Dear Tasuki,
You were there to help, Sharon,the Suzaku no miko, and fell in to the locker room, was mistaken for Fergason, (which was quite funny, because Chichiri was too!)Tell u more later!!!*fanged grin*
Dear LandraBlaze,
This must be part of yer fanfic, right?
Dear Hotohori,
I was looking in the archives. What's this about you in a chicken suit I'm reading about?
Dear Tamashii,
I believe that refers to my Halloween costume.
Dear Tasuki,
*nervous grin* Uhm... Hello there!
I've heard you're not that found of water.. *takes a step back in fear of something terrible* Well, me neither, so don't yell angry stuff at me 'casue I'll yell back!
And what did your older sisters do to that made you dislike girls? I'm not that bad.... *drinls a bottle outta saki to pluck more courage* A since 'hic' you're such a nice *giggle* fella' I'll just give ya this ginger-bread cookie #^^.. no, here here take it now! Esh, gotta go... *gives Tasuki amacho-hit at the shoulder and rambles away a little drowsy*
Dear Lee-chan,
Odd girl… My sisters jus' generally beat on me an' teased me an' made my life miserable. Thanks fer th' cookie.
Dear Chichiri,
Hi ^_# Do you like dragons? I could draw you a piccie of one, just describe it ^_^ *laughs* I think they named a cereal after you: Chichirios! Did you ever have to worry about catching a pirhanna or something when you were fishing? I could imagine that....**thinks "Ahh no da!" ** There is a dead pirhanna in my room and i am not kidding. Seriously. Its name is Tark. lmao. Writing to you makes me feel a lot better. I love you! ^_~
Dear Lybra,
There are no piranhas in the lakes I fish in, no da. They are a South American fish. Some dragons are pretty creatures, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
how were you able to last as long as you did?
usagi ^_^
Dear usagi,
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I hope all of you are doing well. I heard that you lost people dear to you and I just want to tell you all that my thoughts and prayers are with you all.
I've been so busy with school and my websites that I haven't been coming here lately, and I felt bad about it, so I come...and find that there isn't anyone I used to know any more. So many newbies, so many plotlines. @_@ I went into the chat room and kinda got ignored because nobody knew me. Suddenly they had a new respect for me when I told them I used to come way back in 1998. (Hard to believe it's been that long, huh?)
Anyway, so this actually has a question...what's this I hear about Nuriko being a grandfather? He's only 24 years old, and that's if we count the years!
Dear Myrna-chan,
Welcoem back and arigato for your thoughts and prayers. That plotline seems to involve future offspring and time travel. Doc-sama can really explain it much better.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hiii ^-^ as the Cake lady, I have a job of bringing happiness in the form of tasty, since these recent events I must cheer everyone up with cake! *hands minna a cake of their fave flavor* *dumps a box on the floor* those are extra cakes, if anyone writes to you needing cheering up, just send 'em a cake with the response, and I'm sure they'll feel better! ^-^ *bye now! *dissapears*
Dear AquaFlame00,
Arigato! We'll do that! What a sweet idea! Do you think they can be red, white, and blue cakes?
Dear Tasuki,
x_X Yuck...I have a fever...these past two weeks have been too weird, what with the pentagon an' all...*sniff* My school is four miles away from Washington D.C., it was so' now I have a fever. x_X
Hey, guess what? I'm a Sagittarius and you're an Aries, so we're compatible! *giggles* Lekka SHINEN!!! Fire is so kewl! The word of the day is pyromaniac, that means you an' me both, Gen-chan! ^-^ I hate milk, too. Eww....narsty stuff, that is. x_X
Hey, I have some sake at my house, wanna come keep me company? *giggles* You're so kawaii when you're drunk! ^-^
guess whatties? my friend and i made a fanclub devoted to you! the shirtless tasuki fanclub! i'm pretty sure that wasn't already taken...*sweatdrops* anywho, hugs and kisses! *pecks him on the cheek*
you look so kawaii with your shirt off!
your biggest fan in the universe,
Dear Suzaku_no_Miko124,
I am?? Thanks!!! Shirtless tasuki, eh? *Grins*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Who would you say is most popular with the fans? Teehee...Tasuki-chan no kawaii desu! ^-^
Dear Suzaku_no_Miko124,
Tasuki and Chichiri get the most letters. Does that count?
Dear Tasuki,
Ok. Now I'm really scared. *dosen't look scared out at all, except for trembling a little bit* Prez Bush here is gonna start a war. Not WW3 mind, but a small one. *sighs* See, the problem is that he most likely knows that a war between two countries before has never occured on U.S. soil. Now, they need to know that there is a first time for everything. *shrugs and sits down* Just hope I ain't killed.... wait I don't have any friends eather, so nobody would miss me... *jumps up* Well, time to stop feeling sorry for myself, and time to go help my country!
Dear Songwind,
We'd miss ya'! An' I'm sure yer family would, too. I dunno what he's plannin' but I don't think he wants to have a war on yer country's soil!
Dear Chichiri,
Wow! Japanese is easier than I thought it would be. They haven't taught me "no da" yet though. All in due time ^.^. Anywho, I don't know if I'm going to go to the con. in Lancaster yet. It depends on grades most likely... I'm DEFINITELY going to AX next summer though, I loved it. I might be dressed as you ^ . ^, so if you see me, you'll recognize me. Although, I was thinking of being Hikou, just to be different, (I've never heard of or seen anyone dressed like him.) And it's a miracle people haven't dressed like him b/c he's so COOL! *hangs on Chichiri* But, that could be b/c he's your best friend! Ano, oh yeah, that was really nice of you to write that stuph on your page about NYC. I think it was really tragic, and was all scared. But, it's okay now... I guess. But, I still don't feel safe when I go out places. I went to the big Anaheim stadium for a concert, and I was hanging on to my friends like glue. *Sniffs and cries (just a little!)* On the day of all that, I nearly broke down from the image of a plane hitting wherever I was, it was stuck in my head for days. It's okay, no da. Um, I have to go now, no da. Bye no da.
Dear Bosher,
Nihongo wa yasahii desuka, no da? *Smiles* You haven't started conjugating the verb forms yet, no da. A lot of people went to AX dressed as me this year. You might want to consider going as Hikou just to be different, no da.
Dear Chiriko,
chiriko i haven't written you in soo long don't worry i wont bother you anymore well alot anyway i disscoverd ask the slayers now i'm bothering xellos umm.. well anyway talk to ya later*kisses chiriko on the cheak* ja ne!
your miko,
Dear ruki,
You were never a bother. But I'm sure that Xelloss is enjoying the attention.
Dear Chichiri,
Umm... similar to my issue with Tasuki, I must know: Why do you even WRITE with "no da"?
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
Because I don't sound very Chichiri-like without it, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
;_; I'm baka-chan! But you would know the difference anyways, 'cause I always spell my name with a small b, not a captial B ^_^!
Dear baka-chan,
Dear Mitsukake,
6'6". Damn. Fee, fi, fo, fum, what beanstalk YOU fall from. Forget China, you're tall for anybody. You can see eye to eye or OVER people in the NBA!
Dear Yomi,
*Smiles down at her.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*Pouts* You guys are so not fun... the Seiryuu Seishi maybe evil, but at least they admit to it. Everyone annoys everyone else in one way or another... Let's try something less murderous. Give me a description of what you think of your dub voices, including how acurate my analysis is.
