Dear Chichiri,
Can u love two people at the same time?
;# (dont ask, im pathetic)
you should know by now (hee hee) Lybra
Dear Lybra,
I haven't, but it may be possible for some people, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
Ummm....dont tell Willow I wrote this, but...can you like....marry her, or be part married to her. She is as obssessed w/ you almost as much as i am w/ chichiri. she has a 5" binder thick all about you, dolls and posters! Please, it would make her feel soooo much better. i was heartbroken to find out that chichiri is married ::cries::(i had to stop the day dreaming, take down all the shrines {and there were a lot} and everything)And i dont want her to feel that way. Please take it into consideration. She is really nice and likes you A LOT. Give her a chance! She doesnt deserve to be heartboken.
(you tell her you die) Lybra
Dear Lybra,
Well, if she doesn't mind sharing me with Doc-sama and Inori I suppose I could adopt her.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
hihi minna-san! i'm in south carolina for my vacation, and i just wanted to say hello and welcome back! we've missed you! *hugs* jaaaa!
Dear Moon,
Hope you are having a wonderful time!
Dear Tasuki,
In response to my last letter.
Those brats,ya know? Well,my mom is with me on the subject,she just doesn't want me to sharpen my throwing practice.Or kill them. My dad,on the otherhand...Well,he really likes them. *sigh* So,I guess they get more free shows,huh?
Ash-chan(Depressed version)
Dear Ash-chan,
Try lockin' yer doors an' not lettin' 'em in.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi! How are you guys? It's me, Minerva. Sooo... I've got some questions for ya all.
1) In a beauty contest, who do you think will win first, second, third, first runner-up, second runner-up and third runner-up? Mitsukake, you can't say Shouka and Tamahome, you can't say Miaka or Yui. That would be unfair. I want answers from all of you, K? Oh, yeah, Hotohori can't say Houki too and Chichiri can't say Kouran.
a) Miaka
b) Yui
c) Soi
d) Shouka
e) Subaru (young form)
f) Xifang (Subaru's adopted daughter)
g) Suzuno
h) Takiko
i) Miiru
j) Houki
k) Kouran
l) Aidou
2) Which Greek/Roman god/goddess are you most like? My friends say that I am really like Minerva, the goddess i am named after, while I have a friend named Claudine who likes flowers so much, we start calling her Ceres or Cere Cere, just like in Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon! ^_^
Dear Minerva,
This is VERY difficult!
As we have so many letters to answer we just answered your first question with 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. Gomen, we hope you understand!
Chichiri - e,c,j
Tasuki - l,e,j
Mitsukake - e,k,c
Tamahome - c,e,j
Chiriko - I'm too young for this!!
Nuriko - None of them! I'M much PRETTIER!
Hotohori - e,c,i
Tasuki - Bacchus
Mitsukake - Asclepius
Chichiri - Hermes
Chiriko - Athena
Nuriko - Aphrodite
Hotohori - Zeus
Tamahome - Mars
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
hello suzaku! i cant wait for june 16! i want to be with tasuki forever!
A. kou
Dear A. kou,
Amy yer gettin' me worried! Jus' what are ya' plannin' to do on June 16th? Ya' got me worried that ya' may be goin' over th' edge... Talk to me Amy...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Which of the seiryuu seishi is a LITTLE tolerable?(Next to Amiboshi)
Dear Nina,
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Hotohori,
Why did u leave Houki like that and go off to war esp. when u had no powers?
Dear Katherine,
Because I felt I needed to defend Miaka's world from Nakago.
Dear Mitsukake,
Did u meet Miss Shouka after or before u met Tama-neko
Dear Neelam,
I met her before Tama-neko found me.
Dear Tasuki,
Which of your sisters is *ahem*....a little tolerable?
Dear ???????,
As in th' one I like th' best? I guess that would be Li'an. But if ya' say anythin' to anyone th' rest of 'em will KILL me!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I'd like 2 know the names of your english voice actors.Thanks!
Dear Marilyn,
So would we! *Sweatdrops* Have you tried checking the Pioneer website?
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
The seiryuu seishi fought dirty so many times,why didn't u so the same?
Dear Felicity,
Because we're the good guys!
Dear Tamahome,
Dear kathy,
Arigato! But you really don't need to yell at me!
