Dear Tasuki,
hey tasuki-sama! we just had a really really bad science test....x_x.... it was about water, and i didn't do so well. meh. want to have some sake with me? ^^;
Dear Moon,
Sure! Why did ya' do so bad on it?
Dear Mitsukake,
Mistukake-san ;-; Do you have anything for a breaking heart?
... If not I'll settle for some breakfast. I've been up all night 'cause I couldn't fall asleep because I was hurting too much (at least, I think it was hurting. I've been kinda numb emotion-wise since about 9 or 10 PM last night) and I haven't eaten since dinner.
Dear One-chan,
*Gives her a big hug.* What happened between you and Nate?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey Guys! I missed you!!!
I wrote my world religions paper on the elements of religion in anime. It was ten pages long and focused heavily on the chinese mythology and Jungian archetypes used in FY. I love you guys! I hope I get an A on it.
Write ya' later!
Dear Anna,
That sounds fascinating! We hope you get an A on it, too! Good luck!
Dear Nuriko,
If you were to marry,whom would you choose?
Dear Neha,
Dear Tamahome,
Did you really have a son?
Dear Priyanka,
I don't like to give away spoilers. *Smiles*
Dear Tasuki,
Hey Tasuki. Yeah my mom knows about my beliefs. She's not a wiccan, she's She doesn't really care too much for it and I don't talk to her about it. I just kinda sort of got used to the discrimination, h*ll my opinion or feelings don't matter to those pr*cks anyway. You know, im suprised I haven't ran out of the classroom crying for some of the horrible things they say to me. I talked to some of the administrators about my problem and they didn't do anything. Even some of the teachers say "Oh if I give you an F are ya gonna cast a spell on me?!" Its just disgusting, I can't turn to anyone now a days. Fr*ck. This one girl said to me today "I can't believe your a witch! I better not do anything I might regret" Lucky she was in front of a teacher...b*tch.
Anyway, enough with the bad things. I got a new kitten on wednesday! She's so cute, she's white with gray spots and blue eyes. I decided to give her a celestial name so I named her Ceres! ^_^ I just love her so much. I got her from a teacher who brought kittens to school, Ceres was one of three kittens and when I saw her I had a feeling and I decided to call my mom and ask if I could bring her home. When I called I expected something like "No!! You got enough animals!!" but instead I got a "Sure honey, just make sure you clean your room and do your chores" I was so suprised. Ceres is sitting on my shoulder right now! ^_^
Anyway I have a question to ask ya. I was gonna pick a Japanese name and its between Shuro and Sakura. I asked two of my friends and one picked Sakura and one picked Shuro, so its up to you to break the tie! Personally I like Shuro cause Sakura sounds a little too girly for me but I want your honest opinion! Arigato Tasuki-chan! *Hugs and kisses*
Sakura and Ceres
Dear Sakura and Ceres,
There ain't too much at this point that ya' can do 'bout th' students, but here's some advice on how to handle th' baka teachers in yer school an' th' ones runnin' it:
1) Write a formal letter of complaint to yer principal and cc: it (send a copy of it) to th' superintendent of yer school board. Also, keep a copy fer yerself. Send both letters Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested. Keep th' receipts when ya' get 'em. This is yer legal documented proof that ya' have lodged a formal complaint about th' harrassment an' religious discrimination that is happenin' at yer school.
2) Get in touch wit' th' local chapter of th' ACLU an' wit' th' Covenant of the Goddess. Th' ACLU is a legal organization that may be able to help ya' wit' yer teachers. Th' Covenant of the Goddess is a national Wicca organization. I dunno if they can help ya' legally, but at least they may be able to give ya' moral support.
3) LEARN FROM THIS EXPERIENCE! Yer religious beliefs are a private thin' an' no matter what or who ya' believe in there's always gonna be some ahou that's gonna hate ya' fer it! It sucks, but welcome to th' real world.
Congrats on yer new kitten! I think Shuro is th' cooler name. Take care!
Dear Mitsukake,
*runs an glomps Mitsukake* HIIII!! *lets go* ^_^ What's up? I just spent a few days with my bro `n his wife `n their kawaii 3 month old daughter. ^_^ She's so cute when she giggles. ^_^ Well, I should get goin` so I don't get ya sick. Well, I think I'm gettin` sick. *shrugs* Well, ta!
