Dear Tasuki,
*LOL* Thats what I thought youd say....just checking. *LOL* Hey guess what! In my fan fiction my friend pushed you into a lake! Heheh....then you start freaking out and Chichiri tells you to stand up and the waters only to your ankles. Heheheheheh Then Sakura wacks you across the head. Im sorry your so abused! ^-^;
Dear Kohaku,
No yer not! Who th' h*ll is Sakura an' why is she hittin' me?
Dear Chichiri,
You say that like its a bad thing lol. I never get to go to any Anime Conventions or stuff like that! Hey maybe we could trade places! I could dress like you and go to all the Anime Expos and conventions! And you could dress like me and go to school. Sounds good dont ya think?! *LOL*
Dear Kohaku,
Ano… not really, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I know I promised to stop terrorizing you all but-
Tamahome Doll: See? What did we tell you? She lied.
SHUT UP!!! Anyway, my friends and I were debating over who had the most painful death. My friend Jessica Horlacher said, "It had to have been Chiriko. I mean, you could *see* the pain that he was going through."
My friend Betty was like, "But it was Nuriko! Nuriko had *claws* sticking out of him for Suzaku's sake! He died on a bloody snow-covered mountain with below freezing temp.s!"
My other friend, also named Jessica said, "No! It was Hotohori! I mean, come *on*! He was basically *melted* by Nakago's chi! He died knowing Miaka didn't love him, and that his son would grow up alone. Much like himself. At least Nuriko died with the peace of mind that he had cleared the way for Miaka, and that Tamahome would make her happy,"
Jessica, the first one said, "It couldn't have been Tamahome. He didn't even die all the way," The rest of us agreed.
Betty said, "Well, it couldn't have been Mitsukake either. He died knowing he was saving everyone and his life-force juse kind of drained away. Shouldn't be very painful,"
I said, "No! It was Mitsukake's death the hurt the most! Come on, *Chichiri* lost his cool after Mitsukake died! Mitsukake might not have been hurt, but everyone else hurt for him. Even when Nuriko died, Chichiri didn't so much as cry,"
The four of us would like your take one it, please?
~ Yuuki Yuiren (Chin Wei-shan), Kajiwara Kouran (Jessica Horlacher), Ukelele (Jessica Matthews), and Dreamweaver (Betty) Course, I posted it. ;)
Yuuki Yuiren
Dear Yuuki Yuiren,
All of their deaths were emotionally painful for all of us, no da. As to the physical pain, that is a subjective thing, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
*a strange naked baby with blond hair and wings on his back shoots an arrow that looks like a heart at tasuki*I know valintine's day is over but I couldn't help myself^_~
Cloud Fairy: Hi Tasuki I was just walking by when I saw some weird thing in the sky and why are you looking at me like that?
Dear Cupid,
I DON'T think so! *Swats at the annoying bug thing that's trying to sting him. Nails it with the tessen.* GOTCHA!
Dear Chichiri,
HAHA! I WAS RIGHT! :just made herself 80 bucks: HAHHAHAHAhAHAHAHAHHAHAHhahaHhahahahhaH! HHAHHAHHAH! I'm the best! Ok...our next question.... :drumroll: ....what kind of woman do you like better? Quiet and shy, or loud and dominating...( I bet 25 on this one....u.u )
Dear Mibaka,
Quiet and shy, no da. But I seem to end up with the loud and dominating ones…
*Both Chichiri no Aijin and Chichiri no Aijin #2 look at him and frown…*
*Sweatdrops* But there's nothing wrong with that either, no da!!
Dear Chiriko,
Great answer, Chiriko...demo I bet you can't answer this! What has four legs in the morning, two in the afternoon and three at night?
Bobbeth Bob
Dear Bobbeth Bob,
Mankind. As a baby one crawls on all fours, as a youth one walks on their own two legs, and in the twilight of old age one uses a cane.
Dear Hotohori,
Who in Suzaku... gave you the title posing as the 4th emperor of Konan. It is not only a federal crime to steal one's identity but very insulting that you would dare represent a great leader!!! You need to wake up from your twisted delusion realizing you have been living a lie. I think you owe it the fans to tell us who you really are.. as well as reveal the other identities of these "so called" Seishi!
Dear Akira,
This, coming from a person who is impersonating an extremely dangerous anime character…
Dear Hotohori,
Well....if your won't strip...can you at least take your shirt off and let your hair down and say "I'm a hot, sexy mama?" ( Or I *could* just have a lil chat with Houki >:d )
Dear Jen-kun,
Emperors don't do THAT either!
Dear Nuriko,
I'm your reincarnation...I've gone through the whole reincarnation bit! The weird dreams, funky spacing out flashbackhings, remebering stuff that never happened in this life, I even look like you (my bangs do that come out of my braid thing exactly like yours!)...and purple always was my favorite uh...I wanted to say hi!!!!! ^^; :waves: ( oh and guess what?? I'm a she...i guess all that wishing to be a woman finally paid off, ne?? ^.~*)
Dear Rachel,
I guess so!
Dear Mitsukake,
OOOOOOOOH YES YOU DO! DON'T TRY TO HIDE IT! u.u DOES THE NAME....SHOUKA SOUND FAMILIAR!?!??! :watches her dog chase its tail and then yelp in pain once it catches it...: Anywho...where was I...oh yes...YES YOU DO! SHOUKA! SHES YOUR FIANCE, NE???? SO HOW DID YOU DO IT??!?!
Dear Hentai,
Shouka was never pregnant.
Dear Chiriko,
hi chiriko-chan can i be your aijin please!!!!!!
ps:if you say yes i promise not to squeze you to death to much anymore
Dear ruki,
I'm WAY too young for an aijin!!! @_@;;;
Dear Chichiri,
do you have a miko?
Dear ashley,
I think I do, no da. I know I have an aijin and an aisai, no da!
Dear Chiriko,
Why are you so adorable? *smiles* can i have a hug?
Dear Bosher,
Arigato! I guess I was just drawn that way. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Hotohori,
I don't like your wife. You shoulda married Miaka-chan. Your wife looks NOTHING like Nuriko. ... ... ... If Nuriko had beena girl, wouldja have married her? Assuming that she hadn't died that is... Yes I know I'm weird.
Yuuki Yuiren
Dear Yuuki Yuiren,
I'm sorry you do not care for Houki, but I do. I do not know what would have happened if Nuriko had really been a woman.
Dear Mitsukake,
*comes back into the room* Arigato Juan-kun.. *sits back down* Juan I hope he'll grow up to be like Ryu, I hope I'll be a good mother to him. I-I-I.. *bursts into tears*
Dear Doc-sama,
What's wrong???? *Holds her*
Dear Nuriko,
Hello, thanks a lot for helping me with my problem. Ive talked to my friend and we've sorted things out, thanks for the great advice :)
no longer angry and upset
Dear no longer angry and upset,
*Smiles* I'm glad I was able to help.
Dear ashley,
Very nice no da! We will add it to our Links Peeji if you wish, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
*smirks* ok sure no problem!!! who's first *sticks her fist's up* oh by the way did i ever tell u i learned everything i know from Lina inverse? *Grins nd shows off her fangs*
Tasuki stalker
Dear Tasuki stalker,
NO FIREBALLS!!!! An' no tossin' me in th' lake either!