Dear Tasuki,
Did you see a girl that LOOKED about 18-years-old by the name of Selphi come by here? She got dumped again, but instead of taking my nice chamomile tea, she goes to the best bar in South Korea and gets drunk on soja! (Korean equilvelent of sake) She's a ningyou..BUT THAT DOESN'T GIVE HER THE RIGHT TO GET SO DRUNK SHE CAN'T SEE STRAIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (several explosions with the strength of a nuclear bomb go off in the distance)
Selphi: (wanders in, drunk, and trips into Tasuki) Oh, hi Reshlena. What are yoooooooou doin' 'ere? *hic* (glomps onto Tasuki)
Relena : Oh, dear. (tries to figure out a way to get Selphi off without hurting Tasuki) If I use my sleep powder, they'll both fall asleep...stun spore, they'll be paralyzed...poisonpowder, that wouldn't hurt Selphi, but it'd get rid of Tasuki, which I'd like to, but can't do...ano...have a nice life! (opens up a sub-dimensional space-time hole and jumps in before closing it)
Dear Relena,
*Pulls Selphi off of him and shoves her in behind Relena*
Dear Tasuki,
*looks at her box of chocolates* Arigatou!!!! *hugs him* I'm so happy now! I hope Nuriko doesn't hurt you for letting me have his chocolate...^^;;;
How have you been? Did ya miss me? Guess what, Kuraino Tenshi and I are going to be in the play "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe." We're going to have so much fun! Except being head of costumes is really stressful on me --;;;. How's your summer so far? Mine's great. Well, Ja *gives hima kiss on the cheek*
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
So far so good! I don't think Nuriko noticed but Doc-sama may kill me when SHE figures it out! *Grins*
Dear Tasuki,
Ack...gomen nasai, Shu'nu...a typo on the Li'an thing ^^;; Forget that little message. *makes a suspicious cough that sounds like "don't kill me Li'an"...*
*sighs* Mirai is still gone, I'm getting more depressed, and...and...*starts wailing* I'M LONELY AND MISERABLE AND WISH I HAD MY MIRAI-KUUUUN! *curls up, holding her knees to her chest, her face buried in her knees* Why!? I miss him so much, and his parents grounded him for one lousy grade! Just ONE!!! *sobs* Miraai!
*calms down eventually* Gomen nasai...*wipes her eyes* I really shouldn't have talked to you...I'm a mess. *looks up at him* Demo...I've been cooking up a storm. *smiles and holds up a plate full of goodies* Whenever I'm depressed, I have a nasty habit of cooking. I'm a great cook, because my GramPa's a qourmet chef so he shows me lots of things. *holds the plate of fudge out to him* Want some? I made it earlier today. It's pretty good. *weak fang grin*
*hugs him back tightly, reluctant to let go, but she does so eventually* I better go...*kisses his cheek* Demo...arigato gozaimasu for the kind words, however. *retreats to her room again where she hopes her aneki doesn't kill her....*
An Emotionally Drained Alecia-chan
Dear Alecia-chan,
Wait a sec! He's jus' been grounded?? I thought he left ya' or somethin' tragic happened! He'll be back after his punishment ends! Getta grip! *Tries some fudge* Oishii!!! Arigato *Grins*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi. This may sound odd, but are there any availiable guys here. I was dumped by my boyfriend a few days ago. And his new girlfriend friend. We arent exactly friends anymore. And i fell alone. There isnt anyone to comfort me and take me in their arms when i fell unwanted anymore. So please, if this letter gets through, someone, or tell someone you guys know to give me a chance to put a little bit of love back into whatever pieces remain of my heart.
P.S. I can have happy bursts, i try to hide the pain, see: I found the perfect Chichiri smilies: ;# and ;~ They're so cute!!!!
Dear Dragonfire,
I'm sorry that your boyfriend and friend did such a terrible thing to you! Unfortunately, the only available men that Chichiri no Aijin knows are in their 30's and live in Japan. Gomen. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Chichiri,
Is your fav. color blue?
Dear H,
Hai, no da!
Dear Chichiri,
I'm really sorry about those other letters. I didn't know you were...married. I'm really, really, really sorry. I'll try my best to end the daydreams and pics. I'm so sorry. I promise not to write like that again. Bye. ;#
Dear Lybra,
Gomen if I've upset you! Kouran was my fiancée, no da. She passed away several years ago.
Dear Tasuki,
*wanders in covered in large band-aids, neon green band-aids, and neon yellow band-aids*
*POUNCE!* ... Ow.
Ever had one of those days when you woke up and just KNEW you should I have stayed in bed?
That's today so far. And it's only 10:30 AM. I walked my neigbors dogs today. Now, getting clawed up is normal because Cassy isn't broke of jumping. However today she got my arms good so I've got a neon yellow band-aid on one amr. Nothing too bad. Yet.
Walking down Mission Tierra Way, there's this white dog sitting on a front lawn on a leash. It starts barking and the two (there are three others I walk seperately) dogs I'm walking, Cassy and Casper, and they take off running down the the street and I can't hold them. I eat asphalt. Since they've gotten away from me and are taking off, I leap up, exclaim "SH*T!", and take off after them even though they're running home. (Isn't a good idea to let them run loose after all, even if they are heading home) Thankful no cars came whipping around the bend to run me over. That would have been a real mess.
Luckily I had already walked the other three dogs (Mindy, Nikki, and Mork) and could just collect my pay and go home. Hopefully okaasan is right when she said "things can only get better" (ha-ha, that's right up there with saying something can't get any worse and then it does)
And thankfully I'm not hurt as bad I my complaining sounds. Just hurt my hands, knees, and have claw marks on my arms.
And no, CnA-san, this will not make me a cat person and I will still like dogs better than cats. =P
A slightly mangled One-chan
P.S. Amazingly enough I didn't break a nail during all that. Yay.
