Dear Tamahome,
How many toher girlfriends have you had besides Miyaka?
Dear Boyfriendless,
Dear Tasuki,
You're hot. Will you be my boyfriend?
Dear Boyfriendless,
Nope, sorry. I don't want no girlfriends.
Dear Nuriko,
**smiles** Thank you for the kind words re: my sis and her b/f and being blown off. I hope you are right about her actually "joing the rest of the world" again. Somehow though, I doubt it. Their relationship has now... ummm... "gone farther" (I hope you know what I'm getting at here). So, it seems that it's just time for me to give up and accept that I am not a part of her life anymore and she isn't a part of mine, whether we're blood related or not. I'm surprisingly okay with this. It's been obvious this whole summer that she doesn't want me around, so it's not like that much is gonna change. Anyhoo... **huggles** You're the best... thanks again!
Dear SOS,
Arigato, I'm glad I was able to help. I'm sure she will eventually come around. Hang in there. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Hotohori,
*runs to the throne room at top speed*
anoo... *slows down to a walk as he passes by some advisors, and walks into the room*
Otousan's still working... I'll have to wait my turn..
*stands in line using his best Royal manners. When his turn comes up, he bows to his tousan*
Kouteiheika, I wish to report the birth of Chou Sora this morning :) Hahaue and aka-chan are doing fine, Mitsukake-oji has seen them already, and Nuriko-oji is with them now :D I think Sora will be a good friend and advisor to me in the future Heika. :D
*bows to his otousan and heads off to tell his Okaasan*
Dear Boushin,
*Smiles* Wonderful news! Arigato! Aka-chan omedeto gozaimashita Nuriko and Doc-sama!
Dear Tasuki,
*looks at him* Tasuki-kun, you are WAY more kawaii than Tama... *smirks* But, I'm not getting mushy at all! Heh... *hands him some sake* Drink. *smiles*
Dear Bon,
Yeah, yeah, have some more sake…
Dear Chiriko,
In the manga I know you didn't join up with the other seishi because you were scared. But in the anime... are you aware that everyone almst DIED because YOU thought an exam was more important than the empire? I like you anyway. I mean even if you did come in late, you saved them and they forgave you. Not to many men are willing to admit that they were saved by a boy that still hasn't started puberty...
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
Ano… thanks, I think…
Dear Tasuki,
Your so cool! If it weren't for Hotohori, you'd be my favorite seishi! By the way, if you hurt Hotohori-sama because I said that not only will Nuriko most likely kick your ass, but I will. And I know you'd never hit a girl, ne Tasuki-chan? Okay, where did the tessen actually come from? You know, like who made it or something like that? You're totally awesome! Demo, why do you keep frying Obake-chan? True, he sucks, but still, he kinda couldn't help what he did to you in Kutou. Oh yeah! this has been bothering me for ages! If Tama could kick you're ass (as evil Tamahome), and Hotohori can kick Tama's(any time), what does that say about you?! Please don't be offended! It takes something special to survive Nakago...
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
Th' tessen was somethin' th' old bandit leader had. I dunno where he got it. He's fun to fry! *Grins* Tamahome was able to beat me 'cos Miaka begged me NOT to kill 'im. Even Nakago said we were evenly matched!
Dear Chichiri,
Did you know that your mask scares people more than your scar does? I'd dump it if I were you. I for one think scars are sexy.
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
Thank you I think, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I just have some random questions:
1. If you had the chance to kick any Seiryuu seishi's @$$, who would it be?
2. Which of your songs is your favorite? (Hotohori-sama you have the best singing voice!)
3. Who (amongst yourselves) would you just like to haul off and kick the cr*p out of? Don't say "they're all my friends" or anything like that. Chiriko can skip this thought since he's a little guy.
4. If you had a chance to screw Miaka, would you do it? If not, name a girl(yes GIRL, Nuriko) of your choice. (I am SOOOO weird...)
Sorry. I'm a very strange Hotohori worshipper who thinks a little too far for her own good. *Pictures herself alone with Hotohori* I gotta go before I drool all over the keyboard. Love ya (Especially you, Hori-chan)!
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
Here are all your answers:
1. Nakago
2. Hotohori: Boku no uchuu ni kimi ga iru
Nuriko: Perfect World
Chichiri: Kachou fuugetsu, no da!
Mitsukake: Hidarite no kioku
Tamahome: Ai to iu na no tatakai ni
Chiriko: Akai iitsutae
Tasuki: Setsunaketemo … zutto
3. Well only Tasuki and Tamahome seem to enjoy fighting. Especially with each other.
4. That question is too rude to answer!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Chichiri,
Hi! Where the heckydoodles did "no da" come from?
ChibInu-chan no Miko
Dear ChibInu-chan no Miko,
It is an emphasizer, no da. It's just how I speak, no da.
Dear Hotohori,
Your my favorite seishi! (Pretty much every compatability test I take says Tasuki is my ideal match so how this worked out I don't know.) I have a thing for men with long hair. I really like guys who are true to their feelings and aren't afraid to cry. It's soooo cuuuute!!! It's kind of interesting with YOU because you're an Aries. Aries men usually act too macho for their own good. Like Tasuki. Anyway-- and I don't want to seem cruel or anything-- did you ever really think about why Miaka chose Tamahome? I don't think she didn't love you, I just think that she unconsiously factored in the freedom she'd lose in marrying you. I'm sorry it didn't work out. Unlike...oh a LOT of your female fans I wish Miaka would choose you. Seems you took it pretty hard. If transporting between worlds were possible for anyone besides the miko, I'd absolutely smother you with kisses until you couldn't breathe ^_^(Yes. I DO know I'm weird).
By the way, tell me if you like my name. "Hotohori no Miko" has kinda been beaten to death so...
Ai shiteru, Hotohori-sama!
Umihebiza no Miko
P.S. Are you aware of how much people make fun of your emperor clothes? I can't tell how many sites make fun of your crown. I've always wondered if you felt stupid being dressed like that.
