Dear Chiriko,
Hi chirikooooooo! ::hands him a cookie and eats one herself:: ::hugs:: GUESS WHAT! I just graduated from middle school! I'm goin to high school I'm going to high school! and guess what! I got a 2000 dollar scholorship! ^_^ wai! I'm so happy. This year was a pain in the arse for me! my science teacher fell offa a desk and shattered her knee cap! and then we got a drunk lady as a substatute! and then she got fired and then we got a lady who couldn't get the class under controll! and the math teacher couldn't teach so we got a new one! and I had to take a bunch of state tests cuz I live in NY and I keep getting made fun of cuz I'm smart and stuff! waddle I do? waddle I dooo? I hope that doesn't happen next year! Do you know how to prevent that from happening? It's really annoying @_@ well I gotta go. pardon alla the grammar and spelling errors but I'm hyper and rambling! ^_# ::dissapears in a cloud of smoke::
Dear Morphie-chan,
Arigato! Oishii cookie! I'm sorry that your school seems to be in such a mess. Congratulations on getting a scholarship! I think that people's attitudes towards grades will change once you get into high school. Keep up the good grades!
Dear Nuriko,
Hallo Nurikooooo! ::hugs:: did you ever grow your hair back? It looked so perty! what happened when you died? what was it like?
Dear Morphie-chan,
I never grew my hair back. And dying was rather painful and not fun at all! I DO NOT recommend it!
Dear Hotohori,
::Hands Hotohori a flower and kisses him on the cheek:: Hello Hotohori no da! Do you like being treated as royalty or do you prefer being treated as you? I always wondered that no da. Being emporer must be hardnan no da!:< Do you have any friends at the palace? It must be lonely there if you don' no da. How are Houki and Boushin nan no da? It's amazing how much Houki looks like Nuri! Is there any reason for that or was it just coincedenceno da? Ne ne, what makes you so sparkly?? It's soooo koo no da! ::tries in vain to sparle:: O well, I'll have to settle with glitter for now no da! ^_#(). Give Boushin a hug for me kay? He's ADORABLE! ^_#. Well I gotta go kay? ::dissapears in a cloud of smoke::
Dear Morphie-chan,
Arigato. I prefer to be treated as me. Boushin and Houki are both fine, thank you. Aside from the Seishi and my family, I really have no friends to speak of at the palace. I suppose I sparkle because I am bishounen.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Oi, I was wondering if any of you could help me with a problem I've been having lately. One of my younger sister's(tanya) friends,a guy, keeps calling but he always wants to talk to me and I dun even know him. Lately hes been pestering me to come over to his house when his parents aren't there. My best friend, Cindy-chan(she's alot like tasuki *lol*), says I should tell him to shut the h*ll up and stop calling, but I don't want to be impolite. But I also don't like him very much as he seems to enjoy calling and telling me everything under the sun and calling me sweetie(gonna kill him for that one of these days) and such. What should I do??? Domo Arigatou ahead of time ^^
P.S. Would all of you respondto this, onegai? Cin-chan says she wants to know what all of you would say. ^^ Btw, Chichiri and Tasuki are my fav, but I like of you b/c you're so #@*$* COOL! as Tasuki would say. ^^ DA!!
Dear Kashke,
Nuriko: Perhaps you should let him down easy and just tell him that you aren't interested in him at all. Good luck!
Chichiri: I agree with Nuriko, no da. But, perhaps you can still be his friend, no da?
Tasuki: Tell 'im to quit buggin' ya'!
Tamahome: Let him down easy. No one likes being rejected.
Hotohori: Be as diplomatic as possible.
Chiriko: Maybe he just looks up to you as like a big sister...
Mitsukake: If he is too young for you, you should tell him so.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Chichiri,
Hello no da! This place is soooo cool no da! I've gotten in the habit of saying no da at the end of every sentence no da! Thanks a lot no da! it's all your fault no da! ::hug:: ARIGATOOOOO NO DAAAAA! ^_# ::waves her kasa around:: Do you know where I can get prayer beads like yours no da? They're sooooo cool no da! I already have one Nuriko bracelete but it's too smal and it broke on me no da >< ::cries:: I need to get it ajusted no daaaaa ::wails::
Dear Morphie-chan,
You can check and see if you have a bead shop near you that carries red and green wooden beads and then make your own, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Hello no da! ::hugs and hands Tasuki a bottle of sake:: I just wanted to say hi and ask if this place is still working ^_# I'm sad that you hate women :< was that only because of your sisters that you thought that? or did other things happen to you that made you think that? Your voice rocks no da! ^_#. Well, I gotta go so I'll talk to ya later no da! Bai bai! ::dissapears in a puff of smoke leaving a halisen she dropped::
Dear Morphie-chan,
It was 'cos of my sisters. Thanks fer th' sake!
Dear Chichiri,
*bows* Thanx for the link to the Lyrics! I came here because of what Nuriko said and I figured I should confess to a monk considering there are no priests here besides myself. *stops for a min* I've never told anyone on the net this and I'm not used to confessing..yare yare. I'm a girl. *sighs* my own father irl never wanted to be around me he always did things with my older brother and I was left alone. My mom well thats a whole other story even though I live with her. All my life people have treated me badly so I guessed that if I could play the part of a guy then I would have better chances of being accepted by other people. Sorry this isnt much of a question but I needed to tell someone and you are my fave Seishi and you're good with this kind of stuff ne? *bows* I'm sorry for deceiving you but I never really deceived you at the same time *grins* it was the people themselves who decieded I was a guy and I never corrected them.I dont give clues as to what I am in the chat so they assume what they want and I just let them think what they want. Thanx for hearing me out..I just hope people dont change the way they act toward me. *sighs and starts walking off*
Dear XellossMetali,
You are who you are, no da. As Xelloss you are the trickster priest. Although I am saddened to hear that your father treats you the way he does. He has lost a wonderful opportunity to get to know a very nice young lady, no da.
Dear Mitsukake,
I dont know her...but i do. And all i have to say i sdoes age really matter when it comes to love? If she were your age, would it be okay? Love should not be focused around that kind of stuff, but around the heart. She needs you.
Dear anonymous,
She needs me as a friend more than she needs a boyfriend. I am quite willing to be her friend.
Dear Chichiri,
Hi Chichiri ^.#!
Grrr...I've seen hundreds of pictures of you, and i still cant figure out wheather or not you can move your left eyebrow!!!!! Can you please clear this up?
Crazy Fan
Dear Crazy Fan,
Yes I can, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
I came across a fic in which ur greatest nightmares had come true.U were married and had 5 girls.1 of them kept borrowing ur fan without permission and u kept going up in smoke!Is THAT ur greatest nightmare?If not,what is?
Dear Someone,
*Shudders* I remember that fic! I'd say that's certainly a worst nightmare fer me!
Dear Tamahome,
Would you ever sell your friends?
Dear Natsumi,
Depends... how much are you offering??
*Gets smacked by all the Seishi...*
ITAI!! I'm KIDDING!!! Guys!!! *They all start tossing various items at him...* IT'S JUST A JOKE!!!!!!!!
Dear Nuriko,
A friend of mine said that you were give great advices so I thought I'd asked you about my problem so here it goes...
I have a friend and we've been friends for a very long time and I think Im falling in love with him! I really value my friendship with him and Im afraid to tell him about my feelings for him because I might lose my friendship with him!!! what should i do? I love him but im afraid to lose him?
Dear Natsumi,
Take things slow and easy! I'm assuming you're a girl. Have the two of you ever been in a dating situation? If not, maybe you can invite him to see a movie or have lunch with you. At the very least you can get some private time alone with him and let him know that he is a very special friend to you and see what his reaction and response is. Take your cues from him. Good luck!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
What are the 'Bus Trip' episodes I've been hearing about so much? Thank you for your time.
Dear Sumi-chan,
They are the omake or extras that are on the ends of the oavs.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Tasuki: Wai! Hii!! *snicker* Got Milk?