Tamahome: Sounds like a cynic. He sounds too mean sometimes
Hotohori: Um... got the nice guy down. Can we work on that fight scream?
Nuriko: It's Rosie O'Donnell!!
Chichiri: Ewww...
Tasuki: One minute it works, the next it sucks.
Mitsukake: Superman reject
Chriko: Eh... probably the most accurate...
Don't agree? Check out Most annoying voice poll. Vote and write a comment!
Dear Usa-chan,
Actually, we quite agree! Except we think Nuriko sounds like Whoopi Goldberg after she's smoked a carton of cigarettes!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Oh, God, I missed you guys! I'm so pathetic ^^; Anyway, I've been waiting for you guys to come back so I could ask you something I asked the Seiryuu Seishi (reversing roles of course): If you had the chance to totally destroy a Seiryuu Seishi's dignity, would you play Truth or Dare? If so, who would you dare/ask, and what would this dare/question be? Speaking of which, I dare you to each to say something nice about Nakago. Damning with faint praise is allowed.
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
Hotohori: Not really it seems a bit childish.
Tasuki: Nakago's ok, FER A JERK!
Hotohori: *Sweatdrops* I think you all see my point.
Dear Nuriko,
sooooooooo i your sister and chichiri's feince or whatever the same person?
Dear kitkat,
No they aren't.
Dear Mitsukake,
i forgot have u ever had a girlfreind or family?
Dear luna,
Yes to both.
Dear Nuriko,
why do u cross dress so much and whats with the hair being so long?
Dear j.t.,
I do it in memory of my sister. I look beautiful with long hair!
Dear Tamahome,
do u ever stop talking about miaka?
Dear hanako,
Only long enough to talk 'bout okane!
Dear Tasuki,
this is my first time writing i' am sorry if my typing old are u and do u ever get a girlfreind in the series?
Dear hanako,
I'm 19 an' I don't got a girlfriend an' I don't want one neither!
Dear Chichiri,
hey em from now on instead of number one biggest fan in the intire universe (though i'am) u can call me luna and nomatter what anybody says i'am your biggest fan so i'll write more later when i have time oh i hope i can find a guy like u ^-^!!!!!!!!!!!!
love ya,
Dear luna,
OK. I hope you can, too no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Would you like being paired up with Hino Rei/Sailor Mars from Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon? ^_^
Dear Faith,
I've been told we're a good match. But I don't wanna be paired up wit' anyone!
Dear Chichiri,
That person's right. Hikou's head thingy does look like a life saver! And a squeaky clean too!
Dear t.t.,
It looked like a piece of jade, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Mushi: (in a crying mess)
Aiaki: ;.; Mushi-chan's depressed... both her parents where working in the twins tower when they came down.
Mushi: Now I have to stay with Aiaki-san.
Aiaki: (nods trying to comfort her) And until she gets over it, our Anime Radio show is off air...
Mushi: (sob sob)
Aiaki: We were gonna have you, the other seishis, and Miaka... but...
Mushi: (sob sob)
Aiaki: She has no strength to read her lines.
Mushi: (voice cracking) Valiant all the... way... (snivels) (crys madly into Tasuki-sama's chest)
Aiaki: (starting to cry) Mushi's been my best friend since we were 2... and now this... (crys loudly)
Mushi and Aiaki (AKA your beautiful hosteses of Anime Radio)
Dear Mushi and Aiaki,
*Holds both of them.* I'm so sorry this hadda happen to ya'. I don't know what else to say.
Dear Tamahome,
Okaaaaaaaayyyyy. You're saying you're Taka, who is Tamahome, who is Yousui, who is you with badly done goth makeup. Exactly what is Yousui? I know he's you, but were you possessed or something? I'm VERY CONFUSED!!! So pretty much the end of episode 5 and all of episode 6 in the OAVs make no sense to me, and I've watched them over and over. START EXPLAINING!!! Sou da... you needed to abandon your memories to stay in Miaka's world, so how does this work out now that you have all your memories? Ehhhhhhhhhh....
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
Yousui was one of the kings of hell that worked with Tenkou. He stole all my memories and tried to become me. He succeeded so well that he too fell in love with Miaka and that was his undoing.
Dear Hotohori,
*Smacks him upside the head* You misunderstood, baka. I meant even if you weren't beautiful they'd still say it. I'm surprised you're so vain. Your Imperial Robes consist of a bucket-hat, ducky-shoes, and a maternity dress... And your hair! Doesn't that hurt! Overall, you look like a weenie dressed like that... but a cute one.
P.S.: Is being the emperor as mind-numbingly pretentious as it seems?
Dear Yomi,
*Glares at her…* We are NOT amused…
Dear Nuriko,
Hey! Long time no write! Okay, I've been doing some research and I've got some questions.
1. You've met Ashitare before Mount Black, haven't you?
2. You started cross-dressing because of Kourin. But I read you entered the harem for another girl by the name of Byakuren.
3. Good Lord. Have you had an identity crisis?!
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
Yes I have.
She was killed by a snow demon, so I went in her place.
I suppose you could call it that.
Dear Chichiri,
WAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to poke fun at your scar! I always knew how you got it, but I never knew you took it so hard! Suicide?! You tried to kill yourself?! *Wraps her arms around his waist and wails wildly* We love you, Chichiri! Don't do that! *Gets a grip and lets him go* I also read about who rescued you. Another Kouran? With a boyfriend that looks like Hikou? Ohhhhhh, fate is so cruel.
You know though that in uncovering this info, I found that you DIDN'T make your mask. A Nyan-Nyan gave it to you...start da.
Umihebiza no Miko
P.S. So you have no left eye? How were you crying out of both eyes the in episode 47, but in the OAV you only cried out of your right eye?
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
I never said I didn't have tear ducts, no da. I suppose that was artistic license, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
*glomps and won't let go* It's been a week already... how are you?
Dear SynAngel,
I'm fine an' yerself?
Dear Tasuki,
"Whaddya' mean I write wit' a bad accent", huh? I shall translate this as my explanation:
"Whaddya"- "What do you"
"Wit'"- with
And there's a lot more where that came from, baby.
Second. You don't know where Hakurou got the tessen? I looked it up. That IS your boss' name, ne? Sad... if you remember Reirei (WAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!! I liked her. She looked a little like Miaka)then you should remember this! She's part of the reason you should know! Are you sure you're Tasuki? You have until the response of this letter to rid me of my dissapointment in you.
Lastly, did you really run into Tamahome before you met him in Kutou?
I'm dissapointed, Tasuki...
Umihebiza no Miko
P.S. Answer or I'll bite you. I've got fangs, too. And MINE are venomous... *evil smile*
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
'Course I'm *(&^%$# Tasuki! Th' tessen was won in a fight 'gainst a demon 500 years ago by th' first leader an' has been handed down from leader to leader ever since. Yeah, I ran into ol' Obake-chan.
Dear Hotohori,
Hori-chan! *Wraps her arms around his neck and kisses his cheek* I've missed you! *Releases him* I took your advice, went up to my room, and cried my eyes out. I feel better now. I called my friend in Connecticut and asked how her side of the U.S. was taking this. She said it's pretty much the same coast to coast, but a lot of kids there have parents who work in NYC and some of them are dead or still missing, so at this point most likely dead. *Eyes turn black from sorrow* Confused? Dragons scales change color with mood. I'm half dragon, half human so my eyes change instead. It comes with poisoned claws and fangs too!
