
Arigato for your kind words. He found me after Shouka died. I fed him and took care of him and we have been together ever since.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hmmmmm,I've been wondering about this for the longest time now,but I hafta ask it though.
Ok in the manga series of fushigi yugi it says that Tasuki has five(go)older sister,aidou,lailai and 3 others.It also says that Touka was captured by Nakago he was threatening to kill her if Amiboshi didn't go to konan and pretend that he was chiriko.Well in the tv series it doesn't show anything about Tasuki's sister's or Touka.Why does it not show them but they show Tamahome's family and Nuriko's and Mitsukake's?Is a very confused Destiny here.-_-.Any help on here?
A very confused Destiny do you say Sister in Japanese?
Dear Destiny,
Artistic license. It may be that those story lines were not considered important to the overall story. Younger sister - Imouto
Older sister - Aneki Chiriko
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Okay... let see
Tasuki-sama: I read and reread your response to 'boxers or briefs' and I reallllllly don't think you had to say what you DO wear... *points to door with screaming fan chanting 'fundoshi-no-miko!'* I had a hard enough time keeping them out before hand.
Tamahome: Okay, I'm gonna die. WHY OF ALL PEOPLE DO YOU GO OUT WITH THAT BAKA MIAKA? (Hey that ryhmes) SHE'S STUPID, UGLY, AND ILL-MANNERED!! *waves hands madly then grabs her tessen* I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die...
Chiriko-sama: You'd think with someone as well-mannered and smart as you Miaka'd be a better miko. But noooooo.... *hugs Chiriko* Your so cute!
ChiChiri-sama: Chi-sama! *forgets she suppose to be defending her self from Tama-no baka* Lookies I'm a monk, too! *tessen becomes a monk staff with a heart on it with a little gem in the middle* DAAAAAA!!!!
Mitsukake-sama: Can you help me? *holds up terrifed black and white kitten* I don't know what happened to my Tasuki-neko (Yep named HER after Tasuki-sama) I woke up and she was in a ball in the corner of my room.
Nuriko-sama: *bring up two simple adoreable dresses* Red? Or blue?
Hotohori-sama: *has nothing to say just laughs madly, drools, goes red, then finally passes out* ,., ^_^
Neko-Tasuki-no aijin miko
(P.S. I meant not to put -sama after Tamanome's name :D)
Dear Neko-Tasuki-no aijin miko,
Tasuki: *Grins* Gomen…
Tamahome: She is NOT!!! I love her!
Chiriko: Arigato! Miaka is a fine miko!
Chichiri: Nice staff, no da.
Mitsukake: Do you have other pets that may have frightened her? I would suggest that you cuddle her and speak softly to her to calm her.
Nuriko: Red
Hotohori: *Sweatdrops*
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Chichiri,
Oo' 100? *falls over*. I'm a little over 1/2 way though. *starts thinking of the ones CnA might not of seen* I rented (still got it actualy) Zenki. Thats the newest one I've seen demo I dont know how many episodes are in it. Has she seen Twin Signal? How bout Flame of Recca? Dragon Half? or Lain? has she seen Iczer 3? I havent seen Iczer one but I'd like to. Do you know when Vampire Hunter D 2000 is supposed to be out? Could you ask Chiriko how to get my DVD player to work? its on a comp and I can hear the sounds demo the screen is yellow and black stripes. Arigato and what do you want for X-mas? I plan ahead so you'll forget it and be suprised when I give it to you. Do you know what the others want too? thanx
Dear XellossMetali,
We've seen them all or parts of them except for Zenki, no da. I don't know when Vampire Hunter D 2000 will be out.
Chiriko suggests that you may wish to reinstall your DVD drivers or check your video card, no da.
I can't speak for the others, but fishing poles are always a great gift for me, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
if u could live anywere in the world were would it be?
Luna ^-^
Dear Luna,
Nuriko - Paris
Tamahome - London
Tasuki - Las Vegas
Hotohori - Kyoto
Mitsukake - U.S.
