Dear Chiriko,
Ok this is not a question for my homework or anything. I don't cheat like that. Well, I try not to cheat that much. Anyways. Kageno-chan and I was watching Yu Watase-sama's new series "Arashi no Ceres"(sp?) and there was a comment that made us want to do some research, so I turned to you, the expert.
The comment was, "That's weird that the whole family should celebrate thier birthday." The twins were turning 16 and everybody kept making comments of the same nature. I was wondering what they may have meant by that comment.
Kageno-chan and I know nearly nothing on the family traditions with birthdays in Japan and seriously wanted to reseach this wonderful new series by Yu Watase-sama. Any help would be most welcome. Arigato in advance.
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
This doesn't seem to be a tradition so much as it is more usual to celebrate one's birthday with one's friends as one gets older instead of one's family.
Dear Nuriko,
*staggers into the room, and drops onto a couch* my things are ready to go.. my false labor pains are coming more often now. I'm waiting for my water to break.. Kourin-chan would have had to go through this.. *sits back, looks at herself and starts crying* Look at me I'm the size of a barn!! I'm so ugly now!!!
Dear Doc-sama,
*Hugs her* You are carrying Suzaku's gift! You are beautiful to me!
Dear Hotohori,
Good day to you, Hotohori-sama. I have recently become aware of the fact that a certain individual, known better to you as "Beth-san," has been doing her best to obtain your affections. Now, normally, I wouldn't get involved in such an affair, particularly since I am well-aware of the fact that Nuriko still longs for your affections, and...well, I do love Nuriko-sama. *glittery eyes*
*ah-ah-hem* HOWEVER...seeing as Beth-san is my dear roommate, and thus can make life a living hell for me should I further deter her advances...well, I've decided to assist her in her conquests as best I can.
Now. First of all, I realize that she may have gotten herself on your bad side (not that you have one, Hotohori-sama dear--it's a metaphor) by...err...well, threatening to have Houki killed...but, I'm certain that she was merely saying such a thing to prove just how deeply her affections lie. Houki-san is in no danger whatsoever, and I'm sure that--if the two ever had the occasion to meet--Beth-san would be as polite as one would ever expect her to be, and would most certainly not create any sort of situation which might eventually lead to Houki coming to any sort of harm.
Now, with that out of the way, allow me to say that I've known Beth-san for all of my life, and thus am clearly aware of all the qualities she possesses, both positive and negative. Despite what you may think, Hotohori-sama, she would make an excellent match for you.
She appreciates your beauty, for one thing, which is certainly a mark in her favor, ne? She is intelligent, well-versed in literature and history, can speak near-fluent French, and is on her way to learning Japanese! She has excellent taste in anime, excellent taste in art, music, and, of course, in roommates! (Oh-ho-hoo!)
*ahem* Regardless...I do believe that you should at least consider Beth-san's request more seriously. After all, for most of your time with the Suzaku shichiseishi, you were very deeply in love with Miaka, ne? And yet, even though you could not have her, you still managed to find love with Houki! could be the same with Beth-san! You must, however, give her a chance first, Hotohori-sama.
I don't ask for much, merely for you to have a preliminary interview with young Beth-san to test her worth as a possible bride. No obligation, no money down--simply an interview! Tis simple, ne? And, what young emperor marries for life without first checking out all his options??
Do give Beth-san another chance. I have a feeling she won't give up easily, Hotohori-sama...what've you got to lose??
Dear Ryuen,
You have stated her case quite eloquently. However, since Houki is my Empress and I have no intention of changing her status, the best Beth-san could hope for was concubine, which I feel is beneath her and as I do not wish to insult her I would rather she just be my friend.
Dear Nuriko,
*A little 4 year old boy hugs his leg*Uncle Nuriko!!!!!
Dear Ken,
Oh! Are you my older brother's kodomo?
Dear Chichiri,
My friend is in love with you... should i be worried? Do you speak Japanese? can you teach me?
Dear boyfriendless,
No, no da. I do but I would not be the best teacher. Have you checked our Nihongo Links Peeji, no da?
Dear Nuriko,
Hello, I smell really bad, what should i do? How can i tell if that special somone likes me?
Dear Boyfriendless,
Bathe more often and use deodorant. You can tell by how he looks at you and how he treats you.
Dear Chiriko,
Why, whn you died, did you have pink hair? Is this normal, b/c i had a lot of money put into dying my hair brown.
Dear Boyfriendless,
I've always had that hair color.
Dear Mitsukake,
I keep getting lost in my new high school and always sit down in the wrong classes. I can't unlock my locker and i'm always late for field hockey. Any suggestions?
Dear Boyfriendless,
Get a map until you can find your way around and practice unlocking your locker.
Dear Hotohori,
My friends like hitting me. I'm made of basically rubber and water so i bounce right back up, but it still hurts... here >puts hand over heart and starts crying< is this b/c i'm goalie for field hockey or should i just stop making stupid and annoying comments?
Dear Boyfriendless,
Well, if they were hitting you in the context of a field hockey game, I'd say it was because you were the goalie.
Dear Chichiri,
chichiri, your so wise for a 24 year old and your so cool. but why wear a mask when you shouldn't care about your looks you should be thankfull for your sexy face and enjoy life to it's fullest. Well my
question was why hide who you are behind a mask and tell every one who you are because if you don't then your friends won't know what kind of person you are? And if they judge you for who you are there not really your friends at all.And your getting this from an 11 year old who knows.
your pal,
Rachel anne bell
Dear Rachel,
Arigato. You're very wise, too no da.
Dear Tasuki,
*casts a blast of water that overpowers the fire and drenches Tasuki* hehehehe! Oh, for future reference, I don't go down that easily. *disappears before Tasuki can get her*
Water Mage
Dear Water Mage,
*Drips and looks generally ticked off.*
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki, I need yer help with somethin'!