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
Arigato for your kind words. I too, had wished she had picked me, but it just wasn't destined to be. I don't think that was her reasoning. I just think that she and Tamahome were better suited for each other. It's an interesting name. I don't think stupid is how I feel in the Imperial Robes. I do prefer to be without the Imperial Robes, as they are extremely cumbersome.
Dear Nuriko,
Your fans say they hate Ashitare (for obvious reasons...). What's your opinion on wolf-boy?
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
I feel a bit sorry for him. But I'm not terribly thrilled with being dead, either!
Dear Mitsukake,
*ties his ankles together and tries to pull him away* Shoot.--;You just WON'T let me abduct you,will you?--;;
Dear Llama..,
No, I won't.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi! Long time no write! *glomps each of the seishi; Hotohori first and longest ^-^* I was thinking; if you guys had a TV, what sort of programmes would you watch?
P.S: I did really well in my exams! Thank you for your advice Chiriko!
Dear Rachel,
You're welcome! I'm glad to hear that you did well.
Hotohori: Political and news programs as well as A and E
Tamahome: Samurai films and Bruce Lee movies
Tasuki: WWF
Chichiri: Travel Channel, no da!
Mitsukake: Animal Planet
Chiriko: The Learning Channel and the History Channel
Nuriko: Food Network Suzaku Seishi
Dear Nuriko,
Hi Hi, how have you been? Yup, I'm from the England, Im glad Chichiri liked it, did he visit anywhere up north?
I can't take up the course again, all confusion with different blocks each subject is in and I'd have to change them all around, but I guess if Im taking English lang instead of lit thats ok, they're both useful in theatre, and i suppose sociology will be cool (psychology classes were full) Im just glad I won't have Mr Knight :) woohoo
I did my audition on Friday, it went well, I get notified by letter so Im keeping my fingers crossed.
Bye Bye *hugs her big brother*
Jen xxxxxx
Dear Jen,
Good luck with the audition letter! We never really ventured much past London.
Dear Chichiri,
Oh! Chichiri-sama! I've forgiven you and look! I've made you a shrine! It's not quite done yet because Kourin-chan is soooo lazy. $glares at Nuriko$ I own your half of the shrine. Kourin owns the Nuriko part. It's not fair though. She's older and is better at HTML. I'm here trying to figure out how to make the colors clash less and she's there making frames..... Only, I'm not as lazy as her so her part of the shrine is not as good as mine. If she worked half as hard as me I wouldn't have a chance, but she doesn't. Ukelele is helping me by getting the OAVs for me so I can get better at this you thing. If you absoutly must, send Nuriko there as well. But your the best and you always will be.
(...and incase you're reading this, Nuriko,I wuv you just as much as Kourin, but hating you is part of the job. Gomen nasai!)
ACK! The URL! I almost forgot! OR I wish Kourin would work on her half so we can get the stupid thing finished...
Yuuki Yuiren
Dear Yuuki Yuiren,
Nice site, no da. The opening reminds me of the Iron Chef, no da. *Smiles*
Dear Hotohori,
Hotohori-sama! Kourin and Ukelele were laughing at me because I told them when I grew up I wanted to marry a guy that sparkles! Make them stop! They're meaaaan! $sob$
$glomps$ You sparkled a lot in the series. So did Tamahome, but I don't like him as much.
Yuuki Yuiren
Dear Yuuki Yuiren,
Now Kourin and Ukelele, there is nothing with wrong with sparkling bishounen! Please stop abusing Yurien.
Dear Hotohori,
*swoons*Hotohori you are so beautiful!!I love you!!!*faints*
Dear Sara,
*Catches her before she hits the ground and places her on a couch .* Arigato. *Sparkles and smiles*
Dear Tasuki,
aniki......? can i try some sake? just a little sip? my mom says it's good.... please?
Dear ashley,
No, yer too young!
Dear Hotohori,
Actually the only reason I'm listening to my doctor is because You told me to, and what ever you say goes. Besides, you're the emperor and I'm your loyal subject. Besides, I would do whatever you told me to, unless you told me to kill myself or something like that. Well, gotta go. I'm being accursed of being in a chat room, which I try to avoid at all cost. Talk to ya leter. Ja.
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
I would never ask you to do anything that would harm you! Just please take care of yourself. By the way, Chichiri would like to send something to a friend of ours. Can you supply him with an email address? Domo.
Dear Tamahome,
Why do like Miaka best than Yui?
Dear mimi,
She's kinder and sweeter.
Dear Tasuki,
Your telling me you don't want a little sister?=(*Gets a sad..face..eyes start to water...*
Lil Taski
Dear Lil Taski,
Wait a second? A lil' sister??? Someone fer me to boss around fer once? I LIKE that idea! *Grins*
Dear Chichiri,
Thanks ^.^!!*hugs tightly..*o.o;..Okay..i'll leave you at peace..;_;
Sad Chiya(;_;)
Dear Chiya,
*Hugs her back,* You're welcome, no da. But why are you sad, no da?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Xelloss: Ouch..! *rubs his head*
*Lina rushes in*
Lina: Xelloss!!
*Xelloss nods to Lina who pulls down Tasuki's pants, revealing pink Hello Kitty boxer shorts*
Xelloss: Look, everyone, Tasuki shaves his legs!
*dissapears with Lina before anybody can get ahold of him again*
Xelloss M. and Lina I.
Xelloss: Wait a second... the _other_ Xelloss? Are there Kopiis of me running around? *sweatdrops*
Lina: We don't want to start a war, but you had to pay for hurting Xelloss. I'm the only one allowed to do that. Now apologize, Xelloss.
Xelloss: I'm sorry, but you see, since Suzaku is a phoenix I wanted to see whether or not you all were immune to fire. *chuckles* I was wrong.
*Lina punches Xelloss in the stomach*
Lina: Apologize and mean it or I'll get Amelia in here.
Xelloss: All right!! I'm sorry for frying you. *bows* Can I sell you some bottled water?
