Dear Tasuki,
*wakes up* *POUNCE!* I should be. The stuff they gave me to take is really working ^-^ Firefury has to wear heels because she's cosplaying as Relena in the blue dress! Amazingly enough, I did get her to practice walking in the heels and let me practice doing her hair.
She's never going to be able to walk properly in high heels ^^;
I wish hearts healed faster =( I'm still trying to get over Nate without being bitter. It's been... *counts* 42 days. This really sucks. It'll be late at night and I'm working on graphics and then it gets my down and then I don't feel like working and I don't get anything done! I know I'll be fine in a couple of months, and then totally over it a couple of months after that, but right now is miserable! AND I'M OUT OF CHOCOLATE! (I'm going to be a fat old lady if I keep getting my heart broken. No more stupid long distance relationships, d*mnit.) I wish I hated him! It would make things so much easier! Because if I hated him, I wouldn't exactly miss him, I'd just be angry, and my anger passes a lot faster than my depression does, and it doesn't generally reoccur as often! Stupid stupid guys and their stupid stupid excuses (I admit, girls have stupid excuses too sometimes. Just look at Tamahome and Miaka!! HOW many times do they 'leave' each other for whatever reason/reasons!? ... I think Miaka does more leaving for stupid reasons though. Wouldn't it have just been more logical to explain to Tamahome about the no touchie miko thing? But that does not excuse Tamahome, Mr. Go Back On His Promise And Comply With The Enemy's Demands And The Be Placed Under Their Control And Try To Kill The Girl I Love And Am Supposed To Protect! ... Long name.)
I should go yell at Tamahome for being another stupid male with lame excuses (especially when he's Taka)... Oh well...
Dear One-chan,
*Looks "scared"...* I don't think it's safe around ya' fer ANY male! Yer not gonna kill us if ya' see us at AX are ya'? But I think yellin' at Tamahome is a great idea! Sure as h*ll beats me gettin' yelled at! *Grins*
Dear Chichiri,
I thought about your letter, and it made alot of sense. ^^ No, you didn't confuse me further, more like helped me put things back in perspective. That and you're probably the first person who had an answer that didn't include 'Why are you thinking about these things when you're just a teen?" *grin* Domo arigatou! ^^ *gives you a hug and then runs off happily*
Dear Kashke,
I'm glad I was able to help you, no da! *Smiles*
Dear Chichiri,
Whats your most favourite place u have ever been to?
Chichiri stalker
Dear Chichiri stalker,
I've been to so many it's hard to say, no da. I prefer quiet places with a nice lake, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
*sigh* I just need some love. My grandfather is dying, just want love.
Kelli, CnA#2
Dear Kelli,
I'm sorry to hear that, no da. *Gives her a hug and holds her.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
!!!!! you guys guessed right!!! my name is Zoe! now Crazy keeps calling me Zelda though. That's okay cuz i call her Georgie. (LOOONG and very pointless story). okay, so the point to making you guess was so you can help me with something. how do you write zoe katakana? i can do other people's names, but not my own. how sad. so can you please help me? (see, i thought it might be Zoi but then it rhymes with Soi and Soi is Soy and i'm not Zoy. but it is pronounced like it has a y on the end. ohhh i am confusing myself.) yes, you should run from me and crazy fy lover. She is Crazy and i want to Avenge ... something.
Blue Avenger
Dear Blue Avenger,
It would be written Zoe. The image is the katakana that would be used. It would sound like Zo-a (long a). Is that closer?
Dear Tasuki,
Hi again. Have you ever seen the movies "Deep Blue Sea" and/or "Jaws"? If so did they scare you? *grins*
Dear XellossMetali,
Very funny... >.<
Dear Chiriko,
Hello Chiriko-kun! ^_^ I'm sorry I don't write without reason (hm, question is, am I supposed to do that in the first place?) I've got a ton of art hw to do, and the problem is that it'll make up 35% of my exam marks too *shudder* I need to do research on at least two different artists and submit a detailed report on their styles and stuff...
I knwo abotu and and others...the problem is, I don't know the names of the artists whose styles I'm interested in! All I know is that Rembrandt is one of the people I'll do because my paintings are dark with super-high contrast as well and thus resemble his...the second artist ought to have an interest in realism (at least). There are a couple of names I;m aquainted with, but I'd like your opinion, o brainy one...
Hope this isn't too much work! I jsut need a boost; that's all...domo arigatou, Chiriko-kun! ^_^ I'l;l check by later! *hands him a cookie for his help* Bai!
Dear Chichiri,
Dragon Guardress: Aa. I will have him talk to you.
Shin'ya: A priest?! You take me to see a frickin' priest? You--
DG: He's a monk.
Shin'ya: ... Same thing. ........ ...... *glares at Chichiri* ........... So what am I supposed to talk about?
DG: Your dislike of humans.
Shin'ya: What about 'em? They're disgusting and self-destructive creatures! I wouldn't care if they didn't involve other people in their stupid wars and junk, but they get it into their heads to be 'righteous' and go off destroying people different from 'em! Cruel, heartless bastards who'd near to murder a child because they're afraid of him. You ask me why they deserve to die? Because if they keep on living, they'll destroy everything! The right to live ain't specific to them!
DG: So you won't even give them a chance?
Shin'ya: They had their chance when I wasn't strong enough to kill 'em. Time's up. *stalks off*
DG: .... gomen ne, Chichiri-san, but he's quite set in his frame of mind. Think of it, if you will, as extended childhood trauma.. despite his childhood being much longer than a mortal's. If this glimpse into his view has given you any ideas, please let me know.
Dragon Guardress, First Position and Shin'ya Sif
Dear Dragon Guardress, First Position and Shin'ya Sif,
Shin'ya-san, were you that child, no da?