I WOULD ask Chiriko, demo, I think that this is best suited for you to answer, and besides, Chiriko's too young fer all this!~_^.
I'd like to know how to say the following in Japanese:
"%*&$ off!"
"lemme alone!"
"%*&$ you @$$ hole!!"
and uhh, can you reccomend a good one similar to the above?? Arigatou!!!^__________^
Dear Fallon,
Zakennayo or kono yarou, hottoite, bakayarou an' that's all I'm gonna tell ya'!
Dear Nuriko,
why are you gay?
racel bell
Dear racel bell,
I'm not. I'm a cross-dresser.
Dear Tasuki,
I'll get all the info for you to remaember "...wiggle, wiggle part two...", okay. Write you back soon.
Dear Pamela,
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
What a horrible day today was! First of all, I've been awake since 2pm YESTERDAY!
1st period I have English with a crazy teacher who thinks she's a bird^^;;
2nd, ROTC band, which was soooo boring I almost fell out of my seat!
3rd I had the teacher yell at me 'cause I was laying my head down on the desk!!
4th, was ok, I the teacher has all kinds of strange stories and all about all sorts of animals(I can tell this is ganna be one of my favorite classes)
5th was A'ight, although, when the class was divided up, I was left in the middle of 2 groups=/
and 6th was EXTREAMLY boring!! we were in Geometry, and we were doing things that even my brother could do! We had gone over this crap years ago! And to make matters worse, there were 3 bakas in there, and I dun' wanna go back!T.T
Almost everyone in the class decided to just walk out of the class, 'cause we had to catch the bus to go home(which was in the front of the school) and we were all the way in the back! And I was NOT about to get stuck up at school for a second time!!
Oh, and while all this is happening, I've got this major migraine throbbing on the right side of my forhead, and a cramp in one of my legs(which has been there since sunday morning)!!!
Well, I hope your guys' days have been better than mine was!
Dear Fallon,
They have! Get some sleep and I'm sure you'll feel better. Take care.
Dear Tasuki,
hihi tasuki-samaaaaa!!! *hugs* it's been a long time... i have been soooo busy... school started last week and they are giving us so much homework.... @_@... so anyway, i finally saw the fy oav's!!! they were so freaky! my favorite parts were the omake at the end.. ^^; but anyway, i heard somewhere that they're going to animate some of those novels that watase-sensei drew... you know, the ones that go into the seishis' past... have you heard anything about that?
Dear Moon,
They are! It was at announced at AX01. They'll animate th' last 2 novels I think.
Dear Tamahome,
Hi! I was just wondering HOW much you loved Miaka! If miaka was falling off a cliff heading towards sharp jagged rocks at the bottom would you jump off and risk your life to save her?
What would you do if it was Hotohori, Nuriko, Mitsukake, Nakago, Chiriko, Soi, Miboshi, Chichiri, Tasuki, Tomo, Ashitare, Amiboshi or Suboshi falling?
Dear Houki-chan,
I would risk my life to save Miaka or any of my fellow Seishi. The Seiryuu are on their own.
Dear Tasuki,
YOUR AWSOME ::jumps up an down all happy:: you liked my story yay! ::clings to his arm:: your the best! ^_^
Dear Tana,
Thanks! *Fanged grin*
Dear Hotohori,
Hellooooo Can you hide me? I just gave Tasuki a bath and he looks ticked... ::cowers behind Hotohori:: do people ever call you sahite? would you prefer that? does it ever get boring in the palace? Why do you completely ignore the women in your heram? ::grins:: just kidding about that last one. Did you think Tamahome's siblings were kawaii? sorry I'm rambling @_@() ::hugs and continues to hide from the ticked off seishi of doooooom::
Morphie-chan the scared
Dear Morphie-chan,
Certainly. Houki does in private, but either name is fine with me. It does get boring in the Palace. Tamahome's siblings were very kawaii.
Dear Chichiri,
Konnichi wa no da... who gets the most letters? the least? how long does it take you guys to answer all of em? can I join you guys fishing? ::pulls rod and tackle box and picnic basket out of her kasa:: Was ashly catching the same fish? ^_^()
Dear Morphie-chan,
Tasuki and I get the most letters, no da. I think Hotohori and Mitsukake get the least. It can take upwards of a week to do all the letters depending on how many we get at one time, no da. Of course you may join us! I think she is, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
Do you still have the hair you chopped off? I got a replica of one of ur bracelets but it broke >< I had to super glue it together ::Sob:: I was so sad... it was a good 50 bux too @_@ daaa... o well... so how are you? it's cool over here I'm a lil bored but school starts soon so :)
Dear Morphie-chan,
I'm fine. I do have my braid since Tasuki gave it back to me.
Dear Tasuki,
Hey tasuki! I still say you need a bath no da! ::dumps tas un a tub with his clothes still on (I'm not gonna encourage the h-waves O_o) and puts shampoo and conditioner in his hair:: ::to self:: lather rinse repeat... ::does so:: :: in 15 minutes tasuki is squeaky clean:: there, now all the fan girl drool is gone :) ::Evil:: ::runs away afore he can flame her::
Dear Morphie-chan,
Well, at least I ain't covered in fangirl drool! But I know how to *(^%$#@ bathe! I'll do it myself next time, thanks!
Dear Mitsukake,
Aniki! gomen nasaii! How are you doing? I haven't gotten to talk to you for a while. ::smiles and gives him a yellow rose:: I was sooooo busy with summer reading and junk. School starts on thursday the 6th for me @_@. Did you have to go through any school ta become a doctor or did it just come naturally. ::hugs:: do they sell a tama neko plushie anywhere? I've been looking for one but I can't find :<. Do you ever appear in dojinshi? (non hentai @_@) I'm really exited bout school. I hope it turns out okay. Good luck with everything and tell Chichiri No aijin I said hi no da. :) ::hugs again::
Dear Morphie-chan,
Chichiri no Aijin says hi. I was taught medicine by my village healer. As far as I know there are no plushie Tama nekos. I do appear in some non-hentai doujinshi.
