Dear Tasuki,
::crys:: WHY CANT I BE YOUR WIFE!?!?!?!?!?! I WANNNNNNNNNAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! ::grabs her Tasuki plushie and cuddles it:: ::sniff sniff::
::mara walk in with a seriously deformed stitched up tasuki:: tasuki is mine! tasuki is mine! .. for at least 6 days of the week....
TANA: WAHHHHHHHHHH! ::runs to Tasuki:: HELP MY PLUSHIE ::sniff sniff:: wahhhhhhhhhhhhh ::crys like Usagi::
Mara: ::blinks at tasuki:: sugoi... ::sniffles:: I wanna have attention too... ::hugs her tasuki plushi hard and his head pops off:: ::blinks:: NOOO!!!!!
Tana and Mara
Dear Tana and Mara,
@_@;;; Kowai!
Dear Tasuki,
:: sneaks up on a sleeping Tauski:: ::blindfolds and chains him up:: ::takes him to a rehab facilaty:: when tauski wakes up there is a strange man standing next to him. "im here to help you get over your drinking problems" :: gives a slightly devalish look:: "hehehe" 'every time we se you drinking we will put you in a room full of 'crazed hentai chiks BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!"
Dr. No Name
Dear Dr. No Name,
*Belts the Dr. and escapes...*
Dear Tasuki,
*gets carried in the room by two people she made up in doctor scrubs*
First one: I wonder what happened to her.
Second one: I don't know, but it must of been bad. She's in shock.
Patient: Tasuki, Chichiri, pwp, yaoi. Not true.
*Both sweatdrop*
Both: I guess that's the best we're going to get for right now.
First one: Well, maybe we can get her name.
Patient: no name. Forgot.
a tramatized person who doesn't know who she is.
Dear tramatized,
'Che! Another yaoi victim!
Dear Nuriko,
Hey, I just read Sara's letter and your reply. Just thinking about your reply makes me laugh. "He's a very famous drag diva." I don't know if that seems funny to anyone else, but it struck me as funny. I don't know. Maybe this is what I get after 3 hours of unrestful sleep. In response to your question as to what my hair color is, it's a dark brown. ^.^
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
Well, he is! I think I asked you to help you figure out what would look good as far as color blocking was concerned. I'm thinking blonde or red. What do you think?
Dear Tamahome,
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Nakago is stupid
Can I please borrow $200.00 from you?
Aki Ross
Dear Aki Ross,
Nice poem. No.
Dear Chiriko,
Hi! I was wondering, Are you really a teen-ager? I hope your not offended by my question, its just that you look like a seven year old with a gravity-defying hairdo.
Aki Ross
Dear Aki Ross,
I am 13, so technically I am a teenager.
Dear Chichiri,
Poor Chichiri-san, no da... *shakes head**hands him some Advil* I guess it makes more sense if you've been exposed to her as much as we have, no da... ^^;; You thought that was me? Anou... Now that I think of it, I guess I can understand why you might come to such a conclusion, no da, demo... Am I truley that predictable? *puppydog eyes* Da... That's ok, though, no da. I forgive ya, no da! ^_^
ANYWAYS How was the con, ne? Did ya help CnA-sama with the cos-play, cuz she was GREAT, no da! Da... Y'all are so lucky, no da... You got to meet Watase-sama... *sigh* Sugoi... So, did CnA-sama tell her about the site? What'd she say, ne? DA! She looked so nice, no da! Like she really was all down to earth and stuff... ^^;;; I guess I'm just used to famous people goin all sour, and stuff, what being an American, and all, no da... ^^;;; Anou...
ANYWAYS Da... I guess that's all, no da... I haven't really had much of relevance to say, recently, no da...
Little Voice: So, we're back to the relevance bit, ne?
*blink* You're never gonna leave, are ya?
Little Voice: Nope! I'm here for the duration, it would seem.
*defeated sigh* Whatever, no da... ^^;;;
Kageno Tenshi
Dear Kageno Tenshi,
Aside from being her inspiration, I really didn't dfo much to help, no da. CnA says "Thanks!" She's glad you liked her costume, no da. Watase-sensei was very nice and CnA did tell her a little about the website, no da.
Dear Tamahome,
Hi aniki-chan! Tasuki-chan just soaked me with a giant super-soaker! *laughs* Anyway how are ya doin'? Im really happy 'cause mom said I might be able to get a motorcycle when I turn 16 ^__^ I was wondering, since im your little sister, do I have to pay you 2 gold ryu? *lol* Anyway, I gotta go, pizza's here!! *Big grin* I luv ya, Aniki-chan! *Big hugs*
Sou Sakura
Dear Sou Sakura,
Yes, you do. And be careful on the motorcycle!
Dear Tasuki,
*Is soaked* Ahhhh Tasuki-chan!! *A gust of wind blows by, making her even colder* Nyah!! ;p Tomodachi is fine with me *smiles* Guess what? When I turn 16, my okaasan might get me a kawasaki motorcycle! ^____^ So that's really cool! Anyway, I have to retaliate for the super soaker incident. *Pulls out a giant water balloon and throws it at Tasuki, missing* Grrrr. *lol* Anyway, take care! Luv ya! *Shivers and sits down by a tree*
Dear Sakura,
A motocycle? Be careful ya' don't get yerself killed! *Lights a small fire to warm her.*
Dear Mitsukake,
*blinks* big canines come from my Otousan's family, the red hair from my Okaasan's family. I hope Ryu shows up in this kid somewhere... *foot comes out* I may have started the Raspberries a bit too early, he keeps exercisizing... *eyes go wide* Juan, may I use your bathroom? he's kicking my bladder again.
Dear Doc-sama,
hai, it's over there. *Smiles* I bet he'll have a great sense of fashion...*
Dear Nuriko,
Well, actually my cousin suggested a Henna rinse. Although that chopped highlight(?) thing sounds pretty cool. I'll have to suggest that.