Dear Keiko,
Are you taking vitamins, getting plenty of rest, and drinking lots of fluids? If not, you should be! Odaijini!
Dear Chichiri,
DA! I just got finished watching the OVA ep with Hikou, no da.... DA! I cried, again, no da!! I never cry, but yet for some reason I always cry there... And whenever you're crying because of Mitsukake-san.... Da. I'm pathetic, no da... ^^;
You know what one of the strangest things is, though? One of the ficcies that I've been dreaming up (actually the one that is responsible for tearing me away from my duty to finish writing my tenshi story, just don't tell Hoshino Tenshi, cuz she'd kill me if she knew I was slacking off) has scenes in it which have to do with Tenkou and his realm, since he's such a wonderful bad guy, and all, and the way I pictured it in my mind was exactly how it was on the OVA, and I thought I was just making it up on the spot, no da. Sugoi, ne? It must've been in my subconscience, or something, no da. Or maybe Watase-sama and I just think alike? That would be SO cool, no da!
GUESS WHAT!! I got to disect a squid! It was SOOOOOO COOL!!!! And, my bio. teacher says we might get to disect a frog after all the tests are over with. SUGOI! SUGOI!
And I'm making a 90 in geometry!! An A! After all the slacking off I've been doing, I don't deserve one, demo I pulled it off. If only I could get a good grade on the end of course test... Demo, I'm sure I'll do fine, no da!
Guess what else! Today in choir, Hibara-chan and I, plus the rest of the choir, or course, played this game that our director made up on his way to work today where you have to thing of a commercial, any commercial, and sing it by memory. We got exactly 102!!! Yep! Yep! Yep! We're the cream of the American crop for ya, no da. *sagely nod*
Kageno Tenshi
Dear Kageno Tenshi,
*Gives her a big hug* Domo arigato for your kind words. I edited your letter because I still wished to print and answer the rest of it. We all appreciate your kind words, no da. Omedeto gozaimashita on your grades, no da!
Dear Nuriko,
*hugs you and hopes for a hug back*
Why do I feel so horrible about the death of a peson I've never met? *whimper* My best friends' grandma passed away yesterday. I feel so bad for my drives me nuts that all I can do it say that I'm here for them if they need me and that I'm horribly sorry. *Sigh* Got anything you can recommend that might help me help them? I want to do more than just sit by. The grief of a death from this standpoint is all new to me...
Sad girl who wants to help her friends
Dear Sad girl,
You're doing the right thing by being there for your friend. You can also send a sympathy card if you wish. But being there and being supportive in your friend's time of grief is the best thing you can give them or do for them. *Gives her a hug,*
Dear Tasuki,
I was wondering.... Is it true that you get....'friendly' with young girls and shrubs?
Dear JenJen,
NANI?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?? NO!!!!!!!!!!! Are ya' outta yer freakin' skull????????????? Where'd ya' hear such a thin'?????????????
Dear Tasuki,
Here, take this! (hands him a bunch of brownies) These have sake and a sleeping drought in them. According to Ceilah, they'll make Ceara fall asleep...they should, anyway. Well, the side effects are that she might strip or something...oh well. She's your responsibility now! Bye! (opens up a sub-dimensional time-space hole and jumps in before it closes)
Selphi (friend of Ceilah)
Dear Selphi,
Thanks! *Considers feeding them to Kouji and Tamahome...*
Dear Mitsukake,
YATTA!*glomps then purrs*
Dear Carrot,
*Sweatdrops and looks stoic.*
Dear Tamahome,
*continues to squirm and curse*LEMME GO!UNTIE ME!*growls*I'm getting blood circulation cut off!Get these &$^@#*' ropes offa me!!
Dear Ceara,
*Points at her...* What IS that???????
Dear Chichiri,
Oi, i'm exhausted!! 7 more school days left!!! i got a lot of math to catch up on, though. i get my cast off in 3 days. ^_^ yeah!!!!!! :: dances:: T_T <-----(calm, composed face)i have to get to the post office soon!!!
Dear ashley,
I'm glad that you're getting better, no da! *Smiles*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi ya guys!! I have an interesting quetion and please don't avoid it with some smart-sounding answer hehe. So my question is who out of the Seiryuu Seishi would look best in a bikini? (noooo you can't say Soi)
Dear CrstlSnail,
Either Miboshi in his natural invisible state or Tomo because it would just utterly annoy Nakago and Soi.