Lina: Smart*ss! *knocks Xelloss unconcious* I think what he meant to say was "I'm sorry and can you forgive me." *drags Xelloss back to the Slayers world*
Dear Xelloss M. and Lina I.,
Chichiri: Did you know that your PS is longer than your letter, no da?
Tasuki: I DO NOT shave my &*^%$#@ Legs!!!!!!!!! An' I don't wear revealing pink Hello Kitty boxer shorts either!!!
Chichiri: *Sweatdrops as Tasuki rages...and at Lina's abuse of Xelloss* I'm sure we do, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
*sneaks up behind you* Pssst...Tasuki. Oi...guess what....I LOVE YOU! *runs and hides*
Dear Lyria,
Well at least ya' ain't tryin' to cover me in jello!
Dear Tasuki,
Uncle Shun'u will you help me find my mommy? pweeze? *starts to cry*
Dear Lita,
Sure! Now which of my sisters' kids are ya'? Ya' know which of my sisters is yer kaasan?
Dear Chichiri,
My friend is completely obsessed with Tasuki. She dreams about him, and it's scary. She says he tastes like strawberries. It's funny, but in a queer sort of way. She has a shrine that consists of 50 different pictures of him on the walls of her room. She talks about him constantly. Her favotie two words are duct tape, and if you don't know why, you don't really want to know. She has a website about why Tasuki is so droolable for crying out loud! Could you do me a favor? MAKE THE TORTURE STOP!!
P.S. could I have a hug and a little kiss to soothe the pain?
Dear Kaysi,
*Smiles and gives her a hug and a peck on the forehead.* She sounds like she should be a DTFC member, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Ok I'm in the process of drawing all of the suzaku seishi chibi version ^_^ and I have tamahome,hotohori,Nuriko,mitsukake and chichiri(which I need to fix)done so far.After I draw Tasuki and the chibi party one where do I send it to?Arigato.
Dear Tasuki,
*Pokes tasuki-san*May I ask you something?What is so great about Lina inverse?I mean I've never seen it but you sound like you have the hots for her?Do ya?
Dear Destiny,
Nah, I jus' like to annoy her. *Grins*
Dear Tamahome,
Oniisan,I'm sorry if I'm annoying,*get's down on all fours and bows to tamahome*I'm sorry ;__;.Well about the boyfriend thing I backed off after the letter he wrote me.I had never told anyone that I liked him and I told my best friend Gloria and she was like"thank you for trusting me I feel honored that you trusted me to tell me that you liked him.^_^"She thought that it was cute that I liked him.I should really thank her too,because if it wasn't for her I wouldn't have known about Fushigi yugi or you guys ^_^.She really admires you Oniisan ^_^.I do too.She told me about how you love miaka so much and I was like "awwww,I wish all men were like that".^_^.Okie I'm probably being annoying now.*continues to bow and smacks her head on the floor*
Dear Destiny,
Are you ok? *Looks at her head.* I hope it was at least a nice letter he wrote to you.
Dear Tasuki,
Ok. LEAVE POOR TASUKI ALONE! *Pulls out her sword and stans next to Kokkei* *Growls* Or else you'll have to deal with me... And I'm just below Hotohoroi(I HATE spelling).
Dear Songwind,
Thanks! But, I'm sure I can handle a couple of rabid fangirls...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi Seishi Peoples! *hugs you all, but not too tightly*
Guess what? I showed a Fushigi Yuugi graphic novel to my English teacher and asked if it could count as a novel of merit to discuss in class! And she said YES!!! Then the bell rang when I was two sentences in....
But I get to finish on Monday! Ms. Rankin thinks that Tamahme and Nuriko are funny because Hotohori chopped apart andf wall and saw them listening and then they started dancing as an excuse........(that was the part I showed her) So English teacher likes Manga! Wai!
*hugs* Just thought you'd like to know! Love you all to bits! (not litterally!)
Lady M.W. Zip - Fangirl on Call
Dear Lady M.W. Zip,
Your teacher sounds awesome and very intelligent, too!
Dear Nuriko,
Hello,Nuriko.Can you please help me?I have a really big problem....
I have a boyfriend and he's really a great guy.But the thing is I'm falling for another guy...-.- I didn't even want just happened. Now I dunno what to do now.I think I should break up with my boyfriend but I dunno what to do or say....I really don't want to hurt his feelings. What do you think I should do,Nuri-chan?
Dear Asuka,
Has this new boy shown any interest in you? If not, I'd stick with the present boyfriend since you say he's a great guy and all. Remember, great guys that treat you well are VERY hard to find.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I don't write in to this page consistantly like most of its fantics, urmm devoted fans, but I do keep you all posted on the larger events in my life, human need and desire to share I guess. The deal is this time I need to hear form other people here. My dad died last week. Has anyone else who writes in here gone through this? How am I suposed to do this, get through this?
On a lighter note I started japanese with my brother on wednesday. It's so crazy. Is it proper to bring up to my teacher that we both went to otakon dressed up as Fushigi Yugi and our group of raving otaku won a prize for our costumes? Would that be extra credit or a reason for detraction of points?
Dear Anna,
We are very sorry for your loss. *Gives her a hug.* If we can be of any help to you please let us know. Minna, if any of you want to you can respond to Anna on the Message Board under the subject "Lone Wolf". As for telling your teacher about Otakon, I would say that depends on how receptive your teacher seems to such things.
Dear Chichiri,
why do u just thank me don't you have anything else to say to me anything at least say i hate u u seem nice SOMETHING!!!!!!!!!!!anywho LOVE YA LOTS cio...
your biggest fan in the intire universe aka luna
Dear luna,
I say "thank you" because you say kind things, no da. What else would you have me say, no da?
Dear Mitsukake,
Gack!Mitsukake!Save me from my friend!
On the last day of my schoolyear,I'm going to dress as Suboshi,and I'm hoping Amy will dress as Amiboshi.THE TWINS!
*ahem*However,my freind wants to go as you.I fully support this,but he wants to borrow my cat. He is also jealous that you aren't one of the twins,and there fore,if he writes something on his arm,it won't appear on mine,Amy's,etc.