Dear Chichiri,
hi!! did CnA get the doll in the mail yet? i sent it over a week ago!!!
Dear ashley,
Hai and she has already sent you a thank you note, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
*runs up to Chichiri and gives him a hug* Oniichan!!! Thanks fer bein' my big brother, no da!! *whisper whisper* Have you seen the FY UFO Dolls? They're SO UGLY!!! You'd think they'd try to make cute dolls for this awesome anime, ne? Yours isn't very cute, either...they did the worst job on Mitsukake...but don't tell him, he'll get mad...
Dear Mishiko,
Dear Chichiri,
Da... I'm leaving to go with Tsukino Tenshi to help her out with her quincinera (I'm gonna be one of her damas, no da ^_^ Along with Kosetsuno-chan and Hibarra-chan, no da. Plus tons of cousins... ^^;;;) in approximately... 3 hours, no da... *sigh* And, I still have yet to pack, no da... ^^;;; Gosh dern you SNBS-CHAN!!! (otherwise know as Tetsuno Tenshi ^_~) grr... She's teaching me her bad habits, no da! I mean... ok, so I was always a procrastinator, demo never THIS much! ^^;;;
ANYWAYS I was just writing to tell ya that I'd see ya again and about a week... Or somewhere around that time, no da... I'm not really quite sure when precisely we're getting back, no da... ^^;;;
DA! I better go pack, no da! JA!
Kageno Tenshi
Dear Kageno Tenshi,
Have a safe and fun trip, no da!
Dear Chiriko,
Graduate school is killing me. I work, I go to class, I read, and read, and read, I write, I read some more, drag myself into bed and do it over again....
Surely there's some secret to making it easier? Something to save time? Something so I can have a social life again?
I haven't seen Chichiri in *MONTHS* I hate this. *gnaws on her keyboard*
and the stupid idiots at the school only consider 9 hour full time status, 90% of the other other universites int he country consider 6 horus full time... and I have to maintain full time status for insurance reasons...
which only compounds the problem.
Dear WMC,
Gomen ne, *Gives her a hug.* I don't know what to tell you. Perhaps you can write up a schedule and try to prioritize what needs to be done and how long it should take so you can reclaim some of your days. Good luck! *Sends Chichiri to her to cheer her up.* DA!
Dear Mitsukake,
...just out of curiousity, does Tama-neko tend to sit on hot appliances? I know some cats do that.....oh, well. *glomps Mitsukake* bye!
Dear Ayame,
No, never!
Dear Chiriko,
I figured since you are really smart, then I would ask you some questions. First let me give you background. These are astronomy questions, as I like astronomy. I hope you like the questions.
Name the distance from our planet (Earth) to the center of our galaxy the Milky Way.
Do you think that Pluto is a planet or an astroid?(it's an opinion so feel free to speak your mind.)
How many Messier objects are there really?(For reference this is a trick question. I'll explain why when you answer it. Unless you can figure out way it's a trick question.)
What has no windows, hinges, or doors, yet golden teasure inside is hid?
LAST QUESTION!!! YAY!! ok, What is the dark shadow on the moon called that seperates the light side from the dark side?
I hope you like the questions. I'll have more for ya when I can think of some more and I get back from vacation.
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
First of all let me preface this by saying, "Next time do your own homework." Now onto the answers:
Aprox. 28.000 light years.
I still tend to think of Pluto as a planet. Albeit a small planet.
There are so many Messier objects I decided to just list the website:
The human heart?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
will you give your life if Miaka died?
Dear Miaka221,
We would all give our lives to protect Miaka's. If giving our lives meant that Miaka would not doe or would be brought back from the dead, then yes, we would.
Dear Tamahome,
I really like you, but i would like to ask you how deep you love Miaka?
Dear Miaka221,
I love her enough to have married her.
Dear Tamahome,
Tasuki papa gave me premisson to do this.....:smacks you in the head and in the face: Thats for being a mean scary man who wont give me any gold ryu :crys loudly: YOUR SOOOOO MEAN
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley Chan,
*Looks surprised and then goes looking for Tasuki…*
Dear Chiriko,
Chiriko, you're the smart one. How do you say 'You're welcome' in Japanese? I've been trying to figure that out for the past....oh.... 2 year?
Yuuki Yuiren
Dear Yuuki Yuiren,
Douitashimashite. It's pronounced like "don't touch the moustache."
Dear Tasuki,
Were you really treated that bad as a kid with your sisters and all? And you don't hate girls as much anymore, ne? How can you stand sake? Oh, lastly, your sister told me to remind you to wash behind your ears and make sure you're eating right ^^0. (She's just being the big sister she is =P.)
Friend of Aidou
Dear Friend of Aidou,
Yes I was. I dunno 'bout that! *Grins* I like th' way sake tastes.
Dear Tasuki,
I found the cutest cracker things! They're about one inch long and shaped as little Koala bears and each one has a little picture of a Koala in a different pose on it. When you bite a leg off it oozes strawberry filling ::Laughs:: It bleeds! O_o. Ignore my insanity ^_^(). How are you? What does Sake taste like exatly? Say hello to Kouji for me kay? Does Kouji's "Knock Knock" routein ever get annoying? ::Picks Tasuki up, slings him over her shoulder and drops him in a bathtub full of water. Hands him soap shampoo and conditioner:: You need a bath dude :P
Dear Morphie-Chan,
I've seen 'em. I'm fine. Sake has different tastes dependin' on th' quality of th' sake. Th' good stuff is smooth an' tastes good. Th' cheap stuff can be rough an' bitter. I'll tell Kouji that ya' said hi. I DON"T NEED NO *(^%$#@ BATH!
Dear Mitsukake,
Hello! ^_^. Ne ne. I've finished my painting for camp and it came out pretty good I think. LOOKIT! It's an anime coloring book ^_^v. I just wanted to show you ^_^. I'm 14 and I still like these things ^_^()() hee hee. It's fun if you have Photo shop especially. Daaaaaaa~ ::pets tama:: ::Hands Mitsy a box of Mousse Pocky::
Dear Morphie-Chan,
Arigato for the Pocky. The anime coloring book was interesting. Did you create it?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
My birdy died and I'm sad.. it smells bad, and I don't want to pick it up, but I don't want to be like Nakago.. whatdo I do?
Aleria no Miko
Dear Aleria no Miko,
I'm sorry your bird died. Perhaps one of your parents can dispose of it for you.
Dear Hotohori,
I love you, your hair is so pretttY! Can I have one of your jewels?
Dear Aio-Chan,
Arigato for your kind words. Gomen, I must turn down your request.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
HI guys, I want an answer from all of you, ok? If you all could be a superhero, which one would you be? (I.E. Superman, Batman, Aquaman- though i definitely know this one wouldn't be Tasuki.) and say why please. Thanx!
Dear IamMonknoda34,
Nuriko - She-Hulk - It just seems to fit.
Hotohori - None - There are no superheroes as beautiful as I.
Tasuki - Johnny Storm from the Fantastic 4 - He IS th' Human Torch!
Tamahome - Green Arrow - He's a kick @$$ and take names kind of a guy.
Chiriko - MegaMan - He kind of looks like me.
Mitsukake - Thor *Smiles…*
Chichiri - Dr. Strange, no da. He too is a magic user, no da.
