Dear Tamahome,
Have u read the yaoi fic involving u and Nakago?*holds her sides laughing* My,u WERE enjoying urself and Miaka got the most TERRRRRRRRRRRIFIC shock of her life!
Dear Katherine,
*Looks disgusted* No, I didn't.
Dear Hotohori,
*hehehe*i came across an fy poll.there was a "which fy character would u like to slap hard?" ur wife actually got a vote!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*hehehehehe*the comment was sooooooooo funny.what do have to say to THAT?
Dear Nina,
NURIKO!!! A word please… *Shows letter to Nuriko.* That's NOT funny!!
Dear Chichiri,
*Dragon Guardress returns, pulling Shin'ya Sif by the arm*
DG: Talk to him, Sif-san.
Shin'ya: ...
DG: Please...
Shin'ya: ... *sighs* So what if I was? Doesn't that just give me a better reason to hate humans? After what they did to me? These scars ain't from fighting. They're from bein' attacked by people when I couldn't defend myself! *turns away, shaking* I hate 'em all. Every last one of 'em. You're just lucky you ain't in my world. *stalks off again*
DG: *watches him leave sadly* Chichiri-san... Perhaps I was wrong to think that words would get through to him. Perhaps I should find another way to show him...
Dragon Guardress, First Position and Shin'ya Sif
Dear Dragon Guardress, First Position and Shin'ya Sif,
Perhaps, but he has to be made to realize that not all humans are evil, no da. It's a pity that he hasn't met any that are accepting of him and not trying to hurt him, no da. Have you tried to find that person and have them meet, no da?
Dear Tamahome,
*Soi is wet from head to toe*NOW I'M REALLY PISSED OFF!!!!!!*Zaps him*
Touya no miko:Maybe we should help him.
Cloud Fairy:Don't worry he can handle it.
Touya no miko:You're still mad because he didn't help you for archery.
Cloud Fairy:Not true!!!!!
Touya no miko:You would miss anyway.
Cloud Fairy:*glomps her*SAY UNCLE!!!!
Touya no miko:AUNT!!!!!
Cloud Fairy:SAY IT!!!!!
Touya no miko:NEVER YOU @&^%$#^*Touya no miko and Cloud Fairy are having a cat fight*
Sara:*To Water Sprite*I'll bet you two gold ryou if Tamahome gets his butt kicked by Soi and three for Touya no miko to win the cat fight.
Water Sprite:You're on.
Soi, touya no miko,cloud fairy,sara,and water sprite
Dear Soi, touya no miko,cloud fairy,sara,and water sprite,
*Laughs at Soi since he is wearing special insulated clothes and shoes.* Can I get some of that action? Of course I bet on me to annoy her till she leaves.
Dear Mitsukake,
*sobs* A friend moved away about a year ago. It took me all this past year to realize that I actually wanted him to be more than just a friend...and now I don't have a clue as to where to find him. Now, pretty much everything brings back memories that I really don't want to have.
*sighs* It doesn't really help that my grandmother (who I happen to be very close to) has an inoperable brain tumor. For her, the end is near, and I'm not even certain she'll live out the summer....and what's more, none of my friends have had to go through what I'm going through. There isn't anything anyone can do except make her more comfortable in her last days, months, years, whatever....and wait for the end, but always hope that maybe, she'll be strong enough to fight the tumor.
Oh, and the glass that is surfacing in my back and left arm...that's unpleasant. To make a long story short, I ran into a moving car, and should have died or been paralyzed, but I escaped with scars and lots of glass. I crashed into it left arm first, and that arm broke; I ended up laying on the gravel road for about five minutes, too. Most of the larger pieces of glass and chunks of gravel were removed (one was left, but removed later), but there were the little tiny shards that weren't "important enough" to remove right away. The doctors said that, in time, they will all come out, but it doesn't change the fact that they still hurt. A lot.
I'm pretty sure that you're sick of hearing me complain, so I would like to thank you for actually paying any attention at all to this. Come to think of it, that pretty much sums up the interesting events of the past five years....*sigh* my life is dull. Very, very, very dull.