So,he created the idea of "Amimitsukake", which in my opinion,is a scary name. He also wants to make you evil in some way.
Even though he DOES have some ideas that got me really happy about evil Mitsukake, it's still freaky. I mean,I could send out Magi to do that. He wouldn't mind. He's a character.
Magi:I'm not an assasin.=P
Ash:--;Just shut up.So,anyway,I believe my long Mitsukake obsession has warped his mind.Any ideas about warping his mind back? And you should really apologize to Bob.*holds out the hat*
Ash-chan,and a momentary bit of Magi.Don't forget BOB!
Dear Ash-chan,
That's a rather odd mix of characters. You should let him know that taking any live cat to school is out of the question. He does know that anime things don't really happen in the real world, doesn't he?
Dear Chiriko,
sorry about ruki she's my freind i think she likes u a bit to much ^-^ but who am i to talk i have an ubsession with chichiri oh anyway do u know tama-neko's girlfreinds name?
chichiri's biggest fan in the intire universe
Dear chichiri's biggest fan,
Not offhand, gomen.
Dear Tamahome,
Guess whats in 5 days?
Dear XellossMetali,
Your birthday?
Dear Tamahome,
Hi. Gomen I havent writen to you for awhile. *sighs* you know I'm in fencing ne? I'm now an intermediate fencer (been there a year in other words) I got my equipment and badge and am now in masters class which is after class. Unfortunatly class ends at 9:30 and masters class can last till 11:00. Its on a school night and I have tests I have to study for. I also feel unprepared (not ready) for electric fencing and masters class. I'm also creeped out by the guy who teaches fencing. I know I cant stay for masters class but I'm scared of what the teacher is going to do. I heard that he actualy threw a kid out of fencing class because he had been there a year and hadnt gone to masters class. The main reason I'm in fencing is cause I wanted to have fun and handle a sword. I never wanted to go to competitions and masters class. Now instead of looking folward to fencing I'm dreading it. This isnt my idea of fun anymore I just wanted to fence for the heck of it not for any major event. I already tried talking to the guy asking him if I HAD to go to masters class and he said "of course" I dont want to quit fencing its my only irl social life and fun thing I do all week..though now its not much fun anymore. The really fun class is Fencing Club which I am in but it doesnt meet very often demo one of my friends (the pres. of the club) is working on getting it to be several days a week which is really good! I have that to look folward to demo I'm still dreading class. What do you think? *hands him 2 gold ryou*
Dear XellossMetali,
When you dread your fun thing, it is time to either find a different outlet for it or change your outlook and bite the bullet so to speak. You may find that you enjoy the masters classes and competitions. Have you tried to explain or have one of your teachers explain about the time conflicts with your schoolwork to this guy? It may help if a teacher were to speak to him on your behalf. Good luck and try not to skewer him! *Smiles*
Dear Tamahome,
Hey, I'd pay the ryou... but I don't have any because I am dirt poor. But, I have a question about Kung Fu. Do you ever have any trouble remembering which way to turn your hand when doing 'snake turns over', or don't you do that? I can't remember if you do kung fu or some other martial art... ^_^;;;
Dear SynAngel,
Since I was born to be a Seishi I was also born with an innate talent for all forms of martial arts so that has never been a problem for me.
Dear Chichiri,
Will you sing for me, no da???
Dear Nemiko,
Hai, no da. Sings *Mizu kagami*
Dear Tasuki,
Stupid, stupid,stupid! I can't belive it! I've got swimming in five minutes and can't find my suit! Dangit! Remember! Ah, there it is. *Looks around, seeing Tasuki for the first time* Oh! Hi there. *Thinks a moment* Hey! Wanna come swimmin' with me? *Drags him to the rim while explaning things* Ok, first you do a 500 free, then a 200 kick brestroke,no boards. Then...
Dear Quenten,
I don't *(^%+$# THINK so!!!!!!!!! *Runs away from the pool.*
Dear Chiriko,
Have you had a girl freiend? What happened to your famly? And will you tell Tomahomeh to lay off havin us pay to ask him stuff?
Dear ger_foever,
No, I haven't. My family is alive and well. *Sweatdrops* I can try…
Dear Nuriko,
Oooooh, thank you for answering my first letter!! *Hugs Nuriko* (The problem's been solved temporarily now ^_^) Waah, I'm so bored.'s down (again!!! T_T), Elfwood isn't updating any pages for a while, and I finished my homework so I really don't have much to do. Hey, I know!! I'll go draw some FY fanart and send it in to you guys!! How would ya like that? ^_~ I'm glad you guys are up and running again - none of the other 'Ask the ___' sites are very current, 'cept the Seiryuu one. Bye!! ^_^
Dear Tera-chan,
Arigato! That would be great! You can also submit your fanart to Louver's site, Veiled Reflections.
Dear Chichiri,
Hey Chichiri! I haven't written to you in such a long time...Like almost 2 or so years now....*sighs* Sorry! The addy I had got...lost then I forgot about the domain name...*embarrassed*...SORRY!
Latest news is though...I went to Japan! I stayed in Yokohama with watashi no tomodachi sanako-chan I learned ALOT! I play a game now with random Japanese people! See!..
*disappears for a second, comes back dragging a guy with bright orange hair that kinda' looks like Tasuki...but more like a cat...he has a tail* Now...Watch! This is really funny!
(Kaori) (Nandemonai. Rundi-Sama!!!!)
(Rundi) (NANI!?!?!??!)
(Rundi) ARGH!! *Stomp stomp gone*
Heh heh.... Yeah...I did that alot! Hee hee...I got WHACKED alot in Japan. Anyway, one other tid-bit...The Shakujou is the peek of my liking it!!! Please link it, and take a boo at it! I'll link you guys again too!
Love you!
Dear Kaori,
Hisashiburi, no da! The site is really nice, no da! I had to replace the nihgongo with romanji as the html editor doesn't seem to support it unless each character is a graphic. Gomen, no da. We will put one of your banners up on our Links Peeji so please put a link to us on your peeji, no da. Welcome back!