Dear Tamahome,
::runs up to tamahome::here i thought you and miaka might like this!!! ::hands him a bag with food:: i made this!! its hibatchie chicken fried rice shrimp and ginger and mustard sauce!!!!!!!! it took me all day to make so i hope that you like it !!!!!!
Dear julie,
Arigato! I'm sure we'll enjoy it!
Dear Nuriko,
*twitch* I have my reason's for biting people. I was hungry.... And Kittyeyes twas close to me..So I bit her. I couldn't help it.......BTW did I ever tell you about my tail?^^;; And uh my half humaness?^^;;;; Ok I think I'll uh stop now. That's what my explaination is. *sweatdrops at herself*
Dear Willow,
OK… but it's still not nice!
Dear Tasuki,
Okay. I'm sorry for launching you in the lake. I'll apologize for it! *snickers to herself, then fills a gigantic swimming pool up with sake and shoves Tasuki in it* hahahahaha...
Dear Ayame,
*Drinks his way out.* BUUUUUUUUUURRRRRP!!! HIC! *Grins* Heh-heh-heh... *Passes out...*
Dear Tamahome,
Sara: Gomen about that incident with Soi,but something really confused me where did that super soaker come from
Water Sprite: Yeah I was kinda confused when that super soaker came out of nowhere and you soaked Soi
Sara: Now that's over and Soi isn't here to kill you can you do something about them*points at touya no miko and cloud fairy who are still fighting* We stop them ourselves but that would be a bad idea
Tamahome: Now ladies you two are friends and you shouldn't be fighting can't we just get along
touya no miko and cloud fairy: *they both stop fighting and glared at him*
Tamahome: hey why are you guys looking at me like that
touya no miko: you hold him and I'll punch
cloud fairy: good plan
tamahome: O_O
touya no miko,cloud fairy,sara,and water sprite
Dear Gang,
Hey! I never said any of that! And will you two knock it off??? You're worse than Tasuki!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*shrugs* a promise is a promise, and I told Tasuki that if he dunked me again, I'd toss him in the lake. He dunked me again, and I kept my promise.
Dear Ayame,
Ano… wasn't that more of a threat?
Dear Chichiri,
Are you and nyan nyan close friends?
Dear Sara,
We are friendly but, I don't know if you would call us close friends, no da.
Dear Tamahome,
I was wondering if you'd like to ditch Miaka and join the desert bandits.. I'll give you 3 gold ryo...^.^
Dear Esmeraude,
Dear Tamahome,
hi. What is a question you would like to be asked but havent yet? oh yeah about the chinese years, what are you? Of all things I'm a rat *sweatdrop* Are there any seishi that are rats as well? ja
Dear XellossMetali,
A Mazoku that's a rat. Now THAT'S irony! There aren't any rats here. They're all on the Seiryuu side. *Grins* I was born in the year of the Tiger. One question? Hmmm… I really don't know as we get asked so many that the FAQ idea is starting to look really good!
Dear Nuriko,
Hi-o! ::walks in and glomps Nuriko:: I know, I know, I wrote last night...Anyway, I've got a question about my hair now. I want to either dye it or get highlights, but I don't know what color. Um, my hair is a medium brown, naturally, and that's how it is right now...and has been my whole life -_- Anyway, I have pretty fair skin, and eyes that are almost the same color as yours. So, do you have any suggestions on what would be a good color? And should I just flat out dye it or get highlights in it? Thanks so much for helpin' me out, hon! ::hugs Nuriko again and walks out::
Dear Christi,
I think highlights would look nice. Perhaps reddish or blonde.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi Hi *kisses and cuddles each of the Seishi* Im sorry I haven't written to you for a while.
Nuriko~ I have just finished covering one end of my wall with pics of you, each seishi gets their own part of my room and ive got so many pics of you now, u rule! Ive been shopping today and was just thinking how fun it would be to go shopping with you, you have such good taste,and just how cool is shopping, wouldn't it be fun? It'd be great if you could come to a sleepover, we could do each other hair and stuff, if you ever get to my world would ya like to?
Daddy Mitsu~ *cuddles him* Daddy Mitsu!!!!!!!!!!! Missed ya!
Tasuki~ Yeah Jude and I are friends with your stalker, shes coming up to visit me soon, i really have to thank her because shes the one who got me into fy, THANKYOU!
Chiriko~ Thanx for saying u'd help me, I still cant decide what to take for my fourth subject at college, im taking English Literature, Religious Education, Theatre Studies (cos im gonna be famous!) and i just cant think what else. Do u think its a good idea to take English Language as well as English Literature?
Chichiri~ Hi Hi, u rock! *hugs him*
Tamahome~ *hands him some money* You and Miaka make such a sweet couple, will ya tell her I said Hi, oh and please can I have a hug?
Hotohori~ I dont really have a question but I thought Id say something nice and truthful, You are beautiful Hotohori Sama, can I have a hug from you also?
Thanks, Love ya all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Dear Jen,
Arigato for your kind words and okane! Nuriko said he would very much like to be able to go to your world and visit with you. Chiriko feels that your educational choices are best left to you and your parents. Perhaps a guidance counselor can help. *Hotohori comes over and gives her a hug.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
hi guys whats up ok here is the question whats your all time fav food from anchent china and from this world!!!!
ps:*runs over to chiriko * glomps to death* i love you!!!!!!
Dear ruki,
Tamahome - Lo mein and whoppers with cheese
Tasuki - Sake an' steak! Whaddya' mean sake ain't food????
Hotohori - Roast duck and chocolate ice cream
Chichiri - Fish, no da!
Chiriko - Dim sum and green tea ice cream
Nuriko - shrimp with lobster sauce and chocolate
Mitsukake - Egg rolls and fruits and vegetables
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Hotohori,
*dies in fit of laughter* *ahem* Just thought you'd like to know, I've used one of the things you said in your latest answers as the Quote of the Week on my page. It was, "No, sorry, Emperors do not strip." *giggle* Sorry. That was great. *grin* Anyway. Just thought you'd like to know. :)
Dear Ryuen,
I'm glad you were amused.
Dear Chichiri,
But they can!I saw them dancing!And chameleons can dance too,they just dance really funky. What have I been drinking lately?
Water,Iced Tea,Milk,and Coke. Ooh,I had sugar!^o^V
Dear Ash-chan,
I think you need to stay away from the sugar, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Who do you like the most out of the Suzaku seishi?
Dear Maria,
I guess Tamahome an' Chichiri.
Dear Chichiri,
Hola, Chichiri-san, no da! ^_^ Anou... I actually have a real question that I'm gonna ask you today, no da... Not too sure why I'm asking you, demo... I guess I just feel more comfortable with you, no da... *weaksmile* ANYWAYS Anou... There's this guy... *sigh* God, I hope I don't sound too lame, asking this, no da... ^^;;; ANYWAYS I just found out that this guy I barely know likes me, no da. I mean, this is a cool guy, no da. He's into the same things I am, he doesn't have any problems worthy of police recognition (always a good sign, ne? ^^;;), and even though we've only even spoken on, like, four occasions, he seems like a pretty cool guy to hang out with, no da. Demo... I don't want to start any kind of relationship like that, no da. You know what I mean, ne? He seems like a cool guy to be friends with, not date. And, quite frankly, I'm not ready to start anything like that, wether it be frivolous or serious... It's just... I don't want to hurt his feelings... And, no guy ever beleives you when you say 'I just wanna be friends, but don't worry, cuz it's not your fault, I'm just not looking for a relationship at the moment', no da. How am I supposed to let him down without losing every chance of getting to know him as a friend, ne? I mean... I already tried it, once, with another guy, demo I screwed up, majorly, so now there's no chance of becoming friends with him, demo I don't want to do that again, no da... And, I can be so callous with guys that I think like me, no da... Probably a subconscious impulse to scare them off... *shrug* Da... I'm pathetic, aren't I? ^^;;; Do ya understand what I'm saying, though? Anou... I'll go, now, no da. Gomen for bothering you with my lame, non-existant social life, no da... ^^;;; JA!