Ya...Neeway, I'm that annoyng li'l friend of Angel's, Kasey! I'm the one that keeps her from getting arrested like her aniki! Anou...please forgive her grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors! I raz her about it all the time but she never listens.
Do you have any idea what's wrong with the Ask Seiryuu page, because I sent in a letter, and the answer was there, and now it's not, and I sent in a letter a looong time ago and it hasn't been answered yet. >.<
And we aren't as close as you and Kouji-san. She's exremly unloyal most of the time. *looks around nervously* 'Course...She's prolly gonna read this...*sweatdrop* This is my first time here...I usually stick around the Seiryuu page.
Now...about your little "Lekka Shinen" tendancies with Tamahome... Keep up the good work! ^_^ 'Course...Now Lindsey hits me with a paper fan screaming "Lekka Shinen!" and saying "no da" after everything... cackling and shouting "Hakujinraiho" in the middle of a thunderstorm has worn off it's effect of making her grab her tiny little rat-dog and hiding in her room. Now I just get papercuts more often -_-; ~~~~~
Hmm...A question....eeto...What do you do when you've broken a bond that -is- as strong as Tasuki's and Kouji's? I mean, it was all my fault, and her mom hates me and I have no clue what to do about it. I saw my friend at an anime convention a couple of weeks ago, and the saddest part is that she didn't even know why I hadn't called or written her ;_; Also, before her, my best friend in the whole world was shot (and on his birthday,too!), and kinda like with Nuri-chan and his sister, I started living for him (Though I didn't know I was mimicking someone's actions until about a year later, and I was already a crossdressr), and everyone thinks I'm wierd! See, he died before we moved, and everyone at this new place hates me except for Angel and that previously mentioned friend. I'm not that different from everyone else, but I can't figure it out. The only differences are that I speak Japanese, I draw anime/manga, and I think on a much higher level (It's not every day a 13 year old ponders the meaning of existance) and I don't believe in any god. I've lost two friends because of that, too. But how can you believe in a god when you've never seen a miracle, or none of your prayers have been answered? There have been nights when I spent hours praying, and crying, and nothing ever happened.
Another difference, is that whenever I can, I wear all black and line my eyes with charcoal. But that's not so odd; many teenagers do that. Also, I don't listen to American music. I prefer Gackt, Malice Mizer, and Glay over *NSync, Brittany Spears, and whoever-else-society-says-I-should-listen-to. (and again, more friends lost because of that)
Another question; What's so bad about not eating but once a day? It's been working out for me fine. At the rate I'm going, I'll be at the ideal wieght in about three months ('Cause sometimes the numbers bounce up and down)
*ahem* More questions!! Completely random, and require an answer from everyone who applies!
1) What's your favorite color?
2) Do you like pocky? I like Pocky...What kind of Pocky do you like? I like the kinds with the nut-like things mixed into the chocolate.
3) Can you play any intstruments? If so, which ones?
4) I like pepperoni. Do you like pepperoni?
5) Mongoose! (Tasuki)
6) Are you SURE you don't have a thing for Kouji?
7) Are you SURE he doesn't have a thing for you?
8) Eeww...Reirei's Oniichan was ugly, ne?
9) Running out of questions...What do you do when flies are overrunning your house? They won't die!!
10) If I can't see the floor in my room, is that really a bad sign? I found cheese in one of my drawers...It was kinda green...
11) Strawberries grow mold...It looks like Cool Whip...You cold really get someone sick like that, you know.
12) Tama, I can't wait to see if Nakago prefers you over Tomo ^_^
13) That one-meal-a-day it unhealthy if it consists of Diet V8 Splash and crackers?
14) Ooh..look...Mote questions than I expected! Is there anything any of you would change about things you've done or said in the past?
15) When you're really pissed or upset, which would you beat up on?
a) Someone (if so, who?)
b) a pillow
c) a wall
d) None of the above. I'd just sit there feeling depressed or angry
16) just how many "no-something"s do each of you have?!
17) Where can I find names for characters for my mangas?
18) Mitsukake, isn't it a shame your cat talks more than you do?
19) Aw admit it, Tama! You liked it when Nakago-sama kissed and licked you!
20) which of the Seiryuu seishi do you each like best?
Dear Kasey-chan,
You asked alot of questions, many of which have already been answered and are in the archives. So, we have decided to tackle the important issues in your letter instead.
If I've learned anything, I've learned that you need to live your life for yourself and not for anyone else. It will not bring your friend back, nor will it make him happy. Have you considered going to grief counseling? You might find it very helpful.
You and your other friend need to talk. You need to apologize to her for whatever it was that you did. You need to make amends to her mother as well.
As for one meal a day, V-8 and crackers DON'T count! You are 13 years old and need to eat a healthy balanced diet. If you feel you need to lose weight have your parents take you to a doctor so he can put you on a proper diet. If he says that you don't need to lose weight and you persist in this behavior I would suggest your parents look into therapy for you, as you may be anorexic and that can be fatal.
As for the Seiryuu peeji, we don't know why they aren't answering as we don't run it.
*Gives her a hug.* Take care and please keep in touch.
Dear Tamahome,
Tama-chan's future wife (hopefully)
Dear Tama-chan's future wife (hopefully),
8Gasps for air...* Gomen! I already have a wife, Miaka!
Dear Nuriko,
This is kind of a delicate question...but, eh, it's late and I've got nothing better to do, so I figured I'd ask., the question of your sexuality comes up quite a bit in FY, obviously. For most of the series, it seems rather obvious that you're gay as well as a crossdresser, because you love Hotohori-sama...but, then, of course, in episode 32 or so, there's the admission of loving Miaka, too. So, uh...what would you classify yourself as?? I've heard some say simply, "Nuriko doesn't discriminate against who he lets himself love." But, I've also heard others say, "Nuriko only loves Miaka as a brother, and only loves Hotohori in a more romantic sense."
To contrast, I've ALSO heard people say that you love Hotohori only because "Kourin would've loved him," or some drivel like that. :) So, anyway...I guess I just wondered what your take on the whole thing was.
Gomen for asking such a personal question...but, I wonder about these things. :) Arrigato, Nuriko-san...
Dear Violet,
To me love is love. I loved Miaka as a man and I also loved Hotohori. They are both loveable people to me.
Dear Hotohori,
*heads for the room the advisors pulled Houki-chan to*
All you have to do is look at her, flush a bit, pick her up, and carry her out of the room. Remember these are the guys who thought nothing of bathing and perfuming you both, then sticking you in the same bedchamber.. Like a prized stallion and a brood mare.. gomen I'm ranting..
*scolding voices are heard*
".. this is not the proper attire for an empress.."
"Is it what I'm wearing, or the fact you've reacted to it.. this is for the Heika not you.."
It's too bad that you didn't spend enough time together to truly fall in love.. Seishuku would have enjoyed being her husband.
Going in then?
Dear Doc-sama,
*Glares at Doc-sama...* How can you say I do not love Houki?!? I chose her above all others to be my empress! We are displeased with your intimations! *Slams open the doors and storms up to the Ministers...*
Dear Chiriko,
How can I get better at spelling? I spell things backwards and switch the letters around all the time and its getting annoying. I ace all my spelling tests but then when I normaly write its hard for people to understand. Thanks!
Dear XellossMetali,
Practice, practice, practice! Also, have you ever been tested for dyslexia? I only ask because you mention spelling things backwards and switching letters around. Please do not take offense!
Dear Suzaku Seishi, some miracle of fate, you've all landed on the massively-hyped TV show, Survivor. Despite how difficult it may seem, you must each choose ONE MEMBER of the Suzaku seven to vote off the island. Who do each of you each choose, and why? :)
Dear Ryuell,
Seishi: We all agree that we'd vote Chiriko off the island as he's just a kid.