Dear Chichiri,
Thank you Chichiri!!^^;..But do me a favor..and leave your mask off please..?you look way much better without it on...
Dear Chiya,
I shall try, no da. *Removes mask and smiles at her.*
Dear Tasuki,
Him?I'z happenz to bez a Girl..tank you very much..*snatches the water..and sips it cutely..looking at him very in.."Don't hurt me.."kind of look*
Lil Taski(Female!)
Dear Lil Taski,
A WHAT?!?!?!? Yer a girl??? *Looks closely at her…* Hmmm… guess ya' are. Jus' what I need… ANOTHER sister! >.<
Dear Hotohori,
Hi hi! You're my friends Houki-Pokey's favorite character! I was wondering...since her birthday in on the 7th (eep got the date wrong before. sorry houki-pokey-chan) could you wish her a happy birthday? She'll be 13 (yay a teenager) Thanks. Bye!
Dear Suta,
Certainly. Otanjoubi omedeto gozaimasu Houki-pokey chan.
Dear Nuriko,
Konichiwa. Um..I have a bit of a year I have to choose classes I'd want to take but the thing is I can't choose between 2 things I like, dance and cello. My friend said that the dance club takes up a lot of time so I'd probably not have time for strings. The good thing is I will still have dance classes at night 2 days a week. What do you think I should do? life is too hecktic...well ja ne...oooh one more thing, my friend Houki-Pokey turns 13 on the 9th :)
See you,
Dear Suta,
I would choose the cello since you can still go to dance classes 2 nights out of the week.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hello again:) Umm just wondering but you you had two children (a girl and a boy) what would you name them? Well ja ne :)
Dear Suta,
Tamahome - Akina and Toya
Tasuki - Kana an' Daichi
Chiriko - Yuki and Yuuki
Nuriko - Kouran and Yuuya
Hotohori - Haruko and Eiji
Mituskake - Yoshie and Motohisa
Chichiri - Kourin Hikou, no da
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tamahome,
*appears in front of Tamahome* here's something I created that you might find interesting.... *hands him a bracelet thingy* it's not what it looks like. It'll work only for you, and what it does is whenever you're about to get fried, it casts a powerful blast of water...... just thought you might want to try it out! Bye! *disappears before Tasuki can find her fromt the last incident...*
Water Mage
Dear Water Mage,
Dear Tasuki,
*glomps tackles Tasuki* I'm still alive!!!! Just incase you wanted to know ^^;;; grrrr....*growls at school* I hate being in Chemistry and Pre-Cal --;;; too much home work ;-; And that means I can't get online as much anymore ;-; *glomps Tasuki* Did I tell ya that I'm in art now! I'm a Junior in Art 1 ^^;; It's crazy, but my teacher likes my anime drawings *glomps Tasuki again* Ano...Tasuki-kun, I was wondering, does CnA plan to post my pictures I sent her? ^^; I could always resend them if she lost them or something, Ok *glomps him one more time to make sure he can't breath* Ja ne!
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
Pictures? I dunno if she got 'em. Ya' better send 'em again to be sure. *Turns blue...*
Dear Chiriko,
Chiriko-samaaa! I love you! Will you marry me?
Dear Yvonne,
I'm a bit young for that, but I'll be your friend.
Dear Chichiri,
How exactly do you SEE through your mask?
Dear Karasuki,
It's magical, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Have you ever masticated when you thought of Kouji?
Dear Karasuki,
Yer askin' if I ever chewed food while thinkin' of Kouji? Yer an odd one! I guess so if I was eatin' at th' time.
Dear Hotohori,
how did Chichiri no Aijin come up with ask the seishi ::thinks she is really smart:: Tasuki didn't flame me! He got all smelly again tho... does he roll in dirt or something? I'm really happy with high school no da ^_^. I'm also happy cuz I get to play Chichiri in a fy rpg. You were already taken :< I don't think I could act like you tho since I haven't had proper training as a noble person... o well. Rambling is fun no da ^_^()()()()
Dear Morphie-chan,
She was recovering from a car accident and decided she wanted to learn HTML coding. She and her husband brainstormed and this site was born. We're glad you like it!
Dear Nuriko,
Hi Hi, Sixthform is rather scary, I really don't like my English Lit teacher, infact I REALLY REALLY don't like him. We have to read The Wife of Bath by Chauser, who he is obsessed with, Im like go marry him then if he's so perfect! I hate middle english, its hard to understand. I don't really like the books we're doing *sniff* back in Comprehensive school we got to do "To Kill A Mocking Bird" Everythings got so hard :( I think im changing from Lit to pyschology tomorrow. Not everything was so bad, R.E was good, Its a lot of debating, fun, as is theatre studies, I have to do an essay on how I would set each scene in A Midsummer Nights Dream. I like stuff like that, only Im not keen on Shakespeare:( I do like reading though, except Mr Knight (my Lit teacher, although Ive thought of another name for him that rhymes but I can't really type that) was asking what everyone read and someone said Harry Potter. He was like "Oh interesting.....for a 13 yr old" he kept putting everything down. I dreaded telling him I read manga, he would probably make some remark about 16 yr olds shouldn't be reading comics and should read Jane Austen, another obsession of his. However I was going to tell him I had read Hannibal and Les Miserables, but Im sure he'd find a remark for that too.
I was talking to a girl who now knows me as Hello Kitty girl because my locker is covered in stickers and I have the coolest pen from America! Thats another thing - Lockers woooh, freaky. But at least I can walk into Durham and sit by the Cathedral and eat Sushi from Marks and Spencers at Dinnertime hehe. I try not to get tempted to shop while im at college but its very hard. Im recovering from my cold and my legs healing. Im really tired now though so im gonna have a little kip, I dont get in till 4.45 its a long bus journey and I've got work *groan* bye bye *hugs her brother goodnight* xxxxxxxx
Dear Jen,
Are you in England? I assumed from your mention of Durham that you were in North Carolina, but your Marks and Spencer comment really threw me! If you are, how cool! Chichiri no Aijin has been there several times and loved it! As for your teacher, can you go to a counselor and ask to switch instructors? If not, is it possible to drop the class and take it later with a different instructor? He sounds like a bit of a pretentious baka.