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
Cool. Let me know how the color blocking turns out!
Dear Chichiri,
Hai!! I would be more than glad to go fishing with you. Fresh water or salt water? Shall we take a boat?
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
Freshwater, no da. We don't need a boat. *Starts to walk towards a large lake with shade trees...*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
hi hi! i just wanna say before i forget I REALLY REALLY ADMIRE U GUYS FOR THIS SITE!! and the fact u answer nearlly all the posts is amazing!! well done keep rockin dudes!! i still think i would be a much better stalker tasuki!! and hotohori do u dance around the palles with a flower baskett singing im soooo pretty! oh sooo pretty and whitty and briiiight??? u never answerd me *snffs*
Tasuki stalker
Dear Tasuki stalker,
No, I don't. *Sweatdrops* Arigato for your support and kind words for our humble site. We' re glad that you're enjoying it.
Dear Tasuki,
Cloud Fairy:*sulks in the corner*You're mean Touya no miko.
Touya no miko and Cloud Fairy
Dear Touya no miko and Cloud Fairy,
Ano... when did I agree to this???
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
You know what, guys, you don't even need a Game Shark to beat Omega Weapon. All you need is Selphie and a certain spell from her Limit Break...if you ever get that spell. Anyway, just trust me on it... However, I've managed to defeat it without Selphie. And let me tell you, it was next to impossible. Anyways, take care...
Dear Tonberry,
Cool! We'll have to try it! Arigato!
Dear Chichiri,
why is it that whenever someone asks about your ages, you answer 26 and tasuki 17? both of you survived the two years into part two, so shouldn't you both age the same ... ?
Blue Avenger
Dear Blue Avenger,
True, we weren't taking that into account, no da. In the series, I am 24 and Tasuki is 17. Which means in the OAV I am 26 and he is 19, no da.
Dear Tamahome,
no, i'm very sorry, but you can't see the picture because
1) i do not have a scanner
2) i don't want you to pick on poor tasuki and chichiri
also, it would embarrass the heck out of me.
Blue Avenger
Dear Blue Avenger,
*Sighs and makes a sad, pouty face...* Oh... ok...
Dear Chichiri,
my little sister thinks your cute but she is only 8 years old. she thinks you look cute in ova 3 with your shirt off
Dear lin,
*Blushes* Arigato, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
you seem really anoyed at all the hentai chicks maybe you should make a black list andput the names of all the hentai chicks!!!hehehe
Dear julie,
It would be waaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy too *(^%$#@ long!!
Dear Tasuki,
I have brought Soi here (drags soi in, gagged and tied up), give her a hug, and let's not be seperated by colors like Blue and Red! Forgive anything that has happened in the past, Tasuki-san!
Mother Love
PS, Tamahome, you still haven't hugged Suboshi (Suboshi is also gagged and tied), if you don't, ill draw U2 hugging anyway!
Dear Mother Love,
Yeah, right! I don't remember hearin' 'bout jigoku freezin' over anytime soon!
Dear Chichiri,
Hi Chichiri-san! My computer's been broken for so long, something about my 547 Fushigi Yuugi pictures in my folder might have done it.... But I don't care, 40% are pics o' you! Anyway, I just saw you guys went to AX01, that is so cool! I went on Saturday, when did you go? My sister and I saw two Chichiris, two Tasukis, and Five Tamahome's! (It looks like all the Tamas put lipstick on their heads for the Ogre symbol) They had so much cool stuff there, huh? It was my first convention, and I might go to Comicon in San Diego next year too! Sorry for writin' so much, but my computer just started workin' yesterday. Oh, yeah, and I thought since you like cats you might like this story, my aunt and my little cousins (2 and 5) got two little kittens! My sister and I visited them, and they were sooooo cute! (I nicknamed them the Seiryu twins b/c one was calm and nice, and the other was wild and ran around the house at a million miles an hour!) So, oh, one more question, did you hear about the new FY videos in 2002? I think they're the Gaidens animated, b/c i heard they would be. Anywho, I gotta go, k? Bye, no da!
Dear Bosher,
We were there from Thursday night thru Sunday afternoon, no da. I wish we had been able to meet up, no da. Perhaps next year to perhaps you will go to AniMagic in Lancaster in Octorber, no da. The kittens sound cute. You are correct, the Eikou Den Gaidens are supposed to be turned into OAV's, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
think you could teach me some magic???
Dear j,
Only if you were in my world, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
If you were stuck on a island, what would u bring with you???(there is no way of the island)
a girl
Dear a girl,
You may wish to check the Archives for the Week Ending November 25, 2000. The answer to your question is on that peeji.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
whats the best quality each of you have to offer to a girl???
Dear shampoo,
Tasuki: If ya' hang wit' me, everyone will think yer cool! 'Cos I'm so *^%$#_+ COOL! *Fanged grin*
Tamahome: I'm thrifty!
Chichiri: I'm a good listener and a good friend, no da.
Hotohori: My intense sparkling beauty. *Smiles and sparkles*
Nuriko:: Fashion tips and we can both go out together for girls' night.
Mitsukake: I'm quiet and and a good listener.
Chiriko: My intelligence.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
what is fushigi yuugi?
im new to FY
Dear new to FY,
It is an anime about a young girl's journey into maturity.
Dear Nuriko,
r u a girl?
im new to FY
Dear new to FY,
*Smilles mysteriously...* You need to watch more of the series...
Dear Mitsukake,
WHEE!I'm back!*glomp* I've been thinking a LOT during the vacation.
