Dear Tamahome,
TAMA-CHAN!!!!*hugs him*can you do me a favor will you help me practice for archery put this apple on your head and don't move *gets a rope and ties him up*and I have to tie you up in cause you do move*gets ready to shoot*
cloud fairy
Dear cloud fairy,
ACK!!!!!!!!! I don't think so!! *Breaks free of ropes and runs off...*
Dear Mitsukake,
Nai...He touched me!!HE TOUCHED ME!!*_*...SEE?!I told you it wasn't a waste of time!Joy!Nai. Hope you all got the story I sent ya.I have 3 others,though Tasuki would try to kill me if he saw one of them.And I would like to live to an old age.And guess what?Yep.Sick.Again.Cold.Life sucks sometimes,ya know?But happy trails are ahead!!*_*Nai...As I am indeedy a hopeless romantic,I'm setting a few of you up with my characters(Since I'm so darn obsessed).Nai,You don't have it so bad.Hope you don't mind rabbits.(NO.The character is NOT all rabbit.Sick,hentai people..)Nai. I pity Nuriko(Then again,I very strongly dislike Nuriko).Be prepared for more letters!(This is #9,BTW)
P.S. Must.....make.....Mitsukake.....doll...@_@....
Dear Ash,
Why do you dislike Nuriko so much? What did he ever do to you?
Dear Tasuki,
Hey tasuki since when do you hug girls I thought you said you hated woman
touya no miko
Dear touya no miko,
It beats th' H*LL outta arguin' an' fightin' wit''em!
Dear Tasuki,
Can someone fall in love with two people at the same time?
Dear baka-chan,
I guess it would depend on th' person. But I think so.
Dear Chichiri,
Otanjobi omedeto gozaimasu, Chichiri! Here, this is for you. It's a new fishing pole. Use it in good health. Well, ja-ne!
Dear Tonberry,
Arigato for the nice present, no da! I'll be using it soon, no da!
Dear Chichiri,
Happy Birthday Chichiri-saaaaan!
(x_X Realizes this will get to him late, but better late than never, ne?) ::Hugs Chichiri and hands him a big Birthday cake:: ^_^ Hope ya like chocolate!!!! ::giggles and scampers off::
Dear K-chan,
Hai, I do, no da! *Grabs his chocolate away from Nuriko.* Arigato, no da!
Dear Chichiri,
Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Chichiri! Happy birthday to you! *hugs him and kiss him on the cheek* How are my little birthday-boy? Have you got any nice presents from the others? You aaaaare... 25 now, right? Well, I have a present for you to you know ^-^ *hands him a fishing-rod**blush* I don't know that much about fishing-rods but I hope I chosed a good one you know. And to honor you, I will finish my every sentence with 'no da' or 'you know' for the rest of the day you know ^-^
Well, you know, I can't choose my seishis ^-^;; Anyway, Rienna isn't that dangerous! I'm her Miko she can't kill me or someone else of the Ginkuma Seven, and she mostly uses her knowledge about drugs to get guards to fall asleep or something like that! I'll be fine, don't worry ^-^ !!!
It's summer vacation soon, and my best friend is comming here then! Hurray! Yay! We're gonna have a lots of fun you know ^-^ !!!
Um... well then... I hope your birthday will be fun... *she walks towards Chichiri very slowly. When she stands really close to him she reaches out her left hand and carefully takes of Chichiri's mask from his beautiful face. She strokes his scar gently, takes his cheek in her hand and meets his lips with hers in a long, deep, passionated kiss... she lets go after some seconds**smiles and blushes* umm... O-omedeto otanjoubi gozaimashita... anata...
Yours Truly,
Enma Mizuumi
Dear Enma,
*Blushes and looks flustered...* Ano... arigato, no da...
Dear Nuriko,
NURIKOOOOOO! You're my most most favorite character in all of FY!!!!! Hey, I just wanted to ask you about one thing. See, I'm using an alias on the Net, and one day, I came upon a book called "Anna Karenina". So that's my alias now. But, since it was sooo long, I made it shorter and called myself "Alynna". So, which alias is better, Anna Karenina, or Alynna? I was supposed to ask the Seriyuu side about this, but I don't think they would have an opinion on it.
Anna Karenina/Alynna
Dear Anna Karenina/Alynna,
I think that Alynna is more original and prettier.