Dear Ayame,
It doesn't sound dull to me. But it is the kind of excitement that most people would rather not have. *Smiles* I'm sorry to hear about your grandmother. And I wish there was a way to help you find your friend. However, for what it's worth, I'll be here for you if you need me. *Gives her a gentle hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
*POUNCE!* Kill? No. *files her nails* Lovingly maim? Possibly.
Loving maims aren't that bad, don't worry! I get lovingly maimed every time I got to walk dogs. Cassy isn't broke of jumping yet, and Nikki thinks she can get away with it because she's smaller. Mindy only occassional paws at me, but her claws hurt the most. Mork never claws, just barks and wants me to pet him. Casper rarely ever tries to claw me and just wants to give puppy kisses.
And they all want me to get their leashes and collars on them at the saaaaame time @.x; And Cassy and Nikki fight with each other over me almost as soon I get in the house... *sweatdrops*
Dogs rule, CnA-san, dogs rule. And dogs LIKE me. Dogs will alert me of the presense of the evil neighbor who made his house a two story house and added a balcony after the Northridge earthquake and can thus see clearly into my backyard and the spa (makes enjoying the spa much harder, especially if the dog is inside and not around to bark at the fool). Don't want no dirty old men watchin' me in my bikini! =F
Cats don't seem to like me as much, and I don't think they'd care if my neighbor lurking on his balcony watching me and my family.
And all that was probably just too much info that didn't need saying, huh?
Dear One-chan,
*Sweatdrops* Ano… yes it was…
Dear Tamahome,
i was just wondering....what does Miaka's mom think about you and Miaka being marryed?
Dear Someone,
She agreed to it, so I guess she is ok with it.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
hi everyone. the doctor put me on antibiotics again. i still have the same thing i had a long time ago. cronic sinusitius. (i think that's how it's spelled.) at the end of two weeks, i have to get another cat scan, and if i still have the palup in my sinus, i have to have surgery. the doctor really doesn't want to do the surgery because she doesn't think my face is done growing yet. I have been soooo sleepy lately. it's weird. i take lots of long naps every day. i balance that between all my doctor appointments and making KiSS paper dolls for otakuworld. (i just finnished my first one yesterday! i have already started some other ones) i never have any energy any more. i am losing weight. i am never hungry, and dizzy when i stand up. my mom says it's my allergies, and i have to clean the house (including my room >.<)so the dust and pollen don't get to me. my allergy test said i the only allergies i had were to ragweed, wheat, milk products, soy, pork,and other foods. i have been avoiding them for a long time. but i'm still the same. i don't think my parents take me seriously most of the time. i think they think i'm making up these symptoms, just for attention. i have been like this my whole life. heh, i have so many food allergies, i propose they just hook me up to an iv for the rest of my life. well, that's what's up with me, how about you?
Dear ashley,
We are doing well. But we're sorry to hear that you are sick. Perhaps your other symptoms (being tired and loss of appetite), are being caused by the medicines you are taking. Odajini!
Dear Chichiri,
Lately, my boyfriend has been clinging to me a lot, no da. Not in the literal sense, but emotionally. He always wants to be with me, and gets offended when i tell him that i want to be alone. It's not that I don't want to be around him, it's just that I'm starting to feel like he wants to control me, no da. I hardly see my friends anymore because his feelings get hurt when i want to hang out with them instead of him, no da. I usually have to wait until he goes to work, which is a night, and i have an early curfew. I've already talked to him about my feelings, but it hasn't changed anything. i care deeply for him, no da, but I'm not surewhat i should do to make him realize that i need some time by myself and with my friends. Help me, no da!
Dear Danielle,
Be very careful, no da. One of the common warning signs of a potentially abusive relationship is to have the abuser separate his victim from her friends and family, no da. Make it clear to him that you need time to be with your friends. If he gets angry or violent, DROP HIM, no da!
Dear Mitsukake,
Will you PLEASE take that "I'm not as boring as people say I am" thing off of your questions link?!? You're not boring!! You're just more mentally stable than Tasuki is! *smirks and gets out before Tasuki can realize what she's said; she does not want to be exposed to Tasuki's anger management issues*
Dear Ayame,
Arigato! I'm sure we're ALL more mentally stable than Tasuki. *Smiles*
Dear Nuriko,
*sees the mute Tasuki* Ah, otousan, that's cruel. :) What ya need t` do is set his boots on fire. ^_^ Then ya won't be able t` hear `im scream. That...or tie `im up and then either drink his sake, or pour it all out. ^_^ That would be cruel...*grins* Sayonara, otousan!*gives Nuriko a hug then limps off*
Dear Keiko,
True, but I still like the milk idea better!