First of all,I got some Chinese astrology books.I think you're either an Ox or a Ram but I don't really know (I'm putting my money on the Ox.)^_^o I also noticed that that's a mighty long headband you wear.I think it's not really a headband,but you use it for one.What I think,is that it's actually a kimono sash,like Shouka's or something,and you wear it so you'll never forget her.I'm not really sure on this,but I just noticed that the headband is long,so....there.^_^o
Reeeally? You would?Sugoi..^___^ People these days...>.<;...... Whoo!And now I've gotten a new song stuck in my head.It's addictive! So now I'm back.Yay.^_^
Dear Ash-chan,
*Smiles* Welcome back!
Dear Chiriko,
hi chiriko! whats up ok what is your fav vidio game of all time or do you think that vidio games are a waste of time that should be spent studying anyway your my fav suzaku seishi and i hope you do like vido games cause i do and i'm soposed to be a genuis or sumthin like that ok another question what is your i.q. with your mark and without it mine is 155 thats 5 points above the average genuis!! i'm smart!!
bye bye,
Dear ruki,
I've nerve had my IQ tested. My favorite video game so far has been Final Fantasy 8.
Dear Mitsukake,
U like Shoka??????
Dear N/A,
Of course I do! We would have been married if she hadn't passed away.
Dear Nuriko,
R u gay?
Dear N/A,
No. I'm a cross-dresser. You sure ask alot of questions, don't you?
Dear Tasuki,
Do u like Miaka in the series and the OAV??
Dear N/A,
She's OK fer a girl. Kinda like a lil' sister.
Dear Chiriko,
How many books do u read a day??
Dear N/A,
It depends on the length of the book.
Dear Hotohori,
Do u think u r more beautiful than Miaka???
Dear N/A,
Yes. Miaka is cute. I am beautiful.
Dear Tamahome,
Do u like Yui???
Dear N/A,
I don't dislike her.
Dear Chichiri,
*runs into the room and hugs Chichiri* Chichiri-san, no daaaaaa....will you be my oniisan, no da? My *real* big brother is goin' off to college, and I need a replacement, no da. *big sparkley eyes* I think you're already someone else's big brother, but...please, no da? Domo arigato!!! *hands Chiri a brand new sparkley green fishing pole*
Dear Mishiko,
Even without the fishing pole, I'd still be your oniisan, no da! Arigato!
Dear Chichiri,
R u the oldest Suzaku Seishi?????????
Dear N/A,
Hai, no da!
Dear Chichiri,
hello there Chichiri, remember me? tell Chichiri no Aijin i'm the guy you sent some fushigi yuugi stufs last 1999. i hope you still remember me. i want you all to know that i just finished my very first and my very own fushigi yuugi shrine. i would be very glad if you could pay me a visit at and sign my guestbook.
louver gabato
Dear louver gabato,
We missed you, too and wondered what happened to you, no da! How have you been? Chichiri no Aijin says "Hi" and I signed your guestbook, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
*comes back to retie him to the tree, throw Jello cubes at him, and spray his face with whipped cream* hehehehehehehehehehehehehe... *runs off again*
Dear Ayame,
Dear Chichiri,
Hi aniki! *hugs her bro.* I just noticed that you have a lot of younger siblings. I mean everybody wants you to be their aniki!! Maybe that's cause you're cool. Oh well. So what's up? What's on your mind? I'll give ya a penny for your thoughts. (sounds appealing don't it?)*smiles* Oh yeah. I almost forgot. *pulls out a fishing rod out of hammer space* Here ay go. I thought that you might want a new one. Just for being my bro!!
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
Arigato, no da. Not much is going on right now, no da. Would you like to join me fishing, no da?
Dear Hotohori,
My sister has been diagnosed with ADD, depression, I'm pretty sure that she is bipolar. She is also suicidal. My friends tell me that I'm depressed. I have had a number of suicidal thoughts(I'm chicken so I don't carry through. Good thing to, ne?) But, my sister has pretty much had a grudge out for me ever sense the day I was born practicaly. Talk about sibling rivarly. But, when Tetsuno Tenshi gets off of vaction and I get back from the valley(I leave the day she comes back!!)then she is going to help me tell my mom and hopefully get me some help. Just thought that I'd let you know. Love ya.
Kosetsuno Tenshi
P.S. How are things going with Houki by the way? I mean it's been close to week now hasn't it? Maybe I'm getting the time confused. I don't know. But how are things going?
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
We are both fine and enjoying ourselves. I'm glad that you are going to your mother about this. Good luck. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
depends on what? what if i asked you to hmmm.....kick one of your sisters....hmmm.....wait you'd probally enjoy that bout if i asked you to fry.....Kouji....wait....hes to kool to be mean bout if i asked you to marry me ^_^ an if you do ill gicve lotza sake k ^_^
Dear Tana,
Heh-heh-heh... Nope!
Dear Hotohori,
Dear T'Shondra,
No. I already have a wife and child.
Dear Tamahome,
What if i dont give you any Ryou will you still awnser my questions?
1. Wouldnt Miaka and Usagi (sailor moon) make good friends?
2. Have you ever been thrown outta an all you can eat buffet cuz Miaka eats so much?
Dear Tana,
Yes they would and yes we have.
Dear Tamahome,
Thanks!(smiles smiles)^^ Wish me luck on the celebration(dance) this coming week.
(Change subject) Hey guess what!....I'm wrting another fanfic.So far, Tasuki has droped his fan into the ocean on a trip back from a vacation on an island.^^*Giggls* (every one went,including me.) I have not yet decided on what to write next.......(Any ideas?) After all, you are his "best" friend.
Well talk to you later...Send me some ideas on what you think should happen to Tasuki!(Heee Heee)^^
Tsukino Tenshi
Dear Tsukino Tenshi,
Good luck on your dance! Perhaps I push him in after the tessesn so he can find it? *Grins*
Dear Nuriko,
*Nijuu, Keiko, and Kuro walk up to Nuriko*
Nijuu: We've come to sing for you, otousan!
Keiko: HAI!! HAI!!