Kageno Tenshi
Dear Kageno Tenshi,
Tell him you like him as a friend a wish to spend more time with him as friends. Let him know that relationships take time to grow and that friendship is the best foundation. Perhaps in time yours will grow into what he wants. Good luck, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
*walks in slowly* Aniki? *sits down and gets comfortable, holding her stick, now dry since it's been a while since he wanted to "dry" her off...* Mirai's gone again. *sighs* That man has more competitions than Nuriko has beauty tips. *is beginning to dislike band* Anyway...gomen nasai about the pain I put you through. *snaps the stick in half and tosses it over her shoulder, smiling at him* It won't happen again. Well...I have nothing REALLY to say except...I love ya. *smiles and hugs him tightly* You're a great aniki, I don't care what the sister's say ^_~ Well...itte irrashai! *kisses his cheek and walks off to her room*
Dear Alecia,
Arigato! *Ruffles her hair.* Don't worry, I'm sure he misses ya' an' he'll be back soon.
Dear Tasuki,
Hey Tasuki! (Could you answer these few questions for me please!...)
1.) What's your idea of the perfect girl?
2.)If you could be any other seishi who would you be?
3.)If you could change one thing in your life, what would it be?
4.)Who do you like better..Yui or Miaka?(and why?)
(Change Subject)
Any ways...I just wanted to tell you that I've been writing a fanfic... In this one...(You have dropped your fan into the ocean..and panic to save it?) ^^*smiles* Just to let you know...I've personaly asked Tama to give me a good idea on what should come next...*evil grin*
Oh and another thing...(In case I didn't mention it earlier.)...You fall in love with my best friend hibarrano tenshi!You should know her!
I know this is my first time to write you..(and you probably already hate my guts)..but,that's alright...*giggles sarcasticly*
Well... talk to ya later fang boy!(Just kidding)^^ *smiles widly*
Tsukino Tenshi
Dear Tsukino Tenshi,
One that doesn't torment me, ain't hentai, an' don't keep tryin' to get me killed. Chichiri My sisters! *Grins* Miaka. She's nicer an' smarter! Kowai fangirls… @_@;;;
Dear Chichiri,
*crawls up to him* Hi, Chichiri! Guess what! Willow cast a spell on me to make me shorter. So, I shrank five inches, and now I'm five foot five. I'm all disoriented and I can't walk; the ground is too close to my head! Her history of reversing spells isn't all that great, either.....could you possibly do something about this?
Dear Ayame,
Gomen, I can't reverse another's spell, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
Hi, Nuriko-chan! I don't know if you remember me or not (probably not, since it was so long ago), but, my name's Christi and I wrote to you a while back about how my parents had split up and this one boy that I really liked that used to like me was completely ignoring me...Well, you probably don't remember, so, anyway...I'll get on with it ^_^. Well, I wanted to tell you that I feel a lot better, and that I'm not depressed or anything anymore ^_^. My sophomore year at high school starts in the end of August, and I'm kind of excited. Last year went really well, and I think this one will too. Wish me luck, please? You know what? I actually got something good out of being upset a few months ago. Probably wondering what, right? Well, I started writing poetry, and I gave some of it to my english teacher to read, and she said that I had real talent. After that, I went out and bought a used typewriter, and started writing more poetry, and then short stories and things. All that writing was what made me feel so much better, mostly. It really did me good, and without it, I don't know what I would have done, it was really an outlet for all my feelings. I also started drawing, and found that I have a talent for that too. I really thought I was completely talentless and useless, and now I know that I'm not.
Now I know that I have something that I can contribute to the world, and I don't have to be upset about anything anymore, because it always makes me feel better just knowing that I am good at *something*, ya know what I mean? I do kinda have a problem though, and I need your advice on it. The leader a local chorus group keeps trying to recruit me to sing in the chorus. She (along with most of the other people that have ever heard me) says that I have a really pretty voice, and that I ought to sing with a group, so that people get to hear me. There are two problems with this. The one is that I'm very selfconcious about my singing, and the second is that the boy that used to like me that ignores me now is in the same chorus group. And, the thing is, I don't know how to act around him, you know how that is, don't you? You know, when you like someone but you don't know what to do, because you're afraid to let them know, because you're afraid of rejection and stuff...Well, that's how I am with this, and it's really kinda touchy. I think that I'd like to be a part of the group, but, I don't know....Can you help me out with this, please, Nuriko? Well, I have to go for now, my mom wants to use the phone, and ince I'm on the internet, she can't. I love ya, and I'll talk to you later then, Nuri-chan! ::hugs:: Bye!
Dear Christi,
I say GO FOR IT! Just treat him as a friend and you should do just fine. Ganbatte ne! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
::hugs her big brother:: hi tasuki!!! can i come see your bandit hideout? ::runs and changes into boy clothes and comes back:: please? they are probably to drunk to know i'm a girl, and i can fight!! (plus, i'll have you there to help me too!)
Dear ashley,
Ok, but jus' fer a quick look…
Dear Chichiri,
i got a job!!! yay!!!!! i get $5 an hour!!!! this is so cool!! i'll soon be able to afford more anime!!!!! YAY!!!
Dear ashley,
Omedeto gozaimashita, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
tasuki, do you think im a hentai chic,sexy chic,or an ok chic to hang arond with?!? and by the way, what does hentai mean?!?
amy kou
Dear amy,
Hentai means perverted. I guess yer ok to hang wit' fer a kinda hentai chick. *Grins*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I've drawn some pictures of all of you.Want me to send them?=D
Dear Ash-chan,
Certainly! We'd love to see them.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Chiriko,
Hiya Chiriko-sama! It's me! Suzaku's Rabid Little Fangirl! Thank you so much for assisting me in my search for places with Suzaku pictures. I'm new to the net so I have trouble finding thing.Arigato! *Picks Chiriko up and hugs him* Thanks a ton! *Puts Chiriko down*
If I get up the courage to write again(Blast my fear of rejection)I'll use SRLF cause it takes to long to type Suzaku's Rabid Little Fangirl. till then Buh-bye
Dear SRLF,
You're very welcome! *Smiles*
Dear Chichiri,
you are my favorite seishi and i was just wondering if they make chichiri plushies and where i could get one thanks no da!!!!
