Dear Tamahome,
*looks at the macaroni covered Tamahome* sorry about Alecia. I think she's bored, and super glue, macaroni and boredom aren't a good combination. She's done that to me, too. Not fun, is it? *showers him with gold ryou* .....y'know, super glue is probably flamable.....Tasuki might have a use for once!
Dear Ayame,
Thank you. Can you lead me to the acetone? I know THAT will melt super glue.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hello, this is Chiriko-chan's scary gay stalker. This question is for Chiriko-chan and Mitsukake-kun.
The practical medical applications of cloning are obvious. The controversy over the subject is an ethical one; most often, it is argued against by individuals who do not completely understand the scientific details.
I would like to know, what is the consensus on cloning regarding the japanese medical community? Also, what are your personal opinions?
Dear Anya,
I have a link to a Japanese news article should answer your first question: As to our opinions, if science is used responsibly, then it can be a wondrous thing. To be able to cure diseases and replace diseased organs is a good thing. But, we should not clone an entire person for that purpose. Cloning the organ itself should be sufficient.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey, all, glad you're back! Just a quick question. You know in FF8 when you got Eden? Well... (*giggle*) Ever since you got Eden... (*chuckle*) Have you... (*giggle*) Have you ever used the DEVOUR command in battle? (*chuckle*) Just asking...
Dear Tonberry,
I don't remember. I think we'll have to replay some of the game just to try that out.
Dear Chichiri,
Nene, aisaika, it's that time again! SCHOOLtime! *lol* Well, this year, i have a gamergirl roomie who is asking for me to show her the ways of an otaku. ^___________^
Don't forget me aisaika!!! I hope you haven't already, no daaaaa....~_~
Kelli, CnA#2
Dear Kelli,
I haven't forgotten you, no da! Your roommate sounds like she'll be fun, no da!
Dear Chichiri,
Hello! My friend and i always talk about this...and i need to know!!!! Why did you make your mask to look funky (and irresistably cute *drool*)Couldnt you have made it to look like your real face? And your scars...they arent scary...whats scary is behind Kane's mask. *mumbles* YOU HEAR THAT KANE! I CALLED YOU SCARY YA FREAKISH PHONEY! (sorry....i had to get that out -_-;;) You is the first person i know that can be cute and hot! Do you know of any sites where they have the cel images of you? Luv ya!
Dear Lybra,
Arigato for your kind words, no da. I wanted a mask that was always smiling and happy. There are lots of sites with pictures of me, no da. Have you checked our Links Peeji?
Dear Chichiri,
Bwhahaha! Mako-chan is BACK! ^_^ Well, maybe for a little while. Krazy-chan and I just wanted to inform you all of our idea for a cosplay for an upcoming Con...
We're going as... RABID FANGIRLS! *glomps Chichiri*
"That way, we can have a *reason* for glomping people!!!" -Krazy-chan
It should be fun; We're going to wear pins with anime char. on them and all sorts of stuff like that! And ontop of it all, we're going to have autograph books to get cosplayers to sign in! HURRAY!!!!!!
Well, that's 'bout it. Just wanted to, I mean, let you all know...*evil grin*
<3 Mako-chan
Dear Mako-chan,
Sounds like a good idea, no da!
Dear Chichiri,
;.; i found out a close family friend has reverted back to doing drugs, verrry dangerously, he got fired from his job for stealing miney for the drugs, and we don' know where he is or anything!!! ::sob::
Dear ashley,
I'm so sorry to hear that. Can I help, no da?
Dear Tasuki,
I know, I know. You get the most fan letters out of all the seishi and all but I'm on the a different mission. I'm not a fan girl, and I'm not here to get you in trouble. So I guess, you're your a person with a dragon sign? I am too, that's why we have short-tempers.
I'm really here writing to ask you WHY THE F*** DO YOU HATE WOMEN!!! I mean I hate men and I'm proud of it. They're very annoying I do say so.
But I don't go around saying 'I Hate Men!' or 'I hate you' to a boy.
The only boys I do like I the one's that are younger than me that means, Chiriko-chan and I like Chichiri-san too, he looks like a kid with his mask on. Don't you think so too?
Jia- Ping
P.S. Jia- Ping is my real name. My whole name is Chen Jia- Ping which for your information means 'good girl'.
Dear Jia- Ping,
Because they always get me in some kinda trouble or d*mn near killed! Cool name, fer a girl.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
A whole truckload of questions for you!!!
1)What are your favorite kinds of soda?
2)What are your favorite anime?
3)Where do you like to go on vacation?
4)Can you tell me about Louver? I'm interested to meet her. I'm also from the Philippines.
5)Remember me, I'm Minerva, right?
6)What do you think about each of Tenkou's shittenou? My thoughts are they're all pitiful, except for Yousui.
7)How old is Boushin?
8)Do you watching Who Wants to be a Millionaire? Is that your final answer?
9)Is Miaka still a glutton?
10)Do you know who the Witches 5 of Sailormoon S are? If yes, who are they, hmmm?
11)What---*suddenly sees the Senshi*MOSAIC BUSTER!!!
Sayonara for now!
Dear Viluy,
Here are all your answers in order of asking:
1) Coca Cola, 7Up
2) Fushigi Yuugi, Kenshin, Trigun, Ayashi no Ceres, Card Captor Sakura, are amongst the many anime we watch.
3) Hotohori doesn't take vacations, Chichiri just likes to wander, Chiriko visits the nearest school, Tamahome is too cheap to spend money on a vacation, Nuriko enjoys the onsens as does Mitsukake, and Tasuki goes back to Mt. Reikaku.
4) We know very little about Louver.
5) Hai
6) Even he is a bit pitiful.
7) 2 years old.
8) No, we don't. Yes it is.
9) Hai
10) No
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
*walks in, shrugs, and wraps Tasuki in lakeweed, stuffs a fish down his shrit, and runs off before he can harm her*
Dear Ayame,
What th' H*LL????????????
Dear Nuriko,
Ah! Gomen! I forgot--I had another brief question. :) How old is your brother Rokou? I know Korin is a year younger than you...but, I can't seem to find anywhere how much older Rokou is. Okay...anyway. That's all. :)
Dear Ryuen,
He's only a couple of years older than me. But he can be such a baby... >.<;;;
Dear Nuriko,
Hey Nuriko can you ask Rokou if I could go on a date with him?