Kuro: ^_^ Enjoy!!
Nijuu: *ahem* I'm a lumberjack and I'm okay!
Keiko: I wear high heels
Kuro: I skip and jump,
Nijuu: Wear suspenders and a bra
All 3: I wish I'd been a girly, just like our dear papa!!
We wuv you daddy!!
Nijuu, Keiko, and Kuro
Dear Nijuu, Keiko, and Kuro,
*Blushes and sweatdrops* Arigato.
Dear Tasuki,
*sneakily comes up behind Tasuki like the master ninja she is*
*grabs him and noogies him*
Oi, Oyaji, how ya been?
Kelli, CnA#2
Dear Kelli,
Pretty good! An' yerself? So, when ya' comin' back out to SoCal fer a visit?
Dear Tasuki,
I really wish I could meet you guys someday.. that'll be great. Don't you wonder what I look like? heheh. Well, I got my own scanner like 2 months ago, so if you want, I could mail you a pic of me.
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
If ya' wanna send it to us that's ok. But let us know if ya' want us to put it up on th' site or not.
Dear Tasuki,
How come your summer is so busy this year? What'd you and CNA do besides going to AX? That cosplayer of yours looks good ^_^ heheh. He really fits Tasuki it seems. How'd CNA meet him? I bet she just went up to him and said hi or something. hehe. *hugs*
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Basically she asked to take his picture. Then she asked if she could pose wit' him fer a picture. Then, on th' last day she jus' went up to him an' started talkin' to him in Japanese. *Smiles* Th' woman's got no shame I tell ya'! I think she's out to collect good lookin' Japanese men!
*Gets smacked in the head with Chichiri's staff by CnA.*
Tasuki: ITAI!
CnA: Baka! AM NOT!
Tasuki: Well, she's still goin' to classes an' workin' an' she has all her other stuff to do includin' helpin' us wit' alla our letters. That's why she's so busy.
Tasuki and Chichiri no Aijin
Dear Chiriko,
CHIRIKO-CHAAAAN!!!! *glomp* You're so cute!!! Did you know that? You are so cute, not even the most kawaii anime animals(Chuchu, Ryo-Ohki, Suppi-chan, Mokona, and Shiina) dont even come close to your kawaiiness! *unglomp* You're bishounen too ^-^ I guess this isnt really a letter if I just talk about your cuteness, so... if you could be as old as the other seishi and fall in love with someone, who would you fall in love with? ^-^; Once I read a SoiXChiriko fanfic that was very kawaii(actually the story wasnt focusing on Soi and Chiriko... ^-^;) Anywayyyyyy, you're very cute! CUTE CUTE CUTE! Did I also mention that you're my second favorite seishi?(only Suboshi is better!) Did you know what? You're cute! Cuter than the Ojamajo Doremi and Di Gi Charat characters! You're too cute to be healthy! *continues rambling about Chiriko's cuteness*
an obsessed Chiriko fan ^-^v
Dear obsessed,
*Sweatdrops profusely* Arigato for your kind words. I don't know who I would fall in love with, but I'm sure she would be a nice, kind person.
Dear Chiriko,
What? Even Omega Weapon?
Dear Rachel,
We chose not to fight Omega Weapon. But now that we have a Game Shark…
Dear Chichiri,
Have u heard of Enid Blyton(the matchless writer)Have u read the Faraway Tree series?I think u resemble Moon-Face
Dear The WHO,
No I haven't, no da.
Dear Mitsukake,
Oh help!I read my first lemon at 13(my present age)It had NO WARNINGS AND THE TILE WAS NOTHING out OF THE ORDINARY.i couldmanage to read only the first ten lines and NOW I CAN'T GET THAT DIRTY ********************** THING OUT OF MIND!I'M DISTURBED!Please advice.
distubed soul
Dear distubed soul,
You shouldn't be on such site! Just try to think of nicer, better things and try another fanfic site. And stay away from such sites until you're 18!
Dear Mitsukake,
*slaps her forhead* Why, oh why, do you keep that up? You're not boring. *gives him a fish for Tama-neko, glomps him, and disappears*
Dear Ayame,
Arigato for your kind words and for the fish for Tama-neko.
Dear Hotohori,
Oh, that would be great!*hugs Hotohori and blushes* Arigatou!!^_^
Dear Fallon,
You're welcome!
Dear Tamahome,
Hi-hi, just ta let ya know, yer dubbed voice isnt THAT bad! Hey, its better than Tasuki's, in my opinion, that voice would have better suited Tasuki, but that's just my opinon!^_^
Dear Fallon,
Thanks. That's good to know.
Dear Tasuki,
Heh heh, have you all been to the new site where people can ask YOU and Yui questions? I'm sorry to tell ya this, but on that page, you sound kinda well... obsessed with spam!
And they got the cutest lil' pic when ya click on 'ask Tasuki'^_^ hehe, you looked kinda, surprised and charred at the same time*grins* Demo, I dunno, Yui's actin' like... well, like YOU! And you are acting like... OH! Like Tamahome does about money, 'cept with spam-.-
You'll really have to visit it, I dont remember the URL, but it's in the Message Board.
well, sayonara!^_^
Dear Fallon,
I seen it an' we added it to th' Links Peeji.
Dear Tasuki,
Wich one of your sisters do you hate the most and why?
Dear me,
I don't hate my sisters! They jus' annoy me! An' Aidou an' her logs annoy me th' most!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
If you were to be a toy, what toy would you be and why?
Lara Croft
Dear Lara Croft,
Chichiri - A bicycle, no da. We both travel, no da.
Chiriko - An educational toy.
Tasuki - A Razor 'cos I'm fast an' cool!
Mitsukake - A teddy bear. They get love.
Tamahome - Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robots game. One's red, one's blue reminds me of me and Nakago.