I can't say that I fully agree with you, no da. But you must give people a chance. Not everyone is evil and destructive. We do not all seek to destroy that which we do not understand, no da. Some of us would prefer to understand that which is different from us as it will add to our life experience and perhaps by understanding we will not fear it and can teach others to not fear that which is unknown or different, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Hello Tasuki-sama! I just have to say.......... You are my favorite^-^ How can anybody say something hentai about you and Koji!?? You two are just friends!(Say hi to Koji from me, please) Gives Tasuki a hug^-^
Dear Jui-chan,
Thanks! *Grins* I'll tell Kouji ya' said hi!
Dear Chiriko,
Hi this is Emily, crazy FY lover's little sister. I'm 8. My big sister is typing while I talk. I wanted to know if YOU were reborn in "Miaka's world" like Tamahome or anything? (this is crazy, Isn't she a smart little thing? she reminds me so much of you in every way, vocabulary, knowledge and every thing! it's quite funny!)
Emily (AND crazy FY lover)
Dear Emily,
No, I was reborn into my world. Unless you are referring to the drama CD's then yes, in that storyline I was reborn in Miaka's world.
Dear Nuriko,
hello, this is crazy FY lover's little sister, Emily. My sister is typing for me. I'm 8 years old. I was wondering, can you pick up small buildings? I'm sorry that you died...if your brother died would you start dressing like HIM? (crazy FY lover: thats a pretty good question fer an 8 year old to think of! *pats her on the back* she reminds me of a lil' Chiriko!) I also want to know how good of a friend are you with Tasuki? well my sister wants me to stop talking so she can stop typing...bye!
Emily (and her sis Crazy fy lover)
Dear Emily,
Tasuki and I afre very good friends. *Smiles* I think I can pick up a small building. If my older bother had died would I dress like him? *Smiles* If that were the case I would have already been dressing like him since we are both male. But that is a good question!
Dear Chichiri,
*sneaks in the room* she finally left!! Kageno-chan lied to you when she said I couldn't bother you again. Oh well. I won't do anything too mean. Actually, I wanted to ask you a question. As I don't have an older brother(that I know of), I was wondering if you could be my aniiki(sp?). I only ask this because I respect your opinion and I can relate to the things you've gone through. Plus, it would be cool to have a wondering monk as my brother, no da!
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
Hai, no da! I would be honored to be your aniki, no da!
Dear Hotohori,
*comes walking in with a slight limp and looks up at Hotohori* I'm happy. Tetsuno Tenshi is actually getting up early to go walking/jogging with me. I run over to her house(a mile away) then run around while she gets ready, and then we go for a walk/jog. If we keep this up, she'll be running soon. This limp is only cause my muscles are sore. But that's no prob. I just have to keep training so I can stay on the varisty cross-country team. I need to get better anyway.
*starts counting on her fingers* yep. In about 2 1/2 weeks, I'll be 16!! YAY!! I wouldn't mention it, except that I am going to be old enough to drive soon. (scary thought, me driving hah!)I just wanted to warn people so they could stay off the roads. Well talk to ya later. JA!!
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
Ganbatte kudasai and happy early birthday! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tamahome,
Gomen Tamahome. I didnt know it was your b-day. I wrote all the Seishi's b-days down on my g-ma's comp but I havent been at my g-ma's untill today. Gomen *bows* happy late b-day! *thinks* now what to give you..hmm..*hands him a green snowcone with a candle in it* thats the best I could come up with besides 2 more gold ryou *hands him 2 gold ryou* happy b-day!
Dear XellossMetali,
Ariagto! Don't worry it's the thought that counts!
Dear Chichiri,
I'll tell you what happened. I only want this to come to an end. She was like..MAJORLY obsessed with this guy. But the guy never loved her and never would cause he already is in love. I told her that...and then she and her friends started to hate me. **kisses him** Houjey...what do i do?
Dear Kouran-Ri,
*takes his mask off and looks at her sadly.* What you did was cruel and wrong. You told someone I hated them and loved you and then you killed them. I do not hate them, nor do I love you. I can understand her friend's anger. Her caring for me hurt no one. I am... disappointed in you. *Puts his mask on and leaves.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*hurt* I'm NOT a fangirl....I'm a friend....I'm not insane either (i think blue avenger IS though....) well talk to ya later..*hugs all the seishi 'bye'* *gives Tasuki an extra hug*
crazy FY lover
Dear crazy FY lover,
That's good to know, no da. But I think that letter kind of depicted you both as a bit crazed, no da. Gomen, no offense was meant, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Hi Tasuki-chan!! *Jumps on him and gives him a big hug* Im sorry I haven't talked to ya in a while! Did ya miss me? Ya know what? Summer is sooooo boring! There's nothing to do here in Hawaii. I mean, I went to the beach on saturday and then we almost had to evacuate because of a Tsunami warning! Geeze, it sucked but I was happy that we never got slammed! *Sighs in relief* But I went to my ever-boring otousan's house and then me and my stepsister went to the pool. I did 2 flips off the diving board! I was pretty good and a bunch of older guys were smiling at me! *Blushes slightly, hoping Tasuki wouldn't tease* ^_^ Anyway, besides that, im stuck home with my dork brother and im talkin' on the phone all day. Anyway, that's all the latest happenings right now, I'll talk to ya soon! Luv ya! *Hugs and kisses and then drops an ice cube down Tasuki's shirt and runs away* Sayonara! *Runs for my life*
Dear Sakura,
CHE!! That's *(^%$#+ COLD! So, th' guys are finally startin' to notice ya', eh? Sounds like yer havin' a good summer.
Dear Chichiri,
First of all I would like to apologize for the last time, when I kissed you. I am a baka and it will never happen again, so there!