Dear One-chan,
Sounds like yer whole day jus' went to th' dogs! *Grins* CnA says that nobbody ever got road burn walkin' cats!
Dear Tasuki,
Ano... Have you seen a box of chocolates I made for Ryu lately?? They were milk chocolates some with caramel and cherries in them. *keeps looking for the box* It's around here somewhere...
Dear Doc-sama,
*Whistles, sweatdrops, and tries to look innocent…* Who? Me? Nope! Never saw 'em! *Fanged grin*
Dear Nuriko,
*hugs her aisaika*
You are now buried under a willow tree in Konan soil. We're going to bury Rokou and Lien close to you I think they would like it that way.
Ryu.. I had a dream about a garden here for kids. A stone star chart with the names of all the stars above us for Hotohori; An iron directory of the garden for Chiriko; An edible berry garden for Mitsukake; you have a shade tree; a stone eating table for picnics for Miaka; and a huge stone caldron to have bonfires in for Tamahome next to it; now Tasuki and Chichiri may have problems with my ideas for them.. A washbasin with a golden Suzaku spraying water for Tasuki; and a shelter with 6 wells labeled Otoko and Onna for Chichiri. It's a humble thing, but a great relief to have around. It would be called the Chou garden for Rokou and Lien. A section of life in the place of death...
*sighs* I wonder if such a dream would work here Ryu. *giggles* here I go rambling on again..
Dear Doc-sama,
It sounds lovely, arigato. *Gives her a hug and a kiss.*
Dear Tasuki,
*Walks in looking sad* Hi Tasuki-chan. *Sits down on the floor and sighs* Today was our last day of school...Im sure lotsa ppl would think that I would be happy, but I cried SO much. I couldn't stop myself and I gave everyone hugs and I cried on most of my guy friends and even my science teacher and social studies teacher. Im just so depressed and everything and Tamahome no Aisai is no help. She just disses me for it and she didn't even come to school. Che, Im not even really looking forward to going on to high school with her. I mean she's so negative and everything. My mom doesn't like her too much. When I talked to her today she just complained about me 'ditching' them at graduation. And well, I try to talk to her but she's too busy cracking lame, immature jokes and trying to get the attention of two of my other friends which to admit, they don't even seem to like her that much. And personally, I don't like talking to the air, so I walked off and hung out with Marissa. But today we watched a slide show about all of the memories of the 8th grade, and after that, I couldn't stop myself from crying. Some of the kids walked up to me and they were like totally shocked to see me cry. *sigh* I told my mom but she's pissed off at me cause I didn't get a year book. It was ugly and TOO expensive. I didn't like it. Mom was saying things like "Oh you hated that school so much and now your crying!" she just makes me so mad. *sighs and hugs Tasuki, crying on his shoulder* Today has just been a sad day for me. Im gonna go to bed, my eyes are really sore. *Kisses and hugs* See ya.
Dear Shuro,
*Gives her a hug * Jus' 'cos ya' hated some people doesn't mean ya' still won't miss th' people ya did like! Don't worry 'bout Tamahome no Aisai, she'll either grow up or you'ss jus' make new friends.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Guys! Ahhhhh! I wrote in about three weeks ago to tell y'all about my World/Compartive Religions paper and how it was about the Jungian Archetypes present in FY. I hoped I got an A on it and I did! In fact here's the best news: I got Straight A's in all my classes!!!!! Ahhhhh!
I made Dean's List!!!!!!!! I have a 3.75 GPA!!!!!!!
I am soooo happy! Who knew that drawing little Tasuki's, Chiriko's, and especially Chichiri's ('cause I only drew 5,000 Chichiri's)in the corners of your notes could make lecture notes so much fun!
I better get happy messages from each and every one of you!!!I'm so happy! By the way, the voice actor from FY for Tamahome is one the guests at Otakon this year! I can't wait. Oh yeah, Love ya, I'll write soon.
Dear Anna,
Omedeto gozaimashita on your excellent grades!!!!!!!! We are all very proud of you! In fact, Tasuki is drinking some sake in your honor that he made Tamahome pay for! *They all give her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.*
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Mitsukake,
I just learned to Salsa Dance. Do you want me to teach you? It's a great way to pick up chicks, especially cute chinese ones named Shoka! Try it, people never think a guy who can dance is boring... Do you think guys who wear bells are considered atractive by girls? My friend Tim is sick, how many aspirin should I give him? What's that you say? Twelve, no the whole bottle...? Mits! I would never...Has anything interesting dripped from your shoe as of late? That's a pick up line of mine. How's your goat?
Dear Catboy-Dan,
Thank you, but I am not really much of a dancer. I think that men that wear bells jingle as they walk. You should only give your friend 2 aspirins unless he is allergic to them, then perhaps, Tylenol is a better choice. Dripped from my shoe??? My goat???? I have a cat and he is fine. I think you need some new lines...
