Dear Tasuki,
-runs around you screaming- AX soon AX soon! So sooooooooooooon! O.O so close only like EIGHT days...gotta get stuff done gotta get stuff DONE!!!!! O.O :notices tasuki: Hi Tasuki Papa I gotta get stuff done O.O
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley Chan,
*Smiles at her, then cringes when he realizes how soon AX is…*
Dear Tamahome,
Hello, Darling. ^_^ I just wanted to let you know that I finished your webshrine, and I wanted to get your opinion on it. Please let me know if you like it. *kisses*
Miaka Sukunami Yuuki
Dear Miaka Sukunami Yuuki,
Nice site! Arigato!! I REALLY like it!! We have added it to our Links Peeji. So, maybe you can add us to your Links Peeji... onegai???
Dear Chiriko,
You are upmost the cutest little thing I've ever seen!I love how your so smart and all.And when you talk with those big smart words.Though before I completely understood the whole Fushigi Yuugi seires I thouht you were a cute little girl.(heh heh)
Dear Stacy,
*Sweatdrops* Most people do… Arigato for you kind compliments.
Dear Chichiri,
I think your really cool for the oldest senshi.I've always wonded if you realized how much you say no da or ya know.I started getting into that habbit a little after I saw the first part of fushigi yuugi.I was so sad when I heard how you got that scar.(sniff)Be proud Chichiri, you were my first favorite senshi!
Dear Stacy,
Arigato for your kind words, no da. I guess I do say it a lot, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Hey! I was reading in the archive and you called me a stupid Mazoku!!!! (its in the archive of Jan 6th) oh btw I've been wondering this for a long time..what toothpaste do you use? I cant get my fangs at bright as yours. *gets staff ready to hit Tasuki on the head* and I'm not stupid!!!
Dear XellossMetali,
Guess I did. I also called ya' a "rotten Mazoku" but ya' don't seem to smell that bad either. I still don't know what she sees in ya'. Toothpaste?? Heh-heh-heh.. Chichiri no Aijin has me usin' Aquafresh.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
hi guys I am at crazyfylovers house. she and i are fighting over who gets to click on the "read our responses" link. she won. BAKA!!!!!!!!! :P:P:P:P
hello seishi!! (this is crazy now) (no im not crazy thats my name....*sweatdrops*)
i say she is crazy. but that's just me. she's the one who tried to inhale her cereal. uh ... yeah. i am bored, can't you tell. oh yeah, HAPPY BIRTHDAY BAKAHOME! i mean, TAMAHOME!! hey, at least i remembered. i forgot all the other seishi. just a quick thought. if you and taka are supposed to be the same person, how come everyone likes taka better than you???? (even me and crazy).
(crazy) i already sent ya a happy birthday but happy b-day agaian Tama!! (i did not try to inhale my cereal!!.....she's the BAKA one!!)
actuaally, she was just eating her cereal. i was trying to make her laugh and inhale the stupid stuff. that woulda been funny. (for me anyway) HAHAHA
(crazy) she's weird...don't mind her.....
oh yeah ... you guessed my name wrong. *waaaah* how many girl's Z names can there be? now crazy keeps calling me Zelda. it's a 3 letter word. hahaha. i'll tell you later when i feel like it. okay enough of this baka-ness.`
I ain't stupid ya wacko blue person!! *grumble complain*
help! i think she turned into Tasuki. *runs and hides*
how the...heck...can i turn into tasuki?! i like bein' me.....
uhhuh ....sure ya do.
i do thank you very much! *anime razz @ blue avenger* PHHT!!
all right, this is turning into pointless rambling. love you guys!
bye you guys!! *hugs all the seishi bye* *gives tasuki an exra hug*
hey i wanna hug too! please? *sparkly eyes* <3
"Zelda" and Crazy Person I MEAN Crazy FY LOVER
Dear Insane Fangirls,
*Seishi all sweatdrop and consider running for their sanity…* Ano… Zoe?
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
*POUNCE!* Life... is exhausting. Ear infections are exhausting. People suffering depression are exhausting (how could people stand me before I wonder...).
They tortured me at the doctor's office today cleaning all this icky stuff out of my right ear ;-; *sniffle* They had this thing that pushed water in, and it really really really hurt and I keep recalling how bad it hurt! It was like somebody was spraying a mini fire hose in my eeear! ;-; I can't go swimming! (and I can't ride elevators 20 stories up, gotta take da staris. But that shouldn't be a problem). *sniffle sniffle*
And then this one guy I know on IRC is all depressed and I'm stuck talking to him and trying to encourage him to get help and that's taken me an hour and stuff and I've got to get Firefury to practice walking in heels, and and! I spent Saturday with my cousin Dennis who's exhausting to be around, and my ear hurts but I think I covered that already... Oh, and I can't yawn because the ear infection and this swollen gland behind my ear is making my jaw hurt on that side so it hurts when I open my mouth to wide and and and.... *passes out* ...zZz...ZzZ...zZz...
Dear One-chan,
Glad to know yer still alive. I'm hopin' yer gonna be better fer AX. Firefury in heels??? Why?
Dear Chichiri,
Hey. I really don't have anything to say right now. I'm just glad that the letter section is back up so that I can write you guys. Gotta go!
Kageno Tenshi(THE REAL ONE): *Steals the keyboard from Kosetsuno and bonks her on the head* Baka! What are ya doing to me, here, ne?
KOSETSUNO TENSHI: *steals the keyboard back* This is my house so my rules!! How many times must I tell ya that? Oh well. I'm letting Chichiri know how glad you are to see him.
Kageno: *quickly covers Kosetsuno's mouth and begins dragging her off, sweatdroping and blushing to the extreme* Da! Gomen ne, Chichiri-san! She won't bother ya no more, no da! Ja no da!
KOSETSUNO TENSHI: *struggles to break free while screaming* You ungrateful little wretch!! M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E!! YAY MICKEY!!!
KT and KT
Dear Tenshis,
*Looks amused*
Dear Tamahome,
HAPPY B-DAY TAMA!!! Fer yer b-day i promise I won't say nothin' bad about ya!! (*sweatdrops* sorry....I'm more of a Tasuki fan....but hey it's yer birthday...) *hands him some chocolates* anyway...have a nice birthday!! (say hi to Tasuki!!...please!!)
crazy FY lover
Dear crazy FY lover,
Arigato! I'll tell Tasuki that you said hi.
Dear Mitsukake,
Will you be my adopted aniki? ::looks up at him with huge puppy dog eyes:: I have an actual aniki... but he lives very far away and I don't get to talk to him much.... He's gonna become a doctor like you are ::smiles:: I have chapped lips :< I've been usin chapstick for a couple of days but it hasn't helped at all... ::giggles:: boy you look bad in drag. That's a good thing though. You're a MANLY man! ^-^. ::latches onto Mitsy's arm smiling:: I need to draw more pictures of you. ::jumps up on Mitsy's unoccupied shoulder and tousles up his hair:: ::Tama-neko perches on her head:: ^-^ ::hugs Mitsy:: I'm so happy that my sister is pregnant. The first time she tried she had a miscarrage and she was really depressed and started smoking but now everything is wonderful. I'm gonna start camp soon. It's an art camp and I went last year so I'll know some of the people there this time. One of my school friends is going with me too. He can be pretty annoying but we're there for eachother. ^-^ Sometimes I feel like I have a split personality when I'm typing and stuff. Sometimes I say Cuz instead of because and "an: instead if and for that normal? O well... I just needed to talk for a bit. I'm feelin a lil depressed for some reason... u_u() ::hops off Mits' shoulder and hugs him again:: ::smiles and hands him Tama-neko back::
Dear Morphie-chan,
Hopefully your sister has stopped smoking as that is not good for the baby. I'd be honored to be your aniki. *Smiles*
Dear Chichiri,
*bows* Chichiri-san. I am currently having difficulty with my relationship with someone... How shall I say this...
I am a sword guardian of the light, travelling from place to place in order to stop those who would destroy everything.
He.. he is an unholy demon who kills without second thought and who has sworn vengeance against the entire human race. However... I am in love with him... and I believe he feels the same way towards me.
Because of my line of work, however... this may not work at all. My superiors, should they find out about this, will be very displeased, and that could have major consequences on my future... and this isn't even counting the fact that he and I... our love is a contradiction from the deepest roots of our beings.
Do you, the one I consider most able to understand the situation, have any advice as to what my future actions and considerations should be?