Water Sprite
Dear Water Sprite,
Sure, but he's a bit of a wimp. I'M more manly than he is!
Dear Chichiri,
*giggles* KAWAII! *listens to one of his songs* DADADAA!!!!!*runs off and is VERY hyper*
Dear Keiko,
*Sweatdrops* Daaaaaaaaa...
Dear Nuriko,
Hi Nuriko!Ok well first off I haven't written to you yet but you're my second favorite seishi ^_^.(lookie it's the Nuriko emoticon!)but may I ask you a question?Okie,If you had anything to read in Konan what would you read?ex.Romance,Horror,action,comedy drama?Let me know thankies ^_^.Can I have a hug?
Dear Destiny,
Romance! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Chichiri,
hey! I'm not that young, chichiri! Ive seen many shirtless guys! And I didn't demand that you do it. I just didn't want you to be all hot, i live in california and its like a reeaaallly bad heat wave now. Sorry, I'm not hentai all the time, i want you to know that.
PS How young do you think I am?
Dear Bosher,
I'm glad to know that, no da. Well the age spread here seems to be 12-23, so maybe 15, no da?
Dear Hotohori,
You're close try again
cloud fairy
Dear cloud fairy,
Dear Tasuki,
Okay I'll tell you what my name is it's Water Sprite.
nameless aka Water Sprite
Dear Water Sprite,
Oh, gomen I didn't guess. Guess I ain't any good at guessin' ganes. *Grins*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Aiya... *bows* Hi, my name is SynAngel, and, anou... I'm a huge fan of you, the Suzaku seishi! I even can tolerate Miaka! And... *blushes* anou, I don't really know what to say! I just thought I had better warn you that I plan on hanging around here somewhat often. *bows and blushes more*
Dear SynAngel,
Welcome to our humble CyberAbode. We hope you enjoy your stay. Arigato for the banner and button!
Dear Chichiri,
ANIKI-CHHHAAANNNN!!! *Runs into him with major glompage* Im sooo happy your back! I thought id never see you again!*sniffs* now im full of genki cus your back! So didja miss me?
Dear Kohaku,
Hai, no da.
Dear Chiriko,
Hello Chiriko, I hope you're doing well! I usually go to to read responses, although I have never actually written any of you. *thinks: why does everyone always ask Mitsukake about medical stuff? Yes, he is a doctor, but why can't it just be hi?*
Anyway, I wanted to say I sympathize with you on being small for your age. After all, I am in high school (9th grade, just a little fishie) and I am only 5 feet tall and weigh 101.5 pounds! -_- everyone just runs over me in the hall... ah well. It's good exercise.
So, I'm with ya on the small thing. Being small is not so bad, nor is being young! Most of my friends are at least a year older than I. My friend who is a senior went and got me McNuggets today for lunch... she's so nice! Well, have a great day!
Dear A,
Arigato for your nice words. Your friend sounds very kind.
Dear Chichiri,
AAH!! Onii-chan!! *gives him a hug* My real brother moved out today to go off to college!! I can't believe it! I'm actually gonna miss him! @__@ That scares me!!
Ooh! Look at this, Onii-chan! A dress on eBay...with you on it!!
I didn't know that kinda thing existed!! O_o I bet CnA would like it...^_^ Anyway...this week, we have band camp! I'm in my school's marching band! (It's really hard work ^^;;)Cool, ne? I play the clarinet! That brings up a question...if you guys were in marching band, what instrument would you play? And who would be drum major? Thanks, onii-chan! *hugs Chichiri and runs off*
Dear Mishiko,
Kawaii dress, no da!
Tasuki - Drums
Tamahome - Cymbals
Hotohori - Flute
Nuriko - Triangle
Mitsukake - Tuba
Chichiri - Drum major, no da!
Chiriko - Trombone
Dear Tasuki,
::brings piles of school pictures from past years:: can you burn these for me??? ::puppy dog eyes:: please!!! ::dumps pictures on the floor:: ::moves out of the way::
Dear julie,
Sure! REKKA SHIENEN!!!!!!!!! *Toasts her pile.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
so there isn't one that just multiplies???
Dear julie,
No. There are a lot of Nyan-Nyan. Not just one.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi! I just celebrated my birthday last 9th August and by golly, now I'm twelve! I'm switching to a new alias now; this time, it will be Viluy, one of the Witches 5 of Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon S. So if you see the name Viluy, remember that this is the new me. BTW, who are your fave Sailor Senshi? I don't know which archive it was written it, so gomen, K? Also, who are your fave Sailormoon villains from any season?
Dear Minerva,
We don't have any favorite Sailor Senshi or villains. We haven't watched Sailor Moon in over 2 years.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey guys its a small world after all, your beloved Ashley chan knows Jean chan in real life! XD pretty cool ne! We didnt even realize we both went tot he same page until just recently ^_^
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley Chan,
Dear Chiriko,
o_o; Chiriko...School starts on the fifth for me...HIGH school..*turns sd and hugs his legs* Heeeeeeeeeeeelp me!! O_O Haven't been t` school for about seven years!
Dear Keiko,
7 years? Were you home schooled? I'm sure you'll be just fine! *Smiles down at her.*
Dear Nuriko,
gomen ne Ryu. *snuggles*
Sora has discovered a new game the last few days... he seems to enjoy kicking my bladder. Be thankful you're male... >.< *runs as fast as she can to the bathroom*
*comes back out after 30 min* Ryu.. will you talk to him?? *lowers herself back down next to Ryu* the way this is going I'm going to have to get a catheter, carrying around a bag would be convenient. >.< *runs off again*
Dear Doc-sama,
I will, but I don't know if he'll listen.
Dear Chichiri,
*points to the wave of letters coming*
you use the boards to stay on top of that. Surfs up!! *waddles away as fast as she can*
Dear Doc-sama,
Sou desu! Arigato, no da! *Surfs over the incoming mail flood*
Dear Tasuki,
*POUNCE!* Why on earth would I go into a sushi place that shares a name with Tomo?? And I was only there for two days. With my MOM. Who happens to not like sushi. ;p
But my (step) aunt got tipsy from drinking only a small sample cup of wine when we went out for dinner! ^-^;
Dear One-chan,
So, yer sayin' yer auntie can't hold her wine?