Chiriko: I would vote Hotohori off the island as Konan needs it's leader.
Dear Hotohori,
Now, given the lovely chestnut sheen of your must brush it a lot, ne? So, uh, if you had to many times a day would you say you brush that beautiful mane of yours, eh? Just wondering. :)
Dear Ryuell,
I try to brush it 2-3 times a day.
Dear Mitsukake,
Do you enjoy coffee?
Anonymous Fanficcer
Dear Anonymous Fanficcer,
I do.
Dear Nuriko,
I have a minor problem. I have a crush on a guy, but he's super-shy! That wouldn't be a problem if I weren't as shy as him. Waaaaa....schools ending soon! I won't see him for the whole entire summer! What if he finds some other girl? I know if I don't approch him I might miss out, but I can't seem to do it. Any ideas?
Dear lil',
If he's THAT shy, he won't won't find another girl! Why not ask him out for a soda or to see a movie with you either over the summer or before school is over? Good luck!
Dear Hotohori,
Do you get angry when other men say they're more beautiful than you because I think Touya is hotter than you and you're number two on my hot list please don't be mad at me
Dear void,
No I don't. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
Dear Chichiri,
i know i am VERY very late, but happy birthday. i really, (honestly!) meant to write that in earlier but i am too lazy. i hate to admit this, but i am not happy that summer vacation is coming. i get out the 19th. i'm going into high school in the fall and i think that i'll never see my friends anymore. then again, i thought that about middle school and my best friend was in all of my classes this year. :P i am just confusing myself.
today i went to the beach and attempted to get a tan. i ended up with a big, not to mention PAINFUL, sunburn. i look like a lobster. it feels like my legs are on fire. hopefully it'll go away soon.
oh yeah, to keep this slightly FY related, i got some manga! Vol 8,9,10,11,12,13 and 17. they made me cry. especially volume 17. :(
Blue Avenger
Dear Blue Avenger,
Thank you for the belated birthday wishes, no da! Drink plenty of water and use aloe on your sunburn. Take care, no da!
Dear Nuriko,
*glomps Nuriko* PAPA!!! *gives him some chocolates* ^_^ Early fathers day present. Hope ya like it! TA!!*sprints off, trying to get away from flying fruit `n plushies*
Dear Keiko,
Oishii chocolates!! Arigato! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Chiriko,
I don't mean to offend you, but if you are really 13 years old, why do you look 8?
Megan C.
Dear Megan C.,
*Frowns...* I suppose I am a bit small for my age.
Dear Tasuki,
hi sweet heart! ya know this mailin thin! i write to ya and you write back! how do ya got this thin?!? well n-e-ways, i wish ya were here then ya and i can hang out together! well ill see ya around tasuki honey!
Amy Kou
Dear Amy,
Chiriko says we somethin' called cgi-bin to get messages offa somethin' called a server.
Dear Tasuki,
If you don't like women, then why do you like Miaka?? Or is she not a women??? Makes you think huh??
Dear shampoo,
She's th' miko so I gotta protect her! 'Sides she's kinda like a lil' sister to me, too.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Besides your self (or hotohori) who do you think is the best looking/hottest/cutest/prettiest guy in Fushigi yuuig??
Dear shampoo,
What an odd question! Gomen, but guys just don't think of each other or look at each other like that!
Dear Mitsukake,
Why do you look so ugly in drag??
Dear person,
*Looks offended...* Perhaps it is because I am so manly...
Dear Nuriko,
Where did you get make up in china that long ago???
Dear person,
Makeup has been around in one form or another for centuries.
Dear Mitsukake,
*raises eyebrow*How did you know I like you?Oo... And how do you know how old I am? Well,yes,I seem like a happy-go-lucky,peaceful,carefree kid,right? Wrong. I indeed have a tragic past,because nobody can be like me and not have one.
I've always had obsessions with guys.I don't know why,I just always had.Okay,so all through these years,I kept getting boyfriends,they'd dump me.Repeat,repeat,repeat.Eventually,they would leave wounds,and get me depressed for days.I'd torture myself.Unintentionally.I stopped for a while,but I got bored.(It's boring where I am.All I had was MarioKart!><;;)So I began again.Repeat,repeat.Because of this,I get depressed rather eaisily.Some would leave without even telling me.(The one I valued the most did this,and then his freind called me a b*tch!><;;)I was constantly scorned althroughout life.Everyone wanted to pick on Ash-chan.I'm getting off topic,aren't I?oo...Over time,the obsessions began to torture me more,and more,and more.Some were minor(Like the Chichiri and Kouji ones),and Some were major (You,and Tasuki ones). I hope that explains myself a little better.
Dear Ash-chan,
*Gives her a hug.* Your obssession with boys to the point of injuring yourself isn't healthy. Perhaps you should speak to your parents about therapy. There are some good treatments for depression and that might help you with your self-inflicted injuries as well. Please take care.
Dear Nuriko,
Hey nuriko, how come your beauty mark is on your right in the Manga but on your left in the Anime???
Dear heika-sama,
Artistic license??
Dear Tamahome,
Why do you still like Money if your family is already dead??? and another thing are you sad that Miaka chose Taka instead of you?? which i don't get because you are the same person right, so why change your name to Taka???
Dear heika-sama,
If you were the TRUE heika-sama you would know the answer. Money is very useful in Miaka's world as well as in mine. Since Taka and I are one and the same person, I had nothing to be sad over. And that is why I chose his name for a new beginning on Miaka's world.
Dear Tamahome,
What does it feel like to love somebody and be loved in return? I admit I have never felt it not even toward my parents irl. All I can feel is gratitude and compasion but its not the same thing is it? *hands him 2 gold ryou* I dont want sympathy nor anything like it I just want to know what love feels like.
Dear XellossMetali,
*Gives her a hug.* I don't know how to explain it, but it's a warm wonderful thing. Gratitude and compassion are certainly a part of love. Why do you say irl you feel no love towards your parents? Have you ever discussed this with a counselor? If not, you may want to consider doing so.
Dear Hotohori,
*sniffs* DA!! Arigato. Those were like the kindest words anyone has ever said to me. Even Tetsuno-chan hasn't said anything like that to me. I told her that I was jealous of her in a very long letter, but she didn't really seem to know what to say.
Of course I shall stay out of trouble at camp. Tetsuno-chan will be there and plus I don't think that I'll have time to get into trouble. Talk to ya later. *Hugs him back then runs off*
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
*Smiles at her and sparkles* You're very welcome.
Dear Hotohori,
You didn't like Vanilla, did you???
Dear Sami-chan,
Actually, I prefer chocolate.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I would like to know what you all think of amiboshi and if u still hold a grudge against for impostering Chiriko
Alex Calpyso
Dear Alex,
We bear him no ill will. We think that out of all the Seiryuu Seishi he was the most innocent and we're glad he was able to live a peaceful life.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Chiriko,
What do u think of Miaka?
Chiriko lover
Dear Chiriko lover,
She's very sweet and a good miko as well.
Dear Chiriko,
*A young girl around his age with long dark red curls and emerald green eyes walks up to him. Wearing a Sailo style outfit.*
Hajimemashite! You must be Chiriko-kun ne? I have heard a lot about you from Subaru-chan. *Takes a quick bow* I'm Byakko Seishi Ekie. *Smiles*
Dear Ekie,
*Bows back* Hajimemashite! Douzo yoroshiku onegaishimasu!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Can u tell me a place where I can find eikou den part 2 ENGLISH translations?Thanks.