Hotohori - A Barbie doll. It is the most beautiful toy there is.
Nuriko - A Ken doll since every Barbie needs her Ken! Tee-hee…
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
Konbanwa, Tasuki-san!
Okay... *ahem* this question may be slightly difficult to answer, but it was been bugging me for some time now. In the series, you say "Lekka Shien" and in the OVA's it's translated to "Rekka Shinen" now, I know the deal with the "l's" and "r's" but what about the last word??? To me and My dear friend, Ryuen (no, not Nuriko), it's plainly obvious that you are saying Shien... so, what's the deal?
If I gave you a headache trying to figure that one out... gomen... here's some sake to make it aaaaaallllll better. ::grin::
Dear Kokkei,
It is shienen. I jus' don't always say it really clear.
Dear Tasuki,
*Reads Sakura's letter*Hey Tasuki-kun why didn't you tell Sakura that I was your aijin?
Cloud Fairy
Dear Cloud Fairy,
I didn't think ya' were. I thought I said I jus' wanna be friends.
Dear Nuriko,
*reads water sprite's previous letter*Nuriko-san do you even know who Rupual is?
Dear sara,
He is a very famous drag diva!
Dear Tamahome,
Hi Pen-pal!!! *smiles* I like that. I do have a question!! What is the minimum number of cows that can be in a stampede? (Vash the Stampede is not a cow so you cant say "one" okay?) Thats cool that you at least threw Tasuki in the hot tub. *thumbs up* Just wondering are you a dad? If so your kid(s) are lucky. Do you guys dress up for Halloween? If so what are you going as this year? It would be funny if you went as each other ne?
Dear XellossMetali,
Well, I guess maybe 10? I don't really know. Yes, I am a father but the baby is too young for Halloween.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
ok ihave a question for all u guys has any one ever forgot your birthday
ps:today is my birthday and no one cares
Dear ruki,
It has happened to all of us on occasion. Gomen nasai! Otanjoubi omedeto gozaimasu! Happy Birthday!
Dear Tasuki,
Ok, now time for an actual letter. *lol* Sorry if I freaked ya out with the aijin question. *snickers* Anyway friends is fine with moi! So how are ya doin'? Ya know, its so boring bein' stuck on an ISLAND surrounded by WATER *lol* Gomen, but I found that irrisistable. But guess what! Im gonna see Jurassic Park 3 tommorow! Im really excited, it looks so cool! My mom is going to reserve the tickets today after work! ^_^ But stuck with my brother and his 2 stupid lil friends *Climbs the highest mountain and screams* *Climbs back down* Anyway, the raptor dino-thingies are my favorites, they're REALLY fast and REALLY smart. Ack, ok now im soundin' weird. Ok, since its summer, I have a little present for ya. *Grins and pulls a super soaker out of nowhere and starts shooting Tasuki* *Insert Ayeka laugh here* *Laughter fades when gun runs out of water...* Uh oh... *looks up at Tasuki* Uh bye! *Runs for her life*
Dear Sakura,
*Pulls out an even larger super soaker and drenches her* *Fanged grin*
Dear Nuriko,
^-^ Konnichi wa Nuriko-chan. I just wanted to say Hi! And compliment you on your hair, ^_~. Okay thats it I guess see ya 'round!
Dear Kohaku,
Hi yourself! Arigato!
Dear Chichiri,
Im so happy ^-^ aniki-chan. LOL So now Im Kohaku Ri. ^=^ Yay! ^^;; Do I have to say no da now? lol!
Dear Kohaku,
Only if you want to, no da. *Smiles*
Dear Tamahome,
^^;; I dont think I could be your lil sister that would be like incest or Oh well you can't blame me for asking especially when your so kawaii. Sure we'll be friends and I can be your secret aijin that you dont know about *wink wink* lol. ^-^
Dear Kohaku,
Ok. Friends it is.
Dear Tasuki,
AACCCKKK POOR TASUKI CHAN ^#^! Tasuki-chan do you go to I like to write ficies about u bishies sometimes and read 'em too, but almost every fic in he FY section is a friggen hentai GAY story beteween you and poor Chichiri-chan. When I yelled at 'em sayin their pervs and you and Chichiri are FRIENDS and are mans mans not pansys they got all mad and said I should be more open to new things! Then today I saw a TamahomexTasuki Fic! OMG heads roll! What do you think about these hentai gay fics about you and your friends?!
Dear Kohaku,
I don't like 'em! But there ain't nothin' I can do 'bout it. People gotta aright to write what they want.
Dear Tamahome,
Hey Aniki! Ugh, I can't believe I just read that story. I thought it was shounen ai between Hotohori and Nuriko (Which I don't really care if I read those) and instead it was shounen ai between Tasuki-chan and you!! Acccckkkk!! Oh my god! I stopped reading it and closed the screen! Anyway...ummmmm yeah. Um I gotta go make my brother some lunch so I'll see ya later ok? *Hugs* Luv ya, aniki-chan! Bye!
Sou Sakura
Dear Sou Sakura,
Me and Tasuki???? @_@;;; YACK!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
hello!! i was owndering if the fushigi yuugi gaiden #7-8 will be animated or not...please give me some details about it okei...thanks!!!... email me if you have
maricar sou
Dear maricar sou,
We don't have any details, but Watase-sensei did say an OAV based on the last 2 Gaiden novels was being worked on. Gomen, but we don't do personal email.
Dear Tasuki,
*Falls over laughing* Hai, I know what an aijin is, thats why I asked! *lol* Anyway about the oniichan thing, I think it would be kinda weird bein' in love with your older brother so I don't really think that would be a good idea. ^^() And plus Tama-chan's enough. Heheheh, but ya can't blame me for askin', eh? *walks off and starts laughing again*
Dear Sakura,
OK, OK… how's 'bout tomodachi?