Anyway, I'm off the topic. I want to ask you about a personal issue. It's about your family. Mostly your mother. *pulls him down into a sitting position with her* I read about what she did, and how you think she didn't love you. I don't think that was true. The strongest love in the world is a mother's. I think she loved you very much, but other things overshadowed/blended with it. "Absolute power corrupts absolutely", ne? Then there's always chemical imbalances... And you obviously love her, too. That's why you were so hurt by her actions. The people we love most have the power to hurt us the most. *Notices his seishi symbol glowing on his neck and kisses it* Calm down, Seishuku. There ARE no perfect families. It's normal for things to suck. I've been told that minor amounts of insanity run in my family... Ne, what about your brothers? You only have three, but I found four names: Ougi, Hougyoku, Kotsuki, and Tendou. Please clear that up for me? Hori-chan, are you crying? *hands him a tissue*
I shouldn't talk so much... but then again it's not healthy to keep things like this to yourself. You know, I saw a picture of your mother. No wonder you're the beautiful one. She was very pretty. Very interesting that you like looking in the mirror, but not remembering your mother. *gentle fanged grin* Did you know you look just like her?
Eien ai shiteru, Hori-chan... I'm sorry.....
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
Tendou was a farmer. I know I resemble her. Arigato for the tissue.
Dear Tasuki,
'Ello!!...^^; Birthday is in 1 week..and i was wondering if you could come to my party!!there of.....Sake..there..!!..o.o;;
Syon No Asyal
Dear Syon No Asyal,
If I could get to yer world I would.
Dear Chichiri,
*clings to his arm..and giggles..*heya No da!!^^;...Can you do me a favor and keep your mask off?^^;;..oh and...can i be your Girlfriendie!?^^;;..
Tyra No Miko
Dear Tyra No Miko,
I'll remove the mask, but I have no wish for a girlfriend, no da. *Takes off mask*
Dear Tasuki,
*hops on his arm and huggles him softly..being all mushy to him on purpose..*i want some Sake...*cute smile..*
Lil Taski
Dear Lil Taski,
No! Yer too young!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Man, my birthday was awful. I didn't even really know what happened until my frined called me and said "You know, Dani, it figures the day you turn 16, something important gets destroyed." ::sighs:: Anyways, are you guys gonna go see the Vampire Hunter D movie? The anime club I'm in got free tickets to see it at Commerce Center 18, and the company that did it is giving us a whole bunch of promotional posters and stickers and keychains. Ain't that cool?
Dear Danielle,
We were but we missed it.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*Miaka and Houki storm in with Miaka looking very pissed and Houki looking embarassed*
Houki: I must agree, heika. You'll find a pillow and blanket on the floor for you until I get a good explaination.
Miaka and Houki, Two Very Angry Wives
Dear Miaka and Houki,
Tamahome: Look honey! An all you can eat buffet! *Miaka forgives him and starts to plow through mountains of food.*
Hotohori: I do not flirt! *I give comfort. Smiles and sparkles at her and she swoons.*
Tamahome and Hotohori, Two Very Smart Husbands
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I'm confused now, how many songs do each of you sing in(including duets and all)??
I thought it was like this:
and Chichiri:5
But I was told that there were some songs that were sung as you all, but with different people singing than normal, and...
.. oooooooh, light headed-ness!*hits herself on the head repeatedly untill she gets it to stop feeling empty* ooooh, I really shoudnt have done that... uuuh, I guess I better go before I annoy you all too much^^;
Dear Fallon,
I believe that you are referring to songs that are not sung by our regular seiyuu.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hiiiiiiii!!! Teehee! Ok, I wanna know who has the second most chances of becoming drunk? Third? Teehee! Next what do you wanna be for Halloween? You can't say myself! Teehee! Ja ne!
ChibInu-chan no Miko
Dear ChibInu-chan no Miko,
When we post our Halloween picture, you'll see our costumes. In order of drunkeness possibility: Tasuki, Tamahome, Nuriko, Chichiri, Hotohori, Mitsukake. I don't drink.
Dear Chiriko,
CHIRIKO?!?!? Are you going mute?!?! *pinches his arm* hmmm^^;
Oh, and I believe I remember seeing Moogles from Final Fantasy 7-9(although those are really the only one's I've played so I dunno if they're in any of the other ones) they look kinda like kittys with an orange puff-things on their heads^^;;
Here's a moogle site with info and pics:
uuuh, yeah, I really cant think of anything else right now, sooooo, I guess I'll stop buggin' ya now^^;
Dear Fallon,
ITAI!! YAMETTE!!! I've seen Moogles in FFIX and FFX but not in FFVII or FFVIII. I'm playing FFVII now. Can you tell me how to find them?
Dear Hotohori,
I'm sad my mother got hurt in the terriost bombing I hope she's okay*cries*
Dear Sara,
*Hugs her and holds her.* I hope she is as well…
Dear Nuriko,
Brother I've never been so happy in my life Water Sprite is a great girl I think I want her to be my aisai.
Dear Rokou,
Really? Maybe we'll make a man out of you yet! Omedeto!
Dear Tasuki,
I'm so upset my uncle died in the terriost attack *cries*
Cloud Fairy
Dear Cloud Fairy,
EH? Honto ni? *Hugs her and holds her.* I'm so sorry. Ya' can cry on my shoulder if ya' want.
Dear Chichiri,
*stops crying* Thank you. You always make me feel better. I hope you are right. There is no good in war. *hugs him*
Dear Lybra,
Hai, you're welcome. I'm glad that I'm able to help, no da. *Hugs her.*
Dear Nuriko,
Hi again Nuriko. How are you doing? Good I hope!_! Anyways. Do you know of any cosplay sites that show you how to make armor..I guess you could call it. I know that sometime my friends and I are going to be making Slayers costumes but my friend Houki doesn't know how to make Lina's shoulder things and we're having trouble with Filia and Slyphiel's costumes as well >_< But for Katsukon my two friends plan to be Filia and Slyphiel so we need to work on their costumes now. (it's way too confusing) When they're done we'll scan some pictures of them ^^. Hope to talk to you soon. Ja ne. ((-^\\ <---Gourry.
Dear Suta,
Gomen, not offhand. We have a site listed that is in California that can make it for you but none that instruct you on creating it yourself. Minna, can you help?
Dear Tasuki,
*blushes* Arigato! *takes another shot* You really liked the site?
Dear Bon,
Yep! It's cool! *Downs his jug of sake.*
Dear Tasuki,
no, i didn't smack her. i'm too nice, and today i actually forgave her (sort of). oh yeah, tasuki, do YOU think men walk like neanderthals? i think i know why she said that now. we marching band, and i can't march worth $#%*&^. i play the clarinet and it's IMPOSSIBLE for me to march and play at the same time. i'm so bad at marching. i'm only 5 feet tall, everyone else in my rank is taller, and i STILL end up taking bigger steps than they do. @.@ we're marching in a parade the 29th, and are CONSTANTLY reminded of it by my music teacher, who has one of those "millenium countdown" clocks for the parade. how ANNOYING. also, i LIVE is the town the parade is in (i only live like a minute and a hald away from the road it's on) and i STILL have to go to school and go on the bus to get to it. :P (the school is in the next town, in case you were wondering.) thank you for listening to my pointless rambling. *gives him a hug*
Dear Solar,
That's kind of ya'. No, I don't think so! Good luck wit' yer parade!