I value your time. *bows*
Dragon Guardress, First Position
Dear Dragon Guardress, First Position ,
My question to you is, if he is a demon that kills without a second thought, are you certain he loves you? Can such a being be capable of love, no da? If he truly loves you, could you perhaps dissuade him from killing and vengeance, no da? If so, then your superiors should not have a problem with your relationship, no da. Good luck, no da.
Dear Tamahome,
Are you saying I am not worthy enough to be kiss?!?!?!HOW DARE YOU DESCRIBED ME TO A LITTLE YELLOW MOUSE!!!!!!!!*zaps him before he gets away*
Touya no miko: Oh no I think you made her mad.
Cloud Fairy: Shame on you Tamahome-kun.
Sara: You should've taken my deal.
Water Sprite: Now Soi is going to torture you for the rest of your life.
Soi,Touya no miko,Cloud fairy,Sara,and Water Sprite
Dear Soi,Touya no miko,Cloud fairy,Sara,and Water Sprite,
ITAI!!! He's not a mouse! He's a pocket monster! *Hoses Soi down in hopes of shorting her out and runs for his life again.*
Dear Chiriko,
Hiiiiii ^-^ I have a question, and since you are the smartest, you seem the most suitable to get an answer. Why do guys take so long to mentally mature, if at all, while women seem to not have much problems with it? Is it a chemical thing? Does testosterone block brain functions or what? *laughs* thank you for you time ^-^ *hands him one of her famous chocolate cakes and dissapears*
Dear AquaFlame00,
*Sweatdrops* CnA was quite amused by your letter. *CnA is pointing at Tasuki and LHAO* It does seem to be hormone related. But if you were to ask CnA she'd say we NEVER mature. ^^;;;
Dear Mitsukake,
Hi, Ya'know a few of your friends are jokers. I just wanted you to beware, and closely examine all your yellow snowcones before eating them. To quote the late Frank Zappa, "Watch out where the huskies go; and don't you eat that yellow snow".
Dear Neko,
No such thing as yellow snow cones? They assured me that it would be banana flavored… *Looks sad…*
Dear Chichiri,
It's not fair that you get a mask to hide your scar with! I have a scar down the left side of my face, and I don't get a mask! I want a mask! *Wanders off muttering about how unfair life is*
Dear Ayame,
Gomen ne, no da!
Dear Mitsukake,
I've been looking through the archives.... Do you realize your cat can type? *glomps,because that's what she always does*
Dear Ash-chan,
He can?
Dear Mitsukake,
Yayyyy!I can talk to ya again!I have THREE new titles!Hahahaha! Amy-samaaaaaa...I told you....I though I'd told you.And besides,that sorta thing isn't easy to tell....
Mitsu is NOT kinda boring!Not at all!Do you know how many hours I can stare at his pictures without getting bored?*-*
Er..Gomen bout that. Mental pain.Not physical pain.Mental. And I'm sick again.Isn't life wonderful? I've concluded there are no RP Mitsukakes in the world.You know how long I've looked?4 months.Probably longer,too.I just don't keep track of that stuff.
My birthday is July 3rd.I had no idea it was that close.I completely forgot about it...O_o;...Oh well. Well,that about concludes all that's happened to me.
*glomps him for a good hour,very tightly,then runs off* Ja!
Ash-chan(Unusually sane)
Dear Ash-chan,
Happy early birthday! I'm sorry to hear that you are sick again. Please take care of yourself.
Dear Mitsukake,
You're not boring! And even if you are, it's better than being a drunk like a certain other seishi...
Dear Ayame,
*Smiles* Arigato, but I'm not sure that Tasuki would agree with you.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
In a world like yours the power of friendship may be the end all be all to a happy ending. I understand that. But I also understand a lot of things are easier in your world, just like the 'power of friendship' solution. In this world, the world that is seperate from web sites and people who don't know each other and try so hard to try, In this world bad stuff happens and I don't think I can rely on the power of talking about it or hugging over it to help me anymore. The fact is I don't even know why I'm writing now. Maybe I feel left out, everyone else writes in with their problems. I have a life of horrocities stacked up in front of me like I don't want to dwell on right now, and all I can seem to do about it is try to ignore it until I can get home at night and cry. Because if I don't wait and put it off,if I cry to a friend the world comes crashing down around us, as once again I seem to have become a force that is relied upon by so many others and instead of that being a blessing like it should be it is a burden I can no longer sucessfully uphold.
But this isn't about me. It's about all of us. I want nothing more than for so many people to be happy. Why can't I do anything about it? Why can't I reach that goal? Why can't I reach any goal? Sometimes I realize what I really want and then I forget it later. When I do remember it again it scares me, and it scares me bad.
I want to be perfect. I want it and it's never going to happen. If I was perfect I would make things better, but I'm not, so I can't. And, that is what will eventually drive me mad.
The world is looming around me huge and furious. So, what do we do? Band together as friends? Let the power of love help us and show us the way? When a friend tells me everything will be alright should I laugh at them? Or should I do what I've always done, smile and nod, make them feel assured of thier own assurences and hope I haven't scared or upset them to much with my rantings.
After a full two hours of reading Fushigi Yuugi related web material I have linked in a full circle back to your site. I guess that's fate working, maybe I can spill in here how I feel out here. Forgive me for asking questions I had no right to put to you.
Dear Anna,
*Sits down next her and takes off his mask.* We all want to be happy and we all want the people in our lives that we care about to be happy as well. But we are not the ones that can make that happen. Happiness comes from within a person, and not necessarily from without. You can do nice things for someone but if they are just not a happy person, what you do will not change them. That is just not a realistic goal.
If all your goals are unrealistic, then they won't be reached and you will be miserable. Stop beating yourself up and set some realistic goals. You sound like a giving, nice person. Have you considered volunteer work? Perhaps you can give some time to a home for the aged, help clean up a beach or a park, or mentor or be a big sister to a child that needs some love in their life. These are all noble, attainable things to do that will in a small way make the world a better place. Make it your goal to try one of them.
We are human and perfection is something that will always elude us. Instead of being perfect as your goal, why not try to be the best you that you can be? That is it's own reward and is as close to perfect as it comes.
In your world, "banding together with friends and letting love and friendship show you the way" is not such a laughable concept. We only have ourselves to rely on and friendship and love are more precious than gold! (Even to Tamahome, no da.) Treasure your friends, as I'm sure they treasure you and you will be able to weather any storm. And remember you can always come here to talk if you need to. *Gives her a hug and puts his mask back on.*
Dear Chichiri,
Houjey, i am confused. I told someone the truth...and it upset them greatly. Their friends now hate me. But i felt it was right! You cant live life believing a lie, otherwise the truth will hurt more. She believed a lie, and all i did was tell her the truth so she wasnt confused any more. i feel bad. It did hurt her...but she had to learn sometime. Do you think what i did was right. **kisses him**
Dear Kouran-Ri,
It depends on what the "truth" was, no da. Does she think she is thin and pretty and you told her she was fat and ugly? That type of truth serves no useful purpose and is just plain cruel, no da. Without knowing the situation I can't tell you what you want to know, no da.
Besides, telling someone a truth about themselves or their life may not always be the best thing. You also might want to examine your motive for doing so. Was it to save her from a danger? Or was it something that would not have harmed her if she had never known, no da?
Dear Chichiri,
You're Buddhist, right? Well, what would you do if you had a pet you had to feed by giving it other living things? I feel bad both ways. Either way, one will die. What should i do?
Crazy Fan
Dear Crazy Fan,
I'm not exactly Buddhist, no da. But if you must feed your pet live creatures to live then, that is all part of nature's plan, no da. Try to look at it that way, no da.
Dear Tamahome,
I don't understand something, Tama-san. Aren't you supposed to be dead and reincarnated as Baka-erm, *ahem* I mean Taka?
Dear Mal,
Right. And your point??
Dear Nuriko,
Nuriko! *glomps him* Konbanwa Nuriko-sama. ^^;; Eh...I have a problem.
My friend is the opposite of me. He likes bands that talk about death and abusing people (Eminem) and homophobia and just depressing stuff. He doesn't like anime as much as he used to and bashes it all the time. I respect his opinion and don't make a big deal about him liking it. I don't like that stuff, I like pop, alternative rock, Christian, and anime. He constantly tells me what a hick I am for living in Oregon and liking the nature around me and how stupid I am for liking such "sh*t" like Christian and pop. He's constantly telling me "There's no God, you're such a f*cking idiot for believing in something stupid like that. If there's a God, why does he let such horrible things happen to people?" and "You stupid Christians don't focus on the real world, you believe that since you've got 'God' you've got everything and ignore the people who are living on the streets or suffering!".