Dear Chichiri,
Nononono! I meant real name. I wouldn't be a Chichiri fan if I didn't know how to pronouce Chichiri!
Kourin: Get off that stupid site and get to work, Yuiren!
Yuiren: But-but-hey! You have to get back to work on the Nuriko shrine! How will anyone see my beautiful tribute to Chichiri-sama if your shrine isn't working! And you call yourself a Nuriko fan!
Ukelele: Beautiful....? Heheheh....
Yuiren: Looks who's talking Miss-I-can't-build-Tasuki-his-shrine-for-Konan. I am the ONLY devoted fan here! I'm even starting a Tomo shrine now. *gets starry-eyed* Chuin-saaaamaaaaa!
Kourin: *sigh* I have to finish this one too? Kay, kay, I promise to work on the Nuriko quarter of the shrine. And make frames and a jukebox, kay?
Yuuki Yuiren
Dear Yuuki Yuiren,
Ah! You mean Ri Houjun, no da! Ree Hoejun.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
hmmm....if you guys were to get infected with the seven deadly sins which one would you get?? Just in case you dont know the choises there glutony, greed,anger,lust,pride,envey,and sloth although im sure ya knew that ^_^ oh yeah an no using Miaka for glutony anthough she is a perfect canidate teehee
Dear Tana,
Tamahome - Greed, Tasuki - Anger, Nuriko - Lust, Hotohori - Pride, Chichiri, Mitsukake, and Chiriko don't seem to fit with Sloth, Gluttoney, and Envy.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Nuriko,
Why hasn't Sakamoto Chika recorded a solo album? *CRIES* I want more Sakamoto Chika music!! ^_^.
Dear Ryuen,
I don't know. Perhaps she is busy.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*sobs* I will NEVER get obsessed with another character OTHER than Mitsukake ever again! This has just RUINED my day!
Waah,what should I do to cheer myself up?;_;
Depressed Ash-chan
Dear Ash-chan,
Watch some anime?
Dear Hotohori,
DAA!! *hugs Hotohori-sama* You're back!! That is like sooooo cool. Anyways, I wanted to write you and see what was going on. I mean, it's been awhile since I've talked to ya. Also, I just wanted to say Hi. *mutters* Geez, Chiriko would have a fit if he saw how bad my grammer is. Oh well. So how is Houki and Boushin(sp?)? Well, gotta go. I have psychology homework to do. *goes off muttering about a fun class having homework.*
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
Houki and Boushin are fine, thank you for asking.
Dear Chichiri,
*runs in and hugs her aniki* YOU'RE BACK, NO DA!!! Oh. Gomen. I didn't mean to yell in your face and ears. *laughs* I'm sorry. It's just that when I got back from vacation you guys weren't here and I just thought that it was very ironic. Well, I just wanted to say hi and see what you were up to, no da.
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
We're all fine. And yourself, no da?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
....what's it like to be loved and needed by someone?
Dear Ayame,
It's wonderful and scary at the same time.
Dear Mitsukake,
....Call you in the morning?
.................What's your phone number,then?
The Still Shadow and Sabin Crazed Ash
Dear Ash,
*Smiles…* If I may borrow a famous line... Sore wa himitsu desu...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
hi guys! i was just wondering, are any of you into i ching or feng shui?
Blue Avenger
Dear Blue Avenger,
We have all dabbled a bit. But we are not serious practitioners.
Dear Chichiri,
Hola. I know you must get a bizillion letters a day, so please dont answer mine. I just wanna write cause it feels good to have someone listen. Im sorry about what happened between you, Kouran, and Haikou. But I'm sure they are watching you and you'll be together again someday. I read that people feel uncomfortable around you being maskless...who the h*ll feels uncomfortable around your scars!?!?! Every chichiri fan i've spoke with find them to be hot!!! Love ya! Bye ^-#
Dear Lybra,
Arigato for your kind words, no da. I'm sure you're right about me, Hikou, and Kouran.
Dear Chichiri,
It's just been bugging me....I've derived a theory of how your hair stands like that...In the middle of the night you MUST sleep on your face or something...o_o; Because that hair of yours..It just...sticks up..Can I touch it? Is it sharp?
Dear Willow,
Hai, it's not sharp, no da!
Dear Nuriko,
hi! ummmmmm.......I was writting to ask what you think would be appropriate to wear to school?
Dear Andrea,
Clothing is always a good start! ~_^. Do you have school uniforms? If not, a nice dress or skirt set would be pretty.
Dear Tamahome,
*gets really close to his face and fang grins* Helloooooooo...Tamahome-kun. *smiles innocently then grabs him and dunks him into a pool of super glue. She then grabs him and throws him into an elbow macaroni factory* You are such a stress reliever! *shakes his macaroni covered hand and leaves him to lie there, covered completely in elbow macaroni* La la la laaa...
Dear Alecia,
*Twitches as he dries…* >.<;;;
Dear Tasuki,
TAAASSSUUUKKKKIIII! your stupid sister hit me in the head with a long cuz i said you were so much kooler then she is ::crys:: shes so mean
Dear Tana,
Yes she is. Gomen…
Dear Nuriko,
NURIKO! *Goes running over to her favourite Seishi* I saw video ten *Cuddles Nuriko round the waist* It was so sad, I couldn't stop crying. Then my friend wanted to watch the videos and since her VCR doesn't play American videos and mine does I had to go through it all again, my friends made a bet I would cry and I tried not to but I did, I just couldn't help it, NURIKO! *sobs* Im so glad your open again, you were closed when I watched it and I was felt so distraught *sniff* Can I have a hug please *looks up with tearful eyes*
Also Im in the middle of making a shrine for you, I hope you like it, I'll tell you when its finished, would you like to visit? I've just finished a Fushigi Yugi site, its at please would you sign my guestbook, It would make me so happy.
I have one more favour to ask of you, Im sorry Im asking lots, but theres so much to say since I last wrote to you. Would you please be my big brother? It would mean so much to me to have someone like you to look up to.