Dear Tasuki,
*reads responces* Hey whos the other Xelloss in here?
Dear XellossMetali,
I dunno! It wasn't you?
Dear Chichiri,
of course I've seen Lost Universe! what kind of Slayers finatic do you think I am?! Rail is my seiyuu in that show. Lina is Canal and I think Martina is Milli or Nina. Btw Kane isnt my kid he's his g-ma's grandson(which COULD be Lina!)! ooh Arc the Lad and Dual are good ones..too bad I rented the 3rd tape of Arc first and then rented the 2nd thinking it was the real first one..I have yet to rent the first tape *sweatdrop* demo I figured out what was going on while watching the third tape so I cant wait to see the 4th. Gomen about the confusion about SuuPuu I was going to watch the whole show (if it ever gets here!) just cause I thought your and my voices were in it. *sighs* now I'll just watch it cause of my voice and cause SuuPuu is just cool. just wondering how many animes have you seen? yare yare I'd better let you go..the mob of fangirls awaits ne? ooh another thing you wouldnt consider me a "fangirl" ne?
Dear XellossMetali,
Of course not! You're Xelloss, no da. CnA and we have seen roughly 100+ anime titles, no da. Frightening, ne? Actually Rail's seiyuu is also Tamahome's seiyuu, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Poor Tasuki-san! Evil fan girls just keep stealing your sake and putting pink bows in your hair! Bad, evil fan girls!!! Leave poor Tasuki-san alone! ::pulls spear from behind back:: Or you'll have ME to deal with! ::grin:: Gomen nasaii, Tasuki-san, demo there is nothing I hate more than a pink bow, except maybe several pink bows. Here, have some sake on me. Maybe if you get drunk, you won't keep frying things??
Dear Kokkei,
Cool! Thanks! *Drinks his sake.* Oishii!
Dear Tamahome,
Hey Oniisan, I have a BIG question to ask of you.....How do you get a guy to like you?The reason why I'm asking you is because you are a guy afterall and you do have a girlfriend er wife?and I told this guy that I liked him and he was a little shocked kind of like how you were towards Miaka when she first told you that she loved you?well all I did was tell him that I had a crush on him.What do I do now?Let me know?arigato.
Dear Destiny,
I would recommend backing off and just being friends with him. We men scare easily when we hear declarations of affection!
Dear Chichiri,
Hello there again friend! I already finished ~:: Veiled Reflections ::~ in case you don't know what that is, well IT'S A SHRINE FOR YOU AND NURIKO! Yup, to show you both how Chichiri and Nuriko enthusiast I am. I already told Steph about this. Sign the gbook Chichiri ok. Oh by the way please tell Steph that I'm a boy ok, not a gal...
Dear Louver,
I've signed your guest book, no da. Arigato for the great shrine, no da! I'll let her know that you are a guy, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
Hello there Nuriko, guess what? I already finished the shrine I was making for you and Chichiri ( I already sent an email to your webmistress about it. I hope you will like it too. Please sign the gbook Nuriko, please...
Dear Louver,
I signed your guest book and CnA has 6 approved pieces of fanart to email to you. Just make sure that all the artists are properly credited. Arigato for the beautiful shrine!
Dear Chichiri,
::falls into chair in front of computer:: I don't know why I keep joining tennis every year. I always come home after a 3 hour practice dead. And then, I wanted to take a nap, but my friend called, and I had to play Dr. Dani, Teenage Relationship Psychologist. Then another friend brought over a large jar of quarters so that i could sort through them for the state quarters. I'm going to Japan and I'm giving a board with the released state quarters to my host family as a gift. But I'm tired now, an I dun wanna go to school. What do you do during the day?
Dear Danielle,
Answer letters, rescue Miaka, advise Hotohori, keep Tasuki out of trouble, fish, and wander, no da
Dear Nuriko,
*tries to unpry ken off of nuriko's leg*Gomen Nuriko this is my little nephew ever since i started dating rokou he thinks you're his uncle
Ken:I love uncle nuriko!!!!!
Water Sprite
Dear Water Sprite,
Kawaii!!! Daijoubu desu. So, how is my brother?
Dear Chiriko,
Arigato for the help. Now we don't have to keep wondering about that. You are so sweet and kind and smart. *hugs him and hands him some chocolate and a pixie stick* Don't eat it all at once! *grin*
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
Arigato! Glad I could help!
Dear Hotohori,
*starts pouting* I'm supposed to do what the doctor wants me to do? That's something I might actually have to try. Well, since it gives me a reason to go slow, *grins suddenly* and you so say, then OK!!
Me, die, from not following instructions? Eek. That doesn't sound so good. I think you have a very valid point, therefore as your loyal subject(and self-appointed protector) I'll be more than happy to oblige. *grin and pulls out some chocalate ice cream and cake* Here, no da. Just cause I love ya.
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
Arigato. I'm very happy that you have decided to listen to me and to your doctor. *Smiles and sparkles*
Dear Tamahome,
Will anime ever come to real life
Dear Crystal,
Only through cosplayers.
Dear Tamahome,
Arigato for telling Keisuke about me.How is it I'm too young for him?Oh well,being friends is a good way to start off I think *smiles widely*What is AX01?Was everyone there?Arigato ^_^.Am I being annoying oniisan?
Dear Destiny,
Keisuke is in his 20's. AX01 stands for Anime Expo 2001. We were all there and we got to see Watase-sensei as well. Not yet. *Smiles*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
do you guys get naked
Dear none,
Only when we bathe!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Chichiri,
Do you think you can make me one of those prayer bead necklaces like yours?? pretty please??
Dear Nemiko,
If I were able to, how would I get it to you, no da? I have no way to get to your world, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
My nerves are absolutely shot. i'm so stressed and tired out. to top it off, more medical tests, and ballet, too! ::sigh:: i think i need a hug.