My friend and I made a Shakujo and a Tessen last week and then we ran around outside screaming 'NO DAAA' and 'REKKA.. SHINEEEN' ^-^ Mom got a little mad because she was trying to meditate ^^;; So we went for a walk and I am SO glad we did that! When we where on way back home I heard a sound from a tree, and when we checked it we found a little kitty. He wasn4t very old and he had hurt himself. We took him to the vet and now he is okay! We named him Duo! *Duo jumps up on Enmas head and looks at Chichiri* Duo: Meow? Duo this is Chichiri, remember that I told you about him? *Duo nods and jump over to Chichiri and starts to purr* Oh, he likes you! So cute ^-^ !!!
Now for the question! Who do you think you look like most in following series(way and looks, boy or girl): Ranma, Tenchi Muyo, Rayearth, Gundam Wing and Slayers Thanks for being here Chichiri-san! *hugs him*!
Yours truly,
Enma Mizuumi
Dear Enma,
Kawaii ko-neko, no da! *Pets and holds Duo-neko.* I don't really resemble any of the poeple in any of those except for Xelloss in Slayers, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
General: Ne... I've been wondering... if you guys were norse gods...who would you be? If ya can answer can I have answers from all a u? ::sparkles::
Hotohori: I learned to sparkle! yay!
Nuriko: I don't think you resemble fish too much... Chiriko: glasses are evil stay away from them!
Mitsy: Can I use you as a big stuffie?
Tasuki: A friend wouldn't let a friend drink and drive so get nevermind.. get chichiri to drive ya around
Chichiri: Did you know that you can find a REALLY accurate replica of Cloud's buster sword online? see?
Tamahome: Can I borrow some money? JK! :)
Dear Morphie-chan,
Hotohori: Norse gods? Hmmmm... I would be Frey, Tamahome would be Tyr, Tasuki would be Thor, Nuriko would be Balder, Chichiri would be Odin, Mitsukake woule be Heimdall, and Chiriko would be Bragi.
Mitsukake: What is a stuffie?
Tamahome: No.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Mitsukake,
WAI! arigato! you're the best mitsy! ::hugs:: Yogata! I got an anikiii! ::hands Mitsy a tulip:: what would tasuki look like in a sailor senshi uniform? camp is starting soon. There's this guy that gave me grief last year and didn't stop teasin me bout bein asian. What do I do if he's back and remembers me? ::hugs:: arigato aniki ^-^ ::pets tama-neko and disappears in a poof of smoke::
Happy yet eternally confused Morphie-chan
P.s. Don't mind me, I'm not mentally stable
Dear Morphie-chan,
If you want to see Tasuki in a sailor fuku you should check out his gallery. There is a picture of him in such an outfit. *Smirks* You should tell the camp counselors. He should not be teasing you about your heritage. Take care.
Dear Tamahome,
Happy Birthday Tama-chan!!! Here, I got this for you *hands him a bag full of chocolate coins*. I haven't wrote to you before, but is it okey if I ask you of a favor? Do you think you could be my Aniki? I would really like that and you now what, we have a big thing in common: we both love MONEY! Of course, I'm not saving money to help my family but I'm saving it so that I can by more Fushigi Yugi stuff and see more of you guys ^-^ !!!
Have a great birthday!
Enma Mizuumi
Dear Enma,
Sure, I'd be happy to be your aniki! *Smiles* Arigato for the birthday present!
Dear Chichiri,
Y'all are great. Anyone who can write back to the lunacy a site like this can invite is a great person/set of people in my eyes.
Dear Anna,
Domo arigato gozaimasu, no da! *Smiles*
Dear Tamahome,
Your my favorite Fushigi Yuugi guy *smiles* anyway... my friend is like really obsesed with Fushigi Yuugi not like that's bad or anything but it gets anoying after awhile she talks about it non stop and I just want to kill her I mean I like it to a pont like the manga and anime (just the pictures) but she is just anoying and I don't talk to her anymore and I think it's bring us farther apart and I don't know what to do I don't want to pretend I like it because she'll talk about it even more. Please help me Tamahome
Dear Laurie,
Arigato. Well, I really don't know what to tell you except that she is probably going through a phase and eventually it will pass. Just bear with her.
Dear Mitsukake,
*walks up to Mitsukake* Hello, Mitsukake-sama.*gives a bow* I was curious, are you looking for an apprentice or something in that area? Because I would like to become a doctor. ^_^ I am good at bandaging up wounds and such. Even ask my okaasan, Doc-sama. Well, hope you can get back to me!*dusts off her kimono and walks off*
Dear Keiko,
I can always use an assistant! Arigato!
Dear Tasuki,
*pads in, looking up at him with big eyes* Shun'u-oji ... ? I made this for you ... :) *reaches up and sets the daisy chain on his head, smiling sweetly* There! You're all pretty now, ojisan! :) *kisses his cheek*
Dear Miki,
*Looks confused… smiles* Thanks! Whatta cute kid. *Looks in the mirror and falls over…*
Dear Tamahome,
Well, if you're supposed to be Taka, then what are you doing here as Tamahome?
Dear Mal,
Taka and I are one and the same person. I just prefer to be called Tamahome,
Dear Mitsukake,
*wanders in, sobbing* Why does everything have to remind me....of....? Please, just take the pain away... *continues sobbing*
Dear Ayame,
*Looks concerned* What's wrong?? *Hugs her.*
Dear Mitsukake,
Who says you're boring?! Tell me! *cracks her knuckles and clenches her fists*
Dear Rachel,
A lot of people, but that's ok…
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
YAY!!!! I've finished my exams!!!!! All I have to do now is hope the results are good, but I did my best which is all that matters, right? How are you all? I haven't written in a while, and for that I'm sorry. *hangs head* But I have thought of you! I think I never would have got through the exams if it weren't for you guys *gives them each a hug* so thank you. Oh yeah, I almost forgot; this question is for Hotohori. Even though I'm a girl, I'm playing you in an RPG I run. Do you have any extra tips on your personallity? All the others in the RPG say I play you well, but I'd like to know what you think. I think I've become an expert Hotohori observer! Thanks again everyone! *more hugs* *hugs Chichiri no Aijin* Well done for convincing the seishi to make this site, it rules!