Dear Mitsukake,
This is my 3rd letter to you,BTW.^^....I've been debating with Willow on who's better-Nuriko or you.I can't believe how obsessed I got...oo...I said soooooooooooooooo many things I didn't realize 'til then.Be prepared to get a lot of mail from me.*scribbles something on a piece of paper,then quickly stuffs the paper in her shirt* You will never see that.No one will.^^*assumes worshipping position,on knees,hands on ground*Ano...You know you're obsessed when my teacher asks 'How Mitsukake is doing'...It might be sarcasm,but....*_* How are you?STILL sick.Kuso.. Man!I really need more thumbtacks...Stay silent,ai!Silence is gold!*quickly shuffles off,because she embarrased herself..Oh well...Anything for Mitsu fandom!*
A very obsessed Mitsu fan (A.K.A. Ash)
P.S.~I always fall for the tragic past people...oo....Oh well.^^
Dear Ash,
*Smiles and helps her up.* You do not need to kneel at my feet. I am only a man and not worthy of such treatment. But thank you all the same.
Dear Chichiri,
My friend wanted me to write to you for her! So say what she wanted me to say! She says you shouldn't ever be sad and stuff and that your scar is hot and it doesn't scare people. Aaaaand she thinks you can really sing and she loves all 3 of your songs very much! And she has a binder full of your pics and when I get a scanner I'll show you one k? And also i have some nice pics to!*grumble grumble need scanner grumble* Her name's Libra if ya wanted to know...And um.....*trying to remember* Oh yeah and happy early b-day! Um....If I DID get the dates right....I wonder...*reaches into her magical purple kasa for she is a mage^^not a good one but*......I wonder what you'd want.....I know you'll be all modest and stuff but..*pulls out a box of home made cookies she made for him*...they are shaped like kasa's.....^.^;; I hope you like. I hope to be as skilled as you one day with magic. You should see me flying...It's just plain awful! It got better than before though....Well I can teleport and throw chi balls and I have a magic kasa that I turned purple...That's another power. Got any books on how to use magic I could borrow?^^
Dear Willow,
Arigato, no da! Tell your friend I appreciate her kind words, no da. I didn't learn from a book, so I have none to give you. Gomen, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
*glomps Nuriko* ^^ Oh do I have alot to tell you!! My week has been absolute strangness and confusion! And um a while ago I had to miss a concert for my mixed chorus because I blacked out after rehearsal!I learned that drinking is a VERY good thing! And i had a concert today, and it was in front of judges! And they said we were great! And at the end note of the last song, this girl feinted! She's my friend so I was scared for her! And also I needed a black dress and I didn't know that my sister left my only one at her friend's house who lives rather far away until it was rather too late. I thought I was in major trouble but my chorus teacher was really nice and found me a solution! And this Saturday I'm going on a 3 hour bus ride to sing in front of other people and then I'll be at Dorny Park. Never went there before! and also for my art class we had a going away party for the student teacher! I'll miss her. And it's all been just ever so....rushing. I'm calming down and talking to you really helps. Do you know how to make dolls? I wanna learn how to make a little Ryuuen doll for myself to cuddle! I'm just wondering if you have any suggestions! Gomen for writing so much! You should come to the chat more! So many people would just love to see you! Doc-sama especially. And me to!^.^Sooooooo.......You'd be doing us a favor.*nods her head*Okay arigato very much so!*hugs 'im goodbye*
Dear Willow,
*Frowns* Despite what Tasuki may say, drinking is NOT a good thing to do!! Especially if you're blacking out!!!! Promise me that you'll stop or at least wait until you are of legal drinking age to start drinking.
I wish I could help you with the doll, but I really don't have a clue. Gomen.
Dear Mitsukake,
WAH!I'm still sick from when I wrote you last..(May 16,01)And I stayed home today.KUSO!Nausea and headache,coughing,fever,sore joints,sneezing. To top it alllll off,My dogs went into my wastebasket,and I had to pick up a couch full of shredded pads.KUSO!Arggghh...I hate being sick...
Dear Ash,
That doesn't sound pleasant! Get plenty of rest! Odaijini!