Dear Tasuki,
Hey I miving in like 2 weeks to the country! Yatta I can't wait. Then all the tenshi can hage out at my house one day. Not any more get to wild. hehe So I won't be talking to you like 3 times a month like I always do so, you have a break from me. So I will talk to when were I can, And have fun but not to much when I am gone. Ja *kiss and hugges* here you need this *handes him a flaming rose* Something to remember me by. Ja *flys away to the sunset* ^_^
Hibarrano Tenshi
Dear Hibarrano Tenshi,
We'll miss ya'! Arigato!
Dear Nuriko,
hugs Nuri-chan* I feel bad. I haven't written you a letter, at least I think this is my first letter to ya. *sits down confused* Oh well, I would like your advice on fashion. In my book you have the most fashion sense and therefore you would be the person to ask, no da.
Ok. I'm not allowed to wear makeup until I turn 16, but I'm already 16. That's not the problem. I went to a fancy event the other day without makeup. My mom took me to a beauty shop to get my hair done(in 10 minutes!!!) and when they asked me if I wantted to wear makeup, my mom said "No, she's not the one that likes to wear makeup". This was three days after my b-day!! I want to wear makeup but she really won't let me. She's also having a hard time in deciding weather or not I should be allowed to dye my hair red.
I want to dye my hair red, 1-because it's a cool color 2-it's Suzaku's color 3-I want to. She wants me to get highlights. I would want highlights, except that highlights is sort of the thing to do now. I tend to try to stay away from the in thing. Any advice to my long ramblings about nothing?
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
Why not remind your mom gently about her promise to you. Then see if she'll let you wear some mascara and a sheer lip color. You can always work your way from there. When you say highlights, what color do you mean? For example, if you have black hair, your stylist can bleach chunks of it and then add a color such as red, purple, or blue for example and you'd have highlights but just in chunks. It is more out there than conventional highlights but not as over the top as dyeing your hair bright red. Your mom might agree to this more readily and it is a nice medium between the two extremes. Good luck!
Dear Tasuki,
Will you be my big brother? Please? *big sparkely eyes* Domo Arigato gozaimasu! *bows*
Dear Mishi,
Sure, why th' h*ll not? *Grins*
Dear Tasuki,
Of COURSE I will be at Animagic! What kind of poor pathetic daughter of yours do you take me for? I need my dose of conventions atleast twice a year! ^_^ Animagic will be fun their will be a carinval and every time I see fire....I'll chase a tamahome around with it...just for you~
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley Chan,
COOL! We'll see ya' there! Are ya' gonna do th' masq? If ya' are we'll bring th' camcorder if ya' want!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
YUPPERS!! we know each other we are friends!!! so tasuki who do u prefer a nutbar or me the famious tasuki stalker!!! and what do u think senshi? hehehehehe
Tasuki stalker
Dear Tasuki stalker,
*They all look at each other.* We're not saying!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Did me and Blue Avenger start something by havin' her ask Tasuki tah ask Kouji to be her new brother, or what!! *big smile* well anyway, can all you of wonderful seishi be my brothers?? I guess even you mean TAMAhome... *sweatdrops* .... sorry Tama! *pats his back* well talk to ya guys later!!
crazy FY lover
Dear crazy FY lover,
Seems that way. Sure, I guess we can.
Dear Tasuki,
ops ancent china i forgot no vdio games any way zelda is a action/adventure game and the main guy's name is link and you get a whole bunch of cool powers you need to save the land of termina the main objective of the game is to summon the four gaint gods that dwell in the four bosses in the four temples in the four regions swamp,south ocean,west canyon,east mountain,north(zelda majora's mask) the other games(zelda occorina of time) objective is to find the six sages and defeat the evil king gandorf ops there are seven sages theres the sage of forest the sage of water the sage of fire the sage of spirt the sage of shadow and the sage of wisdom beleve me it's not as complicated as it sounds it starts when youy ten years old you pull the master sword from the pedistal of time and your spirit is sealed for seven years when you are finaly unsealed your seventeen so then you jut beat five temples and kill ganondorf oh your probobly wondering why there aren't seven temples well there are actualy six but zelda is the sage that hold the triforce of wisdom well i'm probobly ethier boring or confusing you right now so
se ya,
ps:say hi to little ghost for me k
Dear ruki,
*Looks confused…* I'll tell Obake-chan ya' said hi.
Dear Chichiri,
Actually, it was Kosetsuno Tenshi who wrote the letter. *peace sign* Although it was very easy acting like her. *evil grin* Just as long as she doesn't know that I inpersonated her, then I'll be fine!!
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
I guess you will be, no da. At least until she sees this letter, no da.
Dear Mitsukake,
Hello. How are you? I just wanted to let you know that I am writing a fanfic, and I don't planning on making you boring, but I need to know what you like to do for fun. Do you play sports? or what? Well, let me now, k? Ja,
Hoshino Tenshi
ps- I never tought of you as boring, you're just maturer(sp?) than some people**cough Tasuki cough Tamahome cough cough** :) Don't worry guys that's what I lke about you. ^_^
Dear Hoshino Tenshi,
I tend to like to read or meditate. I don't really play any sports.
Dear Chichiri,
Hello again. I haven't written you in a while, so I thought that I would. Let's see, oh yeah. I wanted to say that I was sorry for my fellow tenshi confusing you *shakes finger at Kosetsuno for impersonating people* Kosetsuno you'd better qiut confusing my seishi or I might have to mess with Hotohori's head some, too. ( I would never do that Hotohori-sama ;))I'll talk to her about it more later, k? Hmmm...Asktheseishi...I guess that means that I supposed to ask you a question...sorry I should have been more prepared. Ok, I got it: Who, out of the seishi, do you hang out with the most? I don't mean who you like best or anything like that, but who do you find yourself spending the most time with?? And why? I know your like to go fishing by yourself alot, but whne you actaully are with them, what do you do together?? ^_^ I know that's really alot to answer, but as I was trying to think of a question, quite a few came to me, gomen... well, talk to ya later.