Dear Chichiri,
TOYA! I knew I was missing somebody, no da. Da... Actually, to tell you the truth, Tomokazu-sama was why I wanted to see Escaflowne so badly, no da... Demo, now I like Escaflowne, muy mucho! *snicker* chiku... chiku... chiku... I can't wait 'till the movie comes out! If it even shows within a two hour's drive of here, that is... >.< Da... I think I'm just rambling, now, no da...
Anou... Actually, I do have a question for you, no da. *beams proudly* And, it's legitimate, too.
Little Voice: Honto?
Shut up... -_-;; ANYWAYS Chichiri-san, I was wondering... Anou, I hope this doesn't bring up any bad memories, or anything, demo... If none of that sad mess with Hikou and everybody had happened, and you and Kouran were still together, would you want children? And, if so, how many boys and how many girls? What would you name them? Don't ask where this question came from, no da... It just sorta... popped up, no da. Gomen if it's a bad subject, no da... JA!
Kageno Tenshi
Dear Kageno Tenshi,
Yes, I would. At least one of each, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
Wai!*glomp* Konnichi wa Nuriko! How are you doing? Errr....Tasuki's pretty mad at me by now I guess..^^;;Hey is raw egg yoke really good for hair? *thinks* Anyway like life is treating me decently for a while. Your songs touch me. your life story touches me. I've learned so much from you and gained much more respect for myself and life. Arigato. I have nothing else to say except that you should visit the chatroom more often.*pouts* I haven't seen you in months.*taps her foot* I see some Seiryuu seishi more than the Suzaku seishi. That's just kinda weird. Demo I know you're very very busy and I understand.*hugs* Ja ne.
Dear Willow,
Gomen ne, but things are quite hectic now. Egg yolk? I've heard it can be but I prefer to stick to shampoos, conditioners, and hair treatments that are already pre-made and pre-packaged.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Honto ni?! I have no objections at all! *smiles brightly and bows* Im so happy. You see I live in Hawaii and I don't really have any oppertunities to go to any cons to meet Watase-sama and tell her how I feel. Im happy that all of you were touched by my letter ^_^ Tell Chichiri no Aijin thank you so much for me! And arigato to all of you as well! *Gives all the Seishi a big hug*
Dear Sakura,
We will. She is going to print your letter and Ryuen's letter on nice stationary and try to present them to Watase-sensei at AX. Keep your fingers crossed and wish her luck!
Dear Tasuki,
Hey come back here!*runs after him and grabs him by the collar of his jacket* Hey c'mon! It's not that bad.*puts a freeze spell on him* There now you'll stay still.*tries a control spell but messes up and turns him into a little girl*I..I..I'll have that fixed in a jiffy! Chichiri! I need a little help here! *gulp* I'm in alot of trouble....*unfreezes Tasuki* Gee er um..Gomen nasai. I'll have you fixed soon enough.*starts looking through her spell book again*
Dear Willow,
*Looks in the mirror, yells, curses, and falls over.* *(^%@#$+" FIX ME!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
thank you for helping me out with that! i am really grateful. oh yes, crazy and i were a bit hyper when we wrote that letter. i will try to act normal from now on. which i have yet to do when i write you a letter.
Blue Avenger
Dear Blue Avenger,
You're very welcome. I'm glad we could help.
Dear Tamahome,
*thinks* now that you mention it that would be a good flavored snowcone (dragon) demo Fillia would taste bad *gets hit with Fillia's club that she threw* itai! *rubs head as Fillia starts yelling from that place off the screen* see what I mean? *hands Tamahome a piggy-bank* now you can count your money every morning and still have it in a bank *grins* Miaka cant complain cause its in a bank ne? You could also just keep it hidden from her. Oh yeah! I was gonna tell you that I've seen the show 'The Shinesmen' and now that you mentioned it in a responce you do seem like the main character. *gets out the big fish and puts it right up to Tamahome's face then laughs* you still havent guessed the color of snowcone I like so I'll give you a hint the flavor name has a color plus something to do with Chichiri's type of eyes-the animal that they referred to him when they first met him. Thanx for talking to me its very fun having a conversation with you if you dont mind being sort-of pen-pals I'd like that a lot.