Dear Nuriko,
*nods* Hai, certainly. This way onegaishimasu ... *leads him to Doc-sama*
Dear Kokie,
Dear Nuriko,
I haven't wrote you in a while..but I have this really bad problem.;-; See,I like this one boy but my friend is going to tell him!Noo!What should I do? Punch it out of him? Bribery? Murder? Help,Nuriko-sama!;-;
Dear Ash-chan,
Why not ask her nicely not to say anything? If that doesn't work, there's always bribery…
Dear Nuriko,
Hi Nuriko, *hugs her big brother* How have you been? I start college tomorrow, quite scary, also I have to get a bus at 7.30 in the morning to get into Durham :( It was late last time, buses scare me. How will I ever get my beauty sleep if I have to get up at 6.30 in the morning?
Im poorly at the moment. I have a bad head, a sore throat and cough, my friend gave me a cold:( Just when I start college too. Also I cut my leg open today, I was trying to get better in bed (not being lazy honestly) and the phone rang grrrrr, waking me up, I ran to get it and ran straight into my mum's dresser lol I was half asleep.
I have an audition on Friday for Evita (scary) I hope my throat gets better by then, wish me luck :)
Well I gotta go dry my hair now, bye xxxxxxx
P.S I think the gurlpages server is back up:)
Dear Jen,
Good luck and please take care of yourself!
Dear Chichiri,
*points accusing finger at Chichiri* Yes you did! It's just logic! You weren't genuinly worried, so that would mean I worried you by freaking you out. Freaking out=scare. Either way, you're mean! *continues crying*
Yuuki Yuiren
Dear Yuuki Yuiren,
I am not, no da! I was worried about you! Why wouldn't I be, no da? Your head gets slammed in a door and then you start acting odd, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Hmm...*sneaks up and grabs his sake, tries it, and giggles* This is good! Thanks Tasuki! *Runs off, stops abruptly, turns around, and races back* Here ya go! *Places a huge bow in his hair, turns around, and races off(this time without stopping)
Dear Talia,
*Pulls the bow out of his hair and fries it.*
Dear Nuriko,
Hi again. How are you doing? I know that you have an older brother and a younger sister so what's it like to have siblings? Well cause I don't have any siblings so I'm pretty may be cause I'm adopted but I don't mind that...So what do you do all day to keep busy? Must be hard to be a Seishi...Well I g2g do homework. Talk to you Later,
Dear Suta,
It's nice. You always have someone to talk to and do things with. That is, if you get along with your siblings. *Thinks of Tasuki and his sisters and sweatdrops...*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
If You guys were girls what kind of name do you want?
Dear Sara,
Interesting question! Here are your answers:
Tamahome - Akina
Tasuki - Kana
Chiriko - Yuki
Nuriko - Kouran
Hotohori - Haruko
Mituskake - Yoshie
Chichiri - Kourin, no da
Dear Tasuki,
*steals Tasuki's fan* REKKA SHIEN! *fries the Suzaku Seishi* I've always wanted to do that... *hands Tasuki's fan back to him* Thanks! *dissapears*
Dear Xelloss,
*Grabs Xelloss before he completely vanishes and smacks him in the head with his tessen.* Baka mazoku...
Dear Chichiri,
Hello again. I'm going to send you an address about SuuPuu it has a few not too clear sounds but just to see what you think about you being "Not an Ordinary Hippo" *smiles* I have seen Clamp Campus Detectives (really cute btw) I've been watching Kenshin for about 2 years now. I saw the 2 tape movie of 3X3 Eyes demo I can only rent volume 3 and 7 of the show which doesnt help much *sweatdrop* I just finished Weiss Kreuz a few days ago. I haven't heard of Hime-chan's Ribbon nor Akazukan Cha-Cha demo I'll look around for them. Arigato for the suggestions. If you're wondering how I know how many animes I've seen I have a list that I keep adding to when I see a new show. At the moment I'm (still) watching Rurouni Kenshin & Ranma 1/2, Magic Users Club, Dual, and Arc the Lad. *sighs* too bad they only get new ones in about once a month. Gomen I'm rambleing I guess I let you go tend to minna ja
Dear XellossMetali,
Cute site, no da. Demo, my seiyuu didn't do this anime, no da. We've seen all the animes you mentioned except for Duel and Arc the Lad. Have you seen Lost Universe? The hero, Kain Blueriver, looks like he could be your and Lina's love child, no da!
Dear Mitsukake,
*Poke*Oniisan,are you still alive?How's tama-neko now?Is he back to normal yet?^_^Oh yea welcome back oniisan,guess what?Last week when I was off from work I started to draw you guys ^_^.I drew chibi versions of you guys.I can't draw the normal version *cries*.It's hard but for some reason I can only draw chibi why is that?Anywho,I hope you are well and tama-neko ^_^!Ja mata ne.
Dear Destiny,
He's back to normal and I'm feeling much better now.
Dear Tamahome,
Oniisan,did you let keisuke know about me yet?If so what did he say?O.o;When are you and Miaka going on a vacation?You guys really need one.I can help pitch in if you want to go on one?Cause I know how you LOVE your money so much.XD*turns chibi and hands him 100 gold ryou*Oh yea welcome back oniisan.How was your labor day weekend?
Dear Destiny,
Arigato! The weekend was fun. We went to the Post AX01 BBQ and relaxed in the park. Keisuke says hi. He thinks you're a bit young for him but, he'd like to be friends. Miaka and I have no vacation plans but when we do we'll let you know.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey ya'all! ^_^ Today's the first day of school over here! Lalala. I'm really bored. Give me some ideas of things to do k? =P
Inuchan (Inuyasha)
Dear Inuchan,
Study, study, study! Chiriko
Dear Nuriko,
*pout* how do you take care of hair that is Frizzy?? i try and work on it SOOOO mutch and it wont go down. alll the shampoos wont work for me and i didn't try them yet! i have school on Thursday so im probally doomed from the beginning....*sigh* sorry for waisting your time.