Hoshino Tenshi
Dear Hoshino Tenshi,
I suppose I have spent most of my time lately with Tasuki, no da. He makes an interesting traveling companion. We talk and I do my best to keep him out of trouble, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
Hellooooo. Is there a special name for your bracelets when you power up? I've heard them called simply "arm bands," and I've also heard them called "gauntlets..." Is there an official name? Just wondering. ^_^.
Dear Ryuen,
Not really. Just bracelets or perhaps armlets if you prefer.
Dear WHO,
Arigato! I have bookmarked it and will read it when I get a chance.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
HEIKA-SAMA!!! You have to help me!!! For the Animazement convention next year, I have to dress up as you, Chichiri, AND sing the THTC song! I don't speak Japanese and I'm going to be you in the song... I can't... *breaths* Okay... I'm okay... This normally wouldn't be a problem, but I'm a girl... I DON'T WANT TO CROSS-DRESS TWICE!!! No offence, Nuri-chan. I't not my fualt I'm the only one in out midst with cascading black hair. .... Then I'll have to bleach my hair and then dye it blue... What I do for you, Chichiri...
Oh, and Chichiri. I got the kesa, I got the kasa, I got the prayerbeads, I got the scar so I don't need the mask, I got regualr outfit underneath the kesa, I got the hair bleach and dye, what am I going to do about the shakujo? I can't find the staff anywhere!!!! *sob* Help, onegai?
Nuriko, got any cross-dressing tips? Even though I'm vice-versa you, I need all the help I can get.
Arigatou everyone!
Yuuki Yuiren
Dear Yuuki Yuiren,
Chichiri: You will have to make your own shakujo, no da. They are not available for sale, no da.
Nuriko: Please don't ruin your hair by bleaching and then dyeing it! Try to get a blue wig instead. Your hairstylist should be able to cut and style it for you! Good luck!
Hotohori: Bring lots of glitter so you too can sparkle like me. *Smiles and gazes in the mirror.*
Dear Chichiri,
Hmm... *sweatdrops* I had more questions for the Seiryuu sei... Anou... Anou.... Anou... Anou...
Chichiri Doll: Ask him something already!!! da
Hold on! I'm thinking!
Tasuki Doll: I'm b-o-r-e-d! Write another story about us!
I'm busy!
Tasuki Doll: Like h*ll you are, you're thinking about a question to ask Chichiri! Just say, 'I love you' and be done with it!
T-tasuki Doll! That's it! Let me introduce you to a little something I would like to call the 'backspace' button.
Tasuki Doll: IIE! IIE! HELL IIE!
Now... AHA! Got it! Why can't you just take your mask off anf keep it off? You covering your beautiful bishonen face! *thinks* I think I go tell Tomo that too! *skips off* *skips back* Oh, here's a rose I got you! *skips off again calling* TOMO-KUN!!!
Yuuki Yuiren
Dear Yuuki Yuiren,
Arigato, no da. Arigato for your kind words as well. It seems many of my fans feel this way, no da. I shall consider it, no da. Talking Tasuki and Chichiri dolls, no da??
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Konnichi wa minna ^-^ I heard that you took Sakura-chan and Ryuen-chans letters to Yu Watase at the last Anime Convention. I was just wondering how that went and what she thought of the letters. Did she take them home? I think its really nice that you guys did that! ^=^ Well thats all for now.
Dear Kohaku,
Watase -sensei carried the gift bag with the letters with her the entire day. I don't know what she thought of them and Chichiri no Aijin got so flustered in her presence that she was only able to explain the basics to her in Japanese. We're pretty sure Watase-sensei's interpreter read them to her as Chichiri no Aijin explained the situation to him and asked him politely if he'd be kind enough to do so. He was very nice and said he would. Who knows, they may end up being mentioned in one of her free-talks!
Dear Mitsukake,
*sweatdrops* red hair runs in my family... *looks at her Passenger area* Don't you ever sleep? *a fist comes out*
When Suzaku gives out wishes, he does a good job of it..
Dear Doc-sama,
Hai he certainly does! Well you and the baby are both healthy. I'd say that with this much activity I suspect your labor will be an easy one. *Smiles* Fangs don't run in your family, do they?
Dear Tasuki,'m rotten? *smirks* I'm honored. But, since you don't know what a Zelda game is, I'm gonna have to do something...... *starts thinking* ...........I think another bucket of water and a fwap will do nicely. *fwaps Tasuki and dumps another bucket of lake water on him, ending with a fish that insists on going down the back of his shirt* *runs for her life again*
Dear Ayame,
*Pulls fish out of his shirt and smacks her with it.* OOPS!! Gomen! Heh-heh-heh…
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Being fairly well off in Anime knowledge, I think I can clear up the characters in that picture from the cosplay that you titled Sakura Group???, even though I'm sure you already know ^_^ I'm just trying to be nice! ^_~ The one with silver hair is supposed to be Yukito, the one with the silver staff and blue costume is Eriol and the girl is Tomoyo (Should be Tomoyo...)
Dear Kawaii-chibi-Xelloss/Tasuki-no-Miko,
Arigato! We haven't seen far enough into the series to recognize Eriol.