Chichiri - Tibet, no da
Chiriko - Oxford
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Chichiri,
sorry if i keep anoying u your just soooooo fun to talk to!!!!!!!!!!! and hey thanks for your support my freinds think your weird and can't understand why i want u or guy just like u yet my freind has a crush on nash from lunar i mean major obsession anyway thanks it filled my heart with joy to hear u say that and one more thing now u got me saying noda !!!!!! but i like it bye bye XOXOXOXOX
Dear Luna,
*Smiles* I'm glad I could help! You're very welcome, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
::grimaces at Tasuki and sniffles thinking he's mean::
Chibi-Chan: Mama.. ::spits the bottles out of her mouth and wails and throws herself on Tasuki and starts gnawing on his leg:: Mama!!!! Mama!! Itadakimaaaassuu!!!! ::giggles and grows all cute, fangs poking out with an evil grin on her face:: not the Mama....???? GwaMama!! ::huggles his legs and shrieks with laughter::
Dear chibi-chan,
ACK!!!!!!!! GET IT TH' *(+^ OFFA ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Tries to shake her off his leg.*
Dear Tamahome,
Gomen I havent writen back in so long, this blasted comp. *kicks it* yare yare. *sweatdrop* The fencing class is at the college so its not at my school. I'm not even getting credit for it. My mom talked to him and said I had to be home by 9-9:30 masters class or no masters class. I doubt I could scure anyone with a plastic blunt ended peice of metal. Besides the teacher cant fence anymore cause he hurt his knee and wont be able to again. If I ever move to France I would definately take fencing there. It takes one year to learn how to walk properly and another year to just to hold a sword correctly. Here they teach all that and more (or less) everything in a semester. *sighs* I really dont want to leave fencing. I actualy have some people I would call "friends" there. Even though I make so many mistakes and feel rather odd and out of place around them like a tall clumbsy person with bad motor skills and cant do (or say) anything correct or not correct enough around them they are still sort-of "friends" *sighs* I'm beginning to think I really am that way. Even the two kids I talk to at school and after school tell me I cant talk right (which I cant) and I can never think of come-backs to anything. Do you know of any way that I can be more bold and not so non-correct?
Dear XellossMetali,
Bold as in outgoing? You might want to take an assertiveness training course. I'm not certain what you mean by non-correct, though. Not everyone is able to be witty on command. Do you read a lot and keep up on current events? Of course you could torment your friends and expand your vocabulary by doing puns.
Dear Tasuki,
*hits comp several times* iie I'm not "Xelloss M." I'm XellossMetali the one and only at that. Would you mind roasting this? *points to the comp* Honestly do you think I would steal your tessen? I wouldnt even take the sword of light. *sweatdrop* I may be a Mazoku demo I'm not a thief.
Dear XellossMetali,
'Sides stealin' from Gourry is like takin' candy from a baby! LEKKA SHIENEN!!! *Melts offensive PC.*
Dear Mitsukake,
*cowers* One of my teachers is really,really,really,really,really scary! I said:"I can sparkles,which means I qualify to be Emperor!" He replies:"There's the Emperpr over there..and he has no clothes on!The Emeror is naked!And he's in the shade!" Hellllllp!;-;
Dear Ash-chan,
Sounds as if he is referring to the "Emperor's New Clothes". I'm sure you've read that story before.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
konnichiwa minna! jus' wonderin', how long do you think each of you would last in a room full of rabid fangirls before you either go insane or drown from the immense amount of drool? ^^;;
p.s. luv ya tasuki! *blows a kiss*
Dear tasukichick124,
Insane - 5-10 minutes;
Drowned - 30 seconds (they drool lots and fast! @_@;;;)
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Mitsukake,
I am Toka na Toranoeit, I have a daughter named Sukako. I want to arrange a marriage between you, and her. She is a good girl, her eyes are brown, she has long blue hair. She is six feet tall, and she is very beautiful. (Affidavids sent confirming information.) I have a dailory set up of five hundred gold peices, a cow, twenty chickens, three goats (one is male), and a fifty pound bag of rice. I am HONORING you with this offer, even for a Seishi this is a great HONOR and offer. Let me know when to set the date. Thank you for your time.