Bye Love you, talk to you soon xxxxxxxxxxxx
Dear Jen,
I signed your guest book! Of course I'll be your big brother and I'd love to visit the shrine when it's done! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tamahome,
*Gives 10 gold ryo to tamahome in fear he might do something to her*Anywho,tamahome I just want to ask why do you punch tasuki whenever he says "LITTLE GHOST"?Yea sure he can be annoying at times but hey aren't we all?His annoyance and loud mouth quirks is what makes him cute and such.^__^.Anywho,I think I might've given Nakago some hints on your nickname but he said he knew your "Little ghost" be carefull"don't hurt me?".*turns chibi in fear tamahome might hurt her,get's ready to run past him*Anywho,I like ya don't get me wrong......but still why do you have to "beat"on tasuki?It's kinda cute when you guys argue with each other*snickers*Anywho,I guess I'd better go.TTFN TA TA FOR NOW.
Dear Destiny,
I punch him because I HATE that name!
Dear Chiriko,
Why are guys hitting on you? poor should have Tasuki beat em up ^_^
Dear Tana,
Hai! That's a good idea!
Dear Hotohori,
Poor Hotohori....your ducky shoes and bucket hat arnt that bad...
Dear Tana,
Arigato. *Smiles*
Dear Chichiri,
Why does your friend in the last OVA have a lifesaver on his head???
Dear Tana,
A what, no da?
Dear Chichiri,
It's been a loooong time since I last heard from you now! ^_______^ *Duo comes running towards Enma and jumps up on her shoulder* Hi Duo kittie! Have you been a good boy cutie?
Duo: Meooooow! *prrrrrrrrrrr*
Was he a good boy?
I had a great time on the Anime fair! I bought a Fushigi Yuugi scroll for $73! I have it over my bed now and I kiss you all good night every evening! ;) My best friend bought a Tenchi Muyo deck of cards and a keyring with Tasuki(of course ^_^;; ) Then we watched 'Argento Soma', 'One Piece', 'Boogiepop Phantom' and most important of all 'Kare Kano'. Oh, and I bought this for you! *Hands Chichiri a 'Escaflowne the Movie' soundtrack* Great movie! One of my favorites! ^_______^ Have you seen it?
And School started yesterday *sigh* ... It's pretty okey now actually. Nobody teases me anymore and I have gotten better with some subjects! I'm catching up! ^_____^
I have a feeling that we're going to find my fourth seishi soon. Musouka had a vision but.. it wasn't very nice.. He says that something evil is on the way but that it won't harm us.. hmmm...
I have to say hi to my Aniki now(Tamahome)!
Yours Truly,
Enma Mizuumi
Dear Enma Mizuumi,
Arigato for the present, no da! Duo was a very good kitten, no da. I have seen Escaflowne since my Seiyuu is Van, no da.
Dear Tamahome,
Should I name our secondborn Gaylord?
Dear Miaka,
Our WHAT??????????
Dear Tamahome,
Aniki! *runs towards Tamahome ...... runs PAST Tamahome and into Miakas arms instead*
And Miaka! My favorite Miko and wonderful sister-in-law! Here! ^_______^ *Hands Miaka a P-chan Plushie and a bar of chokolate* watch the chokolate so that Nuriko dosn't take it, Okey! *walks past Miaka and hugs their son* Well, well, if it isn't my cute little nephew! You have grown since I last saw you you know! Here, look what I bought for you! *Hands him a BIG Ryo-ohki plushi* Be a good boy now and be nice to you mother and father. ^_______^ *Enma notice Tamahome that sulks in a corner* Awww, Aniki! *kiss him on the cheek* You didn't think I would forget you?! Here you go! *Hands him a money box that looks like a little treasurechest and next to it stands a little Tamahome that points with his arm and says O-KA-NEEE!(just like in episode 5) when someone puts a coin in the treasurechest* Isn't it nice! Are you happy now Aniki? ^_______^ I hope you all liked your presents.
I have to feed Duo now. Byiie everybody!
See ya later Aniki!
Enma Mizuumi
Dear Enma Mizuumi,
Arigato for the nice presents!
Dear Chichiri,
::walks in, blank look on her face, tears streaming down her cheeks:: ::sees chichiri:: ::falls into his arms sobbing::
Dear ashley,
What happened, no da?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
is nyan nyan one person or are there many nyan nyans???
Dear julie,
There are LOTS of Nyan-Nyan, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
::sneaks up behind tasuki:: ::quikly puts little pink bows all over his hair:: ::turns chibi and runs away:: hee hee hee!!!
Dear julie,
ACK!!!!! *Starts tearing the bows out of his hair.* GET 'EM OFFA ME!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Tamahome,
Gomen about the very first letter I sent I was a bit sugar high*gives him five gold ryou*Friends?
Cloud Fairy
Dear Cloud Fairy,
*Smiles* Hai! Arigato!
Dear Hotohori,
I know you're tired of this...I heard you're good at guessing ages can you guess mine
cloud fairy
Dear cloud fairy,
Hmmm… 16?
Dear Tasuki,
Wrong!Here's another hint my other friends are cloud fairy and touyanomiko
Dear nameless,
Are ya' Sakura?
Dear Mitsukake,
How long is it before you can heal again, after having already healed someone? I take it your power has to "refresh" before you can use it again...but, how long does that take, typically? I am most curious. :)
And by the way, you're not boring. Just of few words. :) Ah, but when you DO say make it count. Who else gets such lovely speeches?? No one. *firm nod* ^_~.
Dear Ryuen,
Arigato for your kind words. I have to wait a full day to "recharge" my healing powers so to speak.
Dear Tamahome,
Ne, Taaaaaaaaaaama-chan! ^_^. I have a question. I'm not exactly sure that you'll be able to answer it, of course...but, eh, it's worth a shot.
Is it ever said anywhere what exactly you and Miaka name your child? I wouldn't ask, except I'm trying to write a fanfiction taking place a bit after the OVAs, and so knowing the name would be extreeeeemely helpful. If there is no official name, of course, that's all right. I'll just make one up. :):) Regardless...arrigato! ^_~.
Dear Ryuen,
No, nowhere is our child named that I am aware of.
Dear Mitsukake,
Yay, you're all back!!!!!
I know yer not boring Mitsukake!! (although I'm just finding it out, but hey^^;) And I've got something that proves it!!!
