Dear Tasuki,
is being 18 years old a little kid?*blinks..*
Dear Teya,
No, why d'ya' ask?
Dear Tasuki,
*smiles cutely*Tank youz the besty!
Lil Taski
Dear Lil Taski,
Yer welcome! *Grins*
Dear Nuriko,
Hey Nuri-san ^_^...I have a question for you.Okie what are your favorite hobbies to do in Konan besides protecting suzaku no miko from getting into trouble,and loving hotohori?^_^.
Dear Destiny,
Clothes shopping!
Dear Chichiri,
See Chichiri-san I told you people like you better with out your mask ^_^.You're so kawaii with out it ^_^.*Kisses his cheek*Umm can we go fishing sometime?You seem to know a lot about fishing.^_^.Is fishing actually a sport in Konan too?
Dear Destiny,
*Blushes* Arigato for your kind words, no da I fish because I find it relaxing. You can join Ashley and me if you wish, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Now, my birthday's tomorrow ^_^ Guess how old I'm gonna be?
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Otanjoubi omedeto gozaimasu! 16?
Dear Tasuki,
This is a note we're leaving to tell you we took all your sake for our welcome back to ourselves party. Here's a dollar. Thanks!
Seed and Culgan
Dear Seed and Culgan,
OI!!! Gimme back my sake!! *Chases them onto the message board.*
Dear Mitsukake,
...Curse you. I've actually drank soap before. It's nasty.
Dear Ash-chan,
I'm sure it would be. Why are you cursing me?
Dear Mitsukake,
I hope you like the picture I drew of you and Shouka, and I hope that Chiriko likes the picture I drew of him. I must thank Chichiri No Aijin for putting them up. Well, I know you have lots of other letters...:::waves goodbye:::
Dear becky,
We did! Arigato for your lovely drawings.
Dear Chiriko,
I made you say what? *looks around for a Fireball * I would have to agree with you that your IQ is higher than Lina's demo I wouldnt say that to her face..Arigato for making me make you say that! *laughs and gets behind Tasuki in case of a Fireball attack*
Dear XellossMetali,
*Smiles* You're welcome!
Dear Chichiri,
Fine. Be that way. Howa bout a girl?
Dear Hentaii,
I am NOT a playboy, no da!
Dear Chichiri,
yeah, ::looks at fish:: and not a very smart one, either! ::giggles and dumps the fish back in the water:: ::line moves:: --;; ::pulls in same fish and puts it back in the water::
Dear ashley,
Perhaps he thinks it's a game, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
I highly doubt that your own scars serve to remind you of your stupidity. You aren't stupid. At least, you're not stupid enough to ride a bicycle headlong into a moving vehicle like I did. And I don't recommend you try it. It's rather.....painful.
Dear Ayame,
Sounds it, no da. My scar serves to remind me of the loss of my best friend and fiancée, no da.
Dear Mitsukake,
Mitsukake, I like your show a lot. I watch it with my big sister. I am riting to ask you if you can make my cat better. She is very sick right now and I dont want her to die or be put asleep. Can you healing powers work on animals too?
Dear Dora,
They can, but only in my world. Have you taken her to a veterinarian? If not, you should. I wish I could heal her for you. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Nuriko,
*a very kawaii little boy comes crawling up to Nuriko and hugs his leg* Nuri-grandpapa! *grins*
Chibi Gen-chan
Dear Chibi Gen-chan,
GRANDPAPA?!?!?!?!? Doc-sama!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Mitsukake,
*hugs mitsukake*arigatou,(am I spelling that right?)I thought you wouldn't be able too ;_;.Oh well I have another little kitty named Poe and it's black and it's a girl *turns chibi*Does not believe in some superstitions.What about you Mitsukake do you believe in superstitions?What happened to tama-neko? Ok this is umm another question...would you be my oniisan too?Pleaseeee?*smiles*
Dear Destiny,
Certainly I'll be your big brother. I don't believe in superstitions. Tama-neko was attacked by a crazed fangirl.
Dear Tamahome,
Oniisan GUESS WHAT?!!!Give up?I opened up a bank account *Smiles widely*Heehee.*takes oniisan,miaka,and the rest of the seishi out for dinner*^_^.Hee hee....Umm just don't go too expensive on me...*grins*I dont' have very much but in the future I will!!Wai ^_^*hugs tamahome*Heehee...*smacks myself*ok I'm just a little too hyper doncha know.XD
Dear Destiny,
Arigato for the dinner! I'm very proud of you for opening a bank account!
Dear Chiriko,
DA!!!! what does correct spelling have to do with anything I CAN SPELL YA'KNOW I JUST TYEP TO FAST THAT's WHY I DON'T INCLUDE PUNCTUATION i was just asking how i could convince them that i'm smart even if i do use proper spelling and punctuation they still don't think i'm smart just because of my obbsesion for you and vidio games IT'S NOT FAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!! now you think i'm stupid to you're so mean chiriko *runs over to tasuki cries*
Dear ruki,
I never said you were stupid. However, since you like anime you are obviously quite intelligent as you are watching and understanding an art form that comes from a culture that is quite different from your own. Try that one on your friends and see what they say.
Dear Chichiri,
...Thats the reason they dont like anime. They think that it is childish and simple. They dont understand. They do this to everything...and everyone i like. *sighs* Must be non-depressive now... Why does Mizu Kagame sound so hopeful and inspirational when it is about sorrow and loss? I wish i were like you. You know everything and can be optomistic and wise even though you suffered the greatest loss. You may be an anime character, but you're my hero. Love you.
Dear Lybra,
Arigato for your kind words, no da! Perhaps you should consider showing them something like Princess Mononoke, no da. That might change their minds about anime.
Dear Tamahome,
I have a question..Why do you like miaka?I mean..even tho shes pretty..and what not..shes USELESS!i mean..she doesn't do anything...just whines alot..sorry if that sounded rude 0.0;..just was dun have to answer of course...
Dear Taski,
She is a very warm, kind, loving, unselfish person. That is why I love her.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Ayame: Heyoz!! I'm here to introduce my friend!! Say "hello," Tsutsuji!
Tsutsuji: Um, hi.
Ayame: ...just a warning, Hotohori-sama, you have another obsessed fangirl. Tasuki, too!
Tsutsuji: I'm not obsessed; I can quit anytime I want to. The drooling is normal.
Ayame: *sweatdrops* um..... sure. *whispers to the seishi* don't mind her, she's a bit...... strange.....
Tsutsuji: Coming from you, that's a nice compliment. Do any of you like chocolate covered pickles? *whispers to the Ayame: Just thought it'd be nice to warn you! Byee!!! ^^v
Ayame and Tsutsuji
Dear Ayame and Tsutsuji,
Ano… chocolate pickles??? IIE!!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey! well....skool starts tomarrow wich so bites.....grrr....i only have ta go a halfday though yay and im a upper classman this year! an im in the higher orchestra i might get good enough to try out for one of the quartets i hope i am ^_^ an me an almost all of my friends have french class together i hope they don't copy off me to much....well i guess ill annoy i mean write you again soon ^_^ expecially Tasuki ^_~ teehee!
Dear Tana,
Have fun at school!
Dear Mitsukake,
I'm half asleep....Oh well. *holds out her special Gilligan's Island hat*Meet BOB!
Ash-chan and BOB
Dear Ash-chan and BOB,
Bob? Ano… it's a hat.