Dear julie,
Arigato, no da! They made UFO Catcher dolls and you can check eBay to see if there are any up for auction, no da. Demo… they can get quite expensive, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
::sneaks up on a sleeping tasuki:: ::blinfolds and chains him::sets him down in a chair and chains him to the chair:: ::splashes him with water:: ::tasuki wakes up:: hahahaha it is I the EVIL Dr.noname!!!!!! hope you like to get wet!!!!!!!! ::starts letting dropps of water fall on tasuki's head:: hahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!! chineas water torture!!!!!!!!!!!! enjoy!!!!!! :: runs off to get supper soaker and other evil devises to plan next kind of tasuki torture::
EVIL Dr.noname
Dear EVIL Dr.noname,
Getting' wet don't do nothin' but ANNOY me!!! *Punches out the Dr.*
Dear Chichiri,
Sigh...Chichiri, why must you be so adorable? So kawaii? So irrestible? So--*gets smacked by Tasuki's tessen*
Mi-Chan: Hai Hai. *rubs her head*
Anyway, I know about your painful past that you've had to endure, and what you had to go through. I've always wondered, when I watch my FY tapes, and I see you doing your usual kawaii scene, you look so happy.....but are you? Does your mask ever reflect your REAL smile, or are you really unhappy deep down inside all the time? Do you just put up that cheerful act so no one can see how you really are? I'd like to think when you act happy for the others, you truely ARE happy. Am I making sense? I've never been good at writing down things. You've always been so mysterious to me, I guess thats why you are my favorite character ^_^ And you know, even if you weren't all that happy in the series, I know in the end of the OAV's, you are. I don't want to give spoilers to other readers so I won't say anymore.
I just hope soon, someday, you won't rely on your mask to show your smile.
Ok, on a more cheerful note, did you know my mom works at a restaurant named " NODA'S?" And the symbol/letter they use looks exactly like the one on your knee. Except the restaurant symbol has a tiny dot in the center, which makes it mean " rice bowl". Kawaii huh? If you guys ever come to New Mexico you guys should stop by and see for yourself! ^_^ Wow, this is a long letter, Gomen nasai, I know you have to answer so many others. Well, Sayonara!
Dear Mi-Chan,
Honto ni, no da? If we ever are in New Mexico we will make a point of visiting, no da. What can I say? I have good and bad days just like everyone else, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
Hey my Question is how do u manage not to get split ends!? Please tell me your secret! Bye!
Klown Boy ^-~
Dear Klown Boy,
I take good care of my hair by conditioning it and getting it trimmed regularly.
Dear Mitsukake,
Hey Mits I hope u don't mind i sometimes call u mitsie!!! this is more of a statement than a Question k? well u have a cute cat and i think your cool! Well bye!
Klown Boy
Dear Klown Boy,
Dear Tasuki,
*hums along with the Maze opening song*.........Oh! Konnichiwa Tasuki-chan! I read somewhere you guys like playing PS games? Is that so? Have you ever played "Evil Zone?" Its an Anime fighting game type thing. Its pretty good, I recommend you play it if ya haven't. And Tasuki *points to him*
if ya do play it, play Lie Rainrix! He's JUST LIKE YOU! Hot-tempered, brash, tough, and very cute! Like you! He looks like you too, he has wild unruly hair, except its blue, like Chichiri-san's. You guys have to play it, its such a good game!!! Oh, yeah, I noticed in Tekken 3, there's another character that reminds me of ya! Hwoarang! You've had to play Tekken before! Anyway, I'm done blabbing.......I guess....I should go.......*glomps Tasuki*.....YADA YADA YADA YADA!!!!!...
Dear Mi-Chan,
Mebbe I'll try it. I never played Tekken before.
Dear Hotohori,
Hotohori I have 1 question...Wait acctually 2!well here goes:
-How many mirrors DO u have? 1000 2000 3000,0000,000?
_r u and Nuriko a couple?/Do u love Nuriko?
Klown Boy ^-~
Dear Klown Boy,
About 20. NO! To both of those questions!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
hello! how are all of you? Saturday was really fun ;i went to the Comic Con international. have any of you ever been there? its a lot of fun! they show movies and stuff all day long and they have lots of comics and videos and free stuff too! and best of all, i got to dress up as any one i wanted, Klown Boy and my family didnt dress up,though...oh well! they had a good amount of FY stuff...not much Vampire Miyu,thats one of my favorite mangas.and on top of that i couldnt find vol. 2 of Neon Genesis Evangelion.
but it was fun! ^_^ Thankx for telling me im not a psyko! and i did take a Gundam W quiz that tells you if you are obbsessed...its true,i am.KB is a hard core fan ^_^. Bye!! ^_#
Dear Kalypso,
I'm glad that you had a good time. Perhaps next year we will be able to go.
Dear Tasuki,
Hey Tasuki!!!*starts panting from running*Well u know that letter 'bout your sis+mom+milk+koji+chichiri+the annoying please thing=+some kid who wants 2 be your wife who swore never to buy milk. That nut case was me. Gomen i forgopt to sign it. Well love ya!
Klown Boy ^-~
Ps. I'm A girl do not be fooled by the name!
Dear Klown Boy,
Glad to know yer a girl! If ya' were a guy, I'd be REALLY worried!!
Dear Tasuki,
Oh my... ^_^ I wonder if CNA's husband Cory ever gets jealous of the young nihonjin bishies that she collects. heheh.
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Ya' mean us anime ones? Nah! Th' real life ones? Not really, he knows she loves only him.
Dear Chichiri,
i see lots of pics of you and tasuki. why are you guys such good friends??
Dear julie,
We get along quite well, no da.
Dear Tamahome,
Why not?!?!
Aki Ross
Dear Aki Ross,
Because I said so.
Dear Aki Ross,
Yeah, right. More like because he's CHEAP! Heh-heh-heh...
Dear Mitsukake,
in the spa video, what exactly did those women do when they found out you were a man? did they do what chiriko said they would do or what?
Scared of Tama
PS Tamahome made the best woman (besides Nuriko and Hotohori), he doesnt even have to try that hard to look like a woman! *runs away before Tama gets pissed* *Hears Tasuki laughing*
Dear Scared of Tama,
They were about to torture me and rip my eyes out when Chichiri rescued me. Although I did hear mention of the possobility of "breeding stock"... It's actually in the manga.
Dear Chichiri,
hi again, sorry, i just love talking to you. the gaiden novels will be so cool animated! im so happy, you'll still be cute at age 18! so, how have you been? *pets Copy (Suboshi) the kitten* ive been so good lately, im so happy, b/c school is out for so long. anyway, i brought a fishing pole, and its really hot today, wanna go fishing. theres a river not too far from here. ill bring the kittens! *hands the two kittens to Chichiri,* they love everybody, and they love to be held, k?
PS: If it gets really hot down by the lake, will you take your shirt off, i REALLY won't mind! : )
Dear Bosher,
*Smiles* Aren't you a bit young for bare chested men., no da? Kawaii konekos, no da. Actually, the Eikou Den novels are the ones being animated. So I should be around 26 or so, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
Hello Chichiri-san I don't know if I've ever written to you,but you are my fave character!!!!Ok one time at a sleepover my friend Sara told me to talk like a charater in FY and I did you and said hai no da!My friends were stunned because I sound exactly like you!!0.oKowaii
Touya no miko
Dear Touya no miko,
Arigato, no da! Are you sure you didn't mean kawaii, no da?
Dear Hotohori,
Are you and Houki gonna make another baby anytime soooooooooon?
Dear Akina,
*Sweatdrops* Ano…
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki-chan I see many people are falling ill to the very dangerous and deadly FY Yaoi virus! Especially stories involving you and Chichiri. Do you perscribe any medicine or ailments for such a virus?! *LOL*
Dear Kohaku,
YES! Stay th' H*LL away from th' *)+^%$# yaoi *^%$!!!