I give him all these reasons why I believe in God and like the music and tv I do and that I do care about what goes on and I try everything I can to help the community around me. I love the outdoors around me! Big deal! How does that make me a hick? I keep telling him "Look, I don't like the way you're treating me, I treat you with respect, why can't I get any about the things I like?" and he just either leaves or hangs up on me. That or he e-mails me with one of his songs and then says at the end "You make me miserable, I hate you, stay away from me you Christian." and then the next day he plays like nothing happens and talks to me normally.
He won't stop and I'm sick of his bashing and cruelty to me and my friends. *looks up at him sadly* Nuriko-sama, what should I do? I want him to understand his words are hurting me and other people, but he just won't listen. What can I do to help myself and others from his "reign of depressing rage", so to speak?
Dear Alecia-chan,
Ah, the wonders of "teen angst and rebellion"… If you and he are lucky this is just a rebellious phase he is going through. If you want, you can try to talk to him and ask him why he enjoys such hateful things. Just leave religion out of it. If he is nasty or just unresponsive, then you need to decide if you really want a friend that just picks on you and hurts you and your friends. You should also make it clear that to get respect one also has to give it and if he insists on being disrespectful, you may have to distance yourself from him. Good luck! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
Anikiii! *tackles him* You owe me SAKE, FLABBY!! *pokes at his mini sake belly* C'mon fatso, cough it up! I want my sake! *leers at him like a vulture and follows him like a shadow until she gets it back, calling him "sake belly", "fatso", and "flabby" to annoy him*
Alecia-chan -_- I want my sake!
Dear Alecia-chan,
Th' only thin' yer gonna get that way is a trip to th' nearest *(^%$#@ pond! Now knock it off! 'Sides yer too young to drink! *Smirks*
Dear Hotohori,
Hey. I'm finally back from camp. I thought that since you guys helped me out with my dad I'd give you an update.
On June 30, I'm going on a dinner date with my dad and my future stepmom. He has two daughters(besides my sister and I). One of them is 20 and the other one is 9. The 20 year old is now in Dallas and is pregnant. I get to be an aunt.
My future stepmom has an 8 year old daughter. So my family is almost as large as yours. I'm somewhat connecting with my dad but for some strange reason I like his fiancee a lot. I can connect with her a lot more than I can with my dad. Oh well.
So here's a question for ya. What do you do when you aren't really connecting with your dad/family members?
Kosetsuno Tenshi
P.S. I also had a great time at camp. I'm losing my voice from yelling so much, but that's ok.
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
I'm glad that you are getting along with your soon to be stepmother. In a sense, that is almost more important than getting along with your father! Stepparents can be VERY difficult. Maybe you and your father need to have some quality time alone so you can talk and get to know each other better. Good luck!
Dear Tasuki,
Heheh, Of course I did well in the play! That's because I'm a star!! *strikes a pose* ^^;;; How can I be so hyper when I didn't sleep all night? O.o;; Kageno Tenshi and I stayed up watching Haunted Junction, and Ghost in the Shell. ^^;
*hugs him* Have you been having any trouble with any fans or Tama-chan lately? If you have, I could protect you from them! Ne? *puts her hands on her hips and looks serious* As your guardian tenshi I haven't been doing much protecting of you, ne? Oh well *hugs him again*
Oi, you know what movie me and some of the other tenshi went to go see! "A Knight's Tale" with Heath Leger, and there was this one character in it that reminded me so much of you it was almost scary ^^;;. His name was Wat, I think, and he like to drink, he liked to brawl, and he even had red hair ^^;;;. Wasn't a thief though, demo no one's perfect, ne? ^^; *laughs and hugs him*
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
Sounds like yer' havein' a good summer! Thanks, but I don't need protectin'. I'll let ya' know when I do! *Grins and hugs her back.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Rollercoasters: given the chance, would any of you ride one?
Dear Ayame,
Tamahome, Tasuki, Nuriko, and Chiriko: Yes!
Tamahome, Tasuki, Nuriko, and Chiriko
Dear Tamahome,
*sighs* I really shouldnt be explaining this..yare yare..I'll take my anger out when I start beating up the TV and opening a coconut *grins* I get the fun jobs today. (the TV doesnt work and we have to throw it away but its too big) okay I'll explain why I'm not around my parents as much as possible. My dad doesnt know me at all, in fact he forgot how old I was for a long time..and thats beside the fact that I dont want to get to know him anymore (I used to want to get to know him)..I wont mention his bad 'habits' but lets say that Lord BeastMaster and him have a lot in common about what they like to do in thier free time..only my dad is worse. My mom on the other hand is a very happy optimistic boy-crazed person and gets really annoying. (sort-of like watching the same 'Tom and Jerry' cartoons over and over for 6 gets rather annoying and not funny anymore) It really seems to me that boyfriends are her main priority so I just leave her alone as much as possible. Well thats about it..*makes a fist* mention a counseler and I'll be really mad at you!!! My life is fine the way it is. I was only answering your question. (excuse the spelling btw)
Dear XellossMetali,
Arigato for answering. Perhaps it is your parents that need the counseling… However, you will always have someone to talk to here if you need to talk. *Smiles and hands over a hammer, for the coconut.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
If you held a martial arts tournament just for the heck of it which one of you would win? (magic included as a matrial art)
Dear XellossMetali,
If magic is allowed, I would win, no da! I would just teleport the competition somewhere else, no da!
Dear Hotohori,
Your Highness. *Bows.*
What a wonderful website you provide us with -- your dedication and work is much appreciated and pays off with every letter you respond to. I just had to tell you this before I left your community. :-)
I have been here for two years, an eternity to the 'newbies' and no time at all to the veterans. Is it that I have nothing more to say or ask you -- that I need no advice? Or the fact that I no longer can name even 5 people here? Perhaps it is the story of roleplaying and my inability to follow it rather than lead. Because I have forgotten how to speak this language of acting, I no longer belong in this corner of the internet and it is my turn to watch from the sidelines and disappear. It has all been quite real to me, how do you truly define "Real"? :-)
I thank you again for your friendliness throughout; I've enjoyed talking with you as well as with my new friends I met here (Inori's the coolest! Heehee). I have great memories of being a lurker as well as an active typer -- I would write to you most because I can relate to you in many ways. My intention was not to come across as a *twitch* fangirl, though I may have seemed that way! *laughs* Either way, you handled my presence well. ;-) Be kind to your fans.
*Presents him with a bamboo flute tied with red ribbon* Remember me- I might come to visit once in awhile between music jobs- and play this. They are fun and easy to learn, and their tone quality is gorgeous and ancient.
CnA, I wish you luck in maintaining this website for as long as it will run! :-) If you or anyone wishes to talk to me, you may find me at my website if you ever search for it.... above all, have fun!! *hug*
"Inochi no hi sakae yo, towa ni tsunage yo...."
Thank you!
Hoshi *Sparkles*
Dear Hoshi,
We are saddened by your taking leave of us, but we want you to know that your kindness and friendship has also been much appreciated and that you will always be welcome here. Arigato for your kind words and lovely gift. You will be missed. *Gives her a hug and kiss on the cheek.*
I second his Highness! I'd love to visit your site and so I'll check for Hoshis unless you want to give me a clue. I hope the swiftly changing people or the chatroom RPG didn't drive you off... But I guess that everyone has to grow up and away sooner or later. You'll be missed. Take care of yourself and remember as long as this site is here, you'll always have a safe haven from the world if you need one. *Hugs*
Hotohori and Chichiri no Aijin
Dear Tamahome,
m offering $100,000,000,000,000 and Suboshi's Head for Nuriko! plus i'll throw in Nakago's head! Wanna make a Deal?
Dear Natsumi,
*Looks at Nuriko, who is ready to deck him…* Nope! No can do!
Dear Chichiri,
Hallo no da! What was your reaction when you first met Taiitsukun? I haven't seen the Nyan Nyans yet. What are they like? daaa. Thaz all I wanted to ask you no da... ::hugs Chichiri, turns Chibi, curls up at his feet and takes a kitty nap::
Morphie-chan, who is now finally loosing her energy
Dear Morphie-chan,
I was surprised, no da! The Nyan-Nyan are nice, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Hello Tasu-babe! There was some odd Guy at the mall who came up to me and started shouting random nonsense. I asked him nicely to stop but he wouldn't and continued doing so until my momma arived. What should I have done? O_o The mall I go to is full of weirdos at night. I got picked up by some perverted 40 year old there! >< He was workin at the jewlery section and he started hitting on me and I didn't know what to do ;_; I got REALLY scared and ran away. ><. ::sigh:: My friend keeps calling me... it's getting to the point where I just wanna say "SHUT THE HECK UP AND STOP CALLING ME!" I don't want to hurt his feelings though and he takes things really badly ;_; but it's like once every 2 hours! and then sometimes he invites himself over even if I don't feel good or something u_u I dun know what to do... There's this guy I like but I dunno what to do to tell him how I feel without telling him straight out. That's embarassing... O_o Sometimes it seems like he likes me just as a friend and sometimes it seems like something more. He's sorta hard to read... any suggestions?