Dear Tamahome,
Hey Tamahome! How are you? *realises she has no money* Uh oh... Oh well, I brought you a present instead *pulls out a Miaka chibi doll*. It took me ages to find that! I wanted to ask you; why is it whenever you or Miaka speak to each other, and one of you says the other's name, why do you always answer them back by saying their name? No offence but it can get really annoying at times. Oh! I almost forgot! *pulls out a Tamahome chibi doll* Give this to Miaka for me, will ya?
Dear Rachel,
Arigato! I will! *Blushes* Ano... I don't know... we just do...
Dear Mitsukake,
Hiya Mitsukake! Did you get my picture of Miss Shouka? What did you think?
Dear Rachel,
I did, thank you! It was very nice. We'll be putting it ion the fanart gallery.
Dear Mitsukake,
I just found out my friend (who I found out has this huge "crush" on me) is really depressed. She never really showed it, but she was talking to someone else about her problems, and that other person told me about them. So I asked her what was wrong and she said she didn't want to worry me (too late) but it was obvious she didn't want to talk about it any further. Apparently all her "friends" were playing mind games with her and she wanted to commit suicide, but her best friend stopped her from doing it and now her best friend abandoned her. So she's not thinking very clearly and she's really sensitive. She doesn't want her mom to know she has problems either. Ofcourse I'm going to lend her a shoulder to cry on but what else can I do?
Dear Krugan,
You may wish to clue her parents in on what is going on with their daughter. If she his suicidal, she needs professional help. Be there for her and be supportive, and please don't abandon her! Since she has a crush on you it would truly break her heart. Good luck.
Dear Chiriko,
This is super duper important to me! Could you correct the punctuation in this? If I miss any I get an F. Doesn't that bite? I wrote the whole play triple checking it everytime i took it to someone to correct and I STILL came out with errors! How pathetic! Course after looking at it over and over it messes with your eyes and you cant help over looking things but uh anyway.. it wont make a whole lotta sense, but could you try? Here it is:
He is persistent in everything he does, and he finishes what he starts. He overhears Kelley and Elza talk about running away, so he tells Juli about them and takes part in Juli's scheme. Elza and Clive stop tickling him, and the three sit down together. Remember how we used to say I'd take you two to Sajah where I was born. To be a gunner you cannot let emotions interfere with your work. So don't try to escape or anything else as foolish, because we'll hunt you down as if you were deer if you do. They walk further into the room and Kelley can see her face in the lighting. Find her, and kill her without hesitation. Return to us immediately after you finish the job, and make sure to bring back her gun. I lied to you, because I didn't want to hurt you. He wouldn't be Kelley, and for that I would kill him. Clive fires the gun, and Elza holds her chest and collapses to the floor. If you don't believe me then you don't trust me.
Dear Yuffie,
I ran this paragraph through the computer's spelling and grammar checker and all it found were misspelled names which I let it correct. Here it is:
He is persistent in everything he does, and he finishes what he starts. He overhears Kelley and Elza talk about running away, so he tells Julie about them and takes part in Julie's scheme. Elsa and Clive stop tickling him, and the three sit down together. Remember how we used to say I'd take you two to Sajah where I was born. To be a gunner you cannot let emotions interfere with your work. So don't try to escape or anything else as foolish, because we'll hunt you down as if you were deer if you do. They walk further into the room and Kelley can see her face in the lighting. Find her, and kill her without hesitation. Return to us immediately after you finish the job, and make sure to bring back her gun. I lied to you, because I didn't want to hurt you. He wouldn't be Kelley, and for that I would kill him. Clive fires the gun, and Elsa holds her chest and collapses to the floor. If you don't believe me then you don't trust me.
Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi! Just wanted to ask you some questions.
1) Who is your favorite Powerpuff Girl and why?
2) If you had to be a Powerpuff Girl, who would you be and why?
Thanx a million for taking time to listen to my questions. OK, bye!
Dear powerpuff_fan,
We haven't seen enough of the PowerPuff Girls to be able to answer your questions. Gomen.
Dear Tasuki,
Aniki! *runs up and hugs him tightly, burying her face into his shirt* Why does this happen to me? Why?