Dear XellossMetali,
Arigato for the bank! Hmmm… kitsune colored? Perhaps a white fox sno-cone?
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki-chaaaaaan! *runs in and hugs him* I'm bored...Kageno Tenshi has my new subbed Escaflowne tapes and she won't even remember to record her Cowboy Bebop for me *sniffles* I feel so unloved ;-;
Kaji: *sitting in a corner of the room* Why does Kageno Tenshi always want me to bite people's heads off --;;;
heheheh ^^;;
Hino Tenshi and the evil fire demon (Kaji: I'm not evil!!! >.<) Kaji
Dear Hino Tenshi and Kaji,
Sorry to hear that. Why don'tcha' jus' watch somethin' different?
Dear Chichiri,
I just had a thought; could you have exorcised Miboshi from Chiriko?
Dear Rachel,
He wasn't that kind of spirit, no da.
Dear Hotohori,
Thanks for your tips! Oh yeah! *pulls out a pencil and some paper* Would you mind posing for some fanart?
Dear Rachel,
You're welcome. I'd be honored.
Dear Nuriko,
Can I ask you; did you meet up with Kourin after you... Left? And did you really introduce Houki to Hotohori?
P.S: We love you Nuri-chan!
Dear Rachel,
Yes to both questions. Arigato!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*walks in,and hands them all (except Tasuki) milk* *hands Tasuki Grape Juice* Moo.
Jiffy the Magic Cow
Dear Jiffy the Magic Cow,
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
Oi, I figured you would know the answer to this, since you have the biggest vocabulary I've yet to hear. ^^ I was talking to my younger bro, and I told him about you. What he wants to know is this. Who came up with cuss words? Everybody uses 'em, but who came up with 'em? ^^ Anyways, he'd like it if you repiled doon because he aint too very paticent. ^^; Arigatou no da! *blinks and remembers something* Oh yea, even though Tamhome was the one that wants 2 gold ryo for answering questions, here ya go! *hands him a big bag of gold ryo* Go out and buy yourself a alotta sake! ^^ Talk to ya later! *runs out of the room*
Dear Kashke,
Lots of different people an' they jus' catch on I guess. I really dunno.
Dear Chiriko,
What is meant by html format?
Dear someone,
It is a programming language that is used to create websites. HTML actually stands for HyperText Markup Language. The format refers to it being something made in HTML and ending with a .htm extension instead of say .doc or.jpg.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Is there a website that teaches u to read all 3 sets of japanese?
Dear Katherine,
Have you checked our Links Peeji? We have a lot of Japanese language links there.
Dear Tamahome,
Would u ever sell your family(Miaka and your cute little son?)
Dear Someone,
Dear Tamahome,
Did you ever marry Miaka? If you did why did you marry someone smarter, prettier, and doesn't eat a lot?
Dear Soi,
I did. The rest of your question makes no sense.
Dear Tasuki,
Tasukiii!*glomp* ^_^ I hear you, my fine fanged friend, like roller coasters. *creepy grin* Genrou, if you ever by any chance happen t` some how come t` Washin`ton durin` the Puyallup Fair, I will hafta take you on 'Ker-Splash!'. You would LOVE it! ^_^ You go in these cars, that go up a way steep hill, drops, then goes up another steep hill, drops into water, then over again. ^_^ *creepy grin* *sneezes, and catches Tasuki's coat on fire* O.o Whoopsies....oh you `n I were t` fight fire wit` fire, I'd win!! ^_^ *snickers, then glomps Tasuki again, then morphs into a chipmun* Oh kuso...*sweatdrop and scampers off*
P.S. How many bottles/cups of sake does it take fer ya t` get drunk? I found out that I can drink ten bottles untill I start t` yell at a wall. ^^;
Dear Keiko,
I dunno 'bout water rides… I dunno how many large bottles of sake it takes since I usually lose count around 15 or so.