Confuse Morphie-chan
Dear Morphie-chan,
Fer th' mall perverts ya' need to tell Mall Security an' let 'em handle it. Jus' walk away from th' weirdoes an' go to Security. Ya' might wanna tell yer friend (nicely) that calin' every 2 hours an' invitin' himself over ain't cool. I suppose ya' can tell him it's p*ssin' off yer parents so he doesn't get hurt. As fer th' other guy, get to know him better. Start as friends an' see where it goes from there. Good luck!
Dear Hotohori,
::Falls on Hotohori's lap:: Oopsie... ::does not remove herself ^_^v ::mumbles to herself:: luuuuuuuuukyyyyyyyyyyyy.... ::hugs:: Hiya Hori! ^_^ I was readin the manga and I got confused cuz when lets say Tasuki woulda said I you say "we". Why is that? and Is nuri's mole on the other side of the manga because the book has to be flipped in order to read it from left to right? I think you should keep the hat off. You look way nicer withoutit imhoooo! ::steals the hat off Hori's head:: Wai! Iz cool to look at tho ^^. You look good no matter whatcha do but more importantly ur extremely nice inside ^^. What would you look like with short spikey hair...DON'T KILL MEEEEE! lol. perhaps I should draw it...I'm eeeevil ^_^ ::hands Hotohori some Godiva chocolates: I ::scratches face:: keep getting bitten ::scratch scratch:: by little bugs and now ::scratch:: it's really annoying!!! >< My best friend is asleep now ^_^. she's coo. she always makes me laugh. She lives kinda far away tho an I dun get to see her that much. I've known her for 4 years but it seems like forever to me. Know what's funny? We both have the same stuffed bunny made by Gund and we both named ours "Big Bunny" ^_^; We were young when we got it... ::hugs BB:: ^_^ Oh! In the manga I got it I see you got a NEW hat as well ^_^. It looks cool. The hat you had on during the intro for your OVA part2 epp was koo! and the BG made me cry ;_; the whole epp made me cry ;_; ::Sniffle sniffle:: poor boushin poor you ;_; the malacious play at the end was FUNNY tho! You were SO OOC that it was hillarious! ::giggle:: ::gives him a cherry blossom flower, hugs him once again, jumps off his lap and skipps away::
Dear Morphie-chan,
I'm glad we were able to amuse you. The "we" you speak of is the "Royal We". It is how royalty refers to themselves. Yes, the manga was flipped and so was Nuriko's mole. Arigato for the chocolate and the pretty flower.
Dear Nuriko,
*rinses her mouth out with water*
Daijoubu desu.. it comes with the child. *finds a couch to lie down on while she waits for the hormones to settle down*
When Suzaku grants a wish, he makes sure that it's strong. Ano.. I'll have to sew some new clothes soon, about to grow out of these. *falls asleep before Ryu brings Juan in*
Dear Doc-sama,
*Comes in with Mitsukake.* Ano… I guess she is sleeping. But could you give her a check up so I feel better?
Dear Mitsukake,
Yay! the letter section is back up! ^_^. Now I can plau----er.... talk to you guys again ^_^(). ::cracks knuckles:: is doing that actually bad for you like ppl say? I need something to vent all my exess nrg on O_o. I think my camera is possesed. I attempted to take a picture of a bee taking pollen from a flower but it wouldn't work. I tried taking a picture of just the bee... it worked... I tried to take a picture of just the flower. no working... I take a picture of my best friend holding a flower. not working. I take a picture of just my best I try to take a picture of several different flowers. None of them work >< then I take a picture of the deck for the heck of it. it works >< Every time I try to take a picture of a flower it no work...and I think I'm being bitten by little bugs. Flails arms around in attempt to chase the stupid things away:: AAAARRRG!!! I went to the nearest Borders book store and the only FY manga they had was "Deciple" u_u ::REALLY WANTS BANDIT BUT NOOOO0-er.... ^_^():: Ho-ho-hoooootaru koi! koi.... The actual question(s): Where did you get those koo hairbands, how do you stay in perfect shape,what kind of cat food do you feed tama? I want a nekoooo *_*
Evil question (s): have you ever pondered what Tasuki would look like with Nuriko lenght hair in pigtails? What would Hotohori looked like with short spiky hair? what if Miaka was a boy and all of the seishi were women instead?? Why is it 3:08 am and I am still awake?
Dear Morphie-chan,
Too much knuckle cracking really isn't good for you. My headbands are just scraps of cloth. I exercise daily and eat well-balanced meals. Tama-neko likes fish, but can likes to also feed him Fancy Feast. I don't think I have ever considered ANY of your "evil" questions.
Dear Nuriko,
*a young man walks over to Nuriko* Hiyoz, otousan! *looks at himself, and sweatdrops* Before you say anything, lemmie tell you this. Never Eat Dark Green Apples! ^^;'s me...yer um...daughter...Keiko...^^; Yea, I've been turned into Sanosuke from Rurouni Kenshin...^^;
Dear Keiko-kun,
That's some cross-dressing trick!! And just how do you plan to change back?
Dear Tasuki,
yeah! cool! hehehe. nuriko would make a cool "sister". hehehe. nuriko would also be a cool brother! ::hugs tauski and nuriko::
Dear ashley,
Ain't that th' truth! *Grins and gives her a hug.*
Dear Chiriko,
Oi chiriko! Ne how do you say your welcome in Nihongo? ;_; ::trying to learn a few basic phrases:: Ja ne!
Morphie chan who is oh so sorry for wasting ur time ;_;
Dear Morphie-chan,
Learning is NEVER a waste of time! You would say "Douistashimashite". It rhymes with "Don't touch the moustache".
Dear Nuriko,
Hellooo. Im just looking for a way not to gain too much weight over the summer. Any tips?
Dear mee,
Get plenty of exercise and stay away from junk food.
Dear Chichiri,
do your beads have any importance?
Dear cado-chan,
To me they do, no da! They are prayer beads. Similar to a rosary, noda.
Dear Chiriko,
Hello Chiriko! *Happy tears run down her face* I can't believe it's really you! *glomps him* I get to go visit my dad in Calgary this summer, and I'm sooo happy. When I meet him, I wanna say something to him in Japanese and I was wonderin' if you could give me a hand ^_^. What is "Don't I look cool with purple hair? Thanks for lettin me come visit" in Japanese? Oh yes, I almost forgot! *Pulls a small cake out of the air and hands it to Chiriko* this is for you. I made it myself! ^o^
Small seishi no miko
Dear Small seishi no miko,
Arigato for the cake! Hmmm... "Don't I look cool with purple hair?" Watashi no murasaki kaminoke wa kakkoii desu ne?? Suki desuka? (My purple hair is cool isn't it? Do you like it?) "Thanks for lettin me come visit" Otousan wa watashi ga yurusu o suru otousan no uchi o tazunerimasu, doumo arigatou gozaimasu! (Father, for allowing me to visit your home, thank you very much.)
Dear Chichiri,
Chichiri I did what you told me to do and that girl Angel stopped picking on me and my friend.It took awhile to covince my friend and I said if you don't do something about it she is going to annoy you and make your life a living h*ll.She finally came to her senses and told the teacher and Angel never bothered us again.*Bows to Chichiri*Arigotou Chichiri I'm really glad you helped me.^_^
touya no miko
Dear touya no miko,
I'm glad I was able to be of help, no da!
Dear Tamahome,
Tama-chan I'll give you 1,000,000 dollars if you kiss Soi on the lips will you do it
Sara the suzaku gurdian
Dear Sara,
Tempting, but no. Besides, wouldn't that be like kissing Pikachu? *Hides before Soi can zap him...*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Wait a minute, wait a minute. I was just reading a message from the archives. A writer under the name of Mal said that your song was called, "Legacy". In my translation, it was called "Dengen/message." Maybe "Dengen" is japanese for "Legacy"? By the way - I can imagine that all of you have active social lives, so I was wondering - how do you manage to keep up with this? Your dedication is very admirable. If it's possible, I'd like an answer from all the Suzaku Seishi. Arigato.