Dear Tasuki,
Hi! We're a group of friends who share a lot in common. My name is Sasha, and these are my friends Ciara, Jasmine, Kaye and Assunta. We are classmates and all are on the cheerleading squad. We like you very much and we even made up a cheer for you. Here it is:
"Tasuki! Tasuki! He's the best!
He can beat up all the rest!
Tasuki! Tasuki! He's the man!
If he can't do it, no one can!
Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!"
Like it? Kaye made up this one:
"Tasuki's got the...
R-I-G-H-T S-T-U-F-F...Right Stuff!
Right Stuff!"
Pretty corny, no?
*Kaye: I heard that!*
OK, I was just kidding. But anyway, can we all have a hug from you? We know you hate women, but please? *gets all starry-eyed* Pretty please? Anyway...
Sasha: Just remember
Ciara: that you
Jasmine: will always
Kaye: be
Assunta: our man!
*the cheerleaders fight over Tasuki* Bye!
Sasha, Ciara, Jasmine, Kaye and Assunta
Dear Sasha, Ciara, Jasmine, Kaye and Assunta,
*Sweatdrops and fanged grins* Cool cheers! Thanks!
Tamahome:Che! Just what Tasuki needs... something else to inflate his ego... -_-;;; ITAI!!!!!!!!!!! Watch where you're swinging that thing!
Tasuki:Heh-heh-heh... I was.... *Fanged grin*
Dear Chichiri,
Konnichiwa Chichiri-san. You're my magic rolemodel! There is so many things I can do now! Well anyway, *shows him a large list of spells she mastered* teleporting, flying, um just read the list. Anyway, my friend says you're her rolemodel and that you've touched her life. Well I want you to have this. *gives him a very interesting looking shirt* I thought it would look good on you.... Let me see how you look in it! Put it on for me onegai!
Dear Willow,
Very impressive, no da! Arigato for the shirt. *Puts the shirt on and doesn't button it.* So, how does it look, no da?
Dear Chichiri,
Hi. I need to write to tell you that you are my role model. You stopped me from doing something VERY BAD. You are the greatest. I dont really know what to say. Just that you mean a lot to me. Do you cant say her name cause its a curse)? Well, ahh, if this gets to you, thanks for being there.
Dear Lybra,
I'm glad that I was able to help, no da. Do you mean Kouran? Why should her name be a curse, no da?
Dear Nuriko,
Hia Nuriko!*shakes his hand* How are you? I can't believe you guys get so many letters! It's amazing! Well wit people like me.....I guess it's not so suprising but still! I made that Nuriko doll I was talking about and my friend calls it a voodoo doll....I would never make a voodoo doll of you though^^;;; *shows it to him* Tain't it adorable??? Well I'm wondering where you get real dolls of you. You wouldn't happen to know whould you? Well anyway...School is almost over for me and then comes finals and regents.....I hope I pass..^-^ Well I'll try my best to get through everything well. I can't wait til I get a working scanner! I have tons of pics for you guys! You'll love them! At least I hope you will! I really don't know what I'll do all summer! Well I G2G *huggles* Bye^.~
Dear Willow,
As far as I know except for the UFO Catcher Dolls there were no dolls made of us. If I ever see any, I'll let you know!
Dear Chichiri,
Hi again. I had to write something I didnt have the courage to last time. I am just to scared of what happened...last time.
I better get it over with. I...I
Dear Lybra,
*Blushes* Arigato. Thatis very kind of you, no da. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
hey you guys!! As I already gave Chichiri and Hotohori their gifts from the star party, I'll go ahead and give you yours. *pulls out some stuff* ok, here goes.
Mitsukake: a red flashlight,first aid kit, and a star map.
Tama-neko: cat-nip and a dress. (They had one in your size, I think)
Tasuki:a red flashlight, a star map, a green glow-stick(think pranks),and a lighter
Chiriko: red flashlight, books on Einstiens Theories, several other scientific books, and a star map
Nuriko: red flashlight, moon earrings, and a star map
The reason for the red flashlights is because that is the only kind of light that you can use while observing stars, planets, comets, and whatnot. Hope you guys like them. Well, JA!!!
a very broke and tired Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
Domo arigato for all the wonderful presents! We really appreciate them!
Dear Hotohori,
*runs in* DA!!! I can finally glomp you again!! *stops a few inches short* But I won't. My whole month has been weird so far. I just found out that my 20 year old stepsister is pregnant. I'm going to be an aunt.! Oh my. Oh yeah. I haven't been able to give this to you yet. *pulls out some gifts from hammerspace* Here is a red flashlight and a telescope. I got them for ya at the star party. Hehehe. I got you one of the best scopes there. I won't go into detail, but it's really cool, and you can look at the sun through it.(Solar filters rule). Anywayz, gotta go. Stories to write and books to read.*hugs him* JA!!
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
*Gives her a hug.* Arigato for the nice presents!