I forget what episode its from, but Miaka's gone with Tasuki and Chichiri to get Tamahome, and Hotohori's worried and blah blah blah. But "Chiriko" and Nuriko start fighting over who gets to comfort him.*sweatdrops* And Mitsukake says something like, "Your Majesty, you seem to have a way with men!" Hehe, one of my favorite parts of that episode!! See, I know yer not boring!!!^o^
Dear Fallon,
*Smiles* Arigato, that was one of my favorite lines, too!
Dear Nuriko,
*huggles* I've missed you so much anata.. ;.; Things have been going well, so many kids and students. *walks into her dressing room to change into something cooler* the hormones are changing again.. could I trouble you for a back massage love? *kisses Ryu* Aishiteru
Dear Doc-sama,
I've missed you as well. *Rubs her back for her.* Aishiteru mo.
Dear Tasuki,
*pouts* I don't wanna go back to school!! *sobs* the building isn't even air conditioned! *piles up all her school stuff from last year**grabs Tasuki's tessen, fries the school stuff, and accidentally fries Tasuki* Umm.........oops? *looks at the tessen* I've really gotta stop trying that. Well, I'll see ya! *runs off with his tessen*
Dear Ayame,
OI!!! Get back here wit' my tessen!!! *Chases her down and retrieves his tessen.*
Dear Chichiri,
*snickers, and hands Houjun a surfboard, then some boogieboards*
Give the surfboard to CnA onegai? You gentlemen can use the boogieboards ;) Keep your balance ;D
Dear Doc-sama,
Arigato, no da! *Wonders what to do with all the boards…*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Yes, I've been saving this bit of information from my trip for when you reopened. Scary, ne? Do you suppose Tomo hides out there? I wouldn't want to visit it if that's the case...
Dear One-chan,
Honto ni???? And ya' didn't go in??? 'Che! Even Chichiri no Aijin went to Lil' Tokyo to look fer Tasuki Sushi. Seems it closed down though… Didja' know that there's a restaurant in Gardena called th' Shisengumi?
Dear Tamahome,
Hi Tamahome long time no see/write ne? School started (for me at least) I'm not too thrilled about it. Beside the fact that I dont know anyone and no one talks to me which I dont want them to anyway cause they are all...not very nice or very interested in anything but popularity. *sighs* What was school like for you? I bet it was cool ne? What is the most useful thing you were taught? hey could you ask Chiriko a question for me? is there any fun and/or easy way to memorize the whole periodic table? I'd ask him myself demo that would make yet another letter for you to reply ne? well wish me luck I'll need it.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi Guys!!!! Okay so Otakon was a lot of fun but if dressing up like you is anything like being you I don't want any part of it!!!! Girls chased us around!!!! And all we were just cheap imatation you!!! It is enough to make a good Chichiri cosplayer scream "DAAAAAAA!" and run for her Kasa. Our Hotohori was adored from afar, our beautiful Nuriko was.....Nuriko..., Our Chiriko was the cutest thing next to the real one, our Mitsukake was very manly as was evidenced by the trail of swooning "Miaka's" he left behind him, our Tasuki was proposed to by crazy fangirls and, I your ever faithful Chichiri cosplayer was seriously injured in a fierce battle with the Bisho-Hunters (I really did have to give one girl a "Look here girly" stare to make her let go of me!She gave me a bruise!!) I gotta go watch stuff!
Bye and PS thank you for responding to my letter from about a month ago asking for details on the costumes! You guys really helped us win an award in the costume contest!
Dear Anna,
You're very welcome, no da! We're very glad we were able to help you win! *Smiles* Now you know how we feel in a crowd of fangirls, no da! Even Chichiri no Aijin got glomped at AX01, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
*glomps* Tasuki!!! Welcome back! How ya been? I missed all of you so much! ;-; You know what, you guess have to go and see my elfwood gallery ^^;; I have a few FY pictures up there *re-glomps* Go see it! go see it! ^^;; please leave comments ;-;
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
We saw yer drawins'! They're great! Especially ZelgaBunny! Heh-heh-heh…
Dear Mitsukake,
MITSY!!! I missed yooou! I got to go to london and it was really fun. My friend and I went and we saw a lot of stuff and went shopping! ::dives into bookbag and pulls out a teddy bear:: this is for you ^_^. how are you? ::cuddles tama:: I made a neopet named after you. Mitsukake was taken so I had to take mitsukakesan instead. ^_^ I also have a chichirikawaiinoda a hotohorinonarcissist and a tasukinopyro ^_^. Hope you don't get flooded with TOO too many letters aniki ::hugs:: say hi to chichiri no aijin for me ^_^. ::dissapears in a cloud of smoke::
Dear Morphie-Chan,
I will! Shopping in London is a lot of fun according to Chichiri no Aijin.
Dear Chichiri,
::opens japanese/english dictionary:; Lessee...O...Oka...Okami. ::clears throat:; Okami: (noun) oh-kah-mee 1.) landlady...-_____-;;;;; 2. mistress ^_# I wasn't asking if I could be your landlady...though it would prolly be interesting...
Dear Danielle,
Oh! *Blushes and sweatdrops* I already have an aijin and an aisai, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
I just wanted to say, you're my favorite character in all of FY. I changed my backround to you. My Winamp list is as following:
1. Fushigi Yuugi -Chichiri- Mizu-Kagami
2. [Intrumental Version] Mizu-Kagami
3. Fushigi Yuugi- Chichiri/Tasuki -Aoi Jiyuu, Shiroi Nozomi
4. THTC - Audio Track 1
5. Ranma 1/2 - The Baka Song (don't ask)
My Winamp skins are the one with you in the amber sunset and the the one with you and Hikou. (How do you pronounce that? My friend says it's like 'he-ko' And how do you pronouce your name for that matter?) My opening shot is you. You know, the 'Windows 98 is now starting' is you with your eyes closed, bishouned scar in sight. The closeing is 'Windows is now shutting down' and it's you casting a spell. Some people have those tones when they log in, I have you saying 'Na no da!'. Some people have tones when they shut down their computer. I have 'kakakaka' (once again, don't ask) Now I am patiently waiting for the OAV box set to come out. I am threatening to change my name from Yuiren to Kouran, but Kourin won't let me. She says 'Kourin and Kouran? How will anyone ever tell us apart?' Oh well. Mizu Kagami is my favorite song. It's because your voice is deep through the whole thing. *gets starry-eyed*
Kourin: *sigh* Looks like I'm gonna have to finish this one. Yuiren-chan praises you. Blah-blah-blah, you get the idea. I'm trying to stop her from dying it blue. The only thing stopping her is the fact both Hotohori and Tomo have vaguly her haircolor. If Tomo suddenly dyes his hair blue, we're all doomed.... Now if she would stop glomping you for *one* minute, we could finish our DBZ doujinshi!