A fushigiyuugi fan
Dear Tasuki,
Ano....I don't know who THAT Lina is but it's not me. But you are still as annoying as ever baka-chan!!! -.-;
Dear ACTUAL Lina,
Are ya' really th' REAL Lina?? Ya' didn't fireball me! *Grins and runs*
Dear Tasuki,
Can there be more than a student/teacher relationship between a student and teacher? ^_^
Dear baka-chan,
It depends on th' age of th' student an' th' teacher. But it really ain't right!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Arigato! for listinig to me i just want to say i love you alland umm i am really *sweatdrops shakes is little worried that might say someting wrong* how have yall been lately me fine *holds hand still* i just want to ask a question what do you do if you have a lot if freinds and they are all boys and they don't get very good grades but you do and they see that you do and then they get mad you what do you do i tried not to do so good but i still get good grades but i don't want to have go greades and no frinds like my average grades r 3 a's and 3 b's but most of ny friends get mad when they see my grades so i started to stop doing work and homework and my grades beagin to drop my freinds were alittle happier and i was happier because they were not mad at me but my mom was very disapointed what shall i do?
Dear Angel,
You should continue to get good grades! Perhaps you could help your friends to get better grades. NEVER drag yourself down just to please someone else and be at their level!! Getting A's and B's is something you should be proud of!
Dear Tamahome,
hi *hand tamahome 2 ryou* so how have you been me i hate my life but enough about me lets talk about you what do you like to do when you r alone and what was going through your mind when nakago kissed u o.O if you could pic 2 of the seiryuu seishi to be a suzaku seishi who would it be and why tell miaka that i joined the M.I.T.C. club i won't tell you what that is just yet so how dose it feel to be in love i have never been in love i am afraid getting you could say that is my weakness but my aniki calls it wonderful he says love is for p*ssies i whish i could feel love for someone besides family what do you think you proably don't have time for me so i will leave you to your love miaki and the other suzaku seishi i just wanna say have a nice summer
Dear Angel,
I wanted to throw up when Nakago kissed me! I think he eats raw onions!! I would pick Soi and Amiboshi to bring in. Love is a wonderful thing and I'm sure that you will experience it when the time is right.
Dear Tasuki,
hiya it is me again i saw a pic of your mother i feel sorry for you thankz god that iwas never breast feed ever but knows your pain thermomerter was sstuck in bad place as child and was beaten by older cousins like they did not stop unrill blood was drawn and has 1 aniki and one sister and as has a freind like kouji but only female her name is kasey i know almost evrything about you height 179 cm or 178 born 4/18 has 5 sisters left home @ earli age adopted the name genrou leadere of bandits like u above all.
i saw the fy movie once 2 months ago and then fell in love wit you your are the most funniest person i know and we have a some tings in common like we both dis like tamahome dosn't like big bodies of water the bad thing is love's milk but it has to com from the store for me to drink and have a tessen that i got off the inter net but il ike yours more love ya^_^
Dear angel,
Hi yerself. I'm sorry yer family life is kinda painful. I hope things get better fer ya'.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
My graduration from sixth grade is (Jun.14)today! *crys* Am going to miss my firends and nice teachers!Am going to the 7th grade! YYAAY!!!!!I can't want! ;-; Now I have a little tiny time to say hi and leave again.. So konichiwa minna ! I feel so happy I want to give minna a hug! *hugs minna* (>^-^>)
Dear Deserae,
Congratulations! *They all give her a hug.*
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Nuriko,
Hello, I am a big F.Y. Anyway I was just wondering if U thought that maube i'd look good with blue hair?....well 2 start off I'm '5"6(girls can't tell their weight u understand right?)anyway I am pretty good looking so that won't B a problem..oh yeah and I have brown hair whadya think? thanx.
Sayori Mishi
Dear Sayori Mishi,
I think you should stick to brown and maybe put in some highlights if you want to play with your hair color.
Dear Tasuki,
Hmm hmm hmm... I'm thinking your 'I hate women' thing is more.. well, I think it's that you, perhaps, dislike women in general... however, as seen from your actions around the multiple women in FY and Ask the Seishi, it would seem that, on a more personal level, you don't dislike them all. It's easy to say 'I hate all women', but when you meet those who don't quite fit into your stereotype of women, your feelings and actions don't reflect your aversion towards them.
Am I right?
Shadra D
Dear Shadra D,
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki Papa I am free of school...FREEEEEEEEEEE! :jumps on his back: and AX is soooo close! is CnA gonna go to Watase's pannel?! ^_____^ Weeeeeeeeeeeee I cant wait!
Ashley Chan Your FAVORITE Daughter
Dear Ashley Chan,
Of course she is!! Wild Seishi couldn't drag here away!! An' yer gonna LOVE th' addition to her cosplay costume... *grins*
Dear Mitsukake,
hey this a baka wit a baka aniki i have 1 question where is Tama?
a baka wit a baka aniki
Dear a baka wit a baka aniki,
He's sleeping on my bed.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
To mainly Hotohori, Chichiri, Tasuki and Tamahome. Do you know where I can find the lyrics to the song metcha hajikete or do you know what you are talking about between the singing?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi! n.n I was just wondering. If Suzaku and Seiriuu are two out of four of the gods then who are the other two. I know one is a wolf and the other is... a bird. Im not so sure. Its kinda confusing for me.
Dear Aurora-chan,
Suzaku is a red phoenix, Seiryuu is the blue dragon, Byakko is the white tiger, and Genbu is a turtle/snake.
Dear Mitsukake,
Hihi! ^_^ I think im getting old. My hair is falling out, i get headaches, stomach aches, and dizzyness just about everyday and im constantly sad. I think its a bit wierd but my mom says its normal but im only 13... is it normal? ^_^;
Dear Aurora-chan,
It doesn't sound normal to me. Have you ever had a complete physical exam by a doctor? If not, maybe you should.
Dear Nuriko,
*sweatdrop* I know you are a guy..yare yare I guess I didnt explain my question too well so I'll explain it better this time. If someone wasnt given any chances to prove themself worthy to someone they wanted to get to know just because of what they are. Is it okay to act like something else even though the person who they wanted to get to know will not ever get to know them but they still act a certain way because they think that other people are the same way and wont give people a chance because of what they are?
Dear XellossMetali,
Ah, Ithink the best advice here is be yourself. Relationships based on lies and deception never last.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey how come you didn't get the letters I sent to you guys? *looks like she's about to cry*Does this mean you don't like me?
touya no miko
Dear touya no miko,
We get a lot of letters and because of this we are not always able to answer all of them. Gomen.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
hi-hi^_^ How ya all doin? schools almost out, this is the last day, and I still havent gotten all my friends to sign my yearbook, and I still havent gotten pictures of some!! Oh, and(ya, I know I'm new but...) you'll all probrably be gettin' a note or somethin' every day from me, or atleast 'till school starts again^_^;
awwww, I dont wanna go to school today-_-
finals*shivers* but I have to go, must hunt down many many people to sign yearbook and take pictures!!! They cant get away from me!!!*grins evily and notices that she's getting strange looks from everyone around her, and assures everyone that she's not totally insane, but half way there^_^;;;*
well, I have ta go finish getting ready for finals-_-* (wahhhh, I dont wanna go!!!!!!!)
Dear Fallon,
Have fun and good luck on your finals!
Dear Mitsukake,
bopety is a nonsense kind of turn.Like hyper.I'm pretty sure I am indeed too bopety...I already know I'm accident prone.
And I had a horrible dream!I woke up screaming,I was shaking,and I cried.In and out of it.
Ash-chan(Scared.Very scared version)
Dear Ash-chan,
It was only a bad dream. I'm sure you are fine now.
Dear Nuriko,
*sheepishly walks up to him* Um......*blushes* Please allow me to marry your lovely daughter Nijuunanagou....I promise I'll take good care of her. And well we love eachother....Doc-sama wanted it to....Please consider it...
Dear Amiboshi,
If it is ok with Doc-sama, it is ok with me. But don't you hurt her!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
who is your favorite cardcaptor sakura character mine is touya heehee but you already knew that^_^
touya no miko
Dear touya no miko,
Sumimasen, we haven't seen enough of it to pick favorites.
Dear Nuriko,
How do I make my hair look nice?