Dear Mitsukake,
Argh! I'm such a naughty miko. I haven't written to you in, like, forever! Gomen nasai! *bows* *studies him* Mitsukake...*pulls out a pair of scissors and a bottle of hair dye* How would you like your hair done? *evil fanged grin and snips the scissors then proceeds to chasing after him* (Was this letter pointless? Yeeess...but it made me smile. ^_^)
Dear Alecia-chan,
*Puts out a hand and holds her off at arm's length.* Sumimasen, but I like my hair the way it is.
CnA: I think you'd look cool with blond tips!! ^_^
You, keep out of this. >.<;;;
Dear Tasuki,
*leers at him* I want my sake back. I have a liscense. *holds up Kouji's, the one she stole from him when he was sleeping* I can legally drink! Now, flabby, gimme back my sake. Besides...*smirks back* you wouldn't have the GUTS to throw your kawaii imouto-chan into the lake...*laughs like Ayeka, then faulters, and laughs weakly like herself, watching him timidly*...right?
Dear Alecia-chan,
*Smirks* Wanna bet??? There ain't no such thin' as a drinkin' license! *Picks her up and dumps her on her rear in a shallow pond.*
Dear Tasuki,
awww....why wont it work! is wendsday a bad day??????? well.....can i at least have a hug?
Dear Tana,
Sure ya' can have a hug. *Hugs her*
Dear Tasuki,
Shun'u! why did you tell Kouji all kinds of bad thins about me!!! *throws stuff at him and beats him up* WHY WHY WHY!!!!! *sees Kouji walking and stops beating him up* umm.....i mean....Ive missed you so much!
Dear Aidou,
I didn't! 'Che!! My sister, th' nut case!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
If you guys all had to go on Survivor what item would you bring?
Dear Suboshi,
Tasuki - Tessen, Mitsukake - Medicines, Chichiri - Fishing pole, no da, Chiriko - Books, Tamahome - Fresh water,
Nuriko - Ramen, Hotohori - My sword
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tamahome,
Are you calling Soi a Pocket Monster?
Dear Ayame,
*Smiles and laughs* No, she's not kawaii enough!
Dear Tamahome,
Hey do you know where I could hide that Nakuru won't leave me alone she keeps glomping me all day she's a like boomerang when you throw her she comes right back at you*Hears Nakuru calling his name**panics*you gotta help me.
Dear Touya,
How about here? *Points to a closet.*
Dear Hotohori,
*A girl about 13 years old walks in,doing nothing but pouting*;_;
Dear Lira,
What's the matter?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
hello it's carzy FY lover again... now I'm writing for my OTHER sister ...*sweatdrops* (i have three younger sisters...two are twins. :P ) I'm writing for one of the twins (Alina..her twin is named Erin they're 10...) She has some questions, so she'll talk an' I'll type! she says: HIIIIII!! I have a question for you Chiriko, Why do you look like a girl? (crazy: *has an urge to wack Alina over the head* don't mind her she can be somewhat rude...) Mitsukake(this is Alina again), I want to know where you studied to be a doctor in Konan? (crazy: that's a good question though....) Hotohori, (*crazy sweatdops and doesn't want to type the remark*) (Alina says:) your mother is mean for poisoning you siblings... (crazy: HEY I'M JUST TYPING SHE TALKIN' SO DON'T BE MAD AT ME!!) Tasuki, nextime when your sister asks you to weed the garden or whatever "Rekka Shin'en" her or the garden thing... (crazy: *more sweatdops* she can be thick sometimes...) Chichiri (crazy: beware Chichiri! you're her favorite character...) when Mitsukake passed away (crazy: passed away? since when does she say 'passed away'?) why did Tama-neko go to you and not any of the other seishi? (crazy: Nuriko, she doesn't have a question fer you but I'LL say hi so you don't feel left out...she can be so inconsiderate....*sigh*...) Alina says BYE and sends Chichiri a hug!
Alina (and crazy FY lover)
Dear Alina,
Chiriko: *Sweatdrops* Ano… I was drawn that way…
Mitsukake: In the same village that Miaka found me near.
Hotohori: *Sighs* Yes, she was.