Dear Tamahome,
Oniisan,Phi and I are friends we always have been friends it's just that he doesn't see me like that because we have been friends for so long and I understand it too.But when I talked to one of my friend's she told me she invited him to her 19th party this coming saturday,and she said that he wasn't acting like himself.She said that he was acting like a jerk like he didn't care.And she was thinking maybe she should uninvite him but she didn't do it.And if he goes to the party it's gonna feel awkward seeing him because 1.I haven't seen him since we graduated highschool this year and 2.I told him that I liked him.Oh well gameworks is a big place so maybe we won't run into him?Any advice?
Dear Destiny,
Just relax and be yourself. You should be just fine. You were friends before this and if he's any kind of a decent person you'll still be friends after this.
Dear Tasuki,
Konnichiwa tasuki-san genki desu?Heehee how am I doing so far on my japanese?Well as you've heard already that the u.s. might go into war.It's a scary thing.*hides*A lot of people here are fearing that their friend's are going to get drafted,but I thought they got rid of the draft thingy?*Hides under the blanket*.
Anywho,on a happier note.....I think yer so cool,yer laugh is cool,yer eyes are cool heck everything about you is so cool ^_^.My friend lina_inverse(yahell name)had made a list of who's hot and such and If I remember correctly she put hotohori,nuriko,chichiri,mitsukake,chiriko,tamahome and Tasuki's jewelry.When I found that out I was like O_O.You think that Tasuki's Jewelry is hotter then he is?She knows I like ya a lot so she tortures me about it *turns chibi*.So I made up a list of who's hot Tasuki,Tamahome,Nuriko,Hotohori,Mitsukake,chichiri,and chiriko.Of course Lina had a nasty comment of me putting you first.But I told her you just don't like him because he's so freakin cool,and his laugh the way he says little ghost *turns chibi even more*and such.I got no reply from her*laughs ebilly*.Anywho,what I all said was true yer cool,yer laugh is cool,yer accent is cool,everything about you is cool ^_^.*blushes*Okie I shuddap now.How do you get unchibi?
Dear Destiny,
Thanks fer all th' compliments! Yer Japanese is getting' pretty good! I dunno how ya' get uh-chibi.
An' on a side note, please don't start a war wit' th' Canadians (or anyone else) on th' Message Board! Thins' are bad enough an' we ALL need to pull together. We're a family an' I know we all got our differences but jus' try yer best. OK? *Ruffles her hair and grins at her.* An' that goes fer th' rest of minna as well!
Dear Tasuki,
are you scared about what's going to happen to us? i mean, if we go to war with afghanistan... i just can't imagine what this is going to turn into...
Dear Moon,
'Course I'm a bit scared an' worried! I'd be stupid NOT to be. But ya' jus' gotta' trust and pray that yer leaders will do th' right thin'.
Dear Chichiri,
hey! so how was it buddy? already got a name for me?
Dear Louver,
How about Muyan? It means friend, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
*walks into the room while burping Sora*
Did I leave enough bottles for you to feed him while I was working? *Sora burps loudly*
Good boy!! :) You've been good for your tou-chan ne Sora? *sits down on a chair next to Ryu* anata when do we show him to Seikun and Houkichan?
Dear Doc-sama,
How about tomorrow? *Rubs her shoulders.* You need to get some rest.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
what a lovely day i've been having. one of my so-called best friends informed me that i walk like a man. (i am 100% girl.) i asked her if she had something against men; she said no, just the way they walk. she says they looks like $%&^(#*( NEANDERTHALS. how's that for a compliment.
Dear Solar,
So, didja' smack 'er?
Dear Chiriko,
Hey Chiriko!!! You're cool and I wish you had more screen time in the show. ^_^ Hey, if I come to your world will you be my biology teacher? Or geometry? I bet I could get out of my previous class a little while early and get over to Konan in a hurry, and then run back! They couldn't count me late since I'm in another country and it's such a long way...but I don't like either of those teathers and since you're probably smarter than them, I figured I'd ask. ;)
Dear Tera-chan,
If I could make it to your world I would.
Dear Chichiri,
Waah, I wish there were more anime cons in the south! I'm looking for oen to go to next year. If you hear about any that're comign to North Carolina or the surrounding areas, could you please let me know? (Where did this come from? I'm not really sure... ^_^;;)
Dear Tera-chan,
Have you tried going to Anime Turnpike, no da? They list all the upcoming conventions, no da.
Dear Hotohori,
Hotohori, I need your help! I figured you'd be the best choice for this Q since you're really good with dealing with people (or so I've heard)... Well anyways, there's this friend, and he's making some sort of game. He wants me to draw some of the character head pics. Unfortunately, he already started this project once before and it fell through because it wasn't doing well. I told him ahead of tiem that I'd help him if he needed it, btu I really don't want to because it might be a waste of time since his last project didn't work. So I told him I was too busy because of school, but now I feel kinda bad about it. Any advice??
Dear Tera-chan,
You gave your word, so you should honor it. To do any less is unforgivable.
Dear Tasuki,
Hands Tasuki a book on learning how to swim... "Heh, its fire proof" Giggles and stands there. "So am I..."
Dear Quenten,
Thanks for th' book. I still ain't getting' in th' pool!
Dear Tasuki,
Scared! I'm scared! *Scurries asround behind Tasuki and stands there trembling* Scared...
Dear Songwind,
*Hugs her* It's ok. I'm sure thins' will work themselves out.
Dear Tasuki,
Hmmmmmmmmmmmm...... *Examines Tasuki closely for a minute* Boxers or briefs?
Dear PopTart,
Neither! Fundoshi!
Dear Hotohori,
Ummm, I know this is kinda silly but...could you sparkle once, just for me? Please? It'd really make my day!
Dear PopTart,
Certainly! *Sparkles and smiles for her.*
Dear Chichiri,
Chichiri! We were attacked! Im scared. What if we go into war? What if we die? What if there is no tomorrow? I always wondered what it would be like to grow up during a war. No that it might happen, i take it back. Im scared. *cries a little* Chichiri, even if i do die...i'll love you always.
Dear Lybra,
*Hugs her and tries to dry her tears.* Shhh… no da. I'm sure everything will be alright, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
hello my name is whitefeather,I am woundering how the talismans are created if you could how is it done. thanks
Dear stevenwhitefeather,
What talismans, no da?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
This question is for all of you minus Chiriko and Tama. Ok, if Miaka swallowed a potion that made her fall madly in love with you and only you and the only way to get her back to normal is to make out with her, would you do it?
I LUV YOU CHICHIRI-SAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(Kisses him passiontly on the lips for a couple minutes.) Ja ne! ~_~
Dear Mako-chan,
*Blushes and sweatdrops* If it was the ONLY way to cure her then I suppose we would be forced to do so, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
A i bugging you guys with my frequent, annoying, and pointless questions?
PS: If i am: get used to it, my friedns have
PSS: If i'm not, what am i doing wrong?