Dear Nuriko,
Oh gomen Nuriko! I meant water and stuff! I was dehydrated! I don't drink! I'm unhealthy enough! I don't do drugs! O_O *is rather suprised that she messed up like that*It's alright about the doll. I'll figure it out since I'm an artist an all.Heh heh....*sweatdrop* Drinking is not for me...I'm not the type to drink....*blinks and twitches* went to Dorny park which is Penn! I live in NY so it took 3 hours to get there! My first theme park! Oh how excited I was and still am from it! I got the cutest purple teddy bear and a fox thing that uses it's tail as a change holder! It's so kowaii! I also met a friend whom loves anime also! *hugs him* You're so kowaii to Ryuuen! I'm drinking more fluids now and I'm alot better! So anyway....*yawn* I slept for 11 hours after I came home. How are you doing? I'm doing well. Oi geeze I'm sorry about the um mess up there! I've been hanging around Lianchan too much lately. Heh heh. Ok bye bye^^
Dear Willow,
Glad to hear that you're only drinking healthy things and that you're also feeling better as well!
Dear Nuriko,
Aisaika.. I have something to tell you..
You know how kind hearted I am, taking in people and creatures that are hurting.. I've adopted Nijuunanagou-chan, she needs some love and kindness Ryu. *kisses Ryu* I'll take care of her by myself, if it distresses you...
Dear Doc-sama,
Daijoubu, what can I do to help?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
All of the Nuriko Pick sites seem to be down or unavailable.
Dear Me,
Oh? I know that THE Nuriko Pick site itself closed down awhile ago. We were asked to either delete the link to them or get rid of their award picture. As it was the first award we ever received, we chose to delete the link.
Dear Tasuki,
I've been wodering for a while how you became a bandit in the first place. My sis says you ran away. And how did you die? My sis says you died of olf age but did you get married? 'cause I know you hate girls ^_^;
Dear Aurora,
I ran away and joined th' bandits. Whaddya' mean how did I die? I'm still alive!!
Dear Nuriko,
Hi Nuriko! Are you all gonna plan a surprise party for Chichiri? Don't worry, I won't tell him if you are! I think he deserves one, don't you?
Dear Rachel,
I suppose so. He is generally pretty low key about these things.
Dear Tasuki,
Hey genrou!! *does bandit dance* how's it goin', buddy? Oi! i fergot ta give these to ya! *hands him old sake brownies* they're from noda! sorry 'bout them bein' old and stale... hehheh... i fergot 'bout them fer awhile. i wanna know... are bandits allowed to have adopted sisters? if the girl has too many sisters at home?
Dear kouji,
I guess so. 'Bout time ya' gave me my *)+^%$# brownies!!!!!!!!! OI! Thet're stale ya' baka!! *They start brawling...*
Dear Chichiri,
Happy birthday Chichiri!!! *gives Chichiri a hug* Me and my friend are celebrating your birthday on Monday, and we're gonna do all sorts of stuff to honour our favourite wandering monk! What are you going to do? We would send you some cake, but I don't think the post office will deliver it to Konan... Never mind. Have fun and be good!
Dear Rachel,
I'll be having a quiet day fishing, no da! Arigato, no da! *Smiles*
Dear Chiriko,
Jus' thought I'd tell ya that the spelling grammar check doesn't fix comma mistakes. That paragraph isn't correct^^;; Well thanks anyway!
Dear Yuffie,
Gomen ne! I guess that's what I get for not hand checking it... ^^;;;
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hello everyone I have gifts for all of you tamahome gets a 100,000 gold ryou,tasuki gets sake,chichiri gets a fishing pole,hotohori gets a mirror,nuriko gets a pretty dress,mitsukake gets a year supply of different kinds of medications,and chiriko gets some fun mystery novels.
cloud fairy
Dear cloud fairy,
*They all bow* Doumo arigatou gozaimasu!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Nuriko,
I am,like,the only person in the world that isn't in love with you.You're okay('Specially yer comic relief!!),but you obviously know the 2 seishi I really like.Hey...I was wondering..Ever thought of going to the Ask The Seiryuu seishi page and making them look prettier?They scare me...*shudder*
Dear Ash,
There is not enough make-up in either universe to make the Seiryuu Seishi prettier!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Can I have a hug and kiss^_^
cloud fairy
Dear cloud fairy,
Sure! *They each give her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.*
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Mitsukake,
you are so kawaii *hugs him*
touya no miko
Dear touya no miko,
*Smiles* Arigato.