Yuiren: But I can't work on that! I have to write more fanfiction on Chichiri!
Kourin: Here we go again...
Yuuki Yuiren
Dear Yuuki Yuiren,
*Blushes* Arigato, no da! Hikou's name is pronounced "Shikou" and Chichiri is "Cheecheeree", no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
WAI!!!You're open....*Searches for the seishi in the pile of letter's and finds them at the bottom.*Hey you guys are open I bet you have lotsa letters to answer.Anywho,congrats,I hope you don't have to close again.Anywho,Just to let ya know my friend aidou(who is tasuki's sister)has a website called ask the seishi siblings.Some of tamahome's family is in it,Nuriko's sister Kourin or Korin is in it and of course Aidou.^__^.Anyways here is the website address (I hope the url works)Oh yea Chiriko guess what?I am teaching myself how to speak japanese.^__^.I actually know a few more words now wai ^__^.Well anywho,good luck with the archives and may you have many more letter's to answer in the future.^__^ take care.
Dear Destiny,
Arigato! I'll add her to our Links Peejis if she isn't already there.
Dear Tasuki,
*grins evily* well u did say no fireballs or water buuuut if u prefer i could always try a Giga slave or a ragna blade if u wish.... hehehe
*eyes sparkle* i got a tasuki plushie *hugs it tightly* it took me ages to get rachel to lend it to me but i got it *hugs it tighter* dont u think your plushie is just THEEE BEST! THEE SWEETIST AND THEEE MOST WOUNDERFUL!!! *pouts* if only they made a tomo one but alas they didnt *sniffs*
Tasuki stalker
Dear Tasuki stalker,
OK! NO Lina magic!
Dear Hotohori,
Hotohori-sama, I would like to say you are an amazing person. You are the only bishonen that I know that can look good in those-those-those-gah.... Those articles you call clothing. And that odd little hat... Indeed...
Yuuki Yuiren
Dear Yuuki Yuiren,
Arigato… I think…
Dear Nuriko,
Hi again :) I very gald that ask the seishi is back open. How was your summer? Good I hope ^-^ Although now I have to go back to school and a rushed schedule. yay...I was wondering since I don't think you have schools in Konan where do get educated? I you went to school in the real world (Miaka's world) what would be your fav and least fav. subjects? Just wondering. I have to live through algebra this year and probably geometry next year...hopefully I've survive to write to you again someother time (j.k). Well ja ne. *gives Nuriko a hug* Oh yeah one more thing...
^_~. <---------it's a Nuriko emoticon (even has the beauty mark :D )
Nuriko Luver
Dear Nuriko Luver,
KAWAII!!!!!!!!!!! Arigato!!!!!!!!! I guess in a sense we were home schooled in that we learned at home or in small village schools. My favorite subjects??? Home Ec. and Phys. Ed.! My least favorite Math and Science. Chiriko I'm not! ^_~. *Gives her a hug*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hello! So glad u guys are open again! It has been a while. Well anyways, I was wondering what your favorite boy bands were? And what is your favorite anime (beside Fushigi Yugi ^_~.)? Well I was wondering about the boy bands cause over the summer I went to a NSync concert, it was so cool :) Except I can't do much more now cause school will start soon @_@ joy..homework. Well I hope u guys had a good summer and I'll see you around...oh yeah one more thingmy friends and I cosplayed at Otakon as Nuriko, Houki, and Sakura. We won 2nd in youth for cosplay ^-^. Thanks again Nuriko for the hair tips :) Ja Ne.
Nuriko Luver
Dear Nuriko Luver,
You're very welcome! Omedeto gozaimashita on your win! We're all very proud of you guys! We don't really listen to many American boy bands. We listen to a lot of J-Pop so I gues you could say SMAP, Kinki Kids, and Da Pump are our favorites. As for anime, Kenshin withn Ceres and CardCaptor Sakura (the uncut version) are some of our favorites.
Dear Chichiri,
::bows, blushing:: do you mind if i go fishing with you?
Dear ashley,
Of course not, no da! *Hands her a fishing pole.* So, are you and Tasuki ok, no da?
Dear Tasuki,
::Starts sneeking around his place for dirty secrets, First she goes on to his dressar goes through stuff, and keeps Searching, Muttering to herself::
Hmm.. if i Find sumptin on him, people will want to read, But noooo nobody wants to read about TamaHome.. Heh.. well, i do like Tasuiki-san but ::Grins Maliciously:: people will Read about it....heh! ::She starts Searching Under his Bed, and comes out the Other Side, And Sighs::
Hmm Maybe i Should Put on this Nifty Chichiri Costume... ::Gets Bright Eyed:: Ahh...Chichiri-Sama, no one would suspect him! cuz' everybody trusts him!! ::she puts on his Costume and is about to go out the window again, everything is how it is except he is missing a couple bottles of Sake::
Dear MOI,
OI! Who's been in my room?!?!?!? An' where's my sake???
Dear Tasuki,
How do you know if it's a anime character or not?! besides, i didn't mean it that way! ::runs away crying:: i thought having a big brother would be a good thing...
Dear ashley,
'Cos ya' said he wasn't real! 'Che! What else would he be? An' havin' an aniki IS a good thin'! We protect our imoutos!
Dear Tasuki,
::eyes water:: ::slaps tasuki:: I HATE YOU!!! ::runs away::
Dear ashley,
*Looks confused...* Wha' th' f...???? *Looks through the letters...* Ah! Gomen Ashley but it's fer yer own good. We anime bishounen can only be yer friends. An' I don't wanna see ya' get hurt!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
You wouldn't happen to know when you're going to get the ask the seishi letter section back up would ya?Oh yea since napster isn't working anymore,you could always try the thing that I have which is really
cool it's called Kazaa and you can download it at ^__^.It has basically anything you can think of and it's ten times better then Napster.And it's all free too.You can download movies,anime(some not all),music videos,music,images
etc.It's really cool I urge you to go check it out ^__^.Oh yea I also wanted to say that you're doing an excellent job on the asktheseishi site. My friend Aidou(whom is Tasuki's sister muahaha*snickers at tasuki*)has an ask the kid site(something like that)where they have tamahome's family answering question's. It's so cute.I'll get the website address for ya if ya like?o.O;Ok I'm done babbling. Talk to ya later.