My best friend turned on me today...she thinks I'm just one big pile of caca. She won't speak to me, she won't look at me, she won't get within 2 feet of me. It was so bad I started wailing in the middle of class when I found out what she wrote about me, I was taken to the counselor, and I went home I was so shaken up and hurt. My other friends and parents comforted me so much...they're so good to me. Aniki...what do I do? We're both fighting over the stupidest things, it's ridiculous. I prayed to God to help us both along the way. I just hope He answers me and helps us both...*is a pretty strong Christian in case ya couldn't tell -.-;;*
Tasuki-kun...*looks up at him with watery eyes* Do you have any ideas what I should do? *clings to him* me through this...*closes her eyes and stays like she is, not moving, but just resting there in her big brother's arms, looking for comfort* Arigato for listening to me aniki...please try to write back as soon as possible...
Dear Alecia-chan,
Why did th' two of ya' start fightin'? What started alla this tension between ya'? I think if ya' can answer that, then ya' can start fixin' thins' between th' two of ya'. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*sighs again*
hmmm... when Hotohori and Nuriko are reincarnated... is Nuriko a girl, I saw that somewhere...
Xellos no Miko
Dear Xellos no Miko,
Yes, in the Drama CDs.
Dear Tasuki,
Wow, welcome back Tasuki Papa, but yes, I will be at Anime Expo, in many many costumes X_X but if CnA could bring her Tokyo Dinsey pictures with her, that would be great, also, and world how Kelli-Big Temper Sister Chan is doing?
Ashley Chan
Dear Ashley Chan,
*Laughs at her description of Kelli-chan.* I'll tell CnA to make some contact sheets fer ya'! I don't think Kelli-chan is gonna make it to AX. No okane...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I was just wondering.....Which one of you has the really,really,really, really,really,really,really,really,really,really long hair?
Cucumber person
Dear Cucumber person,
Since Nuriko cut his hair, that would be me.
Dear Tasuki,
*approaches carrying a small, wrapped bundle, smiling* *softly so as not to wake Chen* Ohayo, otouto-san . . . Would you like to meet your oi? :)
Dear Mai,
*Grins* Sure! *Strokes Chen's cheek with his finger and Chen turns and starts nursing on his fingertip...* Th' kid has a good grip! He'll grow up big an' strong! Jus' try not smother him wit' those thins' like 'kaasan did to me! *Fanged grin*
Dear Mitsukake,
YAY!WHOO-HOO!*dances happily for a while,then stops*Over all the time you've been gone,I realized that you're much more cooler and cuter than any of the other seishi.(QSN-I never said I wasn't insane.)And,before I become wrapped up in telling you about my week(so far),I was asked to ask you about possesion and stuff,because my (RP) sister has been possesed,and she kept the body of her possesor. If you could give me help..^^..Be prepared for my rants.
Monday~Ooh.This was a good day.Up to 9:00 PM,where I find out my 'dot at the end of a sentance' has started again.Darn,I hate when that happens. Ah well.Gets people killed.
Tuesday~VERY BAD.GRRR....
Wednesday~Moderatly okay.Got 3 people's phone number,called all 3 of them, 2 responded.Watched a movie that scared the heck out of me.. That was my week so far.Bet it'l get worse.
P.S. I need a few more thumbtacks to complete my thumbtack name+picture of you.^^
Dear Ash,
Gomen, but I know very little about possession, especially RPG possession! Arigato for you kind words. When you say your "." has started again do you mean that you are cycling MORE than once a month? If that is so, you should see a gynecologist. To cycle once a month is natural for women, but to do so more than once a month or if there is great pain or an unusually heavy flow indicates a possible problem that a doctor should investigate.
Dear Chichiri,
CHICHIRI!! You're back!! (Golly wilickers, that line sounds familiar, no da...) DA!! Too many people love y'all, no da!! Y'all must be worked to death over there with all these letters to respond to, no da. *sigh* The proce of devotion, ne? ANYWAYS DA!! You always ask for a fishing pole, no da! Do you collect those things, or something? Anou... I guess it wouldn't hurt to humour you, no da. *smiles**hands him a shiney brand new sky-blue fishing pole* Like the color? It's the color of the wind, no da. *sly smile* Bueno, this desrves a song, ne? *clears throat*
Feliz cupleanos a tu!
Feliz cupleanos a tu!
Feliz cupleanos a Chichiri!
Feliz cupleanos a tu!
heheheh.... *blush* Gomen. Gomen. I shoulda warmed up, ne? Anou, have a happy b-day, anyways, no da. DA! Hibara-chan is letting me borrow the dubbed OVA with... that episode on it... I have, and I can't wait to watch it, demo I don't wanna, cuz I know I just gonna cry again... DA!! *blush* Anou... Hope you like your present, no da. And, I hope you get many more to add to your collection! *evilsmile**shrug* Everyone's gotta have a hobby, ne? JA!!