Dear Chichiri,
I love you chichiri *gives him a kiss on the lips*and you're a great kisser
touya no miko
Dear touya no miko,
*Blushes...* Arigato, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
Oi, Chichiri!! Guess what, guess what, guess what!!! I finally got the third FY graphic novel!! Course, I did let Kosetsuno-chan take it with her to the Star Party, but... ANYWAYS It's the one where you come in! You are such a _Q-T_!!! It starts right when you first grab Miaka to save her from those assassins. I LOVE that scene, no da! You know what? You know how in the anime Miaka calls you Fox-face? Well, in the manga, they have it translated as cat-faced, instead, no da, which kinda makes since, seeing as minna-san tend to mistake you for Tama-neko quite often, no da. ^_^ I was wondering which one was more acurate, cuz I've seen translated manga sites that have it as Fox-face, but I think I could get used to cat-face, even if it doesn't have that same ring to it, no da. I like cats, no da. ^_^ ANYWAYS Aren't you proud? I actually had a real FY related question to ask you, no da. *beems proudly* Yup, yup. Go ahead and cheer, no da. I won't stop ya, no da. ^_^ JA!!
Kageno Tenshi
Dear Kageno Tenshi,
Kitsune means fox, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
Hi sweetie! Uh, here's the question: one of my dearest close friends is madly in love with a boy. see, that's fine and dandy, but see, my close friend is a guy too. now, normally this would not be a problem, but his parents found out about them and now it's forbidden for them to be around each other. they can't talk, see each other, or anything. I can handle all this, but here's the main problem: he wants me to help him find a boyfriend. it's driving me crazy because i KNOW he still loves the first guy (who i love too, maybe that's the problem), and it won't be anything more than a physical attraction with this other guy. but...he's so desperate for a relationship now! of all the seishi, i feel most comfortable asking you this Nuriko-san.
Oh...and, uh...I dunno if you all have lip-gloss back there, but i bought some of my favorite watermelon-flavored Avon lip-gloss for you. you'll love it, i promise! i love you very much!
Dear raine,
Arigato for the lip gloss! As for your friend, he needs to realize that a realtionship based soley on physical attraction won't last. It's a pity that his parents are against this relationship. I really don't know how to help him find a boyfriend, but I think he does need to sit down and have a serious discussion with his parents! You should be supportivce of him, but he need to do his own man-hunting! Good luck!
Dear Chiriko,
Here you go chiriko I baked you some cookies cause you're so cute*gives him a hug and kiss*
cloud fairy
Dear cloud fairy,
Arigato! Oishii cookies!
Dear Hotohori,
*a beautiful girl walks up to him gives him a kiss*oh my god what am i doing i'm so sorry hotohori i didn't mean to do that oh touya-kun is going to be mad at me *runs away* ja ne!*turns around and smiles at him then disappers*
sonya the lovely sorceress
Dear sonya,
*Looks confused...*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
For each and every one of you: what are your favorite pick up lines and why?
Dear Gretchin,
Check out this peeji, no da!
Dear Chichiri,
Chichiri-sama, I need a favor of you...
My klutzyness has been a little out of hand and I need some anti-klutz charms. Do you know where I can get some or can you just conjure some up? *fang grins and hugs him* Arigato! *runs off only to fall off a cliff and into a 1 inch pond full of rabid pirahnas*
Dear Alecia-chan,
Sounds painful, no da! *Hands her a lucky omamori...*
Dear Tasuki,
hey tasuki you and i are very much alike we cuss, we have fights with are friends,we have the same birthday,and we like to play with fire only i'm a girl *hugs him and kisses him*ja ne
cloud fairy
Dear cloud fairy,
Do we? So, do ya' got fangs an' red hair? *Grins*
Dear Chiriko,
*Smiles* If all you are washing is your underwear (not socks), how are you losing socks?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I have a question and a few oddities...but first, the oddities ^^
How is it possible to have a civil war?
How do I set my laser printer on stun?
Before they invented drawing boards, what did they go back to?
Does the little mermaid wear an algebra?
If all the world is a stage, where does the audience sit?
If love is blind, why is lingerie so popular?
If one synchronized swimmer drowns, do the rest have to drown too?
If the #2 pencil is the most popular, why is it still #2?
If you are born again, do you have two bellybuttons?
If you ate pasta and antipasta, would you still be hungry?
If you try to fail, and succeed, which have you accomplished?