Dear Karisma,
Take good care of it. Eat a well balanced diet. Use a good shampoo and conditioner and get a good haircut.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Do you know where I can get CHEAP 52 Fushigi Yuugi episodes?
Dear dd_tran,
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey, at the bottom of your main page you have a link to go take the FY test at this Star Compass place thingy......I went there.... I couldn't find it~~~!!!!!!! Is it not there, or am I just an idiot?
Oh yeah, and if you guys were reborn in modern times, what kinda jobs would you guys have(or want)?
I think Chichiri and Tasuki should be....STRIPPERS!! j/k Though I wouldn't mind seeing that *drools*
Dear Mi-Chan,
We went there as well and the peeji seems to be under major reconstruction! Gomen!
Tasuki: Thief
Chiriko: Computer whiz
Chichiri: Counselor
Mitsukake: Doctor
Nuriko: Model
Hotohori: Idol singer
Tamahome: Bodyguard
Dear Tamahome,
*hands him 2 gold ryou* Ok Tama, gotta question for ya. I have the Japanese FY manga's, so I really don't understand much yet... There's this part where there is a girl (I think she is Subaru's daughter)
and she looks just like Miaka (in the manga anyway).....Um.. Why did you
kiss her? Did Miaka do something wrong? Please answer my question! Ja ne...OBAKE-CHAN~~!!!!!!! *runs off after seeing Tamahome's chi flare up*
Dear Mi-Chan,
She is Subaru's adopted daughter and that is all I can say without giving away spoilers. You need to watch our adventures to find out why I kissed her.
Dear Tasuki,
Im gonna make a cosplay outfit of my favorite shichiseishi!!! ...*looks back and forth at Chichiri and Tasuki* ....I love them both!!!! *lightbulb appears over her head*
Several hours later....
*Strange girl walks in wearing a kasa and Chichiri mask, Tasuki's trenchcoat, holding a tessen, and a staff in the other hand*
Lekka Shinen no-DA~~~~~!!!!!!! Konnichiwa! Watashi wa Chisuki desu!!!
Chichiri and Tasuki: *sweatdrops*
*Dips her fan in lighter fluid, then lights it on fire* Yatta no-da! *Tries to disappear in her kasa, ends up ripping it in half*
Chichiri: Eh...daijobu no-da?
Tasuki: Heh, how pathetic!
*glares* Ok, I'll just take the REAL ones then! *snatches Tasuki's tessen and Chichiri's kasa and runs off*
Mi-chan (no, wait) Chisuki!!!!
Dear Mi-chan,
Tasuki: OI!! Get back here wit' our stuff!!!
Chichiri: Don't woryy, no da! *casts a freeze spell on her and they walk up to her and reclaim their stolen goods...*
Dear Tasuki,
HI!!!! {Runs in while he's eating} Your the greatest guy I've ever met, {Hugs him nearly choking him} I just want you to know that. I'll be back because school is about to let out. {Hugs him tighter} Love.
Moon Wolf
Dear Moon Wolf,
Thanks, I think...
Dear Hotohori,
I love u but u look gay w/ your hair up.Leave it down.Do u wont a babygirl.
Dark Angel 999
Dear Dark Angel 999,
I already have a wife and a son, thank you.
Dear Chichiri,
HOUJUN!!!! **runs up and hugs him** How have you been? **kisses him** Its been so long... **kisses him again** Where has life led you? I got rid of an annoyance for you. Willow and her friends are mad at me...but they dont know you as well as I. You arent mad...are you? I thought it was right. Ending someones suffering is a good thing, right?
Dear Kouran-Ri,
I suppose... What exactly are you talking about, no da?
Dear Chichiri,
You have an Aisai!!!!!????????!!!!!!!!
But...but in the ...she....when does she come in!?! I thought you were avaliable! I saw the whole confused Chichiri sama.
Dear Dragonfire,
Ano... I also have an aijin, Chichiri no Aijin. Both she and Chichiri no Aisai have nothing to do with the series, no da
Dear Tamahome,
*hands Tamahome two gold ryou*
Tama: O-KA-NE!!!! *Runs away with money and leaves Mishi behind*
Mishi: HEY! I was gonna ask you a question! *grumble grumble* Tasuki, will you burn him for me?
Dear Mishi,
*Eyebrow twitches* I think you've written to the wrong Seishi… -_-;;; Besides, I DIDN'T do what those things!
Dear Tasuki,
*fwaps Tasuki* Baka Fang-chan!! ^^;; Um...Tell Obake-chan I didn't um...mean to punch him in the gut...*fwaps Tasuki before she leaves*
Dear Keiko,
OI!! What th' H*LL was that fer????
Dear Chiriko,
Konbanwa, Chiriko. Quick language question. How do you say, "I crave caffeine" in Japanese? ^_^.
Dear Zenshou,
Watashi wa kafein o hoshigarimasu!
Dear Chichiri,
Hello.I was wondering,Chichiri....Do you think....
Fluffy:Get on with it.
Ash-chan:Do you think myself and Mitsukake make a good couple?
Ash-chan and Fluffy
Dear Ash-chan and Fluffy,
Not really, no da. You are too young for him. I think it would be better if you remained friends, no da.
Dear Hotohori,
Guess where I'll be next week? I'll be at a church camp called Wild Week. The last thing I need is an excuse to be wild. *laugh* Oh well. A whole week without electronics. *sniff* oh well. I can survive.
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
Have a great time and stay out of trouble!
Dear Tasuki,
*A female bandit slowly walks up behind him and sets down her sword* ..Not at all what I was expecting, but ah well, a dare's a dare. *blinks a few times* *then tackles him to the ground and ties him up* *sits down infront of him and takes out a jug of sake, holding it right where he cant reach it* I apologize for this, but it wasn't my idea you understand. And no, I am not going to tell you who dared me to do this. *grins slightly* *crosses her legs, which was rather hard to do in a skirt* ... *takes a drink of the sake* *then continues to talk on about how this is the strangest dare she's ever received*...
Dear Alaithia,
Did that brat Lina Inverse put ya' up to this???? I'm gonna KILL her!!!! *Struggles to free himself from the ropes.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Konnichiwa minna! I just watched the "Bus Trip" episodes, very kawaii! Bad Chiriko, having to censor you like that!! *screams and cries* MITSUKAKE!!! How dare you strangle Chichiri-sama!! *pulls out her mallet*. By the way Chichiri, you make a very cute girl! You too, Tasuki-chan! *laughs* (oh, I hope you guys have watched the episodes, otherwise I'm just rambling on, leaving you guys clueless! >_<)
Anyway, I've always wondered this, if you were born during modern times, what would you're roles be if you guys were in highschool? Like would Tasuki be the classclown? Hotohori the prep? Help me out guys! If its not too much trouble I'd like to hear from everyone! Arigato!
Dear Mi-chan,
Tasuki: Skateboarder
Tamahome: Jock
Hotohori: Class president
Chiriko: Genius
Chichiri: Class Vice-President
Mitsukake: Quiet student
Nuriko: Cheerleader/Prom Queen
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Nuriko,
YAAAYYYY!!!!!!Tomorrow is the last day of school and I need wear something dressy *holds up two dresses*so which one the one-piece or the two-piece?
cloud fairy
Dear cloud fairy,
It's kind of difficult without knowing what they look like. Hmmm… the one piece?
Dear Tamahome,
Do you know a girl name cloud fairy?
water sprite
Dear water sprite,
I've seen her on the site.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Do you guys watch cardcaptor sakura?
touya no miko
Dear touya no miko,
We have from time to time.
Dear Tasuki,
Who's reirei and what did she look like?
Dear tomoyo,
Rei-Rei was a very dear friend that died. She kinda looked like a young Miaka.