Toka naa Toranoeit
Dear Toka naa Toranoeit,
I am greatly honored by your kind and generous offer, but I am not worthy of it. Not only am I a spirit, my heart belongs to another. I would be an unfit husband for your daughter. Gomen nasai.
Dear Mitsukake,
Konnichiwa Oniisan,Genki Desu?I'm alright.I'm really sorry I haven't written to you in a while *cries*But I did think about you a lot.I guess I'm not a very good sister?I've noticed that you hardly ever get any letters or questions.So umm,at the very end of fushigi yugi episode 52 how did you guys come back to life?I mean was it taiitsukun's powers that brought you back to life?(Did I spell that right?)I thought that was kinda neat though ^_^.Well I hope you'll forgive me for not saying hi a while back *cries* *Pet's tama-neko too and gives him a fish*
Dear Destiny,
Of course you're forgiven. *Smiles* We didn't, the Nyan-Nyan allowed us to possess their bodies so we would have substance in Miaka's world.
Dear Tasuki,
Konnichiwa Tasuki-san,genki desu?(how do you say I'm alright?).I know how to say your welcome now ^__^ do itashimashite fer all the compliments ^___^.Ya know I feel 'lots better now that keisei and I made up ^__^.So does she.I'm really glad we're friend's again.I hate it when friend's hafta fight it's like war.;_;.But anywho,I guess i have a few questions fer ya?Well since Aidou's going to marry kouji(whom I thought was dead in the third oav killed by taka who was underneath the kodoku spell again)(sorry if I gave away a spoiler there)I just wanted to ask you will you ever marry someone?Aidou said I can marry ya but I have to consult with you first.But I know you don't want a girlfriend right now.Even though you are cuter then my oniisan tamahome*blushes*.Hmm I should write to Mistukake again he might think I don't love him ;_;.Anywho,will you answer my question?Arigato gozai masu.
P.S.I'm sorry that there was a fight on the message board.we didn't mean to start one it just kinda happened ya know?
Dear Destiny,
When ya' ask a question in Nihongo ya' need to end it wit' "ka" Genki desuka? Hai, genki desu. I already have an aisai, Iri-chan. But, I think she's too busy in th' real world now so I ain't lookin' to get married! As fer Kouji, that was all Tomo's stupid illusion.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hello minna-san. My name is Gin'yoku Kanashimi and I'm a fairly new Fushigi Yuugi fan.
Anyhow. I am only here because I have a small problem and I would rather not ask the Seiryuu seishi for help.... With an exception of the twins.
I have a friend who lost both parents in the recent collapse of the Twin Towers and I don't know what to do. She's just a complete wreck and refuses to do anything. Any tips at all? *sigh* I have half the mind to change my name to Kanashimi no hime. Well that's all the time I have for now. I'm in the middle of Computer Application 2 and my teacher might catch me. Ja ne.
Gin'yoku Kanashimi
Dear Gin'yoku Kanashimi,
Goshuushousama degozaimasu (our condolences) on your friend's loss. Your friend needs time to grieve and recover from her loss. The best thing that you can do is be there for her and support her. Hug her and hold her and let cry if she needs to. *Gives her a hug.* Good luck.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Know any place where I can download fy episodes?esp. episode 25 or 26. I LOVE THOSE TWO!
Not offhand… minna, can you help? Hotohori
Dear Tamahome,
Why'd ya have this irritating habit of showing up whenever Miaka's not properly dressed?Have u finished the other afnfiction(the link ewhich Ii sent u)?Oh,do u have any idea,how to get Fushigi yuugi videos in INDIA?
Dear WHO,
Just luck I guess! *Grins* Gomen, I haven't had much time to read lately. If you have web access there should be someplace like that ships to India.