Dear Mitsukake,
I'm not an insane fangirl! I'm an insane miko/imouto! *noddles* And as your miko, it's my duty to do what's best. *grabs Tama-neko and runs off with him*
*comes back with Tama-neko, fur spiked with gel, dyed blue with pink spots, and a couple ear piercings* Isn't he kawaii? *puts a leather jacket on Tama-neko that reads "Punk Kitty" in rinestones* Perfect! *fang grins* I think he looks much more adorable as a punk! Um...well, I'm gonna go before you smoosh me. Ja matta ne! *Tama-neko caterwauls pitifully*
Dear Alecia,
*Looks at Tama-neko and drops dead on the spot!*
Dear Tasuki,
Hey, Tasuki-sama! To let you know, I'm resisting the urge to glomp you for your sake. As for the purpose of ma visit, it's a college thang: I'm finished with ma first day of classes. And, well... I found all ma classes,no problem whatsoever! WAI~! And, and then... I had to buy two new books for English (turns out I got the wrong version of Huck Finn. ARGH! >.<), didn't get an opportunity to eat breakfast today, I have a nun for ma math class, and my anthropolgy instructor doesn't like to use textbooks because they're written by "Academic Prostitutes" (his words!), but we still have to buy one anyway. I didn't get lost, and I must have looked at least a little un-freshman-like, because a couple people stopped me for directions. *glomps Tasuki-sama* Gomen ne, I can't help it! ^_^;;;;;;;;;
Dear SynAngel,
Omedeto on surviving' th' first day of school!
Dear Tasuki,
Umm Tasuki Vertical Limit was lousy.Well that's my opinion anyways.It's good but it's kinda slow.Took me 2 days to watch it though.Anywho,arigato for the hug ^_^.Do you still not like girls or are you beginning to like girls?Oh yea just to let you know that my friend's say you're yaoi just because you don't like girls.I was like He's not yaoi so what if he doesn't like girls?O_o;;;;.Are you yaoi?Don't hurt me please?*ducks out of the way and hands tasuki a Kouji plushie*
Dear Destiny,
I ain't yaoi!!! Women are jus' always gettin' me in trouble!
Dear Hotohori,
Konnichiwa hotohori-sama ogenki desu ka?Well I found out what letter it was that you made the mistake in.It was in the letter where that one person was asking you if Houki is 100% female or male?And that other stuff.*turns chibi*By the way my friend explained how you met Houki after Nuriko's death but how did you EXACTLY meet her?Would you let me know?arigato!
Dear Destiny,
I will check again. She was introduced to me at Court by my advisors.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I HAVE DONE IT!!!! I have perfected Tomo-sama's hairstyle!! Now all I need to do is perfect Chichiri's hairstyle and Hotohori's hairstyle... I'm sooo happy! I even have my mom getting me a Chinese opera outfit! Those things are expensive!!! >$< (money grows wings and flies away. Bai bai.... *giggle* I have my grandfathers looking for a monk outfit. My dad is making me a kesa. I would do it myself, but I'm not allowed to use bleach. I already have a Hotohori-almost outfit. It's not exact, the embroidery is wrong and the colors are a little off but it's okay. I have prayer beads! Well, not really. They are antiques basically. About 200 years old and they belongs to a princess or something like that. My mom offically hates you, Chichiri. She agrees that you're cute, but you are really costing her a lot of money. And Tasuki? You're not afraid of water, are you? I think you just dislike water in large amounts that you can drown in. Hotothori? Work on your sense of humor. Same goes for Tama-chan. Tamahome? You and miaka must be the most hated couple in FY. I ran across an Anti-Tamahome Miaka shrine. Personally, I think Miaka would prolly be better with Hotohori, Nuriko, Tasuki, Amiboshi, or even Chichiri(though I doubt that but Chichiri/Miaka is becoming a rather popular pairing..... I started it ^.^;;) Well, thats all. I was just bored today.
Dear Yuuki Yuiren,
You perfected Tomo's hairstyle??? KOWAI!
Dear Tasuki,
I have already written Nuriko regarding this request, not because he is cooler than you, but because he is closer to Hotohori-sama. You, however, as the leader of the bandits of Mount Reikaku, should be able to help me. Besides, Gen-chan, you're so cool!
Even if you have already heard of the general nature of my request, your attention to the following would be appreciated. As you may know, I wish to marry Hotohori-sama. I am well aware of the obstacles fate has placed in the path of my success, but I am determined not to give up! It is for this reason that I have a very simple request for you: please kidnap Houki and hide her away for all eternity. If you could also make it look like she was eaten by a tiger or something, that would be nice. I will take advantage of her absence to marry Hotohori-sama!
You may be wondering what makes me, Beth-san, worthy of his Highness. For one thing, I will not address him as such all the time. I, unlike Houki, am perfectly comfortable using his given name, a fact which I feel enables a deeper relationship. I am not, however, a silly little fan girl who will fall over every time he enters a room! I will be the perfect wife for Hotohori-sama!
Please don't disappoint me, Tasuki-san!
Dear Beth-san,
I ain't doin' no such thin'!
Dear Tamahome,
Have u checked out any of the "things the fy characters don't want you to know" pages?Half of the things,no all ought to make your eyes burn!The worst one(and most idiotic,unbelievable) was that Yuiren....Chuei(ALL UR SIBLINGS) are not your siblings they're.....they're YOUR ILL.. CHILDREN*RUNS AWAY*
Dear The WHO,
They aren't!! What site is this? Where is it?
Dear Mitsukake,
...erm..... dying someone's hair back to the original color is easy enough; undoing a perm is something else altogether. I don't know how to take care of that.......sorry. Maybe you could try asking Nuriko?
Dear Ayame,
Thank you for trying.
Dear Solar,
Arigato, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
*sigh* Fine then, I won't get mushy. Er, I'll try not to get mushy... *gulps down the sake and grins* Note the word try... *sees the looks on his face* Gomen! I won't!
Dear Bon,
Drink yer sake…
Dear Tasuki,
Hi Tasuki-kun I haven't written to you in a while.Can I have a hug?
Cloud Fairy
Dear Cloud Fairy,
Yeah, I guess. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Nuriko,
Yes Nuriko you're more manly then he is, but I think your brother is cute.
Water Sprite
Dear Water Sprite,
Honto ni? I'll tell him.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*shyly bows* Hi! I've got a few questions...
Nuriko-san: what color eyeshadow would look best on very light grey eyes? I'm having trouble finding a color that looks good on me, and I figure that you're the best person to ask... ^_^;; also, what's your favorite clothing brand?
Tasuki-san: Alecia-chan is a lot of trouble, isn't she? *giggle* You're the most normal guy (I don't count Obake-chan as normal because I've never EVER met a guy that mushy.), so would you mind explaining to me how I can get the guys I work with to stop watching me in the bath? It's embarrassing...
Hotohori-sama: This isn't really a question, but if you ever need any custom-made jewelry... I make pendants out of precious stones as a hobby. I've got a nice selection of Dark Opals... I have a pair of earrings that I think would look quite elegant on Houki... *hint hint*
Mitsukake-san: I think my pet fox is sick... *holds it up* His name is Bandit. He's limping on his left back leg. Is there anything you can do for him? *big watery puppy-dog eyes*
Chichiri-san: A friend of mine wants me to ask you, how do you get your hair to stick out in front like that? ^__^ and I made you cookies. *gives him a tin of homemade peanut-butter and chocolate cookies*
Chiriko-san: WAI! kawaii!! *involuntary glomp* O_O sorry about that... you look just like my little brother, is all. ^^;; anyway, I wanted to ask, just how smart ARE you?
Tamahome-san: *sticks her tongue out and pulls her eyelid down* BII-DA! Obake-chan! *giggles and hides behind Tasuki*
I have a question for everybody, too... What are all your favorite smells? Mine is the smell of the wind at night, when all you can see are the stars. ^_^ (doesn't that sound like a song lyric or something? ^^)
Dear Midori-chan,
Here afre all your answers. We listed our favorite scents with our answers to your other questions. We hope that is ok.
Nuriko: Light grey or pink. Clothing brand? I really don't have any favorites. Cinnamon
Tasuki: Eh? Where th' h*ll d'ya work???? Sake
Hotohori: Arigato for the offer. I may take you up on it. Amber
Mitsukake: He may have a broken or sprained leg. You should bring him to a veterinarian for an X-ray. Mint
Chichiri: It just grows that way, no da. Lavender
Chiriko: Pretty smart, I guess. Sage
Tamahome: >.<;;; OKANE!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
Wow. I only annoy the h*ll out of you! That's an improvement over "scare the h*ll out of," which is how *thinks for a moment* pretty much everyone else on the face of the earth reacts!