Why are hemorrhoids called "hemorrhoids" instead of "asteroids"?
Why is it called tourist season if we can't shoot them?
Why is there an expiration date on sour cream?
Ever seen a JUMBO shrimp?
Ever seen a sanitary landfill?
Why do they sterilize the needle for a lethal injection?
How do they get the deer to cross the road at the deer crossing signs?
Love is grand; divorce is a hundred grand
Why do we kill people for killing people to show that killing people is wrong?
Was there a point to this? Well, did it make you laugh? *watches them stare at her blankly* ...okaaay. Um...yeah...okay, I have a real question, I swear...what are your guys's favorite comedies? I'm in a funny modd tonite, don't mind me. Okay, thanks for letting me waste your time ^^ *hugs them all, stealing Tamahome's wallet secretly then runs off without having an accident*
Alecia-chan ^_^
Dear Alecia-chan,
Tamahome: OK, give me back the wallet... >.<;;; Jack Benny! He and I have alot in common!
Tasuki: Osaka comedy like th' Baka mikoto sama Nuigurumi!
Mitsukake: Dry humor
Hotohori: I don't really have any favorites.
Chichiri: Puns, no da!
Nuriko: The Three Stooges
Chiriko: Frasier
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
I know its kind of late to be saying, but happy birthday. I think on your birthday the site was shut down so I couldn't tell you! Anyways, happy birthday, Tasuki! You and Koji can share all that sake you got, alright. hehe. Anyways, I have a question, actually a few:
1) What would you rather do?
a) Have your sisters beat you up and pick on you.
b) get kissed by Nakago or Tomo.
c) or, tell Tamahome that Miaka that she was good in bed just to piss him off.
2) Who would you rather kiss if you had to?
a) Eiken
b) Chichiri
c) Koji
And (last question) Which one of the following would start the most rumors?
a) Chichiri and yourself waking up in the same bed
b) Tamahome and yourself waking up in the same bed
c) Mitsukake and his cat waking up in the same bed, (sorry Tama)
I think these questions suck, as I'm sure you will too. You probably don't like them, and I'm sorry if you don't, but I was just wondering, ya know. So, I'm sorry if I've made you sick er' anything. Anyhow, goodbye.
Weirdo with weirder questions
Dear Weirdo,
Thanks fer th' birthday wishes! Here's yer answers:
1. c (heh-heh-heh... I love a good brawl!)
2. c (An' I want mouthwash afterwards!!!!)
3. a (Actually, me an' Miaka wakin' up in th' same bed would cause th' most rumors!)
Dear Mitsukake,
Boxers or briefs?
Dear Bob,
Neither, fundoshi.
Dear Tasuki,
-.- fine we can be friends but i still love you. ^_^ but i know the REAL tasuki kou will give me a chance cuz no one can't resists my power of ture love and friendship ^_^ hey, O.O i go to this teen group every other friday, and im making a fan but it's made from cardborad,ducktape,and spray paint! so far it looks just like yours! ^_^ well i guess talking to someone thats somewhat like the real person is ok '.' not too long ago (in mmy dream land) tasuki and i drank too much sake and uhh... well... we all got funky and got the groove on! ^_^' and now (in my dream land) im pregnent! if its a girl we might name her Masaki,but if it's a boy than we will name him Onyomi! what do you think? well i have to go to bed and cuddle up with tasukikins (in my dreams of course) ^_^ T T F N Ta Ta For Now!
amy kou
Dear amy,
That had better be a *(^%$#_ dream! Now yer scarin' me! @_@;;;
Dear Hotohori,
My dear friend Zenshou and I have been arguing for a short while about something. And, considering that the aforementioned argument is about you, who better to settle it?
*ahem* Anyway... What color is your hair? I think it's black and she thinks it's brown. Who's right? Don't worry about hurting either of our feelings. We're tough girls. ::Nuriko muscleman pose::
::grin:: We anxiously await your response and throw ourselves at your feet, so don't be angry over one of us being a BAKA and not knowing what color your hair is. You seem to spend enough time grooming, you should know. ^_^.
Love and kisses... *muwaaah*
Kokkei (me) and Zenshou (her)
Dear Kokkei and Zenshou,
I consider my hair color to be a rich, luxurious, chestnut brown. *Smiles and sparkles*
Dear Chichiri,
you are so cool can you teach me some magic.
cloud fairy
Dear cloud fairy,
If you were in my world or I in yours I would, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Fwee!EIGHT!EIGTH LETTER!!FWEE-HEE-HEE!!!Anyway,I was wondering if I could use your idea so's I can let people write to my characters.I bet someon'l ask me where I get my ideas.And about my obsessionest char.Oh well!Please respond!