Dear Rachel,
Good luck on your exam scores! Arigato and you're welcome for everything! *Seishi and Chichiri no Aijin each give her a hug.* Extra tips on my personality? Well, I've been told that I am noble and very protective and caring where my friends are concerned. I also care a great deal about my subjects. I am also fiercely loyal and quite devoted to my family. Ano… you do have a beautiful hand mirror to look into, ne?
Dear Tasuki,
*amy nicely kisses tasuki on the lips! then amy turns around and blushes* yer such a sweet-heart ta my! ~_^
amy kou
Dear amy,
*Sweatdrops* Now cut that out! An' I read yer other letters… @_@ yer a lil' hentai!!!! Shame on ya'!!
Dear Mitsukake,
hi! my friend willow is sick!can ya heal her? thanx
amy kou
Dear amy,
If she was in our world I could.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
A friend of mine were talking and wondered if you all played a game of Twister...who would win? was about 2 in the morning when discussing this ^^;
Dear noda,
We have no idea. But your letter certainly has put some interesting images into Chichiri no Aijin's head, no da! *Sweatdrops…*
Dear Tasuki,
I noticed in a message a short while back, you used the excuse "you're too young to drink" to fend off an, um, completely harmless I'm sure, request for sake... am I somehow wrong in thinking that in the series, you're 17, and already an alcoholic? Should I add "hypocrite" to your personality profile? ^.~ ::evil grin/being a meanie:: Oh, well... say hi to Kouji for me! ::waves at Kouji::
Dear Neko4,
In Konan 17 IS legal! In yer world 17 ain't! So there! * Sticks his tongue out at her.* I'll tell Kouji that ya' said hi.
Dear Tasuki,
Will you teach me how to do the Bandit dance? What about having Kouji come and teach me the knock knock thing? I sure would love that. Oh, and just a little side comment: WHY DOES EVERYONE (okay, not everyone, but still) THINK THAT YOU AND KOUJI/CHICHIRI/ANY OTHER GUY IN THE SERIES ARE TOGETHER???? My friend loves you to death, and I think she would be very dissapoint if you ended up gay. (not that they're anything wrong with homosexuals! I mean, just look at Nuriko, or Tomo! *okay, bad example, but still!)
Dr. Lauryl
Dear Dr. Lauryl,
If ya' were in my world we'd be happy to teach ya'! I don't know WHY so many fangirls are into *shudders* yaoi.
Dear Tamahome,
There, no I shouldn't have to pay you that two gold ryou; having someone remember your birthday should be good enough. ^_^ just kidding! I just wanted to tell you that Chui and Yuiren were absoloutly THE cutest anime children EVER! I still cry everytime i see that episode...but it's quite funny about the Tasuki/water thing. Speaking of Tasuki..why are you so mean to him? it's because you beat the crap out of him, isn't it? I love that episode, (but not because Tasuki gets beat...) I do, however, get really tired of the "Tamahome" "Miaka" "Tamahome" "Miaka". Did you know, that in the first four episodes, you're name is said an average of (i wanna say) 14.75 times. I wish I could actually find my statistics, because I really don't wanna do that again. I'm going to do an entire series census, (or, as i like to call it, the "Tamahome Count") and when I'm done with that, I'll do a "no da" count. Well, i know I've just been babbling, but oh well! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
Dr. Lauryl
P.S.-do you ever get aggrivated that Miaka's so clingy? What about all the guys clinging onto her? Or would you ever consider marrying Usagi from Sailor Moon? They are basically the same person anyway.
Dear Dr. Lauryl,
Arigato for the birthday wishes! Miaka's behavior doesn't aggravate me. And I'd NEVER marry Usagi-san! She is nowhere near as intelligent as Miaka!
Dear Nuriko,
(Walks into a garden and sit's beside him) Nuriko I believe you are more capleble (Don't mind the spelling ^^) of answerig this question then all of the seishi. There's someone I care for very deeply, my father, who is very sick and may be dieing, my stepmother,(sighs and picks a flower) hates me and wants to keep me away from him, she lies to him about me and pushing him farther and farther away from me, at one time I got so desprite I tried to kill myself. My father believes her over me and I've almost givin up hope, I despertly need the help of someone who is understanding and is more intune to men and women, please help me Nuriko. (Starts crying) I need to talk to someone and I hope you can help me. (Tosses flower to the ground and walks away)
Dear LoneWolf,
Can you mother or another relative intervene on your behalf? What she is doing is just wrong! You are his flesh and blood child and if he is dying then the two of you should spend time together. Try to get someone in the family to talk to him. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Chichiri,
Ah! I'm actually writing a letter to the great, wonderful, almighty Chichiri~~!!!!! ^_)) (falls over with surprise and unsurmountable love for the blue-haired guru.) I love you Chichiri!!! oh, heh, now that I've got that out of my system...wait, no, it's not out but my uncontrolable urge to ask you a question is overbalancing the fact that i just want to go up and *glomp* you! Okay, i think i got it under control. So, that out of the way...Do you ever get annoyed with the Suzaku Seishi who are constantly stating the obvious, *coughcoughhotohoricoughcough*? What about the constant "Tamahome" "Miaka" "Tamahome" "Miaka" etc... And what's so special about fishing, anyway? Well, I think those are all the questions i have now! *gives a big hug and kiss*
Dr. Lauryl
Dear Dr. Lauryl,
*Looks amused* No, not really, no da. That is all a part of who they are. I find fishing to be very relaxing, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
How do you keep you're skin looking so healthy and smooth? I've got to know, because you have the perfect ivory complextion~! Oh, and I just thought I'd tell you that you and Tasuki are tied for second on my list of GGIFY!!! (Great guys in Fushigi Yuugi)
Dr. Lauryl
Dear Dr. Lauryl,
Arigato for your sweet words! I do my best to stay out of the sun and use a moisturizer with a good sunscreen in it.