Kageno Tenshi
Dear Kageno Tenshi,
*Smiles* Arigato for the wonderful present and song, no da!
Dear Chichiri,
DA! I'm finally getting around to a major update, overhaul, and redesign of Chichiri's D.A. Club. But I need some inspiration for my web design muse. Would you come visit me? Maybe even pose nude ^_~
I want to capture essence d'Chichiri in the new design.
Dear WMC,
*Smiles and blushes* Daaa... I visitred your site, no da. Did you read your guestbook?
Dear Tasuki,
Actually.... he's in my grade. And he's dating her now!!! @_@ *faints* Ain't he a child molester, lol.
Gen-chan no miko
Dear Gen-chan no miko,
*Smirks* Yes he is! What a hentai!
Dear Tamahome,
Hello Tamahome-san!!! How are you doing?
I was just wondering what the heck happened in the episode where Nakago tries to take advantage of Miaka? I was thinking, why wouldn't he have gone through with it? Thanks so much!
Dear Serika,
She was protected by the power of Suzaku.
Dear Mitsukake,
Oi Mitsukake!! How are ya? ^-^
I was just wonderin' what profession the Suzaku Seishi have when they are re-born in Miaka's world! (I've heard you are a Brazilian Soccer player? Go Mitsukake!! ^.^)
Dear Mikuko,
Well, Tamahome would still be Taka, Nuriko is a teacher/spy I believe. Chiriko is a child genius and a college student, you were corrext about me, and Hotohori is an idol singer. I'm not certain that Chichiri and Tasuki are reborn as they did not die.
Dear Hotohori,
*Bows* Hello Hotohori-san! I just have one question for you, I hope you don't mind! Well you see, I was wondering what dynasty the book was set in? I've heard it was the T'ang, but I thought I should ask you! Domo arigatou! *Bows*
Dear Mishio,
T'ang would be the closest. The book is not really set in a particular dynasty.
Dear Tasuki,
Oi Tasuki-san!! ^-^ How are you?
Okie, I have just a few questions for ya! Hrm..Ok! First is: Are you ever re-born into Miaka's world? (I haven't seen the whole series, but me and my sis are very impatient!! ^.^)
Second is: (This is gonna sound kinda wierd) I read on a website a while back that you have a saying or phrase you say when you see somthing soft? (>.< Really!!! I saw it but I just can't remember where!)
And last is: Do you really have a "sh*tlist"? Or was it made up by fans? (My sis doesn't belive me, and I just know she's gonna say "I told ya so!!!" ^-^) That's all! Domo arigatou Tasuki-san!!
Dear Hanna,
I don't die so I ain't reborn! I think yer thinkin' of th' scene wit' th' momos (peaches). But that ain't no standard line. No, but would yer sis like me to make one an' put her on it? *Grins*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*appears in a flare of blue flame* hello everyone! I just have a suggestion for cutting down some e-mails, perhaps you should set up a FAQ section? That way, you can tell people to read that first before they pose a question. Oh, and I have a really neat picture I made of Chichiri, I can send it through the Questions/comments e-mail, right? Thanks for your time ^.^ *gives them all a hug and dissapears*
Dear AquaFlame00,
Thank you for your excellent suggestion. We may implement it in the future. Until then, everyone can also search the archives for frequently asked and answered questions. You can send the picture to the Administrative address.
Dear Chiriko,
Hi Chiriko! I was wondering if ya could answer somethin' for me. One of my friends on chat gave me a Japanese name...she calls me Shuro, I was wondering what that meant. Do you think you could tell me, I think the name sounds cool and I might start using it ^_^ Thanks Chiriko-kun!
Dear Sakura,
I'm not familiar with the word shuro. The closest I can come is shuurou and that means "actual work".