Ash(Hyper Version)
Dear Ash,
Yes, you may as long as you credit us and put a link to us on your peeji. However, I might caution you that it takes A LOT of time and energy to maintain this type of website and you MUST have a responsible attitude towards your writers. If someone writes a serious letter, they MUST be taken seriously! I cannot stress this enough! Ganbatte kudasai.
Dear Mitsukake,
Isteps over wide eyed,and just kinda faints on Mitsukake*I just visited the Seiryuu seishi.They scare me!!OO...
A Very Scared Ash
Dear Ash,
Seiryuu Seishi wa kowai, na? It's ok, you're safe now.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
He's 17, believe it or not, and still acts that way!
Dear fed-up,
Tell him to grow th' *^%$ up@!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
hi..well this is going to be a long question but it happend 2 years ago and I just need some extra opinions on the subject so take your time in answering theres no rush. I had 2 best friends J. I met because we were both alone and needed a friend. Then I met D. because we had something in common. The two hated each other so much that I knew they would say anything to get me to leave the other one. I tried to help them tolerate each others presence but that didnt work too well. It was D.'s B-day that was going to be at a hotel. D. invited me, and J. That night D. locked us on the balconey and wouldnt let us in untill the manager came up to the room. Then D. went on the balconey while we handled the manager. When he left D. came back from the balconey. Later I questioned both of them and D. said that J. had locked the balconey and shut the cutains on D. when the manager came and then let D. out when he had left. I asked J. what happend and J. said that D. went to the balconey and it wasnt locked or anything. I dont remember the little details and I dont know to this day what exactly happend but at the moment neither one is my friend so I just want to have some extra opinions on who to believe. *bows* arrigatou.
Dear XellossMetali,
Well, you say yourself that "D" locked you and "J" up on the balcony. But, if they are no longer your friends, it really shouldn't matter in the grand scheme of things.
Dear Tasuki,
Shuro is from an anime, he is originally an Indian god.
Dear baka-chan,
Hontou ni? I didn't know that!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Which one's of you died? I know Mitsukake(*sniffle*),Hotohori,Nuriko(*cheers,then stops*J/K!)... Who else dies?
Dear Ash,
Sumimasen, but we don't like to give away spoilers. And just what do you have against me? *Frowns and then pouts...*
Dear Hotohori,
Hiya!! *grin* it's been toooo looooong since asktheseishi was up, so I didn't get to give you your birthday present... T.T So I made a Hotohori shrine for you!!! (I still have a LOT of stuff to add...) it's: -I hope a lotta people visit it and PLEASE BE SURE TO SIGN MY GUESTBOOK!!!! Anyway, do you like Gackt? I think he would be muuuuuuuch more suited for portraying you...if his hair was longer... and if he was a LITTLE more beautiful, like you!! ~.^ I loooooove Gackt's voice SOOO much and I love Malice Mizer, too!! I recently got a Malice Mizer/Gackt CD and it is THE BEST!!!!!!!
Bai~Bai!!!! *kiss*
Dear Sami-chan,
Arigato for the shrine. It's a very sweet present. I also signed your guestbook. *Smiles*
Dear Tamahome,
So, oh great and powerful money miser, How do I get more money to spend on anime stuff??
Dear Mishiko,
Get a job.
Dear Tasuki,
WWWAAAAAAUUURRRGGHHH!!!!I am SOOO extremely p*ssed off!!!!I thought you might be able ta help,cause I DONT WANT A REASONABLE ANSWER!!!I want DEATH!!Alright,These $*(@ little kids next door woke me up!!!!!
Thats not it,they wake me up EVERY day,even when I'm sick.My (@#$ dogs bark,and that gives me a headache. THEN if that's not enough,the only pajama's I own are short dress-like one's,and they go INTO my house!! I want my shotgun!!!
An Extremely P*ssed Off Ash
Dear Ash,
Put th' gun down!! Have yer parents talk to th' brat's parents an' see if they can get 'em to behave an' be quiet.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Is it all right to discriminate against people trying to become cub scout "den leaders" based on their sexual orientation?