Dear Mitsukake,
Wouldnt it be funny if Tama tryed to take over the world??? If he did try would you help him??
Dear Tana,
He's a cat. He doesn't need to take over the world. He already has his servants. *Smiles*
Dear Nuriko,
Your hair is purple, Your eyes are pink,
I love you I love you I love you, and worship the ground you walk on, even when you stink! (which isn't that often cause i'm sure ya take lots of baths cause ya wanna smell really pretty for Hotohori, speaking of which, do you guys have girly sleepovers and exchange beauty tips??? :D)
Dear Kourin,
Kawaii poem. No we don't.
Dear Nuriko,
::gives him a Hotohori plushie:: hi! i gots a question....why does Nakago have so many plans? does he plan his plans to fail so he can plan somemore...or is he just incredably stupid and is kinda lucky that stuff happens so he can claim its his plan....and why did you have to was so sad! Nakago shoulda been the first to die! well gotta go oh yeah i almost forgot! ::gives him a Nuriko plushie:: wouldnt want Hotohori to be lonely!
Dear Tana,
Arigato! I guess he just wanted to rule the world and made a lot of plans to ensure he did. Too bad for him…
Dear Chichiri,
What's your favorite color? (I have a twenty dollar bet riding on this...)
Dear Mibaka,
Blue, no da!
Dear Mitsukake,
I have but one question for you. How did such a quiet guy like you manage to get a pregnant fiance?
Dear Hentai,
A what?!?!?!?!?!?!? @_@ I have no such thing!!!
Dear Mitsukake,
why does everyone disslike u and think your borring??? you rule!!! anyone oppose my opinion COME ON PUT EM UP!!
Tasuki stalker
Dear Tasuki stalker,
Arigato for your support.
Dear Tasuki,
TASUKI! *slams a bottle of taquila and two shot glasses down on the table* i challenge u to a drinking duel!!! if i win can i join the bandits???
Tasuki stalker
Dear Tasuki stalker,
Sure but, ya' still gotta outdrink an' outbrawl ALL th' bandits!
Dear Chiriko,
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? (I have those in my backyard...pretty weird looking rodents... o.o;)
Bobbeth Bob
Dear Bobbeth Bob,
A woodchuck would chuck all the wood he could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood.
Dear Chiriko,
hi chiriko whats up your fav vido game is final fantasy 8 you should play the zelda games they rock
ps:you are sooooooo cute i love you *squezes chiriko to death*
Dear ruki,
ACK!!! AIR!!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
In the group name THTC, whose "T" is whose? (I bet the first one is Tasuki's 'cause he'd beat the cr*pola outta Tamakins if his were first...)
Person with way too much free time on her hands
Dear Person,
It's actually Tamahome's but we let Tasuki think it's his, no da.
Dear Hotohori,
If I play the song "I'm too sexy for my shirt", will you strip to it for me? PLEEEEEEEEEEEEASE? I'll be sure to videotape it, don't you worry, and sell the tape for 10 silver ryou each to all the poor, deprived, hentai crazed females who love you and think you are the god of sexiness! All proceeds go to Tamahome because he'll find a good use for all that please, pretty please with sugar on top, strip for me?
Dear Jen-kun,
No, sorry, Emperors do not strip.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Okay, I promised to stop terrorizing all of you soon, but I just have to ask-
Chichiri Doll: *Shakes head* You can't trust her, no da,
Tasuki Doll: Yeah, she promised to write another story about us, that was a month ago....
Tamahome Doll:...and she still hasn't.
Tasuki Doll: Thanks, Tama-Doll.
Tama-neko Doll: You called?
Tamahome Doll: Nope, he was talking to me BUT HE FAILED TO NOTICE THAT I AM NOT A CAT DOLL!!
Tama-neko Doll: Hey!
Tamahome Doll: No offence.
Tama-neko Doll: Offence taken. :P
Grr.... LET ME TALK! I wanted to know, do you think that-
Tasuki Doll:...Seiryuu is gay?
NO! I was going to ask, Do you think that the Seiryuu shichi seishi-
Tamahome Doll:...are all mentaly deranged?
NO! I was going to ask 'Do you think that the Seiryuu shichi seishi deserve-
Tasuki Doll:...kiss your feet?
NO! NO! NO! Do you think that the Seiryuu shichi seishi deserve-
Chiriko Doll:...some candy?
You all had this planned out to torture me, didn't you?
All Dolls in unison: Yeeeep.
I was going to ask, Do you think that the Seiryuu shichi seishi deserve to be-
Chichiri Doll:-come animals, no da?
... Do you think that the Seiryuu shichi seishi deserve to be forgiven? I mean, well... Maybe not Miboshi, but the others seem just to be vitims of their own pasts, not to mention Nakago's influence, but he has issues too. What do you think? I think they should be forgive. Ashitare... Poor puppy...
Ashitare Doll: Of course he was a poor puppy! I'm a poor *talking* puppy!
Tomo Doll: I'm not as bad as I seem. Neither is my counterpart, Ryu Chuin. Tomo. Our face paint (in my case, colored felt) acts much like Chichiri's (and Doll's) mask. We are just too emotionally instable to fce the world without something to hide behind.
Nakago Doll: If you think I really care about this debate, you're wrong.
Soi Doll: My life sucked. So did Soi's. End of story.
Suboshi Doll: I thought being one of the Seiryuu seishi Dolls would be best for my Aniki. I believe that is what Suboshi thought too.
Amiboshi Doll: I thought being one of the Seiryuu seishi Dolls would be best for my brother. I believe that is what Amiboshi thought as well.
Miboshi Doll: I'm just eeeevil!
See? (You'd think I've said enough already. it would have been shorter without the dolls....)
Yuuki Yuiren
Dear Yuuki Yuiren,
Yes it would have been. You have a point about all the Seiryuu Seishi being emotionally and psychologically unstable, but they still could have risen above their pasts. Amiboshi did.
Dear Nuriko,
My Grandma made me cut my hair.. and dye it dark brown, all the purple's gond and I look like a femal-black haired Tasuki.. Its scaring me and my friends keep trying to make me look like Miaka (or a Demonic Nyan Nyan x.x) What should I do all knowing He-godess of all things feminine?
Dear Aio-chan,
Perhaps you can put blonde or red highlights in to liven it up. If you hate your hairstyle/cut wait 2 weeks to let it grow out and then ask the stylist to do something that is more to your liking. Good luck!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
...*wanders up* you know, one of you might want to go get Tasuki out of the lake...
Dear Ayame,
Lake? You know he can't swim, right?
Dear Tasuki,
*climbs out of the pond, dripping mud* .....that's soooooooo deserve this.....*ties him up and puts him in a catapault, a la Wile E. Cyote, and launches him into the nearest lake* hahahahaha!
Dear Ayame,
Dear Tamahome,
Sara: Instead of zapping him why not just pound him
Soi: Good idea.*Punches him until her arms ached*that made me feel much better I'll leave now*walks away*
Touya no miko and Cloud Fairy: *still fighting*
Sara: Now that's over what about those two*points at Cloud Fairy and Touya no miko*
Water Sprite: Maybe Tama-chan can knocked some into those two.