Dear Chichiri,
you think so? hmmmm, sounds good, but doesn't it sound like a girl's name?
Dear Louver,
I think you're thinking of Mulan, no da. Actually it is Chichri no Aijin's friend Motohisa's nickname, no da. It was his grandfather's before it was his. But if you wish, we can keep looking, no da.
Dear Chiriko,
Gomen nasai Chiriko! It's just that one of the letters has a signature, but no response and I even tried highlighting it (though now that I think about it, it sounds kinda stupid to do) but all that appears to be there are spaces^^;
As for the moogles... ...uhhhh, I coulda sworn I saw them in there! hmmm, maybe in that ummm, place with the games and stuff where that Cait Sith guy runs. Or... maybe I was thinking of him, he's big an' pink^^; Or maybe in that temple of the antients place? I dunno, it's been a while since I played it. I never even got to finish it because of my stupid brother and his stupid cheats!
but anyways, I may be mistaken!
Dear Fallon,
Can you tell me which letter it is and who the sender is so I can fix it, please? Also, if it's in the archive I will need to know the date. Arigato!
Dear Mitsukake,
I've always wondered, why, out of all the seishi, you get so little airtime in the anime. It may be due to your somewhat "drab" appearance and calm demeanor. I believe I have yet to see you do anything SD. I've yet to find a web-shrine to you, or get my hands on the manga. I'm curious. Do you get more air-time in the manga? Or do you remain a "supporting main" character?
I've always been intrigued by healer-types, particularly the larger ones. Hiromi, if you're familiar with Patlabor, is another one of my favourite anime big people.
I suppose that's all I have to say.
Yuki Aino
Dear Yuki Aino,
*Sighs* I'd say it's about the same.
Dear Nuriko,
*moans from the massage* Oh Ryu that's heavenly *_* first a bath then sleep, I need a good soak badly. *puts Sora to bed, covers him up, then goes back to hold Ryu*
How does a candlelight bath sound to you? I'll grab the cherry blossom soap and you can grab the towels. Then we both can light candles. I've seen so much pain and suffering, I need a romantic night badly. *sighs* gomen ne I sound selfish don't I?
Dear Doc-sama,
Not at all aisai… *Smiles*
Dear Tamahome,
Tamakins! *pokes him* HIIIIIIIII! I wanted to know, can I borrow some money, I have a date and I have nuttin'... I'm broke! *cries* *goes chibi with big puppy dog eyes* So may I borrow yours! I reeeeeeeeally need it and I'll pay you back! *evil grin* You can trust me, I will pay you back! *notices she's smiling evily and smiles shyly* pleeeeeeeeeease? ^_^
Dear Kitty-chan,
You don't know me very well, do you? You need to get a job. That will be 2 ryou kudasai.
Dear Tasuki,
Im scared my friend just put your bithdate in my planner......shes really starting to scare me.......she wants to throw a party for you
Tana's Friend
Dear Tana's Friend,
Too bad I can't get to yer world or I would come to it.
Dear Hotohori,
Hey there, Hoto-chan, I mean sama. *growls* Oh. I'm getting mad at Kuraino Tenshi, no da. We have this spiral that we write notes in and she wrote a fanfic. Then I made up a rule that banned all yuri/yaoi and other hentai related fics. She sorta got mad at me(even though it is my spiral) and she wrote a fanfic in which she made you fall in love with her and she did it just to get me mad. She does love you, but the way she did it made me mad.
She made me act like I was a ditz and immature. Oh my gosh. I hate to say it, but she wasn't even supposed to write in the spiral in the first place. *sighs* Why my life be so complicated? What can I do?
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
Life itself is complicated at times. Perhaps she needs her own book to write her fanfic in. That might be a nice Christmas or birthday present for her.