Dear Mitzi,
Arigato fer yer kind words. Yer right! It ain't easy keepin' up wit' all th' letters we get! Our answers to yer question are all basically th' same: We do th' best we can an' sometines that means we take breaks an' close th' peeji down an' sometimes it means that we don't answer each an' ev'ry letter. All we can really do is hope ya' all understand. Now Chiriko says that "Izou" means "legacy". "Dengon" means "message". Hope that helps ya.
Dear Hotohori,
*smiles and sparkles* Thanks, Hotohori. By the way, when is your birthday? I might come on here and wish you a happy birthday!
Dear Mitzi,
It is April 2nd. Arigato!
Dear Nuriko,
I've just made a big mistake Ryu...
*curls up in a corner of the room* I have to figure out a way to fix this, they need a healing. Anata, I.. *turns green then runs for something to throw up into*
Dear Doc-sama,
*Runs after her…* Daijoubu desu ka? Who needs a healing? I think YOU need a doctor! *Runs to get Mitsukake...*
Dear Tasuki,
*Throws a fireball at him* BETTER?? Geez! I'm startin to think you ENJOY those fireballs..
Dear Lina,
*Blocks the fireball with his tessen.* Awwww… I didn't know ya' cared! *Runs for his life…*
Dear Nuriko,
*Walks in looking a little sad and lonely and hugs her oji/otou-san's leg. Sniffling.*
Chou Kourin
Dear Chou Kourin,
What's wrong? *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
While surfing around I came upon your site. Very nice photos indeed. I am not sure someone there can help or not, but here goes - I'm retired from the US Air Force having spent 3 tours of duty in Japan at Misawa, Wakkanai, and my most enjoyable one at Fuchu near Tokyo. My favorite area was Shinjiku which even back in 1958 was a fun place to be. I loved all the small bars and was amazed there were so many. The beautiful movie houses were awsome and nothing in the US could equal them. I even remember going to an ice rink under one of them. What I have been trying to find for a long time is old photos of the Shinjiku area circa about 1957-1960. In particular there was a small downstairs bar named "Orion" which was my hangout. Very nice place and not your run of the mill wild and crazy place. The Papasan owner was so nice to me and we became really good friends. Unfortunately I do not remember his name. I always felt previleged going to the Orion because I was the only American allowed in. My experience in Japan was the highlite of my life and always in my memory. I have a homepage at if anyone cares to take a look. Not as well organized as your site, but hey, not bad for an old guy who still thinks young:) Thank you so much for listening and if you can give me any help on locating the old photos it would be greatly appreciated. Herman R (Sam) Snead, Lutz, Florida, USA.
Dear Sam,
I'll write to my friends in Japan and see if they can find any pictures for you. Minna-san, can you any of you also help him, onegaishimasu? Any help at all I'm sure would be appreciated! ^_^
Chichiri no Aijin
Dear Chiriko,
What exactly is a 'Halisen' and how is it different from a tessen??
Neko no baka
Dear Neko no baka,
A halisen is a paper fan that is used in Osaka comedies. The comedians smack each other with it. A tessen is an iron or metal war fan with a sharp tip that can be used either fanned out as a shield or a or pulled together as a sword.
Dear Nuriko,
A-ano... *walks up* I know that we never properly met... so I guess now is a good time... *bows and smiles slightly* konnichi wa Ryuuen-otousama... atashi wa Nijuunanagou Nosha.... its a pleasure to meet you... gomen nasai if I interrupted you... *bows and walks off quickly*
Dear Nijuunanagou,
The pleasure is mine. I believe Doc-sama adopted you, ne?
Dear Chichiri,
I forgot to give you a gift! >< D'oh no da! ::ponders what she could give Chichiri:: ::after much thought she takes a takle box filled with various lures out of hammer space:: Here no da! It's not much bit I'm not sure what kinda stuff you like no da... ^_#() I'm so happy! My best friend moved away 2 years ago and I was really sad. But now my sister is having a baby and wants to move out of her current house. It turns out she's moving about a mile away from my best friend!! ^_# WAI WAI NO DA! I just had to share this with someone ^_^() I'm so happy!! ::hugs chichiri:: How do you get your bangs to stay like that? They're soooo cool! They're hard to draw tho O_o. ::in the background there is a sign saying "Chichiri drawing failures" pointing to a large mountain of crumpled papers.:: u_u.... ^_# I shall try again! Muahahaha!
The ever determined Morphie-chan
Dear Morphie-chan,
Ariagto for the gift, no da! Congratulations on becoming an aunt and having a chance to see your best friend, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
Hiya Tasuki-kun! I just finished doing the last performace of my play. I think I did great! ^^;; My mom gave me 6 roses, and a whole bunch of little kids asked me for my autograph after the show. I was so happy, it was sugoi! I also made a friend in the cast who recored all of Escaflowne for me subbed, I loved it!
You know what, I just read the translation to Setsunakutemo...Zutto. *sniffles* It was so sad and sweet I cried! ToT I loved it *eyes sparkle* Your just so amazeing *hugs him*
Hino Tenshi
PS:I really don't understand what's going on in the chatroom or the Meassage board, so I'll just not get involved ^^;;;
Dear Hino Tenshi,
That's probably best. I think they're doin' an RPG in th' chatroom. Congrats on yer play! I'm glad it went well fer ya'! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Nuriko,
O_o I forgot to give you and chichiri a gift!! ;_; ::hands Nuri a box of chocolates and a hug:: Gomen nasaaai ;_; Konnichi wa, genki desuka? Nihongo wa amari hanase masen demo.... I'm learning more everyday ^_^() Are there any good sites where you can learn Japanese from? Can you play any instruments? What was it like being a lady of the court? Was it boring at all? How large is the palace? I think I'm probably starting to get annoying ^_^()()() ::hugs:: It's laaate O_o. Ja ne!
Dear Nuriko,
You might want to check our Links Peeji for Japanese sites. I don't play any instruments. The Imperial Palace is HUGE! Being a lady of the court had it's ups and downs.
Dear Mitsukake,
Hello again Mitsy! (sorry bout the nickname I couldn't help it) I have a drawing of you yay!. I sent you guys an e-mail askin bout submitting. I hope you answer no da ^_#. So what's up? It's 12:46 am now.::gives a kitty treat to tama-neko and pats him on the head:: Kawaii nekooo! Neway... is there any way to get rid of insomnia O_o Its starting to get annoyying. My grandma is leaving tomorow u_u She's the best cook ever! ^_^ Were you there when Miaka cooked? If so what did it look like? If you could be rencarnated in any part of the world where would it be and why? Sorry bout the odd question ^_^() ::trying to restrain from glomping:: X_x Do those cat allergy shots work? My mom is allergic and she can't breath near cats. I wanna get a cat when I'm older. Is being adopted better or worse that you don't know your medical history? I'm adopted from Korea. The US is pretty cool tho ^_^. lol I better not tell my life story here O_o. o well ::hugs:: bai bai ::hands Mitsy a yellow rose::
Dear Morphie-chan,
Arigato for the rose and the picture! I don't recall getting your first email, but we did receive the others. We've posted your pictures in the Gallery.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
DOMO ARIGATOU SEISHI-SAN!!!!!!!! ^^ I did what you said to do, and hes agreed to leave me alone. ^^ *hugs everybody* Now I just need to get him to stop chasing my sis because hes 17 and shes 13 and has a bf already ^^;;; Any advice on how to do that would be much appreciated! ^^ Domo arigatou again for the advice ^^ One more thing and then Ill stop takein up letter-space ^^ Heres presents as thanks for all of you guys! ^^ *hands Tasuki a certificate for a months supply of sake, chichiri a new fishing pole and the deed to a stocked small lake, hotohori a full-length mirror, nuriko the ownership to a fashion store, mitskake a large chest containing herbs with a book to identfy them, chiriko a pass to borrow books for free, and tamahome several large bags of o-ka-ne* Domo Arigatou again! DA!!!!!!!!! ^^
Dear Kashke,
Arigato for the presents! Have your parents tell him to leave your sister alone. A 17 year old pursuing a 13 year old is just asking for trouble!
Dear Nuriko,
Wai! Thank you soo much! As for the thing with Jesse, that did stop a couple of months ago, but it still bugs me that our own neighbor killed him on his birthday. I've been to counseling, and they always say the same things, so I quit listening to them a long time ago.