The dipressed little girl with frizzy
Dear Hakura,
If you didn't use the anti-frizz shampoos yet, how can you say they don't work? Go to your stylist and have them give you a cut that will help to tame your frizzies. Good luck!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
guesswhatguesswhatguesswhat!?!?! i'm writing another fanfic! ^-^ it's a co-ed sleepover party withthe suzaku and seriuu seishi and julie, and me and my anime disliking twin sister, and my friend jessie! and it's at my house! truth or dare and all that fun stuff! ::giggles:: yay!! and i got to pick out everyone's pajamas!! mitsukake gets to wear a frilly nightgown because nuriko switched his as a prank! XD bwahahahahahaha!!!
Dear ashley,
It sounds interesting. I'm sure you'll let us read it when you're done.
Dear Chichiri,
Can you see yourself as a penguin?
Do you want to?
Dear Sona,
No, no da. I see myself as a wanderer, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
thats a good idea lailai-chan had there... *superglues a pretty pink bow to tasuki's hair*
BWAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!! *runs away*
EVIL Dr.noname
Dear EVIL Dr.noname,
*Has CnA pour nail polish remover on the bow and pulls it out if his hair.* KNOCK IT OFF!!! Pink bows go in Suboshi's hair! NOT MINE!!!!!!!!! >.<
Dear Tasuki,
*puts a big pink bow in tasuki's hair that makes him act like a total baka* hee hee hee!!! ^-^
Dear lailai,
I DON'T think so! *Pulls bow out if his hair and fries it...*
Dear Chichiri,
...I scare you, Chichiri-sama...? I do...? *cries* You're mean, Chichiri! You're really meeeeaaan! *runs away with tears streaming down both cheeks*
Yuuki Yuiren
Dear Yuuki Yuiren,
I didn't say you scared me. I said you worried me, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
*bows* Excuse me, sir ... But your okusan has started to have false labor pains. She wished me to come and tell you. *smiles* I doubt that it will be too long now until the real thing ...
Dear Kokie,
Where is she? Take me to her!
Dear Nuriko,
Nuriko-sama!! Hi!! Do you remember me?? ^_^ Im glad I got to meet you!! And you picking me up with one hand was soooo sugoi!! *Is still impressed* ^_^
Dear Sakura,
*Smiles* I'm always happy to lend a hand.
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki-chaaaaan!! Hiya!! Did you miss me?? *Voice softens* Did you even notice I was gone...? ;-; *Brightens up* Anyway, how have ya been lately?? ^_^
Dear Sakura,
'Course I noticed! Welcome back! I'm doin' fine!
Dear Tamahome,
Hi Aniki-chan!! Gomen nasai I haven't talked to you in a while, ALOOOT has happened. But guess what...thanks to a large twist of fate and with the help of Doc-sama, I found out my family orgin and I am now the empress of Kutou...And that means I can pay to talk to you without anymore problems, Aniki!! *Burries Tamahome under a very large sack of gold ryou* ^_^ Im fixing up Kutou as best I can and I promise to honor the Sou name, Kishuku! Taking care of things have never been so difficult. ^^;; Oh well, I was prepared for this when I first became empress...Oh and just to let you know, your welcome to Kutou any time! ^_^
Sou Sakura
Dear Sou Sakura,
COOL! Arigato! *Hugs okane*
Dear Tasuki,
*glomps Tasuki* I'm sooo scared! There is a tornado warning for my area right now ;-; Thank Suzaku it's almost over ^^; demo...there is a flash flood warning going on till 2 am ;-; And you know what else?! I miss summer ^^;;; Ok, I'm done ^^; pray for me. ^^;;
Hino Tenshi (the scared little fire angel)
Dear Hino Tenshi,
I will. Don't be scared.
Dear Tasuki,
Just wanted to let you know that you are so incredibly cool! I'd call myself the Tasuki no Miko, if it wasn't already taken (but I am a DTFC member, so that's close enough!). I can't wait to see more of you in the next OAV! You were so buff in the second one! I made all of my friends watch it and we swooned over you ^_~ Anyway, I just wanted to know what your favorite song is, and what you'd like for your next birthday! Keep showing off those gorgeous fangs!
Dear Lordess,
Thanks fer sayin' all them nice thin's 'bout me. I like Aoi Sora Niwa, an' sake is ALWAYS a good gift fer me!
Dear Chichiri,
If you ever had a daughter, what would you name her?
Dear LandraBlaze,
Either Haruko or Yuki, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
If you ever had a daughter, what would you name her?
Dear LandraBlaze,
I'm probably gonna get SO hurt fer this … I'd name her Lina! *Fanged grin*
Dear Tasuki,
what is so wonderful about sake i don't get?
Dear luna,
I like th' way it tastes.
Dear Tamahome,
do you think they have ask the suirui (oops bad spelling) seishi?
Dear kit,
They do. Check our Links Peeji!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
how do u like miaka for a preistess?
Dear luna,
She is an excellent Miko. We are pleased.
Dear Nuriko,
Konban wa, Nuriko-sama! I have a question for you -- my friends and I really love going to cons, but we can never decide on who to cosplay, so we always end up going without costume... ;-; Do you have any suggestions for cosplay (for people with unbearably thick, curly, bangless and un-anime like hair -.-; )? We'd like to do Fushigi Yuugi but our problem is hair. Plus our budget is rather.. *ahem* limited, so that narrows down our possibilities. Any suggestions?? ^^; Arigatou for your time!
Dear Nuriko,
WHAT IS SO KOWAII ABOUT TOMO'S HAIRSTYLE?!?! I wuv Tomo-chan... Look at my fav chars.... A homo and a monk.... I need to work on my taste...