Dear Anya-chan,
I don't believe that it is right to discriminate against anyone because of their sexual orientation!
Dear Chiriko,
Do I enjoy both snails and oysters?
"Laurence Oliver"
Dear "Laurence Oliver",
Considering that you passed away awhile ago, I doubt it.
Dear Tasuki,
Do you like movies about gladiators?
"Peter Graves"
Dear "Peter Graves",
NANI?? Get away from me ya' hentai! Go back to Johnny!
Dear Mitsukake,
What do you think of laws that prohibit the use of cannibas sativa for medcinal purposes?
Dear Anya-chan,
I believe that herbs should be used for medicinal purposes if such a purpose has been well researched and documented. However, this "subject" is not really a medical issue so much as it is a political one and as such, this is not the appropriate forum in which to discuss it.
Dear Tasuki,
*looks at Tasuki's mouth* Are you by any chance related to Alucard von Mosquiton? The fangs make you look like him...some what. ^_~ `Cept Mosqui-chan is like, 300 years old. ^^;; mind.
Dear Keiko,
NO! I ain't no *(%$#_+ vampire!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
"turquoise-haired young man": I'm sure that recently you got some letters from Suzume, who may be going by Rowena
purple-haired man with mirror: Be extremely careful when dealing with her...
Amazon-like woman: I was wondering if any of you- especially the hot one with purple braid- were doing anything tomorrow night?...
scholarly man with braid: We are here to discuss Suzume- not your search for a date.
little boy wearing pigtails: Suzume is our, would you say, Miko? However she would obviously prefer to be Suzaku no Miko...
fatherly-looking man: It's not from dislike of Miaka, she just finds you seven more fun than us.
man with long black hair: ...So we wanted to get some tips... other than "be yourselves" (stupid in my case, I'm under a shap- shifting spell)
"turquoise-haired young man": More specifically we'd like to bond a bit with Suzume-sama. Any ideas?
~Arigatou Gozaimasu!~
Leif, Fuede, Sanzaka, Shaiming, Galin, Thaniel, and Yume (respectively)
Dear Seishi of Suzume-sama,
*All the Seishi look at each and shrug...* We really don't know... Respect her, love her, put up with her, but most importantly protect her with your lives.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
!Long time,no write.Mostly been writing to Mitsu-chan.(YES I have a crush on him,this eccentric girl isn't going to keep secrets!!)How's it goin, Tasuki?Life been good?Read Mitsu's mailbox to read mine.Ah well.Ja!
Dear Ash,
I did! Hope yer feelin' better!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
high all, i don't really have anything to say. i've just been sitting here, reading messages where everybody acts stupid and genki and tries to suck up to their fav characters are you aren't even real people, who does reply to these messages? Some of these people share really personal stuff, i'm impressed. How can they place so much faith in people that don't exist?
Dear hmm...,
If we don't exist, then why did YOU write us a letter? Perhaps they write to us because we care and try to help them. There truly is so little of that in your world. Tis' a pity...
Dear Nuriko,
Nuriko-kun, you'll NEVER guess what happened recently. My older brother...*glances around before whispering* was nice to me. On purpose! *dies from shock* X_X
I took the SATs earlier this month, and when I came out, my brother brought me food! And it wasn't like, "hey, do you want my leftovers?"...he brought it out with him when he walked down to where I was waiting for him (had to park farther away)! O.o and if that's not all...he said I could eat it in his car! His 2001 Mercury Sable! and it was....*dramatic music* greasy!!
And he's brought me something two times since. O.o...
I think it's because he's a senior and won't be seeing me much anymore after he goes off to college. It's just so...odd.
Anyway, since I complained to you about him leaving me out in the rain earlier this year, I thought you would like to know that things had slightly (yet so drastically at the same time) improved.
<3 Mako-chan
Dear Mako-chan,
Glad to hear that he is finally growing up and treating you better! *Smiles* I hope you do well on your SAT's!