Dear Boyfriendless,
Not yet…
Dear Nuriko,
wuz^ hows it going aight i have a problem i did something wrong and got my boyfriend in trouble so his mother called and told me to stay the hell away from him and i miss him what am i supose to do i can't even talk to him in school. of course i can always talk to other guys but i don't wanna i want him he is sweet funny caring and he is mine *snif sniff*
Dear Angel,
What did you do? Have you tried to make a sincere apology to his mother for whatever it was? If not, you should do so.
Dear Tasuki,
hey tasuki Wuz^ the reason i want to talk to u is 1 i have nothing better else to do and 2 i think ur cute and funny.*smacks slef in face* okay i want to know what you think about tthe attack on New York and The Pentagon.
Because i have to do a report on it and i want to see what other people think about it.*smacks self agan why do i ask such question i am out of school dumbazz smakes once more* i will leave you alone now so u can answer other peoples letters oh one thig befroe i go.
GOT MILK? ha ha i all ways wanted to do that
Dear Angel,
No milk! Got sake?? I think that whoever did this were jus' a buncha cowardly b*st*rds! They're as low as Nakago if not lower! They need to be rounded up an' taken care of!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi, I just wrote to say I hope you, your friends and family are safe, How could anyone want to do something so terrible? I was shocked when I switched on the news and Tuesdays events were broadcasted on every channel. Its such a tragedy, why must people destroy each other?! I hope everyone is alright.
Jen xxxxx
Dear Jen,
Thank you for your kind thoughts. We are all fine. Unfortunately a co-worker of Chichiri no Aijin's husband lost her brother and we lost one of our own in Jamie.
Dear Nuriko,
*Takes both his hands and kisses him lightly on the lips* I wanted to thank you and Tamahome for helping me threw my diffucult times, I want to thank both of you but I didn't want the others to know about this, so I was hoping you'd both get this. *Smiles* the advice you've both givin me and that of my friends XellossMetila and Willowchan have givin me a new hope and a way to deal with this so I want to give you something. *Winks* I'd think you like them, I think it's the only way I can fully tell you thank you. *Reaches into a bag and pulls out two doll's* Here Nuriko, I got this doll for you and this one for Tamahome. * Hands Nuriko a doll of himself and handed him one of Tamahome.* Please give him that and thank you once more, I owe you and my two close friends my life, *Kisses him again* Thank you very much.
Dear LoneWolf,
Arigato. *Bows to her.* I'll see to it that he gets his doll as well. We're both glad that we were ale to help you. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
What is a moogle?? ^^;
Dear Baka-chan,
It is a furry teddy bear-like creature from Final Fantasy IX I believe.
Dear Chichiri,
And about Lina "abusing" me... well, she was ticked at me for not apologizing properly. See, she likes you all alot (even Tasuki but she'd never admit _that_.) She also has a habit of doing that ^_^;; Beats me why... it's usually for the littlest reasons!
Are you a monk or a priest? I saw Fushigi Yuugi a long time ago and kind of forgot.
No, I'm not going to do anything this time. Maybe next time. Sorry if you were expecting something...
Xelloss M.
Dear Xelloss M.,
I am a wandering monk, no da. I think she just sees you as someone that is fun to abuse, no da. Chichiri no Aijin sometimes picks on Tasuki the same way, no da.
Dear Chiriko,
Do you know where I can find lots of Fushigi yugi music videos and clips. I mean really good ones. I can't seem to find any that are good.
Thank you
Dear Kitty,
Have you checked the sites on our Links Peeji?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
THIS is going to be the only sane letter I write but here goes...
Suzaku Seishi I know that you are very busy with saving Miaka-san and doing other stuff but please let me take a moment of your time to ask for your prayers. The tragedy in New York is enough to see that there will be turmoil in the next few months of our lives. We may all care but that is NOT enough averywhere we turn nowadays have been considered as bad but now is even worse. You see I do not live in the U.S. but my friends' loved ones are there and i fear for them because I love my friends very much. So for your kind consideration please put this letter up and ask all those people who love you, please please please pray for the WORLD.
Dear Jia-Ping,
Done. Minna, our prayers and thoughts go out to all of you and to the world. We ask that if it is in your belief system that you pray as well. This is the time we all need to set aside our differences and stand strong together not only for the U.S. but for the entire world. This terrible tragedy needs to unite the peoples of the world to stand up as one and say we will not tolertae this and any other acts of cowardice!
Dear Tasuki,
*giggle slightly, knowing it's his turn and not hers, but takes a drink anyway* ^_^ *giggles more*
Dear Bon,
*Downs his sake in one gulp.* Nice site ya' got! *Grins*
Dear Chichiri,
Hi Chichiri! I went back to school a couple of days ago, I'm a junior! The classes are so hard, demo, I'm taking Japanese at least. I tried to write to you on Sep. 8 because it was Seki Tomokazu's B-day, but I never got around to it. I went to Disneyland that day!! Rode Space Mountain like 17 times, I did. It was fun. I've had a great summer, my best ever. I went to AX 01, bought like 30 DVDs, great great! Anyway, I went "school shopping" boy, was that fun... I did buy a light blue backpack, and wrote "no da" in Japanese on it. It's kool. I'm not hating school so much as I used to. But, I switched schools, from 200 people to 3,800. what a change!! So, (I know I'm rambling, but my computer's been misbehaving for a long time) Oh yeah, thank Solar for the picture! If anyone has the anime version, tell me. If not, I can take a pic of it and scan it. If I do, I'll e-mail it to your site, and you'll be the first to know, I promise. *takes breath* Sorry, I know I was just blabbin'. Ergh, I have to go back to school tomorrow, can I have a hug?
PS: Thank you, thank you Solar!!!
Dear Bosher,
You went to AX, no da? I wish we had known! We could have met up with you, no da. We were able to meet up with Kenshin Ken, Yuffie, Jane, Ashley-chan, One-chan, and Firefury, no da. Will you be at Ani-Magic in Lancaster, no da?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi! It's me again! :) I wanna know what you think of your dub voices. Oh, Chichiri! You're one of my favorite characters but your dub voice both sux and blows. You all will answer my question or else I'll send you to a pit full of overly obsessed FY fan girls!! TEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEEEEE!!!!
ChibInu-chan no Miko
Dear ChibInu-chan no Miko,
None of us care for our dubbed voices, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I'm surprised you ALL would choose Nakago as the one you'd beat up. Nakkie-poo is a jerk and everything, demo what about Tomo? I mean he creates illusions. As if the world ain't scary enough! He gotta INVENT $#!*. He could stick you in a horror movie. How's "Friday the 13th" sound? If Jason stabbed 13 teens as of last summer, you'd be dead by the end!
Dear Megami,
True, but Nakago was the root cause of all the suffering and horror.
Dear Chichiri,
HI CHICHIRI!!!! I have a few questions for ya'. Teehee! Okay, first of all how do ya' live with yourself?! You act like a total opposite sometimes. Next, when did ya' become a monk? Now I wanna where dem' heckydoodles did ya' get da maaaaaaaaaaasssssskkkk!!!!!! My last question is how do you get your hair to go up like dat'? Hairspray? You will answer ALL of my questions, or else...Teeheehee...HEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEE!!!!!!!!!