Dear Tamahome,
Thanx for the hammer! Too bad the coconut was rotten..not that I like coconut I just wanted to break it. I did with one hit so that wasnt much fun. The TV ,on the other hand, took awhile with the sledge hammer *grins* that was fun. I do have a few questions for you and no they are not that serious and I think I know the answer but yare yare. Do you still count your money every morning? and about the snowcone flavor you said green ne? That could be Lime, Pickle or Ninja Turtle! there are probibly a few others but thats all I know of. I havent put all the snowcone flavors to memory and I dont think I will. Too bad none of the seishi got my favorite flavor nor the color. and I'll bet you cant guess the color Tamahome!!
Dear XellossMetali,
I would count my okane, except Miaka made me put it all in the bank. >.< Is it Dragon flavored?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey remember me? Well thank you very much for putting up my unworthy fanart on the Seishi of the Week page..... *sniffle* Anyways, have you ever heard of anyone who has a phobia of flying balls? We're taking up soccer this quarter in P.E., and right now our lesson is volley kicks. *sniffle* I'm so scared of those balls!!! I mean, they could hit me...... and those soccer balls are very very hard. *sniffle* Do you think you can help? Thanks. *sniffle*
For Mitsukake: I have a cold, cough, *and* sore throat. All at once. *sniffle* And the worst part is, I don't even have a temperature!!! That means I still have to go to school despite of the above mentioned sicknesses. *sniffle* Modern science still doesn't have a cure for the common cold, so I was wondering if you could cure me?
Dear Sumi-chan,
You're very welcome! Perhaps you have allergies or hay fever and not a cold. As for the soccer balls, try to block as best as you can. I think that once you've taken a few hits you'll find it isn't as painful as you thought it was. Yes, if you were in my world I could.
Dear Chichiri,
Daa...I'm sorry if I offend anyone with this.. I've been watching from the sidelines. Kouran,you told Lybra that Chichiri hated her. I was there when you did all that stuff to her.I didn't intervene because I didn't know what to do. I may sound like I'm a coward or something,but I fear stuff like that.And although sometimes when I get peeved or depressed I'll go spar or something,I usually never fight.
Da,I may also sound like a snitch or something,but when people tell other people things like that,My patience goes out the window. Sorry again. *walks out* *straight into a wall* *gets up,and falls downhill*
*into a thornbush* *gets up,but hits her head on a tree,sending her backwards into a river* *and can't swim* *reads a sign that says "DANGER:Alligators Spotted!* *gives up,and sinks*--;
Ash-chan(Who will probably be devoured by alligators)
Dear Ash-chan,
Arigato for telling me, but I already knew, no da. *Pulls her out of the river.* Such behavior saddens me, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
CHICHIRI! *glomp* hehehe... Gomen, demo I haven't done that in a long time, no da. Just wanted to, no da. ^_^;; Guess what! Hino-chan let me borrow her subbed Escaflowne tapes and Kosetsuno-chan and I are going crazy watching them. *snicker* chiku...chiku...chiku...
ANYWAYS Bet ya can't guess who my favorite character is. Give ya one hint: In my opinion, his seiyuu is one of the best, if not THE best, in the business, no da. And, I'm sure you'd probably like him the best because of that, too, no da. *BIG smile* Can ya guess? It's Van! Followed closely by Dilandau, no da. Tomokazu-sama is amazing, ne? Ah... *goes starry-eyed* It's amazing how many animes he's really been in, no da. I had absolutely no idea, no da. Did ya know he played Kamuie(sp?) in X? I knew about Ken in Wiez Cross, demo I didn't know about that one, no da. And, I know there's more, demo... I can't remember them at the moment, no da. ^^;; DA! ANYWAYS *pause**blink* I guess that's all, no da. I don't have anything else of absolute relevence to talk about, no da...
Little Voice in Head: Are you saying that whole Escaflowne and Tomokazu-sama bit had relevence?
*glare* Baka. When did you get back?
Little Voice: Think you could get rid of me that easily? ^_^
*blink* Kowaii, no da. I'm leaving, now, no da. *yells as she walks off* KAJI-PAPA! The little voice is back and it's being mean, again, Kaji-papa! Can you come bite it's head off, onegai?
Little Voice: *sweatdrop* I can take a hint. *disappears* ^_^
Kageno Tenshi
Dear Kageno Tenshi,
Did you also know that he is the seiyuu for Toya, Sakura's older brother in Card Captor Sakura? *Sweatdrops* Tomokazu-san seems to be the main reason that CnA buys and watches certain anime, no da. He was the ONLY reason she liked Escaflowne, no da.
Dear Hotohori,
What do emporers do really? What are their responsibilities? And what about empresses? Like Houki. What's her responsibilites as an empress? *bows* Arigato for your time.
Dear Willow,
An Emperor's duties are many and varied. He is entrusted with the care of his people as well as being a good, strong leader. An Empress should support her Emperor in all things as well as give him an heir to the throne and provide a good role model for her children. She too, is entrusted with the care of her people and should be able to rule in the Emperor's stead if the heir is too young to rule.