Dear Ayame,
Guess I'm used to pain th' neck women… *Looks at his sisters...*
Dear Tasuki,
EEP!!! That spell wasn't supposed to break! *casts another, stronger one, trapping Tasuki in a prison of water* and um... you should tell me stuff because... I CAN SOAK YOU!!!!!!!
Water Mage
Dear Water Mage,
Yeah, so? I ain't afraid of getting' a lil' wet! *Flames the prison and it evaporates.*
Dear Nuriko,
*sweatdrops at Ryu looking at Sei-kun*
The minute he finds out you're only playing around, he'll join in this charade with you just to play with Houki's and my mind..
*shakes her head and waddles away*
Dear Doc-sama,
ITOOSHI!!!! Jodan dayo!!!
Dear Chiriko,
Okami: Hi Chiriko-chan! I've had a bad day today, can I have a hug? You're so kawaii!
Bosher: My sister wants a hug from Tasuki too, but is too embarassed to say it.
Okami: he he...
Bosher:She thinks she's a bandit too.
Okami: Oh shut up, a hug from Nuriko too???
Bosher: expletive deleted...
Okami: Please?????!!!!!!! Three hugs!!
Bosher: Please all of you hug her so she will leave me alone.
Okami:Shut up!
Bosher:Sorry, this was supposed to be a letter to Chiriko. It's okay, b/c Chiriko, you're so cute!!!
Okami: Aww, Chiriko...
Bosher and Okami: Bye
Bosher and Okami
Dear Bosher and Okami,
Ok! *Chiriko gives Okami a hug and then drags Nuriko and Tasuki over to do the same.*
Dear Hotohori,
-_-; Sense of humor? Uh sounded pretty serious t` me...
Dear Keiko,
I WAS joking!
Dear Mitsukake,
Wanna try some glowstick-filling? It tastes like honey,only without all those nasty bees! *begins to eat some* Neon-gel pens are tasty too,but I prefer glowsticks.. Try some!^__^
Ash-chan(I have never tasted glowstick filling in my life.This is alllll strictly RP.)
Dear Ash-chan,
*Reads the note next to her name…* Thank Suzaku for that! I believe that stuff can be toxic!
Dear Tasuki,
Hello! Have you ever watched one of those 60's/70's/80's movies where the people are on a rollercoaster and it goes off the track and they crash into a cotton candy stall and die? Just wondering.^_^
Dear Ash-chan,
No, have you?
Dear Mitsukake,
*hands him a cell-phone*Muaha!Now you have no excuse! And I've memorized the number.^_-
Dear Ash-chan,
*Smiles* Too bad there are no cell sites in Konan. Nor the technology to build or support one.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*sniffs* u guys rule u answer posts unlike the seriyuu lot! they are rude they never answer me *snorts* and i was gonna pay homage to tomo aswell ohwell guess i'll havta go back to being a full time Tasuki stalker then *blows Tasuki a kiss*
Tasuki stalker
Dear Tasuki stalker,
Arigato! We try to do our best.
Dear Tamahome,
i know that you & Miaka had a son but what's his name?and why did the symbol on your forehead change?
Dear joy-chan,
We haven't named him, yet. It changed because I changed.
Dear Tamahome,
Arigato Tamahome. I actualy told her after writing the letter. yelled at her while she was driving. *sweatdrop* I do believe that was the first time I ever really yelled at someone. My mom wasnt completely self centered though. She was/is just messed up. She was put on prozak a long time ago and is better than she was (she used to be scary). I dont want to love even after what you have said gomen demo not everyone was made to love or connect to others. My idea of a perfect future is basicaly my job, getting an apartment and having a dog. I really dont see myself as someone who would ever even talk to people. Its not just my mom's fault I'm this way. Lets just say being called "little ghost" would be a compliment compared to the kids I was with. All I've ever had is myself even though people say I have lost that too. I do think I've lost part of myself and almost more than that. Since 4th grade I have never been scared of death or hell. Lucky for minna I'm not extreamly brave or out-going or I wouldnt be here now. Its odd that thats all I can remember about my past though. *sighs* gomen for telling you all this I'm honnored you got mad though that wasnt my intention to do so. Arigaou Tamahome for being my pen pal (and the hug, I needed one). *bows and hands him 5 and 1/2 gold ryou*
Dear XellossMetali,
Arigato for the okane. I hope telling her how you feel will help the both of you. I'm here for you if you need me.
Dear Chichiri,
I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!
your bigest fan! (lover)
Dear bigest fan,
*Blushes* Arigato, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
If u met the right girl...or guy...would you get it on?
Dear Hentaii,
GUY?!?!?!? @_@;;; NEVER, NO DA!
Dear Tamahome,
Hi Oniisan ^_^.I have a bit of a problem and would like some advice on it if I may?I'm gonna say this an advance gomen if this is long....My friend keeps telling me that I'm a last resort friend for my two friends but I don't know if that's true or could you help me?
Ok here's what happened...
My friend's and I were supposed to go see a movie together one day.It was supposed to be My 2 friends and I and when the day came they all went to go see it and left my friend Phi and I at home and they said they tried to call but they also said that I wasn't home when I was,and they went out without me.So I didn't get to see that movie.Another occasion was when (same two friends)we were at her(Not saying any names)party and I was like I really would like to see this movie and they both agreed.But the thing is they go to the same jr. college and have almost the same schedule,and My friend was off on sunday but my other friend wasn't.So I told her well I'll go see this movie with her on sunday and I'll go see it with you on wednesday when you have the early day and she's all I said fine how about this,since I'm working why don't we pick a day that you guys are off from school and I'm not working?And they agreed to it.But yet coming tuesday they went to go see it without me.I was upset a little that they did that.They said that they tried to call but noone was home(same excuse from before)but yet I was home.And I did not hear the phone ring.
Here's another incident..
My friend was going to Universal studios here in california one day because her mom's nieces were over and they wanted to go.So she invited me.When we were standing in line I had asked her did you invite So and So and she's all yea but she couldn't go because she had to do something with her parents and go to an appointment.So I was like oh (again I was a little upset but it didn't show)But My friend's Mom said that she wanted to invite me so she did.I mean it was fun and all until I told my friend who said she used me as a last resort friend.Now I'm beginning to wonder if they're just doing this because they're tired of me?or what?And I believe I got my friend mad at me because I couldn't make it to church on wednesday.I told her on monday that I was off and I could go to church on wednesday with her,well coming wednesday plans were made and I told her that I was going to be busy.And she was like busy doing what?And I told her and I believe she got mad.So I don't know what to do...Could you help me Oniisan?Arigato.^_^Oh yea again I'm sorry if this is too long...I know how people don't like to read LONG letters especially about problems?Gomen Nasai.
Love ya bunches
Dear Destiny,
I think you and your friends need to sit down and have a long talk with each other. They should be told (if they haven't already) that you were home when they claimed to have called and the phone never rang. It sounds like you all need to clear the air before feelings get hurt worse than they already have. Good luck!
Dear Tasuki,
*A cute 2 year old kid walks to him..with big blue eyes....*Can you bez my Bwother?Pwease?*cute puppy dog look*
Lil Taski
Dear Lil Taski,
GEEZ! >.<;;; I ain't a fan of lil' kids, but I guess I can give it a try…
Dear Tasuki,
*looks up at him with cute eyes..*Hewwwwooooo!!^_^;;...Just wanted to say your meh favorite charrie out of the series=D...And your
*_*..even tho hotohori ish a tad better..but your still kawaii^_^;..* his arm..*will ya go with meh?Dun say no...^_^;;
Dear Teya,
Go where wit' ya'? How old are ya'? Ya' seem like a lil' kid...
Dear Chichiri,
*clings to his arm again..*Well your scar shouldn't Disturb people >_Trianna
Dear Trianna,
Arigato for your kind words, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Do you (hehehehehe) guys think you will be able to survive a pairup with the (what??^.^;) the sailor Senshi heheh, don't look at me! My friend's really a coward she soo scared in posting this ahhahahaha!!!