Dear Chichiri,
Chichiri-san I'm having alot of problems with my friends. What can I do with girls that think men are what they live for? How am I going to snap them out of it? I don't think that way although....I have my own lil obsession.. *huggles her Nuriko doll* but I have my limits. It's not so healthy to obsess to the point of what some of my friends obsess to. Every day one of them come to me with a new problem and I don't know what to do. The other just doesn't listen to me...I'm not going to say who they are but I'll say you've met them both. It's so hard sometimes to keep everything alright....As a friend that's what I want to do..*rubs her temples* Oi! It's so hard....I do tend to help most things but a new problem is always arriving....I like how the shirt looks on you! It's great*buttons it up and straightens it out* there much better Chichiri-san!
Dear Willow,
Arigato, no da! Well, if people don't listen to your advice, stop giving it to them, no da. As for your other friend she needs to learn that she is her own person and doesn't need anyone else (including a boyfriend) to validate her existence. Besides, men like independent women, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
..what's a WMC, whats an Aijin (you can tell i'm new at this)...
Dear Dragonfire,
WMC is Wandering Mage Chichiri a very dear friend, my aijin is Chichiri no Aijin, and of course there is Chichiri no Aisai, no da.
Dear Chiriko,
Wow. You are really smart. No one knew that
Dear Dragotaur,
Arigato! *Smiles*
Dear Hotohori,
*blinks* It's something I borrowed from Sailo, Subaru-san wears the style. *pulls out manga 11, turns to peeji 178* It's light and decent see.. We thought you'd enjoy it...
Dear Doc-sama,
Ah, I suppose they have never seen such a thing and that is the problem. Shall we show this to them?
Dear Mitsukake,
Hey you know what? I think someone out there likes you Mitsu-chan.*hint hint* My friend Ash-chan is real shy...
Dear Willow,
Oh, I know. But she is too young for me.
Dear Hotohori,
Hey there. I just realized something. Actually I've known this since like Christmas vaction, but I just now allowed myself to admit it. I figurd out that I was jealous of my best friend!! I was jealous of Tetsuno Tenshi because of a lot of reasons and it hurts me to know how I feel. I honestly don't want to be jealous of her, it's just that I can't ever seem to...I don't know. I don't even know how to write a simple letter saying how I feel. I don't know why but, I can't seem to get my feelings straight lately. I just feel really confused about stuff. Oh well. Maybe it's just a teenage thing. I don't know. But I do know how Chichiri feels. I can relate a lot to his character and to yours. I have always been surronded by people and friends but I consider myself shy and I feel lonely all the time. Oh well. Maybe I'll outgrow all these feelings. Talk to ya later.
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
It does seem that confused emotions and teen angst are all a part of growing up. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
heyo Tas-chan!tha question i wanna ask is...why doesn't'Ask Reikaku'update?i'm askin you cuz you are Kouji's best buddy and all.I hope you got the letter with the nicknames me n' kay made up(if not,oh well,i'll retype my letter:P).o.k. JA RULE...opps ^_^;i mean JA NE!
joy-chan and Aidou
Dear joy-chan and Aidou,
We don't know since we don't maintain it. Gomen.
Dear Hotohori,
goes over and glomps Hoto* Sorry I know you dont even know me but your so cute! *goes into dreammy state* Well, I have a bit of a prob. Sometimes when I try to get into this site or spacifically the chatroom I get this thingy that says 403 error. Then other times I can get in with no problem! hmm, I am reallt not that good on computers. Oh well, thanks. *give Hoto a kiss on the cheek and blushes, then leaves*
Dear Mitsukake,
WAAAAAAAIII!I got my grades today!My parents were hidin' them from me!Yatta!I passed!*bops around*I thought I had failed,but I didn't!Teh lowest grade I got was 1 B!YAAAAAY!I can be a sugarhigh boppety obsessive fan again!WHOO-HOO!*sits on his shoulder SD after calming down*
Ash-chan(Happy version)
Dear Ash-chan,
Omedeto on your good grades. *Smiles and gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
*whomps him in the back of the head and innocently acts like she didn't then starts walking away calmly*
Dear Willow,
Jus' who d'ya think ya' are??? Lina Inverse?
Dear Hotohori,
Waaaaaaai!!! Hoto-sama!!!!! I just saw the BEST thing EVER!!!!!!!!! It was so amazing! @.@ you should really really really go to !!!!! This music video is a work of art...actually, it's a live, but anything of Gackt's is GREAT! I looooove Gackt sooooooo much...wheeheeheeee...
Dear Sami-chan,
We saw it. It was very interesting. Arigato.
Dear Chichiri,
I NEED HELP!!!!!! I dont know what to do. You see, i have this fear of blood and doctors. Its REALLY BAD. I get so scared and want to attack anything to get away from the doctor and room he/she is working in. I cant seem to overcome it. What do you think i should do?
Dear anonymous,
Perhaps you should see a therapist that specializes in phobias, no da. You could have iatrophobia and hemaphobia (fear of doctors and fear of blood), no da. These things are best left to professionals.
Dear Mitsukake,
Hola! You're a vetrinarian, right?
Well, my lizard Chichiri has a little problem. (He got the name by the way he disapears and his little dancing act,and he's not afraid of being handled).
Anyway...whenever i pick him up he....romances my finger. It gets sorta annoying, if you know what I mean. He's half normal besides that. he's a friendly psychotic lizard, but still. He wont do it to the rest of my family. How do i stop this insanity!?!
Dear Lybra,
*Sweatdrops* Actually, I'm not. Perhaps that is his way of showing affection for you.
Dear Mitsukake,
Hi! I think it's great your a doctor and want to help people, I've two questions. Why did you become a doctor{other then your healing ability} and whered you get Tama?
Dear Lucy,
I wanted to help people. Tama-neko found me after Shouka passed away.
Dear Nuriko,
I think your amazing {even if your gay} and I was very sad when you died. I have one question, even though your a he how do you make it look like your a she?
Dear Lucy,
Good clothes, hairstyling, and makeup!
Dear Chichiri,
Hi Ya Know! I've been meaning to ask you why you say ya know all the time, even my best friend say's ya know all the time, but I think your cool and make the show more "interesting" ya know!
Lucy, ya know
Dear Lucy,
Arigato for your kind words, no da. I say "no da" because that is how people in my village speak, no da.
Dear Tamahome,
I think your greedy, selfcentered, money hungery! Just like me!!! But leave Tauski,wauski alone!I do have one question though, when you found out you were a character in a book how did you feel towards Miaka?
Dear Lucy,
I still loved her. Tasuki-wasuki???? *Bursts out loud laughing...*
Dear Tasuki,
Waski Mosqi Fosqi!!! I think your the most handsome of the senshi, I think your great, and if Tamahoma ever hits you again I'll whack him one! {My best friend just told me you got a girlfriend! You better NOT!!!} I have two questions, are you still single, and who the heck are some of those girls beating up on you I see? Well I love you,
With love,
P.S. I'm not a fanatic I'm just a No Miko! {BIG FAN}
Dear Lucy,
I got an Aisai, Iri-chan. But, I think she's been too busy in the real world to hang wit' me lately. Th' girls? Heh-heh-heh… they're my sisters!
Dear Hotohori,
You Rock!!!! I don't think your gay! {But I do! I'm her best friend Lucy, but only with your hair up and when you where those dress's} I on the other hand, think your a great ruler. Go Hotohori!! Are you coming back in act two?
Dear Stacy,
I'm not gay. And I do make appearances in Act 2 and the OAV series.
Dear Chiriko,
Hi, I'm a Fan of yours and think it's great a small kid will fight for his home, my question is do you have any regrets about giving up your child hood to fight a war you almost lost?
Dear Lucy,
None at all.
Dear Hotohori,
What if Miaka hadn't been the Suzaku no Miko? Would you still have fallen in love with her? What if Yui had been the Suzaku no Miko? What if......a nice, quiet fangirl became the Suzaku no Miko? ^_^
Well, thank you in advance if you decide to answer my questions.
Nice, Quiet Fangirl
Dear Nice, Quiet Fangirl,
I think so. I loved her for who she was not what she was.