Dear Mitsukake,
WAAAAAAAAAAAAH!*sobs uncontrollably because she just dropped a lightbulb and was stabbed in the hand with one of the pieces*WAAAAAAAH!;___;
Dear Ash-chan,
*Takes her hand, removes the glass, pours antiseptic on it, and bandages it.* You need to be more caerful. *Smiles at her.*
Dear Tasuki,
You DO realize that when JenJen said 'Sheep?', she was asking if you got friendly with sheep, right? Oh, well. Another boyfriend dumped me, so I'm off to get drunk! See ya!
Dear Selphi,
Sorry to hear 'bout yer boyfriend, but (I can't believe I'm sayin' this!) gettin' hammered ain't th' answer! Yer bud Jen-Jen is a nutball!
Dear Nuriko,
Hey! I'm supposed to be the best crossdresser here *turns in to rubymoon*
nakuru aizuki
Dear nakuru aizuki,
*Eyebrow twitches...* NOT!!!!!!!!!! That's MY role! *Poses in a lovely purple kimono...*
Dear Nuriko,
ano...nuriko-san*blushes*will you give me my first kiss*bluhes*
cute little sorceress
Dear cute little sorceress,
*Smiles* Hai. *Gives her a kiss on the cheek.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
hi everyone! i missed you guys (that sounds lame; you didn't go anywhere. oh well.) i am SOOOOOOOOOO happy! i got my braces off yesterday!!!!!!! *BIG smile* today i went to the orthodontist to get the retainers :P. they HURT. but i only have to wear them at night so ... *another big smile*. also yesterday was my band concert. that was cool too. it was the last one of the year *sob* but this summer i am going to be in a community band. :) oh yeah, tasuki, i told my brother that i wanted to trade him for kouji and he thought that was okay. sorry for the pointless rambling.
Blue Avenger
Dear Blue Avenger,
Sorry your retainers hurt but wearing them is for your own good. Sumimasen, but Kouji is too valuable to just give away! Tasuki on the other hand... *Gets smacked upside the head with thetessen...* ITAI!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Hotohori,
*sigh*Love hurts I really really like this guy and when I was going to ask him out on a date,but I saw him with another girl *cries*
touya no miko
Dear touya no miko,
*Gives her a hug.* She may have only been a friend of his. Perhaps you should find out and then ask him.
Dear Tasuki,
*throws a fireball at him*JERK!!!!*blows a rasberry*
Dear Lina,
*Deflects fireball with his tessen.* OI! What th' H*LL is yer +*^%$#| problem?!?!?!?!? *Smirks* Still got that crush on me????
Dear Hotohori,
*bows* hi I was just going to ask what type of sword fighting you use. I'm in fencing and someday I hope to get good at it. Maybe someday I'll find a way to go there and fight you just for the heck of it (not too seriously in other words) is that okay with you? *bows again*
Dear XellossMetali,
I study Kendo and would be honored by your challenge.
Dear Chichiri,
Do you know Xelloss? He's like an evil version of you. I don't think you guys would get along very well though...So...ARE there any fish in the pond you fish at? I think you just go there to think, ne? Ponder about
the past and what not. Are you in the 1st OAV? I only buy tapes with you
in them, so I was just curious. Anyway, I shall leave now. Ja ne~!
Dear Mi-chan,
Actually, Xelloss-san and I get along rather well, no da. There are fish in the lake, but you are correct, I do like to go there to meditate, no da. I am in the first OAV series and so is Tasuki.
Dear Tasuki,
*hic*.....*hic*.....*has.....a brownie shoves into her mouth?o.O**can't strip ,because she's currently tied up*....*hic*
Dear Ceara,
Good thin' too! Ain't nobody here that wants to see that!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Whee!Yer back up.Well,I had planned a really long letter. But you'll have to settle for this.^__^;; I'm sick.Again.And it's that time of the month.Doesn't Ash-chan ever get a break?;___;
My arrogant characters are ganging up on me.If you could slap some of those four-letter words out of Ceara,i'd appreaciate it.Meep.At least I have Ceilah and Moondrop.They'd never turn agaisnt me.
My obsession has changed.Again.You think with all the obsessing I did over Mitsu-kun I wouldn't change,right?Nope.Fear me,Hotohori. I've re-numbered my favorite seishi list.From the last paragraph,guess who's first.^___^ I've probably now gotten the Nuriko fanclubs to want to kill me.Yep.Nuriko is #2 on my list.It's Willow and Aliana's fault,I tell you!See,I usually get an obsession when I see a lot of stuff about the anime person.And,yep.
This,kids,is what happens when you try to get Ash-chan to stop wanting to kill someone.
Err....Anything else...o.o...Oh yeah!I got the 3rd Fushigi Yugi manga!Whoo-hoo!^___^;;
I can seriously not draw.Alright,I can draw dragons,but you should see my bad drawings of you people.
Geocities is evil.(Just -why- can't I upload bmps?) My buddy list is full.*smile*=D I think that's about it.Being my favorite people to write to,of course i'll write back. Oh!I almost forgot something! *glomps Mitsu,just cause she feels like it*
Dear Ash-chan,
We're glad to hear that you no longer hate Nuriko! Did you know that the lateset translated FY manga #4 "Bandit" is out?