Dear Nuriko,
I cannot remember the last time I wrote to you.....*thinks* Ah well...Ano Nuriko...Wanna see my mage abilities? *concentrates and casts a spell on Tasuki* Oops......I think.....I did it wrong..Gomen nasai I think Tasuki is unable to speak for 24 hours!*gulps* He's not going to kill me right? Just in case......*gives Nuriko a hug* Ja ne!*scurries off to hide*
Dear Willow,
Nah, not as long as he can still have his sake. *Smiles sweetly at the mute Tasuki…* What's that Tasuki? What do you want? A nice cold glass of… MILK??? Tee-hee…
Dear Nuriko,
Hi-hi!!!!^_^ I have a friend who seems to be a big fan of yours(mostly cause of the gay, crossdressing, and all) also she's seen only 2 volumes of fushigi yuugi(the one where Tasuki and Mitsukake first appear, and the one after it*I think*), and I e-mailed her and told her about this site, and tried to get her to write to you, but she has this crazy idea, that yer ganna try and hit on her or somethin like that, she's totally nuts!!!! and I uhh, cant really think of anything else ta say:P
Dear fallon,
We Seishi NEVER hit on ANY of our fans!! Except for Tasuki, who likes to tease Lina Inverse and I would HARDLY call HER a fan of Tasuki's! *LOL*
Dear Tamahome,
this is mostly in response to your response to Soi, Touya no miko, Cloud fairy, Sara, and Water Sprite's letter, Pikachu is very closely related to mice, he is part of the rodent family. just thought ya should know^_~
Dear Fallon,
Is he? OK. *Stands up* I stand corrected. *Smiles*
Dear Chiriko,
You're so cute, Chiriko! I was just looking at a picture of you, and all of the sudden I realised it. Plus, I like the intellectual type. Can I be your boyfriend?
Dear Anya,
My b-b-b-boyfriend??? Ano… can we just be friends instead?
Dear Tamahome,
Otanjobi omedeto gozaimasu, Tamahome! Check out what I got for you. Here, here's a chocolate ice cream cake. Looks good, don't it? Oh yeah, speaking of looking good, here's a navy blue pinstripe business suit. You'd look sharp in this, believe me. Oh, and here's a new wallet for you. It's one of those new-fangled ones that... uh.... well, let me demonstrate.
(*Tonberry gets out five $100 bills and folds them up. He then opens up the wallet and puts the money on one of the panels. He then closes the wallet so that the two panels are sandwiched around the money. And then he opens up the wallet the other way to show that some elastic straps are holding the money securely in place.*)
(*Yeah, I know it's hard to explain only in words, but I'm sure some of you have seen that Magic Wallet on TV. You know what I'm talking about.*)
See, Tamahome? Kakkoii, ne? Here you go. (*gives Tamahome the wallet*) Keep the $500 I put in there too. Go get a nice birthday dinner for yourself and Miaka, okay? Well, I'll see you when I see you. And once again, happy birthday!
Dear Tonberry,
SUGOI!!! Doumo arigatou gozaimashita!!!!! This is going to be a GREAT birthday! *Tries on suit* SUGOI!!! I look just like the lead guy from Shinesman! *Grins*
Dear Chichiri,
When did you start using "no da?" Was it something you've always done, or just a trait you acquired later on in life? Just-a-wonderingggg... :)
Dear Ryuen,
I've just always used "no da", no da.
Dear Nuriko,
*siiiiiiiiiigh* I'm so bored. M'dear friend Kokkei has gone off to a Christian music festival and, alas, I'm left all aloooooone with no one to talk to and nothing but FY and my fanficcies to keep me company...alas! *sobs*
*ahem* But, anyway. I enjoy writing to you...and, since I'm rather bored this evening and feel like writing, I'll take this time to tell you some things, perhaps throw a few questions into the void.
First of are, by far, my favorite character in Fushigi Yuugi. The problem is, though, that I love all the characters--even the "bad guys" all have some redeeming qualities, and I find myself just completely adoring the masterful characterizations of each and every character...but, you stand out above them all. Maybe the more tragic aspects of your character are part of what makes you so fantastic--whenever I watch the series, I almost feel as if I have to make sure I'm watching you EVERY SINGLE MOMENT...because if I don't, I might miss something...and, then, you'll be gone and it'll be too late.
Honestly. Yuu Watase is a genius. But, eh, I don't need to tell you that... ^_^.
I also feel as if I KNOW you better than the other characters...but, then, perhaps that's because I've gotten into your head more than any of the others. I write chiefly Nuriko fanfictions, and many of them are first-person. I'm only recently delving into exploring the other characters. The one subject that always gets me, though, is the subject of you and love. To me, you're a very lovable person in the series--self-sacrificing, kind, entertaining, and, of course, very attractive. *wink wink* And, yet, there's not one person in the series who "loves" you romantically. I don't know. I think maybe that that's a good thing, actually...that all the people who love you love you for who you are, not for what you look like or WHAT you are. Friendship love is stronger than romantic love, I think. Gomen ne, Tamahome, Miaka...but, it's true. ^_^.
Your death was hard for me. I'm one of those people who rarely cry--in fact, it had been around three years since I'd really cried at the time I saw episode 33...and, gah, I sobbed my eyes out. ^_^. That episode still gets me, even now, after having seen it at least thirty times, written fanfictions about it, thought and pondered and examined it from every still gets me. There's just something so...real and harsh about it, and about the reactions--Tasuki and Miaka in particular. It's all very vivid in my mind...Miaka's denials, Tasuki sitting there at the edge of that boulder with tears streaming down his face...very vivid.
Episode 33 marked the beginning of the really mature sections of the show. It's strange, watching an anime grow like that...but, also really, really gratifying. It's like...I invested something into this series, and because of that, it was able to show me what life really was...that even though there are good times and great friendships and love and good can all be swept away in an instant...but, you can't let that trouble you. You have to keep have to be strong. If FY's taught me one thing, it's that.
Ah, and, I keep going through episode 33 in my mind, thinking over fanfiction-wise how I could change it, make it so you didn't have to die...but, you know, I don't think that it's something I should touch. Somehow...your death is an important part to a lot of things that happen later on, Miaka's eventual transcendence into maturity in particular. And, so, no matter how much I don't want it to matter how much I want to write of how Mitsukake just happens to show up a few minutes earlier or how Tasuki senses you're in danger and leaps to the rescue with a thunderous, "LEKKA...SHIEN!" or even just that you die later, somewhere other than that snow field...I can't write about that...because that's not how the story of Fushigi Yuugi has to go.