Coward's Friend
Dear Coward's Friend,
I suppose. Why? Are they dangerous?
Dear Nuriko,
Are You REALY Gay like what the people(Tasukietc) say?
confused Kiddo
Dear confused,
Tasuki said WHAT?!?!?!?!? *Punches Tasuki through a wall...* No, I'm a cross-dresser!
Dear Chiriko,
Heh heh what's your IQ??
Dear Lina,
It has never been measured. Although Tasuki and Xelloss-san both agree that itis higher than yours. (Please don't hurt me! They MADE me say that! ^^;;;)
Dear Chiriko,
For the bus trip thing did Tasuki teach you all those bad words??????
No Name
Dear No Name,
Ano… hai. *Blushes*
Dear Tasuki,
Shun'u will you come to my wedding?
Dear Aidou,
Well, it's 'bout *^%$#~+ TIME! 'Course I'll be there!
Dear Mitsukake,
I have a few questions, you see i am very new to your "world" so why do people think that you are boring? and do you think you can give me a breif overlook on your history? tahnks a bundle
Dear Theresa,
I tend to be a bit on the quiet side so people assume I am boring. As to my "history", there are some spoilers for the show so I'd rather not spoil it for you.
Dear Chichiri,
Chichiri-san? *bows and sits down next to him at the lake, fishing of course* Chichiri-san, beings how you're the wisest in relationships (so it seems to me) I've come for advice, if you're willing to give it. *clears her throat uncertainly*
It's about Xelloss-san. *sighs and draws in the mud with her stick (angry cries from Kuro are heard when seeing the stick)* I want to get close to him. I mean, I really REALLY want to be friends with him. He knows I care about him like he's my older brother, I've told him, but somehow whenever he smiles feels like it's an emotional mask. A fake smile plastered on to please others and not himself. *glances at him* Gomen nasai. But it's so frustrating being pushed away like that. I thought we both had a friendship growing, but I suppose I was wrong. We talked to each other, lounged together, I mean we did things friends would normally do. He just doesn't trust me no matter what I do and it kinda - no, DOES - hurt me knowing that.
I've tried everything to get his trust, but nothing seems to work. I know why he's so withdrawn, yes, but I want to help him back to us, I want to take his hand and guide him, help him, but somehow I can't get to him. There's a wall and I'm so determined to bring it down that I'd go any lengths to help him become what he once was again. Slowly I'm chiseling away at it, but the progress I'm making doesn't seem to be getting me anywhere. I want him to know I'm always here for him and even if he doesn't trust me, I'd put my life on the line for him or rest my fate in his hands because I trust there is compassion hidden somewhere in that icey wall. I want him to know that I'm always here for him and that he *can* trust me, contrary to his beliefs. I'm not like those other "friends" of his...the same ones that just left him right there on the spot. I'm not like that at all...*sighs*
Chichiri, do you have any advice on how I can get him to somehow open up? I know, I know, it's probably going to be a "let him open up himself and keep trying" answer, but do you have ANY ideas how to get him to open up in any case? I've tried just about everything and I'm low on ideas. Thank you so much for your time Chichiri-san. *kisses his cheek gently and waits for an answer eagerly*
Dear Alecia,
Unfortunately, we can't change people, no da. When people are willing to change then they will change. You do have to give him time and let him see through your actions that you mean what you say, no da. Don't give up! But have patience, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
::sits fishing, catches ANOTHER fish:: ::muttering:: that's it! ::throws fish in a bucket and plops line back inthe water:: ::sits and waits::...
Dear ashley,
Perhaps he WAS the only fish in this lake, no da. *Smiles*
Dear Tamahome,, now...... getting angry at Alecia won't do you any good..... besides, I've already beaten you to getting her back! *disappears, then reappears with Alecia in tow* behold, my masterpiece! ^^v
Alecia:*is covered in elbow macaroni and feathers* I'M A MACARONI CHICKEN!!!!!!!! *runs around, acting like a chicken* BA-CUCK!!!
Ayame:*shoves Alecia away, as she's getting too disturbing* um.... yeah...... *giggles nervously*
Ayame and Alecia
Dear Ayame and Alecia,
*Smiles and sweatdrops*
Dear Tasuki,
since your evil sister hit me in the head will you kiss me an make it feel better?????? ::looks at him all starry eyed:: PLEEEEEEEEEEEASSSSSSSSSSSSEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!
Dear Tana,
No. But I think I yelled at her fer ya'.
Dear Chichiri,
I guess we're kind of alike there..... major scars. *shows him the left side of her face, which has scars running down it* Not a whole lot of fun, is it? Maybe you could try going without the mask for a day. *smiles* Scars don't bother people as much as you think they do; they're much more noticable to you, because you know what you were like before the scar, and you have to live with your mistake. Mine only serve to prove how stupid I am.
Dear Ayame,
As does mine, no da. Gomen nasai, no da. *Gives her a hug.* Although, in your world aren't there doctors that can remove scars, no da?
Dear Tasuki,
*walks in, casts a spell, a glowing ball of water hovers in her hand, forms into a rope, and wraps itself around Tasuki* *grins* I hear you don't like water.... care to elaborate on that?
Water Mage
Dear Water Mage,
*Breaks free...* Now why should I tell ya' anythin'?
Dear Nuriko,
*hides in fear* Early ninties back in style..... kowaii.... *imagines the poofy genie pants, clashing colors, tacky patterns and big hairstyles* *gulps* gods, no one should say that they hope that the clothing from the early ninties doesn't come back in style..... if people do, it will. save me...
Dear Ayame,
I agree!
Dear Mitsukake,
Hello!!! I'm Jia-Ping, annoyer of the unannoyed. Your the only one I'm trying to annoy 'cause you seem so... unperplexed.
SodoyouthinkthatShoukaisinHeaven? Imeanshe'sliketheperfectangelandsheseemsnicetooandshelooksveryprettyandperfect.
*takes a big breath* Haaaaaaaaaaa? Are you annoyed now? *starts running around him and putting posies and daffodils on his clothes* Ohhhh you look sooooooo pretty. *starts putting daisies in his hair* I do have a weird and eccentric choice of flowers.
Ummmmm........ do you know how to get angry at all? Well I take back all I've said about Shouka-san I and thinks she's an ugly snobby and idiotic hag who doesn't have taste at all. Look at what man she picked, she picked you. I mean at least if I were her, which I'd rather not be, I'd pick someone who'd have feelings.
...Now are you angry? I don't really mean it, so are you angry are ya ha? *puts on a frown* I don't like you 'cause your not angry at me. *Mitsukake-san glowers a bit* *Cowers and shakes*
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh do you read Harry Potter?
Dear Jia-Ping,
I'm not angry. And I have heard of Harry Potter and read the novels.
Dear Mitsukake,
Oh, no....... Alecia strikes again...... hold still. *dyes his hair back to its normal color* Now, excuse me while I try to undo the rest of Alecia's damage..... *sighs and trudges off*
Dear Ayame,
Arigato! Can you help Tama-neko? *Holds up poor, permed kitty...*
Dear Mitsukake,
Ack! Mitsu-saaan! I just realized I hadn't written to you yet! Gomen nasai! Do you know *how* long it took me to realize you were dead? I mean, I kinda knew you were dead subconsciously, but I wasn't totally aware of that fact until right before Hotohori-sama was about to die. I had to have it spelled out for me... Even then, I was like 'AAAAHHH!!!! MISTU-SAMA IS DEAD AND NO ONE NOTICED 'CEPT CHICHIRI!!! EVEN ME!!!' It got to a point where Kourin-chan had to practically tranquilize me. -.-;I was so preoccupied with your death that I didn't notice Hotohori had died until Miaka started screaming 'USOTSUKI!' Or however you spell that. I know this is mean, but have you noticed you're never around when people *really* need you? Except that once when you saved Tamahome.... Though it wouldn't have been too much of a loss if you hadn't been there..... Then Miaka would have fallen in love with Hotohori and then-
Tamahome Doll, Nuriko Doll, Miaka Doll, Hotohori Doll, Chichiri Doll, Mitsukake Doll(in that order of importance): *AHEM*
....Gomen. So it would have been a loss. *I* wouldn't have missed him....much.... Okay, I would miss him, whatever. Nuriko and Shouka were the only one's you weren't there for. So you *are* around when people need ya after all. Poor Mistu-san. I'm just babbleing now to make up for ignoring you.