Jamie aka Destiny or Des
Dear Destiny,
We plan to have the site back up by Monday afternoon. There has been so much going on in the real world that doing ANYTHING at all to the site has been impossible. Arigato for you kind words! We do try to do our best for minna-san. We hope you like some of the small changes we have made.
Dear Tasuki,
::The mission Impossible song comes on::
heloo!!! i'm putting my sister on Ebay!!! come buy her pleez!!
P.s. i'm a reporter do you know any down and dirty secrets about Tamahome???
Dear Mo,
Ya' want somethin' bought, talk to Obake-chan. I don't know any secrets 'bout Tamahome, gomen.
Dear Tasuki,
:: holds up two magic tamahome dolls:: heres one for you!! now you can burn up tamahome even when he's not around ^^ now won't that be so much fun?!?! any way i would join ya for a night of drinking and brawling but i'm underaged. oh well. before i leave..... ::glomp:: bye!!
Dear julie,
Thanks fer th' dolls!
Dear Hotohori,
::points and giggles:: ducky shoes! ducky shoes!! ::giggles more:: bucket hat!! bucket hat!!
Dear ashley,
*Sweatdrops and frowns...* *Eyebrow twitches...*
Dear Chichiri,
hi! ::does happy dance:: i went shopping and got lots of fushigi yugi stuff!! i even got the manga in japanese and the last of the episodes on dvd!! i'm sooo happy!! T.T but i'm gonna start school soon. that means school shopping, and then that icky big high school. ::sits down:: my stomach just did a flop. i don't think i want to go to high school anymore. it looked so huge!!
Dear ashley,
You'll be fine, no da. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Hotohori,
why do you wear ducky shoes?
julie and ashley
Dear julie and ashley,
That is the style for Imperial formal wear.
Dear Chichiri,
hello there chichiri, i wander what's the japanese for "thank you very much" and "welcome"? geee, i hope you can answer me, by the way thank you for the e-card, i did have a happy birthday! =^_^=, can you ask miaka and nuriko to sign on my guestbook too? i have a new gbook and i transferred all the entries in the old one... that's all, bye for now
Dear Louver,
It's "douitashimashite", no da! Iy sounds like "don't touch the moustache". You're very welcome, no da! I'll let them know.
Dear Mitsukake,
You're an Ox?! I was right!I was right!YAAAAAAAAAAY! *goes SD and hops around* I was right!I was right!
I guess I can guess pretty good then,huh?^_^ Ooh,and I got a new monitor!
Because my old monitor would do it's amazing 'Watch me flicker on and off" trick.
Ow,I have a headache...x.x;
Dear Ash-chan,
*Smiles* Take 2 aspirins and call me in the morning.
Dear Tasuki,
so you are born under the year of the dragon! i thought you were born under the year of the rat like me! i've had bad pasts wit' dragon men fer an exsample,DUO MAXWELL. i...i...i...i... just dont know what to say now! i was really sure you were a rat like me! 2 rats go good but i dont know about a rat and a dragon since you dont love me!*amy crys waterfalls* all i can say is that i...i...i...i loved you sooooooooooooooooooo much and i looked up to ya!now my life has turned down!*amy shakes in supries* well can we be super good best friends wit' out bein' b/f and g/f and later in the future if im still sweet like sake and you still like me and when you feel ready,we can mebe get married! well that part is your choice.*amy's seishi symbol of the "rat" glows very very very brightly* im such an @$$ feelin like this.the power of "love and friendship"! why did i get this power? i dont deserve this power from suzaku.why me?why now? if i cant get loved back from you i rather be killed be ashitari from the seiruiu 7! i've looked up to ya and i loved you soooooooooooooooo much!*amy gose to the corner of tasuki's bedroom and crys,holdin' her ryo-oh-ki doll*
Amy B.
p.s. i feel hurt like when miaka told tamahome the she loved him fer the first time in the rain and tamahome said that he felt nothin' fer her! thats how i feel now!
Dear Amy,
I'm sorry yer feelin' hurt an' all, but ya' jus' gotta get over me! I ain't real in yer world an' all we can be is friends. An' ya' know, friends really ain't such a bad thin'!
Dear Tasuki,
What's my name?I'll give you a hint my best friend is Sara
Dear nameless,
I dunno! "Sara's best friend?"
Dear Tamahome,
hi Pen-pal! Have you seen RG Veda? its a lot like FY in my opinion. I'm going to watch it again and have a "Yasha" and "Ashira" count cause they say those names a lot..he he just like with you and Miaka ne? Theres also Ryu, a kid with red hair, fangs, and a big sword. He looks just like Tasuki and talks and acts like him to. Its odd! The group is called the 6 stars and they protect a child. Comparing that to FY, well you get my point ne? If you havent seen it I suggest that you do. Theres even a character that acts like me! Hes my fave character, Kujaku. Oh and when are you gonna go to the chat again? if you give me a date (a specific day) I'll try to be on demo I'm going to camp soon I think on the 4th and I'll be gone a week.
Dear XellossMetali,
Have fun at camp! I don't know about chat as Chichiri no Aijin is VERY busy through most of August, but we'll try. We do have RG Veda on DVD in raw Japanese. Chichiri no Aijin was able top get it at AX01 for $13.00 from TokyoPop!
Dear Tasuki,
aniki..... i'm in love with someone that's not real!! what should i do?
Dear ashley,
Start spendin' more time in th' real world wit' real people!
Dear Tamahome,
Hi, Aniki-chan!! *Huggles* Anyway, since you like rippin' off your imouto-chan, here *hands Tamahome a check that pays for me talking to him all the time* (Arigato again, Alecia-chan!) Anyway, how are you? *smiles* I've been doing ok ^_^ Just in case ya wanted to know. Um...since its been really hot *Throws a giant water balloon at Tamahome* Ahhh...that felt nice ^^;;; *Runs away to Tasuki*
Sou Sakura
Dear Sou Sakura,
OI! Thanks, but I don't take checks. Okane dake! (Cash only) $_$
Dear Tasuki,
Hi Tasuki-chan! *Runs up and huggles him* Gomen I haven't talked to ya in a while. Did ya notice I was gone? ^_^ Anyway I threw a water balloon at Tamahome-aniki soooo...uhhh can you protect me from 'em? ^^;;;
Dear Sakura,
Ya' did, eh? Heh-heh-heh… sure!