Tasuki: Hmmm… Lekka Shienen th' weeds? Not a bad idea! *Grins*
Chichiri: I suppose it was because he likes me and I was the one who was the closest to him at the time, no da.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Chiriko,
CHIRIKO! ::glomp:: ::looks at Riko-chan's prone body:: Er... oops.. ::Helps him up:: How do you keep you're hair up like that? It's so COOL! Do you know of any good FY cosplay websites? I've seen a Suzaku cosplayer. He (or she cuz a lot of FY fans crossdress as characters) looked SO good! see? The hair even sticks the right way!
Morphie-chan, fueled by a few sodas, fueled by a few sodas
Dear Morphie-chan, fueled by a few sodas,
My hair is very thick and rather short so it stays like that. Here is one link to an FY cosplay site: I'm sure if you search using "Fushigi Yuugi and Cosplay" you will be able to find others.
Dear Mitsukake,
::hugs her aniki and gives him a NOOGIE:: Do you know of any cure for insomnia? I've read at least 250 pages in a book I'm reading, watched several FY eppisodes, listened to at least an hour of music and I still can't fall asleep. I'm dead tired too. Sadly, this happens often... and camp starts next week so I haveta get up at like 7 wich isn't good cuz I'm usually up till round 5 at least... u_u So how are you? It's pretty boring over here. I think I'm going crazy or something. I wish I was a neko. They're so carefree... Is it true that only female neko are calico? The book I'm reading states that. ::gives Tama-neko a fish:: I think I'm turning vampire or something. I used to have fangs but the dentist filed them down. It hurt ><. I think they did that cuz the fangs were interfearing with my bite or something like that. Oi I've noticed a few gramatical errors in the book I'm reading and it sorta ticks me off. It's a really good book tho. It's called "Beyond the Ragnarok". It's on the longish side tho, 744 pages @_@ I've read bout half of it sofar. I'm a pretty fast reader so It only took me a day to do so. I go through books to fast u_u. Sadly, after having read a book I have no desire to read it again. The library I have a card to doesn't have that great a selection either so I'm constantly buying books for a one time read. Daaaa...
Are internet relationships (ie boyfriend wise) a bad idea? My net friend is really fond of...okay actually he loves someone over the net. He's gotten a lot of pain through it tho... I dunno I'm just confused. I want him to be happy thaz all. u_u Can I have a hug? Daaaa (dang you Chichiri!)
::pets tama-neko, hugs Mitsy, and apologizes for the ramblings::
Morphie-chan who is in a zombie like state as of now X_x
Dear Morphie-chan,
Perhaps you should exercise during the day and try drinking some warm milk at night. Try not to eat sugar or get too hyper around bedtime and if you drink a lot of cola stop drinking it after 4:00 PM so the caffeine doesn't affect you. As for internet love relationships, I tend to think they may lead to more broken hearts than real life ones. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
*glomps him*Hi tasuki did you miss me?^_^
Cloud Fairy
Dear Cloud Fairy,
*Sweatdrops and gasps for breath.*
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki wan't me to try another spell on you? You can be my experimentation guinea pig! *grins evilly and proceeds to look through her book of spells*
Dear Willow,
NO! *Takes off...*
Dear Hotohori,
*finds his parents strolling through the woods* Otousan!! Okaasan!! *hugs their legs* I'm so happy that you're going to do this! :D Miki-chan and I have cleaned the treehouse up and everything is ready for you !! *takes them both by the hand begins to lead them along* The treehouse is deep into the Emperor's forest, and since I'm a crown prince it's not illegal. :D *walks with them chattering along happily*
Dear Boushin,
*They smile down at him and follow him to the tree house.*
Dear Tamahome,
Omedetou Otanjoubi Kishuku-kun!! *hugs him and hands him a strong leather backpack for his money collection* Enjoy your birthday!!! :D
Dear Doc-sama,
Arigato Doc-sama!
Dear Nuriko,
*slowly wakes up* Ryu? Juan-kun? *sits up slowly* I'm okay.. when I get very upset, my reactions get very intense..
You wanted to take a look at me Juan-kun ne? I have some examination garments nearby, I can change into them if it'll be easier for you. *touches Ryu's cheek* You better get back to the fangirls love, I'll be alright. We can talk more later. ;) I'm ready Juan-kun.