Yuuki Yuiren
Dear Yuuki Yuiren,
I see. Gomen nasai, I did try to do my best.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey cool you responded to my letter in one day! That must be record for you guys. That's actually really cool. Anyways it's been two years or so. I'm a senior in high school, into real boys (I still kinda like anime ones though...they're kinda hot) and I have my own brand new car. The settlement we won for my brother (I dunno if you remember that or not) has help alot. I still remember what you look like CnA...I dunno if you remember me at AX 1998 I think. Wow that's a long time ago. I dunno what else to say so ciao!
Dear Yui,
Your own car AND a high school senior. Time sure flies! CnA remembers you and your friends. It was AX99 since she was out of the wheelchair and she remembers hanging out with all of you. Hopefully you'll be able to AX02!
Dear Chiriko,
Hello! So... what ya doin'? 'Cause if your not busy I wanna ask some questions *pretends to think* ...okay lots of question.
1. What's the difference about a seishi, a senshi and a tenshi?
2. What's wife/husband in Japanese?
3. What's girlfriend in Japanese?
4. I thought that 10 was already a legal age to marry in China, after all I am Chinese in my own way... *all the fangirls that ask Chiriko to marry them surrounds him* heh heh sorry 'bout that *sweatdrops*
5. Are you rich?
6. Do you know that 'shr' is the correct way of saying yes or is in Chinese, which means YOUR WRONG!!! I studied 'Ping Im' when I was 10 and it was quite a doozy.
7. If you were a girl what would you like to be called.
I'm sorry if my questions gets dumber and dumber but I can't help it. I'm an idiot. Oh and have this *hands a white koneko to Chiriko*. See it's as cute as you.
Dear Jia-Ping,
1. Seishi has several different meanings, one of which is celestial warrior. Senshi means soldier and tenshi is an angel.
2. Your husband/wife is shujin/kanai. Someone else's is goshujin/okusan.
3. Kanojo or koibito.
4. *Sweatdrops* I haven't studied that aspect of Chinese law.
5. No.
6. Which Chinese dialect are you referring to? Besides Mandarin and Cantonese there are 1498 other Chinese dialects.
7. Kana.
Dear Nuriko,
Hello again :) How r u? I really don't want to go back to school, it's too hot (no air conditioning :P). In my school nobody really seems to like anime either (what a loss!) only a few of my friends do I guess...*shrugs* The worse thing is I have to take gym this year, it's not that bad but I don't really think it's very exciting and I;d rather draw anime ^-^ So anyways... over the summer what did you do? See any good movies? I never really had time to, the only thing I saw this summer was the Princess Diarys. It was very good though. I'm always a bit too busy to do anything because I have dance, school, cello and other stuff. It really stinks :P Well anyways I guess I better make this letter short so it won't be annoying or's already a bit too long (Gomen!). Well ja ne. *hugs Nuriko and waves bye bye*
Love ya,
Nuriko Luver
Dear Nuriko Luver,
I saw Rush Hour2 (Jackie Chan is soooooooo KAWAII!). We all went to AX01 and basically tried to take it easy for the rest of the summer.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi again :) How is everyone? Good I hope. I was tring to think of some different questions from what has already been asked. The thing is that people tell you or ask you almost everything. Well here are some questions, sorry if someone has already asked them -_-;;
1. What is your favorite sport?
2. Favorite name brand?
3. If you had to play a strings instrument what would it be? (Violin, Viola, Cello or Bass)
I couldn't really think of anything else, my brain is at a loss...*very happy* I think that for Halloween we (my friends and I) are all gonna dress as Fushigi Yugi characters :) Except like nobody will know who we are...they'll most likely think we're Pokemon characters -_-; *shrugs* I still can't beleive summer is over :( *Imagines having a heat stroke in the un-air conditioned school @_@* Well I better go now :( I need sleep. Ja ne. *waves to the Seishi*
Nuriko Luver
Dear Nuriko Luver,
We really don't play or watch much sports. As for brand names, brand names of what? And why?
Here are your other answers:
Tamahome - Guitar
Tasuki - Bass
Chiriko - Violin
Nuriko - Samisen
Hotohori - Koto
Chichiri - Piano
Mitsukake - Cello
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
Hey Tasuki,So what is this about Aidou Marrying Kouji?O.o;And why are you so scared of Taiitsukun's looks?(did I spell that right?)I mean she isn't bad looking(Is not yaoi just to let you know),sure she can be umm what's the word?Anywho,I have a couple of questions for you....
1.Have you ever seen JAWS,and would you see it?(Note Jaws is a shark that lives in the ocean *snicker*)
2.Would you ever watch Vertical Limit?(It's about Mountains)
3.What do you think of Miaka(You probably get asked this a lot huh?)
4.What kind of books would you read?(Ex.Romance,horror,action,comedy,drama?)
Okie I think that's all the questions I have for ya.*smiles*Oh yea I forgot one more thing.Can I have a hug from MY FAVORITE SEISHI pleaseeeeeeeeee????*Smiles Widely*
Dear Destiny,
Here's alla yer answers:
1) Yeah, I seen it.
2) I heard it was a lousy movie, so no.
3) She's ok fer a girl.
4) Read????
A hug, eh? Yeah, I guess so. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Chichiri,
*watches Chichiri running frantically away from the wave of letters*
I should draw a picture of you surfing on top of the letters!! XD *LOL* HANG TEN NO DA!!!!!
Dear Jean,
Perhaps you should no da! We'll put it up on the site, no da!
Dear Mitsukake,
I have one really BIG question to ask of you?Do you think you can bring my cat Po back to life?I miss her so much.I've had her since I was like umm 4,5,6 years old?(can't remember the age)Pleaseeeeeeeee?????If not can I have a plushie and a hug then?*smiles widely*Arigatou
Dear Destiny,
Gomen ne, even in my world I can only cure the ill and hurt but not bring the dead back to life. *Gives her a hug and a plushie.*
Dear Hotohori,
OOooooh I think chiriko would have a fit if he saw the mistake you made on your grammer.*sighs*You put porpor and I think you meant to put proper?Anywho,how are you doing?Good I hope?Can I have a hug?Pleaseeeeeee?Hmmm ya know on that character song that Nuriko does.I think one of the words in the song is your name Saietie(gomen still learning japanese).^_^.Anywho,take care and bye bye.
Dear Destiny,
I looked for but could not find that error. Do you know which letter it was in? *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
Anou... I've been wanting to do this, so bear with me, onegai? *shoujo starry eyes* *jumps on Tasuki and glomps him* Wai wai wai~! I'm on kawaii Tasuki-sama, ne! ^__^ *un-glomps* Had to try and get that out of my system, ne?
Dear SynAngel,
*Looks glomped and stunned...*
Dear Nuriko,
As you may have heard from Hotohori-sama, my roommate wrote him a letter to ask him to marry me. Naturally, I did not expect him to commit bigamy (unless he wants to). I merely desire that Houki be cast aside and replaced by yours truly.
I realize that you must get several letters like this, all begging to be set up with Hotohori. However, I think you should understand after all you went through to win his love and affection. And I know that you care deeply for him and want him to be truly happy. I am the person to make him happy, even if he doesn't know it! Below is a brief list of my qualifications:
1) I love Hotohori.
2) I am perfectly willing to move to Konan to be with him.
3) I will not call him "Highness" all the time.
4) My kid would be cuter than Boushin. (But I love the little rascal!)
5) After Hotohori, you are my favorite character.
I am aware of the fact that you and Houki are good friends. Therefore, I recommend that in order to spare her the pain of losing her husband, we eliminate her quickly and painlessly. She won't even know what hit her, and I promise to make Hotohori fall madly in love with me before the pain of her death even sinks in.