Dear Chichiri,
hiya. today my sister and i go to spend the night at our friends house. tomorrow morning, we leave for north carolina with her family. we will be gone for ten days. there is this really twisted boy who amanda used to like, but he has major issues. he tried to send me a virus this morning. he'll get what's coming to him in the end though. my cat somehow broke her tail a few days ago. >.< i don't even want to know how! last time she broke something, she ran under a bush hog lawn mower thingy. she broke her leg and got a deflated lung. that's why i don't want to know what happened to her.
Dear ashley,
I'm so sorry that your neko-chan was injured, no da. Will she be ok, no da?
Dear Chiriko,
Uh, Chiriko, I don't know how to tell you this, but... I heard that your Japanese voice actress also supplied the voice of those disturbing individuals they call the Nyan Nyans! Uh, I'm just saying.... o.O
Dear Tonberry,
Yes... ? And I believe that Chichiri's seiyuu did the voice for Kouji.
Dear Tasuki,
*glomps him* Da! It's been so long!!! *sniffles* And I've missed you so much! Hey wait a minute...You never said happy birthday to me! *cries* or gave me a present ;-; And it's been over a month!! ToT
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
Gomen nasai! Otanjoubi omedeto gozaimashita! *Hands her a box of chocolates he stole from Nuriko.*
Dear Chichiri,
HIYA, CHICHIRI-SAN!! *glomp* I missed ya, no da. How ya doin', ne? Anou... KISAMA! I don't have anything to talk about! Demo... That might actually be a good thing, no da. Means I won't be crying on your shoulder any time soon, no da. Not like I ever really did though, ne? *shrug* ANYWAYS I don't know if you're into art, or anything, but my parents are considering getting me a better paint program for the computer, and I was wondering if you had any to suggest. You know what I'm talking about, right? Gomen. I'm slightly computer illiterate, no da...^_^;;
Little Voice: Slightly? So is that what it's called when you can't even download an mp3 properly?
Kageno Tenshi: *glare* Shut up...
LV: hmph. Rude much? *smirk*
KT: -_-;;;
DA!!! Now I really don't know what to write!! Hoshino Tenshi is down visiting for a while, and she wanted to say hi, so...
Hoshino Tenshi: HI!! Like my new watch? *shows Chichiri her brand new pretty sky blue watch**thoughtful look comes across her face* Now that I think about it, it looks like your hair, doesn't it? Cool! Hey, Kageno! My watch matches Chichiri's hair!
KT: Nani? Let me see! *grabs Hoshino's wrist* DA! It does! No fair, no da!
HT: HAH HAH!! *pulls wrist back**BIG smile* This rules. I'm gonna be able to hold over her (quite litterally *looks down about a foot to the top of Kage's head*) for the rest of my vacation. *smug grin*
KT: *pushes Hoshino off the keyboard* Ok, misses high-and-mighty. I think it's time to go, now, no da. Before your ego grows large enough to fill up this whole domain. *mumble* It's almost there...
HT: *bonks Kageno on head* I heard that...
Kageno Tenshi and Hoshino Tenshi
Dear Kageno Tenshi and Hoshino Tenshi,
*Sweatdrops* Daaa... a paint program for the computer illiterate, no da? PaintShop Pro perhaps?
I downloaded this for your information:
" From the Jasc web-site (
From C|Net's (,332,0-69885-s,1000.html)
From Simtelnet mirrors (
From Tucows ( This site directs you to a local mirror first, look under image editors. This site also supports resumable downloads, so if you get cut off in the middle of a multi-megabyte download, you can pick up where you left off.
You can mail-order from Jasc at POBox 44997, Eden Prairie, MN 55344, call toll-free (within US and Canada?) at 800-622-2793, or order from their website."
You can download a free 30 day trial copy and see if it is something you like and can learn to use. The one we use is PhotoShop by Adobe, no da. I don't know if one will be easier than the other. Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Nuriko,
PAPAAAAAAAA!!!! *glomps Nuriko* How are you! ^^ I'm fine, `cept fer this cursed cough. ^^; I was gonna ask ya somethin` yeaaaaaaaaa, have you ever heard of My Heart Will Go On? It's from that 'Titanic' movie. ^_~ It's pretty spiffy. guess mama told ya that I'm the ditz in th` family, ne? I have been turned int` a two...two times! ^^;; Don't*glomps papa again and scampers off*
Dear Keiko,
I have heard the song and it's very pretty. A chipmonk??? Omoshiroii, desu ne!
Dear Tasuki,
*hugs Tasuki* I MISSED YA!!!!!! *sniffles* So how's it going? School sucks for me. Guys are all not nice.. one moment they are, but the next, when totally uncalled for, they get mean! Strange huh?
Summer's coming... and my dad is gonna make me study from my SAT I book, nice huh? It's like 1000 pages too.