Dear Tasuki,
*glomps him really hard* Guess what? I almost got into a fight today at school. This girl, I'm not naming names, but she won't stop running her mouth and nobody really likes her and I told her off. She went to the office and pulled all of -my- friends in there with her and told them not to be friends with -me- which she has no f***ing right! No right! And what pisses me off more is that she lied to the counciler (I don't give a crap how you spell it!) to her face right in front of me and told her that I tried to hit her, which I didn't, I just cussed her out...*blush* Anywho,I don't like her and I've already tried to talk to her but she just turns around and runs her mouth about me. What do I do?!? I want to pound her face into the f***ing ground!!!!! ....Damn....I hate it that Kuro is gone, 'cause I really need to talk to her...Well, I'll live I suppose. Hey, did Kuro tell you that she is in Wisconsin or someplace for a festival because her father is Norwegian (sp?) and he hadn't been for a long time and really missed it. Um, anyway, I just needed to vent my problems and ask for a little help. I have a ring of friends that would like to beat up that girl and wouldn't bat an eyelash to do it either. What to do, what to do.... Well, get back to me a.s.a.p.
a discontented Kosei
Dear Kosei,
Why don't ya' jus' ignore her? She's doin' it to get to ya' an' yer lettin' her! Beatin' her up is only gonna get th' buncha ya' in trouble! Jus' ignore her an' she'll eventually stop.
Dear Chichiri,
Otanjoubi omedetou...almost! *L* I'm trying to figure out what to wear on Monday, but dag nab it if my school's uniform isn't making that difficult. *grumbles about the unfairness of it all...* For once my letter is fairly short...O.o...the world must be ending. *winks*
<3 Mako-chan
Dear Mako-chan,
Arigato, no da! I guess that you will just have to wear your uniform, na no da?
Dear Tasuki,
I've been trying to figure this out for a while. If Chichiri is about five feet how tall are you? You look twice as tall as him. And how is your hair red? It looks so cool! ^-^ Your my favorite Senshi. I even made you on the sims but I istakedly named Koji 'Kouiji' :P. Did you ever see Lina from slayers? She's like a mix of you and Miaka...Scary c.c
Dear Aurora,
I think Chichiri is 'bout 5'7" or so an' I'm 'bout 5'8". He ain't THAT much shorter than me! I was born wit' red hair. Yeah, I know Lina... *grins*
Dear Chichiri,
^_^ chichiri!! your birthday is coming up!!!! happy birthday!!!!! ::hugs him ad kisses him on the cheek:: ^-^ ::gives him 3 wishes::
ashley/ sorrow no miko/clerrisa(my rayearth alter-ego)/sailor earth
Dear ashley,
Arigato, no da! *Has to think of what to wish for...*
Dear Tasuki,
What happened with you and Inori? Isn't she your g/f?
Dear baka-chan,
As far as I know she is still my aisai. But I think that life in the real world has been keeping her VERY busy.
Dear Tasuki,
TAKE MY BROWNIES OR DIE!!!!!!!!!!! (shoves the plate over to him) If you don't, YOU'RE GOING TO HAVE A NEW REASON TO FEAR WATER!!!!!!!!!!! (pulls out a halisen to start trying to drown Tasuki with if he doesn't feed her brownies to Ceara) In case you're wondering, the brownies have sake and my special sleeping powder in them. The side effect is that she might start to strip or something...oh, well! Your loss! Bye! (disappears in a funnel of water)
Dear Selphi,
STRIP?!?!?!?!?!? *Does NOT want to see either Tamahome or Kouji doing THAT!!!* *Hands them to a screaming Ceara.* Here! Eat this!!! *Jams one in her mouth to shut her up.*
Dear Mitsukake,
Letter # 6! From Ash the Obsessive Mitsukake fan.Yatta!*kiss,hug*^_~ Hope ya don't mind if I send Carrot to keep you 'company' *evil wink*
Dear Ash,
Saa... now that you mention it... *Sweatdrops*
Dear Hotohori,
*Nods and grins* They'll squeal when I tell them. ;)
Oh you may want to dress down for this, royal robes get tangled up when you're climbing and crawling around the place. I'll tell Houki whats going on and give her some of my clothes to wear. If you'll forgive me, Boushin asked me to grab some scrolls for him. Ja mata ne :) *bows, then heads out the door for the royal classroom*
Dear Doc-sama,
*Leaves to change into simpler clothing.*
Dear Nuriko,
*sits there stunned with her eyes wide open* Better be careful when you tease me like this..
*gets up slowly, then sheds her heavy outer robes. Leaving her silk yukata on* Turnabout is fair play ne? ;)
*walks up to him and lightly touches his skin* Of course anything interesting is behind closed doors..
*walks behind him caressing his back* Poor anata, I'm making you sweat... ;)
Dear Doc-sama,
*Grins and closes the door...*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Erghh...I'm sick,but I'm writing a really funky story,and I wanted to tell you guys about it.