ChibInu-chan no Miko
Dear ChibInu-chan no Miko,
I am who I am, no da. I became a monk after my best friend and fiancée both passed away, no da. I made the mask, it is magical. My hair just naturally does that, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
If you all were locked up in a penthouse apartment and forced to spend every minute with each other, how long do you think it would be before you chase each other around with insane screams and steak knives?
Dear Usa-chan,
I don't think we would, no da. Although Tasuki and Tamahome might brawl a bit, no da.
Dear Hotohori,
Ne, the family situation was two older brothers, one younger brother, and two younger sisters. Damn. How'd you get to be emperor? The two older brothers should've killed your chance, right? Did your mother make them leave when you became emperor? You never talk about them so I'm wondering what their names are.
P.S. Some people are lazy in the vocabulary department. Would you consider NOT talking like a human dictionary?
Dear Kasumi,
My mother saw to it that I alone would rule Konan. It pains me to discuss this matter any further.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
You guys have great singing talent. You should get some modern clothes and become the new and improved Backstreet Boys!
Dear Tamashii,
Arigato for your kind words and for recognizing our vocal talents.
Dear Tamahome,
Do you prefer yourself better as Tamahome or Taka? And if you have any idea, PLEASE explain OAV II episode 6. I'm confuuuuuuuuused!!!!!!
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
Taka and I are one and the same person. So to me there is no difference. Minna, anyone out there want to explain the last OAV episode to her?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I know some of you have siblings. My sister is driving me insane. Tell me how to handle this before I do snap and stick her head on a pike...
Dear Reika,
Depends on what she is doingthat is driving you so crazy. Is she older or younger?
Dear Hotohori,
I love the second episode of OAV II. Your son is soooooooo cute! However, I gotta know something. In the following Fushigi Akugi, you told Boushin that you ran around with other women and did the wildest $#!*. Whose mind did THAT come from?
Dear Hikaru,
Arigato for your kind words about Boushin. *Sweatdrops* The writers…
Dear Tasuki,
You have the same birthday as my dad! Seriously! I checjed five websites before admitting it!
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
COOL! Yer dad's a lucky guy to be born on MY birthday! *Grins*
Dear Hotohori,
Please don't get upset by what I'm about to say. How to put this... It's true, you are very beautiful, but did you ever think about the fact that no one in their right mind would call their absolute monarch butt-ugly?
PS I think I'd die before actually saying that about you...
Dear Yomi,
True, especially if they are as beautiful as I.
Dear Tasuki,
Konnichiwa Tasuki! Ok I'm gonna be gone for awhile because of what happened on the world trading center and such and because I think I'm starting to annoy you guys? but I just wanted to ask you how would you know if the right girl came a long for you?Well Ja Ne Tasuki-san.*leaves sadly*
Dear Destiny,
Yer not annoyin'! I dunno, I guess I jus' would. Take care.
Dear Tasuki,
Just some things that just accurred to me. One, you even WRITE with a bad accent! Two, what WOULD you do if someone sent you hentai questions about Kouji?
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
I jus' wouldn't answer 'em! Whaddya' mean I write wit' a bad accent???
Dear Chichiri,
Well, thanks! *smiles a little sheepishly* Yes, we know the PS was longer than the letter. It just turned out that way. You're one of my favorite Sushi (I mean Seishi, *ahem*...) so I'm glad you replied. After all we have the same expression ^_^ No, I don't hate Tasuki he's just the easiest one to tick off. Of course I'm just me and I do that. "Trickster Priest," no da.
I can be nice... no matter what Filia says, ne?
*hands Chichiri a present... then another... then pulls a string hanging from the ceiling and a mountain of presents falls on Chichiri and buries him* Oops.
Xelloss M.
Dear Xelloss M.,
Itai, no da! Ano.. arigato for the presents, no da.
Dear Chiriko,
*pries rabid fangirls away from Chiriko* Okay. That's it. No more tormenting Chiriko. *glares at the rabid fangirls* --;
Dear Ayame,
Arigato! *Smiles*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Gods, it was too good to be true. Last week was great. I got up the nerve to talk to someone I care about more than I probably should, I did all my homework,found out that I had some of the highest grades in my classes so far, and I got the address of someone I've been trying to contact for a little over two years now. Then.... this.... incident. Words cannot describe how disgusting this is.
America is supposed to be the land of the free, where everyone is welcomed. Why, then, are these hate crimes committed? And why do they have to affect everyone? I'm sure you heard about.....
Everything was starting to go right..... I should have known it was too good to be true..... and it was. Mass destruction, panic, terror, and death. Perhaps the problem with this world isn't that we don't care enough. Maybe it's that we care too much about others. Terrorists now know how to stops the entire world from functioning. Financial markets have closed down, flights have stopped, and businesses closed early. They have learned that by killing a few thousand people, they can come pretty damn close to killing the whole world. If you really think about it, you'll see what I mean.
Granted that this shouldn't have happened in the first place, but... still, it does, no matter what we as humans do to prevent it. To those who died today, September 11, 2001, in whatever form you might be in, wherever you might be in, may you never have to deal with humanity again.
Dear Ayame,
True, it was a horrible thing to have happened, but now everyone needs to come together and show the world and these terrorists your country's true strength. If you let the world stop and your lives stop, then they will have won. Stand tall and be strong. And pray for those that were lost in this tragedy. *Hugs her*
Dear Tasuki,
::hugs Tasuki:: this whole terrorist thing is so scarry! i was in the auditorium for that concert and they were afraid to let the kids in our skool cuz of we had ta tape the concert! it sucked! but there was noone there so i probally played better! ^_^ but what was scarry was if the fire alarm rang we wouldnt hear it cuz it doesnt work an stuff! well the fighting is so useless all these people are dieing for a useless cause and to prove nothing! ::crys:: its so scarry :(
Dear Tana,
I know it's scary. Ya' jus' gotta try an' be brave. *Hugs her.*
Dear Tasuki,
*hugs his leg* thank you! mmmmmmmmmm... i dunno... i call her mommy... does dat help? *looks up all hopeful*
Dear Lita,
No not really. But I'll see what I can do fer ya'.
Dear Hotohori,
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!! Teehee! Okay Hori, I have a few questions for you. Teehee! First o' all when dem' heckydoodles did you say "no da"? Next, if you don't like ugly things then how come you didn't react to fatso a.k.a. Eiken?Uuuuhhhhh..... I forgot my last question so .. SOU DA! Has anyone ever called you ugly? Don't worry, I think you're BEAUTIFUL!!!:) Teehee... Before I finish this letter I just wanna tell you I like your KFC bucket hat and ducky shoes! I also think Boushin's li'l ducky shoes are ... KAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BYE HHHHHOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRIIIIIIIII!!!!!!! Teehee!
ChibInu-chan no Miko
Dear ChibInu-chan no Miko,
Arigato for your kind thoughts. I believe that has only happened when Chichiri impersonated me. At the time, I was too angry and worried about Miaka to react to such an ugly person.
Dear Tamahome,
..!! I heard that you make people *pay* to get advice from you. Is that true??? What about all those poor little kids that look up to you like an older brother??
Dear PopTart,
Of course it's true! I let them pay less.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Just exactly who, in all those statements that start "You know what they say...", is THEY? I mean, is it a specific person, a group of people? I know it's really not supposed to be anyone in particular, but.....hey, wait a minute. GROUP QUESTION!!! Who do you think is the They behind "you know what they say"? And don't go giving me a normal, logical answer, either. (That means YOU, Chiriko...O_o)
Mari Komadori
Dear Mari Komadori,
"They" are th' Van Pattens. *Smirks*
Dear Hotohori,
If you and the other seishi think I'm too hentai for words, then I'm sorry. I had some stuff wandering around my mind that I had to get out. You know, just those musings that never really get anywhere.