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki!! I missed ya so much! *Jumps into his arms* Alot has happened since the last time I talked to ya! First of all on May 1st I turned 14! Oh and I got ya something *Hands Tasuki an Aloha shirt and a fabric lei* I thought a real one would die before I had the chance to give it to ya so I got you a fabric one. Lets just say its a little greating from Hawaii ^_^ Anyway, school is almost over and I got myself a dress *shudder* for 8th grade graduation...not that im lookin' forward to it or anything...we have a dance >.< But anyway, school has been pretty rough nowadays. In study hall kids keep callin' me a devil worshipper just because im a wiccan. Grrrrr it pi$$es me off. I was like punched in the back about 10 times by a boy, someone actually held a cross in front of my face. And then at morning recess this boy confronted me and said "Oh god its the devil worrshipper!" and I just lost it. I beat him up in front of the class, ripped some of his hair out, and almost got detention. The school counselor suggests anger managment...whatever. But anyway other that my hot headed friend said im exactly like Lina ya better watch out Tasuki-chan! ^_~ Nothing else has happened, except that I got sick and im studying super hard for everything. It just burns me out. But anyway, I'll talk to ya soon and see ya later ok *Give Tasuki a hug and kiss* Bye!
Dear Sakura,
Are yer parents Wiccan as well? Or at least are they aware of yer beliefs? If so, they need to talk to th' school administrators! What is happenin' to ya' is religous persecution an' it's against th' law! Thank fer th' cool gifts!
Dear Chichiri,
I got home from the hospital yesterday ^-^;; !!! Well, you see, I had a little 'accident' last friday on my way home from school. My ex-friends beat the crap out of me and the f***ing bastards broke my arm!!! My right arm!!! I can't draw any more pictures of you in a week *sob*!!! But at least nothing like that will happend again, because 'they' have all transferred to other schools a loooong way from here. One of them called to me and said that she was sorry for what she had done to me this last year(she was my best friend then). I said that it was okay and that she was forgiven, but not the other two. They haven't called yet, and I don't think they will. Anyway, everybody in school is very nice to me now! Things are really good now... exept from my arm ^-^
AND I got my other seishi! YATTA!!! And she is even worse than Maloun *sigh*... Her name is Rienna and she is Malouns self-appointed fiance, and a master on making drugs!!! Ooooh... I'm scared! And just when Maloun and I had become friends, she storms out and tries to drug me because 'I'm to close to Maloun'!!! Maloun want to break their engagement but he's to scared because he thinks that Rienna will drug him and kill him ^-^ Poor boy!
By the way, I know that your hat is called a Kasa and that your robe is called a Kesa, but what is your neckless and staff called?
I remembered that I have forgotten a lot of birthdays so here you go *hands Chichiri 9 baskets with fruit, candy, plushies and more* It's for all the Suzaku seishis and Miaka and Kouji! But I won't forget your birthday so I will give you something special then, hihihi ^-^ !!!
Thank you for everything... *kisses Chichiri on the cheek and hugs him* Thank you... ai shiteru...
Yours truly,
Enma Mizuumi
Dear Enma Mizuumi,
My beads are simple prayer beads, no da. My staff is called a shakujou. Arigato for the gifts, no da. *Takes off his mask.* I'm sad to hear about your injury, but I am also concerned that you were so badly beaten in the first place. Your choice of "seishi" that can make drugs also concerns me. These are not people to be associating with. Please be careful! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Hotohori,
*pops into the Imperial study, trying to keep a straight face*
The Heika of the Oaktree fort wishes to invite the Heika of Konan, for diplomatic talks this evening. Dinner will be provided, by Lady Miki.
Boushin wants to practice his lessons, and his new playmate Miki would like to meet you. Miki is Kou Jiang's musume, Tasuki's first niece. I've been helping Miki with the dinner, it's simple but plentiful.
Oh the tree house is quite spacious. You won't be able to stand up fully, but you will be able to sit up and crawl around the place. And as far as I know it is so deep into the woods that the advisors haven't found it yet. Please come. Boushin will be doing his best imitation of you ;D *eyes sparkle*
Dear Doc-sama,
*Smiles and sparkles* Please tell His Majesty that we shall be delighted to discuss diplomacy with him.
Dear Nuriko,
*thinks of Ryu on the front of Pioneer tape of OVA 4-6*
Actually you look much better in black leather..
*blushes and begins to tremble*
Yes you do...