And as for my friend, Amanda, I apologized at the con, and we talked for a few minutes, and she said she'd try to get in touch again, but her mom hates me and doesn't answer the phone when I call, and I don't know their address. It's kind of hard to explain. You wouldn't understand unless you were there.
I've never really -needed- much more than a V-8 and some crackers, so I didn't eat much more unless my mom made something really good, which can range from anywhere from twice a week to once a month. And when she does make something that actually tastes like food (she cooks 'bout as bad as Miaka, ya'know) I eat alot of it, and she tells me not to eat that much. Also, I eat lunch and breakfast at school most of the year.
My mom keeps telling me that doctors don't like to put kids on diets, and I don't need one, and so on and so forth, but I -am- seriously overwieght, and Angel can clarify that next time she writes to you all, when she gets back from her trip. And I know all the risks of anorexia and starving yourself, and all that good stuff. It's just I can't stand being out of shpae any longer. My time on the mile run in P.E. has gotten better, but it's still pretty bad. I think this year it was about 10 minutes, 07 seconds, and that's okay, but it was over ten minutes better than the year before last which I think was about 22 min 42 sec. I get tired of finishing in last place in everything except basketball, and even then the coach tells me I'm bad, even thought alot of the times the kids on my own team won't pass the ball unless it's 2-2 and they're surrounded.
Another thing which I wish I'd mentioned earlier, is the basic problems between teen and mother. I guess it's not abnormal for a teen to claim to hate their parents, but she gives me soo much reason to! She never talks about my dad, (whom I'm guessing left before I was born), and I haven't even seen a picture of him until recently, and it was because of a health project. She yells at me alot, and blames things on me, like messes, broken things, stuff our dogs so, ect. Half the time, I'm holed up in my tiny excuse for a room, so I don't have too much control over things. She also claims I don't do any work around the house, while she's out at the pool as long as the sun is out. Again, Angel can clarify that the only way to get something from her is to suck-up, or if you ask on a day when she isn't totally PMSing (which is very rare). She does to a lot of things for me, but if it ever involves money, it comes from her dad, and if i ever get to go on a shopping spree, my mom waits till the last minute to take me, and again, the money's from my rich truck-driving grandfather.
As for the other questions ^^ Angel was buggin' me to write, so I didn't look through the archives. i guess I'll go and do that, or just ask her when she get's off work tomorrow. Thanks again!
Dear Kasey-chan,
Your mother sounds like she has a lot of her own issues to work through! If you are seriously overweight, a doctor WILL put you on a proper weight-loss plan. If it is simply a matter of getting in shape, exercise and a healthy diet (more than V-8 and crackers) will get you into shape.
Dear Hotohori,
That wasn't at you... *finds someplace to cry*
Dear Doc-sama,
*Walks in and tears into the Ministers that are attacking Houki…*
The Empress may wear whatever she pleases! What she wears on her own time is no concern of yours! *Pulls Houki out of the room and finds that Doc-sama is gone.*
Dear Nuriko,
NURI-PAPA!!! *glomp!* ^.^ Happy Father's day! *doesnt even know when that is or if its past or if its today or if its tomorrow etc etc etc..* Gomen, but I dont have anything to give ya. ^^;; I'm broke at the moment and I currently have artist's block so I couldnt do anything...
Oi, you dont mind if I have another daddy do you? Cause my real daddy would be kinda mad if I just started callin some other dude my daddy and so forth and so on...*lol* Yeah okay so now I have two daddy's and one mama. ^__^ *giggles* That sounds funny...
Dear Kuro,
No problem! Arigato!
Dear Nuriko,
Hi! My name is Relena-san, and I'm 9 years old! I snuck away from my guardian, so...I have a few questions...
1. Have you met my guardian, Selphi?
2. Have you met my caretaker, Amy-sama?
3. Who's the ugliest of the Seiryuu Seishi?
4. Just out of curiousity...HOW MUCH MONEY DO YOU HAVE?!?!?!
Dear Relena-san,
No, but Tasuiki has. No, but Mitsukake has. Tomo! I have no idea!
Dear Tasuki,
Er...JenJen isn't my friend. You see, JenJen is Ash-chan's friend (sort of), and Amy-sama is Ash-chan's friend, and Relena-san is Amy-sama's friend (sort of), and I'm Relena-san's guardian that she appointed herself. She keeps trying to blow me up does NOT help that she's 9 years old!
I would like to add that every time I turn into my monster form, she runs screaming into the woods, and it takes me an hour to find her... Sometimes, I really HATE being a ningyou.
Dear Mitsukake,
Hey there, tall, dark, and handsome! ^.~ What's up? The sky, for me. Oi, you were the last seishi I wrote to in a while, werent you? *thinks* Yeah...yeah! You were! Cause I was writing about Neko cause I was worried about her! *lol* That was a long time ago...okay well she's alright now! Jess wanted to update ya on that cause I dont think I ever told ya...yeah, so uh...peace out and stay cool! *zooms off, leaving a cloud of dust behind*
Dear Kuro,
I'm glad she's doing well now.
Dear Chichiri,
hey chichiri, can you teach me how to telaport?
fire A
Dear fire A,
Gomen, no I can't, no da. It won't work in your world and you can't get to mine, no da.
Dear Chiriko,
Hi cutie-Chiriko-baby! You're so cuuute! You dont mind if I call you Cutie, do ya? ^___^
Dear Kuro,
Ano… *Sweatdrops..* I guess it's ok…
Dear Mitsukake,
Konban wa! Watashi wa Amy-sama! (laughs at herself) Anyway...why does Ash-chan like you so much? I mean, you're an alright guy, kind of boring, you know?
Now PLEASE don't try to make me feel guilty or anything, but that's just how I see it. ASH-CHAN HAS BEEN INFLICTING PAIN ON HERSELF?!?!?! AND SHE NEVER TOLD ME?!?!?! I'M HER BEST FRIEND, @#$& IT!!! SHE'S SUPPOSED TO TELL ME THESE THINGS!!! (saddens) I don't feel very good...
Dear Amy-sama,
Perhaps you and Ash-chan need to talk more…
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
if you guys were in the year 2001 a.d. with me and my friends,what kind of summer jobs would you get? tasuki,if you want to be a bandit as a summer job,you'll get caught! unless you and me sell iced tea than stealing! ^_^'
amy kou
Dear amy,
Chiriko - Summer School
Chichiri - Camp Counselor, no da
Nuriko - Working in a fashionable boutique
Tasuki - Bartender
Tamahome - Bank Teller
Mitsukake - First Aid Instructor
Hotohori - Lifeguard
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
YOU ARE ALL STUCK UP HENTAI BRATS!!!! *ahem* now that I have that out of the way, I would like to ask you all a question. The people on the Suboshi ML have been debating this for a while...who do you like better, Koyasu Takehito or Midorikawa Hikaru? I think I already know Tamahome and Hotohori's answers...u.u; and if ya wanted to know, I like Midorikawa-sama! Have you ever heard the song "Spiritualized" from Wei_ Kreuz? *goes into a laughing fit* he sounds like he's on drugs! Just look at the lyrics! Ok...well, bye now! And by the way Nuriko, that message at the top wasn't ment for you ^^ but please do pass that on to your stupid worthless evil slutty *could go on all day* miko. this wasn't meant to be insulting, by the way, I just wanted to know your opinion on the seiyuu.
Seiryuu Fangirl
Dear Seiryuu Fangirl,
Sheesh!! Thanks fer THAT comment!! >.<;;; We seem to be split on voice actors, th' 3 favorites are: Tomokazu Seki, Nobutoshi Canna (formerly known as Nobutoshi Hayashi), and Takehito Koyasu.
Dear Chichiri,
*bounces in all nice an hyper like*
HI HI HI CHICHIRIIIII~!!!! *lol* To tell you the truth, I'm not that hyper...just uh.........confused! Yeah! Confused......^^;; But thats another anywho! It feels like I havent written any of you in a looong time! Well, I guess it HAS been a long time, ne? Ive been so busy lately and I'm really happy today because I got to sit back, relax, and do absolutely nothing! I'm stayin with my bro somewhere down here in Cali so that explains why Ive been busy. ^___^ Places to go! People to see! Speakin of...I still have to convince my bro to get me registered for that anime con...Well, I think I'm gonna go talk to the other seishi then bug the heck outta Riley(my bro) now! ...This is gonna be -fun-! *evil grin*
Alrighty! Take care now! Bye bye then! ^___^
Dear Kuro,
I hope we can see you at Anime Expo, no da! Take care!