Dear ashley,
*All the Seishi give her hugs and Mitsukake gives her some chamomile tea to calm her down.*
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
This will be fun.... My name is Aiaki and I'm the oldest of 26 sisters, my birthday is Sept. 6, and I am..... 2..........2 yeah, I'm 22 years old.
My sisters are:Biaki, Ciaki, Diaki twins with Eiaki < Fiaki <, Giaki dead, Hiaki dead, Iiaki murdered, Jiaki, Kiaki, Liaki twins with Miaki All of us ,except for Tiaki, love men. Tiaki's problem... she was kidnapped by a group of men, nuff said. Don't ask how we were named. We have some questions:
Nuriko: Your so kawaii!! What happened to your sister?
Hotohori: Your so gorgeous! Why?
Tamahome: Can we call you Tama-chan for fun?
Tasuki: *Tiaki rolls her eyes* If found a girl who didn't get you killed or in trouble would you be friends with her?
Mitsukake: What's your favorite love song? (ours? Don't ask)
Chiriko: Your so smart! Can you be our teacher? (beggy dog eyes)
ChiChiri: (Aiaki's crush!!) Would you go out with Aiaki if you spent enough time with her?
Aiaki: He is not my crush you blasted sisters!
Sisters: *giggle in a corner*
the Celestial Sisters (mainly brats)
Dear Celestial Sisters,
Nuriko: She was killed in an accident.
Hotohori: Excellent genes I suppose.
Tamahome: NO!
Tasuki: Mebbe…
Mitsukake: The one I sing.
Chiriko: I would if I was able to come to your world or you to mine.
Chichiri: As a friend, no da.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Chichiri,
Schools back -_- Oy.
I dunno if i wanna be smart. It seems that if you get good can never find someone who loves you. I 15 and have never been kissed! But those who dont do well...they are loved. How do you do both? *sighs* this world confuzzles me.
About Kouran having black hair.......its brown from what ive seen in pics. lol. Cya soon.
Love you 2 pieces,
Dear Lybra,
I don't think that's true, no da. Men do like smart women. It just takes time for them to grow up and realize it, no da.
Dear Chiriko,
Chiriko! You won't believe what my friend told me today in math! She said she might as well start calling me Chiriko-chan! I have A+ average in all my classes!!!!!! Yay!!!!!
Dear Chiri-neko,
Omedeto gozaimashita on your excellent grades! Keep up the good work!
Dear Mitsukake,
*smiles* Mitsu-chan. Your so caring. *something snaps and turns her from fan to mad fangirl with Tama-neko ears* Mitsukake!!!!!!!! *latches to his arm purring* Your soooooooooo totally kawaii, na no da!!!!!
Dear MiaMiaMia,
*Sweatdrops and blushes* Arigato for all your kind words. Ano… kawaii neko ears.
Dear Hotohori,
*swoons madly* Hoto-san! Your so gorgeous! *goes a dark red and faints*
Dear Hiakou,
Arigato! *Catches her before she hits the ground and gently places her on a couch.*
Dear Nuriko,
Nuri-chan!!!!!! *grabs his arm* Your so totally Kawaii! I love you so much!!!!!!!! *cuts off blood to his arm*
Dear Nia-chan,
ACK! Can I have my arm back, onegai???
Dear Chichiri,
My sister, Tiaki is causing is gonna pick a fight with Tasuki. I can't do anything about because we live 500 miles apart... (If anyone is wondering why all our name's end in aki, don't ask.)
Dear Ciaki,
I see, no da. Should I intervene, no da?
Dear Tasuki,
*crosses her arms and wraps her dragontail around her legs* Men are so useless. *sticks tongue at him* Mainly you, Fangboy. *pops fingers* And there's no use chasing me onto the messageboard or chatroom...FYI I'm not alowed to go there. So there. *holds up monk staff* Fangboy... nice name. *wraps her tail around his neck* Ain't that the cutest name for you? *kisses Tasuki against his will then tightens her grip on his neck.*
Dear Tiaki,
*Smacks her with his tessen to get her to loosen her grip on him.* Th' names Tasuki, NOT Fangboy!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I'm having a slumber party, no girls allowed. (Except me, of course) I'm going to let you all play dressup, and I'll have nail polish, make up, and lots of food. Then we can all tell ghost (really sexy) storys, and we can all play show and tell. So, fellows are you UP for it????
Dear SSSavory333,
I am! *Looks at the rest of the sweatdropping Seishi..* WHAT???
Dear Nuriko,
Onii-san! *hugs his legs* I miss you a lot! Can we go somewhere together? Some place fun. ^_^ Maybe we can play dress up too. I love you! Ja ne!
Dear Kourin,
Sure! Want to go clothes shopping?
Dear Tamahome,
ONII-CHAAAN! WE MISS YOU!! You should visit soon! Or at least write to us...oi, I'm learning to fish better and Yurien made another necklace for you. We love you, matane!
Chuei and Yurien
Dear Chuei and Yurien,
I miss you guys, too! I'll try to visit more often.
Dear Tasuki,
Oii!! Y'ain't been home lately! *fwap* WASSA MATTER?! Forget you got family?! Honestly, Shu-chan. ,,
*grins* Ma made you some clothes and I just knoooow you're DYING to try them on. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Dear Onee-san,
Yeah, yeah… so, whassup?
Dear Tasuki,
Nice name, Tasuki ^0^... Did you know that in night_mare's SI that I am your daughter?
Landra Blaze
Dear Landra Blaze,
You are? So, is Lina Inverse yer ma? *Smirks*
Dear Mitsukake,
*dressed in nija attire* *takes a piece of rope and ties his hands together*Muaha!Now I've captured you!You will be locked in a safe!*watches as the rope falls off* ...Damn.--; *takes the rope and runs off*
Dear Odd Person,
*Sweatdrops at the odd person…*
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki-chan if i was drownding in a lake would you give me mouth to mouth resesatation??