Dear Tasuki,
*A strange looking girl walks over the hill and waves to Tasuki while holding a bottle of sake* Konnichiwa Tasuki! I brought this for you! *She runs over to him and gives him the bottle* I know you don't have a clue who I am, and I appologise for the strange clothes, but my Master Xelloss-sama demanded it ^_^. *Tasuki now sees the girl's hair is dark purple, shoulder length, and she appears to be wearing the same outfit as the Trickster Priest. Only with blue clasps and staff. Yep, this would be much easier if I was a guy* Yeah yeah. It's my Miko outfit! *Grumbles* I like it though... Xelloss is a guy who looks VERY much like the character. He even talks and acts like him, including the strange power to wander around with his eyes closed ~_~*Smiles at Tasuki*
Question...Oh yes, if a friend of mine had a sort of sake drinking problem, what would you suggest for it??? *Aside from an unlimited supply of the stuff. No, I know you're better than that* You see...*Looks at the sky* she is sort of hooked badly. Not only that, she's WAY too young for it. Like, thirteen. Her parents don't know yet, and I'd feel bad for squealing on her 'cause I'm kinda her only friend. *Pulls a set of purple beads from behind her cloak and begins to play with them*
Well...that's about it. And wait! One more thing. This is my first time here as a Miko. I kinda get around. Sooo, I was wondering...I don't have a brother...Sooo *Sees look on Tasuki's face* I know you have more sisters then you can handle, but I promise I won't be like the others. Can I please be your sister, because I need a brother to a brother. *Smiles hopelessly* There are things I can't tell my sister, my mother, or my dad, because they don't understand. I was wondering if you could fill that space because I can't ask mom if I can go to a shrink !_!. I can't think of anyone else who fits the job description but you, so please please please at least give it some thought!
Dear Kawaii-chibi-Xelloss/Tasuki-no-Miko,
Sure I'll be yer aniki! But no tormentin' me! As fer yer friend, yer doin' her a favor by tellin' her parents! Yer NOT squealin'! There's a HUGE difference! So tell 'em! If yer too scared to, then tell yer parents an' have 'em tell her parents. Good luck!
Dear Mitsukake,
Hi again. I just pulled my neck and I was wondering what I should do if I get a crick in my neck over night? Is there anything I can do for it?
Dear XellossMetali,
A heating pad and an anti-inflammatory such as ibuprofen will help with the pain and stiffness. Besides time, not much else will heal it. Next time, don't sleep in trees.
Dear Chiriko,
I was wondering...why does the moon look orange sometimes?
Mini Crops
Dear Mini Crops,
It has to do with the way the light reflecting off the moon is refracted in the earth's atmosphere when the moon is low in the sky.
Dear Nuriko,
*whaps the evil form* Guess I hafta start all over again cuz I hit clear...^^; Okay, this is what happened: Otousan, the other day, someone asked if I was a boy or girl. I snapped back that I was a girl. I sort of can't blame the guy for askin`...but he said it sort of rudely. I was wearing um, men clothing. But STILL!!! ;.; My friend offered to go whoop the guy's @$$, but I told her it was okay. If you care to see how much your um...psycho daughter, click here. That was taken at Sakura-Con 2001. ^^; That's me as Vincent Valentine, holding a purple plushie...well, I should get going and should stop bothering you. Ja, otousan!*hugs him and walks off*
Dear Keiko,
Nice costume! And he did deserve to be smacked for asking if you were a guy.
Dear Tamahome,
Hey Tama! Soooo Sorry that I have not written in such a long time..(LIKE IN THREE MONTHS!) It's been very hecktic with my quinceniera and all.......(I'm so glad It's almost over and done with! I've hardly gotten any sleep theese past couple of weeks!)
I never knew I had sooo many relatives! And now ,thanks to my mom I know exactly were each of them live!I had to write out all 300!!!invitations!
(Change Subject) Well, enough about me,how have the rest of the seishi been doing? Have you gotten in to any trouble lately? ^^Come on ...I meen, some thing had to have happend while I was gone.... Well, hope you been o.k and haven't gotten into too much trouble!^^ Hope to hear from you very soon! (~Bianca~)
Tsukino Tenshi
Dear Tsukino Tenshi,
We've been fine, thanks. So you're 15 now? Omedeto gozaimasu on your quinceniera!
Dear Tasuki,
hi umm.. i'm listening to a thtc song right now i wanted to know if you had a choice who would u sing with koji,chiriko,and chichiri or tamahome,hotohori,and nuriko and what wopuld your #1 hit be called
Dear ruki,
Tamahome, Hotohori, an' Nuriko - I Can't Believe I'm an Idol Singer!
Dear Tamahome,
hi (wb minna) Tamahome will you be my pen-pal? I'd ask you to be my big brother demo it wouldnt work out at all considering I'm (way) older than you (over 1,000! Oo) and I'm not even your species. Not to mention the fact Lord BeastMaster would kick my... Well how was AX? *sweatdrop* I could just read the other responces about it ne? I'll bet Tasuki got drunk and chased you with his tessen ne? That would of been a great photo. If there was a pool I'm sure you would of gotten him back ne? gomen I'm making up things that probibly didnt happen, did they? Have you seen Sorcerer Hunters? if so do you know where to find a full body pic of Marron thats from the anime not the manga? oh yeah and you said you've never heard your voice in the dubbed ne? (your lucky you havent heard it) I have a few sounds with you and Hotohori, and maybe another one I dont know for sure. I can send them to you if you want me to. Thanx.
Dear XellossMetali,
That's ok - we can listen to the dub on the DVD. *Cringes* Sure, I'll be your pen-pal. I have seen Sorcerer Hunters but haven't visited any websites relating to it. AX was a lot of fun and I only knocked Tasuki into the jacuzzi, not the pool.
Dear Hotohori,
Hey! *walks in and hugs her fave seishi.* Umm...I would love to try and talk to my sister but the day she calms down is the day I go live with my dad. I doubt that it will ever happen. But then again, she has been diagnosed with various things, so that could be a factor. Oh well. I'm glad you guys are back and that you enjoyed the con. *sighs* And seeing Watasi-sensai!! Oh wow.
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
Well depending on what she has been diagnosed with that could be a huge factor in her behavior towards you. Perhaps it is best to stay out of her way until she has been properly medicated.
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