Yuuki Yuiren
Dear Yuuki Yuiren,
Yes you do. Although, there is nothing wrong with Chichiri.
Dear Nuriko,
Hi again. *sighs* It's been raining almost all day, what a waste. School is passing really slow this stinks. Although in strings it was ok because my teacher and some students were acting really stupid..they were doing impressions from "dude where's my car" -_-;;;
Lately I've been thinking of what I'd want to do for a job later on in my life. I LOVE to animate but I don't think I'm good enough...the thing is that I don't think that I'm really good at anything else besides that so it's a bit depressing. My friends say that I don't even need to think about it though...@_@...Oh well.
Anyways...have you ever heard of music by S.E.S? They have really good songs. It's Korean though. *sweatdrops* I can't think of anything else to ask so ja ne. *waves and walks off*
Talk to you later,
Dear Suta,
I have heard of S.E.S., but I've never listened to their music.
Dear Tasuki,
I think you are wicked cute! But how do you get your hair to stay that way?
Lexia San
Dear Lexia San,
Thanks! It jus' does it naturally!
Dear Mitsukake,
You hurt Bob's feelings!You should apologize! Why is it named Bob,everyone asks? I'm attempting to make them think I'm insane,I like the name Bob,and it's the only hat I have besides my kasa.Also,it's rather funny to make people meet Bob. Why am I cursing you? Because,you keep messing up my master plans...Waita sec! *gets two paper cups and a string,all attached*HA!
Oh,Can I have a headband to show you a trick I learned?Hu?^___^
Dear Ash-chan,
Ano… *Considers the damage she can cause with one of his headbands…*
Dear Chichiri,
o.k. it's me again my freind wrote that letter i am your number one fan........... your the nicest guy in the universe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i do have crush on u though ^-^ ya cio
your biggest fan in the universe!!!!!!
Dear fan,
*Blushes* Arigato for your kind words, no da.
Dear Mitsukake,
*pokes him with a stick* Ara...Mitsukake-kun? *looks at him* Mitsukake? *smacks him with the stick* UP AND AT EM!!! *waits until he wakes up* Okay. Here's the real Tama-neko. *hands him the cat, nothing wrong* That punk kitty? *looks at it meowing up a storm and eating catnip* That's the neighbor's cat. ^^; Wait until they see their poor little Akira...
Dear Alecia,
*Hugs Tama-neko* Thank Suzaku!
Dear Nuriko,
*taps him on the sholder, and points at the letter asking about him being gay* Umm, I'm guessing that that letter was meant for you, right?*sweatdrops* Uhh, it's addressed to Tasuki and signed Tasuki^^;;; Also, it kinda makes it sound like Tasuki's beating himself up*grins* Or maybe I'm loosin' my mind and startin' ta see things again!^^;
Well, that's feally all I can think of to say at the moment(although it's 10 a.m. it's just way too early for me to be up, and my brain hasnt really been functioning correctly since christmas vacation^^;;; )!
Dear Fallon,
Thank you for pointing that out! Chiriko fixed it!
Dear Tasuki,
*shows him the empty shotglass* I did drink my sake. By the way, it tastes like yasuzake... You sure this is hard stuff?
Dear Bon,
I jus' didn't want ya' getting' sick on me. *Hands her a bottle of awamori.* Go on, pour!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
hello, i have a question for all of you to participate in. you must each rate these people chosing from te following choices: evil, stranger, hardly know them, friend, good friend, sweet heart. The people you must rate are, Chibi Irvine, Doc-sama, Dark Anime Angel, Jean, Ashley, Julie, and Dr. Evil No Name. Thank you for answering. Please, you mst answer.
Kanashimi no miko
Dear Kanashimi no miko,
We do not rate real people. It's rude.
Dear Chichiri,
Do you have the same voice as SuuPuu on Houshin Engi? If so its a very funny coincidence (sp?) because he said "su" after each sentence and you say "no da". I already know my seiyuu is in it. *sweatdrop* Hes the purple haired mazoku that never closes his eyes and flys on a cat. Also do you know when Houshin Engi will be out on tape? I saw it at an anime con at the beginning of the summer and I havent seen it for rent yet. Also is there any good animes that you think I havent seen that you could suggest I rent? careful cause I've seen over 57 animes *has usual smile*
Dear XellossMetali,
I don't know. I've never seen it, no da. Clamp School Detectives, Rurouni Kenshin, Akazukan Cha-Cha, Hime-chan's Ribbon, Weiss Kreuz, 3x3 Eyes… how's that for a start, no da?
Dear Tasuki,
just wondering about this demo it doesnt mean anything at all! You say you dont like girls cause they always get you in trouble ne? well I think you should find a girl who doesnt like guys cause they always get her into trouble! Even if you're "just friends" it would be someone to introduce people to as a way to get some crazy fangirls off ne? *has usual smile* oh yeah. Is there any way to keep from being glomped? I've already tried running, flying and disappearing demo they are persistant!
Dear XellossMetali,
They sure are! *Peels 2-3 drooling fangirls off of him with a crowbar…* I ain't found a way yet to keep from getting' glomped!
Dear Chichiri,
Hmmmmm... Oh hi! So I just wanted to ask you 'coz it's been bothering me. If Kouran and Houji didn't die, does that mean you're not gonna be a seishi no more?
Oh and her *hands over a blue chick* In my school we sell chicks like that OH!!! And name it someting nice. 'Coz something that cute has just gotta have a cute name. HAHAHAHA! Okay bye now!
Dear Ally,
I would have still been a Seishi. I just would have been married to Kouran, no da. Ariagto for the kawaii chick, no da. I'll think of a name for him.