So...thank you, I guess I'm trying to say, for touching me so deeply. To change a person is, perhaps, the most important thing anyone can do, and getting to know the Suzaku shichiseishi Nuriko has changed me a great deal.
*whispers* And, to those who like to shout the patented, "But, Nuriko's a fictional character! You can't be so attached to a fictional character!" I're NOT fictional. No, wait--I'm not delusional, honest. :) What I mean is this: You exist in my mind, in my world...and in the world of so many others, as well. That's real. That's realer than REAL life, when something touches a person that deeply, cuts so far past the surface of the heart.
I don't consider myself a "fangirl." I'm an admirer...a fellow traveler through the laughs and sobs of life...and someone who just canNOT bloody draw your face without screwing it up somehow! Argh! ^_^.
Anyway. My apologies for this long, perhaps-pointless letter. Ah, but it's not pointless, I suppose...because it's helped me, just writing it. I like to get things out, air them to the void...even if there's no guarantee that anyone else will even read them. That's okay. If I never see this pop up on the main answer page of, I won't be heartbroken, because just writing it has changed me.
So, I'll just thank you for that, for changing me yet again, and go back to eating my blueberry pie and sipping my iced tea, and perhaps wait for the next burst of fanfiction inspiration to strike me.
I guess that's all I have to say. Oi...I need a hobby, eh? Ah, well. Gomen, Nuriko. Bye-bye. ^_^.
Dear Ryuen,
Arigato for your kind words. You too have touched me as well. I think Chichiri no Aijin may also show this to Watase-sensei if you have no objections.
Dear Chichiri,
Ah.. How am I sure that he is capable of love, despite being able to kill? Perhaps it is the look in his eyes when he isn't angry.. or the way his face becomes so innocent and childlike as he slumbers... Or perhaps it is the reason why he kills.
He has been mislead, through multiple events in his life, to believe that humans, as a race, are cruel and deadly creatures that have no right to live... which is ironic, considering that is the exact attitude most humans have towards demons. Myself, being neither, can not truly have an opinion other than I judge all as I see.. but I digress.
He kills because he afraid. He kills because he is angry. However, inside his heart, he simply yearns to be accepted and loved... His actions are driven by emotion.. by his heart. He isn't a heartless killer. No, because he can still hate, I believe he can still love... and those things he needs... I can give those to him... however, his hatred towards humans and his faulty belief that the entire race is cruel and hateworthy is not something I myself can change. He needs to see it for himself.
But so far, not a single person, human demon or spirit, has shown him kindness.. until I arrived that is.
As it is, I am running out of ideas to help him change, and running out of time as well.
Dragon Guardress, First Position
Dear Dragon Guardress, First Position,
If you want one of us could try talking to him, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
Hou Jun: Concerning Kouran-Ri. The story: Kouran-Ri found out subject Lybra liked you. Kouran-Ri felt angered that Lybra liked you. Kouran-Ri then found Lybra and killed her brutally, her last words being "HOU JUN DOESN'T LOVE YOU, HE LOVES ME!!!" and then stabbing her. This being her "truth". She said Lybra could not live a life thinking that her "Houjey" could love her. Kouran-Ri believed that you hated her, therefore making her think she had the right to kill anyone thinking you loved them. This also made her believe you only loved her.
I've been in many arguments with her over this story. Her "justice" and "truth" was uncalled for just because Lybra liked you. Lybra was revived, and Kouran-Ri is still saying "She needed to know the truth! Hou Jun hates her; I'm the one for him!" and saying that her death was a "relief" to you since you "hated" her.
Kouran-Ri killed Lybra because she heard Lybra liked you. Her "truth" being you loved Kouran-Ri and hated Lybra, therefore she killed Lybra to "relieve" you of a nuscience. This sums up my statement. Now you know what Kouran-Ri has been talking to you about. Can you see why now we are angered at Kouran-Ri at her "truth and justice"? *bows* Arigato gozaimasu for taking the time to read this.
Kou Alecia
Dear Kou Alecia,
Arigato for telling me what is going on. There is no truth or justice in what she did, no da! I neither hate nor love EITHER of them. I am however, very disappointed in Kouran-Ri for her behavior, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Why do you like sake so much? Do you like the hangovers when you have too much, or something? *hands him a bottle of sake* Though... you are rather funny when you manage to get yourself 'plastered,' as some would put it.
Dear Ayame,
I like sake 'cos it tastes good. Heh-heh-heh… I don't get hangovers!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I got my learners' permit and my green stripe in Taekwon Do in the same day!!!!! Now, I get to learn how to drive, and I get to do something other than a turning kick (I hate turning kicks). *does little happy dance*
Dear Ayame,
Omedeto gozaimashita on your permit and your green stripe!
Dear Hotohori,
Thanks for the advice. I really listen to what you say as it makes me feel like somebody listens when I talk. Domo arigato. *gives him a hug* It really does mean a lot to me to know that somebody will listen to what I say. *starts getting misty-eyed* It gives me just a little bit of hope.
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
*Gives her a hug.* You're very welcome! I'm glad that I can be of assistance!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Chichiri, Hotohori, and Mitsukake:
Why wouldn't you go on a rollercoaster? No, "it would mess up my hair" isn't a good enough excuse. I guess I'm kind of insane...
Dear Ayame,
Chichiri: I have no interest, no da
Mitsukake: I do believe that I am too tall for such a thing.
Hotohori: It would mess my hair.
Chichiri, Hotohori, and Mitsukake
Dear Chiriko,
I want a useful brother; quite frankly, mine doesn't fit that description. Besides, he refuses to go on rollercoasters. Will you be my brother?