Dear Chichiri,
You know we look very much alike.Wanna be friends?
yamazaki from Cardcaptor Sakura
Dear yamazaki,
Actually, Ithink I have more in common with Sakura's brother Touya. But sure, no da!
Dear Nuriko,
Gomen Nuriko-san Nakuru just dosen't like it when other guys crossdress like him
Nakuru:Everyone knows I'm the greatest crossdresser ever!!!!*does a kawaii pose*
Suppi:More like second best.T_T
Nakuru:What was that!?
Eriol:Now lets not fight we're friends remember ^_^
Nakuru and Suppi:Yes master.
Eriol,Nakuru,and Suppi
Dear Eriol,Nakuru,and Suppi,
*Frowns* Actually, he is crossdressing like me and I do it better!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Okay nuriko lets take a vote we'll ask the suzaku seishi who the best crossdresser is,but we all know who it is *points at himself*
suppi:I doubt that you'll win.
nakuru:*glares at suppi*
eriol:here are the votes from the CCS gang
the ccs gang
Dear ccs gang,
There seems to be a tie. Gomen, but we all agree that Nuriko is the better crossdresser. After all, he did fool everyone in the palace for almost a year!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hiyo, I have a link for the person who wanted t` know the dub seiyu of ya guys. Here it is: ^^ TAA!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
HEYLO ^O^i missed you guys cuz i haven't written to you in like*counts fingers*6 months*hugs all the seishi*.Gomen Chichiri and Tasuki for missin yer b-day*hands both of them a present*.oh yeh,me and kay made up nicknames for some of you.AHEM....
Tamahome-Tamahomie,Tamahawkman(kinda like Tony Hawk ;P)
Tasuki-Tasty(kay made that name up for ya)
Hotohori-Hottie ~_^
i don't have nicknames for Nuri or Chiriko(sowwy)but i have a question for both of you.(4 Nuri)Were you reborn as a gurl or a guy?(4 Chiriko)What does"omae o korosu"mean?Heero jus keeps saying it.okies i gotta go.JA NE!
Dear joy-chan,
Interesting nicknames... *Sweatdrops* I believe that Nurio was reborn male. "Omae o korosu" means "I'm going to kill you".
Dear Tasuki,
Dear Lina,
Heh-heh-heh… that's what ya' always say… *Grins at her.* I didn't know ya' cared!
Dear Chiriko,
*runs crying into room with tears running down her face* Chiriko-san! *Bawl!* I'm sooooo nervous! I'm taking my first final exams next week but I think I'm going to fail! *glomps Chiriko* My friends and I have been planning various ways of passing, but I'm still worried....I can't do social studies or science worth crap. Could you give me suggestions on how to pass?
- A freaked out Neko-Tenshi
Dear Neko-Tenshi,
Study your notes, class material, and books! Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Tasuki,
*POUNCE!* ... Ow, the cut on my hand hasn't finished healing X.x; AND VERY PUNNY TASUKI! =P Well cats aren't nearly as fun to walk as dogs are. Besides, a cat isn't likely to protect you from the scary/strange people who wander about now and then. (Though I've discovered I run into less of them in the morning as opposed to late afternoon.)
*sweatdrops* I have to decide if I'm going to go with my mom to wherever my grandpa decides to scatter my grandma's ashes. I'd like to go, but I would really just rather not be around my grandfather after having learned a few things in December/January when my grandma was doing really bad that nobody had shared before. -_-;; It's not really affecting me at all right now, but if I'm around him I'll definately think about it and I don't know how that will affect how I act towards him and it'll be hard pretending I don't know.
You know, all of my blood-related grandparents have been screwed up one way or another, but all the step ones have been great ^^;;
Dear One-chan,
I dunno what ti tell ya' 'nout yer ojii-san. I guess it jus' depends on how important it is to ya' to be there. Glad ya' liked th' pun! *Grins*
Dear Mitsukake,
Stupid insects...Lookit!Those #$@^&%' things bit up my shoulder!It's red now! And people can't say I look like a guy anymore.
I got a chest!Whoo-hoo!Yaaaaaay!!^_^ But then of course,I've always had one...Maybe I should wear one of those low-cut shirts....
My stupid webpage provider won't let me write Ai Shiteru!And it's the name of my fanfic!My friends helped me.But I don't like writing Wo Ai Ni!It brings back real bad memories...(Not as much as Leva and Blastoise,but they're still pretty bad.) And I made the WORST possible mistake everrr!
Please forgive me! This is horrible!I paired you up with Ceilah!Waaaah!
I'm going to try to fix that... Oh,and guess what? I can walk in my room now!I cleaned it! My birthday isn't close,but it isn't far either... July 3rd! Ah well.I have to fix my stupid fanfic cause the webpage erased it. *glomps,purrs,and then dissolves into the ground*
Ash-chan(Ranting version)
Dear Ash-chan,
*Blink… blink… looks confused…*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Fang boy: Where ever did you get those adorable fang thingies? Ever bit your tongue? I'm sure that would hurt!
Chiriko: Why, oh why is the plural of mouse mice but the plural of house isn't hice?
Monk-san: What else do you keep in your kasa besides the occasional people you shove in? I mean, can you use it to store things?
Money boy: Didn't anyone ever tell you that the best things in life are free? Or that money can't buy happiness?
Crossdresser boy: You're just so cute! What kind of shampoo do you use, and do you ever use conditioner? If so, what kind? Or do you ancient chinese have a different way of keeping hair clean?
Emperor: Pop quiz-Where should you put the object in front of the mirror in order to produce an equal sized image?
a)At the radius of curvature
b)Inside F
c)Between C and F
d)As long as I'm the object, I don't care where I am placed as long as I am in front of the mirror and looking pretty!
Mitskake: Quick, best herbal remedy for obnoxious sisters! Well, really, I might take some advice on keeping cats from trying to kill me!
If you throw a cat out of a window, is it kitty litter?
What was the only continent not fought on in World War 2?
Why do you waste your time answering stupid questions?
Why am I so cute?
Why are you all so much cuter? :P
Why am I babbling?
Do I like mint chip ice cream?
Why are fanged people, crossdressers, narcissists, obnoxious money "grubbers", and so forth so attractive to people?
Why is the answer 42?
Dear Evoli,
Tasuki: They ain't fan'-thinies'! They're teeth! Everybody bites their tongue an' of course it hurts!
Chiriko: That is just how your language is setup.
Chichiri: Sometimes I do, no da.
Tamahome: Yes, I just never believed them.
Nuriko: I use a special shampoo and conditioner made for me in Konan.
Hotohori: Why D of course!
Mitsukake: Gomen there are no herbal remedies for obnoxious sisters. As for the cats, stop smearing yourself with tuna and you should be fine.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
So, I hear that you and Koji ... look! I stopped myself! I may have implied something, but I did not ask a hentai question! Sniff, sniff ... I'm so proud. So ... when are you gonna marry me?
Dear Julie,
Hmmm… I don't that's gonna happen I already got one aisai, Iri-chan! An' that's enough to have to handle!
Dear Mitsukake,
I get hurt too much.Am I too bopety?I have a large gash on my knee that's only barely healed,The cut with the lightbulb,The hand my dog bit,The foot my dog bit....My brother rammed a door over my foot.Gaaaah!I think I am too bopety.What do you think?
Ash-chan(Depressed version)
Dear Ash-chan,
Bopety??? Do you mean "accident-prone"? It seems quite possible.
Dear Tasuki,
I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh yeah, and I was wondering how I could get cool fangs like yours!!!!!
Dear Selphie,
I dunno. Grow 'em?