Dear Nuriko,
Ok ok ok, I have a rather problematic problem, and since you're my favorite seishi, I figured I'd ask you for help. ^_^ It's a romance problem by the way, so just bear with me. *Sweatdrop* There's these 2 different guys, and I like them both a lot. They're good friends of mine, too.
There's a couple of problems with this situation. 1: Both of them like me. I only like one as a friend but don't want to hurt his feelings. The other's too shy to really make a move. 2: They've been practically best friends for a really long time. 3: One of them is going to another school next year and I dunno if I'll see him again. 4: The guy that I like mostly as a friend can end up being a bit mean and big-headed at times, but is really nice other times. 5: The shy guy often doesn't talk and it gets annoying. (Lotsa problems >_<)
Anyways, I hope you can help me out with this. I'd really appreciate it. By the way, YOU'RE THE BEST!!! XD
Dear Tera-chan,
Gomen that it has taken me so long to answer! Which one is going off to school? Either way, I think for the sake of everyone involved you all should just stay friends.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Heyoz!!!! One quick question (that everyone has to answer). Out of the suzaku seishi, (you MUST pick one, or more, if you wish,) who would you kiss? (Everyone HAS TO answer...except for maybe Chichiri, I love him ^_))....wait, no....he still has to answer it. '-_)), mwehehehe) Nuri-kun, I think it's quite obvious who you would choose, but I'm interested in what the other guys think. Well, I'll stop typing know so that I can get your answer sooner!!!!
Dr. Lauryl ^_))
Dear Dr. Lauryl,
Nuriko: Hotohori!!
The rest of the Seishi: *Sweatdrop* Gomen, we prefer kissing women, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
So, Tasuki, just a quick question. What's your favorite word? Can you even say it on this page, or is it "unfounderly" (or in your case, i guess, unsuzakuly) Sorry for that random bit. Also, I came across this picture, (offical,) or you teaching Miaka how to play golf. It was hilarious!! Have you seen it? Well, my dad, (the golf expert) took one look at it and pointed out so many things wrong with it! It seems that someone needs to relearn how to play. Of course, I never really thought of you as the golf person. Mitsu-san, yes. Tasuki-kun, no. Maybe something like Ultimate Frisbee or go kart racing. (a funny thought of fushigikart, like mariokart, comes across Lauryl's mind.) Oh, erm, sorry. Well, right!!! I love you!!!! Tootles!
Dr. Lauryl
Dear Dr. Lauryl,
Some people would say that sake is my favorite word…
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Okei, Seishis! I need a tad of help!
I am going to be making a Dilandau costume for and Anime Convention next year.
I need some suggestions on:
What materials to use for a jacket.(the con is in summer and I have to make it myself cause it's got tails and stuff)
And what would be the best way to get my hair up into Dilly's style. It is the right length but I'm having some time finding anything to make it stay in that crazy flip thing he's got.... Any ideas? Arigatou!
Lady Miracle Whip Zip - Crazy Fangirl On-Call
Dear Crazy Fangirl,
You should use materials that the costume would be made out of it were that character's actual clothes. Dilandeau also has white hair, you might want to consider getting a white wig styled like his/her hair. Good luck!
Dear Chichiri,
Do you think yo ucould ever love someone as much, or more than you love (ed?) Kouran?
No one
Dear No one,
I don't know, no da.
Dear Chiriko,
You died. Yes you did... ;)
Dear S-chan,
I know, and your point?
Dear Chichiri,
Well I thought it sounded like a good idea... *Sulks and crys*
Dear Kohaku,
Gomen, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Dear Kohaku,
Oh, THAT Sakura! Not unless th' plane goes down! An' stop yellin' at me!!! I ain't (*^%$#@ DEAF!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I have a few questions!
Can each of ya rate from 1-10, 10 being best and 1 being worst, these couples in fy?
Tetsuya and Yui, Miaka and Tamahome, Miaka and Nuriko, Miaka and Tasuki, Miaka and Hotohori, Soi and Nakago, Tatara and Suzuno, Subaru and her husband ( can't think of his name...) and Suboshi and Yui. (yea I know not all of them are couples but o well)
What do you guys think the funniest scene was outta the whole FY series? My fave was when the ship was getting attacked by Soi and Nuriko Miaka and Tamahome jumped in and Tasuki was sitting there crying! That was funny!
And my last question is in Star Wars who do you guys think you relate to the most?
Dear Katchoo,
Tetsuya and Yui 5, Miaka and Tamahome 10, Miaka and Nuriko 4, Miaka and Tasuki 2, Miaka and Hotohori 3, Soi and Nakago 6, Tatara and Suzuno 7, Subaru and Tokkai 9, Suboshi and Yui 1.
Funniest scenes: When Nuriko and Tasuki meet Mitsukake AFTER he's all cleaned up. When Tasuki discovers that Hotohori is the emperor.
R2D2 and C3PO = Tasuki and Tamahome because they're always bickering. Obviously, Nakago is a lot like Darth Vader (neither of them can sing). And we'd say that Mitsukake reminds us of Chewbacca but he didn't look very happy over that comparison.
Chichiri: If Nakago is Darth Vader, does that make me Obi Wan Kenobi, no da?
Tasuki: Nah, yer more like th' lil' green guy wit' th' hairy ears! Whasshisname? Oh yeah! Yoda!
Chichiri:*Sewatdrops* Daaaaaaaaaa... >.<;;;
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tamahome,
I know I sound like a freak and I'm suppose to qwrite to Tasuki and not you...
But! I have the same haircut as you (don't ask Tama... don't ask) and when it grows out it'll look like Tasuki's (Wai!) but I have a question! How do you make it look as cool as you do? *smiles* tell me and I'll give you 7 ryou!
Dear Bon,
I guess it would depend on the kind of hair you have. Mine is just naturally like that.
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