Water Sprite,Sara,and Soi
Dear Water Sprite,Sara,and Soi,
*Looks confused* Did something just hit me?
Dear Tasuki,
So did you see my pic? ^_^
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Hai! Nice picture.
Dear Chichiri,
Yeah,they were dancing.Weirdly.You know,chameleons can dance.
Dear Ash-chan,
I see… and just what have you been drinking, no da?
Dear Nuriko,
I'm positive.I knew you'd never do anything like that.^-^V
Dear Ash-chan,
OK. *Smiles*
Dear Chichiri,
Hi Chichiri I haven't written to you in a long time!Can I have a hug?
Cloud Fairy
Dear Cloud Fairy,
Hai, no da. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
hey Gen-chan! I have a long question so listen up! When Yui sealed Suzaku away, That means all of your powers were taken away, So Since your power is The fan, that power was takein away, but the fan is not Suzaku power, Because Eken used it to rite? Then why did your Fire of the fan go away if it's not a power by Suzaku? otay! sorry it was so long, but i was just curious. ok luv ya! bai bai!
Tasuki and Nuriko No Miko
Dear Tasuki and Nuriko No Miko,
Because it was changed by Taiitsu-kun so that only I could use it, so it became an instrument of Suzaku's.
Dear Nuriko,
Konnichiwa Nuriko! I hate Ashitare! Can i kill him for you? Since he killed you!? I know he is already dead but i am gonna bring him back to life and make him have the worse death. It is going to be Very slow and VERY Painful. mwahahahaha! I cried soooooo hard when i saw you die! OK thats it! luv ya bai bai!
Tasuki and Nuriko No Miko
Dear Tasuki and Nuriko No Miko,
That's ok. I think he suffered enough under Nakago.
Dear Tasuki,
::mara appears with her deformed Tasuki Plushi:: Hewwwooo!! I think my kawaii tasuki plushi is cooler than Tanas! It's had more adventures! ::holds it up revealing mass stitching staples buttons and drool marks etc:: I think it looks cooler too! ::a big ol bright smile:: would you autograph it for me?? Pleeassse? I'll give you a specially made sake popsicle! ::giggles and runs up and hugs him, squeezing with super human strength not unlke Nurikos::
Dear Mara,
AIR!!!!! *Gasps and turns blue.*
Dear Tamahome,
How old is your son?Where could I find a picture of him?
Dear Davy,
He is just a baby. There may be a picture of him in Eikou Den #2.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I'd like a complete listing of Watase-sensei's works and ......websites offering info on them.......if possible?
Dear Nuriko,
Hi Nuriko *hugs him* I have a problem and if its not too much trouble i was wondering if you could help me. I used to hang around with a group of girls but i didnt have that much in common with them and i later made friends with a group who are really nice and i love hanging around with them. However, they get the feeling they are looked down upon by my last group of friends so they dont socialise with them and basically cant stand each other. Some of the other girls can be really mean behind each others backs which is one of the reasons i stopped hanging around with them.
Recently one of thoses girls has been feeling the same way as me and has fallen out with one of her friends. She has started to hang around with me which has caused a bit of a stir in my group. This girl says she admires our individuality and that she wishes that she could be like us, but my other friends say this is because she is using me. I dont know whether she is and feel that when she makes up with her own fiend then shell drop me and ill have a big I TOLD U SO coming. One of the girls in my group i feel is started to avoid me because she doesnt want to hang around with this new girl and i dont want to lose either of their friendships.
I dont want my gang to feel like im putting her as first priority but i feel sorry for her and like her as a friend so i try and invite them where i invite her. This has also caused friction so i try keeping them seperate and get told im leaving them out, i dont know what to do, whatever i try im losing. This new girl says im the only one she can talk to so we arranged to go get coffee and then my other friend invited herself along getting the total wrong idea thinking id invited her when really id just invited her over my house later, knowing she wouldnt want to hear this other girls problems all morning. It then turned out that this girl couldnt get to go as she had no money so i had to phone up my friend who had invited herself and say we cant go. She seemed alright about it, until later i found out shed phoned my other friend saying how i drop everything for this new girl and that we still should have gone shopping even though i hadnt invited her in the first place. I didnt want to tell her this because i would have felt mean. To make things worse i think she thinks i do everything for this new girl, which i dont, even though i just got her hooked on fy which is a good thing heehee and im gonna get her into other anime. She really liked fy, i mean who wouldnt.
Anyways i was talking to my other friend in my group who my friend had phoned and she had told her that she didnt really like fy or manga and that she just went along with it to shut me up. I felt really really hurt by this. Im the only one in my whole area who likes this sorta stuff because know ones heard of this where i come from and i thought my friend shared my interest when really shes been lying and talking behind my back. My friend whod shed told tried to cheer me up saying maybe she said it behind my back so not to hurt my feelings and she had put up with it for my sake. This new girl does like it but i get a feeling that they want me to stop hanging around with her, i cant believe my friend hurt me like this. i dont want to lose her friendship but i want her to stop acting like this, my other friend said it might be because this new girl dated a boy shes really good friends with but also because shes so different from her and they have nothing in common. What should I do i dont wanna lose my group but this new girl is a really nice person and not like her old friends at all, she seems to like stuff i do, even if she does think my friends and i are a little odd. I really hope shes not using me. sorry to go on and on. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
angry and upset
Dear angry and upset,
WOW! You and your friends really need to have a talk! Do you have any interests in common with these girls? If so, and you wish to keep them as friends, then you need to those things with them. Your other friend, if she does not share those interests, she does not have to tag along every time you do something with them. Although, you were wrong to tell your friend that the two of you couldn't go out because that one girl wasn't able to make it. Regardless of whether or not she invited herself along, you had made plans that now included her and it was rude to cancel them because one person couldn't go. You do owe her an apology.
If you want to hang with her and do the manga/anime thing that they have no interest in, that's fine. Let them know that you understand they don't share that interest with you and that it's ok. Let them know you still want to hang with them and that you enjoy their company. But make it clear that you don't want to give up your one friend for them nor do you wish to give them up for her. If it turns out that she was just using you, learn from the experience and try not to regret it too much. Good luck.
Dear Hotohori,
Oh my god .. *delighted* That is such a kick! Hotohori, remember when I asked you when your birthday was? Well, I just read the answer now. I cannot believe it. Your birthday is on April 2nd. Mine is on the fourth, just two days from yours! That is just an amazing coincidence. Mmm.. Does that mean that we were destined for each other? *smiles and sparkles*
(What year were you born? I was born in 1980. Apparrently in Chinese years, that is the year of the Monkey. Are they calling me a monkey?? One more thing - what is that suppposed to signify? Year of the monkey, year of the Dragon and such? Are the characteristics of this animal supposed to be connected with the person somehow? I've got my theories, but I'd like to hear all of your opinions. All of them. Sorry.)
Dear Mitzi,
I was born in the Year of the Dog. People born in that year are truthful and loyal. As well as trustworthy and they stand up for what they believe in as well as being able to keep secrets. I think that's about right! *Smiles*
Dear Mitsukake,
*glomps Mitsukake* You are a big teddy bear!! ^_^ *gives him a peck on the cheek then toddles off*
Dear Keiko,
*Blushes* Arigato.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*wanders in, dragging Willow with her* Hi. *sighs* Willow decided to bite me. Would one of you be so kind as to get her off of me? Thank you.