Dear Doc-sama,
Hai! Mitsukake, please take good care of her.
Dear Nuriko,
Re: Objections? Of course not. ^_^.
Dear Ryuen,
Good! She will try to give your letter to Watase-sensei at AX. We'll let you know if she succeeds.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Konnichiwa, Suzaku Seishi! I've just finished watching the Fushigi Yuugi series for like the seventh time, and I've decided to write this note. You see, the Fushigi Yuugi series has helped me to open my eyes and appreciate the finer things in life, like family, love, friendship and courage. And I wish I could thank Watase-san for that. FY is the most vivid and emotional series I have ever come across, and Im glad that I have. Each character has inspired me to bring out the best in myself, and I thank each and every one of you Seishi for that. You know what, I don't think you are ONLY anime characters, but characters based on real people in the real world. The way each of you display emotion is just unique and breathtaking. And I believe that FY has brought out the nicer, more open side of me. And I was able to forget about my family problems and move on more easier without dwelling off of them half the time. And even my mom notices that im WAAAAYYYYYY more mature than how I used to act. My dad doesn't give, and I could care less. I have messages for each Seishi if you guys don't mind:
Nuriko: Nuriko, thank you sooo much for being such a kind, strong and inspirational person, I believe that you taught me that there is some good in everyone and to just give them a chance. Your death really brought me down and in every fanfiction I TRY to write, I want to save you so bad, but I choose not to because your death had caused everyone to mature and grow much more. Im sorry. Arigato. *Gives a hug and kiss on the cheek*
Tamahome: Hi Tamahome-chan! Tamahome, your a really nice person and I would love to have an older brother just like you! But you have inspired me to love a person for who they are. And even though you can act a little immature sometimes, along with Tasuki-chan, you always try to do your best and you pull through for everyone else. And the way you take care of your family was just touching and Im trying to support my family more as well. Arigato. *Gives a hug and kiss on the cheek*
Chichiri: You have taught me alot, so much in fact that it would be too long to write ^.^ But let me make it short, you have taught me to give people a second chance and that no matter how bad things get, appriciate what you have and things WILL get better. *Gives a hug and kiss on the cheek*
Tasuki: Tasuki-chan, you probably had the biggest effect on me through the intire series, and that's why I like you so much. You have inspired me to bring out the courageous side in me and defend for what you believe in. Im alot like you, did you know that? I show a "tough" exterior and I don't like anyone seeing the more nicer and sensitive side in me because I don't want to get hurt. And the way you cried when Nuriko died, that showed me that your not just a foul-mouthed, crazy and funny loudmouth, but that you have probably more hidden feelings than all of the Suzaku Seishi combined. I know that people would tell me "I can't believe you like an anime character so much!" and I would reply "Well start believing it!" because to me, and I quote from Miaka "Your more than just a character in a story book. To me, your someone who can never be replaced" Arigato. *Gives a hug and kiss*
Hotohori: Hotohori, you've taught me to try and make a diffrence in the world, and there's more to society than just how you look or what you wear. I think that your a very unique character and Im glad that you stayed that way up until your very saddening death. Arigato. *Gives a hug and kiss on the cheek*
Mitsukake: You have taught me alot also. You have taught me to think of others before myself and to give people good advice. I know your quiet and don't say much, but your not blind. You know what's going on and you give very good advice. Im sorry about Shoka. Arigato. *Gives a hug and kiss on the cheek*
Chiriko: Chiriko, you have taught me to be better in school and in life. I wish that you could of live longer, and I respect you alot for the way you died for your friends. Arigato. *Gives a hug and kiss on the cheek*
Thank you for all of the things you taught me. Because of these lessons, I was able to save the lives of two people by talking them out of commiting suicide. But anyway, I should stop my useless rambling. Thanks again Minna!
Dear Sakura,
*All the Seishi give her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.* We are all very touched by your words. We're glad that we have been able to have a positive influence on your life as well as (indirectly) on your friends lives as well. If you have no objection, Chichiri no Aijin would like to give your letter to Watase-sensei so she can see what an influence her work is having on others. Domo arigato gozaimasu.
Suzaku Seishi
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