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
Not really, guys are jus' guys... Mebbe yer dad will give ya' some time off fer good behavior... heh-heh-heh... *Fanged grin*
Dear Tasuki,
Hi Tasuki-chan! I missed ya alot! *hugs* So how have ya been doing? Today I graduated from the 8th grade. It was really exciting. I cried so much though. I mean I thought it was so embarassing. *sigh* My mom made me take a picture with my science teacher and I couldn't hold it in anymore and I cried on his shoulder. Then my social studies teacher gave me a hug and I cried even more. And I promised myself I wouldn't cry. Im tougher than that. My mom says im becoming more mature. Im not gonna be seeing some of my friends again, but we promised we would keep in touch. I didn't know that graduations could be so sad. Well, I wore a pink chinese style dress! I even wore make up and I looked really pretty! Ya know, I didn't know I could feel so sad for leaving a place that gave me nothin' but hell! Well, im gonna be a freshman next year and im kinda nervous about that, but I guess im just gonna bite my lip and give it all I got! ^_^ But anyway, what kinda job would you have if you lived in our world? Im just curious. Well anyway, take care! Love ya! *Kisses and hugs*
Dear Shuro,
Omedeto gozaimasu on yer graduation! *Gives her a hug.* Job? I'd be a thief!
Dear Tasuki,
*sulks in, looking at him, obviously deeply depressed* Aniki...*sighs heavily and sits down next to him, staring at her feet* You didn't reply to my important letter from a while ago. I was kinda looking forward to an answer...oh well. *sighs once more and chugs some sake, not really giving a d*mn about anything* Aniki, have you ever longed to be with someone? They tell you they'll be back a certain day, and then you wait all day and find out they aren't coming because you're stood up? And then for the next few days you keep anxiously waiting, and they keep on standing you up? Has that ever happened to you? *chugs some more deeply and quickly, feeling warm all over to cover up the cold depression sweeping over her like a huge wave of disappointment and icey hate. she looks at him with watery eyes* Why is love such a hateful game? I miss my Mirai-kun (my dear husband) and I want to be with him so badly, but he's not coming for some reason. *holds her forehead in her palm and feels tears run down her red cheeks* I know I sound pathetic, demo...daisuki Mirai-kun...oh, oh so much. I just want to see him so badly, and he keeps being ripped away from me. Tasuki-kun...*looks at him again* What can I do to ease the pain of my lonliness? It's no fun feeling this way and I've tried just about everything but suicide (I went there once, and I'm NOT going there AGAIN. Especially over a MAN...) Any suggestions, comments, questions? Anything? *goes silent and looks up at the stars* Love is such a fleeting thing, isn't it? I just wish...I just wish that humans would only fall in love with each other only if the person they fell in love with was their soul mate. I'm sure Mirai is, demo...I dunno. I'm babbling. *forces a small smile to him* Gomen nasai aniki...*stands up and heads for her room, next to his, turns and looks at him, smiling* Arigato gozaimasu for taking me in, however. *bows to her big brother* I met my sisters. They're pretty nice to me. Especially Jiang and Pa'liu-chan. (Arigato gozaimasu you two! ^^) I have yet to meet my other sisters, but I'm anticipting a meeting with them all. *walks over and hugs him, kisses his cheek, then heads back to her bedroom* Oh...and you should forgive Li'ang...*glances at him and walks into her room* Nighty night aniki.
Alecia-chan (Imouto-chan, whatever you feel like calling me now)
Dear Alecia-chan,
Gomen nasai! I thought I answered it! But I can't find it in th' archives! I dunno what to tell ya' 'bout Mirai-san... love ain't alwyas easy but it's all we got. I'm sure he'll come back to ya' soon enough. *Gives her a hug.* Fergive Li'an? Whatcha' mean? Fer what?
Dear Chichiri,
Waaaaiiii! Life is good! I just found out that I passed all my classes this year! (It was a struggle, let me tell you >.>;) That means I'm off to SCAD this summer! Yay!
Also, Animazement was a blast! I got to talk to Yuu Watase in Japanese, and she signed a really spiffy FY poster for me! I have it framed.. I have yet to hang it though.
I learned about her newest series 'Arisu (something)'. It's really neat! Like FY is based off of a chinese legend, this is based off of Nordic legends. It should be released in America as it is released in Japan, or so she said.
Anyway, glad to see you guys are out of the letter hole. Must be work ^.-
Have a nice day!
Shadra D
Dear Shadra D,
It IS a lot of work, no da! I'm glad that things ae going so well for you, no da! Good luck in SCAD! Ganbatte, no da! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Chichiri,
I despise my father. He never seems to understand anything!!! You see, this past year I had to deal with the shock that college is much different from high school and overestimated myself. I made mistakes and I understand where i went wrong I am trying to correct them. I just wish this mistake didn't cost 3000 dollars -_-;;.
However my dad, he just doesn't understand. I told him at easter that I was trying my hardest in physics (I had a tutor and everything) but still am failing it. It was stressing me out and it was also bringing down my other classes down as well. My dad yelled at me saying I must have been stupid and things like that. I defended myself and he went quiet...I didn't speak to him since then...