Dear Tana,
Sure, can't let ya' die can I? I wouldn't be much of a hero would I? By th' way, DON'T go tryin' to drown yerself! I can't make it to yer world to save ya'. But if I could, I would.
Dear Tasuki,
i just watched the first episode your in. Your so cool my friends keep saying you like milk is that true
a confused fan
Dear confused,
No! I hate milk! But I like sake!
Dear Tasuki,
*hands Tasuki an orange and walks away*
Dear SynAngel,
Eh? Arigato!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I am in a Fushigi Yuugi RPG. Even if this message is not posted in the archives could you please respond somehow? my e-mail is We need a Mitsukake san... if you know where to find a person who will act as him pleeeeeze pleeze pleeze let him or her contact me. ::sigh:: no one wants to be aniki :<
slightly saddened Morphie-chan
Dear Morphie-chan,
Well minna, anyone want to RP as me?
Dear Tasuki,
*takes it and drinks some* ah, Arigato. Much better. *looks at him* did you think you could beat me on cheap sake?
Dear Bon,
Nah, guess Tamahome's ways are jus' rubbin' off on me. *Grins*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
What are your pet peeves?
Dear Solar,
All: Being asked the same questions over and over. People that are unkind to others.
Hotohori: Ugly things
Tasuki: MILK!
Chiriko: People who won't do their schoolwork and want others or me to do it for them. They won't learn that way and only end up hurting themselves.
Tamahome: Being poor
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Umm hi Seishi...*bows before them* I've been a avid fan of you page for a while and I finally brought up enough guts to write to you all. I need some advice of the heart. You see, my boyfriend, who I love very much, lives on the other side of the country and I miss him terribly. I was wondering how I go about getting rid of this aching in my heart? *stars to cry* I try to keep myself as busy but I miss him so much it hurts. I want to be with him so bad and I can't go out to visit him because I have school. Any advice any of you can give I would gladly appriciate.
Arigato gozaimasu!
Kagami no Namida
PS: Could I just ask Hotohori-sama for a hug? He's my favorite senshi. Arigato.
Dear Kagami no Namida,
Long distance relationships are always very hard even if they are friendships. Are you able to call, email, or IM him? If so, I'm sure you do. The ache I'm sorry to say can't really be cured. It is one of those times when love hurts. The best you can do is to keep in touch any way you can. Good luck. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
I don't get people. People are like a strange and foreign concept. They do stupid, stupid, stupid things. And why does anybody waste time being bitterly or spitefully jealous of anybody else? Especially friends. I'm really annoyed with Nova Strike because she's showing signs of jealous when it comes to that GW fanfic Firefury and I are writing. It's so annoying ><; It's so petty, and so stupid!
One of these days I'll either A) end up laying all the cards on the table, or B) Lose control of my serious PMS, which is in dire need of being treated . And she's so over sensitive too ><; I hate over sensitive people 'cause I used to be one and it sucked. I'm sorry, but I don't read fanfiction on the grounds I don't want to inadvertantly copy somebody. I rarely read fanfiction also because some stories are just too long. And Nova's not that great a writer. She's better than she used to be, but she doesn't research ahead of time! So she doesn't know what the h*ll she's writing about. And the out of characterness of things. Oi! The bastardization of characters! My patience with her is really low right now.
And I finally got my necklace back from Nate with the stuff Rachey got me in Japan -_-; The f*cking chain is broken. He says it was never in Rachey's possession and I believe him about that. But I'm not so sure HE didn't break it because my over all trust level for him, Rachey, and all the people who know him in real life is almost non-existant.
AND MY LUCKY RING FREAKING BROKE! Grrrr! The black heart that was in it popped out and is gone now -_-;
And Denny (the evil psycho ex of my aunt) is being stupid again -_-; It never eeeeennds Tasuki. It never ends.... @_@;
Dear One-chan,
*Gives her a hug and holds her.* Yeah, sometimes people can really suck, can't they? Wish I could do somethin' more fer ya'. *Gives her some chocolate.* It calms Nuriko down, so I thought it might work on ya' as well.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
My little brother is so cool he bought me the Suzaku Box set for my birthday
a fan
Dear fan,
You do have a cool little brother and he's rich, too!
Dear Chichiri,
DA!!! *runs in and jumps on her aniki* DA!! *squels* Hoshino-chan did it!! *gets off of Chichiri and calms down a little* I started a webthingy(page) and and Hoshino-chan is my wonderful,loving, empress/co-hostess of my site and and she put up my guestbook and changed the picture, and and now I can learn how to load up my fanfics!!
*squels again* It's sooo wonderful!! Daa!! You have your tenshi, no da. She's soooo Wonderful. And if you want, I'll give you guys the URL and hopefully you can link me. Is it ok, if I link you? Since you guys are like my FAVE place to visit? Love ya! *kisses him on the cheek* JA, NO DA!!
an elated Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
Arigato for your kind words. Of course you can, no da! Please use one of the banners that was created for us. If you send us your link we'll add you to our Links Peejii, no da.
Dear Hotohori,
*runs in and glomps Hotohori and then unpries herself* I had to do that. I hadn't glomped you in over two months and I was beginning to miss it. You will be glad to know that so far, I'm doing great in school and I'm running a lot and keeping in shape. You will also be glad to know that the rest of the Tenshi and I survived another tornado/flood thingy(warning, watch, whatever.)
I am also busy building my own website(or whatever it's called), and I'm also writing a BUNCH of fanfics. Oh yeah.
One thing that really sucks this school year, I have Asthma, or so my doctor says. He gave me an inhaler, 3, to be exact. Personally, I think he's wrong and just trying to make money. I'm not weak and i don't believe that I need an inhaler. But my coach is treating me like a baby and not letting me prove myself as much as I would like to. *growls* Geez, running was never this boring before. Any hints on what I should do? Arigato and wo ai ni. Tell Houki and everyone that I say hi.
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
Follow the advice of your doctor and coach. If you have asthma and push yourself too hard you could die. Please take care of your self. Minna says hi.
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