Arigato, Nuriko-san! I know you won't let me down!
Dear Beth-san,
Your plan is flawed in two respects.
One, if Houki dies then she is with Hotohori forever and two, HE'S MINE and I'm not letting him go!
Dear Chichiri,
Konbanwa Chichiri-sama. My lizard says hi! He is looking at the screen and romancing my hand, making me type slower -_-;;; (i know...he's weird) What does no da mean? *looks at her ...'busy' lizard* Daa! Can cast a spell on him to make him stop! -_-;;; Chichiri, i have another question...this time being serious. There is someone who...umm...lets just not allowed to like anime. And they have authority over me. Ive tried to explain to them that a lot of people like it and it is not unusual to like it...but they dont understand. Every drawing i make of you...every pic i have, is hidden from them. What should i do? Love you 4 ever,
Dear Lybra,
Why do they disapprove of anime? Have they ever seen any, no da? If not, perhaps you can watch something light with them like Pokemon or Sailormoon, no da. "No da" is an emphasizer. It means "it's obvious".
Dear Chichiri,
@ . @.... Wow, you guys are good at the age thing! Did I ever tell this site I was 15? I seriously don't remember, I don't think I did though. Oh yeah, I wanted to ask you something... um, where can you find that kawaii pic of you, Hikou, and Kouran when you were like seven or something. I've been looking for it on the net for TWO YEARS! Anyway, I have to go now, bye no da!
Dear Bosher,
That picture is probably from either the manga or the OAV, no da. Unfortunately, I have nowhere to point you to for it, no da. Minna-san, can you help?
Dear Chichiri,
I've read that your fav flowers are sterling roses. I love roses tons. *hands ChiChiri-sama flowers* Your my fav character in FY. Nuriko is my younger sister's, Miaki, fav. Hotohori is my second youngest sister's, Niaki's, fav. Uh...
Nuriko- Miaki
Hotohori- Niaki
Chiriko- Ciaki
And I guess everyone else is still fighting over the others.
Aiaki oldest of the Guardian Sister
Dear Aiaki,
Arigato for the beautiful roses, no da!
Dear Nuriko,
My friends won't let off till I prove your not gay. Please get them off my back and tell them your not gay. I'm getting sick of it. Your really cute too. ~^_^~
Dear Miaki,
Remind them I was also in love with Miaka.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi everyone! I've been here before, but granted not very often. And you guys do seem to give out good advice. And Suzaku-sama knows I could use some of that right now. So I hope you all can help me, even if this is kind of an odd situation to ask about particularly on an FY page. **sigh** So here goes.
My question is: Is it some kind of unspoken rule that one "blows off" their friends when they start a romantic relationship with someone? The reason I ask is that I have watched this entire summer as my sister (we use to be really close) spent little (if *any*) time with anyone except her new boyfriend. It's like there's no one else in the world. And I'm not saying that relationships don't take time, but does that *really* have to mean that you have no time for anyone who use to be a part of your life? I watched several of my friends do this over the past year as well and the pain it caused. Plus should I ever find that someone special, I don't want to have to give up my friends. Am I the only one who feels this way? I really need to know.
Plus he seems to be getting more and more possessive (like she *shouldn't* be out with anyone except him... example if she isn't there to get his call likke she's out shopping or something he sounds completely frazzled when he leaves a message) and that worries me. And she always comes home so late when she goes out with him, even if it was the morning she left. Is this all normal?
**sigh** Well, it felt good to tell someone about this. I hope that you (even several of you) have some advice to offer. Arrigatou!
Dear SOS,
The "I only want to be with my new loved one to the exclusion of the rest of the world" behavior is normal and does eventually wear off and then the couple joins the rest of humanity. His possessive behavior is a cause for concern if it does not abate and just gets worse and more controlling. Your sister needs to be careful if he does get worse as the next step is usually physical violence. You seem to be fairly level headed and I'm sure won't utterly desert your friends for your boyfriend. Or if you do, you will come to your senses quicker than most.
Dear Tasuki,
Don't you think it's nice that Alecia gave me permission to torment you?!? *dumps a bucket of water over his head, and runs off* Byeee!!! ^^v
Dear Ayame,
NO! I think yer bein' a brat!
Dear Hotohori,
*points at him, looking accusing* I'm sure you are tired of hearing this, demo, IT'S TRUE!! You said it! HA! I watched the dub of the last episode, and it was true!! "She should wish to stay with me in her world", or something of that. ^_^ IT was yooooooooooooooooooooou! *grins*
Dear Keiko,
It was a joke! Even an Emperor can have a sense of humor! >.<;;;
Dear Tasuki,
Guess what it is in 4 days? ^__^
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Yer birthday?
Dear Chiriko,
chiriko i have a problem ya see all my friends think i'm relly stupid and well i'm not actualy i'm a genius and none of them belive me just cause i can't spell verry well and i don't use punctuation in my e-mails what can I do to convince them that i'm smart thank you
your loving miko,
ps:*goes over to chiriko and hugs him* i love you chiriko
Dear ruki,
Arigato. You need to work on your spelling and punctuation as well as your grammar. Regardles of whether or not you're a genius, you should still spell things correctly, punctuate properly, and use correct grammar.
Dear Tasuki,
*comes up behind Shun'u* No she isn't one of mine. *looks her over* sweetie do you know your name yet? *touches the child's face* Shun'u let's get her some food, would you carry her onegai?
Dear Doc-sama,
Uh, sure! *Picks her up anmd follows Doc-sama.*
Dear Tamahome,
hi Pen-pal. I'm at my mom's bf's house and not enjoying it much. She has been here all summer and has been ignoring her job that she owns. This in itself is enough to worry about demo shes been draging me along for no apparent reason. She said "this time we're just going to watch movies" in a few hours I'll be fixing fences and herding cows. (he has a farm) I think I'm now being replaced by her bf (yet again). Last night she went to go tuck him into bed and never came back. I know because a light was on in the living room (I sleep on the couch btw) and I woke up a 4 a.m. It was still on. She didnt even say goodnight to me.
This is the worst case of this type of behavior shes ever had. She always complained about being lonely when I was growing up. I always wondered when/if she would ever relize she wasnt alone and that me and my bro were there untill we move out. She always said that when we leave shes going to be alone and she did everything she could to find a husband (I've had 2 ex-step-dads and shes been married 4 times) I guessed that she didnt really want to be with us because we werent enough to make her happy.
So I started staying in my room all the time. She couldnt even ground me cause there was nothing to ground me from. Now I have a bad gruge about dads and bfs. Thats why I want to be alone. I know that relationships in this world seldom last and solitude lasts forever. I like my solitude I embrace it with open arms and push people away from me. I'm only myself and comfortable with myself when I'm alone. Why wasnt I enough to make my mom happy? gomen this is so long.
Dear XellossMetali,
*Glows red...* I cannot believe that any adult can be so self centered and stupid! You are not on this planet to make your mother happy. Only she can make herself happy. I'm sorry that she is such a failure as a parent and has made it so that you push others away. You shouldn't let your mother's poor behavior and bad choices in men dissuade you from finding love as you get older. I do think you should show your letter to her. She may have no idea how badly she has abused you emotionally and she needs to know this and find a way to make things right. I wish I could do more to help you. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Nuriko,
I FINISHED! I've finished the shrine for you. I hope you like it, would you be able to add it to your links page if you do? I would be so grateful. You'll find it at Enjoy.
Jen xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Dear Jen,
Arigato for the lovely shirne! I'll visit as soon as it's server is back up. Once we're sure the address works, we'll include it in our Links Peeji.
Dear Nuriko,
Hi! Remember me? anyway If you don't remember me, Im the one who asked you what you would do if your dad has been cheatin' on your mom. I just wanted to ask you why I shouldn't I get involved in this. My dad had a freakin' kid with the B*tch! Gomen. Please excuse my language it's just hard for me to leave this alone to my mom and dad coz' they'd get divorced if I don't. Please help me! Im only 13 years old and I can't handle this kind of problems!