Dear Tasuki,
*comes by looking a bored blob* hi tasuki. my mom wont let me sleepover at my friend's house this weekend! my mom wants me to wait until next month! hey tasuki, i herd that we are having a thunder storm tonight! ummm..... is it ok if i sleep with ya tonight? i hate sleeping alone in my room down the hall during thunder storm! if you want me to ill sleep on the floor! i dont snore,ijust drool and sweat in my sleep! ^_^' *amy sees tasuki's bottle of sake in his hand,takes it, and drinks whats left of it* yummy! *amy softly crys about nothin,and relesing the build up stress* I'M SOOOO BORED AND LONELY TODAY!!! *plops on the floor and lays down* T_T * then amy looks bored,lonely,innocently sweet in the moon light,and unloved to tasuki's eyes* *amy starts singing (like an angel)"rainy day man" from sailor moon* *tama-mako comes meowing by and starts purring,and amy pets him*
amy kou
Dear amy,
Ya' can spend th' night in my room if yer scared. I'll sleep on th' floor. Gimme back my sake! *Takes bottle away from her.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Oh! Oh! Now I wanna add my input about that dude that wont leave Kashke-chan alone! (I'm her friend, Cindy, that she mentionend a few times...) KASHKEEE!!!! TELL HIM TO LEAVE YOU ALONE OR I'LL PERSONALLY KICK HIS ARSE!!!!
You see, she only just told me about this dude recently, because I'm all the way down here in Cali and she's still up in TN, so we dont get to talk much. But anywho...uh.....Oh yeah! I dont think he's younger than her. ^^;; He's probably older, if I know her sister...cause her sis seems like the kinda chick that hangs with older peeps, if ya know what I mean. ^^; Well, anywho...
KASHKE-CHAN!!! IF HE CALLS ONE MORE TIME EITHER TELL HIM TO FREAK OFF OR JUST HANG UP ON HIM~!!! ...*cough* ...*ahem* ..^^;;; Well, that's all I wanted to say... TOOTLES~!
Dear Kuro,
Thanks for the insight.
Dear Hotohori,
Hi-hi^_^ hey...How come your lil' chibi pic looks so sad??? ya look like yer about ta cry;_; I dunno, maybe its just me, but the eyes look really really sad!
how ya doin??? I'm personaly bored, and cant think of anything to do, and no one wants to e-mail meT_T and its been only 3 days since school let out for the summer, and I wanna go back;_; ACK!! gadda go and terorize my brother, he hasnt told me which CCS episode played today!!O.o bye bye^_^;
Dear fallon,
They do? *Goes SD and checks himself in the mirror.* I thought it was more of a willful look.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
hi guys! i'm bored, so i wanna see if you can guess my real name. it starts with a z and i'm a girl. you can each have one guess. there is a point to this, i swear.
Blue Avenger
Dear Blue Avenger,
We all guessed Zelda.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*bows* What is each of your favorite snowcone flavors?
Dear XellossMetali,
Tasuki - Red
Hotohori - Red
Tamahome - Green
Chichiri - Blue, no da
Nuriko - Purple
Chiriko - Rainbow
Mitsukake - Yellow
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Nuriko,
Hmm... This is in response to heika-sama's question about your beauty-mark. In the actual Japanese manga, the mark is, indeed, on your left side, the same as in the anime.
However, I will make the assumption that heika-sama has been reading the manga commercially translated into english. Nearly all manga commercially translated and published in America has been flipped.. that is, the art has been flipped over. Why? Because Japanese manga is read from right to left <-----, while American comic books and translated manga read, like english, from left to right ----->.
Now, one could state the point that in France, a lot of manga (if not all) is simply translated and left alone, the only art edited is the sound effects and such. Fans read the frames, like in Japan, from right to left.
American companies are always trying to reach a broader audience, however, and it is in a very few cases that they leave the manga the way it was (see some of the Evangelion manga and the Dragonball and Dragonball Z manga). Most people who have only a passing interest in anime and manga would rather read it the more familiar way, from left to right, like the majority of them would rather watch a dub. Why? It's easier.
Many manga-ka (manga artists) in Japan are uncomfortable with their art being flipped, if only for the fact that mistakes they made are sometimes more visible when the art is flipped. Also, some things make less sense if the art is flipped, like marks on someone's body or other things that are not the same on both sides. This is unfortunate, because sometimes these CAN be major parts of the plot.. and then you have a problem with translating the dialogue.
I hope this answers your question, heika-sama. I know it's a lot, and even if Nuriko-san did know it, I don't think he would be able to spend as much time writing (everyone's so busy with letters!)
now, this IS /Ask/ the Seishi, so I might as well stick a question in here... Ah. Have you heard of Rurouni Kenshin? If you have seen/read enough of it, what do you think of Kamatari? Does he cross-dress better than you? ^.^
Shadra D
Dear Shadra D,
Arigato for the great explanation! Nah, I think I'm prettier! ~_^ *Smiles*
Dear Tasuki, must be the most colorful character on FY, and I dont't mean that in the literal sense. What praytell is your secret?
Dear Yui-Sama,
I'm jus' so *(^%$#@ COOL!!!!!!!
Dear Hotohori,
Why, oh why, are you just so beautiful?
Dear Yui-Sama,
Arigato for your kind words. I was just blessed to be drawn that way. *Smiles and sparkles*
Dear Chichiri,
Gomen, I know I should be asking questions related to FY, but something's been bothering me, I tried asking others for help, but...well, they don't. My ex talks about getting back together with me, and I would really love that, but..he has a girlfriend. But he claims not to love her, and says he's still emotionally attached to me. Demo...if he really wanted to be with me, wouldn't he have broken up with his girlfriend? Its been a month. I'm going out with a new guy now, I told my ex about it, and he stopped calling me. I still want to be with him(my ex) Or at least be his friend. Was it wrong of me to go out with someone else? Should I have waited for my ex?
Arigato Chichiri-san, I've read your other letters to others with personal problems and you seemed to help them alot. Thank you again.
Dear Himitsu,
Well, he is your ex so you should just get on with your life. Perhaps the best way for you two to go is be friends and see how things progress from there, no da. Good luck!
Dear Tasuki,
Konnichiwa Tasuki. how u doin *shakes tasuki's hand*. can i ask u some questions. *Tasuki nodds yes*. what is it like to be a mountain bandit/seishi? *hands him a cup of tea (no milk)*. one more question. can i burn tamahome with your tessian. *tasuki hands over the tessian laughing*
TAMAHOME: *puff of smoke comes from mouth* ouchies
gary da wannabe seishi
Dear gary,
It's hard work, but fun! *Looks at the charred Tamahome…* Not bad… *Takes tessen back.*
Dear Chiriko,
Konnichiwa Chiriko.*shakes chiriko's hand* it's outstanding to see how smart u r. i wish i could be that smart than i wouldn't have ta worry bout high payin jobs.u have brains and guts what u did 4 miaka. man i wish i could be like u. oh yea where's the best way ta learn how to write and talk japenese
gary da wannabe seishi
Dear gary,
Arigato for your kind words! Take classes. If you can't take classes, check out some of the resource links on our Links Peeji.
Dear Nuriko,
Konbanwa Nuri-chan! May I ask, does your voice actor also play Houki-sama? You both sound very similar, not to mention the looks!
But I think you are more attractive, your personality is just much more
interesting! Wouldn't that be weird if Houki was the recarnated form of your little sister Kourin? Your older brother is so kawaii! He really does
love you alot, doesn't he? ^_^
Dear Tasuki,
HEY!!! this is really kool!!! ok well.... me an my friend have this little deal ^_^ hope its ok with you well she wants to have you 6 days a week....*sniff sniff* not fair.....and i get you on wendsdays but durring the 6 days she has you i get Kouji ^_^ i think thats pwitty fair....even though you so much hotter than Kouji.... well.... bye-bye Tasuki-chan ^_^
Dear Tana,
*Looks at Kouji*
*Kouji looks at him.*
*Together they both say,,,* Was this yer idea??
Gomen, but we don't think this is gonna work.
Dear Nuriko,
I'm headed towards the Otakon in August and after much consideration, I decided to go as Kenshin. However, it seems I am gonna have to make this costume from scratch. And I was wondering, since your family was in the cloth business ~_^, is there any place where I can get patterns (on the net or anywhere) that show how to make those era type of Japanese pants and komono thingy.
Thanks and congratulations *wicked grin*
Dear noda,
The gi and hakima? Hmmm… that's a hard one. I don't know of any place offhand. You might want to try your local fabric store and see if Butterick or McCall has any patterns. If not, you could check for kendo clothing on the web and order them. Or you could go to and see what they would charge to make it for you. Good luck!