Dear Nuriko,
Hi I'm Ally. I'm in my graduating years right now and I REALLY need your help. As you know we need pictures for our yearbook and I'm having zits fast. I'm soooo tense 'bout it ya know. I mean I wash my face daily 3 times a day. I don't eat so much oily foods, and most of all I get enough sleep and exercise. I am beyond belief... on the verge of going insane. I know you're really good at make-up and stuff so please help me. Here... * holds up a purple puppy* it's not exactly what you'd call normal but it kinda suits you. * gives the puppy* Name it okay? 'Cause I don't want no puppy going roun with no names. Ja!
Dear Ally,
You could use Oxy 10 on your zits unless they're acne. Then a licensed dermatologist should be treating you. Try using a hypoallergenic/non-komedogenic foundation and powder to conceal them for your pictures. Arigato for the kawaii koinu! I think I'll name him Horyuu.
Dear Tasuki,
About the anime store opening!! It's on September 15, at Westside Pavillion on Overland Ave! IT'S SO CLOSE TO MY HOUSE!!! *hugs Tasuki enthusiastically* I'M SO TRYING TO GET A JOB THERE!!
You can find details at:
Hope to see you there ne? Me be doing the couple thing with Rey-Rey ^^ Don't get too jealous, Tasuki-chan ~.^
Dear Jean,
I won't! We're gonna try an' be there. CnA really wants Ikuhara's autograph and will probably come in costume. See ya' there!
Dear Tamahome,
How annoy does Miaka get, I know you love her and all, but how annoyed do you get from her being idiotic and all???
Dear Tekalon,
I don't, because I love her.
Dear Tasuki,
Yupppp I'm 16 now!!! And I'm on my way to the HS orientation in a few. I'm going to be a junior this year, this new school ranges from grades 10-12. But I'm new, so I go to the orientation. Wow, Tasuki... I don't think I've told you about my sophomore year last year at all. heheh. Well, things were quite dull last year, and kinda not too good. *shrugs* Well, yes was sorta good, but ehhh. On my driver's test, the first time(form C) I failed, HAHAHA, I didn't study, but the second time I passed(form B). Also it sure as hell was fun torturing the freshmans. One freshman was SOOOO adorable! He's my cuz's friend, and he's the most adorable thing.. even though he's 5'11. lol. He's got a baby face and is extremely quiet. So once in a while, it's nice to get in his way... of his locker for instance and pretend not to notice. LOL. And then he blushes!!! Kawaiiii. He and my cuz are like best friends. They're going to a Yankees game today. How neat. Well ja! ^_^ *looks up* Wow dude.. I actually wrote a long letter like the old times. heheh.
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Sounds like yer havin' a great time! Guess everybody better be careful now that yer on th' road! *Fanged grin*
Dear Tasuki,
why do you hate girls
Dear james,
Because they always get me in trouble!
Dear Nuriko,
why do you want to be a girl
Dear mimi,
I want my late sister Kourin to live through me.
Dear Nuriko,
How's it goin'? Jane and I are cosplaying Seed and Jillia next year at Anime Expo. We almost have our costumes complete but we're both looking for shoes, and I need gloves. Jane's aunt made our costumes for us! Course mine costed me $450.. x_X This better last me a looooooong time. Anyway, I was wondering if you had any idea where I could find some thigh high white boots. Oh, here's how our costumes look now! (The red made the scan all funky..)
Anyway, tell CnA I miss her and wish her well! ^.^ *gives nuriko chocolates* whoa how unlike me... *lol*eats one and gives the rest* okay better *grin*
Dear Yuffie,
COOL COSTUMES!! CnA misses you guys too, and she says hi! She'll be going to the Post AX01 BBQ this Sunday in Cerritos! Will you be there? This may not be the wisest place to send you but have you considered Fredericks of Hollywood? I know they have an interesting assortment of footwear. Here is a white thigh high boot for sale. I know it will show a black boot but it comes in white, black, and red as well in lots of sizes. Good luck!
Dear Chiriko,
thank you chiriko *glomps* i love you
Dear ruki,
*Smiles and blushes* You're welcome.
Dear Nuriko,
OTOUSAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!!!*glomp tackle* ^_^ Konnichiwaaaa!! You need to be with okaasan when she goes into labor!! It...It'll be bad if you miss Sora-chan being born! Ara...^_^; Well..that's what I hafta say...*goes off looking the Koushi* GRIIIIIM!!
Dear Keiko,
When's that happening?
Dear Nuriko,
*picks up chibi Gen-chan and hugs him*
well well.. Gen-chan.. where is your okaasan? Ryu you better get used to children calling you Ojiisan.. *snuggles gen-chan then holds him out to Ryu* Magomusuko desu yo :)
Ryu when I'm old and gray, I'd bet that you would ask Taiitsukun how to change your looks so I won't feel bad. ^.~ Anata wa hitori de arimasendeshita.
(PS Keiko-chan says yo!! )
Dear Doc-sama,
You're right. I would. Tell Keiko-chan I said Hi!
Dear Tamahome,
Tasuki has shown his obvious inferiority to you by replying to my lengthy, heartfelt letter with one extremely rude sentence. I know what you went through to win Miaka's love and your right to be with her forever, and I know you'll help me! I'll also sell my house and family when I move to Konan, and give the proceeds to you.
Tamahome, please help me win Hotohori's heart! I'll worry about Houki--just pleeeeeeeeeeease talk him into marrying me? 10% tip if you can pull it off before Christmas!
(C'mon...*cries* I'm getting desperate, here!)
Dear Beth-san,
It's tempting, but I know not to cross Hotohori-sama.
Dear Chichiri,
I'm fine no da. Well, except the aching muscles, sleep deprivation, angsty feelings, and general teenage stuff, I'm fine. Question: I know you don't mention your past a lot, but I was wondering where you grew up at and if you went to school are not. Well, that's my question. Talk to ya later. JA!!
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
I grew up in a small village by a river and we had no formal schooling, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Ok first off I would like to apologize if I'm being annoying or what not?Anywho here are some "MORE"questions for you....