Dear Ayame,
I'd be honored.
Dear Mitsukake,
Hi. This is concerning the snowcone flavor. Yes there is yellow snowcone flavors!!! banana is one of them. I've also heard of Pikachu. Yes a pikachu flavored snowcone not something I want to try but yare yare. I know a lot about snowcones cause they are my fave food. *hands him a banana flavored snowcone* gomen I dont have a question for you but I thought you needed to know about the snowcone.
Dear XellossMetali,
Arigato! *Tries snow cone* Oishii!
Dear Mitsukake,
Ash-chan...we've been over didn't tell me. Oh, well, at least now I know you were inflicting mental pain on yourself. I did flip out rather nicely, though. ^_^
Anyway, Mitsukake-san...why were you just about clinically depressed about Shouka (I think that's her name). I mean, I know you're supposed to mourn, but you have to move on, eventually.
Dear Amy-sama,
Everyone grieves in their own way and gets over it in their own time.
Dear Tamahome,
I'm not giving you any money. So there. (glares at him) Anyway...HOW DARE YOU DESCRIBE SOI AS AN ELECTRIC MOUSE?!?!?! DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE!!! (holds out both her hands) (inaudible) Darkness beyond twilight...crimson beyond blood that flows...buried in the flow of time...
Tamahome: ?
(normal voice) In thy great name, I pledge myself to darkness. Let the fools before be the power both you and I possess!
Tamahome: !!!
DRAGON SLAAAAVE!!! (blasts Tamahome through a cliffside) (blinks) AAAAH!!! GO~ME~N, Tamahome-san!!! I guess my anger got the best of me. (laughs nervously before freezing him in ice, then melting the ice, leaving him wound-less) Uh...bye-bye! (jumps into a sub-dimensional time-space hole, which closes behind her) Note: I have a sympathy for Amiboshi and Soi. The rest of the Seiryuu shichi can rot in Hades for all I care.
Dear Amy-sama,
I never said she was an electric mouse!! She did! Are you related to Lina Inverse?
Dear Mitsukake,
*nods* Hey... When's your birthday?
If you want me to finds the letter that Tama-neko responded too,I will. He said something like "I agree!Nyao!"Then of course,I was just getting a kick out of your archives. *waves flags* I'm in a good mood today,despite all the stuff that's happened to me. See ya. *glomp*
Ash-chan(Who isn't good with timing right now)
Dear Ash-chan,
My birthday is May 7th. Thank you for asking.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*walks in, bows, and plops down cross-legged* Konnichiwa Seishi-san. I was looking around again and I found this site, again. ^^; I think it's very cool to be able to ask you guys questions and have them answered, but that's not the point of this letter. *sighs* I was thinking earlier, about my religion, but I seem to only have confused myself. I have a Christian family, and lately I've been a bit shaky in my faith.
I want to believe that God is up there, but it confuses me that if He is there, then why do such bad things still happen to people? I know He gave us free will, and therefore we pay the consequences for our actions, but what's the point of it? Why are we alive? Why is a Earth? Heck, why is there even God? I've been thinking about it all day, but I haven't figured it out yet. If there is a point to life, what is it? Do we all have destinies? If we do, how many people actually fulfill theirs? What would my destiny be? *sighs again*
People say that I have everything I could want, simply because I have a rather good talent for art, parents that love me, a nice house, good grades when I'm in school, and alot of other things. But they don't know that my biological mother is in California and that I haven't seen her in 4 years, that I draw because I'll get bored and depressed if I don't so i had no choice but to become good at it, good grades because I've had the time to become intelligent because my only other choices were to draw or read or get depressed.
But what I want to know is what is the point? We're all gonna die someday, so what exactly is the point of it? It's not like half of us even do something that gets us remembered, so what's the point? If we're going to die, then why are we even born in the first place? It just seems like a waste of time, but then again, what is time? Is there a point to time? Or did we just come up with it so we could remember how long we've been alive because we would just lead dull lives if we didn't?
Gomen nasai, but I needed to rant. ^^; My best friend says that since I don't rant enough, whenever I do, there's alot of ranting to do. *shrugs* I think it's better to listen to other people rant because it can help solve your own problems sometimes. One of my favorite things to tell people is "Learn from past mistakes, preferably others'" I feel somewhat guilty about doing it, even though I can't really help it. And since that could start up another rant, I'm going to say good-bye now. Domo arigatou for your time! *bows, gets up, and walks out the door*
Dear Kashke,
You ask some very difficult philosophical questions, no da. I do not know how to help you with your crisis of faith. While I believe in a higher power, I still believe that we are free to make our own decisions and to deal with the consequences, no da.
Why are we here? What is the point? I believe that we are here to gain experience before we move on to a higher plane of existence. The point? To live and enjoy life, to love and be loved, no da. I don't know if this has helped or not. I only hope I haven't confused you further, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
I um...really don't how, otousan. Maybe...a pink apple!! That may change me into a girl!!*goes off looking for some colored apples*
Dear Keiko,
*Looks very worried... Thinks, "Why do I see a cursed pond in her future?"*
Dear Tasuki,
*glomps* ^=________=^ Your my fav char, Tasuki. I'm just a little confused. Are you in love with Miaka too or not? (Is everybody in love with her o.o;) In some eps from after most people died you keep mumbling about Miaka... When did you start liking her? This is too confusing for me. v.v
Dear Rora-chan,
I ain't in love wit' Miaka!! >.<
Dear Nuriko,
I was wondering, how can I get boys to like me and look prettier?
Dear Nikole,
Boys will like who they like. Personality does count for a lot, even if it doesn't seem so at first. How to look prettier? Good personal hygiene and grooming is always a plus! Get a good haircut that will frame your face and compliment its shape. Without knowing what you look like it's hard to get more detailed.
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