Dear Doc-sama,
Are you sure? *Is posing shirtless and wearing black leather pants...*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I just finished watching the series yesterday and wow! You guys are great! Tamahome, I'm so happy you were reincarnated in the real world, I wanted you to be with Miaka so much! ^ ^ My deepest sympathy on the loss of your family. (glares over her shoulder at Suboshi who flinchs under her gaze)
I love the whole super-deformed act Chichiri! ^ ^ (and the no-das ^^) You're a good person, you know when to be serious and when it's alright to have fun. ^ ^
Tasuki- I have never liked anyone as bad mouthed as you ever. You're really cool. ^ ^ Now you have to look after Chichiri and make sure he doesn't get into any trouble. (winks at Chichiri)
(walks up to Nuriko with big shining eyes) Can I have a hug?
Congratulations on your marriage Hotohori. Houki seems sweet. You're a good guy-handsome too-(Leif-"You realize that flattery will get you nowhere, Amanda(or Suzume or Rowena.")
Hurray for Mitsukake! You died as you lived, helping others. how admirable. ^ ^ (and anyone who says you're boring is going to have to deal with me!)
Well Chiriko, you've saved the day numerous times, you're quite the little hero. I love to see you smiling. ^ ^ (did you know my birthday is Feb. 18, 1987, our birthdays are close aren't they? I'm just 14 now though... and you're not getting any older)
I'm so sorry about the four of you who died(I cried- alot) The people in my art class think someone in my family died. - -; Your sacrifices were not in vain however, you triumphed! ^ ^ guys are the best!
^ - ^
(to the 4 who died- say hi to Tomite, Hikitsu, and Tatara for me ^ ^ -is kicked across the room by Quaylong)
I love all of you. ^ ^
Amanda or "Rowena"
Dear Amanda,
*All the Seishi smile and give her a hug.* Domop arigato gozaimasu for your kind words. We all appreceiate your kindness.
Dear Mitsukake,
a tall blonde-haired girl with bright eyes: Konbanwa. ^ ^ How've you been doing? (blushes) How's Tama? I really like cats, I have a black cat, her name's Anabel...
.. I'm a quiet person like you. ^ ^ I love you very much, nice to talk to you. (gives him a big hug and turns tomato red)
(starts to run off, but turns around, waves, and blows him a kiss)^ -
Suzume ^ -
Dear Suzume,
Arigato! *Smiles*
Dear Tasuki,
Do you ever plan on getting rid of your fear of water? Is it because you fear drowning? How would swimming lessons suit you? ^__^
BTW since school is out, I got bored and made some sake brownies. *gives him a plate full all of them have little flags that say "Genrou" on top* Enjoy!!!!!!
Dear noda,
I sure as h*ll don't plan on it!!!!!!!! Swimmin' lessons ain't fer me! I guess when ya' got 5 sisters tryin' to drown ya', ya' jus' learn to fear th' water.
Sake brownies?? Arigato!!!
Dear Chichiri,
Hey!! my trip was so awesome!!!!! I loved it!! the hotel was so cool!! it was haunted!!!! the power went out 4 times, and every time, the air conditioning (that is pluged into the wall in the room) was still on!! only the 5 rooms around the proven haunted room lost power!!! it happened BOTH nights!! i had so much fun!! there were many reports of hauntings from our group, and i even have a haunting story!!! i learned i can sense ghosts!! i have sooooo many pictures!!! charter bus is the only way to travel!!^_^ i got a civil war private hat in gettysberg, and a REALLLLY long cap rifle for our reenactment. we had to wear our uniforms in the 90 degree heat, (dark,wool pleated skirts, blah!!) but our school was the best behaved!! we got invited back for the sevies (seventh grades of this year) so they can go next year. i get my cast off in a week!! i'm so happy!!! only 17 more days (including weekends) until school is out!!yea!!!!!! than, we get our graduation dance after that!!!! i wonder if T.J. will ask me to dance...::blush:: that's the boy i wrote about before. He's nice, but very shy. (especially because i'm taller than him)today i caught a frog!!! tomorrow, in science class, we're gonna disect frogs. ;-; i'm not gonna disect the one i caught!! i'm gonna watch him for a few days and then let him go. i have made a new friend, her name is nicole. she is the first friend i made sience i moved!! she lives across the street from me, but she's older than me. she's 14, but she's in 8th grade too!! she's homeschooled. she's lucky! ^_^ gotta go! ttyl!
Dear ashley,
*Smiles* Things sound like they are going well for you, no da! I'm so very glad to hear that! If T.J. doesn't ask you to the dance, why don't you ask him, no da?
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