If I sound serious, it's because I'm kind of afraid. Some scary stuff has been happening in this world. I'd address this to all of you, but I'd prefer not to. In New York City some airplanes crashed into the World Trade Center, about 3,000 miles away from where I am. The buildings have completely collapsed and 50,000+ people are dead. The same thing has happened in Washington D.C. and Pennsylvania and the whole nation is in an uproar with closed airports, offices, schools, and tourist attractions, because of fear of what will happen next. I have family and friends in some of those places, and I'm scared something that might have happened to them. What's even more frightening is that it could have been me... If this terrorism was caused by a foreign nation, there might be a war. I think I understand how you guys felt during the war with Kutou. I'm so afraid and angry sad at the same time. I feel so helpless. I wish I knew what to do...
Ne... if you actually take the time to read this, arigato. I just had to get this out. I think I might just cry...
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
*Holds her.* It's ok to cry. The best any of us can do now is pray.
Dear Chichiri,
::runs up to chichiri, hugs him tightly crying:: howcan this happen! if the U.S. isn't safe, where is?! ::cries harder::
Dear ashley,
*Hugs and holds her.* I don't know. I wish I did, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
oh nothing i just wanted a diffrent response from u no da i say know da and ya know alot now lol hey did u hear about the thing that happened in new york? and from now on i'll sign my letters luna k? by baby doll lol
yourbiggest fan in the intire universe
Dear Luna k,
*Takes off mask and tears are streaming down his face.* I did. It was horrible.
Dear Tasuki,
...Someone to..boss...AROUND...So your gonna boss meza aroundz?Your a very meanz personz Tasuki >:|...*sticks tongue out at him and crosses her arms flicking a strand of orange hair from her face..*
Lil Taski
Dear Lil Taski,
Well, that's what older brothers do to younger sisters. *Grins*
Dear Nuriko,
Otousan!*glomps him* That whole attacking thing on the WTC `n the's really frightening!! ;.; My whole school didn't help much by playing it during like, all my periods. EVERY class room had it on, even the offices. Demo...My Science `n Art teacher were the only one's who didn't wanna watch it...My Art teacher was in tears, and my Science teacher had it going the whole day...*huggles* It's so scary!! What do you think's gonna happen now?
Dear Keiko,
I wish I knew. *Hugs her and holds her.* I'm sure that your leaders will find and punish those responsible.
Dear Nuriko,
*sighs* today is really depressing for me. The incident with the world trade center and the pentagon is really freaking me out. I live only about 30 minutes from the Pentagon so I'm a bit shocked. I hope it all gets better. Ja ne...
Dear Suta,
*Gives her a hug and holds her.* So do I… ;_;
Dear Tasuki,
When you said, and i quote "i don't want no girlfriends" doesn't that mean that you don't want to have not to have a girlfriend? OKay, then. So i'm your girlfriend?
Dear Boyfriendless,
It means I don't have a girlfriend an' I don't want one either! So, ya' ain't my girlfriend!
Dear Tamahome,
Well it was umm a weird letter,and I wrote back to him to tell him that I was serious because he asked me a question and he never wrote back.It's been two weeks since he hasn't written me.I guess I should've just kept my mouth shut or something.*sighs"Thinks I'm gonna give up on boys."* yea I'm ok.*rubs head*I guess I should leave you a lone for awhile and let other people have a chance to ask questions.Bye bye.
Dear Destiny,
Good luck with him. Hopefully the two of you can at least be friends.
Dear Hotohori,
Just outa' curiousity, what's the coolest thing a fan's ever said to you?
Dear Mal,
They all say so many nice things that it is difficult to narrow it down.
Dear Tamahome,
Well, it's a problem for me... I'm going to fail kung fu class! ;-;
SynAngel, who has no talents in the martial arts ;-;
Dear SynAngel,
Gomen ne! All I can tell you is practice, practice, practice!
Dear Nuriko,
*after Sora falls asleep and Ryu tucks him into bed, Doc softly walks to her aisaika's side and whispers to him*
That was beautiful, you put him out like a light. *wraps her arms around her husband's neck* So.. aishou are you going to sing me to sleep, or give me the spine tingles tonight? ;D *leads him outside the nursery*
Dear Doc-sama,
*Smiles at her.* You've had a hard day. How about I sing you to sleep, too?
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki, you are the coolest charictor on FY. and any one who says diffrent will have to answer to big harry! (shakes fist) i just thought you should know!!!!=^_^=
Dear killer_totoro,
Thanks! *Grins*
Dear Nuriko,
Dearest nuriko, i have very short hair like1 inch. this might be a hard ? but do you know what the heck i could do with it?!
Dear killer_totoro,
What color is it? Is it straight or curly? Are you planning to grow it out longer?
Dear Chichiri,
chichiri, hi my friend has this huge crush on you and she has fanticies and other odd thoughts of you. chichiri can you tell me how to deal with these thoughts of hers?
Dear killer_totoro,
Perhaps this is just a phase she is going through and she will soon calm down, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
HI AGAIN TASUKI-CHAN! guess what! I brought a friend today
Sei - *giggles* Hey Tasuki-sama!
Sei - *blushes* Yeah... Well, I'm here for Hotohori-sama anyways!
Tana: wait....we did have a question right....ummmm...teehee
Sei - Umm... I think so... So Tasuki ^_^ *grins*
Tana: grrrr....
Sei - I mean! Umm...
Tana: wait i know! will you an Kouji do the cute little bandit dance????????
Sei - Here! *hands Tasuki a cute dollie* Yeah! Do the cute bandit dance ^_^ Oh, and where is Hotohori-sama? *looks around* Hotohori-sama?
Tana: teehee he ran away cuz your creepy!
Sei - Well, I gotta go! *skipps off happily* Hotohori-sa~~ma~~!!
Tana: *very very scared of her friend* ummmmm......... *clings to Tasuki-chan* PLEEESEEEE DO THE CUTE BANDIT DANCE! *looks at him all hopeful* Ill give you some sake ^_^
Tana an Sei
Dear Tana an Sei,
If Kouji were here I would.
Dear Tasuki,
I'm writing a fanfic about you as we speak. How do you feel about babysitting? *holds up an squalling infant*
I have a vision of you changing diapers and singing to the little one. And no, I'm not drunk or stoned in case you were wondering.
Or would you rather I wrote you being a drill sergeant? I can see you wearing the hat (do you know the one?), and screaming at the new recruits to fall in the formation. Again, I ask, is that crazy?
And before you get any ideas about using that tessen *snatches metal fan away* I have a background of military training *promptly holds up M-16 A-2 rifle* Don't worry, it's not loaded...yet.
Dear Alice,
I'd rather be a drill sergeant! *Grabs his tessen back.* GIMME THAT!