Nuriko-Hey we can be clothes shopping buddies ^_^.What do you think?*Takes Nuri-san to the clothes store*
Tamahome-Oniisan,When and what are you going to name your son?Can I babysit for you?Pleaseeeeee?Oh yea what do you think of Keisuke?He's so kawaii...can you introduce me to him?*bats eyelashes*
Mitsukake-Oniisan,I can help fix tama-neko?*brushes tama-neko's hair and fixes him up like he was before he was attacked by a crazed fan-girl.Poof he's back to normal ^_^*
Tasuki-Not all girls get you into trouble.I think.What would you look for in a girl?
Chichiri-Sure,I'll go fishing with you no da ^_^.Who's Ashley?Would like to meet her ^_^;
Chiriko-What was it like to be on the same bus with Tasuki?I mean when he wrote that he's cool and stuff on Amiboshi's arm what were you thinking?Did you eat something that day that made you sick?
Hotohori-Houki is very pretty.^_^.May I babysit for you too?O_o;;Was Boushin(did I spell that right?)born before you went to battle or was he born afterwards and you didn't get to see the miracle happen?
Ok that's it I'm sorry if I'm being annoying?I hope I'm not?*hugs minna*
Dear Destiny,
Nuriko: Sure! Sounds like fun!
Tamahome: I'll let you know. Keisuke is very nice. I'll let him know about you.
Mitsukake: Arigato.
Tasuki: One that's cute an' won't get me killed!
Chichiri: Ashley is another regular, no da.
Chiriko: It was fun I was just carsick.
Hotohori: He was born after I was killed.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
*giggles Cutely..and blinks softly..*I Dirsty Bwother..
Lil Taski
Dear Lil Taski,
So, I guess ya' want some water. OK. *Gives him some water. *
Dear Chichiri,
*Steals Him away from any1 else and looks at him starry-eyed*I am all alone with one of the cutest Charachters ever!I am special..^^;..sorry if i am scarin you...*clings to his arm..*can i have your mask??!
Dear Chiya,
Hai! *Pulls off the mask and hands it to her while wearing a spare. *
Dear Mitsukake,
*snatches Tama-neko* emergency...... the poor cat...
Dear Ayame,
*Still dead from shock…*
Dear Nuriko,
*hands over the blue and pink dyed cat to Nuriko* is there anything you can do about this? *sighs* the poor creature, being exposed to a fashion sense as tasteless as Alecia's can be sometimes...
Dear Ayame,
Oh my dear Suzaku!!!!! *Takes off to Taiitsu-kun's palace to have the Nyan-Nyans fix Tama-neko.*
Dear Tasuki,
*casts a spell that sends a wave of water after him**laughs as it soaks Tasuki* hahahaha!!! You looked like you were just drowned, except're.....still.... alive.... uh-oh...
Water Mage
Dear Water Mage,
*Glares at her. Wet, sober and, P*SS*D OFF* REKKA SHIENEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Chichiri,
Thank you for the advice Chichiri-sama. Im working on changing their opinion. *looks at his..."rooster-like-bangs"** At what age did they start to grow....up like that? They are cute ^_# Lots of love
Dear lybra,
You're very welcome, no da! Good luck! 10 no da.
Dear Chichiri,
Fine. Howa bout if you met ONE special girl?
Dear hentaii,
I don't know, no da. I suppose that anything is possible. But I would certainly take the time to get to know her first.
Dear Tasuki,
Konnichiwa, Tasuki-san! Ano... If I were you... I'd watch out.. Beth-san is not too happy about you denying her request to kidnap Houki. I heard she even went out and got herself her very own tessen that actually emits fire. ::firm nod:: Please understand, I'm only warning you because as a big fan, I don't want to see you get all toasty and crispy... how would all those scary fan girls glomp you then??? Hrm... that could be a good thing, I guess.... uh, anyway... just thought I'd give you a warning. You are the absolute coolest of the Suzaku seishi (WAAAAAYYYY better than obake-chan)... ::snicker:: Ano... ::runs away at seeing the character of the ogre glowing in her direction:: TASUKI!!!!!!! FRY HIM, ONEGAI!!!!!!
Dear Kokkei,
I ain't scared of no fangirl! But thanks fer th' warnin'.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hiiii! I have a few questions for you...
1) Is it normal for someone to be so quiet in class that the teacher kind of forgets that they're there? Because that happens to me sometimes.
2) Why do you think it is that people don't seem to think I mind being run over...? Like, I'll be getting my books for class when someone runs right over me without even a teeny "My bad." This happens a lot, like the time some one shoved their elbow in my face while roughhousing in the hall.
3)My sister often bullys me into doing her chores for her and makes fun of me a you think that I let her push me around too much?
4) What are your favorite colors? Mine are black and blue. Do you think that's strange?
I'm sorry for wasting your time with these dumb questions, but they were bothering me so much. I hope I didn't ask too many. If I did you don't have to answer all of them. Thank you for taking the time to read them, though.
Dear Mel-Mel,
Sometimes, if they are very shy. They're very rude for doing that to you. Yes! Green. It sounds like a bruise. You need to get some self-esteem and assertiveness training. Perhaps you can ask your school counselor to help. You must learn how to stand up for yourself. Have you cansidered taking a martial arts class such as karate or aikido? You may want to consider it. Good luck!
Dear Tasuki,
Hey Tasuki ^_^ will you read the part of my story i put on my might not be that good but i worked on it for a long its not all up there yet cuz my computer is a meanie...the site is well....thanks ::hugs him::
Dear Tana,
I did! It was pretty good.
Dear Mitsukake,
I still think Tama can rule the world....let him go live in a Sailor Moon world where there so stupid they don't understand that the girl with the blonde hair in buns is sailor moon....but make sure no one trys to bribe Tama with tuna ^_^ teehee
Dear Tana,
Of course he could rule the world! He's a cat!