Dear Ayame,
Willow! That wasn't very nice! Why are you biting her?
Dear Chiriko,
hi chiriko whats up i was just wondering do you know what the corect way to pronounce moon in japanese is i can't get it right thatnks
ps:*glomps* i love you you are soooooooooo cute!!!!!!!
Dear ruki,
Arigato for your kind words. It is pronounced "tsue-key" and actually spelled "tsuki".
Dear Chichiri,
Okay Aniki-chan! No Da is very cute and all but all the Chichiri Aijins I know say no da so i'll leave it for them ^-^ lol. Im sad cause I start school on August 20! ;_;. But at least Ill be going to the private school I tried out for, for that i am happy ^=^. I just finished the next chapter in my fan fic and hope to post it soon. OK enough about me whatcha been up to? TTFN
Dear Kohaku,
Not much, no da. Mostly answering letters and recovering from AX01 and getting ready for Ani-Magic, no da.
Dear Chiriko,
Konnichi wa Chiriko-
I just read the letter from from Mini Crops and your reply. Now come on be truthful did you really know the reason for why the moon looks orange sometimes or did you just see that in the movie Disneys The Kid?!
Dear Kohaku,
I really knew it.
Dear Tamahome,
Hey Tama! That's a realy good idea! I think I'll do that....^_~ *giggles* Oh!...Not to change the subgect...but,I have a few questions for you...
1.)If you could be any other seishi who would you be?...
2.)Could you love anyone other than Miaka?..(If so name them)
3.)If you had one wish, What would you wish for and why?...
4.)Which one of the following would you rather be?..
a.)Brad Pitt
b.)Jet L.
c.)Jacki Chan
5.)What is your idea of the perfect life?...
Well that's all for now...I'll talk to you later!
Tsukino Tenshi
Dear Tsukino Tenshi,
Here's your answers in the order they were asked in:
My family alive again.
Jackie Chan. I'm already a lot like Jet Li. *Grins*
I'm living it now with Miaka.
Dear Tasuki,
Hi Tasuki! Sorry I haven't written in a while. Thanks for letting me be your little sister, I promise I won't torment you ^_^. I took your advice and told my friend's parents. They were shocked to say the least, and my friend wasn't too happy either. But eventually it all calmed down, and my friend is on the road to recovery! *Smiles* I'm sooo happy! Life is wonderful! *Xelloss would kill me if he heard that!* I just got two new Fushigi Yuugi movies, and two Slayers Next movies! *Spins her staff* Man, one of them was really violent 0.0 but that's life. *Pulls something out from behind her cape* Here you go! *Hands Tasuki a set of Demon's Blood talismans* I got these from Zelas. She made a copy of the ones Xelloss gave to Lina, they amplify magic power, so they should make your tessen stronger! Not that it needs to be stronger...But hey! Next time Tama-chan pushes you into a lake, hot tub, whatever, torch him when you get out ^_~ Ja ne!
Dear Kawaii-Chibi-Xelloss/Tasuki-no-Miko,
COOL! Glad I was able to help! Arigato!
Dear Chichiri,
If you could be any animal (besides human/monkies), what would you be?
Dear Lybra,
A cat, no da.
Dear Tamahome,
what I ment by the Halloween question is do you guys as in all the Seishi dress up for Halloween? Gomen I didnt make myself clear on that. I bet that you and Tasuki (if you took my idea about dressing up as each other) would be each other (so you could make fun of each other obviously) and I would guess that Nuriko would go as Hotohori. I havent guessed the rest yet. Well c-ya later ja
Dear XellossMetali,
Actually we have and there is a picture of us in costume that we put on the site around that time of year.
Dear Tasuki,
Yet again...OF COURSE I am doing the masq~ I have to do the masq cause its so wonderful and beautiful and fun *.* waiiii hai bring the cam corder if you like =) tis would be fun, CNA looked sooooooooooooo cool in her Chichiri wig I was like WOW *.* Anyway Tasuki I have your premission to go smack Tamahome in the head? :bats eyelashes: pleaseeee
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley Chan,
Sure! Smack 'im anywhere ya' wanna! We'll bring th' camcorder. Glad tp hear ya' liked CnA's costume! *Grins*
Dear Tamahome,
Oh no no no Tamahome nothing can withstand electricity if you create a big enough charge!!!*creates and even bigger lighting storm and fries Tamahome*
Touya no miko and Cloud Fairy:*Still fighting*
Water Sprite:Pay up Sara Tama-chan lost
Sara:*Gives her two ryou**sweatdrops at Touya no miko and Cloud Fairy who have been fighting for hours*
Soi:Wow they're not going to stop are they?
sara,water sprite,and soi
Dear sara,water sprite,and soi,
HAH! If one is well grounded the electricity just passes through and does no harm! *Douses Soi with a super soaker.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I wanna ask Tama-neko something! Kay?
First of all, TAMA-NEKO IS THAt SMARTEST CHARACTER OF ALL TIME! Maybe even moreso than Chiriko. Has anyone else noticed that he seems to be the only one that knows whats going on at points of the story? Mitsu-san! You did a great job with being his owner! Okay that wasn't a real question, just praise.
Yuuki Yuiren
Dear Yuuki Yuiren,
Arigato! Of course we all know that cats ARE a higher life form!
Dear Chichiri,
hi.... i told my friend about FY, and about you, now she's ubsessed too!! she says no da after everything now!!!! her name is julie, i think she's written to you.
Dear ashley,
I think I've heard from her, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
*glares at him, and smacks him with an even bigger fish* OOPS! Sorry...heheheheheh...
Dear Ayame,
*Picks her up and dumps her in a shallow, muddy pond...*
Dear Tasuki,
Oro, Tasuki-kun, when I have money! I'm just a poor starving college student after all. I mean, if you could steal a bit from Tamahome, I'd be glad to oblige over Spring Break! *evil grin*
Kelli, CnA#2
Dear Kelli,
Ok! Yer on! OI! Tamahome! I need to talk wit' ya'...
Dear Nuriko,
You know,in one of my dreams,we were striking up some deal and you auctioned off Hotohori to me.I just thought I might tell you that.For no reason.
Dear Ash-chan,
I would never do such a thing! Are you sure it wasn't Tamahome you were dreaming about?
Dear Chichiri,
I got a kasa.^_^ Before I got it,every sentence either included the word 'kasa',was "I want my kasa",or was "Where's my kasa?"
Once I got it,I wore it around everywhere.I got weird looks.One person said:"Now don't get all electric on me like that dude from Big Trouble in Little China."Which I don't get.I know Raiden from Mortal Kombat has a kasa,and he's like God of Thunder or something,did the guy mean him? Then,I got into discussion about it with this guy.oO;
And after all that,the ducks began to dance.
Dear Ash-chan,
Ducks...? Dance...? Daaaaaaaaaa...
Dear Chichiri,
Go mmen Chirchiri Sama but where are your eyes, how do yas see outta your mask, It must be hard to see no da. You remind me of Mokona No Da. But you say a lot more than Mokona, no da. You hair is neat , no da. Can I have a dollar, no da?
sacred attack nyan nyan
Dear sacred attack nyan nyan,
My eyes are right where they should be, no da! The mask is magical so I can see through it, no da. Ano... no, no da.
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