Dear Nuriko,
*thumbs through a "Best & Worst Dressed" issue of "People" Magazine. I don't know if you can read English, but I need your opinion on what you believe to be the absolute WORST fashion sin of all time. *shows magazine*
My choices are as follows:
a) Wearing sandals with socks
b) Wearing two different kinds of plaid (at the same time)
c) Wearing a sleeveless top and not shaving underarms (applicable for women only)
d) Visible panty lines
Personally, I find the third and fourth choice to be equally reprehensible, but I'd appreciate a second opinion.
Also *holds up two suits* what should I wear tomorrow? The green silk suit or the black power suit with the red top?
Dear Alice,
I'd say the third one is the worst! I'd wear the black suit and the red top.
Dear Nuriko,
Hey Nuri-chan! I'd like you to answer some of these questions that has been boggling my mind for some time now,
1.What would you rather wear? a pink tutu of Miaka's school uniform? (With matching odango atama)
2. What would you rather eat? Miaka's or Tasuki's cooking?
3. Who would you rather Kill? Tamahome of Tasuki?
4. If Ashitare asked your forgiveness would you forgive Him/it?
5. what in the world is inside Nuriko special?!?!? I've been throwing up since I drank the stuff!!
well that's it! thanks for wasting your time on my letter *gives him a box of chocolates* sayonara!
Dear Rosepetal,
Arigato for the chocolate! Here are your answers:
1. Pink tutu
2. Tasuki's cooking
3. Neither!
4. Maybe
5. 1 part paichu, 3 parts laochu, and 4 parts shoukouchu. They are all types of Chinese wine.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Just wondering I know that you guys have seen some anime so what each of your favorite female and male anime characters? Well..ja ne ^-^
Dear Suta,
Tamahome: Me and Miaka
Tasuki: Sanosuke an' Urd
Chichiri: Kenshin and Karou, no da
Hotohori: kain Blueriver and Millie
Nuriko: Me and Hotohori tee-hee...
Chiriko: Ai and Yota
Mitsukake: Belldandy and Keichii
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
If you were to bring anyone back to life who would it be?
Dear Tana,
Tamahome: My family
Nuriko: My sister Kouran
Chichiri: Kourin and Hikou
Tasuki: Rei-Rei
Mitsukake: Shouka
Chiriko: Mitsukake
Hotohori: Myself, so I could be there for my family.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
*POUNCE!* Ooooh, chocolate. =} Thanks ^-^ (Actually, I've some chocolate cake to finish eating. Finally got my @*(&$^! cake I was cheated out of in Arcata because stupid *@&*%! uncle got this lame truffle cake instead.) Okaasan is going to go to court with my aunt probably just to unnerve the evil Denny. He's scared of her =) She'll definately go if his sister from Colorado is there.
And speaking of the evil Denny, odds are he's been chewed out violently by his chain of command, given he was oddly nice and agreeable last time my aunt spoke with him. (Though I'm sure it won't last) You see, he's p*ssed off the guy in charge of base housing when he changed the lock and nailed one of the other doors shut, he's pissed off an active duty master chief, and a few people in my aunt's chain of command, I think. He's slowly, slowly, slowly hanging himself. Slowly. --;
Did you guys feel the 4.2 earthquake around 5 PM yesterday (the 9th)? =} People seem to be making a big deal out of it. Twas on the new and in da paper today. Guess it broke some windows and stuff from what I glanced at.
Dear One-chan,
Yeah, we felt it. It was quite th' shaker, ne? But what happened today was just horrible! I wish we were in yer world so we could've done somethin'.
Dear Chichiri,
Hey! Um...just wondering, you still have your left eye? If so what does it look like or what do you/doctor Mitsy think it looks like?
Strangly Morbid
Dear Strangly Morbid,
Ano... I no longer have that eye, no da. If I did it would look the same as my right eye, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
Hola. What are you really like? Is there a difference between CHihciri and Houjun?
Love you forever,
Dear Lybra,
I am as you see me, no da. Aside from maturity, there is no difference, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
No.....her name will be Elizabeth and when u first met her(in a girls gym locker room) she punched u. *fanged grin*
Dear LandraBlaze,
Honto ni? What th' h*ll was I don' there? Ano... ya' really don't need to answer that.
Dear Mitsukake, you have a phobia?
Dear Yvonne,
Dear Chiriko,
Iie Chiriko-sama! I'm 13 too! We can get engaged now and married later, ne?
Dear Yvonne,
*Sweatdrops* Ano... I think that being friends is a much better idea, ne?
Dear Tasuki,
::giggles and toddles over to tasuki and jumps on his leg expecting a ride::
Chibi-Chan: Mama! ::drools::
Chibi-chan: Sa-ke! Mama! Saaa kee... ::laughs atherown cleverness and spots his tessen. Slowly she reaches for it......::
Dear Chibi-Chan,
I ain't yer ma! *Pulls her off of his leg and away from his tessen.* Don't touch th' tessen!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi! When I ws in Manila I bought a Fushigi Yuugi Singles Collection, and you guys really great voices! Just that Mitsukake is not included in there. Did he sang for a particular album?
Dear Louver,
My song is on the "Fushigi Yuugi Character's Vocal Memories" album.
Dear Chichiri,
Hello there pal! I'm looking for the right Japanese name for myself. Since you knew me, and basing on my personality (just what do you think about me), i'm a boy ok ^_^. What do you think will the best Japanese name for me?
Dear Louver,
I will have to research this and get back to you, no da.
Dear Chiriko,
Ara...--; Gomen..demo..if you say that homework and books rule...I'll do what I did to my dog...I gave him the kiss of death and chased him out of the house with my science book..*looks him up `n down*'re a bit bigger than my
Dear Keiko,
Ano... *Sweatdrops and look scared...*
Dear Chiriko,
Hi Chiriko! Anyway, I'm going to bother you here ^_^ I was wondering if I could take some of the pictures of CnA's Japanese adventure for landscape paintings ^_^ Is it okay? I need them for my AP art portfolio this year. I'd e-mail you but once again, I lost the e-mail address. @_@;; go me!
P.S. My Japanese name for my Japanese 1 class is now... Mokona! PUU! ^o^
Dear Jean,
Sure! Will we be seeing you at Omochabox this Saturday?
Dear Nuriko,
*wakes up to a lullibye, being sung in a baritone voice* Aishou? *rolls out of bed slowly, and walks to Sora's nursery*
Ryu? Sora? *wipes the sleep from her eyes* *sits in the shadows listening*
Dear Doc-sama,
*Sings softly to Sora not knowing that Doc-sama is listening.*
Dear Nuriko,
Hellooo Nuriko on my date with Rokou he gave me a tour in konan and he took me to a resturant he kept blushing on the whole date,but we had a great time.^-^
Water Sprite
Dear Water Sprite,
I'm glad that he is treating you well and that you had a good time! *Smiles*
Dear Tasuki,
My first orchestra concert is the 11th an my teacher is making me play a solo NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! ::sniff sniff:: i cant paly the viola.....i hope someone chalanges me for first chair tomarrow! ::looks at Tasuki all starry eyed:: but your so kool you probally like my viola playin anyhow ^_^ oh well.....i better practice ::sniff sniff::
Dear Tana,
Good luck on yer solo! I'm sure yer gonna be great!
Dear Chiriko,
What's your favorite color?
Dear Boyfriendless,
Dear Mitsukake,
You know how it say "Please ask me a question. I am not as boring as they say i am" Um... who's "they"?
Dear Boyfriendless,
You know, "They" the in general people who say things.
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