Dear Tasuki,
When you bring in the food for Miaka, (Of course shes not there.) you say "...wiggle, wiggle part two...", What was part ONE??? We have been debating this question, and we just know you could help. Thank you, most humble.
Lady Pamela
Dear Lady Pamela,
Where th' h*ll did ya' see that??? I don't remember that!
Dear Chichiri,
You are a traveling monk, of Suzako! I believe you are also a sorcerer! Your favorite hobby (way of life) is fishing. From this obsevation I am curious if:
Would you consider leaving the monk hood (Not stop honoring your god.) for a loving relationship???
Lady Pamela
Dear Lady Pamela,
While I am honored by your request, I prefer the life I have, no da. Sumimasen, no da.
Dear Tamahome,
What would you suggest I do? Arigato.
Dear XellossMetali,
You could just follow your own agenda, as you are wont to do Xelloss-san and just act as if you are doing what is being asked of you.
Dear Tamahome,
*Walks up to him on a bridge* Tamahome I'll be blunt, you'r not my exactly my favorite senshi,but I thought you'd could give better advice since almost the same thing happened. You can ask Nuriko more about it, but my Dad died from his illness, which was cancer, *she lowers her head* and when I saw him I, I lost it. I feel like there's a giant hole in my chest that can not be filled, all I want is to hug and kiss him again but... *Begins to cry* that's probably something even Suzaku could not grant. *Look's at him* I hope maybe you could give me some advice on how to deal with this, I mean I'm 15 and I feel 30. *Glances at him and wipes away her tears* Tamahome just because I'm not fond of you dosen't make you a good warrior, I'll be happy to take whatever advice that you give me.
Dear LoneWolf,
*Gives her a hug and holds her. * I know it's hard and it hurts. I felt the same way when I lost my family. Everyone grieves in his or her own way and getting over the loss takes time. I know it may not sound like much, but as long as you love him and hold him in your heart he'll never be truly gone. I wish there was something better I could tell you or more that I could say that could make you feel better. But, if you want, you can cry on my shoulder and I'll do my best to be there for you.
Dear Tasuki,
i never really watched your anime but i know it's really you mind giving me your bio? I've seen so many pictures of you and it seems that everbody thinks your cute. Okay, so my real question is: Will I be able to see my friend I knew from 1st grade that moved to California?
Abigail Rice
Dear Abigail,
Check th' Links Peeji. Th' Almighty Chicken of Doom is a GREAT site! How should I know? Do I look like a *(^%$#@ psychic???
Dear Nuriko,
*reads Beth-san's letter*Ano Nuriko-san weren't you suppose to be straight before you died?How come you went back to liking Hotohori?
Touya no miko
Dear Touya no miko,
Love knows no boundaries.
Dear Tasuki,
Hey, I noticed your stash of Sake was missing so I helped myself to Kouji's (our good ol' REAL Kouji not newbie imposter Koujis lol). If he comes all the way back from Mt Reikaku complaining (I sure hope he does!) then uh.. just tell him Yuffie did it and he should come around a little more often. (Me stealing his sake = Me b*tching at him to write ya and say hi) Anyway, *hug* hope you're having a good summer Gen-chan! I mean.. Genrou-sama >=P See ya later! (I'm so slow today that I'm not sure my whole letter makes sense)
ALRIGHT!!! Arigato fer th' sake! I was gonna pound on Seed an' Culgan till I got it back from 'em! Glad yer back Yuffie! *Grabs a bottle and starts chugging...*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
How come Yui was consumed by Seirryui (wrong right) after her three wishes and Miaki wasn't by you?
Dear Michaela,
She wasn't consumed by us because we don't do that! Miaka had the strength of will to resist Suzaku and not be devoured by him. It is one of her better qualities!
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki Papaaaa if CnA lives close to LA there is a anime store opening in Sept 15th and I will be there! ^_^ SHE SHOULD GOOOOOO!!! Jeans gona be there too! =D
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley Chan,
DOKO??? DOKO??? DOKO??? She said she'll be there if ya' can tell us where it is. Are th' two of ya' gonna cosplay?
Dear Tasuki,
Kouji will be so happy your comming *hugs him* i promice not to be mean to you for a while but you do know that Mom will now be tormenting YOU to get marryed teehee
Dear Aidou,
*Groans* Yer right, I guess she will… >.<
Dear Nuriko,
Kobanwa Nuriko :) Ikaga desu ka? Genki desu...*yawns* School takes a lot out of ya :P I'm glad I have a lot of classes with my friends this year ('spcially my friend HoukiPokey-chan). I thought about movie 10, what did it feel like to die? Were you scared? Almost everyone cried when you died. My friend Belldandy said she used a entire box of tissues litterally...
Just a kinda weird question here but if you were like the peristess (like Miaka) and you were to summon Suzaku or one of the other beast gods what would your three wishes be?
Oh yeah one more thing my old s.n kinda thing was Nuriko Luver. (my friend thought it was weird so I guess I have a new name now *sweatdrops*)Well...I better go..ja ne.
See you,
Dear Suta,
It hurt but then the pain stopped. I wasn't scared but I DON'T recommend it! I would wish for my sister to be alive again, peace for Konan, and for me to be female. Tee-hee-hee…
Dear Chichiri,
I wish *I* had a cool scar... Like you, or Kouji, or Yamcha, or Glenn..... *sob* I *do* have a tiny scar the shape of Taiwan on my right middle finger though.... But I mean *tiny*. I think my mom likes you again. See, my brother slammed the door closed on my head. It *really* hurt. Usually, this is the point where I would cry. But, instead, I started laughing. I was laughing because it slammed close over my left eye. I don't know why it was so funny at that moment, it just was. It's not funny anymore. It HURTS, I wanna strangle my brother.....but I won't. I'll just take a leaf out of Nakago's book. Teeheeheehee.... Ja ne, Chichiri-saaaamaaaa!
Yuuki Yuiren
Dear Yuuki Yuiren,
You worry me, no da…
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