Dear Chichiri,
Hi my fox-eyed god! Her name is a curse after what she did to you. You are the loyalest, sweetest, most nicest guy in the universe and beyond. You deserve someone who equals that. She was deserve better. And you also shouldnt be sad anymore. You have a kazillion fans that love you more than she ever did. WE LOVE YOU CHICHIRI
Dear Lybra,
Arigato for your kind words, no da. Kouran did nothing wrong. What happened was Hikou's doing, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
Hi! Guess what! I'm going to Ontario for the whole summer I'm leaving on July 2 and coming back on August 17. I can't wait I get to go work at my Aunts daycare and make money. My Uncle is getting married on the 28 and I get to go. You see my uncle is marring the guy I likes best friends mom. That is confusing. Basicly this guy that I like is best friends with my uncles feances kids and they are even the same age as me. And I was talking to my uncle and the 2 boys can each invite a friend to the wedding so he will probaly be there. Last summer is whan I met him and the day before we left we were so close to hooking up but my mom came down the stairs so we didn't but I'll have the whole summeer with him so maybe we will hook up this time. Thanks for your time
Bondage no Miko
Dear Bondage no Miko,
That sounds like a great summer vacation! Good luck! Ganbatte ne!
Dear Mitsukake,
I just now realized I've never wrote a letter that claims possession. Please wait. Miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiineeeeee!*glomps him tightly*
Ash-chan(Affectionate version)
Dear Ash-chan,
*Smiles and hugs her back.* Arigato.
Dear Nuriko,
*bows* (I cant believe I'm asking this) Is it easier for people ,in general, to accept you as a guy or as a girl? cause..well..I just need to know thats all..
Dear XellossMetali,
I guess that depends on the person. But either way, I AM male.
Dear Chichiri,
Hello! I just thought that perhaps it would be good if we finally met, with me being your tenshi an all. So, it's nice to meet you! :) The whole conversation Kageno and I had in her letter came out of that strange mind of hers! But, she is my best friend (you'll keep that a secret right? She's supposed to be my mortal enemy!*_*) so I guess she thinks she knows me well enough to speak for me. Now that I think about it, she probably does! Okay, on to the question (this site is called ASKtheseishi after all): Where could I send my fanfic to get you guys to read it over and hopefully give suggestions? You see, I am doing fine with the plot, but I keep getting stuck on ya'll's ( how are you supposed to make that grammatically correct?) dialogue! I don't know you well enough to speak for you or even come close. My friends have tried to help me and it's not that I don't trust them, but ( gomen guys!!!!) I really don't want to have any of you say something that you would never EVER say. And, most importantly, I don't want to misrepresent any of you. One more question: If I do send ya'll my fic, does it get shown to anyone else? 'Cuz I don't think that I'm quite ready for that yet. Well, I guess I'll go before I make myself sound any more lame!
Hoshino Tenshi
Dear Hoshino Tenshi,
We don't really read fanfic and then critique them, no da. However, there is a site that does: FY FanFic Review.
Dear Tasuki,
*Glomps Tasuki and starts to cry* Tasuki-chan! My boyfriend dumped me today for a new exchange student! He says I didn't do anything wrong, but he's just bored with me. Do you know what I can do to help dull the pain? *Aside from sake and being with you*
Dear Shakaku,
Get together wit' yer friends an' celebrate yer newfound freedom! It's HIS loss, NOT yer's! Who knows, ya' might even meet yer next boyfriend… *Gives her a hug.* Good luck!
Dear Tasuki,
hey tasuki sweetie!~_^ who are ya? hey im makin a website and i want to know how you got this "write to mailing thing"? when im done ill give it to ya! well i g2g! see ya in my dreams! ~_^
amy kou
Dear amy,
What's this "write to mailin' thin'" yer talkin' 'bout? I don't think I understand ya'.
Dear Tasuki,
Do you really hate ALL girls? Or just your sisters?
Dear Stephanie,
All women ever do is get me in trouble or d*mn near killed!
Dear Tasuki,
Hey, I missed you so much. I am going to camp tomorrow. I have to wake up at 4:30 am to get ready. It is a chruch camp. Hey I hope yall are having a great summer. I don't want to write to much so I want to tell you HI and I will write when I get back. Here*hands him a German Beer* hehe Well Ja
Hibarrano Tenshi
Dear Hibarrano Tenshi,
Thanks. Take care, enjoy yerself, an' stay outta trouble! *Grins and drinks the beer.*
Dear Tasuki,
Nuuu.I said "Sheep?" as in reference to my last wuestion about the young girls and shrubs. Soooo.... Do you get friendly with sheep?
Dear JenJen,
Only if I've flamed broiled 'em first and get to eat 'em wit' mint jelly.
Dear Hotohori,
Hotohori, um... this is Mitzi again. I am grateful for your response to my letter about my birthday, but most of your response was in Japanese. I haven't gotten that far in learning that yet. can you please rephrase your letter in english? Please?? Kind words kind of lose their meaning when you don't know what the person is saying.
Dear Mitzi,
I said happy belated birthday and thank you for the beautiful roses.
Dear Hotohori,
*runs into Hotohori in the courtyard with a distrubed look on her face*
The advisors swarmed Houki-chan! O.o Something about the clothes I made for her. The clothes covered her I swear, I guess they have never seen her in ladies pants before. ^^;;;
Shall we head out for the treehouse? Or rescue Houki-chan?
Dear Doc-sama,
Houki comes first. What did you dress her in? Is she dressed as a man??
Dear Chichiri,
Is it okay if I marry you in my own little world?
Dear Dragonfire,
As long as WMC, my Aijin, and my Aisai don't object, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
Hi!Now this question is a bit hard to answer and may be a bit embarrasing but please answer it.I came across a fic yesterday in which Miaka was pregnant and due to certain circumstances(if you're interested in knowing them,go down to the link below),you had to see to her labour and that stuff.Now I'm wondering,if that sorta thing really happened,how would you go about it.I mean,would you agree to it?If yes,how would you feel.Please answer this one,I'm dying to know it!
Dear Susquehanna,
Sumimasen ga, your link doesn't work, no da. If I had to I would deal with it, no da. Ideally though Mitsukake should be the one to help her, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
*wanders in with her hair uncombed and is sleeping in yesterdays clothing* Tasuki? Do you have anythin` I could take my anger out on? The whole weekend started out bad fer me. ^^; First, I didn't get t` sleep on friday till 2am!(I blame Rurouni Kenshin fer that...) And I woke up on saturday at 6:35am, I only got like, three hours of sleep. And the reason I woke up so early was cuz I had t` go t` some 4H thing down at the local fairgrounds. But my leader forgot that she was supposed t` pick me up! So I am now stuck home, doin` nothing. ^_^ Cept watchin` tv and eatin` pie. But I'm still grumpy...*cracks her knuckles* So, do you have somethin` I could beat on? Pillows would be nice...maybe a mattress?
Dear Keiko,
*Hands her a Tamahome shaped punching bag.*
*She punches it...*
Heh-heh-heh... Guess that was a sleepin' Obake-chan I handed ya' an' not a punchin' bag! *Takes off with Tamahome in hot pursuit...*
Dear Chiriko,
What does antidisenstablishmentarianism mean?
Crazy Fan
Dear Crazy Fan,
The proper meaning of the word is: "opposition to the disestablishment of the Church of England", but popularly it is used as an example for a long word.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Kanechewa! who are your favorite WWF wrestlers? (this might be interesting)
Crazy Fan
Dear Crazy Fan,
We don't watch WWF. Gomen.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Nuriko,
Ohayoo, Nurikooooo! *muwaaah* Ne, how many years did it take you to get your hair long enough for that braid?
Oh, and also, slight Japanese language question. Throughout the series, you say something that sounds like "mattaku," which means "d*mn" or "geez" or somethin' like that, mostly depending on what the subbers feel like writing...but, do you spell that? IS it "mattaku?" or is there a different spelling?
*shrug* Just wondered. When writing ficcies, I like to spell things corectly. ^_^. Arigato!
Dear Zenshou,
18 years! Mattaku means "really or indeed". Shimatta and chikoshou mean "d*mn".
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