It starts off where all of you have to dress in drag(again!).Soo...Due to her (almost) genius mind,Ceara makes the 'Drag' pencil,and touches you all with it,which turns you into drag wearing people(with even more ridiculous clothes than last time!!)
The goat like woman(leader of them) barges into the tent you all are in, and(I like this part!) comments on 'How good you all look,especially that
sexy looking one' and she points to Tasuki,which sends Ceara off.
Ceara takes out her 'Death' pencil,chants a few words about 'Long painful death,then sent to Hell'...She gets up and begins to walk,where one of you
(can't decide which one..)Grabs onto her foot and trips her,putting her face into a door,Then the door slams open,crushing Ceara against a wall,and
the goat-like woman says something,and closes the door.
All that =s one thing:Ceara is now EXTREMELY pissed off,and so she transforms into a Griffon,and begins to go after her.Due to Carrot's sharp claws,Tasuki is forced to go out to get her.Well,he grabs her like you would grab a dog,which results in Griffon-Ceara biting his hand.A pissed off Tasuki takes a pissed off Griffon-Ceara back into the tent thing,and walks to Mitsu,who points out Griffon-Ceara has large slash on her(Dagger?oo..)Now,here comes the fun part...^^
This'l be a little cut scene:
Ceara:Wait...There's 11 of us and 5 beds..
Carrot:Ceara,you and Miaka could always share one.
Ceara:Yeah..but that'd mean..*bursts out in laughter,falling on the floor*
All but Ceara:...?
Ceara:Tasuki's going to have to sleep with a guy..^^
Tasuki:I am NOT sleepin' wit' no guy..
Miaka:Then you'd have to sleep with a girl...
Alrighty.After this,Mitsu takes the floor(And Carrot decides to use Mitsu's
pillow)so Tasuki gets his own bed.
In the morning(my favorite part) Ceara wakes up first,to find she is topless..(Oo...)and gives a scream which automatically wakes up everyone, where Miaka finds SHE is topless..(^^...I love this mind o' mine.),and then
Carrot turns all human,summons her clothes,and finds out SHE is topless. Being the extraordinary genius Ceara is,she takes off her pants,which reveal a Hydra-ish outfit,and wraps the pants around her...ya know.. Tasuki
asks why she can't make the clothes appear out of thin air,and Ceara begins
in her long,hard to understand paragraph which takes 3 hours.
Ceara DOES hack into a house via magical powers,but instead of a shirt, she
recieves lingere.Which scares her.And she ends up screaming,attaching herself to Tasuki,and chanting 'Scared...scared...'The other watch Tasuki struggle in vain to get her off,but like a tounge on an ice cube,fails.
I'm stuck at this part.Comments?Suggestions?Please rate this.I neeeeeed inspiration!
Dear Ash,
Gomen nasai, but we don't rate or critique fanfics on this site. However, we do on THIS site: FY Fanfic Review. Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Nuriko,
Neee, Nuriko-aniki, you gonna come to my wedding? ^_^ Be a bridesmaid for me? ^_^
Kelli-chan, CnA#2
Dear Kelli-chan,
OhmydearSuzaku!!!!!!!!!!! SHE LIVES!!!!!!!!! Of course I will! When is it?
Dear Tasuki,
Konyanyatchiwa! =^______^=
Hey Tasuki-san! I'm feeling a lot better than I was when the letter section got closed down. I have switched medications and stuff and feel wonderful!.... except for this mystery illness that's causing me to miss school with 3 weeks left >.>;;
But other than being sick, lots of wonderful things have happened! I am no longer failing classes, I was accepted to the Savannah College of Art and Design Rising Star program (it's a 5 week college course in the summer. If I complete it successfully, I'm accepted into the actual college should I want to go, which I do!). Not only that, but my best friend (also a FY fan) will go too!
In one week I will be going to Animazement, and Yuu Watase will be there! It's a shame I don't have enough time to fix the jade and coral necklace I made her (it's modeled after Chichiri's juzu), but I need to make her something...
Oh, and I, unfortunately, can do no art until school is out. I have to concentrate on passing! o_o but this is bad for the 13 people who have commissioned art from me. I'll give them half off o____o
Well, I hope you are doing well! Ja!
Shadra D
Dear Shadra,
I'm fine! I'm glad to hear yer doin' so well! Lemme know when they figure out yer mystery illness. Odaijini!
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