Aki Ross
Dear Aki Ross,
Have you discussed this with your father? And are you CERTAIN that your mother has NO knowledge of your father's mistress and illegitimate child? Perhaps she does and is just trying to give a veneer of normality to your family life. If your parents ast this point are discussing divorice, then you should speak up. But be prepared for them to not want to be with each other anymore. Just remember that because they no longer love each other it does not mean that they no longer love you. You also should seek out a school counselor and discuss this with them. They might be able to speak to your parents on your behalf. Good luck! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
*POUNCE!* Not anything more than a thimble full. You know, the Gundam Wing fandom is a very violent fandom. Especially when it comes to the yaoi/non-yaoi sides. I'm really surprised it's been almost a year since our fanfic went up (it'll be a year the 27th) and we haven't gotten flamed for our expressed non-yaoi stance. Maybe the warning on the webpage works! In bold red letters, right below the title banner, updates, and Disclaimer link, it says "Flames lacking signs of intelligence will be posted on the page and publicly mocked. You have been warned." Has anybody ever flamed you guys via email-? And in our disclaimer section regarding yaoi, it says flames insulting us for our choice will be ridiculed more than normal flames. ^^ But we know our story isn't flame proof, however, Firefury and I are fire resistant, so to speak XD
And Speed's hair is longer than miiiine T_T He sent me a picture today.
And you know, it's really hard trying to be helpful to people when they don't think anything can be done to change things. *tch*
Dear One-chan,
Yeah, we get flamed an' sometimes CnA let's ME answer 'em since fire's MY speciality! Heh-heh-heh... Most of th' time though she jus' deletes 'em. We got enough letters to answer wit'out havin' to start a flame war wit' some bakyarou.
Dear Chiriko,
Let me just start off by saying I am like totally obsessed with you. Now at school I've been considered a freak, a dimwit, and an airhead. Do you ahve any advice for me? Its just really frusterating to be teased a lot for things they have no idea what they are talkin about. Arigato.
Chiriko Gurlie 25
PS I also need help convincing my friends that you are a guy....::giggles nervously:: no matter what I say they never believe me...
Dear Chiriko Gurlie 25,
Are they teasing you about anime? If you are interested enough inturing them around, why not try to start an anime club at your school and see if they will watch some with you. Otherwise, I'd ignore them and consider it to be they're loss if they refuse to open their minds to some thing different.
Dear Tasuki,
hey Tasuki!*hugs*missed ya alot!i have two questions to ask ya.1...when u and kouji first met, why wuz he so mean?2..oh d*mn i forgot.anyways..gotta go cuz i still have to write more letters to ur fellow seishi*hugs again*BUH BYE!!!
Dear joy-chan,
'Cos I was younger, smarter, an' better lookin'! Heh-heh-heh... *Gets smacked upside the head by Kouji.*
Dear Tasuki,
::a four year old kawaii chibi girl walks in looking around.:: Hawooo? ::She spots Tasuki:: Mama?
Dear Chibi-Chan,
ACK! I ain't yer ma kid! Why don't we try an' find her... OI!! Doc-sama!!! Didja' lose a kid???
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi...umm...I haven't been here for like two years but I just wanted to say hi because I remembered that I had this webpage still! How are you guys doing? Ok well then maybe I'll stop by later. Oh wait I have a question. Why is it when someone writes something soooooooo long and you guys only give a very short answer! Why is that? I know for this one you'll say "Oh hi welcome back. We dunno why blah blah blah..." Well just wanted to say a hello.
Dear Yui,
Welcome back, no da! We do remember you! The length of the letter doesn't determine the length of the answer. What can I say, sometimes a short answer is best to a long question. And sometimes a long answer is needed to answer a short question, no da.
Dear Chiriko,
What kind of books do you read? What libery do you go too? Oh, and you are my favorite person in this anime, that's why I am asking you. Plus all the others aren't the brighest tools in the shed.(And Tasuki says too many bad words.)
Sakura *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Dear Sakura,
I read all kinds of books. I have my own library. I really wouldn't say that about the rest of the Seishi. Hotohori-sama and Chichiri are VERY smart! As are Mitsukake, Tamahome, and Nuriko. Even Tasuki is smart, in his own way. Intelligence is not only measured by what one can read and remember. It is also based on life experience.
Dear Hotohori,
First of all, I must admit you are sexy.Very much so! ^.^ Anyways, now that I got that outta the way...
I must ask, WHY HOUKI?!?!??!?! I must say, sure she looks like Nuriko as 100% female, but WHY?!?! She's a VERY poorly developed character, and she doesn't even call you 'Hotohori' or 'Saihitei'!!! She calls you Majesty or whatever. She usues titles instead of your Suzaku/real name!!!! What kind of a wife is that?!?!?!?! I mean, sure, she SAYS she loves you, but how much is the truth?? She might be a MAN with stuffed boobies and someone else's babeh!! (Thought I doubt that, I admit) Ok. i just had to get that out. Anyways, I think you are sexy, and I'm cosplaying @ Hotohori and I'll have a Boushin w/me. NO HOUKIS, PLEASE!!!!!!
Empress Shanae
Dear Empress Shanae,
I can guarantee that Houki is 100% female! She calls me by my title because she shows porper respect for her Emperor. I love her and I know she loves me. Good luck with your cosplay.
Dear Hotohori,
Will you marry my roommate Beth?
(Gomen nasai, Hotohori-sama. She threatened to hurt me if I didn't ask you. -.-;; Tis an abusive relationship! Ahhhhh! Tasukiteeeeeee! *sob*)
Dear Ryuen,
I am already married. Gomen nasai Beth-san.
Dear Hotohori,
*clings to His arm tightly..lookin at him with heart shaped eyes*Helllloooo!!^^;..oops..sorry to yell *Ker-blinks..snuggles*anyway...just wanted to say your my Favorite charachter out of the series!Tooooo badddd your with houki..>.>..she doesn't seem to do anythin..^^;..Anyway...just wanted to feel special to actully be near you *.*..Its an honor!!btw your so kawaii!!love your hair too!Love you lotsies!*un-clings and walks away blowin a kiss*~.^
Dear Rytana,
Arigato. What kind words! *Smiles and sparkles at her*
Dear Chichiri,
*runs up to him and hugs him tightly..slightly clinging to him*why do you wear your mask all the time?I think you look way mutch kawaii and hotter without it!!!
Dear Trianna,
*Blushes* Arigato for you kind words, no da. I wear it because my scar disturbs people, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
::watches all of her friends get ready for school and laughs until Mom hands her a bus pass:: Ugh! I dun wanna go back to school! My school looks like a prison, some of the windows even have bars on them so kids don't climb out of them during lectures! And I hate math! ::shudders:: The only good thing about school is Chorus. Ne, what are your favorite and least favorite subjects in school?
Dear Danielle,
Except for Chiriko and Hotohori none of us really go/went to school. Chiriko, as you already loves ALL the subjects and Hotohori favored Fencing and Political Science. He really doesn't dislike any subject in particular.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
Since you can't have Miaka who are you going to go after next? Hehe sorry I know this is fake but I had to do it I couldn't resist!
Dear Miaka,
I didn't go after her an' I ain't goin' after anybody!
Dear Tamahome,
Hey gomen nasai about the spelling.I forgot to put a U on ryou.Anywho,I'm still in the process of making my website there's some bugs in it but anywho,the only problem that I can't I fix on there is the picture I drew of you.It's the chibi one of you ^_^.And I have trouble drawing fushigi yugi for some reason but when I was in the library for art class I drew you and it was good my friend Gloria who could draw anything and I do mean anything said it's my best one.^_^But I would've liked to put it on the internet so you could see but I guess I won't be able to though ;_;.Anywho,sorry for the babbling.Can I have a hug?Ummm could I ask you a BIG question?Would you be my aniki?I don't have a brother in real life or ic but would you be my big brother?*hugs tamahome*Arigatou.Ok gomen nasai for babbling if I did?O.o;
Dear Destiny,
Sure, I'll be your oniisan! *Smiles* Nice start on your website!