Dear Tasuki,
*walks in with Shrine maiden and her sister*
See we're all friend's again *Smiles widely*we made up today ^___^.I guess we were only stating our opinions on the war and it kinda got out of hand.*unchibifies*Isn't a fighter is a lover see?^__^.I didn't mean to cause a fight over there but it just kinda happened but we apologized and shook hands.Do you forgive me tasuki-san?*looks at him with big puppy dog eyes*War is a bad thing,and I hate it as much as anyone else does and now I hate it even more because one of my friend's dad died in new york *cries*He was really upset but I was there for him and I cheered him up.*sniffles*I'm sorry if i tried anything on the board.I didn't mean too.*sniffs again and links arms with shrine maiden and her sister and walks out*Ja ne tasuki-san.
Dear Destiny,
'Course yer forgiven! I'm glad ya' were all able to settle yer differences an' be friends!
Dear Tasuki,
*watches him down the jug* o.o; *X-tra large sweatdrop* uuuhhh...
How about that brawling now? dozo? *wonders how she could possibly try and hurt him* ehh...
Dear Bon,
*Laughs* Sure! *Pushes her and she lands on her rear.* Are ya' sure yer up fer this?
Dear Mitsukake,
you are the best person out of the whole fushigi yugi books, and i love toma! hes soo cute! just like you! i was just wondering, how tall are you exactly.. i heard u were 6'4... but are you shorter or taller?
Dear ClaudettePapillion,
I'm a bit taller, 6'6". Arigato for your kind words.
Dear Tasuki,
I just want you to know that you are the best charictor on FY! and if anyone says diffrent they will have to answer to big fred! *shakes fist* YOU ROCK!!!!
Dear tamakitti,
Thanks! *Grins*
Dear Nuriko,
I have every thing ready for my slummber party. (No girls allowed except me.) But the guys (Seishi) Haven't anwered my RSVP, except you. If you see them soon could you let them know it's to be on Sept. 29th. at 6:00pm to 9:00am. And also I need to know if they plan on coming or not.
Thanks for your help, we will have fun even if they don't come, too.
Dear SSSavory,
Of course we will! *Smiles*
Dear Nuriko,
I have 1/5 inch short hair and i have been wearing it with the bangs feathered in the front. could you give me some tips on other hair styles?!
Dear chibitama,
That seems to be quite short, so your options may be limited. You could try slicking it back with hair gel and parting it on one side. Or maybe wear some pretty barrettes in it. You might also want to consider growing it longer so you have more options.
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki-chan!! *glomps* you should be proud of me! I didn't fail English the first six weeks this year ^^;;;; I think it's cause I quit band this year ^^;;; but I'm making a "B" this year! O.o;; Sugoi ne? Aren't you proud! *beams*
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
I am! Good fer ya'! Keep up th' good work!
Dear Chichiri,
Hi my friend i OBSESSED with you!!! she has sexual fanticies about you! (i will not go into detail) butsometimes she worries me. could you tell me how to calm her down?!
Dear tamakitti,
*Sweatdrops* She worries ME, no da! I think you just have to wait for her to grow out of it, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
I am sooo, disappointed that you didn't answer my question about wiggle, wiggle part one. (Wiggle, wiggle par two is in episode 42, and wiggle, wiggle part three in th OVA as in a humor spot between you and Tomahome.) So agian I will ask what is wiggle, wiggle part one??? I would really like it if you could answer my question soon pleaseee!!!
Lady Pamela 333
Dear Lady Pamela 333,
Best I can recall, it's when I offered Miaka a pork bun an' she tried to eat my arm.
Dear Tasuki,
Neither (to the question of boxers or briefs). Neither do I.
Dear SoiRus,
*Cringes* That's way more info than I needed or wanted. 'Sides I said I wore fundoshi!
Dear Chichiri,
*runs up to chichiri and hugs him* Somepeople threatened my dad's work place! He works at the place where texaco makes the fuel. They said "How much fuel is in this place and how many people?" When the lady called security, they fled and got away! His work place is a few minutes from our house. They're here....what do i do?
Dear Lybra,
Don't panic, no da! I'm sure the authorities were notified and they will be captured, no da.
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