Dear Chiriko,
what is a blue moon no da? if its real, would i ever get to see one na no da?
curious FY-otaku
Dear curious FY-otaku,
It is when you have 2 full moons in the same month. Since your calendar and the lunar cycle don't always jibe, it is possible that you may see one.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
i have a question.... could one of you be my older brother? i don't have any brothers, only sisters. and i'm the oldest. please?
Dear ashley,
Sure! I could do it or mebbe Nuriko could ber yer big sister! Heh-heh-heh… *Gets punched into a wall…* ITAI!!!
Tasuki and Nuriko
Dear Chichiri,
hi chichiri. i'm back from my vacation to north carolina. i had lots of fun. now i really miss the ocean and the dunes. michigan is cold and gloomy compared to cape hatteris. oh well. a vacation is just a vacation. ::sigh::
Dear ashley,
Welcome back! I'm glad that you had a good time, no da!
Dear Chiriko,
ey you know of any place where I can leard Japanese??? so far I've learned about 5-6 words, all from various animes, I have to say, its a lot of fun learning from animes, but it also takes a long time to compare lyrics/translations to find out what what word means -_- Any ideas??
thanks for any information you may have^_^
Dear Fallon,
You might want to check the resources on our Links Peeji.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
does this web page studied japonese?
because she/he speaks jap very well im studying jap too ^-^
Ayelin from Argentine
Dear Ayelin,
Doumo arigatou gozaimasu! I have been studying nihongo for 3 years. Ganbatte, ne!
Chichiri no Aijin
Dear Tamahome,
Its kind of hard to love someone whos not a part of your life. I feel gratitude for the things my parents do for me and I feel compassion for other people but thats about it on my sence of feeling. Just wondering how did you know I was a girl? is it really that apparent? or is it that only girls write to you? *sighs* much for my guy act ne? *starts walking off* love sounds like a nice thing from the way you describe it..yare yare and save your hugs for Miaka I'm sure she'll appriciate them more than me. *tosses two gold ryou to Tamahome and walks off*
Dear XellossMetali,
Why do you say that your parents aren't a part of your life? I was told beforehand that you are a girl.
Dear Chiriko,
Ano, how is the word that means opposition against the disestablishment of the Church of England spelt no da?
A Curious Artist
Dear Curious Artist,
Dear Chichiri,
Do you know where I could find a kasa like yours no da? I havent been able to find one na no da. ^^;;; Btw, you and Tasuki are my favorite seishi, followed by Nuriko, Mitskake, Chiriko, Hotohori, and then Tamahome. (Gomen nasai Tamahome, but you do have Miaka.) Would there also be any way of finding a kesa and a shakujo like the one you have in the manga no da???
A Curious Artist
Dear Curious Artist,
Arigato, no da. You can get kasas in Chinatown, no da. As for the kesa and shakujo, I don't know where you can find them. You may have to make your own, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
Gomen nasai for bringing this up, but if your imouto hadnt died, how would Miaka have found you no da???
A Curious Artist
Dear Curious Artist,
The same way she found the others.
Dear Tasuki,
Do you know where I could find some pics of you that I could use to make a Tasuki plushie for one of my friends no da?
A Curious Artist
Dear Curious Artist,
Have ya' tried some of th' Tasuki websites? Go to Anime TurnPike an' check there.
Dear Hotohori,
If you werent the emperor, what would you be instead no da?
A Curious Artist
Dear Curious Artist,
An idol singer.
Dear Tamahome,
If there was no such thing as o-ka-ne, what would you do no da?
A Curious Artist
Dear Curious Artist,
I suppose I'd want whatever took its place.
Dear Mitsukake,
You werent kidding when you said you didnt get many letters, were you no da? Oi, no offense, but would it be alright with you if I drew some pics of you and sent them to be posted on this site no da?
A Curious Artist
Dear Curious Artist,
Certainly! You can send them to the Admin address on the default peeji.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Why are you all so depressed?All this frowning and stuff.Cheer up!Ash-chan says cheer up!Mitsu,no offense.You know indeed I think you are the best looking anime character,but you do look scary in drag.Yes,you are manly.I agree that's probably the reason why you look scary in drag.So,now,you have to cheer up.ALL of you cheer up!*goes SD and bops around*Genki!Genki!
*finally perches on Mitsu's shoulder*Okay,I'm not sugarhigh anymore.^^;
Dear Ash-chan,
I am cheerful.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Why does Tamahome scream "AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! SUNAKAKE BABA!!!!!!!!" every time he sees Taiitskun no da?
A Curious Artist
Dear Curious Artist,
She scares him, no da. Sunakake Baba is a scary obaasan that throws sand in people's eyes, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
Oi nuriko! Go to LOL it's a fishing site?? O_o
Dear Morphie-chan,
You're right! *LOL* You'd think it would be a makeup site and that would be a fishing site!
Dear Tamahome,
::Hands Tamahome a bag of 1000 ryo:: this is just because no da ^_^ How are you tama-chan? Iz getting hot over here and the weather's been horrible. My gramma's here and she jokes that the bad weather was followin her. It's been all droughty in Florida where she lives. ;_; My gramma is cool! Guess what?! My sister is pregnant and I get to be the Godmother! I just wanted to tell some one so I thought I'd tell you ^_^() So what's up? If you found a wallet with let's say... 5000 ryo in it would you try to find the owner or would you keep it? My hands are cold cuz I'm in the basement. My gramma is in the room where the main comp is sleepin. Iz cooooold! I found a Kasa I'm so happy! Is there a club for Kasa owners anywhere? That would be cool if there were. I should have asked Chichiri but I allready asked him a question. I got out of Middle School. I'm so Happy I did. I had a HORRIBLE year! I really wanted to transfer but I couldn't because it was the last year and it wouldn't have looked good to the HS I applied to. I got a scholorship and I'm saving 2,000 dollars every year! think, if I can keep the scholorship going I could save up to 8,000 dollars! Aren't you proud of me?? ^_^. ::cracks knuckles:: I'm so happy! I have a friend who is deeply in love with a girl and for a while he thought she didn't love him but now she says she does. I'm SO happy for them! I'm a little jelous cuz I like him but I'm REALLY glad he's happy ^_^. Thaz all that matters to me. I'm starting to fall for another person tho. He's really funny but he teases me a lot. He says that's his way of showin his affection twards me. right now we're just good friends but I hope he likes me. He's the sweetest guy you could ever meet once ya know him *_*. I'm sorry I'm rambling so much. I just needed to tell someone this stuff and ur the only one I haven't e-mailed today and I didn't wanna seem bothersome to the other Seishi. Are all the Seriyuu mean? Do you think they would mind if I asked them a question? Nakago is my seishi cuz of my b-day. I wish I got Tomo but thaz okay. Nakago is cool in his own ways. ^_^ Well I gotta go and thank you for listening to my mindless rambles even if you don't respond tho I hope you do. Bai bai Obake-chan! ::runs away as Tama glows bright red::
Dear Morphie-chan,
Congratulations on being a Godmother and winning the scholarship! *Gives her a hug.* If I found someone's wallet, I would try to return it. I'm greedy, I'm not a thief! I think that out of all the Seiryuu Seishi Amiboshi and Soi are probably the nicest. There is a Kasa Klub that you can join:
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I'm sooooo p*ssed off this girl named Angel and believe me she is no angel is pretty and popular,but she is so h*lla annoying!!!!!She called me a boyish little b*tch and she is always pickin on my best friend.One time she broke my friends braclet and threw away her stickers and my friend always ask me to kick her @$$ I ask her why and she said because I choked Bill once.I told my friend to tell the teacher,but she said she didn't want be a tattle tail.I hate Angel that b*tch from h*ll must die!!!
touya no miko
Dear touya no miko,
If someone is harrassing you or your friend you need to let the teachers know, no da. There is a difference between being a tattle-tale and looking out for yourself and your friends. If Angel destroyed your friend's things then she should make restitution, no da. And you should not go around choking people, no da.
Dear Mitsukake,
You're SO cool! I can't believe some ppl dun like you! You're so sweet and stuff! I mean you only talk when it's needed right? ^_^ ::hugs:: I think your one of the nicest seishi! All of you guys are cool but I think you are a great role model! ^_^ Well I gotta go kay? ::hugs and hands him a cookie:: I baked em myself ^_^.
Dear Morphie-chan,
Arigatoi fir the cookie and your kind words. *Eats the cookie and gives some to Tama-neko...* Oishii cookie.
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