Dear Chichiri,
Is that i dont know a "i seriously doubt it" i dont know or a "its completely possible" i dont know no da?....Ahhhh! now you have saying it!!!
No one
Dear No one,
That is "I don't know" as in "I have no idea, no da."
Dear Chichiri,
lifesaver you know that green thinngy thats on his headband my friend clams its jade but i say its a lifesaver ^_^
Dear Tana,
That is a piece of jade, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
::sits next to chichiri fishing:: ::smiles:: another one!! ::pulls in fish, unhooks it and throws it back:: ::looks over at chichiri, who hasn't caught anything:: ::arches eyebrow:: do you think i keep catching the same fish? ::after a while pokes him:: hey, are you sleeping?
Dear ashley,
No, no da. But it is very relaxing. You might be, no da.
Dear Chiriko,
CHIRIKOOOOOO your back yay i'm so happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i've been so bored for like ever manly because i beat all my vidio games and i've read all my books allready but yesterday i got a cd i wanted i got staind it rocks oh yaeh i just rememberd i'm your miko yay i get to be chiriko's miko!!!!! *dances around as aqua plays in the background* yay
ps:glomps to death i love you chiriko
Dear ruki,
Arigato! *Turns blue from glomping and lack of air...*
Dear Hotohori,
*bows deeply* First off, I must appologize. I think you are a wonderful, humourous, and most beautiful man; but I have to admit Nuriko is my favorite anime character of all time. She is my heroine, my "transgendered soul sister". Could you please tell me of your history with her before Miaka came? How long had she been at the palace with you? How well did you come to know her before Miaka arrived? How would you describe your relationship with her pre-Miaka? Did she stand a good chance of being the royal consort? I thank you for your time, Your Majesty. *Bows in solemn respect before the throne*
Dear Neko,
I really barely knew him back then. But he and Houki became friends. He had been at the palace for about a year before Miaka arrived. He stood as good a chance as any of the women, until he was found out to be a man!
Dear Chichiri,
Chichiri, what color was Hikou's hair? What color was Kouran's hair? What color were Hikou's eyes? What color were Kouran's eyes? What color are your eyes? Oh, and I totally don't beleive this but, one of my friends says Hikou is cuter than you are! Ooh! How could she! Such a traitor! Soulda never let her see that pic. I'm having a bad day. To top it all off, S-chan says TOMO of all people, is cuter than you. That-that-!!! They're all out to get me, I tell ya. *suddenly gets an idea* Oh Tomo dooooll! oh Hikou dooooll!
Tomo Doll: Uh-oh...
Hikou Doll: RUN!
Chichiri Doll: There's no hope when she looks like that.
Nuriko Doll: (sadly) They'll be ripped apart seam by seam.
Yuuki Yuiren
Dear Yuuki Yuiren,
Hikou's hair was blue, Kourin's was black, his eyes, her eyes, and my eyes are all brown, no da.
Dear Mitsukake,
...You know you want to tell me...
Ash-chan(Sabin crazed still)
Dear Ash-chan,
Perhaps, but it's just an expression. Besides, we have no phones in Konan or the humble CyberAbode.
Dear Nuriko,
*skips in wearing her new black duster* Ain't it sugoi?! Dusters are fashionable right now! Ain't that just the greatest? Ol' aniki is a trendsetter, I suppose. So, Nuriko-san, how do you feel about the 80's look coming back? I'm not so sure about it. I just don't really like the way they clashed all the colors. Didn't really stimulate my brain. But I do like the punk look. It's not that bad, really. After the 80's thing, what do you think will be popular? The early 90's again? (Personally, I hope not. Why can't we just come up with new fashions instead of going in dang loops?) Well, thanks again Nuriko-san! Just needed your advice. *smiles, bows, and walks off again to read more Seventeen magazines*
Dear Alecia,
*Smiles* I know how you feel dear. It seems that the fashion designers have all run out of original ideas. Nice duster!
Dear Chichiri,
TELL ME ITS NOT TRUE! Are you really gay with Tasuki! And at one point you loved Haikou and used Kouran as a coverup????!!!!?!?!?! Heres the site that said you were....
a very confused soul
Dear confused soul,
NO! It's just a yaoi fanfic, no da!
Dear Tamahome,
*a sweet,nice,quite girl comes by* hello! i have a question for you! i have a crush on korojuungou but hes a con artist. he knows that i like him but i dont know what to do? i use to have a crush on yuuhi but i can feel a strong heart from koro like how felt a strong heart from miaka. do you know what i can do?
Dear melfina12,
Follow your heart. Good luck.
Dear Tasuki,
no lina magic! ok sure
Everlasting flaim of blue, by the power which lies between the eternal and the infinate and the power that dwells within my soul be called fourth! let the allience between us be united by the power u and i possess...RAHHHHHH TILT!!!!
Tasuki stalker
Dear Tasuki stalker,
That's still Lina magic!!! There'd be no Slayers if she weren't around! So, NO *(&^%$#@ MAGIC!!!!
Dear Tasuki,
Aniki! *glomp tackle* I'm so happy to see you. *fang grins and sits on his stomach* Guess what? Mirai and me broke up. We both figured it was for the best, no da. So, now I'm all on my lonesome. *noddles* So, how ya been? Better than Little Ghost, I'm sure. *glances at Tamahome lying on the floor doused in glue and elbow macaroni* Did you notice your family is HUUUUUGE? Li'an, Mai, Aidou, Pa'liu, Jiang, Ashley, Koroshimas, me, and all the kids your sisters are having? And if you're going to ask about Koro, he's my twin brother. Now you have an otouto. Your family is huge, aniki ^^ But aren't you glad to have each and every one of us? Yeah, I bet you are. *nod nod* School's starting again, can't say I'm looking forward to it. Hopefully this year I won't blow it and almost flunk. Feh...I'm rambling, ne? Well, best I get going. *hugs him tightly and climbs off of him* You'll hear from me soon enough. Itte irrashai! *sprints off as Tamahome and Mitsukake go after her*
Dear Alecia,
*Looks at his fellow mangled Seishi and cringes…*
Dear Mitsukake,
*tackles him and ties him up* HA! Can't stop me this time! *cuts his hair really short and gives him blonde tips* There ya go ^_^ Now CnA can be happy! You've REALLY needed your hair cut for a loooong time. Don't you feel better now? See, I already did Tama. *Tama comes out, fur all fluffy and poofed up* I gave him a perm ^^ Kawaii, ne? Well, must run off to scar Tama-baka for life and taunt my aniki...what fun! *runs off before he hurts her*
Alecia (who else? ^^)
Dear Alecia,
*Sweatdrops and looks at the poor cat…* Tama-neko! Did the insane fangirl hurt you? *Tama-neko meows pitifully…*
Dear Tamahome,
Why are you twitching Tama-dear? *smiles innocently and kneels to him lying on the ground, all dried up and unable to move* My. What a predicament you're in! Why, you shouldn't be playing in macaroni factories! *waves a finger at him, a hand on her hip* What a naughty Little Ghost. *pokes his forehead repeatedly for a few minutes saying "Little Ghost" with every poke* My, what a strange light surrounding you! Well, I must run deary. Ta ta Little Ghost! *covers him in more glue quickly and runs off again*
Alecia (Your favorite Kou, no doubt! :D)
Dear Alecia,
*Angry chi burns off the glue and macaroni…*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
How many OVA's or OAV's of Fushigi Yugi are there?
Dear Umi,
There are 2 OAV series and a total of 9 episodes between them.
Dear Nuriko,
Nuriko!!!!!!!!!!!! *hugs her big brother* I have the greatest news. Im so happy. I got my exam results today and I got 6 A's , 3 B's and a C. Im so glad. Thankyou so much for signing my guestbook and for being my big brother. oh yeah, I got you a gift *hands Nuriko a pretty hairclip* I hope you like it.
Bye, I'll write to you soon xxxxxxxxxxx
Dear Jen,
Arigato and congratulations on the good grades! Keep up the good work! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
what does feng shui mean?
Dear someone,
It means "the way of wind and water" or "the natural forces of the universe".
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