Now its official I did fail physics. My dad sent me a nasty e-mail about how I did and said some other nasty stuff like how I blew him off at Easter. He has acted like through my whole life. He just doesn't understand me and when I try to make him understand it just gets worse. He expects me to be some super student or something. I just want to learn from my mistakes and move on which I am ready to do...but my dad is ready to push my pride more into the ground as it already is. Like he wants me to feel guilty and me to feel stupid and not as good as his nieces and nephews. I am sick of hearing about it...I asked him to stop many times. But he doesn't.
I am ready to do what my oniichans did, which was walk away. I am sick of his abuse to my mind. But he is my father. And as much as I hate him...I love him just as much. I am just confused.
Dear noda,
He may be your father, but that does not give him the right to mentally abuse you or tear down your self-esteem, no da! Instead of walking away, would he be open to going to counseling with you? If so, you should do it. If not, then channel your anger at him in a productive way and excel in your chosen field of study. That way you can prove him wrong and be a success on your own terms, no da.
Dear Hotohori,
My birthday was last April. *laughs shyly* I just turned twenty-one. Hori-sama, one of the greatest gifts for me would be for you to sing "Dengen/message" for me. It was sung to mourn your death in the series. Hell, even Amiboshi could accompany you on flute. Thanks. Here. *hands him a bouquet of four white roses and one single red rose* I hope you enjoy them. See ya! *dashes off into the sunset*
Dear Mitzi,
Otanjoubi omedeto gozaimashita!Arigato for the beautiful roses. *Smiles and starts to sing to her...*
Dear Hotohori,
Hotohori... *sighs and sits down across from him, cradling his hand with her own* You are such a fruitcake, but I must say this. *blushes* I feel so shy. I have cared deeply about you for a long time. It's going to sound stupid coming from a fan, but I really feel for you sometimes. It was almost too painful to watch your death on the show. Tell me though - *sits up and looks earnestly into his eyes* What does it feel like knowing that other fans care about you as much as I do?? Some thing that could be akin to a kind of love. anyway - *laughs* Thanks for your time. Write back soon!
Dear Mitzi,
I am deply touched by the attention and affection I receive from all my fans. *Smiles and sparkles*
Dear Chichiri,
my dance was.... not that good. a ton of girls and guys kept going up to my crush and telling him to dance with me, and that scared him off. oh well. i danced with 2 really nice guys. i did have fun, but it was pretty saddening. oh well, graduation is tomorrow night, and it's time to say goodbye to everyone for good this time. ;_; no one is going to the same high school as me. oh well. ::sniffle:: i can't believe this is goodbye already. ;.; ::sigh:: time to move on, though.
Dear ashley,
I'm sorry that you weren't able to dance with your crush, no da. But now you have a new adventure ahead of you, no da! *Smiles*
Dear Chichiri,
I got my dress for my 8th grade dance! it's soooo pretty. i loved it the moment i tried it on. it's purple, and it looks oriental. i got wonderful excessories, and i also have my dress and outfit for the graduation on saterday!! (the dance is thursday) my parents even got me a REAL dimond necklace on REAL gold!! it's soooo pretty!! i'm soooo excited!!! i don't think too many people will recognize me. i usually don't worry about my appearance at school, so everyone will be shocked!! please tell CNA that i still have to go to the post office to mail the doll. i have been VERY busy. (plus 4 tornados in my city alone in 5 days doesn't help much) T_T
Dear ashley,
I hope you had fun at your dance, no da! Don't worry about sending the doll. It is a gift and will get here when it does, no da. *Smiles and gives her a hug.*
Dear Chichiri,
Hi Chichiri, happy birthday, no da! I came all the way home from school to say that! You are the cutest Suzaku seishi of them all Chichiri, and my favorite character. Anyways, I hope you enjoy the birthday pic of you I just sent, it should be there soon.
Dear Bosher,
Arigato, no da! Your picture is already up on Seishi of the Week, no da!
Dear Mitsukake,
Not worthy of such treatment?Just a man?BOTH are false!Nai.I had a good dream.I was told I was smiling and saying cute phrases(?!)....Whaaaaaaatever..-_-()....Nai.*assumes worshipping position,again,bowing at his feet,on hands and knees*I'm making a webpage.The Cute Guy Detector.Sugoi,no?Nai.Yeah.All seishi whose names are called WILL indeedy have a shrine:You(of course),Tasuki,Tamahome.Nai.If any other seishi want a shrine,Just say so.I'll probably make one.See?I can be nice(when I want).
Dear Ash,
Arigato, but please stop bowing to me. I really do not deserve it! So, if ANY Seishi wants a shrine then you'll make them one, eh? *Smiles* Would you make one for Nuriko if I asked you to?
Dear Tamahome,
That?!THAT?!*squirms over to Tamahome and bites his ankle*LEMME OUTTA THESE #%(#&% ROPES!!NOW!!!Or I'll cry!WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!
Ceara(Who wants out of the $%^#*@) ropes)
Dear Ceara,
ITAI!! That's it! *Calls for the Nyan-Nyan and has them carry her off to parts unknown...*
Dear Tasuki,
Dear JenJen,
Nope! I'm a WOLF!
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